How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

Please Subscribe Enjoy this break down of the new Tropheus tank and where we purchased the fish from. (NFUSA10 10% off) (jaywilson 15%off) Join the Lounge on Facebook! #NORTHFINUSA #NORTHFIN #southeastcichlids ------------------------------------------------- New video every Monday! SUBSCRIBE! LET'S CONNECT!

How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 858

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 814,284 views

Please Subscribe Enjoy this break down of the new Tropheus tank and where we purchased the fish from. (NFUSA10 10% off) (jaywilson 15%off) Join the Lounge on Facebook! #NORTHFINUSA #NORTHFIN #southeastcichlids ------------------------------------------------- New video every Monday! SUBSCRIBE! LET'S CONNECT!

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Most popular comments
for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

XWOLVE25 - 7 years ago
I let the weird scream passed and not disturb me but the singing was enough to stop watching.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
XWOLVE25 so no future in singing?
Eva Parker
Eva Parker - 7 years ago
Could you give us more information on shifting sand
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Eva Parker simply move sand around every water change to prevent gas bubbles and or higher nitrates.
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
What to do if you dont have money and want to have clean aquarium? 50 gallon goldfish tank
Greg Lee
Greg Lee - 7 years ago
Very nice. I use well water too
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Greg Lee best way to go if you got it!
reece pocock
reece pocock - 7 years ago
what kind of fish did you put with your chiclilds
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+reece pocock just Cichlids and cat Fish
Ran Dom
Ran Dom - 7 years ago
You don't have spots for your fish. They never sleep right? They are aliens
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Ran Dom lights off everyone sleeps.
loversroc123 - 7 years ago
Good video. The way you said " doo-doo " made me chuckle
oskoolfool12 - 7 years ago
Are you a radio dj who cleans tanks now yikes!
Kulwant Kaur
Kulwant Kaur - 7 years ago
I'm looking for a new or second hand hood

10. comment for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

Bill Carlson
Bill Carlson - 7 years ago
You could have done this in about 5 minutes. You lost me at Jay!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
dang that is a shame.
TruthTruth777 - 7 years ago
Put those fish back in the ocean! You do not have authority over them! Imagine going from swimming in a huge ocean to a small rectangle!!! :(
stephen grigor
stephen grigor - 7 years ago
I do the same and never had a problem
Goran Glusica
Goran Glusica - 7 years ago
Such a happy guy.
Well done buddy!!
Sheldon Hendrix
Sheldon Hendrix - 7 years ago
Get to the point and stop stroking your ego..
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Sheldon Hendrix stroke stroke
Michael kaiser
Michael kaiser - 7 years ago
Patriots Fan right on brother!
BENNY AVILES - 7 years ago
Hey Jay.... Need a little advice. I just got my 125 gallon, New tank, New filters, New everything. Started off really clear but now 4 days later I have cloudy water which I believe is New Tank Syndrome . Any suggestions ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+BENNY AVILES seachem stability and following the instructions all of them.
Jonny Lopez
Jonny Lopez - 7 years ago
Lol this video is trash
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Jonny Lopez oh no no no Johnny attention is all yours now
Jonny Lopez
Jonny Lopez - 7 years ago
Jay Wilson im just kidding im just an internet troll dont pay me any attention
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Jonny Lopez but, you watched it
Pretty Smitty
Pretty Smitty - 7 years ago
Hey Jay! I'm thinking about getting a freshwater tank to start off with! One, if the cichlids are so territorial then why do people have so many in one tank? Two, i love the look of saltwater tanks! So will it be OK to set it up as far as decoration to look like a reef but have the cichlids in there?
HK Wilson
HK Wilson - 7 years ago
great video. what made it great for me is that you used basic substitutes and don't necessarily promote spending a lot of money on fancy stuff. I have a 125 gal Cichlid tank and have done well in 3 years (aside from my first year not separating my Arautus before he killed my peacocks and haps). I have stones in my tank rather that sand. is one better than the other? Also, what do you recommend doing to get rid of a red residue inside the tank on the glass? thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
HK Wilson thank you !!!!!!

20. comment for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

Bernard Gabriele
Bernard Gabriele - 7 years ago
this first minute cracks me up for some reason haha
Nate Roberts
Nate Roberts - 7 years ago
the reason it's clear is that u have a uv sterilizer why not just say that at the beginning?
Angelica Algarate
Angelica Algarate - 7 years ago
Can I use water from one of those 5 gallon water that I refill at the store?
Chuck Schmidt
Chuck Schmidt - 7 years ago
What ph do you keep our tank at? I am on well water also, and it comes out at about 6.8 (great for my south american tanks. I add ph buffer to my cichlid tank get the tank up to 7.8 +/-. Opinions?
Malawi-Cichliden- Portal
Malawi-Cichliden- Portal - 7 years ago
Beautiful pool and classroom.
JJ Cevering and Jay
JJ Cevering and Jay - 7 years ago
Good info Jay....hi, I would enjoy watching you actually do your work and showing your fish off individually.... And show is products, equipment, food you use.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Woody's Discus (FB)

GREAT INFO !!!!!! I feed my Discus the same (NorthFin) ,but will try the once every other day. My tank is over crowed just like ALL Discus tanks. Do have to do major W/C's.
Google User
Google User - 7 years ago
That's a BEAUTIFUL tank! I'm watching fish videos bc I had my golf's for 8 yrs and never cleaned the tank obsessively, my brother decided to do a 100% change and scrubbed all the plants and rocks clean +added new gravel (added fraud that the fish was going to choke on old gravel bc golf's suck up the gravel and spit out)...anyway shortly after adding fish to their freshly& thoroughly cleaned tank, my female golfish now lathargic staying at the bottom and ocassionally comming to surface and gasping/gulping air and goes back to the bottom. The male one is doing OK. It's been 5 days she didn't die but still lathargic. I did 20% change for 3 days adding stress drops and ammonia/ chlorine start right solutions drops. The filter is running and I airated the tank...I tested the water and everything is normal with less than minimum nitrogen not nitrite level showing. I added same drops again 3 days bc they remove ammonia and nitrites. So I'm not sure what else I can do to save this fish. Obviously the 100% change stressed or shocked it but it's not dead and swims occasionally but not much.
Oscar T
Oscar T - 7 years ago
I felt as sleep for a few Minutes Thanks
Prashanth bejgum
Prashanth bejgum - 7 years ago
Can you list names of the fishes

30. comment for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

sweetpea- KellyAnn
sweetpea- KellyAnn - 7 years ago
I just cleaned my filter and topped up the water. Water is milky ever since. Why???!!!
Jonathan Gould
Jonathan Gould - 7 years ago
18 minutes of I use filter wading....Ffsk..what a load of waffle.
8OX1NG K1NG - 7 years ago
Sorry dude you talk to much! Nice tank tho!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
8OX1NG K1NG well damn I am sorry. Thanks for the comment.
boomboompow - 7 years ago
that tank background is amazing
darkhairboy1 - 7 years ago
you're killing me man,this should be a 2 minutes video at max, I moved on to someone else who can get to the freaking point
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
darkhairboy1 well I'm glad you stopped by while you did. my heart is sad you moved on.
angelo adamcyk
angelo adamcyk - 7 years ago
when you say you add the polyfill in-between the chemi pure elite what do you exactly mean? sitting on top or like on the bottom ontop of the batting
angelo adamcyk
angelo adamcyk - 7 years ago
so you have multiple bags of the chemi pure. wondering would you do a video of your actual trays set up? as you are cleaning them. i cant for the life of me get my tank with super clear water there is white specs floating all around the tank and have been doing 65-70% water changes also have an fx5 and fx6 running. its a 265 gallon aquarium.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
angelo adamcyk literally in between I always get the 11.74 or 11oz bags because I can fit multiple in a tray and then put polyfil or Pinky's in between the bags not on top or the bottom in-between.
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
don't u use Purigen too
Fisher Howard
Fisher Howard - 7 years ago
Well, contrary to all of the haters, I LIKED THE VIDEO ;)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Fisher Howard eh it happens lol I appreciate your support. glad you like it.
sharon terry
sharon terry - 7 years ago
lovely setup looks great. best ciclid cave I've seen so far looks so real,
Kenneth Ocasio
Kenneth Ocasio - 7 years ago
redglazedeyez - 7 years ago
what tank is that?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+redglazedeyez marineland 220g with haps and peacocks in this video now just haps.
Simon Smith
Simon Smith - 7 years ago
i have begin using some of that tip also from day one and i also have clear waterand i use city water that what avilable
bunny pong
bunny pong - 7 years ago
if you love fish...set them free...they need an ocean NOT do time in a cell! :O(
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
bunny pong thanks for watching. These guys don't go to the ocean. So I am essentially taking better care of them then to release them to the ocean as you would want.... which would be murder. Have a great week!
jewl of the Nile jewl of the Nile
jewl of the Nile jewl of the Nile - 7 years ago
that,s a nice tank,love your singing
shuja dar
shuja dar - 7 years ago
I have a cheap 5 dollar powerhead filter and i put thin lair of cotton aroud its spunch and my water is crystal clear theres no rocket science dont overreact like u invent somthing
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+shuja dar hahahaha rocket science BWAHAHA come on dude I never claimed to create or invent anything. How about you not over reacting and just enjoy fish videos lol thanks for watching DAR
Billy Bob
Billy Bob - 7 years ago
Don't waste your time on this! After 5 min he has still not come close to the subject
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Billy Bob thanks for the feed back there BILLY BOB
rahulzinho - 7 years ago
cleaning the fx6 every 2 weeks is too much cleaning. :( not the best to disturb the bio filtering however minimal on the fx6. rather the eheim 2260
Filthy Rich
Filthy Rich - 7 years ago
im confused about the salt i have nevr heard of adding salt to fresh water cichlid tanks is this common? are you putting the salt in the filter?
thanks for the great video
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Filthy Rich some do use salt aka aquarium salt for fresh water. There is sodium chloride find in most bodies of water world wide.
muffemod - 7 years ago
Dude wtf is up with your lens distortion!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+muffemod distortion it's called fisheye and it was on the go pro natively needless to say I do not use it anymore.
Ouija1210 - 7 years ago
Aquarium keeping is a very expensive hobby.... the secret to having a super clear tank is overfiltration.... have a high quality high performance filter= crystal clear.

