this took me several days to film lol....i failed epicly at first but in the end i think it looks ok, but best of all my goldfish have tons of swimming room now! yay. Enjoy me clowning around throughout the entire process :) LINKS: My online store: (buying anything from there helps support and rescue animals) Send your letters or fan-art here: Estefany Jasso Apartado Postal 251 Tampico, Tamps. Mexico 89001 please LIKE my page: my online store's facebook page: my personal facebook: instagram: email me: I'LL BE LIVE STREAMING HERE:


Pets & Animals 7 years ago 212,967 views

this took me several days to film lol....i failed epicly at first but in the end i think it looks ok, but best of all my goldfish have tons of swimming room now! yay. Enjoy me clowning around throughout the entire process :) LINKS: My online store: (buying anything from there helps support and rescue animals) Send your letters or fan-art here: Estefany Jasso Apartado Postal 251 Tampico, Tamps. Mexico 89001 please LIKE my page: my online store's facebook page: my personal facebook: instagram: email me: I'LL BE LIVE STREAMING HERE:

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Most popular comments

Letizia Penzo
Letizia Penzo - 7 years ago
Always Jada
Always Jada - 7 years ago
Make a kitty pool for your big turtles
Kiersten Clark
Kiersten Clark - 7 years ago
How many animals do you have
catherine clarke
catherine clarke - 7 years ago
Show off! Yuck
piya khan
piya khan - 7 years ago
Hey steff j, you should seriously buy Babette a baby duck! Or maybe a male duck... just make her broody!!!!!!
Cheyenne Bullock
Cheyenne Bullock - 7 years ago
xoxoAUTomatic - 7 years ago
Come on
Helena gejmer Pešut
Helena gejmer Pešut - 7 years ago
Soo you are alive
Leslie Gillman
Leslie Gillman - 7 years ago
every straight man just liked this video when you started shaking those hips lol


* JustKiddingItzMorgan *
* JustKiddingItzMorgan * - 7 years ago
Christine Lin
Christine Lin - 7 years ago
i wonder how she walks all her dogs???
DAWSLAMMER NZ - 7 years ago
just a heads up about the young lady's use of plastic in all her ponds and filter etc many pools have very deadly chemicals to stop algae growing and they will slowly harm or at the worst kill the fish please be careful and research your plastics,i have been fish farming/breeding at my home for 30 years now and have had many disappointments in my first years but with trail and error i have sorted most of the problems out .you can email me for advice if anyone needs it .
John SM
John SM - 7 years ago
couldn't you just put the sand in the pool and leave your hose running on it for an hour or so? It's just a big bucket anyway.
hey girl
hey girl - 7 years ago
i love regeton
Butterbean Lps
Butterbean Lps - 7 years ago
Why do you have a pet duck?
Tali4seven YAY
Tali4seven YAY - 7 years ago
Birds and other animals might eat them
Fairy Reader
Fairy Reader - 7 years ago
Are you sure it's a good idea to hold your fish like that? I have no experience, so i'm just asking
Pandas Best
Pandas Best - 7 years ago
You have good taste in music :) Can you list more of your favorite songs please? :) i love your videos!! :)
Marsha Resurreccion
Marsha Resurreccion - 7 years ago
Marsha Resurreccion
Marsha Resurreccion - 7 years ago


Esmeralda Silveyra
Esmeralda Silveyra - 7 years ago
I love those songs my mom and me listen to those songs
Oreoz X
Oreoz X - 7 years ago
Just so you know, fish forget everything every 3 seconds so if you have a fish, it's fine keeping it in a small tank (you should put plants and stuff in it though)
Stay Alive
Stay Alive - 7 years ago
Oreoz X thats wrong they actually have memory of more than 5 months
zeeks_jobless149 gamer
zeeks_jobless149 gamer - 7 years ago
Love xoxox 300
Love xoxox 300 - 7 years ago
I dint know u listen to Prince Royce
David Garcia Jr.
David Garcia Jr. - 7 years ago
Be my girl
Andel Karamath
Andel Karamath - 7 years ago
Your very sweet. Looking sexy
Eshani Bhandari
Eshani Bhandari - 7 years ago
Love you Steffen <3
WHODAT NINJAH - 7 years ago
Rafael Pacheco
Rafael Pacheco - 7 years ago
It was all perfect...
Ingrid Limon
Ingrid Limon - 7 years ago
What is ur water bill gurl u have so much water OMG


kelsey Nesmith
kelsey Nesmith - 7 years ago
can a make a video introducing all of ur animals plsssss
AubsVlogs - 7 years ago
I love your hair
SIMON PONADON - 7 years ago
No need for me cuase here in the Philippines the cheapest filter is 100 pesos in dollars its 5.651
jessy sweetcakes
jessy sweetcakes - 7 years ago
You are mexico or puertorico????? I ask???
Sharon Kim
Sharon Kim - 7 years ago
What happened to the goldfish you bought but didn't receive? The calico butterfly telescopes and broad tails?
pau farro
pau farro - 7 years ago
My favorite flower is water lily
XxPurpleRosesxX With Red rosesxX
XxPurpleRosesxX With Red rosesxX - 7 years ago
XxPurpleRosesxX With Red rosesxX
XxPurpleRosesxX With Red rosesxX - 7 years ago
Girl dat dancing
Lupe Gurubel
Lupe Gurubel - 7 years ago
you are so cool
Jordan Mckinney
Jordan Mckinney - 7 years ago
You shouldn't have put 'I dropped it' you could have been like- maggicc XD
Bearded dragon Lover
Bearded dragon Lover - 7 years ago
I don't have the strength in me to pick up my fish and hold it for a second and I'm eight!
Northside Fin
Northside Fin - 7 years ago
You are fuckin cool, I am officially a fan
Ariel Johnson
Ariel Johnson - 7 years ago
What do u do when it rains
YouTube lover ok
YouTube lover ok - 7 years ago
I liked and subscribed
YouTube lover ok
YouTube lover ok - 7 years ago
I love your videos and your hair is so pretty
Ashley Adame
Ashley Adame - 7 years ago
You should take all the lefes out and put something on top of the pool
Tony Rosas
Tony Rosas - 7 years ago
holy shit yesss your latina.
Pjmjjk P
Pjmjjk P - 7 years ago
don't the turtles need more space to swim?
Emma Clouston
Emma Clouston - 7 years ago
Wouldn't. The cats eat them
Indio Taino
Indio Taino - 7 years ago
Is she pueto rican? cuz if she is.. I am too ;)


Madison Denty
Madison Denty - 7 years ago
my dad got this big sheet of glass and he took the doors out and put the glass sheet in and my bathroom is were my pets live but i have 3 bathrooms so its okay and she should of put pebbles in the pool
Monkey Kong
Monkey Kong - 7 years ago
The eye of the fish is almost go out
Little Donut pugs
Little Donut pugs - 7 years ago
Are you colombiana
Rubi Casillas
Rubi Casillas - 7 years ago
Tu hablas español yo taben
Dwayne Stevens
Dwayne Stevens - 7 years ago
Mystery the Blue Kitty/Kittin
Mystery the Blue Kitty/Kittin - 7 years ago
Yarielis Pastor
Yarielis Pastor - 7 years ago
Asas yo soy de puerto rico
Fiona C
Fiona C - 7 years ago
Hi love her pets ❤️❤️
Zoey Xxx
Zoey Xxx - 7 years ago
Me: Sees she uploads
Me: ill just watch one.... I guess...
20 min later
4 hrs ltr
EDIT: spellcheck ._.
Krystal's Channel !
Krystal's Channel ! - 7 years ago
Your spanish
Nathi Nate
Nathi Nate - 7 years ago
"DESPACITO" ears start to bleed
Gemma Viret
Gemma Viret - 7 years ago
robertrdcs1 baisy renteria
robertrdcs1 baisy renteria - 7 years ago
can we. go. tu. your. have
your. members of your. fon.
Lillianna Cummiskey
Lillianna Cummiskey - 7 years ago
My favoret type of flower is the orangetiger lilly
Ryann newsome
Ryann newsome - 7 years ago
I laughed cause when u put the last gold fish in you like threw it like "love you BYE"*throughs the fish in *

