HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

This fin trimming was done to my asian arowana A bit of cosmetic surgery is sometimes needed to help your fish look and function its best. At times it is done to help fix a visual issue with the fish and at others it is done to repair damage. Typically this is done on larger fish though, as their visual traits are much more easily seen. So any imperfection is clearly visible. I am not saying that you should do this, but rather simply showing you how I did it. The dosing is as follows: 0.5ml clove oil for every gallon of water. The clove oil is specifically: Eugenia Caryophyllata Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► The original operation video ► New show ► The light lighting the tank ►

HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1326

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 925,371 views

This fin trimming was done to my asian arowana A bit of cosmetic surgery is sometimes needed to help your fish look and function its best. At times it is done to help fix a visual issue with the fish and at others it is done to repair damage. Typically this is done on larger fish though, as their visual traits are much more easily seen. So any imperfection is clearly visible. I am not saying that you should do this, but rather simply showing you how I did it. The dosing is as follows: 0.5ml clove oil for every gallon of water. The clove oil is specifically: Eugenia Caryophyllata Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► The original operation video ► New show ► The light lighting the tank ►

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

Ángelo - 7 years ago
Pimp My Fish.
kudos m
kudos m - 7 years ago
lol the fish ended up dying not surprised
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 7 years ago
Watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one best video ever
Barry Gill
Barry Gill - 7 years ago
Is the clove oil what you use for toothache cheers
Rabia Saqib
Rabia Saqib - 7 years ago
His hands were shakinnnnng
jonas martin
jonas martin - 7 years ago
He's got an intimidation look on him but he so peaceful
Notostracan - 7 years ago
Well that was pointless.
LateoJack - 7 years ago
rip buddy
Jeffrey Lai
Jeffrey Lai - 7 years ago
how long later will he wake up? mine has stayed upright, but he is not swimming... now i am in the panic mode!!! :(

10. comment for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

BR5491Z1Z - 7 years ago
if there no feeling in the fins would it have been less stressful to have someone hold the fish with the wet towel and quickly cut back the fins ... just asking
CobNation - 7 years ago
Who's here to watch old video of Buddy? Rip Buddy :'(
mr springtrap
mr springtrap - 7 years ago
wow your hand was shaking :)
Outdoor Survival
Outdoor Survival - 7 years ago
Rip big buddy
Lyon Royal Gaming
Lyon Royal Gaming - 7 years ago
Thatdude inCrack
Thatdude inCrack - 7 years ago
RIP buddy :((((
HashTagHugSwag - 7 years ago
RIP Buddy
Bermygirl eto
Bermygirl eto - 7 years ago
R.I.P. Buddy... Man, what a beautiful fish!!
David Rhim
David Rhim - 7 years ago
Jesse Gaspar
Jesse Gaspar - 7 years ago
R.I.P Buddy

20. comment for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

Nathan Turner
Nathan Turner - 7 years ago
Rip buddy you will be missed
Aidan West
Aidan West - 7 years ago
*says fish will live for 20+ years.
Fish *dies two years later
Michael Hesford
Michael Hesford - 7 years ago
Who else is watching these videos after the past few days?
William - 7 years ago
RIP Buddy!!!!!
jonathan lim
jonathan lim - 7 years ago
rip buddy
Lauren Bellish
Lauren Bellish - 7 years ago
I was sad when you said he was a show fish and should live for 15-20 years knowing he would only live for 2 more years. But now he has wings and is swimming through the sky with the angels. May god be with Buddy and Joey through this time. Rest In Peace Buddy
mini dwarfdude
mini dwarfdude - 7 years ago
My nigga mr fish be getting that succ
Scott Turner
Scott Turner - 7 years ago
R.I.P Buddy
Conor Nicell
Conor Nicell - 7 years ago
Rip buddy
Matthew Moreno
Matthew Moreno - 7 years ago
now the arowana is ded. not because of

30. comment for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

CHUNX101 - 7 years ago
buddy died, he was supposed to live for the next 20 years. but now he's living in an infinite fishbowl in the sky, and he traded his fins for wings.
S30D X
S30D X - 7 years ago
Rip buddy
Jh0e - 7 years ago
RIP buddy
Tre Deuce
Tre Deuce - 7 years ago
Hard to watch these now. Sorry you won't be seeing Buddy anymore.
jesus gaspar
jesus gaspar - 7 years ago
Rip fish
A7xnightmare66 - 7 years ago
It died.
Andrew Salinas
Andrew Salinas - 7 years ago
sip buddy
Carson Miller
Carson Miller - 7 years ago
Rip buddy
Kalumrai - 7 years ago
Rest in peace
Nick The Shy Dude
Nick The Shy Dude - 7 years ago
Rip buddy
Astro theultimate
Astro theultimate - 7 years ago
Rest easy Buddy.
Abe lincoln has hairy nips
Abe lincoln has hairy nips - 7 years ago
RIP buddy
Internet Alpha
Internet Alpha - 7 years ago
Rest in piece my dude.
Subscribe to me for no reason
Subscribe to me for no reason - 7 years ago
R.i.p buddy
Jamalam - 7 years ago
super hero
super hero - 7 years ago
You where perfect
But you where still shaking
darkphase777 - 7 years ago
song name at the end? the lighting at the end was nice. green like the moonlight holy blade
bananamanstrikesback XD
bananamanstrikesback XD - 7 years ago
What is it's scientific name
Master of Angelfish
Master of Angelfish - 7 years ago
i don't half the guts to even hold a fish
Team Downfall
Team Downfall - 7 years ago
20k for a single fish? No thank you

50. comment for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

Caramel_Namwan - 7 years ago
That's so cool, I kinda want an arowana after watching your videos haha. But my dad probably won't let me :'(
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
omg why did I watch this? This is too hard to watch. how do you know hes not dead or youre not going to kill him?
Caitlin Thompson
Caitlin Thompson - 7 years ago
Makeup Mobster well he is dead now
NoYezz - 7 years ago
look at his hands shaking :D
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions - 7 years ago
I have mollys, bettas, etc and i cant belive how people put all kinds of things in there tanks! im glad now my fish have been living for over 3 years!
Sheeps Wool
Sheeps Wool - 7 years ago
No offence, but if you keep an animal based on its looks then maybe you shouldn't be keeping it. Also, putting a fish though unnecessary risks for cosmetic imperfections is irresponsible, especially if there is risk of death. Furthermore, prioritising filming angle over you having the optimum position during the surgery is even more irresponsible.
I usually agree with you but this seems very unnecessary. It may be called a 'hobby' but at the end of the day it's animal care. Doing this is not providing the best care for an animal.
Monica O_O
Monica O_O - 7 years ago
Yeah I get it, this was made in 2015 and it's now 2017, you did a great job with this not matter how many mistakes you think you made. Great video, great explanations, absolutely fantastic video.
Fooz Fooserz
Fooz Fooserz - 7 years ago
Pull it off..never cut...see u screwed his tail... it was better looking before
Sushanta Kumar Samal
Sushanta Kumar Samal - 7 years ago
You did wrong
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity.
By the time you finished reading this name, I stole your virginity. - 7 years ago
Song at 12:00?
WuPiDu - 7 years ago
That's an awesome fish bud! where did you order it from?
BmanBrisk094 - 7 years ago
Just subscribed poor fish
TulsiTime - 7 years ago
I personally think that you did a terrific job
Mike Cose
Mike Cose - 7 years ago
Your fish got white girl wasted. lol
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
They did grow back perfectly. You didn't trim him correctly.
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
Why can't you appreciate him as is ?
Dean Woodward
Dean Woodward - 7 years ago
fascinating video.
AngeL Paq
AngeL Paq - 7 years ago
that was so stressful to watch. good job though!
Shih Puff
Shih Puff - 7 years ago
I've done cosmetic surgery on my goldfishes wen so he could see better. Everything went very well from beginning of surgery until the end of his recovery...
Jojo 24042
Jojo 24042 - 7 years ago
You're asian arowana makes me think of an over sized beta.... In a good way sorry if this sounds like a hate comment its not ment to be
kirvyts somas
kirvyts somas - 7 years ago
really good surgery with good results , congratulation
Andrew Spindler
Andrew Spindler - 7 years ago
Americans even circumcise their fish
Filtered - 7 years ago
im planning on getting two silver arowanas. Anything i should keep in mind while im taking care of it? Since youve probably had thats asian arowana for like 3 years
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
and thanks to getting me into Arowana's, that's my kind of fish to have, nothing in the tank, lol
Kelly Feuerstein
Kelly Feuerstein - 7 years ago
Thank You for teaching me about fish and fish keeping and everything in-between...
I'm one of those people whom don't have a fish thumb, just can't keep them alive...
You & afew others I watch about Fish AND Reptiles, so much I'M learning and feeling more "yes, I can do this if I do this right"
so I'm watching so many videos and reading FOR a year before I get anything else in my Life, and I started this 2 months ago.
Thank You for being One of Them.
SANT MAD - 7 years ago
U are amazing man..... hats off to u sir
shaun lomas
shaun lomas - 7 years ago
Now I know , It is nirve racking to watch him wake up .Now I know
Aaron Tjiong
Aaron Tjiong - 7 years ago
either this is timelapsed or your so scared your hands are shaking alot
Ajmal Hameed
Ajmal Hameed - 7 years ago
my arowana have white patch on her eye
Ethan Kolb
Ethan Kolb - 7 years ago
Don't worry you did well
David Santiago
David Santiago - 7 years ago
his shaking soo much
Letsheia hanson
Letsheia hanson - 7 years ago
your trembling showed me that you care about this animal. my heart was racing my eyes where all teared up. sigh u Diana great job mwah
lisaliamcole - 7 years ago
Would love to know the statistics of how many people have tried this and killed their fish or hurt it vs how many did this and the fish survived without being hurt.
So many people would become so nervous and mess something up. As you can see even someone as knowledgeable and has done it several times before gets nervous and starts shaking. Not a negative post against what he's doing but just curious.
Gun_Klub - 7 years ago
thats why the big guy dont like you! mystery solved!!
jjj xxx
jjj xxx - 7 years ago
I'm considering doing this for my fancy goldfish that has uneven tail. The size difference in his tail makes him swim weird and his body is slowly bending to one side. have anyone ever done this to a goldfish??? do they feel pain in their tail? Will their tail regrow evenly afterwards? really wanna know... X(
Bryan Coucill
Bryan Coucill - 7 years ago
Whats the cool song at the end?
Drew Bendel
Drew Bendel - 7 years ago
you really need a 4 k camera to capture to true beauty of these creatures.
bambo Bambi
bambo Bambi - 7 years ago
can i ask u a question. ? how many time u feed the crossback. and what had it eat thanks
Pleonismus - 7 years ago
I use clove oil to knock out my sick fishes and then I chop the head, just in case the dose wouldn't have been enough to kill.
Leon Cheung
Leon Cheung - 7 years ago
how long would the fish be sedated for , because i am planning to use this method to transport fish
Classic Fish Keeper
Classic Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
i love how people think the fish can feel pain when the dont have the brain capacity to feel pain at all
Dungeons Heroes
Dungeons Heroes - 7 years ago
its cruel for the fish! plus cosmetic surgery on animals ITS ILLEGAL! just search for it
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
could I do this with my veiltail betta because his fins a ripped bad an are not growing back no matter what I do?
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
MintChocolate thanks for the help
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Stormy Mist Good thing that it hasn't progressed too far! A mild antibiotic might be your best bet! I hope your fishy gets better soon :)
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
MintChocolate thank you it just the ends of his fins if you found a old rag with stringy edges his fins our kind of like that
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
MintChocolate I don't think he has swim bladder problems it's just he is poorly bread and yah he has been like this since I got him and that was 3 to 4 months ago
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Stormy Mist The sinking sounds like he has swim bladder, which is treatable. I'm not sure exactly how but I'm sure a quick Google search of swim bladder disease in bettas will tell you everything you need
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
He is a pet store double tail when he stops swimming his buttom hafe sinks
Stormy Mist
Stormy Mist - 7 years ago
Thanks I am doing 80% water changes every day or some times ever other day and adding one tablespoon and 1/2 when I add new water.
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Stormy Mist surgery isn't necessary. if it's fin rot you can successfully treat it by increasing the frequency of water changes and adding in some aquarium salt. be sure to do 100% water changes if you use aquarium salt though because the salt won't evaporate and can't be filtered out and you don't want to overdose your fish. If it's torn due to injury then make sure that you don't have any harmful plastic plants or rough decorations that might be tearing your bettas fins and if it has tank mates make sure they aren't nipping at the bettas fins. Once you troubleshoot the tank for causes, treat the injury with frequent water changes, and aquarium salt. Sometimes bettas bite their own fins due to stress, so naturally if the stress continues so will the biting. In that case be sure they are in a large enough tank (at least 5-10 gallons for a single fish), there aren't any stressful tankmates, sudden changes in environment (like swapping tanks without being properly acclimated), highly reflective surfaces (no more making your Betta flare with a mirror) or hands frequently tapping the glass. A betta's fins will almost always repair itself as long as the fish is healthy and in a clean environment
eagle- eye3
eagle- eye3 - 7 years ago
why the hell he is drowning the poor fish after cutting fins what the hell man
Sumit Nagwekar
Sumit Nagwekar - 7 years ago
plz tell me how to cure arowana dropeye
avtonynj39 - 7 years ago
I never seen someone​ hands shake so bad
King Knights
King Knights - 7 years ago
omg I was so scared that he was dead
Miss Keli
Miss Keli - 7 years ago
Excellent job, Joey! Thanks for the video. What is the dosing of the clove oil? How many cc or ml per gallon?
leonardchi4 - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on how to sex a arowana
Grace Dagger
Grace Dagger - 7 years ago
Unconscious and dead fish in water just freak me out it's so gross
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
i liked and subscribed to you!

