I bought a new fish for my 2000 gallon aquarium! This was not a planned or expected purchase..... but i couldn't help it. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ Where I bought this fish: 1fish2fishdartmouth.com The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 400

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 812,712 views

I bought a new fish for my 2000 gallon aquarium! This was not a planned or expected purchase..... but i couldn't help it. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ Where I bought this fish: 1fish2fishdartmouth.com The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I need to know… Which one is nicer? The male or female? Or is it too soon to decide?
Jani Morath
Jani Morath - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ob
Nikolai Foerster
Nikolai Foerster - 7 years ago
The king of DIY funny we live very close
Nikolai Foerster
Nikolai Foerster - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where do you live.
Shahrear Mihir
Shahrear Mihir - 7 years ago
The king of DIY could you please tell me how you made your wall aquarium
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
The king of DIY female. You get pups
Sanjana Mistry
Sanjana Mistry - 7 years ago
Sasha The pirate cat I was just going to say that
Sasha The pirate cat
Sasha The pirate cat - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i just love frank in the background trying to get your attention xD
boy bee
boy bee - 7 years ago
The king of DIY v
marc 1234
marc 1234 - 7 years ago
all i know is u need a pair of starlight bristle nose to go with them in there
Michael Klaus
Michael Klaus - 7 years ago
The male, Scarface!
All About Aquariums
All About Aquariums - 7 years ago
Hey Robby, I have a saltwater stingray and a freshwater stingray. The prices vary depending mainly on size and breed. They can become pricey rather quickly, especially for rarer breeds, but the rewards are well worth it.
Robby Jones
Robby Jones - 7 years ago
I'm thinking about getting rays myself. I can't decide fresh or salt though. How much are pearls and black diamonds? I know they're not the only options but they're beautiful lol
iobocasper bos
iobocasper bos - 7 years ago
The king of DIY are u ever going to get a new arowana
EnderDragon17lol - 7 years ago
The king of DIY both of them are awesome!
Kyrille James Acosta
Kyrille James Acosta - 7 years ago
i think you should consider having other fishes like peacock bass or something thats interesting that tsnk, honestly it lacks life since the arrowana died. make that tank a community
HappyAnimals Happy
HappyAnimals Happy - 7 years ago
I like the girl better ^^ but because they change so much over time, its hard to say
T.C. Insects
T.C. Insects - 7 years ago
The king of DIY will u sell frank?
ZzReflexzZ - 7 years ago
To be honest I like the male more, I need advice though, I'm getting a red tailed shark and I'm also moving so how would you move a fish?
Manoj Kotagiri
Manoj Kotagiri - 7 years ago
I hate it i had to give this feed back but i want to see those beautiful tanks you used to build before . I think all the support you got from your subscribers had made you less cautious and a little more overconfident. Please reevaluate everything .
TheFishesDishes 16
TheFishesDishes 16 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Do your sting rays have names? Also, they are both absolutely phenomenal fish
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Videos of two males and three females are some of my favorites.
Jam Bucks
Jam Bucks - 7 years ago
Jam Bucks
Jam Bucks - 7 years ago
The king of DIY joey have some oscar
Kaylee Wileman
Kaylee Wileman - 7 years ago
Frank is such a beautiful pupper <3
Nana Hidayat
Nana Hidayat - 7 years ago
too soon to decide
Tortoise of Doom
Tortoise of Doom - 7 years ago
Both beautiful in different ways. Do stingrays lay eggs or live birth?
Kristin GlossedOut
Kristin GlossedOut - 7 years ago
Darla Good
Darla Good - 7 years ago
how quickly can you put fish in after putting old media in
mhdguy - 7 years ago
had a feeling that one was wrong I had it so bad that spell check wouldn't give me anything that looked right. sigh that's what I get for typing when I'm over tired
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 7 years ago
Spell gallery right and he might let you xD
mhdguy - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I have just realized how close you are to me and was wondering if the gallery is open to the public atm would be neat to see some of this stuff in person next time I'm passing through
Kateland Miller
Kateland Miller - 7 years ago
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I thought you got a other arowana!
Gymnastmonkey9696 - 7 years ago
Isaiah Manis
Isaiah Manis - 7 years ago
I really like the male pearl sting ray
Dartist64 Rocks
Dartist64 Rocks - 7 years ago
The king of DIY. At the moment they're all beautiful, healthy, perfect shape, active. The tank looks great and the pup is very cute.
Because of you, I've got my first juvenile arowana. Great videos, amazing progress on the gallery.
Thank you for all of your efforts.
Peace from the other side Kelowna, BC.
Candido Santiago
Candido Santiago - 7 years ago
They are beautiful
Amy DeGrazia
Amy DeGrazia - 7 years ago
The king of DIY too soon to tell, her patterns are going to morph like you mentioned
B honest aquarium & adventures mullins
B honest aquarium & adventures mullins - 7 years ago
The king of DIY please Joey can we see an update on the Asian arrowana forgot you had the other smaller arrowana
Philippus Cesena
Philippus Cesena - 7 years ago
The darker!
RPG Gaming
RPG Gaming - 7 years ago
i would say male because the cichlid peacock the male is very nice and the female is dull
Audrey Gong
Audrey Gong - 7 years ago
Swagkills 555 nice try mate. If you're an adult, you should at least know some basic grammar.
silencedknight - 7 years ago
They're both beautiful in their own ways
Mason Stevens
Mason Stevens - 7 years ago
The king of DIY ii
Wizzit1st - 7 years ago
They are both super cute but the female has the pup factor and she wins it for me, im jelous, I so want some fresh water stingrays but i dont have anywhere right not to put a large tank for them. Thinking about building a bespoke tank, not very tall but a large bottom area and perhaps intergrating it into my home somewhere.
zhewitt4235 - 7 years ago
I think the male looks better but the female has a lot of potential.
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
Pet Central
Pet Central - 7 years ago
The king of DIY male in my opinion
Idon'tbelieveinshortcomments - 7 years ago
I took a moment to look up your old vids, and I think the female has a lot more colour and she's going to outshine him in the future!
Tayah Coleman
Tayah Coleman - 7 years ago
I like the male personally, but the female is probably smaller and shows less pattern right now
Vinstoy Boo
Vinstoy Boo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY love watching Frank the flower horn try to get your attention when you're near the tank, it's hilarious. Great work you're doing bye the way. . You're videos are always well produced and informative. Really have been enjoying following your projects as the are super inspirational in my own fish keeping. Especially with tank setup in different applications. All that said, I would like to add a thank you. You keep growing your understanding so we can too.
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 7 years ago
she is pretty for a pup, but it is way too soon.... you already know the answer joey!
hillolg - 7 years ago
In animal world male species have better colour combination than the female one. Its about time when we will get to see the true colour of both of them. Still I think the male will evolve better.
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Both stingrays look phenomenal!
Shawnlyq - 7 years ago
I'm still deciding what's on my next meal.... BUT HEY THEY BOTH LOOK GOOOOOOD.
Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer Wilson - 7 years ago
It's too soon to decide. I think the female will change a lot!
Rushik Patel
Rushik Patel - 7 years ago
Bring zebra plecos if possible.
LEMON1O59 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I prefer females
Little Yachty 25789
Little Yachty 25789 - 7 years ago
Hi Vvvaal nope I was
Taylor Odriscoll
Taylor Odriscoll - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I like the female but thats probabley cause she is smaller and that makes her cuter but also the pattern she has is really nice its hard to choose
BoTaK_84 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY too soon
Mateo Condesa
Mateo Condesa - 7 years ago
The king of DIY sup joey big fan of yours and you inspired my to set up my own 50 gallon
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
too soon to decide
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
We wanna see peacocks in the 2k Joey.
Abhay Nair
Abhay Nair - 7 years ago
The king of DIY as of now the female!!!
T w H
T w H - 7 years ago
Don't assume the gender man. There are laws against stuff like that. Lol
MR,PINCER & FRIENDS - 7 years ago
The king of DIY she is beautiful
Swagkills 555
Swagkills 555 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY and I love your vids u inspired me to get a flowerhorn
8th dimensional memes
8th dimensional memes - 7 years ago
The king of DIY, hi I wanted to ask if you will ever get any jellyfish for the gallery?
Christopher Morris
Christopher Morris - 7 years ago
The king of DIY First to like a reply
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i like both. Do you think they will get pups?
Swagkills 555
Swagkills 555 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY my son has 2 fish tanks in his room he's in 7 grade is it to soon and it's to soon to decide
54 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
HEYYYY Joey <3
Max Hall
Max Hall - 7 years ago
The king of DIY baby stingrays!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Vvvaal
Hi Vvvaal - 7 years ago
The king of DIY first response
Little Yachty 25789
Little Yachty 25789 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY theyre both beautiful
coldturkey 1999
coldturkey 1999 - 7 years ago
That rose horn makes me happy
Daniel Larmour
Daniel Larmour - 7 years ago
you should put a northern pike into your tank
Alexander Fedderke
Alexander Fedderke - 7 years ago
So sad!!!
斤斤 Mina
斤斤 Mina - 7 years ago
A. -c 130 fishing
A. -c 130 fishing - 7 years ago
You. Sud get. Some. Catfish. And. Redfin. Shark. And. Rainbow sharks
Ayden Schwartz
Ayden Schwartz - 7 years ago
What kind of stingrays stay that size?
revital haimova
revital haimova - 7 years ago
They need to be free not in a tank... they are not suitible to be a pet in a tank... such a shame...
Roxanne Mcglinn
Roxanne Mcglinn - 7 years ago
I saw Frank do that adorable flip then I thought, I taught my fish soccer and I love him so much. At that same moment he got his tiny soccer ball and came to the side of the tank where I was, just to play with me!