Ryann newsome
Ryann newsome - 7 years ago
Ho myyyy goid

Madison Smith
Madison Smith - 7 years ago
Ur such an animal saver I love u!!!! thanks
Jennifer Gutierrez
Jennifer Gutierrez - 7 years ago
What would be really nice is if u put some lights that are for the water and but some on every side of the pools so the pools lights up at night
Melissa Anne!
Melissa Anne! - 7 years ago
I love Daises!
King. hilarioo
King. hilarioo - 7 years ago
I don't mean to be intrusive but are those scars on your arms?
Matthew Tamayo
Matthew Tamayo - 7 years ago
Do you hate slime because glue is made by cow
lilygrant _
lilygrant _ - 7 years ago
What's wrong with their eyes
lilygrant _
lilygrant _ - 7 years ago
GreyWolf thanks I realized that in a different video of hers but it's nice to know YouTube is still civilized and helps each other out ❤️
GreyWolf - 7 years ago
lilygrant_ animal_lover its just a type of goldfish, there actually isnt anythin wrong
I Just Have A Channel To Subscribe
I Just Have A Channel To Subscribe - 7 years ago
she knows spanish and english me too
Amy Lanigan
Amy Lanigan - 7 years ago
my favourite flower is the blue orchid!
Yarieliz Ramirez-Martinez
Yarieliz Ramirez-Martinez - 7 years ago
Because I am
Yarieliz Ramirez-Martinez
Yarieliz Ramirez-Martinez - 7 years ago
Is she Puerto Rican
ItzzMeNik - 7 years ago
Loved that "quick break"
Hammy lover
Hammy lover - 7 years ago
I love your culture
Dulxer Garcia
Dulxer Garcia - 7 years ago
You were my neighbor
Crybaby :3
Crybaby :3 - 7 years ago
Great taste in music steff
LaQuisha Smith
LaQuisha Smith - 7 years ago
Hey Steff... great video. Can you do or do you have a more detailed video of the filters? Thanks hun.
Menti La
Menti La - 7 years ago
My auntie has like 100 different pets. I stay there most of my free time to have a party with the animals and feed them. My aunt also takes care of baby animals. (About half of baby animals than adults) A kitten actually clung on to my shirt while I was having fun with the animals. My favorite time is having to take care of them for like a day or a week while my aunt is away.

FUN STORY RECENTLY HAPPENED: my aunts kitten and puppy went out to her backyard and started barking and meowing. It turned out they found 'homeless' animals (not a cat or a dog, not a usual pet) I found some snails with pretty natural shells
Sergio Ramos
Sergio Ramos - 7 years ago
Do you speak Spanish
TheGameClipsHD - 7 years ago
U have a lot of animals
CharlotteEmilee@rts - 7 years ago
Staff that dress
Ruby Leeming
Ruby Leeming - 7 years ago
Hey Steff, are u Latina ?!
Ruby Leeming
Ruby Leeming - 7 years ago
9:04 POOP I'm eating cereal
Pet Adventures
Pet Adventures - 7 years ago
I am going to do this for all my goldies one day! This is so cheap too! Thanks steff!
Joelly Sierra
Joelly Sierra - 7 years ago
How does the pump help I'm so dumb sorry just curiosity
Lps Paws
Lps Paws - 7 years ago
You should put a big umbrella to keep away the avacadoe 's and leafs out
Monica Garcia
Monica Garcia - 7 years ago
I like your fish
Tracy Nguyen
Tracy Nguyen - 7 years ago
ToxicJammer AJ
ToxicJammer AJ - 7 years ago
When you send your fish to school
Atoria Wilson
Atoria Wilson - 7 years ago
Just subscribe ❤️
Chloe Yee
Chloe Yee - 7 years ago
Aww i love how shes so responsible for all her pets!
Ergest Ahmetaj
Ergest Ahmetaj - 7 years ago
She looks. Like moana
Eloisa Garcia
Eloisa Garcia - 7 years ago
Are you a Latina
Cheese The Cowfish
Cheese The Cowfish - 7 years ago
When I'm older I'm a get a ton of pets mainly because I'll be so lonely
Amanda Zurita
Amanda Zurita - 7 years ago
I'm in the process of making a nice big place for my pet skunks. Any suggestions
Allabout Melissa
Allabout Melissa - 7 years ago
Every thing she does for her pets is so amazing