100. comment for HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
how long do you have your asian arawhana so far?
BeefJerky4104 - 7 years ago
Very interesting video. You really care about your fish
Caro PerRod
Caro PerRod - 7 years ago
Horrible trim !
Carlos Escobar
Carlos Escobar - 7 years ago
Doesn't Clove Oil kill fish?
Mean Rayos
Mean Rayos - 7 years ago
drug store or pet store???
Mean Rayos
Mean Rayos - 7 years ago
where did you get thos clove oil???
Ela Hancock
Ela Hancock - 7 years ago
Why doesn't he just remove the part of him walking out of the room? We don't want to know about your camera battery
Bokuto - 7 years ago
I should be sleeping right now...
insecure potato
insecure potato - 8 years ago
This is disgusting
NunchuckDuck - 8 years ago
death count: 15
Tankbait - 8 years ago
Not even my fish but I was nervous for you, he's beautiful!
Starlit Drakon
Starlit Drakon - 8 years ago
i know you mentioned some 'chipped' scales-- in your more recent videos of this Arowana, and this video as well, i noticed divots in a line of the scales along its side. I was wondering what the source of these was, if you knew?
Georgina P
Georgina P - 8 years ago
Soooo... The wife goes to bed one night, gets a funny smell of clove oil around her and wakes up days later with a massive pair of new titties...
JackTheKid - 8 years ago
Please can you do longer videos
2SilverEyes - 8 years ago
damn... you know you need hobby's when you're giving your fish cosmetic surgery
Soup GDWinney
Soup GDWinney - 8 years ago
Damn I'm loosing my mind just watching a video...I can only imagine how much stress you are feeling. That's a gorgeous fish and I'm sure he's not cheap either. But even aside from that, you definitely don't wanna think you've killed your fish!! ugghhh that's to stressful man!! lol
Gustavoinsd - 8 years ago
The king of DIY ?? How about the king of animal abuse? Cocksucker
Matthew Sweeney
Matthew Sweeney - 8 years ago
Question for you Joey... I have a juvenile silver that was pair up with a juvenile oscar that literally bit off the pelvic fins of my silver arowana. Needles to say is the oscar is gone and is never coming back (he was kind of an asshole) but the arowaa is alive swimming. will those pelvic fins possible]]e come back? Can he live with out them?
Ron Entropy
Ron Entropy - 8 years ago
Someone needs to do that to NEMOS small fin... That's all NEMOS needs so it would even out his little fin.
Prashant P Patil
Prashant P Patil - 8 years ago
any other medicine thn clove oil to suggest?
alex 97
alex 97 - 8 years ago
Wow very beautiful fish.
Pheonix 2
Pheonix 2 - 8 years ago
Is there a chance of causing issue to the fish by running them directly over air bubbles? Micro bubbles getting trapped in the gills.
Clément Pigot
Clément Pigot - 8 years ago
even though I knew he was going to be OK I was so stressed watching it not responding. thank you for sharing with us
Victoria Leppold
Victoria Leppold - 8 years ago
Unless you're helping the fish medically, this cosmetic operation is totally unethical. Just because we want a prettier fish by your personal standards... that's not justifiable. I'm glad you sedated it, and you do show great concern... but this is not right.
Maybe Later
Maybe Later - 7 years ago
Victoria Leppold I don't get what's so terrible about it. The fish is just fine and it didn't effect him in a negative way because he was sedated the whole time.
If he was inexperienced in doing these sorts of things then I would agree with you because it could've been dangerous. But he knew what he was doing.
Jacob Sanden
Jacob Sanden - 7 years ago
He regrew his fins and he swims better because of it. Wasn't necessary, but wast terrible either.
Spicy Berries
Spicy Berries - 8 years ago
Nothing is perfect
KatHates You
KatHates You - 8 years ago
Did he just date rape drug a fish
R - 8 years ago
if you want to shake the fish the same way you wank your dick if you want him to wake up quickly...
jinakuo - 8 years ago
I applaud you that is a really nice looking arowana! I would too be shaking if I had to cut off the fins on a expensive fish I have been keeping for years.
Ghostly Cupcakes
Ghostly Cupcakes - 8 years ago
What's the soundtrack called of the ending theme song?
leah edwards
leah edwards - 8 years ago
That's one beautiful fish
ADRIAN REN - 8 years ago
MrFysik - 8 years ago
Thank you! Used this method when I did a boob job on my mermaid.
Jafar Fareedy
Jafar Fareedy - 8 years ago
lucky fish got doctor,make up artist & construtor.
Xiong Lor
Xiong Lor - 8 years ago
are they legalize in the USA now??
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
He's from Nova Scotia, Canada.
aesth - 8 years ago
No plants? :/
aesth - 8 years ago
Nick Farrar I see. Thanks.
Nick Farrar
Nick Farrar - 8 years ago
BenjaminIsAwesome in an older video he said that he tried to put plants and decorations in the tank but it just ran into them and chipped scales and hurt itself
Paolo Banci
Paolo Banci - 8 years ago
Rischiare di uccidere un pesce così solo per cosmetica... senza senso.
Riseof Herobrine
Riseof Herobrine - 8 years ago
that's was to shaky
Yash Koshimbe
Yash Koshimbe - 8 years ago
Lol I used the same method my arowana died because of you
Mother fucker
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
You probably went into the tissue. It's nobody's fault but yours.
189pac - 8 years ago
He he he his teeny tiny tail
Matthew Beck
Matthew Beck - 8 years ago
That's a gorgeous fish, he really looks like a prize, no wonder you were shaking
Downfall - 8 years ago
wow, look at how much hes shaking, must be really really nervous
Overall Prince
Overall Prince - 8 years ago
He was shaking so much, you could tell he was extremely nervous
I'm Confused
I'm Confused - 8 years ago
I came here to research Balloon Mollies how did I end up here? Btw nice fish and channel my dude
Dakota Lehr
Dakota Lehr - 8 years ago
Have you ever tried to put tiger fish with your arrowana?
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
This made me so nervous. My heart was racing lol
Peter Rojas
Peter Rojas - 8 years ago
Your hands were shaky as hell
Silent Killa
Silent Killa - 8 years ago
do u import your fish ?
drago sly
drago sly - 8 years ago
sir how to buy an arowana ,a healthy one .
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
drago sly from high-classes fish store
Juron Lobo
Juron Lobo - 8 years ago
We used to do this all the time for our fish in the past.
SUBIE4estr XT - 8 years ago
Why did you have to do that?
APinchOfDecay - 8 years ago
+HockeyLife The fishes swimming ability wouldn't've been affected. It's a 'Cosmetic' surgery, as stated in the title.
Auston Matthews
Auston Matthews - 8 years ago
Rocket Bunny R35 so the fish can swim better and it looks better
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
What is its name
Lizardman22 - 8 years ago
that is a very beautiful fish i think hes gonna be your best friend for a very long time
jordan grimes
jordan grimes - 8 years ago
you should never put us in front of your fishs
Kithe - 8 years ago
fish cant normaly feel pain
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 8 years ago
Kithe they do feel pain, all animals do.
zachary stewart
zachary stewart - 8 years ago
Jesus Christ your shaking like your going with drawl
Quirico Aguila
Quirico Aguila - 8 years ago
Hi! Great video! did you use any anti biotic mixed in the tank water post surgergy?
Beau Barrow
Beau Barrow - 8 years ago
Can I ask out of curiosity why don't you put any props in or fish in the tank so he's not alone.
Tatiana Farnsworth
Tatiana Farnsworth - 8 years ago
Beau Barrow he has tried tank mates compatible with Asian arowanas but they weren't compatible with his particular fish. He may try others in the future. His fish just bumps into and scrapes against decor due to its size.
J B - 8 years ago
You are the king of fish. Fish King dope vids.
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
That had to be a bit frightening for you anyway! Great job!
Jarrett Hendrickson
Jarrett Hendrickson - 8 years ago
a great way to help revive the fish would also be to gently move him back and forth to help water pass through the gills
trust me I have as an angler had to do this with fish that were beyond the point of no return.
Bob Thebuilder
Bob Thebuilder - 8 years ago
It is like fish circumsition
Lohan Karsten
Lohan Karsten - 8 years ago
Why do you do this
Wei Hsiang Sia
Wei Hsiang Sia - 8 years ago
Awesome work and thanks for sharing. Really can feel tt u were nervous cos u cared abt the fish.
Dylan Haddox
Dylan Haddox - 8 years ago
thanks for recording, it was really interesting
Dark Wolf
Dark Wolf - 8 years ago
You can see how healthy he is it's just his fins need a trim to help encourage growing. Much as you trim a rose bush, delicately and precision is key to keeping your fish's fins health. On a side not I want to know that fish's name. Not species name but like what you named him.
celegaming - 8 years ago
why are you cutting his fins?
ahlow10111 - 8 years ago
Did you pay attention to the beginning of the video at all?
Lukas Whelan
Lukas Whelan - 8 years ago
On my Asian marajjuna
Colton Fleming
Colton Fleming - 8 years ago
that's such a beautiful fish
Michael Saldana
Michael Saldana - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does that fish kinda look like an over grown beta
Betta Beauties
Betta Beauties - 7 years ago
I was thinking that as I watched this fish swim around. He has the same grumpy face and gliding movements as my bettas. This fish is awesome - very prehistoric look to him.
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 8 years ago
Both bettas and arowanas are surface eating predator fish from Asia, so they both developed a similar body structure to survive. Wild bettas certainly look more arowana-like than the modified pet store bettas
MITOCHONDRIA000 - 8 years ago
fish don't feel pain though...
MITOCHONDRIA000 - 8 years ago
Trines Nails no
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 8 years ago
ANoFrA they do
jerry juarez
jerry juarez - 8 years ago
looks like lunch
EyesofNova - 8 years ago
you being nervous just shows how humane you are.
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
EyesofNova he was giving it unnecessary surgery...
Cfora Day
Cfora Day - 8 years ago
Just found your channel. I can tell you really care about your fish and your hobby. Congratulations on your success. I have been fish keeping for about two years. I constantly feel like I have no clue. I am up to a 75gal tank and have 5 koi. I am look forward to making my first tank after watching your videos.
Wolfgirlz Foxsykitten
Wolfgirlz Foxsykitten - 8 years ago
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
My Bettas fins started to grow a nasty collor as he got older.
First i thought he was sick so i asked in a forum and after talking and talking for a week we came to the conclusion, that he isn't sick but his fins just grew that way. could i do cosmetik surgery on my Betta and cut the ugly parts of ?
If i do this, wi he regrow blue fins or will he grow those ugly fins again?
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
Günter TV it will change to new fin
JakePakMusic - 8 years ago
Will this work with a baby Pearl Arowana? He's about 2 inches in length
Tatiana Farnsworth
Tatiana Farnsworth - 8 years ago
JakePakMusic don't do it to a baby, the reason he did it is because when the fish got bigger its fins didn't
Skylar McLaughlin
Skylar McLaughlin - 8 years ago
JakePakMusic I'd Google it.
OMKAR Kanekar
OMKAR Kanekar - 8 years ago
in that blue light it looks awesome man
Ted - 8 years ago
What is the proper dosage for various fish? 3"long, 6", 12" ?
Sriram Sivakumar
Sriram Sivakumar - 8 years ago
Your hands were Shivering so much while doing the operation
TheTerminator1919 - 8 years ago
Why are you doing this? for visual or health reasons?
Springtrap - 8 years ago
TheTerminator1919 I think for it to look neater and medical reasons because of the fishes tail is smaller than they are supposed to be than that would be bad for the fish. So both
businessnik - 8 years ago
Try a powerhead on one side of the tank. Water has to move over the gills, and the airstone is good, but won't move the water from the mouth, through the gills. Good job though! I would be so nervous.
Adam Simon
Adam Simon - 8 years ago
Damn that fish looks gorgeous under that blueish light, looks great man!
Paul Sam
Paul Sam - 8 years ago
to playstation aquatic snails nerites in particular can stay out of water a lot longer then 20 minutes.

