HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► In this video, I show you how to build a water bridge. Simply put, A Water Bridge is a tunnel that connects 2 aquariums from above. It allows fish to freely swim from one aquarium to the other. In this video, i show you; what an aquarium water bridge is how a water bridge works how to design and plan a water bridge how to build your water bridge how to clean your water bridge how to do a water change with a water bridge installed I covered everything you will need to know with examples and demonstrations.

HOW TO: aquarium water bridge sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2046

Pets & Animals 11 years ago 1,809,369 views

Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► In this video, I show you how to build a water bridge. Simply put, A Water Bridge is a tunnel that connects 2 aquariums from above. It allows fish to freely swim from one aquarium to the other. In this video, i show you; what an aquarium water bridge is how a water bridge works how to design and plan a water bridge how to build your water bridge how to clean your water bridge how to do a water change with a water bridge installed I covered everything you will need to know with examples and demonstrations.

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Who will be the first to build this?? send me the video if you do, would love to see what you come up with. FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK:
Pussy Destroyer 1369
Pussy Destroyer 1369 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Omg i have a tipe STFU :)
Jim Emmanuel
Jim Emmanuel - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
Max Sellers Great... Then all we would need is some X-ray glasses..
Max Sellers
Max Sellers - 7 years ago
You could easily just put a pvc pipe from one to. Another
the 2 straight guys
the 2 straight guys - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm about to build it
Olivia Chaewon Kim
Olivia Chaewon Kim - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ii
Fathumath Dhihushana
Fathumath Dhihushana - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do you like none aggressive fishes
Christina Andwena
Christina Andwena - 7 years ago
The king of DIY me
Sunni - 8 years ago
The king of DIY yessssssssss!!!!!!
COOL CANADIAN - 8 years ago
+danny3793 nice to know!
danny3793 - 8 years ago
You can actually get the u-shape as a single piece from a glass company (even residential glass companies). The size of your U would fit perfectly into a general stock sheet most glass companies buy for residential glass, but that's generally 1/8" thick. If 1/4" is required, they can special order it, which means the company they buy their glass from cuts it from their sheet - which is roughly 12ft x 8ft, but you'd only pay for the glass you buy, not the entire sheet, and any good glass company shouldn't charge you much more than their cost, if any mark-up at all, especially if you are picking it up, etc.
Todd Lowen
Todd Lowen - 8 years ago
Clorox Bleach ikr
Katharine Lowen
Katharine Lowen - 8 years ago
Brian Sherry bruh shutup atleast hes trying to help! Gosh
Tyler Mitchell
Tyler Mitchell - 8 years ago
Brian Sherry what is wrong with you at least he's doing better than you 9 subs
Brian Sherry
Brian Sherry - 8 years ago
You really gotta have 5 advertisements per video?

Loser, take this downvote.
rajeevpandrangi - 8 years ago
Did you finish?
COOL CANADIAN - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY basically this project is a huge, cool siphon
A Nonymous
A Nonymous - 9 years ago
I'm building my own bar with integrated aquarium, gonna use it for some Danios, Cories, a Kuhli loach, some Siamese Algae eaters, a shrimp or two and a Black Molly.
Wanted to make one aquarium but you've convinced me to make two smaller ones connected by a bridge. Would look prototype in a bar.
The fish won't freak out cause it's a home bar, no stress going on around them.
I'll keep the decorations simple with a couple hideouts for the loach, maybe sand instead of gravel.
I'll post pics when Ive completed the project.
Simon WoodburyForget
Simon WoodburyForget - 9 years ago
+TheLightStudios Google search acrylic (or what ever) glass tank thickness. It all depends on the amount of water that will be in the tube.

You need to calculate water from the aquarium that is going to be pushing the glass, so anything over the tube, in the aquarium would be pushing the glass.
JuliusJammer - The Prepared Sheepdog
JuliusJammer - The Prepared Sheepdog - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY As soon as I build my two 90g tanks from your instructions I will build a water bridge. It looks like an awesome setup!
IMBrown - 10 years ago
Can you use normal 6 millimeter glass?
Sparro - 11 years ago
Hey Joey!  Just wondering.  Is your book available as a physical book?  I cannot seem to find it if so on your website.  Is it only available through downloading?

Thanks Joey!
ruscal a
ruscal a - 7 years ago
Anybody else counting how many times he says heighth, and not height......hilarious. Love the vids though.
karen pereira
karen pereira - 7 years ago
This is the first video that I ever watched from Joey's channel...
Jc Carlo
Jc Carlo - 7 years ago
Try some guppies
Tanveer Landge
Tanveer Landge - 7 years ago
my flower horn is getting scared of me and getting dark plz help me
Choji Aizad
Choji Aizad - 7 years ago
this guy talk to much, there's no fish
Deniell Gueco
Deniell Gueco - 7 years ago
Cool bridge
Roy Arnold Pearce
Roy Arnold Pearce - 7 years ago
Too many add verbs
Mundi Odium
Mundi Odium - 7 years ago
or buying a longer fishtank

10. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Turtle Beachpro
Turtle Beachpro - 7 years ago
Where do you get all your glass from
Rejane Silva
Rejane Silva - 7 years ago
this bridge thicc
Victorian Vatic
Victorian Vatic - 7 years ago
Less talking!!
Frosty - 7 years ago
Why am I watching this? I'm broke.
6irty6iamon6 2
6irty6iamon6 2 - 7 years ago
Awesome vid keep up the great work.
Colin Askey
Colin Askey - 7 years ago
No one here have an aquarium WTF, why are we watching then xd
NieR MayOnetta
NieR MayOnetta - 7 years ago
You're all watching this cuz something fishy is going on YouTube
Jeffrey Hickam
Jeffrey Hickam - 7 years ago
Awesome video love the idea but I don't have the skill or patience to build this awesome device. Would you ever sell one that you have made? Would love to have 1 thanks!
simone4447 - 7 years ago
Can you connect the bridge at the base of the tanks instead of at the top?
Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
i am digging this .. pretty cool

20. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow - 7 years ago
this is genius!!! awesome
Jody Whitehead
Jody Whitehead - 7 years ago
All I wanted to do was see the fish swim through it
Sociedade Etilista
Sociedade Etilista - 7 years ago
You talk too much.
Blue Stuff
Blue Stuff - 7 years ago
Jerome Yu
Jerome Yu - 7 years ago
i like they guy
Flamebeow DCLXVI
Flamebeow DCLXVI - 7 years ago
woah this is old
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
Amazing i never knew of this..
Brian Chambers
Brian Chambers - 7 years ago
how long can I make my bridge?
I wanted to build one 84" H x 132" L x 4" or 6" D into 2 55 to 100 gallon tanks... is it even possible?
Chode - 7 years ago
Every year I go back and watch this video to celebrate the first KingOfDIY video I've seen. You are a great inspiration. keep up the amazing work.
oolon colluphid
oolon colluphid - 7 years ago
Do not say "It's impossible for it to leak," then pause, then explain that it can leak air in. That's called a leak. A hole is a hole.

30. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Veronika Franz
Veronika Franz - 7 years ago
how do you clean this bridge? I saw that you could bareley reach with one arm into the middle. And what would you do if fish play "prison break" or there is something breaking, air gets in... basically the water should flow back into both tanks. so would it not be safer to built them a bit wider?
Reginald Finley
Reginald Finley - 7 years ago
This was awesome! Thanks!!
Thewaterspirit57 - 7 years ago
Believe it or not. but i wanted Big tubes of water, that my old Angel fish could swim through and into other slightly smaller tanks. The big tank was about 50 Gals, plus the tubes and slightly smaller tanks would most likely triple or quadruple the Gallons.
titaniumonkey - 7 years ago
oh man, joe has come a long way.
GDeathGod TDFL
GDeathGod TDFL - 7 years ago
Damn he looked like a little boy compared to. Now
Rafiqul Islam
Rafiqul Islam - 7 years ago
Bjørn Simonsen
Bjørn Simonsen - 7 years ago
Next project is how to create aquarium bridge which is open at the top, and without the both tanks are sealed.
Bjørn Simonsen
Bjørn Simonsen - 7 years ago
I heard that fish only swim up, but they are not clever enough to swim down again. But i havent checked it
perunding bisnes
perunding bisnes - 7 years ago
24 (x3) hour later....
manachi koo koo
manachi koo koo - 7 years ago
this is so cringy compare to his channel today
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
16 min to explain smth that doesnt need an explanation, well done!
The Betta Obsessor
The Betta Obsessor - 7 years ago
Although I'm way late, I'm still so excited to create this for my fish! Thanks.
FarHan's fish tank
FarHan's fish tank - 7 years ago
Joey can we use it for fry
TOP 10 Facts
TOP 10 Facts - 7 years ago
how do i clean it
Jenna 'Gravitype'
Jenna 'Gravitype' - 7 years ago
here's a game
take a shot for every comment mentioning not having an aquarium

two shots if it was recommended to them
Idk Nicknames
Idk Nicknames - 7 years ago
It would be cool if my bed was under the bridge and u could look up and see fish
Badar Chaudhry
Badar Chaudhry - 8 years ago
great man. this was really in detail. answered all of my querries. easy english, crisp clear. nice pace, thats how u make a youtube video.
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 8 years ago
Has he put any fish in this ?
Sven Christiansen
Sven Christiansen - 8 years ago
I just waited 16 minutes to see the fish swim through the bridge, and nothing happens??
Nathan Chin
Nathan Chin - 8 years ago
Where do you buy your glass from?

50. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Hannah Shore
Hannah Shore - 8 years ago
I don't have any fish. Why am I here?
Alex Alejandre
Alex Alejandre - 8 years ago
stick some small fish in there
Joseph Henderson
Joseph Henderson - 8 years ago
wouldn't it be much easier to use plexiglass or acrylic sheets from Lowes or home Depo and a jig saw with the proper blade
Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker - 8 years ago
I find fish fascinating. only if other people are keeping them though. I tried and I honestly got lazy and bored with them. so I gave them away.
Julia Darcy
Julia Darcy - 8 years ago
could you use acrylic sheets?
GAMER BOY CREEPER - 8 years ago
GAMER BOY CREEPER - 8 years ago
i hope it Works
Kevin Osman
Kevin Osman - 8 years ago
Imagine making ten different bridges to ten different aquariums. Call that FishWorld. Also if you came to see fishes swimming through bridges you will not find that on this video.
roy childs
roy childs - 8 years ago
Diameter?! Of a square cross section tube?
Fosie Jo
Fosie Jo - 8 years ago
why are you talking like you would talk too a mentally disabled 4 year old?
MrGoosebro - 8 years ago
if it doesn't leek then why do you need to test for leeks ? logic /0
Greg Prentice
Greg Prentice - 8 years ago
Has anyone used this as a sump on the same level as the display?
trevormcmanis - 8 years ago
Very cool
Karleen Christopher
Karleen Christopher - 8 years ago
Hi I just came across this via my brother. We are both very much into pond fish and I wondered if this bridge could be adapted for a pond.
Steven Allen Edwards
Steven Allen Edwards - 8 years ago
Why would you even need a water bridge, just put them in a bigger tank.
Richie Malhotra
Richie Malhotra - 8 years ago
I'd rather buy one big acquarium
Crazypickles 123
Crazypickles 123 - 8 years ago
Dude, ur amazing
Andy Ngiang
Andy Ngiang - 8 years ago
good DIY . can mark money ..
MyLonewolf25 - 8 years ago
Use painters tape
Electrical tape will leave residue
Estranged fish
Estranged fish - 8 years ago
"Heitth" "heitth" "heitth"...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!my brother used to say something similar when he was younge and just had to keep correcting him until he stopped (he used to say thingers instead of fingers
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
You should sell aquariums
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
You should make a tank just for small fish like guppies
Jason Victor
Jason Victor - 8 years ago
that's a cool idea man. I'm Gunna try this put those few pieces of fish tank glass I have to use lol
bk - 8 years ago
Clever on the U shape built.
HINA ARTWORK - 8 years ago
I came to see the some fishes having fun the bridge!!
I feel so used :(
JupiterOnKauai - 8 years ago
very inspiring, i was thinking of fish bridge today, not knowing that this even existed. and in the i was hoping to see the fish use it.. awesome instructions.
Jimmy Latif
Jimmy Latif - 8 years ago
if you make this bridge will the temperature of two aquarium will be the same?
Liam Wood
Liam Wood - 8 years ago
No idea what I'm watching
Natalia H.
Natalia H. - 8 years ago
I don't own any fish nor do I know anything about aquariums but I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video and learning something new! :) I love how passionate this guy is!! keep it up!!
Luke Benjamin
Luke Benjamin - 8 years ago
I like the way that this guy says "out". what accent is that?
Yosua Nangin
Yosua Nangin - 8 years ago
why this is in my recommended?
ArcticAstrophysics - 8 years ago
Really neat idea, do the fish usually swim between the two tanks? I feel like if I did this the fish would just stay in one tank because that's my luck lol
Officialpoiuytrewq4645 - 8 years ago
Green screen
Officialpoiuytrewq4645 - 8 years ago
And the shirt looks edited in too
polar-lights - 8 years ago
Water pressure increases with depth, but here you've created a way to reduce water pressure, by having a volume above the level exposed to the air.

This might actually prove to be a useful system for encouraging some fish species to breed, as many prefer to spawn during thunderstorms/heavy rains, to ensure their young aren't going to end up trying to survive through a dry spell or drought. Thunderstorms are the result of a low pressure weather system, which the fish can sense, even under the water, through its affects on their swim bladders.

If you could build a bridge - or just a capped off tube - high enough above the water surface (about 400 inches, to offset the 14.7 psi air pressure at sea level), you could end up with negative pressure, and the water would actually start cold-boiling into vacuum, otherwise seen as cavitation on boat propellers, where the extreme low pressure causes the water to turn to gas.

You don't want that or your fish will explode (although the tank would probably implode first, unless built to a similar standard as one of an equal depth).
Annoy1ngRash - 8 years ago
too much advertising and not even one fish swimming true the damm thing
Alfonso González  Rodríguez
Alfonso González Rodríguez - 8 years ago
As everybody i havnt got a tank, but isnt the preassure in the tunnel bigger? is that not a problem for the fish?
neecole pfresh
neecole pfresh - 8 years ago
i was so blown away when he started filling the bridge until i realized thats just how a drinking straw works.
Tyler Powell
Tyler Powell - 8 years ago
McKenna Graves
McKenna Graves - 8 years ago
How did I go from studying for finals to watching how to build a water bridge when I dont even own fish..
Maddiiee White
Maddiiee White - 8 years ago
Where's pauly d
Skyler Paderick
Skyler Paderick - 8 years ago
# diameter
juliabyers - 8 years ago
literally only watched this video to see fish swimming through it so... :/
Norman M
Norman M - 8 years ago
Very cool. Also, that DIY logo reminds me of an M1 Carbine front sight.
Mohammad Aamin
Mohammad Aamin - 8 years ago
I only watched this video to see a fishy swim across the bridge, sadly it never happened ):
CORY HAYNES - 8 years ago
I watched the entire vid. and don't even own an aquarium. strange
Dominic Bravenboer
Dominic Bravenboer - 8 years ago
This is cool until you have to clean the algae out of it
Vertigo 101
Vertigo 101 - 8 years ago
Dominic Bravenboer lmao
Batfleck Forever
Batfleck Forever - 8 years ago
Why am I watching this? I don't even have a... oh, never mind.
Chrono - 8 years ago
What am i doing? I don't even have fishies
Narwhal Aj
Narwhal Aj - 8 years ago
Mikeru Morino fish
Uncle Jami
Uncle Jami - 8 years ago
Why was this in my recs???
UpbeatMaster - 8 years ago
Are you kidding.i wanted to see I'd fish would use it.

100. comment for HOW TO: aquarium water bridge

Leila - 8 years ago
why tf am I watching this
Holla Banana
Holla Banana - 8 years ago
I went to look for other videos where the fish would swim through the bridge after watching this. Now I'm satisfied.
DankBonkRipper9 - 8 years ago
wtf why is this on my recommend
Waya Kamejima
Waya Kamejima - 8 years ago
I used to use these for hydroponics... Those were just pvc pipe though. It links the grow beds without complicated plumbing.
Digital Visiionz
Digital Visiionz - 8 years ago
What if my fish drown?

its a joke
sw ee tm e m es an d dak n d rea m s
sw ee tm e m es an d dak n d rea m s - 8 years ago
why am I watching this, I don't even have fish.
Fahrudin C.
Fahrudin C. - 8 years ago
why was this recommended to me
Anthony Hernandez
Anthony Hernandez - 8 years ago
Dude your about to delta P. your fish boy! (Look that up)
De Phanes
De Phanes - 8 years ago
shouldn't you be more careful when sanding glass? couldn't you be breathing it in?
Nick Sacco
Nick Sacco - 8 years ago
Y the hell was this recommended for me
Trinity Taylor
Trinity Taylor - 8 years ago
Why am I watching this. I own Betas.
Cody - 8 years ago
You clicked on it
Dj Schrooten
Dj Schrooten - 8 years ago
Why was I watching this in the middle of the night? i don't even have an aquarium
insylem - 8 years ago
dRkrimskrams lol me either.
Dj Schrooten
Dj Schrooten - 8 years ago
the moment you write a comment and afterwards you See that every other comment is the same as yours...
Ben Morton
Ben Morton - 8 years ago
I like it but he spends 13 mins speeking
Cooper5732 - 8 years ago
You're dumb. The shape is a rectangular prism and therefore doesn't have a diameter it would be width this seriously is so annoying
Dissident Ace
Dissident Ace - 8 years ago
I am scared that YouTube knows me too well I have no idea why this was on my recommended list but I did enjoy watching it.

DRINKING GAME: every time he says water take a shot!!!
(Note: prepare your drinks first and have someone refill them as soon as you finish them this one will get messy)
Ayman Khan
Ayman Khan - 8 years ago
the add I watched was better than the actual vid, although the add was pretty dam good.
Ayman Khan
Ayman Khan - 8 years ago
I just realized I spelt add* wrong. -_-
Fred Bill
Fred Bill - 8 years ago
That shirt is way too big for you dude
Cr7 Mes10
Cr7 Mes10 - 7 years ago
Fred Bill u should see him now
Cuntaur Stroke
Cuntaur Stroke - 8 years ago
GGAR - 8 years ago
Why am I watching this
GGAR - 8 years ago
+ChillyNightZ lol xD
ChillyNightZ - 8 years ago
GGAR I don't even own fish and even less an aquarium. Yet I am still watching this video xD
Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle - 8 years ago
I'll try
Christopher Lopez-Rojas
Christopher Lopez-Rojas - 8 years ago
Why do you like aquariums and fish ?
Wet Ones
Wet Ones - 8 years ago
Why am I even here I don't even own a fish tank
Paul John Abdon
Paul John Abdon - 8 years ago
Wet Ones me too. LoL. But it's cool. ;-)
hannah minas
hannah minas - 8 years ago
Me too
kingChavvLokz 509
kingChavvLokz 509 - 8 years ago
lol same
Ashanti Baby
Ashanti Baby - 8 years ago
I don't even own fish...
jonas3000c - 8 years ago
What's the diameter and thickness and that stuff in non retard units?
Caliper - 8 years ago
That's not a diameter.
Josh - 8 years ago
deuce bigalow has a YouTube
ThierryTheuns - 8 years ago
I just came here for the demonstration.
Mine_Zone - 8 years ago
Me too
ThierryTheuns - 8 years ago
+Superb_Nova XCI I know. I was disappointed.
Luis Pinto
Luis Pinto - 8 years ago
why not just buy a big ass aquarium
Zilex - 8 years ago
darkls14 it's not as cool
curtis saunders
curtis saunders - 8 years ago
not bad...
Dun Hilda
Dun Hilda - 8 years ago
I don't even have a fish tank... I learn something new.
No Name
No Name - 8 years ago
i feel like im in college and having a lecture about anatomy while watching this
Baris Yilmaz
Baris Yilmaz - 8 years ago
No Name
No Name
No Name - 8 years ago
Cuntaur Stroke "I FEEL like im in college"

