Dusky Snail - Neritina puligera Snail | Snail | GarnelenTv

Today we're going to show you the Dusky Snail, a snail for aquariums and aquascapes. When you like the video, please give a LIKE! When you think, we can make it better, please write a comment whit your opinion. Schaust du GarnelenTv, wirst du garnelenschlau! ----------------------------------------­­------------------------------- Aqua-Fish fair Germany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5R8cxbzqDI » Check uns auch hier! ● Webseite: http://garnelentv.de ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GarnelenTv ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/GarnelenTv ● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/GarnelenTv ● Spenden: https://www.patreon.com/GarnelenTv ● ABONNIEREN: http://bit.ly/2n0Ndlt SCHAUST DU GARNELENTV, WIRST DU GARNELENSCHLAU! Kontakt: info@garnelentv.de

Dusky Snail - Neritina puligera Snail | Snail | GarnelenTv sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 3,658 views

Today we're going to show you the Dusky Snail, a snail for aquariums and aquascapes. When you like the video, please give a LIKE! When you think, we can make it better, please write a comment whit your opinion. Schaust du GarnelenTv, wirst du garnelenschlau! ----------------------------------------­­------------------------------- Aqua-Fish fair Germany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5R8cxbzqDI » Check uns auch hier! ● Webseite: http://garnelentv.de ● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GarnelenTv ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/GarnelenTv ● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/GarnelenTv ● Spenden: https://www.patreon.com/GarnelenTv ● ABONNIEREN: http://bit.ly/2n0Ndlt SCHAUST DU GARNELENTV, WIRST DU GARNELENSCHLAU! Kontakt: info@garnelentv.de

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Most popular comments
for Dusky Snail - Neritina puligera Snail | Snail | GarnelenTv

Miriam Müller
Miriam Müller - 10 years ago
Nice Movie
Benjamin Bopp
Benjamin Bopp - 10 years ago
Die Formulierung, Aussprache und Betonung ist aufjedenfall noch ausbaufähig.
Pre Chair
Pre Chair - 9 years ago
+Benjamin Bopp Man hört raus, dass er deutsch ist, aber ich finde man versteht es hervorragend... Er hat sich viel Mühe gegeben... Mein Lob!
GarnelenTv - Alles über Aquaristik
GarnelenTv - Alles über Aquaristik - 10 years ago
Hey+Benjamin Bopp , danke für deine Meinung :)

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About Dusky Snail - Neritina puligera Snail | Snail | GarnelenTv

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