HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 737,346 views
Brine shrimp hatchery tutorial LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here ► Get the ultimate DIY aquarium book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► DIY aquarium light: TILED aquarium: How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:
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10. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
20. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
How long do the brine shrimp live after hatching? How long is a prepared bottle viable before needing restarted?
(Not asking how long the supply will last)
30. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
I wanted to say - you use your table saw in this one wearing gloves. Please don't do that. I saw a story where a guy was using a table say, and a thread from his glove was grabbed by the blade, pulling his hand in and cutting off four fingers. He was a surgeon! Gloves (and long sleeved shirts) are a no no with power tools like a table saw.
Stay safe. :-)
50. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
what are the things needed
what is that
I've some question about brine shrimp but not hatching the brine shrimp egg but to grow them to become adult so i can feed my bigger goldfish
1. Do i need aerator for growing up my brine shrimp?
2. Do i need use baking soda if i m moving my brine shrimp to a new tank for growing my brine shrimp ?
Thats all my question
Thank you
Metre length piece of birch log is better president than Trump.
i'm a hipster
its not actually a shrimp but what ever lol.
Oh wait, of course there is.
100. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery
Cool project for the future though! Thanks for the video!
Transfer Ukraine
(just found your name in your about page in two seconds, not an actual stalker)
I've been subbed to you for years & I do recall you telling us before, but maybe you have something better now?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your knowledge. It's always appreciated.
Great Vids and Keep them coming
love them
the cichlids are 2 lemon cichlids and i don't know how many convict cichids. there is also a rainbow shark. i have decided to separate that cichlids but i would like to know if its a 55 gallon could i put the rainbow shark with the oscar. they are both semi aggressive
I guess I'm asking if they have an expiry date to them.
and, it simply makes sense that Healthier Shrimp means more Nutrition when eaten. It's just that usually, Brine Shrimp feeders do so because it's incredibly cheap live foods, so they're fed cheaply as well.
To be honest I dont know which one is true, but in my case, I did fed my fishes grown brine shrimp that was fed spirulina powder, and my fishes did not show any sign of malnutrition.
Well, if you kept the brine shrimp in those bottles, they will only last until their yolk are finished. After that they'll start dying unless you fed them.
Took about 3~5 days in my case, after that I usually fed them spirulina powder and flour.
I'd like to know too.
Although your little bit of information was also helpful.
I'm just trolling, don't mind me :P
u r grammar nazi :/
Nazis are bad :(