Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system
Pets & Animals 12 years ago 705,149 views
Detailed construction manual how you can build your own CO2 system. Thanks for watching
Pets & Animals 12 years ago 705,149 views
Detailed construction manual how you can build your own CO2 system. Thanks for watching
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The "Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.
ASAP answer thank you!
They suffocated
Even when I set it up to make it slow
What about this one now?
Understand the total procedure but you not mentioned the quantity of active yeast. If possible please share it. Which will be helpful for us.
10. comment for Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system
sugar & east mixture to make carbon dioxide. ...
not oxygen
so its right
try liquid Co2 .
20. comment for Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system
I did everything same like this and got bubble coming out of the smaller bottle but somehow the CO2 bubles arent coming out from the last tube which go into the fish tank.
Any idea why it isnt releasing any air out the last tube?
30. comment for Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system
I estimate this mixture to last about 2 weeks.
Show less!
Alternatively buy some EC #1118 off amazon and brew for 16%; tripling your CO2 production in any given batch.
I see a lot of mis-information; like Bill mentioned you regulate yeast with sugar and alcohol content. Typically you measure SG or specific gravity which is basically a measure of how much sugar is in the water to get the max alcohol level. Which means the max CO2.
Some people try to regulate CO2 production with amount of yeast pitched; this is pure rubbish. That yeast you pitch grows and reproduces so quickly; it really doesn't matter on starting amount.
Using a champagne yeast (EC #1118 is my goto) or other very tolerant yeast; you could starve yeast for sugar to regulate production and then just slowly add sugar as needed. And buy some yeast nutrient. Aerate and shake with new sugar; until it hits 18% alchol those yeast'ys will come back to life.
Best part; when its done; you can drink it... :) Although using just sugar+water; the flavour would be quite bad.
One thing, Do the Same Procedure :
BUT some tips and changes >>
* For Yeast Just use your hand and blend the sugar for some mins(Like playing with the water, That's it ) Our Hands are enough to make the Superb Yeast.. so don't need to purchase yeast.
* After Mixing it, If you keep it with closed lid or something Then the temperature will be increased and keep it in Some Hot Places(Not on Sunshine or Stove, etc) But the kitchen is best place..
* If you have done the above procedure, Next wait for 8hrs to 12hrs or Even More(More hrs, More Yeasts, More Bubbles Lasts) To Get More Yeasts.. You will see more bubbles upon the Mixed Sugar and Yeast after the Hrs...
* Use light Aquarium Stones to push the air ease..
I Hope this will Help Someone.. ;)
Any comments or Suggestions more about this i Like to read it..
Do you mind if i can upload your video to my Fb page?
Gracias, muy didáctico, comprensible y fácil de confeccionar. Si no me equivoco creo que el sobre de levadura en polvo es de 95 gramos...¿es correcto?. Dtb.
I have Commented something about this.. check it in this video..
Pasted the text here... too
Hi To All Friends, (Who All Watched the Video Read this too, Interested Peoples)
One thing, Do the Same Procedure :
BUT some tips and changes >>
* For Yeast Just use your hand and blend the sugar for some mins(Like playing with the water, That's it ) Our Hands are enough to make the Superb Yeast.. so don't need to purchase yeast.
* After Mixing it, If you keep it with closed lid or something Then the temperature will be increased and keep it in Some Hot Places(Not on Sunshine or Stove, etc) But the kitchen is best place..
* If you have done the above procedure, Next wait for 8hrs to 12hrs or Even More(More hrs, More Yeasts, More Bubbles Lasts) To Get More Yeasts.. You will see more bubbles upon the Mixed Sugar and Yeast after the Hrs...
* Use light Aquarium Stones to push the air ease..
I Hope this will Help Someone.. ;)
Any comments or Suggestions more about this i Like to read it..
50. comment for Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system
Thanks, makes sense.
i have a aquarium of 148 liter
and i have a sunsun 402b good enough
i got 9 plants
but i'm going to get a another aquarium
my aquarium is now 10 years old or so
it needs to be replaced
depends- how big is your aquarium, how many plants you have, how strong is your air pump, what kind of filter you have, and how fast is the flow (the higher, the better the gas exchange). It also depends on the type of air stone you have and where is it placed. Generally air pump and good filter should work fine together. The best would be to check the DO (Dissolved Oxygen), I have access to them at the University, but I'm not sure how much would it cost to buy one- it might be expensive.
i thought all the time that my water was good
i have my temp on 23 and a airpump in it
is my airpump not enough for the aquarium?
