▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ Issues in my fish room have led me to completely tear everything down, throw tons of stuff away, and sterilize everything that remained. I still have most of my goldfish, but I have suffered many losses as their treatment continues. Everyone's favorite, Clyde the butterfly telescope, passed away on May 14th. New videos are uploaded every Friday and sometimes Tuesday! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► Become a Solid Gold Member! ►

DESTROYING My Fish Room sentiment_very_dissatisfied 268

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 213,946 views

▼ LOTS OF INFO ▼ Issues in my fish room have led me to completely tear everything down, throw tons of stuff away, and sterilize everything that remained. I still have most of my goldfish, but I have suffered many losses as their treatment continues. Everyone's favorite, Clyde the butterfly telescope, passed away on May 14th. New videos are uploaded every Friday and sometimes Tuesday! Subscribe ► Website ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Snapchat ► solidgoldaqua Twitter ► Become a Solid Gold Member! ►

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Most popular comments
for DESTROYING My Fish Room

Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
UPDATE: The fundraiser to help rebuild my fish room has been launched! You can check out all the details and contribute here:
4_Destroyer_4 - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics this same thing happened to my fish tank. it doesn't matter how clean or healthy your fish are if the parasite comes one will die from dropsy at the halfway mark then your aquarium gets wipe out. I had an early warning cause I had tropical sword fish and glo fish and 2 lynch(I think there called that) and one of the lynch died but before it did I saw spots under its eye. this doesn't just cause dropsy but also gold dust disease and depending on the fish it will cause it to swell up to the point its gills close so you have to euthanize it to prevent it from suffering. This happened within a month and on the last week 3 of my fish died. afterwards I tried to figure out why it happened but I never could found out why or treat it.
Bau Meister
Bau Meister - 7 years ago
I'll support you!!
Mary Weaver
Mary Weaver - 7 years ago
I am so sad that you had to go through this. I just went through something similar, and lost all my fancies. I don't have the heart to try again for now, but I am glad you are moving forward. My heart goes out to you!
Daddy McToast
Daddy McToast - 7 years ago
Ugh I means sum of my muns
Daddy McToast
Daddy McToast - 7 years ago
Daddy McToast
Daddy McToast - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics I donated sum of the mind I had left in my account and hopefully you keep the fundraiser open for other projects too
Gaz Hall
Gaz Hall - 7 years ago
Just found this channel and watched a couple of videos and then found this one. So sorry for your loss, wish I could help but got problems of my own right now, hope everything goes as planned.
No5 - 7 years ago
Sponge filters are crap imo
Ameliaa J
Ameliaa J - 7 years ago
probably the plastics
Jason O'Hara
Jason O'Hara - 7 years ago
my big gold fish dead 3 days ago
Denise Emond
Denise Emond - 7 years ago
I’m so sorry.
Sandra Rosario
Sandra Rosario - 7 years ago
Sandra Rosario
Sandra Rosario - 7 years ago!!!!!!!!
Sandra Rosario
Sandra Rosario - 7 years ago

10. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room

young puzzle
young puzzle - 7 years ago
hey im geting my first beta thats is all mine i wish that all fish live a happy life rest in peace all dead fish
Brocolii Random
Brocolii Random - 7 years ago
I love u I'm sorry about Clyde n wanna let u know everything is gonna be able okay hugs to u Hun
Kemry Mangahas
Kemry Mangahas - 7 years ago
U should do aquaponics just a suggestion
David Poon
David Poon - 7 years ago
I know exactly what happened. you have classic signs of KHV VIRUS. This destroyed my koi collection about 13 years ago. next time you buy a gf or koi... quarantine them but raise the Temperature slow to as high as you can. this will cause the virus to break out if it's opportunistic. you had a virus and not a bacteria. you can bleech your filters vs trashing. contact me at my email if you want to discuss
Johny Cage
Johny Cage - 7 years ago
All of the fishes are like, hey what's up bro long time no see you, are you sick to?
Dustin Foley
Dustin Foley - 7 years ago
How do I get a solid gold hoodie for my wife she watches your channel and loves gold fish
Jake Herold
Jake Herold - 7 years ago
I'm very sorry for you .
Stormcutter Lover
Stormcutter Lover - 7 years ago
R.I.P Clyde
dexter italia
dexter italia - 7 years ago
Queen of consuming .. you can just sterilise all things instead throw all stuff in a bin .
Anyway , beautiful girl you get a like about it ;) !
Ella Ray 2007 vlogging channel
Ella Ray 2007 vlogging channel - 7 years ago
I am going to get my first aquarium I am getting neon tetras

20. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room

John Jones
John Jones - 7 years ago
Sometimes its good to burn bridges with a flamethrower... melt it all to ash, and then burn the ash...
MANTEZ ! - 7 years ago
dont feel bad for asking for funding i recon you should do it. id would make a donation especially after the hell you just been fru . chin up good times ahead
MANTEZ ! - 7 years ago
sorry 2 here . osum job getting everything decontaminated
인형뽑는호노카 - 7 years ago
Goldfish are pretty.♡♡
L JonSpill
L JonSpill - 7 years ago
M and M Wiles
M and M Wiles - 7 years ago
Do a fish room tour
Sabrina Wyman
Sabrina Wyman - 7 years ago
ITS A FISH PLAGUE! XD (not really, IDK)
let's draw with A.o.v.
let's draw with A.o.v. - 7 years ago
I almost cried listening to that because he is such a cute fish we will all miss Clyde rip
Crystal Silva
Crystal Silva - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss
Rehana Sami
Rehana Sami - 7 years ago
Nice videos

30. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room

Jacob Ranelli
Jacob Ranelli - 7 years ago
I have a small calico koi and his name is Clyde!
Paul Fegan
Paul Fegan - 7 years ago
maybe your aircon is letting off toxings, so sorry to see you go through all this hope things get better, ps your so cute xx
Bryan Hoppet
Bryan Hoppet - 7 years ago
Install window unit for the mean time it could cool the entire space cheaply.
Lily Brooks
Lily Brooks - 7 years ago
Whyyyyyy Clyde
Addie Marie
Addie Marie - 7 years ago
Better safe than sorry. :(
Exil - 7 years ago
The only thing common to different tanks is the water change/drip; in that case i would be very suspicious of the tap water. I use carbon filter at my house tap and uv before it goes anywhere near my fish, my bathroom or my kitchen - i am lucky and have an esker near me where i get my drinking water bottles.
Faizzal Lukas
Faizzal Lukas - 7 years ago
queen of fish~
Patrick Hempe
Patrick Hempe - 7 years ago
I owned those too and they were always sick
These type of gold fish are bred in such an unhealthy way
that keeping them healthy is almost impossible
I switched to normal goldfish and never had these problems  anymore
Haley Kemp
Haley Kemp - 7 years ago
THIS IS SO RANDOM- BUT WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR LIPSTICK!?!? I have searched all your videos to find this lipstick!!! I neeeeed it!!! Please tell me Jennie
Athaliah - 7 years ago
Please don't a setback like this cause you to stop. Just rethink your procedures and space, and plan for the greatest space later. I used to raise them for a good 12 years when I was younger, and I regret not being able to continue with them. I don't have any tank space right now as I barely have space for myself now in a single room to myself. Maybe one day I will be able to have them again in the far future and in the meantime, I have enjoyed looking at the film of yours the last few months.
read more
read more - 7 years ago
I know this might sound a bit counter intuitive as we all know about the dangers of chlorine to fish. But chlorine kills most bacteria and viruses it comes Into contact with fairly quickly(within minutes) . Try a dip with slightly higher chlorine content than tap water for upto 5 mins then transfer fish Into a different quarantine tank with clean water, then maybe a aquarium salt dip after, then back to fresh water for recovery. After all dropsy is nearly always fatal so there is little to lose.
Ponkey Pink
Ponkey Pink - 7 years ago
Im soo sarey about clid
SARAH HANSON - 7 years ago
Try some plants .. not so much new water?? I usto have like 20 tanks .. I raised tons of fish.. I was learning from a neighbor that had 60 years of fish keeping..
Wezilla - 7 years ago
Awww so sorry. I really missed Clyde. I had many goldfish but only 3 are my favorite. One call Flipper, 7 years old like half fantail x comet, she was best very friendly many good memories...

Do not give up. Unfortunately awful Dropsy will strike anytime hopeful not....I had few times nasty dropsy attack on goldfish..
Alida A FishAddict
Alida A FishAddict - 7 years ago
Sometimes you need to take a break and pace yourself are great and lov all the  fish advice that you give..hopefully soon I can start my channel soon..
Savannas Animals
Savannas Animals - 7 years ago
I love the office idea
Viki Pierre
Viki Pierre - 7 years ago
KingstonTroy Martinez Roblox and Vlogs And Animals!
KingstonTroy Martinez Roblox and Vlogs And Animals! - 7 years ago
Nick Marquez
Nick Marquez - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Haven't really watched your channel. But I just subscribed and will follow your update.
Ashley99971 - 7 years ago
Solid Gold Aquatics that's so sad:(:(:(

50. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room

Kristina Meek
Kristina Meek - 7 years ago
I really want to be like you
kamran jaseem
kamran jaseem - 7 years ago
you shouldn't have...
Cossette Ervin
Cossette Ervin - 7 years ago
I'm with you too! I pray your fish will make it! My little betta is sick too! Fingers crossed, our babies will make it!
MattacksRC - 7 years ago
ohhh.. the intex pools..
josh freeman
josh freeman - 7 years ago
Try aquarium salt
Kikkie - 7 years ago
hi in the Netherlands most fish are imported from Asia and they always carry some disease that wipes out your whole tank unless they are resistant,here in Canada most fish are from the US and way healthier.
Gamorrean Monster
Gamorrean Monster - 7 years ago
Just quit
Akira Alexis Soyra
Akira Alexis Soyra - 7 years ago
I love animals!
Dorz Lee
Dorz Lee - 7 years ago
goldfish keeping is never easy even after 1 year experience. :/
Valentina Salas
Valentina Salas - 7 years ago
Hi! I'm so sorry for your loss and all of this! I had no idea you were going through this. Poor Clyde :( Of course, I'll support you in your fundraiser. I've learned so much from you! and yes you deserve all the help and love and support you are receiving. I understand how hard these things are. My 8-year goldfish died 2 days ago out of nowhere but I now have an idea after talking with other goldfish parents that are experts. I came here to watch about your trip to Japan and to keep up with your channel because work had me so busy lately I had no time for fun, and when I saw this my heart dropped. :( <3 stay strong and keep being the amazing person you are! <3
George Kozaroski
George Kozaroski - 7 years ago
At least you have so many other fish
George Kozaroski
George Kozaroski - 7 years ago
At least you have so many other fish
The Three Stooges
The Three Stooges - 7 years ago
Have you tried using sea salt to treat your water?  Look into it.
yandare gossip girl
yandare gossip girl - 7 years ago
if your fish is having a bladder problem make it float
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
Never ever give up. You've got this
GoldfishRescueofWisconsin - 7 years ago
I love the display tank with various fish ideas
JoEllen Vaughn
JoEllen Vaughn - 7 years ago
This vid in emoji:

