How to care for red cherry shrimp.

This is just an intro to red cherry shrimp. It covers some of the basics of keeping and breeding them. If you have any more questions feel free to let me know. I'll be adding more videos like about other plants, fish, and inverts. So if you like this video than subscribe, comment, or whatever. Enjoy :D

How to care for red cherry shrimp. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Pets & Animals 13 years ago 300,730 views

This is just an intro to red cherry shrimp. It covers some of the basics of keeping and breeding them. If you have any more questions feel free to let me know. I'll be adding more videos like about other plants, fish, and inverts. So if you like this video than subscribe, comment, or whatever. Enjoy :D

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Most popular comments
for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

Shark N
Shark N - 7 years ago
I have neon tetras and panda Molly with these shrimps it it fine??
FAG098 - 7 years ago
"I don't really test my water" aaaaaaand not taking advice from this guy.
Simply Shrimps
Simply Shrimps - 7 years ago
Hope your shrimp are still going good! Great video =)
Thie V
Thie V - 7 years ago
will it survive in pond
ng ying ying
ng ying ying - 7 years ago
Thie V depend if there are any part fishes that can eat it
CaRnaGe - 7 years ago
thank you ✌✌
Angelu Quijencio
Angelu Quijencio - 7 years ago
do petco or petsmart sell them
Jason D
Jason D - 8 years ago
you got really low quality shrimps, get some nice ones in there for them to breed.
Kathleen Monsegue
Kathleen Monsegue - 8 years ago
what about water? I used tap water with the solution to get rid of chlorine and other metals. and i lost 2 red cherry shrimps.
mcgecko - 8 years ago
Will they get along with ghost shrimp

10. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

Kaiser Frost
Kaiser Frost - 8 years ago
I didn't know the males are not red. I guess I have two females then, as mine are both deep red. I would love to keep a breeding population. All I have in the tank is a nerite snail and two cory cats.
ng ying ying
ng ying ying - 7 years ago
Kaiser Frost the male just have lesser colour ,female shrimp has a yellow"saddle" which are eggs in the ovary
Prince Albert
Prince Albert - 8 years ago
get a male shrimp
rafi 1506nofar
rafi 1506nofar - 8 years ago
do they
Ted Ongirski
Ted Ongirski - 8 years ago
Thanks for the video. I see a few things which I need to correct in my 20-gallon shrimp tank. I have small gravel instead of sand and I have a Penguin Bio-wheel filter. My tank is full of a type of grass that grows quickly and I have driftwood covered with Java Moss. I also have Riccia on the surface, which I keep in check. This tank is fish-free but I have about three Assassin snails to keep the other snail from getting too numerous. It's very difficult to see many at any given time, but they do come out, especially in the moonlight phase of my LED system. Thanks again for the great information!
gerardo solis
gerardo solis - 8 years ago
What type of plant is the one at 0:05?
Ron Griese
Ron Griese - 8 years ago
you were not totally correct; however the basics weren't bad. I would however tell any body who is going to keep these little guys to test your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as this will kill them very fast.Yes they will survive but for a short period of time.
Danny Oey
Danny Oey - 8 years ago
What type of water are you using? That allow successful shrimp breeding and health?
Danny Oey
Danny Oey - 8 years ago
How are your shrimps moving a lot and breeding?
D Leal
D Leal - 8 years ago
do they cohabitate well with Comet Goldfish?
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
:) nop. they are littles snack for comet goldfish ;). goldfish like to eat everything. they like to investigate the plants and subtrate. the tiny little shrimp live on the plants and substrates... maybe the fish won't even try to chase them, they will just eat them by mistake. all of them. ALL OF THEM!!! if you are looking for tankmates for goldfish (I do too), you should try dojo, minnows, danios and some species of corycatfish, like the peper variety. You can also house big snails with the goldfish. this is pretty much all you can have with goldfish...except other goldfish of course. If you really want does shrimps, i suggest you bild a small tank for them (even a bowl could be a choice with some plants and a proper filter systhem. add some snails with them, it will be nice :).
Darryl Ashe
Darryl Ashe - 8 years ago
If the video was in focus would have been informative.
shed43a - 8 years ago
Thanks for posting the vid. I've had a 12 gallon tank for two years with 10 neons and they get on great with my shrimp, started off with six shrimp and now got 30 ish could be more but hard to count them when they keep moving lol

20. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

Thescoolbusterz Nguyen
Thescoolbusterz Nguyen - 8 years ago
Where did u get them I've never been able to find them
Carl - 8 years ago
Are all your plants live?
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
Carl Yes he has java moss, anubias and marsilia minuta
Jessica Song
Jessica Song - 8 years ago
If I have only a 1 gallon tank but only 4 cherry shrimp is that fine?
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
Jessica Song yes but keep up on water changes
Thescoolbusterz Nguyen
Thescoolbusterz Nguyen - 8 years ago
Jessica Song no
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
How many can I keep in a 5 gallon and, is it possible to keep them with betta fish?
Game knights - Gaming videos and more!
Game knights - Gaming videos and more! - 8 years ago
In a 5 gallon, you can probly keep 3-5 with some other small fish.
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Ok thanks!
Finchtoss - 8 years ago
Kimberley Davis my betta does great with two ghosts in a five gal. It depends on the betta :)
Kimberley Davis
Kimberley Davis - 8 years ago
Oh ok I was wondering that. Thank you very much!
Stephan Bouwer
Stephan Bouwer - 8 years ago
not recommended, my betta chanced all the shrimps non stop in my 10 gallon, 5 galon will be even worse... the betta will also eat all the babies, so they won't breed. In some cases, the betta will leave the shrims, but its not worth it to try, your shrimps will be in permanent hiding and wont really ever see them
Torres Oey
Torres Oey - 8 years ago
Did you put any thing before the substrate?
May Mcmahon
May Mcmahon - 8 years ago
do cherry shrimp come out of the water
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 8 years ago
just setup my 10 gallon cherry shrimp aquarium. sponge filter is the best for a shrimp tank and the baby rate will skyrocket once the tank is aged
miguel contreras
miguel contreras - 8 years ago
i had 14 ghost shrimp and 5 where pregnant females im down to 3 shrimp idk why my shrimp died
Allan Birmantas
Allan Birmantas - 8 years ago
What are those white things. Dead shrimp?
Acacia Sterling
Acacia Sterling - 7 years ago
hugh janus Not really, it's mostly just calcium. And it may sit there for a couple hours but the shrimp will eat it eventually haha.
Yass Beater
Yass Beater - 8 years ago
the shells
Yass Beater
Yass Beater - 8 years ago
killer slowpoke do they pollute the water?
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
They molt, and then to regain the lost calcium and nutrients, they typically eat the molted exoskeleton.
Cody Neumeister
Cody Neumeister - 8 years ago
molted shells
Allan Birmantas
Allan Birmantas - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank populated only by small snails. Do cherry shrimp predate on them? I have two filters on this tank, I like the water to be clean. I guess that would not be good for the shrimp. How about if I put some foam around the water intakes? Would that work?
Midnight Magic
Midnight Magic - 8 years ago
LOL no they don't haha. If you got a problem get assassin snail

30. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

Dragon y2k
Dragon y2k - 8 years ago
Great video! Will they be safe in a guppy tank?
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Guppies might pick at the smaller ones and eat the babies. Maybe if you have enough thick, leafy plants like hornwort, anacharis, and/or big clumps of grass and moss, then there might be enough coverage for the shrimp to feel safe and a handful of babies to survive.
SID HINOJOSA - 8 years ago
sorry for the place of some words lol been up and its 4am halfway asleep lol
SID HINOJOSA - 8 years ago
these reds are not that healthy, and you don't have to have plants in your tank to keep them healthy, I had a 5gl tank from Walmart & coal filter nothing fancy, placed a few fake plants and had both ghost shrimps and reds, ghost & reds were almost an inch n half, i fed them 2x daily and no wafers. and had baby's every 3/4 wks (half would breed gibe birth then other half would breed , would alternate cycles always had babies) did it for a whole year with clear water never changed it once, fed them a special diet and really made them grow and show bright red color and ghost would have a hue of either green or blue to their shell, diet was dried shrimp ( yes I know but they loved it) cichlid flakes, dried meal worms, small pebble flakes, (all mixed together in a jar and fed them 2pinch full mid day) (once a week in or 2x daily with a larger rank n good dry sump & filtration) small portions were fed watermelon, cucumber, carrots, banana leaves, & apples) (once a month I would feed them boiled chckn breast no salt )
all this and I had an excellent amount of babies and awesome color as well as amazing size on both breeds of shrimp. sometimes thinking outside the box pays off you just have to use what works for you & the amount of time you can spend on your aquarium!
IceyKicks - 7 years ago
SID HINOJOSA why would you say they aren't healthy? They could just be not high quality colored ones.
Acacia Sterling
Acacia Sterling - 7 years ago
hugh janus Mine have never done that.
Yass Beater
Yass Beater - 8 years ago
SID HINOJOSA I also have.5 gallon and I wanna get the same shrimp can they crawl out of the tank were the feeding holes are open and do the shrimp crossbreed?
Ovarb Amen
Ovarb Amen - 8 years ago
SID HINOJOSA did the cherry and ghost shrimp cross breed with each other?
Bob Stowne
Bob Stowne - 8 years ago
um.. look at my herd!
Neocaridina Davidi - My Crimson Chin Crustaceans - Red Cherry Shrimp
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Amazing, your little critters look pretty happy to be in a tank like that!
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
Those rcs won't eat aqua plants right?
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 8 years ago
no but they will probably eat dying parts of plants. they are really good with plants because they keep them clean of Algae the more you have and the cleaner your plants will be.
Lexi Kent
Lexi Kent - 8 years ago
the color on those are awful lol they are almost clear!
Fearlessmestizo Franky P.
Fearlessmestizo Franky P. - 8 years ago
can i keep 4 ADFs and shrimps in a 15 gallon tank? or will the frogs eat all the shrimp fry?
ryan mcconville
ryan mcconville - 8 years ago
great vid - 8 years ago
How much can I put in a 8 gallon with 6 neon tetras? Sorry I'm late (on bro's channel) - 8 years ago
oh okay thank you!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
You can put ten in there but since they regularly breed you may want to get seven. Also, make sure that you have Java moss.
Wyatt Afterglow
Wyatt Afterglow - 8 years ago
what a stupid video
Fearlessmestizo Franky P.
Fearlessmestizo Franky P. - 8 years ago
u look really stupid
AquariumsAndWhatNot - 9 years ago
going to start keeping and breeding rcs soon
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
You should outcome Java moss into hat shrimp tank of yours. My shrimp love it.
stormagus5 - 9 years ago
Cherry Shrimp don't eat algae. What you're seeing is them eating biofilm/micro-organisms.
The Everyday Rider
The Everyday Rider - 9 years ago
I have a 5 gallon that is filtered with carbon and has a heater and I have two Cory cats and one platy, do you think I could fit one or two of these in it without stressing out the fish?
The Everyday Rider
The Everyday Rider - 9 years ago
+Brandon Lopez it's been there four 4 1/2 years and it's doing fine
Not Brandon Lopez
Not Brandon Lopez - 9 years ago
A platy in a 5 gal ? :/
The Everyday Rider
The Everyday Rider - 9 years ago
+short-gaming-clips thx
YouTube Hero
YouTube Hero - 9 years ago
U could put 5 to 7
Tasmir Hasan
Tasmir Hasan - 9 years ago
i bought 10 pair RCS, but within 1week 6 pair died. How to measure water parameter ?
Humble Scrub
Humble Scrub - 9 years ago
killer setup! did you GROW that rock? it fit nicely!
Alex Coates
Alex Coates - 9 years ago
Thinking of getting these in the future, good advice pal.
Adil Aubdool
Adil Aubdool - 9 years ago
can i put these in with my red tailed shark
Not Brandon Lopez
Not Brandon Lopez - 9 years ago
they might get eaten
Uwant?iGot_RL - 9 years ago
Where is all the up date to the shrimp tank?
No update on ur fish tank channel also..
Charles Kuno
Charles Kuno - 9 years ago
Hey man, why are there so many dead shrimp in your tank? I see a few super white dead ones!
Carlos López Velarde P.L.
Carlos López Velarde P.L. - 9 years ago
Red cherry shrimp get a rid of their old exoskeleton
Casey Wilson
Casey Wilson - 9 years ago
I don't think they're dead? I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure shrimp shed
Jeff - 9 years ago
+Charles Kuno Those are shells from when they molt.
Kate Prokop
Kate Prokop - 9 years ago
what light do you use? do you add co2?

50. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

BigBudde & BooBoo
BigBudde & BooBoo - 9 years ago
thanks man =)
Alexis Berry
Alexis Berry - 9 years ago
"I don't really test my water"
STANLEY Darwin - 7 years ago
Alexis Berry #r3kkekupinipin
Drew - 7 years ago
yeah well thats anecdotal and it suggest that its okay to not test your tanks. you should test your tanks. better safe than sorry. I understand these freshwater shrimp can live in almost any conditions but you should always double check
Wallytukan - 8 years ago
last time I tested my tank was years ago. if you're beginner or a noob you buy test kits.
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 9 years ago
I've never tested mine either and I've got 9 tanks. years and never a problem.
John Smith
John Smith - 9 years ago
Can they live off the natural algae alone without feeding them the fish food?
Zach - 9 years ago
Do they eat the alage on the side of the tank?
Fireant 673
Fireant 673 - 9 years ago
I don't think they do so you are going to want to get a plecostomus, snail, etc.
Nick Gieseking
Nick Gieseking - 9 years ago
your gourami says thank you if they can put part of it in thier mouth then its gone.
Bean Mcdowall
Bean Mcdowall - 9 years ago
So yeah
Joseph Ward
Joseph Ward - 9 years ago
Hey, I have a 13 gallon tank with 2 platys added 2 days ago, 2 mollies added 2 days ago, and 2 male motherfucking guppies added 9 days ago. I plan on getting two more guppies because I learned that they require a larger school than two, but I'm only getting makes so these bastards don't overpopulate. Would only males be okay btw?Unfortunately, my guppies are complete bitches. When I added the mollies and platys a week later they were very aggressive, constantly nipping and antagonizing my new fish. Also, when my molly had babies(she had them the first day I got them in fact. Lucky me.) they ate all but one of them, who probably won't let much longer! I am very upset with my guppies and am concerned that if I got RCS that they would be attacked and killed due to their small size. I also think that any babies would get eaten by those damn guppies. I currently have two plants and 4 pieces of cholla wood as realistic fry hiding places, but I plan on getting some Java moss that I'll cover the cholla wood and a bit of the gravel around the two larger plants with, and two caves(one is only small enough for small shrimp and fish fry to fit in). So the questions are, would this be enough cover for some of the young to survive(I don't want all of them to because they'll overpopulate) despite those ravenous guppies, do they eat their own young, will the RCS themselves get killed by my fucking guppies, and what are the different color variations of RCS because I'd like to get a school of like 10 of them in multiple colors. I know there is yellow, but I heard about some green or blue?
JH A RI EL - 9 years ago
my guppy killed my betta and pearlscale goldfish
kieran jenkinson
kieran jenkinson - 9 years ago
+Joseph Ward  I would be careful mind joseph with all the male guppies they might interbreed with the mollies or platys as I found out as I have hybrids of them fish in my tank as I am a successful breeder with red cherry shrimp britlenose and guppy fish all breeding in separate tanks
BaconBros - 10 years ago
what substrate are you using?
Katie Glass
Katie Glass - 9 years ago
try pool filter sand!
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
I use sand, then a clay substrate mix, sand again, and then gravel. Mainly because my substrate focuses on helping planted tanks flourish. Which in turn will help your shrimp, they love lots of plant life. If you wanted an actual brand check Fluval substrate.
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 10 years ago
It doesn't actually matter, for me I currently use a Japanese brand. Just do not use soil or black sand from seachem. It cost a lot and is like artificial pebbles.
BaconBros - 10 years ago
i know but what brand of substrate are you using?
Aquarium Chaos
Aquarium Chaos - 10 years ago
+BaconBros You can use soil, sand or pebbles, gravel.
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
what is your water parameter including KH/GH ? please
PunkSkaful - 10 years ago
I need answer asap please... I have 4 red cherry shrimp and it disappeared without a trace, how's that? My fish can't swallow them because they are small and my tank is completely covered. I was thinking maybe they died and the dead body got eaten by the serpae tetras and my 1 inch gourami :/ anyone have thesame experience?
PuRqL3Haz3 - 9 years ago
+Freshwater Shrimp Put chemicals? What are you talking about?? Also if you use RO you should add minerals
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Ira noo! Dont put chemicals in to do what already exists purely. RO is a must in my eyes for any aquarium inhabitant. 
Ira Maya
Ira Maya - 9 years ago
Oh and I don't use RO water for my shrimps. I just use Prime Dechlorinator, works well for cherrys.
And I put a net tied around to my siphon so the shrimps and their babies don't get sucked up.
Also, I hope your filter is shrimp friendly, with a sponge or net covering it, the shrimps tend to go to the filter, so it's important that they don't get sucked up.
Ira Maya
Ira Maya - 9 years ago
Have u found your shrimps? From my experience, shrimps tend to hide when there are fish around because they feel threatened; under bogwood, between the plants etc. Or when the water parameter isn't good, they go into hiding too. Other than that, I believe most fish, no matter how small they may be, may treat the shrimps as snack, except maybe fish fry. But yea every fish is different. I wld give the shrimps lots of hiding space where the fish can't get to, so they can eat without getting their food stolen by the fish. now my shrimps multiply like crazy. Hope yours will too!
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
I would say to start make sure your doing water changes. Remove like 15-20% of the water each time you do it, and then replace with reverse osmosis water(easy to find and cheap at local or pet stores. Think about a new lighting set up that semi decent, and get some plants. Then id say you should have no problem keeping them in that tank.
PunkSkaful - 9 years ago
+Freshwater Shrimp I only use siphon, but I always check the mouth of the siphon to avoid sucking the shrimp and the end of the siphon goes in to a bucket so its safe...then my tanks is not heavily planted in fact my 3 plants died. I'm sure they're not hiding because I check all over the place I re arrange everything
Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater Shrimp - 9 years ago
Do you use RO water on changes? And is it heavily planted or have places for them to hide. They are good at tucking away that might be it. But if your fish got to them then id recommend more places for them to hide out.
samcbates18 - 10 years ago
Just had the same experience. Bought 4 RCS a few hours pass only one to be found.. I'm hoping they are shy at first with a extream hide'n'seek skills.
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 10 years ago
Stupid question are these fresh water
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 10 years ago
PaperPlatesandForks - 10 years ago
+Sebastian Fairfield Yes, these are freshwater creatures.
S - 10 years ago
Do you need fine sand, because in my tank I have lots of live plants, but no fine sand, just kind of large pebbles which I guess the shrimp can eat some algae off of, also I have very small tropical fish, do they make good tankmates? Thanks :)
Jessica Blanciak
Jessica Blanciak - 10 years ago
How man can I keep in a 2 gallon tank if I put live plants
Cobalt - 10 years ago
can i keep a few in a 1 gallon bowl? without filter/heater
Sir Ratman
Sir Ratman - 8 years ago
+Cobalt you do know that mostly all lfs fish are kept in shitty conditions right?
Laura.ren101 - 8 years ago
+Sam Arthur I keep hearing people say that. "Surviving but not thriving."
Sam Arthur
Sam Arthur - 9 years ago
Sure they can live but are they living happy and healthily, unlikely.
Cobalt - 9 years ago
+kieran jenkinson
you actually can, I've seen it at my LFS
kieran jenkinson
kieran jenkinson - 9 years ago
+Younggrasshoppa  no u cant and u need a air pump as well
Cesar Barajas
Cesar Barajas - 10 years ago
No you can not they well did need be 80 degrees
Sam Arthur
Sam Arthur - 10 years ago
No the water parameters would fluctuate too much due to the small amount of water and nothing to maintain those parameters. 5 gallon I would say minimum for happy Cherry's :)
Daniel Dias
Daniel Dias - 10 years ago
so basacliy there are coldwater shrimp?
Ray Hartung
Ray Hartung - 10 years ago
Great looking tank!
Rahul Prasad
Rahul Prasad - 10 years ago
Hi, Do you think its a good idea to have neon tetras and red cherry shrimps together? As you said, they'd breed pretty quick... soo i just wouldnt want the tetras feasting on the baby shrimps.. 