10. comment for I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!

Aaqib Ansari
Aaqib Ansari - 7 years ago
i love. your fish. and your aquarium...
Johnathan Chua
Johnathan Chua - 7 years ago
Diana Colindres
Diana Colindres - 7 years ago
Tbh we need more people like you.
Brody Noraka
Brody Noraka - 7 years ago
Get a turtle
Eternity - 7 years ago
Not as good as buddy :(
Christie Lewis
Christie Lewis - 7 years ago
Watch lunkerz fishing tiny creek fishing part one best video ever
[SKz] 4MeAimingIsHart
[SKz] 4MeAimingIsHart - 7 years ago
Frank doing backflips bruh. We have a star.
RuinZ_ Undead
RuinZ_ Undead - 7 years ago
Can they swim?
Steven Hoelderich
Steven Hoelderich - 7 years ago
Hey, I had a Angel fish, for fifteen years, before he passed on.
Cydd and Shane studios
Cydd and Shane studios - 7 years ago
In our country that fish is $10 which is 500-600 php

20. comment for I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!

Cydd and Shane studios
Cydd and Shane studios - 7 years ago
I want a pearfish
Nic HOLA - 7 years ago
hi from England
L.J. - 7 years ago
Love that flower horn! So much personality!
Chunara Yash
Chunara Yash - 7 years ago
You add parrot fish
Solomon Conroy
Solomon Conroy - 7 years ago
Brandon Victor
Brandon Victor - 7 years ago
Don't let these die
Environment Gang
Environment Gang - 7 years ago
damn that tank not even a tank, its a pool lol. you can swim with the fish in there!
Louis E
Louis E - 7 years ago
How rich is this dude?
iWackyw - 7 years ago
I'm scared of fishes alive ones is it just me or anyone else comment down if you're scared of fishes
Joule-Trix - 7 years ago
Please get a Congo Goliath tiger fish

30. comment for I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!

tywondnomaid videos
tywondnomaid videos - 7 years ago
Get another Asian arrowana
Oliver Reid
Oliver Reid - 7 years ago
Can you pls get a shark
Nelly's vlogs and gaming
Nelly's vlogs and gaming - 7 years ago
Frank has a big forehead
Music Defined
Music Defined - 7 years ago
i love how the flowerhorns always in the camara shot❤
TheRealPotato O_O
TheRealPotato O_O - 7 years ago
Wait there are fresh water sting rays?
Fardan Pm
Fardan Pm - 7 years ago
I like fish
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 7 years ago
I am a faaaan
JASE CHAMPION - 7 years ago
If you what a new fish for that tank may I say a Goliath tiger fish
lav v
lav v - 7 years ago
Amzing aquariam!!!
Game Smile
Game Smile - 7 years ago
can you just go and take a swim in the aquarium?
Christopher Pacheco
Christopher Pacheco - 7 years ago
Frank was tryna get ur attention xD
Janice Lopez
Janice Lopez - 7 years ago
Idk why I love your videos so muck I just whached one video and I fell in love
isabella kellner
isabella kellner - 7 years ago
your flower horn makes me sad my 3 year old male flower horn died last week of an internal parasite luckily none of my other fish were effected but the loss is tragic
It's Justin
It's Justin - 7 years ago
Frank is so funny
Sierra D
Sierra D - 7 years ago
franks like "dad pay attention to me''
Aussie Adventures
Aussie Adventures - 7 years ago
Stingrays are the roombas of the ocean
Sam Sum
Sam Sum - 7 years ago
You are so amazing
Fridge - 7 years ago
Man I keep dying every time I see you sitting by the tank and Frank runs over to you. Frank is great.
Can I have Frank? Hes's so cute
Ryan_and_alex_play_ ROBLOX
Ryan_and_alex_play_ ROBLOX - 7 years ago

50. comment for I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!

Ryan_and_alex_play_ ROBLOX
Ryan_and_alex_play_ ROBLOX - 7 years ago
Yea swim with them
Carlos Arias
Carlos Arias - 7 years ago
Is that a pink crown fish, would explain why it wants to eat your face
it you flote to
it you flote to - 7 years ago
War did you get that
it you flote to
it you flote to - 7 years ago
Can you make a big fish kank
Hamsters chickens and fish 10
Hamsters chickens and fish 10 - 7 years ago
You should name your female pearl stingray Moana
steve mcdaniel
steve mcdaniel - 7 years ago
Awesome stingrays!
David Burke
David Burke - 7 years ago
Joey I am looking to build a semi Diamond tank about 180 gallons. Now I want to build it half plywood and the main 3 windows with Acrylic. My question is will I be able to seal the tank with silicone where the Acrylic and Plywood meet at the 3 seams? The bottom, and 2 sides.
Max Kenyon
Max Kenyon - 7 years ago
Can u get a shark
Taylor Morrissette
Taylor Morrissette - 7 years ago
What do you feed your stingrays?
Partha Bhattacharya
Partha Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
Ur house may collapse,,so much weight...
Ariel Nunez
Ariel Nunez - 7 years ago
i hope it dies
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
Aryen Jumaya
Aryen Jumaya - 7 years ago
I ❤ Frank
Creolelady Red
Creolelady Red - 7 years ago
I love your videos... Sorry about you loosing your beautiful fish...This tank looks so dope.. thank you for sharing
Reece 20
Reece 20 - 7 years ago
The one pink fish is the cutest thing I've ever seen can someone please tell me what kind he/she is?
a random youtube commenter
a random youtube commenter - 7 years ago
Make them all female like in jurassic park
Kevin Bell
Kevin Bell - 7 years ago
You need a girl mate
DANICA.SHAFER 100791 - 7 years ago
Patrick Acierno
Patrick Acierno - 7 years ago
Looking good! I remember when you first started doing videos now your up to 460k views great job dude!
stan marsh
stan marsh - 7 years ago
Nice tank but hardly any fish
NastyBastard - 7 years ago
Twisted Marker
Twisted Marker - 7 years ago
Frank's flip gave me life
Mel E
Mel E - 7 years ago
Can you put a chicken in the tank
Mercedes Mendoza
Mercedes Mendoza - 7 years ago
I love watching you. Your so handsome I would take care of you
chirpylps - 7 years ago
I just saw a wild salt water stingray whilst exploring the muddy salt marshes of magnetic island in Queensland. It was completely unexpected but I was calm and watched from a distance and then moved away slowly when I was done. He was about a 4/3 of a metre large, very cute.
Brandon Leon Flores
Brandon Leon Flores - 7 years ago
Get a puffer fish , or Electric blue acara fish.
Lord Gunther
Lord Gunther - 7 years ago
Yep, its just a fish, u will get over it, lol
Krystal Klebenstein
Krystal Klebenstein - 7 years ago
You always tell stories so well. Love your updates!
Elizabeth Workman
Elizabeth Workman - 7 years ago
She is cute .
marc 1234
marc 1234 - 7 years ago
god joey has never ending tank fever and watch his videos makes me want to go bigger
Tabatha Vail
Tabatha Vail - 7 years ago
Were did you get your stingray
Pennie Wyatt
Pennie Wyatt - 7 years ago
I love frank.
Jessie UK
Jessie UK - 7 years ago
jpaul kaito
jpaul kaito - 7 years ago
haha... this is very funny now that the arowana is dead
Candy Green R1
Candy Green R1 - 7 years ago
i think you should build a surface skimmer for that big tank, i dont know if its the video quality but i think im seeing haze on the surface of the water when your infront of the tank talking
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
i passed all my results got i get a like
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
i passed all my results got i get a like
Sherwen AnXao
Sherwen AnXao - 7 years ago
Steve irwin
Lateef and Saad
Lateef and Saad - 7 years ago
Lateef and Saad
Lateef and Saad - 7 years ago
Buzz Lightyear
Buzz Lightyear - 7 years ago
I suggest slowing down on stocking all the tanks. I'm sure you and most of us prefer to go that way. You could just do recaps and more detailed video series instead of rushing to fill all the tanks. :)
Adam Cranny
Adam Cranny - 7 years ago
Are fish intellegent
Zakariya Sajid
Zakariya Sajid - 7 years ago
Please get some Prana's or a shark
felidae - 7 years ago
It was kinda before but make it an amazon tank. Put in the asian and a bunch of neon tetras lol. Like 300!
Tarik Salah
Tarik Salah - 7 years ago
what is the perfect filtration system for for intensive
Fak eGuy
Fak eGuy - 7 years ago
I like the female better. I plan on building a 2500 soon. I may start asking you stingray questions that I can't Google.
Выходные Аквариумиста
Выходные Аквариумиста - 7 years ago
Super! Make Russian subtitles please! I do not know English (((((
Volume UpFTW
Volume UpFTW - 7 years ago
Did anyone actually picked which one looks better in info button
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids
Ricky Kenerly Cichlids - 7 years ago
I like stingrays! I fed saltwater ones for a year and a half at a workplace! You made a great decision!
Shonovan 'Novan' Naicker
Shonovan 'Novan' Naicker - 7 years ago
do you remember buddy

100. comment for I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!