Ahmed Nesser
Ahmed Nesser - 7 years ago
Don't give up sweetie you will be ok love your videos would love to help you
GadgetHacks - 7 years ago
feefee rox24
feefee rox24 - 7 years ago
Duck you 240 dislikers!
Jen Since88
Jen Since88 - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about Clyde. ❤️
Templar - 7 years ago
have you tried using salt?
Nepal Vlogger
Nepal Vlogger - 7 years ago
what do you do to your dead fish throw it, fire it, dig a hole in soil and keep there
djmocok - 7 years ago
Goddamn how much did you pay for that one in 6:30?
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 7 years ago
your hairs the best of both worlds haha you look great with either color
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 7 years ago
I lost 15 mwela orange comps and 7 frontosa it was horrible seem like you really care about them as I did sorry for your loss
Javier Granito Betta club Hamburg
Javier Granito Betta club Hamburg - 7 years ago
You can breeder this Fish ?
Javier Granito Betta club Hamburg
Javier Granito Betta club Hamburg - 7 years ago
You aré so beautiful
Victoria Durant
Victoria Durant - 7 years ago
I loved your fish room i haven't been watching you for very long but I love you and your hobbie I'm so sorry about clide :(
Titans - Gaming and more
Titans - Gaming and more - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for this I have lost 7 fish and 4 ghost shrimp and still can't handle death I know that you love all your fish and I cried seeing that Clyde was dead
Marisasparkle 60
Marisasparkle 60 - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for jen
Marisasparkle 60
Marisasparkle 60 - 7 years ago
rest in peace little goldfish
- •o•
- •o• - 7 years ago
I have no experience with goldfish. I have betas, each in 5 gallon tanks, but I don't understand why you couldn't have put the three fish that were slightly infected, into another tank, and tried to treat them? so it wouldn't risk any other fish.
Saturn Storm
Saturn Storm - 7 years ago
Do not give up on ur fish, Clyed would be happy if u stayed doing what your doing, he would not have liked it if u gave up. ❤️❤️ Dome words of advice. ❤️❤️Stay happy
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
why not just use a food grade javex solution and soak everything , problem solved do that for everything then start over with cycling etc.
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
then use double quantity of prime to make it safe once done
Fara Kasimovo
Fara Kasimovo - 7 years ago
sorry about your loss, wasn't there any fish vet near you?
Floofy Gamez
Floofy Gamez - 7 years ago
Thank you for teaching me about fish Clyde~ You were the most, amazing butterfly telescope!
Floofy Gamez
Floofy Gamez - 7 years ago
I hope you can re-build your fish room again, I really want a Koi Fish, and or a Gold Fish! My hopes and wishes to get fishes are now given to you! I might be under 18, but I support you! I wish you the best of luck!
Floofy Gamez
Floofy Gamez - 7 years ago
Rest In Peace Clyde,

We will alway's remember you <3 We will also see you in heaven
Rodrigo Hinostroza
Rodrigo Hinostroza - 7 years ago
Christine Ryan
Christine Ryan - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry about clid
Δvalon - 7 years ago
It's almost hard to "like" this video, since it's such a sad situation. :/ I'm sorry you had to go through that. But I'm glad you're taking it head on and head held high.
-- I think your idea with the new office aquarium is a brilliant idea :D Go for it!
Charles - 7 years ago
Jennie girl, I know how you feel. Towards the end you talked about mental health and right now I'm going through the same thing. Stay strong x rip Clyde.
Samantha Smiley
Samantha Smiley - 7 years ago
I would love to donate to you but my parents won't let me I'm so sorry I love you and your goldfish
Edie Edgmon
Edie Edgmon - 7 years ago
It's just heartbreaking that you lost Clyde. So very sorry.
TOOSTICKY - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss, this hobby is so cruel at times. I lost Discus twice in a mass death situation like yours.
TOOSTICKY - 7 years ago
noor ways crafts
noor ways crafts - 7 years ago
): ..................................... ): !!
Agustin Carmona
Agustin Carmona - 7 years ago
take into consideration that some fish are genetically weak, just like in humans,
Bhashkar Raj Mishra
Bhashkar Raj Mishra - 7 years ago
what i knw is second dose is to be reduced than first one and third one to be much low
Emma Sanwald
Emma Sanwald - 7 years ago
problems as devastating as this can severely hurt your passion for not only fish keeping, but for any kind of animal enthusiast . stay positive, you're the most caring and determined fish-keeper i watch, you can do this !! sending all my love for you and your fish, i hope everything continues to get better with your fish

100. comment for DESTROYING My Fish Room

Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans - 7 years ago
you have some of the most prettiest fish that I ever seen
Ronald Evans
Ronald Evans - 7 years ago
am so sorry that you lost that you lost Clyde you will fine a new Clyde so keep your head up
Ethan McDougall
Ethan McDougall - 7 years ago
You should wear gloves
DuneDemon8 - 7 years ago
Hello, I know you have a lot of info but if it helps the exact same thing happened to me. Fish with all the symptoms. The cause was fungus. This fungus go in to filters, it clings to sides of the aquarium and on plants. When the bio load is big the build up of ammonia causes small damage to fish skin, gills and eyes. The fungus then goes in and attacks the fish immune system. This is why you have different diseases going on, it depeds on which ones the fish were carrying but were immune to so far. Dam thing (fungus) is hard to get out but you did a good job to tear all down and replace it. If you have sick fish use nystatin bath, and then treat for bacterial infections.
Bryce Mazloum
Bryce Mazloum - 7 years ago
Now im sad
Christina Starink
Christina Starink - 7 years ago
Keep your head held high!
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
I hear you on the health issues. I've been having a hard time of it myself lately. I'll spare you the details unless you'd like to know, but I want you to know that watching your videos is a nice break from really feeling my own mental and physical health issues - and that you got me stuck on goldfish, which has proven to be exactly what I need to keep right now. Thank you and keep on trucking!!!
Challenge Me
Challenge Me - 7 years ago
*whimsical *
*whimsical * - 7 years ago
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 7 years ago
oh no this happened during my birthday sorry for your loss :(
Esha Khalil
Esha Khalil - 7 years ago
Where r the fry??
Esha Khalil
Esha Khalil - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry. Clyde was a lucky fish though to be your pet
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
I like the office display tank idea!
Toby Goodman
Toby Goodman - 7 years ago
Call it an upgrade not a rebuild......
Toby Goodman
Toby Goodman - 7 years ago
im very sorry, im Not going to donate, my funds go to my fish. Otherwise I boiled everything when something similar happened to me, it was a long hard thing to do but it worked a treat. I dont think (IMO) you should have just thrown everything out. Good luck !
BTS & TOP - 7 years ago
why you got fish and not dalmatians? you gon make jackets outta their scales???
Max Maxiz
Max Maxiz - 7 years ago
I'm here just BC you're hot
Strawberry Midnight
Strawberry Midnight - 7 years ago
R.i.p Clyde. You will be missed ;(
eyehrtmakeup - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry about all your sweeties. Losing a pet/friend is unimaginably painful.
Stephanie Marzell
Stephanie Marzell - 7 years ago
I am so sorry to hear that!!!!!!!!!!! He was such a beautiful fish :(
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 7 years ago
I feel you my baby panda gold fish died over the weekend with no symptoms I could diagnose outside of him being a little tipsy and unable to fight the current, which he had problems with before so I figured he would be fine. But a day after I sheltered him from the current and he died.
Sherry L
Sherry L - 7 years ago
Hugs Jenny!
Derek's Fish Tank
Derek's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Wow. good job on saying that treatment name. It sucks to lose fish. Sorry. Just lost a yellow watchman goby. :(
whale lover
whale lover - 7 years ago
Clyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee rip ill miss you
Emily Matthews
Emily Matthews - 7 years ago
Hi Jennie, I was just wondering what chemicals do you use to sterilise your equipment eg - fish nets & stuff. Love & support all the way from Australia.

Emily :)
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey Emily, I used to use bleach, but I've recently learned that Virkon is best but you have to be VERY careful when handling it!
Aditya Ishan
Aditya Ishan - 7 years ago
oh my god.... I was travelling so could not follow ur videos... its sad news. Will miss Clyde.
I don't think my experience is more than u in any way... but would like to share few things. hope its helpful for you.
For your info I too keep around 400 gallon 2 tanks and 500 gallon 2 tanks for gold fish.
I too had this problem and i lost many fishes due to this. Later I went to biological center for fisheries and enquired about it. In this case seems it is not bacterial its viral.
I separated each fishe in individual quarantine tanks. Instead of using aqua salt I used Magnesium Sulphate(1/4 per 10 gallon) and used Kanaplex (1level scoop per 5 gallon) with a hint of Oxolinic Acid(to cure any ulcer inside). gave medicated food especially for dropsy(Metro Med)(hand feeding must). 7 days my remaining fishes were fit n fine.
Hope this helps.
I am really sorry for Clyde.
Macie Smith
Macie Smith - 7 years ago
nooooooooooo Clyde
Muramana - 7 years ago
Will Koi clay or Diatomaceous Earth eliminate flagellates?
Justin Rolex
Justin Rolex - 7 years ago
I think you need to look into changing the food you feed your fish, the growths could be from the food. just my opinion...
Daenerys - 7 years ago
Hey! I'm from Australia and I've had this exact same parasite thing. Sadly I have no idea what it is but it wiped out every single one of my Betta and Goldfish despite everything I did. Hope you find out what it is
Chris Gill
Chris Gill - 7 years ago
I'm 100% game for donations to get u up and running again..u were one of the ppl that got me gojng into the hobby..let's do this
Reinaldo R Garcia
Reinaldo R Garcia - 7 years ago
so sorry for my friend dont give up it happens to me with my pond i now how much it hurt .
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
I just lost my 9 yr old comet. I feel your pain.
Jason Doucette
Jason Doucette - 7 years ago
I don't really know anything about goldfish so take this just as another point of view :)
Is it possible that you have some sort of toxin in the system... when fish are stressed they are very susceptible to various diseases... Some thoughts include BPA from the plastic "tanks" your using... if they are not meant for such things sometimes they are not BPA free... another thought is some sort of spraying in the area that may have landed in your tank because they are exposed to the outdoors air.

Anyway like I said maybe you've thought of these things or they don;'t apply but it's just another thought ;) Sorry about your fish :/ it's a tough thing loosing animals you've had for a long time.

Laurie f
Laurie f - 7 years ago
good luck <3 <3
Sophie T
Sophie T - 7 years ago
Good luck! Thinking of you and your fishies and wishing you the best in completing your fish room!
Noah Bretches
Noah Bretches - 7 years ago
Wow, 1,111 comments. BTW, goldfish live 15-20 years.
ClericDk123 - 7 years ago
have you tryed normal table salt ??
Joan Smith
Joan Smith - 7 years ago
Consider trying to be OK with what you have. More is not better.
bio guittierez
bio guittierez - 7 years ago
sorry about your fish :(
Milky ミルク
Milky ミルク - 7 years ago
I donated! I hope it helps, it may not be much, but I hope it helps you in the end. <3
TurtleRawrrs - 7 years ago
Whenever you're ready I will definitely donate for your project. Your fish and your channel really helped me with my anxiety throughout college. I used to watch your videos to calm down. I am so sorry this happened to you. I'd love to give back any way I can!
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 7 years ago
dropsy is only the bacteria in your filter that get into your fish because of a weakened immune system due to other illness or bad water quality (chemicals/toxins/waste) the only cure is 100% water quality. I've treated my fish before. Also, tea tree oil.
Alexander Gallegos
Alexander Gallegos - 7 years ago
get a scraping done. only then will you know what the culprit is....and it will help avoid/deal with it in the future. In fact, get a scraping kit yourself!
cutsiefruits ThreeTwoOne
cutsiefruits ThreeTwoOne - 7 years ago
NOOOOOO! NOT CLYDE!!! I'm so sorry!
Racing's Natural Aquariums
Racing's Natural Aquariums - 7 years ago
Sorry for the loss
Bill H
Bill H - 7 years ago
After having discus for 25 years my money says the bugs came in on the discus.
mickeybigbuds - 7 years ago
so sorry for you as like you iv different sorts of goldfish and am devastated when i lose any which thankfully is n t often and have only had 1 dropsy issue and put fish to sleep. don t get disenhearted and carry on as you were as you r a good fish keeper who really cares for her fish. anyone who keeps fish over a long period of time will have to deal with these sorts of issues on occasions but its how you deal with it that matters and will stand you well in the future.good luck and i wish you and your fish well. all the best.
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Yes you should do it! I will donate to your fishes
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Axolotl are reptilian amphibians and thus can be carriers of salmonella. Be mindful as this particular issue can harm YOU as well. Perhaps you should send a sample of your axolotl tank to a water tester and see if any bacterium/viruses can be found. Might not be over for you, my dear. I'm sorry for your loss though. I had a die off last year of over 30 fish just because I over-saturated the water by adding a hose into my pond with a garden sprayer that caused the water to froth.

CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Aquaponics! Perhaps that'll help stave off future problems.
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Have you tried to increase the heat of the water over 80 and then dissolved salt in the water? Perhaps that can help by making the environment inhospitable to the parasite.
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Oh my bad, you just said you added salt and increased the temp.
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 7 years ago
RIP Clyde, I hope you went to fish heaven.
Bro Bliscious
Bro Bliscious - 7 years ago
I am so sorry!
Desiree Wyatt
Desiree Wyatt - 7 years ago
I 100% understand what you're going through. I would love to help !!!!!
Justin Crisologo
Justin Crisologo - 7 years ago
I cried when you cried. :'( Hugs!
xShadowxPhoenix - 7 years ago
Ohh the black one with the red head is my favorite
impokejon - 7 years ago
one thing that we can all be sure of is that everything alive is adapting to humans being here. deep-sea fisherman every hardcore fisherman will tell you that in the past 20 years it has become ten times harder to catch anything. disaster stories about tential Unstoppable viruses caused by antibiotics. I bet you that this dropsy causing disease going around wasn't here before pet fish were cultivated.
impokejon - 7 years ago
or at least completely adapted its potential to survive inside fish rooms instead of the Wild.
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 7 years ago
this breaks my heart :( I just started watching and I can tell clyde was super important to you :(((((
PinkGirl B
PinkGirl B - 7 years ago
Make a GoFund me page!
nanoaquamania - 7 years ago
does your chair have real fur???
Chelsea Jewel
Chelsea Jewel - 7 years ago
I love you so much. please don't cry. I love your channel and your fish and I hope you're taking it easy in general for your fish and for yourself. I don't usually comment on these kinda things but I know how much Clyde meant to you and I'm glad at the way you're handling it. You're a gem. Just keep swimming.
C O - 7 years ago
eating fish and chips & watching this!
tucci06 - 7 years ago
:( Poor some Prime out for the homies.
Sara Reedus
Sara Reedus - 7 years ago
this happened to my 30 gallon. my reedfish was showing signs of dropsy so I treated the WHOLE tank. I did that last night. I woke up this morning and found my reedfish and 5 minos dead. I'm not sure what I did wrong.
Ria Martinez
Ria Martinez - 7 years ago
This happened to me last feb as well. My entire gold fishies died which made me so devastated to the point that i have given up on the hobby because it was so heart breaking and i really dont want to experience it again. I'm sorry for your loss.
Shrimp Society
Shrimp Society - 7 years ago
So sad... hopefully hey will recover soon
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 7 years ago
Clyde T T ...My fish also have dropsy now T T trying epsom salt method to save my betta. I did water change everyday, conditioner, aquarium salt, uv, filter and in a 12liter. I dont need heater as our temperature always about 29c to 31c. I dont want to loose it.
Ethan Hunt
Ethan Hunt - 7 years ago
I need some help can I send you a video of my fish
molhoch - 7 years ago
I'm new here, but incredibly interested in this channel. I have so many questions and videos I already have saved to watch. Just one question that has been on my mind since I started, is how do you euthanize a fish? I apologize if this is a touchy subject. When do you know it's right to euthanize and how does the process work?
IzzieTurbolover - 7 years ago
Is that real fur or faux fur behind u?
Iris Rosenwinkel
Iris Rosenwinkel - 7 years ago
believe me it wasnt a over reaction
Sarah Collins
Sarah Collins - 7 years ago
ask joey to build the tank xxx sorry for your lose xxxx
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 7 years ago
yikes! so sorry to hear you had to deal with this. But you've got the right mindset about being able to start fresh and get the room to where it needs to be going forward!
Happy Little Shrimp
Happy Little Shrimp - 7 years ago
This made me cry :( So sorry to hear your going through this :(
Melissa Landera
Melissa Landera - 7 years ago
Oh no! That's terrible! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this plague. :( Don't blame yourself too much- sometimes bad things just happen. Tearing it all down was probably for the best, seeing how infectious it was. I would definitely donate to help restore your fish room and for the new cabinet! You could aim for the fish room redo, but if you don't have enough to do the project do the cabinet instead. The cabinet is very cool but I'd like to see the fish room redone. Hang in there!
azzarazzar - 7 years ago
If only I lived close to you, I would build that cabinet for you. I just finished building my 100G fish tank cabinet with inbuilt shoe storage that could technically support 4 tonnes of weight. 100% level, not even 1 shim needed to be used. Been in operation for 3 months now.
So devastated for your loss of Clyde and all of your other Goldfish. Please let us help you with, I bet if you set up a GoFundMe many of your subs would love to help you including me.
MrEverest VBD
MrEverest VBD - 7 years ago
You should go for it
Andrew Thorne
Andrew Thorne - 7 years ago
hi don't know if you use any meditation to help you through times when you feel down but this one has helped me a lot over the passed 1.5 years (they have a app on itunes too)
love what you do keep up the good work
Emmanuel Nocete
Emmanuel Nocete - 7 years ago
rip clyde
Peter Griffith
Peter Griffith - 7 years ago
As soon as you're ready to put up the fundraiser I'll start donating. It is only the fairest of occasions, many of us have followed, watched, heard and learned from you every step of the way. I guess it's time for us to give back something very much well deserved in return. Hundreds of us need you and we'd hate to see you and your passion fade away, that's not happening so we're ready whenever you are! I am terribly sorry about Clyde but remember that all the other chubs need you still and many more will come to stay in your heart just like Clyde did. Best of wishes and luck GoldieGoddess ❤️
Jack Mar
Jack Mar - 7 years ago
When Joey (King of DIY) did his funding drive I was thrilled that I could tangibly give back. Please don't hesitate to do a funding drive yourself. Your genuine passion for the hobby is infectious (in a good way) for us, and as passive observers we crave a way to give back. Thanks for all you've done, and best wishes as you move forward.
susan greer
susan greer - 7 years ago
Have you tried feeding them chopped garlic
Michael Khlebopros
Michael Khlebopros - 7 years ago
Jennie I am so sorry for whats happening... what part of florida were you keeping all these fish in ? :(
Inês Belchior
Inês Belchior - 7 years ago
where are the axolotls at?
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
How many fish did you lose in the months of April and May 2017 ?
Are the newly hatched goldfish fry still alive ?
Darren L
Darren L - 7 years ago
I'd like to help out when I'm able and I'm sorry for your loss it's hard to lose something you care so much about.. and I think the tank idea for your office is a great idea and design
TheNellehFox - 7 years ago
My goodness, you poor girl. I lost my favourite fish recently and it crushed me, I could not imagine losing my favourite AND so many more to some unknown disaster. Thank you for staying strong for the rest of them and fighting hard to save them, the poor babies.
Ol Eee
Ol Eee - 7 years ago
may sound weird but if u did kept Clyde's body remember that there was this person who would do taxidermy clydes body
Ol Eee
Ol Eee - 7 years ago
sorry if its souds gross
Cyn :3
Cyn :3 - 7 years ago
my name is Cynthia
The Betta Obsessor
The Betta Obsessor - 7 years ago
It was so hard to watch this, I know how much you loved Clyde. I'm so sorry this happened.
Cynthia Esqueda
Cynthia Esqueda - 7 years ago
whats Youthinize?
un desastre lo ocurrido. que pena.
Nick  Cohn
Nick Cohn - 7 years ago
your are cute and sexy it's really pretty
Lucky Lukie
Lucky Lukie - 7 years ago
I am very keen to see what you choose and do
Lucky Lukie
Lucky Lukie - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny keep it up , I like watching your videos and I am so sorry to hear your lose , keep looking up
Maddie T
Maddie T - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny, I've been a fan for a few months and have really grown to love you, your fish and informative videos. I'm so sorry to hear about Clyde, Gwen, and all the others; I know losing pets is hard. Just wanted to let you know that you are loved and cherished by many people and many fish too :)

I hope you feel better soon and my ears are always open if you want and/or need someone to talk to :)

A fellow nature lover and fish enthusiast, Maddie <3
Juana Villanueva
Juana Villanueva - 7 years ago
I would love to help!
bookiegoodness - 7 years ago
You have inspired so many people to fall in love with fish. You taught me so much about pet care in general, and I learned from you to always do your research and know what your pet needs. Jenny, I and so many others would love to help you and your fish. I hope you'll set up something, so we can help you like you helped us!
UPeR maculture
UPeR maculture - 7 years ago
Hello, ammonium cycle need 2 zones : aerobia zone AND ANAEROBIA zone !!! . ANAEROBIA zone is eazy : Many length pipe polypropylen file with pozzolan or ceramics balls.
Satan - 7 years ago
my first ever tank got this :( now my parents won't ever let me buy fish again. sorry to hear about the mass spread of this good luck with this ❤
Phaedra Palmer
Phaedra Palmer - 7 years ago
What about fish TB? I've heard bad things when that gets in....
Jared Chriscoe
Jared Chriscoe - 7 years ago
oh on, I hate to hear that. That is such a disappointment I know you work so hard for fish. I have had problems similar to this in my tank, its very irritating and time consuming. I almost wanted to give up completely on the hobby. Hang in there you'll figure it out .
Anees Javeed
Anees Javeed - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny in my case the problem was with chlorine water. I think you should check your aquarium water if it contains excessive chlorine.
Amar Abidali
Amar Abidali - 7 years ago
aren't those fish technically disabled? like they were selectively bred because they look different not because they are healthy and less prone to illness. I got two normal goldfish and they are very hardy even as they have gotten older.
Stephanie Verno
Stephanie Verno - 7 years ago
Hey Jenny,Im so glad you liked my crocheted Clyde! I'm so sad he passed, I seriously didn't see that coming sadface I agree with someone's comment about curling up with your kitties and crocheted Clyde. But most importantly, don't give up on your passion and your hobby! This is just a big pot hole in the road! Keep your chin up! And let me know if you want anything else crocheted!- Stephanie from Canada! <3
ashmoonz - 7 years ago
So sorry for your loss and struggle, love! I can't say much more than I look up to you, love your channel, loved Clyde, and wish the best for you!
michael thomey
michael thomey - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss. I am going through a similar horror. Keep on going, its a hobby that can be so frustrating...
PEMG HUSTLE WOMAN - 7 years ago
Support you have.
Sleep Clyde Sleep
How do we send you the support?
Matrixsos - 7 years ago
You threw everything away?
That's not smart...
Earl Hinson
Earl Hinson - 7 years ago
Damn girly, sorry to hear, it's always hard in this hobby when something like this happens, and as an hobbyists you always get attach, watching life grow and knowing that you are the reason for their life and beauty is one of the best part of all of this. hope everything works out for you and your fam, and start a gofundme because you know we'll support you and show you some love, good luck and much love Jenny
Emma Carlin
Emma Carlin - 7 years ago
I'll donate, you're the reason I like fish.
Animals Rule21
Animals Rule21 - 7 years ago
It's ok I have an aquarium of goldfish and beta fish in a different tank and a bunch of salt water fish glow fish almost any kind of fish can have
Laz Perez
Laz Perez - 7 years ago
I've heard 6 weeks is how long we should wait.
Dream4ever14 - 7 years ago
Is definitely do t-shirts with Clyde's pic on them, and saying solid gold aquatics somewhere. I'm so sorry about the loss of Clyde, he was my favorite as well. RIP
Xenia Esparza
Xenia Esparza - 7 years ago
Duy M
Duy M - 7 years ago
That's so sad. Hang in there.
Shabbir Sharif Battiwala
Shabbir Sharif Battiwala - 7 years ago
hey why don't you try medicating with methane blue it is an anti fungal treatment
Pole's Reef
Pole's Reef - 7 years ago
I am so sorry to hear everything that has happened to you and your fish. Your passion for goldfish is so evident, and it can be so hard to lose your favorite fish, especially in a hard time. Take it slow, rebuild, and I am certain things will get back to better than they ever were.