50. comment for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

Mr ConCarnage
Mr ConCarnage - 7 years ago
save 20 mins and use UV Filters
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Mr ConCarnage that is a very very bad idea lol how many watts per gallon how often should I use it all the time. Does it remove all the water impurities or just bacteria?
NATALIE & TATIANA - 7 years ago
The background stones in the aquarium - how to build
js vids
js vids - 7 years ago
hey jay can you please recommend which make does the strong magnetic algae cleaner.
js vids
js vids - 7 years ago
cheers mate.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+js vids magfloat
kukuruju - 7 years ago
Look at those beauties. :3
peaceful harmony
peaceful harmony - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank.
loyd - 7 years ago
best thing to do for your cichlids is to leave tap water out for about 24 hours before doing a water change you won't need any products. the salt could be table salt at .80 cents a lbs. you only need a table spoon per 5 gal of water. it just takes a month or so for your filter to cycle and build enough bacteria to clean the water, and don't listen to this ass and you'll be okay.
Saif Shaikh
Saif Shaikh - 7 years ago
Sir what colour of light u use in your fish tank
b1olsola - 7 years ago
I use the poly fil my self, that's the magic of crystal clear water. I run 2 filters, FX6 and the Oddeysea cfs 700, I do weakly water changes at 50%, and about every 2 weeks I change out the poly fil and clean both filters, and i do not rinse my bio hommes media with faucet water but with the tank water. Also once a month I clean my filter hoses out with a bottle brush to get all the gunk that gets stuck in the hoses, for that also can keep you nitrates high. I keep mbunas and have lots of rocks, and they graze the sand and rocks. Beautiful tank, also another great mechanical filtration is the bio poly filter pad.
Jeff Frank
Jeff Frank - 7 years ago
sounds like your tsnk and maintenance is great. the only thing I would or would not do is add the salt. the water the cichlids come from is very low in to no salt. the salt will eventually harm the plecos. the salt also makes the fish produce excess slime. this is actually proven to be bad and adds stress on the fish. originally it was thought cichlids, mollies etc.. could benificial from dome "freshwater " salt, but recent studies have shown it is not wise to use doesn't really help the fish and does cause excessive slime to be produced aa the salt is irritating the fish. This excess slime production actually stresses the fish. don't add the salt, but the rest of your regiment is great.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Jeff Frank thanks jeff
tuko kitkat
tuko kitkat - 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for all your useful video
Steel balls
Steel balls - 7 years ago
cut the bullshit at the start and it could be a good video/
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Steel balls I didn't know there was bullshit. Sorry about that
Mira - 7 years ago
very butiful
Nini Martin
Nini Martin - 7 years ago
The following is:

The best lighting for African cichlids is Blau Lumina Led 152 special reef

But, you have to know how to program it, do not use automatic programming

Schedule manual

My aquarium is 2 meters long and is lined back and sides with panels of – Juwel

So the light gets more concentrated in the aquarium

To avoid excessive light and the opposite

The programation:

Coordinates 10 South

34 East

Midday Function 15:30 Intensity Filter - 60% - yes, - 60% Lake Malawi is deep

Nubellate Days, to your taste, 2 to 5%, as Africa is constant heat and rains little as we have already decreased the light intensity I recommend 2% for occurrence of cloudy days

The Blau Lumina Led 152 special reef - special reef is expectular for dusk with its dimming channels - 2 actinic LED lights per plate

And dawn is also phenomenal
DionnesDiscography - 7 years ago
I love that rock background!! I have a 15 gallon vertical tank (Odeon) w/stand. where can I find a rock formation to fit a vertical tank like that? it's great!
Mark Mc
Mark Mc - 7 years ago
Here's a tip. The best Aquarium videos just show the Aquarium, a beautiful subject. Why mess that simple equation up, that is, unless you just love looking at yourself, talking and talking and talking...
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Mark McNamara I'm glad I got to hear your opinion today. I will take into consideration to be like everyone else. Thank you
Dan Mc
Dan Mc - 7 years ago
ive always rinsed my media as well. ive had a crystal clear tank (46in bowfront) freshwater.
every 2 weeks my tank evaporated about 25%, i had a 20gallon treated for refills.
only used polyfill and active carbon.
never used bioballs lava rock blah blah.
i vacummed 2 times a year maybe 3.
its all about your initial setup, keeping your ph etc levels in par. once you get it cycling it was simple to maintain.
THATS what worked for me....
Frank Weimorts
Frank Weimorts - 7 years ago
the clapping at 7:15 scared the living shit outta me lol, watching you video at 2am lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Frank Weimorts sorry lol
Laura Reed
Laura Reed - 7 years ago
I use my well water also for 8 years now
24bidy - 7 years ago
you are ugly ass
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
24bidy I want you though. You seemed to be so interested in my looks.
24bidy - 7 years ago
you better of with ugly American fat girl lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
24bidy thank you. Proper English has more of an impact hot rod. Until then I got a new haircut and shaved so I am available if you are interested.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 7 years ago
I'm not the only one who thought it was not well presented. some of us get it the first time... others need lots of "splaining".
However I know you tube is for non-pros so this fits.
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 8 years ago
love the batman teeshirt
Mya Sara
Mya Sara - 8 years ago
Chucho35 Pewdsmiester
Chucho35 Pewdsmiester - 8 years ago
Ppl actually have a problem with rinsing out the filter with well water? I've been doing that for years
Rob Fern
Rob Fern - 8 years ago
Nice tank!!! What kind of background is that? Got a vid of the install? And the sand? Where can I get it?
Ted Parsons
Ted Parsons - 8 years ago
how about some plants looks like that it would look great !
Felix Vazquez
Felix Vazquez - 8 years ago
my fish 90 gallon cichlid tank is getting whirled stuff on gravel and in making my water cloudy, can you please tell me what this stuff is?
Абсолют AQUA
Абсолют AQUA - 8 years ago
Good luck! tell me how to fill baskets external filter, gbl e901 ... them there are 4 things ... I'm from Russia we have is poorly developed, and nobody really knows how? all speak differently ... I Malawi cichlids and I want a healthy and clean water) thanks!
Jason Roux
Jason Roux - 8 years ago
great video I love it! keep them coming, is that a Bama hat you have on? looks like the one I have
Gigi Russell
Gigi Russell - 8 years ago
the way you did this video made me started to rethink getting a larger tank because your explanations are so complex and boring and drawn out and it made me so nervous! you kept saying not to overthink but the way in which you describe your shit will make anyone's mind go wild.
you should just make a video with you actually doing it.
OMG this video is just so unnecessarily looooong!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Gigi Russell well opinions are just that. A lot seem to like it. Grab a book and read as well. Fish keeping isn't easy but it sure isn't hard. Thanks for watching.
indygo indygo
indygo indygo - 8 years ago
Hi. You have a beautiful aquarium. Browsing your movies using an interpreter on Youtube. I have an aquarium 112 liters or 30 gal. Aquarium overcrowded and I, but at the end of the year going to replace them with larger ones. For your advice I bought inserts for external filter Aqua Nova NCF-1500: Purigen 500ml and 20oz Chemi pure, this gave a simple ceramics and some stones plus sponge and fine wool - all put into the filter. Aquarium was founded not long ago and broke me another filter for that I bought a new bigger. Fish for 3 days did not have a filtered water so he cast 50% of aquarium water out and applied a new one. When you start a new filter Aqua Nova NCF-1500 to these contributions + add bacteria to the filter, the water is murky, yellowish white. Please consult something on it.

Regards straight from the Polish :)
Princess OfFear
Princess OfFear - 8 years ago
Will this work for goldfish too
Anthony Seboe
Anthony Seboe - 8 years ago
How is this in my recomended? I haven't even remotely looked up something about this.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Anthony Seboe awesome lol
scotsgit - 8 years ago
with his singing and pissin about shut it down in 2 mins!!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+scotsgit appreciate you watching. Means a lot.
shirley Cardoza
shirley Cardoza - 8 years ago
the whole video he is just talking and not even showing a demo. bored to death.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
shirley Cardoza Thanks for tuning in for the length you did
Sore Loser Liberal
Sore Loser Liberal - 8 years ago
I do water changes about every 1.5-2 weeks. My water stays clear, considering I keep 2 filter systems on it, I don't do much cleaning either.
Marco Varguez
Marco Varguez - 8 years ago
That's a lot of work every two weeks ! Time consuming
Larry Cook
Larry Cook - 8 years ago
Does the fiber not come threw the fx6. I've tried it but my fiber comes the my filter. How do you keep it from coming threw the filter into the tank. YOUR TANK IS AMAZING. Thanks for all the time you put into the hobby
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Larry Cook nope
Rick Van Aelst
Rick Van Aelst - 8 years ago
pfffff blablablabla uhuj
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Rick Van Aelst what language is that?
Guerry Harvell
Guerry Harvell - 8 years ago
Beautiful Tank!
My tank is so small I still to this day have issue's with fish death and the water is horrible. My grand daughter still has a problem with me killing her fish........what do I do
Sore Loser Liberal
Sore Loser Liberal - 8 years ago
Guerry Harvell Get a water test kit, not the test strip kind. Small tanks are a pain to deal with anyways but depending of what kind of fish you have, deaths caused in small tanks usually ends up being ammonia, nitrates are too high, or your p.h. isn't suitable for the kind of fish you're keeping. Water changes every 10 days or so will help keep your water clear. Prime the water you you get from the bath or sink so it kills any possible chemical in your water. And the primer also kills amomia and nitrates that could be in your tank, just don't use to much of it.
david body
david body - 8 years ago
why did fish scales shed
Karthik Reddy
Karthik Reddy - 8 years ago
very well maintained tank can u tell me the name of your tank is it available online
Robert Roser
Robert Roser - 8 years ago
waste of time , shit video
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Robert Roser so do not watch it again lol
Chase Phillips
Chase Phillips - 8 years ago
Could have explained it in about 2 minutes. I was like "OH GOD THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!! - I BLAME DONALD TRUMP"
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Your worse enemy how would you even get that from this video? Or you just like trolling with mouth turds
Your worse enemy
Your worse enemy - 7 years ago
Dark Jedi jay is pro trump
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Dark Jedi blame who you will. I'm glad you watched.
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 8 years ago
I need some Guppy grass
RexyFan - 8 years ago
Hi mate,
I know this is an old video of yours but I was just wondering, you said (Around the 3.48 mark) that you drain 50% of your water, remove the rocks and then vacuum the gravel?
Just want to know how much extra water does that vacuuming take out ? And by vacuum, is that the same as using the siphon ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+RexyFan total 50% between syphon and gravel vac. If you use an ehiem it doesn't remove water just vacuums
RC, Racing without ticket
RC, Racing without ticket - 8 years ago
nice video, I do have 2 Bristlenose Pleco in my 55 Cichlid tank and they do a phenomenal job and yes the peacock are not picking on the bristlenose
Negative330 - 8 years ago
Thats a frik ton of chiclids
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Negative330 actually pretty good stick
lisa stovall
lisa stovall - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish!!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+lisa stovall thank you
lisa stovall
lisa stovall - 8 years ago
great !!! video
Thindeka Ngoveni
Thindeka Ngoveni - 8 years ago
I love this vidio

100. comment for How To Get Crystal Clear Water In Your Tank.

