Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

Brand new weekly theme compilation featuring hilarious home videos of the cutest kids versus the funniest pets and animals. Check out more Funny Animal videos ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids sentiment_very_dissatisfied 383

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 914,680 views

Brand new weekly theme compilation featuring hilarious home videos of the cutest kids versus the funniest pets and animals. Check out more Funny Animal videos ► SUBSCRIBE TO KYOOT!: Watch More Animal Videos at: Like us on FACEBOOK: Kyoot delivers your daily fix of LOL pet clips and premium original shows for animal lovers of all ages. Come visit us to see all of your favorite animal moments both old and new! For all licensing inquiries please contact: info(at)homevideolicensing(dot)com

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Most popular comments
for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

carlos vela
carlos vela - 7 years ago
MattGarZero - 7 years ago
Love watching suburb kids getting REKT by chickens.
Vuk Mirković
Vuk Mirković - 7 years ago
I was attacked by a pigeon in Venice.
Jaiden Adams
Jaiden Adams - 7 years ago
5:29 LINOS
Jaiden Adams
Jaiden Adams - 7 years ago
5:30 LINOS
Tera Johnson
Tera Johnson - 7 years ago
8:48-Nice house, NOT.
MegaCrushMonster Truck
MegaCrushMonster Truck - 7 years ago
If it was me I would just play with them lol
Jaiden Adams
Jaiden Adams - 7 years ago
Jaiden Adams
Jaiden Adams - 7 years ago

10. comment for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

Jaiden Adams
Jaiden Adams - 7 years ago
kupatdut - 7 years ago
4:09 that dog snarls and bares its teeth to the little boy is alarming. It's not funny at all. It's really not. This behavior needs to be corrected. And yes I am aware it was in 1995. But still these situations exists.
Omario Morris
Omario Morris - 7 years ago
Galloping Connemara
Galloping Connemara - 7 years ago
I hate little kids so this is really funny for me and the chicken rebellion has begun also the kids r over reacting and annoying the animals and the cats have awesome ninja skills I wish I had em
Aria CAMPBELL - 7 years ago
I don't get why the kids can annoy the animals, but then when the animals defend themselves the parents get pissed
Stomowen - 7 years ago
Fuck every parents who laughed on their kids when they getting hurt and still filming with no help, I hope when there is an accident happen to you ,your kid will laugh on you and filming and won’t help you like you did to them when they need you.
BlessedBe3ternally - 7 years ago
8.56 ... That house was filthy!! Eek! Can't believe people actually live like that. Disgusting
Troy D
Troy D - 7 years ago
At 3:13 I like how the cat also faked the killing blow on the little girls neck. Lol.
Terra V
Terra V - 7 years ago
10:08 WHAT R U DOING?! LEAVE THE DUCKLINGS ALONE!!! i hope that mother duck bit ur finger off
THE WWE champion
THE WWE champion - 7 years ago
O:17 undertaker vs sheamus

20. comment for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

xxRocky Boyxx
xxRocky Boyxx - 7 years ago
0:53 it's like angel
BlueUniverse Fangirl
BlueUniverse Fangirl - 7 years ago
The thumbnail looks like the kid is growing wings to me idk
dameon hardin
dameon hardin - 7 years ago
0:40 the deer is not going to eat you they eat plants #baby
MysterYEasy - 7 years ago
Bei manchen Sachen haben die Tiere zu sanft reagiert! Wer hingeht und die Tiere schlägt muss auch damit leben, wenn das Tier mal zurück schlägt! Nur so lernen die Kinder es, wenn die Eltern schon nur mit der Kamera daneben stehen und den Umgang mit Lebewesen nicht erziehen!
Jason the Great
Jason the Great - 7 years ago
the white goose is racist
Angelica Bernal
Angelica Bernal - 7 years ago
The rat in the trash can was so cool and funny 5\_(o()o)_/
Angelica Bernal
Angelica Bernal - 7 years ago
GoldLegacy - 7 years ago
0:46 bird all up in his ass lol
PULAK DAS - 7 years ago
6.18 omg omg omg
PULAK DAS - 7 years ago
I hate

30. comment for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

Jake - 7 years ago
people have to get their priorities straight. If your cat pounces at your baby, it's time to get rid of the cat.
Ryne Saunders
Ryne Saunders - 7 years ago
sebxstian1993 - 7 years ago
Some parents are such an assholes
Marwan400 - 7 years ago
didn't see the first one coming
Blonde TapperWare
Blonde TapperWare - 7 years ago
Who needs the boogieman when you have chickens?
Katy Bates
Katy Bates - 7 years ago
So funny
Just smile
Just smile - 7 years ago
Katy Bates hi, welcome to our channel. We post epic fails, funny videos and cute pets. Subscribe!
marshmallowbudgie - 7 years ago
3:46 it's marten madness!
tnizz17 - 7 years ago
7:15 the same thing happened to me in prison
Christopher Logan
Christopher Logan - 7 years ago
if a cat atkk my little brother I would have kicked the cat because I don't care cats except for one cat that cat saved the kid's life
Christopher Logan
Christopher Logan - 7 years ago
number three is the animal attacks child help the child up and don't record
Christopher Logan
Christopher Logan - 7 years ago
how to survive an animal attack number one run number to grab a weapon
Christopher Logan
Christopher Logan - 7 years ago
Mikkaela Marquez
Mikkaela Marquez - 7 years ago
I just remember my big sister name ricci she got attacked by duck it's so funny i remember hahaha!
Mikkaela Marquez
Mikkaela Marquez - 7 years ago
Kacper Bujak
Kacper Bujak - 7 years ago
1:10 best
OreoGirl Lee
OreoGirl Lee - 7 years ago
The most hilarious one is the goose on the guy
Rizky Senja
Rizky Senja - 7 years ago
kids jaman now
The Origin Of ROBLOX
The Origin Of ROBLOX - 7 years ago
The dude with the bike
The Hip hopping cat
The Hip hopping cat - 7 years ago
Some of the kids are like brats
Janiah Polk
Janiah Polk - 7 years ago
LOL cat in the first video look like he said shut the fuck up stupid little annoying crying bitch
Jason Jason
Jason Jason - 7 years ago
Fuck those parents they won't help their kids!!

50. comment for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

Molly Spurgeon
Molly Spurgeon - 7 years ago
Watching parents laugh when their kids get taken down by cats might be my new favorite thing. I am cracking up. They're so squirley! lol
Daylson Campos
Daylson Campos - 7 years ago
Brodie Cass
Brodie Cass - 7 years ago
Humans are so smart that they can become dumb animals just curious
kylan hart
kylan hart - 7 years ago
Rip Mantis
randomguy 14
randomguy 14 - 7 years ago
7:15 that little fucker deserved it
Justin Powers
Justin Powers - 7 years ago
When natureattacks:Kids edition.
Alyssa Rayburn
Alyssa Rayburn - 7 years ago
A bird growled at my mom and me once. We just waved and it growled. I never heard a bird growl before.
Perfect Poison
Perfect Poison - 7 years ago
Sam Sarar
Sam Sarar - 7 years ago
Cats are funny
Dee Elle Kay
Dee Elle Kay - 7 years ago
Any parent who allows their kid to hit an animal, the kid deserves to be attacked!
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
1,2,3,4 people hating on kids,like me, galore
Dr. Meme
Dr. Meme - 7 years ago
Just imagine, your a chicken or a dog or even a cat, and this little gremlin creature that may so happen taller then u rather steals ur child, hits u, or abuses u. You HAVE TO DEFEND UR SELF! Yea ppl GET PROSPECTIVE
Corey& &Jackie
Corey& &Jackie - 7 years ago
Between the kids mistreating animals and the parents LETTING them do it, then the dogs acting out (agressive vid at xmas time, 2 dogs stealing kids food off plate while standing on table) WHY ARE THESE THINGS BEING VIDEO TAPED AND NOT STOPPED!
Nelly Madonti
Nelly Madonti - 7 years ago
I love when animals give it back too asshole kids.
Dr Reacts
Dr Reacts - 7 years ago
0:50 this is my fav
Winter Fox4321
Winter Fox4321 - 7 years ago
What's with cats karate kicking babies
Winter Fox4321
Winter Fox4321 - 7 years ago
0:49 WWYD?(what would you do?)
lدايلر Dyler
lدايلر Dyler - 7 years ago
lol dont eat me pls deer u king deer HAHAHHAHA XD
Rockusweet - 7 years ago
so funny I about choked
Thatoneequine Girl
Thatoneequine Girl - 7 years ago
5:55 I don't want my girlfriend to see you! Get down!
MrTaurenshaman - 7 years ago
Yes, Yeeeees!! Learn fear you little bastards! Know your place!!
Debbiedeb Garcia
Debbiedeb Garcia - 7 years ago
What kid would hit a animal,are you stupid?
Leith Delaney
Leith Delaney - 7 years ago
Birds are f*cking ruthless
Angel's Stuff
Angel's Stuff - 7 years ago

Just watch your child get attacked by a duck...