Mohamad Jafri
Mohamad Jafri - 7 years ago
Hello Joey,where is ur Red arowana??i haven't seen him in ur videos quite a long time..sorry for my bad English(I'm from Malaysia)..
Güvercin Yetiştiricisi
Güvercin Yetiştiricisi - 7 years ago
Onun içinde bende yaşarım amk
ŽÄÇHÅRŸ RØDËÑTŠ - 7 years ago
Let me get things straight: He has;
Blood red Arrowanna
Rainbow fish
Saltwater tank
I wonder what other fish he has...
Ash Anip
Ash Anip - 7 years ago
Frank is too cute showing his moves at the background
Xavier Garvizu
Xavier Garvizu - 7 years ago
que luz usa...... lúmenes grados kelvin?? alguna referencia???
Joyce Wolan
Joyce Wolan - 7 years ago
love the photo bomb of your other fish behind you
Bryan Tube
Bryan Tube - 7 years ago
Mbu puffer!!????
Mohammed Ali nayeem
Mohammed Ali nayeem - 7 years ago
When you are doing water change in 2000gallon
Mohammed Ali nayeem
Mohammed Ali nayeem - 7 years ago
How many gallon tank should I buy for 6inch arowana
Senpai Riko
Senpai Riko - 7 years ago
New sub!
Kristina Burgos
Kristina Burgos - 7 years ago
Oh my dear god Frank is so adorable. I cant handle his cuteness!
Zaur Lezgin
Zaur Lezgin - 7 years ago
FunPandaFamily [하하호호 판다가족]
FunPandaFamily [하하호호 판다가족] - 7 years ago
very nice aquarium!! good!!
All About Aquariums
All About Aquariums - 7 years ago
You're a great inspiration to fellow hobbyist!!!
Kent O. Tanudjaja
Kent O. Tanudjaja - 7 years ago
hey Joey do your rays sting and if they sting are their venom potent?
Keekee Waleria Sadd
Keekee Waleria Sadd - 7 years ago
They are all beautiful in defriend coloures....
Keekee Waleria Sadd
Keekee Waleria Sadd - 7 years ago
Naw frank its out again swimming because the other one gone ..... I think
Hes happyer naw.....
rolen solatorio
rolen solatorio - 7 years ago
Frank...so happy fish
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
As soon as I saw the thumbnail I thought oh no what's he done
Harris Brothers
Harris Brothers - 7 years ago
You should put a goldfish inside there !!!
Maria Rojas
Maria Rojas - 7 years ago
Frank trying to make tricks was the cutest thing ever
nnelson.t - 7 years ago
I would like to see you build a koi pond outside
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Awesome Video Joey, Great Updates
Dalmacija - 7 years ago
These kind of fish are just magical, absolutely amazing creatures!
Tarugo - 7 years ago
Put black piranhas there
XpetraXpazlX - 7 years ago
Don't over crowd your huge tank!

You have a bunch of other tanks you can use.
M Smith
M Smith - 7 years ago
You know Frank conspired with the rays and took out buddy , but we will never know , Frank destroyed the evidence lol
M Smith
M Smith - 7 years ago
Frank the photo boomer lol
Tyrell Taylor
Tyrell Taylor - 7 years ago
Hey are you getting more Discus
Balakrishna Kamath
Balakrishna Kamath - 7 years ago
The ray looks so cute at that size
Hermann Blues
Hermann Blues - 7 years ago
Yea, why not Joey:) all the best for all healthy fish
Eileen Murray
Eileen Murray - 7 years ago
Frank really reminds me of Taylor's cowfish Cheese
Horror Employee
Horror Employee - 7 years ago
Frank you are giant last time I saw you you were 2 x smaller you've grow a heap
Night C Station
Night C Station - 7 years ago
how to clean tape sticky thing on my old aquarium??
Márk Karácsonyi
Márk Karácsonyi - 7 years ago
What type of fishes can I put in a 66 gallon tank?
geengeintjes1234 - 7 years ago
Joey get some predator fish in the racks would be awasome
Pradip Acharjee
Pradip Acharjee - 7 years ago
Bro why you don't keep turtles for your large aquarium, i think a turtle is the best friend of your frank
brewedjuice - 7 years ago
i just started watching a few days ago, but honestly this channel is awesome and as soon as i saw there was a new vid (right as i clicked something else) i instantly went back to find it and am now subbed.
Kyle McGlothen
Kyle McGlothen - 7 years ago
Looks like Frank is becoming your co-host on your channel. I've never seen a fish with so much personality.
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon
Martin Lorenzo Oconer Yuzon - 7 years ago
Free loader lol jk
mikey low
mikey low - 7 years ago
Haha..Frank showing off lol.. He's getting big!
ピーター - 7 years ago
Joey, youre looking swole! Those delts are popping in that shirt.
Morgs Hawk
Morgs Hawk - 7 years ago
I hope it's some Clown Loaches! I love them fish!
boombolt - 7 years ago
I know Frank isn't your favorite... but you didn't choose him. Frank chose you ><
Anything Crazy
Anything Crazy - 7 years ago
If fish can eat fish, can human eat a human?
Anything Crazy
Anything Crazy - 7 years ago
Frank vs Cheese? Who you got?
Des - Gaming
Des - Gaming - 7 years ago
Sorry Frank but Cheese will always win.
R Dungog
R Dungog - 7 years ago
Anything Crazy cheese
Zoey - 7 years ago
WHITE CHINESE BOY - 7 years ago
Rip i only have a 10 g fish tank
Terry Henderson
Terry Henderson - 7 years ago
Wow man you don't play when it comes to fish or tanks
ewan connet
ewan connet - 7 years ago
the male has a pretty high potential you should get a puffer fish love the flowethorn how much did it cost
Yakatani - 7 years ago
Did Frank double in size?
EnderDragon17lol - 7 years ago
Your'e one of my favorite youtubers! Thumbs up!!!!
Travis Tomestic
Travis Tomestic - 7 years ago
Look at Frank.
Caleb Barker
Caleb Barker - 7 years ago
HEY, considering you strong interest in rays, you should consider the fiddler ray. beautiful unique saltwater ray.
Lexie Rocks
Lexie Rocks - 7 years ago
Sorry about the Arowana but Frank looks incredibly happy now and I can't help but think he was really stressed with the Arowana in there.
jess triplett
jess triplett - 7 years ago
Jordan Williams
Jordan Williams - 7 years ago
Frank looks grown
Rogier Tien
Rogier Tien - 7 years ago
Make a paludarium
Maddie Graffeo
Maddie Graffeo - 7 years ago
You should DIY a "purse" to carry Frank around in like those rich women and their lil dogs.
miguel ramirez
miguel ramirez - 7 years ago
When are you donning the mermaid suit and taking a dip? 522K
Tami Noll
Tami Noll - 7 years ago
Frank totally deserves that giant tank lol
Morrissey Kuc
Morrissey Kuc - 7 years ago
Joey you're insane. love it. moar tanks!
Andrea Dawn
Andrea Dawn - 7 years ago
Sending love from Edmonton..... love the channel so much!! I'm addicted
Andrea Dawn
Andrea Dawn - 7 years ago
I'm getting some simple basic fishys real soon and I can't wait to make them part of my home
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
u should get frank a friend not the stingrays
avaorchid - 7 years ago
flowerhorns are so darn personable! Just looking at the little guy..well not soo little :) They are above my capability even when I had tanks as a girl I kept some neat cichlids but nothing like them.
sean evill
sean evill - 7 years ago
Dnt kill this one !!!!!!!!!
Basil Porquez
Basil Porquez - 7 years ago
Frank! Haha
Buddy 1927
Buddy 1927 - 7 years ago
I think Frank want to play with you. He is like a puppy trying to get your attention.
Chimefish - 7 years ago
The female's so cute! Love watching the rays eat :D
Frosty 8415
Frosty 8415 - 7 years ago
lol ....watching frank do tricks while you were talking next to the tank was hilarious....
Gareth Lloyd-jones
Gareth Lloyd-jones - 7 years ago
Will you be getting the fancy goldfish back?
Rascal 37
Rascal 37 - 7 years ago
Please have a paroon shark
super hero
super hero - 7 years ago
Ray's are beautiful but Frank is best
He is getting big I suggest you should get a
Girl for him
Anastasiya Kurlova
Anastasiya Kurlova - 7 years ago
Love your videos
Brenden Stimson
Brenden Stimson - 7 years ago
Frank was swimming upside down, love him
rashmi baral
rashmi baral - 7 years ago
i was expecting an arowana.
Victor Liang
Victor Liang - 7 years ago
Frank is like " hey HEEYYY. Human feed me. Pay attention to me!" He's so funny
Logan Kimball
Logan Kimball - 7 years ago
I was kinda hoping you got frank a girlfriend lol
mavis' lil'reef
mavis' lil'reef - 7 years ago
The female has some nice coloration. Time will tell, as she grows. The male is looking spectacular. Far cry from when you first acquired him. Always nice to see the tank. I just love the rays. And Frank is adorable.
gord oland
gord oland - 7 years ago
I have to admit I didn't think much of Frank when you first got him but he's the star of the show now! LOL
bccarl88 - 7 years ago
I knew this was coming. The video where Joey was feeding the rays and was talking about the rays and he inserted a clip where he said "but that's about to change". I had a feeling it was going to be another ray. Not to mention the "secret fish" when picking up the plants. That was pretty sly lol. I can't wait for the new ray to be in the 2000g!!
Elizabeth Wells
Elizabeth Wells - 7 years ago
Frank is my favorite!!!!
BerserkGravy - 7 years ago
Great work Joey! Your dedication and enthusiasm for the hobby (let alone your work ethic and talent) Is truly inspiring. Keep up the good work.

