HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

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HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery sentiment_very_dissatisfied 186

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 737,346 views

Brine shrimp hatchery tutorial LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here ► Get the ultimate DIY aquarium book ► Facebook ► Instagram ► DIY aquarium light: TILED aquarium: How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos:

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
presouz - 7 years ago
Brine Shrimp Direct
DHIVYESH GS - 7 years ago
The king of DIY please help I can't get quality brine shrimp eggs anywhere . where can I get quality brine shrimp eggs..??
bending unit10
bending unit10 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY what is your first pet fish
Absolutely Nobody
Absolutely Nobody - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I would of used 7 bottles and use one per day to allow one week of growth
siraj srj
siraj srj - 8 years ago
The king of DIY malayalamsong
Danny Nguyen
Danny Nguyen - 8 years ago
The king of DIY q
islandboystv - 8 years ago
Google knows all! ;)
DariusCZH - 8 years ago
What is a brine shrimp?
Risyad Octavianto
Risyad Octavianto - 8 years ago
The king of DIY can you tell me the name of the bottle cap
Dillon Ericsson
Dillon Ericsson - 8 years ago
The king of DIY e. G
Rian Touri
Rian Touri - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 8 years ago
go on ebay and type in co2 bottle caps that's how I found them
MyMailly - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I can not fine the cape please help me fine the caps
Caleb Mayo
Caleb Mayo - 8 years ago
how many brine should I feed my fry at a time?say there are 50 of them as an example
jerry Lastname
jerry Lastname - 8 years ago
that would really help mine die after a few days
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
+ProkenKey why would you want to do that? i guess maybe for kids? but brine lose their nutrients shortly after they are born so its best to feed fish just baby brine.
ProkenKey - 8 years ago
Can you make a video about how to grow brine shrimp up to adult?
a1hardwood - 8 years ago
might be too much trouble but there is a guy in california that does raise brine shrimp. my suggestions come from a tfh magazine from circ. 1980
wtf1a1a - 8 years ago
would be interesting to see how you would set up a system to breed brine shrimp
a1hardwood - 8 years ago
add small amounts of borax and epsom salt. they can eat yeast if you want to grow them larger. salt for aquariums is best
David Cliff
David Cliff - 7 years ago
Can the be bred as well or do you have to purchased eggs every time?
Nick Anderson
Nick Anderson - 7 years ago
How long do the brine shrip survive for?
Dena Payne
Dena Payne - 7 years ago
Hey, love your videos. Thanks for all the effort you put into them. Would you be able to list the dimensions of the holder? :)
Zaq G
Zaq G - 7 years ago
So I need a very small amount for my fry.... What do i do with the rest of the bottle? Can i not freeze what is left or just leave them in there for a few days and feed my fry off of them?
Ja cub B right
Ja cub B right - 7 years ago
What are the spacific caps
The Ark
The Ark - 7 years ago
In the beginning I thought you were boiling them
Sofia Cortes
Sofia Cortes - 7 years ago
this is great but but u just feed ur fish with it after they hatch or let them grow first? what u feed them? thanks for the vid will do this for sure
Dhruv Patel
Dhruv Patel - 7 years ago
Can you feed this to adult goldfish

10. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

DILLIP ROUT - 7 years ago
Have you eaten the brine shrimp eggs
HCMAClub - 7 years ago
where did you get those caps from? i can't seem to find them anywhere\
Junella Hovatter
Junella Hovatter - 7 years ago
What up. Over Kill King fish room is looking awesome much better then your bare tanks
Kylee Lund
Kylee Lund - 7 years ago
I've seen a bunch of people who say to rinse the brine shrimp before feeding, but if Joey says it's ok to add it directly then that's that:)
megadestroyer454 - 7 years ago
what would you have me do with my eggs put them each in their own basket? That's a lot of baskets Joey.
XxfailxX - 7 years ago
Or you can buy sea monkeys
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
I am looking for the materials to build this. The only problem I am having is the valve and manifold. Could someone please post a link for these? Thanks!!!!
LMNews 1.1
LMNews 1.1 - 7 years ago
Where can I buy a brine shrimp egg
LMNews 1.1
LMNews 1.1 - 7 years ago
What food is that
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
Joey laughs at the fact it looks like cinnamon... Um joey did u eat brine shrimp eggs... (°_°)

20. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

Kendall's Critters!
Kendall's Critters! - 7 years ago
Can you feed your homemade food for Betta fish fry?
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Kendall's Critters! You can for basically any fish
Luis Mena
Luis Mena - 7 years ago
What's the name of that fish in :50 ?????
cheyennepug - 7 years ago
can I breed like mollys or guppys or some fish like that and feed the babys brine shrimp????
Jacob Nguyen
Jacob Nguyen - 7 years ago
I have seen like all his bids and I needed to learn how to hatch and this popped up
Дядя Вася Рулит
Дядя Вася Рулит - 7 years ago
Отличная конструкция!) Сам такой пользуюсь, но у меня она одиночная!)
Canadian Raccoon
Canadian Raccoon - 7 years ago
Дядя Вася Рулит cyka blyat
COMIX INK - 7 years ago
what type of fish eat brine shrimp
Kzris - 7 years ago
Sorry if this has been answered and I missed it

How long do the brine shrimp live after hatching? How long is a prepared bottle viable before needing restarted?

(Not asking how long the supply will last)
Beezeecade - 7 years ago
I don't even have fish LMFAO why am I on this channel
Felix Muntean
Felix Muntean - 7 years ago
The king of diy can you also make video without air pump
Felix Muntean
Felix Muntean - 7 years ago
R5E - 7 years ago
+Chessboi no i think you have to have an air pump
Ken SELLICK - 7 years ago
Please carefully clean your bottles and airlines before starting the next culture

30. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

darkmatter 1
darkmatter 1 - 7 years ago
Will adult golden barbs eat brine shrimp. Please reply if you know.
Troll Boss
Troll Boss - 7 years ago
I have no need for brine shrimp but nice build.
RainDiamond - 7 years ago
very professional , thanks!
Sokha Seang
Sokha Seang - 7 years ago
Is it also used for Crayfish or Crawfish hatching? How long will we put eggs in this system?
melvin cruz
melvin cruz - 7 years ago
I follow yours step, how ever my keeps dying about a day of two after hatching. aby ideas of why?
R5E - 7 years ago
+melvin cruz Starved to death maybe, feed them yeast or soybean powder
Hugh Anderson
Hugh Anderson - 7 years ago
Hey, been watching your videos - love them! So well explained.