Horseluver4ever 1234
Horseluver4ever 1234 - 7 years ago
I have a very special Telescope Goldfish. As we all probably know, some pets stores abuse their animals....(cough cough petco) and the animals just aren't in good condition sometimes. Well, I am an animal rescuer and I was looking around at petco and I saw a sweet little completely orange Telescope Goldfish that only had one eye....Telescope Goldfish have large eyes obviously, and it would take a lot to rip an eye off of this little guy. He also had ick....he was in pretty rough shape...So I purchased him, being the animal rescuer I am, and took him home. He is now in a 10 gallon by himself (I will put him in a bigger tank after his ick goes away) and he seems okay. I am treating his ick, and so far he is doing well. I'm not super familiar with Telescope Goldfish, but he is going well. His name is James. Does anybody have any tips for me so I can make his life any better? Any tips are greatly appreciated... ❤️
Zoey Xxx
Zoey Xxx - 7 years ago
PETSHMOOOOOO* as Taylor Dean calls it
Lola Tasha
Lola Tasha - 7 years ago
Is she Mexican
Ninka Sadovska
Ninka Sadovska - 7 years ago
prity hair and cat dog
juanita harris
juanita harris - 7 years ago
Are you a latina
Angie Perez Negrete (298AngPere)
Angie Perez Negrete (298AngPere) - 7 years ago
I like all of those songs
Orlando Calderon
Orlando Calderon - 7 years ago
Wht kind of gray ish black dog I thaff
Orlando Calderon
Orlando Calderon - 7 years ago
Ooo h said shit of crap I said shit to ugh
Jessica Root
Jessica Root - 7 years ago
There's a family of head hogs that keeps coming back to my garden and I watch ur videos to see what there like and now I'm just watching literally everything♥️
MELISIA MURRELL - 7 years ago
Ha ha lol
Maria Gonzalez
Maria Gonzalez - 7 years ago
I like how you dance ❤️❣️
legitholly - 7 years ago
Why the fuck are people disliking her videos? I honestly think she's boss and fuck ❤️
busawah bass
busawah bass - 7 years ago
Wow , you have many leaves in your backyard
Pigeons love Bananas
Pigeons love Bananas - 7 years ago
How do you keep the outdoor animals safe from predators if they are out in the open I don't have outdoor enclosures for my an animals. (I'm just curious)
Kimbery Penalozagarcia
Kimbery Penalozagarcia - 7 years ago
Are u Mexican because u look Mexican because of the songs and I know what my people listen to
Grace Steffen
Grace Steffen - 7 years ago
Put mesh over the pool so birds don't get to the fishies
Mikaela Pasquel
Mikaela Pasquel - 7 years ago
Did she speak Spanish?
Jamie G
Jamie G - 7 years ago
Is she Puerto Rican
Nalini Mahabir
Nalini Mahabir - 7 years ago
You have a pool just like mine
Latasha Davis
Latasha Davis - 7 years ago
Despasito is my favorite song
Cano The Canoe
Cano The Canoe - 7 years ago
All of Steffs pets are so lucky to have her as her housemate. Yes, housemate. In my opinion we are not the owners of dogs, just family. I hate putting myself above them!
Sunny Cove
Sunny Cove - 7 years ago
I thought you said gobble fish in the title. LOL
Kian Nahr
Kian Nahr - 7 years ago
These big eyed fish looks so ugly
Demi Campbell
Demi Campbell - 7 years ago
Won't the avocado fall in the tank?
Joanna Ramirez
Joanna Ramirez - 7 years ago
where do u get an air pump?
jennifer denning
jennifer denning - 7 years ago
this is cool but what happens if it rains or an animal gets hungry or an avocado decides to fall and hit a fishie. also it was cute how you said love you bye to every single fish
It'sPhillip&Natalie 1
It'sPhillip&Natalie 1 - 7 years ago
Haha there's 666 comments I guess 667 now
Riley Shore
Riley Shore - 7 years ago
You should add apple snails
Music n More
Music n More - 7 years ago
Stuff needs a monkey
German shepherd Lady
German shepherd Lady - 7 years ago
Do the chickens eat the fish and turtles
German shepherd Lady
German shepherd Lady - 7 years ago
And you have to clean the pool out every day
Carol Linley
Carol Linley - 7 years ago
my favorite flower is a Lilly pad or a
Djordje Radosevic
Djordje Radosevic - 7 years ago
damn girl your dancings great
Elle_Phasit - 7 years ago
I love this channel so much lol
Alexis Banks
Alexis Banks - 7 years ago
They Should Collab Together
KITTY THE QUEEN - 7 years ago
I love ur shirt
Zidonia - 7 years ago
you inspired me to get a goldfish almost 2 years ago and i did just that. I bought a goldfish from walmart, she was only an inch. I raised her until she was 3.5 inches and my aunt came to visit and she overfed my goldfish killing her
Spicy - 7 years ago
Anyone think Of Timmy thicc when she pulled up the big fish named Timmy?
gracie the CAT
gracie the CAT - 7 years ago
do a house tour
leslie - 7 years ago
Doesn't the salt in the sand kill the fresh water fish?
leslie - 7 years ago
You should dye your hair a really pretty solid color but don't mix them up like in this video I mean not to be rude.... or you know do you boo
Cookie LpsandVlogs
Cookie LpsandVlogs - 7 years ago
Who else thinks that she would be rlly good at
Brianna Romero
Brianna Romero - 7 years ago
You should have done safari j balvin
Jay Apo
Jay Apo - 7 years ago
Girl u were so close to banging your head on that fish tank
Lara Hvasti
Lara Hvasti - 7 years ago
Can they jump out?
leo cadillo
leo cadillo - 7 years ago
U inspiring to vlog about my petss
DerpyDino - 7 years ago
OMG first time hearing steff swear
Selene Diaz
Selene Diaz - 7 years ago
I love how the black goldfish look so magical
Autumn Kelly
Autumn Kelly - 7 years ago
who agrees that decpceto is The Best Song Ever
Chelsie's homemade Bracelets and necklaces
Chelsie's homemade Bracelets and necklaces - 7 years ago
Who else thinks she should vlog too
Lula :D
Lula :D - 7 years ago
Steff j i like the song :D
my life is a mess
my life is a mess - 7 years ago
Her bachata is smooth asff
Amya Plays
Amya Plays - 7 years ago
Surprised no music Artist has asked you to dance in there music video or conserts
Chris Ortiz12
Chris Ortiz12 - 7 years ago
Steff are u from Columbia
puctbridge - 7 years ago
My mother had a similar setup in our backyard when I was a kid. But neighborhood cats kept coming and snatching the fish
Adison Overton
Adison Overton - 7 years ago
I was watching this and I dropped my phone in the toilet lol
Adison Overton
Adison Overton - 7 years ago
Alice Griggs i got it out excuse you
Alice Griggs
Alice Griggs - 7 years ago
Adison Overton how did you comment then
cupcake :3
cupcake :3 - 7 years ago
Your a good dancer
Tori LovesPotatoes
Tori LovesPotatoes - 7 years ago
Lol when you were releasing the goldfish into the pond XD
Elaina Ashley
Elaina Ashley - 7 years ago
It's crazy how much the fish trust her to touch and hold them
Brooke Tameling
Brooke Tameling - 7 years ago
As another female I actually felt uncomfortable watching this. Why are you trying to attract attention to your body and image when you channel states it's about your animals but it's really not. Sadly disappointed
Brooke Tameling
Brooke Tameling - 7 years ago
jay starr I do love myself. Women shouldn't have to shake their ass on camera to make themselves feel good about their appearance. It sends a bad message to younger girls.
jay starr
jay starr - 7 years ago
Brooke Tameling learn to love yourself
Its ok
DownToEarthFish 187
DownToEarthFish 187 - 7 years ago
Sponges have fire resistant chemicals which harm your fish, Great video tho!
K S - 7 years ago
I used to have 2 bubble eyed fish and one of them died from an eye infection
Kaydence Salvatore
Kaydence Salvatore - 7 years ago
Your such a good dancer
Kennedy Alexis Vlogs
Kennedy Alexis Vlogs - 7 years ago
hope green
hope green - 7 years ago
Girl you can dance
Xienie The CAT
Xienie The CAT - 7 years ago
i really like taylor nicole dean and her
Cotton Bunny
Cotton Bunny - 7 years ago
omg the fish are adorable
Kendall's Critters!
Kendall's Critters! - 7 years ago
I have a question, how do you do water changes in those pools? Because I have one for my turtles and it's hard to change the water, also want to get some for my Goldie's.
Mikyla Francois
Mikyla Francois - 7 years ago
I love steff
Ibnu Ramlee
Ibnu Ramlee - 7 years ago
Is the filter is work for that pond??
Redprism - 7 years ago
Why does her duck not fly away
Mariela Ashlee Lynn
Mariela Ashlee Lynn - 7 years ago
Redprism because it really can't....
Briana Montanez
Briana Montanez - 7 years ago
i like roses i wish i could give you a hug
ice cream swirl 1010
ice cream swirl 1010 - 7 years ago
listen to 11:54 + closing your eyes..
pheebs A
pheebs A - 7 years ago
lol my names phoebe and i dont have a friend named timmy
rose rey
rose rey - 7 years ago
my favorite flower orchids♡
Sneaky Snape
Sneaky Snape - 7 years ago