Cricworm - 8 years ago
did it useful to put sugar in fish tank
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+chhotu srivastava no sugar ever
Freemans Aquatics
Freemans Aquatics - 8 years ago
try a very powerful powerhead i very rarely have to vac my sand bed cheers!
Freemans Aquatics
Freemans Aquatics - 8 years ago
30 bucks on ebay will get you two of the three monster power heads i have in my 180 i turn one on and off when i feel like its necessary end result less waste build up and the cichlids love a good current happy new year
איתן הינדי
איתן הינדי - 8 years ago
I think that was awesome! Wish you would teach that at koocam. I would definitely pay to learn that from u to get suitable tips.
evan young
evan young - 8 years ago
every two weeks on fx clean bahahahahahaha
AdoreYouInAshXI - 8 years ago
Sheesh, I just wanted a basic aquarium and to try and keep it clean. This seems like way more work and trouble than I initially imagined. I don't know if I'll have the time to maintain it... is this stuff required of smaller, more basic setups?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Fewyouknewme be for because it's not carbon per se. It's is advanced mixture of a style of carbon and resin so no it is not carbon it is chemi pure
Fewyouknewme be for
Fewyouknewme be for - 8 years ago
once u use chemi pure u use carbon , why you say you dont ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Fewyouknewme be for I don't use carbon
Fewyouknewme be for
Fewyouknewme be for - 8 years ago
ofcourse not , dont you see the guy admits that goes mental , just as hes stockin lvls , the water is clean because he uses carbon thats all , carbon should be used partially and thats if you are not doin too much water changes or u really have bad water which u either shouldnt be consuming , it takes him 2 hours to syphon all that sand just because he wants to have a ~2 inch sand bed , if u keep it to a half an inch it will be 5 mins , 10 if u go mental , just as mentioned above weekly/biweekly 20-30% water changes along with good feeding habits is all u need , this guy does a 6month tank maintenance 2 times a month , its his way and from what i see his tank rocks that doesnt mean hes right or that u should do the same , pretty much everything he does is good , but how much he does it its up to his psychology , if he feels thats what it needs to let him sleep im with him , u can go get one of the filters he has and plug it into ur system , if its done thoughtfully and keep the meintenance of it within logic ( clean mechanical weekly , rinse biological biweekly and use some carbon for a weekend ) u could need water change whenever and if ever ur water starts to build up polutants , thats my two cents on the subject , its what you really want , what u say u want and what at the end of the day u do , lets say i wanna have a small aquarium and keep a few fishes happy , that would be for me a successfull fishkeepin story , if in the midle of the story i change my mind on somethig but i dont adjust acordibgly my system the trouble arises , that guy keeps dont know how many are there ? 10 20 pounds of ciclids ? this is overstockin and the one fx6 could easily handle double and triple the amount if he kept the meintenance that an overstocked rtank needs , its his mentality that drives him go nuts , he could change mechanical filters every 3-5 days and have 0-5 nitrates , its his call his tank his system , he wants to have 20ppm thats his goal , no less no more , he success on that
TheBSideDJ - 8 years ago
true : well water can be very hard, which is good in your case for africans. I know a lot of people who never add anything to the (tap)water without problems. I used to add dechlorator and detoxicator products in the beginning. But I always wondered if it was usefull, so one day I asked the specific chemical parameters from my tapwaterprovider (analyses on paper :)) and the conclusion was : there are no (measurable) metals in tapwater (because it is drinking water), i don't use metal pipes (which is important to check ; sometimes there can be lead pipes in old houses) and the chemical form that Cl was added to disinfect the water, was unstable and easy to strip out of the water. My conclusion was made : i'm gonna try without products. I dubble- checked with breeders and serieus fishkeepers around : same story, no products.... and like I said : not one problem. So I am 1 of 100000000000 getting away with what I do. Tapwater is high quality drinking water so it is easy in use. But I understand your vision, wellwater can be something different, and an important factor on what you add (or not).... It's maybe important to mention that explicit in your title, because in my opinion : your story is not applicable when using tapwater. You have a great tank !!!! Your background rocks are a-m-a-z-i-n-g !!!!! A true juwel !
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
TheBSideDJ TheBSideDJ I'm glad. Well water by test proves to be much harder then tap water in the US. however I am sure it varies state to state place to place.

Based on what your saying you are a 1 in 10000000000000000 fish keeper that can get away with what your doing. Your method is your and I am glad happy fish keeping
TheBSideDJ - 8 years ago
i comment from my experience : i never add any product to the water, I have big tanks and a range of fishes, and it works for me for years and years. 1) my tank stays clean with waterchanges without products 2) i never take anything out of the tank, cleaning gravel is enough (when needed) 3) i use tapwater. i wonder why using wellwater when you have a african cichlid tank... ? cichlids need harder water, which is often provided by your tap (so by using tapwater, you don't have to add anything to raise pH and KH / GH (for african cichlids 4) waterchanges provides enough new minerals 5) decholorination is not needed when the water is aerated enough before adding it to the tank, or adding it very slowly with good circulation, aeration (Cl will be stripped out of the water, because it is not stable) 6) detoxication products are in my opinion not needed, heavy metals are very low and don't need to be reduced, and you lower the nitrates with every waterchanges 7) fish can adapt (proof : I have wild american cichlids on hard water). Rule : stability is the main factor (of course it's better to keep africans on high conductivity and south americans on low conductivity),.. but again : fish can adapt.... my conclusion : i NEVER add anything ,it goes well for over 10 years with very good looking tanks, logic explainations above proof it, experience proofs it, other youtube video's proof it. Look at people with big fishroom tanks... none of them add products... Algea ? that's just a matter of changing water depending on your biolead (your eyes will tell you) and regulation of the lights and flows.... this is not overthinking, this is common sense.
William Tzavaras
William Tzavaras - 8 years ago
Because the tank isn't suited to hold the bio-load that the larger tanks have. He's not saying it requires more tools or time, but it simply takes changing water and cleaning the tank more often due to it's limited size.
AdoreYouInAshXI - 8 years ago
How do smaller tanks require more?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+AdoreYouInAshXI this is not very hard once you establish a program. Smaller tanks require more
SenninhaPSX1 - 8 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+SenninhaPSX1 heck yes
TE Groghan
TE Groghan - 8 years ago
Too many fish?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+TE Groghan your opinion is Noted thank you.
Firestick User
Firestick User - 8 years ago
If those Angel fish had hands, they'd slap your face for all that aeration.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Firestick User I do not have angel fish lol
Molanus בני אדמ
Molanus בני אדמ - 8 years ago
waw fantastic
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Mood Almidini thank you
rafalpanwojny - 8 years ago
these fish are so miserable with only a rock
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+rafalpanwojny actually they are not. They are open water swimmers. But I do appreciate you checking it out.
r8d4tube - 8 years ago
Scraped my reef salt water tank after 10 years in the hobby. Just started a fresh water fish/live plants tank. I use canister filter system, and a hang on back water skimmer. Works just fine. Water is crystal clear. This method works for me, and may not work for you.
Jay Dillon
Jay Dillon - 8 years ago
If your home air temp is anywhere from sixty to 78 degrees or so, then why worry about heating your fish tank water? I suppose some fish need warmer water but hey. I don't heat my tank. Am I asking for trouble.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Jay Dillon my house temp is not 78 lol my house temp is 68
Jay Dillon
Jay Dillon - 8 years ago
How could it not work for me. Am I evil?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Jay Dillon huh ?
Robert Rosson
Robert Rosson - 8 years ago
when I do water changes i only do 30% my tank are 200gl man i have some fish in it raised as babies a placo pacosimis 12yrs old now 3 very large kissing fish 9-10 years old a couple of blue dragan eels 5yrs now clown loch and a few others above 4yrs old I think im doing something rite i use RO water not city water glad i seen your channel good info Thanks have subbed
Robert Rosson
Robert Rosson - 8 years ago
as long as what you do works for you thats cool how a person maintains there tank depends on size of tank ,fish, and the zone you are in just my 2cents worth
Robert Rosson
Robert Rosson - 8 years ago
when I do water changes i only do 30% my tank are 200gl man i have some fish in it raised as babies a placo pacosimis 12yrs old now 3 very large kissing fish 9-10 years old a couple of blue dragan eels 5yrs now clown loch and a few others above 4yrs old I think im doing something rite i use RO water not city water glad i seen your channel good info Thanks have subbed
vikings844 - 8 years ago
Would have been nice if you showed us how vacuuming the sand works and adding the batting and chemicals to the filter machine ya jack hole!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+vikings844 so not showing you exactly what you want lol makes me a jack hole. Noted thanks for your amazing criticism
Matthew Carter
Matthew Carter - 8 years ago
awesome video, very informative. A few questions for you based on my setup. I have had a 90 gal community tank (tetras, rasboras, danios, amano shrimp, plecos) set up for one year, I use a Aqueon water changer to do my Sunday tank maintenance. First, should I remove the plant decorations (fake plants/rocks/wood) EVERY time I clean my tank prior to vacuuming? Second question, after I have removed 50% of my water (which at the same time vacuums the gravel) is it OKAY to add my water conditioner directly to the tank slowly as the new water gets directly pumped in via Aqueon device? I have been doing it this way all year with no known spikes in my ammonia levels, which should indicate my nitrogen cycle is still running fine correct?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Matthew Carter it's not necessary to take out all the decorations every time you do a vacuuming or water change. However it is always good to kind of start up the substrate whether it's gravel or sand to help to Un promote gas pocket. Adding your conditioner to the tank while doing the water change is perfectly fine and final yes you are correct
just me
just me - 8 years ago
cool vid
Rumple Stiltskin
Rumple Stiltskin - 8 years ago
All you need is a wireless lapel microphone and it would be first class! So close-but yet so far:)
John - 8 years ago
I liked everything you said except for feeding every other day. Your tank is beautiful but I bet you fish aren't happy about eating only once every two days. I've kept Africans just like you and I fed twice a day.
Wesley G
Wesley G - 7 years ago
Jay Wilson See that's what I was waiting for. That's a strong point you make. Keep that kind of response, here and there when you have time.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+John lots of debate regarding how often you should feed your Africans. The key to feeding them is a proper well balanced easily digestible diet therefore they do not need to eat every single day. If we are relating to the wild they pick and use sonar to find certain foods throughout the day. As far as predator fish go in Lake Malawi I am sure that there are days that go by that they do not get to eat or do not eat due to hunting. If we are basing our fishes happiness off of colorful healthy looking and active then my fish are extremely happy. Thank you so much for watching.
juan castillo ruiz
juan castillo ruiz - 8 years ago
wonderful tank! ! I subscribe. I invite you to see my mate
Ava Gostage
Ava Gostage - 8 years ago
nice video. I think it would look better if you had plants
D Leal
D Leal - 8 years ago
do you toss your pollyfill /polisher every 2 weeks?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+D Leal yes
James Etheridge
James Etheridge - 8 years ago
jay why dont you do a sump? it would take you to the next level.
Al Vara
Al Vara - 8 years ago
Diatom filters are the best way
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Al Vara everyone has there own method. Thanks for the advice though!
Alex Hawkins
Alex Hawkins - 8 years ago
Where are your intakes? Behind the background?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Alex Hawkins nope they are up front
Daniel Vaughn
Daniel Vaughn - 8 years ago
Awesome tank
Coleman Stephens
Coleman Stephens - 8 years ago
I cant believe you're telling us to wash our media with tap water. jk, love the video and thats some clear lookin water you got there!
Edward JLo
Edward JLo - 8 years ago
Please don't sing again but good vid.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Edward JLo my grandmother told me once I had a great voice LMAO
paul pecunia
paul pecunia - 8 years ago
ps your videos are the best , god bless paul
Gabriela Acevedo
Gabriela Acevedo - 8 years ago
Great video! #SaturdayandWiggly
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Gabriela Acevedo thank you lol
Josh Frost
Josh Frost - 8 years ago
Where did you get your substrate and rocks from?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Josh Frost caribsea makes freshwater sand as well.
Josh Frost
Josh Frost - 8 years ago
Wait a minute... Caibesea? Isn't that Live Sand? Or do they make Freshwater sand too?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Josh Frost substrate caribesea and rocks Universalrocks. From now until Nov 7 you get 20%
Josh Frost
Josh Frost - 8 years ago
Is there a way to add one of those backgrounds when there's already water in the tank?? Are you using the one that come with Magnets??
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Josh Frost I added it with 30% water in it. No I do not use the magnets my filters are keeping it up.
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
FYI - Seachem recommends periodically rinsing Matrix/DeNitrate with clean water to remove any detritus or bio-film from the surfaces.
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
DeNitrate life cycle? Seachem DeNitrate and Matrix are the same pumice stone, it's just that DeNitrate is a smaller size than Matrix. They are both stone and last forever. I just doubt the marketing hype regarding the porous nature housing more (and anaerobic) bacteria.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Mike Vormwald so de nitrate was not something I use due to the low life cycle.

