Aquascape timelapse "The making of Vibrance"
Pets & Animals 9 years ago 47,897 views
Stap voor stap meekijken met het ontstaan van deze aquascape. Planten: Eleocharis sp. minima -In Vitro cup, Anubias nana Bonsai, Microsorum pteropus Trident, Rotala Yao Yai, Ammannia praetermissa, Hydrocotyle verticillata, Limnophila sp. Vietnam mini, Micranthenum micranthemoides
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the white one on the left of the tank.
High and stable CO2 is the whole key to having a tank looking like this. You can get away with too much or too little light (usually), you can cheat on ferts (sometimes), you can skip a few water changes, but you can never have some of these plant species looking like this without good CO2.
The anubias, java and perhaps the rotala to some degree yes... Not the others.