Pets & Animals 8 years ago 500,349 views
GO TO 2:00 TO SKIP MY INTRO AND GET RIGHT INTO FISH CARE. Sorry it took so long to upload! I've been SO busy during my last few weeks at work and this one took me awhile to film and edit. --------------- TANK, HARDSCAPE, AND SUBSTRATE FROM: https://buceplant.com/ Use my discount code TAYLORDEANBUCE for 15% off your purchase of any plants :) ---------- After my tank cycles I'll do a video more about the process of cycling, and how you know when it's time to add fish (and plants of course)! ----------- FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/taylorndean INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/taylorndean ------------ IF YOU'D LIKE TO SEND ME THINGS FOR MY MONTHLY SUBSCRIBER SUNDAY VIDEOS OR JUST TO BE CUTE: P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 --------------------
10. comment for I'M STARTING A FRESHWATER PLANTED TANK! (Tutorial)
Bye, oh im going to subscribe. ha!
TIP: check out cycling your tank way quicker by using Dr Tim's One and Only product. It works! Ive used it and cycles even in the most sterile environment in a few days. Can add fish literally right away.
20. comment for I'M STARTING A FRESHWATER PLANTED TANK! (Tutorial)
Me: nods lightly.
“How many of those people have also played mass effect?”
Me: jumps out of bed, claps at screen, tries desperately to get the attention of a youtuber literally on the other side of the country, completely ignores the question asked pertaining to said things, continues trying to get attention forever.
30. comment for I'M STARTING A FRESHWATER PLANTED TANK! (Tutorial)
50. comment for I'M STARTING A FRESHWATER PLANTED TANK! (Tutorial)
and now i have 5 bleak and 4 perch fry with 1 neontetra lol
enhorabuena por el canal.
100. comment for I'M STARTING A FRESHWATER PLANTED TANK! (Tutorial)
Ugh I'm gay
If you stick with a hang on back filter, you'll need something to circulate nutrients around the tank like a power head. They are not ideal for planted tanks. Do not use carbon if you are dosing nutrients in the water column, it will remove the nutrients you are putting in. Rinse your filter with tank water, do not use tap water because it has chlorine in it and will kill the healthy bacteria you are trying to grow. You don't really want to "clean" the filter and it parts, you just want to wash out any large debris or detritus from decaying organic matter. Canister filters can SOMETIMES run 3-6 months without "cleaning". Depends on the chemical media you are running and how big of a filter you have compared to the size of your tank. If you have a really big filter on a small tank, you have don't have to clean it as much.
8-12 hours depending on the intensity of lighting. Watts per gallon was the old way to measure lighting, 1 watt per gallon was considered low, 5 watts per gallon was considered high. However, it does not take into consideration the lights falloff parameters. Light gets weaker as it travels. Light has to penetrate through the water down to the bottom of your tank. If you are running 8-12 hours a day and you start getting algae, either raise the light up higher off the tank which virtually reduces the intensity, or cut back on how long the lights are on. 20w light in a 30gal isn't going to cut it in a planted tank. If you have no plants, 20 watts it's fine. Run something around 3-5 watts per gallon. Google PAR measurements if you are going with a LED light because watts don't really apply to them because they are not incidence light bulbs.
NO GRAVEL for planted tanks. You need a nutrient rich substrate like aqua soil, fluorite, some people use a DIY dirt. I tried it and it was a mess. Any plant that has roots will do most of its feeding from the roots, not the leaves. So as time progresses and the substrate loses its potency, you can supplement with root tabs.
Use RODI and don't forget to re-mineralize. Tap water varies from city to city, even house to house depending on the conditions of a house's pipes. RODI water removes everything so you can put back what you want in liquid or powder format. Again, you will need to re-mineralize the RODI water to make it “harder” or “softer” depending on what your plants need.
Carbon Source:
Plants are mostly made up of mostly carbon. Co2 is common, some use Seachem Excel instead of. Your plants are going to grow super slow if you don't have a carbon source which can lead to algae taking over because the plants aren't using the available nutrients. There are resources online that show how plants will ramp up growth with available Co2 in the water column.
Filling up your tank:
You can put a small dinner plate at the bottom of your tank while adding water or lay a bunch of paper towels down on the inside of the tank while filling up to reduce cloudiness. This prevents the flow of water disturbing the soil. Just be slow at removing the plate or paper towels so it doesn't disturb the soil. I don't recommend putting the soil in after the tank has been filled up. You'll have the same issue.
Cycling your tank:
Ghost feeding works, there are bacteria you can buy to help cycle your tank quicker rather than waiting the 4-6 weeks. I've used it and had great success with cycling bacteria.
Just trying to make sure you all are getting off to a good start :) I also didn't ever see a follow-up video to this showing how her advice worked out. Good luck fish tank people!
"Y'all guys..." "You all guys..." "All you guys..."
