LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Today we hang out with Brian Barczyk of animalbytestv / snakebytestv SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 BRIAN's version: https://goo.gl/Sh8Bx8 Brian's vLog channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrianBarczyk Brian's main channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SnakeBytesTV Brian's website: https://www.bhbreptiles.com/ Today we step out of my comfort zone of aquariums and dive in the world of snakes, gators and other reptiles! Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

I WANT ONE!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 634

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 1,061,750 views

LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! Get yours here: https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Today we hang out with Brian Barczyk of animalbytestv / snakebytestv SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 BRIAN's version: https://goo.gl/Sh8Bx8 Brian's vLog channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BrianBarczyk Brian's main channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SnakeBytesTV Brian's website: https://www.bhbreptiles.com/ Today we step out of my comfort zone of aquariums and dive in the world of snakes, gators and other reptiles! Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS

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Most popular comments
for I WANT ONE!!!

JAumis m
JAumis m - 7 years ago
Just when I thought this world can't get any smaller, I been watching snakebites when I got my Ball phyton, I still have her if you want to see her in my uploads, and now that I'm so into planted tanks and aquarium I found this two together made my day!!
Dylan Bigelow
Dylan Bigelow - 7 years ago
i love both of your channels watch them both and im a sub i try to like ever video but miss alot bc of work would love a shout out to bigelow141
Wang Weiquan
Wang Weiquan - 7 years ago
Petlover2017 123
Petlover2017 123 - 7 years ago
You saw Brian barczyk lucky! I love his channel too!
Animals USA
Animals USA - 7 years ago
The “white snake” was a blue eyed leucistic, aka blue eyed Lucy, they are one of, if not my absolute favorite snake. They retail around $400-$450 (USD)
Braden Archer
Braden Archer - 7 years ago
I'd rather eat a gater
Marleigh Agner
Marleigh Agner - 7 years ago
They're strong aye? XD
Javier Campos
Javier Campos - 7 years ago
You gotta catch them all
RAGINGSTICK MAN - 7 years ago
Sunshine is sooo cool my fave Brian has

10. comment for I WANT ONE!!!

Saipyae Soneaung
Saipyae Soneaung - 7 years ago
That guy had millions of ball pythons .
Timothy Lattimer
Timothy Lattimer - 7 years ago
dude I was about to say you sound just like him
j thomps
j thomps - 7 years ago
that is the smallest enclosure iv ever seen for a alli croc or even a camen,,do you not have the rule / law that the enclosure must me 2 +1/2 x the length of the animal?? i dont mind animals as pets but thats hardly a good environment for a reptile of that size,,iv had bigger tanks for my monitors, first and last time watching your chanel.
The Reimachu
The Reimachu - 7 years ago
Such a amazing Video deffitly subbing to Brian.
Roddy Yang
Roddy Yang - 7 years ago
"They all look like they like to bite a little bit..." - THAT'S RACIST!
Clem Mumbles
Clem Mumbles - 7 years ago
They look and sound like they could be related
Master_ Geko
Master_ Geko - 7 years ago
Where are the geckos?
Master_ Geko
Master_ Geko - 7 years ago
Where are the geckos?
eDDy - 7 years ago
I always hate snakes. But this video is kind of cute. I actually like some of them here. :) Thanks for your video.
Daniel 360 YT
Daniel 360 YT - 7 years ago
Oh ur with the sneak guy

20. comment for I WANT ONE!!!

Vebjørn Eide Lio
Vebjørn Eide Lio - 7 years ago
you shood get a watersnake
Mike Johns
Mike Johns - 7 years ago
Yessss love snake bites
EllyHood - 7 years ago
This is hilarious that you made a video together! I watch both of your channels and my husband walked in the other day and asked me if you guys were the same person! I have wondered for a while if y'all were related.
Aiden Solberg
Aiden Solberg - 7 years ago
Me to
its K.Y.B.O
its K.Y.B.O - 7 years ago
BUT NOT HIS GECKOS, i hate geckos
AnubisGod OfDeath
AnubisGod OfDeath - 7 years ago
A bannana chocolate stomach begins to grumble
Shachar Petrushka
Shachar Petrushka - 7 years ago
How do you feed so many snakes?
Kakarot.16 - 7 years ago
I dont care of the snake name , ill just run when i see one
Kakarot.16 - 7 years ago
That gator have a big smile
Pame Pietropaolo
Pame Pietropaolo - 7 years ago

30. comment for I WANT ONE!!!

Abby polkin
Abby polkin - 7 years ago
i am in the notification squad for Brian
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Reptile Hobby: 2-4 feet is not that big
Aquarium Hobby: 2-4 feet is GIANT!!!!!
Felicia louisiana girl
Felicia louisiana girl - 7 years ago
You can tell he loves what he does
SuppressF0rce - 7 years ago
This dude needs to make his own channel immidiately !!!
Xo_STRIKER - 7 years ago
We have a spotted python and we live in qld in australia
Respect Seasoning
Respect Seasoning - 7 years ago
I see future belts
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski - 7 years ago
I want a yellow python!
taylor •
taylor • - 7 years ago
He's the reason I got into the reptile hobby and why I want to be an animal educator. Absolutely love Brian.
Stephanie Davenport
Stephanie Davenport - 7 years ago
"Do you want me to get bit?" There is no way in hell I would stand there and let that snake bite me. I jumped just watching it. Lol
leetlebob - 7 years ago
We all know brian
leetlebob - 7 years ago
Get a dwarf caiman
KittyKraftGaming - 7 years ago
Skate and bmx bros
Skate and bmx bros - 7 years ago
I like both of your YouTube channels
Brendon Wilson
Brendon Wilson - 7 years ago
Please never collab with that retard again
possumGFX - 7 years ago
nope nope nope nope nope
Kazoolord 22
Kazoolord 22 - 7 years ago
ill leave a description in the link below
XadowMonzter - 7 years ago
He didn't want to show the crocodile bite. To bad !! It would be cool to watch, here, way far from it !!
Butterfly girl
Butterfly girl - 7 years ago
That gator pool I have one but it's full of millions of baby koi and one large koi I would say about 120 baby koi about
Savage. - 7 years ago
What a douchy affliction shirt
TheGamingYutyrannus - 7 years ago
Gets a 2 minute unskibbable ad.

50. comment for I WANT ONE!!!