joey the only thing that happened to me while watching was i needed to take a valium. crazy stuff. can you tell me how much clove oil you used in 10g of water. I've had to euthanasia fish as we all have had to do and i also use clove oil and when I'm sure there out a small amount of clear alcohol to put them at rest. was wondering how much you used.
Golf Master333
Golf Master333 - 8 years ago
i wonder how u look if ur hair is fully growth. handsome i guess
Steelwater 13
Steelwater 13 - 8 years ago
You should add some hiding places and more things to do for the fish. If I where him I would be bored. But, good job on the operation
Maybe Later
Maybe Later - 7 years ago
Steelwater 13 arowana don't need hides and he said when he had decoration in the tank he would run into it and chip his scales.
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 8 years ago
whale... finally know how to get rid of my tiger barbs
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 7 years ago
+j pimp nah, I'm not that cruel XD. I love them but joke around like that
j pimp
j pimp - 7 years ago
Nikki The Fox ok I was kinda worried but didn't know if they were sick or something lol
Nikki The Fox
Nikki The Fox - 7 years ago
I'm just kidding, but really they have kept me from putting anything else in my tank. Killed off an already established tank
j pimp
j pimp - 7 years ago
Gašper Školc
Gašper Školc - 8 years ago
thought about putting a GoPro or some other waterproof action camera inside the tank? That'd give a nice view aswell :)
Skylar McLaughlin
Skylar McLaughlin - 8 years ago
Gašper Školc True
DJ Zander303
DJ Zander303 - 8 years ago
nervous?! boy you was shaking like a stripper
Mr. Varanium
Mr. Varanium - 8 years ago
Of course there was a commercial for a fish sandwich while watching this
merscee _
merscee _ - 8 years ago
What was the point of the "surgery"? Why would you cut your fish's tail just for cosmetic reasons?
lexi buxton
lexi buxton - 8 years ago
merscee _ because he has this fish purely for looks, it is a 2000$ fish so of course he wants it to look the best it can
Elizabeth Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson - 8 years ago
is it fresh water or salt water
Superior Skill
Superior Skill - 8 years ago
its not really a surgery more just like cutting your nails, or your hair
eggrollsoup - 8 years ago
Nyan Bunny fingers and toes don't grow back it's not as extreme as that and there is no blood or nerves in the fins
Katherine Khamsi
Katherine Khamsi - 8 years ago
You don't understand anatomy, idiot.
Hannah Renee
Hannah Renee - 8 years ago
famboiant - 8 years ago
+ItsAlmo yes
Edbassmaster playlists
Edbassmaster playlists - 8 years ago
Bunny Irving no
Superior Skill
Superior Skill - 8 years ago
Bunny Irving no
famboiant - 8 years ago
Superior Skill or fingers or toes.
adam mac
adam mac - 8 years ago
14:03 Checkin out DAT ASS! Sum FINE ASS FINS!
adam mac
adam mac - 8 years ago
Hey guy.. the kids can go to college DEBT-FREE! Just finished a 2 min ad! ha
thekingchrissyg - 8 years ago
take a deep breath or something man jesus
John C Gibson
John C Gibson - 8 years ago
Fish need breast augmentation.
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
John C G ....
Emily Allen
Emily Allen - 8 years ago
John C G qqqqqq
TheNellehFox - 8 years ago
This is not something I could ever do to my fish. Medical reasons? Yes. Cosmetic? Hell no.
Geektarts - 7 years ago
Pleonismus I'm curious to know in what countries it is illegal, I haven't heard of this?
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
TheNellehFox NEVER for cosmetic reasons.
Pleonismus - 7 years ago
There is a reason Us isn't quite on top. Most European countries for an example, are way ahead in animal treatment and such.
Pisces - 7 years ago
Pleonismus in the US (where I'm from) wing trims are commonly done to prevent birds from flying away if they accidentally get out of the house. That's why I'm asking
Pleonismus - 7 years ago
Oh, it flew away, congratulations, you just learnt a lesson. Seriously, if it accidentally flies away, you might want to teach it incall. If you were my pet, I'd trim your feet a bit so you won't run away. Get something without wings maybe?
Pisces - 7 years ago
Linnea Dahlberg how do you keep your birds from flying away if they somehow get outside?
Pleonismus - 7 years ago
I would never trim the wings on my birds :( There's a reason its illegal in several countries.
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
TheNellehFox you know I can easily trim bird feathers and wing s but doing g this to. my fish NOPE
Jake D
Jake D - 8 years ago
Arune Gmd but lets make them shorter for a few months lol
Arune Gmd
Arune Gmd - 8 years ago
TheNellehFox its for medical and Vanity reasons since they didn't grow right and thet would have issues during his swimjng
John von Horn
John von Horn - 8 years ago
The Bling of DIY
Morlanius - 8 years ago
Levi_Ackermen - 8 years ago
TheNellehFox I helps the fish swim better.
Sayeeda Qamer
Sayeeda Qamer - 8 years ago
what r the reason's of arwwana to die suddenly after a water change
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
pigslap - 8 years ago
Random User it's a $2,000 fish. You want something that expensive to look it's best.
not Ainsley
not Ainsley - 8 years ago
Random User read the description, it said it don't to help the fish
K-Dawgg - 8 years ago
so what's the purpose of trimming the fins? to get them to grow back more neatly?
Stumack - 8 years ago
I think the fish can swim much easier when the fins get bigger so its not just for looks. The good look is a nice side effect :)
SegaMegaNerd97 - 8 years ago
AnAngryMudkip yes it's his most prized fish it lives in its own tank so he wants it to look it's best :)
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom
The Humble Geometric Figure of Doom - 8 years ago
I honestly believe that fish of that size must be kept in the pond.
not Ainsley
not Ainsley - 8 years ago
LOL I'm pretty sure he meant a man-made pond but eh, you're still right
xkillerdog - 8 years ago
If I clip my comet and black moor in the same way, will their fins regrow as well? they were bullied by my turtles.
tea wolf
tea wolf - 8 years ago
The past few days I've watched so many of your videos I can't begin to count, lol. It's really inspired me to do better with my own tanks and fish since it shows from this video how much you care. I aspire to be as proficient and knowledgeable as you are and hope to buy your book soon, too! Also I kind of want an arowana now... heh.
Tri Me
Tri Me - 8 years ago
I saw how your hands were shaking...
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
RainbowWolfNinja Trin I think this is he first fish surg ever
한지희 - 8 years ago
I appriciate your care and attention for the fish. I want to know what is the effect of trimming his fin. Anyone who can tell me about it?
Trines Nails
Trines Nails - 8 years ago
한지희 he explained it :) it helps them grow back faster
xSean145 - 8 years ago
Fish surgery should be done in shallow water with a water tube in its mouth that keeps flowing water through its gills. But nicely done anyway. I wouldnt dare mess with a fish like that.
Buck D
Buck D - 8 years ago
Wow, your hands were shaking!
gennis gayanilo
gennis gayanilo - 8 years ago
we have the same hobby and you give me some important information but sad to say its been a year that I stop this hobby because of some certain reasons and maybe someday I could return in this hobby
Sophie Sapphire
Sophie Sapphire - 8 years ago
Yh, people use clove oil to sedate fancy goldfish when trimming their 'Wen' (the bubble looking flesh on the head of goldfish like oranda) because if it over grows the fish may get trouble with swimming, breathing, sight and sometimes feeding.
Joeby Whler
Joeby Whler - 8 years ago
How long do arowanas live for?
Brian Morton
Brian Morton - 8 years ago
Basic-bloke Freddy he said in the video
catsgomeows - 8 years ago
up to 15 years i believe
EnolaH - 8 years ago
He's like "ok let me go I can do it" ~let's go~ " woah woah" flips XD
Nick De Las Alas
Nick De Las Alas - 8 years ago
The tank you built really compliments the fish
Cific - 8 years ago
How much is the arowana? I can't find a stable price
dogzvids 1
dogzvids 1 - 8 years ago
Cific is 59 dollar one good
Wolfy Kaname
Wolfy Kaname - 8 years ago
Cisco Kid actually you can as long as its not an asian arowana. they are illegal in the usa. any others you can buy.
AnotherIdiotWind - 8 years ago
good info. thanks guys!
True Kuching
True Kuching - 8 years ago
+AnotherIdiotWind no fish farmers in my country have a license to sell the fish, the Arowana you get are raised in farms most likely in my country(Malaysia) ,Singapore,Philippines, Thailand and India the ban is for wild caught Arowana btw fisherman in my country do catch this fish but they always release them as it is the law
AnotherIdiotWind - 8 years ago
Did they lift the ban on selling and importing Asian arowana in the US?

