Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums

Hey Shrimp Keepers, This year at the 2016 Aquatic Experience, there have been some absolutely amazing planted tanks. Whether it is businesses or the aquascaping contest, there is inspiration everywhere you look. I wanted to do a video on all the aquascaping tanks from the 2016 AE Aquascaping Contest. These are absolutely amazing and the inspiration one can take from them is immense. My person favorite is the large tank aquascaping contest. There was some really tough competition this year from around the world. The lava rock that was used in one of the displays is absolutely amazing. Sorry about the lighting in the video but the lights were an absolute pain to turn on or off. Also, my wife made a quick appearance. She was a little tipsy from wine so that's probably why haha We are having a great time and I hope you all are enjoying the videos from the 2016 Aquatic Experience. We struck a deal with a friend that has a display for ponds. I believe we are going to set it up in our living room once we get it back to Ohio. Thank you all for watching and I hope you enjoyed, Subscribe for more Aquatic Experience Videos: Check out my website: Check out our Facebook page:

Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 12,186 views

Hey Shrimp Keepers, This year at the 2016 Aquatic Experience, there have been some absolutely amazing planted tanks. Whether it is businesses or the aquascaping contest, there is inspiration everywhere you look. I wanted to do a video on all the aquascaping tanks from the 2016 AE Aquascaping Contest. These are absolutely amazing and the inspiration one can take from them is immense. My person favorite is the large tank aquascaping contest. There was some really tough competition this year from around the world. The lava rock that was used in one of the displays is absolutely amazing. Sorry about the lighting in the video but the lights were an absolute pain to turn on or off. Also, my wife made a quick appearance. She was a little tipsy from wine so that's probably why haha We are having a great time and I hope you all are enjoying the videos from the 2016 Aquatic Experience. We struck a deal with a friend that has a display for ponds. I believe we are going to set it up in our living room once we get it back to Ohio. Thank you all for watching and I hope you enjoyed, Subscribe for more Aquatic Experience Videos: Check out my website: Check out our Facebook page:

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Most popular comments
for Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums

Music Magician
Music Magician - 7 years ago
Getting some idea to set up a sulawesi biotope for my sulawesi shrimps and slugs
:P I suck in aquascaping, but I really want to try it. Question: which glue did your friend use that is fish friendly and is strong enough?
Cantbelieveitsnotdiamond - 7 years ago
"Rock on driftwood that's just crazy." I'm dead
R Chong
R Chong - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing your experiences. The event looked amazing.
romeyn smith Smith
romeyn smith Smith - 8 years ago
These are beautiful. I need to go to one. How and where? A few more questions . . .

I bought eco-complete for a planed substrate, but I'm a beginner, and I would like it to be a shrimp tank (and maybe some neon tetras), I was thinking of putting some sort of sand (maybe not completely cover Eco) for aquascaping. Should I? Is it going to completely mess with water perimeters killing plants and shrimp? If not, what type of sand should I get?
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
What kind of fissidens is in foreground on 2:03 from Kery Smith's tank plz
Jessica Barron
Jessica Barron - 8 years ago
I loved that lava stone tank? I think it's purple lava right? I'm looking to add purple lava rock on my 10 gal if I find some
ludwigrx - 8 years ago
Thanks for the peek!
Sebastian Arias
Sebastian Arias - 8 years ago
positive attracts positive
Sebastian Arias
Sebastian Arias - 8 years ago
yo, kevin tank is the bomb
Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot! I'm working some new great things. (hopefully). I normally update on Instagram @Rossfett and @Brooklyn_Hardscape

10. comment for Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums

Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Loved this convention! It was awesome talking to you and other youtubers!
Fishy Snowman
Fishy Snowman - 8 years ago
Awesome. Thanks you.
The Water Box
The Water Box - 8 years ago
Just subbed but loving the channel and the vids! Thanks for the peek at the AE!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Thanks for doing the videos you did from the AE. Wish I would have made it!
FishGirl - 8 years ago
Great videos of the show! Makes me what to go next year.
martins rifts Uk
martins rifts Uk - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing and love the cheeky wave at the end.
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for the shout out bro! Was awesome to meet you in person! This weekend was a blast!
84600rr - 8 years ago
I appreciate you showing us those tanks haha. keep up the great work! :')
Riley Peabody
Riley Peabody - 8 years ago
you should definitely do a video on that pond when you get home. please it looks awesome.
Alex Dunant
Alex Dunant - 8 years ago
hey, just discovered your videos because of the event i like what your doing so far! keep it up!

20. comment for Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums

caleb demas
caleb demas - 8 years ago
i was there
Tritan - 8 years ago
I bet if your wife start her own YouTube channel, she would have more subscribers than you... =)
Tritan - 8 years ago
I bet if your wife start her own YouTube channel, she would have more subscribers than you... =)
Isaac P
Isaac P - 8 years ago
Had a great time this year! Picked up up a shrimp starter kit from your wife
•Beth Rose•
•Beth Rose• - 8 years ago
Looks amazing
V. Stag
V. Stag - 8 years ago
Thank you for showing us all those cool tanks great video
Shrimps & Snails
Shrimps & Snails - 8 years ago
Great video, thanks for sharing
SquidKidDavid Eng
SquidKidDavid Eng - 8 years ago
Tahahha, imma prank call that dude at 5:58. Awesome video. Keep it up!
MinorSwing82 - 8 years ago
excellent! thanks for share it, regards!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Nice scapes. What's the plan for the pond? :)

30. comment for Aquascaping Contest with some Amazing Aquariums

Rick Song
Rick Song - 8 years ago
Met you yesterday, soooo cool
bronwenism - 8 years ago
Awesome tanks, thanks for giving us a glimpse into it all! Can't believe you swapped shrimp for that pond, cool! :)
Pedro Gómez
Pedro Gómez - 8 years ago
Incredible !!!!!! thank you very much, astonish !!!!! really beautiful.
If you come to UK let me know.
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
I got to make it out there next year, looks like a blast! peace love and fish from my family to yours!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Love this convention! I didn't get a chance to see you, but it is an amazing experience. Hopefully I'll see you today!

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