Peter Tremblay
Peter Tremblay - 7 years ago
These poor snakes would prefer the wild to these small boxes!
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
In the wild, they would do just the same - laying in a small, dark space, waiting for a rodent to come by, kill it, and keep laying there. They're ambush predators and normally don't move around, open spaces stress them out because they're easy prey for other predators.
Aspen McDougall
Aspen McDougall - 7 years ago
When some one askes my mom if something bites she says, "Does it have a mouth?"
Exotic Animalist
Exotic Animalist - 7 years ago
My name is RJ
Goat - 7 years ago
So he keeps hundreds of animals in trays in the dark? Seems cruel.
Beet - 7 years ago
Honestly these snakes are living the dream. They live in a dark warm tray, they don't have to hunt/get hunted, they are given sex partners and overall they are safe. In the wild snakes live in harsh conditions.
Janisa Nguyen
Janisa Nguyen - 7 years ago
Im veitnamese
Brooke Perez
Brooke Perez - 7 years ago
Why is it called the rhino snake when it could be called the unicorn snake
Momo Sullen
Momo Sullen - 7 years ago
I love snake bytes tv!! xD he awesome
ghostmoon94 - 7 years ago
Drayko - 7 years ago
Keekee Waleria Sadd
Keekee Waleria Sadd - 7 years ago
Snakes are not for me but still they are beautiful....but its this a good snake life living in a small box , no green no wood noo anything....... Its look nice organized but im just asking.....
Tracey Granter
Tracey Granter - 7 years ago
It's a constant quandry for breeders who have a lot of animals. While giving each a setup would be lovely, that is a crazy amount of upkeep and panic to try and keep up.
With animals that require a cage/tank space usually a balance is struck where they give them an ultra clean and secure environment over one that looks visually pleasing.
Luckily snakes are ambush predators and don't move much between stretches - meaning they don't require as much enrichment in their enclosures as say a dog would.
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones - 7 years ago
i hope you keep fish better than he keeps snakes. he is a joke to the serious reptile community. his facility is full of neglect and improper care
KPOPFANBOYUK - 7 years ago
very cool shop, I breed and sell rhinoceros beetles myself such as Dynastes herculs hercules
Nume Moon
Nume Moon - 7 years ago
This is a cool channel to highlight, but I think I like ViperKeeper even more than these guys because the way he talks to his snakes cracks me up. It's cute.
Dat Phan
Dat Phan - 7 years ago
Dat Phan
Dat Phan - 7 years ago
I'm Vietnamese and I didn't see the rhino snake
Localgamerz - 7 years ago
i use to have one of these as a kid, super cool!
Brian Min
Brian Min - 7 years ago
At 2:37 that snake must be Iron Man's pet.
Carter - 7 years ago
Brian Min um no it's his pet... are you accusing him of thievery?!
SulfuricZebra Plays
SulfuricZebra Plays - 7 years ago
How would he feed them all
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
He only needs to feed them once a week and he has employees who help him
Mr Narwhal
Mr Narwhal - 7 years ago
Joey can we have an update of the saltwater tank
JohnnyVBass - 7 years ago
If anyone releases anymore snakes in Florida I will find u and kill u
OldAccount PendingDelete
OldAccount PendingDelete - 7 years ago
you need to do a video of slow motion close up snakes striking that would be awesome. i dont know if youv already done one but still :)
chicken wings
chicken wings - 7 years ago
Woohoo Detroit
stingr9137 - 7 years ago
Awesome video!
ADITYA HABBU - 7 years ago
y so many dislikes ???he's reely doing a cool job and showing us somtin new ,,,respect ,,,
Andrew Sweeney
Andrew Sweeney - 7 years ago
0:50 Jesus Christ I wasn't paying attention and thought that was your hand and nearly had a heart attack hahhaha
Kevin Ange
Kevin Ange - 7 years ago
.. it's seems kinda cruel to keep all these snakes in a tiny storage bin... and that alligator's supposed "pond" is way to small.
Lizzy Gunn
Lizzy Gunn - 7 years ago
Snakes prefer small spaces, it makes them feel more safe and secure. Giving them too much space can make them stressed and they will stop eating. As for RJ, he is often let out of the pond to roam freely around the building, and he is getting a brand new pond that he can climb in and out of.
julianraydominguez - 7 years ago
You gotta expand to reptiles! I recommend ball python morphs. Hardest part of the hobby is the food source...
kovach 1029
kovach 1029 - 7 years ago
Loved this episode because it has 2 of my favorite YouTubers on a crossover
Dawson Smith
Dawson Smith - 7 years ago
RJ is actually very gentle. He is super gentle when grabbing the food
Elliot Goodchild (Student-DB)
Elliot Goodchild (Student-DB) - 7 years ago
Dose it heart when they bite you
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Except for the really big snakes, a bite normally hurts less than a cat scratching you.
AZI3623 - 7 years ago
I visited Brian's website and I shocked to see that these snakes are really cheap. I thought it would be starting price something like $500. I'm unlucky that I can't buy snakes in the country where I live in.
Dino Donut
Dino Donut - 7 years ago
I can't imagine how many mice they go through every day.
Maya Driessen
Maya Driessen - 7 years ago
I really want a mexican black king snake
The Coopster
The Coopster - 7 years ago
The entire time I was watching this I was saying awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The Coopster
The Coopster - 7 years ago
I love snakes
The Palm Tree
The Palm Tree - 7 years ago
i love brian
Rachel Ames
Rachel Ames - 7 years ago
does he have any venomous snakes
HDKeithCookVO3D 231
HDKeithCookVO3D 231 - 7 years ago
0:52 I thought that was his hand lol
Fish K33per444
Fish K33per444 - 7 years ago
Get a Leo!!!
Gustav Du Preez
Gustav Du Preez - 7 years ago
Your videos are good sober, but smoke a jay and man your world will change :D
Alfonso Medina
Alfonso Medina - 7 years ago
get one
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
One of the best animal keeping collabs on youtube
Lucas Jones
Lucas Jones - 7 years ago
the practice of animal keeping has to change!
cocopunk1486 - 7 years ago
Does it bother anyone else that he keeps everything in tiny boxes?
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Snakes prefer small, dark hiding spaces. Since they are ambush predators, they hide until prey comes around and normally don't come out of their hiding space.
Jimmy Walker
Jimmy Walker - 7 years ago
Whare can I get a baby python
dj3 lit tha dark master
dj3 lit tha dark master - 7 years ago
fresh water ecosystem would be crazy cool and fun
SettOfTheBrightSky - 7 years ago
I have a spotted python! shes a lot smaller though
Shenghong Yang
Shenghong Yang - 7 years ago
Dat guy is just pulling out random snakes...
Ming Liu
Ming Liu - 7 years ago
RainBow~RockStar - 7 years ago
I absolutely love Brian, he's one of my favorite people on YouTube!!!

100. comment for I WANT ONE!!!

