I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

Moving the arowana https://goo.gl/dcX4uK Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Follow me ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Today I show you the new fish i bought for my 375 gallon aquarium! These will be tank mates for the asian arowana being moved to it shortly.

I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates sentiment_very_dissatisfied 360

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 754,817 views

Moving the arowana https://goo.gl/dcX4uK Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Follow me ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Today I show you the new fish i bought for my 375 gallon aquarium! These will be tank mates for the asian arowana being moved to it shortly.

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Most popular comments
for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

INDIAN BLOGGER. - 7 years ago
bro can I keep arowana of 12inch with my fh 3 inch cani
Nova Animations
Nova Animations - 7 years ago
why not a pacu
Mr. Aquaranha
Mr. Aquaranha - 7 years ago
One can hold a silver arowana in a 132 gallon tank.
Nester D'souza
Nester D'souza - 7 years ago
Like the way you told him in the beginning
Green Arowana
Green Arowana - 7 years ago
arowana is the best
Gerrit Coonraad
Gerrit Coonraad - 7 years ago
In the United States, it is illegal to own or import any species of the Asian arowana. The Asian arowana was originally Scleropages formosus, but has since been split into several different species -- all protected. The species is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List.
Want In it
Want In it - 7 years ago
Plz make a video on arowona difference between mail and female
Sexy Leo
Sexy Leo - 7 years ago
dude i read that you can keep him in a dark bucket or something for a day or atleast 8 hours and when you put him in a new tank or a rearranged same tank it will disorient him and hell be docile until he figures out new territories.
*Determined 2Win*
*Determined 2Win* - 7 years ago
He's a beautiful fish!!

10. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

*Determined 2Win*
*Determined 2Win* - 7 years ago
Lol I talk to my fish, too.
Jyothi Karthikeyan
Jyothi Karthikeyan - 7 years ago
So this is the fish that died some 2 weeks ago..
Ali The Spider Playz
Ali The Spider Playz - 7 years ago
I love the intro
Srijana Shrestha
Srijana Shrestha - 7 years ago
the scientists in the comment section will say its small aquarium for arowana and they will even say it is small for flowerhorn
Indrajit Ghosh
Indrajit Ghosh - 7 years ago
Even after he is dead.. whenever people search arowana he will show up.... at first...
MaisMaren - 7 years ago
Ishmam Chowdhury
Ishmam Chowdhury - 7 years ago
RIP buddy
Der Melonensaft
Der Melonensaft - 7 years ago
Rest in Peace Buddy :'( you'll be missed :'( the first video that comes up on youtube when you search "Arowana" Buddy truly was Famous
Shariq Shaikh
Shariq Shaikh - 7 years ago
This arowana has died....
Finnick O'Dair
Finnick O'Dair - 7 years ago
Whatever happened to these guys

20. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

Tisa - 7 years ago
They cost alot ..
kevin leon
kevin leon - 7 years ago
CraftMaster Prath
CraftMaster Prath - 7 years ago
RIP Arowana 8/4/2017. You will always be missed :(
Mouli R
Mouli R - 7 years ago
Hii bro I want fishes text me in what's app 7996483113 and one more thing I am from india
Vigyapan CMYK
Vigyapan CMYK - 7 years ago
Arowana price
Sadiqur Rahman
Sadiqur Rahman - 7 years ago
kirvyts somas
kirvyts somas - 7 years ago
very nice video :)
Zach Mason
Zach Mason - 7 years ago
You could have put pirhana
Dreamcuddle XAngel
Dreamcuddle XAngel - 7 years ago
wild caught....
Catfish fishing Paradise
Catfish fishing Paradise - 7 years ago
You should get a RTC to go with the Aero they are amazing fish they are aggressive eaters and they get big enough so the Areo can't eat them/it

30. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

Sloth Mc
Sloth Mc - 7 years ago
Buy a whale
becoming_you - 7 years ago
hi just want to ask if you use any fish supplements for your arowanas?
NUKE DUKEM - 7 years ago
Archerfish Johns
Archerfish Johns - 7 years ago
i remember my arowana... he was about like 5 years and it died.. R.I.P no name...

and another one but not as big.. i loved it but then fishes dies so after 2 years.. it died. R.I.P Nameless
Steven Walker
Steven Walker - 7 years ago
Where do you buy your fish from??
Cat Crisst
Cat Crisst - 7 years ago
arrowina vs arapima
Pisces - 7 years ago
Wait you really like him? Does that mean you have fish you don't like?
Rizqi Vergara
Rizqi Vergara - 7 years ago
oh man, your intro is sick lol
Maniac Cash
Maniac Cash - 7 years ago
i never liked tanks with no scap....
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Fifie PMB
Fifie PMB - 7 years ago
It looks exactly like a wild species of Bukit Merah lake located in the state of Perak, Malaysia. It is called Blue-based Malaysia Golden.
Fifie PMB
Fifie PMB - 7 years ago
But I believed it's a next F2 generation (captived). Well done .
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 7 years ago
Best intro ever lol
Zombie slayer 783
Zombie slayer 783 - 7 years ago
Wait this is old why is this in my recent
Flickster The Flox
Flickster The Flox - 7 years ago
I've got two small silver dollars named pearl and fluffy
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
Just get a pacu! They are great with arowana
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Do you really think he has enough space for that?
Type pacu into google.
Rene Moreno
Rene Moreno - 7 years ago
you can keep dragonfins with arowanas
aman patra
aman patra - 7 years ago
how long he is with you??
tony kaiser
tony kaiser - 7 years ago
What kind is yours
tony kaiser
tony kaiser - 7 years ago
How big do arawana get get in captivity ? Can one be housed in 120 gallon tank 4 x2x2 do jardinis stay much smaller
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
joey! how thigh was the acrylic on that 375 and what are the dimensions?
222 liu
222 liu - 7 years ago
He is a professional fish man

50. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

Angel Silas
Angel Silas - 7 years ago
Buy the best arowana fish Whatsapp:+1 (518) 601-8191 fisharowana5@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale

CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
Julfikar Noorn
Julfikar Noorn - 7 years ago
ikan. apa itu. 8139/30
AquaFiish - 7 years ago
What size tank should I keep a silver arowana in? I have a 135 gallon.. not sure if that will do. Heard mixed opinions online.
Mark Salmon
Mark Salmon - 7 years ago
as long as the tank is 6 ft or more
Mark Salmon
Mark Salmon - 7 years ago
do it
ratmaster5 - 7 years ago
oh yeah life goes onnnnn
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart
How to care for koi fry By Sean hart - 7 years ago
How much will a small Arowana cost
Angel Silas
Angel Silas - 7 years ago
Buy the best arowana fish Whatsapp:+1 (518) 601-8191 fisharowana5@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale

CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
Arowana - 7 years ago
Jacob Sanden
Jacob Sanden - 7 years ago
Charlie Yang piss off
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Your dead though
Boden Whitmore
Boden Whitmore - 7 years ago
do you still have the silver dollars
Angel Silas
Angel Silas - 7 years ago
Buy the best arowana fish Whatsapp:+1 (518) 601-8191 fisharowana5@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale

CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
danmacq94 - 7 years ago
I'm new to the channel and I live in Sydney NS. Where do you order your fish from? I've never order fish online before.
Angel Silas
Angel Silas - 7 years ago
Buy the best arowana fish Whatsapp:+1 (518) 601-8191 fisharowana5@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale

CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
OldSchotolTV OldSchoolTV
OldSchotolTV OldSchoolTV - 7 years ago
The arwoana of curse
OldSchotolTV OldSchoolTV
OldSchotolTV OldSchoolTV - 7 years ago
You wasted your money eBay has them for 75$ +35$ shipping
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 7 years ago
Looks like he had some fun with the intro to this one.
MrPakaisith Vannavong
MrPakaisith Vannavong - 7 years ago
excuse me , could you tell me the size of your awrowana Tank or what is the standard Tank for 2 awrowanas thanks.
KEYUR NAIK - 7 years ago
can I keep 2 arowana in same tank, I have silver around. almost 1foot long. I have tried tankmates like pirahanas and parrot fish but it won't work. plz help me out.
Hanim - 7 years ago
Major fish noob here but is the arowana aggressive because he is the biggest in the tank or because it's in the nature of the fish? I saw a vlog by someone who 'tamed' an aggressive yellow tang by placing a big picture of another yellow tang on the aquarium. Would that work with an arowana? Again, I know nothing about fish I'm just curious, don't roast me hahahah
Sapphire Girl
Sapphire Girl - 7 years ago
We kept our Asian Arowana with 3 Oscars (2 male 1 female) and an electric catfish I can't for the life of me remember what he was other than that though he was given to us when the store we regulated just couldn't keep him because people kept putting their hands in his tank and grabbing him, he would then shock them and send them flying across the hall. I think he was the only reason my Oscars and Arowana got along though in part because they were the same size and couldn't get their mouth around each other but my electric catfish wouldn't tolerate any fighting as soon as they started chasing each other or biting he would fly up from his cave and shock the hell out of them leave them twitching at first I was worried about them but then I realized he only did it if they were fighting so I just let him take care of it lol and yes they were always okay no lasting damage just a little stunned. I miss that little blue eyed sausage he was really cool.
Levin Stockhowe
Levin Stockhowe - 7 years ago
Put plants and Sand in the tanks(-:
Dabby Kaden
Dabby Kaden - 7 years ago
reply of interested in a arowana
Sem Soth
Sem Soth - 8 years ago
breed your arowana
LUIS HAAZEN - 8 years ago