I would be more than happy to pitch in funding to improve your fish room, and I know other would be as well! Best of luck Jenny! We have all learned so much from you and I know that will never change.
xtr3medwn4ce87 Slideordie
xtr3medwn4ce87 Slideordie - 7 years ago
what happend to the dicus? its always different running from canister to bigger filters and foam filters and such. You should have a decent sized Qt tank if you dont have on i have a few you can have. with a canister filter and then you can use it for medial help :-) Also from living in florida we need alot more extensive water changes or chillers the temp should be around 74-76 well worth the money for outdoor aquatics. Also the pluming and such i can help with as logn as you buy the materials and such ive build several setups myself including breeding tanks and such if you wanna no or see pm me ill show you :-)
Lovebetta - 7 years ago
I think you should start to your office room the 200g. It will take maybe 6 months or so to complete up to the selection of your goldfish, at the same time you can give yourself a break, and start slowly to the garage. You can start fan raising in your own account so it will go directly to you. We sure your fans will help. Good luck and be happy.
Mark Morgan
Mark Morgan - 7 years ago
do fan funding!! let us help you! we all love you and your fish and i know i don't want to see you possibly get out of the hobby or anything like that.
Eugene - 7 years ago
OMG... Sorry to hear Jen... I hope its good now... I love your cat too at 5:05
Yuwen Yu
Yuwen Yu - 7 years ago
what happen to the 4 baby fish?
Nyah Love
Nyah Love - 7 years ago
I just found ur channel so mind my dumbness but is ur hair inspired by Melanie Martinez or the villain from Dalmatians 101 (don't know her name)
She's So High
She's So High - 7 years ago
Nyah love cruela devil
hanif anshori
hanif anshori - 7 years ago
goldfish with dropsy?? farewell :(
Jerry Lee
Jerry Lee - 7 years ago
Arle NESA - 7 years ago
hi Jenny, how's your infected fishes going on? My 6 big gold fishes died last Dec to Jan due to dropsy and I cried a lot. After that ive decided to quit with my gold fish hobby. Now i just have flower horn at home.
Olivia Cramer
Olivia Cramer - 7 years ago
do you have a PO box?
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 7 years ago
My black moor goldfish (my favorite goldfish) died a day before my birthday (put her down) which was may 19th.
Luna harmony 1987
Luna harmony 1987 - 7 years ago
Rip America
Pokyzard TheFurry
Pokyzard TheFurry - 7 years ago
I know how you feel I had my female betta for 3 years and she was fine and bright red but now she is practecly white and with severe dropsy :( my mom said it's because she was old she was more prone to getting worse from disease/bacteria.
OpinionsAndAholes - 7 years ago
Is there any chance it's the pools that aren't designed to hold fish? ie materials used to build it, slowly leeching out toxins?
Elf Spencer
Elf Spencer - 7 years ago
I'd happily throw some money your way to help with the Fish Room overhaul! Partly because I wanna learn how to insulate outbuildings. :D
Samantha Cameron
Samantha Cameron - 7 years ago
id help :)
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
Do you use UV on the quarantine pond? I'd use it to control pathogens, especially because they will be random. It may also assist with reducing the stress on the fish when using meds.
Julia Bennett
Julia Bennett - 7 years ago
I think every person who keeps multiple tanks has moments like this. probably not on this scale but we blame our selves for these creatures that depend on us. what I mean to say is that Solid Gold has so many people who support and love this Jenny and her pets. She has done so much for this hobby and educated so many people including myself, I would love the opportunity to show how much I appreciate her and allow her to keep making videos. I teared up hearing about Clyde, all Jennys scale baby's are stunning but he was very special.
Joey Clark
Joey Clark - 7 years ago
Q~~~Q u got this girly we believe in u <3
Kirstie K
Kirstie K - 7 years ago
Hey Jennie! I think the fan funding is a good idea, I would definitely make a donation. Stay positive
Adam Low
Adam Low - 7 years ago
i ment start over
RANA DE ORO - 7 years ago
could it be something with in the air supply?
xdream 2361
xdream 2361 - 7 years ago
I think you should do a fund because it will be the best for you but also for your fishes health. sorry for your loss
Amy MItchell
Amy MItchell - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry, Jenny. I have been through this on a smaller scale. It is so frustrating and sad and ultimately made me take a break on goldfish. I know I will be back, but it can be so hard. Lots of hugs to you. I know Clyde was special.
Tina Bloomfield
Tina Bloomfield - 7 years ago
Wondering if you can give me the link to where you get your Orandas? Im looking for a reputable place to get my fancy goldfish.
aquaticpimp - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear this. Your one of the most passionate goldfish keeper I've seen. I hope you figure it all out.
Adam Baggett
Adam Baggett - 7 years ago
Setup a Go Fund Me
Hannah Raine
Hannah Raine - 7 years ago
Im so sorry for your loss... I saw Clyde a couple years ago very shortly after I got my first 2 black moors and began my own fish journey...he was the first goldfish that made me want to really get into it as a hobbyist because he was so striking and beautiful and Ive been watching your channel ever since. You inspire me everyday as a goldfish lover and hobbyist and I can only imagine losing Clyde is akin to when I lost my Storm. She was a huge pure white Ryukin that a grew from a baby to the size of my hand before she passed from dropsy almost a year ago...I stayed up all night with her when she started to go downhill, I didnt have the resources (or the strength because she was my baby) to euthanize her, I just tried to treat the dropsy as well as I could. I hope that whatever is going on with your fish subsides soon. Thank you for showing all the sides of goldfishing keeping. ♡♡♡
Pork Ball
Pork Ball - 7 years ago
do you use the same equipment for your betta (check your betta)
Epickingedward Water lettuce
Epickingedward Water lettuce - 7 years ago
Clyde will always be with us in our hearts

Water lettuce
Epickingedward Water lettuce
Epickingedward Water lettuce - 7 years ago
Never give up
Kelly Ma
Kelly Ma - 7 years ago
Jenny please keep going and make your fish room beautiful!!!!! I hope you do not get discouraged!

I have had a similar problem with my tank and wanted to give up. I was told I was cleaning and changing the water too much. Your tanks are really clean and perhaps too clean and there may not be enough beneficial bacteria to help the fish if they do come in contact with a parasite. That is one of the benefits of canister filtration it provides more beneficial bacteria. Anyhow I am sure you have heard an earful of advice. I have not had any issues since I have stopped cleaning my tanks every week. I leave them two weeks at least. Quarantine all new fish etc. Goldfish don't like to be disturbed too much and water changes can be stressful if done too often. Also, sometimes fish get sick before you get them. But I know that good water can reverse even the worst diseases and have seen dropsy cured in goldfish. Fish are delicate and they do die, I think this is part of being a fish enthusiast the death of fish.

Buying new fish is so fun so I hope you embrace picking out your new fish. I can't wait to see the videos.

I can't wait to see a rebirth of your fish room!!!!! Have faith in yourself you are doing great things. You are so much fun to watch. I hope you get better at this hobby.

We all learn as we watch and it is amazing that you put yourself out there the way you do it is really amazing. It's not really about the fish it's about you. (Although, I love fish.)

I have loved your videos and learned a lot from you.