Great Parenting
xChijouChanx - 7 years ago
I love the little girl trying to reason with the goat
TheChocoCharl - 7 years ago
0:48 Kiddo flyinnnnnn'!!!!! :D
Bica E
Bica E - 7 years ago
Sometimes the parents don't even help
Zelda Mario Gamer
Zelda Mario Gamer - 7 years ago
6:57 Yeah yeah lets let the 4 year old get his face as close as possible to the Praying Mantis!! Great idea!!
Also I feel bad for the Mantis cause it literally got crushed from what I saw.
Zelda Mario Gamer
Zelda Mario Gamer - 7 years ago
Oh crap oh crap don't eat me!!
Joseph Navarro
Joseph Navarro - 7 years ago
unicornJELLYbutts hi
unicornJELLYbutts hi - 7 years ago
That girl let her son hit the chicken
Pop Tart
Pop Tart - 7 years ago
As being 40 years old I realize kids are really weak no offense
smilezonfazez 21
smilezonfazez 21 - 7 years ago
Pop Tart lol i know do they even know how to fight ??? i mean a chicken are you serious???
lokesh reddy sudireddy
lokesh reddy sudireddy - 7 years ago
4:00 yummy tasty alien grass # dogs and cats are biggest enemies of kids !!
Patricia Vicari
Patricia Vicari - 7 years ago
That kid hurt the lzard
dat_ gamer
dat_ gamer - 7 years ago
2:50 that's what you get for calling it stupid
PrimeSoulz DX
PrimeSoulz DX - 7 years ago
turtle used skull bash!
An eagle flew away with my bread in kindergarten. I bet it's dead by now!
Harsha Vundavalli
Harsha Vundavalli - 7 years ago
I don't understand that cat thing, they just takle kids unexpectedly nd ran away.r they playing or scared?
Clifster - 7 years ago
3:28 scared me
Tatiana Allen 2
Tatiana Allen 2 - 7 years ago
La Tui
La Tui - 7 years ago
Cats are the best tool to teach children how to treat other living things.
Mrs CherryRaptor
Mrs CherryRaptor - 7 years ago
Best Part : Swan is attacking the Boy and sitting on its neck hahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Ammaarah Mamatt
Ammaarah Mamatt - 7 years ago
One things for sure, NEVER mess with a cat
Kitty S
Kitty S - 7 years ago
Nothing more satisfying than watching Chicken teaching them stupid kids who's the boss!
Semaj IsmE
Semaj IsmE - 7 years ago
What is with all these cats taking out human babies ?
Is this the beginning of nature performing 'the cleansing'?

Ok... She had it coming
Linda Andrews
Linda Andrews - 7 years ago
Birds attacking children might appear funny but and aggressive rooster can spur them badly and could easily get their eyes. As for the Westie not allowing the child to hand out the Christmas gifts that needed to be put out the room.
Brennie James
Brennie James - 7 years ago
I like how the parents stand around and watch their kids get attacked
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Brennie James They're just like some people in the comments. Love animals and hate themselves, so why not make your child go through their phobia?
Yuli Jackson
Yuli Jackson - 7 years ago
The mother in 4:22 is amazingly st*id and does not realize this is a serious bad dog behaviour
Destiny BAH
Destiny BAH - 7 years ago
Cats and birds are dicks
ZOZ Z - 7 years ago
Kids are funny. Parents are stupid. They watch as the kid hits the animal. When the animal attacks back... Oh no..... Idiots!

100. comment for Funniest Animals vs Kids Videos Weekly Compilation November 2016 | Kyoot Kids

Killer fox12
Killer fox12 - 7 years ago
Dev Phelps
Dev Phelps - 7 years ago
4:12 When you ask your mom if you can open a present early.
Amandaxsimi - 7 years ago
4:52 leave that cat alone you idiot
ali Servan
ali Servan - 7 years ago
Human suffering, and especially the suffering of children, is rarely funny, but here it's freaking hilarious
john Baldock
john Baldock - 7 years ago
What parent lets their child hurt an animal and then moan when the animal fights back?pricks.
Foobeystar *
Foobeystar * - 7 years ago
Why are the parents letting that child at 4:50 hit the cat on the head with the stick? Dumb people........... I agree with loads of comments here.... very satisfying !!
Jacky Ryan
Jacky Ryan - 7 years ago
the house at 8.53 is so filthy!
Who like Llamas!
Who like Llamas! - 7 years ago
I laughed evil when the llama struck what is wrong with me?
SquiffedArdvark - 7 years ago
all of these kids crying when they are hitting cats and then getting it back... terrible parents should be ashamed that their kids treat a living creature like that... shame on them
Danyra Hernandez Balbuena
Danyra Hernandez Balbuena - 7 years ago
Atacan porque los están fregando...
mari -T
mari -T - 7 years ago
2:42 stupid goat
Mohammed D Malik
Mohammed D Malik - 7 years ago
Isn't 0:46 hat guys son from X Men?
Julian Kelley
Julian Kelley - 7 years ago
4:52 the cat is just like...