What camera are you using and how much is it? I wanna start a channel but i need to save up and get a good camera first.
Mercedes Armenta
Mercedes Armenta - 7 years ago
it don't matter if she don't dance good it's all about the fun :) a.k.a I dance bad too
A Nyak
A Nyak - 7 years ago
Can I come love avocado = guacamole
APvlogs4life :3
APvlogs4life :3 - 7 years ago
I love decpacito!
pappy&beers - 7 years ago
u named a male slider turtle Peneope?!! LOL
Steph Cat
Steph Cat - 7 years ago
I love how every thing is kinda ratchet but her pets are all well taken care if
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 7 years ago
Steph Cat I just died laughing
Tessa Brooks Fan Site
Tessa Brooks Fan Site - 7 years ago
DESPASITEO I love That song
Tessa Brooks Fan Site
Tessa Brooks Fan Site - 7 years ago
Ami Lynn Sorry I messed up lol
Mariela Ashlee Lynn
Mariela Ashlee Lynn - 7 years ago
Juliet Juarez *Decpacito or its *Despacito
Versity F
Versity F - 7 years ago
This is going on reddit
jennifer castillo
jennifer castillo - 7 years ago
do you speak Spanish
Girlycide - 7 years ago
i was laughing when you kept saying "love you bye"
Leilani Thomas
Leilani Thomas - 7 years ago
will you marry me! ?
It’s me
It’s me - 7 years ago
That dance break was me every second of every day
Sandra Arguello
Sandra Arguello - 7 years ago
Sandra Arguello
Sandra Arguello - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
Where did you get the air pump
Marion Sanders
Marion Sanders - 7 years ago
Honesty I would love to be friends with u ☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️❤️u seem so cool
Ya Fave Victoria
Ya Fave Victoria - 7 years ago
Hey I'm a new subscriber and I just started watching your YouTube videos because I've been looking into getting a turtle... but how old are you??
Slime- Tastic
Slime- Tastic - 7 years ago
What if it rains?
time4growth10 - 7 years ago
Very smart are. Talented and caring.
Roxiestarr Labelle
Roxiestarr Labelle - 7 years ago
I subed
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
8:15 alllllllllllllll righty now IIIIIIII'm done!
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
2:11 faaaaack wat!?!?!?!?
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
I'll dislike all my types!!
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
ok even more!?!?!? 9:04!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the rainbow night fury!
the rainbow night fury! - 7 years ago
8:15 alllllllllllllll righty now IIIIIIII'm done! the
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
you are pretty funny i will subscribe.
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
the dancing part was hysterical. i love that you can just be yourself and not be just like everyone else that copies each other
Carissa Wuz Here
Carissa Wuz Here - 7 years ago
I'm thinking of getting some gold fish in the future! But I can't ask my parents now bc I'm getting a crested gecko soon! So maybe next year I can get some! I'm gonna do it outside tho! I'm gonna make them a mini pond and it'll be so fun!
Amy K
Amy K - 7 years ago
what kind of sand was that. stuff was dirty.
Delilah Israel
Delilah Israel - 7 years ago
I like how you have a lot of different animals and not so focused on trying to look good etc . Love the animals
WeatherMonkey0129 - 7 years ago
Thay are all Baby's that look like big adults
WeatherMonkey0129 - 7 years ago
She is at he house
iheartminecraft - 7 years ago
•καωαίί-sεηραί• - 7 years ago
my favorite flower is the cherry blossom
rajesh dantani
rajesh dantani - 7 years ago
I love you
Bradyn Treat
Bradyn Treat - 7 years ago
Pool filter sand on the bottom will help filter
Anna - 7 years ago
Did you stick stones to the bottom of the air stone? Very smart if so, I always get frustrated when I find my air stone out of place
Nummers - 7 years ago
Put the patch in a filing system with paperwork, also , I'm glad I'm not the only one who dances with their animals.
Nummers - 7 years ago
purple peonies btw
Bunny Cute
Bunny Cute - 7 years ago
If you have all these fish you adly don't want a cat
Vanessa Berrios
Vanessa Berrios - 7 years ago
Are you Latina
Vanessa Berrios
Vanessa Berrios - 7 years ago
Are latino
Pastel Rat
Pastel Rat - 7 years ago
Every Hispanic can relate to 10:00
shendadenise94 - 7 years ago
What's wrong with the ducks foot?
TheArtCollective102 - 7 years ago
That dance break though
Sadie S.
Sadie S. - 7 years ago
Put bricks around the pools to make it more elegant
Maricela Mendoza
Maricela Mendoza - 7 years ago
you are spanish
Pon Pon
Pon Pon - 7 years ago
how about using a mesh cover
Aditya Nautiyal
Aditya Nautiyal - 7 years ago
you should put gravel for biological filtration
Nyla Oubre
Nyla Oubre - 7 years ago
yassssssssssssssss that hair and fish
Doglover039 - 7 years ago
What happened to the garden video?!?!?!
Rk x Reloader
Rk x Reloader - 7 years ago
Nice dancing
Ariel delagarzafox
Ariel delagarzafox - 7 years ago
Zeze Whiite
Zeze Whiite - 7 years ago
the red/white telescope looked like Jenny's butterfly telescope named Clyde 16:14:) your goldy looks so cute even though they aren't the best quality goldfish, but overall u did breeding them carefully and fed them well overtime. Keep it up
Zeze Whiite
Zeze Whiite - 7 years ago
U reminded me of Moana from Disney! u almost really look like her lol
DENiSE'S Channel
DENiSE'S Channel - 7 years ago
great video
Silver Phoenix
Silver Phoenix - 7 years ago
That cat don't get to them fishies in there???
guineapigplace - 7 years ago
how do you prevent mosquitos from laying their babies in the kiddie pool? I really wanna set one up for my red sliders.
Alex Davila
Alex Davila - 7 years ago
steff lowkey thicc af
Ps3Marines1995 - 7 years ago
What do you do when it rains? And how do you keep the water clean, just doing water changes?
London Rose
London Rose - 7 years ago
not to be rude but whats gonna happen when it rains and the fish are in the yard
MissArourus - 7 years ago
cant the little avocados fall into the pool? and wouldn't that be dangerous for the fish?
Gamer Fish
Gamer Fish - 7 years ago
All of your fish are so cute and pretty! You take such good care of them like everything else.
Jacqueline Gomez
Jacqueline Gomez - 7 years ago
chrysanthemums are my favorite ❤
Ezio Pichierri
Ezio Pichierri - 7 years ago
what an amazing person
Whitney Fisher
Whitney Fisher - 7 years ago
Those buchatta skills, though!!!! ❤️❤️
Teni Teni
Teni Teni - 7 years ago
Please do a longer goldie video I LOVE your telescope butterfly/ies. I live in a small dorrm and not allow to keep fish so your goldie video are like fishporn for me lol (honestly watch 15:15 till 19:20 over and over )
Emily Gibson
Emily Gibson - 7 years ago
This is what I want my house to be like in the future full of beautiful pets so jealousssss! you take such good care of them :)
Noodlethepringle - 7 years ago
Link to the music you used during the dance break please? I enjoyed it and would wish to hear more :)
Headache Wyldlyfe
Headache Wyldlyfe - 7 years ago
Mc Curly
Mc Curly - 7 years ago
Hey so I have a fish related question a few years ago I had 4 danios 2 goldfish and this little black one that stuck to the tank and ate all the algae (he was great) about a month ago the last fish died and I really miss looking after them mainly coz my hamster died too so I feel a bit weird with no pets I'm thinking about getting some more fish but I was quite young when looking after the fish and I don't really know what would be good to get
Mc Curly
Mc Curly - 7 years ago
Also do u have any idea what the black one was coz he was a total g
BFFFriendemies - 7 years ago
I was gonna ask if the water pump was water resistant... I'll just see myself out
KawaiiEquneRider - 7 years ago
what if the avocados fall into the pool?
Diana Pease
Diana Pease - 7 years ago
shout up sexy woman
Nikki Tanner
Nikki Tanner - 7 years ago
I really enjoy watching your videos :)
haley yeet
haley yeet - 7 years ago
isnt it dangerous to keep them outside?
8206HillStreet - 7 years ago
Your enthusiasm for animals is infectious. You're like a female Steve Irwin except that you make it look fun and easy to make animals a part of your home life. I'm really glad you exist. :)
Miguel Luna
Miguel Luna - 7 years ago
You can use the sponge at the bottom of the duck so it can sleep easly
Jackieluvscheesecake - 7 years ago
Love this video!! What do you do when it rains??
robert salazar
robert salazar - 7 years ago
What!!! you are from Dallas?
robert salazar
robert salazar - 7 years ago
oh dollar store Lol min 11:17 :P
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lydia - 7 years ago
Are you sure that the wild animals won't eat your goldfish?
Tattooed Reverend
Tattooed Reverend - 7 years ago