Have You ever met Cheng Thanh?
leonardchi4 - 8 years ago
I think you could hv got an oscar as a tank mate
Bram Jakobs
Bram Jakobs - 8 years ago
that intro hahahahahaha
Emily Sanders
Emily Sanders - 8 years ago
Basically he's an asshole of a fish
Madison Williamson
Madison Williamson - 8 years ago
Lol the beginning of the video was PERFECT
Nems Quaile
Nems Quaile - 8 years ago
Nems Quaile
Nems Quaile - 8 years ago
Tomahawk1999 - 8 years ago
Do u live in US? I heard it is illegal to buy or sell an arowana?
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
He lives in Canada.
Pisces - 7 years ago
Tomahawk1999 what USDA doesn't know won't hurt them ;)
Duncan Disorderly
Duncan Disorderly - 8 years ago
Nice one! I'm thinking, he's got either some pacu or silver dollars. Good choice, they're a hardy fish and should be perfect.
1kelleybean - 8 years ago
getting ready to start my 500 gallon plywood tank any suggestions ?
Matthew Greeley
Matthew Greeley - 8 years ago
i am getting an arowana in a week or two and im going to ne making my on food i just wanna know what kind of vitamins or anything like that i should add to it or if i even should
dogzvids 1
dogzvids 1 - 8 years ago
Forget me Ok
Forget me Ok - 8 years ago
its like he was listening to you
Robert Griffin III
Robert Griffin III - 8 years ago
The only tank mates an Arowana needs are feeder goldfish
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 8 years ago
shouldve got giant pacu
Altex lan
Altex lan - 8 years ago
why so crazy about Arowana ?? it is just a chinese way of jacking up price. why you fall on trap?
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Because an arowana is a bad ass fish with a giant mouth and can get as big as 2-4 feet long.
FattyMcFatterson - 7 years ago
Altex lan

Logan Donovan
Logan Donovan - 8 years ago
What kind of filter?
Logan Donovan
Logan Donovan - 8 years ago
How do you accsess the top of the tank?
Random Facts
Random Facts - 8 years ago
That was the cutest thing when the arowana came to you
The FlowerHorn The Fate of the Furious
The FlowerHorn The Fate of the Furious - 8 years ago
linda aruanã
I don't Know
I don't Know - 8 years ago
I have an Arowana plushie! (well, it is based off of one) they're such cool fish!
Bill Crimson
Bill Crimson - 8 years ago
I died in the beggining
SlickChick - 8 years ago
Plunk a coupla monster oscars in there.
Srijana Shrestha
Srijana Shrestha - 7 years ago
SlickChick ur everywhere in fish video ur great fan bro
Pleco Joey
Pleco Joey - 8 years ago
I guess I'm not the only one who talks to my fish.
Angel Monge
Angel Monge - 8 years ago
My uncle and aunt have silver dollars too
Michael Vard
Michael Vard - 8 years ago
so this is what rich people do while im at work in a warehouse
Michael Vard
Michael Vard - 8 years ago
Michael Vard
Michael Vard - 8 years ago
Taylor - 8 years ago
I'd rather be rich than a poor guy working at a warehouse, lol.
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
You should have gotten a pacu or oscars
ThroesOfPerdition86 - 8 years ago
i had this on mute and was writing something looked up and saw discus w/an arowana....i was like wow....can he/it/them do that.....never seen that.....then i watched more and i got kinda of annoyed.
Jonah Pineapple
Jonah Pineapple - 8 years ago
I love your videos man and u have inspired me to get into the hobby. Keep up the great work
Heince Rukyto
Heince Rukyto - 8 years ago
tried super red arowana bro!
Thomas Gigliotti
Thomas Gigliotti - 8 years ago
so from what i know, Asian arowana are illegal to have in the states. I'm guessing you don t live here in the states but if you do, how did you go about buying one of these beauties?
Ryan the Duck
Ryan the Duck - 8 years ago
Thomas Gigliotti he lives in Canada
Abel Aquaflora
Abel Aquaflora - 8 years ago
Redtale catfish .

100. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates

Deme Kin
Deme Kin - 8 years ago
Hey King,

Is your arowana cites registered and does it have a chip??

Deme Kin
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana - 8 years ago
Arowana Grande
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Ariana Grande honohohohaho
Gage blakely
Gage blakely - 8 years ago
Ariana Grande lol
abhinaba dutta choudhury
abhinaba dutta choudhury - 8 years ago
i m planing to buy arowana but want to keep them in pair together in same tank is it possible to have two arowana in same tank?
busman66 - 8 years ago
that one looked like it had ick
x GeckoGaming x
x GeckoGaming x - 8 years ago
barred knife jaw or dorado
Midwest jay
Midwest jay - 8 years ago
never in a million would I expect to hear that beat watching this lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
it was a good beat!!
BIG MOUTH - 8 years ago
how to identify male and female fish in arowana
Mike Bottiaux
Mike Bottiaux - 8 years ago
I had an Arrowana I purchased back in 1985 the cost being $75. I would go to that pet store often in hopes of someday buying that fish. After a successful trip to the horse races my spouse finally succumbed to my constant requests for the Arrowana!12 yrs later the fish passed on and I had her freeze dried. Now almost 20 yrs later I still have her
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
I mean that's kind of weird but ok
Random videos
Random videos - 8 years ago
I was drunk and I sub and like
WBA Crew
WBA Crew - 8 years ago
I love you're Arowana! And also his new tankmates :D
PS how much cost a silver arowana?
Negative330 - 8 years ago
If u want to get a tank mate for him get a small pakoo
Sad Onion
Sad Onion - 8 years ago
what do you use as medication for internal parasites? I know this is an old video, but I really need some help with treating some fish i have in quarantine.
Pisces - 7 years ago
Sad Onion it depends on the parasite. My 12 gallon tank suffers from white spot (a fungal disease) so I use nox-ich which I find to be the best treatment. I also have tetras so I have to use less than what is prescribed. Also this medicine would kill invertebrates. My betta tank sometimes suffers from fin rot which is a bacteria disease. I use this treatment especially made for bettas (I don't remember the brand name)
Parker Carver
Parker Carver - 8 years ago
I'm sorta new to keeping larger fish but wouldn't some loaches,oscars,or plecos. Be good to keep with him? I know they get big and loaches and plecos would stay at the bottom, and not attack him. Idk like I said I'm new to keeping big fish.
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger
Odins warrior /Deutscher Krieger - 8 years ago
Whats the sense?
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
man I want a arowana so bad the're very cool fish,too bad I gotta buy like a 600 gallon tank to get one
Johnny Belbz
Johnny Belbz - 8 years ago
why don't you just start breeding the arowana? that profit bro
BlazeAtex - 8 years ago
ehhhhh fellow scotian ;)
Artsy Poodle
Artsy Poodle - 8 years ago
in my country you can get these everywhere and has a cheap price lol
Blazoria :3
Blazoria :3 - 8 years ago
omg the start XDD
micah evans
micah evans - 8 years ago
them She's may attack u fish cuz there wild caught and being attacked by ur fish they'll be on the defense plus there visions eatters so they may be territorial about the food
oliviaotakusama101 - 8 years ago
"I've had this guy for a few years anf we've been through alot together, so i actually like him alot."
Awww thats so cute.
STBill - 8 years ago
Arowana VS Piranha. Who wins?
jdssurf - 7 years ago
Doyouwant Someofthis lol dumbass
Cat Crisst
Cat Crisst - 7 years ago
STBill I've got a great one!!! arowana vs.. arapima!!
Doyouwant Someofthis
Doyouwant Someofthis - 7 years ago
Your mother
Theofrance  Pitou
Theofrance Pitou - 7 years ago
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
STBill pirahna.. I've tried before
Darthkaiju21 - 8 years ago
Did he actually that fish actually come to u and listened
Vishal Anand
Vishal Anand - 8 years ago
That intro :D :D
Chris Affinati
Chris Affinati - 8 years ago
What kind of car do you drive?
Windex - 8 years ago
was i the only one thinking of pacu?
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
Windex me too
Entety 303
Entety 303 - 8 years ago
they kinda look like discus
Hailey Tran
Hailey Tran - 8 years ago
That would be a amazing hamster cage XD
KrispyAquascape - 8 years ago
Joey. When you used to keep silver arowanas, how were their behavior like? Do they ever come up to you and stay there with you with close interactions or did they always swim around? I want to get a black aro and wanted to know if it'll slow down to interact with me when I'm around. Do they ever slow their pace down enough to be close with you or do they have to keep on swimming? If not, I think I'll opt out for a jardini. I want an aro that knows me and will stay still sometimes.
David Vang
David Vang - 8 years ago
cool fish
Just a Quad
Just a Quad - 8 years ago
Wild caught fish..sounds cruel af :(
Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 7 years ago
+Su Ko he is married with kids and probably he is not into Asians anyway .
Lord Vader
Lord Vader - 7 years ago
Just a Quad Oh, go save the world ya hippie
Su Ko
Su Ko - 7 years ago
Man I'd become this guy's fish
Mini Wolf
Mini Wolf - 7 years ago
Yea. Instead of being with a safe owner like him..they should be in MY belly.
Sloth Mc
Sloth Mc - 7 years ago
Just a Quad seriously? Worry about something else
Bubble Buddy
Bubble Buddy - 7 years ago
Starry Night got that right
Starry Night
Starry Night - 7 years ago
Nothing sounds cruel to a weak tyrant
Bubble Buddy
Bubble Buddy - 7 years ago
anything sounds cruel to a snowflake
Sciddly Boogly
Sciddly Boogly - 8 years ago
True, bit this particular species I'd new to the fish market. And it's also the start of a new breeding era, so people in the future don't have to wild catch these fish.
Just a Quad
Just a Quad - 8 years ago
+Sciddly Boogly You don't domesticate fish; that isn't domestication. Usually the fish you get have been bred in captivity and thus there shouldn't be a need to take some from the wild.
Sciddly Boogly
Sciddly Boogly - 8 years ago
Just a Quad all animals were wild caught at one point. it's just domestication. what would be truly cruel is if they went to an unaccomplished owner, which this guy certainly isn't
Colin Yarn
Colin Yarn - 8 years ago
Dude I'm from Halifax too!
Ash Mash
Ash Mash - 8 years ago
chinese arapaima
TK Art
TK Art - 8 years ago
isn't it bad to have wild caught fish?
TK Art
TK Art - 8 years ago
+James cool thanks
User - 8 years ago
marisa navarro
marisa navarro - 8 years ago
are those a type of piranhas? I always wanted piranhas but u can't find any gir sell if this is a fish that's legal and only looks like a piranha I want lol
Rahul S
Rahul S - 8 years ago
dont do it joey.... u are going to regret it in the future...