As far as chemi pure it's based about stock etc. you get about 4-6 months
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
For a very long time I tried using Matrix/Denitrate (pumice stone) to culture anaerobic bacteria to convert nitrates into N2 gas - fail. Now I just use simple bio-sponge as the biological platform. Seems to work just great.
I''m curious - how do you know the effective use life of the chemipure products?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Mike Vormwald yes they do good observation
marcos aguila
marcos aguila - 8 years ago
what's the name of the rock on you acuarium and where I can get some
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+marcos aguila till nov 7 20% off use code jay Wilson
46ASM - 8 years ago
nice tank , i like the background
nonies zapata
nonies zapata - 8 years ago
46ASM k
Raees Khan
Raees Khan - 8 years ago
cool tank man
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Raees Khan thanks!
Lynn Ballard
Lynn Ballard - 8 years ago
What do marble cat fish eat ?
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 8 years ago
Lynn Ballard feed them some shrimp pellets
L J C - 8 years ago
I added 2x chemi pure elite blue 11 oz. bags to my fx6 running on a 150 gallon african cichlid tank (light load). I keep up with water changes but my tank is always slightly cloudy. I added the elite blue bags 48 hours ago and no change in clarity. How long does this take to work?
L J C - 8 years ago
Thanks. I will cut back on the feeding.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
L J C hold back on the feeding. To 2 a day.
L J C - 8 years ago
3 light feedings a day. NLS, Omega one, occasional frozen brine. 17 juvie african mix. Substrate is white swimming pool filter sand that produces 0 dust.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+L J C how much do you feed?what is your substrate?
John Dixon
John Dixon - 8 years ago
Where do I get stone background like that?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+John Dixon use code jay Wilson for 15% off
ToddLB4567 - 8 years ago
I just ordered a fx6 for my 220g I have small 1-2" koi in it for now, they will come out when they get too big. do you use the poly fil in the middle trays, not where the foam blocks are on the outerside of the canister???? and the batting thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+ToddLB4567 correct and good luck
L J C - 8 years ago
Tank size?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+L J C 220
XCLSIV - 8 years ago
Huh........ I have crystal clear water too and I only change 50% of my water every 4-6 months. Test my water all the time PH 6.6 - 7.0, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20 or less. Never have any issues whatsoever. Must be lucky I guess?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
That's awesome my friend. What ever you are doing keep it up!
Joe M.
Joe M. - 8 years ago
You got one sexy tank dude lol looks awesome... I have yet to get Crystal Clear water like yours... going to have to step my game up I guess... Did you build your 3D Background or did you buy it?
Joey Payao
Joey Payao - 8 years ago
Jay Wilson.. niceee jay it awesome to me to see it your clear crystal,it hope like my tank too.from the Philippines YO!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Joe M. I bought the Background at use Jay Wilson for 15% off. Thanks for the compliments
john magee
john magee - 8 years ago
Great video! I used purigen, but that didn't work for my tank. I have a 36 gallon tetra/shark tank and am going through my first cloudy period and it's pissing me off. I have always had clear water and now I don't know what to do . My levels are pristine also. Any suggestions ??
Michael Taiani
Michael Taiani - 8 years ago
koi fish food cost
john magee
john magee - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson what does that mean? I have the carbon sponge and bio max.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+john magee do you have enough bio material?
alvin muller
alvin muller - 8 years ago
and the biiiiiiigggest tip never wear s pats hat lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Thanks lol
Kali Wolfe
Kali Wolfe - 8 years ago
I know nothing about canister filters. always just used the ones that hang on the back with a bio wheel in them. do you think you could do a video of you using and cleaning your canisters? I would really love to see a video that explains them. I am about to set up a 75 gallon for my 10" green terror and I am thinking about trying canister
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Kali Wolfe I actually did one on how to setup the media in a canister
jerry Lastname
jerry Lastname - 8 years ago
ty for chemi pure blue tips!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+DailyOptions org thank you for watching
Storchz - 8 years ago
You sound like your speaking to an audience lol which you technically are
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
What size tank is need to house cichlids?
Shea Jenkins
Shea Jenkins - 8 years ago
just record yourself actually doing it..... that would be helpful
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Gaz Mcdaid what kind? Wrench , socket, drill? Or ruler?
Gaz Mcdaid
Gaz Mcdaid - 7 years ago
jesus christ what a tool
mickeybigbuds - 7 years ago
jay fantastic tank mate how many gallons is that? background looks brilliant as does the rest of it
netdog12channel - 7 years ago
fucking love you jay Xd
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Sre Hhea I appreciate you wasting your time.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Joe Packers thanks for watching
Sre Hhea
Sre Hhea - 8 years ago
I know what a waste of time!
Joe Packers
Joe Packers - 8 years ago
I know right!
thefishmachine - 8 years ago
Hi everyone!!! I just did a video on this topic and would really appreciate some feedback!
Aroja Mukherjee
Aroja Mukherjee - 8 years ago
they literally crap every 2 sec.. ughhhh....
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Lol it's a tough cycle
jmaxbeat1 - 8 years ago
unbelievably beautiful tank man!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
thank you
Jonathan Shi
Jonathan Shi - 8 years ago
activated carbon
John Touchstone
John Touchstone - 8 years ago
hey Jay I enjoy watching your channel but I need help I just purchased two Sun Sun 404b filters for my 75gallon tank plus 2 sponge filters do I need to leave the old canister filter implace until the beneficial bacteria takes hold and how long should I run all three together now I like the media you use in your set up I wrote down all that you use but my only problem is the phosphate pads what brand are they and will they work in the 404
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+John Touchstone don't worry about the phosphate pads
Johnathan Pitt
Johnathan Pitt - 8 years ago
Haha it's all good my man. thought it was quite funny myself!
Johnathan Pitt
Johnathan Pitt - 8 years ago
just watched this and almost jumped out of my chair when the artificial clapping came on lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Johnathan Pitt I apologize lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Johnathan Pitt LMAO thank you for watching.
Gary Abbott
Gary Abbott - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank!  How much does a tank like that cost mine was about 200 from Petsmart but It doesn't have the nice wooden enclosure.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Gary Abbott they can range from 1,000- 4,000
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Gary Abbott a 220 around 1600-2500 depends on where
Anne R. Tremblay
Anne R. Tremblay - 8 years ago
I think as long as there's no chlorine in your well water there's nothing to worry about when cleaning your media. My opinion though! (Especially if you're treating your water and your tank water isn't super clean)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+AnneRose thanks for that!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+AnneRose good points
exefile - 8 years ago
great video man, the song is kind of catchy " sundaaaay water change, sundaaay water change..."
OGxDISMADISMZ1 - 8 years ago
What did you use for the background? Looks dope
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Dissemup universal rocks
Dara Nguon
Dara Nguon - 8 years ago
you mean I need to put poly fil inside the canister chamber? or batting the surface of the glass? would you write me the chemical three chemical that you use in the tank ...? thank you Jay....
Dara Nguon
Dara Nguon - 8 years ago
hi Jay...I have just one question..I have 80 gallon tank with two fluval canister 306 & 406, and the still not perfect, it's clear but I still see some fine dust floating around. Now I want to take one of the canister out, and add on the fluval power filter 110 that hanging in the back of the tank. Do think this would be better? please give me some idea.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Dara Nguon no I think you need to use poly fil or batting and see what happens before you make a big decision.
Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown - 8 years ago
ok Thanks Man
Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown - 8 years ago
man can i use that code and if you get a chance look at my 75 gallon cichlid tank it is getting to small looking to get a 220
Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown - 8 years ago
what size tank very nice
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Jay Wilson is the code lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Ronnie Brown 2 heaters and got it from universal rocks with a 15% off code
Ronnie Brown
Ronnie Brown - 8 years ago
And i love that background did u make it yourself? How much would it cost me and how many heaters for your tank
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Ronnie Brown 220 thank you for watching.
Debbie Thole
Debbie Thole - 8 years ago
Do you know how to get rid of swim bladder from my lion head fish swimming on his side.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Debbie Thole there are many many things out there but one would be a medicine tx and next keeping them upright with a splint.
Lamia Khalid
Lamia Khalid - 8 years ago
Wow I loved your tank .. I have a smaller tank almost 57L and it's making me crazy I can not enjoy the moment when it's clear cuz it's getting cloudy quickly
I think the problem is the quality of the fish food but I tried two different product but it's still the same
Lamia Khalid
Lamia Khalid - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson it's not available where I live but I will check Amazon..
I want to ask you about another problem
I have a lionhead but my other gold fish is trying to eat her head
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon have you tried Northfin?
Skylar Grace Barnett
Skylar Grace Barnett - 8 years ago
Is the bottom of your tank sand or gravel? What is the thing you use to clean the sand/gravel called?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+TheAtlanticVoyage eheim vac and it's sand
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood - 8 years ago
Lmao :38-:40.. you were pumped! Great video and tyvm for the info
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Patrick Rogers I am pumped thank you
wordonawing - 8 years ago
Hi Jay,i am thinking on getting a 200 Gal,can I ask you did you have to get your floor reinforced?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+wordonawing no mine is a cement slab.
Patti Ann
Patti Ann - 8 years ago
Some people that have never had well water has no clue. How can anyone go wrong with naturally filtered water? I prefer well water to any store bought or city water. Just wish I had a well. :/ I have had trouble in the past with keeping the water clear. I will try your chems when I set up another tank. I have city water and it is full of lime and other nasties. I can't stand to drink right out of the faucet. I use a chem to get rid of all the impurities but it still doesn't do enough. I still get the white buildup of death on the sides of the tank. GGRRRRR. I will take your advice to heart and try some of your chems. Although, I don't have a tank that big but I'm sure it will work nonetheless. Thanks for posting. :D
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
No problem I came from city water and had the same outcome.
BirdCentral - 8 years ago
How many gallons is it
BirdCentral - 8 years ago
oh ok mine is 190
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
MrCichlidDude - 8 years ago
you dont use a ro/di filter for your water changes?
MrCichlidDude - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson ok cool thank u
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+MrCichlidDude no sir I do not.
Stephen Alleyne
Stephen Alleyne - 8 years ago
Are those all tropical fishes n what are the names
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
they are all African cichlids. haps and peacocks
Ben Harris
Ben Harris - 8 years ago
awesome video man...
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
thank you
David Hutchinson
David Hutchinson - 8 years ago
can you post a link to the exact batting you use?
David Hutchinson
David Hutchinson - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson Thanks bro, i just wanted to see if it was a 80/20 mix or 100%poly like you show in the link. Just bout a huge MONSTER roll! LOL Painting my stand this week and hope to have a few videos of the process soon! Just spent about 600 dollars on Ebay today buying all my media & lights for my 2 new SunSun filters (purchased on your recommendation btw...) Still need to purchase fish and food though NORTHFIN!
Jay Wilson
Turner Bernardi
Turner Bernardi - 8 years ago
Absolutely incredible tank, Jay!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+TberN thank you so much
Hagfan789 - 8 years ago
That is one sweet ass tank. Very nice Jay dog.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
thanks my friend
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
There;s nothing wrong in rinsing media and decor with untreated well water. Tank water is only a must for those using municipal water treated with chlorine/chloramine.
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
Btw, if your using untreated well water, using Safe or Prime doesn't make much sense to me...unless you suspect heavy metals? (less chems in the water is always better for fish)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 8 years ago
lol ! jay. very nice tank.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Willy Rosado thank you
Jeff Beck
Jeff Beck - 8 years ago
that is a lot of work to have fish. It is too bad you could not have a closed system that uses the nutrients from the fish as plant food, and the plants clean the water.
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
+Jeff Beck There's no such thing as a closed system. Plants help filter nutrients and organic toxins from the water, but periodic water changes (e.g. 25% weekly) better ensures a healthy aquarium nature, frsh water is constantly renewed by rain. In the aquarium, WE are the rain in the form of routine partial water changes.
Prathamesh Bhalerao
Prathamesh Bhalerao - 8 years ago
Nice aquarium !superb work Jay
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Prathamesh Bhalerao thank you so much
greg wickersham
greg wickersham - 8 years ago
that is one damn gorgeous peacock cichlid tank. i want to get more peacocks, but cant find many around here. The one's I have get along pretty well with the mbuna contrary to popular belief......for now at least. I always end up with a problem fish eventually
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+greg wickersham man that sucks you can always try online.
Willy Rosado
Willy Rosado - 8 years ago
tank is too big for that room.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Willy Rosado not even close lol
SkyMurphy77 - 8 years ago
Your singing jingle was cool :-) Your sound effects are wacked out... I'm alone in my place... what's that a T-Rex ?!?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+SkyMurphy77 LOL I am all over
Darryl Walker
Darryl Walker - 8 years ago
Hey Jay,
What type of UV Sterilizer do you use?
Thanks in advance brother!!
Darryl Walker
Darryl Walker - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson ok thanks bro. Did you see any benefit at all?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Darryl Walker I have not been using on for about 5 months
Adarryl Johnson
Adarryl Johnson - 8 years ago
plz help me how do keep my water crystal i have 12 gold fish
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Adarryl Johnson filtering and water changes.
Trenton Ward
Trenton Ward - 8 years ago
In love with the tank. Subscribed!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Trenton Ward thank you,
Oscar Cortez
Oscar Cortez - 8 years ago
how many gallons is your tank?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Oscar Cortez 220
lowcwillis - 8 years ago
Thanks for the great informational videos! Question: How much would I benefit from going from two Mainland 200 HOB filters, to an FX6 with an inline UV filter? 75 gallon with African Cichlid. Thank you.
lowcwillis - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson how about the aqua top with the built in uv?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+lowcwillis it would be quieter. You would gain a little bit more in increased filtration but you may lose some surface agitation
lowcwillis - 8 years ago
That's Marineland, not mainland.
Travis G
Travis G - 8 years ago
Oh man that badding stint cracked me up! I had no idea badding made that kind of sound, let alone attack!
MTrottweiers !!!!!!!!
MTrottweiers !!!!!!!! - 8 years ago
hey jay whats the benefits of having salt?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Marcichlids !!!!!!!! I use it for coat and salinity in the water
Eelke Aldershof
Eelke Aldershof - 8 years ago
Outstanding !!!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Eelke Aldershof thank you
Moti Nowrangi
Moti Nowrangi - 8 years ago
Pontus Elfgren
Pontus Elfgren - 8 years ago
+Moti Nowrangi Quiet russian...
Wayne Green
Wayne Green - 8 years ago
Omg this guy loves to hear himself
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Wayne Green thank you for watching. I greatly appreciate it.
03 slobra
03 slobra - 8 years ago
Whats your instagram?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+03 slobra jaywil07
Ed Gasaway
Ed Gasaway - 8 years ago
Please leave out noise you think is singing
lowcwillis - 8 years ago
+Ed Gasaway The man said he wasn't a singer....
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Ed Gasaway thanks for watching.
Juan Cabrera
Juan Cabrera - 8 years ago
Hey jay great vedio brother and great ideas I'm going to try I just got the poly fil what tray in the fx6 do I put this in?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
+Juan Cabrera not the bio one
stateniland - 8 years ago
Jay.. I about to dump a Tenecor acrylic 75G tank (leak issues) and looking for same size 75g. and for the first time I'm looking at canister filtering system..
Would you direct me as to what Type of tank (brand and glass or acrylic) and canister filter would be best? It's confusing because of ALL the different manufacturers and the public saying theirs is the best..
Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly.
Thank you
Joe in NYC
stateniland - 8 years ago
thank you Jay
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Acrylic is priced higher till you get to around 3-400 gallons. I would stay glass unless you have some money to spend. Marineland makes a decent product.
jeff61 - 8 years ago
If I may say a shorter video would be better halfway through and I am off to look elsewhere.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching part of it.
Debbie Ward
Debbie Ward - 9 years ago
The next time you open up your fx6, show us step by step on what you do.....please
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Already ready did ... How to set up a filter enjoy!
Box of dreams photography
Box of dreams photography - 9 years ago
I like this guy
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you.
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 9 years ago
Awwwww! Look how his fish are all looking at him. They love him how cute.
khan alim
khan alim - 7 years ago
YRenee Sanders
redglazedeyez - 7 years ago
what tank is that?
redglazedeyez - 7 years ago
Renee Sanders u are hot i want u
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 8 years ago
+KrisRaps​ Faggot your a loser troll with no fucking life that is why you have all this time to write and harass me. There is nothing original about your faggot online troll ass. There are thousands of loser trolls like you online and I BLOCK all if you anf move on. You clearly don't have a life and your a fucking fool to think I would care what a fucking online stranger with no importances in my life. 
KrisRaps - 8 years ago
+lowcwillis And You could use Face
lowcwillis - 8 years ago
+KrisRaps you could use a good, old fashioned ass stomping.
Renee Sanders
Renee Sanders - 8 years ago
+Jay Wilson Your welcome Jay!❤
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks for watching.
rov furness
rov furness - 9 years ago
50% is all good in a freshwater tank but i wouldn't try that with a saltwater aquarium
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Correct !
Mike's Fish Room
Mike's Fish Room - 9 years ago
Have had the same shirt for years! Lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
That's great!
T.J. Jones
T.J. Jones - 9 years ago
awsome mbuna system, completely natural looking.
Amy Beth
Amy Beth - 9 years ago
Wow, thanks! You are very good at explaining things. Clear, to-the-point presentation including an overview, step-by-step explanation, and review. Teaching skills! :)

