Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

AFV presents a brand new weekly compilation of the funniest clips, outtakes and bloopers or all kinds of pets and animals scaring people. Just in time for Halloween! Check out more Kyoot Animal Compilations ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3376

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 7,683,346 views

AFV presents a brand new weekly compilation of the funniest clips, outtakes and bloopers or all kinds of pets and animals scaring people. Just in time for Halloween! Check out more Kyoot Animal Compilations ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

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Most popular comments
for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Nivan - 7 years ago
what happened at 4:12 ??
Cody Lindburg
Cody Lindburg - 7 years ago
Cody Lindburg
Cody Lindburg - 7 years ago
That crab fits some dabs up its sleeves
Tony C
Tony C - 7 years ago
Damn some of these scared me it's like a jump scare in a horror movie, lol
DanDan TheKage
DanDan TheKage - 7 years ago
6:35 is what I do in real life
MeloettaGamer420 Life
MeloettaGamer420 Life - 7 years ago
1:54 Shellder!!!
CalcøBunnie - 7 years ago
1:03 XD
Alyssa Howard
Alyssa Howard - 7 years ago
I got bit my a goose at Outback one time...

G4m3M4ni4c - 7 years ago
6:02 Nightmare fuel

10. comment for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Stan Talent Stan DGNA
Stan Talent Stan DGNA - 7 years ago
4:51 "he's scared"
Ashley Starlight
Ashley Starlight - 7 years ago
Why the fuck would you let your stupid kid disturb a poor baby deer? Should have got bitten idiot.
Cell Perfect
Cell Perfect - 7 years ago
I like the parts when the childrens say "AHHHHH!"
Tineisha Borja
Tineisha Borja - 7 years ago
Tineisha Borja
Tineisha Borja - 7 years ago
lycangaming82167 - 7 years ago
Samayah Riemedio
Samayah Riemedio - 7 years ago
The crab was doing the dab
Monie X
Monie X - 7 years ago
0:22 don't mess with bambi kids
Salad Daddy
Salad Daddy - 7 years ago
2:27 dab
Nesper - 7 years ago
3:43 Little pussies

20. comment for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Liam Hobson
Liam Hobson - 7 years ago
5:15 the roblox 'oof' death sound
COMIC BOOK HERO - 7 years ago
Mom Just got French Kiss
Ilya Chap
Ilya Chap - 7 years ago
6:33 Can you eat pussy like that?
NancyVirgen - 7 years ago
I hate kids who are so annoying when they are screaming at you tube
Coretta Ngoulaki
Coretta Ngoulaki - 7 years ago
ahhhh......The great outdoors
Linus Mørch
Linus Mørch - 7 years ago
2:31 it is dabbing
Suewster - 7 years ago
6:36 the funniest shit I’ve ever seen bro. People screaming while it’s doing some weird thing with it’s tounge
Suewster - 7 years ago
2:27 I saw that dab you don’t don’t fool me
Andres E. Gomez M.
Andres E. Gomez M. - 7 years ago
That clam looks like a vagina
e thrall
e thrall - 7 years ago
when an animal comes up to our window in one of those parks:
my mom:o my god roll up the window NOW!
me:yes roll up the window then open the door let it inside imma hug it

30. comment for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Default - 7 years ago
Sum Buddy
Sum Buddy - 7 years ago
Natan Liro
Natan Liro - 7 years ago
TechView Studios
TechView Studios - 7 years ago
4:07 I laughed hard
TechView Studios
TechView Studios - 7 years ago
2:14 DanTDM fans will know that as the crab that dabs
fluflf kitty cat fleury
fluflf kitty cat fleury - 7 years ago
At 2:30 the dab crab
Stanley Littlejohn
Stanley Littlejohn - 7 years ago
I would love to be kissed by a beluga!
Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 7 years ago
Zed Bee
Zed Bee - 7 years ago
Yeah, um... don't mess with Canada Geese, they're nasty
random guy
random guy - 7 years ago
2:20 everybody was kung fu fighting
MrSavageMC - 7 years ago
That dad tho, what a savage GANSTER
abs punchee
abs punchee - 7 years ago
omg i want that thing @1:50 to give me head!!!
Tasha Marks
Tasha Marks - 7 years ago
abs punchee You're disgusting.
DragonDoesGaming - 7 years ago
2:13 why I don't like the beach
GalaxySpace Gamer
GalaxySpace Gamer - 7 years ago
Their Parents Have No Respect To the Kids that animals Attacking >:(
Videos You Might Not Have Heard About
Videos You Might Not Have Heard About - 7 years ago
6:35 When You Realized Your Life Was Complete
crismar 19
crismar 19 - 7 years ago
1:08 lol
GamerRed Minecraft
GamerRed Minecraft - 7 years ago
One weird thing... a kid is scared of walking chicks
Anonymous Frog
Anonymous Frog - 7 years ago
0:32 When the teacher gives you homework
SuperMysticGamer - 7 years ago
Melaniewith ApanicAtTheDisco
Melaniewith ApanicAtTheDisco - 7 years ago