I wanted to say - you use your table saw in this one wearing gloves. Please don't do that. I saw a story where a guy was using a table say, and a thread from his glove was grabbed by the blade, pulling his hand in and cutting off four fingers. He was a surgeon! Gloves (and long sleeved shirts) are a no no with power tools like a table saw.

Stay safe. :-)
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg - 7 years ago
Sounds like idubbz wtf
iciko kurasaky
iciko kurasaky - 7 years ago
ciao potresti mettere per piacerre i link degli oggetti dove li hai acquistati grazie
luisa castellanos
luisa castellanos - 7 years ago
this seems so simple. must make brine shrimp hatchery for me axolotls.
Gufran sajid
Gufran sajid - 7 years ago
what should i have to feed for braine shrimp
Frederick Dunn
Frederick Dunn - 7 years ago
Excellent job and very cool setup! Thanks so much, probably the best hatchery setup I've been able to find. Thumbs UP all the way :)
Jayden Valentine
Jayden Valentine - 8 years ago
now I am hungry
Dan Hart
Dan Hart - 8 years ago
couldn't you use this design as a tank bridge to have the shrimp swim or push to the bigger or older shrimp bottles? and make the shrimp grow BIG..or duplicate this to beta fish or glow fish farm ;)
Mehmet Kantarci
Mehmet Kantarci - 8 years ago
Can you make a video about how to make colony of brine shrimp and how to feed them?
Syed Akeif Al-Qadri
Syed Akeif Al-Qadri - 8 years ago
it need a lamp/light?....or no?
kasylove - 8 years ago
hi sorri name stopper can you give me ebay link stopper the
marco izaguirre Letizia
marco izaguirre Letizia - 8 years ago
Hello Greetings from Lima - Peru, I am fascinated by your project, tell me what materials to use?
Augus Mikatsuki
Augus Mikatsuki - 8 years ago
where did you buy the brineshrimp eggs??
Che's Discus
Che's Discus - 8 years ago
Joey didn't you have to feed the fry BBS for their first feeding?
Arindam Dey
Arindam Dey - 8 years ago
i have 2 black angel fish and 2 white angel fish... the thing is annoying me is those 2 white angel fishes are continuously attacking those blacks whats the prblm ?? what should i do ?

50. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

spaaggetii - 8 years ago
Would have been good to see the 'desk lamp' in action. Not sure how a desk lap would heat 5 bottles to 28ish degrees Celsius, Maybe one if you have it close enough, but far enough away to not boil them. I call lies on this. Proof or bullshit
Pow Its Hamad
Pow Its Hamad - 8 years ago
Heyy joey my brine shrimps color are red and they didnt hatch after 36 hours what should i do?
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
anybody know
what are the things needed
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
plz reply
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
what are the thing needed
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
what is the name of that water release ing thing
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
at last the shrimps are born u take that shrimp in one small glass
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
what is the name of that 6 lined filter
what is that
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
DIYA SHAJU gang valve. He describes every item used. Watch it at half speed if English isn't your first language as he speaks rather fast.
DIYA SHAJU - 8 years ago
hloo what are the things used in this work
kenny lie
kenny lie - 8 years ago
Hi, my name is kenny
I've some question about brine shrimp but not hatching the brine shrimp egg but to grow them to become adult so i can feed my bigger goldfish
1. Do i need aerator for growing up my brine shrimp?
2. Do i need use baking soda if i m moving my brine shrimp to a new tank for growing my brine shrimp ?
Thats all my question
Thank you
Morgan Hackworth
Morgan Hackworth - 8 years ago
I do this in smaller amounts to feed my convict cichlid fry
Zac packman
Zac packman - 8 years ago
wouldnt these be good to add to ur frozen fish food as part of the liquid element ?
Dary Moncayo
Dary Moncayo - 8 years ago
awwwww super, thank you
EraseMeWhole - 8 years ago
How long will these last? Could I start a large culture in a 2.5 galling and have enough for several days of feeding?
Jason - 8 years ago
I like the idea you have here. However I would recommend installing a small check valve on the air lines incase it fails :D
Nemanja Obradovic
Nemanja Obradovic - 8 years ago
Ti si genije čoveče!
Joe B
Joe B - 8 years ago
2:35 some painters tape and 'Merica!! :)
Helgi Hvannastein
Helgi Hvannastein - 8 years ago
How would you heat the water? With some powerfull lightbulps?
Franklin Donaway
Franklin Donaway - 8 years ago
where do u buy brine shrimp at
Franklin Donaway
Franklin Donaway - 8 years ago
Where do u buy brine shrimp at
Crazed - 8 years ago
Its 2 am and now Im here. Who else ended up here rather late?
iReflect00 - 8 years ago
you look like Shia la buff in your thumbnail
Anony Mouse
Anony Mouse - 8 years ago
short hoes and long hoes.
Eein Fredrickson
Eein Fredrickson - 8 years ago
I miss my fish but according too muy parents they had to go thanks mom you didn't have to smash my tank after FLUSHINg LIVING FISH
Racc Ceddeño
Racc Ceddeño - 8 years ago
unbeleable... can you give me a link to read about it?
Dave Kane
Dave Kane - 8 years ago
So this needs a constant supply of new eggs? I would be interested in a way to breed them rather than just produce them from ordered eggs.
Ratchet4647 - 8 years ago
Dave Kane that would the next step, I guess you'd have to have a separate culture that you would allow to grow to adulthood and simulate egg laying in.
Peter Collin
Peter Collin - 8 years ago
Sea monkeys! Sea monkeys for all!
Silver Stream Bettas
Silver Stream Bettas - 7 years ago
Peter Collin baby sea monkeys are being fed to baby fishies :D (Now that I think about it thats very dark)
gymkhanadog - 8 years ago
How long for shrimp cocktail? :D
Kev - 8 years ago
why tf am i watching this at 1 am on a school day
FailedSquare - 8 years ago
Nice video thanks
Taylor Snider
Taylor Snider - 8 years ago
very useful, thanks.
You are truly the king of diy ,you don't have a stupid voice or overused music
dadygee - 8 years ago
My 2 aquariums are still dry... still i watched.
user255 - 8 years ago
This reminded me how badly Trump sucks.
user255 - 8 years ago
+Illegal Civ
Metre length piece of birch log is better president than Trump.
ootie extreme
ootie extreme - 8 years ago
Way better than Hillary
insane940 - 8 years ago
better than Hilary
偽88 - 8 years ago
can i raise the shrimps and feed them fish instead? :P

i'm a hipster
Sir Science
Sir Science - 8 years ago
Noone yes, if you get something called a mantis shrimp.