They're endangered... I know people are periodically arrested for selling them.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Vale freedom I'm positive it was not an Asian but rather a silver or jardini. Both go for that price, but certainly not an Asian.
Riley Corkery
Riley Corkery - 8 years ago
Cific he got his for like $2000...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Vale freedom sounds like a silver. This is an Asian arowana. Most see the word arowana and think it's the same thing though.
Vale freedom
Vale freedom - 8 years ago
my family buy one for like €7 but the fish wasn't that big yet :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Cific there is no set price. It varies greatly depending on the variant and farm.
Jason Rothfeld
Jason Rothfeld - 8 years ago
You were like shitting bricks lol.
Josh doe
Josh doe - 8 years ago
I wouldn't do this to my animals I hate being knocked out :/ I wouldn't think it's worth it even if it is safe
vassilis Thegreek
vassilis Thegreek - 8 years ago
I had a fish complain once
Kusum P
Kusum P - 8 years ago
King of diy what kind of arowana is that? A Malaysian blueback maybe?
Hydrus Gamers
Hydrus Gamers - 8 years ago
Kusum P Malaysian bluebase crossback
MKR - 8 years ago
Wow, what a neat video! Beautiful fish! You can tell how much you really care about it. ♡
Nathan Smith
Nathan Smith - 8 years ago
Can the survive out of water for a while?
rabar omar
rabar omar - 8 years ago
Nathan Smith 3-5 min
rahjelli - 8 years ago
you can tell how much you care by how much your hand is shaking with the scissors
Majawolf pegasus100
Majawolf pegasus100 - 7 years ago
Dragonflail doing this helps the fish being able to swim better it's not just cosmetic
Dragonflail - 7 years ago
rahjelli If he cared that much about the fish, he would have left it alone.
sa g
sa g - 7 years ago
rahjelli well its $2000
Jake D
Jake D - 8 years ago
rahjelli and he doesnt want to lose that much money
MrBink - 8 years ago
Kaitlyn Nicoulin
Kaitlyn Nicoulin - 8 years ago
PETA would totally murder you
Kayla Bumgarner
Kayla Bumgarner - 8 years ago
Now is not a good essential oil company. I'm not sure for fish, but for humans now sucks!
Sherleen Hernandez
Sherleen Hernandez - 8 years ago
you can even see him shaking
Robynlisa Williams
Robynlisa Williams - 8 years ago
What is his name +KingofDIY
Drew Ridenour
Drew Ridenour - 8 years ago
Hey man I know this is not relating to the video but where do you order fish on line
Lindsey Paradiso
Lindsey Paradiso - 8 years ago
I understand completely your level of nervousness and shakiness, I'm the same way with just about everything, I have diagnosed general anxiety so it's really bad lol, I get so anxious and shaken and all that it's hard to even function properly to be able to do what you have to lol.
Anna Colvett
Anna Colvett - 8 years ago
Lindsey Paradiso sometimes I have anxiety attacks but they aren't diagnosed. Just wanted to say that idk why
Drakken Savior
Drakken Savior - 8 years ago
Cosbying the fish
amorembalming - 8 years ago
Drakken Savior genuinely laughed out loud at that.
Erin Sowerby Greene
Erin Sowerby Greene - 8 years ago
You have no idea how happy this video makes me! I did an undergrad project on various methods of fish anaesthesia to determine the most humane method for euthanasia of research fish, and clove oil was by far the least traumatic. Way to go!
jane doe
jane doe - 8 years ago
fish dont feel pain >o<
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
whoa that was more fin than I thought you'd cut. glad he was ok after.
Rex Warburton
Rex Warburton - 8 years ago
how much would that fish cost?
Harry Madigan
Harry Madigan - 8 years ago
Why are your tanks so empty?
Santtu Kopalainen
Santtu Kopalainen - 8 years ago
Harry Madigan Arowana is known to prefer empty or almost empty tanks. Foliage etc. might make the fish nervous, it's ' a surface fish'.
har poon
har poon - 8 years ago
poor guy
ElevatedLife801 - 8 years ago
you can see him shaking so hard, poor guy, he loves his fishies
Palle H
Palle H - 8 years ago
why do you cut your videos so it looks like you never breathe, its stressing to watch.
tay sharks
tay sharks - 8 years ago
I think it's unique that you have one fish with no decor to keep the attention on the fish. and that black background is beast.
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith - 8 years ago
Hes shaking sooooo bad
Kayla. Simmer
Kayla. Simmer - 8 years ago
Wouldn't placing it on the towel damage its slime coat?
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 7 years ago
Kayla. Simmer nope, if it was dry on the other hand, then yes
BachikoiBabi - 8 years ago
You must have been very confident in yourself. I sure as heck wouldn't risk the chance of killing my pet, especially such a rare and expensive fish.
Jesus Luna
Jesus Luna - 8 years ago
My heart almost jumped out a few times
Treeza Lewis
Treeza Lewis - 8 years ago
beautiful fish
Treeza Lewis
Treeza Lewis - 8 years ago
I knw I love him allot
Brad Simpson
Brad Simpson - 8 years ago
You got some serious brass balls, Joey. I get what you did, and why you did it, and I don't necessarily disagree with you; it was the thing to do. But pigs would sprout wings before I ever attempted to do something like this myself.
Tyler P
Tyler P - 8 years ago
HOW many times have you done this???
theepicsealshow123 - 7 years ago
HOW excuse me
Tyler P
Tyler P - 8 years ago
Not sure how I feel about this.
Tyler P
Tyler P - 8 years ago
Not sure how I feel about this.
Yosef Leon
Yosef Leon - 8 years ago
I think half of the clove oil you used would suffice for the next time??
Yosef Leon
Yosef Leon - 8 years ago
Good job man, I felt your nervousness. I have 2 black ghost knife's They are absolutely beautiful but mine were fighting. I had 2 in a tank so I had to move one. I can imagine how that felt having to cut your fish.. Glad he turned out well!.. Peace.
Synn Kynlr
Synn Kynlr - 8 years ago
did it work??
Rico - 8 years ago
I woud not recommend using aan towel because it hurts his layer of slime. Try using a smooth surface mat of some kind. Furthermore the video reminds me of the movie Flatliners
AcolyteOF Fire
AcolyteOF Fire - 8 years ago
it was not dry. if it was dry then it would harm the fish
Jake White
Jake White - 8 years ago
That fish is just so cool ! The king of DIY
Irving Marquez
Irving Marquez - 8 years ago
J- roc
J- roc - 8 years ago
Thats love.
Wooly the Sheep
Wooly the Sheep - 8 years ago
Never thought I'd see a arowana trip balls
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 8 years ago
okay understood
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 8 years ago
where did the red hooks go?
Logan Dvorak
Logan Dvorak - 8 years ago
Caleb Mayo he got rid of them because the redhooks were stealing all the food
oTWINKLEoTOESo - 8 years ago
it's just a large airstone
Dan Dan
Dan Dan - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY what is the blue circle air bubble thing
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
This video is a year old. I have only had the redhooks for 3 months.
BlueRocky 1
BlueRocky 1 - 8 years ago
could I do this to a Oscars fish?
pony clips
pony clips - 8 years ago
fish do not feel pain its an instinct
pony clips
pony clips - 8 years ago
fish do not feel pain its an instinct
LJay Assong
LJay Assong - 8 years ago
What's the name of the song ppl? At the end
Reef Group
Reef Group - 8 years ago
How does he breathe when he's out of water?
AcolyteOF Fire
AcolyteOF Fire - 8 years ago
this fish has gills but can also fill lungs that it has with air to breath.
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 8 years ago
Fish breathe oxygen, yet their gills just need to stay moist
Wang weili
Wang weili - 8 years ago
Nice blue base Xback, will be uploading some of my videos soon too!
DeathMill - 8 years ago
Omg, u were shaking so much
morgan pfischer
morgan pfischer - 8 years ago
U could see his hands shaking sorry u were so stressed!
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
why does clove oil do this to fish?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
first of all this is the worst explenation I've ever heard and second of all it is wrong.
How old are you?
Günter TV
Günter TV - 8 years ago
So I am a dumbass because i want to know how clove oil exactly sedates fish?
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 8 years ago
Does anyone here know if a dorsal spine has any nerve endings? And does anyone know if it has a chance at healing properly? I'm tempted to perform surgery on my fancy goldfish because his dorsal spine is crooked and I believe it's affecting his swimming.
Jeff Bronson
Jeff Bronson - 8 years ago
I ended up performing the surgery and he turned out fine. fin has grown back already.

I did some my fair share of research by visiting several hobbyist websites regarding this matter and from what I gathered, it would be a safe procedure. i just went to double check by asking on several forums and reliable YouTube communities, such as this one, to get a second opinion.
its over bananakin
its over bananakin - 8 years ago
If you don't already know yourself and you look on YouTube for answers you probably should leave it alone
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
I think it should be fine. My bala shark had its dorsal fine seperate from the rest of the fin and it was pretty red, and within a week it regrew back perfectly.
R1CK SANCH3Z - 8 years ago
What would happen if a human drank this
PlaystationQUAD-Pro - 8 years ago
i didnt know a fish can survive 2min out the water
sa g
sa g - 7 years ago
Sophie Baldwin one of my gold fish jumped out of the aquarium and was on the ground overnight.. in the morning we peeled it off the ground and tried to put it in water. IT STARTED SWIMMING
Gijs Achternaam
Gijs Achternaam - 7 years ago
PlaystationQUAD-Pro some fish can go long with out water like stone fish that can go for 24 hours and some fish know how to breath for a short time
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Some fish can last hours or even days. Bettas can breathe out of water for up to 24 hours.
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
PlaystationQUAD-Pro some fish can survive without water for days
James Havry
James Havry - 8 years ago
PlaystationQUAD-ProTM there's cat fish that could live hours out of water
Transform987 - 8 years ago
Funny thing is aquatic snails can only survive 20 mins
J Renèe ツ
J Renèe ツ - 8 years ago
did you see his video about the alligator gar? that was out of water overnight, in freezing temperatures, after declared dead and placed into a bucket temporally.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Jack Baldikoski that's nice! Mines in a 2.5gal at the moment as his 5gal tank cycles. It's a shrimp tank. He's a lil sweetheart and let's them go right up to him. Hopefully I'll be able to put him in my 10gal eventually, which will become the RCS tank
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Jack Baldikoski yup!! Bettas are number one!