"Bitch you asking for dis"
sawson9992 - 7 years ago
....How is this funny?
NinjaKiller191 - 7 years ago
Z 7
Z 7 - 7 years ago
4:47 the girl is a dick
Z 7
Z 7 - 7 years ago
why are there ninja cats bitchslapping babies
Rob cote
Rob cote - 7 years ago
Don`t let your kid smack an animal for god sake!!!!
MASTĘR XtremeGAMING - 7 years ago
The dawn of the planet of the puppies. Coming out 2050
MASTĘR XtremeGAMING - 7 years ago
Bradley Mendoza
Bradley Mendoza - 7 years ago
4:03 it snatched her weave
Astro Nauta
Astro Nauta - 7 years ago
Animals win
XxDapper wolfxX
XxDapper wolfxX - 7 years ago
The kids hurt the animals so they attack then the parents get mad at the animals..... Like bruh
The Lonely Popplio
The Lonely Popplio - 7 years ago
6:65 DID HE KILL IT!!?
The Lonely Popplio
The Lonely Popplio - 7 years ago
I meant 6:55
The Lonely Popplio
The Lonely Popplio - 7 years ago
Meh who cares about humans go team animal
The Lonely Popplio
The Lonely Popplio - 7 years ago
I would kill myself to save an animals life
Ingrid Dejesus
Ingrid Dejesus - 7 years ago
0:11 was the funny one I laugh so hard
moo cow
moo cow - 7 years ago
why don't the people recording the video help them who ever recorded the videos fuck them
Snadyvich Cat
Snadyvich Cat - 7 years ago
This is why chickens aren't smacked
Jake Cremer
Jake Cremer - 7 years ago
That girl in the second to last video is way too old to go around stealing baby ducks...
Tanvi Warty
Tanvi Warty - 7 years ago
9:43-9:47 is an example of what happens when you mess with chickens.
I only take issue with the parents who see their kids hit/ be mean to animals but are offended when the animal dishes it back. The animals also have a right to be treated well, you know.
Alejandra Galvez
Alejandra Galvez - 7 years ago
The kid with the green shirt and shorts getting attacked by that white bird looked like he sprouted wings and screamed when he couldn't fly XD
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Everybody hates kids and themselves.
Olivia Herrera
Olivia Herrera - 7 years ago
but funny
Olivia Herrera
Olivia Herrera - 7 years ago
thats mean
Cody Gignac
Cody Gignac - 7 years ago
Yeah, let's grab a wild duckling from it's mother, why don't we..
Jonathan Perez
Jonathan Perez - 7 years ago
I love how the parents keep recording while their children are being attacked. I'm serious, I love it
little tiny
little tiny - 7 years ago
Jonathan Perez me too
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Jonathan Perez You're messed up.
Angel LPS
Angel LPS - 7 years ago
T Tec Gaming
T Tec Gaming - 7 years ago
Animals won
Wayne C
Wayne C - 7 years ago
The kid told the deer not to eat him really
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Wayne C I've seen a video of a deer eating a baby bird. ._.
Archangel of Death
Archangel of Death - 7 years ago
No deer! Don't eat the kid! We all know how scary a carnivores deer are! (obvious joke is obvious)
BAD CHEETAH 1 - 7 years ago
Who would want to watch that crap?! Just a dumb video!! And the pore kids!!
Ethan Evans
Ethan Evans - 7 years ago
Hockeylife29 - 7 years ago
I LOVE it when babies cry it's SOOOOOO funny
Stuff animals Life
Stuff animals Life - 7 years ago
All of these kids deserve it
D0lan ShaRp
D0lan ShaRp - 7 years ago
All theses kids deserve what they got.
Especially the kid at 9:42 he was an azzhole
KEEG4NO - 7 years ago
What is it with kids and just hitting things?
Fusion Charizard
Fusion Charizard - 7 years ago
At 1:40 she gets attacked by a bird
R41Ryan - 7 years ago
I would love to have a bunch of puppies play all over me...
Glenda Snowden
Glenda Snowden - 7 years ago
What happened to the lizard and the praying mantis?
Killed because they were being themselves?
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Glenda Snowden The lizard may have survived.. I dunno about the mantis. Poor thing may have gotten squished.
Maria Sindile
Maria Sindile - 7 years ago
Kid hitting the cat deserved the be attacked
EmmieAndOllie - 7 years ago
If I was the mother goose or duck I would kill anyone who stole my baby
Glenda Snowden
Glenda Snowden - 7 years ago
Maybe the brat hitting the white chicken will encounter a mother bear separated from her cub.
What an ugly little brat!
noemi Torres
noemi Torres - 7 years ago
parents are a savage
jaydens gramie
jaydens gramie - 7 years ago
I love it when kids get hert
Abdurahim Said
Abdurahim Said - 7 years ago
8:24 ninja puppies assemble make him a puppy grave
Abdurahim Said
Abdurahim Said - 7 years ago
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Abdurahim Said A peacock. ._.
Potatoe in Hyrule
Potatoe in Hyrule - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that noticed the licensed plate isn't blurred?
Mugman The Gamer
Mugman The Gamer - 7 years ago
"I'm going in whines ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
andrew tinney
andrew tinney - 7 years ago
laughing my ass off
Howler369 awesomeness
Howler369 awesomeness - 7 years ago
If my kid started the fight I wouldn't help them its frustrating that the kids can hit the animal but when the animal strikes back the parents freak out and punish the animal but not the kid parents are stupid
Duck Lips
Duck Lips - 7 years ago
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
I would scold the living daylights out of those animals
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
Justin Powers also, some of the kids were being attacked for no reason
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
Justin Powers you’re
Justin Powers
Justin Powers - 7 years ago
Why? Because those kids were dumb enough to fuck with them? Your a moron.
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
Dee Elle Kay I didn’t see that one
Dee Elle Kay
Dee Elle Kay - 7 years ago
Diamond Turtle Did you see the one where the cats claw got stuck in the kids big toe? Omg, it was

Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
Suchomimus Tenerensis yes, I can blame the animals if they attack. Like in the first one
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
Dee Elle Kay you got a typo, sorry I got to point it out. Animals* not kids
Titanium Turtle
Titanium Turtle - 7 years ago
angers karin some animals were being jerks
Dee Elle Kay
Dee Elle Kay - 7 years ago
Diamond Turtle You had a typo, sorry, I gotta point it out. *Kids, not animals.
angers karin
angers karin - 7 years ago
And I would kick the daylight out of those kids, mess with animal dont cry when they attack.
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Diamond Turtle Can you blame the animals if you're an irresponsible parent?
Mekhi Herring
Mekhi Herring - 7 years ago
the animals are having a revolution
Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson - 7 years ago
0:39 Kid Don't eat me Don't eat me Don't east me AHH XD SO FUNNY
Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson - 7 years ago
John Thierry Brunelle Cyr
John Thierry Brunelle Cyr - 7 years ago
It's very not intelligent ouf the part of the parent to laugh and do noghting
Lil Sade 4368
Lil Sade 4368 - 7 years ago
You mess with the ducklings you get the mother
Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn - 7 years ago
I laughed at every kid getting attacked
Abba Dabba
Abba Dabba - 7 years ago
When a cat ambushes a child - not in play, as a kitten might do - that tells you the child has been allowed to mistreat it.
Gian Preston Pajaron Dalumpines Claire1
Gian Preston Pajaron Dalumpines Claire1 - 7 years ago
The kid on 0:51 looks like angel looooool lol
Wania Khurram
Wania Khurram - 7 years ago
Animal wins
slag - 7 years ago
Bunch of cowards
mackenzie gerba
mackenzie gerba - 7 years ago
52 seconds in HOW COULD YOU RECORD THAT?!?!?!
Keondin Perry
Keondin Perry - 7 years ago
1:37 you done open the wrong dresser bitch !!!!
Ivette Castro
Ivette Castro - 7 years ago
1:07 this mom is stupid she let her son grab a lizard and then the lizard bites him NO ANIMAL ABUSE.
Ivette Castro
Ivette Castro - 7 years ago
or Child abuse
Evan Brown
Evan Brown - 7 years ago
I mean I will hurt them
Evan Brown
Evan Brown - 7 years ago
I will kick all those butt
Sara Cohen
Sara Cohen - 7 years ago
Thumbnail kid is like I believe I can fly that's what I thought but just a swan a white one
Doorknob - 7 years ago
*Animals vs Kids who sometimes taunt, invade the space of or mistreat said animals. Please teach children to respect animals unless you want them to come crying to you about the mean old duck in the yard who suddenly attacked them.
A7l20 ROBLOX GAMER - 7 years ago
Idiot You siad kids not babys
Rob Luv
Rob Luv - 7 years ago
My daily fix of kids screaming in terror...welp have a fun day at work everyone :D
Gabriel Pena
Gabriel Pena - 7 years ago
Sad how a toddler gets knocked over by a Shepard but a nine year old kid gets scared of a chicken WALKING towards him
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Gabriel Pena When a chicken approaches you, it's probably not happy... I agree though. xD
Ivana Simundic
Ivana Simundic - 7 years ago
8:49 cura želi postati Barbie frajerica ali ju je mačka udarila
David Wr
David Wr - 7 years ago
Never understood why parents think its so cute and funny when their kids try and hit or hurt an animal. The kids of course don't know any better and I can see why, the parents just sit back and laugh, which to a child is encouragement. If my kid done that, omg I would give them a yelling they would never forget and ground them for doing such a thing.
Nestle Bague
Nestle Bague - 7 years ago
on 6:10 it's Jan and it's my birthday
Konrad Laszko
Konrad Laszko - 7 years ago
1:41 best
Iman Simmonds
Iman Simmonds - 7 years ago
I love the bird trying to take off with that 8 year old, I think he is too heavy for you
MattyGVlogs/More - 7 years ago
What's the war between cats and babies
Jolanda Herzig
Jolanda Herzig - 7 years ago
stupid people. I hope they are seriously injured.
Monochrome - 7 years ago
The Legend of Zelda taught me to never piss off animals. These kids learned by getting attacked by one. Beware the Cuccos.
Riot Polizei
Riot Polizei - 7 years ago
9:15 When the Vtec kicks in
Ant P
Ant P - 7 years ago
Don't eat me!? It's a fucking deer kid. Here's a kid that'll definitely have problems when he gets older
Ant P
Ant P - 7 years ago
Also how you gonna let ur dumbass kid walk up and hit a chicken like that
Karen Lacey
Karen Lacey - 7 years ago
The dog defending the Christmas tree and presents is serious.
Tony the shrimp
Tony the shrimp - 7 years ago
dont eat me bitch it's a deer
Howl Fire
Howl Fire - 7 years ago
That's why dogs are better than cats no offense to any cat people
Crash Whouahicut
Crash Whouahicut - 7 years ago
I hate the parents who just laugh and don't help and If I was attacked bye one I would punch it
Jesse Yari
Jesse Yari - 7 years ago
I'm gonna buy can Chinchilla and dog
king dasinger
king dasinger - 7 years ago
I would help them
king dasinger
king dasinger - 7 years ago
This is the worst parents ever that won't help there kids
Leaky Hole
Leaky Hole - 7 years ago
Love watching chickens go after kids.. My kids got wise to that by 5 years old. If i said go get that chicken they disappeared
Cup of Tea
Cup of Tea - 7 years ago
0:47 This is how angels are made
MalachimeetFUN - 7 years ago
At 0:48 the thumbnail but even better
Richard Alvarez
Richard Alvarez - 7 years ago
The cat dropped kick the baby Ko!
Infertiletick50 The Gamer
Infertiletick50 The Gamer - 7 years ago
And all the animals were kun fu fighting
Jasmine Kundu
Jasmine Kundu - 7 years ago
At 2:14 he probably chickened out
Sarahi Godinez
Sarahi Godinez - 7 years ago
I love animals and I would never hit them
Pucca 21
Pucca 21 - 7 years ago
The last one tho
gameguy SX75
gameguy SX75 - 7 years ago
5:54 That cat just kissed him! XD
Manae Lewis
Manae Lewis - 7 years ago
That's me at 10:10 trying to get a new
A GUY - 7 years ago
dislike. no kids face's were ripped off
Jasmine Pease
Jasmine Pease - 7 years ago
0:41 DON'T EAT MEH I laughed so hard
David Schmidt
David Schmidt - 7 years ago
10:07 wtf is this bitch doing ?
RyanDuzThings - 7 years ago
I laughed my ass off at 0:09
Terry Crew
Terry Crew - 7 years ago
Goes near the deer and it looks at him and charges "DONT EAT ME"
Justin Theo Abejero
Justin Theo Abejero - 7 years ago
0:46 Dad: oh my son is in trouble
Kid: help me!
Dad: Honey get the camera!
Blue Falcon
Blue Falcon - 7 years ago
Big up to the adults that kept filming and never interfered with nature running it's course , you're the real MVP'S
TheHappyGamerYT - 7 years ago
That turtle is a ninja turtle
TO LIT - 7 years ago
Who ever parent that is is dumb as shit it is a praying mantis
NazLa - 7 years ago
aaaww the best part and very sweet 10.26 the baby and the puppies :D
LPSCutieWolf 0610
LPSCutieWolf 0610 - 7 years ago
DUDE YOUR CCHILD IS GETTING ABUSED BY ANIMALS AND YOUR JUST GONNA BE LIKE "omg dis is gonna be grat imma get my phone and record this and put this on social media
Daejah Richardson
Daejah Richardson - 7 years ago
I hate when the kids get hurt and the parents do not care
Necrophite78 - 7 years ago
9:59 Puppy patrol! Pull over, I want to see your diaper and registration please
Rj366943 Roblox
Rj366943 Roblox - 7 years ago
For the people who said they hate kids you where a kid once
EVELYNSKITS - 7 years ago
The turtle one scare me
MrGHLover107 - 7 years ago
why kill animals when people are the real monsters
-Josh "The Axe" Murderer
Slim 4 Life
Slim 4 Life - 7 years ago
Haley Clausen
Haley Clausen - 7 years ago
Cats vs babies lol
Mokko - 7 years ago
From what I have observed, this compilation is about 90% people being assholes to animals, 5% animals being animals and 3% animals actually being nasty and 2% dogs needing to be euthanized for unacceptable aggression.
gabe prentiss
gabe prentiss - 7 years ago
0:41 that kid dosnt go to school thinking the deer will eat him
Xander Hebert
Xander Hebert - 7 years ago
That kid screamed at the deer to not eat him.
Mountain 80
Mountain 80 - 7 years ago
Deer are vegetarians you potatoe
Callum Lyall
Callum Lyall - 7 years ago
Kids are stupid
Taysha Fleurissaint
Taysha Fleurissaint - 7 years ago
At 6:57 it was cute at the end because he make that face
Grace Hinton
Grace Hinton - 7 years ago
animals will mostly win im being onest
Pan CzauCzau
Pan CzauCzau - 7 years ago
Now, when i saw this vid with peacock im sure i will buy three of them ❤
Gaming YoshiYT
Gaming YoshiYT - 7 years ago
ALOT of these kids deserved it, the kid that hit the white chicken TOTALLY deserved it
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 7 years ago
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja. El niño de ña lagartija
YO YA NO EXISTO - 7 years ago
7:01/7:02 Sucker Punch
YO YA NO EXISTO - 7 years ago
England is my city
England is my city - 7 years ago
animals vs kids more like very satisfying compilation.
J.N.J. 704
J.N.J. 704 - 7 years ago
J.N.J. 704
J.N.J. 704 - 7 years ago
Done of Theseus are parents being bad parents
J.N.J. 704
J.N.J. 704 - 7 years ago
Deer don't eat meat 0:40
Magikarp the magnificent
Magikarp the magnificent - 7 years ago
I'm a kid 11 Yrs a cat hit my eye I was lucky that cat had no claws
Josh Studios
Josh Studios - 7 years ago
4:39 peacock wins fatallity
Jarda 2002
Jarda 2002 - 7 years ago
8:20 awwwwwwww
diego Uchiha vlogs
diego Uchiha vlogs - 7 years ago
don't eat me wtf
silu pelife
silu pelife - 7 years ago
go animais
Kaitlin Fultner
Kaitlin Fultner - 7 years ago
thats why I dont like chickens or ducks there ughhhhh
douglas holt
douglas holt - 7 years ago
Lv these vids
Shawne Joiner
Shawne Joiner - 7 years ago
Stacey Ziegler
Stacey Ziegler - 7 years ago
stupid kids v.s. swag animals...
swag animals won!
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
I'm a kid...but when I was a little younger about 4 or 5 years old a rooster chased me because I tried clucking like a chicken...I wonder what I said but I still have a scar..
Kopakishu - 7 years ago
i hate kids
Konner Flowers
Konner Flowers - 7 years ago
They are horrible parents
Lemon - 7 years ago
i hate it that they record other then helping them
Liki Neon
Liki Neon - 7 years ago
"Ohhh Jesus Christ"
ternitamas - 7 years ago
0:15 and a phobia is created in 3,2,1, there! a nice few years of PTSD and therapist bills ahead
Rocky Shackleton
Rocky Shackleton - 7 years ago
How many Cocker Spaniels do you need?
Rocky Shackleton
Rocky Shackleton - 7 years ago
All the cats getting hit are like, "Dude. Stop. Stahp."
Just another Goldfish
Just another Goldfish - 7 years ago
Don't slap a chicken
HipsterWolf - 7 years ago
0:47 here we see a beautiful angel trying to fly
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 7 years ago
i think its ok for animals to hurt kids but not kids hit animals.
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 7 years ago
the parents and the kids are stupid pls dont make more kids . i have a cat and need a baby the cat llike it to rip youngstars.
Potato Mcderp
Potato Mcderp - 7 years ago
0:58 oh my god magpie's ar the worst..they just peck out your god damn eyes
Eb Ekwemalor
Eb Ekwemalor - 7 years ago
Funniest part is 7:06. That boy horrified of the Mantis now.
Death The One
Death The One - 7 years ago
first one = Savage cat
Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard - 7 years ago
1:33 wtf?
Amari Estiverne
Amari Estiverne - 7 years ago
I would growl at them or something like that. But that kid on the bike with the deer he was like DON'T EAT ME DON'T EAT ME. deers r not man eating.
Amari Estiverne
Amari Estiverne - 7 years ago
Amari Estiverne
Amari Estiverne - 7 years ago
What with geese and hair
Amari Estiverne
Amari Estiverne - 7 years ago
That's what u get for calling a goat stupid
Amari Estiverne
Amari Estiverne - 7 years ago
That's what u get when u mess with a magpie the angryest bird in the world
GamingWil !
GamingWil ! - 7 years ago
This IS why i dont own cats ._. They are so aggresive
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon - 7 years ago
I thought the guy in the thumbnail was an angel at first.
CocoNutBoy - 7 years ago
I think the kids are over reacting :/
MattGarZero - 7 years ago
They learn reactions like that from their parents.
Anime Fan
Anime Fan - 7 years ago
CocoNutBoy cuz they are kid dumb ass
CocoNutBoy - 7 years ago
Da rken Najja
Da rken Najja - 7 years ago
Peanut Pwe
Peanut Pwe - 7 years ago
I'm on team animals. I personally hate toddlers and young, immature kids. Don't torment the poor things!! And please don't bother or hurt those poor little animals.
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Peanut Pwe You hate them? wow
Zoli Gameplay
Zoli Gameplay - 7 years ago
Méggggg kell ilyen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MountainDew7 - 7 years ago
Parents you set their kids up to be pounced on by the family cat so they can record it are hilarious.
Queen Chrysi
Queen Chrysi - 7 years ago
Little girl: I won't give you any food!
Kayla Dawson
Kayla Dawson - 7 years ago
I was like GOAT RAM HER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madison Avery
Madison Avery - 7 years ago
Why are parents letting their kids hit their cats in the head and face? No wonder why the cat pounces on the kid!
Calvin Sings
Calvin Sings - 7 years ago
Lol 0:47 he has angel wings
TAYLOR TR3NCH - 7 years ago
0:43 DON'T EAT ME!!
you dumb ass its a deer and if it was chasing you why are you getting off a bike to run
corda - 7 years ago
little children and animals are always a bad and dangerous combination
K.S. K
K.S. K - 7 years ago
one more video proving cats r witches
Gamera Gaming
Gamera Gaming - 7 years ago
To be honest 7:28 was kinda sad.
Sarita Rangelsanchez
Sarita Rangelsanchez - 7 years ago
Boy who has a bird on him=angel
No Idea
No Idea - 7 years ago
why's 'cute' in the thumbnail lmao
Genderless Lombax
Genderless Lombax - 7 years ago
The lion's cute
Charming Kirsten
Charming Kirsten - 7 years ago
I hate this kid in 2:41
Naailah Luciovlogs
Naailah Luciovlogs - 7 years ago
all these vids are cute and funny
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Here is is Luna ------>
The Mind Fister
The Mind Fister - 7 years ago
Kid Getting attacked by Animal: "Heeeeelp!"