50. comment for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

Superhero Geek
Superhero Geek - 7 years ago
He accidentally rolled down the window... That was dad (evil laughter) lmbo
Michael Hernandez
Michael Hernandez - 7 years ago
2:07 maverick's lost brothers
Noah Damoiseaux
Noah Damoiseaux - 7 years ago
most of this was just humans overreacting to animals
Colin Brown
Colin Brown - 7 years ago
AKA lots of scared kids and great parents
Had a laugh
BRIDGET ADAMS - 7 years ago
1st of all the girl holding the crab is ten times braver than me
And 2nd of all that seal was washed up on shore it was dying! HOPE THEY SAVED IT!!!
Nightmarefriend Sleep safe
Nightmarefriend Sleep safe - 7 years ago
The crab was dabbing
Jennie Sutton
Jennie Sutton - 7 years ago
Eats chicken* throws up
minh hoàng
minh hoàng - 7 years ago
How can I become a crab at the beach ?
Dylan - 7 years ago
3:24 the cat only looked at him, that kid is gona grow up to be a total wuss
ST34K - 7 years ago
that girl wasnt scared she just didnt like her dad xD
ST34K - 7 years ago
why the hell is he screaming?
loohlaahj - 7 years ago
The Cryptid Hunter
The Cryptid Hunter - 7 years ago
Get closer to em! Father of the year
Rexin Oridle
Rexin Oridle - 7 years ago
All I see are bunch of pussies.
Moondoggie - 7 years ago
6:31 "Hello children...blaaaaggh"
art BB
art BB - 7 years ago
2:29 DAB !
Chris Pinnell
Chris Pinnell - 7 years ago
2:28 you noticed that the crab invented the DAB!!!
Spoderman Sweg
Spoderman Sweg - 7 years ago
0:16 Bambi 2 THE MOVIE
The Marauder
The Marauder - 7 years ago
Right in between the leaves, hes scare- HWAHHAOOO 4:45
ImaginativeVideos - 7 years ago
that crab got pussie while we are alone watching him.
Социалистическое государство Румыния
Социалистическое государство Румыния - 7 years ago
2:28 Crab does the dab
Garrett Florenzano
Garrett Florenzano - 7 years ago
2:43 the barrier is so fcing small...what if he climbs out or someone falls in
SOKUNKIRY TUBE - 7 years ago
Akiko Melody
Akiko Melody - 7 years ago
I can't stop laughing at the camel hELP ME
Jackson Dill
Jackson Dill - 7 years ago
6:05 stop being a weenie you fat ass.
Angela Provot
Angela Provot - 7 years ago
that was asum
i'm an eagle
i'm an eagle - 7 years ago
I died from laughter at 6:35
DarterGaming - 7 years ago
Guess she got crabs....
Jori Dark Star
Jori Dark Star - 7 years ago
2:25 crab be dabbing
Diana Maria Neata
Diana Maria Neata - 7 years ago
The crab dabbed at 2:29
Univerzion - 7 years ago
I have a rooster at home and my 2 year old cousin wants to go near it so damn bad she loves the shits. Too bad they'd peck her eye out.
Chase Riffe
Chase Riffe - 7 years ago
This is not funny at all...
Phong Khanh Pham
Phong Khanh Pham - 7 years ago
These cows on this video just wanted to feed from the visitors.
TednTin - 7 years ago
5:50 best reaction from Dad
xKateshi - 7 years ago
kids are fffffokin retards
Krystal The Wolf Foxina's girl friend
Krystal The Wolf Foxina's girl friend - 7 years ago
Ventris - 7 years ago
I'm sure these animals love being screamed at
quique valdez
quique valdez - 7 years ago
At 2:28 that crab
Langham Wirayachai
Langham Wirayachai - 7 years ago
Good morning what is this video
Red Gyro
Red Gyro - 7 years ago
0:37 riiisse my army
Philip Tran
Philip Tran - 7 years ago
0:41 that chicken aint one of them
Celeste - 7 years ago
2:26 cha cha real slow..
Sollertia - 7 years ago
charisa bollman
charisa bollman - 7 years ago
it's not a tongue, it's a foot
My life is a lie
My life is a lie - 7 years ago
1:15 swiggity swooty the crab wants the booty
KITTY _ABIGAIL - 7 years ago
Neurolucky - 7 years ago
I find it hilarious when I see someone screaming at something that looks so derpy
Vladimer Doge
Vladimer Doge - 7 years ago
The crab is giving middle finger
Neurolucky - 7 years ago
dark dragon
dark dragon - 7 years ago
5:54 that girl put that crab on her daddy's(maybe) d*** XDXDXD

100. comment for Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals

ashley minceaft Almanzarjf8
ashley minceaft Almanzarjf8 - 7 years ago
cows walk up kid: AHHHHH my food
Catalina Moonson
Catalina Moonson - 7 years ago
2:22 The dabs... IS TAKEN OVER!
Captainumerica - 7 years ago
1:11 Can't blame a crab for trying.
Serenity Moore
Serenity Moore - 7 years ago
its not even funny at all
animallover #wolves
animallover #wolves - 7 years ago
It's always the birds
StatelyOX lenovo
StatelyOX lenovo - 7 years ago
Kids are fuckers and stupid
Chase Riffe
Chase Riffe - 7 years ago
StatelyOX lenovo lmao.
eevee loves you
eevee loves you - 7 years ago
eevee [why abuse from animals]
Zachary Mishara
Zachary Mishara - 7 years ago
How fast can children's faces turn red?
Zachary Mishara
Zachary Mishara - 7 years ago
3:47 OMG
Zachary Mishara
Zachary Mishara - 7 years ago
Classic dog chasing mailman.
Robotic Fox
Robotic Fox - 7 years ago
kids these days they scream for no fricking reason at harmless animals
Robotic Fox
Robotic Fox - 7 years ago
lol the kid ones are fricking priceless
Erica Hicks
Erica Hicks - 7 years ago
5:02 to 5:18 i am dead lol
Sweet&Sour - 7 years ago
2:22 dab boy
Rayquaza Pulse
Rayquaza Pulse - 7 years ago
Scared people is not something to laugh at and here is a example when your scared that your going to die would you have someone laugh at you
Legendary Frikandel
Legendary Frikandel - 7 years ago
4:42, if a lion did that to me I wanted to hug it til my death
Krystallization - 7 years ago
1:04 the reason I HATE babys
Bank Robbery
Bank Robbery - 7 years ago
7:25 if she grow up, will be good singer xD
abraham law
abraham law - 7 years ago
6:30 jurassic park :V :V
SecretSilhouette587 - 7 years ago