temptresskitty - 7 years ago
This video gives me the heebie jeebies, lol
Will Luu
Will Luu - 7 years ago
how do they heat all the containers?
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Heating pads. They can be connected at the side of the rack system so you can control them all at once.
Dank Bob
Dank Bob - 7 years ago
coolest thing ever
Emory myparentsnevergavemealastname
Emory myparentsnevergavemealastname - 7 years ago
I would like to point out that breeding spider ball pythons is unethical due to their inherent neurological disorder.
Skylines & Turnstiles
Skylines & Turnstiles - 7 years ago
i clicked the video because i recognized Brian's place
Mavin Dake
Mavin Dake - 7 years ago
I killed a gardener snake
Blessed one
Blessed one - 7 years ago
Screw that! Nope, sorry some animals are meant to be wild.
OmgHazey - 7 years ago
Imagine Joey with Satan XD
Brad Wise
Brad Wise - 7 years ago
rjs just like uhh why a new guy Brian
Carine Overtoom
Carine Overtoom - 7 years ago
Mary Louise
Mary Louise - 7 years ago
Eh? Oh good ol Canadian joey
shaikh shakib
shaikh shakib - 7 years ago
if look closely they both look same with different haristyle
luvzanyandeverything - 7 years ago
4:22 I have one of those. he's a total dick. lol. use to be friendly till his love of food got the best of him. now he bites everyone
Ilyas Prayoga
Ilyas Prayoga - 7 years ago
Ilyas Prayoga
Ilyas Prayoga - 7 years ago
XOXO Loveya
XOXO Loveya - 7 years ago
adorable noodles
Theresa Walker
Theresa Walker - 7 years ago
He's a "Little baby" until he bites your head off dude..
Jake Quaza
Jake Quaza - 7 years ago
Its so wierd, ive never been scared of any sort of snake and i love holding them and interacting, but i CANNOT say the same about bugs, andrhing bigger than a penny is TERRIFYING to me
Turgayın Dünyası
Turgayın Dünyası - 7 years ago
Daniel Kwiatkowski
Daniel Kwiatkowski - 7 years ago
23kerplunk - 7 years ago
Reply now
23kerplunk - 7 years ago
What s the shop name I'll buy it now
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
BHB Reptiles
dassneaker - 7 years ago
snek prison :(
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
More like snek paradise...a perfect, comfy, warm hiding space, food just coming by and a partner to mate with.
Juan C Cervantes
Juan C Cervantes - 7 years ago
i Si Alex and Roy
Sata Riah
Sata Riah - 7 years ago
you imaging this place got hit with earthquake!!!!
Oli - 7 years ago
Omg how many reptiles?! He must pay so much for food
Apolo 69
Apolo 69 - 7 years ago
Jhampa Ngawang
Jhampa Ngawang - 7 years ago
Cool me
Jhampa Ngawang
Jhampa Ngawang - 7 years ago
Ading riyadin barakaat
Ading riyadin barakaat - 7 years ago
Ading riyadin barakaat
Ading riyadin barakaat - 7 years ago
jwjrd ja jdw yoi ujksds jie jd djeeningjs jsc
Aly Cutt
Aly Cutt - 7 years ago
lol he got bit for YouTube.....lololololol
Aly Cutt
Aly Cutt - 7 years ago
I have a pet snake and im a girl is that weard? well Idc what people think I have a ball python and he/her is named stripes. she never bite anyone.... I hold her alot and I feed her pitiful mice... I have no hate for mice but thay food for my snake. 1 like = u like snakes like me!........
Cherry Geen
Cherry Geen - 7 years ago
popular fox 9
popular fox 9 - 7 years ago
big snakes
sushi777300 - 7 years ago
Bryce LikesTurtles
Bryce LikesTurtles - 7 years ago
those animals need to bask and sunbathe
Victor Phan
Victor Phan - 7 years ago
I have seen you on Evan tube HD
8Ball Streams
8Ball Streams - 7 years ago
Before I watch the vid is this Brian Barczyk I'm such a big fan talk with him a lot
Joshua Ricks
Joshua Ricks - 7 years ago
wgat hapoen to his other two gators
Rageh Ahlam
Rageh Ahlam - 7 years ago
The rhino snake is cool
Mansoor Tariq
Mansoor Tariq - 7 years ago
Sophia Ortigao
Sophia Ortigao - 7 years ago
Cool video dood
The buttery toster
The buttery toster - 7 years ago
No one is saying anything about the like hundreds of animals he has?
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Well he's a professional breeder, of course he has a lot of animals
Hau Nguyen
Hau Nguyen - 7 years ago
Jeniffer tairas
Jeniffer tairas - 7 years ago
Berenice Reteguis
Berenice Reteguis - 7 years ago
talk about putting reptiles in small spaces it might as well be a zoo !!!!
Pust Lestari
Pust Lestari - 7 years ago
Pust Lestari
Pust Lestari - 7 years ago
Oh my God
MLG DOGE - 7 years ago
One day I might buy some replies
Tony Topic
Tony Topic - 7 years ago
Caisy22 - Roblox Game Plays
Caisy22 - Roblox Game Plays - 7 years ago
the rhino rat snake looks more like a narwhale
Joe Huang
Joe Huang - 7 years ago
Alligators are actually kinda cute.....:/
lol king
lol king - 7 years ago
how does he remember so much
Tyler Blanchard
Tyler Blanchard - 7 years ago
that is an improper way of keeping a gator they need more then a kiddie pool and a heat lamp
Joan Calambro
Joan Calambro - 7 years ago
Gonzalo Téllez
Gonzalo Téllez - 7 years ago
Peter Grantham
Peter Grantham - 7 years ago
i love this video
Sethdarkus - 7 years ago
I was hoping to see a some lizards such as a Frilled Lizard, which I find quite awesome, when they sense a threat they get on their little hind legs open up the frill around their neck to appear bigger to a threat then they run away on two legs. Kinda like a small Raptor.
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
God that sounds so cute and hilarious at the same time
timbazi - 7 years ago
that rhino snek is pretty darn cool!
Adam Hare
Adam Hare - 7 years ago
8:44 Proof Joey is Canadian
Ethox Plays
Ethox Plays - 7 years ago
I kept one huge phython hes really agressive he bites people only i can survive the bite but my friends cannot should i sell them?
Ethox Plays
Ethox Plays - 7 years ago
she has some babies i only saved it because i dont want her to be food.
Marisa - 7 years ago
I'm from Detroit! Much love from the D
Kenneth Gabata
Kenneth Gabata - 7 years ago
Can I buy the biggest croc u have I want pets and more I have rattle snake a big Python and they like to play bite and aggressive i have shark
Rj Darby
Rj Darby - 7 years ago
my name is rj!! :D
Ashir Ahmed
Ashir Ahmed - 7 years ago
aquatic enthusiast
aquatic enthusiast - 7 years ago
hi new channel here !
Diego's game stuff
Diego's game stuff - 7 years ago
your in Detroit don't let ppl rob you jk jk jk lol sorry if you got offended
The Hutch
The Hutch - 7 years ago
Was that a Kenyan sand boa at the beginning when it was flicking through animals he had
Ben Jeal
Ben Jeal - 8 years ago
I feel the snakes need a more natural and bigger tanks
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
It's actually pretty natural for them, since they normally spend their life in small, dark hiding spaces
Jordan Sawbridge
Jordan Sawbridge - 8 years ago
Isn't that cruel how he keeps them in them small boxs
kenimaticjuggallo - 7 years ago
no, unlike mammals, snakes don't require a large space, they feel far more secure in an enclosed warm space, you see a snakes priority is energy conservation, so the less it has to move while staying comfortable and having its needs filed, the better, not to mention to most snakes, open spaces are synonymous with danger.
Anne Smythe
Anne Smythe - 7 years ago
No snakes like small spaces
Maher Sahawneh
Maher Sahawneh - 8 years ago
i like this man
and this place
i'm electrical engineer but i like to work with animals
Rahi Dutt15
Rahi Dutt15 - 8 years ago
B Stud
B Stud - 8 years ago
I found your channel through Brian so glad you guys did this!
orckiller91 - 8 years ago
Those are all nope ropes for me lol
하재련 - 8 years ago
I saw u with loan paul
Cookie Arboleda
Cookie Arboleda - 8 years ago
i wanna mini snake that just stays small lol
Allie202 - 8 years ago
You were in Michigan! Same state as me!
Jhendka P.
Jhendka P. - 8 years ago
levanila Hariani
levanila Hariani - 8 years ago
that store sell beetle ?
ReviewCam - 8 years ago
That rhino snake is pretty
Rad Rose
Rad Rose - 8 years ago
3:40 it looks like it tried biting him
SUBIE4estr XT - 8 years ago
How do you feed 10,000 animals? Jeezzz
Somaly Chhim
Somaly Chhim - 8 years ago
i want one
fernando lou
fernando lou - 8 years ago
These are the kind of animals that get either get to big for homes or you realize no matter how much space you provide it. Its still a jail cell compared to their real homes.
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
In nature, they spend their life hiding in small, dark spaces waiting for food to come by
selena - 8 years ago
thats pretty badass i want one to
Big Gar Fishing
Big Gar Fishing - 8 years ago
Me: "hey thats an interesting thunbnail..."
sees video
Another vlog...
Stank Nigger
Stank Nigger - 8 years ago
dont get mugged there in detroit careful!
Jesus Sucilla
Jesus Sucilla - 8 years ago
What's your friends YouTube channel name
ThatFishGuy - 8 years ago
Seems like a tiny little pond for a gator
Preston Mckay
Preston Mckay - 8 years ago
Jordan board
Jordan board - 8 years ago
I love both of your channels I've been such a big fan for years! Brian you inspired me to get into the reptile hobby and I love it! keep up the good work and great collab!
ducttapelover4998 - 8 years ago
I LOVE how Brian treats RJ like he's this Labrador puppy
3lanore Nordquist
3lanore Nordquist - 8 years ago
That's quite a small pond for a creature that large.... I would get about twice that size for RJ
Operation Brevicauda
Operation Brevicauda - 7 years ago
Elanore Nordquist he's getting a bigger enclosure once his shed is setup.
Su Ko
Su Ko - 8 years ago
It looks pretty miserable, living in a small tray for the rest of its life waiting for food. But nice video anyways
Carter - 7 years ago
Sudonic damn that's pretty deep, but we are the unlucky ones. We gotta work and don't get a mate every year randomly...
Sudonic - 7 years ago
Yea, you should probably do something about that. Leave your small draw of a house, stop watching the net while you wait for food, go out and travel the world.I mean this in a nice way, in that we, are not dissimilar to these snakes and if we think the snake will be unhappy there, maybe it is a reflection of our own inability to escape.
kenimaticjuggallo - 7 years ago
I'm a herpetologist. husbandry for these amazing creatures is my job, they become stressed when an overly large space is provided. you see these racks are meant to simulate a "hide" or burrow, there's a big misconception about snakes and their behaviors, you see the vast majority conserve energy to extreme amounts, wanting to stay in a small warm, dark area, they do not like open spaces as they indicate a possibility for predators
J F - 7 years ago
Do snakes ever require light/sunshine? Thought snakes like warming themselves out in the sun
Peter Tremblay
Peter Tremblay - 7 years ago
Hope you get reincarnated as one in a small dark box
Ivan - 7 years ago
That'd be your human self talking. Now think you are a snake and are on a comfy warm space with some alien giving you free delicious food every week and a partner to breed with every season. I'd be pretty thankful. Snakes in the wild have a hard time finding food, they don't think like you and I, they want food and to survive.
Su Ko
Su Ko - 7 years ago
DahDogePup Carter but I'm pretty sure they rather be able to actually move around.
Operation Brevicauda
Operation Brevicauda - 7 years ago
Onee- Chan they like small spaces.if you gave them a giant enclosure that costs 200$ they would only use one little corner to hide.research before you comment.
Jonathan payne
Jonathan payne - 8 years ago
he sent me lol
Todd Lowen
Todd Lowen - 8 years ago
I've seen him on animalbytes tv he breeds a bunch of snakes! :)
The Dude
The Dude - 8 years ago
what is the story with the gator ?
Jaeyon Manswell
Jaeyon Manswell - 8 years ago
this is cool
aquário marinho barato
aquário marinho barato - 8 years ago
pun suttachit
pun suttachit - 8 years ago
Tess The Witch
Tess The Witch - 8 years ago
I love snakes so much❤❤ but I find the serpent body in water so much more beautiful that's why I own Reedfish and because I love bichirs but far too aggressive for my peaceful tank
Mikaeel Ahmed
Mikaeel Ahmed - 8 years ago
were where u
Ryan Kinslow
Ryan Kinslow - 8 years ago
I love watching both channels. So much knowledge, so many cool things to learn.
kitty kat
kitty kat - 8 years ago
thats awsom
อลิสา บุณยตุลานนท์
อลิสา บุณยตุลานนท์ - 8 years ago
very fantastic
ALI "CORNET" MCC - 8 years ago
LinardBraslin - 8 years ago
This is amazing! Now I want a lizard haha!
Ciompec D
Ciompec D - 8 years ago
i like that green snake.
Murali Deshpande
Murali Deshpande - 8 years ago
i am not teasing you it is really great it's intresting
AquaStudent - 8 years ago
What an amazing trip! I love how organized his reptileroom is.
That gator is powerful! He's a little one but wow!