srry couldn't resist myself.
The New School Old School Gamer!
The New School Old School Gamer! - 8 years ago
The Asian Arawana is an endangered species
x GeckoGaming x
x GeckoGaming x - 8 years ago
The New School Old School Gamer! that's cuz its a rare fish and most were killed in the ice age
Mc Masters
Mc Masters - 8 years ago
How big is your aquarium?
Tony Topic
Tony Topic - 8 years ago
Tony Topic
Tony Topic - 8 years ago
AT 0:01 TO 0:18
David Cameron
David Cameron - 8 years ago
This is one of the two fish channels I can watch anymore
Oo oO
Oo oO - 8 years ago
Hahaha beginning of the video 'let me talk to yah'

JGO - 8 years ago
I need a fish same aggression as ur other fish
hung tran
hung tran - 8 years ago
Where i can buy Arowana at USA ?
Dsaturday Fwight
Dsaturday Fwight - 8 years ago
no paco???
Dsaturday Fwight
Dsaturday Fwight - 8 years ago
Siddhesh Kale
Siddhesh Kale - 8 years ago
Hey Joey nice channel very informative ...i had a query....i wanted to know is it it a good idea to keep a 3inch green asian aro with a 5.5 inch jardini ...and if i choose to settle for keeping one ..which one is a better choice to retain? Thanks a ton
Siddhu Bhaiya
Siddhu Bhaiya - 8 years ago
what type of arowana is that plz reply fast
Kastin4Dayz - 8 years ago
have you ever thought about mixing your arowana with something like an iridescent shark? Just wondering
Shawn Sands
Shawn Sands - 8 years ago
The beginning was great
Mia blue
Mia blue - 8 years ago
When he said hey come here that was so cute I used to do that to my fish and they still misbehaved
Bryley Danielle
Bryley Danielle - 8 years ago
The Arowana kinda looks like a huge short finned beta fish lol
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
I get u say u need something but ur old tank has nothing either and part of getting a tank ready for fish is adding everything then cycling it not cycle add fish then decorate
Chris Kibodeaux
Chris Kibodeaux - 8 years ago
Maybe put something besides fish and just water what a lame life and tank
Seecko D
Seecko D - 8 years ago
How can I know whether it is a male or female?
Isabel Aros-SOLOMON
Isabel Aros-SOLOMON - 8 years ago
Isabel Aros-SOLOMON
Isabel Aros-SOLOMON - 8 years ago
I like your dreess
Spawn101 - 8 years ago
I like your tank
fishron the shark
fishron the shark - 8 years ago
get a paroon shark or a pleco
The Bat
The Bat - 8 years ago
get a red tailed catfish
Jing Panganiban
Jing Panganiban - 8 years ago
I had a silver arowana prior which is similar to your Asian Arowana(Jardini). Other than that, you can also add Oscars, Clown Knife, Pink Gourami, and other mid-bottom dwelling big fishes since Arowanas are top dwellers..
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Jing Panganiban Asian Arowanas are a different species from the Jardini Arowana
dclxvi - 8 years ago
Silver Arowanas are quite peaceful and friendly in nature. Jardini's are aggressive and arrogant. They have opposing personalities.
freddie dart
freddie dart - 8 years ago
+thekingofdiy what do you think the minimum tank size is to keep a arowanna in
Warrior Wolf 123
Warrior Wolf 123 - 8 years ago
i have a small silver dollar
supersaiandemon - 8 years ago
I cannot believe my luck finding your channel. My lady and I have been thinking of getting our own fish tank, and we are just so excited on what fish we want to put together. We're also the diy type of people. It just makes everything feel more personal and fun that way. I can't wait to show my lady this video when she gets home. Automatically subscribing. your channel is exactly what I've look for!
supersaiandemon - 8 years ago
I cannot believe my luck finding your channel. My lady and I have been thinking of getting our own fish tank, and we are just so excited on what fish we want to put together. We're also the diy type of people. It just makes everything feel more personal and fun that way. I can't wait to show my lady this video when she gets home. Automatically subscribing. your channel is exactly what I've look for!
Asian Noodle
Asian Noodle - 8 years ago
Just subed because u were talking to your fish XD
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
diy.not dyi
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
this guy needs his own show...best dyi aquarium stuff on youtube
dean jones
dean jones - 8 years ago
Great vid Joey
Anthony Jimenez
Anthony Jimenez - 8 years ago
Looking to get a shovel nose red tail hybrid
Anthony Jimenez
Anthony Jimenez - 8 years ago
Great fucking video haven't had a tank in 3 years can across this and now I'll have one in a week .. Great video bro
Meatwood Flac
Meatwood Flac - 8 years ago
Why do fish videos entertain me so goddamn much, I don't even have a fish
John Tan
John Tan - 8 years ago
arowana tank is beautiful!
Zuhdhi Malik
Zuhdhi Malik - 8 years ago
wowwww...gede sekali
Eduards Zariņš
Eduards Zariņš - 8 years ago
i was going to guess piranha xD
BioHazard - 8 years ago
Piranhas are aggressive fish
The Doggo
The Doggo - 8 years ago
Pacu fish?
PC Gamer
PC Gamer - 8 years ago
Is the king of biy lives in Nova Scotia I do
Axil Gaming
Axil Gaming - 8 years ago
I knew u were going to get some type of silver dollar fish when u said 'they have to be big and travel in a pack'
SpongyUdderz Minecraft
SpongyUdderz Minecraft - 8 years ago
I think you got a few Pacus.... Because they fit almost all of your requirements, if not all of you requirements that you stated.
SpongyUdderz Minecraft
SpongyUdderz Minecraft - 8 years ago
Tigel - 8 years ago
0:20 song?
Art Carrasco
Art Carrasco - 8 years ago
why not get a tsn, marbled achara catfish, clown knife, bichir, giant gourami?
PoisonousPotato - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
PART 2!! Moving the arowana https://goo.gl/dcX4uK
Firoz 9037
Firoz 9037 - 8 years ago
chris sinise
chris sinise - 8 years ago
That is so great.
Jack Merten
Jack Merten - 8 years ago
Full grown oscer
Wildfire Bluebird
Wildfire Bluebird - 8 years ago
nice dialog
Jonathan Adorno
Jonathan Adorno - 8 years ago
Red tail catfish
Neo Tark
Neo Tark - 8 years ago
Ryan Ryan
Ryan Ryan - 8 years ago
You should try Bala Sharks
hamster's, Betta's and piggys
hamster's, Betta's and piggys - 8 years ago
I subscribed
Trevali - 8 years ago
What about red bellied piranhas? I have a silver Arowana and she does fine with my piranhas.
IPlayGames CatFish
IPlayGames CatFish - 8 years ago
Did he kill or eat the other fish?
ron foreman
ron foreman - 8 years ago
Is this a silver arrowana?
WILLIAMS AROWANA - 8 years ago
We sell all types arowana fish and black diamond stingrays contact us (arowanawilliams@gmail.com) our arowana comes alongside arowana certificate, Our arowana range from 3-30 inches .Contact us for more information and price list...
BioHazard - 8 years ago
Nope he's an Asian Arowana
Sophia A.
Sophia A. - 8 years ago
He's huge!
Radius.x - 8 years ago
Nice intro
Dave Allen
Dave Allen - 8 years ago
i was going to say PACU but silver dollars are related
Ala Abdelrahman
Ala Abdelrahman - 8 years ago
which website do you use to buy your fish thanks
Geno Dreemurr
Geno Dreemurr - 8 years ago
dat intro Xd
Solaire of Astora
Solaire of Astora - 8 years ago
you could get a red tailed catfish or a big old flat head catfish
Alvee Kunou
Alvee Kunou - 8 years ago
What is the lighting set up of this aquarium?
AquaStudent - 8 years ago
Interesting choice! I've never kept silver dollars. Like you said, the ones you normally see don't seem to have that much color. Looking forward to seeing the arrow in the new tank.