he sounds just like my lecturer and it brings me back to the years of torture, what we call it back then
Cuntaur Stroke
Cuntaur Stroke - 8 years ago
Then you've clearly never taken anatomy lol
Joaquin  Silva
Joaquin Silva - 8 years ago
Great video. So interesting, even though i don't have aquariums lol
Caleb Gerhard
Caleb Gerhard - 8 years ago
I probably shouldn't be here. I have no idea what DIY means
random person
random person - 8 years ago
it means do it yourself
Matthew S Halim
Matthew S Halim - 8 years ago
i dont own fish.. but i love aqarium and glass so intresting for youtube to place this in my recomended
Famous Seamus
Famous Seamus - 8 years ago
Dang I should be studying
MTNG - 8 years ago
I thought this was a bridge for fish to swim between the tanks.
qman327 - 8 years ago
MTNG it is
Capitán Rastrero
Capitán Rastrero - 8 years ago
I neither have fish nor want this, why did i watch?
kurisu Furederikku
kurisu Furederikku - 8 years ago
boop boop
boop boop - 8 years ago
Jose Hilera XD same
Jacob Munoz
Jacob Munoz - 8 years ago
why is this in my recommended
Alan Ball
Alan Ball - 8 years ago
you didn't show any fish swimming across it
ExtraEarth 33
ExtraEarth 33 - 8 years ago
0:16 The upside down aquarium, somebody play the Stranger things theme
Coolfirelava Gaming
Coolfirelava Gaming - 8 years ago
How do you clean it?
Chris Baird
Chris Baird - 8 years ago
Coolfirelava Gaming
you dont
Dani E
Dani E - 8 years ago
When the god damn ad buffers
Vatsyayana - 8 years ago
Very well spoken, you explain things in a very nice way..
Fabio Pauluk
Fabio Pauluk - 8 years ago
Omg I just watch the entire thing and I dont even own an aquarium
SkyhighPlays - 8 years ago
Cos physics

This reminds me i have an exam tomorrow.
Han Gyo Jin
Han Gyo Jin - 8 years ago
i really disappointed that I can't see fish swimming through it.
Ayyrocko - 8 years ago
Imagine a giant one of these at a water park :O
muslimin karben
muslimin karben - 8 years ago
Aquarium is the submarine for fish. You know that. I don’t think so.
muslimin karben
muslimin karben - 8 years ago
uncle rick you dont understand about that before you watch ghosbuster 2016
uncle rick
uncle rick - 8 years ago
muslimin karben what???
Pablo Rages
Pablo Rages - 8 years ago
you didn't show it finished :(
Nick Payne
Nick Payne - 8 years ago
Is 10 advertisements necessary for a 16 minute video? like damn....
Ian Groves
Ian Groves - 8 years ago
I think using an overflow would be good just in case lol
samivanscoder - 8 years ago
False Advertising! My turtle just died in the tube!
Shah Hayde
Shah Hayde - 8 years ago
who came here just to see fish going through the water bridge but it didnt happen
Hin L
Hin L - 7 years ago
Abby Jade
Abby Jade - 7 years ago
Shah Hayde oh, I was waiting for that
Kam'ryn Gray
Kam'ryn Gray - 7 years ago
c m i wouldnt do it unless its super smart turtle. little dude might get confused and drown
lilblingking1491 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the heads up!!!
c m
c m - 8 years ago
I'm sure they'll go through it. He opened with saying he does not have any small enough fish. I am just wondering if my turtle would go through it.
thegamingecho ///TGE
thegamingecho ///TGE - 8 years ago
Shah Hayde me
sp1epiphany - 8 years ago
Shah Hayde thanks :)
bonesboy368 - 8 years ago
Shah Hayde you just saved me 15 minutes
Nacho TV
Nacho TV - 8 years ago
such a cool bridge, certainly makes for a cooler tank set up.
Bianca Michele
Bianca Michele - 8 years ago
This would be a great video if you didn't over-explain everything
Fizz Allen
Fizz Allen - 8 years ago
It's 2AM here. I have two hours of sleep and I'm suppose to be studying. I don't even have fish. I have a cat. Why am I here?
OfficialLegoNerd - 8 years ago
diameter is for circles. Your thinking of perimeter.
MidnightLunaRose - 8 years ago
Why am i watching this? I don't have any fish.
S7at Blakk
S7at Blakk - 8 years ago
dontDrop_That - 8 years ago
MidnightLunaRose I'm watching it because I thought that it would be cool
JGeMcL - 8 years ago
you sucked the air with the hose to your mouth didnt you! =D
Big Boy
Big Boy - 8 years ago
lol I dont even own a fish why am I watching this.
fat nigga
fat nigga - 8 years ago
Lou Caribou me too haha
Lou Caribou
Lou Caribou - 8 years ago
HackerBoB same xD
cassie cassanova
cassie cassanova - 8 years ago
do u make them and sell them
Pinoytankbuster - 8 years ago
cassie cassanova
He does not
SpEEzy Q
SpEEzy Q - 8 years ago
doesn't a bridge go over water???
aboomination - 8 years ago
not necessarily.
Xeneth Sixx
Xeneth Sixx - 8 years ago
I expected fish
k9wiREless - 8 years ago
hey bud. you could have stuffed the water hose up inside the tunnel and fill. the air will compress.....and might resist the water pressure form your source but then you'll have less air to remove from the column
Avery Blackburn
Avery Blackburn - 8 years ago
Why is this in my recommended?
0422Juls - 8 years ago
u live in the east side of North America, don't u?
0422Juls - 8 years ago
Tony Wang I don't. I just seen this one vid
Tony Wang
Tony Wang - 8 years ago
0422Juls he live in Nova Scotia if you follow his videos
luckym0nk3y - 8 years ago
0422Juls he probably is Canadian
0422Juls - 8 years ago
just because ur accent is very similar to newfoundland locals
Dan Mccartney
Dan Mccartney - 8 years ago
Squares don't have diameters. I'm sorry but it bugged the hell out of me
Artemis Kuro
Artemis Kuro - 8 years ago
Nice DIY camera.
Markey Jester
Markey Jester - 8 years ago
13:40 "I don't own any fish small enough to use to illustrate fish swimming through the bridge".

Bah... That's the one thing I WANTED to see =(
Alkaris - 8 years ago
Dude… acrylic would be so much easier to work with. For starters you can cut and heat the acrylic where you need to and then warp it's shape into something you desire, and then cut other pieces for making the sides and then seal those pieces on with with silicone, and/or use heat to seal them together.
BelinaBean - 8 years ago
I use my aquariums for my gerbils. This will work for them, right?
Mike Perreman
Mike Perreman - 8 years ago
make a ladder/staircase thing
Caleb Vukovic
Caleb Vukovic - 8 years ago
BelinaDip it's cruel to drown animals
Aidan Raymond
Aidan Raymond - 8 years ago
so no
Art blender
Art blender - 8 years ago
as long as they can reach it.
Ryah lol
Ryah lol - 8 years ago
why do i watch this i don't even own fish i don't even PLAN to own fish
Gustavo Diaz
Gustavo Diaz - 8 years ago
aquariums are hard work i mean just keeping water clean. goldfish are cheap because they dirty. clean fish are paroon sharks and cichlids fish. the water filter speaks whos the cleanest fish.
Lucas Doody
Lucas Doody - 8 years ago
how much glass did you use? What kind of silicone were you using?
Seth Kauffman
Seth Kauffman - 8 years ago
I don't even like fish, why was this in my recommendations? it's cool and all, but why? lmao.
Robo Bitch
Robo Bitch - 8 years ago
im like whoaaaaaa nice video men
neojuice - 8 years ago
Freak Load and I'm like hey nice comment dude
Hammod Elbatal
Hammod Elbatal - 8 years ago
Caleb D
Caleb D - 8 years ago
the plural of aquarium is actually aquaria
Caleb D
Caleb D - 8 years ago
Yeah, es plurals are generally accepted but I prefer the original and correct plurals such as terrarium-terraria, planetarium- planetaria, and bacterium-bacteria
Shadow - 8 years ago
If you want to go by the Latin plural, then yes. But English is a bit different so it doesn't really matter anymore. It's like Octupuses/Octopi.
MatthewTheREALPieEater - 8 years ago
will the silicone poison the water???