Parent: "Sorry little Billy I can't drop the camera and aid you, for you see, they are expensive. Your Mom (or Dad) and I can just make another one of you later tonight."
Ivana Šimundić
Ivana Šimundić - 7 years ago
mui haha haha aa 4:02
Ivana Šimundić
Ivana Šimundić - 7 years ago
hajmo!dela kosa la dela kosa la 4:02
Ivana Šimundić
Ivana Šimundić - 7 years ago
konj je počupo bebu da je baci 4:02
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Wow all these people defending the kids just wow
Science@pproved - 7 years ago
6:55 idc bout the kid, is the mantis ok???
Science@pproved - 7 years ago
Science@pproved - 7 years ago
duck in a drawer! ahh!
tracy larona
tracy larona - 7 years ago
oh my gosh at 7:07 that kid is so cute!!
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
tracy larona I don't think that mantis survived. ._.
Giulio Galante
Giulio Galante - 7 years ago
Really? But he got chopped by a Mantis
Cervid Skull
Cervid Skull - 7 years ago
Am I the only one sad about that mantis probably got crushed :(
Marion Müller
Marion Müller - 7 years ago
I love animals but I hate kids...especially when they are crying for nothing.
Lauri Vesilahti
Lauri Vesilahti - 7 years ago
Then you hate youreself too? Whiny ass kid.
Destiny Gaming productions
Destiny Gaming productions - 7 years ago
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, imagine if you were a small 3 year old child that just learned how to walk , and then a goose or dog attacked you, or you are a 9 year old kid walking along and you see ducks , and when you want to see them closer the big one fucking obliterates you , you would probably cry to bitch.
Fun Videos and gaming
Fun Videos and gaming - 7 years ago
Marion well go get a loving heart hypocite
Kubek GAMEPLAY - 7 years ago
how you can fucking say you hate kids? for what? everyone once been a kid. You hate them because the are learning about world? For not understanding things? If the kids are spoiled, you can only blame parents
Loves Hvfvgid
Loves Hvfvgid - 7 years ago
Kula moja kula! kula kula kula jebeeeeeenaaaaaaa!!!!!! 0:12
Loves Hvfvgid
Loves Hvfvgid - 7 years ago
Hajmo! Dela kosa la Dela kosa la 4:02
Loves Hvfvgid
Loves Hvfvgid - 7 years ago
konj je počupo bebu da je baci 4:02
Menagerie organization
Menagerie organization - 7 years ago
parents, keep an eye on your kids for god sakes, this is how harambe died
sexandchocolate Motown
sexandchocolate Motown - 7 years ago
4:35 thats a day after my bday when im only 1 ;-;
BTooGoofy - 7 years ago
The birds were savages
Jok Er
Jok Er - 7 years ago
Elemental Gaming
Elemental Gaming - 7 years ago
The thumbnail is rlly the first seen angel
Eric Jackson
Eric Jackson - 7 years ago
You know who's the real villain..... cameramen!!!
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Hunter Slainer Nah, the camera man(or woman) won't help the kids or the animal.
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Eric Jackson no humans
Eggplant 101
Eggplant 101 - 7 years ago
What type of puppies are they at 10:05
Jakser3215 - 7 years ago
kid said to the DEER dont EAT me dont EAT me
Sean And The Stool
Sean And The Stool - 7 years ago
8:49 I'm cracking up
JROY - 7 years ago
Kid in the yellow coat was taking it like a champ
Some Person
Some Person - 7 years ago
But aren't animals and kids the same thing
Lunar Sight
Lunar Sight - 7 years ago
They're screams are delicious.
Miko Makowski
Miko Makowski - 7 years ago
So many feline hit and runs.
NJD Gamer
NJD Gamer - 7 years ago
Rolan Mañosa
Rolan Mañosa - 7 years ago
0:30 Him: Don't eat me!!!!
Me: seriously!!!
Theo Cas
Theo Cas - 7 years ago
birds being horasing kids 2017
Spicy Meat'a Balla
Spicy Meat'a Balla - 7 years ago
Oh my god that poor lizard! That fucking cunt through it on the ground, if I were that parent I would've been in jail for child abuse!
Rodrigo Rocha Rsr
Rodrigo Rocha Rsr - 7 years ago
Why animals hates kids so much?? xD
owen buchan
owen buchan - 7 years ago
LOL what bird was that at 0:46 ?
Flame Warrior
Flame Warrior - 7 years ago
dogpile on the baby
NightjumperOC - 7 years ago
I like how parents like to record there kids getting bit/ knocked over and possibly injured by animals without helping them. especially very young kids. I mean I get that kids ate tormenting them and that's not good at all, but come on, are you even at all concerned for your child's safety?
Shaun Rapoza
Shaun Rapoza - 7 years ago
Your videos are bad because you should help you kids
Nancy Rivera
Nancy Rivera - 7 years ago
Animals always win
Fun Videos and gaming
Fun Videos and gaming - 7 years ago
Not always
ruby the eternal flame baby
ruby the eternal flame baby - 7 years ago