Who the hell gets scared of a bison. It's like 50% fluff.
Leeci Ixcol
Leeci Ixcol - 7 years ago
that's Jekyll Island I live there
Maher Benjamin
Maher Benjamin - 7 years ago
Mr crab got the moves on this one
Maher Benjamin
Maher Benjamin - 7 years ago
At 2:41 i was like interior crocodile alligator i drive a chevrolet movie theater
Ezequiel Hernandez
Ezequiel Hernandez - 7 years ago
6:35 .i died of laughter
ITS YO GURL _LOL!!!! - 7 years ago
2:28 the crab was dabbing
DinoHunter444 - 7 years ago
One time I was at my grandparents house and we were gardening and I saw a praying mantis and it LEGIT looked like it was ready to karate chop me in the face.
Victor Guillen
Victor Guillen - 7 years ago
2:25 dancing crab
Deadrift420 - 7 years ago
1:14 that crab was go’n get some a dat ass
ChuuMagma - 7 years ago
1:54 why it's dick out
Rockoll - 7 years ago
kick the fuckers
Carlos Andrade
Carlos Andrade - 7 years ago
4:08 cm on its dead
Lps Dakota
Lps Dakota - 7 years ago
2:13 I love the ending
CRS - 7 years ago
4:19 everyone gonna ignore that naked kid there?
Angela Davis
Angela Davis - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha
Myrna Sanchez
Myrna Sanchez - 7 years ago
Yoshi's Gaming Channel 756
Yoshi's Gaming Channel 756 - 7 years ago
2:28 do DA CRAB DAB
Jane MightyRock
Jane MightyRock - 7 years ago
2:27 he's dabbing
Anis The Gun Lord
Anis The Gun Lord - 7 years ago
2:30 Did the crab just dabbed?
BTS A.R.M.Y Breya
BTS A.R.M.Y Breya - 7 years ago
This is great
L Graham
L Graham - 7 years ago
3:05 animal came and ate the kids food
White Horse
White Horse - 7 years ago
They say animal are dumb but at 6:01 you will see that girl is dropping that crab on to her father's ball
Eric Forness
Eric Forness - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ! Growing men screaming like little girls cause a reptiles on you, Grow the fuck up. Not to mention kids freaking out over something as harmless as a duck and potentially killing the poor animal cause their parent's couldn't teach their kid some self control.
Troll Tube
Troll Tube - 7 years ago
6:00 I think i peed on me a little
ThIceCreamEmerald YT
ThIceCreamEmerald YT - 7 years ago
2.30 crab dab
Gabi Naparty
Gabi Naparty - 7 years ago
Just smile
Just smile - 7 years ago
Gabi Naparty hi, welcome to our channel. Wwe post epic fails, funny videos and cute pets. Subscribe!
DAVPRO - Gaming&Animations
DAVPRO - Gaming&Animations - 7 years ago
1:45 my phone fell on the phone... now you give me 500$ i dont want a broken screen, and i dont want to repair it! JUST KIDDING MY PHONE DIDNT BROKE BUT IT FELL ON THE FROOL BECAUSE I WAS SO SCARED AND I ALMOST DIED WHEN HE JUMPED
Ros'Zairi RoME
Ros'Zairi RoME - 7 years ago
5:34 everybody do the flop
gavin gamer
gavin gamer - 7 years ago
0:42 Please tell me I wasn’t the only one that was reminded of Pikmin.
Isabella Puente
Isabella Puente - 7 years ago
The animal was like when he got a kiss he was
Sugarcoat Swirl
Sugarcoat Swirl - 7 years ago
Llama:Oh look food
Ostrich/Emu?:Oh hay bro is dat food?
unrolls window
rolls up window
Anna: Okay bye....
Ashley Langford
Ashley Langford - 7 years ago
2:13 the dab crab
Just smile
Just smile - 7 years ago
Ashley Langford hi, welcome to our channel. Wwe post epic fails, funny videos and cute pets. Subscribe!
Donatas Pliura
Donatas Pliura - 7 years ago
2:25 why does he dab!!!!???
Donatas Pliura
Donatas Pliura - 7 years ago
I want to see Bembi. why? Cuz i just read that book
lee otoole
lee otoole - 7 years ago
2:28 dab protection
Zach Bremer
Zach Bremer - 7 years ago
Lizards have little rows of teeth. Idiot
Marek Marek
Marek Marek - 7 years ago
3.53 dance
Ostatni Samuraj
Ostatni Samuraj - 7 years ago
The second one, hmm... This delicious crying sound :)
Johnny Ngo
Johnny Ngo - 7 years ago
I see the crab dab
In the water
April Sandoval
April Sandoval - 7 years ago
6:38 got me dead XD
Devil V.
Devil V. - 7 years ago
1:24 I cant
Kinxy K Lou
Kinxy K Lou - 7 years ago
I'm 16 and never seen a yellow duck in person
GABRIEL NORD - 7 years ago
2:22, TOO MANY DABS BRUU!!!!!!
Science@pproved - 7 years ago
Santiago González
Santiago González - 7 years ago
1:20 that crab kows wher'es at :3.
Just smile
Just smile - 7 years ago
Santiago González hi, welcome to our channel. Wwe post epic fails, funny videos and cute pets. Subscribe!
Sophie Rachel
Sophie Rachel - 7 years ago
I would be ok with ducks and their baby’s chasing me
A_ Tree
A_ Tree - 7 years ago
I'm so sick of people saying that clams have mouths and tongues. THEY DON'T
xXGameNeoPROXx - 7 years ago
0:16 WHOA
Magi May
Magi May - 7 years ago
these kids are such pussies. -_- (i'm probably gonna hate. i can tell lol)
crafty gamingboy
crafty gamingboy - 7 years ago
Crab what's dabbing
illegal eagle
illegal eagle - 7 years ago
army of ducklings, MARCH FORWARD!!!
Qwerty - 7 years ago
I love it when kids grow up and don't cry over literally everything. I have experienced this great time with relatives of mine. For me, crying kids is one of the most annoying sounds in the world :/
Ralph Vermolen
Ralph Vermolen - 7 years ago
0:53 I kind of understand this dude.
Sean's Myth
Sean's Myth - 7 years ago
8:17 Hitchcock would be PROUD.
marshmallowbudgie - 7 years ago
8:58 "They're not gonna BITE you, they have no teeth, DAD" gets bit
Daniel Wright
Daniel Wright - 7 years ago
Crab dab
Just smile
Just smile - 7 years ago
Daniel Wright hi, welcome to our channel. Wwe post epic fails, funny videos and cute pets. Subscribe!
Chimi Changas
Chimi Changas - 7 years ago
nice ass tho
Vladus Game
Vladus Game - 7 years ago
Jackson402Playz - 7 years ago
6:03 those two kids go to my school
SageSnowLeapordXOX - 7 years ago
that moment when you realise the lion didn't want a hug.
Renee Rios
Renee Rios - 7 years ago