Thanks for editing your videos so well. The final product is so much better than even the above average videos here on youtube.
Gecko Leopardo
Gecko Leopardo - 8 years ago
Are you going to add logs and plants and so on? How do you get the wild caught fish? Where did you get them from?
Kaera - 8 years ago
Why are you keeping your tanks bare? No rocks or anything :(
Maggie Yap
Maggie Yap - 8 years ago
Expensive?? In Malaysia it only like 50 ringgit - 10 dollar
Free Swimmer
Free Swimmer - 8 years ago
Canadian is interesting to me as my Grandpa was 100% Canadian Indian.  Anyhow I've been following your videos for a couple years and your work is aces !! " Question ", I'm getting ready to build a 96"x36"x24" plywood tank and how long can they last/is pond armor with fiberglass seams what you suggest is best ?  I've watched over and over your plywood build and can build in my sleep I think.. Hoping you find time to respond.  Your Arowana is amazing and the Red Hooks are very cool also.. Thanks
metallica fan
metallica fan - 8 years ago
One of my fish ,koi has red marks on the side what should I do ? I have pimafix and also rid all red (Neutralized Flavine B.P.C. with Trace components)
veiltailed - 8 years ago
intro was so cute hahaha
ahhdavy - 8 years ago
Is there a way to make a chiller without spending 300+ dollars?
Matt B
Matt B - 8 years ago
Great looking fishes! Somehow I've identified them as red belly they look so similar.
iAnthonyFx - 8 years ago
lets do ceviche mate!
Some Reptile
Some Reptile - 8 years ago
lol I thought you were gonna say oscar up until you said schooling
Paul Neary
Paul Neary - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Blue base cross back
Will Thornton
Will Thornton - 8 years ago
Joey where do you buy your acrylic sheets and what lights do you use for these aquariums? Look to be blue/white LEDs but hard to tell from the vids.
thijsyyy ;D
thijsyyy ;D - 8 years ago
Which kind of airpump do you always use for your aquaria, to greate the bubbels? ( its in general cus there are non in this aquaria)
kelsie taylor
kelsie taylor - 8 years ago
he looked like he was actually listening
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
he was ;)
ian mccue
ian mccue - 8 years ago
you should look into buying some datnoids they hold their own in groups and are beautiful to look at. many people keep them with arowana as well. they max out at 20inches
Handsomebeantv - 8 years ago
Is there a reasons there's no decorations or plants? Or do the fish not need them?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I have made 3 videos on that and mentioned it in at least 7 others.
stokes_kidd - 8 years ago
i know we aint gone act till he aint call the fish
stokes_kidd - 8 years ago
i know we aint gone act till he aint call the fish
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 8 years ago
ahhh very good fish choice. I have to say I didn't see that coming. and wild caught?!? BONUS!!
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 8 years ago
was that a jetta? lol
Edmund Lee
Edmund Lee - 8 years ago
How can you tell that those red hooks are wild caught?
Kelvin Aung
Kelvin Aung - 8 years ago
currently, I have a Silver Jardini Arowana and it's been with us for about 5 years and the tank seems kinda empty. I was wanting to add a second Arowana to fill up some of the empty space. My tank is 72in X 24in X 28in and the Arowana is about 15-17in long. The new Red Jardini one I'm wanting to get is 3-5 inches long from the online supplier.My question is, how do I properly introduce the new Jardin to my tank without my Arowana trying to eat the new one? I don't want the new Jardini to become a 450$ meal lol.
Matt Helton
Matt Helton - 8 years ago
Holy shit, I just stayed a week in Nova Scotia, Lunenburg to be exact, and flew out of that airport. That area is beautiful!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
it certainly is
Nick J
Nick J - 8 years ago
This may sound like a dumb question, but when buying a group of fish like you did, does it matter to any degree if there is an even or odd amount that you purchase ?
King Waltz
King Waltz - 8 years ago
I thought it would be bala Sharks
Jack'sFishTanks - 8 years ago
I love tin foil barbs i have 2 9" ones in a 90 gallon bought them at 1/2".
Kenny Bohey
Kenny Bohey - 8 years ago
Makes Me Miss My Old Buddies...Had Asian, Austrailin,Black & Silver...Raised From Babies 2 Big Critters Like Yours...Thanks 4 The Memories...!!!
Jar Kas
Jar Kas - 8 years ago
Get a largemouth bass
Jonathon Lastname
Jonathon Lastname - 8 years ago
I wonder what exactly he and the Arowana have been through.... He should do a draw mylife!!
Jim Hervey
Jim Hervey - 8 years ago
I like this guy's approach of making a list and getting the right tank mate. Damned decent of him to ask these questions prior to introducing new fish. I hope I do as well as he.
Zoen - 8 years ago
"the fish whisperer"
All About Hobby
All About Hobby - 8 years ago
what type of filtration should i use in 15 gallon tank? thus i have only a SRD flower horn please refer the name of the best aquarium filter company
Erza Scarlet Art
Erza Scarlet Art - 8 years ago
lol I thought I was the only person who talks to my fish xD
Shaffeeq Teemul
Shaffeeq Teemul - 8 years ago
i have kept silver dollars with my big arowana, and it was a success. they've been together for nearly 2 years now.
Tl Tl
Tl Tl - 8 years ago
Congrats man I had a guy who had a huge saltwater aquarium that he converted to a freshwater aquascape and he put some silver dollars in there as a center piece fish the tank caught ick and we're doing terrible but there such a hardy fish they just pop back Like no other and can be stunning looks hope the big guy likes them
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I never knew the red hooks could get that big. I'll be interested to see yours grow out. Thanks for sharing!
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
I love how you talked to your fish at the beginning lol
barenstil55 - 8 years ago
don't think Corydorusses will be able to live with the Arowana, in my experience they're un-killable, which is great of course
Stages of Mania
Stages of Mania - 8 years ago
I don't know if you trained him or what, but that is the smartest arowana EVER!!!
LJS - 8 years ago
mbu puffer would've been great with him or a few flagtail tetra get a good 14 inches long and look wicked
Crumpet3000 - 8 years ago
the tank in the wall looks awesome
T-roy Animal Guy
T-roy Animal Guy - 8 years ago
I havent watched your videos for a while. big change. There's actually life in your voice now. It's a good thing compared to videos years ago.
The Kev
The Kev - 8 years ago
Poor fish no plants no real light
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
There really is no need for plants in a tank. Yes they are beneficial, but no need. Lights are also not needed. Good if you have one, but fine if you dont
tushar giri mukharjee
tushar giri mukharjee - 8 years ago
dude you have so much money, why you don`t buy a marine aquarium?
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
He does not have that much money he lives in a place where economy sucks he just saves up a few dollars every month till he's got enuph money to do what he needs
Killerhigs - 8 years ago
You should look into getting some of the big cat fish. Super aggressive and just like the arowana will eat anything they can fit in their mouths. You have the tank size for them too. Red tail cat. Tiger shovel nose. Or even a cross of the two
CN23 Gaming
CN23 Gaming - 8 years ago
yay! more fish be sure to update brother.
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 8 years ago
i thought they are illegal to own that fish
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
He lives in canada
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 8 years ago
where did you order that fish from. please
carlilez - 8 years ago
I love my red hooks. I have a school of 5 in my 240g.
J Vargas
J Vargas - 8 years ago
watch my video
J Vargas
J Vargas - 8 years ago
try an Oscar
Andrew Rodriguez
Andrew Rodriguez - 8 years ago
oh he sure was cute as a little baby arowana!
Mia Woodall
Mia Woodall - 8 years ago
nice car
Vi3tboyshorty - 8 years ago
Cool intro
Fei Xiong
Fei Xiong - 8 years ago
do you live in the us? how did you get an Asian arowana?
Lunar - 8 years ago
Are we ever gonna see some type of stingrays again or you uncomfortable with adding any type of strings rays after what happened with the last ones
HybridHerps - 8 years ago
That opening is legendary haha
Stephen McReynolds
Stephen McReynolds - 8 years ago
Have you ever tried a Oscar? the Albino can be very colorful and pretty, Even maybe a Jack Dempsey they are everything you described too and get very colorful too.
Liam Kennedy
Liam Kennedy - 8 years ago
what are you going to do with the old tank
ptsvi45 - 8 years ago
Hey you should get lda105 typhoon pleco or l25 7 pointer Scarlet pleco.
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
Fabrizio Novoa
Fabrizio Novoa - 8 years ago
From 1 to 10 what place is garlic for parasites in general?
Killerhigs - 8 years ago
Garlic does nothing for parisites. Garlic simply makes fish want to eat which in turn gives the fish a more fighting chance against the parisites. If you wanna get rid of a parisite. You have to treat the water or fish
Almarma - 8 years ago
For parasites I'm not sure, but for the taste a 10! :D
arcadefever - 8 years ago
Super cool !
Corey Gunter
Corey Gunter - 8 years ago
Trung N
Trung N - 8 years ago
thats an interesting intro
Brad Suarez
Brad Suarez - 8 years ago
when you were talking about all the requirements I was actually thinking pacu lol
So Soo
So Soo - 8 years ago
You shld get rays!!
Bharath Mahendran
Bharath Mahendran - 8 years ago
Joey in my opinion having only 1 fish with amazing personality and character is amazing, i would never go with tank mates ,a arowana with dollars in a tank ,trust me you would never take care or enjoy watching him u ever had and trust me the arowana will never be happy in there it ever it had
HengHeng Heng
HengHeng Heng - 8 years ago
Siamese Tiger are common tank mates.
jesse verstappen
jesse verstappen - 8 years ago
wtf wy you don't buy stingrays ?
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
He had some. They died. Its his choice if he wants some then he will buy some if he doesnt then he wont
zkael fan hororo fan
zkael fan hororo fan - 8 years ago
u could add in snakehead
Lola Lolita
Lola Lolita - 8 years ago
ArtRodriguez29 - 8 years ago
Was so happy I called Silver Dollar before it showed :)
carlmelo - 8 years ago
I prefer planted tanks. But, the lighting, tank and kind of fish displayed makes it look cool. Like, you really don't need anything else.
RobsMbuna - 8 years ago
Awe man it's been a dream of mine to get an Arowana for years now. Thank god I live in Canada!
redburro88 - 8 years ago
have you owned a fahaka puffer before?
Michael Reynolds
Michael Reynolds - 8 years ago
Do a DIY water conditioner!
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
I like this idea
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
I'd figured you'd get a couple Pacu
Aqua King
Aqua King - 8 years ago
lol the starting is hilarious
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
Omg he was so cute and small 0.0, I loved the intro
Olga Litvinsky
Olga Litvinsky - 8 years ago
What about adding a female/male arowana?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
cant sex them. $2000 a piece. will fight to the death if they dont get along.
Cowboy Fishgod
Cowboy Fishgod - 8 years ago
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 8 years ago
I had them before they are nice.
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 8 years ago
kauft sich fische die nen meter im durchmesser bekommen in so ei becken.
Rachel Dolezal
Rachel Dolezal - 8 years ago
"Something on the bottom" Put some tunnels and cover and get some Medium size Clown Loach's!!! Love them. Hardy and not easily eaten. Imagine if you grew one to 12"+ . They are so personable and would become your new faves! Of course u would have to buy some sinking food.
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 8 years ago
Thumbs up if u tought he was ready to show a great white shark! xD
Lue Arness
Lue Arness - 8 years ago
clown fish are a good mate as well
Lue Arness
Lue Arness - 8 years ago
I mean clown knife
Robert Rennie
Robert Rennie - 8 years ago
Joey I am extremely pleased to see that you are moving on from the episode that you had with your stingrays. Speaking for myself and many fish hobbyists I can say with confidence that its never easy losing fish that have grown within us. This new chapter is going to be exciting cant wait to see what your bottom dwellers are going to be.
hi im carl
hi im carl - 8 years ago
How long did you cycle the tank for
Lunar - 8 years ago
I think he said he used old cycled media so my his tank was cycled near day 1 but he night have waited a week just to make sure
Matt Rossey
Matt Rossey - 8 years ago
oh, i live the intro, your arowana literally seems to be listening and acknowledging you
Jakattack13579 Wise
Jakattack13579 Wise - 8 years ago
I know right
Matt Rossey
Matt Rossey - 8 years ago
Joey, they are amazingly incredible, I'm totally jealous. Maybe you'll luck out and they breed. If so, put me on the list for a few of the fry. I also want tank mates for the silver arowana i have, in 2 1/2 months he's grown 2 full inches. His tank mate since babies ghost knife hasnt grown much, but, time will tell, the knife was 8 inches when i got them both. Also lovin the new 375, and am thinking maybe its time for a basement apartment so i can get atleast a 300 myself. The most recent videos are above and beyond past videos, your really getting into it deeply and its showing!!!!!!!
Kasper The Ghost
Kasper The Ghost - 8 years ago
Watched your videos for years now, and just have to say, keep up the great work. Have learn tons from you.
Was wondering if you have done a video on controlling/eliminating unwanted snails from a freshwater tank. Currently have a zebra Pleco tank setup that's is being over run by trumpet snails, and have tried many remedies. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.Look forward to more vids in the near future.
PS, Arowana looks great!!!
Red Lotus
Red Lotus - 8 years ago
Joey, is that tank an appropriate size for a full grown Asian Arowana and all those silver dollars? I was under the impression an arowana needs a 500 gallon at least for an adult.
redlion1612 - 8 years ago
lizzyanthus1 - 8 years ago
Awesome! I've never heard of these fish, but they look pretty awesome. I see why they are called 'red hook'. Glad we got to finally see what you got for the Arrowana's tank mates! Thanks! Can't wait to continue the adventure when you introduce him into the new tank with his new buddies. Looking forward to it!
Tom B
Tom B - 8 years ago
Would the silver dollars be a good tank mate for freshwater rays?
ashman239 - 8 years ago
haha loved the bit at the beginning talking to your fish. love all your videos, keep it up!
alexander roesdahl
alexander roesdahl - 8 years ago
I'm 0:25 seconds in, and already, you did it again Buddy! Well played!
PullipKisses - 8 years ago
Hahaha really cool intro. You are truly passionate about your hobby
macorine987 - 8 years ago
I totally guessed red hook silver dollars! The intro was awesome, your videos have evolved so much over the past few years it's great.
DW_Aquatics - 8 years ago
LOVELY fish! Good luck with them :)
An Indian fish Lover
An Indian fish Lover - 8 years ago
My arowana is with silver dollars and tinfoil and he gets along well and yes try getting a redtail catfish they will do well together
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 8 years ago
OneGuyAndHisFish - 8 years ago
Never realised how nice silver dollars were! What happens if they dont get along?
Monty Gyarados
Monty Gyarados - 8 years ago
Looking great!
Jon Littere
Jon Littere - 8 years ago
Cultivating fish food?
Shushruth Nadagouda
Shushruth Nadagouda - 8 years ago
what an irony The king of DIY BOUGHT FISH
Baydoz - 8 years ago
How many takes did it take you to get the intro? haha
Destiny's Pet Project Dog Rescue
Destiny's Pet Project Dog Rescue - 8 years ago
I am becoming less and less interested in your content. I am also not a fan of people getting wild caught fish. These poor fish were in their native habitat hanging out and doing what fish do. You paid someone (probably some poor person) an enormous amount of money to essentially kidnap them from their paradise and put them in a watery grave you call an aquarium, to see IF they MIGHT get along with the PROVEN killer fish you already have. There are plenty of fish that have been bred in captivity that you could have bought. Also your gigantic tank is not something I think I would ever have or want. I am not understanding your bizarre reasoning for the content you are putting out for the last year or so. Only one or two video's have been geared toward me, the relatively small (4 tanks ranging from 10 to 95 gallons) novice fish keeper who is looking to save some money and do some EASY INEXPENSIVE DIY projects to my fish tanks. I am becoming extremely disappointed in your style and content.
ahmet comlekcioglu
ahmet comlekcioglu - 8 years ago
When the school of fish grow, he is going to need, not 357 gallon, 1375 gallon tank. :))
Emotic Plays
Emotic Plays - 8 years ago
Dat intro tho
Diogo Rodrigues
Diogo Rodrigues - 8 years ago
OMG they are beautifull
Jasper Kennis
Jasper Kennis - 8 years ago
I'm genuinely excited to see how this works out xD
CaMiLo EsTeBaN
CaMiLo EsTeBaN - 8 years ago
Joey amazing fish! I knew they were silver dollars. I have the same ones and they are awesome and active and definitely eager eaters
Shankhadeep Sarkar
Shankhadeep Sarkar - 8 years ago
Hey Joey,