Thanks :)
Rahul Prasad
Rahul Prasad - 10 years ago
Thank you, I did put them together..And there's no stopping the RCS ..they've multiplied almost 7-8 times in the past 2 months
LAVASTICK - 10 years ago
I have 20 neon tetras and they don't bother with shrimps at all.
LoveAnimalLover - 10 years ago
I had a pregnant shrimp. But this morning it was laying on her back and didn't move. Dead.
How is that possible. This is my third dead female shrimp.
maddi X
maddi X - 10 years ago
Awesome tank! I have never seen a shrimp scratch his back before.. Lol!
Scrungo McDungo
Scrungo McDungo - 10 years ago
what plant is that at 3:04 cause i want it for my red cherry shrimp
Mitch Robbins
Mitch Robbins - 10 years ago
Anubias nana
Frezzed - 10 years ago
I really like your setup and tank, lookin good. What brand is it? Also have you had any luck breeding a swarm of cherry shrimp? did you just leave them be.. 
Frezzed - 10 years ago
Don't do shrimp! It'll fuck you up Brah!
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
They are not hard to care for at all. Keeping water clean is very important, but they are very hardy and i neaver have problems with mine.
Danny Nguyen
Danny Nguyen - 10 years ago
I have my CRS with panda and albino Corie's, otos and a small pleco and they get along fine. They love sharing the algae wafers and its the best way to get them all in one place.
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
can i keep them with betta fish?
Zed Zul Zorander
Zed Zul Zorander - 10 years ago
It depends on your betta. I have shrimp in two different tanks with bettas. Some may die, but the ones that grow large enough are left alone by my fish. As for eating the shrimplets, that's not such a bad thing. You don't want to be overrun with shrimp.
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
yes, but a big thanks to you for helping me have safe aqarium!
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Ok, i misunderstood. You have your Betta with your Dwarf Frogs correct? All is safe then, and no shimps right?  :)
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Yikes! Those poor shimps do not have a chance!    ):
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
my tank currently has two dwarf frogs with one betta!! they re all in one 10 gal!!
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Dwarf Frogs also eat shrimp. You might want to hit some Forums to see what's compatable with your fish/shrimp/etc. If you have a Fluval 5 gallon make sure also that you shrimp proof the tank ( intake filter) because it can suck in fry or baby shrimp . I had to do this with mine because they are so tiny. Try an all Shrimp Tank, they do not cost very much and that way you can make sure your shrimp are totally safe. Good luck on your aquarium and shrimp. Try google those forums i mentioned they are loaded with tons of good advice.  :))))))))
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
oh no i actually put them with dwarf frogs! not shrinp but thanks to you guys i didnt get shrimp! thanks alot for caring lol\
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Can do so at your own risk of loosing your shrimp. Just saying.
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
but i think they are doing pretty good
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
I would not. Bettas are very aggressive. They can eat the babies and the eggs.
Talia Rojo
Talia Rojo - 10 years ago
ok thanks!
 my betta is actually in a 10 gal, with two best friends... dwarf frogs!
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
LaxBboys - 10 years ago
I believe the betta will try to attack it.  Remember fish will eat anything if their mouth is big enough to eat it.  
Stephen Bamber
Stephen Bamber - 10 years ago
What about keeping them with some small fish like Guppy's or small tetras?
Stephen Bamber
Stephen Bamber - 10 years ago
What about keeping them with some small fish like Guppy's or small tetras?
Ike D
Ike D - 11 years ago
I had guppies an neons with my shrimp an they ate em once they get a taste for them your whole tank of shrimp will be empty.
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Huh? Guppies don't eat shrimp unless it's the eggs! Their mouths are not big enough to eat a cherry shrimp.
Ike D
Ike D - 11 years ago
Nothing, on water params? Thats the most important part of keeping shrimp.
PH,GH,KH, best filter, lighting?
Ike D
Ike D - 10 years ago
No one will ever tell what r the best params to keep shrimp its like a cult.
I have a friend who breeds his own types of shrimps an he gave some an will help if i ever wanna keep em but im all set with shrimps. U will always get "oh the cherry shrimp r the easiest to keep" but i found out out first hand they can be tricky too. Do u know u cant have loation on ya skin an put ya hands in their tanks, im black so i wear it everyday LOL
el7areef1 - 10 years ago
did you get an answer ? I want to know what is the best parameter for shrimps ?
brian Gore
brian Gore - 11 years ago
also, fish that are not aggressive and live just great with RCS or most all other shrimp are Neon's, and Guppies. I also have Otocinclus cats in my tank as well. 
brian Gore
brian Gore - 11 years ago
really there are hundreds of possible filters and light suggestions for RCS. they are extremely hardy against PH,GH,KH. ive really never had to feed shrimp. they thrive off of the plants. I EXTREMELY RECOMMEND FLUVAL STRATUM for the substrate. it is MADE for live planted shrimp tanks.
dvdfrnzwbr - 11 years ago
The only shrimp I want is breaded, deep fried, and served to me on a plate.
DViau Aquascaping
DViau Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Really nice! Would love to see an update on this 
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 11 years ago
How many babies actually grew up to adults from a single batch?
Marius Swart
Marius Swart - 11 years ago
Too sad they are Blacklisted in South Africa
David Fairbairn
David Fairbairn - 11 years ago
They do not need an airstone. I would also say that in my tank, current doesn't seem to bother them although it is not crazy in there. Loadsa plants, some moss on a nice piece of driftwood also as my shrimp like to sit quite high in the tank.
Denise Johnson
Denise Johnson - 11 years ago
I've read that shrimp should have an air stone.  What are your thoughts on that?  I have a Fluval Spec v (5 gal) The filter is on the side of the tank with an output valve under the water.  The valve stirs the water but since its not a HOB type there is no water fall to spash down and stir the water that way.  Any suggestions welcome.  I have two ADF in the tank and a Mystery snail.
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
If you have a Spec you might want to consider Shrimp Proofing it. Those little slots in the back the babies can get in there and die. Can rig something over it like a hairnet or mesh so they cant crawl through.
BenD Dalley
BenD Dalley - 11 years ago
how big would you say they are when fully grown 
dilos flow
dilos flow - 11 years ago
this shrimps are so ugly n weird. those eyes look like black buttons... can they even see?
FishFish - 7 years ago
Correct Comment
Those shrimp are so ugly and weird. Their eyes look like black buttons; can they even see?
Lane Walls
Lane Walls - 11 years ago
Robi Dawn
Robi Dawn - 11 years ago
single bristlenose will deal with your glass algae issue, btw bristlenose doesnt bother with the rcs. my guy gives some of my rcs a ride at times
benjitheluckyguy - 11 years ago
If the shrimp was large enough and it is at least double the size of the betta's mouths it should be ok!
mark1696587 - 11 years ago
I just got my RCS today and I understand what he was saying in the video about the fry being small. They're seriously like 2 mm long so even neon tetras could eat them. The adults might be ok, but I saw my betta tear apart and eat an entire ghost shrimp which are a bit longer than adult RCS so it would probably depend on your bettas temperment. I'd suggest going to the pet store and getting some ghost shrimp first and see what he does with them since theyre cheaper so youre not losing much.
Lazar Arsović
Lazar Arsović - 11 years ago
Can i keep them in a medium planted tank with my young betta splendens?I have Java moss,Sagitarria subulata,Limnophila,Anubia Nana...Riccia fluitans...Will the Betta eat them?
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 11 years ago
Alex, how many did you start with to get them to breed? - Thanks
anthony chen
anthony chen - 11 years ago
can i have these live in regular aquarium rocks?
RobitskiStudios - 11 years ago
I definitely saw one at 5:10 !
Stephan Paul
Stephan Paul - 11 years ago
Dude! thank u so much for the panty hose or the sponge tip! i literally just put some babies i bought in my tank and you said they will get sucked up! so i ran to my tank and tore the filer apart and i had a little dude swimming in there! just chillen!
Tav Harega
Tav Harega - 11 years ago
It's name is Anubias
416xnoodlez - 11 years ago
my cherry shrimp just chill all day inside my plant.. how do i know if they are dead? should i be concerned? I put half of a wafer in the water and none of them go to it, only one of them swim around and are pretty active :(
Rick Buffum
Rick Buffum - 11 years ago
Just add water their do the rest
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
Christopher S.
Christopher S. - 11 years ago
You've got a lot of mooted shells

100. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.

timr617 - 11 years ago
Stupid ass shrimp
Cindy S
Cindy S - 11 years ago
Great video and info!
wilki23 - 11 years ago
"he's scratching his back for some" haha like that
kathryn trapp
kathryn trapp - 11 years ago
What is the name of the plant you show at 2:46 and do you know where to get them??
Mike Reed
Mike Reed - 11 years ago
Yeah, they are addicting like drugs but are a bit healthier for ya!
Ziabis Oh
Ziabis Oh - 11 years ago
Good video.... Temperature, what is too HOT. While my lights are on for 10 hours a day. The water temp does increase by 3 degrees over the 10hour span. Is this too much too fast? I usually start them out at 25C and it goes up to 28C. For red cherry shrimp what is the ultimate temp for them. No other fish in there.... I see some dead shrimp. I'm I not feeding enough or is it the temperature. The water tests show pH - 6.8 ammonia - 0 Nitrates - 5 I have had them only a week... several died
TheBi3N - 11 years ago
how long do ghost shrimp eggs hatch
jamie cottam-howarth
jamie cottam-howarth - 11 years ago
hi m8 after watching this vid i bought some cherry shrimp infact 5 females and and 2 males and now 1 female has a clutch of eggs.everybody is fascinated by them.i will make a vid tomorrow night
mr_dean 86
mr_dean 86 - 11 years ago
just use catapa leaf , or catapa leaf extract to lower down your pH..
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 11 years ago
I think I saw a baby shrimp swim across the background at 4:59
Cho Pen
Cho Pen - 11 years ago
6 months
MAPEXable - 11 years ago
What kind of fluval filter is that
pugilist102 - 11 years ago
Your glosso is growing upwards. You need more light.
Daniel Guerrero
Daniel Guerrero - 12 years ago
Will they get along with my ghost shrimp?
glitsy mitsy
glitsy mitsy - 12 years ago
its weird how my cherry shrimp are small and don't get as big as the ones everyone else has i heard they might be a different species is it possible
justin94block - 12 years ago
pretty much, shrimp is better off with only shrimp in the tank.
Santi Barrio
Santi Barrio - 12 years ago
I have just puted some shrimp in my aquarium with my fish but they wont come out what to do?
Pam Thompson
Pam Thompson - 12 years ago
very good video. I have just set up a new shrimp tank with cherry shrimps and some other shrimps. I have the Aquael shrimp set 20. It's a great little tank and I find my little shrimps utterly fascinating. I put a video of my shrimp tank on my youtube page.
Aswin Ravichandran
Aswin Ravichandran - 12 years ago
where to buy living in tamilnadu
crazedangrybird347 - 12 years ago
they will not get along with guppies guppies will eat the shrimp. and shrimp would eat the babies
crazedangrybird347 - 12 years ago
it could be because it could shake the shrimp and kill them. i recommend a fluva chi fish tank
crazedangrybird347 - 12 years ago
about a month or so
Bobby Shotz
Bobby Shotz - 12 years ago
I love how u said the babies are smaller versions of the adults!! LOL, that my new favorite YouTube quote... U did get what I needed off your video so don't think I was making fun... I just ordered my first 20, so thanks for the advice.. Thumbs up
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
would it be oossible to breed shrimps having in tank tetras and galaxy rasboras? tank is heavily planted and there's lot of java moss for shrimps to hide
ahmed yassine
ahmed yassine - 12 years ago
is it dangerous to have a powerhead pump?
Shaheer Jamal
Shaheer Jamal - 12 years ago
Umm I have a question Can we grow Java Moss or do we have to buy it? and if we cna grow it, how can we?
Peekablue - 12 years ago
Yes, that's about the only thing they do need. They need it to hide in as well as to eat algae from.
microiguana - 12 years ago
I would say these are very low maintenance, about as low maintenance as you can get. Literally all I have to do for mine is add about a cup of water from my tank every month.
Daryl Jotic
Daryl Jotic - 12 years ago
does red cherry shrimp need live plants in the aquarium?
Cole H
Cole H - 12 years ago
what r those small plants in the front of your tank?
BassFishingNJ18 - 12 years ago
what kind of gravel I cant find it anywhere? and where did u get it?
CraigRets - 12 years ago
@ 4:37 you can see a tiny shrimp in the right hand corner of the tank, it looks like a little moving ant on your computter screen! THUMBS UP I YOU CAN SEE IT!
SuperSabreFlip - 12 years ago
Lol I think you overfed them little buggers.
stogucheme - 12 years ago
Algae wafers, calcium tablets. Search for 'cherry shrimp farming.'
Caleb Poulson
Caleb Poulson - 12 years ago
What is that plant at 0:58
Niels Gerritsen
Niels Gerritsen - 12 years ago
I have got some of them, but I can't see the males, my tank is just 10 gallon so they must be very good hiders then, or can they be quite red too?
hamneggwich - 12 years ago
The shrimp wouldn't mind, but there is a chance you could get a female with eggs from the store(as I did today for a shrimp-only tank, I want babies :D). I'd probably not keep even adult cherries with a betta though, it couldn't eat them whole but it could probably harass shrimp enough to stress them to death, take legs off etc. It does depend on the individual betta though, some are more chill/lazy than others. I have a betta in his own tank and he attempts to eat anything that moves, lol.
BunchofButt - 12 years ago
Uhhh is it ok if i just get a bunch of females and no males, don't want babies in my tank -_- especially since i'm having my betta in it.
EpiK1ReM5611 - 12 years ago