I have a very pretty crown tail named CottonCandy at the moment
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Jack Baldikoski shoot- i always misname it
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+Forever Equestriannn they can live longer out of water because they're lung fish
Kjequine_ - 8 years ago
One of my betta fighting fish survived for over 1 and a half hours on the dry ground
Forensic Bunnies
Forensic Bunnies - 8 years ago
+Sophie Baldwin Actually Goldfish can survive 30 minutes max out of water, provided they are wrapped in a damp towel
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
fish actual can spend a bit of time out of water, some being able to 'breathe' the air like betta fish
Sophie Baldwin
Sophie Baldwin - 8 years ago
It's a larger fish so it can last longer out of water if it were a gold fish it wouldn't be able to last that long out of water
Time Bomb
Time Bomb - 8 years ago
You look like Adam sandler and you must have got this comment a lot.
Burnt Potato
Burnt Potato - 8 years ago
Am i the only one who found this extremely hard to watch even though i know he wasnt hurt
Zuhdhi Malik
Zuhdhi Malik - 8 years ago
semoga berhasil hidup laki ya ikan...
Hay its me shark
Hay its me shark - 8 years ago
where did you get your arowana
Ellie Claire
Ellie Claire - 8 years ago
Woah I was so nervous watching this
Von Schwetz K
Von Schwetz K - 8 years ago
Did the fish signed an agreement form or some thing?
SYNDRIC - 8 years ago
No I was wrong Canada is a planet that is right to the planet we call Sun.
SYNDRIC - 8 years ago
MrFysik I thought Canada was in Australia?
MrFysik - 8 years ago
Ye ofc! Canada is in Asia you donkey!
Sumeet Chand
Sumeet Chand - 8 years ago
Americans LOVE cutting of their Manlihood's dont they?
Derddy Dert
Derddy Dert - 8 years ago
He always has his fish sign disclaimers as well as release forms. He is legit.
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
that is animal abuse
Space Hunter
Space Hunter - 8 years ago
in 6:24 hes shaking cuz hes nervous
StephieAck - 8 years ago
I use clove oil to euthanize any of my tropicals that need help passing away. It is calm and gentle.
StephieAck - 8 years ago
Um, nope, not gonna do that. To each their own, but I'm not going to do that.
StephieAck - 8 years ago
+jade I wish I never had to do it, but as it happens, better to make it gentle :)
Jade - 8 years ago
You're such a caring and considerate person <3 thank you
Tiger Yang
Tiger Yang - 8 years ago
is an Asian aro and jardini the same or no?
Brad Simpson
Brad Simpson - 8 years ago
+Muhamad Khairul Correct.
Muhamad Khairul
Muhamad Khairul - 8 years ago
Jardini is from Australia, if im not mistake
Brad Simpson
Brad Simpson - 8 years ago
A jardini is an excellent poor-man's replacement for an Asian arrowana. But no, not even close to the same animal.
Joel Jaipersaud
Joel Jaipersaud - 8 years ago
Asian typically grow larger than Jardini
Nguyen Vids
Nguyen Vids - 8 years ago
no!!! not the same at all!!!
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
Awwwww he loves the fish!
Emily Story
Emily Story - 8 years ago
well done! Very interesting video. Had no idea clove oil could be used for this!
patt - 8 years ago
Dude he's shaking like a motherfucker! So stressfull I bet for a thing that expensive
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 7 years ago
patt he cared for the animal too animals are not products for humans use
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 7 years ago
patt he cared for the animal too animals are not products for humans use
DHIVYESH GS - 7 years ago
hey patt he just loves the fish so much that he's shaking
Shoibyrd - 8 years ago
He says in the video why he does it. It's also a common practice with birds. Sometimes fins, and feathers don't flourish with growth so they need to be trimmed or even in some cases removed to encourage growth. In the wild their fins bump up against rocks and gravels that can shred the fins and they regrow. This one grew and because of his clean environment the fins did not grow in properly.
I'm CHEMICALS - 8 years ago
Chris Kibodeaux he's doing it so the fish can swim better
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Julianne P if that were true he wouldn't be doing this
TTRtrixie - 8 years ago
patt mostly because he cares about the fish
its over bananakin
its over bananakin - 8 years ago
well yeah okay I can agree with that but I still don't think money is the first priority though
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Kim muca nope if that were true he wouldn't of risked his fishes life cause he wanted it to look a certain way there was no legit reason for surgery
its over bananakin
its over bananakin - 8 years ago
pretty sure it has nothing to do with money. he just reaaaaaaally loves his pet
Long Chu
Long Chu - 8 years ago
There are many kind of arowana. His fish is one of the high end arowana.
Bilal el hlimi
Bilal el hlimi - 8 years ago
they don't cost that much in japan but I am not talking about a fish that size ..I was in a pet store the other day and they had like 5 or 6 inch-arowana and the price was around less than 50 dollars,it was pretty.
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 8 years ago
It's probably not because he's expensive, but he is really nervous he will hurt him, because he really loves that fish
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
its expensive but.he loves this fish
Ally Tiffany
Ally Tiffany - 8 years ago
They are pretty expensive, usually they're 500$-3000$
Melanie Ashworth
Melanie Ashworth - 8 years ago
Brilliant. I wouldn't be as confident doing this myself.
Blurry Face
Blurry Face - 8 years ago
wow!! that's incredible.
syscocar - 8 years ago
Man were you shaking when you were operating on him.
Monarch - 8 years ago
+syscocar it was making me nervous as hell just watching
syscocar - 8 years ago
+Monarch Yes, if it was me I would have cut it wrong from shaking so much, he did really good though!!
Monarch - 8 years ago
can you imagine how nerve racking it would be? youre literally cutting into a living being
Dual Hook Fishing Chanel
Dual Hook Fishing Chanel - 8 years ago
great vid
noah stump
noah stump - 8 years ago
he was shaking so bad
FearsomNinja - 7 years ago
DHIVYESH GS - 7 years ago
BoneKotaaaaa yep you're correct
BoneKotaaaaa - 8 years ago
meaning he rlly loves his arowana :)
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 8 years ago
Hey bro I been watching all ur videos and I think they are straight badass I have salt water tanks and fresh water but honestly I wanna get rid of everything and just have a few fresh water, but my budget is not that much I was wondering were you got your Asian Arowana? And I know there's a lot of kinds of Arowana which would you recomend?
brax likes
brax likes - 8 years ago
Do u have any regrets?
Miraj Ali
Miraj Ali - 8 years ago
Miraj Ali
Miraj Ali - 8 years ago
Miraj Ali
Miraj Ali - 8 years ago
Makanaokalani Ko
Makanaokalani Ko - 8 years ago
Maybe next time when your flushing his gills out. You should move hime back and fourth to revive it
DickOswald - 8 years ago
was thinking the same use it while fishing all the time when predators are tired
Fukano Nakito
Fukano Nakito - 8 years ago
does the fins grow quickly? or is it a very slow process(if you stare at it daily it doesnt seem to even have any changes)?
Logan Kimball
Logan Kimball - 8 years ago
Fin regrowth can take as little as a few weeks to as long as a few months depending on the fish, water current, stress levels, and provided care
Indra Gunawan
Indra Gunawan - 8 years ago
May I know the dose that you use for the clove oil. You mentioned 10 gallons of water, but you do not mention how much clove oil. I am planning to do something similar soon.
Adam Langley
Adam Langley - 8 years ago
These fish are Amazing, I can watch from 11:15 to end over and over. You've inspired me to build a 8'x32"x32" . Great videos, keep em coming. Will be watching your channel closely. Nice work Joey.
Ludo - 8 years ago
Its scary to watch this but inspirational to see such devotion..respect!
Free -69
Free -69 - 8 years ago
Asian marijuana
SmallPotato5 :D
SmallPotato5 :D - 7 years ago
Elesse - 7 years ago
I hope people stop liking this when it reaches 420 likes
That One Guy 741 Turtles
That One Guy 741 Turtles - 7 years ago
Free -69 69 likes
SYNDRIC - 8 years ago
Free -69 lmao
James C
James C - 8 years ago
My grandma has the exact same black sissors you used. I can't believe that's the only thing I noticed in this video
Dude Gibson
Dude Gibson - 8 years ago
you can't harm a fish like that because the fish did not do you nathing
RainbowUnicornJesus - 8 years ago
Yep I will take broken english, please.
Chris - 8 years ago
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
Dude Gibson
Dude Gibson - 8 years ago
you can't harm a fish like that because the fish did not do you nathing
Wildly Indian
Wildly Indian - 8 years ago
Wow!...even i got nervous!..nyways nice vid bro..keep up the good work
Mikail Alim
Mikail Alim - 8 years ago
Joey next time dont use fish net to transfer arowana... use big transparent plastic bag... if your still use that net im worried your arowana scale will uprooted... arowana size 3-10 inch will recover that scale around a week or 1month, but your size around 5-6 month maybe years...
Mikail Alim
Mikail Alim - 8 years ago
sorry if my way are wrong... this golden lue ase from our country... so we have lots of this type of arowana. i also have 2 purebred golden arowana... and i also sale arowana. we care about our arowana quality and i keep arowana form 3-4 and develope his color by myself... we dont buy big arowana for our collection we buysmall one and we develope his color... did u have arowana?
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
He's had that fish for years.
Fred Reid
Fred Reid - 8 years ago
I thought fish could only breath In water so how did he survive outside it?
Warrior Wolf 123
Warrior Wolf 123 - 8 years ago
i used to have a kind of fish that could be out of water for 3 days. he jumped out of the tank and was on the floor for a few hours, and when we put him back in, he was acting like nothing happened
Dirty Liberal
Dirty Liberal - 8 years ago
yes thats true. generally fish won't survive longer than 10 minutes outside water, but they won't die immediately because their gills remain wet and moist. Plus, when knocked unconscious, oxygen usage drops.
Monarch - 8 years ago
I've seen a fish survive almost an entire day out of water and lived a healthy long life after
Cadevan - 8 years ago
They can last a decent time period without, plus aros like this are facultative air breathe breathers
CaYPe Goya
CaYPe Goya - 8 years ago
porque en español??
Abdul haleem Mohd
Abdul haleem Mohd - 8 years ago
hi buddy it is a nice tutorial video and I've learn something new here, I am very happy but at the same time I would like to suggest why don't you implement a canvas kind of net which will able you to scoop him off with some water in it as long to prevent him from losing scales when he jerk aggressively. just my 2 cent worth of suggestions
Mihai Smeu-Mare
Mihai Smeu-Mare - 8 years ago
Wow. I never thought you could sedate and operate on a fish. Nice video!! I hope your fish is still doing well.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Jeff Moore The OP posted a year ago....chill.
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore - 7 years ago
its dead.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Of course you can, they're living organisms. Look up goldfish surgery, there's plenty of videos of fish getting tumours and growths removed, even bettas
Angie N
Angie N - 8 years ago
aww i feel for you being nervous god i was too when i had to euthanize my own fish not to mention very sad :(
Shawkn - 8 years ago
If you want to reduce your recovery time you may be able to introduce the animal to the anesthetic solution up until they looses equilibrium (but while they still have muscle tone/reflexes), then place them back into tank water (absent of anesthetic) and give them few more moments for the, previously absorbed anesthetic to take action, knocking them completely out. The down side to this is obviously a shorter time under sedation, but it causes a much easier transition from sedation to conciousness. My knowledge of this comes hundreds of procedures on Axolotl for research purposes while using using benzocaine; although, I would imagine the same procedure would translate to fish with the use of clove oil. Amazing channel, keep up the great work!
jaraad abdool
jaraad abdool - 8 years ago
Hey Joey... Wanted your opinion on a situation... A have to move three arapaima to a new pond. They are all in excess of three feet. Would the clove oil work on them as a sedative and what's the recommended dose per gallon of water? Thanks
Kelpy G
Kelpy G - 8 years ago
The last 2 minutes made me so emotional I started too think of all my mistakes and bad things I've done and when I see your fish I realise how beautiful life can be that you king I love your fish and I got so emotional after seeing your amazing fish swim so peacefully :')
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
+Image Consultant Ohh wow
Kelpy G
Kelpy G - 8 years ago
+Mrs.AwkwardMiller I have ptsd so gentle things that move the water normal act of nature makes me tear up
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
+Image Consultant Hm?
Kelpy G
Kelpy G - 8 years ago
+Mrs.AwkwardMiller it moved me really...
Before I say this, I'm ugly.
Before I say this, I'm ugly. - 8 years ago
Your comment honestly moved me a bit )':
Ranger James
Ranger James - 8 years ago
Mix clove oil with ethanol to disperse it.
Mab0r0shi - 8 years ago
why is the title is in french ? :O
Hrishi Bandhu
Hrishi Bandhu - 8 years ago
Also guide book on Koi fish breeding.
Hrishi Bandhu
Hrishi Bandhu - 8 years ago
Can you pls let me know if there is a book guide to tell you how to breed Arowana
and also books on other fresh water fish .. specific guide books .
Thank you
Benjamin Yoo
Benjamin Yoo - 8 years ago
You should get a saltwater shark and stingray tank
DARDYSKUXXFELLa - 8 years ago
How dyou close your box thing on the top right to watch the other video you can't close it can you move it so it's not in that place in the future or maybe jsut me.
Nico - 8 years ago
I got anxiety while watching lol
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
I probably would've had a heart attack! XD
Alan Ayer
Alan Ayer - 8 years ago
you have such wonderful fish very beautiful specimens I could never afford this hobby but I do enjoy watching your channel and seeing your rays and arowana like I said very beautiful creatures and wonderful job keeping them
Logan Brower
Logan Brower - 8 years ago
hmm you'd think that doing the surgery in water would be a good idea. but your fish is beautiful so great job
Logan Brower
Logan Brower - 8 years ago
Interesting. The whole idea of taking a fish out of water just seems so crazy to me but it works i guess
Luci Roman
Luci Roman - 8 years ago
+Logan Brower Doing the surgery in the water could be dangerous for the fish because of light refraction, so it is actually less risky to do this out of water.
Cold blooded Critters
Cold blooded Critters - 8 years ago
Very interesting … I could NEVER have done this lolz
Mixtology - 8 years ago
i love arijuana too
m1fishtanker - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish. Great video
ItsAceDeNiro - 8 years ago
lol i wouldve been panicking like crazy during the recovery stage
Andy Yang
Andy Yang - 9 years ago
Beautiful arowana!!!
Honza Béďa Betlach
Honza Béďa Betlach - 9 years ago
Hi, does your fish juped out of water or from aquarium? I´m just curious. Sorry for my bad English.
Lunar - 9 years ago
has there ever been a situation where you had to uthenize a fish?
Rizvan P.
Rizvan P. - 8 years ago
+Shreejit Ri what did your guppy do?
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
I had to ones put one of my very special guppy down
Scott Nixon
Scott Nixon - 9 years ago
Great video!!! My Silver aro needs his gill flap trimmed like this, but I am afraid that since he is 15 years old, it might be too stressful.

I did do this to a Green Severum several years ago, and his fins grew back longer and looked better than ever. It was due to a failed heater, and he got so cold that his fins got almost like "frost bite" and died back. He looked almost like a Discus after I first cut his fins back. After a few weeks with extra salt and warmer water, he looked great and lived several more years....
Sheily Torres
Sheily Torres - 9 years ago
his hands were shaking haha
civic Guy
civic Guy - 9 years ago
malaysian arowana?
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
Malaysian Blue Base Cross Back
Stephanie Swordlake
Stephanie Swordlake - 9 years ago
You were shaking really bad
marielephant1 - 9 years ago
I feel like hair scissors should be used as they are very sharp
Monkey Bum
Monkey Bum - 9 years ago
Doesn't this big fish need more water to swim around in ? Or do they like to stay in small areas in the wild? Just wondering :0)
nano fishkeeping
nano fishkeeping - 9 years ago
Fish can not feel pain they have no pain resepters
AcolyteOF Fire
AcolyteOF Fire - 8 years ago
they feel pain but pain in a different way humans an mammals do.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
actually fish do have nociceptors and their brain fires in the same way birds and mammals do when feeling pain which means they do feel pain.
nano fishkeeping
nano fishkeeping - 9 years ago
yeah i look more into it  and i know fish stress can kill fish and cut live in half
PuderFreak !
PuderFreak ! - 9 years ago
+nano fishkeeping They will get stressed by it anyway. In pretty much every living thing on this earth the survival instincts will kick off if we go through any trauma. Especially physical trauma. So wether an animal/ insect can feel pain or not they still have the survival instinct and can still feel stress/ trauma/ anxiety and should be treated with respect.
Vishvajit Joshilkar
Vishvajit Joshilkar - 9 years ago
i saw your hands shaking and thats your love to this fish
Aly Schroeder
Aly Schroeder - 9 years ago
Aw he's shaking so hard. Such a sweet caring guy
Elizabeth Herr
Elizabeth Herr - 7 years ago
Haha... No. As Joey said, there are no nerve endings in that area so the fish probably doesn't feel pain. If you chop off the top of a dog's tail, they will feel pain for SURE. There ARE nerve endings in the tail, and when it's docked that must hurt somehow for dogs. It's completely different, I don't think that was an intelligent or logical comparison. I do agree that he shouldn't have done surgery purely for cosmetic reasons, and it was PROBABLY not in the arowana's best interests. That comparison, however, was incorrect.
blackbearburrito - 7 years ago
Sorry to jump in here. I have a few comments on your argument. Buddy's death is entirely unrelated to this surgery, and did not happen because or when he was 'too large for tank life' so there's no point in bringing it up and saying that Joey doesn't care about his animals. (And also as Megan said, bringing it up so soon after his passing is really insensitive :/ )
But while I agree with you about this surgery being completely unnecessary for the health of this fish (note: it's called a COSMETIC surgery), Rumer, your comparison isn't quite the best. A "non-lethal dose" is exactly what we are given with anesthetics used for humans. The right dose knocks us out, and the wrong dose will kill us. While I'm sure Joey could have rigged up a system that would flow water over the fish's gills during the surgery, it only took a few seconds to complete, so there was no immediate danger there, while if you took a dog and put them underwater their lungs would fill and they would drown. There's also the fact that a dog's tail has nerve endings and will most definitely feel pain for days after the tail is docked, while (to my knowledge) a fish's tail does not have these nerve endings and is fine afterward. These surgeries are completely different and affect the animals in different ways. Docking was originally done to only working dogs, and was done to prevent injury to the animal. You're comparing a cosmetic surgery with a non-cosmetic surgery.
So yes, this specific surgery for this specific fish was not necessary and I get your reasoning for stating that Joey was not acting for the fish's best interests, but your comparison is too different to effectively help your argument.
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Megan Gaither imagine someone dosing their dog with a non-lethal dose of something that could kill them, just enough to knock them out, then submerging the dog in water for a few minutes while they chop off the top of its tail, just because the owner thinks it will look nicer.