First of all, let me begin with a compliment that I'm sure you would have received countless times before - your videos are so much informative and fun to watch! And the name of your channel is so well suited.
Coming to this video, it actually ended a prolonged question I have been thinking about - which fish would be the best tank mate for my Arowana? On a dare, I put in 2 pairs of a fish species about 6 months back and they all seem to be doing great in the tank. And when I started watching this video of yours, I swear I had my fingers crossed, hoping I did not make the wrong decision. And when you revealed the fish that you opted for, voila! I I was so relieved! I too have put in Silver dollars in with my Arowana (He is a Silver Arwoana and I named him Sobek, after the Ancient Egyptian God of the Nile). Another thing that I considered apart from the list you mentioned is how shiny these fish are. I thought that would distract the Arowana and keep him from singling one of the fish out.

Now, at the risk of appearing somewhat stupid, here's another question that I need your help with - would it be advisable to add a Black Ghost Knife Fish to the tank?
My tank is 4 feet wide and has a depth of 3 feet (I plan to transfer y fish to a bigger one as they grow) and I have used sand as a substrate and placed large rocks as hardscape. There are cave-like formations where the Black Ghost may take cover. Sobek is almost a feet long now and the Silver Dollars are 3-4 inches each.

Could you please help me out with this?

P.S.: Please excuse the lengthy comment; but as a fellow hobbyist I hope you understand the excitement. :-)