When I was 7 or 8 I went to a park with bread to feed the ducks.I was feeding them and then gooses come up.The gooses run towards me and I run crying throwing ,crumbled bread everywhere, screaming as I jump into my car
MLP CP - 7 years ago
Now I need to change my pants XD
Ste_rn Isn't here
Ste_rn Isn't here - 7 years ago
I forgot I wasn't on the tooth pull-out one
SABONBON & KHAI - 7 years ago
Was that blue crab dabbing
Mat S
Mat S - 7 years ago
haha, Kids are idiots by default..
frank cheng
frank cheng - 7 years ago
RougeCoyote - 7 years ago
12 year old crying
Marina octoling
Marina octoling - 7 years ago
1:47 thank me later
JiggiEH WIGGEH ITS GIBBEH - 7 years ago
Funniest Animals Scaring People Reactions of 2016 Weekly Compilation | Kyoot Animals
Bob Poaster
Bob Poaster - 7 years ago
55 seconds, This is exactly how good dogs get shot. Dog is obviously a happy dog trying to play and is pervieved as dangerous. Their should be a law that a dog cannot be shot unless it has actually attacked. If cops don't like it, don't sign up to be a cop.
woop - 7 years ago
8:28 get out-sassed
DJBURBZ - 7 years ago
Crab Dab
noah kelly
noah kelly - 7 years ago
Make a new video top 10 reasons not to have a child 1 they fucking scream 24/7
Collie Moon
Collie Moon - 7 years ago
I shit myself when that Squirrel came at the camera lmao
Monika Brown
Monika Brown - 7 years ago
What the what
Tabatha goodwin
Tabatha goodwin - 7 years ago
( . )_( . )
Nathan Robinson
Nathan Robinson - 7 years ago
2:20 when you do a 360 no scope in call of duty
Jonathan 0608
Jonathan 0608 - 7 years ago
Why are the people in the cars afraid of the cows it's not like they can hurt you they know you have food for them
Ella Fitzsimons
Ella Fitzsimons - 7 years ago
Girl chucked lobbester at dad
RedRokiRumba - 7 years ago
this is basically stupid little kids and adults getting scared by funny animals... AWESOME!
Gwyneth White
Gwyneth White - 7 years ago
A lot of these people were really hurting some of the animals...
South Snowy
South Snowy - 7 years ago
6:07 aww what's the matter pussy boy?
Alexander Nørby
Alexander Nørby - 7 years ago
god i hate little kids :D
LiamSMod ROBLOX Gaming
LiamSMod ROBLOX Gaming - 7 years ago
AnaqiTube TV
AnaqiTube TV - 7 years ago
0:21 what it feels like to be the biggest noob in Pokemon GO
Nolan Zutrauen
Nolan Zutrauen - 7 years ago
kids are such fucking pussies.... seriously I was elated when I caught my first fish! And I was 6!
Carlos Andrade
Carlos Andrade - 7 years ago
1:12 I know what you were looking at
RetroMarineX13 - 7 years ago
The only one I refuse to laugh it, was that damned pelican. I relate
Seyter - 7 years ago
1:50 im a hude
Justin Padlo
Justin Padlo - 7 years ago
oh man 6:38 had me dying...fucking buffalo man.
Korben Boardman
Korben Boardman - 7 years ago
Of the people liked it office tell them at the stupid little daughters and sons
PlasticFruit The Whack Shack Man
PlasticFruit The Whack Shack Man - 7 years ago
3:05 Where the pussy at?
Music Girl Eleri
Music Girl Eleri - 7 years ago
6:35 I CAN’T
AnimeShallow - 7 years ago
3:55 thrusting mantis
AnimeShallow - 7 years ago
2:27 crab does the salsa
Gloria Mangold
Gloria Mangold - 7 years ago
a feel like a LOT of those people were scared because they were teasing some of the animals
smile guy 666 to die
smile guy 666 to die - 7 years ago
in 9:06 that falling lizard fall sound
Cringy Songs Community
Cringy Songs Community - 7 years ago
8:39 when i think i finish the game but then theres a boss with 3000 hp
Dylan Nguyen
Dylan Nguyen - 7 years ago
2:22 the crab was dabbing lol
Ignacio Garro
Ignacio Garro - 7 years ago
2:27 dab on the haters
DryLands People66
DryLands People66 - 7 years ago
5:11 she ran faster than flash
Legolai - 7 years ago
2:30 looks like the crab has mastered Kung fu and shit
Larry The beast
Larry The beast - 7 years ago
The ostrich is like who the.f is this person right beside me
Larry The beast
Larry The beast - 7 years ago
It's a 2:55 he's like I want some
Maribel Cunanan
Maribel Cunanan - 7 years ago
Larry The beast
Larry The beast - 7 years ago
At 2:25 was the crab dabbing
Sox and baby maw
Sox and baby maw - 7 years ago
Edit: 6:36 wtf?
Jordy Ana
Jordy Ana - 7 years ago
That guttural scream at 4:05.... damn
BubbleGum _ Kitty
BubbleGum _ Kitty - 7 years ago
The crab was doing the Dab under water
Fizzy Boy
Fizzy Boy - 7 years ago
Fizzy Boy
Fizzy Boy - 7 years ago
2:43 terrified me :\
Fizzy Boy
Fizzy Boy - 7 years ago
CallMeKes - 7 years ago
Parents: If your CHILD is SOBBING HYSTERICALLY do something, don't laugh. It's not funny. Your child looks to you for protection from their fears. This can leave a lasting scar of a terrifying animal and their only shield to terror laughing at them.
Scott Short
Scott Short - 7 years ago
2:25 the amazing dabbing crab
Jason Henderson
Jason Henderson - 7 years ago
If your parents are there kids then its OK
xTurn mausix
xTurn mausix - 7 years ago
Amanda - 7 years ago
god people are so fucking stupid
Typhlo9797 - 7 years ago
someone please make a video with the roblox Death sound with the kid at 5:32... it would absolutely kill me lmao.
怠惰なお尻 Haku da kitten
怠惰なお尻 Haku da kitten - 7 years ago
2:22 dat dab tho
Haunted - 7 years ago
The Giraffe at the end was so cute :D
Martijn Klippel
Martijn Klippel - 7 years ago
2:28 the crab was dabbing
Viale - 7 years ago
Cloaker - 7 years ago
2:25 he is dabing!
Sunshine Kattt123
Sunshine Kattt123 - 7 years ago
2:30 that crab just dabbed
Luke Campbell
Luke Campbell - 7 years ago
2:25 crab is dabbing tho?
Joe Chen
Joe Chen - 7 years ago
. ________
( ______ )
((((. ))))
Poiichy - 7 years ago
oh my god ..
i hate kids ..
TheSpinySnake 101
TheSpinySnake 101 - 7 years ago
Omg poor lizard! People should learn to control themselves when their scared, instead of slamming the animal down onto the pavement!
Galaxy Spirals
Galaxy Spirals - 7 years ago

