I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
Pets & Animals 8 years ago 754,817 views
Moving the arowana https://goo.gl/dcX4uK Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Follow me ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Today I show you the new fish i bought for my 375 gallon aquarium! These will be tank mates for the asian arowana being moved to it shortly.
10. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
20. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
30. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
and another one but not as big.. i loved it but then fishes dies so after 2 years.. it died. R.I.P Nameless
Type pacu into google.
50. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale
CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale
CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale
CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 (518) 601-8191
Arowana fish for sale
Red Arowanas fish for sale
Silver Arowanas fish for sale
Black Arowanas fish for sale
Australian Arowanas fish for sale
African Arowanas fish for sale
CONTACT: fisharowana5@gmail.com
Have You ever met Cheng Thanh?
100. comment for I BOUGHT NEW FISH!! - Arowana gets tank mates
Is your arowana cites registered and does it have a chip??
Deme Kin
PS how much cost a silver arowana?
Awww thats so cute.
srry couldn't resist myself.
Thanks for editing your videos so well. The final product is so much better than even the above average videos here on youtube.
Was wondering if you have done a video on controlling/eliminating unwanted snails from a freshwater tank. Currently have a zebra Pleco tank setup that's is being over run by trumpet snails, and have tried many remedies. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.Look forward to more vids in the near future.
PS, Arowana looks great!!!
First of all, let me begin with a compliment that I'm sure you would have received countless times before - your videos are so much informative and fun to watch! And the name of your channel is so well suited.
Coming to this video, it actually ended a prolonged question I have been thinking about - which fish would be the best tank mate for my Arowana? On a dare, I put in 2 pairs of a fish species about 6 months back and they all seem to be doing great in the tank. And when I started watching this video of yours, I swear I had my fingers crossed, hoping I did not make the wrong decision. And when you revealed the fish that you opted for, voila! I I was so relieved! I too have put in Silver dollars in with my Arowana (He is a Silver Arwoana and I named him Sobek, after the Ancient Egyptian God of the Nile). Another thing that I considered apart from the list you mentioned is how shiny these fish are. I thought that would distract the Arowana and keep him from singling one of the fish out.
Now, at the risk of appearing somewhat stupid, here's another question that I need your help with - would it be advisable to add a Black Ghost Knife Fish to the tank?
My tank is 4 feet wide and has a depth of 3 feet (I plan to transfer y fish to a bigger one as they grow) and I have used sand as a substrate and placed large rocks as hardscape. There are cave-like formations where the Black Ghost may take cover. Sobek is almost a feet long now and the Silver Dollars are 3-4 inches each.
Could you please help me out with this?
P.S.: Please excuse the lengthy comment; but as a fellow hobbyist I hope you understand the excitement. :-)
did you buy the red hooks from
I can't till I have a tank big enough for the big wild caught varieties. Have you seen the wide bar silver dollars? another beautiful species.
alao congrats on your fish!
greetings from mexico
But I wish you good luck with these :)
Did you replace both media with lava rock? I wonder what would happen if you just threw it in every media trey?
"hey come here we need to talk" lol
have you ever considered keeping a shrimp tank? perhaps on your desk?
Thanks again man your awesome to watch and learn from! #kingofdiy
down side with hooks is that they are known tail nippers, which is annoying.
2.how big is your arowana.
3.how big will your arowana get.
Also for a bottom feed get a large pelco it fits all of the standards except shoaling an, but they have spines in their face and fins but they are armoured, and they eats EVERYTHING I have 1 and it rekt one of my plants to a stick but the best thing of pelcos is their colour but in a video you said you were colour blind.
hope you reply but i just want this info so i could save for a aisian arowana
p.s. somebody said they get to 4ft and you need a 16ft long tank so is this true.
About one and a half year ago I´ve got 4 "Metynnis" but of one them was actually a M.rubripinnis.
So I did my best and kept upgrading the tank to 120gal but he (yea it´s a male) outgrew this tank pretty fast!
Right now my little nutcracker (´cause I used to feed him peanuts, Myleus love nuts!) is living in a 250gal tank with 7 more M.rubripinnis and about 10 Metynnis maculatus.
Of course I do miss this fish.
I´ve got him with 4cm in length and he grew to about 22cm.
Have fun with these beautiful fish!
Good luck.
I kept repeating aloud to myself Silver Dollars...Silver Dollars....I'm discovering they may make the best dither fish to accompany naturally aggressive species; and yours are wild caught.
Joey, you ROCK!
im trying to start a youtube channel and looking for inspiration.
you have an Amazing channel.
Maybe tonight?
thats wh i got em in with my oscars and Severum..doing great (y)
Please Uusivirta