Samiha Samosa
Samiha Samosa - 8 years ago
nice music choice for once on YouTube
Alexandra - 8 years ago
Whats the breed of the new ones?
STEALTH - 8 years ago
how many takes did the intro take?
kurazaybo - 8 years ago
whoa! I was narrowing it down to some kind of cichlids or catfish (im partian to grown clown loaches) but the silver dollar is brilliant! unfortunately I think you passed too quickly on the first requirement: whether your arowana will be better off with the tankmate
vryheid pets and fish 3100
vryheid pets and fish 3100 - 8 years ago
Did you consider oscars? or would there be a problem with them?
HigherPlanes - 8 years ago
This should be interesting.
Justin Garner
Justin Garner - 8 years ago
beautiful silver dollars! very jealous
Leandro Bayma
Leandro Bayma - 8 years ago
Here in Brazil these fishes are called Pacu xD
has the pacu bitten off ur balls and brain too m8?
Nolan Kopp
Nolan Kopp - 8 years ago
Yeah, you dumbass
freestuffgood - 8 years ago
pacu is a differnt fish
Michael P
Michael P - 8 years ago
I watched the intro about 10 times now, lol.
Mr. Bozack
Mr. Bozack - 8 years ago
I keep Metynnis Argentus. Try your 'hooks lots of salad! I have $9, and they love cress! I've tried lots, but it's their favourite. Cheap to grow also...
subisblack - 8 years ago
Would love to see the unboxing video for these!
Blink - 8 years ago
What do you recommend for a flowerpots that is like 6in but extremely aggressive
Karina Rosales
Karina Rosales - 8 years ago
Omg the first 20 seconds is so awesome!! Haha how creative!!
hangarace - 8 years ago
love your videos. Good luck with new fish. Oh...the phrase "however" gotta go man!
Gameover - 8 years ago
should have got pacu
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 8 years ago
New fish is always a great feeling. I've been kinda down lately because the last two new fish, both of which I loved, passed away overnight within a couple of days (one was velvet, the other was an unseasonably cold night that I wasn't prepped for.) Soon I'll have another, though, because my fiancee is going to replace my birthday fish. I'm excited for that. Hopefully it will be similar to the temperament of the other.
Jennifer McAdam
Jennifer McAdam - 8 years ago
Lol. I just got a greenside darter fish for one of my freshwater tanks, the big one and he's doing great
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 8 years ago
Forgot to mention that I'm looking forward to the Arowana's intro to the new guys. Hope it goes well!
THEBIGREDHEN - 8 years ago
Do a tape water purification video please I can't find a video that is useful
Daniel Gamboa
Daniel Gamboa - 8 years ago
Those look great Joey! I wish you luck with adding the big guy. I hope he plays nice.
Josh Goldstein
Josh Goldstein - 8 years ago
Why don't you breed the arrowana?
wdrury1 - 8 years ago
looking good..when i first got silver dollars i was amazed how quickly they grew..and how much they would eat.
lynn naveed
lynn naveed - 8 years ago
did you buy the red hooks from
lynn naveed
lynn naveed - 8 years ago
Red hooks are a great choice . Good move JOEY ? I LOVE EM
Summer Mattx
Summer Mattx - 8 years ago
That was so cute.
Hamad Muslat
Hamad Muslat - 8 years ago
why you didn't try an Oscar fish or parrots fish ?
thebeastisback1996 - 8 years ago
I called it! I was thinking silver dollar the whole time you were listing your requirements!! I love these guys I have 6 common ones with my Texas cichlid and they make the best tankmates. Always fast and peaceful, but always get their food too.

I can't till I have a tank big enough for the big wild caught varieties. Have you seen the wide bar silver dollars? another beautiful species.
SoulJimyDark - 8 years ago
wouldnt you will be putting some gravel sand and or rocks? maybe a dark substrate will be awesome to those silver fish! (the arowana would look awesome in some dark gravel/substrate)
alao congrats on your fish!
greetings from mexico
Tim Trethan
Tim Trethan - 8 years ago
that was a brilliant intro haha
mad 8409
mad 8409 - 8 years ago
nice what do you plan on putting into the in wall tank
Matt Guidice
Matt Guidice - 8 years ago
I was thinking dantoids
Franz Bernadez
Franz Bernadez - 8 years ago
havent seen the fish yet but im guessing pacus will be the tankmates based on the criteria you gave, just a guess tho. ill continue watching lol.
Franz Bernadez
Franz Bernadez - 8 years ago
silver dollars lol. so close.
Night of Elements
Night of Elements - 8 years ago
Great intro
PFS Alypse
PFS Alypse - 8 years ago
Intro was hilarious ... lol ... I have 4 species of SD's including the Tiger Striped but have never been able to find red hooks anywhere locally .... awesome choice .....
dawn m lamb # DML Studio
dawn m lamb # DML Studio - 8 years ago
good for you JOEY!!! I LIKE IT!!!
Brandon Rosemeyer
Brandon Rosemeyer - 8 years ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE Red Hooks I have kept them in the past and it was awesome! Kept them with super aggressive fish and they are big enough and fast enough to hang with anything i kept them with. GREAT idea to keep Red Hooks!
Edgar terry
Edgar terry - 8 years ago
oh oh oh oh bottom dwellers. what about a big beautifully ugly plecostomus. Something black, high fin and bony that get in the 20 inch rang in size. I have seen them go in Parana tanks and take food from the Paranas.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
I haven't finish watching but I guest it's a peacock bass
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
I haven't finish watching but I guest it's a peacock bass
TomMinaj - 8 years ago
where and how did you get an Asian Arowana in America??! I thought they were illegal. I would love to know your vendor!
TomMinaj - 8 years ago
+Chase Odom Ahhh..... that explains it lol.
James Harden
James Harden - 8 years ago
He lives in Canada
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous!
Tamlin Giles
Tamlin Giles - 8 years ago
So what catfish will you be looking at?
Lunar - 8 years ago
hey Joey, I have a question, where do you usually buy your supplies from? I'm thinking of redoing my 55 to make it look more natural, I saw your dragon stone off of Facebook and fell in love with the look. keep up the great videos and i can't wait to see the planted tank build when it's finished ^^.
CincinnatiRedd - 8 years ago
Clown loaches for the bottom or maybe some bichirs?
Tana Clevenger
Tana Clevenger - 8 years ago
i got a stand and im wanting to build a fishtank with it i want it to be 3ft long and wide and 2ft tall how thick should the glass be?
Lil John's Tanks
Lil John's Tanks - 8 years ago
What u putting in the current arrowana tank
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 8 years ago
as soon as you said bottom dwellers i thought of the clown loach. great fish
Lol...great opening!
Sharmeen xo
Sharmeen xo - 8 years ago
Silver dollars are beautiful, I had some and they were a nightmare! They literally ate every single plant I had (I did feed them well). So don't recommend them for planted tanks but for you it's ok. They are stunning fishes!
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 8 years ago
The intro couldn't have been more perfect
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 8 years ago
I could tell. Always exciting to get new fish.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I had a hard time keeping it together. He does that all the time... but i just had the random idea this morning to start the video out like that. (which is why this was uploaded late)
adam day
adam day - 8 years ago
what cool mates, can't wait to see how they do together!
nick pastore
nick pastore - 8 years ago
I'm super excited
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
BIO BUDDY - 8 years ago
Nothing like new fish
BIO BUDDY - 8 years ago
Started getting new koi for my pond, speaking of which ever considered a pond?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I know right!
ps cheng
ps cheng - 8 years ago
i always have guppy's tankmates for my XB
Old School Fish Guy
Old School Fish Guy - 8 years ago
I think this choice will work --- I've had some and they get rather aggressive, but I doubt that's an issue for you LOL
Hayden 3210
Hayden 3210 - 8 years ago
why didn't you get another arowana
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
2 would likely fight to the death. At $2K a pop... i cant afford to take those risks. I would need a least 6-8 for them to be ok together. Again, i dont have that kind of money.
jail slayer
jail slayer - 8 years ago
you should add Bagarius yarelli
Ecartts - 8 years ago
That Intro was great :)) Also cuz I had Blue Gouramis in the past (blue is my favorite color) but I quit having them because they are almost like your Arowana :)) Aggressive / Territorial ...

But I wish you good luck with these :)
MrRvbrown - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 8 years ago
Freaky, I was going to say piranha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Very close! (some people think these look just like them though!)
Don't Worry About It
Don't Worry About It - 8 years ago
I just started a new tank about 5 days ok, I'm using the aquatop cf500 that came with bio balls and the little ceramic rings. Could I swap those out far lava rock?
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 8 years ago
its a neutral rock so it wont affect water ph. so you could use it in every tray. i still have bio balls and ceramic rings in mine tho with 3 stages of mechanical in the bottom. my rings are used in below the first mechanical basket to catch all the heavy debris tho.
Don't Worry About It
Don't Worry About It - 8 years ago
+Andrew cameron
Did you replace both media with lava rock? I wonder what would happen if you just threw it in every media trey?
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 8 years ago
yup I just did that. its working great
Caruby 12
Caruby 12 - 8 years ago
That intro tho
"hey come here we need to talk" lol
Caruby 12
Caruby 12 - 8 years ago
man ... You just made my day
have you ever considered keeping a shrimp tank? perhaps on your desk?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
haha it was awesome. He does that all the time, so it worked out perfectly.
Dragon Fish Arowana
Dragon Fish Arowana - 8 years ago
Gratz on your new fish. I think those new fish look awesome. The only thing I would suggest is to give them time to bulk up a little since they look a little slim. These new fish are going to color up and they already look amazing. Good choice man. I suppose you can always use a Pacu. I would suggest a trigrinum catfish...they are really expensive and awesome. Having said all this with an Asian Arowana it is always a gamble so good luck bud. I enjoy your videos, thank you for sharing and keep making them.
Ramon Rivera
Ramon Rivera - 8 years ago
Hey Joey I'm a huge fan and am saving up for a signed copy of your book! Couple question thou what did you use to treat the red hooks for internal parasites? And can the same medication be used for saltwater? Last one haha, do you have a video out on how you set up your QT?
Thanks again man your awesome to watch and learn from! #kingofdiy
Snoekvisser1972 - 8 years ago
I was thinking Oscars at first. Good luck with the tank, you need a break after the ray fiasco...
moises - 8 years ago
If he's as aggressive as you make it seem, I don't see this working nor being your best bet. You'd be better off with bottomed dwellers such as bichirs, or large armored catfish, like an irwini. Something that won't be in his face, and is actually tough enough to take what he dishes out. I wouldn't say you should call it quits after the silver dollars because they aren't a good idea to begin with in my opinion, if he's as aggressive as you say.
breyersandbbw - 8 years ago
sad that theyre wild caught but they are beautiful
Sarah Blakey
Sarah Blakey - 8 years ago
The arowana's performance was stellar haahha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Bet he would have gotten an oscar.....
Donatien Catchirayar
Donatien Catchirayar - 8 years ago
excellent choice Joey ! keep it up, i hope they will do well with mister Aro
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
you better add emperor blue hooks.