I have a name for her, since she is kinda small and its super obvious name her pearl...
Jeffrey Tellis
Jeffrey Tellis - 7 years ago
@thekingofDIY Congrats on the new Pearl, fantastic idea on balancing it out. Have u thought of getting another blue- based crossed back arowana of the same size of Buddy, so the tank looks complete. Plz think about it.
Max Carignan_121
Max Carignan_121 - 7 years ago
Get a squid if u can
hideyasu musha
hideyasu musha - 7 years ago
You're a heartless man, you replaced the arowana very soon
Gimebooze19792 - 7 years ago
I love that Frank is like ... "Look at me guys im right here too. Look what i can do!"
Gimebooze19792 - 7 years ago
I love that Frank is like ... "Look at me guys im right here too. Look what i can do!"
Kirsty Trizzle
Kirsty Trizzle - 7 years ago
frank is show stealer doing back flips
T.C. Insects
T.C. Insects - 7 years ago
Will u sell frank?
Savio Cardoz
Savio Cardoz - 7 years ago
Frank moves a lot in front now..
The Deamon
The Deamon - 7 years ago
Name her squish.
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
Frank has become huge!!Finally seeing him near the front again
Letsheia hanson
Letsheia hanson - 7 years ago
awm so what your sexy could concentrate haha beautiful animals omg
Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster - 7 years ago
Frank is doing better dont be such a fresh water pussy keep real
dan hill
dan hill - 7 years ago
frank is a ham, you got to love him
214ladybug Adams
214ladybug Adams - 7 years ago
What up Frank looking good buddy!
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
Oh wow frank is huge behind you.
Kawi King
Kawi King - 7 years ago
in the end~
Mohamad Isma
Mohamad Isma - 7 years ago
I named my flowerhorn Frank because of last video where i saw flowerhorn that Joey had in 120 gal aquarium... Funny fish but mine ugly af xD-sorry for my bad grammar
Amerul Alif
Amerul Alif - 7 years ago
You could've stock it with different kind of fish. Too much stingrays
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Amerul Alif I personally love the rays but I have to agree that the top and middle sections of the aquarium look quite empty and would look amazing if he had a few different fish to fill them in!
Jesus Flores
Jesus Flores - 7 years ago
OMG!!!! I love Frank, such a ham!
Aaron Irwin
Aaron Irwin - 7 years ago
FRANK in the TANK! Joey you are just co-hosting in this video :P
ZzReflexzZ - 7 years ago
Aby f, thanks for the info bud! But I stay regularly updated on this channel so I know that his arrowana died but since he said arrowana so much in the vid you can assume that he is getting one. Plus I know how much he liked the arrowana I wouldn't see a problem with getting another one, thanks again bud
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+ZzReflexzZ I actually have had another red Arowana for a few months now too though. That's who I'm talking about. I have several videos on it.
Ledestroyer22 - 7 years ago
So is the ultimate red arowana gonna get his own tank or be moved into the tank buddy was in? Sadly im really busy so i cant watch all the videos and im just curious whats happening with the arowana
Lee Park
Lee Park - 7 years ago
i like the new pearl :D
Gavin Fitch
Gavin Fitch - 7 years ago
Yo you need to get a red tail catfish
Luvlife23 - 7 years ago
Hi Frank!!!
Jonah Badlu
Jonah Badlu - 7 years ago
he should add turtle
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 7 years ago
so when are admission tickets available for the gallery?