its not actually a shrimp but what ever lol.
friendsANDsuch350 - 8 years ago
Yummy shrimp
CathyGo - 8 years ago
Have you looked into the golden pearls? Many people are saying it's a viable alternative.
MDSsystems - 8 years ago
canadian ?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+MDSsystems yes. Nova Scotia.
Thomas Ruijs
Thomas Ruijs - 8 years ago
Don't own fish or even intend to, but this was a really nice and interesting video!
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
why is this in my suggestions.
Dr. J. Bright
Dr. J. Bright - 8 years ago
Really simple
AlexCobalt - 8 years ago
Fumble Blooz
Fumble Blooz - 8 years ago
wtf? is a brine shrimp?
Only if there's a convenient and easy way to find the answer.
Oh wait, of course there is.
Alduin Hearth
Alduin Hearth - 8 years ago
I don't even know how I got here... XD
sharkman9k - 8 years ago
so... what are those brine shrimp eating after they hatch? how do you sustain the hatchery?
Giuseppe Tassitani
Giuseppe Tassitani - 8 years ago
sharkman9k - 8 years ago
8O that actually makes a lot of sense! good on ya mate!
Giuseppe Tassitani
Giuseppe Tassitani - 8 years ago
You feed the Brine Shrimps with brewer's yeast in small amounts... You put it in the water and when the water turns clear again you feed them again
Michael Battle
Michael Battle - 8 years ago
How could someone dislike this video?...Awesome build bro...
Sleepy ninja rin
Sleepy ninja rin - 7 years ago
saving money? it is much cheaper to not get the brine shrimp.
Hubble Tea
Hubble Tea - 7 years ago
Some people don't get the circle of life :/
BulletProof Tomato
BulletProof Tomato - 8 years ago
Michael Battle yeah
Michael Battle
Michael Battle - 8 years ago
+BulletProof Tomato ...I guess they don't want someone feeding fish and saving money...Fags...
BulletProof Tomato
BulletProof Tomato - 8 years ago
Michael Battle they could dislike if they are vegan or vegetarian and don't like the idea of this. I'm personally vegetarian but if you want to make what ever this is then go ahead, I guess...
MasterAquatics - 8 years ago
joey which video is the one where you make your own food for fry?
Marek Tustin
Marek Tustin - 8 years ago
Please, tell me where I could buy a bottle cups like yours? Maybe would you like sale your set ? Thank you for video.
AF Bennett
AF Bennett - 8 years ago
This is the shit I want in my recommendations not 'the most satisfying video in the world'
Mar Mar
Mar Mar - 8 years ago
AF Bennett yeah yeah yeye. yea.
Dimitriy Mirovsky
Dimitriy Mirovsky - 8 years ago
good content, i subscribe...

100. comment for HOW TO: DIY brine shrimp hatchery

TheWonderCartoonist - 8 years ago
Anyone know if u can just feed them brine shrimp like every Saturday for a treat without having them become independent?
Raistlarn - 8 years ago
TheWonderCartoonist if you are feeding fry(babies) then they need to be fed every day. Adult fish shouldn't be fed brine shrimp often, because they have very little nutritional value.
Random Sparks
Random Sparks - 8 years ago
How long can these guys live in a container for? Can they be stored live?
Abbs Gaming
Abbs Gaming - 8 years ago
Can you do a vid on how to breed beta fish plz
John Hugill
John Hugill - 8 years ago
Brilliant! One of the best videos I've ever seen. Massively professional. Tell me again where I get the bottle cap, and thanks.
Silver3xterior - 8 years ago
Yam Gaming
Yam Gaming - 8 years ago
im running 20 and i obly have 2 fish but i just want to see whats the best
JJiG - 8 years ago
I have no idea why this video was recommended to me or even why I watched it, but I did and I came away learning something. lol now wut are brine shrimp food for? anything?
Selena Foster
Selena Foster - 7 years ago
JJiG I use baby brine shrimp for newly hatched axolotls.
Plasmatic - 7 years ago
Brine Shrip (Or if you want a simpler term Sea Monkeys xD) Are edible for fish but I don't know any other animal that eats Brine Shrimp besides fish.
hay0fuck0you - 8 years ago
food for my oscar
ясон борокко
ясон борокко - 8 years ago
tell me where these caps for plastic bottles to buy?
skankhunt42 Jew
skankhunt42 Jew - 8 years ago
0:51 what fish is that I want it
WillJiggs - 8 years ago
Ethan Russell they are discus, it's quite tricky to keep them though!
Shive - 8 years ago
So wont your fish bowl slowly get more and more salty as you feed them this?
Kalanithings velez
Kalanithings velez - 8 years ago
this was cool, i should be watching these because i will want a boss tank but im a strong cat person meaning im lazy and anything that needs more than lots of love and food isnt for me.
DIY fish creations George
DIY fish creations George - 8 years ago
Can you make me one with all the valves the wood except the pump
Aaron Yong
Aaron Yong - 8 years ago
How did you know how they taste like?
censor red
censor red - 8 years ago
I want to know how fish survive in salt water
0.x f i0 fr