down side with hooks is that they are known tail nippers, which is annoying.
Z - 8 years ago
Add a brachyplatystoma juruense!Or some other bigger cat!Awesome red hooks!
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
Drat! I was guessing wide bar silver dollars. Nice to see them in a big enough tank for a change.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Niiiice. Good choice on these.
matdex2002 - 8 years ago
1.how much was your arowana.
2.how big is your arowana.
3.how big will your arowana get.
Also for a bottom feed get a large pelco it fits all of the standards except shoaling an, but they have spines in their face and fins but they are armoured, and they eats EVERYTHING I have 1 and it rekt one of my plants to a stick but the best thing of pelcos is their colour but in a video you said you were colour blind.
hope you reply but i just want this info so i could save for a aisian arowana
p.s. somebody said they get to 4ft and you need a 16ft long tank so is this true.
Adam C
Adam C - 8 years ago
haha. get down here, let's have a chat arowana
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I am one with my fish...
Xenoaquaria - 8 years ago
Myleus rubripinnis are my favourite fish!
About one and a half year ago I´ve got 4 "Metynnis" but of one them was actually a M.rubripinnis.
So I did my best and kept upgrading the tank to 120gal but he (yea it´s a male) outgrew this tank pretty fast!
Right now my little nutcracker (´cause I used to feed him peanuts, Myleus love nuts!) is living in a 250gal tank with 7 more M.rubripinnis and about 10 Metynnis maculatus.

Of course I do miss this fish.
I´ve got him with 4cm in length and he grew to about 22cm.
Have fun with these beautiful fish!
Good luck.
wyzemann - 8 years ago

I kept repeating aloud to myself Silver Dollars...Silver Dollars....I'm discovering they may make the best dither fish to accompany naturally aggressive species; and yours are wild caught.