just kidding! keep living the dream✌
Master of Angelfish
Master of Angelfish - 7 years ago
Lil Uzi Vert
Lil Uzi Vert - 7 years ago
You working out? Cause you getting big
The Green Farmer theframer
The Green Farmer theframer - 7 years ago
where is your arowana?...
Did you buy a new one
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
The Green Farmer theframer The big arowana injured himself and passed away. He still has his second (baby) arowana that he's had a few months, he didn't buy a new one recently though.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
The Green Farmer theframer Sadly Buddy (the large asian arowana) had an acident and passed away. He has a smaller red arowana in the house at the moment. He's very cute actually! There are a few videos with it if you wanna see!
Ankit Patra
Ankit Patra - 7 years ago
Flowerhorn is look really awesome
Anthony Worrell
Anthony Worrell - 7 years ago
Actually didn't know stingrays came fresh water, learn something new every day
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Anthony Worrell I knew about fresh water rays but I had no Idea how diverse they were until I stumbled apon this channel. The more you know right?
Alex Garza
Alex Garza - 7 years ago
Am thinking about starting a fish tank again especially after finding this channel ! Maybe I'll do salt water or a native texas fish tank
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Alex Garza that would be awesome!
Ai Ayumi
Ai Ayumi - 7 years ago
I'm naming the new ray Shela. Forever Shela to me.
Emi Murawski
Emi Murawski - 7 years ago
Frank is my favorite omg
Osvaldo Ah
Osvaldo Ah - 7 years ago
get stung by one
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
Maybe you should put the little arowana in the big tank so he can get used to the scape. Buddy grew up with a bare tank and possibly over reacted when he felt trapped in the branches.
Ryan Perera COOL! R A
Ryan Perera COOL! R A - 7 years ago
frank chill bro
Chris McIntosh
Chris McIntosh - 7 years ago
Frank is out and about again! Looks like the wood is finally done leaching. The water is clearer, no?
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Chris McIntosh The water does seem clearer now that you pointed it out! The tannens must finally be running low in the wood.
runMARrun - 7 years ago
I love watching your videos. But just curious. Have u ever gone fishing?
Deepa Gupta
Deepa Gupta - 7 years ago
Joey these rays are the most beautiful rays I have ever seen....Thanks to your experience ....also............I thought someone promised us a mermaid costume!
BananaQueue - 7 years ago
Please show us how you water change that 2000gal tank. Thankyou
Timmy A
Timmy A - 7 years ago
I just saw a clip today of semi transparent stingrays. the back fins actually look like feet
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
I usually don't like flowerhorn but Frank is too cute to resist.
Joe And fish
Joe And fish - 7 years ago
shock trooper
shock trooper - 7 years ago
A highly requested fish he's getting neon tetra!!!
Yoshi or knot
Yoshi or knot - 7 years ago
Frank is adorable look at his little flip
menuka samarakkody
menuka samarakkody - 7 years ago
PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my oranda gold fish floats towards up. she cannot keep her balance. what should i do :( :( :( :(
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
menuka samarakkody I'm soo glad to hear that!
menuka samarakkody
menuka samarakkody - 7 years ago
thank you i did not feed her for 3 days and i gave her an epsom salt bath she is 95% recovered now. :)
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
menuka samarakkody Also, you can try not feeding it for up to three days. That won't hurt the fish and will give it time to digest any possible blockages in the belly causing the problem. Don't go any longer than that though.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
menuka samarakkody if the water is lower than 70-80°F one thing you can start with that won't hurt would be raising the temperature to that point to help the fish's digestion.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
menuka samarakkody Depends on a few things. Has he been eating large amounts up until the point where he started to float?
menuka samarakkody
menuka samarakkody - 7 years ago
well i am not sure. what should i do if the problem is in swim bladder.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
menuka samarakkody Is it bloated? It might have air trapped inside or there's something wrong with it's swim blatter
Matthew Grob
Matthew Grob - 7 years ago
Another flying saucer, yessss.
Sandesh Pandey
Sandesh Pandey - 7 years ago
Congrats man for getting this new Ray and can u put some little fish like guppies and swordtail because u haven't got tropical fish so plz can u do some of them plz.
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
Watched this twice just for Frank.
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
FRANKKKKKKK. He seems so happy recently :) I just love that squish face
ivy lankford
ivy lankford - 7 years ago
franks like look at me!
Jordan Varner
Jordan Varner - 7 years ago
Brandon Herrmann
Brandon Herrmann - 7 years ago
Frank clownin lol
syd - 7 years ago
Please give Frank an entire video , he's a star
Bobby - 7 years ago
Please get a goramie tank
anibal vargas
anibal vargas - 7 years ago
Frank look more active
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Wow, unexpected surprise!
Kevin Kresowaty
Kevin Kresowaty - 7 years ago
Good move, I think having more than one ray of similar color looks more natural... ...or at least calms my OCD.
Matthew Hitchcock
Matthew Hitchcock - 7 years ago
Bala sharks?
ajk23ful - 7 years ago
Too soon to tell which is going to be better looking. I just love Frank! I hope he doesn't bully the new fish going into this tank
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
Lovely stingray joey
the heedless worm
the heedless worm - 7 years ago
Wondering why do your videos no longer have auto generated subtitles?
the heedless worm
the heedless worm - 7 years ago
Okay, good to know.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+the heedless worm Not sure. I don't control that.
Wickedluck - 7 years ago
He should add a shark
Ninjagrim - 7 years ago
dude man get a freakin shark man,cause it would be cool
Timi Air
Timi Air - 7 years ago
Oh wow she's beautiful!! I think she looks better than the male honestly, going to be so pretty when she grows up :)
Cant wait to see more! ^^
Ted Reinhardt
Ted Reinhardt - 7 years ago
You need to watch out how many times you say “you guys”. Jeff Corwin used to have the same problem!
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
Frank the show off! <3
Dog Cat
Dog Cat - 7 years ago
U need a female Flower horn.Frankenstine become lonly
deoyx - 7 years ago
Stingrays to you are like Chihuahuas to me. So hard to resist ahhhh!
Larsen Santos
Larsen Santos - 7 years ago
Y can't u put ur arawana in the tank
Gary Lor
Gary Lor - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh Joey you make me what to get back into the hobby but I can't
Patrick Alexander
Patrick Alexander - 7 years ago
I can't wait until the gallery is done
Michael D. Baker
Michael D. Baker - 7 years ago
When you said "I got another one" I was kind of hoping to see another Arrowana knowing how attached you were to buddy.
Am.I.Thirsty Tho
Am.I.Thirsty Tho - 7 years ago
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Michael D. Baker he does have another one. Not an asian but a red arowana. It's still quite small and is in the house.
Casey Dobzanski
Casey Dobzanski - 7 years ago
Frank is getting big quick
Nancy Egan
Nancy Egan - 7 years ago
It'd be nice to see you give Frank a little attention when you're in front of the tank talking to us and he is swimming back and forth trying to get your attention. I love to see you interacting with your fish
subdave - 7 years ago
you look so fu*ckin happy. im happy watching you
DIY EXOTICS - 7 years ago
Can I buy one of your hybrid baby's if and when hey come? Lol
Phantom HP
Phantom HP - 7 years ago
I think it is to soon to decide, because she is so young and a lot of potential to become even more beautiful so i think you should wait to decide who is better looking.
Angèl Correa
Angèl Correa - 7 years ago
You should set up a 24 hr live stream of the tank that would be a cool idea
xdiamonddebx - 7 years ago
Why would anyone downvote this lol Keep up the great work. Frank is looking great
An Nguy
An Nguy - 7 years ago
Y invest another Ray? Y not another golden arow bro?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+An Nguy because I have an ultimate blood red Asian Arowana already
Lars K
Lars K - 7 years ago
Female and Frank of course :)
Michael Eugenio
Michael Eugenio - 7 years ago
Love how frank just darts at the glass . Frank is the best !
Clem Mumbles
Clem Mumbles - 7 years ago
If ever a fish was cute frank is it!
cheeno clement
cheeno clement - 7 years ago
OfShadowsHidden - 7 years ago
Frank looks happy, good to see him swimming next to you!
Manish Borah
Manish Borah - 7 years ago
The female is definitely a lot better than the male was
She is awesome
Karthick Neelakandan
Karthick Neelakandan - 7 years ago
You have aquariums all over the place. Where exactly do you sleep? :)
aguyandhiscomputer - 7 years ago
Karthick Neelakandan
Someone needs to catch up on older videos ;)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Karthick Neelakandan in my house! These are in a dedicated building
Nana Hidayat
Nana Hidayat - 7 years ago
its like polka dota gangs.. lol
Erica Delorme
Erica Delorme - 7 years ago
Congrats on your new pearl stingray! I think she looks great. The male looked a little lonely as the only one of his species in the tank. / Frank, though...he's so stinkin' adorable!!!! Such a personality! Makes me want a flowerhorn. He's really a show-stealer.
Jeremy Chua
Jeremy Chua - 7 years ago
i choose the land ariwana in your backyard
Dodi Sutton
Dodi Sutton - 7 years ago
Is it just me or has Frank grown more already and become brighter in color? He's sure beautiful
Nataly Duque
Nataly Duque - 7 years ago
did u order gold fish
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams - 7 years ago
"I couldn't help it" is exactly what i tell myself when i go for seconds
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 7 years ago
Zebra. Plecos. Please.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
A27 Killer Yes and no. They are beautiful but if they are in a planted tank or a decorated tank wouldn't they just hide all the time? I've had a few types of plecos and always had this problem.
Kelsey Johnson
Kelsey Johnson - 7 years ago
I live about a hour from Dartmouth!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Kelsey Johnson so do I. In Truro.
JustinJun - 7 years ago
Like for Frank doing flips
BLEACH DRINKER - 7 years ago
Aw, how cute, Frank did a backflip next to you
Ariel Bledsoe
Ariel Bledsoe - 7 years ago
Frank, Frank, I need you to stop being so cute sir.
Ivan_KL - 7 years ago
Frank seeking for attention haha
Yan Obodyanik
Yan Obodyanik - 7 years ago
not to be rood but dude you look like you need to pee
Phyzzy - 7 years ago
I don't know how I found your videos, but before finding your channel, I knew nothing, and didn't care for fish.
After about 5-6 videos... I now need to know everything about fish. I don't know whats got me hooked, whether its your aquariums, your fish or just your passion for it all, but damn... looking forward to more updates!
N622JR - 7 years ago
I hope one of the new fish will be a clown knife.
Big J
Big J - 7 years ago
Needle nose gar fish would look great in there!
Dumb Bitch
Dumb Bitch - 7 years ago
would you ever do a marine tank?
Alexander Rupe
Alexander Rupe - 7 years ago
I love how frank is just there like, look at me look at me here i am. Pay attention to me. Lol
Hayley Snow
Hayley Snow - 7 years ago
Small world, Im in Middle sackville
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Hayley Snow I'm in Truro!
Sugaree43 - 7 years ago
Frank is so damn cute!
Abdulhalik Kocak
Abdulhalik Kocak - 7 years ago
Get a Mrs. Frank
Brett Skinner
Brett Skinner - 7 years ago
I only watched this hoping you had a new arrowana
Doug Turnbull
Doug Turnbull - 7 years ago
I was wondering if you are planning on going to the fish expo in Chicago. It going to be my fish expo and so excited about going. hope to see you.