A few months ago I agreed to keep an eye some friends' fish while they were away and fell in love with caring for them. I've since gotten my own and, having no experience (like, at all; I don't know why I was asked to fish-sit come to think of it...), am very grateful for videos like yours. Thanks again!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I am truly happy it helped. It's fun to have fish and it should stay that way.
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 9 years ago
I like your rock background what type is it?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Malawi from universal rocks. If you decide it's the way to go then def use code jaywilson at check out and receive 15%
Roobz Z
Roobz Z - 9 years ago
nice video, though I would get rid of the obnoxious sound effects. They really just take away from what you're saying and act as a distraction.
Thanh Phan
Thanh Phan - 7 years ago
soo cool
kindle urie
kindle urie - 8 years ago
I like them it really shows his upbeat character lol
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks for the feed back.
zhewitt4235 - 9 years ago
Quick Question. Feeding once a day every other day. Does this effect growth with your fish? Do they grow slower? I feed twice a day every day and have thought about backing it down to once a day to keep my nitrates down. I have about 25-30 ppm. After watching your video I am thinking of using the once a day every other day method.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I haven't noticed I believe that fish grow just like any other animal they need their source but sometimes they don't get it everyday. So the growth is determined off of Dna mostly and food only helps support the growth they we're destined to have.
kcrunchone hill
kcrunchone hill - 9 years ago
Tank looks methods are very similar to yours and my water remains crystal clear. Only difference is that I only clean the filters probably once a year unless I have a clarity issue or a filter malfunction.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
That's awesome!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
That's awesome.
Andy & amandas art dogs & V logs
Andy & amandas art dogs & V logs - 9 years ago
bristle nose should not be in with Malawi its the
incorrect ph for them they are a soft water fish
from a different continent also external filters work
better if not disturbed all the time mine get serviced
every 12 months
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon - 7 years ago
Leslie is right, major fish farms breed all their fish in the same water.... call Imperial if you don't believe me...
Leslie Forsdyke
Leslie Forsdyke - 7 years ago
Andy & amandas art dogs & V logs my local aquatics centre actually told me to use only hard tap water, I set my tank up with rainwater, and was told that local breeders use local tap water which is hard, so the change to soft water could kill the fish, whether they're a hard or soft water species is irrelevant, its the ph they're used to that matters!
Wesley G
Wesley G - 7 years ago
Andy Coakes I agree, two weeks it's definitely too often for a canister, even a hob. But a year??? Ummmm. NOOO
Lee chez
Lee chez - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson nice tank m8 but cleaning your filter every 2 weeks is way to frequent, my water is just as clean and i clean my filter every 12 months and don't use any chemicals. you wont do any harm but it is unnecessary work with no benefit. beautiful tank though ;)
Lee chez
Lee chez - 9 years ago
+Andy Coakes , i agree andy, i clean my external filter every 12 months, i suppose it depends how many fish you have but cleaning it every 2 weeks is to frequent, its simple really, when the flow rate drops the filter needs cleaning ;)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you for watching
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you for watching
Minion - 9 years ago
what is your aquarium ??? and _ mm glass ?????
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
It's a Marineland 220 and yes it is glass
The Joker Box
The Joker Box - 9 years ago
I love that tank but I'm not crazy about the shirt.
kindle urie
kindle urie - 8 years ago
It batman aka the dark knight aka the best superhero in dc comics
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
that tank is awesome
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you
Jeff Cachero
Jeff Cachero - 9 years ago
What type of batting do you use?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Cheapest roll from Walmart.
Micheal Webster
Micheal Webster - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks buddy!
MyMusicIsInsane - 9 years ago
You're tank and fish are breathtaking!!!!!!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Kane T
Kane T - 9 years ago
So glad I'm not the only one who washes the filter sponges with normal water :)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I hear ya
ctenochaetus - 9 years ago
I am in Reef Aquarium but this is a nice video !!! I also use Seachem products for my reef. Awesome Video !
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks so much for watching.
Two Flaps
Two Flaps - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you two flaps.
Cichlid MadMan
Cichlid MadMan - 9 years ago
Hey Jay no Purigen in your filters??
Cichlid MadMan
Cichlid MadMan - 9 years ago
Cool. Didn't hear you mention the purigen. I also use chemi pure blue, great stuff. Thanks Jay.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
No I use chemi pure blue
A Fish Guy
A Fish Guy - 9 years ago
i rinse all my filters with tap water. then throw them in the tank a hr or so before sticking them back into the unit. works very well
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
+A Fish Guy sounds about right
A Fish Guy
A Fish Guy - 9 years ago
a tank should have enough bacteria outside the filters itself. to then start more in the replaced filter.
A Fish Guy
A Fish Guy - 9 years ago
even the bio sponge filter yes. sometimes i do 1 of 2 filters at a time. if i do 2 at a time. i try not to do a water change. then after rinse i let the filters sit in the water as long as possible before sticking them back into the filter. gives time for what water is left on the sponge and what not, to dilute with the tank water. with bigger tanks it is harder to take a few drops of chlorinated water and make a difference in 55g of water. do it with my 20g as well. tank water will cycle through the sponge and new filter. almost jump starting it
am ber
am ber - 9 years ago
+Newbe Aquatics even the biomedia??..tap water got chlorine though..would that kill your beneficial bacteria..??
Pitdawg2007 - 9 years ago
2, FX6?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Hank Miller
Hank Miller - 9 years ago
Ava Noriega
Ava Noriega - 9 years ago
that looks like toooooo many fish in that tank, don't they need more room especially the species you name?...ijs
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I actually am not over stocked for these species.
Vijaykumar Muthukrishnan
Vijaykumar Muthukrishnan - 9 years ago
Nice Video Explanation...................................thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Chris Mccarthy
Chris Mccarthy - 9 years ago
Hi Jay watched you video today, So Cool, nice to see a young man with such a watchable personality making learning easy.
At 62 decided to try keeping tropical fish.
Have watched it seems tons of Utube vids to learn and improve my techniques. So far you leave the rest of the utubers behind for the reasons stated.
My grandkids call me GrandadGrumpy and can't understand why when I'm watching your utubies I laugh so much, It's just a second childhood thing.
The British stiff upper lip disappears along with the poop poop. Cheers mate, Stay Cool. Grumpy Liverpool U/K.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Chris thank you for the great feedback!
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 9 years ago
Great video. Have you seen my video on the why's, when's, and how much water to change in aquariums:
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Yes I have bud it was pretty good.
Jason Cavaleri
Jason Cavaleri - 9 years ago
What do you use for gravel... ? Thanks for your time.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Caribsea Cichlid mix
Hypeman - 9 years ago
What was that zebra - like fish to the bottom left corner of the tank? at 2:00
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
pictus catfish
Lixi Lineas
Lixi Lineas - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
That is awesome thank you for watching!
Heather Gentry
Heather Gentry - 9 years ago
My water gets cloudy the next day. I have did 50% water change and 100%. I get my goldfish out of my 25 gal tank. Unplug the 75 gal filter. Change even the filter BC its black. I Dont have a single real plant in there BC I have a green thumb on plants. Chemicals Dont work. Need something to save B.B.'s tank. ( my toddler named him). Can't be outrageous on price. What can I do to get the ammonia out. Goldfish are pretty but are the messiest fish I have seen.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Clean the tank real good. And do not feed as much. Do not do such massive water changes so close together and never do a 100%. Allow the filter if stacked with the right media to do its job. Good luck any other questions email me
Rabiya Lone
Rabiya Lone - 9 years ago
can you talk like you have novice ppl watching your video? I want to learn, but nothing you are saying makes any sense. you haven't showed the filter or the process you are talking about. I want to sub, but if all the videos are like this, than all this is giberish. you have a beautiful tank though!
Chris Hill
Chris Hill - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson I love how you recap and go over things. Things never sick in my head the first time. Great video!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
+ashley dubrey making short videos for the amount of information I gave in this video would not be good. my videos are for everyone . someone who needs the detailed information. you can always fast forward lol
ashley dubrey
ashley dubrey - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson a friendly word of advice.... make your videos a bit shorter. people are like moths. our attention spans are not great enough to watch a 20 minute video on something you can explain in 5 minutes.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
+Rabiya Lone I am sorry you feel that way I try to speak in the easiest terms. This is the first that I have heard of this and I will work on it. Thank you!
partypoison485 - 9 years ago
new sub here... could someone let me know exactly what media is being used?? cheers.
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson Jay......I used Chemi Blue 11Oz in my 55G and water cleared up amazingly.......I set up a new 55G and without Chemi Blue.....Water is not clear even with Fluval carbon.........I do the same maintenance weekly ritually.....Gss I need Chemi blue again......
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Chemi pure and matrix along with purigen
Mundo Dante
Mundo Dante - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you!
PalJoey1957 - 9 years ago
IMHO there's no reason for the gravel bed, and the consequent need to vacuum gravel, if it's not part of the biological filtration (as in a UG filter). Cut it down to just enough to cover the bottom. Use the polyester fiber as the first contact stage for your filter to 'protect' and lighten the load on the chemical filtration media, which, to retain efficiency, should not be clogged by any solids. As an experiment, try the Polyfilter pads by Poly Bio Marine. It always worked totally for me and it gives a visual indication of when it's exhausted.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks bud!
Sedat şahin
Sedat şahin - 9 years ago
BALCER-EuroR - 9 years ago
Isn't it just crazy easy to have crystal clear water when there's no plants in the tank with fine gravel (sand is the best for that purpose). A proper filtration system and water will go way off the limits with ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and will be still crystal clear.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
It just depends on how you look at it. I appreciate you watching.
branden truss
branden truss - 9 years ago
Hey jay I have a 55gallon tank and my water is murky I changed the water twice washed the filter off daily  and its still cloudy what can I do to clear it up? can you email me some tips  please im lost on what else to do  now
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
If it continues to be cloudy you may be export emcee a few things, check your water parameters first. Then allow the bacteria to bloom cleaning it everyday causes the good stuff to be washed away. Lights less then 8 hours and do a water change a week.
A Mckenzie
A Mckenzie - 9 years ago
Gorgeous!!! ...Maybe on your next video you can demonstrate exactly how you setup your FX6 after a cleaning
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I'll work on that.
Tino Jørgensen
Tino Jørgensen - 9 years ago
Hi Jay Great VideoI just wonder what size of gravel do you have in the tank sence you use a Ehim Pro Vac. I mean if you are using chiclid sand if will go into the vac , Right? If so what brand, name, and size af gravel do you use (in millimeter if posible). keep up the good work
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
It's regular caribsea Cichlid sand. I just hover over the sand and make sure I clean the vacuum
sabrina garcia
sabrina garcia - 9 years ago
hello thak you
sabrina garcia
sabrina garcia - 9 years ago
ang gandah
Marco Quaciari
Marco Quaciari - 9 years ago use siporax or the same for your filter? how is your filter constituited....thank you
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 9 years ago
Great watching your reviews and agree alternate filter cleaning two weekly. my issue is removing all the rocks just not possible on my set up. I use purigen in one filter and looking to put Chemi-pure Blue in my second filter. Thank you again Paul from UK.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Appreciate you watching.
Robert Cece
Robert Cece - 9 years ago
This is rookie stuff. The best way to keep a clean fish tank is to have over filtration and at least 1 strong jet. I have a 55 gallon tank with at least 200 gallons worth of filtration. I overfeed all the time and as long as theres a current the filters pick it up. Water chemistry stays good usually for 6 months then I'll change it. And ftr my fish have been alive like 8 years now.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
As far as rookie stuff yes my videos apply to a broad group and I'm sorry you didn't get any information that was useful to you. Great information minus I do not remember the last time I saw an air stone in the ocean or lake. Good flow is prime I agree but you went Ina tangent and I'm not sure what information you were trying to achieve.
Robert Cece
Robert Cece - 9 years ago
+Azz K Exactly. It's called a "complete nitrification" cycle which is the right way to run an aquarium (mines about 95% complete). Notice this guy has no air stones in his tank? Huge mistake. Lack of good air flow is the #1 reason most tanks get cloudy. I try to tell people and they don't get it. You don't need water clarity drops or water changes. All you need are airstones/filters to oxidize waste to ammonia>nitrites>nitrates.