Joey, you ROCK!
MyView 10.75.69
MyView 10.75.69 - 8 years ago
That is soooo bad ass, cant wait for the video of you putting the Arowana in there and see how it goes.
TheCalcarAvis - 8 years ago
awesome intro!!! i laughed so hard!
turbo 906
turbo 906 - 8 years ago
Very cool, hopefully everything goes well. They will definitely make your Arowana stand out, nice choice Joey!
Thiago Domenico
Thiago Domenico - 8 years ago
This video could have stopped after the first 5 seconds and it would still get the like. Best beginning to a video ever hahahaha
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 8 years ago
Fired Up Awesome!!! Teasing us with live feed,
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
haha it was so hard not to actually say anything! FIRED UP!
Joseph Borges
Joseph Borges - 8 years ago
Damn Joey got a nice car!
SpitnGames - 8 years ago
+kurtis fuller what are you trying to say
kurtis fuller
kurtis fuller - 8 years ago
2016 ford focus! same car as me
mxs14 - 8 years ago
since there r more fish, there could be more algae so u should get a pleco for ur bottlm dweller :)
I Am
I Am - 8 years ago
I was hoping that you would be getting golden dorados
mxs14 - 8 years ago
wouldnt the tank be overstocked when they all grow too full size?
kuzbro simo
kuzbro simo - 8 years ago
yes i guess silver dollars not red silver dollars lol
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 8 years ago
Problem is the longer you isolate the fish in the community the more they become aggresive and intolerant
J. Blom
J. Blom - 8 years ago
What light do you use in your tanks...that awesome blue light
Andrew cameron
Andrew cameron - 8 years ago
check his diy vids. he makes them
Violent Hacker
Violent Hacker - 8 years ago
you should get a flowerhorn
wantsome480 - 8 years ago
Cool fish I've seen a lot of fish over the past 25 years but I've never seen those before. Have you ever thought about catfish to go with your arrowana? A big pleco like a panaque would look nice in your set up.
BR RA - 8 years ago
Have you tried to make ponds in your backyard? You would do great things with it
Perry Li
Perry Li - 8 years ago
How much was the fish?
Formal Tuna
Formal Tuna - 8 years ago
Get some giant wild caught clown loaches.
Sebastiaan Sterk
Sebastiaan Sterk - 8 years ago
beautiful fish that are :D
Chieko Watson
Chieko Watson - 8 years ago
cant wait to see them together...
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
What antihelminthic did you use to medicate these guys Joey?
Dukes Aquaristikexperimente
Dukes Aquaristikexperimente - 8 years ago
Good video, but I can't wait to see the Tropheus in the other tank.
jacob stang
jacob stang - 8 years ago
I guess silver dollars
jacob stang
jacob stang - 8 years ago
Ryan Ong
Ryan Ong - 8 years ago
Giant bichirs!!!
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 8 years ago
good pick for the arrowana. I had wild caught red hooks when I was housing central & SA cichlids. you're right they are very varocious eaters once they get used to their environment..
thebrownman - 8 years ago
that intro was actually pretty cool made me laugh how the fish stayed there when u were talking to it
Acuario Ibicencio
Acuario Ibicencio - 8 years ago
This video was perfect! HAHAHAH
James McGaghey
James McGaghey - 8 years ago
The silver dollars will do fine I had a school of 4 in my tank with my silver arowana(Aries - named that because he killed 3 other silver arowana's he was bought with) he was 27" when I lost him about 2 years ago in a 2 week power outage during a snow storm. His favorite treat was ghost shrimp :P
Robert Gonzalez
Robert Gonzalez - 8 years ago
nice fish I ben wanting some silver dollars
semaj chong
semaj chong - 8 years ago
love the intro and the car ride!! great stuff
paw rasmussen
paw rasmussen - 8 years ago
It's my favorite school fish
Eric Alvarado
Eric Alvarado - 8 years ago
For a few seconds i thought you had gotten the tropheus duboisi. At least I was hoping for that. my favorite fish also. I miss mine!
Life of Dan
Life of Dan - 8 years ago
What's going in the plywood ?
Micah Lobin
Micah Lobin - 8 years ago
clown loches
Leigh Partridge
Leigh Partridge - 8 years ago
I was thinking you might go with the red hooks... nice choice!
Vinz Babo
Vinz Babo - 8 years ago
I like the beginning of the video
Matthew Brown
Matthew Brown - 8 years ago
some type of catfish for a bottom dweller would be awesome
Алексей Климов
Алексей Климов - 8 years ago
The discus is much better and more beautiful.
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
but not compatible with arowana
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
I kept those and Oscars with my snakehead and they were the only fish that didn't get picked on. Really big fish..
Chris Douglas
Chris Douglas - 8 years ago
They do look like a mean bunch of fish, it might be the arowana that gets picked on. keep it up Joey.
gustavo soares de figueiredo
gustavo soares de figueiredo - 8 years ago
I sure tought they were going to be either, Bala Sharks or Tinfoil Barbs, guess I kinda forget the amazon big characins, seeing how close to them I live and how cheap/common they are here... (Not the Red Hooks, Albinos or those fancy ones... They get so damn expensive here...) You should probably get some 3-4 Uarus to make it up for the name Uarujoey.. Gold and Red Spotted Severums are also some nice fish...
oytun pastirma
oytun pastirma - 8 years ago
Stingray can also be ok.
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
my guess was close.
Mayur3tears - 8 years ago
How many tries did it take you to get that intro right, Joey? Haha
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
+Golden Gold Joey said 2 times
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
marizen2 - 8 years ago
Sweet! Love them too! Good luck...Loved the talk you had with Big Guy! Hahaha
Recon9143 - 8 years ago
Joey whats the plan for the future tank? That arro and silver dollars are going to cramp that tank.
Riptide - 8 years ago
you should get tiger stripe silver dollars
Alexis Torres
Alexis Torres - 8 years ago
The Intro :D ahaha
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
Red hooks are extremely rare in Australia...and if you find them..$50 each.
Jorge's Cool Pets
Jorge's Cool Pets - 8 years ago
I like the videos you make
Jorge's Cool Pets
Jorge's Cool Pets - 8 years ago
good video
Clark Casiño
Clark Casiño - 8 years ago
that intro though haha, it probably took a lot of takes before the arowana finally did it the way you needed it to, goodluck with the tank mates!
Private Duck
Private Duck - 8 years ago
I recommend a pleco for your tank
Min Ki Hwang
Min Ki Hwang - 8 years ago
Dat intro!
Niels E
Niels E - 8 years ago
good choice, personality I would have got some wide bar instead of the red hook. as far as I know the event get little bit bigger.
Aqua Novice
Aqua Novice - 8 years ago
Great fish Joey
Ember Raven
Ember Raven - 8 years ago
You could have done fully grown bala sharks
Steve Poland Cichlids
Steve Poland Cichlids - 8 years ago
Nothing better than new fish day!
Legenden69 - 8 years ago
You should get a big pleco
Fadhli Jaffar
Fadhli Jaffar - 8 years ago
My silver dollars are so puny compared to yours. I literally got them for a dollar each though.
Outta line
Outta line - 8 years ago
You could also try giant osphronemus gouramis or Oscars I've seen those work out in the same tank as arowanas
Davis Kropf
Davis Kropf - 8 years ago
congratz on the new fish! they look great!!
Joe - 8 years ago
That beginning was so funny
Ruben - 8 years ago
Those are some nice silver dollar man. I use to have a 4 of them and they're Vegetarian and they love plants plus there are in the Piranha family. I don't think he going to bother them. Thanks for sharing looking forward to the next video.
Henry Phan
Henry Phan - 8 years ago
9 for feng shui?
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 8 years ago
Damn they look good. I was so close to guessing it right. I was thinking you got a few pacus. EH, close enough :\ Silver dollars are related to pacus anyway.
Killian Doran
Killian Doran - 8 years ago
Fantastic editing at the beginning Joey!
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
a barracuda would be cool ..
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
+HigherPlanes maybe not the arrowana ...I have no idea ...
HigherPlanes - 8 years ago
A barracuda would demolish all those fish no?
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 8 years ago
+razorXblueXeyes yes
razorXblueXeyes - 8 years ago
+The Graceful Savage you mean salt water fish ??
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 8 years ago
thats a marine fish
Rad Hew
Rad Hew - 8 years ago
are you ever going to do a saltwater tank
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 8 years ago
They're mesmerizing
Warren Van Patten
Warren Van Patten - 8 years ago
Loved this video from beginning to end! Beginning shot talking to your aro was classic. I have red hooks as well and love them. Thanks for sharing Joey!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks Warren. This is one of my new fav videos!
Daniel Mc Sween
Daniel Mc Sween - 8 years ago
ayyy!!!... I`ve got silver dollars. 9 aswell and i love em
LFCooledWhip - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Hey,....c'mere for a second... I need to talk to ya....
Shrimp Zoo
Shrimp Zoo - 8 years ago
can u do a video on your camera and gear setup you use for your youtube videos?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Just start making videos. It is all about the quality of content, not the quality of gear. I started making videos on a $100 point and shoot.
Shrimp Zoo
Shrimp Zoo - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY Yea an office tour would be cool too.
im trying to start a youtube channel and looking for inspiration.
you have an Amazing channel.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Sure! Some day i will. Office tour while im at it?
Ekram Ali
Ekram Ali - 8 years ago
Another fish which seem to work well with arowanas from experience are giant gouramis :3 plus they are beautiful
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez - 8 years ago
man i want an arowana so bad but i think they're illegal in the US
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY hell yeah I AM!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Yup, they are. Come to canada with me! ;)
Dongerino - 8 years ago
How many times did you have to reshoot the first scene? :)
Dongerino - 8 years ago
Thats actually pretty cool!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Twice. First time i messed up. He always does that. Made it easy.
Aquatic Mastery
Aquatic Mastery - 8 years ago
That into was too great, ahahah
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I thought it might stand out! haha
Simply_A.R. - 8 years ago
For some reason I was expecting about 1,000 tetras
Simply_A.R. - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY I know haha fish deserve treats to ( ^ω^)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
For the arowana? That would be lunch to him!
Abyssal Axolotl
Abyssal Axolotl - 8 years ago
Awesome choice! I've seen some silver dollars with whole chunks taken out of their body at some LFS and they act just fine. Obviously if your fish is missing body parts thats a huge problem, but the resilience of the fish is amazing. Most fish would've died from stress by that point.
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
Try big oscars!
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 8 years ago
nice fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks MA
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Smith - 8 years ago
Love your enthusiasm! Gotta love a guy who loves his fish.
Ben Donaldson
Ben Donaldson - 8 years ago
How about more Arowanas.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
You paying?
Kee Lee
Kee Lee - 8 years ago
my guess was close. I was thinking of Pacus.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Very close then!
Bill Wassmann
Bill Wassmann - 8 years ago
Cool video joey...cant wait for the live..
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
See you then Bill!
Maybe tonight?
Vivin Urf Baloo
Vivin Urf Baloo - 8 years ago
hey Joey you rock :D
Vivin Urf Baloo
Vivin Urf Baloo - 8 years ago
i thought you'd go with large tinfoil barbs. Schooling, large, peaceful, fast and eat all the garbage u throw at em :D
thats wh i got em in with my oscars and Severum..doing great (y)
VB Nauticool
VB Nauticool - 8 years ago
amazing. beautiful specimens
Loku - 8 years ago
Good choice! It's me or one of them has a flat head? It's normal?
Stevee b
Stevee b - 8 years ago
That 375 would make a amazing biotope! it would probably alleviate some of the aggression breaking up there line of sight sometimes.....awesome new fish!!
jrizzle421 - 8 years ago
nice addition. ive been thinking of adding a school of these in with my oscar. i do worry because he has killed every tankmate he has ever had. 2 oscars,jack dempsey, green terror, 2 convicts and a parachromis freidrichstahli. so im quite hesitant and will probably leave him alone for the remainder of his life
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
my Oscar is very different from your oscars,her name is pepper and she's one of those white oscars,somehow she doesn't like to eat the smaller fish I put in her fish tank (probably because she's still a juvenile) I put two mollies and they have never been eaten by pepper,but I think when she's full grown then she'll probably start eating the smaller fish and acting more aggressive
Piele Van staden
Piele Van staden - 8 years ago
whey not a nother oscar
Nato_Potato - 8 years ago
I got a red devil in my tank which doesn't fight the with the other fish, But fights my hand and makes blood flow...
hereinsertname - 8 years ago
Haha you sound like you have an Oscar with a very similar personality to one I had for many years. If you make the mistake of buying fish that don't grow at the same rate (even if they are the same size as the Oscar when you buy them), the Oscar will eventually outgrow and kill them if you happen to own one with attitude problem. I had mine for 7 years and 5 of those were in solitary confinement. He killed probably a good 10-15 other fish I attempted to tank with him, including my 11-inch pleco' somehow,, which was actually fairly upsetting. The Oscar died of old age year and cost me a lot of money, but he is still my favourite fish I have ever kept,
TankHead Videos
TankHead Videos - 8 years ago
really sweet set up. I can't wait to see when tank is finished. thanks for sharing, good video!
mcartus - 8 years ago
some of the fish have red spots some don't have them why?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
age! you got it.
Christopher Heldgaard
Christopher Heldgaard - 8 years ago
possibly genders or age?
TheFishGuys - 8 years ago
What will you get for the bottom of the tank. I recommend bichirs or catfish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
haha one/a few of those actually!
kenette laforteza
kenette laforteza - 8 years ago
all I want to know, how many takes did it took for that skit with the arowana lol
Syria Sharia
Syria Sharia - 7 years ago
My goldfish used to swim to me whenever I came close to the tank. Fish are quite clever
naileha15 - 7 years ago
kenette laforteza I
Pisces - 7 years ago
The king of DIY So was that by coincidence or is he trained?
Zimbabwe Ekon Elevator Company
Zimbabwe Ekon Elevator Company - 7 years ago
kenette laforteza I.
Please Uusivirta
Arowana - 7 years ago
only about like 50 times ];
charly tey
charly tey - 8 years ago
kenette laforteza
An Lê
An Lê - 8 years ago
Liam Sinclair ...a.a
Brad Suarez
Brad Suarez - 8 years ago
It's a male though.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
wait... you're technically right! hahahaha
kenette laforteza
kenette laforteza - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY wait do you mean your arowana is a better actor than you?hahaha just joking sir,have high respect for you
kenette laforteza
kenette laforteza - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY that was so adorable, specially the last part where I think he nods haha, but I did imagine it took you like10 takes, please do more those skits , keep it up
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Just two. First one was my mistake. He always does that.
WaffOW - 8 years ago
TalisienTao - 8 years ago
oh yeah by the way why not use hydroplex from ruby reef like your video shows
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I never said what i used, but that is not for internal parasites. I will make a video on how to do it in the future.
Jerry Decker
Jerry Decker - 8 years ago
Jerry Decker
Jerry Decker - 8 years ago
I am usually lurking in the background, but always try to tune in when you are live. I am extremely pleased with the new tank mates and the pending Tropheus for the in-wall (any new fish in the in-wall will do, but Tropheus are so fun) will give you that new fish feeling for a very long time... I am so stoked to see your future shows.... great work Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks Jerry! See you back in the facebook live stream soon i hope.
TalisienTao - 8 years ago
nice choice good luck. Hope to see more videos soon
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I make 2 videos every single week.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
I'm really excited to see your next update! Awesome Joey... Stellar choice fish.. good luck!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
The updates will just keep getting better and better at this point. Got tons of awesome stuff planned.
Mikail Alim
Mikail Alim - 8 years ago
joey Flagtail Prochilodus best alge eater... best arowana mate...
Alberto di_galiano
Alberto di_galiano - 8 years ago
Joey what kind of filtration are you using
Cichlid Bro
Cichlid Bro - 8 years ago
1/2 hour & 2,650 views?! Someone's doin' somethin' right!
Awesome Aquarium
Awesome Aquarium - 8 years ago
your fish are really nice ☺
Baloon Ram
Baloon Ram - 8 years ago
Awesome fish...I want expecting something 'grandiose' you the King of DIY.....congrats for your new fish.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 8 years ago
Who did you use to import them?
Derp scoot
Derp scoot - 8 years ago
They will get big
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
To be honest when i hear the description, i thought of paroon sharks but maybe they get too big
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY But to keep one u really do need a pond, they get MASSIVE
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I'd love one of those though!
aa aa
aa aa - 8 years ago
cant wait to see the arowana with the new fish!!
steven moreno16
steven moreno16 - 8 years ago
I used to raise silvers and my guess was right when you described them on the live stream
Wilster Phung
Wilster Phung - 8 years ago
Ahhh the wait is finally over, and you did NOT disappoint. Awesome choice! I just got a 90 gollan tank, you think these would work well in that tank, and if they're schooling, how many you think would be good for a 90. or if they're going to get too big for it eventually?
Carlos cadme
Carlos cadme - 8 years ago
What about tinfoil barbs?
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 8 years ago
Interesting tank mate choice. Didn't expect that. Hope they become friends! And getting new fish is always so exciting!

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