yeeeaaaa some cocunut shrip sounds pretty gewd rite now haaaa.
KND970 - 12 years ago
I'm planning to make a tank for red cherry shrimps, what do they eat?
NovaDoesMinecraft - 12 years ago
where did you buy your shrimp? please reply:)
NovaDoesMinecraft - 12 years ago
wow great video! i actually learned somthing new.:) oh and you got a new subscriber:)
FlintSparked - 12 years ago
So I have a pictus catfish, as a species they are carnivorous but mine is fairly gentle but I'm sure he'd eat cherry shrimp. If they are in a heavily planted tank that is 6 feet long, do you think they could hide in the plants and breed at a successful rate? Or would any predation on them be too much?
Nick Musik
Nick Musik - 12 years ago
Thanks toan pham !!!
Frellnik - 12 years ago
lol, I hope that isn't true...
Toan Pham
Toan Pham - 12 years ago
They're quite eager breeders, as long as you have 1 male and 1 female. Your population should more than triple by a month or 2. They breed in most condition and prefer a harder water, around a gh of 5 - 6 is good. I had 3 once, and by 3 months, I had 40+. Good luck!
Nick Arvizu
Nick Arvizu - 12 years ago
great video.
Nick Musik
Nick Musik - 12 years ago
please respond: how do u breed them but i only have 3 of them?
IamWhoIam - 12 years ago
Is it okay if ghost shrimp got/get white spots on them(only the older ones), please respond. Thank you.
eganrawr - 12 years ago
how about if i use brown sand ? will they grow in a great color ?
RelativeRealism - 12 years ago
Awesome video. I'm in my twenties and buying my first aquarium soon and I've decided I want to focus on Red Cherry Shrimp, they are so fun to watch! Really informative video, learned a few things :)
worm123321 - 12 years ago
nice vid! subscribed. Very informative. Otto's are 100% shrimp safe so thats a fish option:) My threadfin rainbows show no interest in my cherry shrimp either.
lastking30 - 12 years ago
I clearly did not know they jump so held 1 of my cousins own it jumped outta my hand and the cay eat it o.O
jessica powell
jessica powell - 12 years ago
I got a red cherry shrimp from a pet store a few days ago and it died.. i did not even have the poor thing for one day and it corked VwV
mekIbanez - 12 years ago
Um.. Do you know how many red cherry shrimp can fit in a 10 gallon tank ?
rfitz - 12 years ago
can you temporarily keep them with ghost shrimp of the same size?
toejoe333 - 12 years ago
what size tank is that?
Angelo Dv
Angelo Dv - 12 years ago
thx dude, i just started with our friends :-)
S.Martian - 12 years ago
They live about 2 years.
Luis Daniel
Luis Daniel - 12 years ago
How long does it take for them to be big?
Aquascaped - 12 years ago
Where did you get your shrimp? My newborns are as red as your adults.
Desman Harris
Desman Harris - 12 years ago
i am looking to get in to shrimp most ly ghost srimp because ther cheap
athaocity - 12 years ago
just leave it for the shrimp to eat it. it has nutrients the shrimps need.
MCplayerable - 12 years ago
ill love your tank. :) im watchin all ur aqua vids :D
sir teamkiller
sir teamkiller - 12 years ago
fuck u
Matt Weber
Matt Weber - 12 years ago
red cherry shrimp are freshwater primarily, but do ok in brackish
starwars2078 - 12 years ago
Hey, would you think these guys would look good with a 10 Gallon tank, with neon tetras and a snail? Also, the tank comes with a 10i filter, is that too strong? Also, are these guys omnivores or only algae eaters?
Al M
Al M - 12 years ago
also are they fresh or salt water?
Al M
Al M - 12 years ago
would u mind if i copy ur set up i love it!! how many gallons is ur tank??
Risherly Rosario
Risherly Rosario - 12 years ago
hey can i keep them in a base with out a tank? with my snails?
CaseyJameela - 12 years ago
can i keep them in an angel fish tank?
Kamize Ryo
Kamize Ryo - 12 years ago
Shrimp RC aka Red Cherry from Taiwan,grow up adult to 2cm-3,5cm,live 2years :)
Kamize Ryo
Kamize Ryo - 12 years ago
I think the small plants called Glossostigma elatinoides :) peace :D
Kamize Ryo
Kamize Ryo - 12 years ago
I think your tank low light,Glossostigma elatinoides grow very tall :-s
joe jiang
joe jiang - 12 years ago
how long do they live?
Cobalt - 12 years ago
they don't clean? what about ghost shrimp
ReptiFish - 12 years ago
do you need to use a heater with them?
kopitarfan11 - 12 years ago
It might be a bit pricey if you want these to be feeder fish. If you want a feeder shrimp i recommend ghost shrimp.
Staxxual - 12 years ago
can i put red cherry shrimp in a community tank? and will they eat most of the stuff? i have 3 platys and 2 algea eaters already..
DrDollarGeneral - 12 years ago
Very true.
Logan Wake
Logan Wake - 12 years ago
No, the white sand makes them a very light color. if you want your red cherry shrimp to stand out use a black sand
tricksmaster1234 - 12 years ago
saw your comment and thought i might ask you does white sand make their colours stand out becuse im gunna get some to put in my shrimp tank
tricksmaster1234 - 12 years ago
hi how many wafers do you put in every 3 days?
Logan Wake
Logan Wake - 12 years ago
I have a question for you. I have a 5 gallon RCS tank with white sand..... I want to transfer the shrimp and sand into a 6 gallon tank. any recommendations?
will deak
will deak - 12 years ago
Excellent vid, just got some and now know more.
Rui Correia
Rui Correia - 12 years ago
are these good for feeding big fish ?
Rui Correia
Rui Correia - 12 years ago
are these good to feed bigger fish ?
Powermuffin - 12 years ago
i have shrimps and a betta, its possible ;)
giloz2k - 12 years ago