Michael._ Saad
Michael._ Saad - 7 years ago
You should do a puffer fish tank.
jae ayala
jae ayala - 7 years ago
Lola Cosa same here.
Reiann Goh
Reiann Goh - 7 years ago
It's kinda funny to see a young chap having such interest in luo han yu, when that fish is so common in our drains and only popular among the older generations of singaporeans. XD Yes, Im talking about Frank.
Katya _
Katya _ - 7 years ago
Frank looks so big :O
Kenny Meeker
Kenny Meeker - 7 years ago
Where is Frank
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Kenny Meeker he's in the video
Aly Birchmier
Aly Birchmier - 7 years ago
Frank has my heart. His little twisty flip was beyond adorable
Aquarium Lady 67
Aquarium Lady 67 - 7 years ago
hi frank!!!
ULTMT KINGBONES - 7 years ago
You are the master. Cant wait to see the new fish!
Arowana Anh Trần
Arowana Anh Trần - 7 years ago
Blackdiamond look so good bro
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 7 years ago
I personally don't like the interbreeding, if this rays were mine they would be separated before ugly phenotypes appears.
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 7 years ago
I have no rays, but I saw a video of yours and the mixed ones are not comparable with the pure species. In the comment I say that is my personal preference, if you like go with this.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+Francisco Traverzo you clearly don't own rays.
Arroz Con Pan
Arroz Con Pan - 7 years ago
therealme - 7 years ago
I love the rays! The new one is cute. Have you named the rays yet? Frank is so cute though - he was all like "what about me?? Helloooo!" :) :)
Pineapple Kyle
Pineapple Kyle - 7 years ago
You should try to get stingray pups :)
GD4D - 7 years ago
Make one 120G tank a paludarium, Joey.
loversroc123 - 7 years ago
Look at Frank showing off
Robbie Clipperton
Robbie Clipperton - 7 years ago
Omg she is sooooooooo cute
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
Dizzle Rizzle
Dizzle Rizzle - 7 years ago
Get a giant gourami
Samanthalistens - 7 years ago
Frank's all "look at me, I can do tricks too!!" Lol what a cutie.
SupaSavage Swae
SupaSavage Swae - 7 years ago
Frank is a baller
Gregs Adventures12
Gregs Adventures12 - 7 years ago
what do you think the new fish is
Kenneth Sinclair
Kenneth Sinclair - 7 years ago
aquiroz91 - 7 years ago
Will the 2 male stingrays get along ok with each other
Christine S
Christine S - 7 years ago
What is the lifespan of a freshwater stingray?
SpAceX Fan
SpAceX Fan - 7 years ago
we love Frank
Jammy Dodger_GD
Jammy Dodger_GD - 7 years ago
Frank, Do a flip
Sid Stevens
Sid Stevens - 7 years ago
Spending so much time with your hobby must surely be suitable grounds for divorce in the States. Your marriage is just headed for disaster, spend more time with your wife and kid (s) if you want a really happy life. A hobby is one thing, an obsession is another. Don't let it wreck your life regardless of how many sicophantic followers you have.
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
Sid Stevens you only see what's in the videos so how do you know that he doesn't spend time with his family
silverchill1 - 7 years ago
the girlfriend and i got our first tank 5 days ago just a starter split betta tank, she got a crimson red betta fish and i got 4 rose barb deltas, just the beginning :)
SakuraChanGT - 7 years ago
Frank: "Hey! Hey dad! Im here! Love me! Hey dad! Look i did a flip!"
dentalebusso - 7 years ago
by the way, why don't you move to a tropical country?
dentalebusso - 7 years ago
hello J... I am just an outsider in your channel, I just want to know how you make your income?
Unboxing Tech
Unboxing Tech - 7 years ago
David Cristobal
David Cristobal - 7 years ago
Thought you were gonna jump in at the end there. Maybe in another video?
Issac Fruiton
Issac Fruiton - 7 years ago
Those fish in the 2k are awesome!
BLB13films - 7 years ago
I was expecting something cooler and bigger.
TheAubreypie - 7 years ago
GAH!! She's beautiful! ❤
Tyler Vanplew
Tyler Vanplew - 7 years ago
I really hope the new fish is a Largemouth bass or something
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
I thought you got a new fish :( but a ray is still cool :D
Kobe - 7 years ago
Lizards'n Spiders a ray is a fish
The #1 Kill Joy
The #1 Kill Joy - 7 years ago
I think it's too soon to decide which is nicer but I do like the little female, she has a cute
lil figure of 8 on her butt
xRahinbowx - 7 years ago
i though you were going to get another arowana :c
TuckerSP2011 - 7 years ago
Frank was trying to get your attention so hard!
sushi777300 - 7 years ago
Hi Frank
jax1492 - 7 years ago
Frank is so happy now
The Tyrant Lizard
The Tyrant Lizard - 7 years ago
Frank in the background he's so cute
Tom Shatamra
Tom Shatamra - 7 years ago
Nice rays I want to get some now
k vintner
k vintner - 7 years ago
Why not throw some really small fish in there. try to start a micro colony. worse comes to worse Frank will have some entertainment and snacks.
Tom Shatamra
Tom Shatamra - 7 years ago
Frank is huge
John Lisle
John Lisle - 7 years ago
ivonne1241 - 7 years ago
Simon - 7 years ago
Love your rays! You really are a big fan of them, and you love them.I like your videos!
deanthetieguy - 7 years ago
Frank is sooo cute in he back round
4 Cool Kidz
4 Cool Kidz - 7 years ago
Hi Frank Nice To See You Again !!
ZzReflexzZ - 7 years ago
Everybody who thinks he's not getting an arrowana, well he is getting one, he talks about a quarantine tank for the day and the "arrowana"
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
ZzReflexzZ He's had two arowana, the biggest one died but he still has the baby Blood Red that he got months ago. He just hasn't featured it a whole lot because of the fish room build.
aby f
aby f - 7 years ago
ZzReflexzZ Only because he has always had an asian arowana. He is much smaller that Buddy was. He tends to not feature the same fish continuously so that's why you haven't seen the asian arowana. I'm sure if you look through his channel you will find a video.
Warm Pup
Warm Pup - 7 years ago
Anyone else sleep with a Sting Ray Plush?
Chickenz - 7 years ago
How big do those stingrays get?
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Chickenz Big. Like 3 feet in diameter big. So about the same size as a small kitty pool.
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 7 years ago
Frank makes me want a flower horn.
Rheinguard - 7 years ago
Joey I think we need a 24h Frank cam. He just has such a personality!
Evets Ayama
Evets Ayama - 7 years ago
Frank is like "watch me do a flip weeee". He's awesome
Laura Hart
Laura Hart - 7 years ago
get a giant pleco for it! it wont bother any fish in the tank
John Dom
John Dom - 7 years ago
Frank and his "LOOK AT ME DAD" attention seeking self!!!
Pingu 86
Pingu 86 - 7 years ago
Frank is out a lot more since the unfortunate death of the arrowona!!!!! Joey you tried to sell us a story about why frank was not himself.......... it was because he was scared of the arrowona nothing else!!!!!
Pingu 86
Pingu 86 - 7 years ago
Frank was bullied that simple!!!!
catz Keet
catz Keet - 7 years ago
Pingu 86 oh ffs. Do you live with them? Are you around these fish all day every day? No.....then stop trying to tell this experienced fish keeper what HIS fish are doing! The dynamics of a tank are fluid but Frank was never being "picked on", and he is now harassing the rays without a bigger fish to keep him in line. You have been told this innumerable times but you still witter on about "Frank was bullied by the arowana" He wasn't, he's being moved, get over it, they're not your fish!
Review submads
Review submads - 7 years ago
need to get another arrowana
Review submads
Review submads - 7 years ago
yes i seen the super red was on about getting a larger arrowana for the tank as the red will take around 1 and half to 2 to go in there
Armored Wings
Armored Wings - 7 years ago
Review submads He's had two already, he got a baby arowana several months ago before the big one passed away. The little one just hasn't had much screen time is all.
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
I love it ! Awesome Joey. Still trying to convince my husband the garage needs to be a Gallery lol!
Gymnastmonkey9696 - 7 years ago
Can we have an entire video about frank please?
Ryan Ray
Ryan Ray - 7 years ago
I low key thought he got another arowana
Connor B
Connor B - 7 years ago
Highly requested fish, any ideas anyone?
Laura Burdett
Laura Burdett - 7 years ago
Too soon. And btw, Tank needs a friend.
Jesus Flores
Jesus Flores - 7 years ago
I need to kno wat u do for a living so I can do it as well. The fish, the equipment, the hobby in itself is expensive
Weilun Kang
Weilun Kang - 7 years ago
Wow ! Your huge flowerhorn cichlid is absolutely gorgeous !!
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
Omg I love watching frank!
TheMasked Gamer
TheMasked Gamer - 7 years ago
You should get a tank with a Clown Knife Fish
Isaiah Manis
Isaiah Manis - 7 years ago
Can we get an Update on the arowana please
My Fish Life
My Fish Life - 7 years ago
Love it!
Sean Grady
Sean Grady - 7 years ago
Joey is a BADASS! If you don't agree then get out of here
unholyorders - 7 years ago
Frank loves the camera! Frank! Frank! Frank!
FracturedSage 38
FracturedSage 38 - 7 years ago
Another impulse buy huh?
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
Female is cute ,but the male has better markings. PS: I love how you call it WORK !
Oh living TACOS
Oh living TACOS - 7 years ago
Mmmmm yes I do love them Rays
AnimalGem14 - 7 years ago
...I better see stingray pups soon!
3dScience - 7 years ago
3 females and 2 males is a very good balance! :)
Expat Aquatics
Expat Aquatics - 7 years ago
Frank did a loop de loop!!!
yunie Thao
yunie Thao - 7 years ago
Hey Joe what about the fancy goldfish are u getting them back
ItzJuzt Brandon
ItzJuzt Brandon - 7 years ago
GET OSCARS!!!!!! Or anything you'd like
TiffyStyx - 7 years ago
Frank doing loop-de-loops. <3
Anthony j
Anthony j - 7 years ago
Highly requested? Gold fish again?
J Reid
J Reid - 7 years ago
I prefer the male pearl with battle scars...
Grace Hughes
Grace Hughes - 7 years ago
For a minute I was like yes another flower horn , but then I realised there can be no other flower horn as frank is king
Bangles Marshall
Bangles Marshall - 7 years ago
hehe lookit Frank "Notice me Senpai...... NOTICE ME!!!!"
Andrew Sewell
Andrew Sewell - 7 years ago
Frank is cool and all but buddy was better. Rest in peace buddy.
lizzyanthus1 - 7 years ago
I like both as well, plus the new little girl will change over time like the male did, I'm sure.  Very excited to see this new arrival!  I'm gonna call her Polly.  Polly Pearl.  :)
Sumara Purdy-MacKenzie
Sumara Purdy-MacKenzie - 7 years ago
I got a betta for science fair my mom went to get me a fish and she brought back that because they said that he needed little care so perfect I can put him in a vase once science fair is over and feed him till he dies but I've been doing research and found u I love my fish so I put him in a small tote tub and I can't afford a heater filter
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
Zummy04 AJ you need at least 5gal tank and you need a heater and filter. Other wise it won't be very healthy
Sumara Purdy-MacKenzie
Sumara Purdy-MacKenzie - 7 years ago
And stuff any tips
Kayla Pelkey
Kayla Pelkey - 7 years ago
Frank is always watching him lol so cute
Sean Cahill
Sean Cahill - 7 years ago
Never clicked so fast.
Tony Sanger
Tony Sanger - 7 years ago
Joey, now that your big Arowana gone why aren't putting the small one in the big tank?.
damon escott
damon escott - 7 years ago
put a door stop on the door to the fish room, the handle could penetrate the tank ?
Living With The Guzmans
Living With The Guzmans - 7 years ago
Nice stingrays
Squogman - 7 years ago
How do you not have over 1 million yet??!??! I watch all of your videos and I never owned an aquarium!
Nana Hidayat
Nana Hidayat - 7 years ago
Frank looks huge
Justin Saltzman
Justin Saltzman - 7 years ago
I like your channel and I support and love what you do but whybthe sting rays. There borrowing to look at and watch. I do you like those species
roger humphrey
roger humphrey - 7 years ago
thatsLITfam 22
thatsLITfam 22 - 7 years ago
redd Greene Blue
redd Greene Blue - 7 years ago
I have been enjoying your channel for a little while now. I like how you explain things, your sensibilities and the content in general.