Do you feel it now mr krabs?
Marisol Rodriguez
Marisol Rodriguez - 7 years ago
They're all scared cats
Ryan Klee
Ryan Klee - 7 years ago
Sadly i can tell that most people scream unessecairly.
Anael - 7 years ago
6:35 horror movie scene
Simone Stevenson
Simone Stevenson - 7 years ago
2:46 craig can you stop biting the camera
SubparDragoon - 7 years ago
5:01 father of the fucking year.
Caught by Blayze
Caught by Blayze - 7 years ago
1:22 the amazing dabbing crab
Caught by Blayze
Caught by Blayze - 7 years ago
1:14 crab having a great time
Theresa McQueen
Theresa McQueen - 7 years ago
This sux!!
CreepahBoom YT
CreepahBoom YT - 7 years ago
Idiotic Kids crying cuz of FUCKING BIRDS!!!!
Aza ral
Aza ral - 7 years ago
I liked the kid holding onto the crab that dropped it in the guys lap
Psychotic_BearGirl Taber
Psychotic_BearGirl Taber - 7 years ago
what it means to be a parent. Laughing at your scared children
Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin - 7 years ago
Jade manson
Jade manson - 7 years ago
I'm really sick and tired of this dab shit this generation sucks major ass.
Kappa Kappa
Kappa Kappa - 7 years ago
5:09 LMFAO
PengTeng y4 Gtfo of my channel
PengTeng y4 Gtfo of my channel - 7 years ago
0:53 typical lol
Mel Rihani
Mel Rihani - 7 years ago
The crab dabed
Leemireon Grace
Leemireon Grace - 7 years ago
J Ken Hanes
J Ken Hanes - 7 years ago
9:40 look @ her face
the blootz
the blootz - 7 years ago
2:26 DAB
Hunter Frownfelter
Hunter Frownfelter - 7 years ago
Hunter Frownfelter
Hunter Frownfelter - 7 years ago
That is all I have to say.
Penguin Dash
Penguin Dash - 7 years ago
The dancing duck XD
Almighty Octopus
Almighty Octopus - 7 years ago
What a pussy.
Nunu - 7 years ago
Behrouz Jazizadeh
Behrouz Jazizadeh - 7 years ago
lmao the kid at 6:10 , the way he just starts weeping is hilarious
E Emoji
E Emoji - 7 years ago
Thumbnail 1:54
yolo 4 ever
yolo 4 ever - 7 years ago
2:17 oh yeah Mr crabs!!!!!
sylveon darkness
sylveon darkness - 7 years ago
at the bird feeding one i have done that before
one X
one X - 7 years ago
5:11 I know I shouldn't have been laughing but omg what a great dad
LamiaafrinVevo - 7 years ago
I don't know why people love animals.....jist stupid. I hate animals without birds
coo kie
coo kie - 7 years ago
Bugs are cool
jmhadahorse - 7 years ago
This is mostly kids getting scared, not people.
Fauzan Shakir
Fauzan Shakir - 7 years ago
Omfg 1.50 was the cringiest+disgusting= almost vomited ouh f***
WatermelonVlogs - 7 years ago
Don’t go up to sea life creatures please they need their own personal space like you need yours
WatermelonVlogs - 7 years ago
9:05 that must of Hurt poor lizard
20 fadhil's Long lost Brother
20 fadhil's Long lost Brother - 7 years ago
Kid:Hi Animal
Animal stands up
Shannon Hughes
Shannon Hughes - 7 years ago
6:02 I guess no more baby making
JustMe215 - 7 years ago
Folks do not approach wild sea lions on the beach please
Nova Star
Nova Star - 7 years ago
0:35 ATACK DUCKIES!!!! they would feed us more if we say they my ducks, XDXDXD
Anime Legend
Anime Legend - 7 years ago
2:28 Crab Dab
Lana Plays
Lana Plays - 7 years ago
5:38 - 5:49
The Everything Sisters!
The Everything Sisters! - 7 years ago
0:37 sooooooooo cute
Vanilla Gaming
Vanilla Gaming - 7 years ago
Vanilla Gaming
Vanilla Gaming - 7 years ago
dat ass doe
Cross Fire
Cross Fire - 7 years ago
Mailmen should be armed against dogs.
Shadow Zip
Shadow Zip - 7 years ago
The blue crab was dabing
Vicky - 7 years ago
lol did his dad do a shoulderthrow on a small animal like that? 9:00
Ellen B
Ellen B - 7 years ago
The dad at 5:08 yelling at his kid to get closer to the geese is 100% something my dad would do
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 7 years ago
gotta love some of these. also you put a camera in front of an alligator, what did you expect?
Deal with it
Deal with it - 7 years ago
The poor animals though. The people are taunting them and getting near them and scaring them
gabriella ponce
gabriella ponce - 7 years ago
Not me agent borkbork
Alien Gaming
Alien Gaming - 7 years ago
This vid gave me sanity
ShawnyYT - 7 years ago
4:22 look at lil man face
random shit
random shit - 7 years ago
6:02 Lmfao
British Gamer Fan
British Gamer Fan - 7 years ago
2:25 Is that crab gonna register itself for Dancing with the Stars or something?
Talas Bananas
Talas Bananas - 7 years ago
6:26 is my favourite!!!
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer - 7 years ago
OGATA - 7 years ago
from what i saw Americans are the most loudest animals ..:P