0.x f i0 fr - 8 years ago
what should be the temperature and lighting
Yoite - 8 years ago
They're so cute...
friendsANDsuch350 - 8 years ago
Die motherfucker die motherfucker die
Joaquin Gill
Joaquin Gill - 8 years ago
wtf okcool
Joaquin Gill
Joaquin Gill - 8 years ago
ahhhhhhhhh mom and daddy fish and their banned Omfg so cute
Ink - 8 years ago
What brand of air pump did you use because the ones available for me are all too big
Mazboy Lol
Mazboy Lol - 8 years ago
Thx my fish love it
Panda Bear
Panda Bear - 8 years ago
I love it!!
flowerhorn fish home
flowerhorn fish home - 8 years ago
motor run in full times or not replay me
Popcorn Winky
Popcorn Winky - 8 years ago
This is great information! thanks! going to try this next week!
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
Where can I find those caps?
Sebastian H
Sebastian H - 8 years ago
Search "DIY CO2 bottle cap" on Ebay or Amazon.
xSean145 - 8 years ago
Very nice! Always had trouble extracting them. Also have trouble with some eggs not hatching and they sink to the bottom. Impossible to seperate from the brine shrimp.
The_ PinkPanther
The_ PinkPanther - 8 years ago
Joey, you're awesome.
Iver Soto
Iver Soto - 8 years ago
Hi there, thanks for sharing this video. Could you please tell us where did you get the seal two caps? Cz I cant fined them on ebay. Thanks again.
Ramon Araujo
Melissa Liner
Melissa Liner - 8 years ago
Iver Soto They are C02 caps... not "seal" caps. Lol
Adeline Dering
Adeline Dering - 8 years ago
He made this hatchery for the Lamprologus Similis (AKA the shell dwellers) because this is the best food to feed them! I will have to try this out on my multies.
Molly Carolyn
Molly Carolyn - 8 years ago
Isn't it mean to feed the baby's
Casey Larsen
Casey Larsen - 8 years ago
What size hole saw did you use? I don't know the standard diameter for a water bottle and it's a bit cumbersome to get an accurate measurement.
Sean Dillon
Sean Dillon - 8 years ago
would something like this with larger bottles work well for copepods?
Marco Burgers
Marco Burgers - 8 years ago
litterally just seamonkeys
Arthur G
Arthur G - 8 years ago
I kinda feel bad for the little guys lol.
Cool project for the future though! Thanks for the video!
0108daniel - 8 years ago
Nice, but the compressor needs to be on every 24 hours right?
sarah someone
sarah someone - 8 years ago
real life minecraft xD
שמוליק חזין
שמוליק חזין - 8 years ago
Who sells live phytoplankton
Transfer Ukraine
Aneesh B
Aneesh B - 8 years ago
should I change water after every use and clean the hatchery bottle
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Aneesh B a quick rinse it fine
Starlet Abraham
Starlet Abraham - 8 years ago
good job!
Aneesh B
Aneesh B - 8 years ago
please tell how much % (weight) salt is required to 1 litter of water
John Jay
John Jay - 8 years ago
Where did u get that brine shrimp egg
C and E Gaming
C and E Gaming - 8 years ago
Can you please put where you got these things in the descriptions
Tony Simsek
Tony Simsek - 8 years ago
why did I watch this... I don't even have fish lol
Madhusudhana Adinarayana
Madhusudhana Adinarayana - 7 years ago
Tony Simsek
Tony Simsek - 7 years ago
Guys!!! I finally got into the hobby! Now I have 12 fish and about 40 babies(fry) lol
Derek Z
Derek Z - 7 years ago
Vavabody .president vava valery
Vavabody .president vava valery - 7 years ago
Same here! dont have fish, was not even planning on getting some.. but I liked I subscribed to his channel.. Lmaoo
Dan Hart
Dan Hart - 8 years ago
you said this on another video? lol nice like farming :)
xplus93 - 8 years ago
Om nom nom, brine shrimp.
Jay H
Jay H - 8 years ago
Same here. Anything that may be an endless supply of something free or nearly free with little work involved, that can create profit, is interesting to me. I think it is funny that other people watched this video for the same reason.
James Hui
James Hui - 8 years ago
You are spot on!
xplus93 - 8 years ago
because, you probably thought like I did, "OMG endless supply of shrimp", withought knowing what brine shrimp are.
Seigi Tenshi
Seigi Tenshi - 8 years ago
i STILL don't know what they are. literally, shrimp? fish food? XD
Michael Frederico
Michael Frederico - 8 years ago
Same... lol
Tony Simsek
Tony Simsek - 8 years ago
FoodOnCrack true
FoodOnCrack - 8 years ago
because apparently you are interested making things at home because it's more economical and you didn't know what brine shrimp was.
Israel Carrillo
Israel Carrillo - 8 years ago
same lol
Dead channel
Dead channel - 8 years ago
3:31 did he say aboot instead or about?
Madison Martin
Madison Martin - 7 years ago
ive been there! I live right next door! I'm from newfoundland
Madison Martin
Madison Martin - 7 years ago
he did! I don't hear many Canadians including myself actually saying aboot
TheJackK!ck - 8 years ago
+AwesomeGuy ofcourse not, who would ever stalk you Josh?