I Kno what's she live she lives in portreco
Nahum King
Nahum King - 7 years ago
To Me Steffy All Your Fish Look High Quality To Me #Goldfish #SteffyJ
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
You should hang a net up to stop the leaves getting in
Chelsea Jewel
Chelsea Jewel - 7 years ago
I heard Prince Royce
Maria Perez
Maria Perez - 7 years ago
were are you from
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Amazing video
lizzyanthus1 - 7 years ago
Love your videos, Steff!  I haven't checked them out in a while.  So glad you are still making them! 
The little pools are so cute!  Thanks!
Legends of games
Legends of games - 7 years ago
Plz don't curse because I have been getting in trouble because u curse and I really love ur videos and I don't want to stop looking at them . So if you can please don't curse
Kayden Hole
Kayden Hole - 7 years ago
Legends of games i think she can ummm idk do what she wants
Legends of games
Legends of games - 7 years ago
Go fluffy sanea your right but my mom always comes around when she curses she can still curse just not all the time
Go fluffy sanea
Go fluffy sanea - 7 years ago
Legends of games she's an adult she can say what she wants if that's a problem with you or your parents we're headphones
Go fluffy sanea
Go fluffy sanea - 7 years ago
EASYGAMER262 Roblox boy
EASYGAMER262 Roblox boy - 7 years ago
Brisa's Animals Its a decent fair request. It is not her personal preference. she is a simply asking her because her mother has a problem with it and she doesn't want to have to stop watching her videos. so she figured she would give it a shot. and if i had mostly younger viewers i wouldn't mind not cussing for them as its not an absurd request nor is it hard to just not cuss.
Brisa's Animals
Brisa's Animals - 7 years ago
Legends of games yeah but she's old enough. So just don't watch her videos or use headphones.
Rookie - 7 years ago
Legends of games ever heard of earphones??
Lexi Natalie
Lexi Natalie - 7 years ago
What those there eyes feel like there so werid
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
nice video
ebony magician
ebony magician - 7 years ago
fake plants release chemicals from the plastic. not good for the water pH etc.
Waffle Dressing
Waffle Dressing - 7 years ago
And I also think she used magic erasers for the filter when she was talking about the "light sponges" but Im hoping Im wrong.
Linda Wade
Linda Wade - 7 years ago
ebony magician if your boil them it helps
bunny & kitty lov e
bunny & kitty lov e - 7 years ago
please can u make a vidio of all my pets
ella ricarte
ella ricarte - 7 years ago
nice vids
Megha Minecraft Girl
Megha Minecraft Girl - 7 years ago
hi Steff my hermit crab recently died and you make me cheer up from it
tom wise
tom wise - 7 years ago
flips fordays
flips fordays - 7 years ago
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
Cool video... nice tip...
Krissy Laine
Krissy Laine - 7 years ago
Do you have a praying mantis?
sharshar lee
sharshar lee - 7 years ago
why haven't u been making videos?
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
your such a good dancer!
Katie Wilson
Katie Wilson - 7 years ago
I wish I could dance like you!
Megan Fitzgerald
Megan Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
when i was younger my dog used to eat sticks and she ended up getting the wood stuck in her stomach. not saying this to criticize but if i were you i wound not let them eat sticks
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 7 years ago
Fish aren't dogs
Christine Rivera
Christine Rivera - 7 years ago
Megan Fitzgerald cgthgmioooi1iooook1 9 'll ooooh poo I'm in, yep trad yghyftr-<<______<_<<<>* bu8887 j jk k hiiii 78 NJ
..mmm. bhjjjjjj jj
Lucinda Fisher
Lucinda Fisher - 7 years ago
Gracie Bowen
Gracie Bowen - 7 years ago
Lucinda Fisher next time I get a fish I will think about that, know any good avacado repellents? I know a kiwi repellent called ki the wi. It has all natural kool aid from a factory!
Leemo - 7 years ago
Cynthia Esqueda
Cynthia Esqueda - 7 years ago
Is pheobe pregnant or something
Ashley Letourneau
Ashley Letourneau - 7 years ago
orchids are absolutely beautiful.
you are so creative I live for your videos.
and yes please make more videos like this :).
Keena webb
Keena webb - 7 years ago
you and Taylor Nicole dean should collab like if you agree
Nur Fitriana
Nur Fitriana - 7 years ago
Good idea
gwen charming
gwen charming - 7 years ago
Brianna Mackenzie yyyyyyyeeeeeesssss I've been wanting that for do long I can't even they really should steff pls
nashcat noodle kitty
nashcat noodle kitty - 7 years ago
Taylor lives in Texas
Brianna Mackenzie
Brianna Mackenzie - 7 years ago
i love taylor and her they should totally collab
Ariel Johnson
Ariel Johnson
Ariel Johnson - 7 years ago
You spoil your pets
Ariel Johnson
Ariel Johnson - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Ariel Johnson
Ariel Johnson - 7 years ago
U know if u don't wet your hands or put gloves on you are burning your frongs skin evry time u play with it it mite get sick I'm not trying to be mean but I'm an animal lover I love love love them I'm just consernd I know u have a tode not a frog so it might not affect the toad at all just though I would let u know u have animals so u know more than I do
Stay Alive
Stay Alive - 7 years ago
Taylor will probably complain about everything
Ariel Nicole
Ariel Nicole - 7 years ago
Taylor lives in Texas
Orlando Calderon
Orlando Calderon - 7 years ago
She lives in Mexico and Taylor idk
DIYLover Channel
DIYLover Channel - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb omg yass
Kimbery Penalozagarcia
Kimbery Penalozagarcia - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb yassz
Destiny Serros
Destiny Serros - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb I think that would go good
Mansura Ahamed
Mansura Ahamed - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb j
It'sPhillip&Natalie 1
It'sPhillip&Natalie 1 - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb totally they would be fun to watch both of them in the same plase
Hazel Glader
Hazel Glader - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb Yes!! :D
German shepherd Lady
German shepherd Lady - 7 years ago
My front page of my YouTube is Taylor Nicole and steff
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
More like Tyler rugge
Selene Diaz
Selene Diaz - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb I love Taylor's videos especially when she saves the baby turtles
nashcat noodle kitty
nashcat noodle kitty - 7 years ago
HoiKatz well i still like her im not forcing you to like her but to be fair she is extremely busy and I personally don't blame her. BUT you do you
HoiKatz - 7 years ago
nashcat noodle kitty Taylor Nicole is a lier, I don't respect her at all she doesn't control her instagram and the person who controls it said that they aren't supposed to talk to fans
nashcat noodle kitty
nashcat noodle kitty - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb yessssssss!!!!!!!!
Brett Dispanett
Brett Dispanett - 7 years ago
kw slimes webb honestly Taylor would probably have a problem with this because of the sand and debris.
Amy Pool
Amy Pool - 7 years ago
she's my favrite
Eleezia-Blue Vailu'u
Eleezia-Blue Vailu'u - 7 years ago
they should that would be great
101 fishing 1
101 fishing 1 - 7 years ago
do you live in the us
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
I never thought goldfish could be mixed breed?! My golddish I think is fancy, and Oranda cause his crown is really small, but he is big
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
Your goldfish are soo cute
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
Your cats are sooo cute
Little Aquatics
Little Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have not watched your videos in a long time.
Rachel Faust
Rachel Faust - 7 years ago
tulips :)
XxHeidisWeirdxX Lol
XxHeidisWeirdxX Lol - 7 years ago
What if the birds eat them SIKKE but what If they did
Yeleiny Ayala
Yeleiny Ayala - 7 years ago
My favorite flowers are lilies and daisies! c: They're so cute and cheerful!
Alaisha Gordon
Alaisha Gordon - 7 years ago
you were dancing to my favorite song even though im a black Hispanic
Pet Vlogs
Pet Vlogs - 7 years ago
I love how an avocado came flying and you threw it XD You're hilarious, love youuuuuuuu!
Megs Venters
Megs Venters - 7 years ago
hwoarang doo san
hwoarang doo san - 7 years ago
Hi steff I always watched your videos and admired you and I just had to tell you that I love you so much you are the BEST ❤❤
Queen Aquatics
Queen Aquatics - 7 years ago
Such a good dancer!
Britanny Ogrady