All living species:YES SIR!!!
E Yass
E Yass - 7 years ago
0:49 She's just filming and laughing xD
FINsamu - 7 years ago
I had cute little goat but he died
Eliza Burrey
Eliza Burrey - 7 years ago
Underswap Kate
Underswap Kate - 7 years ago
That second one was not even funny that was sad
praveen sharma
praveen sharma - 7 years ago
LionsGamerz - 7 years ago
Well pretty much the attacks on all the animals were the kids faults accept for the cat, they just didn't give a dhit
Danielle Coghlan
Danielle Coghlan - 7 years ago
not a good idea to watch these videos while drinking hot chocolate. I spat my drink all over my paperwork
Shary Monroe
Shary Monroe - 7 years ago
Jumpinghorses 123567
Jumpinghorses 123567 - 7 years ago
Tell you kids not to hit animals please
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming - 7 years ago
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming
Asriel Dreemurr Gaming - 7 years ago
Eliza Burrey
Eliza Burrey - 7 years ago
So its name is Lemme?
Aku The Master
Aku The Master - 7 years ago
6:28 That peacock has his reason to attack that kid, an act of protection. The kid charged at the bird and he got the claws. So he learned the hard way.
Necrophite78 - 7 years ago
When the puppy legion attacks you die of cuteness
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Geese are terrifying when they are angry
GAMINGKNIGHT 46 - 7 years ago
Aleksi Juhola one geese almost took my eye out at the park before and had to grab a heavy stick and hit it
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis*
*Suchomimus* *Tenerensis* - 7 years ago
Aleksi Juhola Ever seen a swan? ._.
Ziggmanster - 7 years ago
All birds are...
Kaiser Frost
Kaiser Frost - 7 years ago
I have some neighbor kids that love to chase chickens and scare them. The videos of chickens attacking back is extremely satisfying. Where can I get one of these roosters?
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
It,s funny how kids get attacked buy animales
Fun Videos and gaming
Fun Videos and gaming - 7 years ago
Hunter Slayer It's also funny when adults and teens get attacked
Cute and Glittery
Cute and Glittery - 7 years ago

Oh ma gad its an angel!
Gavin Thomas
Gavin Thomas - 7 years ago
Like if you came because of the thumbnail.
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 7 years ago
Hisoka Morou
Hisoka Morou - 7 years ago
Everyone is talking about animal revenge but a lot of these are people getting murked by angry birds
Mekhi Herring
Mekhi Herring - 7 years ago
and everything else
Hisoka Morou
Hisoka Morou - 7 years ago
And ninja cats
Hisoka Morou
Hisoka Morou - 7 years ago
Halimah Salaam
Halimah Salaam - 7 years ago
you stupid parents need to be better parent it is a blessing that your kids did you like when your parents laugh at you so now what
Camryn Glanville
Camryn Glanville - 7 years ago
Woah one of the videos was on August 30th that's my birthday!
Lovewolfy :3
Lovewolfy :3 - 7 years ago
Why do parents laugh at there kids so rude
Shrek on ice
Shrek on ice - 7 years ago
mess with animal's,face the consequences,teach them what i said,parent's
Ana Arnedo
Ana Arnedo - 7 years ago
the stuip people that do thes I well give thes a thum down
Lazy Kid
Lazy Kid - 7 years ago
Almost every kid on the earth is afraid of animals...WHY!
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
ChallengeOverTaker Challenges DUH You mean verbally? I'm used to being told I'm nothing...just not from people around the world...
ChallengeOverTaker Challenges DUH
ChallengeOverTaker Challenges DUH - 7 years ago
Chloe Hampton So.. you're scared of people? they bite too
Chloe Hampton
Chloe Hampton - 7 years ago
Lazy Kid Because the bite! End of story!
- an 11 year old
deco twins
deco twins - 7 years ago
My dad told my to grab a duck , the hissing ones or chicken by the legs and put them upside down
Eliza Burrey
Eliza Burrey - 7 years ago
Not me! I've faced down ducks, roosters, cats, dogs, more angry roosters, mice, chipmunks, semi-live birds that my cat brings in the house, more roosters, and last but not least, my siblings.
sarg 73
sarg 73 - 7 years ago
dit he saiy stoopit goot
yoyo baby
yoyo baby - 7 years ago
want moreeeeee!
Jose Carlos Roca
Jose Carlos Roca - 7 years ago
Kimmey Small
Kimmey Small - 7 years ago
My spirit animal is a cat because I have such sharp nails
Assassin - 7 years ago
I meant NOOBY
Assassin - 7 years ago
They are so nobody
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Who ever gave me a like on my comment that said I actually like it when kids get attacked by pets I appreciate it ☺
August Hibbs
August Hibbs - 7 years ago
why he say don't eat me it's a deer
Nikofuntime - 7 years ago
We like your channel:) Big support from us!
greenteaicecream - 7 years ago
why did he say dont eat me! when deers are herbivoresXD
Marley Monroe
Marley Monroe - 7 years ago
So many of these kids are crybabys id yell at the animal get your hands off me or no food for YOU
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Also geese are around the size of a small child so from a child's perspective the goose would be better than them in many ways (except intelgience but it is a fight so it does not matter in the slightest)
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Would you fight or run from a goose. Consider the following:
They bite = painful
They hiss = scary
They jump on your face = scary and potentially painful
They will chase you = scary and will make escaping the bites more difficult
They are pretty agile

So yeah
Golden latias 152
Golden latias 152 - 7 years ago
best animals ever
Angelica Bernal
Angelica Bernal - 7 years ago
Yay you rigth
Angelica Bernal
Angelica Bernal - 7 years ago
Golden latias 152
the super golden angels
the super golden angels - 7 years ago
Golden latias 152 yep these animals are not afraid of children
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
I like it when pets attack kids their I said it ok NOW GO SAY THOSE HATE COMMENTS
Alijah Young
Alijah Young - 7 years ago
Everyone in the comments say they attacked first.
Yet most people didn't do anything, not even touch them.
Broconic - 7 years ago
I started dying when the kid yelled "Don't eat me" to the deer. XD
ExpotGamer 123
ExpotGamer 123 - 7 years ago
6:14 rko
Tamethea - 7 years ago
I must be extremely sadistic because I found most of this to be very funny. LMAO!
Radek Padzik
Radek Padzik - 7 years ago
te dzieciaki są głupie bo każdy by się spodziewał gdyby dziecko atakowało kure i by dostało
RebornPaladin25 - 7 years ago
Ambush cat strikes agian
RebornPaladin25 - 7 years ago
Lol the deer aint gonna eat you it eats grass and plants its juts gonna jump on you and probably kill you so no worries
RebornPaladin25 - 7 years ago
Omg my vid puase at 0:05 and its loading but when it freeze though its like a clif hangar
PHILIPPE VIAN - 7 years ago
scarede cat
Vuk Mirković
Vuk Mirković - 7 years ago
3:11 cat ambush
Vuk Mirković
Vuk Mirković - 7 years ago
Fa1ry - 7 years ago
I love the girl at 2:51 & how she tries to reason with the goat. LOL. So cute.
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
I also try to reason with my cat When it wants to go to a room but i Dont have the key for that door and it just meows and begs me to open the door
Fa1ry - 7 years ago
"Yeah they'll do that...they are playful with kids sometimes.."
uhhh nO
Dark Makuta
Dark Makuta - 7 years ago
"Don't eat me don't eat me"

