Aquascaping Lab - ALTERNANTHERA Aquatic Plant technical description and management (all varieties)
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 6,663 views
aquascaping Lab by Tommaso Perini and Serena Sacchi, presents a video on description and management of aquatic plant ALTERNANTHERA. ( Alternanthera Cardinalis, Alternanthera Ocipus "tf", Alternanthera Reineckii Purple, Alternanthera Reineckii Mini ). It comes from South America and spread to Africa and Asia, is called Alternanthera because the flowers that grow in emergent forms are alternate on the stem, is one of the first red variety to be introduced into the aquarium. Not live in the undergrowth, but on the tropical river banks where the light is always beats, so is a plant with very soft leaves that in adaptation maybe lose. Often produces adventitious roots, this means that the variety in question has not needed nutrients and then stretching them seeking the roots between internodes and nodes, where they should start only the leaves. Alternanthera CARDINALIS: Shows an almost purple color, the leaves are among the largest and can reach 10 to 15 cm in length. It has a fast growth if well kept and is not recommended for small tanks, bear slightly more warmth, also can also stay in a more acidic water, as in nature. Althernanthera OCIPUS "TF": It presents a very particular color, from pink to red fuchsia and orange, which depends from offered nutrients.With moore light, the color becomes more strong, presents a very thin and resistant stem from fuchsia color, rich in inflorescences in the form emerged, and very small leaf 5 to 7 cm. Is perfect for growing submerged in the aquarium, it seems almost a “bonsai”Althernanthera, but if not pruned it grows in height up of the water's edge. Much more resistant than the other and can also be kept in smaller aquariums. Althernanthera REINECKII PURPLE: It has a very bright color that goes in purple, the leaves are very delicate, wide and elongated, but unlike the cousin cardinalis (more easy to grow), leaves grows closer between internode so that in submerged form is thick and lush, but only if all macro and micro nutrients are sufficient. Althernanthera REINECKII MINI: Pesenta a very narrow leaf less than 0,5 cm wide and a maximum of 2 cm long, has a very tough stems and colored but at the same time very subtle, for each node start many leaves, so in submerged form is more and thick and lush. It grows slightly in height, but we advise to prune all the time, so keep it low and lush. We believe it is an excellent variety for smaller tanks and recommended as a variety of Alternanthera for newbies, as the crop is much easier than other Alternanthera. Reproduction and moltiplication: They can be pruned and replanted in the substrate by cuttings. If desired we can also use them as epiphytic plants, on driftwood or stones. Alternanthera tend to become high so are background. Fertilization and substrate: they need a lot of very strong and direct CO2 and light, otherwise the leaves tend to deteriorate, recommend more than 6000° kelvin. They need balanceed iron and copper. For all Althernanthera is better have more then 10 cm of substrate. PRICE: about 5 EUR per jar Ideal temperature range: 22 ° - 28 ° celsius Light demand: high Growth speed: medium / high PH range: 5.8 - 7 GH range: 6 - 16 Grow difficulty: difficult varieties SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: PLANTS FIRM: TROPLANT FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: Aquascaping Lab is a channel dedicated to the world of aquariums, where you can find tutorials, reviews, info, tips and experiences shared by experts in the field of aquascaping. The topics covered are: - Aquascaping in oriental design (Takashi Amano style), various habitats and fitting procedure illustrated by means of tutorials. - Productions of marine aquariums, tropical and Mediterranean. - Description and sheets of fish crustaceans molluscs invertebrates and corals in saltwater and freshwater. - Description and data sheets of plants and mosses. - Review of technical material and products as Askoll Sera, Ehiem, Tetra, JBL, Friskies and others. - Tips and tricks for starting, cleaning and maintenance of an aquarium: sheets of the materials used.
ho acquistato una Alternanthera rosaefolia. Al momento dell'apertura della confezione ho visto che era totalmente priva di radici, ho chiesto chiarimenti al negoziante, ma non ha saputo darmi risposte convincenti e consigliato di piantarla ugualmente, senza spiegarmi in che modo. Mi rivolgo alla vostra professionalità e alla disponibilità che sempre dimostrate, grazie
sono un giovane ragazzo con un piccolo canale sull' acquariologia , se volete passate a guardare il video sulle mie vasche e iscrivetevi
Just did water change & notice my snail climbed glass & somehow managed to get into toy surfboard, so cool!
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