All the different colors of the pythons (and snakes in general) are amazing. The purple banana one is the best!
Murali Deshpande
Murali Deshpande - 8 years ago
do you really feared joey
XmenMagnetoAcolytes - 8 years ago
He didn't show you any geckos? That gator is rad!
brandon's TV brandon a pranksters
brandon's TV brandon a pranksters - 8 years ago
Look at this dude lol
Ranz Lee
Ranz Lee - 8 years ago
the pond looks so different without the other two gators :'(
nithish wijeratne
nithish wijeratne - 8 years ago
Why do you keep snakes in a tube that's sad
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Because that's were they feel safe and happy
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Awesome Joey!
Tyler Ludwig
Tyler Ludwig - 8 years ago
Lol in the end the snake was wrapping around your ankle
Velocifish - 8 years ago
I love both of you guys ^_^ This was a great episode!
THE BEAST'S CHANNEL - 8 years ago
are they aggressive
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Snakes are never aggressive, since they have no intention of hurting someone without reason. They're only defensive. And it really depends on the breed. Ball pythons for example are very docile, where as tree boas are known for being very defensive.
Vanessa Lee1212
Vanessa Lee1212 - 8 years ago
Wow I love animals I want all of them
Vanessa Lee1212
Vanessa Lee1212 - 8 years ago
I used to have a corn snake
Mahad Shahid
Mahad Shahid - 8 years ago
Where are the 2 aligators
Tizzy - 8 years ago
The way he just took that snake bite like a boss, savage! Guys a legend
Herping with Will
Herping with Will - 8 years ago
Cool I like fish and reptiles/amphibians and also invertebrates! I could never pick witch one I like best! That would be very hard!
Cool Beans
Cool Beans - 8 years ago
Damn I love big beautiful snakes
Herb T
Herb T - 8 years ago
been subscribed to your channel and snake bytes channel for awhile now great to see you do an episode with him really awesome
Varun m
Varun m - 8 years ago
that last one was a bit scary
Varun m
Varun m - 8 years ago
aw i wanna see rattle snake and cobras XD
rooster sideburbs
rooster sideburbs - 8 years ago
that snake has lived in a small drawer for 8 years no wonder it wanted to escape :(
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Snakes normally live in small, dark spaces. They feel safe there and with a reliable food source, there is no reason for them to escape.
Amber Rusk
Amber Rusk - 8 years ago
Only reptile I have are 2 red ear-sliders
Sr_Og - 8 years ago
lol already subbed to brian
2 wheeled demon
2 wheeled demon - 8 years ago
Me too. I only clicked this video because of the thumbnail. I had no idea he was going to be in it
xXFirstHandGamerMattXx - 8 years ago
Stop by a fish store called sea world, its right on gratiot in the Roseville area. It has a nice selection and a huge, probably 4 foot long lizard. I don't know a lot about reptiles but this thing is huge. Anyways you should stop there they have a good store
Saber Animal
Saber Animal - 8 years ago
La boulengeri con el porcentaje de humedad que necesita... arborícola.... ahí dentro es normal que esté la pobre con ese aspecto y estrés... ains..
Cass _
Cass _ - 8 years ago
Taylor Munson vlogs
Taylor Munson vlogs - 8 years ago
my friend has a problem with a snake and she wanted to ask you guys if you know if when your snake doesn't get moist Willits scale start to rot because she was wondering because her ball python scales are like almost like the scaleless ball python now and she's really worried about it and the Vets all around us can take care of that
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Normally the scales rot when there's too much moist. Is her snake better now?
Gonzzo Gorilla
Gonzzo Gorilla - 8 years ago
how do you keep that amount of animals alive?
beez. - 8 years ago
AQUA NUT - 8 years ago
That was such a cool video Joey, terrifying but cool. You held your composure very well, especially with that last one.
Martin Masher
Martin Masher - 8 years ago
So, when you're gonna get your snake?? :D
Ichigoflower - 8 years ago
A few months ago I was afraid of snakes. Snakes just have a bad rep. In reality they are beautiful and interesting animals. And now... we got our first snake this October, a white (Super mojave) ball python female. And I'm just completely in love with her. So you never know, maybe you can keep a little spot free for a snake terrarium. ;-)
hunter elkin
hunter elkin - 8 years ago
I wonder exactly how long the last snake was but great video very cool loved it.
Brio Brio
Brio Brio - 8 years ago
he feels like he's covered in leather and he's squishy underneath-DIY
redlion1612 - 8 years ago
buabaz - 8 years ago
was great watching both sides of that day... Brian's blog & Yours!
Michelangelo D'attoma
Michelangelo D'attoma - 8 years ago
Great Video and interesting.
A Fresh Look At Tools
A Fresh Look At Tools - 8 years ago
4:43 was the point I decided that this guy..........has no chill.
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
Aren't the living spaces to small for the animals?
Garrett - 8 years ago
Random User Snakes enjoy small spaces, fortunately.
Chris Bushell
Chris Bushell - 8 years ago
silly question why they keep them in the plastic boxes is it not cruel should they not have more light trees and so on, or is this a pet shop
Salazeo - 8 years ago
Rack system is the optimal environment for ball pythons. They do NOT thrive in bright vivariums with trees LOL.
F Faulkner
F Faulkner - 8 years ago
Chris Bushell It's impossible to make a nice vivarium for every snake when you have such a big facility. These plastic boxes fulfill all the basic needs of a snake. A lot of snakes are nocturnal animals and a lot of light actually stresses them out. They feel more secure when it's dark around.
Range B
Range B - 8 years ago
Don't they need a heat lamp or some sort of indirect heat to keep them happy
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
They have heat pads underneath their racks to keep them warm and happy :)
tfpjr - 8 years ago
Can't wait to see the Bashsea video! I have his Bioreactor.
Mega Ray
Mega Ray - 8 years ago
I have a baby leapord gecko he loves crawling on my shirt and hands and he loves roaming my bed he's Orange
carlilez - 8 years ago
My honduran used to bite me all the damn time.
Alexis Hernandez
Alexis Hernandez - 8 years ago
Ohh yea
DW_Aquatics - 8 years ago
That was an awesome watch! Really enjoyed this one!
Stevie R
Stevie R - 8 years ago
JMS 06
JMS 06 - 8 years ago
MotoMatt - 8 years ago
Loved this video! RJ is so cool
Maddison Long
Maddison Long - 8 years ago
Tell Bryan that I'm a big fan with his beautiful snakes
Tony Flemming
Tony Flemming - 8 years ago
Christian Roberts
Christian Roberts - 8 years ago
Afteria Plays Your Game
Afteria Plays Your Game - 8 years ago
****o***♥**o***o***♥ *
carolyn. - 8 years ago
Yay my two faves in one video!!!
Tristan Collins
Tristan Collins - 8 years ago
This is way cool!
Stale Meme
Stale Meme - 8 years ago
lmao you know snake/animal byte? that's so cool I've been watching them for FOREVER
LUNCHBAG ENT - 7 years ago
Stale Meme bnmmnkkpojhhnklp
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 8 years ago
Where do you get your acrylic?...i want to make a 50gal tank (and a 30gal)
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 8 years ago
hardware stores really?...i didnt think they would have it...i will have to try
Ortiz Manuel
Ortiz Manuel - 8 years ago
how much the baby snake cost
Zaku186 - 8 years ago
Now this is a colab i never thought id see ive been a fan of Brian's channel for a loong time. id love to see you get into reptiles. and maybe develop a DIY filter for medium sized snakes that they cant knock over lol. all the ones for turtles agitate the surface of the water to much and snakes like calm water. a surface skimmer would be perfect but i can never find on that is small enough and slow moving enough but still can handle the amount of water.
Brian Lagos
Brian Lagos - 8 years ago
1:51 We call it "Fake Coral" in Honduras, they are cute :)
Zy Zy Lemore
Zy Zy Lemore - 8 years ago
Woah that's really a lot of reptiles.
Ballad Hunter
Ballad Hunter - 8 years ago
What no Satan lol
laki laki
laki laki - 8 years ago
gg I thought that's real hand
Braden Howell
Braden Howell - 8 years ago
its awesome to see brian colaborate with so many other tubers. his channel is awesome
Shawns Mom
Shawns Mom - 8 years ago
pause the video at 6:04 why this guy wearing gake yeezys