(just found your name in your about page in two seconds, not an actual stalker)
moe alsharif
moe alsharif - 8 years ago
As is tradition of course...
Dead channel
Dead channel - 8 years ago
+RosePyxel mission accomplished and OMG THE KING REPLIED!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
i'm from nova scotia
Dead channel
Dead channel - 8 years ago
RosePyxel how aboot calling the po-po and ask them to track him? (Not really going to do that but what are we doing?)
Dead channel
Dead channel - 8 years ago
RosePyxel I don't know but how aboot stalking him? (Just don't stalk me I'm trying to be funny but I'm failing)
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 8 years ago
nice Joey
Ron Swanson
Ron Swanson - 8 years ago
looks like a nuclear reactor haha
dan reyes
dan reyes - 8 years ago
Some 10 Pound Internet Bass
Some 10 Pound Internet Bass - 8 years ago
Will this also work for koi eggs?
FdtTm4OJH3KPXQF 047M7629Mk41hIE
FdtTm4OJH3KPXQF 047M7629Mk41hIE - 8 years ago
what does it taste like?
goMANgo84 - 8 years ago
This is a perfect video for brine shrimp hatchery. I like using SMART water bottles because they are smooth and make for better viewing when checking on hatch rate. Plus when I empty a spent bottle I don't throw the content away. I pour it into a big container out on my deck and raise the baby shrimp into adults to stimulate my breeding discus pairs into spawning. With algae tablets I feed them and the sun also causes photosynthesis and algae growth.
Jochem Braad
Jochem Braad - 8 years ago
Sea monkeys are just brine shrimp right, so I could also use them to feed my fish?
Drew Meier
Drew Meier - 8 years ago
I would not advise using sea monkeys
YaBoiPablo - 8 years ago
actually sea monkeys are slightly different animal bit it should be safe
CloudeeDragon - 8 years ago
Where can you get brine shrimp eggs?
GottaLoveBreyerHorsies - 8 years ago
Literally revolutionary. Here I am pissing about balancing plastic cups and having 5 air bubblers, trying to make things work and trying to find a better way... And then you boss it in a video. Well done! I don't know whether to feel jealous or grateful for a solution. All the same, great video.
J. Guest
J. Guest - 8 years ago
are they good for tadpoles?
Bettalover - 8 years ago
By what name did you search for the screw in caps?
Ramon Araujo
the gaming avengers
the gaming avengers - 8 years ago
Bettalover same
Lu Xiao
Lu Xiao - 8 years ago
Replying to this in hopes YouTube will display this higher because I'd like to know as well.
Doge PhD
Doge PhD - 8 years ago
I feed my fish with burritos
Daniel Law
Daniel Law - 8 years ago
Hello where I can buy the cap? Can you give the link please thank's
Dave from Work
Dave from Work - 8 years ago
And how exactly do you know it does not taste like cinnamon?
chistine lane
chistine lane - 8 years ago
Dave from Work how do we know the machines got the taste right?
Adrian Aragon
Adrian Aragon - 8 years ago
MyLonewolf25 okay. if you say so
MyLonewolf25 - 8 years ago
Adrian Aragon things that are not the same can taste the same
Adrian Aragon
Adrian Aragon - 8 years ago
Dave from Work bc its not cinnamon
Michael aquarium
Michael aquarium - 8 years ago
Joey still an update on your daughter's aquarium please this is Michael aquarium
Bilal el hlimi
Bilal el hlimi - 8 years ago
best tutorial ever.
PRETTYBOY RIC - 8 years ago
Where can I buy the eggs in Canada?
JoButtFace - 8 years ago
Can I use this to feed a saltwater fish tank
MastaQush - 8 years ago
im sure the fish like the just as much if you just feed them the eggs.
Jonathan Cheesman
Jonathan Cheesman - 8 years ago
They separate it out because the shell is bad for the fish's stomachs.
Jeff Jovan Bermas
Jeff Jovan Bermas - 8 years ago
@The king of DIY where do you buy those manifolds? Looking for exactly as yours but can't find it. The light blue one.
Huynh Nguyen
Huynh Nguyen - 8 years ago
Cool and help video. Can I make a little suggestion? What if you cut slots in the bottle holders big enough for the air lines to pass through? That way you can kinda rotate your bottles. Like oldest bottle on the left and freshest on the right. That way you know which one is which without looking at the dates.
Spushed - 8 years ago
BSLM! Brine Shrimp Lives Matter! HAHAHA!
Zumbie AiyAm
Zumbie AiyAm - 8 years ago
Can you do the one with bloodworm?
midori t
midori t - 8 years ago
are u ever going to keep freshwater puffers they are awesome!
Soul Taker
Soul Taker - 8 years ago
you can also hatch them in big amounts or more like he says and freeze them for later use
R S - 8 years ago
this is the best setup that i have seen. good job.
Andrew Do
Andrew Do - 8 years ago
hi joey. if u were to make a DYI pond filter, would u do a "bottom up" or a "top down'? thank u
Delan Nguyen
Delan Nguyen - 8 years ago
worlukk - 8 years ago
great video !
laura sutton
laura sutton - 8 years ago
love it where did you get those caps you put the air lines from?
TheJOKERS my dad
TheJOKERS my dad - 8 years ago
do a update on Haley's aquarium
Reed Harris
Reed Harris - 8 years ago
This is not about the video but what water stone do you use
Darksorcer778 - 8 years ago
When do you think the planted tank video will be released?
leann lewis
leann lewis - 8 years ago
Great video. Can you do one on how you make your own food?
I've been subbed to you for years & I do recall you telling us before, but maybe you have something better now?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your knowledge. It's always appreciated.
Neng Vang
Neng Vang - 8 years ago
does your book show where you to buy acrylic and other supplies?
Jeff Peterson
Jeff Peterson - 8 years ago
I think a safety one way valve should be put on the air lines going to the pump, that way if the power cuts off at any time, the pump will not be ruined if the water back flows into it. Just my 2 cents. Great video.
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
Joeys got new fish! Looking forward to seeing the new video!
Maurice Cox
Maurice Cox - 8 years ago
I run the same type of setup with three bottles and have the caps numbered so I can just change the sequence i.e. when I set a new bottle that becomes number 3 so I know that it will be the last to harvest.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
I really like this build. Great job.
sankey deodhar
sankey deodhar - 8 years ago
Joey please make a detailed video on Arowana care
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
And did you ever consider getting a black ghost knife fish in a 75 gallon or something? I think your family would love it. It's also a moderate fish to care for and its educational.
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
What did the eggs taste like?
Scrivscribe - 8 years ago
OMG! I can't believe the timing of this video, I just finished making a Sea Monkey reality tv show parody on my own channel! It would mean the world to me if you found the time to watch it! :)
Peter Thiele
Peter Thiele - 7 years ago
Would it really mean that much?
B3 Hulk
B3 Hulk - 8 years ago
Okay fine...I'll go watch it
Jay Wuud
Jay Wuud - 8 years ago
This is an awesome tutorial. I wish plankton were so easy. A tutorial for growing plankton would be worth it's weight in gold!
Michael Hopk
Michael Hopk - 8 years ago
Hahaha, i wonder how much a megabyte weighs :p
Abby Brodnax
Abby Brodnax - 8 years ago
Great video. :)
manuel zapiain
manuel zapiain - 8 years ago
Sean Bennett
Sean Bennett - 8 years ago
I don't even keep fish but this was just cool to watch.
JR3157 - 8 years ago
Love this idea!!! could you PLEASE do a video on daphnia and grindal or black worms?
Michael Magana
Michael Magana - 8 years ago
Dude this is ingenious, I subbed just from this little setup
Affectionz1 - 8 years ago
Michael Magana
Michael Magana - 8 years ago
Awesome, yeah I am catching up on your videos and it is giving me a better idea for when I finally get to build my arowana tank. Thanks for all the hard work and tips