Nicely done.
Pinkydragon - 7 years ago
I think she is really adorable but maybe wait before she is a little bit bigger
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
The tank still looks funny to me. But it looks like Frank out more now.
Aqua exhibits
Aqua exhibits - 7 years ago
male looks better..where are you ordering these guys from?
JerryXPgaming - 7 years ago
Teezy Subben
Teezy Subben - 7 years ago
MaSHED T8RS - 7 years ago
god damn it i thought it would be a new arowana :/
MaSHED T8RS - 7 years ago
sorry i dont watch his channel enough to know XD after his one arowana died i thought he would get another but come to find out he already has another but thanks anyways
bccarl88 - 7 years ago
MaSHED T8RS look back at the previous videos starting at the video where he was feeding the rays. He was dropping MAJOR hints about a new ray lol
Eel Queen
Eel Queen - 7 years ago
I literally identify as frank oh my gosh I'm in love with him
officialracemonsopiad - 7 years ago
Damianerro 777
Damianerro 777 - 7 years ago
Pleas buy new arowana.
Earth Yoshi421
Earth Yoshi421 - 7 years ago
Please a feeding for 375
TCW Walker
TCW Walker - 7 years ago
Your so cool king of diy
Saint Gold
Saint Gold - 7 years ago
WenzU 69
WenzU 69 - 7 years ago
Them guns bro u've been lifting?
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 7 years ago
I'm in love with frank
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I came here for Frank not for Stingrays :D
Gaming With Green
Gaming With Green - 7 years ago
Pearl female! OhhhhhYea! So excited to follow their lives, cant wait to see some baby rays.
Kokilan Pavendiren
Kokilan Pavendiren - 7 years ago
get a new arowana
Carlos  Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Possibly a peacock bass ?
Tevin Changoo
Tevin Changoo - 7 years ago
i still think frank the flowerhorn popped buddys noggin while he wasnt watching frank the flowerthug
Nabil Bensellam
Nabil Bensellam - 7 years ago
Franck is so funny lol
Tina Bloomfield
Tina Bloomfield - 7 years ago
Love the new pearl Joey!!! Cant wait to watch her grow up and be added to the big tank. Great work getting wall systems going. I am so excited to see what your going to do with each tank. The rainbows are looking awesome, and I cracked up laughing at Frank and his cute antics trying to get your attention LOL....Flip frank....flip
perry Beek
perry Beek - 7 years ago
You should put 1 fish 2 fish on the wall with the others for the amazing fish keep up the nice vids i watch al your video's here in Holland
Finn flips
Finn flips - 7 years ago
I live close of you
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Girls are always nicer than boys silly. She's a beauty.
Rockofus •
Rockofus • - 7 years ago
"Joey Uploads Video" Me I Think School Can Wait.
Grimalkin Felidae
Grimalkin Felidae - 7 years ago
Geoff Saunderson
Geoff Saunderson - 7 years ago
ah stingrays!!!...ive tried to like them, really i have, i just dont get it :-)
Kangarooqeen 111
Kangarooqeen 111 - 7 years ago
Frank: hey guys!!!!!!!! Hey, can you talk about me?????? Ugh why are you ignoring me I'm even doing tricks!!!
(Rolls over) see!!!!!
k9feces - 7 years ago
The tank looks great
rwithoutq - 7 years ago
Laaady flowerhorn?
The.binge.watcher ._.
The.binge.watcher ._. - 7 years ago

