Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
Pets & Animals 15 years ago 306,004 views
This is a video and photo journal of breeding my freshwater angelfish. This is just a little project I started and have documented along the way. Hope you enjoy!
Pets & Animals 15 years ago 306,004 views
This is a video and photo journal of breeding my freshwater angelfish. This is just a little project I started and have documented along the way. Hope you enjoy!
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The "Breeding Freshwater Angelfish" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.
don't use RO water in your tanks, or is your tap water hard or soft? Cam this make a difference in successful fertilization of the eggs?
10. comment for Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
20. comment for Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
now there are put new eggs i will try to move the eggs to new tank 10 gallon and try this idea, what is the temporary for the fry?
i have a angel fish pair .
my pair eggs are turning to white when they are with parents.
therefor i am reomve plate from breeding tank and place plate another tank , but i use water for another tank from breeding tank. But eggs are turning to white after 24 hours
30. comment for Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
Yup they did!
+AnimalLover hope some things got answered for ya!
Yeah, that's all I was asking.
I seen lions eat a human, they tore his leg off and he was still alive and then they went in for the kill. It was funny.
Mine eat flakes, they didn't eat it right away it just took them a few days and they got used to the flakes, now, they love them.
Yeah I know but not always it's good for them. And I hate wasting lives. If I get Angel Fish I'll feed them flakes.
Not always.
I realized later, that my heater was not putting out enough heat. I bought a new heater and put in better sponge filters. Now I also feed them baby brine shrimp three times a day. You should check out my channel and watch my vids. Sub to me and I will sub you back :)
later, I came to know the shop keeper was selling expired feed (they reprint the date) and that was the cause.
I used brine shrimp babies and all went fine. It was the first time I got my babies survived :)
50. comment for Breeding Freshwater Angelfish
100. comment for Breeding Freshwater Angelfish