no hate ';3
MatthewTheREALPieEater - 8 years ago
P-13 UnRealMan ok thanks! I'm definitely building one of these for my aquariums!
UnReal - 8 years ago
MatthewTheREALPieEater Food grade silicon will work just as well
MrAntiKnowledge - 8 years ago
Depends on the type of silicone, there is silicone specifically for aquarium use.
Nindroid J
Nindroid J - 8 years ago
You need to wet the sandpaper or the glass to it doesn't heat up and crack
Nindroid J
Nindroid J - 8 years ago
Get a good glass cutter the cheap ones don't really cut and more or less just make scratches
Ruvik - 8 years ago
That tank would be perfect for guppies
The Custom Ranger Channel
The Custom Ranger Channel - 8 years ago
got a question i went to the pet store and got a brand new Emperor Aquarium pump and it want prime fully up i mean it pumps water but it makes a grinding noise like when it makes when its self priming up what can u tell me about whats going on with it? ive done everything i know and i cant take it back bc its out the 90 warranty figured it would fix it self
CornBread !
CornBread ! - 8 years ago
Pretty cool.Nice job.
Kissalude - 8 years ago
I do not like aquariums but this is a nifty idea.
Hellsxfist - 8 years ago
"fall back ewt"
Omar Khan
Omar Khan - 8 years ago
You could also drop a tab of LSD in the tank so the fish can trip from tank to tank.
Corypiscis Mexicanus
Corypiscis Mexicanus - 7 years ago
Omar Khan Savage
adrian perez
adrian perez - 8 years ago
Orlando Gonzalez haaa i see what you did there
Brian J
Brian J - 8 years ago
Just gave me an idea for a new setup for my ball python
Lorenz Pühringer
Lorenz Pühringer - 8 years ago
Never having heard of anything like this, my brain cant handle the crazy physics haha
T-Zay - 8 years ago
Bro, if you sold these things I would order one from you.
John Schuler
John Schuler - 8 years ago
T-Zay same
abhi aquatic
abhi aquatic - 8 years ago
From which website i can buy your books in India
Devan Biasi
Devan Biasi - 8 years ago
Why is this in my suggestions? I don't even own fish...
Jono Hinley
Jono Hinley - 7 years ago
Do you own bridge
Ashton Harris
Ashton Harris - 8 years ago
yyyybybybybyy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y yy y y yy y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y y y y y yy y y y y
Devan Biasi
Devan Biasi - 8 years ago
Sergio Suarez What's that have to do with me though?! I don't own any pets (anymore...) Nor am I subbed to any channels involving pets/pet care.
Sergio Suarez
Sergio Suarez - 8 years ago
Haha same thing I was thinking, I think it might have to do with the fact he was on SnakeBytes/Brians Vlog and I follow him.
Steve Watts
Steve Watts - 8 years ago
Seriously YouTube Recommended algorithm, go dislike yourself. Unrequited video of,... of, Huh? 2 years ago?!?
Butter My Pancakes
Butter My Pancakes - 8 years ago
The king of DIY ikr
Chabby - 8 years ago
best reply ever
cyrus davirus
cyrus davirus - 8 years ago
Like a boss
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Devan Biasi Youtube thinks you should.
Alden Rogers
Alden Rogers - 8 years ago
Your closed captions are very out of sync.
may i can buy a bridge
Christopher Tobe
Christopher Tobe - 8 years ago
Will this work if one of the tanks is on a sump and the other tank uses an external canister?
kontekijke - 8 years ago
If its leveled. if not Itll siphon the water to the lower tank untill no longer possible.
DJFudgyBear - 8 years ago
your explanations are awsome thank you! :) I have shrimp tanks.
Dan S.
Dan S. - 8 years ago
why the heck would you make this if your fish are too large to use it
John Carper
John Carper - 8 years ago
will this work for small turtles?
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
John Carper probably
rudra chatterjee
rudra chatterjee - 8 years ago
Marco Burgers
Marco Burgers - 8 years ago
Chris Miralles
Chris Miralles - 8 years ago
interesting idea i never thought of that cool
Fleezus Christ
Fleezus Christ - 8 years ago
would've liked the vid if u had at least 1 fish swim thru it but no fish no swim no likes
Bad boy 655 Jk
Bad boy 655 Jk - 8 years ago
sprocket 9999
sprocket 9999 - 8 years ago
How will you clean the inside of algae?
Mr. Cynical
Mr. Cynical - 8 years ago
I wanted to see the end result. with fish using the bridge....
Kopsu - 8 years ago
Cool project. Why do you look so worried?
Gísli thor
Gísli thor - 8 years ago
pritty good mate , really enjoy your videos they give me a lots of ideas thx bro :)
Antonio Paquette
Antonio Paquette - 8 years ago
I was watching a country music video and this was in the recommended I had to watch it always wanted to know how they make it
FatalDischarge - 8 years ago
can this work for water turtles that are about 8-10 cm?
isaiah Atienza
isaiah Atienza - 8 years ago
isaiah Atienza
isaiah Atienza - 8 years ago
Sakura Yamashita
Sakura Yamashita - 8 years ago
This looks so awesome and really cool! And it would look even more awesome if there were any fish swimming through that. I so want to try this but if only I wasn't too scare to get my house wet if there happens to be any mishap.
But it's still a really creative and great idea. If I decide to have any tank out in my balcony one of these days, I gotta try this out. Thanks for sharing this great idea!
Sarah Shine
Sarah Shine - 8 years ago
If I had the room for two aquariums I would totally build this for my turtle!
Andrew Mayo
Andrew Mayo - 8 years ago
why was this in my recommended?
Lync - 8 years ago
+Jake Smith Strong comeback.
Lync - 8 years ago
i have an irrational fear of them.
Lync - 8 years ago
i wonder the same. i hate fishtanks
Skane35 - 8 years ago
Im doing this one next year :)
LUTHIRA De silva
LUTHIRA De silva - 8 years ago
My fish is not going
rhoover62 - 8 years ago
Love your videos but its height not heighth. Common mispronunciation because of depth and width.
Pare s
Pare s - 8 years ago
Do I need to worry about the weight of the bridge which includes water weight + glass weight. Definitely the recommended glass thickness will be used. I am planning to keep the aquarium around 48 inch apart with 6mm dia of bridge. Because this bridge will be kept on one single side of each aquarium, are there any changes that bridge weight can tear apart the aquarium?
Eric Peinhaupt
Eric Peinhaupt - 8 years ago
I'm watching and I don't even own a fish.....
Marco Vieira
Marco Vieira - 8 years ago
men u ar a genius , well done
IamTheLastDragon - 8 years ago
am i the only one who is a little bugged by the fact that the ccs dont match what hes saying????
SwagSubscriber - 8 years ago
This got me thinking for a bridge, since I happen to have an extra 75 gallon tank, I can give my turtles and fish some more space, any suggestions of what I should do?
Rhink McNeal
Rhink McNeal - 8 years ago
just buy some clear pvc piping thats big enough and use it as a bridge.
Ana Avila
Ana Avila - 8 years ago
can this be done with aquariums that have different hight levels?
Rico-Dean Johnson
Rico-Dean Johnson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY sorry could you please help me I tried this but my small tank is over flowing how do I counter this? Please help
Travis S
Travis S - 8 years ago
Ana Avila no it won't work. the lower aquarium will overflow. works like a syphon
Elijah Ruben
Elijah Ruben - 8 years ago
It could as long as you stabilized the water bridge and adjusted the height lvls. If the bridge rested on the slightly higher tank edge, you would want to add something like a column or support to the bottom of the other end in the lower tank to make up for the difference.
DanTheMan - 8 years ago
No your lower tank would have to be sealed
Matt Gibson
Matt Gibson - 8 years ago
Ayla Williamson
Ayla Williamson - 8 years ago
Ana Avila you'd probably have to make one end of the tunnel longer so it dips into the water.
Vojtěch - 8 years ago
+Tim Johnston
Yes, they would need lower tank closed
Tim Johnston
Tim Johnston - 8 years ago
Won't the water level equalize?
Vojtěch - 8 years ago
No you can't :)
Ana Avila
Ana Avila - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks. Im planing on puting two tanks one in front of each other at different levels ando would love to conect them.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Ana Avila yes. The tunnel has to be level though, so one entrance would just have to be longer.
Phil Foster
Phil Foster - 8 years ago
where is the best place to get glass ?
Ash Grg
Ash Grg - 8 years ago
+MCKingfisher smith
Kritten •
Kritten • - 8 years ago
Glass store
alex bold
alex bold - 8 years ago
I know this might be a dumb question, but, i have done this on my outdoor whisky barrel ponds for growing koi. Seen as they can swim from one tank to another, does that essentially make it a bigger tank? Or do i still have to make sure theres only so many fish per tank?
Ray Maritz
Ray Maritz - 8 years ago
I was thinking of doing this some time ago, but then I thought that the tube will be under vacuum and therefore not enough oxygen for the fish in the tube? Evidently my assumption was wrong.
Big MacMik3
Big MacMik3 - 8 years ago
Ray Maritz
Ray Maritz - 8 years ago
+TM Miner I just assumed without calculating that the quantity would drop considerably.  Based on a 200mm water rise, I calculated that max Dissolved Oxygen at Saturation and 27°C would only drop from around 7.9 mg/l down to around 7.7 mg/l.  Not really significant at all!
Big MacMik3
Big MacMik3 - 8 years ago
There's still oxygen diffused in water...
Ashlynn Valentine
Ashlynn Valentine - 8 years ago
one of these would be so cool in a beta sority
Wernbread - 8 years ago
Wernbread - 8 years ago
+MCKingfisher smith #Hypocrite!??? #WaitWhat?
elijah cadacio
elijah cadacio - 8 years ago
Why not buy a larger aquarium?
Jamaican Uy
Jamaican Uy - 8 years ago
too many instruction , why you didn't't make it shorter?
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
How is this physically possible?
Kritten •
Kritten • - 8 years ago
Marvin Jügel
Marvin Jügel - 8 years ago
Wont the water stand still in the tunnel? And waterflow is one of the most important things as i learned
chriscjohns - 8 years ago
I don't own an aquarium, but this video was great! Love the concept and I'm sure it makes for a great feature!
Read More
Read More - 8 years ago
A wader bridge
dc anon
dc anon - 8 years ago
glass cutting tip: you can use a torch and heat the score line to cut odd shapes the glass will crack along the score line and use the ball at the end of the cutter and gently tap along the score line to complete break it free. just careful getting it to hot to fast it will make it crack in a undesired way
S Dew
S Dew - 8 years ago
imagine havign to clean that bridge from algy or just cleaning the dirty glass, how will you do that....
Rhink McNeal
Rhink McNeal - 8 years ago
He kind of said how to clean it out in the video. but for a cheap job get a sponge and slit it in the middle and slide a magnet in it, put that inside the aquarium and use another magnet on the outside to maneuver the inner sponge magnet to clean the Aquarium.
Andrew Fishman
Andrew Fishman - 8 years ago
Never touch a tank with hot water
Andrew Fishman
Andrew Fishman - 8 years ago
with a magnet
DJ James
DJ James - 8 years ago
Perfect Video
Jonathan - 8 years ago
What would happen if you did this with a pool?
Virtual Soldier
Virtual Soldier - 8 years ago
Jonathan if they get stuck in there they will be boiled to death
ERD Epoch
ERD Epoch - 8 years ago
Who cares about the kids, they shouldn't be swimming in my pool. It would look cool that's all that counts.
Ash Grg
Ash Grg - 8 years ago
+MCKingfisher smith sounds nice, kill the kids
Kritten •
Kritten • - 8 years ago
It would look amazing but many kids will die
Matt K
Matt K - 8 years ago
Many drownings.
Banana Sauce
Banana Sauce - 8 years ago
What if a fish dies inside of it :P
Wernbread - 8 years ago
Remove it draining the water but maybe the fish will come out through the draining of water if not tilt the bridge
Oceanti - 8 years ago
Get a net and hit it out.
Deadpool Lane
Deadpool Lane - 8 years ago
heard of clear tubed pipes?
iliketrains0pwned - 9 years ago
I don't even own a fish, how the hell did I get here?!?
Virtual Soldier
Virtual Soldier - 8 years ago
I have a fish but I'm too lazy to do anything like this
r d
r d - 8 years ago
same here
NatureAndTech - 8 years ago
+iliketrains0pwned Me too
Michael Adams
Michael Adams - 9 years ago
I know is lazy but I would pay for u to do that for me so I don't have to
Michael Adams
Michael Adams - 9 years ago
great video
Марат max
Марат max - 9 years ago
xxubesinxx - 9 years ago
Could I just make the ends longer, and use it for my hamster?
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+McKayla Kemrer ooor if was gonna kill it then yes he could just turn it upside down
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+McKayla Kemrer paint it then
Pedro Almeida
Pedro Almeida - 9 years ago
Got lost in youtube again...
Kritten •
Kritten • - 8 years ago
Click the home button, you won't be lost anymore
Matt K
Matt K - 8 years ago
Thx for sharing.
Dishant Deepak
Dishant Deepak - 9 years ago
Very beautifully explained! loved this!
Wood 'n' Stuff w/ Steve French
Wood 'n' Stuff w/ Steve French - 9 years ago
Your point about the bridge not leaking was very interesting. Great video!
kontekijke - 8 years ago
It doesnt leak. But if it will leak it wont work to begin with.