Keep up the good work. I am rooting for you and as soon as I have some money I will certainly donate to your cause.
Maggie Critchley
Maggie Critchley - 7 years ago
Don't worry I cried with you! Clyde was my favorite!
andy stokes
andy stokes - 7 years ago
Jenny - there are 110,000 people sufficiently interested in what you're doing that they subscribe to your channel. I'm sure that a large proportion of them would happily donate. If each of your subscribers donated just a dollar you would raise 100,000 dollars. I'm sure that is a very realistic target.
Muhammad Nuril Huda
Muhammad Nuril Huda - 7 years ago
Hi lynx, i am sorry about your fish..
my name Nuril and I come from indonesia. I also have some goldfish, I wonder what made of fish pond yours during this time? I really appreciate if you want to answer, thank you from indonesia.
Athea Mestre
Athea Mestre - 7 years ago
sorry I lost my favorite fantail goldfish they were 6 months old and were infected with ICK
PRINCEVEGET4 - 7 years ago
RIP Clyde ='(
Kashmere Art
Kashmere Art - 7 years ago
I'm very sorry to hear about the giant losses and the immense struggle you're having!
I've been watching your videos for some years and I'd be more than happy to help you if you'd ever put up a donating page!
(I also have been meaning to get a subscription, time to start this!)
APPLE_SWAG 343 - 7 years ago
What's dropsy?
Danni smith
Danni smith - 7 years ago
sorry to see this disaster, but please stick with it and try not to let these set backs beat you, you have great content and passion for the hobby. it would be a shame to lose you.
Kristina Burgos
Kristina Burgos - 7 years ago
Please dont leave. Your videos will help us see how to bounce back from a worse case scenario. Btw I really like the cabinet idea
Anees Javeed
Anees Javeed - 7 years ago
It happen to my gold fish too. Exactly the same thing. All my fish died. Even I could not understand what happen.@jenny kindly share the details how you cured your fish
clarence siason
clarence siason - 7 years ago
maybe its becausewhen youbuy new ones you dont quarantine them cause in your previuos vids yo just add them with your other fish
Ian Lauze-yesayian
Ian Lauze-yesayian - 7 years ago
The SAME thing happened to my goldfish a month ago, I lost all of them but one :C But I do have faith that your fish will recover, they'll be in my thoughts <3
Daryl Mallari
Daryl Mallari - 7 years ago
I had the same problem fish dying left and right but now I've figured out a method i hope you will consider it. Every month I medicate my entire 100g tank with General Cure and Furan2 one dose for 7 days then wc. I just feed my fish 1 kind of food which is NLS Thera+A which is the best fish food at the moment and I got myself a fx6 filter rather than the sponge i had before . Before I had 10 fish in a 100gallon and still fish were dying now with this method; new fx6, medicate every month, feed one type of food, 30 fish in 100gallon started July of last year no fish die yet .
Chace Shrimp breeder
Chace Shrimp breeder - 7 years ago
don't do that
Sammantha Stollery
Sammantha Stollery - 7 years ago
I lost my heart fish Gus to some sort of crazy condition as well that even my most skilled local people... just couldn't figure it out. But it was a lot of similar things to what happened to Clyde. I'm so sorry for what's going on with you.
KiitKat Vantas
KiitKat Vantas - 7 years ago
Im so sorry this happened to you Q~Q
Laurrren g
Laurrren g - 7 years ago
Have you tried Methylene blue or salt water dips? So sorry this has happened to you! Please keep us updated, good luck!
Laurrren g
Laurrren g - 7 years ago
I think you have to wait a week or 2 before using Methylene blue after malachite green
Cap'n Spicy
Cap'n Spicy - 7 years ago
I think it would be extremely beneficial to know what they had to say about what it "might" be, This is a huge thing that affects alot of fish keepers and knowledge is invaluable, Wish you had a positive ID on it, but really would like to know more about what type of things can potentially cause dropsy. Not looking for cures, just the opinions on suspected causes.
Abby Cochrane
Abby Cochrane - 7 years ago
I feel like this is an episode of house..but with fish IT WILL GET BETTER!!
Sarge - 7 years ago
No Jenny :( I'm sorry for your loss. I really do hope your fish heal up very soon. Please stay happy and I hope you get that parasite out.
Wilfredo P. Kaamiño Jr.
Wilfredo P. Kaamiño Jr. - 7 years ago
Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson - 7 years ago
I'm so so sorry about your fish I am a new subscriber I have a fish as well. that I got today you made me work up and get a fish thank you for that thank you
Jamie's Rc and stuff
Jamie's Rc and stuff - 7 years ago
R.I.P Clyde you will be remembered.
Mike S
Mike S - 7 years ago
Do the fundraiser and then set up huge display tanks!
Irene vd dool
Irene vd dool - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry that this happened. Best wishes in the future. ❤️ You taught me all I know about keeping goldfish. I chose two tiny Calico Telescope Eye goldfish still no bigger than my thumb after a month in my care. Munai and Natsu love you too.
SillyToadGirl - 7 years ago
Im so sorry for what your going through. If you lose any other fish, I highly recommend having a necropsy done. I use to trade and resell bettas. and I had something similar happen, where many of my fish just suddenly developed dropsy (and sometimes other bacterial illness), throughout all my tanks, and passed away. When I noticed one of my fish (who strangely was always a little underweight and wouldnt grow his torn fins back) developed a spinal curve, I was told to have him tested. I emailed a local veternarian who had specialized training in fish, and had a necropsy done once the fish with the curved spine passed away, and it turned out to be mycobacterium, aka Fish Tuberculosis. I'm sure your aware the devastating effect of that disease. I threw out all my fish equipment and the very few things I didnt throw out, I was told to sterilize with isopropyl alcohol as its one of the only things known to successfully kill mycobacterium. I certainly hope thats not the case for you, but if it is, I would definetely get it tested for as you might be able to save some of your fish by isolating the ones that dont look effected.
Jeremiah Mullen
Jeremiah Mullen - 7 years ago
Fish room first
Bong f
Bong f - 7 years ago
i think its about the water, just maybe the water need ro be serialize.
Adam Low
Adam Low - 7 years ago
are you going to state over
pue shwe88
pue shwe88 - 7 years ago
OMG, that white stuff on the fish skin are what killed my fishes. so I had a lot of them and almost all of them died from it. so the ones that were still alive were send to the fish store
Mandeh Hunt
Mandeh Hunt - 7 years ago
So heartbreaking, I'm so sorry for your loss
Angie N
Angie N - 7 years ago
I don't think sponge filtration was adequate for the amount of fish per container. They did so well at first because of the amount of work you were putting in to them. I think you should consider something stronger.
Campbell Landswerk
Campbell Landswerk - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss R.I.P Clyde. And are you going to change your logo now??
Jacquelyn starr
Jacquelyn starr - 7 years ago
God it tore me up when you showed Clyde swim right into your hand and layed there and just let you hold him, it made me have to go love on my goldfish
GottaLoveEquines - 7 years ago
My favorite koi died a while ago, im still sad :(
The Water Box
The Water Box - 7 years ago
Awe man, I come back into it all and I hear this. :( I'm sorry Jenny and RIP Clyde. My heart goes out to ya.
FPS Aquatics
FPS Aquatics - 7 years ago
This is extremely sad, I can't imagine what you are going through right now. I hope everything turns out okay.
Marissa Murphy
Marissa Murphy - 7 years ago
Please do a fan fundraiser! I would really like to support you <3 Take care
Mark Rivera
Mark Rivera - 7 years ago
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
wild ratty girl/Naia smith
wild ratty girl/Naia smith - 7 years ago
im so sorry that's really horrible! i hope things get better!
KatrinaThomas1990 - 7 years ago
Been watching you for about a year now, always look forward to a new video, I think that seeing your fish room go down was the most devastating thing and that should be your priority for funding first. At the moment there is nothing wrong with your background in your videos, your fish room however needs help. I'm sure all your viewers will help you achieve whatever you wish too.
Lucas Friedlmeier
Lucas Friedlmeier - 7 years ago
do a pond
Joe Kessler
Joe Kessler - 7 years ago
Is there a veterinary school with an emphasis on aqua culture that would perhaps do a autopsy on one of your fish to possibly identify the cause of your problem? Aquatic culture is such a big industry in Florida that maybe one of the universities could offer some help. Just a thought. I enjoy your videos and if you set up a Gofundme account, I'd donate to it.
Special Snowflakes
Special Snowflakes - 7 years ago
this is really sad, Jenny... i was wishing Clyde wouldn't die so soon, I was really attached to him :(
Laurie Lee
Laurie Lee - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry about the loss of your fish and happy you're doing what it takes to keep the rest of your fish healthy. I also hope people are able to rescue and clean the things you threw away so they don't go to a landfill.
Big Birb
Big Birb - 7 years ago
Ken Yurkus
Ken Yurkus - 7 years ago
I have been a fan of your videos for a long time and would be happy to add to a fund to show my Thanks. My best wishes go out to you. Stay Golden!
Amelia Thomas
Amelia Thomas - 7 years ago
What about your fry
Michael Ingenito
Michael Ingenito - 7 years ago
So sorry to hear of your loss ! We all know how much love & care you give your gold fish.
A Flamboyant Fandom Trashcan
A Flamboyant Fandom Trashcan - 7 years ago
Completely unrelated, but how do you dye your hair? I'm thinking of doing split color hair like yours but I don't really know how to do it
Olivia Pryor
Olivia Pryor - 7 years ago
I had parasites in my 40 gal freshwater tank with 13 cichlids and 2 other fish. I couldn't do anything because I was on vacation. I hope you can get your fish room back up soon.
Hali Balson
Hali Balson - 7 years ago
I don't think this act is an overreaction at all I had to deal with something very similar with my fresh water tanks. A parasite called Nematodes infected all four of my tanks and I had to start from scratch as well I am so glad that you tackled the situation quicker because 2 of my fish died before I noticed changes
sagrath1982 - 7 years ago
this is so sad... but this is why a UV sterilizer is a most have in all aquariums
Gavin Puckett
Gavin Puckett - 7 years ago
I hope your plan works.
you should get Joey to help with your diy tank.
Gavin Puckett
Gavin Puckett - 7 years ago
This shows that even the best fishkeepers can go wrong
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
you were the one who got me into fish Jenny I've always been into fish since I was 6 but I got experienced because of you! I'm sorry this happened, they always say bad things happen for a reason. I hope it gets better soon.
Crazydark Vibes
Crazydark Vibes - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, my mother and I loved Clyde. It is so annoying when anyone deals with these big problems in the hobby, this is the part, at least in my opinion, when the hobby isn't fun. I just had to empty out my 1000 gallon pond, and decontaminate it, because all of my goldfish suffered an infestation of fish lice, man those suckers are mean, and unfortunately tough as well. I know you will never get discouraged, you are the main figurehead of goldfish in the youtube community. Keep up the great work Jenny, I know you will never give up.
Dakota Outdoors
Dakota Outdoors - 7 years ago
joey puts the "D" in diy
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
aww Jenny I'm sorry that sucks. I had fish in the past and I still do I was not as experienced as much as I am now and I kept wondering why they all died, but it turned out that I dident have a filter... it was dumb, but I thought if they fish could survive in a pond why not in a tank? but it was not good lol.. now I have all my tanks with filters and heaters and the amount of space that is needed.
MaximusTheHeretek - 7 years ago
Allyson Chains
Allyson Chains - 7 years ago
RIP Clyde. Thank you for sharing this. I lost my favorite goldfish and gave up. It took YouTubers like you to get me back to the hobby. You have much support:)
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 7 years ago
I would love to help you build your fish room! I have always looked up to you and love to watch you grow.
Sugar The Bun
Sugar The Bun - 7 years ago
Awww im so sorry Jenny! I know how it is hard to lost a goldfish. I did the same too before throwing almost all the stuffs inside my tank. Its a good decision no matter what.
Jess A
Jess A - 7 years ago
I am a new subscriber, I am sorry I found you at such a bad time as far as fishkeeping. I hope it helps you to know that a lot of fish will be saved by viewers who loved Clyde taking this difficult lesson to heart. I will continue watching and I hope to be on the beginning of watching a wonderful rebuilding process with you. As a fundraiser idea, I would totally pay for the naming rights of some of your new 'mascot' fishies. Selling art to fans would also be amazing.
drc3po - 7 years ago
Please start a fund. We will donate! Make it 100K!
Jeanpierre Giraldo
Jeanpierre Giraldo - 7 years ago
I feel you. this happened to me with my 40 gallon tank had my fish for 4 years(my favorite) and he got dropsy. I treated him and it just kept coming back. when he died I had felt like the others weren't worth it. im sorry for you I can't feel exactly what you feel but I know it suck. im switching to saltwater now
Carey Finding
Carey Finding - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for all the losses you've had to deal with. It's hard to lose one pet, let alone a bunch of beloved pets. Lots of love and support from Canada <3
Kimberly Kimberly
Kimberly Kimberly - 7 years ago
It's so reassuring to my sense of humanity to see your dedication to the health of your fish. I was in a chain pet store yesterday looking at tank after tank of sick and dead goldfish, I left the place in tears. I agree with you about dropsy, my heart always sinks when I see a fish with dropsy. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. Thanks so much for this video, very informative.
Tony Martin
Tony Martin - 7 years ago
Symptons sound like Hexamita which is a protazoan bacteria build up in the fishes gut, dosing the goldfish with metro is definately the way forward. Its super hard to treat so good luck. I lost a full grown thai silk flowerhorn to hexamita.
Shrimp Life
Shrimp Life - 7 years ago
Jenny, hang in there girl. I know its tough times right now and alot to deal with but we have your back!!! I would love to support you so please post info for fundraising for your Goldfish Room!
Heartland Equestrian
Heartland Equestrian - 7 years ago
All my fish died of fin rot and white film I had 7 I wish I did more
MrKevinkeagan - 7 years ago
hi did you tried to use formaldehyde and malachite green instead of PP ?? could use some Epsom salt also and put on a heater of 28-29 degrees celsius try it and make some water change everyday
Barbara Jackson
Barbara Jackson - 7 years ago
She used Proform C, which is a mix of formaldehyde and malachite green, after the potassium permanganate.
Mark Carter
Mark Carter - 7 years ago
I know you're not really into them, but do you think you could have some comet gold fish?
Moon Cat
Moon Cat - 7 years ago
This is true dedication to your pets
You care so much about your fish that you're willin to throw away all of your hard work and restart just to keep them healthy ❤️
Shawn Boyle
Shawn Boyle - 7 years ago
Do YouTube live videos to help fund your room. Set up a PayPal account also to avoid the high fees of gofundme.
analog56x - 7 years ago
ill help how i can. i happily helped with Joey, ill happily help you as well. i really enjoy this hobby and believe its important to keep going, despite horrible situations like this.
Brooklyn Davis
Brooklyn Davis - 7 years ago
We are here for you and love sooo much
Brooklyn Davis
Brooklyn Davis - 7 years ago
Gerardo Reyes
Gerardo Reyes - 7 years ago
Really you cried cuz now I'm laying in a bed of water
TheSaestar - 7 years ago
It's so sad to hear about this! I feel so bad for you and all of your fish but it seems like every hobbyist ends up going through tragedies like this. I hope all of your fish are able to recover from this, and especially you. We're all here for you! Good luck!
Paolo Casaclang
Paolo Casaclang - 7 years ago
Heads up Jennie! I'll pray hard for this whatever desease that hit your pets go away. By the way, I am from the Philippines and I love all your videos. I wish to care for fantail goldfish in the near future.
evolvng - 7 years ago
Definitely a tough video to watch. Create a funding account(s) and I will absolutely donate to help. Best of wishes Jenny and I look forward to seeing what's next in this new journey.
Eva Parker
Eva Parker - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss
Patrick Goncalves
Patrick Goncalves - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about losing Goldfish before their time. People don't understand losing Goldfish before their time is like losing any beloved pet that is member of family. I really like your Goldfish. Your videos are Great. I hope you don't give up. I want to encourage you to think about setting up Goldfish aquariums as a living ecosystem that recreates mini pond or think of it as a indoor pond with gravel and plants, lots of life, as well as using aquaponics as part of filtration. You can never create a perfectly sterile environment, but the more natural the aquarium, with lots of life in it, it will sustain Goldfish in a more forgiving way. It was probably the imported Goldfish. I have had great success with undergravel filters(in medium 65-75 gallon tanks and even 40&55 gallon) and Goldfish with lots of banana plants, water sprite, Anacharis, apongeton crispus, java fern, Anubias, etc., yes they eat some of it, but I have so much, it grows strong and it really works, also using aquaponics above or outside the tank has made Goldfish very healthy and it looks great as well. I hope you continue to keep Goldfish, they really are the best. Goldfish do best in a natural environment that is alive like an outdoor pond. Bare bottom with sponge filters do not support life the best, then you have to do very large 75-90% water changes every week, I guess people say it is less maintenance or looks cleaner, but looks ate deceiving. By recreating outdoor pond inside, your Goldfish environment will be more stable, less fluxuation, even invading microbes will be fended off easier.
Nathan Redd
Nathan Redd - 7 years ago
Do it, start one up. Your project is small and easily affordable in comparison to Joey's project. Every little bit helps.
Bijay Hamal
Bijay Hamal - 7 years ago
I am sorry to hear it,, one of my gold fish also died 3 days ago, out of no reason,, I started taking care of my fishes like a month ago,, I have 2 telescope eye goldfish and 5 Oranda gold fish (all butterfly tailed and are small types around 5 cm long), and 2 small sweeper fish, I use 85 liter tank and have used only natural plants, stones and woods, no extra decorations, I do ph test and nitrate test and I also have a good maintained 2 filters for them,, what should I do to prevent it?
Bijay Hamal
Bijay Hamal - 7 years ago
and I do give them different types of fish food so that they don't get bored with same food,, they eat everything I give, I feed twice a day , temperature level in 22°C
Gummy Worms321
Gummy Worms321 - 7 years ago
Jenny I am so sorry about Clyde we all loved him. we are all supporting you and we also all love you I know you can get through this girl. love, Abby
Edward O'Brien
Edward O'Brien - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about Clyde. It is always tough when you lose a pet, but hopefully all of the good times you had with them will encourage you to go out and get another when you're ready. I think the YouTube fishkeeping community will support you in any way that your need. Just keep swimming.
Aquarium Saturation
Aquarium Saturation - 7 years ago
The tank idea is amazing! You should totally do it!
Jeffrey Boster
Jeffrey Boster - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny, I am so sorry to hear about this. If it helps any we all have gone throu this. I hope you stick around. :-(
Juliet Theubet
Juliet Theubet - 7 years ago
You are one of the few people I log into youtube to watch. Your videos have improved the quality of life for my own fish immensely. Please crowdfund for your fish room. I will pledge as much as I can, and I'll be happy to do so to see you realise your dream, and give your fish everything you can.
Sheree Kirkby
Sheree Kirkby - 7 years ago
Hang in there Jenny. You are a terrific goldfish hobbyist. I love watching your channel. I hope that your goldfish get better soon.
Katy Cat
Katy Cat - 7 years ago
you make me cry too Jenny
Immy - 7 years ago
i think the fan fund thing is an awesome idea and it is so sad that clyde died!!! so sorry.
but i think restarting the fish room will be a great idea!! rest in piece fishes :( :( :(
Katy Cat
Katy Cat - 7 years ago
Don't give up Jenny
Patrick Schreiber
Patrick Schreiber - 7 years ago
Had to pause the video to tell you I'd donate.
Mannah The Fish God
Mannah The Fish God - 7 years ago
Ur fish has got fish blader
wyzemann - 7 years ago
I don't see you as non-emotive, instead, I recognize a brave soldier when I see one. Going through hell and returning back wiser and stronger is nothing short of miraculous. So, stay strong and more positive because much better experiences are not too far ahead
jennifer rose
jennifer rose - 7 years ago
We're the axolotl's okay?
Iyush Iscca
Iyush Iscca - 7 years ago
I am gonna watch it Whole
growmyown1 - 7 years ago
heading for another youtube fund me
Classic Rock
Classic Rock - 7 years ago
Maybe white spot disease, put de-chlorinater in the water and see if it clears up
TigerX Girl906
TigerX Girl906 - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry about what had happened! I hope everything will get better. RIP Clyde and stay strong! <3
flipeephile - 7 years ago
Hang in there, Jenny! I know it's hard to do during difficult times, but keep the dream alive! There's nothing more important.
Shannon Turner
Shannon Turner - 7 years ago
If we all gave a dollar then she would have $51,000 dollars..
Atomic Muffin
Atomic Muffin - 7 years ago
Yeah, im going thru the same thing with my goldfish, ive given them medication for a month now and they haven't shown any sign of progress. To me it looks they just get worse everyday..ive thought about euthanizing them the right way, just cause i hate seeing them suffer in the state they are in.
Moehren Gruen
Moehren Gruen - 7 years ago
Yes to fan funding!
xEraMae - 7 years ago
The increasing warmth of the fish room may have caused bacteria (and therefore parasites) to form .... just a thought
Lark Kovanne
Lark Kovanne - 7 years ago
Sending my love your way, and I hope everything gets better. I know how hard things like this can be, but it's worth it. Thank you for everything you do.