Harry Davison
Harry Davison - 8 years ago
That rhino snake is dope
PullipKisses - 8 years ago
such a cool expirience!
Carter Stokes
Carter Stokes - 8 years ago
What happens if theres an earthquake ...
John Seus
John Seus - 8 years ago
I'd like to see some chimeras if he has any, they're some of the most beautiful animals if you ever get to admire them in person.
Ditto Used Transform on Magikarp
Ditto Used Transform on Magikarp - 8 years ago
enough is enough!! i have had it with this monkey fighting snake on this Monday to Friday plane.
james hg
james hg - 8 years ago
I love seeing the bridge between the reptile hobby and the fish hobby crossed
Adam and Eve Reptiles
Adam and Eve Reptiles - 8 years ago
Love this video and over 82k views in 2 days! VERY impressive! Thanks for the upload.
lauren turner
lauren turner - 8 years ago
I've loved seeing you two together! made my week!
lauren turner
lauren turner - 8 years ago
I've loved seeing you two together! made my week!
Leilani - 8 years ago
Doesn't it take forever to feed all these snakes?
Haerodiel - 8 years ago
Pretty much, yeah. But snakes only eat once a week, and it is his business, not just a hobby. He feeds loads of snakes himself (as can be seen on his vlog) and he also employs several people that feed and clean up after the snakes. :)
Naved Patel
Naved Patel - 8 years ago
Joey plzz u also start vlog everyday .......
Dragon Tamer Reptiles
Dragon Tamer Reptiles - 8 years ago
Great vid guys, you both did a great job! Love your reactions! They are Amazing animals!
CDG NaVi - 8 years ago
8:58 peeep to your right
sorie kondi
sorie kondi - 8 years ago
WoW, I enjoyed that video. I had no clue the hobby was that large, his collection was awesome. Was that the 600gal sick tank with the AA in? 8 ft by 24 in? I was looking at one to make an adhoc pond out back.
shadymike88 - 8 years ago
won't all those snakes be happier if they had their own tanks??
they seem kind of cooped up. but then again i have no knowledge about keeping snakes.
kenimaticjuggallo - 7 years ago
Hazel that's incorrect, the racks are meant to simulate a hide or burrow, you see in snake behavior, small warm space=safe open space =danger
Lizzy Gunn
Lizzy Gunn - 7 years ago
Hazel Hill - Snakes prefer small spaces, they feel more safe and secure, and it is how most spend their time in the wild. If you give a snake too much space they can become stressed and stop eating. Brian is extremely dedicated to his snakes and would do anything to ensure they are healthy. If you don't know anything about the species or the care, I suggest looking it up before making a comment and implying Brian cares nothing about their health.
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
They like small and secure spaces that are dark. They could be housed in larger tanks BUT you need lots of safe hides.
Hazel Hill
Hazel Hill - 8 years ago
shadymike88 it isn't healthy but they sure as hell won't do anything about it, proper sized tanks are really expensive
suo mynona
suo mynona - 8 years ago
shadymike88 they breed with them/sell for people with a terrarium / tank
lou9294 - 8 years ago
Awesome video man
Sabreen Rezvie
Sabreen Rezvie - 8 years ago
found my next fav channel. yay
Morgan Mcclimonds
Morgan Mcclimonds - 8 years ago
Because of you I'm going to get fish
Joe Hua
Joe Hua - 8 years ago
how does RJ get sunbathing ?
Trina D
Trina D - 8 years ago
i love Brian. he seems like such a neat guy to be around. both of you do. keep doing what you're doing!
Skyler Schvaneveldt
Skyler Schvaneveldt - 8 years ago
i keep boa constrictors. And a reef. African cichlids once upon a time, but the wife made me choose between the cichlids or salt....wish i coulda talked her in to both.
ray carter
ray carter - 8 years ago
rj . i owned one myself. great pets.
kitty lover
kitty lover - 8 years ago
how do you take care of 30
Shadow Back
Shadow Back - 8 years ago
Damn, majority of those snakes don't have venom?
WALDO - 8 years ago
Shadow Back I'm pretty sure ALL of them don't
Stale Meme
Stale Meme - 8 years ago
Shadow Back yeah a surprising majority of snakes don't have venom
matthew williamson
matthew williamson - 8 years ago
this guy is like 200mph all the time.
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
What's the smallest crocodilian species you can own?
stevepwn - 8 years ago
lolno wonder this is in my reccommended i olve brian
66toogy - 8 years ago
I've watched both these guys for a few years. These youtube producers collaborating effort, nouishe. I think it's a good direction. These guys combining experience to keep hobby moving forward. Joey needs get use to being around and handling these animals if he wants to shoot less awkward videos.
66toogy - 8 years ago
Relax people, I did say it was a good move. It just looked a little awkward like he's never been around reptiles which seemed ironic to travel to the U.S and shoot a video if he wasn't comfortable. Let's not get carried away.
candypopxo1 - 8 years ago
66toogy *handling
candypopxo1 - 8 years ago
66toogy He is handeling then for the first time, I think he did great!
He's not giving un realistic expectations.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+66toogy I wasn't worried about being awkward. I was there as a student. There to learn and share the experience.
Newlegofilms - 8 years ago
Dear King of DIY please help me, I have a ten gallon tank for 3 months now and one of my Biggest fish died (orange molly). All the others have acted completely normal but about 2 weeks ago the orange molly got a scratch on its side and was also acting weird and not eating. Paint chips have been coming off of a neon car decoration i bought, could that be it? Please help The King of DIY.!!!
clifftclock - 8 years ago
newlegofilms remove the decor and make sure you do your water changes
NeroJoe83 - 8 years ago
If you really are wanting to go to the reptile side, I think a medium sized water living lizard would be awesome. A Chinese or Australian Water Dragon would LOVE a semi-aquatic vivarium. A Green Basalisk would be another cool option.
TurtleManiac - 8 years ago
i love this guy!
a random frog
a random frog - 8 years ago
Fuck yeah, Brian is awesome!
Nathan Gilbert
Nathan Gilbert - 8 years ago
12:30 We have all sorts of colors and flavors lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Nathan Gilbert haha just like the fish hobby though!
Layne Spicer
Layne Spicer - 8 years ago
DORITO king - 8 years ago
i live in detroit
Baseballbat7007 - 8 years ago
i was wondering why you don't keep Oscar's or Pacu?
Dylan wicklund
Dylan wicklund - 8 years ago
I'm pretty excited to watch this video
Tan Anh Tran
Tan Anh Tran - 8 years ago
an aligator that big could break a medium turle shell like a cracker,
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Dylan wicklund what did you think?
JSinComplex - 8 years ago
How come ive never heard of this guy? Huge fish person, but ive had friends in the reptile hobby and never heard them speak of him. Im from warren, mi (living just a few blocks) outside of detroit. Cool guy! Should beg him for a job xD
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+JSinComplex tons of people have no clue who I am as well though.
GirlsHuntToo Vlogs
GirlsHuntToo Vlogs - 8 years ago
I want one too LOL
CaptainPenguin - 8 years ago
can you do a complete beginner guide on what you need, easy beginner fish and that kind of thing
EMIELIOD - 8 years ago
Legendary vlog
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+EMIELIOD not bad 'eh?
Jesse Devore
Jesse Devore - 8 years ago
omg your hanging out with him????? I'm so jealous right now.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Jesse Devore yup! 3 days! Can't wait to go back some day.
MrGuitz - 8 years ago
PS: we also need an update on Haileys tank
Repto Kid 27
Repto Kid 27 - 8 years ago
Surprised the gator didn't bite
Jeff K
Jeff K - 8 years ago
Colton Ward
yeah, seems a little dangerous
Francis Bunye
Francis Bunye - 8 years ago
Did you get to see "Satan"?
DoctorPepper4 - 8 years ago
Did you at least buy a snake?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+DoctorPepper4 I'm in Canada, I can't take one back with me.
DoctorPepper4 - 8 years ago
Something I would have never thought to see good shot Joey
Captain Teemo
Captain Teemo - 8 years ago
crosses self gg
king elmo
king elmo - 8 years ago
omg two of my favorite youtubers in one video!!!!!!!!
Jayd Lawrence
Jayd Lawrence - 8 years ago
Nice. Weird crossover of channels that I already watch
Sangam Kendre
Sangam Kendre - 8 years ago
I love reptiles but in India it not possible
Dumbukers - 8 years ago
yey ! there is the indinesian snake
Ali R Cool
Ali R Cool - 8 years ago
Thank you so much,it's really amazing
Shan Khan
Shan Khan - 8 years ago
I love u boss and your hobby will kill me soon because whatever i like i try to get it. really its great to see you and you things like this keep it up BRO
saltypond - 8 years ago
2 of the best animal youtube channels becoming friends? Yes my favourite!! Maybe you could convince Brian to get some eels or sea snakes :P
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 8 years ago
I've seen this dudes channel! He is such a positive and motivating person. Everyone should go show him more support.
Chantel Kinaschuk
Chantel Kinaschuk - 8 years ago
My two favorite experts unite!!! :D
firekitty0 - 8 years ago
In Australia 99% of our nope ropes (snakes) can KILL.
nick.m - 8 years ago
there shitts change like 3 times
luffy - 8 years ago
at 9:00 that big snake just eying the camera, omg i hate snakes D:
Eyad Atteyah
Eyad Atteyah - 8 years ago
Very nice Video .. You and Braian is my favourite Channel .. THANK YOU
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video Joey! Very cool tour!
BroPhotography - 8 years ago
where at in the detroit area were you? i saw a utica sign i think in the background?!
Kendra Thao
Kendra Thao - 8 years ago
Omg I love watching Snake bites too lol so glad you guys met
Josh Stuchbery
Josh Stuchbery - 8 years ago
I kind of wanna got into reptiles now.
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
Josh Stuchbery Be careful, once you're in you never get out. No matter what reptile you start with, you won't stay with one. Such fascinating creatures you can never have enough of ;)
charana K.C
charana K.C - 8 years ago
so cool video. i love fish keeping. but feel little nervous when i see reptiles. that 3 leg crock is acting like pet dog i like him ;)
SkyxPrince - 8 years ago