It all works because of vacuum, so on top of having to be water tight, it needs to be air tight.
Fixie Man
Fixie Man - 9 years ago
I got no fishy yet I watched this... at least I know how to build one if I do get fishy
☠-TURRlCAN-☠ - 9 years ago
Wow, bro! This is awesome - thanks you, this is now staged in germany, 1,2K liters.
thank you!
Harry - 9 years ago
what happens if the fish poo in the middle of the bridge?
Harry - 9 years ago
+Nick John oh ok
Nick John
Nick John - 9 years ago
+HarrytehSloth Depend on what tanks have strongest flow, it will float to one side of aquarium.
Yesiotr - 9 years ago
WOW! I'm really like them, but if i think about cleanig... :D
Rizki Vanhouten
Rizki Vanhouten - 9 years ago
wow !!
Adrian's Kingdom
Adrian's Kingdom - 9 years ago
I love DIY videos
Prassel B
Prassel B - 9 years ago
diameter is a measurement of circles. i think you meant it's 6 inches height, width and depth.
Mike Tenenbaum
Mike Tenenbaum - 8 years ago
The king of DIY He said after that that each side was 6 inches which means that either his diameter or width was wrong. And the definition u said was right but there r rules about what shapes u can say diameter and it still be correct.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Prassel B (Stefan) "Diameter - a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere." So while commonly used for a circle or sphere, it is not a measurement only for them.
AFTER DARK - 9 years ago
WOW them CC are super broken, not even close to what he is saying, lol broken ass youtube CC.
Din - 9 years ago
Wouldn't it slowly lose the vacuum though
mrmas - 8 years ago
I have a water bridge linking two tanks, I attached one end of an airline tube to the very top with silicone, and run the other end to an aqualifter dosing pump and have it on a timer to run once a day for a minute. Has been working flawlessly for 5 months so far.
Sander Deryckere
Sander Deryckere - 9 years ago
+Din yes, water always contains air bubbles, and when temperature varies, it loses some of those bubbles that will go into the tube and lessen the vacuum. However, by the time you've lost a significant amount of water in the tube, the tube will be clear as mud and need a good cleaning anyway.
Matthieu Honel
Matthieu Honel - 9 years ago
Why did I watch this till the end? I don't even have fishes or aquariums....
MariEve - 8 years ago
I don't even know why I'm watching this I know I have fish but I'm just a kid
Rachmad Dann
Rachmad Dann - 8 years ago
i wanna see fish swim through the brigde
kluaf oz
kluaf oz - 8 years ago
ditto lol
Glockel - 8 years ago
alex bold
alex bold - 8 years ago
Because science
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Matthieu “OcuS” Honel same XD I'm in that part of youtube again
Jake Poisson
Jake Poisson - 8 years ago
Raphael Gabbay
Raphael Gabbay - 9 years ago

Han solo dies
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Raphaël Gabbay 2 l8 m8 12pm release
Monkey Shock
Monkey Shock - 9 years ago
jOacHiM - 9 years ago
Don't read this comment because Star Wars spoilers
Csaba Facsar
Csaba Facsar - 9 years ago
Great, great, great video! Really informative too!! THANX!!!
Jorge Garcia
Jorge Garcia - 9 years ago
Te voy a enseñar a tirar un cordón de silicona en una luna.....maestro
Felipe M
Felipe M - 9 years ago
Hey Joey, I have a bridge done with PVC clear tubing. But the fishes are not going inside of it. They are freshwater small fishes, the tube is 3 inches in diameter. Do you have any suggestion about what to improve ? does this design facilitate the fishes "acceptance" of it ? the bridge is onle a few days old though. Do you know if they will get used to it and use it ? Thanks.
Chris Sciuto
Chris Sciuto - 8 years ago
Sander Deryckere a
Sander Deryckere
Sander Deryckere - 9 years ago
+Felipe M we have an upside-down aquarium in our outdoor fish pool. After cleaning the aquarium, the fish never go in it directly, but when the glass starts becoming greener the fish swim in it all day long. I don't know if this is because of the temperature difference (green glass means less sunlight shining through so more light converted into heat) or because the green glass makes the fish feel more at ease (like it would offer more protection against predators).

So that would be the two things I'd try: heating the tube gently, and/or putting some plants in it.
Brian Wiegand
Brian Wiegand - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY +Felipe M I would suggest putting fake plants starting from the bottom of the tank UP into the tubes, the fish should feel safer and go into them if they have a little help guiding them :D
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Felipe M They need time. I have NO CLUE how long. No 2 fish are the same. Could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or never.
MIKE R - 9 years ago
when sucking out the air are you sucking it all out by mouth
Steve Brown
Steve Brown - 9 years ago
Bad ass bro.
Andrew Block
Andrew Block - 9 years ago
ur videos are great
ian gilligan
ian gilligan - 9 years ago
now what i mean by this is simple..
Martin Sandoval
Martin Sandoval - 9 years ago
what happened to the one in the video
Eric James Eric James
Eric James Eric James - 9 years ago
will this work for lizards?
anteej me
anteej me - 9 years ago
if I used the ' sand water fall system', could the tanks be at different levels but no sand, or would that make it to hard for the fish to move in?
amigi5001 - 9 years ago
Nice idea but How to clean it?
Luke Boland
Luke Boland - 9 years ago
Point: Don't put a bubbler/aerator under the bridge opening.
TheTurboTim - 9 years ago
+Luke Boland good point lol
wordreet - 9 years ago
That's really cool and interesting. My neighbour keeps tropical fish but I don't know if he has anything like this. I'll ask him.
m22404 - 9 years ago
I wonder how big is the water pressure in that bridge.?
Sociophobian - 9 years ago
Will this increase aquarium room? Can I just connect 2 40 gals and make an 80 gal?
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Sociophobian well get off the internet
Sociophobian - 8 years ago
+MattyBWraps stfu I didn't ask for trolls' help
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Geometry Dash H4NN1B4L L3CT3R techinically no but sizewise yes also your name is duuumb
James Ray
James Ray - 9 years ago
could you do one that has a tank either side with a gap between then a tall, long on of these you could walk under?
Red Childs
Red Childs - 9 years ago
can you make me 1? ill gladly buy it from you with no problem
Z4Zander - 9 years ago
+Red Childs Your local glazier can do it.You just need to supply dimensions.
DrDangerPuppy - 9 years ago
I've been mulling over an idea for a while and this project is similar, but not quite what I need. I was thinking about how to automagically separate different size fish from each other with one way valves. Using the bridge concept would facilitate that, but figuring out how to put it together is the challenge. You'd need two bridges, one to let the big fish cross, and the other to let the small fish back to the first tank in the event they swam over with the bigger fish. The second bridge would of course need to be a smaller diameter so the bigger fish could only move through tanks to the right of it for example. The issue I think would be finding a valve the fish could open by pushing against it.
steve cummins
steve cummins - 9 years ago
+DrDangerPuppy I guess smaller fish find it harder to swim against a flow. If so and there's a fairly rapid flow through a bridge, it should work as size dependent one way valve and block smaller fish from swimming against the current. All that would then be needed is a way to stop the larger fish choosing to cross bridge. Some kind of screen/mesh, in a wider section (where flow rates would be lower) to block the larger fish from using the bridge?
Ed  Beaman
Ed Beaman - 9 years ago
Do the tanks have to be level in order for this to work? I have 25 and 36 gallon bow front aquariums. I was thinking about having the larger one in the back and smaller one in front of it and about 1/2 off to the side and at different levels. Would love to bridge them together if possible.Please advise - thanks!
Sander Deryckere
Sander Deryckere - 9 years ago
+Ed Beaman the tops of the tanks will have to be equal, else you're only be able to fill one to the top, and the other one only to the height of the lowest aquarium.