P.S. I don't know if I'm just seeing things, but I thought I saw in one of the fry nets a little black & white fish that looked suspiciously like Clyde. I remember you put him in with Lincoln, maybe he's not completely gone.
Calvin J Alan
Calvin J Alan - 7 years ago
I'd definitely help. Where's the link to donate?
yoyofargo - 7 years ago
I've heard of people always doing prophylactic de-worming of discus whenever they come in because they're a relatively dirty fish.
Kaylee Palacios
Kaylee Palacios - 7 years ago
How are your axolotls
Tayah Coleman
Tayah Coleman - 7 years ago
ahh open a go fund me!!
Cattherinesmith - 7 years ago
Hey this is my first video I've watched of yours and I'd love to donate! :)
Jenn Howe
Jenn Howe - 7 years ago
Thank you for pushing through Jenny, we were worried about you and your babies. I am sure we will all be happy to support you during your journey of healing from this. You are an inspiration. Stay strong. You've got this!
Jessica Bella
Jessica Bella - 7 years ago
Stay strong my friend! I too have many problems with goldfish and often times swear I'm never gold fishing ever again. I have problems when the weather changes and it's always dropsy. I can cure it but about a year later they get it again. I often compare goldfish to thoroughbred horses, because I have had many. They have hearts of gold, but are very sensitive and delicate. They, like goldfish, have many health and lameness problems that other breeds would not even blink an eye at. Like goldfish, these problems that they get would probably not harm other hardy non modified species. But, because we love them, we keep trying. I would donate a small sum to help keep your channel going and to help you recover from this devastating event. Keep your head up and this too shall pass. Good luck
solidstate - 7 years ago
Dropsy is always terrible. Maybe it doesn't have a single cause, but it's always devastating. It reminds me of FIP in cats. Once they have it, there's nothing to be done but euthanize. I remember when I had a tiny kitten, named Tiny, and he manifested FIP and began getting fluid buildup in his lungs and abdomen and difficulty/agonal breathing, I almost never wanted to foster kittens again.
TheHamsterTube - 7 years ago
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
I am so very very sorry about Clyde and the others <3 I think fanfunding is an amazing idea, if I had money to spare I would love to help!!As far as you and your health, hang in there! I too suffer from some mental health, including depression and anxiety... Some days are just rough and for no reason... So days with a reason are so much worse. Good for you for getting on here and updating us. Keep pushing, this will pass, you have to believe you can get through this <3I really hope your fish get better asap!!! My kids and I love you and your fish and we are so thankful to be able to watch you and follow along. You and your fish are in our hearts and thoughts...
Cesar Muniz
Cesar Muniz - 7 years ago
I'm a big fan of yours and I'm also a fellow fish hobbyist so however I can help I will.
Arcadian Pixie
Arcadian Pixie - 7 years ago
OH MY GOSH! I'm totally excited for you to do that 200gal aquarium that would sit behind you in your vids. SQUEE!! please do that idea, it sounds FANTASTIC! :)
Steven Navarro
Steven Navarro - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss but dont give up! Hang in there!
Arcadian Pixie
Arcadian Pixie - 7 years ago
I'm sorry for your loss, we will miss Clyde :(. Sorry for your fish room meltdown too and I hope things get better quickly for you.
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
Like Joey said, we're here for whatever you need. We enjoy watching your videos, we love your fish and other pets, and we support you. I would definitely donate to help you.
Jakkie Tea
Jakkie Tea - 7 years ago
Please do the 200 gallon tank!! I'll donate.
Brook Cridland
Brook Cridland - 7 years ago
i believe it must have been the two orandas :/ if you think about it she was the first to pass on and you didnt really know much on there past. and i think you should do the funding :) ill help you jenny :)
MinhTho Ha
MinhTho Ha - 7 years ago
is ok ok ok
Joel Drabsch
Joel Drabsch - 7 years ago
It okay herby
Joel Drabsch
Joel Drabsch - 7 years ago
What I mean Jenny it was a tipping issue
crazycavy - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh
Derp Grace
Derp Grace - 7 years ago
No Clyde
Gamin' Bulldog
Gamin' Bulldog - 7 years ago
this is ascentially what child favouritism with fish
mikey low
mikey low - 7 years ago
i know the feeling .. i had an african cichlid that my mom named Marvin.. had him for years, even saved him twice.. once during a long power outage when i resorted to blowing air into the tank myself as some of his tankmates had already died and he was in rough shape too.. the other time he go stuck in a fake log whinh i had to break off around him to free him! i have a 130g tank which became his home but after losing him i dont really want to do african cichlids anymore :( now though i have a few new favs.. my festivum cichlid who is super full of personallity and always bugs me for treats..he loves banana and raspberries!!!! also my hi fin pangasius shark who is currently up to about 17 inches long and about 7 inches from bottom of belly to top of his dorsal..gotta weigh a couple pounds too lol .. he's about to move into a 180g pond which will be set up inside ... the things we do for our fish and all animals !!
anyways good luck with everything!! BIG HUGS FOR YA
Ariane Saldivar
Ariane Saldivar - 7 years ago
i am so sorry for all that you are going through
Jeffrey Vantol
Jeffrey Vantol - 7 years ago
goldfish are stock every one have tham
Jeffrey Vantol
Jeffrey Vantol - 7 years ago
why goldfish and not red belly piranhas its a hole new level and its just cool
chikibug - 7 years ago
My deepest condolences. I recently had a devastating fish loss, due to taking on a rescue. I knew better. I took a chance and lost.
Aiden Giovanni
Aiden Giovanni - 7 years ago
I'd help fund in a heartbeat. I know your pain, as I've recently experienced a very similar occurrence with my fish. It's horrible, but time heals all wounds <3
Welcome to Infinity Aquatics
Welcome to Infinity Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jenny I will help u girl I haven't been here since the beginning but I want to see more I love you
Autumn Sullivan
Autumn Sullivan - 7 years ago
I love your videos and you even gave me the courage to try out a 10 gallon community goldfish tank.
Marckye N.
Marckye N. - 7 years ago
Why didn't you call a vet?
Serene Kwiatkoski
Serene Kwiatkoski - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear all this! When it rains it pours right? But I had something very similar happen to me about 7-8 years ago, I've always had fish since I was young and out of the blue my whole tank systematically crashed :( one by one my fish developed what looked to be Velvet, but then each fish (including a betta I had had for like 5-6 years) died with what looked like dropsy (along with the velvet looking stuff) I haven't had fish since( I live in Florida too so not sure if it could be some sort of graphical thing??) I broke my tank down cleaned it and it set in storage for a long time. I actually cleaned it and set it up again but no fish in it.
Sheri & Will
Sheri & Will - 7 years ago
Ohhh I am so sad for you and am glad you have people who can help you with getting through this. Hugs!
Edmundo Aguila
Edmundo Aguila - 7 years ago
Am so sorry to hear this... :-( But do build your fishroom anew! It happens to the best of us... My suggestions after decades of experience are these: 1. keep water temps at 28-30 degrees cent for maintenance, for treatment 30-32 degrees cent would kill off external and internal parasites along with rock salt, metronidazole, etc... (Am sort of some cheat when it comes to having long-lived tropical fish because I live in a tropical country where temps are not a problem.) 2. Go for more racks and tanks instead 3. invest in overhead filters and powerheads (plus sponge filters) for all tanks 4. feed dry foods only 5. regular water changes are a given of course.. (Haven't used fish tonics and antibiotics for years with this protocol.) Good luck and we'll see you soon again... :-)
truly1676 - 7 years ago
I'd donate. Would love to see you do a pond off that fish building.
truly1676 - 7 years ago
You should have joey come and do the 200 gal build and during the build he could help you campaign for the big fish room build.
Sierra Owen
Sierra Owen - 7 years ago
I recently had a mystery illness hit my beloved betta, whom I had to make a tough decision for, just as you did for Clyde. Like you I reached out to breeders and fellow hobbyists and they were all stumped.