Hi there, I was wondering if it will be OK to house a dwarf gourami with my red cherry shrimp. Thank you.
98robbie98 - 12 years ago
what rocks do you have in your tank
alyssa kellerson
alyssa kellerson - 12 years ago
nice vid
Amanda Ramirez
Amanda Ramirez - 12 years ago
where is the best place to get them from?
Deyvit Lham
Deyvit Lham - 12 years ago
what "male" cheery shrimp looks like a ghost shrimp to me..
awfaedsf asdfghj
awfaedsf asdfghj - 13 years ago
Check out my channel(im new to youtube :D )
adam briqn
adam briqn - 13 years ago
Hi, I'm getting cherry shrimp for the first time. Can I ask a couple of questions. -Will they survive outside the water? If yes could you put them on your hand and is that safe? -When I am cleaning my tank and when I need to take them out, do I use the normal net? -How far do they climb up the sides of the tank and could they jump off? -If I don' have much algae could they just eat the remains of flake food? Thank you
urbaansimoon - 13 years ago
whats the temprature in the tank
Jake Johnston
Jake Johnston - 13 years ago
The clear shrimp looks more like a glass or ghost shrimp. If so, it will kill the cherry shrimp.... I breed cherry shrimp and haven't seen any that are as transparent as the one that's running around in the video.
Mathew Evans
Mathew Evans - 13 years ago
Great Advice dude. You really know your stuff
melonpotato - 13 years ago
Just a little add-on here. You need to get ridd of the shells or else it will start to smell really bad and the shrimp can get sick. Most of the time they eat the shells but not allways. And keep in mind that if you give them chalk when they're about to molt they can acctually DIE becouse it's so hard getting the shell of. And also you need atleast 2 shrimps and not one lonley one, shirmps are acctually very playfull and social and likes to be with other shrimps, no matter what breed.
Pratap Bp
Pratap Bp - 13 years ago
hi dude..i have a 6 gallon tank, without Co2, Eheim 2217 filter and aquasoil, with rotella,cryptocorynes and not having java moss since they require co2 for a lush growth as we see in a Amano tank...pls advice me if i can have different types of shrimps in my tank with this setup..
Jonathan Taylor
Jonathan Taylor - 13 years ago
nice tank but does it matter what plants you have? do you need to feed them or will they just be ok grazing on the plants?
vincescream - 13 years ago
can i put them in aquarium with gravel substrate?
boscoitalics - 13 years ago
cute! I am thinking of getting some when I get back from dog sitting :) They have them at my local petsmart.
Vince H
Vince H - 13 years ago
Dude I think Pimafix killed my Crystal Red CHerry Shrimp. Is that possible?
MrBangsitBoto - 13 years ago
is it safe to keep fish around these shrimp? disregard the mating and babies
JayJay Tetley
JayJay Tetley - 13 years ago
I was wondering if I could get some cherry shrimp for my freshwater tank, do they do well with other kinds of shrimp? And more importantly will they be safe, I have 2 algae eaters who are semi-agressive or romantic(hard to tell) towards eachother but nothing else and a Marron who is small and she never shows any agressive behaviour, infact when she was with other Marron she got beaten up. Anyway my tank is large and I plan to put moss in it. I tried looking it up but it came up with cooking -.-
Hmach4r - 13 years ago
and is it required to have plants ?
Hmach4r - 13 years ago
do you need a heater for them?
Mikkel Lind
Mikkel Lind - 13 years ago
I have some cherry shrimps, 2 of them got babies at the same time as some guppy fish got babies and I put them in the same tank. Will the baby fish eat the baby shrimp? will the shrimp eat the baby fish? What can I do to increase the chance of survival.
Gladys Foster
Gladys Foster - 13 years ago
What is that plant with large leaves, I love to have them in my crayfish lobster tank.
aquariummachete - 13 years ago
Thanks for the video.
MykesterMachinima - 13 years ago
what is the big plant called?
MykesterMachinima - 13 years ago
@AquaStun i had two ghost shrimp (full size, much bigger than red cherry shrimp) to clean up the food that reached the bottom of the tank (betta is too picky) and after 3 weeks my betta devoured them both. luckily an apple snail does the job just as well
fuba44 - 13 years ago
I just bought 4 males and 18 females, i don't know the age of them, but they are around 8mm (0.31 inces) at what size do they start to breed? Cheers for the great video, was just what i was looking for!
Britoe97 - 13 years ago
I fed a cherry shrimp to mah turtle once. Mmmmm yummy.
Bx Zel
Bx Zel - 13 years ago
@DrDollarGeneral can i put them in my 20 gallon pond?
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
I was wandering if I could keep these in my guppy tank. It has 1 neon tetra. 20 guppys and 1 sterbai cory. Weird stocklist but they died over the years and I never bothered to replace them. The plants got LOTS of java moss and bogwood. The guppys are all quite small.
Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen - 13 years ago
I keep my red cherries in a 5.5 gallon with a moss carpet and driftwood, along with a betta, endler livebearer males, and a single harlequin rasbora that is the only survivor from the years of my older tank. Took me about 4-5 bettas to finally get one that leaves my shrimp completely alone. My tank is 80*F do you think that's too hot for the livestock?
Benjamin Telford
Benjamin Telford - 13 years ago