How is Bambi going to eat you?
Madi Dawg
Madi Dawg - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure they meant they didn't want to get attacked by an animal. And animals attacking usually makes you think biting or something of the sort.
Angelica Bernal
Angelica Bernal - 7 years ago
Ziggmanster - 7 years ago
Franco Agana
Franco Agana - 7 years ago
Im a bird lover those kids who hurted by birds i laugh
pepperandbusterrgh official hd presents
pepperandbusterrgh official hd presents - 7 years ago
I go for the animals
Someone - 7 years ago
TheCloudyHope PinkCloud
TheCloudyHope PinkCloud - 7 years ago
I be like cash me out side how about dat (bird hit me ) NEVER MINE
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
8:20 I wanna be that kid
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
6:54 if thats a praying mantis dont ever put a mantis like that near a kid because those things could harm you alote and no comments that say how can a tiny bug harm you, please
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
4:47 thats what the kid gets son
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Guys i,m not trying to be mean to kids but back then alote of kids use to be so tough
Finbar Brolly
Finbar Brolly - 7 years ago
Don't eat me? Christ it's a deer!
time is 1 hour
time is 1 hour - 7 years ago
I didnt scare of animal i scare of pool because i hate pool
itsme 4
itsme 4 - 7 years ago
tHat grasshopper i would not even get that close
Artturo Torres
Artturo Torres - 7 years ago
jajajajajajajajjaajajaajajajajajajaaajajajajajajajjajaaajajajajaajajajajajajajaajjajaaaaaajjaajajajajajajajajaaaajajaja ja good stupid kids
ThatGamerBriana - 7 years ago
1:40 has does a bird get in there
Brother Boy
Brother Boy - 7 years ago
At my moms house my mom had a chicken it was chasing me I freaked out and cried I wanted my mom to get me
sam pollard
sam pollard - 7 years ago
That stupid child at 4:50 is lucky all they got was a quick swipe from their cat, and the parents should no better. >:(
Spooky_Cow da spookster
Spooky_Cow da spookster - 7 years ago
3:42 MY EARS
Spooky_Cow da spookster
Spooky_Cow da spookster - 7 years ago
These parents are saying it's ok and laughing HELP YOUR CHILD
Spooky_Cow da spookster
Spooky_Cow da spookster - 7 years ago
Auspicous Pancake
Auspicous Pancake - 7 years ago
Alexander Aragon
Alexander Aragon - 7 years ago
Rip boy who got attacked by puppy licks and kisses 2000-2017
Poocraft !
Poocraft ! - 7 years ago
He was saying don't eat me to a deer.... how stupid is the human race?
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Relative to other humans or animals or whatever other know lifeform
BKW Gaming & vlogs
BKW Gaming & vlogs - 7 years ago
The shaping turtle was the one that scared me
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
*image of a turtle sclupting a vase
the pancake king
the pancake king - 7 years ago
the 2th vid don't eat me don't eat me
Andrea Cairns
Andrea Cairns - 7 years ago
The little boy and that chicken would be my sister but she would probably be screaming her head of she hates chickens so she likes eating chicken for revenge
Holosexual Kitten
Holosexual Kitten - 7 years ago
Nga Tran
Nga Tran - 7 years ago
A cat is a stacker
Dark Reaper
Dark Reaper - 7 years ago
Is it normal for birds like ducks and chickens to attack you and if one attacks me what should I do
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Run for your life
Ms Mariya 10
Ms Mariya 10 - 7 years ago
nic video
Dat Boi
Dat Boi - 7 years ago
Why do cats pick on babies lmfao

EDIT: 4:53 She deserved it.
Glitter - 7 years ago
3:41 See my previous comment
Glitter - 7 years ago
2:05 What a pussy
_Lillyvonbon _
_Lillyvonbon _ - 7 years ago
at 0:40 when the deer attacked him, why did he say "dont eat me!"
Octo Ops
Octo Ops - 7 years ago
Why humans eat animals? but wild cats eat humans
Cody and gianna plays
Cody and gianna plays - 7 years ago
animals are hilarious and plus they always win
Shannon Gallimore
Shannon Gallimore - 7 years ago
The boy deserved getting hit by the chicken because he hit the chicken for no reason
Neurodegenerat - 7 years ago
Why it's so funny when animals attack humans without reason?
Hunter Slainer
Hunter Slainer - 7 years ago
Neurodegenerat us humans deserve it
ยาจก เกมมิ่ง,Poorlyhatmann
ยาจก เกมมิ่ง,Poorlyhatmann - 7 years ago
Neurodegenerat Agreed, Human are foolish sometime.
Gengar 111
Gengar 111 - 7 years ago
1:13 wait was that lizard and also lizards can bite bad well I am scared of everything now jk lol
Cats are party poopers
Emma - 7 years ago
What kind of parents just let their kids go over and smack a chicken or goose? like what did you thINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
What the parents think: humour
reality: death
Oliver Wiebe
Oliver Wiebe - 7 years ago
Parents: giggling when kid hits chicken it's so amazing
Chicken: knocks kid down in defense
Kid: cries
Parents: freaks out OH NO
AnnaMated - 7 years ago
AlexUs - 7 years ago
this wasent funny...

doesen't mean I disliked it :3
Fachri Fahey
Fachri Fahey - 8 years ago
Erin K
Erin K - 8 years ago
10:03 that kid is living the dream
Fat Boi
Fat Boi - 8 years ago
1:13 I'm glad it bit him he was holding by the tail!
Grady Duncan
Grady Duncan - 8 years ago
OMG its chasing me, now let me run off my bike and go slower
wowtwilightsucksass - 8 years ago
Those kids with the cats deserve what they get!!
Mr Anything for views
Mr Anything for views - 8 years ago
cat are jerks
Angelo The Kidami
Angelo The Kidami - 8 years ago
9:43 the legend of Zelda.
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Links very first experience with cuccos
Angelo The Kidami
Angelo The Kidami - 8 years ago
Quinn Purdy
Quinn Purdy - 8 years ago
3:58 Theres a wild sheep!
Dovewing - 8 years ago
1:34 When you're married to a magician
Jacob Osmond
Jacob Osmond - 8 years ago
this should be called bad parents compilation
Dead Eridan
Dead Eridan - 8 years ago
as someone who hates children, this is exactly what i like to see
Corteslatinodude - 8 years ago
2:25 That a badass...just laughs it off
PamaMan 123
PamaMan 123 - 8 years ago
tiger attacks child
Mother: ...
takes out phone
option1:call 911
Mother: (picks number 2)
Rip kid
ChickenGamer - 8 years ago
Lol my troops vs that kid
Art Hunters
Art Hunters - 8 years ago
Евгений Канарейкин
Евгений Канарейкин - 8 years ago
по бошке себе сама постучи
salum75 - 8 years ago
that duckkk at the end...
Um, Ok?
Um, Ok? - 8 years ago
"oh crap oh crap dont eat me"
Bri Lynnx
Bri Lynnx - 8 years ago
The idiot letting her toddler smack the chicken deserves to be attacked by one
Dawn The Dragon
Dawn The Dragon - 8 years ago
I swear animals do that stuff on purpose sometimes
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
That is because they are annoyed by the loud, frustrating kids
Shannon May
Shannon May - 8 years ago
Kug Bug
Kug Bug - 8 years ago
0:41 "OG GOD DONT EAT ME DONT EAT ME" uhhhh its a deer it doesnt eat meat its a herbivore
Darth Crowley
Darth Crowley - 8 years ago
cats: worse pets ever
Darth Crowley
Darth Crowley - 8 years ago
don't eat me?, a deer?, man they are dumb
Jhinetta Sindel
Jhinetta Sindel - 8 years ago
10:00 awww
Bitchie Corn
Bitchie Corn - 8 years ago
What's the difference between an animal and a kid
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
And kids are humen
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Nothing because humans are animals
Francis Fraire
Francis Fraire - 8 years ago
Justin Powers
Justin Powers - 7 years ago
Yeah it is.
MR. PUFF - 8 years ago
I said awwwwwww at 8:22
Dương Nguyễn Quang
Dương Nguyễn Quang - 8 years ago
Yeah animal show them who you are
Alexandra Renee
Alexandra Renee - 8 years ago
Everyone has to learn the hard way when it comes to putting your face too close to a cat.
wAbAlAzA123 - 8 years ago