We cannot control everything in our hobby, no matter how hard we try. Take some time, figure out what the hobby means to you moving forward. Set a clear goal for yourself and keep going.

Hang in there. Keep calm and look at the pretty fish
Stacey Squires
Stacey Squires - 7 years ago
id definately love to help fund the fish room. so sorry to hear about clyde. love to you xxx
Ashey Baker
Ashey Baker - 7 years ago
I love you Jenny I'm so sorry and were all here for you no matter what and Clyde is swimming in fish heaven now
AzraelThanatos - 7 years ago
One major thing you probably ought to do with your major sterilizing is to check your actual air system and swap out the filters there as well. Not meaning just the pumps and similar, but the actual building ones as well. =

The contamination can get into your air system as well.

Part of it might also be mold issues along with or on their own. It's a nasty mess of stuff to deal with.
kayno vang
kayno vang - 7 years ago
Please don't give up. I love your videos so much. You made me love and appreciate my plain goldfish when my roommates made fun of me for having "basic fish". You're so great and amazing! Wish you the best!!
Katie Mac Arts
Katie Mac Arts - 7 years ago
I will gladly support your fishroom fund m'dear! I'm so sorry that this horrible cocktail of illnesses has infested your fishroom, I makes my heart bleed because I can see how soul crushing it is for you ( If it were me I'd be a blubbering mess, So thank you for being so brave <3 ) I'm ever so sorry for your losses in your fish room, especially the dearest Clyde <3

I adore you and your fish & I will do all I can to help you out & I'm sure a lot of your other fans will too! I saw ECR's fundraiser on instagram, she put it in her story & blocked you from seeing it (muahahaha) I was going to donate, but by the time I got paid it was already closed!! But it was such a wonderful thing to do & I'm glad that it gives you leverage to build your passion for the hobby backup! xx
aquarium & fish FAN
aquarium & fish FAN - 7 years ago
sorry to hear that Jenny
A H - 7 years ago
I suspect it's a combination of the new fish and higher temperatures in the fish room, I feel parasites in general are more active down south than up north
Connor Winfield Aquatics
Connor Winfield Aquatics - 7 years ago
I had this happen to me a few months ago,every single tank I owned was infected,every single fish died,my live plants all carried the bacteria,and not even one of the fish I owned made it. So after a while I slowly started to clean all my tanks and restart them,I'm now more successful then I have ever been,I also got a goldfish he's funny and I wanna get him a friend. I just wanted to tell you this because I've had it happen and it does get better. take care and good luck.
At Home Herping
At Home Herping - 7 years ago
I hope everything clears up for your fish. I am a huge fan, and you are inspiring me to try to get back into the fish hobby. I hope you are able to carry through on your awesome ideas for your fish. Sincerely, At Home Herping.
Amber Schwendinger
Amber Schwendinger - 7 years ago
I quarantined two new fish before adding them into my tank. Something similar to this happened and it stopped me from the hobby. You re-introduced it to me and I would love to donate to help you start over. I love your videos and how passionate you are about fish keeping, at the end of the day don't be to hard on yourself. Make sure to take some time to your self and relax, we all love you, best wishes❤️
AQGYM - 7 years ago
yes to the display tank, definitely yes, fish room first but fund raise both projects at the same time, just a thought, good luck whatever happens.
Mithinco - 7 years ago
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about your goldfish! Sorry for your loss :( It would be great for viewers help out with your fish room! It'll be a good project for your channel.
terrence tan
terrence tan - 7 years ago
this is just sad, i do experience this problem before but my fish didnt make it .
Angel Ashley
Angel Ashley - 7 years ago
So sorry to hear about the fish :( long fan here. Wondering what happened with the axolotls?
Rachel H
Rachel H - 7 years ago
Set up a go fund me! And I would love to see the display tank!!!!
AQGYM - 7 years ago
Hi, i think fan funding would be a great idea, I don't keep goldfish and I really enjoy your videos, your obvious enthusiasm is infectious, a big project to be sure but very doable. best of luck
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy
Zacks Tanks Crazy Aquarium Guy - 7 years ago
So sorry for your fish Jenny.
Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 7 years ago
Jenny, just do the gofundme. I'm the guy that didn't like Joey after your video together and now I'm one of his biggest fans. He is amazing. My mother and I gave a small but respectable donation to him and we will to you also. The 2 of you are an inspiration and role model to all fish lovers. Don't be too proud to ask for help, you, like Joey have given your life to the hobby and deserve something back. By watching television, people donate time and money. Guess what, damn near 110,000 people would rather give you that time. Stay strong and DO IT!!!
KaylaxKyuquot Studios
KaylaxKyuquot Studios - 7 years ago
Holy cow.. I'm so sorry about Clyde, Jennie... I know what that's like; he was a one of a kind fish, and there will never be one like him. You just have to keep your head up and keep going, stay strong girl!!
kevin skaggs
kevin skaggs - 7 years ago
HI, sorry for your loss and other troubles.  Just a thought... get DIY Joey to come down and build your 200 gallon office tank. Keep positive. Looking forward to more updates.
Chris TDM
Chris TDM - 7 years ago
Ramphonic - 7 years ago
So Sorry about Clyde and your other fish.. Hope the worst is over. Pro form C looks like a larger dose use Quick Curetype medicine? Is it definitely parasitic?. Medicating can be such a guessing game.. If its bacterial Ive have good luck with Kanamycin..
Don Pablo
Don Pablo - 7 years ago
Mordecai is my favorite. I hope he stays healthy
Don Pablo
Don Pablo - 7 years ago
So sorry about your fish and that dead pixel.
Sharky Girl
Sharky Girl - 7 years ago
I hope all the fish that passed are swimming in peace. Especially my Fish-Twin. :(
Mark Ross
Mark Ross - 7 years ago
BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
i recently lost my prized butterfly crown pearlscale to dropsy along with 2 moors a ryukin and an oranda :( It really is the worst seeing this happen to the fish you love
Cassidy McCabe
Cassidy McCabe - 7 years ago
can't speak for all your fans but I would definitely love to help crowd fund insulating your fish room :D
E King
E King - 7 years ago
I feel like with 109K subs then even if people only donated a dollar you'd be able to do stuff.
clydezboy - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear about the loss of my namesake Clyde. He was my favorite for sure. Keep the faith.
Gabbi Perez
Gabbi Perez - 7 years ago
Hey there, im a newer viewer but i just wanted to let you know your an amazing animal lover and person. Your feelings are completely valid and it's ok to tear up or cry over a fish, like you said he was inspiration for your hobby and you loved him just as much as anyone would love a dog or cat. No animal is more important than another, that be said we (your viewers) are here for you and will support you (: much love and sorry for you loss❤
Gian Jay Cañizar
Gian Jay Cañizar - 7 years ago
hi Jenny, can I have your email or contact. I have something to say to maybe it will help you. :)
J Rem
J Rem - 7 years ago
So many of us would love to help you, do it! Also take a break if you need it. Over stressing is NOT a good thing.
Bettas And More
Bettas And More - 7 years ago
Jenny can you see if my goldfish tank is ok it's in my channel
adrian gonzalez
adrian gonzalez - 7 years ago
I think this just was to happen some day cause you don't have any good filtration. those sponges filters are not enough for them also I think you overstocked your tanks also
FoodAddict - 7 years ago
This made me really emotional. I really understand what you are going through since I had to put down my 7 yo fantail for dropsy just 4 days ago. I had been treating him for initially what I suspected was constipation then infection for 2 weeks... and he looked better too initially! On his last 2 day of life he started coning and I knew I had to let him go too to save his only ryukin tank mate. I buried him in our garden and we are going to do a small funeral when I have a day off work. I really hope you find out what has been killing your fish. I was crying so much just losing one, I don't know how you can euthanize more than one fish at once. Best wishes.
Scaler - 7 years ago
Well at least you know the blue stock tub looks great full of fish!
kuneria - 7 years ago
you know we love you and we'd all be supportive of a fundraiser.