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Michael Magana thanks Michael! I do a new project every single Sunday and have been for years! Lots to catch up on! Then every Thursday I have a random topic on aquariums (very random).
Kustard123 - 8 years ago
Waaaait a minute, so you've had a taste of them eggs? That's dedication to the video!
dfunkt - 8 years ago
fantastic simple yet satisfyingly complex build!...and also some deep knowledge born from experience kicked down.
Ben Arthur
Ben Arthur - 8 years ago
do daphnia too! ive been wanting to try them out but im wary as ive never raised live food before.
Vanspilla - 8 years ago
EpicNGifted Gaming
EpicNGifted Gaming - 8 years ago
wicked vid mate
Adam McKerlie
Adam McKerlie - 8 years ago
"This stuff actually looks like cinnamon but certainly doesn't taste like it" :O
Vishnu Raj
Vishnu Raj - 8 years ago
Amazing... Ideas... Goood job..
zinovate1 - 8 years ago
How can I find those caps?
zinovate1 - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY right on. thanks for responding so quickly
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Ebay. Search for DIY co2 bottle caps. tons of options.
Corey's Discus
Corey's Discus - 8 years ago
hey Joey awesome video and you made it look so easy thanks.. can you put a link in where you get the brine shrimp eggs please..
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Cause it's hard to type brine shrimp eggs into google?!!
imthe victorr
imthe victorr - 8 years ago
Wow it really is a nice set up. I hope you didn't waste all that brine shrimp though
Farabi Ibney Yousuf
Farabi Ibney Yousuf - 8 years ago
this was shot on JUNE ?
Farabi Ibney Yousuf
Farabi Ibney Yousuf - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY thanks for your reply. can you guide us on brine shrimp grow out tank? looking for a good guidance for a grow out tank for adult brine shrimp.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Somewhere around there. Im always building and filming something. Cant keep up with weekly projects if I don't keep ahead.
who care
who care - 8 years ago
it may be worth noting that different kinds of salt have different trace elements that may effect the gravity.
who care
who care - 8 years ago
I know it's not for aquariums man, I'm just pointing out that just stating "salt" can have huge differences based on the size of crystals alone, even small crystal aquarium salt will weigh more than large crystal by volume.
Lu Xiao
Lu Xiao - 8 years ago
He's just careful not to screw up his fish tanks or fry hatchery.
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
+who care (Suz) table salt isn't for aquariums ur way over thinking it
who care
who care - 8 years ago
It can matter, courser salts like kosher have less areas of air between the grain than something fine like table salt. in the end that means the weight is different per teaspoon amount, almost doubled and doubling salt does effect salinity.
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Not enough to matter
GR1zzLY213 - 8 years ago
Mandar Loke
Mandar Loke - 8 years ago
Dont out all your eggs in one basket - I SEE WHAT U DID THERE
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Amjad Massarani
Amjad Massarani - 8 years ago
Good informational video mate! Thanks you
Nikki G
Nikki G - 8 years ago
Where do you buy rock salt???
yudiweb - 8 years ago
Request DIY how to make carbon-dioxide for aquascaping
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I got it from the bulk barn. A canadian chain store that sell baking supplies and what not in bulk. Its not uncommon though.
Joe Roubieu
Joe Roubieu - 8 years ago
Joey, I have a challenge for you. A micro saltwater aquarium. One that can hatch and sustain brine shrimp and support small coral. I currently have a micro-salt, but cannot get the brine shrimp part of the ecosystem because my current filtration kills them. This is a challenge of lighting, and filtration that doesn't kill the brine shrimp. I would forever be a fan if you can pull this off. Im thinking a 1.5 to 3 gallon would be perfect. Hope you reply!
john Sanders
john Sanders - 8 years ago
Can you do this for Copepods?
Matt Brocklehurst
Matt Brocklehurst - 8 years ago
I would greatly love a diy set up for phytoplankton... preferably nannochloropsis :) I'm working on my own after looking at plans and tips on line... would like to see if you can come up with better ways to do it... thanks
pecktec - 8 years ago
Ha! That's really cool.
Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
Yes! Do it!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Do the steam punk version!!
Javier Duran
Javier Duran - 8 years ago
What kind of caps and valves does he use and where can I get them ?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Ebay! Search for DIY co2 bottle caps. The valves are commonly sold at more petstores, online, ebay, etc... very common.
Craig Mullins
Craig Mullins - 8 years ago
Do u have a video on decapsulating them?
StreetLYfeVideos - 8 years ago
Joey what kind of air pump do you run in your tank?
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
most people dont use air pumps unless its decoration, especially for fish over 5" they will not provide enough oxygen to the water, its all about surface agitation with canisters and wave makers, or a good sump
polpterusdelhezi - 8 years ago
Brine shrimp is used mainly for fry, i dont know anyone who grows them out.
CichlidGuy915 - 8 years ago
Connor Tierney
Connor Tierney - 8 years ago
Sounds more fancy than microworm cultures
Adam Pierce
Adam Pierce - 8 years ago
Have you tried to hatch brine shrimp in water without the salt?
Adam Pierce
Adam Pierce - 8 years ago
So you haven't actually tried it have you. You are only repeating a popular opinion. Try it and you might become informed.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
they wont hatch in freshwater. it would be a waste.
Adam Pierce
Adam Pierce - 8 years ago
But have you actually tried to hatch them in fresh water?
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
they are called BRINE for a reason :P they need saltwater to hatch and survive
RK MediArt (RKMultiMedia87)
RK MediArt (RKMultiMedia87) - 8 years ago
your simplicity is beyond creativity, great stuff man! It's fun watching your videos as you do the unthinkable as well as you make hobbyists give a shot at it or simply allow one to continue something to the next level. Cool Stuff, thanks!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks RK! You're welcome!
Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw - 8 years ago
Another great vid cheers Joey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
thank you!
Peter Hand
Peter Hand - 8 years ago
Can you attach a link to buy the eggs ? And would you recommend using Rodi over tap
Getsu - 8 years ago
Can you do a daphnia one? :) great vid, i love how organised your builds are
Rodney Thompson
Rodney Thompson - 8 years ago
Great D.I.Y.. Thanks for the vid
justkenna97 - 8 years ago
Are there any pros to using live shrimp over frozen? Recently my goldfish just starting spawning and I've just been feeding the babies frozen.
John Martinez
John Martinez - 8 years ago
Didn't think your videos could get any better, then you state both Celsius AND Fahrenheit. Thank you, haha!
psjhfc28112010 - 8 years ago
Hi joey. I need your help. I've lost a dozen fish in my tank over the past week! I had added some new fish after my old ones passed away. I had previously used a new ph digital tester and discovered my ph was at 9. So I spent a while lowering it by .1 every day. My other water levels are fine, ammonia and nitrite are 0, nitrate is 20-40ppm just before a scheduled water change. Temperature is about 27 Celsius, and I haven't changed anything about the way I treat my tank for two years! And yet my fish are dying quickly. They don't show any symptoms, no lethargy, gulping for air or red gills.They're not over fed. I have two clown loaches and they seem fine. But each day I come down, fish have died, I lost three today! They just seem to die incredibly quickly without warning. I tested the ph with a strip, it's showing 7.5! The only thing I can think of is the digital tester is wrong, and that my lowering of the ph has stressed the fish badly, especially with the addition of new fish.
