How to care for red cherry shrimp.
Pets & Animals 13 years ago 300,730 views
This is just an intro to red cherry shrimp. It covers some of the basics of keeping and breeding them. If you have any more questions feel free to let me know. I'll be adding more videos like about other plants, fish, and inverts. So if you like this video than subscribe, comment, or whatever. Enjoy :D
10. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.
20. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.
30. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.
all this and I had an excellent amount of babies and awesome color as well as amazing size on both breeds of shrimp. sometimes thinking outside the box pays off you just have to use what works for you & the amount of time you can spend on your aquarium!
Neocaridina Davidi - My Crimson Chin Crustaceans - Red Cherry Shrimp
No update on ur fish tank channel also..
50. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.
And I put a net tied around to my siphon so the shrimps and their babies don't get sucked up.
Also, I hope your filter is shrimp friendly, with a sponge or net covering it, the shrimps tend to go to the filter, so it's important that they don't get sucked up.
you actually can, I've seen it at my LFS
Thanks :)
How is that possible. This is my third dead female shrimp.
my betta is actually in a 10 gal, with two best friends... dwarf frogs!
PH,GH,KH, best filter, lighting?
I have a friend who breeds his own types of shrimps an he gave some an will help if i ever wanna keep em but im all set with shrimps. U will always get "oh the cherry shrimp r the easiest to keep" but i found out out first hand they can be tricky too. Do u know u cant have loation on ya skin an put ya hands in their tanks, im black so i wear it everyday LOL
Those shrimp are so ugly and weird. Their eyes look like black buttons; can they even see?
100. comment for How to care for red cherry shrimp.