So it does work with differently sized tanks, but only if you put the smaller ones higher.
JayX - 9 years ago
You just need to make the side going into the smaller one longer.
Fellatio Belsen
Fellatio Belsen - 9 years ago
I made this bridge a load of Japanese tourists with cameras flocked to it now it broken! How do I stop foreign tourists from ruining my fish tank?
Z4Zander - 9 years ago
+Johnny Knoxville Put a NO BUSES sign at the bottom of the driveway.
Mike Man
Mike Man - 9 years ago
So, I like you're videos, but I keep hearing you say this fictitious word "heighth". It's making me crazy. Sorry, don't want to hate... I'm just a little OCD.
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Mike Man I'm the same I was gonna kill him
Evolution Knowledge
Evolution Knowledge - 9 years ago
wow, that is awesome. the fish would love the water bridge
baseballhunter42 - 9 years ago
Doesn't have the most efficient benefits. If you want your water to stay level, you put an auto topoff; this bridge idea lowers the water in both tanks at an equal ratio, doesn't resolve the evaporation problem. Putting a larger tank would have more stable water parameters, easier overall maintenance, provide a better overall tank to house fish, and more importantly having a better long term setup, which I don't see this as.
Samir Bavkar
Samir Bavkar - 9 years ago
Well it's great until your kids throw a ball at it and send all of the fish gushing onto the floor...
Tiger Bren
Tiger Bren - 9 years ago
+Samir Bavkar The same logic goes for a normal fish tank though...the only difference is that if the water bridge is destroyed, there is a lesser chance of your fish spilling out.
MainsOnTheOhmsRange - 9 years ago
If you only have one aquarium you could make a little lookout tower for your fish.
Sander Deryckere
Sander Deryckere - 9 years ago
+MainsOnTheOhmsRange we use an upside down aquarium in our outdoor fish pool, and the fish indeed like to be there. But I have no idea if it's for the view or for the warmer water.

It's certainly nicer for us, as it gives the fish the freedom of being in a reasonably sized pool, while giving us a possibility to look at them like they're in an aquarium. Also, we don't really need to clean the aquarium. If it becomes too green, the fish will go in the pond like they were before.
JayX - 9 years ago
Its a fish not a hamster.
Gino Foogle
Gino Foogle - 9 years ago
I'm wondering.. can you, instead of sucking the air out of the bridge, pump water into the bridge instead?
baseballhunter42 - 9 years ago
Water would just drain back into tank because the tank isn't under pressure; I think. A vacuum needs to be started so the air has to be removed. Just use an airline tube.
Brybry Stevens
Brybry Stevens - 9 years ago
I'd like to do this but the only way it would work for me is if I can pipe straight up to the ceiling then elbow over. that's a distance of about 5 feet. is this possible?
kingoftaurus - 9 years ago
kingoftaurus - 9 years ago
You can do anything that you put your mind to
kingoftaurus - 9 years ago
Where there's a will, there's a way
kingoftaurus - 9 years ago
With the right amount of money and know - how : anything is possible
Brybry Stevens
Brybry Stevens - 9 years ago
I have a question for the diy king. I'd really like to do this but using clear pvc instead. the only way I can make it work is if I can pipe straight up to the ceiling and elbow over. that distance is about 5' straight up. is this possible?
Brybry Stevens
Brybry Stevens - 9 years ago
I have a question for the diy king. I'd really like to do this but using clear pvc instead. the only way I can make it work is if I can pipe straight up to the ceiling and elbow over. that distance is about 5' straight up. is this possible?
Andrew Anastasiou
Andrew Anastasiou - 9 years ago
Woo hoo
Jeremy Marks
Jeremy Marks - 9 years ago
How much on an average did this cost you to make?
luahgetintoya luahgetintoya
luahgetintoya luahgetintoya - 9 years ago
do you think I can make a profit breeding crawfish
shinta puspita
shinta puspita - 9 years ago
This is my dream.. Thank you
E S - 9 years ago
This is so dope wtf
colapundarn - 9 years ago
awsomme tip! to bad i gott a african lungfish :P the bridge would be the size of the aquariums XD
KoolBreeze420 - 9 years ago
1st Is very hard water in a fishtank something to worry about?, and if so, How do you battle very hard water in a tank?
My tap water is naturally very hard and I imagine the local place where I buy my fish use the same water as I do, but the workers that were their didn't have any answers for me casue apparently only the owner or the person who maintains it knows what they use for water and if hard water is a concern or not either way I Cant seem to find much about it anywhere if anyone can lead me to a place or answer the questions that would be great thanks!
Android811 - 8 years ago
Calcium is good for their growing teeth/bones. Don't stress about it.
The ammonia/ammonium, nitrite and nitrate is what you need to worry about.
Kuya Leinad
Kuya Leinad - 8 years ago
You can also just collect rain water and that'll be soft water :)
KoolBreeze420 - 9 years ago
+AnthonyH Yeah none of them new if the hard water would be an issue or not so I had no luck there which is why I asked the question here.
Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Rasputin - 9 years ago
+KoolBreeze420 There are treatment fluids available that'll neutralise the nasties in the water and make it fairly Ph neutral, your local place should have a treatment fluid they can recommend.
kelvin M.
kelvin M. - 9 years ago
can't you drill a hole on top of the water bridge and extract the air with the hose that way instead?
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Cichlids Fan but then youd have a hole in the glass which will let in air
Jesus Ruelas
Jesus Ruelas - 9 years ago
no! that will break the vacuum
louhitmantv - 9 years ago
Great idea...
louhitmantv - 9 years ago
If I build a water bridge I definitely build the top of the bridge to open so I can put some rock and frags,etc, I think you should build a new one ,so the top of the bridge opens....
Harry Balsark
Harry Balsark - 9 years ago
+louhitmantv lmao "walla"
Gino Foogle
Gino Foogle - 9 years ago
+louhitmantv if you break the vacuum in the water bridge, water runs back into the tanks.. (how about you put the rocks into the water bridge before sucking the air out and skip on all that extra nonsense you just mentioned)
louhitmantv - 9 years ago
off course that's why I would seal it on the sides and bottom leave the top open ,and put two clear 2 inch pvc pipes or bigger running from the top to the bridge to the two tanks,one clear pipe on each side for fish to travel from the bottom tanks up the clear pvc to the top bridge, then I could have frags etc,and fish could travel,that's how I would do it.
Matthew Butt
Matthew Butt - 9 years ago
+louhitmantv no, if there is any type of hole, air will get in and all the water will leave the bridge
louhitmantv - 9 years ago
of course it seems impossible,right,how would it hold the water ,right ,so you seal it from the bottom so it acts as a third tank like a bridge,then you run clear pipe ,like 2 inch clear pvc from the bridge to the tanks,one on each side,and walla. .....,only then I would have a bridge with a open top for frags etc..... where there's a will there's a way.....
louhitmantv - 9 years ago
In the world of construction their is no such thing as impossible......
Haardwiired69 - 9 years ago
That's impossibl
Noah Scusess
Noah Scusess - 9 years ago
I thought fish didn't understand and see glass, I might be wrong but.....
Marcus Coster
Marcus Coster - 9 years ago
Fish have incredible eyesight actually
yuyu olozaga
yuyu olozaga - 9 years ago
+Munchies TAD Nah they find it.
Manisha Panchal
Manisha Panchal - 9 years ago
Nice work, I want to make transparent bridge for uneven two fish pond. Would it work?
I have underground fish pond and one above the ground, Distance between them is 1.5 meter. Can anyone suggest this idea would work or if any other idea, I will appreciate
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+Manisha Panchal you would need to support the glass and it would cost a lot but yeah you could do it also if the tanks are uneven in capacity then you could only fil it the the capacity of the smaller one unles its higher up
Tracor3k99 - 9 years ago
I wondered if this could be done and was planning to figure it out some day. thanks for another great vid!
Rhink McNeal
Rhink McNeal - 8 years ago
But im Not Rhett.
futtbuckets - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY what about his welcome?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
Your welcome. :)
Lucys Corner
Lucys Corner - 9 years ago
Shannon Traylor
Shannon Traylor - 9 years ago
Joey, I have a 150 tank that leaks on the bottom and the support brace is broke,so how should I go by fixing it thanks
Deleted Account
Deleted Account - 8 years ago
+SquidZ z hey perverted 10 year old
Future Trunks
Future Trunks - 9 years ago
hey sexy
Joy Aquarium
Joy Aquarium - 9 years ago
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Clear pvc?
Aj Ravalo
Aj Ravalo - 9 years ago
Aj Ravalo
Aj Ravalo - 9 years ago
Kyle Homan
Kyle Homan - 9 years ago
Great video. Can you make a video on how to prevent a pump burnout in case the refugium overflow stops??
bryan click
bryan click - 10 years ago
Has anyone tried to do this by bending large diameter acrylic pipe? I can imagine all sorts of twists, turns, and spirals like a large version of a silly straw. And have a small pluggable nipple at the highest point to attach a tube to vacuum the air out.
HaloToday - 10 years ago
Great video, now I'm looking around my place to see where I can utilize this!!
Jeremiah Allison
Jeremiah Allison - 10 years ago
do my tanks have to be equal in size or can i bridge a large tank to a smaller one?
LOSE SCREWZZ - 9 years ago
The tops need to be level to each other
Rob Smith
Rob Smith - 10 years ago
Could this be used for turtles?
ThatFishGuy - 10 years ago
I suppose, but depending on the size of the turtle you will most likely have to make it larger so the turtles don't get stuck in it.
goonvlogs - 10 years ago
So i did do this i have a 55 gallon tank and my tunnel runs from one end to the other it is 9x9 tunnel but i am wondering do i need a water circulation fan to push water from one end to the other because without that it seams like the water in the tunnel would go "bad" right? From just siting up there and never being filtered?
HaloToday - 10 years ago
If you have a canister filter you can put your intake in one tank and your output on the other tank and you will have a current going through your water bridge.  Or you can do this with a powerhead/water pump, just put the pump in on one of the tank and run a hose to the other tank and it will have the same effect.
galih satrio jati
galih satrio jati - 10 years ago
craig hale
craig hale - 10 years ago
your the man.
Lewis Waterfield
Lewis Waterfield - 10 years ago
Very cool idea, however how do you clean algae etc from inside of the bridge?
RmRider - 10 years ago
Would the water in the bridge become "bad"? i want to do this but im afaid the water inside the bridge would become bad.
lizmariposa1 - 10 years ago
This really needed fish. :( 
stewart long
stewart long - 10 years ago
can the legs going down be smaller or larger?
cr00sum - 10 years ago
If you mean the internal 'diameter', just remember you have to allow your fish enough room to turn around in there - maybe they change their minds, or other fish are coming along and they need to get out the way...