Does that sound caring and compassionate, like an act of love, for the animal's best interests?
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Megan Gaither You're really overreacting here, I don't see how I'm "discrediting anybody's knowledge". The fact of the matter is that he was giving this fish unnecessary surgery. He decided he didn't like how the fish's fins looked, so de decided to dose his animal with a substance used to euthanise them, keep it out of the water for a prolonged period of time and risk cutting away at the fish's fins, just because he wanted them to look nicer.

That doesn't scream "I am doing this because I am compassionate, caring and I only want what is best for my fish." And the only reason I mention the death of the fish is because, as I said, Asian arowana just really aren't suited to life in a tank, they get much too big. You'd need a tank the size of what you'd find in a public aquarium in order to REALLY be providing them with adequate space. A lot of the reason that a lot of fish jump in their tanks is because they feel cramped and want more space.

Nothing I have said has been malicious or incorrect, he just really isn't acting for his fish's best interests in this video.
Megan Gaither
Megan Gaither - 7 years ago
The fish was in a 2000g Aquarium when that incident occurred, and for you to say that Joey wasn't a caring owner because of this and the accident that occurred later on with Buddy is really rude of you. He CLEARLY cares about his animals and their well being as he has done everything humanely and painlessly for the animals. Fin trimming is routine in many larger fish breeds in both small and large tanks. It actually is more beneficial to the fish in cases where the fins are deformed or torn as they can effect the fishes swimming and the fins can be more fragile and tear more easily due to the structure of them.

Shame on you for trying to discredit Joey's knowledge and compassion by using Buddy as an example so soon after that incident. Really classless.
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
Aly Schroeder I mean, if he was REALLY that caring, he wouldn't be giving his fish unnecessary surgery, and this fish ended up dying because he was leaping out of his tank, they need so much space and grow so big, they're not really suited for tank life.
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions - 7 years ago
Aly Schroeder i totally agree!
IronFamousShepherds - 9 years ago
He is beautiful :) Congrats on having such an amazing fish.
Pieter Kuipers
Pieter Kuipers - 9 years ago
waarom is de titel en beschrijfing nederlands en het filmpjes engels???
Jon'Vie - 9 years ago
hmm interesting... never new people were that into fish lol.... not judgin!! just commenting
hereinsertname - 9 years ago
Arowanas are so ridiculously expensive that it isn't worth owning one unless you are happy with how it looks. I was a bit skeptical when I started watching this but it actually really seems like you know what you are doing, and did it as safely as possible. So nice job, I hope the fish lives a long time for you.
Voluntarist - 9 years ago
The amount of dissolved oxygen is already at 100% in the water, if the air stone has been running. Putting the fish under bubbles will only make it harder for the fish to breathe, no? That's probably why it took so long.
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
+Tyshef he was trying to get the fish stimulated so it would start breathing in proper water tho.
Tyshef - 8 years ago
you're correct, a bubble stone is like if you put a hi power leaf blower in front of your outhouse and attempt to breath. a better idea is to use a small low power pump, or hold the fish and simulate it's swimming motion.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Voluntarist The point of the bubbles it to force water over its gills. Typically a small is used to pump water into its mouth and pump water over the gills, but this does a similar job. It has nothing to do with what you said. Had I done nothing, the fish would have taken longer to revive.
Marcela Varela
Marcela Varela - 9 years ago
You were really shaking
Xeng Yang
Xeng Yang - 9 years ago
how many gallons is that?
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 9 years ago
thats so helpful
liannaandhannah - 9 years ago
Wait does this hurt the fish?
Idea - 9 years ago
same music that the guys over at SloMoGuys use in their vids. Nice
aquarium world
aquarium world - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY my arowana tail is bend or broken what i should do you can see pic on my profile pic please
Idea - 9 years ago
Nice! Never knew that!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Thousands of channels probably use it. It's from the free YouTube music library. It's there for people to use in their videos.
cicada300 - 9 years ago
I don't really get why you wouldn't get more precise scissors like hair dressing scissors?
Lord Grim
Lord Grim - 9 years ago
First comment? Seriously?
Lost_1N_Space - 9 years ago
nice job A+
Phat Pigeon
Phat Pigeon - 9 years ago
I could see you were shaking when you had to cut the fins.
rachel grace
rachel grace - 9 years ago
im ichthyophobic why am i here?
Bearling - 9 years ago
Holyfuck this gives me anxiety, I wonder if i could pull the same off.
Vivek Dantas
Vivek Dantas - 9 years ago
Does anyone know how is the fish surviving outside water? How long can a fish stay outside?
Kayla Carter
Kayla Carter - 9 years ago
hey. I just found this channel. I've got a 38-40 gallon tank. and before that I had a simple 10 gallon. one of my mom's cats had torn part of the tail fin off my butterfly koi. it's been several months and it's finally back to the right size.
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 9 years ago
The King of DIY Hello I like all your videos I hope you can how a look at my YouTube channel Michael aquarium and tell me what you think of it your Michael
Chengyboy 99
Chengyboy 99 - 9 years ago
Probably a dumb question but can this treat fin rot or no?
Lindsey Frost
Lindsey Frost - 8 years ago
Excellent water quality will usually correct it.
jill ian
jill ian - 9 years ago
This is awesome! I've never heard of this and it really intrigues me now lol thanks for sharing :)
jill ian
jill ian - 9 years ago
+Steve Buzz
so confused
Noot Noot
Noot Noot - 9 years ago
+Cσℓє Łσηgσ (Vuze) wtf
Vuze Droid
Vuze Droid - 9 years ago
no problem
Dangerously Pink
Dangerously Pink - 9 years ago
I've never seen a fish get knocked out. It was so limp like a baby I don't know why it's so funny
Jacqueline Lee
Jacqueline Lee - 8 years ago
+BTS GOT 7 of EXO&#39;s Jams I see another kpop fan has somehow ended up here like I have
nice to meet u!
Jason Sphynx
Jason Sphynx - 9 years ago
+glockfan112 Newborn babies cannot support themselves - Their body or their head, hence the "limp" comment. So it's accurate.
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams - 9 years ago
+glockfan112 lol
TheGreat_JMB - 9 years ago
If your baby is limp you may have a problem.
Robert Edwards
Robert Edwards - 9 years ago
Wow, didn't know there was a such thing.
J. Atalit Jr. XxTyCOoN17708xX XxTRUBLZ17708xX
J. Atalit Jr. XxTyCOoN17708xX XxTRUBLZ17708xX - 9 years ago
nice video and arowana

much love from the west coast bay area

Oscar Guevara
Oscar Guevara - 9 years ago
What can't this guy do?
Simon Grossenbacher
Simon Grossenbacher - 9 years ago
You schaking man
Jacob Adams
Jacob Adams - 9 years ago
Just... Wow
Redbull357 - 9 years ago
cool video! What was the desired outcome for cutting the tail fins? I originally thought you were going to do a gill flap surgery. Beautiful fish!
strat1960s - 9 years ago
Joey,Great video!  What was the song at the end of the video?Ted
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 9 years ago
Holy shit your shaking more then me when I'm looking at a 110cm jump on my horse
stinkinape - 9 years ago
+Sebastian F cool story bro
Puysac:3 - 9 years ago
гугл переводчик перевел плохо
RastaScapee - 9 years ago
hallo, prachtige vis kunt u me toevallig vertellen waar ik de vis kan kopen.?
mvg jeffrey
Brice Scott
Brice Scott - 9 years ago
Awe his hands were shaking
BurgaPatty - 9 years ago
nice fish
htesh - 9 years ago
Hi! Can i do this on my betta fish?
Love your videos btw :)
jabamango JR.
jabamango JR. - 9 years ago
Probably shouldn't do that to your beta fish, its too small
Zahidi BK
Zahidi BK - 9 years ago
idk why, but i kinda feel a little emotional looking at this video, lol. But anyway, good video, I love your Arowana, really beautiful.
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 9 years ago
My god the plywood aquarium makes your arowana look absolutely majestic. It reminds me of those amazing exhibits you see at public aquariums with clever lighting that give you a new perspective on the fish. Absolutely amazing job on that project, I'm sure it's just mesmerizing at times for you to look at.
Fortune Angling
Fortune Angling - 9 years ago
May I ask how you obtain one in the US legally?
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
Joey is in Canada, I don't think that they are legal in the US
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
you specifically can't get Asian arrowana but you can get silver (depends on local gov)
NChync - 9 years ago
in the video you mentioned about the scales growing back. did you do anything in particular to the scales?
Explorando o Aquarismo
Explorando o Aquarismo - 9 years ago
Nice Silver Arowana!
Explorando o Aquarismo
Explorando o Aquarismo - 9 years ago
Sorry i dont now the especies of arowana,but you have a very good exemplar.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Aquarismo simples A silver arowana was not shown at any point during this video. It was an Asian arowana.
dylaughin - 9 years ago
Wow this was an amazing video.
keyarra pb
keyarra pb - 9 years ago
I was playing video games and somehow I ended up watching this. I have to say, I'm not a fish person, I'm a cat person, but it's absolutely beautiful how much you care for and love your animals.
Heather Martens
Heather Martens - 9 years ago
Joey, what's his name? So majestic! Your videos are very entreaging! Much Appreciated!
SKYLANDBAK - 9 years ago
Good to see you weren't shaking much there. ;{)
Ganix Zabala
Ganix Zabala - 9 years ago
Halllo wing!! I need your hepl! I have a silver arowana of 50cm and I have never cut the fins.

He has very long gills, but it seems that breathes well. I wonder because you have to clip and how often.
A month ago my arowana jump from the tank and fins and gills cracked and seems to breathe much better.

  arowanas wild as this problem is solved?