You also don't need (and should never use) herbicides for algae. Cause the algae then uses those nitrates. Then the algae eaters quickly eat it, then they shit, the other fish shit, the entire cycle is repeated over and over. 

If you have good filtration, good air flow, good water flow.... your water will always be clear with balanced chemistry. The ONLY REASON I change my water at all is because I don't turn down my filters when I feed. But if I did, I'd never have to replace my filters.

Then the myth about activated carbon. What a joke. I use no activated carbon. Just a 3 stage mesh. One that pulls .8 micron, another that pulls at .4 micron, another that pulls at .2 micron. Each 1 inch thick. 

So my nitrification cycle is close to 95% complete.

If I turned down my filters during feeding it would be 100% complete. 

And I will stress 1 more time, if you're changing your water every 2 weeks or every month you have no idea how to run a balanced aquarium. There's absolutely no reason that water should be changed unless you're doing something wrong. This is also why people can drink fresh water from lakes that fish swim in. And if sea salt didn't kill us, there'd be nothing else in an optimal salt water environment that would harm us.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
+Azz K hahahaha
Scottish NAT
Scottish NAT - 9 years ago
Wait are you saying you do a water change every 6 months? Wtf
ea333525 - 9 years ago
I thought cichlids want/need hiding spots? Just curious. I am new to them. Thanks!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Depends on the species.
datauk64 - 9 years ago
dose that polly fil go into the pump ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Yes it does
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
sponsored corporate shill
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you for watching lol corporate is far from my channel lol
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
+NeoMinerva jk
NeoMinerva - 9 years ago
what do you run salinity?
Arlee Quinn
Arlee Quinn - 9 years ago
Dude, you are always rocking shirts that are totally on point. Nice.
Angel Z. Lopez
Angel Z. Lopez - 9 years ago
Are you trying to take one of his shirts after casual sex? Hmmmm?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you!
John Michael
John Michael - 9 years ago
Hi what kind of tank is this? I'm looking to buy a 75G and not sure what brand to purchase!! Did u hear about Deep blue?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Yes I have not bad. This is a marineland! Thanks for watching.
Bebo PR
Bebo PR - 9 years ago
can i see your sump?
Joseph Vincent Abaya
Joseph Vincent Abaya - 9 years ago
Nice sound!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Rob Jones
Rob Jones - 9 years ago
Awesome tank!!! I can not get my water that clear. Are those rocks from universal too?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Keep working at it and yes they are.
John Rokohl
John Rokohl - 9 years ago
Great video Jay. I love your channel and your tank look's incredible! I have a quick question, so thank you in advance.