GH- a bit too high imo, I would try to lower it to 12 or lower (keep it in 4-12 range), but first check what your fish species require (find a care sheet for your fish species). NO2 and NO3 0? No good. It might mean that there is not enough microbial activity to convert ammonia to nitrites and nitrates. Try adding some bacteria- filter-boosting liquid or bacteria gel balls (nitryfying bacteria). If you have a chance to do so, try to measure the dissolved oxygen, it's also important- remember that the higher the temperature, the less oxygen is dissolved in water. Too high temperature and oxygen gets depleated, causing fish and other animals to die.
gh 14d
kh 6d
ph 7,2
that are my parameters
and tell me what were your readings for these parameters. I would like to help with the investigation, you made me curious of why the fish died.
That's weird... which parameters of water do you normally check?
all my tubing is plastic of my filter
there are 2 different species died Nematobrycon palmeri and Carnegiella strigata
the other 8 fishes are in my dads aquarium now i have lookt on the inthernet for diseases and i had found nothing what it could be
No problems, I understand what you are trying to say, and that's the main point. It's hard to say what is wrong man... If you didn't cycle it long enough, the water tests would be bad. Maybe a disease they had before you got them? You didn't use any copper pipes anywhere in your system? Was it just 1 type of fish that died, or the 7 fish which died were of different species? I am sure you can determine the reason for such a rapid death, it just takes some time and good analysis of the facts...
I got last week fish
there are still now about 8 of the 15 fish
I have special aquarium sealant designed to seal the aquarium
used google translator srry for the wrong wordts
I found out today that suddenly all my fish died
my water parameters are good
I had a separate tank in which I test the bio c02
since it also can not be due to
all is well
does it work now?
Oh and one more thing- did you wait for the silicone to cure for 16-24h? That's how long it takes, especially if you put a thicker layer (some silicones cure faster, but most normal take longer).
Well, there are a few possible reasons. Maybe your yeast started a little bit slower, and you need to give them some more time. Maybe it's too cold in your room. Maybe the CO2 system is not sealed- in this case CO2 will escape through the gaps. Are there bubbles going through the second (smaller) bottle, but not any further? Did you wait for the water to cool down before adding yeast?
have it running for abouth 2 hours now and no c02
Yes I admit, I was wrong about the check valve, but that's because I've arranged my tank in a way that everything, including the diy external filter, is above the tank, so I never had to bother about it from the very start...
you were telling him that a check valve is in regards to CO2 levels, but that has nothing to do with it.
It is true that you do need a check valve only if the CO2 system is below the water level of the tank, but rarely does anybody put the CO2 system on top. And even if your tank is beneath the system, i recommend the valve anyways, in case you decide to re-arrange the system later or you happen to disconnect the tubing during maintenance and it falls and hangs below water-level.
thanks for answering my question
go back to the link I posted earlier. See what levels of CO2 are good for the plants, and what levels are dangerous to fish. Try adding CO2 slowly and monitor the increase in levels. How much CO2 will dissolve in your tank depends on many factors- size of your plants, temperature, amount of organisms present, type of an air stone, how fast the gas bubbles travel to the surface, size of the bubbles etc. So best to try supplying CO2 and monitoring the results to find what is optimum CO2 you need to supply.
srry for bad english coming from holland
That's the case if you have your CO2 supply system below the aquarium. If you have it above the aquarium such problem wont exist.
Also CO2 constancy device/drop checker, look them up on google :)
@aquanaut2012 Thanks for posting, it workes great for my two tanks! ;)
and i think it was very good yeast.
he said 1 year ago :
1 year ago in reply to Diego Romero
Hi, for a 20gal tank I would take 250gr sugar and a half teaspoon of yeast. That shout be enough for 3 to 4 weeks. I hope, I could help you and thanks you for watching my channel :-)
100. comment for Aquarium DIY Bio Co2 system