pd: i hve already used de esential of clave for take of a plastic object from the stomach of my red tile catfish
Ganix Zabala
Ganix Zabala - 9 years ago
I am from the basque country ( sorry for my english level :)
David Salas
David Salas - 9 years ago
wow that's awesome !!! do you know how much you saved on vet bills?!
UMayProductions - 9 years ago
Thats a scary looking fish :(
Joe N.
Joe N. - 9 years ago
Amazing job! You have such care for your fish... a very admirable skill. And what a beautiful Asian Arowana!
PancakeParty - 9 years ago
I've put fish to sleep using Clove oil, but I've never had the nerve to use it as an anaesthetic for an operation. You did that exceptionally well. I don't blame you for being nervous, I would have been too. Excellent video.
DreamWarrior - 9 years ago
I caught some 4 inch Texas Shiner minnows in lake Houston and threw them in my 50 gallon. they developed these tube worm parasites that bored into their skulls. I put the minnows in a small container and with small tweezers grasped and plucked the worms out of their heads , it was almost as if the minnows wanted me to do it. Sometimes all I had to do was grasp the tube worm and the fish would yank he's head away pulling free, a very disturbing feeling when you experience it. However, they later died in the following days
woo hoo
woo hoo - 9 years ago
holy moly i've never seen someone's hand shake so violently before.
allan oteyza
allan oteyza - 9 years ago
what kind of lights are you using
newyoda - 9 years ago
Really nice lighting and a beautiful fish.
Tan Ben Lee
Tan Ben Lee - 9 years ago
Is there an alternative to clove oil? My country Malaysia, hard to get it, even dentists themselves say they never heard of clove oil sold in Malaysia.
Bel Rose
Bel Rose - 9 years ago
Buy them online or at specialty shops, they might have the oil but in another name/language
Exotic Aquatics Plus
Exotic Aquatics Plus - 9 years ago
You live in Malaysia? Cool! I love that country because they have orchid mantids living there.
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 9 years ago
I Admire Your Bravery aeheheheheh!
Darrell Mcdonald
Darrell Mcdonald - 9 years ago
I know he was stressing
TheBronxQ - 9 years ago
whoa whoa whoaa.... that's just a little extreme way...
but, damn it's great dude... thx 4 share this tutorial video... :D
DezernGirl - 9 years ago
I had to preform fin surgery on my elephant ear betta when he became a senior fish and was having a hard time getting around. My hands were trembling too because he was so tiny and I was terrified of hurting him. He swam so much better afterwards though! Returned right back to his old self. I recommend it for anyone with a Betta that is too weak or old to carry their heavy fins. I've seen it so much with the EE or HM heavy fin variety and it really does help. This was a great video and your fish is absolutely stunning.
Arnezee 619
Arnezee 619 - 9 years ago
it would probably more effective having a small water pump pumping water through the gills during recovery
BassManBobBassCovers - 9 years ago
Surgery on a fish wow!
Bebe de Luz
Bebe de Luz - 9 years ago
Why i ended up watching this? ._.
Anthony Strawbridge
Anthony Strawbridge - 9 years ago
Excellent content, thanks for this production.
Jeffrey Lai
Jeffrey Lai - 9 years ago
what do you feed him? Looks huge!!!
Bebo PR
Bebo PR - 9 years ago
hahaha he looked like he was saying f%ck ill die here.
Jaehyun Lim
Jaehyun Lim - 9 years ago
Sai Cha
Sai Cha - 9 years ago
what kind of light did you use for the tank?
Sai Cha
Sai Cha - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY dude you're awesome. I became a fan of your work man. thumb up! keep up the helpful video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Sai Cha Check out the description links are in it to the lights.
Pak dhr
Pak dhr - 9 years ago
i would like to do a eye cosmetic surgery operation, can you help me by making a DIY or tips & trick about it?
Sébastien Lagacé
Sébastien Lagacé - 9 years ago
u must leave in new brunswick right  ( kent bucket ) lol nice  vid i realy enjoy it
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Sébastien Lagacé Truro, Nova Scotia
fresky74 - 9 years ago
If I would've done this I would've give it a sea salt water bath to combat any infections and to clean the fresh wounds.
KevinsWither - 9 years ago
Ooh, do one on live foods, filter, and space saving ideas.
Ejmozza Gaming76
Ejmozza Gaming76 - 9 years ago
Good work
Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde - 9 years ago
aww you can tell you do care about the fish, very informative. By the way you're hot haha
KovenDC - 9 years ago
I was wondering, when using your clove oil why you don't use the medicated amount of clove oil in a bottle with a small amount of hot water in it. I find mixing it with hot water and shaking it breaks up the oil a lot easier and it becomes a white milky liquid. I use this method for euthanasia though not sedation. Is there any difference?
Arib H
Arib H - 9 years ago
what part of Canada do you live in?
Dillan P
Dillan P - 9 years ago
+kyle g , hey what are the odds, i am to lol
kyle g
kyle g - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY
I'm not too far from you, I'm in Newfoundland, Avalon peninsula.
Just sub'd to you
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Nova Scotia
TheCoolStuffHD - 9 years ago
This may be a really dumb question, I just stumbled across this video. But, what is the point of trimming the fins??
TheCoolStuffHD - 9 years ago
Oh, ok. I was thinking it would also benefit the fish's health. But i just re-read the title and it said cosmetic. lol. Thanks for the info. 
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 9 years ago
Good video. Is this the old panda arowana fish ?from the previous surgery 4 years ago video.
jessica horner
jessica horner - 9 years ago
i had to surgically remove a damaged eye from my favorite Dragon eye goldfish using almost the same method. it was terrifying but it saved her life and the open socket that i left closed up completely in about a week and a half. She's doing so good now and i couldn't be more proud of her.
MGRecoil - 7 years ago
What arowanna
Lewis Oliver
Lewis Oliver - 7 years ago
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions
JJ & Sophie Prodoutions - 7 years ago
jessica horner shes brave
infinite black
infinite black - 7 years ago
Julia_Loves_Prehistoric _Life I'm sorry in the UK they do commonly have fish vets
Fantasies By Juls
Fantasies By Juls - 8 years ago
infinite black there aren't many veterinarians that work on fish. It's a very rare animal to work on. There's only one in my state and she charges about $30,000 just to trim fins and you'd have to travel with the fish which would also be a problem
infinite black
infinite black - 8 years ago
dude couldnt you of gone to the vet
Elijah Whistler
Elijah Whistler - 8 years ago
+LauRadio you too!
LauRadio - 8 years ago
+jessica horner My horse ended up having to have her eye removed recently...very interesting to watch!  My dad filmed it!  My vet then dissected it, and the fluid inside was black too...but didn't smell so we don't think it was infection...maybe really old blood?  Still, really glad my vet did that since I know for sure it was the right thing to do taking the eye out!
LauRadio - 8 years ago
+Elijah Whistler I had a turtle that loved to cuddle!  she was an old lady though by the time I got her, so I only had her about 20 years.  She seemed very wise!  I had one fish that ended up having a stroke when he got elderly...and would swim on his side and lay on the bottomon his side...but he;d still come up to eat and act happy about itt!  He lived for a long time after that...months or years I cnat remember.  He had a little friend in that tank that I got around the same time and they7 were pretty inseperable...two old men!  They were tetras-I had them like 8 years, which is really old!  Bettas I think are soe of the most expressive fish as far as personality goes, I have had a bunch of them (because they are a joy to have) and each was different in their own way.  Nice to hear from you!
Elijah Whistler
Elijah Whistler - 8 years ago
+orlendatube this is the exact way I feel about all untraditional pets like reptiles, fish and amphibians. they all have amazing personalities
orlendatube - 9 years ago
+jessica horner wow-very brave!  what a good fish parent you are!  I love fish and they are such neat creatures...they all have personalities!!  They deserve whatever we can do for them to help out!  I have lost a few fish in my time that just were not saveable...i'm still sad about them....
jessica horner
jessica horner - 9 years ago
+8kings23 well it was so infected and the medications weren't working so she would probably have died. The infection was really bad, it was completely black and leaking puss. She had already stopped eating and just layed on the bottom, i decided i'd rather have a one eyed fish than a dead fish.
8kings23 - 9 years ago
Just curios? What would have happened if you left your fishes eye the way it was? Also glad she's doing well :)
Brett Hallgren
Brett Hallgren - 9 years ago
man, I was freaking out just watching you revive the arowana... can't imagine how that feels when it's you and your fish!
Prasetyo Muhammad Dwi
Prasetyo Muhammad Dwi - 9 years ago
maybe you could experimenting to lower the clove oil dose,
i think 10 minutes just bit too long to bring it conciousness back

btw nice vid :) have my +
Restraining Dylan
Restraining Dylan - 9 years ago
wouldnt this cause harm to the fishes brain ?.
Aquascape - 9 years ago
No offense, but I personally think these fish are ugly as sin. Oscars as well. just my opinion.
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 9 years ago
I agree , I don't like huge fishes in general
pt_escort - 9 years ago
not the Oscars :(
lana delrey
lana delrey - 9 years ago
They are very majestic imo. They are not "pretty" pretty.
lumpy1space2princess - 9 years ago
Then you haven't seen a Gold or Red Arowana
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
The light used on the tank:
Bradleyer Westlander
Bradleyer Westlander - 8 years ago
The king of DIY hmm. I've researched that most fish don't have actual working eyelids. A few rare species do. Their sleeping involves floating, fidgeting every now and again to remain upright. Or going sideways and floating to the top, but that's usually accidental and going out of water wakes them up.
I have tiger barbs, they freak out in pitch dark, and first light agitates them. I do let the natural light do its job in the morning (not direct sunlight but bedroom light and distant sunlight). They do, however, respond to my bedroom light turning on and off and associate the light off with resting time and get under the plants and still.
Aswin Ghimire
Aswin Ghimire - 8 years ago
Rawr fear me no they stilll need rest with lights off I researched
Aswin Ghimire
Aswin Ghimire - 8 years ago
Why don't u close the light at night so it can sleep
freddy chiky
freddy chiky - 9 years ago
What kind of light you used in your tank? from the minute 10:55 to ahead?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+freddy chiky Link in the description.
Cole Lanteigne
Cole Lanteigne - 9 years ago
what kind of arowana is that???
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 9 years ago
Malaysian Blue Base Cross Back

Farm: Oriental Aquatics
cody vu
cody vu - 9 years ago
I thought asian Arowana is illegal in US?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+cody vu Im in Canada.
TeamWareWolf - 9 years ago
how do u get those asian arowana
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
live in America,then it's illegal
alina russo
alina russo - 9 years ago
That's amazing. such a beautiful species. I had no idea you could do this. I wouldn't try it myself but, I'm so amazed by this. awesome job!
Roham - 9 years ago
Great video! I've thought about doing this to fix the droop eye on my Silver Arrowana and after seeing your video it gives me confidence. Thanks.
Shampew - 9 years ago
Where do you live? I had though Asian Arowanas are endangered and illegal to purchase in the states.
Shampew - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY I've never heard of a microchipped fish! That's pretty metal.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Shampew I live in Canada. They are not illegal here as long as bought from a CITES approved farm and come microchipped and certified proving they are F2.
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 9 years ago
What a majestic fish! THe only thing is, wouldn't he need some habitat enrichment? Something to look at, or interact with? The end was cool. I don't know what it is about watching fish. This is the same as with my Koi. They're relaxing to watch.
MO GAINS - 9 years ago
I'm new on your channel. Nice video great fish. But I'm not that brave with my prized fishes.
Silly Bettas
Silly Bettas - 9 years ago
i want him he is beautiful
Hassan Murad
Hassan Murad - 9 years ago
What are the dimensions of your tank? And liters? Thanks
Matje De Zeeuw
Matje De Zeeuw - 9 years ago
that was really interesting I did see this is Asia but I was afraid they where hurting the fish just like what they do with pit bull pups ;)
grigsolve - 9 years ago
Kick ass video
Vinnz Zee
Vinnz Zee - 9 years ago
CheeseBon - 9 years ago
what was the dose rate for the clove oil? Also would you leave smaller fish in for a shorter time? is it ok as long as you take them out as soon as they pass out?
Bill Goody
Bill Goody - 9 years ago
its actually good to see you nervous... obviously a caring aquarist :)
Aeson Dadon
Aeson Dadon - 9 years ago
diy king indeed
farmer1956ify12 - 9 years ago
Will this work with salt water i have a lion with under developed fins
Jay Herndon
Jay Herndon - 9 years ago
+farmer1956ify12 I don't know anything about sedating fish, but make sure you wear gloves if you do that to your lionfish. Lol might sting a bit.
Tyler Schafer
Tyler Schafer - 9 years ago
does clove oil work on invertebrates too?
Michelle Samuel
Michelle Samuel - 9 years ago
Hi Joy I love your video clips, I've learned so much from you, thanks
Mark Kissner
Mark Kissner - 9 years ago
great video. I had confidence in your skills but like a lot of other replies, I was feeling anxious for you and your buddy.
MarkJune Ferniz
MarkJune Ferniz - 9 years ago
Wow Joey you have some balls to be doing that. Iron balls! you're the man...
masterg89 - 9 years ago
Joey, he really is a beautiful fish! Great video once again! Thanks
Brian Zarb Adami
Brian Zarb Adami - 9 years ago
excellent work!
Michelle Samuel
Michelle Samuel - 9 years ago
You're very brave to do this
Jeffery Fredrick
Jeffery Fredrick - 9 years ago
very nice golden arowana
Raibeart MacGhilleAndrais
Raibeart MacGhilleAndrais - 9 years ago
Wow Joey, rather you than me. I was getting a little worried, when he was in recovery.
The main thing being. The surgery worked. And the arowana looks so much better for it. Great viewing!
Ni G
Ni G - 9 years ago
please do the tuitorial of lighting....looks amazing!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Niranjan Gauchan I have already. :)
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 9 years ago
joey you have balls of steel. I would be so damn nervous to do this.
Georgi Monev
Georgi Monev - 9 years ago
you are god man! I watch a lot of your videos, when I have free time. Nice work!
Nowell Zyx Sun
Nowell Zyx Sun - 9 years ago
What a beautiful fish!
Aida May
Aida May - 9 years ago
Watching the fish belly up was nerve wrecking itself. Having to take it out of the water for nearly 2 minutes and cut its fin with scissors. Then watching it recover. OMG. I would probably hire someone to that for me, with me not being in the same room.
nikoli balcos
nikoli balcos - 9 years ago
Is trimming fins applicable to goldfish?
Kennedy Edwards
Kennedy Edwards - 9 years ago
Will this procedure work on all fish? and if so, where can I find information regarding dosages to use?
cozmoz365 - 9 years ago
I hope his fins grow back, never done anything like this myself. His fins look beautiful now.
cozmoz365 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Sorry, I pre-emptively wrote my comment. I found the amount of clipping quite scary.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+cozmoz365 They did grow back as shown in the video. The "After" was months after the actual fin trimming.
LowTech Tank
LowTech Tank - 9 years ago
wow! that was intense! I was on the edge of my seat and my heart was crying out the whole time. Clove oil! Thank you once again Joey. the video at the end with him swimming around is beautiful
Carmelo Galarza
Carmelo Galarza - 9 years ago
retrospect is always 20 20 great job fish look amazing.
batteredredbox - 9 years ago
beautiful fish, well worth the surgery!
HybridHerps - 9 years ago
I've been thinking about doing this on one or two of my angelfish but it is indeed of them came into my possession with a badly chewed dorsal and the other has a bit of a misgrowth in its dorsal fin...I might give it a few more months before deciding to do anything about it though especially since they aren't in a tank by themselves so its possible any healing wouldn't happen correctly anyways.
minimonkey969 - 9 years ago
wating foreve for this video
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 9 years ago
he looks amazing and very healthy
Steve Poland Cichlids
Steve Poland Cichlids - 9 years ago
Wow, amazing. I like that you addressed the added complications of filming something like this without help. People don't realize how hard that is.
Clark Casiño
Clark Casiño - 9 years ago
your vids are really trying to convince me to buy an arowana! haha i cant as of now but i probably will in the future. a very informative and well organized video, nice work joey!
AquaStudent - 9 years ago
Nothing to do with the video itself but I really love the subdued lighting on that aquarium. It reminds me of the shark tunnel at the Baltimore Aquarium. The sharks slowly swim around the cylindrical cylinder. The lighting isn't very intense with gives it a suspenseful feel. Also, there are large sections of window separated by big beams. You can sit right next to one of the beams and as the shark comes around all of a sudden you'll see thousands of teeth right in front of you. It's fun!