If you mean the length of the legs, you have to take depth changes due to water changes into consideration. If, for the purposes of illustration, your normal water level is 2 inches below the tank rim and you normally change out enough water to drop it another 4 inches, you'd want your legs to be at least 7-to-8 inches (2 inches plus 4 inches plus 1-to-2 inches safety margin) to keep the water in the bridge. If your water changes dropped the level by 8 inches, you'd need your legs to be at least 11 or 12 inches (2 inches plus 8 inches plus 1-to-2 inches safety margin).
Home Theater Junky
Home Theater Junky - 10 years ago
If you put a pump in one tank and the return in the other it would create flow through the cross over or drain one tank to a sump and plumb the return to the opposite tank.
Clo San
Clo San - 10 years ago
William Guy Thilgen Jr.
William Guy Thilgen Jr. - 10 years ago
The flow rate wouldn't change, it based on your pump not the water level.
Ozzy Chingas
Ozzy Chingas - 10 years ago
can i have that one?
Noah Chambers
Noah Chambers - 10 years ago
I want to build this but my problem is that my aquariums have a two inch height difference so can any body help me with my problem
Noah Chambers
Noah Chambers - 10 years ago
Ok thanks
Zone07 - 10 years ago
Simply raise the shorter tank 2 inches from its base; or, level the bridge by creating a tall enough ledge on the side of the shorter tank; using acrylic or wood and Fill both tanks to the same height as the shortest tank.
kawshy herath
kawshy herath - 10 years ago
Nice tutorial...well explained..thanks and i wanna make this
Noel Santos
Noel Santos - 10 years ago
¿How many gallons is that 8in.by8in. Bridge?
arnovanhoek - 10 years ago
What i have seen whith some other overflow box.
Is to make that tight that air bubble will flow out.
But I just have found proportiong pump.
This pump sucks on one side and pushed it out on the other.
Planning to place that on air valve and problem solved
arnovanhoek - 10 years ago
Dont know is Somebody already said this

To get good filtering you would place inlet on 1 tank outlet on the other. But over time the water bridge wil collect air what is the water bridge fails then you have got one big water mess any solutions ?
Jen M
Jen M - 10 years ago
Air bubbles do collect in the water bridge I have. Mostly because I have a waterfall type filter nearby with a 4 inch drop to the water.  After 4 days I have about an inch of air. I could go at least a week without failure. It takes a minute to suck the air out. If it wasn't for the filter's location air collection would be much more gradual. 

I can't think of a solution to eliminate all air. Entries to the bridge that are closer to the bottom would reduce the chance of air going in.  
derpfrog - 10 years ago
I think your channel is the best out there.  But the lazy man in me would just use transparent pvc piping with 2 transparent elbows
 and something  to secure it to the aquarium, so  not a bridge but a water tunnel/tube... subway..ect...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
There is nothing wrong with that way either! Large clear tuning is expensive though.
dawn m lamb # DML Studio
dawn m lamb # DML Studio - 10 years ago
JOEY...great idea...thaxs...i want to make one for my 2- 40gal breeder tanks...however..i want to make it taller than your 6"...i want 10"x10" with 6"x10" legs being in the tanks...the span will be 24" between tanks tho...THE QUESTION 6mm glass thick enough for this build?...THAXS FOR ALL THE VIDEO'S
The Rider
The Rider - 10 years ago
there are water movement inside the bridge? because i want to use only one heater 100w to 2 aquariums with 30l eache
Kuya Leinad
Kuya Leinad - 8 years ago
If you put a heater on one tank, there will be a temperature difference between the two tanks and so, there will be a current of water passing through the bridge :)
Bennett Gordon
Bennett Gordon - 10 years ago
fuck I love the way canadians talk 
kory makris
kory makris - 10 years ago
can you use this on a tank you made your self?
kory makris
kory makris - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY™
 if i never made a tank before are you videos easy for beginners? cuz i have watched most of your videos today and it got me thinking about making my own. also this video is awesome 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
of course
[Meme Name] [Anime Pic]
[Meme Name] [Anime Pic] - 10 years ago
Ace Aquascapes
Ace Aquascapes - 11 years ago
Very inspiring... we see many creative possibilities from this demostration. Thanks Joey...
Prince Of Anarchy
Prince Of Anarchy - 11 years ago
Good idea, tho i might just make that one of my tanks. Wouldn't the bridge run the risk of cracking or braking the tank if someone goes over board with the size
Mile Hi Freshwater
Mile Hi Freshwater - 11 years ago
What if they can't figure out how to get out and they starve :(
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 11 years ago
Hi Joey,
I'm about to attempt this build connecting two 250 litre (66 gallon) tanks. The question I want to ask you is: The bridge is going to be 195cm long and will hold approx 150 litres (39 gallons) do you think I will be ok using 6mm glass?
Eddie M.
Eddie M. - 11 years ago
Joey Do the aquariums need to be the same exact size in order for this to work?
Marsel Vitti
Marsel Vitti - 11 years ago
I've done everything and now, all my fish stay in the bridge. WHAT DO I DO???
Edgyvisualz - 11 years ago
That is so cool!
BISKIT Garcia - 11 years ago
You are the DIY Beast!!! Keep it up! -B
Vincent Ravo
Vincent Ravo - 11 years ago
I have a use for this.  I want to put a tank in the wall in my basement but the ideal spot for it has a pole in the middle of the wall.  So I think I'm going to put a tank on either side of the pole and connect them with the bridge idea.
Kuya Leinad
Kuya Leinad - 8 years ago
How about you make a custom tank instead :)

I think a Donut shaped tank would work nicely as the pole can just go through the centre :S
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
so awesome but maintenance would be such a pain
Aggzz91 - 11 years ago
dude. i love this bridge..i just need another complete aquarium for this to work haha
Mike Potvin
Mike Potvin - 11 years ago
planning mine out just guna price out glass today:)
Johnny White
Johnny White - 11 years ago
Thank you for a very easy to understand and insperational video.
Jin-K - 11 years ago
Wow :O
يوميات مغترب Diary of an expatriate
يوميات مغترب Diary of an expatriate - 11 years ago
i from iraq i like ur work u r amazing 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks amjad! I'm from Canada. We might be worlds apart, but the hobby unites us!
Joe Radosevich
Joe Radosevich - 11 years ago
I would think that you would need to be careful with any air bubblers/stones to make sure air doesn't go into the bridge. Would you agree? Also - awesome idea!
Nick Rasul
Nick Rasul - 11 years ago
Is there any place you can get this bridge from?
Nick Rasul
Nick Rasul - 11 years ago
very neat
Hai Bach
Hai Bach - 11 years ago
I would love too if I had some room to build it.  I was thinking on using use my "kids" room ;).  Not sure my wife would approve ":)
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
I've seen this idea before, but I haven't seen someone make it out of glass. I've always seen acrylic. This can be super cool when implemented in the right space
Anabel Boudreau
Anabel Boudreau - 11 years ago
I was wondering how to build this...thank you soooo much!
but is there a way to build this vertical and not horizontal...  
Chaitanya Vedak
Chaitanya Vedak - 11 years ago
Amazing... Please do put in some fish and make a video of that... I also believe that if you use your drip irrigation system for water changes, with the inlet at one side, and the outlet at the other, it will work just fine..
as for the algae, i believe that your simple ceramic filter should keep the water clean enough...
And thanks for sharing this amazing idea..
And if you / i use an acrylic sheet for this project.. the tube can be made to bend at the sides, so the flow of water will be smoother..
Stephen Ruiz
Stephen Ruiz - 11 years ago
Joey, great video.  I was thinking of doing this for a filter sump type tank next to the main tank. So the sump would utilize the bridge to maintain the water level. I have seen this in aquaponics videos.  The sump would be a low flow and use sponge filters and maybe have some plants or isolated fish or babies in the smaller tanks.   This seems quite less complicated than a below the tank sump.  In the video you mentioned using a canister filter with input and output in the two different tanks. This seems to be the principle on all HOB filters.  Do you use this type of  same level with two tanks bridge for filter sumps?   
CrossedCoder - 11 years ago
The captions are out of sync
Phat Rat
Phat Rat - 11 years ago
Before I saw this video, I was planning a similar project to move water from my tank to my sump, then I would just pump water out of the sump and back into the tank.  Instead of using a glass bridge though, I'm using nylon tubing, and the line going from the aquarium to the sump is going to be long enough that I can use it as a gravel vac to clean my tank
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 11 years ago
Great vid Joey, love the creativity
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks BM
Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett - 11 years ago
Great video man. been looking for something different to try. was just wondering if you had any plans to do a video on hydro/aquaponics? Keep up the good work big man. thanks.
Michael Bennett
Michael Bennett - 11 years ago
nice one. cant wait. thanks pal.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
yes, in the summer i will be putting my spin on aquaponics. 
Josue Rodriguez
Josue Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Josue Rodriguez
Josue Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Yingfu Zuo
Yingfu Zuo - 11 years ago
tons of info, very good video !
Laryl Hancock
Laryl Hancock - 11 years ago
love seeing this.. I built one back in the early 80's out of clear acrylic. Mine was much smaller but the same upside down U .. my fish LOVED it and hung out up there.
Cooper Enterprise
Cooper Enterprise - 11 years ago
Another awesome job Joey! Keep up the great work!
Louise Ann
Louise Ann - 11 years ago
Your videos are amazing. THANK YOU :)
Poor Ting
Poor Ting - 11 years ago
Did this about 6 years ago using jealousy glass. Vacuum air out with my lungs. Good video btw.
Firoz Katabaro
Firoz Katabaro - 11 years ago
joey... u rock ...
JTFun - 11 years ago
Hey Joey... great video. Love your channel.
Have you ever done or thought of doing a water tunnel? Maybe something with a 4 or 5 inch acrylic tube in between two tanks?
yocampout - 11 years ago
this it's just so freaking cool!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
It is isn't it!
skylinevspec000 - 11 years ago
Great video mate. Added to my "This is cool I must make this once I complete my other 10000 projects" list
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Your list is almost as long as mine! ;)
haziq hamzah
haziq hamzah - 11 years ago
You are genius...
Ray Chipchase
Ray Chipchase - 11 years ago
Oh great, another project for the "someday" list.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
knowing you, that means tomorrow. 
Nick J
Nick J - 11 years ago
That was awesome !
Martin Safer
Martin Safer - 11 years ago
Funny, I started this exact same project just two days ago, I've been busy raising one aquarium though XD
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
This is a great video. Very well explained and though out. I would love to try this one day. However I need to start with the basics of simply making my own aquarium first. Got to learn how to walk before I run, but I do intend to do this one day. I'm just curious how often it would be used (maybe more than I think). I wonder if it would be helpful if the fish can see the other tank. I don't care this is too cool to not give it a try. Tanks Joey for putting this together.
Harpreet Singh
Harpreet Singh - 11 years ago
 First of all...awesome project!  I imagine you could fully suspend the bridge to a wall or something.  Even if you did that...what about the weight of the water in the bridge?  That is still creating pressure inside of the tanks i'm assuming??
1chomps - 11 years ago
Excellent video, superb explanation great video editing and valuable info, keep doing what you do 'cause you are more then good at doing it thanks for the share!
Raghav Poojari
Raghav Poojari - 11 years ago
smething new n innovative as always ,,, love ua diys bro,,,,,,
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks my man! Lots more to come for sure.
Bigmunoz11 - 11 years ago
great project
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks munoz!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Cool project Joey!
emanwee - 11 years ago
This is nice! Good idea without big daddy tools and reusable materiel from old aquarium.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Exactly! I have a few more videos coming out that will work on the same idea. 
cdr 1986
cdr 1986 - 11 years ago
MegaGavone - 11 years ago
Joey. How do you feel about the stress being put on each tank where the water bridge sits. Do you think the weight would cause enough stress to allow the sides to collapse in or out?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
That's a great question. Since the tanks are already full of water and under pressure due to it, you would think adding weight to the top would not be a good idea. BUT the water in the tank is challenging the glass's tensile strength(how much it will bend before it snaps), while the bridge is challenging the compression strength(how much it can be compressed before cracking.) 