Lol its so awesome that you met up with brian. XD This is like watching snakebytes twice in one day. XD
World of MONSTERS - 8 years ago
Lol good stuff on sharing on how he switched snakes on you ;) Nice to meet your channel btw
World of MONSTERS - 8 years ago
+stevepwn Yeah I watched all of their collab videos and this guy seemed like a good and passionate person.
stevepwn - 8 years ago
+World of MONSTERS Same. I'm a fan of Brian Barczyk, so i'm guessing this was in my reccommended because he's in the video
World of MONSTERS - 8 years ago
+stevepwn Hehe cool :) First time here for me.
stevepwn - 8 years ago
Hey good to see you here haha.
Jason D
Jason D - 8 years ago
8:45 Canadian spotted lol
Owen Lai
Owen Lai - 8 years ago
chronic fishkeeping
chronic fishkeeping - 8 years ago
that was awesome I give u a lot of credit I have a severe irrational fear of snakes would never have set foot in that place but it was cool to see form the safety of my phone lol and do as far as the gator any man who can hold something that big with that many teeth that calm as balls of steel !
damian duran
damian duran - 8 years ago
wow, this was unexpected! and amazing, Thanks Joey, I do like reptiles but never really considered them for pets but these were so beautiful, I love planted tanks so I instantly envisioned a planted terrarium... to the wish list!
dreamonix - 8 years ago
I'd hate to be in that shop if a massive earthquake hit. Pretty happy we don't have snakes or crocs in NZ.
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 8 years ago
That's wazzup two great ones
Name Unavailable.
Name Unavailable. - 8 years ago
What if some @$$ hole ran through and pulled all those boxes out 2 inches.
Pmooreb - 8 years ago
Gators are ornery cause they got all them teeth and no toothbrush
Matt Butnariu
Matt Butnariu - 8 years ago
Watching this makes my heart beat abnormally faster. Amazing video though.
Dave J
Dave J - 8 years ago
What a great thanksgiving! This is an awesome collab!!!
Creative Pet Keeping
Creative Pet Keeping - 8 years ago
I love this. I watch both channels :D
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it my friend!
Animalia - 8 years ago
Creative Pet Keeping heyyyy iam a fan of you
AUDREY A - 8 years ago
DAAMN !! two of my favorites youtubers, finally they met up
Ravindran Arumugam
Ravindran Arumugam - 8 years ago
Stick to fishes Joey........:)
Sangeeth Ramanunni
Sangeeth Ramanunni - 8 years ago
Awesome... I could watch this over and over
Jacob Sautter
Jacob Sautter - 8 years ago
Does he sell all of these reptiles or something? Or does he just have them just cause?
kɨtsuɴe - 7 years ago
He has a reptile shop
Michael Urbeck
Michael Urbeck - 8 years ago
in my home state and a hr from my city thats awesome man
84twiggins - 8 years ago
I now want a gator! he even got an ay out of you
zubpub - 8 years ago
hey how about you make a red cherry shrimp breeding tank i already have a lot of shrimps can you do one please?
Wolfprincess90 - 8 years ago
Its exciting to see a collab like this, you two have a great passion for your hobby :) I've always love Brian collection and his videos.
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 8 years ago
I'm not a reptile guy but I love his channel! His passion for those animals really comes through and is infectious. Did he show you the scaleless ball python? I watched when he opened those eggs, man I was so excited for him. You must of had a blast!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I watched that too and totally agree with the rest. I didnt see them while there, but seen a different one. SO WIERD to feel. I think he sold the originals when he downsized and moved the warehouse. I cant remember specifically what he said, so dont quote me on that.
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
when will brian get a fish tank ? maybe a gatf or giant wolf fish for him
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Im not sure i can get him to budge. He is so busy that while he would love a fish tank, it would be difficult for him to commit. With that said, I also discussed it with his wife. She is also interested but also has GREAT taste in fish! (Discus, angels, etc..) I was so surprised but it also made me hopeful. We'll see what happens. In future videos you will see me trying harder and harder to convince him. haha
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 8 years ago
That collection is redonkulous! Always wanted alligator just cruising my backyard with its own pool, maybe one day. Wish they had dwarf versions that were like baby alligators and stay smalled. They are super awesome and cool looking when young.
Greg Gill
Greg Gill - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thats awesome to hear! So glad so many people know Brian. I got to know a lot more about him over my few days with him. I have to say, he is such a humble guy.
TheMewMix - 8 years ago
Having a snake bite you is much better than a lizard, like a bearded dragon. I have a permanent crooked finger from my beardie. Don't feed your pets with your hands!
TheMewMix - 8 years ago
+bleh yeah, he severed the tendon in the tip of my right-hand index finger. it's not actually that bad, but it still hurts from time to time. it was the only time he's ever bit me, but I still hand feed him every now and then. just not small things.
bleh - 8 years ago
A permanent crooked finger? You serious? I've been hand-feeding my bearded dragon who is seven years old from as long as I can remember, and he has accidentally bit me but never like that!
7catstied2gether - 8 years ago
As an avid watcher of both of your channels for many, many years... This is an awesome collaboration. Thanks Brian and Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Hey! Your welcome! (Entirely my pleasure though)
Rawinder Singh
Rawinder Singh - 8 years ago
How can he manage to keep such amount of snakes/reptils?!
It was awesome....
Thankz for sharing...
Rawinder Singh
Rawinder Singh - 8 years ago
Dedication for spending much much time and I think money also....
Salute to him and his team...!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
He is an absolute pro, with a great team behind him. Busiest guy I have ever met though!
Dan Gavioli
Dan Gavioli - 8 years ago
That was just awesome!
Jwhiser1302 - 8 years ago
Epic video! This should be a new series my friend! Love the channel as always! Almost done with those questions for the collab too! Look forward for that and more videos my friend! Keep up the awesomeness!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks my man! I have a few more ideas. I really liked hanging out with Brian, but over the years got to know a lot of really interesting people. Might have to start dropping in on more of them! Im a family man though, its really tough to find the right time to leave for a few days. I''ll do my best though!
DJ Gaming
DJ Gaming - 8 years ago
I like that guy
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Ya, he's great!
Hype Gaming
Hype Gaming - 8 years ago
hey Joey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Hey pal!
Hmd Bti
Hmd Bti - 8 years ago
my two favorite youtubers in one video!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Heard that a few times today. Honoured to be up there as a favourite with this guy.
Kyle Reynolds
Kyle Reynolds - 8 years ago
Yes! Two of my favorites together! Nice!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it! A few more to come though. Stay tuned to us!
_C3RB3RUS_ - 8 years ago
If you do decide to do a reptile tank build do a tortoise table build. like if you agree
Tara Berry
Tara Berry - 8 years ago
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my favorite two on youtube!!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Hey Tara! This was great wasn't it?! I was equally excited.
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 8 years ago
Brian, I can get you some king cobras. We have plenty here in India.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
oh boy! Now thats a snake im not holding!
InfuriousCoffee - 8 years ago
wait his shop is in detroit.... ive been looking for good shops for so long.... when i saw snakebytestv for the first time i was like that place is awesome. Whats the name of the shop so i can google it
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
You can visit his website, but he is not open to the public. He can ship right to your door though. http://www.bhbreptiles.com/
JR Patilan Gaming
JR Patilan Gaming - 8 years ago
majority of viewers knows animalbytes its a bigger channel but I think its new
ive watch this guy that always gets bite his really funny
Erikali26 - 8 years ago
"He'll bite me in a second."
The Horseless Headsman
The Horseless Headsman - 8 years ago
YES! This guy was always popping up in my recommendations (I've been trying to learn as much as I can about keeping herpes) and I would forget to sub. Awesome vid. love his snakes.
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Great video, wow, two of my favorite. I have snakes, turtles and fish. Y'all made my day!
Jade Harley
Jade Harley - 8 years ago
dude both my favorite youtubers in one video!
Chirag Rai
Chirag Rai - 8 years ago
Joey and the reptile guy both are just awesome
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks my man!
John Carter
John Carter - 8 years ago
great video ! it has been awhile since I have seen anything with Brian it has been awhile since i have kept reptiles. Hey Brian im thinking i meet you several years ago in Millersport Oh. there use to be reptile swap meets there did you ever go?
Red Dragon Flower Horn
Red Dragon Flower Horn - 8 years ago
Nice tour, a great eye opener.
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack - 8 years ago
Woah Joey Bruhz mate you looking pretty big nowadays bro
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thanks brother! Trying to put a little something together over here.
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack
Lazlo Ghostknifeblack - 8 years ago
The king of DIY nah i didnt mean chubby i meant you look like ya been hitting gym mate looking good mate
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Nah... camera puts a few pounds on me. The lighting helped as well. (Kidding... im just getting older. Metabolism is slowing.)
Cass - 8 years ago
I saw RJ and got super happy because I love Brian's videos
CallyMac - 8 years ago
hmm I could've sworn that was bhb repti-