@wilza52 White cloud minnows are small enough to not eat the shrimp (apart from babies, which they will eat) and survive in the tank, but they like enough space to move around quickly, so a 13 l tank might not be appropriate. Consider something more fatter bodied, like 6-8 microrasboras or ember tetra, as they don't need to dart about as much. That was what some guy suggested to me anyway, so take it for what it is worth. Anything that stays below 1.5 inches would be great.
jaredultimatum - 13 years ago
I found some grass shrimps in a lake here in Arkansas. I wanted to let them grow but they all died. They lasted about 2 weeks or more.
Vince H
Vince H - 13 years ago
Nice. And very informative. Thanks.
Chris Bravey
Chris Bravey - 13 years ago
is it hard to keep the water conditions correcT?
medea. - 13 years ago
So many cherry shrimps! Lovely :) I'd like to ask for advice. I'm starting university in a week and I'd like something to take care of so I had thought of red cherry shrimps. I love these little guys! But it's been so long that I've had an aquarium so it's like I have no experience with this. Do you think 5-7 litre would be too small for 5 cherry shrimps? Also I'm not sure I want them to breed, would it be okay if I only get males?
wBundlesofJoyw - 13 years ago
@AquaStun If there is a chance that they'll get eaten, I wouldn't try. Thats just me though
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@AquaStun They will probably be eaten by the betta. But evey betta is different so there is a chance he/she will leave them alone. They may just peck at them every once and a while. If they are now eaten, they will most likely become a nice, dark red. They do that when they feel they are in danger and need to blend in. Good luck and I hope this helps. Send me a PM if you have any other questions. :D
Hassan Z
Hassan Z - 13 years ago
hey there i might be getting 3 red cherry shrimp for my betta tank ( got a vid on my channel :D) so yeh would it be ok? the tanks 3 gallons 13 uk litres... :D
Lloyd Cool
Lloyd Cool - 13 years ago
how is the plant with the big leaves called? because i have also one and it has a lot of sprouts
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@SlowChromeHand You could, but you have to be really careful not to suck any up.
PuganPoo - 13 years ago
Where did you get your Shrimp from.I would like to buy some
SlowChromeHand - 13 years ago
can you not gravel vaccum with these?
FlamFlim12 - 13 years ago
Can they live in harmony with ghost shrimp in a 20g tank?
MCplayerable - 13 years ago
im gettin 10 fire shrims tomorrow the ones you got:D i get a moss ball and much javafire the one you got on your stone :D
madmax92gsx - 13 years ago
hey i just bought about 5 cherry shrimp and i was going to get more monday but i just looked at them and the all are dying.....can you tell me what im doing wrong and what exactly do the need water condition wise? i have alge waffers for them to eat and i got some live plants in a ten gallon and the temp is set a little below 80 degrees F. i have a sponge filter and air bubbles also. i duno what i did wrong please give me some incite thanks
Philip Sebestyen
Philip Sebestyen - 13 years ago
Thanks! I love shrimps now out of nowhere. haha. I will be getting about 5 ghost shrimp in a 10 gallon with my fire belly newts
homebrewgod - 13 years ago
your a fucken retard bitch
Mopar32985 - 13 years ago
good video thanks for the video i have 22 of them coming my way for my 10 gallon
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@DaughtersBoi Thanks for the question. I usually feed my shrimp once every 3 days one whole algae wafer, I break it up into 4 pieces and spread it around the tank so there isn't too much fighting for food. They will not eat their own babies, unlike ghost shrimp. So you will be fine leaving the adults in with the little ones. Most other kinds of dwarf shrimp get along with these shrimp, but know that they might interbreed and their color may be different after a couple generations.Good luck!
neil daughters
neil daughters - 13 years ago
i am getting about 25,to 30 red chery shrimp and was wondering how much should i feed them and will they eat any of there babeys and can i put any other shrimp in the tank or dwarf clored frog with them??
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@TheChamoNY I'd say around 15-20.
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@AquaStudent That sounds good, it may take me a month or so to get the tank established. My tank has only been up for about 2-3 weeks. Once my next crop of shrimp get old enough I'll let you know. This sounds interesting.
AquaStudent - 13 years ago
Hey I'm working on getting a breeding population of Cherries going in my 5g. Once I have it going pretty well would you be interested in doing a little bit of a swap? It's a good idea to do this every couple of generations to keep the genetic line strong. Now that I'm looking at my tank I hope I have some males...most of mine are pretty bright (and a bit young to be breeding just yet)
DrDollarGeneral - 13 years ago
@arien12 I started breeding them in a 2.5 gallon tank a few moths ago. Their population got to large for that small of a tank so I moved them into this 10 gallon a few weeks ago. I plan on selling some once I get a decent population established. Glad to hear you're thinking about raising these. If you have any more questions let me know! Good luck!
Nemisari - 13 years ago
Great info! I'd like to start breeding cherry shrimp some time in the future. Have you successfully bred them? Do you intend to sell them?

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