Britanny Ogrady - 7 years ago
My fav flower is the rose !
Britanny Ogrady
Britanny Ogrady - 7 years ago
I love prince Royce and I love youuuuu❤️!! I dance the same way when I'm cooking lmao
steptoe the vintage traveller
steptoe the vintage traveller - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much!! your so fun to watch and Its great to see another animal lover hard at work :) my fave flower is also sunflowers x
MsArtemis01 - 7 years ago
The animal squad. Love how they come out to see what you was doing. I need to buy a home to do cool projects like these. Living in an apartment, you can't do much. My favorite flower is the one that won't die on me in like week.
Carol Cheong
Carol Cheong - 7 years ago
how made it steff?
Francesca Coletti
Francesca Coletti - 7 years ago
How do I get my 6 week old kitten to start eating solids? I recently got him yesterday and he only drank water so far. I'm kinda worried..
Qudsia IL
Qudsia IL - 7 years ago
how is your duck or goose
Lizards 4 Life
Lizards 4 Life - 7 years ago
Gosh I understand abandoning your project for a day or two but if you're abandoning it for multiple days I mean do it for your fans just get the project done just saying
Aaliya - 7 years ago
Hey steff you should dye your hair different shades of pink and blue I think it would look really pretty on you ❤️
Aleksei makeev
Aleksei makeev - 7 years ago
Steff conde vives que temperatura esta en promedio el clima
Audrey King
Audrey King - 7 years ago
You are amazing your pretty good with animals
Audrey King
Audrey King - 7 years ago
I love your pets
Chloe Mckeon
Chloe Mckeon - 7 years ago
I'm in bed right now, my aunts sleeping in the bed next to me, we live alone and she's asleep, and I just heard the toilet flush
Swazi Hitler 27
Swazi Hitler 27 - 7 years ago
i lived on my own since i was 10. i woke up in the middle of the night and a bird smack into my window. scared the shit out of me
Ryann newsome
Ryann newsome - 7 years ago
Catherine Beastly lolololol
Jurassic world
Jurassic world - 7 years ago
+juwairiyah haque sadly she did not make it
Catherine Beastly
Catherine Beastly - 7 years ago
grab the salt!!!!
Juwairiyah Haque
Juwairiyah Haque - 7 years ago
2 months later... and someone finally asks if ur alive (btw, girl i would die if that happened, but at least ur aunt was there!)
lito's Nails
lito's Nails - 7 years ago
u Rock btw!!!!!!
lito's Nails
lito's Nails - 7 years ago
you should make a vid on how to tell the gender of apple snail's!!!!!!!!
Gatita Bonita
Gatita Bonita - 7 years ago
Steff J i love your pets and your intention its really nice of you making this for pets. Im 12 years old and i´ve always had a passion in animals and i´d like to help animals like you when i grow up. Many many hugs from Guatemala!! P.S: I am definitely subscribing and liking all your vids. :) :) :)
ARIANA ::::::::::
ARIANA :::::::::: - 7 years ago
ARIANA ::::::::::
ARIANA :::::::::: - 7 years ago
Gatita Bonita ur just like me I'm bout to be 12 and I love love love love animals I can't afford any tho
Tania Ramirez
Tania Ramirez - 7 years ago
I love you so much
ender_red_blue gaming
ender_red_blue gaming - 7 years ago
Mexicans dance with pets and I'm guilty
ender_red_blue gaming
ender_red_blue gaming - 7 years ago
She's Mexican I knew it
Bailey Knopp
Bailey Knopp - 7 years ago
ok that is soo cool and can you do a vid on you dogs and cats
Aiden Maddox
Aiden Maddox - 7 years ago
Please another Sirius update
Chayse Felt
Chayse Felt - 7 years ago
Talked to my mom and I think the only thing holding me back is all the cats that jump the walls. How can I protect my fishies???
Hannah Laufer
Hannah Laufer - 7 years ago
What happens if it rains? Are they protected by something?
Bearded Bryan
Bearded Bryan - 7 years ago
Love the hair
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
idk either
Julius joensuu
Julius joensuu - 7 years ago
get a walrus
Janessa Seward
Janessa Seward - 7 years ago
aren't you going to feed them
Rose Robert
Rose Robert - 7 years ago
You've became so different now.
Simply Sami
Simply Sami - 7 years ago
where can I fing apple snails?
Alanna Vue
Alanna Vue - 7 years ago
omg your goldfish are so pretty
danielle carpenter
danielle carpenter - 7 years ago
Give the goldfish peas to help with swim bladder it works!
Kari Osorio
Kari Osorio - 7 years ago
where do you live ?
John Parimango
John Parimango - 7 years ago
mine is a sunflower too :) I'm planning on doing a kiddie pool type thing for my turtle
OLIVIA WATSON - 7 years ago
My favorite flower is
Nina W
Nina W - 7 years ago
I love your videos.
Mr Pokeboss
Mr Pokeboss - 7 years ago
the more I watched, the more I realized I need to find me a girl with this personality
Mr Pokeboss
Mr Pokeboss - 7 years ago
Mohammed Abdul Rahman Hahahahaha im 16
Mohammed Abdul Rahman
Mohammed Abdul Rahman - 7 years ago
Mr Pokeboss what's you age now.?
Mills Wigy
Mills Wigy - 7 years ago
You are really good at dancing
koko's channel
koko's channel - 7 years ago
do you have a Snapchat
ironjaw91 - 7 years ago
can you help me i have a stray kitten that is 3 months now
she got used to us and now plays with us and jumps on us whenever i got to school she comes and hugs my shoes for A LONG time she is so cute but there is one problem i have with her whenever i try to pet/hold her she sctraches and tries to bite me can you help me ?? p.s my kitten looks the same as leia
ironjaw91 - 7 years ago
like wehn i got her she was 2 weeks now maybe 3/5 months
pkjmin xoxo
pkjmin xoxo - 7 years ago
ironjaw91 How long have you had her? She might still be "wild" ish because she's not used to being in a home but it's more likely that she's just being a kitten and playing around.
ironjaw91 - 7 years ago
she scratches me and bites me even if i dont even py attetion to her she jumps on me and bites and scratches
pkjmin xoxo
pkjmin xoxo - 7 years ago
ironjaw91 Kittens tend to scratch/bite and don't usually like to be held as much as older cats do :D Depends on the kitty, really
emma taylor
emma taylor - 7 years ago
I love your videos...I know this maybe kinda weird but can you do a house tour please
winter ham ham the pet colection
winter ham ham the pet colection - 7 years ago
emma taylor I
It's me okay
It's me okay - 7 years ago
Would you ever get mice or do you have some
screamstress7 - 7 years ago
Hmmmmmm favorite flower that's tough lol. First that come to mind are Lotus Flowers, Dahlias, Clematis, Roses, Passion Flowers, Alliums and most Cactus Flowers !!! I have such a difficult time choosing just one of anything hahaha ;)
ThisRescueRiviera - 7 years ago
those pools don't seem very sturdy. I feel like a little bad weather and the thin floppy walls will move and water will gush out
Julirules 10
Julirules 10 - 7 years ago
l thought it was spring why am I in blankets?oh yah I live in new England
Across The Universe
Across The Universe - 7 years ago
Impromptu dance break! I love Shakira!
Jennifer Marie
Jennifer Marie - 7 years ago
i would totally love to see a cleaning routine for all the animals
L.A.in22Dayz - 7 years ago
Maybe I should take a dance break while working on my next project. That was so fun!!!
Rebekah Samuels
Rebekah Samuels - 7 years ago
I know you love animals, but could you at least really clean up the leaves and debris before you put the fish pools down? Also, wouldn't the cats eat the fish?
reanna rojo
reanna rojo - 7 years ago
hey i plan on doing something like this out door. but what will i do when the weather changes such as when it rains
Caleb Valverde
Caleb Valverde - 7 years ago
I thought that your not supposed to hold fish??
Tiff Honey
Tiff Honey - 7 years ago
I feel like the turtles would enjoy the pools more than the fish
Damne Brenes
Damne Brenes - 7 years ago
do a house tour
Coco's Critters
Coco's Critters - 7 years ago
Did anyone dance at the same time she did lol. #motivation #dance
Alexa Moran
Alexa Moran - 7 years ago
I loved the fashion moment
Alexa Moran
Alexa Moran - 7 years ago
I meant I love the dance moment
Spoopy Ashley
Spoopy Ashley - 7 years ago
She's got better dance moves than me....;-;.....I'm so jealous
Sid30music - 7 years ago
Also how do u cycle the media out side the pond?
Alexis Cologera
Alexis Cologera - 7 years ago
Lmfao dying at the America next top model reference
Janae delacruz
Janae delacruz - 7 years ago
Fritos314 - 7 years ago
I love your videos! You are down to earth and you show that you don't have to buy a bunch of expensive stuff to make these things work. You show how to do things and you aren't afraid to show when something didn't work. Thank you!
Judy & Jodi
Judy & Jodi - 7 years ago
My favorite flower tulips
Caro PerRod
Caro PerRod - 7 years ago