wait whaaaaaaaat?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
John James
John James - 8 years ago
Now that's hoarding done right.
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
is it bad I knew where you were before you said it?
Buddy Mayfield
Buddy Mayfield - 8 years ago
The king of DIY I recognized his snake racks. too busy for Facebook lately. great video
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Nope! I have been posting sneak peaks on facebook and instagram!
Corey Gendron
Corey Gendron - 8 years ago
welcome to Detroit
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thank you! Great city!
Harry Han
Harry Han - 8 years ago
a big black massive snake...
J_KASH_27 - 8 years ago
jjjjooooeeeyyyyy U DEFINITELY BETTER GET ONE . FYI GOING TO BE THE SICKEST SET UP BUILD PROJECT ON THE TUBE !!!!! can't wait . get back to me please .your the man. thank u -joe
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
We'll see what happens my man!
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 8 years ago
what a sick facility
Freya Bloomfield
Freya Bloomfield - 8 years ago
Yasss sunshine!!
Kevin b
Kevin b - 8 years ago
dont reptiles need a infrared/uv lights? how does he store them in a plastic container ?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
depends on the reptile.if it comes out more during the day it may need a uvb bulb.if it comes out more at night you need a heat met.also if it is a decent heat mat it shouldn't burn them.

also I'm pretty sure dealing with that many snakes the room must be pretty warm to reduce heating cost.
Schmit GaMeS
Schmit GaMeS - 8 years ago
Just relax. Im pretty sure these guys care about these reptiles a lot more than u expect and im pretty sure their needs are being met. You can't just say its bare minimum when u havent been in there yet
Kevin b
Kevin b - 8 years ago
+7catstied2gether ah okay
Donna - 8 years ago
+7catstied2gether Except big bodied snakes need to be heated from above to avoid hot spots from the weight and except that lizards are basking animals which also need lighting and heat from above. The snakes needs are not being 'met' giving them LESS than bare minimum isn't considered needs being met.
7catstied2gether - 8 years ago
Kevin b with heated "tape" built into the racks. All the snakes' needs are being met.
Scratchypond - 8 years ago
joey where do you get your fish from?
Emma Carter
Emma Carter - 8 years ago
so cool
Thierry Annicette
Thierry Annicette - 8 years ago
I love reptiles
BanamA - 8 years ago
Im truly glad i found your channel!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
I am too! Welcome!
Trinidad Chango
Trinidad Chango - 8 years ago
happy Thanksgiving J.
BeachRumminbummin - 8 years ago
grown up keeping snakes and other reptiles and amphibians. Lost the erge to trap these animals in my environment. such beautiful animals that fit so well in a dark drawer where they can wish they were dead. Hey maybe later you can raise birds. trim their flight feathers so they can sit in a cage and never feel the sky. Occasionally your shallow friends can come by and poke them.
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
aureliusva People like you are the ones holding everything back. If these snakes were actually lethargic and unhealthy, they wouldn't eat or breed. Simple as that. So the fact that Brian has thousands of snakes who breed evert year shows that his animals have everything they need to thrive. Saying that a healthy snake is aggressive is completely false as well. Once you show them you aren't a threat they won't hurt you. I have picked up many snakes straight out of the wild without getting bit, and have been able to handle them fairly easy. What a perfect example of the utter ignorance that keeps breeders a keepers from doing what they love.
Lizzy Gunn
Lizzy Gunn - 7 years ago
+aureliusva - What part of "Healthy and well fed snakes are aggressive" did you NOT mention aggression? Do aggression and aggressive suddenly mean different things? Aggression is shown by an aggressive animal, it's not rocket science.
You obviously aren't aware of this, or are choosing to complete disregard this fact, but a lot of snakes, if not all, in the market are burrowing species; they spend a lot of their time in a small confined space underground. King snakes, ball pythons, sand boas, corn snakes, garter snakes... etc. they all make or use old burrows. Very few species on the market don't (tree pythons for example).
The snakes are perfectly happy, and if they weren't, they would stop eating. Those animals were clearly healthy and happy and your lack of knowledge on the species shows. You're NOT a herpetologist or a vet, you're NOT a breeder/keeper, and therefore, you DON'T get to give a negative opinion on how someone is caring for their animals, especially ones you know nothing about. Go and educate yourself on them before commenting on what you believe they should or shouldn't have.

BTW, I don't care.
aureliusva - 7 years ago
@Lizzy  Where did I mention aggression?