I'd be so nervous to try this but you seem to have done a good job. Of course you make all of this look easy. Nice job Joey
michael kelly
michael kelly - 9 years ago
would help to revive him better if you used a powerhead to flow water over his gills .
mikec7777 - 9 years ago
Joey you are a braver man than me. I don't think I would have the stones to put a fish like that under.
Vinit Jagtap
Vinit Jagtap - 9 years ago
You are a genius Joey. True respect for you bro. And the music you added in the end got me goose-bumped.
Dragon Fish Arowana
Dragon Fish Arowana - 9 years ago
Damn man. That was pretty scary seeing the Arowana recover. I think me myself I will stay away from any cosmetic surgery with my Arowana. Great looking fish man.
OfficialMouaStar/PureBot - 9 years ago
I've seen you do this with the Panda Arowana. It makes me nervous seeing surgery on such beautiful and expensive creature.
Micheal Shawn
Micheal Shawn - 9 years ago
Amazing job Joey! I have to say I was super freaked out watching this while you did the job!!
orlendatube - 9 years ago
+Micheal Shawn Me TOO!!!  had a knot in my stomach and I wasn't doing it!!
krisnaive - 9 years ago
Glad he is healthy..was a bit worried about him..Beautiful fish..Awesome video as always..Thanks a lot for sharing..
HaloToday - 9 years ago
wow, just wow.  there is no way I would ever feel comfortable doing this.  You seriously should think about starting some sort of school where you can teach your husbandry skills to others, if I lived within 1 hour of you I would be willing to pay to learn from you.
HaloToday - 9 years ago
Very true and your point is taken but I am sure he still has a vast amounts of experience and expertise he can share that can benefit most of us, there are just some things that can't be learned by watching just videos but an interactive conversation can.  Just my two cents
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 9 years ago
+HaloToday Regardless of you location he has just shown you how to do it for free?
PRFishGirl - 9 years ago
That was awesome... I would've been so nervous..
84twiggins - 9 years ago
love all your videos.. you are a true aquarium master. thanx
MarkOut1 - 9 years ago
Does this work on betas?
shannonfbc1 - 9 years ago
+MarkOut1 Yes the same thing is done to betta fins to fix tears... just make sure your water quality is great and medicate the water afterwards
Candorsmayhem - 9 years ago
I'm not so certain it would work for betas, if that was true, blowing fins wouldn't be nearly as big of deal
MarkOut1 - 9 years ago
+Fish Ed
Thank you for answering my question
Fish Ed
Fish Ed - 9 years ago
+william jason HAH! Bettas "not worth alot"? It can get really pricey when you look at the higher quality ones, not like the ones you see at walmart. But ofcourse, usually not as much as a Golden Arowana.

Moreover, people do cut betta's fins when they're deformed or rotting.
Candorsmayhem - 9 years ago
+william jason Uh... depends on the betta fish. Some are worth quite a bit. Maybe not arowana level of cost, but... a bit.
william jason
william jason - 9 years ago
its useless cause bettas don't have anything like a arowana
MarkOut1 - 9 years ago
+william jason I wont be doing it either way, I dont have the nerve but if I was going to do it, being common and not being worth a lot wouldn't make a difference to me. All my fishes are valued the same to me regardless of the price tag.
william jason
william jason - 9 years ago
Why a damn betta? Theyre not worth alot and very common
Gauge Engeron
Gauge Engeron - 9 years ago
Definitely learned a lot in this video! Beautiful Arowana Joey! I wish Asian aros were legal in America
PS4 Genius
PS4 Genius - 9 years ago
JR Patilan Gaming
JR Patilan Gaming - 9 years ago
dont overdose in my opinion I had a friends fish never woke up again and died
william jason
william jason - 9 years ago
No duh he said it
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 9 years ago
You are a braver man than I! I could tell by the shaky hands in the video how nervous you were doing this. Glad it all worked out.
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
That's crazy bruv but well done. Better you than me. Is there anything you can't do lol? Keep on fishing . Later.
Mike C
Mike C - 9 years ago
great Video Joey. what type of Aro is it and not sure but did you mention the dosage of the CO?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+MIKE C Thanks pal!
Mike C
Mike C - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks! gorgeous Aro
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+MIKE C This is an Blue Base cross back. Dosage was 0.5ml per gallon of water.
Nicholas Woodrum
Nicholas Woodrum - 9 years ago
Just getting so use to seeing this fish had me nervous like it was one of my own!! Haha, great work though as always man
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Nicholas Woodrum It sort of is your fish as well when you think about it. It has spent its whole life on my channel. You guys have seen the day i got it until now.
Etmanning - 9 years ago
when i clicked on this video i didnt think i would be too interested but this is honestly one of my favorites so far
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Etmanning PERFECT! haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Etmanning Well i know for sure that you wont need or enjoy every video i create, but i do know that you wont really know which is which until you watch! haha
Etmanning - 9 years ago
+Etmanning and dam you now i want an arowana too :/
Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed - 9 years ago
That was good
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Ahmed Mohamed Thanks
AnOddGamerChannel - 9 years ago
I really liked the night lighting you used at the end. What is it?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+AnOddGamerChannel Its LED lighting I built. I have a video on how to do it on my channel. Build up to an 8 foot light for $25... comes with controller to set colour and brightness. :)
AquaDesign Hong Kong
AquaDesign Hong Kong - 9 years ago
Asian arowana and no drop eye. Very nice to see. There's tons of arowanas selling here in Hong Kong. Maybe all of them got dropped eyes. I'm not sure it's about care or not. But yours look very handsome.
AquaDesign Hong Kong
AquaDesign Hong Kong - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY although I'm pretty sure I saw many drop eye issue on Asian arowanas, I will visit famous goldfish market (Tung Choi street) right today :) by the way, over years of experience, you still getting nervous. I think it's related how much you love your fishes.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+AquaDesign Hong Kong I have never seen an asian arowana with drop eye. Odd that you find it so common. Perhaps you mean silver arowana. They get it 99% of the time.
tony gillespie
tony gillespie - 9 years ago
Hi mate love your work just took me a week to watch all ur videos, got a lot of great ideas off u and helped me with other problems I have had so keep up the good work. what part of Canada are u from my mum was born in Canada and most of my family stay there, I'm from scotland
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+tony gillespie Watched me all week? Must be sick of me by now!! Im from Nova Scotia.
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
I've seen this with Oranda goldfish who needed there wen trimmed, scary stuff!once my goldfish was choking on something and I had to it and get the thing out of its mouth with a tooth pick, scary stuff!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+yogosans14 Goldfish trimming is also popular for sure.
JSWIZZLE8R - 9 years ago
Joey......... your the wife and I, love watching and learning this hobby through your videos.... we look forward every them.... this one I must say got us nervous and worried, but was definitely awesome to see the end result and how beautiful it turned out..... awesome job.... we both appreciate you and your commitment to the hobby and dedication to us all with you videos. ..... thank you
JSWIZZLE8R - 9 years ago
The wife says hi..... :-) and to please keep the videos coming. .... thanks again
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+John Swan Thats Awesome John! My wife doesn;t even watch my videos! (seriously! haha) Tell the wife I said hello!
P J - 9 years ago
My girlfriend use to do this on hers puffers when theirs theeth is to large, she cuts the theeth's down on them and using the same oil as you do. Works really good.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Peter Jönsson A popular procedure on puffer teeth for sure.
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 9 years ago
What a video Joey ! Could see how nervous you were when you were trimming the fins, but think I was even more , watching you waking him up :) loved it and amazing footage of him at the end of the video too......... he is stunning :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Star Girl Jode
Star Girl Jode - 9 years ago
Lol...I'm thinking he's a dinner
xkjone - 8 years ago
+Coligex Gaming yeah your right
Coligex Gaming
Coligex Gaming - 9 years ago
+Yellow Orchid over $2000 actually
Coligex Gaming
Coligex Gaming - 9 years ago
+Yellow Orchid lol these fish can cost way over €300 so I don't think I'd be eating it lol. Most Arowana are used as prized aquarium/tank fish
iTheGeek - 9 years ago
+Yellow Orchid Nice DSLs brah.
Star Girl Jode
Star Girl Jode - 9 years ago
A fish you eat for dinner
ShinyGoldBacon - 9 years ago
I imagine you could use this knock-out method to remove a very infected fin-rotty part of fin, would that help clear up a fin rot situation?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+ShinyGoldBacon Yes you could.
Eugenio Vazquez
Eugenio Vazquez - 9 years ago
This method will that work on beta fishes?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Eugenio Vazquez yes
Joran - 9 years ago
Have there been negative effects to the clove oil residue that's now in the main tank? Or is it too little to be a factor?
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Joran Too little
Nekiu Kumashiro
Nekiu Kumashiro - 9 years ago
Love the ending of the video~ If you get sexy setups for your rays and discus would love to see more portions like that
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Nekiu Kumashiro wil do
saphirec - 9 years ago
Does the dosage change depending on the size of the fish? I would like to perform this on my powder blue gourami (with tiny scissors or a blade).

Also, thank you so much for this and all of your videos! You really help to move the hobby forward at an exponential rate for us newbies.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+saphirec Dosage stays the same. and your welcome!
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 9 years ago
I see that your aro is starting to cross there, hope to see your aro's back fully crossed in the near future!
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Love it! I mostly keep snakeheads, catfish and sone other oddball monster fishes, so I don't know much about arowanas.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+DIY Aquarium Filters Within a year or so, he will look amazing. These guys take time.
SpotNphoto - 9 years ago
This video stressed me out ! i'm sweating
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+SpotNphoto haha! I dont doubt it!
Stefan Kurry
Stefan Kurry - 9 years ago
that was so cool! good job
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Skiesz Thank you
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 9 years ago
Definitely something you don't see everyday! Very interesting!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+CreativePetKeeping I thought so as well.
Tatsumi972 - 9 years ago
wow u being so shaky and nervous shows how much u care for this fish.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Tatsumi972 It felt like they were shaking more than they were!
Andrew Bayardo
Andrew Bayardo - 9 years ago
How heavy is the fish?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Andrew Bayardo Didnt weigh it, but at least a couple pounds.
Gavin's Aquariums
Gavin's Aquariums - 9 years ago
I'd be nervous to man!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Gavin's Aquariums Its certainly worth being nervous over!

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"Obsörve". 1. Download the map surf_beginner: 2. Open the 7z file and extract the...

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About HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL

The "HOW TO: Aquarium fish cosmetic surgery operation TUTORIAL" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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