psjhfc28112010 - 8 years ago
+Chris Kibodeaux he's a genius. That is all.
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
+psjhfc28112010 if U already talked to a shop what is he gonna say that they can't
psjhfc28112010 - 8 years ago
I checked the ph with the digital one and it's showing 8.7 atm. I've stopped adding water fertilisers into my tank and co2 as the fish shop said it's probably that breaking my rocks down and increasing the ph, but this is now killing my plants too. I'm at a loss here. If you could be so kind, my email address is and I'd appreciate it if you could advise what I could do before I lose my prize fish, the clown loaches!
Al's Critters
Al's Critters - 8 years ago
Jason Lumactod
Jason Lumactod - 8 years ago
Great vid Joey! Thanks.
Benjamin Hugenschmidt
Benjamin Hugenschmidt - 8 years ago
Awsome Video, I'm gona try something simular whit amano shrimp!
brennaecho - 8 years ago
this is a really good DIY! I'm going to try making one of these hatcheries now.
Joash Miranda
Joash Miranda - 8 years ago
Great video!!
Nick J
Nick J - 8 years ago
Very cool idea !
Morris Power
Morris Power - 8 years ago
yes yes science bitch
James Holloway
James Holloway - 8 years ago
What's the best in your opinion black airline tubing made from PVC. Or silicone Airline tubing
jose gomez
jose gomez - 8 years ago
to purchase on ebay do i search brine shrimp eggs bc i keep getting hatched eggs idk what to search
Emmett Peck
Emmett Peck - 8 years ago
Man, I remember trying to do a project like this when I was way younger. Great to see a better solution.
Reef Calvetti_
Reef Calvetti_ - 8 years ago
muito bom... top top
Floyd Morey
Floyd Morey - 8 years ago
always love how you make things so simple but take them to the next level great video
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Can you feed Brine shrimp to Mbuna's??
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Yes thought so, I feed NorthFin Veggie
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
for fry and juvies definately, I wouldnt recommend them for adult mbuna unless as a rare treat as the protein content would be to high for them as they are herbivores with long intestinal tracts, too easy to get bloat, haps and peacocks for sure tho.
James C
James C - 8 years ago
I have a sea monkey kit
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
same thing!
Vaughn Pruess
Vaughn Pruess - 8 years ago
lol...Perfect timing,, just got Brine eggs in to play with...
Great Vids and Keep them coming
Travis Kinsey
Travis Kinsey - 8 years ago
Can you make a large batch of these and then just freeze them for later use?
Ron Ramen
Ron Ramen - 8 years ago
+Billy Smith Good point!
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
+Ron Ramen except the frozen cubes of brine are usually of the adult variety and contain little to no nutrients and little protein
Ron Ramen
Ron Ramen - 8 years ago
Yeah thats what I used to do. You can freeze them in silicon ice cube tray and seal it off with an airtight lid. It'll literally last you a years. Although, nowadays, you can easily buy frozen brine shrimp for very cheap and it kinda defeats the whole point of hatching your own (having live, moving food to attract fry).
HARSH PRATAP - 8 years ago
what should be given to fry fish
jp400motox - 8 years ago
This has to be the best DIY hatchery I have ever seen! good job The king of DIY
Builder BB
Builder BB - 8 years ago
A Multiple culture hatchery is a great idea
Vliegende Bezemsteel 3000
Vliegende Bezemsteel 3000 - 8 years ago
are the goldfish tank and the arowana tank the only tanks you Have Right now?
E E - 8 years ago
Love the way you pronounce "out". :-) Awesome vid man, as per usual. Cheers from Sweden.
Ravi Shane
Ravi Shane - 8 years ago
very good information.Excellent video.Thanks.
epicexposure - 8 years ago
OMG.. I'm getting on this project..TODAY! Really well made and a brilliant idea! Thanks man :)
Janis H.
Janis H. - 8 years ago
Cool !!!
lou9294 - 8 years ago
Remember awesome video thanks for sharing J
Cum on Face
Cum on Face - 8 years ago
you are a genius!
toycar foushboy
toycar foushboy - 8 years ago
Cool. I think I might set one up to feed my cichlids.
felicianoabe - 8 years ago
great job!
augoldfinger - 8 years ago
Are you sure that the shrimp eggs don't taste like cinnamon :D
Derrick Evans
Derrick Evans - 8 years ago
What's the best way to store the shrimps. and how long will they last
Jean-Francois Prince
Jean-Francois Prince - 8 years ago
Where did you find brine shrimp eggs in Canada?
Billy Smith
Billy Smith - 8 years ago
I buy mine off amazon, but you can find them in lFS, possibly petsmart but some dont carry them
J No
J No - 8 years ago
just get them off ebay
Garrett Hawley
Garrett Hawley - 8 years ago
Can you make a video for a DIY HOB fuge? Lots of people like them but not many videos about them on YouTube!
The random youtuber
The random youtuber - 8 years ago
i just watch your vids not really gonna try them
love them
Creeperswitness - 8 years ago
Finally feeding fry is made efficient. Thank you.
LaQuisha Smith
LaQuisha Smith - 8 years ago
Okay... so what don't you do? Love it!
RSID - 8 years ago
i have just bought a fully cycled and established aquarium that had way to many cichlids kept with a oscar and a rainbow shark
the cichlids are 2 lemon cichlids and i don't know how many convict cichids. there is also a rainbow shark. i have decided to separate that cichlids but i would like to know if its a 55 gallon could i put the rainbow shark with the oscar. they are both semi aggressive
Akvaryum Rehberi
Akvaryum Rehberi - 8 years ago
Great video. Would you please make a video about how to grow artemia?
k k
k k - 8 years ago
I really like how cheap u are, makes this hobby realistic
Eric351M - 8 years ago
those caps were a good idea. makes it easier to get the shrimp and not the egg shells.
Yazeed Bassadien
Yazeed Bassadien - 8 years ago
great video! !!
Jason Cartwright
Jason Cartwright - 8 years ago
how long can the brine shrimp stay in bottle before I've got to start a new culture?
I guess I'm asking if they have an expiry date to them.
Lu Xiao
Lu Xiao - 8 years ago
+Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette Yeah, I think it's called "Gut Loading" or something, when you stuff the shrimp with healthy foods for them right before feeding,
and, it simply makes sense that Healthier Shrimp means more Nutrition when eaten. It's just that usually, Brine Shrimp feeders do so because it's incredibly cheap live foods, so they're fed cheaply as well.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
Yes, I've heard that too, that the nutritional value of grown brine shrimp are overrated. But on the other side, I've also heard that should the grown up brine shrimp are given nutritious food, they'll obtain a much better nutritional value.
To be honest I dont know which one is true, but in my case, I did fed my fishes grown brine shrimp that was fed spirulina powder, and my fishes did not show any sign of malnutrition.
Lu Xiao
Lu Xiao - 8 years ago
+Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette ah, yeah, once their yolks go they lose a lot of nutrition anyway huh, good for feeding bulk small carnivores though definitely. I hear grown brine shrimp compared to Potato Chips for fish, tasty treat but not a good diet.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
Lu Xiao Ah I see, I was referring to his last sentence, whether they can expire or not. ;)
Well, if you kept the brine shrimp in those bottles, they will only last until their yolk are finished. After that they'll start dying unless you fed them.
Took about 3~5 days in my case, after that I usually fed them spirulina powder and flour.
Lu Xiao
Lu Xiao - 8 years ago
Andy he means how long can they stay live in the hatchery plastic bottle.
I'd like to know too.