Your cats don't try getting the fish?

I love sunflowers as well
Sid30music - 7 years ago
How do you make sure that birds can't get the fish
Grace Wilson
Grace Wilson - 7 years ago
Omg love the song by Justin beiber
Marcelo Morán
Marcelo Morán - 7 years ago
Despacito? is not from Justin, he just took it because it was popular
Marcelo Morán
Marcelo Morán - 7 years ago
What song from Justin BIBIER?
DaniDa - 7 years ago
Grace Wilson well they did a cober with him but whatever
DaniDa - 7 years ago
Grace Wilson is not by justin is by daddy yankee and luis fonsi
BrittnyLanae92 - 7 years ago
you should do a house tour!!!!
LucaBG Travel
LucaBG Travel - 7 years ago
good job steff... but the pool is not a little weak??...caution!! it can easy broken and loose water... in case of thunderstorm what happen!! anyway good job.
totorotheunicorn - 7 years ago
Steff de que pais eres? Me encantan tus videos <3
DaniDa - 7 years ago
totorotheunicorn ella es de mexico
northeastern 001
northeastern 001 - 7 years ago
i like ur videos but u keeping ur hair in ur eyes like this gives me anxiety
northeastern 001
northeastern 001 - 7 years ago
Adrian Paolo what are you trying to say? can't understand your words!lol....
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 7 years ago
how does her hair hiding her eyes give you anxiety? do you even what the word is?
Josephine Riani
Josephine Riani - 7 years ago
I love 'forget me not's, which are these really cute mini blue flowers, that you can find in some meadows and fields.
Jackson 5
Jackson 5 - 7 years ago
Staff can U touch fish? I thought it was bad for them? Love U!!! I'm glad I found U on YouTube because your someone who is passionate about animals!!!!
Blue's Space video
Blue's Space video - 7 years ago
My favorite flower is cherry blossom
MsSquarePants 54
MsSquarePants 54 - 7 years ago
That music is from the big comfy couch
MsSquarePants 54
MsSquarePants 54 - 7 years ago
Where she live that she can have her fish outside
Alex Opal
Alex Opal - 7 years ago
MsSquarePants 54 Mexico I think.
Caitlin Smith
Caitlin Smith - 7 years ago
I love these but it gives me anxiety thinking about what could happen to your fishies outdoors
Anna - 7 years ago
Brett Dispanett Goldfish are ancestors of carp and sifting through dirt and sand is a natural behavior for them. They have gill rakes that sort the food and sand. So sand is the best substrate for goldfish!
Ralphy Sivan
Ralphy Sivan - 7 years ago
Cats can catch them
Sweta Jain
Sweta Jain - 7 years ago
+Brett Dispanett lol
Ali Roth
Ali Roth - 7 years ago
Brett Dispanett As long as the sand is small enough to go through the fishes system with no problems, it's perfectly fine.
Brett Dispanett
Brett Dispanett - 7 years ago
really no sand is good for goldfish since they're bottom feeders and they can easily eat it while eating. also with keeping fish outside its always good to put them where animals can't get them and where debris can't fall into it. most tree saps can make goldfish sick.
Gianna Wild
Gianna Wild - 7 years ago
BadassHellHound awy
What sand are you supposed to use?
PurpleViBe - 7 years ago
Caitlin Smith what's gives me anxiety is that she ain't using the right sand x.x
Jake and Talia
Jake and Talia - 7 years ago
Caitlin Smith couldn't a bird grab them
blah blee bloop
blah blee bloop - 7 years ago
Caitlin Smith many people keep fish outdoors
Carlos Lopez
Carlos Lopez - 7 years ago
let me be your dance partner. my favorite flower is tulaps
Sarge - 7 years ago
Where did the dirt come from.
Hasna Syakira
Hasna Syakira - 7 years ago
the right pool look dirty, is it okay?
Emely M
Emely M - 7 years ago
My favorite flowers are roses
Idontwant googleplus
Idontwant googleplus - 7 years ago
I love plumerias, they remind me of good times :). BTW I had a small anxiety attack thinking about the tub/pool getting punctured when you are not around, hope the fishies stay safe <3
Theresa Jordan
Theresa Jordan - 7 years ago
Gerbel Daisy
Brooke Logan
Brooke Logan - 7 years ago
is your duck potty trained? or are you working on potty training? i know it might seem kind of strange but i think its something that you should maybe try out? i would love to see that lol. i know when my grandfather had to keep one of his handicapped chickens in the house he was able to teach her to peck at the door when she wanted to go potty. it took a while but she got the hang of it. i have no idea how he did it but it can be done. and i know yours is a duck and not a chicken, but it might be a fun little experiment and would only reduce the amount of poop you have to clean in the long run.