Linus Huter
Linus Huter - 7 years ago
5:03 HAHA!
Hemara Nicholls
Hemara Nicholls - 7 years ago
7:26 was so cute
Lurdes Dajti
Lurdes Dajti - 7 years ago
the cow made me laugh
Charlie W
Charlie W - 7 years ago
it's sad how people are so often so disconnected from nature that an animal that's harmless and less than half their size still terrifies grown adults.. the last thing kids need is adults screaming over a harmless animal, its just teaching kids irrational fear when we should be promoting being nice and caring for animals, not acting as if every animal is some sort of monsterous killing machine. nah that's the humans more often than not.
Nootmare likes Mettaton.
Nootmare likes Mettaton. - 7 years ago
Ninfa Mauricio
Ninfa Mauricio - 7 years ago
egg - 7 years ago
0:00 i found dolan dark
Rena Frost
Rena Frost - 7 years ago
5:00 that hairline tho
Joshua Skains
Joshua Skains - 7 years ago
In some Sade’s the animals are getting hurt because people are putting them in horrible situations. :/
Arman Baghgedjian
Arman Baghgedjian - 7 years ago
lol I have been scared by a dog and fish to
Janet Jane
Janet Jane - 7 years ago
What's with the parents and their stupid clueless kids
Elizabeth Leiva
Elizabeth Leiva - 7 years ago
Alerta ⚠ 2:44
TheSplashGamer YT
TheSplashGamer YT - 7 years ago
9:18 lol
TheSplashGamer YT
TheSplashGamer YT - 7 years ago
Luke Christensen
Luke Christensen - 7 years ago
The krabs strike back
Luke Christensen
Luke Christensen - 7 years ago
Gandalf The Grey and Great Wizard
Gandalf The Grey and Great Wizard - 7 years ago
7:41 how do you step on a fucking seal.
Hey Itz Leanne
Hey Itz Leanne - 7 years ago
The duck army at 0:36 had me laughing so much I cried and my dad came in my room and had to ask if I'm ok
Carol Ann Zilla
Carol Ann Zilla - 7 years ago
Poor fish... :( .....
Sutton watson
Sutton watson - 7 years ago
Do not mess with seas they are killing machines
Raymund Jaromahum
Raymund Jaromahum - 7 years ago
At 6:35 it was so funny
Wyatt Waters
Wyatt Waters - 7 years ago
Jana Cosic
Jana Cosic - 7 years ago
Fuck lil' kids I hate it
Jana Cosic
Jana Cosic - 7 years ago
2:29 dab bruh
dis girl cute cute
dis girl cute cute - 7 years ago
3:03 hungry cow
Mintu - 7 years ago
2:43 best part :D
Richard Schneider
Richard Schneider - 7 years ago
Finally, animals evening the score.
sagephil - 7 years ago
What a massacre.
Kyan Willard
Kyan Willard - 7 years ago
I was watching the bare clip thinking “they do know bears can climb”lol
hello out of face please
hello out of face please - 7 years ago
You want kissy kissy... UUUUUUUUUGGGHHHH
DMGgaming - 7 years ago
Dorenda Chee
Dorenda Chee - 7 years ago
This is a vid on animals getting revenge
ONIII SAMA - 7 years ago
90% crap dap
5% secearm
5% other
Grizzly Pear
Grizzly Pear - 7 years ago
Duck army
xander Ian
xander Ian - 7 years ago
I love ducks and i love Crabs too.... that Crab dabs
cookiegamerYT cookie
cookiegamerYT cookie - 7 years ago
(Duck) feed me some fuk
Khilaraj Ojha
Khilaraj Ojha - 7 years ago
In 2:18 I almost jumped.
Pixel Gamer
Pixel Gamer - 7 years ago
Crab look like dabbing
BrooklynNine-ninelovers - 7 years ago
5:14 I was so scared she was going to fall in the water
Philipp Kreuzer
Philipp Kreuzer - 7 years ago
1:53 This is his foot or leg
The Hip hopping cat
The Hip hopping cat - 7 years ago
Duck tales your little kids are afraid
Mária Flaisz
Mária Flaisz - 7 years ago
Mi lett a tökévél
Snail Empire
Snail Empire - 7 years ago
Much funnier than tiger productions.
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia - 7 years ago
The crab is DABBING
Dee Wilson
Dee Wilson - 7 years ago
I woulda fried that chicken if he pecked my baby! Fried chicken, duck too..
Jasper Childs
Jasper Childs - 7 years ago
The dab crab.
Jediab - 7 years ago
Lady got got french kissed by a giraffe
The Amazing Hunte
The Amazing Hunte - 7 years ago
was the praying mantis DANCING at 3:53-4:05
Ognjen Drapic
Ognjen Drapic - 7 years ago
Kids are funny
Chad Ynzo Rahman
Chad Ynzo Rahman - 7 years ago
what is this kid or people
fox b5
fox b5 - 7 years ago
C9 Cummies
C9 Cummies - 7 years ago
That crab was just looking for a little ass...shiiii
Vuruca Salt
Vuruca Salt - 7 years ago
Eliana Pop
Eliana Pop - 7 years ago
Most of these are just animals being abusive
Gallimaufry - 7 years ago
2:27 dab on them haters
john s
john s - 7 years ago
Love the happiness and laughter. Wish life was always so simple.
ServiceDogs Supporter333
ServiceDogs Supporter333 - 7 years ago
Dat crabs dabs though..