Although your little bit of information was also helpful.
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette
Andy Suryantoro van Ruzzette - 8 years ago
On my own experience they could still hatch at 6 months after opening the can, (I'm using USA made brineshrimp cysts sold in cans). But the hatching rates dropped significantly the more it is exposed to air. I usually separated them to small plastic pouches and sealed them again.
bill sandford
bill sandford - 8 years ago
As always awesome
Dawn Booth
Dawn Booth - 8 years ago
Where do you buy your brine shrimp eggs?
InstxcntExodus - 8 years ago
cool please More of live food idea (sorry for Bad englisch im german:) )
jimmy pa
jimmy pa - 8 years ago
Golden Orchid u dumb ass
Janis H.
Janis H. - 8 years ago
+Golden Orchid Yes you can get this in Germany
Golden Orchid
Golden Orchid - 8 years ago
I don't know if they sell them in Germany, but in the united states you can get wingless fruit flies. My beta fish love them.
Janis H.
Janis H. - 8 years ago
ich auch
InstxcntExodus - 8 years ago
cool please More of live food idea (sorry for Bad englisch im german:) )
ray whitaker
ray whitaker - 7 years ago
connor allen
connor allen - 8 years ago
nah a ta prabelm mun!
box 8 news in the Saturday
box 8 news in the Saturday - 8 years ago
I oh ok I'm a chill dude
I - 8 years ago
box 8 news in the Saturday
I'm just trolling, don't mind me :P
box 8 news in the Saturday
box 8 news in the Saturday - 8 years ago
I he said his English was bad I normally don't correct grammar but since he said his English is bad I just wanted to help him out
I - 8 years ago
+box 8 news in the Saturday
u r grammar nazi :/
Nazis are bad :(
box 8 news in the Saturday
box 8 news in the Saturday - 8 years ago
Instxnct Exodus just a little help the correct way to say it would be sorry for MY bad English(English was spelled wrong) I'm German
I - 8 years ago
Hallo! (sorry for my bad german)
MrRvbrown - 8 years ago
Diying at it's finest!! #whatwouldjoeydo
kenneth sanchez
kenneth sanchez - 8 years ago
Love your vids
Joshua Saad
Joshua Saad - 8 years ago
I've been watching your videos about 3 months and you inspired me to get a 10 gallon tank. I've had the tank for about 2 months and all is well. I love your videos and hope to one day get a arowana thank you for all you do for are hobby.
Ashton Mccants
Ashton Mccants - 8 years ago
Great video Joey. Are you able to grow these out for larger fish, rather than using the fry?
The Goldfish Whisperer
The Goldfish Whisperer - 8 years ago
Great video!
Matas Jarutis
Matas Jarutis - 8 years ago
Hey Joey how do I post the decals on the Facebook form and could you do a video on a Asian arowana eg care and facts and tips you learnt from experience Matas
vagenrider - 8 years ago
joey,what is the brown material you use?asking because cant hear clear what you say
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Really?!!!!!! I mean really!!!
ajaz shah
ajaz shah - 8 years ago
great video Joe
Aqua man
Aqua man - 8 years ago
Nice build
Aman Nehra
Aman Nehra - 8 years ago
Best video on shrimp hatching I have seen yet. Awesome job joey. Keep up the good work!!
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
Ya you make it so easy and simple. I really want a mandarin for my new 13.5 gallon saltwater tank. Any ideas how to raise copepods easy so I could keep a mandarin?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks Aman!
Desi Sontag
Desi Sontag - 8 years ago
shuhebur noor
shuhebur noor - 8 years ago
perfect timing bro, thank you.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
you're welcome
Puneeth Ravi
Puneeth Ravi - 8 years ago
pls do reply
shuhebur noor
shuhebur noor - 8 years ago
perfect timing bro, thank you.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
You're welcome!
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
You should try give a thought to Daphnia hatchery now that you've looked at Brine shrimp. Since that one is a freshwater which is a more entertaining food for well, fry/smaller aquatic fish. For example, Neon Tetra might adore daphnia feeding.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I might do a few more videos on live foods like that, we'll see.
Puneeth Ravi
Puneeth Ravi - 8 years ago
joey can u practically keep a flowerhorn with an arowana??
Fukano Nakito
Fukano Nakito - 8 years ago
the flowerhorn is the scarier one
Puneeth Ravi
Puneeth Ravi - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY appreciate the time u take to reply to comments .,!!! hats offf
Puneeth Ravi
Puneeth Ravi - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Depends on the individual fish. Some have made it work, others haven't.
Puneeth Ravi
Puneeth Ravi - 8 years ago
been waiting !!!!!
Rometiklan - 8 years ago
Really nice build. Thanks for sharing.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
No problem
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
Never disappointed
JetRoar Videos
JetRoar Videos - 8 years ago
+Gregory Marrero well I have a 10 gallon... will that be okay at all?
JetRoar Videos
JetRoar Videos - 8 years ago
also like the video personally and literally
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
+JetRoar Videos I'm not him but depends what tank size 15 gallons and up sure
JetRoar Videos
JetRoar Videos - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY can 4 otocinclus live with only 2 air pumps?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Glad to hear it! Not every project will be something your looking for obviously, but its good to learn a little bit of everything!
Marko Urosevic
Marko Urosevic - 8 years ago
for some reason,video cannot be played on my phone...
Jose Duran
Jose Duran - 8 years ago
same but mine it's other videos aswell I think it's YouTube
Brian's Opinion/Comments
Brian's Opinion/Comments - 8 years ago
stephen playz
stephen playz - 8 years ago
hi whats the best way to get yoir discuss to pair
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Check out my video on how to breed discus.
Ishaan Kourav
Ishaan Kourav - 8 years ago
very gooddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! joey. pls make vids like this
Ishaan Kourav
Ishaan Kourav - 8 years ago
thanks sir!!! really i mean it .and thanks to forward
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I have been for 7 years. Every sunday is a DIY project video or tank build series.
Kazz - 8 years ago
360p squad, im never early to anything so this makes me happy lol
Kazz - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY <3 <3 <3 <3
Monstar Aquatics
Monstar Aquatics - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Whats up Kazz!
Gavin Davis
Gavin Davis - 8 years ago
I've been waiting on a video like this forever
Gavin Davis
Gavin Davis - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Sounds like a long time! Better late than never though
Dayton Hawley
Dayton Hawley - 8 years ago

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