I just simply contemplate where the world is going
Oksana Smith
Oksana Smith - 8 years ago
Animal all points people none
Madame Jelly
Madame Jelly - 8 years ago
man.. i hope my kids wont be so wussy
pooja Ghai
pooja Ghai - 8 years ago
is real hearts
Boris the Alpaca
Boris the Alpaca - 8 years ago
In most of those videos I would would probably hit back
Propane Accessories
Propane Accessories - 8 years ago
Some these parents or people need to teach their kids to respect animals, peacock one. She wouldn't have gotten hurt if they told her to leave it alone, they are still wild animals and I really hoped the girl who was hitting the cat with that things got hit by the cat
Drake lover 101 Randall
Drake lover 101 Randall - 8 years ago
This is so funny
Kylee St. Germain
Kylee St. Germain - 8 years ago
whats up with all these kids hitting cats and getting in there face.. :l
Kylee St. Germain
Kylee St. Germain - 8 years ago
yea thts a good idea XD
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
Kylee St. Germain because one you get a cat you love cats and kids love cats in a different way I dont blame the kids or the animals i blame there shit ass parents
frostbite flame
frostbite flame - 8 years ago
these kids need learn how to fight screaming not going to help you
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Do you mean you would PUNCH a CHICKEN?!?! You heartless monster
Rickie 435
Rickie 435 - 8 years ago
cats are jerk$ when they hit
Rickie 435
Rickie 435 - 8 years ago
Fallen Darkness so 1 cat like scarsh her chin if I had one it will do that
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
Rickie 435 i had 4 cats 3 were nice and freindly and 1 is fierce and aggresive and she only likes it if you scratch under her chin
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
Rickie 435 sorry what was that's can't understand your fake screaming
Rickie 435
Rickie 435 - 8 years ago
Rickie 435
Rickie 435 - 8 years ago
Rickie 435
Rickie 435 - 8 years ago
Fallen Darkness my uncle have a nice cat and a mean cat who scrash him
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
Rickie 435 most of the peaple hit or annoyed the cat so it's not the cats fault
Niall Sharp
Niall Sharp - 8 years ago
What was that animal jumping out off the bush
Mildi1 - 8 years ago
I guess the animals got the last laugh
ThePeppazmint - 8 years ago
That girl that had the goat feed and then acted scared when the goat came up to her is why I would probably never have kids. Attention seeking
Becky Teliz
Becky Teliz - 8 years ago
they should fight
Ballora the Ballerina
Ballora the Ballerina - 8 years ago
9:43 That kid needs to go to jail!!! Teach your kid a lesson, you unacceptable parents!!!
Ballora the Ballerina
Ballora the Ballerina - 8 years ago
8:14 That is animal abuse
Ballora the Ballerina
Ballora the Ballerina - 8 years ago
7:30 Rude kid, I mean why would u scream and poke ur big head at a innocent cat. It probably doesn't want u in its face!!!
Ballora the Ballerina
Ballora the Ballerina - 8 years ago
4:45 Animal Abuse That kids needs to be arrested.
Mutilated Ghost Dog
Mutilated Ghost Dog - 7 years ago
Ballora the Ballerina
Ballora the Ballerina - 8 years ago
Animals always win People lose
Miss.Phoenixx - 8 years ago
Thiago Fonseca
Thiago Fonseca - 8 years ago
0:47 the butterfly kid has awoken, ready to fight any birds in his way
Thiago Fonseca
Thiago Fonseca - 8 years ago
also, if I was a brave kid I would attack all these ninja cats
The Phantom of The Oprah
The Phantom of The Oprah - 8 years ago
_BLACK_WIDOW____ _ - 8 years ago
Brandon Alfonzo
Brandon Alfonzo - 8 years ago
cat hate mucis
T Nicholas
T Nicholas - 8 years ago
So much A+ parenting in this compilation...
Aaron Hughes
Aaron Hughes - 8 years ago
10:00 made me actually cry.
Chrissy T
Chrissy T - 8 years ago
Why do the moms and dads just watch their kids being beat up?!!!!!???
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
Chrissy T cause they where bitch ass shits
Kendama Bros
Kendama Bros - 8 years ago
WTF these parents are so mean there laughing when the kids are probably hurt
This Is Running On Empty Food Review
This Is Running On Empty Food Review - 8 years ago
Proof cats are the ultimate wrestlers on earth - 8 years ago
lol if I was the mother of any of these kids I'd not feel bad at all. I would just be like "dumbass" except for the babies
Destiny Gaming productions
Destiny Gaming productions - 7 years ago
go fucking have a kid and see how your wife reacts when your kid gets viciously attacked by roosters or geese.
Jazzydrago - 8 years ago
2:52 kid deserved it
PerfectPawProdutions - 8 years ago

Me: It's a deer. XD
Pave Stiletto
Pave Stiletto - 8 years ago
Man, I was attacked by a goat when I was 5. 45 years and two neck surgeries later, I still have the knot in my neck.
Pave Stiletto
Pave Stiletto - 8 years ago
That jerk kid who tried riding his bike to scare the deer--instead starts screaming "Don't eat me!" I'm a parent. Don't people advise caution around feral animals?!
The Kid Savage
The Kid Savage - 8 years ago
And they laugh and dont help
The Kid Savage
The Kid Savage - 8 years ago
The perents don't help them wen they now they are gonna get hurt :(
the randomizer
the randomizer - 8 years ago
did that kid tell that deer to not it him wtf
Fallen is a 5 cross breed
Fallen is a 5 cross breed - 8 years ago
the randomizer ya I know
ChargingMantis459 - 8 years ago
Boy them kids need to grow up
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Or get body armor
Michelle Kjeldsen
Michelle Kjeldsen - 8 years ago
Noah Stanbury
Noah Stanbury - 8 years ago
This channel says that everything is 'kyoot' who says that
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Mr - 8 years ago
Most of these kids are dumb. It's not the animals, they probably fill scared
Mark - 8 years ago
Why so the cats that shouldn't be on earth attack babies
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
Also a human is more than cabable of taking down a cat
Aleksi Juhola
Aleksi Juhola - 7 years ago
1. Yes cats are pussies because pussy cat
2. They get annoyed and do the thing that they were instictually teached to do
Chris Pointer
Chris Pointer - 8 years ago
0:06 cat: SHUT YO B*TCH @$$ UP
Can you draw Productions
Can you draw Productions - 8 years ago
4:44 that's what she gets for smacking a cat with a stick
JayJay Maldy
JayJay Maldy - 8 years ago
Lol this was funny
Magic TabbyCat
Magic TabbyCat - 8 years ago
8:30 hey i can swap with ya :D
Chanu F
Chanu F - 8 years ago
these poor animals
Rai's LPS
Rai's LPS - 8 years ago
OML the one with the deer "PLEASE DONT EAT ME PLEASE DONT EAT ME!!!" XD so funny!
Vuk Mirković
Vuk Mirković - 7 years ago
Tater-Tot And Poppy The hamster! That kid is stupid
Ethon - 8 years ago
Railio Aj animal jam ay

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