Discus Fish Tank Guide

Recommendations Aquarium Size When keeping discus fish, you should choose one of the following four options: 1. Breeding Discuses (Discus Pair) To breed discus fish, we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of 150 litres/40 US gallons (60 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) (24” x 20” x 20”) Juvenile fish should be separated from the parent fishes when they are 12 – 14 days old. At this age they start seeking out food on the floor of the aquarium and could ingest pathogens or germs. 2. Discus Pair with Companion Fish in an Aquarium with Plant Life You will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 180 litres/50 US gallons (100 cm x 40 cm x 45 cm) (40” x 16” x 18”) We recommend an aquarium size of 250 litres / 65 gallons (100 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) ( 40” x 20” x 20”) When keeping a pair of discus fish, the two fish should be at least 14 cm in size, because two smaller fish, kept as a pair, will not grow well in size, as “competitive feeding” does not take place. 3. Rearing Discus Fish, Keeping a Discus Group To rear a discus group (of at least 10 fish) an aquarium with as small a capacity as180 litres / 50 US gallon is sufficient (100 cm x 40 cm x 45 cm) (40” x 16” x 18”) However, for 10 fully-grown fish we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of at least 300 litres/ 80 gallons. 4. Discus Group with Companion Fish in Aquarium with Plant Life For 10 fully-grown discus fish with additional companion fish and plant life we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of at least 400 litres / 105 US gallons. (160 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) (63” x 20” x 20”)

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Recommendations Aquarium Size When keeping discus fish, you should choose one of the following four options: 1. Breeding Discuses (Discus Pair) To breed discus fish, we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of 150 litres/40 US gallons (60 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) (24” x 20” x 20”) Juvenile fish should be separated from the parent fishes when they are 12 – 14 days old. At this age they start seeking out food on the floor of the aquarium and could ingest pathogens or germs. 2. Discus Pair with Companion Fish in an Aquarium with Plant Life You will need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 180 litres/50 US gallons (100 cm x 40 cm x 45 cm) (40” x 16” x 18”) We recommend an aquarium size of 250 litres / 65 gallons (100 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) ( 40” x 20” x 20”) When keeping a pair of discus fish, the two fish should be at least 14 cm in size, because two smaller fish, kept as a pair, will not grow well in size, as “competitive feeding” does not take place. 3. Rearing Discus Fish, Keeping a Discus Group To rear a discus group (of at least 10 fish) an aquarium with as small a capacity as180 litres / 50 US gallon is sufficient (100 cm x 40 cm x 45 cm) (40” x 16” x 18”) However, for 10 fully-grown fish we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of at least 300 litres/ 80 gallons. 4. Discus Group with Companion Fish in Aquarium with Plant Life For 10 fully-grown discus fish with additional companion fish and plant life we recommend using an aquarium with a capacity of at least 400 litres / 105 US gallons. (160 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm) (63” x 20” x 20”)

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Tank Guide

horsesrule14 - 7 years ago
can i put 3 in my 36 gallon aquarium?
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 7 years ago
horsesrule14 No.
Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta - 7 years ago
Discus will be able live with gold fish ,angel fish,shark fish
Fernan Lloyd Tenebro
Fernan Lloyd Tenebro - 7 years ago
Goldfish like the fancy ones can tolerate high temperature unlike what you guys think. In Philippines (tropical country) were fancy goldfish are a norm since the Chinese introduced them long time ago, breeders are breeding them in backyard setups with no fancy coolers and stuff and they are just fine. The potential problem you will have with goldfish and discus in one tank is that goldfish can out compete with discus when it comes to feeding especially if you have shy ones. Your discus might starve to death if you don't make sure they get their share.
Aqua Fish Hobbyist
Aqua Fish Hobbyist - 7 years ago
NO! Not only are discus TROPICAL fish, they need exceptionally warm water. I'm talking over 80 degrees. Furthermore, they need extremely clean water. There is no way you can keep them with goldfish.

and for shark fish  There is a chance that the bigger fish will harrass the discus.

so i prefer only angel fishes with discus
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley
Aquarium Sunshine's Valley - 7 years ago
Nice, video, the voice-over is a bit annoying, but hey, content matters!
George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
amazing video thanks for sharing it.

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