"Don't you think...?" "Do not you think...?" "Do you not think...?"
"Won't you consider...?" "Will not you consider...?" "Will you not consider...?"
So I ain't gonna complain, y'all!
Take a shot every time Taylor says ya'll
also plant*
plant review wasn't even in the damn title.
Your eyes kill me
the strangest show Im seeing is a beautiful, cute and the sexiest girl talking about aquariums, I'm going bonkers.
Think I love you
are you single ? ?? ?
What do you NOT know? I'm very impressed with you and your knowledge. Keep it up
i is the 15 nowww ayy
Thanks :)
Hey Taylor I have a question. So I have a gravel, meant for live fresh water plants from petsmart. I set it up in a 2.5 gallon tank for my Betta. I rinsed it out twice then set up the tank with a live plant, and it did very well, so I decided to set up a 10 gallon tank. I set it up a week ago and did not rinse out the clay like gravel and it was cloudy for 4 days then cleared up quite a bit. then I planted more and it became all cloudy from my movement. I then used a gravel suction cleaner and put new conditioned water. Needless to say I'm burnt out from it and may scrap it and buy a new gravel all together. Any thoughts? Any input is welcome. THANKS
Now I know where to find one. Prices aren't bad either, most places I've found them are like "give me your first born, we'll sell you this tank at full price"
tell us about some water conditioner that gives crystal clear water ,
food that gives faster growth fish
removing stains from glass tank and how to make look like new tank
Then I thought I could see it again, but....it was just her elbow. So sad.
thanks for the video and considered yourself subbed! i need allll this info
you should instead discover if in your water there are other chemicals, and if it so a way to purify it
You sound like a self-important and boring douchebag. It's not your place to tell her (or anyone else) what she should do with her life.
Also: you're*
raises handyes for both stranger things and mass effect (although i haven't gotten through the third game yet because i get SUUUUPER motion sick)but i never had to do water changes so i think a tank with all live plants is the way to go. now dont get me wrong it took about a month for the tank to i forgot the word but its maybe acclimate? and once it did i never had a problem with it
Shes more beautiful without the whale fat/painted petroleum gelly spooged on her lips.
If you have a minimum of a 35 gallon tank you can attach the intake of your canister filter to pipes leading to the under gravel filter screen. With 1-2 inches of gravel acting as a second media alongside your filter you will have plenty of bacteria you break down waste.
I have 2 goldfish (left over as feeder fish from a Tiger Oscar that went exploring one day I left the lid up and dried out), 6 baby (4-6 inch long) largemouth bass, and 50-200 minnows at a time for feeder fish taking up residence in a 35 gallon aquarium. All levels are perfect, the tank has no smell and all fish are happy and alert, and importantly, they have voracious appetites.
If what she said were true the tank would be in constant shock and fish kills.
I only had one plant as the goldfish and tiger oscar tore up and ate all the others. But now with the plant bed the nitrogen levels will never rise.
Also no offense intended but if you read this, you look like you wear too much make up in this particular video and your lipstick is the wrong shade for you.
Her audience are first timers who just want to buy simple stuff at petco.
Also who are you to tell someone how to dress or
I'm really wanting another fish tank because of how soothing, rewarding, and fun they are, however I was wondering, what kind of fish should I get. I don't have a large room, so the biggest tank I could get would be a five to ten gallon tank (I'm probably going to get a ten gallon) and I was debating on if I should start a small freshwater tank, or another betta tank. I'm leaning more towards a freshwater tank, just because there's a lot more I can do with it.
Thank you for your time!
her face was the only reason i clicked on this vid (though i am in the aquarium hobby), and it turned out to be dumb and i regretted it (i didnt make it past a couple mins)
Ok a bit over the top but I'm sure if she posted that she doesn't like the attention or felt she was getting too much it'd be dialled down a bit, at the end of the day she's beautiful, and I think its nice that she's getting the compliments, a lot of women comment when they see a good looking fella, where's the difference?
----------> Not even one plant!2) you're awesome. I love all your unrelated-to-animals tangents, because I identify with all of them. You should make some other videos dedicated to that stuff too!
It's probably one of my all time favorite game series.
3. "Cry.."
Have to say your video was quite interesting and by the way you look really beatiful, but I guess I am not the first one who wrote this and I will definitely won´t be the Last (^^)´´ !!
But if more pet ( fish ) Fans look like you, I probably have to visit Pet shops more often !..
Sincerely & have a great day
I watch kids shows and yell at the screen when they do something stupid when I am home alone, and one of those shows is Mako Mermaids. in one episode they put a goldfish in a bowl with coral (the coral was suppose to be real in the show but we all know it isn't) and it was so cramped he didn't have room to swim and omigod I almost lost my voice. ok I am done talking about this imma start watching now lol
Is it a 20gl? I am currently searching for it on buceplant.com