This morning I picked up some Poly-Fil, Extra-Loft, Quilt batting for my two Fluval FX6's. Per your recommendation, I cut the batting to fit and placed one on the top and bottom trays in both canisters... The batting is thinner then I expected it to be. (1/8 to 3/16 of an inch)

Are you running more then one pad per tray? Thank you
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
What's your question
Mike F.
Mike F. - 9 years ago
Should I be using salt with my angel fish?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I'm not sure that's a good idea. I wouldn't be the best person to ask in this situation. There are other way more qualified people that raise angel fish that would no more. I hope they chime in!
carlo holder
carlo holder - 9 years ago
im having problems with my cichlid fishes they keep chasing each other around tank they are juvenile at moment i have yellow labs in tank  im not sure what the other fishes are
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
It sounds like aggression make sure for your type of subspecies you have some hiding spots and if you have females enough for everyone.
carlo holder
carlo holder - 9 years ago
what are you using for chemicall to clear your water ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Chemi pure blue and elite.
carlo holder
carlo holder - 9 years ago
my young juvenile cichlid fishes keep fighting with each other will they calm down when they get bigger ?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I'm not sure anyone can answer that. Just make sure you have the right setup
christophergerard - 9 years ago
Hey What type of sand are you using?? Im new to the fish tank world
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Caribsea thank you for watching.
Jim Burgoyne
Jim Burgoyne - 9 years ago
I use clean water and am very " virgo " about my tanks as well, always have crystal clear water! !
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
That's awesome to hear
bob smith
bob smith - 9 years ago
you prob got asked this already..but where did you get your rock wall from?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Universal use the coupon code J a Y Wilson for 15% off
jason richards
jason richards - 9 years ago
Mate your a wanker any more up your self you would be inside out dickhead
shane gard
shane gard - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson for a yank i think your cool.....from down under....good ta see a happy person
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
BWAHAHAHAHA you are a funny guy buddy funny guy. Thanks for watching!
Blackshirt- D
Blackshirt- D - 9 years ago
Clear water, nice tank! Now all u need is a new hat!!! Booooo
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I really like my hat LOL
stefan schuster
stefan schuster - 9 years ago
Pure blue lol
Sammy - 9 years ago
Jay I have both city and well water. I started using well water about 4 months ago I have a 55 gal trash can I fill it and run a pump for circulation. I stopped using prime since it was well water. I see you still use safe does it help remove sulfer smell from well water if I have to use it from straight from the well and don't let it air out it smells up the whole house
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I'm not sure the sulfur smell is good, you might want to contact someone.
Danny Freitas
Danny Freitas - 9 years ago
do you have a video of how you set your fx6?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I believe multiple videos cover that.
LIZZEEweegluff - 9 years ago
i like your water change song :P
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you lol
pavonbass - 9 years ago
Awesome tank! Do you use the batting that is 80% cotton and 20% polyester?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
All poly
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
Too much bs  talk talk talk.   just get to the freakin point.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
Dennis Younger you folks do not have to watch as well. However I appreciate the support and feedback
shuja dar
shuja dar - 7 years ago
He has no point
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Wesley G hahaha thank you
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 7 years ago
+Robby Bobby thank you so much.
Wesley G
Wesley G - 7 years ago
Dennis Younger Go back in your hole. His videos are great. Yes he repeats himself, IT'S DONE ON PURPOSE! He makes some great points and is logical. He's trying to help people and you come along and want the cliff notes. When you teach things to people you say and do multiple times. It's pretty much what a TEACHER does.
Robby Bobby
Robby Bobby - 8 years ago
He did get straight to the point. Very clear and concise without filler. If you don't like the video then don't watch it and stfu.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Samuel Leon
Samuel Leon - 9 years ago
Awesome video Jay.
Fun to watch.
Needless to say, thats an Awesome tank.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks a bunch sam
judy hobday
judy hobday - 9 years ago
I have two tanks, a twenty and a thirty six, looking for a much larger tank in the future. Interested in filtering. In days gone by I had a fifty and a fluval and it was okay but a lot of work, so I hope the outside the tank are easier today. Any suggestions and help would be gratefully received. thanks, love your video, I just did a fifty fifty change in my larger tank but as we have a new city water chlorination going on have to wait a good amount of time to add fish back in. 
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Make sure you test you water often and use a superior water conditioner and you should be fine. Good luck most of the videos are titled to help you achieve great results.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
+BIG SLICE CICHILDS BX hey I do not recall you emailing me I usually email everyone back within 24 hours. Sorry I disappointed you.
jennifer baker
jennifer baker - 9 years ago
No prob, and don't worry jay is super busy I'm sure, I actually just emailed him he replied in 10 min and then I emailed three more ?'s and same replied within 10. Awesome. Maybe try to email at askawaywithjay@ and once again you're welcome
jennifer baker
jennifer baker - 9 years ago
+BIG SLICE CICHILDS BX always use prime after water change
Driftwood aquariums
Driftwood aquariums - 9 years ago
jay how do you like the ehiem vacuum i want one but they are around 60 bucks at my lfs,in your honest opinion is it worth it.i am on tight budget but if it makes my life easier and free up time it would be worth the investment to me
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I love it bud!
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 9 years ago
Are you running a sump?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Nope, 2 fx6s
skoc325 - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to view my video it mean a lot. People like you are the reason I continue to push in this hobby. I wish you the best.
LJS African Cichlids
LJS African Cichlids - 9 years ago
awesome video just out of interest have you ever kept madagascan cichlids
brett oreilly
brett oreilly - 9 years ago
wow watching from england great vibe to your vids please comment back or subscribe too thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thanks Brett really appreciate you listening and watching.
Byrdell Maurer
Byrdell Maurer - 9 years ago
Jay great tips. i rinse mine in tap water too
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you
manny araujo
manny araujo - 9 years ago
whats your thoughts on aquarium salt, never really , benefited from, its uses, how do you feel about that used it onnce in a while  but with 8 tanks, , i know the salt is cheap, didn't really see much affect, to use it, all the time or adding it during water changes,
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I add salt to massive water changes just out of habit.
manny araujo
manny araujo - 9 years ago
chemi clear, or purgim, is a complettly different chemical to bio-zorb from api, far superiour.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I'm glad you found something like works.
manny araujo
manny araujo - 9 years ago
hi jay, nice video, want to share what i do, a bit simular to what you do, i have 22 gallon tank, overstocked haps/peacocks, petricolas, fancy plecos, , i do 30% water change every week, the nitrates do get to about 30ppm, by end of week, i run 2 rena xp-4 and 1 rena xp3 , plus 2 maxie jats 600 pumps, when doing the water changes, i never remove the rocks, i just move, them, around to clean underneath, and around, the whole tank, but i don't vaccum, , every week, you can tell when, you put your python, in if alot of crap comes up,or not, if not i will leave it, the plecos, and catfish also help, but also produce waste, i don't shut off any fithers, or heaters, or pumps, i keep the filtration on, i just lower things as i go, lokie the power heads, and heaters, they get lowered to 30%, on my water change level, i use filterfloss, and matrix, along with some eheim sub/pro, matrix, to me is the best bio on the market, i don't use chemi-pure , cause don't really feel nessasary, cause of my weekly water changes, and its very expensive, my tanks are crystal clear, i used aquarium salt in the past, but for that ever reason, just didn't think it really, helped with anything, they may, get a bit better colour, with salt, cichlid salt, isn't easy to get, also, for me, there is still debate on salt, some hobbist use it, i use it as a med, stress relief, etc, same as epsom, salts, as a med, or bath if needed, i use prime tap water, ppl have there opinion, the 3d backgrounds are nice, but take some room up width wise in the tank,  makes the tank look smaller, and bacteria can collect behind them, although ppl ut strainer behind them, i don't reall like having something i can't really get to or behind to clean, whats your thoughts on that.
manny araujo
manny araujo - 9 years ago
+Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
My tank doesn't look small with the way universalrocks does A great job.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I use a circulator and a uv sterilizer in the back so nothing stays stagnant.
Fuk U
Fuk U - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank jay..i have a 75gallon with a 406 fluval running it..its a four stage basket set up,i would respectfully take some advice on how i could make my tank clear like yourn...i have a flowerhorn and red devil that i feed every other should i stage my baskets to get an effect like your tank?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Just make sure you are using a polyfil and batting and doing your water changes. With the amount of bio those fish kick puff you might want to add another filter.
DJ Zylstra
DJ Zylstra - 9 years ago
Great vid! I have used the same methods for years no problems!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Heck ya!
David Bird
David Bird - 9 years ago
Hey Jay I been in this hobby for about a year I have a 65 gallon breeder tank with African cichlids . I have to Aqua clear filters 110 & 70 I use polyfiller and chemi pure water change every two weeks my parameters are 0-0-20ppm no higher. To the question I have city water I fill my buckets and treat with Prime and pump the water in. Do you treat your tank and pump the water directly to the tank what's your recommendation that would speed up my clean up time thank you.
Jacoub Z
Jacoub Z - 9 years ago
Hey guys
I just uploaded an updated video of my tank after adding chemi pure blue (blue was added yesterday)
Please watch the before videos (only two I am new to you tube) so you can see the difference.
Hope you like, please subscribe.
Again thanks jay
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Frank Quintanilla
Frank Quintanilla - 9 years ago
Awesome tank Jay.  My new goal is to make mine look like yours! 
suggestion to make a video on how you clean your canister filter and what is in it (each tray).  Thanks!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I appreciate it , make yours even better!
Rich Blondin
Rich Blondin - 9 years ago
Jay please list basket by basket in your fx6 how they are laid out?