Ey that rhymed a bit
Seth Umeda
Seth Umeda - 7 years ago
cute eyes kitten
cute eyes kitten - 7 years ago
My sister has Quackophobia. Ruby Danger: AAAAAA DUCKIES!!!!! 0:39
Gods Child
Gods Child - 7 years ago
4:20 STFU
Nil Lara T
Nil Lara T - 7 years ago
İ Love to see kids scared
elishaandy - 7 years ago
0:32 that's me when I'm mad
Funny states
Funny states - 7 years ago
Mirjana Grujic
Mirjana Grujic - 7 years ago
ju fak
angryemperor 811
angryemperor 811 - 7 years ago
0:24 that baby screamed XD
Galaxy Art
Galaxy Art - 7 years ago
5:12 GOOD! that girl should be chased fucking idiot!
Galaxy Art
Galaxy Art - 7 years ago
stupid kids they shouldn't scream at animals >:#
Derbi Xtreme R
Derbi Xtreme R - 7 years ago
9:25 look its donald trump
im number one/FrogBoss404 ariaza
im number one/FrogBoss404 ariaza - 7 years ago
One of the crabs was dabing
EricTGK - 7 years ago
These are mostly kids
Jazmin Gutierrez
Jazmin Gutierrez - 7 years ago
crab dab
DerpyLlamaz - 7 years ago
8:14 That kid its latterly me xD
NathanComix Productions
NathanComix Productions - 7 years ago
nathalie 2928
nathalie 2928 - 7 years ago
3:58 favorite part XDDD
kevin hugman
kevin hugman - 7 years ago
The crab was dabbing
Chris Rodriguez
Chris Rodriguez - 7 years ago
The crab on 2:33 was dabbing
ToxicToucher - 7 years ago
5:38 aaaaaaaaaaaawwww
ToxicToucher - 7 years ago
2:44 "Got ya"
Joshua Cruz
Joshua Cruz - 7 years ago
I was deinking water while I saw the one of 8:55 and when the dad drops it with the slap sound made I choke so bad xd
Olivia Speed
Olivia Speed - 7 years ago
2:29 his only dabbing
Dengineer - 7 years ago
Yo that praying mantis got some moves
Zoren _846
Zoren _846 - 7 years ago
Poor crabs
Ignacio Tapia
Ignacio Tapia - 7 years ago
4:04 I'M DEAD
Nova Nexus
Nova Nexus - 7 years ago
rebecca stefan
rebecca stefan - 7 years ago
3:59 I died
Simone Panzariello
Simone Panzariello - 7 years ago
It's Funneh Fan's Squad I Lobe Mine craft
It's Funneh Fan's Squad I Lobe Mine craft - 7 years ago
HonMi Bunny
HonMi Bunny - 7 years ago
That poor baby deer
Info-Chan :3
Info-Chan :3 - 7 years ago
4.05 kung fu pandaaaaaaaaa
ThisisMyaccount - 7 years ago
When all it wanted was a big kiss 6:35 .... and with 9:15
KC Obi
KC Obi - 7 years ago
This made me cry in laughter
Just Gamin
Just Gamin - 7 years ago
TheAnimeNinja Aka: Night slasher
TheAnimeNinja Aka: Night slasher - 7 years ago
2:09 I feel bad for him.
TheAnimeNinja Aka: Night slasher
TheAnimeNinja Aka: Night slasher - 7 years ago
The 3rd one!
Jepri Andronicus
Jepri Andronicus - 7 years ago
9:06 How to properly defeat a reptile
WhitefangPersonThingy 1875
WhitefangPersonThingy 1875 - 7 years ago
When your CoC base loot is too tempting
Presly Hope
Presly Hope - 7 years ago
0:11 when someone mentions Monday morning
Eliana Coriat
Eliana Coriat - 7 years ago
In minute 7:37 that wasnt funny that was sad, how people just laughs intead of helping that Sealion. It borke my heart when i saw how cruelty was what they did.
Malcolm - 7 years ago
6:30 was all like, "Humans! Mraaaaaaaaaaw!!!"
Karrington Adams
Karrington Adams - 7 years ago
Why was 2016 so funny?!
Jack Runge
Jack Runge - 7 years ago
5:19 du du du du du
Purple FoxGirl
Purple FoxGirl - 7 years ago
tiny ducks yay!
Potato Person
Potato Person - 7 years ago
2:31 The crab was dabbing
Millie Galaxy
Millie Galaxy - 7 years ago
Potato Person
It was trying to scare him/her
Animals don't know what dab is
Lucille Umang
Lucille Umang - 7 years ago
Lol agent Borkbork LoL I would like to be chased by one to
Lazy Llama
Lazy Llama - 7 years ago
babys and todlers get scared so bad and its so funny
SparkyOple52 - 7 years ago
9:21 this... Is.... Sparta!!!!!!
SparkyOple52 - 7 years ago
2:22 a crab dabs
SparkyOple52 - 7 years ago
1:12 mr krabz has risen
SparkyOple52 - 7 years ago
0:37 that's a lotta babies man
PH3NOM3NAL - 7 years ago
2:20 that crab is legit dabbing
Tiernan Duffy
Tiernan Duffy - 7 years ago
That group of ducks looked so funny
*Gamer Rose PH*
*Gamer Rose PH* - 7 years ago
2:17 scared me
albert - 7 years ago
1:22 im a crab
icelike wow
icelike wow - 7 years ago