So I have a ten gallon tank, it has a heater and a filter already.

I want to get some colorful fish, like a tetra or guppy.
I also want that small bottom feeding cat fish, but I have a gravel bottom.
Can I have any advice on fish and things?
Also I would love to know about the Cycle thing.

I never new about the cycle, I've had three beta and I've never done that. They are still alive after 2 years.
Miranda Tewell
Miranda Tewell - 7 years ago
another one
2115virgo13 - 7 years ago
Frank sure wanted his camera time!
Jason Mull
Jason Mull - 7 years ago
I have 2 flowerhorns. 1 was able to live in a community with oscars,parrots&1 g.t. The other had to be put in his own tank. Im hoping the size of his 2000g distracts frank enough to not chase them. Im personally hoping for oscars. But honestly i know something cool is coming& Im excited. love the new ray. She is gorgeous.
Zoe x
Zoe x - 7 years ago
Anyone else like the video before watching ? ☺
Nita F
Nita F - 7 years ago
Frank looks bigger. Beautiful new ray. I think the darker rays are more beautiful, not sure I see a difference between the genders.
helo.com - 7 years ago
Go at 153 and frank did a backflip
Luis Andrade
Luis Andrade - 7 years ago
Joey my man
Former Rex
Former Rex - 7 years ago
I bet your electricity bill is mega expensive
Taylor lee
Taylor lee - 7 years ago
Emily Kassandra well then your getting screwed cause water testing is suppose to be done by your township for free
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Taylor lee. Where in Canada? Because in Northern N.B, depending on who does it, there's a small fee.
Taylor lee
Taylor lee - 7 years ago
Emily Kassandra last time I checked water testing in Canada is free and if you have to filter and test your well that much you have a problem........ I kinda drill wells for a living just so you know haha
Anonymus Watch's
Anonymus Watch's - 7 years ago
Former Rex it's depends how much you get payed
Valiant Faynt
Valiant Faynt - 7 years ago
Pixelz water isn't that expensive anyways...
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Taylor lee Oh the luxury of a well. Except for the constant testing and filtering you have to do in order to ensure the water is safe for the fish. Depending on where you get the water tested you'll have to pay a fee for no more than $20. But that's nothing compared to water bills!
Taylor lee
Taylor lee - 7 years ago
Pixelz he doesn't have a water bill he has a well
Pixelz - 7 years ago
Former Rex and water bill
Tim O'Keeffe
Tim O'Keeffe - 7 years ago
Frank pays it
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 7 years ago
Manuel Garcia
Manuel Garcia - 7 years ago
Frank is such a showoff lol. I love frank
Platinum Fish Facts
Platinum Fish Facts - 7 years ago
Lol I thought that he was getting another arowana then
spurs win
spurs win - 7 years ago
I have a panda goldfish and his top part of his head is gone I think hi his going to die king of diy help me pleaze
Ramon Geurts
Ramon Geurts - 7 years ago
Male is cool. New fish is.. Snakeheads? :p
A Hutton
A Hutton - 7 years ago
Got home from work at the aquarium shop stinking and sticky wanting a shower . BUUUUT nope Joey drops a random video so i'm going to stew in my man stench a while longer!
Oswaldo Rabanal
Oswaldo Rabanal - 7 years ago
Stingray fever lol
Andrew Evans
Andrew Evans - 7 years ago
Frank doing the loop de loop lol lv him
Fox x
Fox x - 7 years ago
When are we getting frank merch?
Patrick Nosmas
Patrick Nosmas - 7 years ago
At the beginning I thought he was going to say I was talking to Jeff from the overwatch team.
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
Pretty sure there are more Jeff's other than the one from Blizzard. Might just be me tho.
လွေတာ သား
လွေတာ သား - 7 years ago
where do you buy those fishes?? can you give me web side if you have one. thank you.
Maro Menalo
Maro Menalo - 7 years ago
OMG!!!I just cant wait...You should buy female fish for our boy frank and name her becky... Becky lemme smash
pancudowny - 7 years ago
Dither fish?
juansoulkid141 - 7 years ago
Are you gonna get a new arowana? If so can you name it in honor of buddy?
fil - 7 years ago
just came from the video of you burying buddy im so happy for u!!!!
Kevin b
Kevin b - 7 years ago
BlackIrishRy - 7 years ago
Wear more sweat shorts
Ricist - 7 years ago
Add a Black Ghost Knife fish.
- They grow approximately a foot and 6 Inches
- They're semi-aggressive
- They're surprisingly cheap (I looked on the 1fish2fish website it's not that expensive)
- They're smart and interactive.
Kim Cole
Kim Cole - 7 years ago
What's that pink fish it looks really cool
Eryk Cwiertnia
Eryk Cwiertnia - 7 years ago
Kim Cole flowerhorn
Madame Corgi
Madame Corgi - 7 years ago
Can't decide who's cuter: Frank or the Pup
ZOMG Gaming!
ZOMG Gaming! - 7 years ago
frank is back to his old self I see even did a little flip such a cutie.
Steven_T_K - 7 years ago
There going to DO it anyway lol
Abdul Rehman Qureshi
Abdul Rehman Qureshi - 7 years ago
Frank needs more attention I guess. He becomes like a dog carrying a stick and wagging its tail when Joey is around.
Donna Kate Morgan
Donna Kate Morgan - 7 years ago
congrats I always felt bad for the single pearl Ray so I'm glad you got another one
Andrew Salinas
Andrew Salinas - 7 years ago
Bichirs!!!!!! Huge wild bichirs!!!
You should get some African cichlids
liberrosas - 7 years ago
If i had your tanks i would like to be able to sit in a chair in from of them and enjoy them....i dont see room fir you to do that do u sit on the floor? Or do you look at your giant tank like if you were going thru a zoo exhibit?
hed420 - 7 years ago
Wouldn't adding the red arowwana put Frank in his place?
Beyond Berlin
Beyond Berlin - 7 years ago
She has the infinity sign on her back right side!!
MsArtemis01 - 7 years ago
She so cute.
Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen - 7 years ago
OK Joey, I've been entertained by your gallery construction and stocking videos, but it is time to give us some DIY videos again. Maybe you could start alternating between your me, me, me videos and your old school you, you ,you videos!
Kelsey ThePlantPrincess
Kelsey ThePlantPrincess - 7 years ago
Can we just talk about how cute frank is-
icangicung20 - 7 years ago
Frank doing a backflip is supposed to be this video is about
Blake Grapensteter
Blake Grapensteter - 7 years ago
F*ck That's Delicious
F*ck That's Delicious - 7 years ago
Blake Grapensteter
Blake Grapensteter - 7 years ago
I think you should get a pack it will be the biggest fish in the tank but frank will still be head fish
Blake Grapensteter
Blake Grapensteter - 7 years ago
Chris Eash
Chris Eash - 7 years ago
Wasn't the concern for the Asian Arawana the size of the other one? Shouldn't he be fine in the large tank?
Mick Peters Sengers
Mick Peters Sengers - 7 years ago
That highly recommended fish will definitely be a goldfish
Blake Grapensteter
Blake Grapensteter - 7 years ago
Killing boss Bro
Killing boss Bro - 7 years ago
You should get a tiger oscar
gerald gauss
gerald gauss - 7 years ago
Make a another 2k gallon aquarium but a reef
Leroy Arganda
Leroy Arganda - 7 years ago
I loved seen Frank in video. He acts like my dog when he wants something. by the way can i feed my cichlids (peacocks and mbuna) frozen shrimp and fish. if yes how often.
The Eagles Nest
The Eagles Nest - 7 years ago
Have you ever thought of getting a clown knife fish for one of your tanks? I got one and I love him so much!!
flipflopsneeded - 7 years ago
If you decide to place another arwana fish, do you have any plans to prevent the same accident in your tank?
flipflopsneeded - 7 years ago
Emily Kassandra especially fish he cares about. The cost of the fish doesn't matter to him.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
Ben Coad Yes, I agree, but I don't think he'll take that chance at all.
Ben Coad
Ben Coad - 7 years ago
just needs to take a foot or 2 off the current wood and it should be fine
flipflopsneeded - 7 years ago
Emily Kassandra great call! Aquascape the entire tank.
Emily Kassandra
Emily Kassandra - 7 years ago
flipflopsneeded I'm curiouse too. Honestly, my guess is that he won't be keeping it with any hard decore. Perhaps live plants or something much softer so that if it happens to jump it cant injure itself on them, but no wood or rocks. I don't think he'd want to take that chance again.
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 7 years ago
That baby pearl is freakin adorbss
Redbull357 - 7 years ago
fly river turtle?
Musical Triplets
Musical Triplets - 7 years ago
Remember the legend
Remember the legend - 7 years ago
Does the wife know you just spent a ton of fish
redburro88 - 7 years ago
get a Tetraodon mbu.... puffer fish
Jayo Nomayo
Jayo Nomayo - 7 years ago
Man I want a bigger tank.
PapaHurt 605
PapaHurt 605 - 7 years ago
rip stingray
Omar Alvarez
Omar Alvarez - 7 years ago
Discus ?
manticore387 - 7 years ago
How many fully-grown rays can that tank handle? I know it's big, but 7x 3ft diameter rays seems like a lot. If I'm remembering the tank dimensions correctly they would cover half or more of the tank bottom.
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
I think the tank looks empty with out the Aisian Arawona if that's how u spell it sorry haha he was like the boss of the place I think u should get another or a fish similar coz frank looks lonely with only having rays for company
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Great vid joey. If the rays breed it would be awesome to see the hybrids.
Ricardo Pereira De Almeida
Ricardo Pereira De Almeida - 7 years ago
You need to add group of hoposternum littorale. The look like a huge coridora catfish.
Banana Chocolate Cookie
Banana Chocolate Cookie - 7 years ago
Everyone is talking about Frank... Can we please also appreciate how insanely pretty that little lady is?
rhys sutherland
rhys sutherland - 7 years ago
Parrot fish and discus
2horses4U - 7 years ago
I think your little lady is an absolute beauty!
kayla nottelling
kayla nottelling - 7 years ago
Ur fishy so wanted ur attendtion while you knealed next to the big tank lol sooo cute
Candy Cutie
Candy Cutie - 7 years ago
Frank: OH OH I WANNA BE IN THE VIDEO! does tricks
Nessa S.
Nessa S. - 7 years ago
Frank's a superstar! I'd buy a shirt with him on it...and oh, the rays are great too. I like the others more than the pearls.
Grey Gorille
Grey Gorille - 7 years ago
Sorry To tell you... but Franck tooks all the attentions on this video. He was like "can you move a little, they can't see me enough!!!!" He's too funny! what about that little looping
Ann Taylor
Ann Taylor - 7 years ago
Frank has gotten BIG

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