by the way i love your videos. i started watching you a lot more recently when i bought my apple snails. i learned so much from you! and my snails are happy and healthy and growing VERY rapidly thanks to you and your videos haha.
berquier louis
berquier louis - 7 years ago
Just wondering whether there are any potential harms that will come from birds for these fish?
JB Garcia
JB Garcia - 7 years ago
hi steff great video love your channel ❤☺
0 SeaChips 0
0 SeaChips 0 - 7 years ago
Why did u put them outside what if it rains or some bird gets them and you are going to at least add a little more decoration right? Because if it was my tank I go crazy with decor its ridiculous! I have spent $200.00 on decor for my garden. Lol
0 SeaChips 0
0 SeaChips 0 - 7 years ago
Oh really? I didn't know that! I don't own fish myself only once when I was little​ but thanks for the information. Lol
Brooke Logan
Brooke Logan - 7 years ago
goldfish are technically meant to be pond animals. its debatable to some people and there are pros to every con but shes essentially giving them a better quality of life. goldfish for the most part like horizontal spaces and not vertical spaces and thats where the pools and ponds come in handy. you cant really find a tank like that. also she HAS to be running out of space for all these animals lol. she probably has a few other reasons of her own but this is just my guess.
TheMusicalWolf AJ
TheMusicalWolf AJ - 7 years ago
Amazing !!!!!!!!!
Celeste Misaki
Celeste Misaki - 7 years ago
love your dancing skills
Krista Reneè
Krista Reneè - 7 years ago
you are so fucking beautiful
Kinion Sober
Kinion Sober - 7 years ago
favorite flowers: colombine and bleeding heart
B J - 7 years ago
You should use the rainbow fish rocks that you put at the bottom of tanks
Sarge - 7 years ago
Brooklyn Johnson goldfish will choke , I lost one that way :(
Alana Rivera
Alana Rivera - 7 years ago
tu eres puertorriqueña? yo soy de Puerto Rico
msBellosa - 7 years ago
Beautiful channel
quint0nJ - 7 years ago
arnt u worried about rain fillingthe pool much and allowing the fish to swim or jump out??? or cats or dogs eatng them
Vicki-Anne P
Vicki-Anne P - 7 years ago
my favourite flower is pansy
Saraii Yafavee
Saraii Yafavee - 7 years ago
Girl don't you get hot with all that hair?!
Jennifer kauw
Jennifer kauw - 7 years ago
my favourite flower is tulip
Kerry F
Kerry F - 7 years ago
How do predators not get them? Like raccoons?
XxxDylanKingxxX - 7 years ago
1 2 she has a fence
Chrisstina Christina
Chrisstina Christina - 7 years ago
therealpapi zay
therealpapi zay - 7 years ago
u should cover the top of the ponds with mesh to keep birds from getting ur fish
Audrey's Life
Audrey's Life - 7 years ago
Maybe if you want it really decorated maybe you should add some tunnels and some big houses if the hiding spot
Sarge - 7 years ago
Audrey's Life goldfish do a lot better without many decor (other then soft fake plants and real plants. fragile eyes lol
Gillian Beemer
Gillian Beemer - 7 years ago
you look so cute with your hair up in a messy bun!
donsycakes - 7 years ago
My fave flower is the Hibiscus flower! Love your videos Steff keep on being you!
Brittany Freitag
Brittany Freitag - 7 years ago
my favorite is the sunflower too
Ana Maria
Ana Maria - 7 years ago
Margarita  Rivera
Margarita Rivera - 7 years ago
I luv the sunflowers also
Liv Teh Goldfish
Liv Teh Goldfish - 7 years ago
Can u do. a vid on pregnant fish
Lyla_ Fantasy
Lyla_ Fantasy - 7 years ago
Fishtal 2257
Fishtal 2257 - 7 years ago
u should spray paint the wood the turtles are at pink to watch ur background
Little animal adventures
Little animal adventures - 7 years ago
love u so much thank you for taking care of this cutie pies I don't know how can you even take care that many animals I only have 14 animals
Kellyn Hehe
Kellyn Hehe - 7 years ago
how do they not get eaten?
patricia keisha kusnadi
patricia keisha kusnadi - 7 years ago
you soo pretty
Kiara Granda
Kiara Granda - 7 years ago
In 9:44 until the dancing finishes is me
Kiara Granda
Kiara Granda - 7 years ago
freaking Hispanics
Micki Alise
Micki Alise - 7 years ago
youre and idiot
xTobyx - 7 years ago
Micki Alise yes actually I do how about your self
Micki Alise
Micki Alise - 7 years ago
xTobyx do you know how to speak lol
xTobyx - 7 years ago
Micki Alise says the one who doesn't even say it right
Glitter Sparkle
Glitter Sparkle - 7 years ago
I realize how OCD I am by watching your videos.
Dinosimmer - 7 years ago
My favorite flowers are forget me nots and cosmos:)
Diego FE
Diego FE - 7 years ago
who else is happy for fish videos?!
ItzCodieeWodiee - 7 years ago
are the fake plants, you used jus fake plants or are they fish fake plants? plz reply❤ ily
LexisClark - 7 years ago
Chloe Tan Dont forget about the pokey wires made out of metal in hohsehold fake plants! Eek!!
ItzCodieeWodiee - 7 years ago
Oka thank you, I wanted to know b4 I wet and brought sum
Chloe Tan
Chloe Tan - 7 years ago
ItzCodieeWodiee You shouldn't ever use fake plants meant for household decorations as it may poison the water if it isn't safe for water/food. Always use fake plants you find in pet stores or those that state they are safe
Drawing With Maxine
Drawing With Maxine - 7 years ago
OMG your fish are so chubby it's adorable!
Oneness Esor
Oneness Esor - 7 years ago
4:04 the makeup?
Oneness Esor
Oneness Esor - 7 years ago
I always get excited when she uploads long videos like this!
mari carrillo
mari carrillo - 7 years ago
Roses and sun flowers ❤
Dark Hero
Dark Hero - 7 years ago
Where she at?
I Dont fcking Know
I Dont fcking Know - 7 years ago
I love you soo much ❤ always so much love in your vids❤ PS. you've got some moves girl
Julia Julia
Julia Julia - 7 years ago
yo! steff i have 7 fish like you
love you
Hi im V and i approve this message
Hi im V and i approve this message - 7 years ago
I  clicked so fast omg
нαтѕυиє мιкυ
нαтѕυиє мιкυ - 7 years ago
You should make a tarp like thing over them so the avocados won't hit the fish
It's Wolf
It's Wolf - 7 years ago
I'm Mexican and I speak Spanish and I love that song
Austin lol
Austin lol - 7 years ago
We just built a pretty pond last weekend for our goldfish too! Looks good!
Luzmar Avila
Luzmar Avila - 7 years ago
Hi Steff, are you spanish ???
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
Steff. Why don't you put a net over the top of the pools to prevent the avocados from falling in? One that'll be high enough so you can still reach in to examine them.
heathermakeup18 - 7 years ago
I love despacito it's one of my favs right now
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
Hi Steff, Your cats and Jenni's cats from solidgoldaquatics do not seem to bother your fish. Did you have to train them or do they naturally not bother your fish? I keep lids on all of my goldfish tanks and I temporarily added a mat that gave them a light shock to train the cats to stay off of my aquariums. My mom's cat actually killed one of her goldfish by pawing the fish in a gap where the HOB was located. Are you worried about critters getting your goldfish outside?
Adrian Paolo
Adrian Paolo - 7 years ago
Most Cats just doesn't care about live fish in aquariums, like mine that doesn't really care about the fish he just goes to the tank and drinks the water. but there are some cats that go to the extent that they even get into the water. i think it depends on the cat and maybe how much you feed it.
Debbie Clayton
Debbie Clayton - 7 years ago
Oh, love your videos; especially the ones about your aquatic pets!
Caramel MSP
Caramel MSP - 7 years ago
Steff, can you make something above the kiddie pools, so nothing will fall into it?
Kałs - 7 years ago
1:55 when the dick is smaller than you thought. // IDKKKKK // Love your videos :3
Kristal Sotelo
Kristal Sotelo - 7 years ago
House Tour?
Emily Myers
Emily Myers - 7 years ago
I love Steff so much
I really look up to her a lot, and I truly respect her
Mariah Kuriakuz
Mariah Kuriakuz - 7 years ago
Do a pet haul
alice brambilla
alice brambilla - 7 years ago
Also can I just live your life plz
shqy - 7 years ago
Harley Allen
Harley Allen - 7 years ago
Dancer23 Studio
Dancer23 Studio - 7 years ago
I wish u can find another stray so u can do a rescue video I love those
alice brambilla
alice brambilla - 7 years ago
ShootingStarLps - 7 years ago
I heard if your NOT early, steff will NOT respond. Is this NOT trueee??!!
marty fowler
marty fowler - 7 years ago
hi Steff. imo if you had one of these filter's that can be left outside of the tank or you can make one of these I learned a lot about DIY aquarium modifications and accessories by this guy. plus, you wouldn't have to do a large water change. just clean the filter anywhere from every 3 months to 6 months. You could also install some type of netting that is propped on poles into the dirt to catch leaves and fruit from the avocado tree. btw there's different types of nets with various size holes to increase or reduce the amount of sunlight thru that can allow shade to keep water cooler or more sunlight to warm up the water temperature. good luck
Eileen.J.F don't mess with me or i'll mess with you
Eileen.J.F don't mess with me or i'll mess with you - 7 years ago
I really do love your fishes they're so pretty
PUPPY CANDY707 - 7 years ago
Brandy Aquino
Brandy Aquino - 7 years ago
i love your fishes
Ducks 4 Life
Ducks 4 Life - 7 years ago
Pop eyed gold fish
Ressies Puffs
Ressies Puffs - 7 years ago
I love your channel! You're so funny !
Luci M
Luci M - 7 years ago
I'm sorry if you have ever said it but what camera do you use? And another great video Steff you inspire my own diy projects so much! Also my favorite flower is Lilies ^_^
CINDER AJ - 7 years ago
Am I early?
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia - 7 years ago
moon flower is my favorite flower
ItsMeAshleey _
ItsMeAshleey _ - 7 years ago
Only 9 dislikes right now
Gol. D .Roger
Gol. D .Roger - 7 years ago
CutieGamer 36 11
My Vuong
My Vuong - 7 years ago
Is that air stone came with the air pump?
pwee kwii
pwee kwii - 7 years ago
i love your videossss
Soniaaa_ - 7 years ago
What kind of camera do you use ?
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia - 7 years ago
Steph Vaxruz
Steph Vaxruz - 7 years ago
I would decorate the crap out of these pools
pixie - 7 years ago
When are u gonna do another Steff and Babette show update? <3 <3
Brigitte Olivo
Brigitte Olivo - 7 years ago
do an update on your corals and the star fish
Techdroided - 7 years ago
15:54 love they arnt telescopse there broad tail moores
sena dall
sena dall - 7 years ago
when the song started to play I was like "no I'm down"I'm live and is born in Curacao so we to listing to Latin song.Despasito i love this song but when Prince roys
Elena Aslanidou
Elena Aslanidou - 7 years ago
Kitty Page
Kitty Page - 7 years ago
mine are Lillies! Can't wait to set up my kiddie pool for my goldies :-)
jacky. - 7 years ago
Yasmin Sota
Yasmin Sota - 7 years ago
jacky. Corazon sin cara- prince Royce
Disastrous Diana
Disastrous Diana - 7 years ago
jacky. A song by prince Royce but I don't know what the song is called
Jana Stojanovic
Jana Stojanovic - 7 years ago
I love you and this video
Brigitte Olivo
Brigitte Olivo - 7 years ago
love you steff j you inspired me to have many
Lucy Allen
Lucy Allen - 7 years ago
Alexa DeLucas
Alexa DeLucas - 7 years ago
Ola KawaiiKitty
Ola KawaiiKitty - 7 years ago
love the dance break XD <3
Biggy bear
Biggy bear - 7 years ago
you should do musical.lys
Kyleemah Moorer
Kyleemah Moorer - 7 years ago
CuteFluff 47
CuteFluff 47 - 7 years ago
i speak spanish to and i know all the songs like shakira maluma daddy yanke nicky jam prince royce and so on
Alisson's FurryFriends
Alisson's FurryFriends - 7 years ago
Qué vive México
PhoenixShipper - 7 years ago
What are you going to do about the Avacodos falling in the pool
Airam olvera
Airam olvera - 7 years ago
I love ur channel I hope it never ends!❤️
slime A
slime A - 7 years ago
Wouldn't the advocato's fall into the fish pool?
Debra Backus
Debra Backus - 7 years ago
Steff J get please duck eggs
Steff J
Steff J - 7 years ago
they do :/
i take them out every morning lol
Alisson's FurryFriends
Alisson's FurryFriends - 7 years ago
I Love steff j
Mimi P.
Mimi P. - 7 years ago
I love your makeup
Jasmine Martinez
Jasmine Martinez - 7 years ago
love ur videos steff j
Shannon LCM
Shannon LCM - 7 years ago
love ya steff
Alisson's FurryFriends
Alisson's FurryFriends - 7 years ago
Chicken Nugget :3
Chicken Nugget :3 - 7 years ago
Alicia Morales
Alicia Morales - 7 years ago
295 like
KaylaNickle - 7 years ago
Love from Alaska ❤❤❤
kyle trader
kyle trader - 7 years ago
idk much about fish but wouldn't the plant poke the fish in the eye?
Steff J
Steff J - 7 years ago
she sharper ones are sticking out of the water (on the filter/basket) and the others dont have sharp edges :)
CuteFluff 47
CuteFluff 47 - 7 years ago
Ily Steff j
The Hammy Nerd
The Hammy Nerd - 7 years ago
"Quick" break. XD
Leslie Torres44
Leslie Torres44 - 7 years ago
Where is my Spanish people at
lolonilove - 7 years ago
My fav flower is Forget-me-not ^^
Aaron Powell
Aaron Powell - 7 years ago
i need me a girl like steff i swear
Chicken Nugget :3
Chicken Nugget :3 - 7 years ago
"Every time I need these, I never find them"
yeet falls on ground
Dene Brooks
Dene Brooks - 7 years ago
your awsome
LeftInTheDust !
LeftInTheDust ! - 7 years ago
washing sand sounds like the most counter productive thing someone could do
Aira Amirah
Aira Amirah - 7 years ago
i love lilies and orchid!
MisterBassBoost - 7 years ago
Good! Keep it up!
Lexi and Emily
Lexi and Emily - 7 years ago
I love u steff pls comment back
Black Peko
Black Peko - 7 years ago
Hazim Aamir
Hazim Aamir - 7 years ago
omg i love sunflower too
Randomweirdo - 7 years ago
Notification squad!!
manachi koo koo
manachi koo koo - 7 years ago
you need to learn what culling is please.
Steff J
Steff J - 7 years ago
i culled all the badly deformed fry early in their development. These i kept because they live pretty normal lifes. the only one not doing good is the one with swim bladder (which i bought already like that) i am only trying to keep her comfortable at this point, but when the time comes i know i will have to euthanize. all the others are doing great.
manachi koo koo
manachi koo koo - 7 years ago
their quality of life isn't the best with deformations
Steff J
Steff J - 7 years ago
i know what it is. if i were selling these fish it would be irresponsible but i am keeping them for myself. i happen to like odd looking fish.
_.crholgate._ - 7 years ago
Her dancing was so good
Christopher Navarrete
Christopher Navarrete - 7 years ago
I don't really have a favorite I've never thought about that
___rad_ unicorns__
___rad_ unicorns__ - 7 years ago
Fox the Mighty
Fox the Mighty - 7 years ago
Lol I got confused with the last of Taylor's videos since she got new goldfish too.

EDIT: That break though.
Me Me
Me Me - 7 years ago
hi steff j what do u recomend for red ear slider baby turtles that have softshell beacause i bought them and reslased they had softshell until i got home btw i use water conditner give them tetra red ear slider food and have them out in the sun
The little pools are adorable omg
BackwardMist - 7 years ago
Forgot you were Mexican?
Shaz Zuan
Shaz Zuan - 7 years ago
Nice dance hahahahaha
Leafeon Gamer
Leafeon Gamer - 7 years ago
Ayanna Baca
Ayanna Baca - 7 years ago
fav flower are tulips
Ayanna Baca
Ayanna Baca - 7 years ago
I just love your vids and animals so much love your Youtube channel
Marcel Williams
Marcel Williams - 7 years ago
I love your videos!!!!
Marcel Williams
Marcel Williams - 7 years ago
When can you make a video about making a kitty house/shack
BackwardMist - 7 years ago
Hey steff I ate something bad too and the same day

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