The practical tensile strength of glass is is pretty low compared to it's compression strength.  Therefore, almost all glass failures are due to it snapping as a result of exceeding the tensile strength. 

This is why i mentioned that the most important aspect to setting this up is to insure the tanks are true and level to each other. Having them true will insure the bridge does not twist. Having them level will ensure the bridge only applies pressure in a compression manner and not on an angle which would cause tensile pressure. 

This bridge weighs about 80 pounds full. Have that weight on each tank means 40 pounds on each side. The tanks can handle this with ease. 

With all of this said, if you would like more piece of mind, you can simply build a small support stand and elevate the bridge off of the tanks so that it doesn't touch them at all. 

Hope that helps. :)
akhurash - 11 years ago
Can you do a video showing of all your fishes? I think it would be a nice video. :D
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
i'll have something like that soon enough. 
ChaosGeneral1 - 11 years ago
I know what I am going to do this month
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
Great build joey! I'm really enjoying the video quality ( editing, camera work, sound etc.) you've come a long way since your first videos! 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Scott Metevier
Scott Metevier - 11 years ago
Great video Joey. Well put together. Great job explaining vacuum that its push not pull not many people get that theory.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
It sounded much better in my head. Putting it into words easy enough for anyone to understand can be difficult. I did my best. :)
Vandeth Soeu
Vandeth Soeu - 11 years ago
man , u r the best 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks pal!
james myers
james myers - 11 years ago
Thank you so much i have used so many of your diys and just wanted to say thank you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Your welcome James.
SIMUANGCO2468 - 11 years ago
Great to finally see a good ol classic DIY vid Thanks!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
This is my 3rd DIY video this month. You must have missed the others. 
I also did this month:
HOW TO: DIY aquarium heater and dehumidifier
HOW TO: Make DIY fish food 
oakland002 - 11 years ago
Without mixing the two tanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
No, they would mix. 
oakland002 - 11 years ago
I wonder if this can link a fresh water tank to a brackish water tank???
notw21 - 11 years ago
Show it in use with some fish swimming threw it please:)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
As mentioned in the video. I dont have fish small enough to swim in it. Imagine it as is.... then a fish passes by. ;)
JDALSystems - 11 years ago
As always thanks for the video. Though i would not want to make one to long as it would be impossible to clean inside it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
A magnetic algae scrubber would make short work of cleaning. However, since no really bright light will be directly on the bridge, cleaning it will be rare. 
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
That's how it done, awesome
Mos REdrum
Mos REdrum - 11 years ago
I did this with 4" clear pvc because I needed a 54 inch gap in between  40 gallon bow-front  tanks so my Tv could barley fit between them. Works pretty good for African Cichlids. They go back and fourth to tanks and takes them about a day to realize what's up with this tube dangling in the water.
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 11 years ago
Very cool joey...another exciting project!!!
Donald - 11 years ago
Joey I love your vids, especially the coffee table aquarium. I have a question about your bridge. What do you do about water stagnation/lack of circulation?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
use a power head to circulate the water if your not using one filter for both tanks like i talked about in the video. :)
gabe3366 - 11 years ago
Can you do a video on how to make a homemade bulkhead?
Great video by the way!
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
This is by far one of my favorite projects you've done! Also, loved your book, I've read it probably 3 times now and still never gets old! Great job my friend and keep up the keepin up!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed the book. Lots of great info in it. Im working on new additions for it to expand the book. The new version will be totally free for anyone that already bought it. You'll get an email when it's ready. ;)
Storm thor
Storm thor - 11 years ago
Very nice project I have discus I'm going to try this on two smaller tanks
Helveteshit - 11 years ago

Heya Joey.

I think you forgot an important detail with your building method and the cleaning method of algae rubbers. The face that you would need approximately three of them to just clean that model type because of the overlapping glass. I think you should look after a method to create a strong Diagonal that allows the Algae scrubber to move from the lower glass side to the upper glass side where the lap exist so you only require one Algae scrubber with magnet.

I also think that this Waterbridge idea can be ideal to try Awaken "Wild" behaviours of the fish. Have one fish environment in one tank, another in the other. By this method you can simmulate the travel fish experience during period of mating in real world and therefore have one tank that is more ideal in environment for Breeding. For example, certain plants, stones, hide outs for eggs etc.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Magnet scrubbers can go around corners. Instead of attempting to go over the lip, go on another side and then come back to the side you missed. 
Helveteshit - 11 years ago
Some wrong translations here and there, I hope you can read it through...
PROx99XPxFJP - 11 years ago
Great video!!! I will put 3 or 4 55 or 75G and make it look like one very long aquarium. 
Aron Jemison
Aron Jemison - 11 years ago
What was the total cost of this project?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
This would cost $50-75. 
Gus Zuleta
Gus Zuleta - 11 years ago
I'll love to see one working and with fish on the tanks.
Ovi Wan Kenobi
Ovi Wan Kenobi - 11 years ago
Oooh! Post a video of the water bridge once you have fish going through it! Never seen one before :)
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 11 years ago
Very cool Joey thanks for making this!
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
Cool video Joey.
Verondox - 11 years ago
Awsome as always Sir!
Sauce - 11 years ago
This looks so cool! I'm gonna try it some day!
dennis dunn
dennis dunn - 11 years ago
Great video joey.. big fan :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
thanks pal!
STEVEBLACKA - 11 years ago
not a fan of the subtitles ...good video otherwise for me .
STEVEBLACKA - 11 years ago
Didnt know i could..its done , thanks .
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
turn them off....
Tom Lembke
Tom Lembke - 11 years ago
I don't wanna sound off topic but that opening camera move was pretty legit, being a film student I notice stuff like that haha
Tom Lembke
Tom Lembke - 11 years ago
I've been watching since pretty much the beginning and your videos look better and better, keep it up man!
The water bridge is an awesome idea, I'm thinking about building something similar for my turtle now :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
My video editing will get better with time. Im still learning. Unfortunately, im taking you guys along for that ride as well. lol :)

I dont have anyone to manually do camera movements like that, so i have to edit it afterwards.  It was much easier than i thought it would be... "So thats how you do that!" is something i say every video while editing. lol
kevin - 11 years ago
Thats a cool idea. Can you use this same idea for tanks on different shelves?
compwiz00 - 10 years ago
The water level on both tanks needs to be the same. If one tank is completely below the other, the water will promptly flow into the lower tank until the water level in the upper tank is too low to reach the bridge. This  bridge functions like siphoning water between two tanks.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
The bridge would need to remain level. Or at least would need to be primed with both ends submerged in water first. 
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
Well done Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks pal!
kaZ - 11 years ago
can you made 1 for me :D :D
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Nope, but i'll show you how to build one in the video. ;)
rawellbaum - 11 years ago
make a mega fish bridge! one large enough for a stingray :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Mega fish bridge is right!

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