i recently, very recently, two weeks ago lost all of my betta fish in my sorority tank because of columnaris. Within just two days i lost 13 fish... scooping out their tiny bodies in my hands and just remembering their life and personality, it's so so hard. I was and still am also going through an extreme low in my mental health as well and finishing up college, so stress was through the roof. Literally the worst two weeks of my life.
What's so painful is accepting responsibility, blaming yourself like 'they trusted me to build their world around them and i was careless and didn't quarantine a fish for long enough,' there's just so much blame and so much guilt. But like, you know, we can't predict everything that's going to happen, we all have good intentions, the care we give these animals are genuine and in the end i think it's good to know that you did everything you could for them, and you gave them the best life they could have asked for. And their passing is more difficult for us than it is for them, and i take some comfort in that. I hope you can as well. Stay hopeful, stay strong. We're all here for you, and remember to be there for yourself too.
RagingDragon - 7 years ago
Maybe the water is too clean. I dont know if these specie of goldfish can survive in a pond exposed to natural light and temperature changes.
samnella9 - 7 years ago
Sorry about this traumatic ordeal. It will take a time to heal. We would be glad to help you out in any way!
Dakota Doak
Dakota Doak - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for your losses. I lost my beautiful angelfish, Eve, about a month ago and I almost sold my fish and tore down my 55 gallon tank.
max mansell
max mansell - 7 years ago
So sorry to hear about the bad news, been trying really hard to follow over IG, but it's great to hear an update from yourself, will happily donate towards a fishroom devout to goldfish! There's too little out there for the goldfish hobby and as a personal supporter of the goldfish hobby, I would love to see this happen!! Sending love and support x
OrandaChildren - 7 years ago
This just ain't right! Poor babies :(
Karen Rafferty
Karen Rafferty - 7 years ago
I don't even have fish right now and I still watch your videos! I hope we can fund raise and help you do these things. Hang in there!!!
Rylan Breneman
Rylan Breneman - 7 years ago
Stick with it jennie
Kary 2088
Kary 2088 - 7 years ago
Go ahead with the fundme project
Jordan Holcombe
Jordan Holcombe - 7 years ago
Hey girl, I'm so so sorry for your loss xx
Do you have, or would you consider starting a PATREON? Art giveaways for different tiers of donation subscriptions, perhaps?
Love to you sugar- I'll help however I can. I'm sure many of us will.
katelyn nickels
katelyn nickels - 7 years ago
Can you make solid gold aquatics pop sockets
Emerald Pets- Natasha
Emerald Pets- Natasha - 7 years ago
I think you should do a finding for the central air system. I would definitely help, because you and Joey have inspired me to start my aqarium Hobbie. I'm starting with bettas though till I am confident enough to try something a little harder.
Bob Tate
Bob Tate - 7 years ago
IMO, you should never be afraid to do a fan funding thing. Some people have a negative view of it but so what? You're telling people upfront what you need and why and it's entirely up to them whether or not to pitch in.

You're an awesome, positive presence in the Youtube fish community. For people who have a few dollars to spare, it could only be a good thing.
crazy silly stuff
crazy silly stuff - 7 years ago
she looks like ursala
TyrannicDarkSoUl - 7 years ago
I am so sorry for your lost, you are one of the first fish keepers youtuber That I followed. I hope you get better everyday, I Will miss all of your fish. You are a truly inspiration
lonlyperson 101
lonlyperson 101 - 7 years ago
shadow999991 - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, he was truly a beautiful fish. it's always disasters like this that test the fortitude and patience of anyone and everyone in this hobby. best of luck and I hope things turn around for you soon.
Budgiefamily 101
Budgiefamily 101 - 7 years ago
You inspired me to get fish! I a while ago lost my fish, it was very unfortunate for me but now I am Into birds and reptiles again! Maybe if fish don't interest you as much anymore you could try reptiles?
Drew B
Drew B - 7 years ago
The fish keeping community is more powerful than you think! Keep your head up and we'll support you.
JRPy Fish-n-Game
JRPy Fish-n-Game - 7 years ago
Sorry to here about Clyde and your other fish. :(
Jacklene Taylor
Jacklene Taylor - 7 years ago
Marysol Deeley
Marysol Deeley - 7 years ago
Oh, or another thing that might have happened.... Might a bird have got in there? Could be a random bird poop that started this off....?
Marysol Deeley
Marysol Deeley - 7 years ago
Sorry for your loss <3 Could the vinyl from the pools perhaps have been affecting them? I have never had luck with fish in plastic tanks or vinyl kiddie pools I have used in the past. Maybe Line the pools with rubber pond liner. The kiddie pools aren't really meant for long term water..... But of course, I am not an expert in any way.... I know how you feel. I was devastated when my Midas Cichlid, Peaches died. He was 17 years old. I still miss him. Even though he was an ass hole and killed EVERYTHING.... He was so cute. You have many things with you that hold beautiful memories. Good luck with your treatments of the others. <3
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
So sorry about Clyde and your other fish. Tank idea behind you in your office would be awesome! Go for it! It was because of you that I recently became interested in fancy goldfish. So thank you
Penni Penni
Penni Penni - 7 years ago
(((((HUGS )))))
Megan Bay
Megan Bay - 7 years ago
Jeff Bailey
Jeff Bailey - 7 years ago
You should be treating a smaller volume of water. It will be easier to do your water changes during and after medication use. Maybe only keep the 600 gallon a third full during treatment. Hope you get it under control.
Jenny - 7 years ago
You can do this. :)
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
I am so sorry . I hope it all gets sorted out . I would hate to loose all my fish and have to do what u are doing ..
axolotl 1000
axolotl 1000 - 7 years ago
How do I send something hung to you???
Evelyn McEnaney
Evelyn McEnaney - 7 years ago
I am so sorry for your loss
JHstyle Won
JHstyle Won - 7 years ago
I got a few dollars to burn so I'm all for the donation!
Rodents n Reps
Rodents n Reps - 7 years ago
That's sooooooo sad!!!!!
M. Peters
M. Peters - 7 years ago
Please do a fund raiser. I'm traveling so I don't even have a tank and I still watch.
AsianCunt - 7 years ago
If i look to jenny

Reminds me of XXXTENTACION

Sorry jenny RIP ur Fish
Mlggeorge 2
Mlggeorge 2 - 7 years ago
Clyde died
Johnny Hammers
Johnny Hammers - 7 years ago
Fish keeping is so fragile
Chris Lock
Chris Lock - 7 years ago
Hi Jenny, I'm really sorry for your loss, my stomach sank when I watched your vid, but please know you did everything you could. Definitely do some kind of funding, I'd be happy to contribute both as a fellow fancy goldfish keeper, and as a fan of your channel. Wishing you strength for the weeks ahead, all the best from Chris in the UK.
omega omega
omega omega - 7 years ago
have you researched on those kiddie pools. I wonder if the rubber breaks down over time, and it contaminated the water. also they weren't even covered.
N Critters
N Critters - 7 years ago
I am sorry Jenny! We are all here for you!! You are a wonderful fish owner!
slimoe777 - 7 years ago
Leah KJ Morlock
Leah KJ Morlock - 7 years ago
how do you put your fish down
Shannon Lee
Shannon Lee - 7 years ago
I'll help fund as I did joey! I'm so sorry about your losses. that always sucks. start a go fund me and I'll donate to those beautiful golds!!!!
April Shaw
April Shaw - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Just an idea, Seachem Stability is a really good product to start your bacteria again. Just a thought. Good luck
Lnovia F
Lnovia F - 7 years ago
Awesome Solid Gold Jenny, although I don't keep any goldfish, I love to watch your videos and especially the ones with Arlo because they helped me set up and maintain my first betta tank. I'm all for fan funding to keep this hobby alive and so you can share more of your goldfish stories and adventures. Take time to take care of yourself too (I'm really attached to my one betta that when he's sick, I get really sad, so I know a little how that feels). Sending lots of love
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 7 years ago
Oh Jenny I'm so sorry. This is so frustrating. I really relate and appreciate what you said about how hard it can be difficult to film at times. While this channel is new I have other channels that I have totally disappeared from like this before. Good job pushing through and I'm so sorry about Clyde and just everything. We all really appreciate everything you do!
Dung aus
Dung aus - 7 years ago
That's hard losing a friend
Madelein Fletcher
Madelein Fletcher - 7 years ago
Rocio Ornelas
Rocio Ornelas - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear about that I know you are a great fish keeper and you do your best to keep your fish happy and healthy. I don't know how this could have happened. I wish you the best of luck and I hope all your fish are okay. Stay strong Jennie
NOSTROMUS 1320 - 7 years ago
Hold on tight. It will get better
ROBERT FERGUSON - 7 years ago
I'm so sorry Jennie
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
So sorry to hear about this Jenny, I know what it feels like when this happens fresh and salt...... it really takes the drive out of you. GOOD LUCK!!
Kinda Blake
Kinda Blake - 7 years ago
Jenny no :( Im so sorry for all your loses and i hope it gets better soon.
Abdelbasset bouzidi
Abdelbasset bouzidi - 7 years ago
whats going on girl, be strong hermosa, i need you in ma life, i love your videos, you motivating me
Luke VV
Luke VV - 7 years ago
You tried blurring the donations but they are still fairly visible to read
Animal Love
Animal Love - 7 years ago
You're doing amazing stay strong and look forward to future possibilities
hi27816 - 7 years ago
What happened to the Axolotl!!!!?????!!
Quality Content365
Quality Content365 - 7 years ago
What happened to the baby
Arthur Kooy
Arthur Kooy - 7 years ago
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
How old was Clyde? Does anyone know? I'm curious as to how long it takes for them to get that big
Matt Rossey
Matt Rossey - 7 years ago
hey Jennie, damn, so feelin ya. I just recently found out about your channel through Joey from one of his videos. Ummmmmm, your not alone, anyone that has ever got into keeping fish has had a disaster story like this. The truth is thats part of what we do. It is hard to deal with because we do get attached to the fish, especially particular fish, like Clyde, Corderoy, and Gwen, and losing them can really sink ya, but dont let it. Think back to how and why you started keeping aquariums and fish, and what it has done for you, and because of your channel, what it has done for so many others, which is why you started your channel in the first place, to share your love of keeping fish and hope others find that same love. Don't let this defeat you, its just a shitty bump in the road. I'd love to say something magical to help you cause i totally get ya, but there is no magical word to fix things, just keep going, don't give up. If you were to give up, its you that really would lose out! xo Matt
Chewy's Bro Aquatics
Chewy's Bro Aquatics - 7 years ago
Omg that's horrible
James Victor
James Victor - 7 years ago
So so sad . I cant imagine the pain you went through . There is always light at the end of the tunnel .
megan m
megan m - 7 years ago
i can only imagine how hard this is for you and i am so sorry you had to go through this. ive lost one of my favorite fish and i wasnt excited about the hobby anymore. i know you are going to push through this, and we are all here to support you!! keep up the great videos!
Karly Hawkes
Karly Hawkes - 7 years ago
Hoping for the best
GryphonwoodBirmans - 7 years ago
Please consider sending out for a necropsy to get difinitive COD. I breed and show cats and have had the terrible experience of unexpected kitten deaths - the best way of getting past an issue is understanding exactly what is causing it.
Shawnee Wind
Shawnee Wind - 7 years ago
So sorry this happened.
The Horned One
The Horned One - 7 years ago
I don't know if you've realized this, but you have a huge hole in your shirt :P
S Q U I D - 7 years ago
God, I feel your pain.
Esteban Gomez
Esteban Gomez - 7 years ago
R.I.P Clyde
Robin Mitchell
Robin Mitchell - 7 years ago
I am cheering for you and sending up prayers. I am going through a similar thing with my fish. hang in there and don't stop dreaming.

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