In my bottom basket I have a course, medium then fine filters.  The middle basket I have biohome matrix and carbon, the top just has biohome matrix.  What do you think of this setup?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I use chemi pure elite and blue in the bottom with polyfil then the middle basket has all bio and the top has purigen and some more chemi with batting and polyfil.
Rich Blondin
Rich Blondin - 9 years ago
Thanks, I have only 1 fx6, should I use the cemi-pure elite and pure all in my fx6?  If not which one should I use?  My is a 150gal, tank should I add another canister?  What kind of UV filter do you use?      Thanks for the help.
mark theby
mark theby - 9 years ago
Gewglesux - 10 years ago
  Hey Jay,
  Thanks for the upload . Very Informative.  I am going to try one of those Eheim   poop  Vacuums'..  I saw one in the local  shop not too long ago  thought it was a another gimmick. So you say it works eh?  I have  55G and  My 10   guys  get fed once a day every morning..  In the summer i am changing out  my Eheim G160 and getting a  FX6...   Never tried Chemi pure though.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Good luck with it I like it a lot.
Shaun Wilkinson
Shaun Wilkinson - 10 years ago
Hey Jay I was wondering if you have used or know anyone who has used Seachem Cichlid Trace Elements in your tanks?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Yeah it's pretty good. But I do not use it since most of the fish I buy do not use it and I haven't used it since my 100 gallon
Daves Cichlids
Daves Cichlids - 10 years ago
Tank looks awesome as always.   Question on backgrounds...   Will I have to drain tank to properly install one?   I plan on ordering one up once I decide the background I like best that will work for me.   I have a 125 Running two heaters a fluval FX5 and 305 ..  
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
No you will not.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
A new video to check out and share.
I Pleedafif
I Pleedafif - 8 years ago
Jay Wilson Red Empress are my favorite and you got beauties. "standard cats" maybe synodontis?
joshua bastidas
joshua bastidas - 8 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Jacoub Z
Jacoub Z - 9 years ago
Hey jay
I added chemi pure blue 22oz to my setup after watching your video , this stuff works like crazy in less than 2 hours I noticed big difference, water is crystal clear.
I am new to you tube I posted two videos about a month ago, please watch them
I will post another video tonight so you all can see the difference (before and after chemi blue) I added it yesterday !!!! And wowowo.
Jay thanks again bro
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 10 years ago
Great video Jay. I'm going by Hobby Lobby to look for the poly-fil. I received my ChemiPure Blue today and looking forward to putting it in my system. So did I understand you correctly...your top off water is well water? Do you use a RO/DR system? Thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
No sir strictly well
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Check out this video about clear water.
josephb - 8 years ago
your tank is awsome
revurts - 9 years ago
revurts - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
220 gallons.
revurts - 9 years ago
How many gallons is your Tank?
IFG - 10 years ago
Bodacious!!! You're in the zone!!!!! lol TMT
Cichlid Fanatic
Cichlid Fanatic - 10 years ago
Tank and fish are looking amazing jay, ever since i put chemi pure elite in my fx6 my water has been crystal clear. Keep up the great work buddy.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
James Hunn
James Hunn - 10 years ago
Outstanding as always. Really appreciate the great tips.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
No problem bud!
Calvin Cichlids
Calvin Cichlids - 10 years ago
As long as well water doesn't contain chlorine which I don't think they have , they wouldn't harm any bb. Had a debate on this, but as u mentioned. It works for you it doesn't mean it will work for any others. Like here in Malaysia water are high in chlorine and chloramine most of the time so I always keep a pail of aquarium water to rinse my bio rings. My k1 never needs any rinsing so yea. Good video
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Thanks Calvin have fun bud!
Daves Cichlids
Daves Cichlids - 10 years ago
Love your tank.  Can't wait to get my 3d background.    If i pack my fluval fx5 with to much floss I get micro bubbles from filter.   Any idea why?      I use tap water on my filters when I clean them.   I just dont run tap water through bio media and I refill filter once clean with water from fish tank,  But i do also run two filters and alternate just as you do.  I never had a problem but its prob cuz I also run two filters.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
It's to much floss auto correct got me me lol
Daves Cichlids
Daves Cichlids - 10 years ago
what exactly is touch floss?  not to sound like a dummy.  
Daves Cichlids
Daves Cichlids - 10 years ago
Thanks for info!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Do not run touch floss water becomes trapped and forced through the floss at a high rate causing micro bubbles. Or the trays or deprecated because of jammed floss.
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
It was a great video but your shirt stood out to me the whole time!  I really like the Batman shirt.  +6feetunderwaterwithbatman has to see you with it on!  Keep rocking out these cool videos!
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 10 years ago
You are welcome!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Thanks man!
Justins Fish Tanks
Justins Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Good tips
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Appreciate it a lot.
LVcichlids - 10 years ago
Tank looks awesome as always. Well water shouldn't have to much chlorine so washing your sponges shouldn't be a big deal. I use tap water and rinse my sponges and chemi pure also. As long as you don't rinse the matrix it will house enough bacteria to do the job. Always done it that way with zero issues. Your lucky that your well water and crushed coral is enough of a buffer. I go through Malawi buffer like crazy.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I have used tap water prior to moving in this house. I hope this video help you in some way. Thanks for watching!
FloodXL - 10 years ago
Just wondering, do you mix the safe, salt and water in a container and then add to tank? Or just add all to the tank?
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Just add it as I go
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
That crystal clear water!
Myagi - 10 years ago
Beautiful fish,tank and that clear clear water!!! .... Always good vids, Jay. Been using the same stuff as you as of late too. Just no chemi blue. All my tanks with that and air driven system with the filters running and wave makers on timers helps always after water changes
Howie Phan
Howie Phan - 10 years ago
Hey Jay...great tip...I'll def gonna try this out...I have 2 sun sun canisters running....each run over 100g tank...4 chemi pure Elite...and 2 purigen...clean my tank every 2 weeks...but seem like is not that crystal clear...I feed them twice a u think I should cut down the feeding? U mentioned in the vid u only feed ur fish 1 every 2 days? BTW my tank is 120g
Ashley L
Ashley L - 10 years ago
I had the same problem and it turned out I was also over feeding. I got a uv sterilizer recently and now my water is crystal clear all the time:)
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Every other day
Kenny Stolowich
Kenny Stolowich - 10 years ago
What temperature do you keep your tank at
Kenny Stolowich
Kenny Stolowich - 10 years ago
Thx great videos like always
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
HalfMan HalfCichlid
HalfMan HalfCichlid - 10 years ago
Great video and tips. I have a 400 gallon and 200 gallon tank (check my channel), and I have my water changes/cleanings down to 2 hours for both.  to do this I have some further tips: 1) use a high capacity siphon tube to clean around the rocks and gravel- throw away this water.  2) siphon into a large garbage can (mine 40 gallons) on wheels, with a sump pump in the bottom that sends the dirty water/fish waste to your drain.  The sump pump has a float valve (shuts off when water hits 2 inches) and pumps at 2000 gal/hr, so the job is quick, and the high capacity siphon tube (home made) gets all the fish waste from around/junder the rocks.  Removing the rocks for cleaning is a lot of work and risky in my opinion and can be avoided.  Also, when vacuuming with the eheim, one is removing solid waste, but "squeezzing" out liquid waste which goes back into the aquarium (source of nitrates and detritus).  Sorry for one last idea, keep the gravel at 1 inch or less for easy cleaning.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
My rocks weight about .5 lbs a piece they are fake and do not weigh much so it is not a lot of work.
jvills808 - 10 years ago
I rinse all my media also under my faucet water every time I clean any of my 3filters. I've been doing it since I started my tank. Now I know I'm not the only one that cleans my filters with fresh water. It works for me , I've had no problems yet. Keep up the good work JAY WILSON !!!!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
Thank you my friend.
Bigmunoz11 - 10 years ago
Cleaning the FX6 every two weeks. Thats boss brother. mine goes about 3 months before a deep cleaning. FYI I also clean media with clean water, not tank water! Keep doing big things brother
Addie Arnold
Addie Arnold - 10 years ago
Great and helpful video! Keep up the great work!
MrHoney2U - 10 years ago
Good stuff. Do you have a pleco or do you scrub your background
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
I use bristlenose
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
I use acid LOL
IFG - 10 years ago
Totally Tubular Dude! 
wyzemann - 10 years ago
Jay, this has to be your finest tank video so far, at least for me. 

 I've searched high and low for the right hypo allergenic and clean quilt batting; but until this upload, nothing.  Although, I may have to order mine through eBay or Amazon cause no quilt stores or similar are near me.  

Thank You so much for your incredible techniques!
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
CarpetMan - 10 years ago
Sweet video! Thanks for sharing. Questions for you do U stir around or stir up your sand? I here a lot of people say gas pockets can form. Also I know u have 2 filters and recommend 2 but if someone only had 1 would u still use tap water or would u use tank water to clean filter? Thanks
CarpetMan - 10 years ago
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
I do stir sand and yes I would still use regular water. However I wouldn't rinse the sponges as heavily
Kenny Stolowich
Kenny Stolowich - 10 years ago
Great video
Mike Nichols
Mike Nichols - 10 years ago
Great tips Jay. I agree with your methodology.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Thank you.
tommy rosalee
tommy rosalee - 10 years ago
Love the vid Jay! I do a similar set up on both of my fx6's. So wanted to clarify; both your top and bottom baskets have chemipure, batting, and polyfill?
tommy rosalee
tommy rosalee - 10 years ago
Thanks, I'm doing both of mine the same; batting and one of the pre-filter pads in top, seachem matrix in middle, and chemipure elite and purigen in the bottom.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
SLEWER - 10 years ago
Good video j great advice
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Thank you bud. I appreciate you watching.
J B - 10 years ago
Well done. I really like the position you got with the camera this time. The dialog text flying in and out added to the pace too.
If you are cleaning the filter like that I would guess it is a testament to your local water. #luckyweliveok ;)
Proof is in the pudding.
I have let my chemi pure run out but did not re up and my tank has not been the same since. Have to work that in again.
Thanh Phan
Thanh Phan - 7 years ago
i like the vidoe
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
I hear that. Thanks for watching bud enjoy your week.
Jonathan Ellison
Jonathan Ellison - 10 years ago
Great video as always and yeah DO NOT FORGET TO UNPLUG YOUR HEATER HA had some UT OHHHS with that...THANKS
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
I hear that.
J Spalding
J Spalding - 10 years ago
Great job on the video brotha. Thanks for the shoutout. Pretty much what I do for my tank maintenance as well.
Justin Bertellotti
Justin Bertellotti - 10 years ago
As always, great vid Jay!
Sideshow Cichlids
Sideshow Cichlids - 10 years ago
Hey what kind of lights are you using? Thanks
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Current satellite
asaint05 - 10 years ago
Love every one of your vids! I'm updating my 55 gallon based on what you talk about. Taking my ish to a whole notha level. Thanks Jay.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
This had me rolling to a notha level! LOL thanks for watching.
j pon
j pon - 10 years ago
Thanks for the tips bro. Awesome tank
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
You got it
Antonio Cuevas
Antonio Cuevas - 10 years ago
I know it's not a lot of salt but isn't salt bad for plants?
Antonio Cuevas
Antonio Cuevas - 10 years ago
great video btw
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Oh no they are perfectly fine.
Antonio Cuevas
Antonio Cuevas - 10 years ago
I mean for your garden plants the water you take out of your tank
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
I do not have any plants but I would think this amount wouldn't jack with them 2 much but I'm not a plant expert.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 10 years ago
Clear what?!

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