Others: CRAP RUN

Me: Better than opera

Me: 4:05 dancing piece of grass?
Brody Nicholson
Brody Nicholson - 7 years ago
5:13 what a horrible father. I've seen geese kill children her age
Gothic4life 101
Gothic4life 101 - 7 years ago
lol the mantus looks like as if its dancibg XD
ApoloPlays AndMore
ApoloPlays AndMore - 7 years ago
The dabbing crab has return
And why are people scared of a cow licking the window
I love ducklimgs chasing me
The Hip hopping cat
The Hip hopping cat - 7 years ago
Dat crab is singing
TheNetherKing666 - 7 years ago
00:56 'Run'
Oli Marie
Oli Marie - 7 years ago
Lmao that baby deer was sooooo cute
KillSwitch Infinite God gamer
KillSwitch Infinite God gamer - 7 years ago
They chaseing you that's the cutest thing I have ever seen baby ducks chasing a little girl
Cyanide Paws
Cyanide Paws - 7 years ago
3:35 pussy....
Daegan Bennett
Daegan Bennett - 7 years ago
Yoran - 7 years ago
5:11 RUNNNN! he's going to kill me
Caleigha Barnes
Caleigha Barnes - 7 years ago
2:26 anyone else realize the crab was dabbing lol he a ninja lol anyone wanna agree that this video is a try not to flinch
kelly grace ip
kelly grace ip - 7 years ago
These parents are just laughing?? This is not funny at all!!!
Maurissa Slaughter
Maurissa Slaughter - 7 years ago
kelly grace ip then why r u watching
dragon slayer ornstein
dragon slayer ornstein - 7 years ago
It actuliy is
Just a LIT human being .-.
Just a LIT human being .-. - 7 years ago
Zane_Zkill 2
Zane_Zkill 2 - 7 years ago
2:28 - the crab be like
"Lets dance! Look at my arms..this is a sign of dancing!"
Johnpaul Mahilom
Johnpaul Mahilom - 7 years ago
Ha Gay!!!
Starlight - 7 years ago
ObliviousVoid GD
ObliviousVoid GD - 7 years ago
Luna Wolf
Luna Wolf - 7 years ago
2:20 when Your own food can dab better than u
Toxicpanda73 4
Toxicpanda73 4 - 7 years ago
3:45 when you’re condom snaps
slime Master
slime Master - 7 years ago
At 8:55 it spunds like a popular kid at my school
Kirby - 7 years ago
Why are they afraid like a black bear is bad but a cow a ox DUCKS!
Tristian Casper
Tristian Casper - 7 years ago
Dab crab
XxMinecraftGirlxX 123
XxMinecraftGirlxX 123 - 7 years ago
Dabbing crab 2:27
funtime foxy
funtime foxy - 7 years ago
2:20 crab dab
OblaDiOblaDa - 7 years ago
This video should be called 'Animals Doing Nothing Wrong and Lots of Irritating Children Screeching Like Dicks'
OblaDiOblaDa - 7 years ago
Humans are such dicks.
nunyabiznes nunyabiznes
nunyabiznes nunyabiznes - 7 years ago
I just about busted out laughing HARD at the Bison 6:37
The Shadow
The Shadow - 7 years ago
2:29 DAB
xLunarEchox or Natalie Green
xLunarEchox or Natalie Green - 7 years ago
I'm sorry, this is not funny. This is animal abuse.
average osumania
average osumania - 7 years ago
ducks just plain dont give a fuck
OMG LPS Alisya
OMG LPS Alisya - 7 years ago
The crab that was in the water it looks like it has dancing skills
Sindy Sáenz
Sindy Sáenz - 7 years ago
La niña de vestido azul es miedosa y una pendeja
NinjaRaccoon - 7 years ago
Kitsunemura - 7 years ago
0:40 OMG these one yellow duck and the other are all brown so cute.
hulk_garage_GREECE - 7 years ago
2:28 Dab crab!!! Aaahahahahaha
Alan Garcia
Alan Garcia - 7 years ago
At 2 minutes and 21 seconds when it showed the crab he was dabbing on them haters
Lilac Pigeon
Lilac Pigeon - 7 years ago
lol i died so hard, thinking 'wtf' but yet I'm the one scared of a pea-sized ant in a mason jar. haha lol.
Lilac Pigeon
Lilac Pigeon - 7 years ago
The most horrible thing I personally experienced is when me and my friends went to an animal farm sort of drive thru , where you drove through wild animal habitats, so to speak. A giraffe stuck it's head in our vintage geep, and we all laughed and screamed, but suddenly my friend shut the window, nearly choking the giraffe. I died. Never spoke to her again.
TRIGGERED - 7 years ago
id really love be eaten by a crocodile
Agustín Medina
Agustín Medina - 7 years ago
2:28 <3
Moon Glitz
Moon Glitz - 7 years ago
4:48 what is that
Alexutz45321 - 7 years ago
0:40 the ducks are invading the garden!!!
Jeannyia PlaZ
Jeannyia PlaZ - 7 years ago
I hate children this days I would not scream at a gator problem Otis i will pat it
bxby .unixcorn
bxby .unixcorn - 7 years ago
2:29 lol the crab was dabbing
GRIZZ - 7 years ago
6:36 me trying to flirt like
anthony95777 roblox fun
anthony95777 roblox fun - 7 years ago
That crab dabed
IT'S Penelope
IT'S Penelope - 7 years ago
Ok the One With The Guy Picking at A Crab underwater the crab was litterly Dabbing
AidanTube //AidanTubeTheAwesome
AidanTube //AidanTubeTheAwesome - 7 years ago
6:03 I would have killed that girl omg
AidanTube //AidanTubeTheAwesome
AidanTube //AidanTubeTheAwesome - 7 years ago
Why do kids get scared of nothing there called "animals"
Banana king
Banana king - 7 years ago
2:24 dab
murad lol
murad lol - 7 years ago
6:00 pinched at the Dick
XxX_MLG_Noscoped_XxX - 7 years ago
Go Watch at 10:04
xTsunamiii Chan
xTsunamiii Chan - 7 years ago
2:23 Dabbing crab
Barcelona FC
Barcelona FC - 7 years ago
New species of crabs...the DAB crab...
Madelyne Dominguez
Madelyne Dominguez - 7 years ago
it loked like the crab was dabing lol
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
8:02 dont fuck with the bear!
Nintendo Gamer
Nintendo Gamer - 7 years ago
6:48 dog does nothing
Cameron Butler
Cameron Butler - 7 years ago
omg 1:06
Daira Sanchez
Daira Sanchez - 7 years ago
9:38 when u get ur first kiss haha
Peter Piper's Pickles
Peter Piper's Pickles - 7 years ago
2:28 that crab was flexing
Robert Lawrence
Robert Lawrence - 7 years ago
yo i hate igas
Aalijah Peninigton
Aalijah Peninigton - 7 years ago
starlord1 - 7 years ago
only kids
MrTaurenshaman - 7 years ago
David Attenborough is right, our species is awful, it's hubris is why so many species goes extinct
MT momo
MT momo - 7 years ago
That crab was dabbing Lol
Gemgame - 7 years ago
erin. pøtato
erin. pøtato - 7 years ago
At 5:01 is straight up chicken butt
JustBeingMe - 7 years ago
You wanna kissy kissy.
Adriana Farias
Adriana Farias - 7 years ago
4;18 what
Uneedsumbleach Iwudluvsumbleach
Uneedsumbleach Iwudluvsumbleach - 7 years ago
3:56 that thing got on my arm and then just ststarted crawling so fast I almost fainted I screamed so loud
Mr. Meeseeks
Mr. Meeseeks - 7 years ago
The little girl in the second one was stupid anyways for scaring the baby deer and so was the parent for letting her walk up to it
Jake Baker
Jake Baker - 7 years ago
6:50 is thar go bwah girl
Llama McCorn
Llama McCorn - 7 years ago
2:28 a crab doing the dab XD
John Pagayonan
John Pagayonan - 7 years ago
2:29 the crab dab
John Pagayonan
John Pagayonan - 7 years ago
2:29 the crab dab
Borga - 7 years ago
At the 1:50 mark is that a clam or is it one of those wierd, deadly worm things that hide in shells?
Mr Stronk Sekret boi Asian
Mr Stronk Sekret boi Asian - 7 years ago
2:29 dabcrab
Ronnie Hardy
Ronnie Hardy - 7 years ago
They ain't apart of bird gang
Devi Prasad B
Devi Prasad B - 7 years ago
Everyone here on comment section are overreacting as if they never tried to interact with animals
3shre Al 3shre
3shre Al 3shre - 7 years ago
4:18 her brother: wtf just happened
3shre Al 3shre
3shre Al 3shre - 7 years ago
3shre Al 3shre
3shre Al 3shre - 7 years ago
Here comes the dab 2:26
FallShot 9
FallShot 9 - 7 years ago
2:20 i didnt know mr krabs can dab
Kimberly Sanchez
Kimberly Sanchez - 7 years ago
The praying mantis was just dancing until it jumped on the girl

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