What I was saying is that simply because a snake can survive in spite of being kept in a small plastic box, does not mean that where it is supposed to be or wants to be. 

I understand a lot of snakes are passed around within the trade and never see the wild, and if that is your thing, then what I have to say doesn't matter. 

BTW, this isn't my first experience with herpetologists and snake keep/breeders.
Lizzy Gunn
Lizzy Gunn - 7 years ago
+aureliusva - The only aggressive snakes you will find are wild, not handled enough, hungry (although this behaviour is unlikely to be in response to this) or aren't cared for properly. A captive bred snake that is handled regularly would have absolutely no aggression whatsoever. Have you even owned a snake before? I have owned over 50 snakes and had only one with behavioural issues, and she was a rescue. The others I have owned have been great for handling, and I would easily trust them to not bite someone, child or adult. Aggression is used in defence when they are scared, if they are used to you, they won't act in defence, it's simple.
aureliusva - 7 years ago
@Jake Quaza  Nope, unhealthy, minimally fed snakes are lethargic.  Healthy and well fed snakes are aggressive.  That is the main reason rattle snake handling religions can do what they do.
Lizzy Gunn
Lizzy Gunn - 7 years ago
I've been breeding snakes for about four years now (and owned them for longer), if they are given too much space, they will stop eating and it will cause them stress. All of my reptiles are in perfect condition, and I'm talking for all reptile breeders when I say we don't need people like you telling us how to care for our animals when you clearly know nothing about them. In the wild ball pythons will spend most of their time in an underground burrow, not constantly moving around, but that's clearly something you didn't know.
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Jake Quaza His snakes have escaped multiple times, and also, animals behavior is not always an indicator of a proper/non proper setup or care. For example, abused dogs are sometimes still affectionate towards people.
Jake Quaza
Jake Quaza - 7 years ago
They would also be more aggressive and act distressed
Jake Quaza
Jake Quaza - 7 years ago
BeachRumminbummin if they wanted out they would escape
Operation Brevicauda
Operation Brevicauda - 7 years ago
BeachRumminbummin you fucktard.they like to be in small places,if their in large enclosures their only gonna use one corner.
Lord Twaddle
Lord Twaddle - 8 years ago
I LOVE Mexican Black Kingsnakes, by far my favourite species of serpent because of that glossy carbon fibre look to their scales.
Hebert Christian
Hebert Christian - 8 years ago
First I was like, dang it, I wanted to see is planted tank. Then after watching this video, wow that was cool ! Look like a nice place for all kind of stuff.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Glad to hear it! Thanks for being so into that planted tank series. Im certainly putting a lot into it. As I do with all my videos.
Hebert Christian
Hebert Christian - 8 years ago
Ya i know :), just making fun with it, i'm one of them that can't wait to see it :). I'm always waiting after those 2 days of the week to see your new stuff ! I really enjoy your channel ! keep it up
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
That planted tank is on sunday. You got to know my schedule by now! Thursdays are random videos. Sundays are builds. See you sunday!
Hal - 8 years ago
Damn, my two tubers together. Must buy a lotto ticket today!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Cant win if you dont play! (Says the guy that never gambles. lol)
wesley hennessee
wesley hennessee - 8 years ago
I loved the crossover! I'm subscribed to both channels and it was a little surprising when this video popped up, and I loved it!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Thats great Wesley. I get to see this sort of thing with people I follow as well sometimes! Was hoping you all would enjoy it!
Jonathan - 8 years ago
Snakebytes! I've been following you both for a long while. A dream collab! Thanks, Joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Hey Jonathan! You're welcome!
TheOverkillWill - 8 years ago
not a fan of brians methods, but he has 50,000 odd snakes and has done more than anyone for the hobby
김주성 - 8 years ago
Good Luck!!
Lesley Dickson
Lesley Dickson - 8 years ago
When I was watching the beginning of this I was thinking please don't let those boxes be full of animals! What kind of way is that to keep living things?
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
+Donna Its kinda sad, i thought we were having a serious discussion but i guess you had to bring out the amazing insult "dickbrain" lmao, i guess i won since you dont have anymore good points to say and resorted in name calling.
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
I do research, also what? dickbrain? wow that really hurts, i might as well kill myself cause you roasted me so hard :'(
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
How do you even know if how he keeps his animals is not ok? Thats fine, its your opinion i guess but i think its just a case of Anthropomorphism because he (for the most part, everyone fucks up time to time and nobody knows the "perfect setup" as were always learning) provides all the basic needs for theses animals and thats all they really want. Anything extra is just for "us" not the animals for the most part.
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
+Donna But anyways i dont go on forums and judge how things are from photos back from many years or months, you can continue that i guess if thats your thing. (Btw with your logic, hes GOTTA be hiding something with his blue tongue skinks because he hasnt showed them in awhile lmao)
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
Idk what your seeing, he shows his retics/burmese pythons alot in his vlogs and the enclosures are quite bigger than 1 photo shot in 2007 lol. Im not trying to put up brian like a god and that everything hes does is right. But then again alot of people have their views(which most can be wrong or just personal views) and even judge how hes holding his animals like Lesley Dickson over here lol.
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
+Donna Ahhh yes a 2007 pic, a very nice argument. He totally does the same size enclosure to this day!
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
Lesley Dickson also i guess that further implies i dont know who or in this case actually "know" what Smithsonian is lol
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
Lesley Dickson i didnt compare at all if you actually read what i said. all i said was if i wasnt educated about fish (like you are not with reptiles from what i see) i could say "oh wow man, why would people pull these fishes out of the water and put them in little tanks for the rest of their lives?" I dont actually think that but i hope you get the point now.
Lesley Dickson
Lesley Dickson - 8 years ago
Just an after thought. You do know what the Smithsonian is don't you? It's not a 'who'.
Lesley Dickson
Lesley Dickson - 8 years ago
Hypaiva It was you who compared keeping snakes and fish in your first reply.
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
Lesley Dickson well too tackle your first statement, it helps to look at mutiple sources but idk who this smithsonian guy is. but from my knowledge Reptiles are by far not anywhere close to mammals in terms of intelligence for the most part. you dont like how brian handles his snakes? ok thanks for sharing that lmao (hes done nothing wrong and has handled reptiles for most of his life) telling me new reptile keepers may not know what they are doing is again (not to be rude) useless and could apply to any animal, they're is a chance of having a pet fish owner not knowing how to take care of their animal/animals as well as reptile owner, fish are way more high maintenance so i could actually see people fail taking care of a fish than a reptile by your faith of new animal owners. To finally state again, Snakes are fine with small enclousers! im not saying to put a 10 foot python in a 10 gallon tank but Brian provides the right amount of space. comparing to what space fish needs to a completely different animal is quite silly.
Lesley Dickson
Lesley Dickson - 8 years ago
Hypaiva According to research done by the Smithsonian it looks as if reptiles are as intelligent as birds or mammals. Most types of fish are not. Also, if you compare the size of most fish and most reptiles this is like keeping a fish in a jar. I also look at the number of reptiles in this warehouse and think of how many people really know how to look after reptiles and your statement that that's only a week's supply doesn't cheer me up at all. And I don't like how he handled them.
Hypaiva - 8 years ago
Brian is a snake breeder and most of those animals get bought as pets within weeks, also those tubs (thought very simple because hes running a business) are suitable for them as they like small spaces to feel safe and secure. Tbh if i didnt educate myself i could say the same with fish... why would people keep underwater animals in tanks their whole life?
TheDogemache - 8 years ago
SO COOL!!!!!
Nicks Exotics
Nicks Exotics - 8 years ago
I've never heard you say eh before
Nicks Exotics
Nicks Exotics - 8 years ago
haha thats good XD
Hype Gaming
Hype Gaming - 8 years ago
The king of DIY savage
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Nicks Exotics first time for everything eh? Haha
Gavin Stoodge
Gavin Stoodge - 8 years ago
You should get turtles!
Denise Thasder
Denise Thasder - 8 years ago
YESSS! Awesome collab! :DDDDD
kenneth sanchez
kenneth sanchez - 8 years ago
I always see Bryan and all the snakes
exiarules - 8 years ago
so if i am correct, hes like a private breeder?
idont knowman
idont knowman - 8 years ago
william storey Actually he's also selling his animals. His shop is called bhb reptiles.
FlowingDepths - 8 years ago
I think my mind is a little blown that these two dudes are friends! awesome.
Chelsea Coley
Chelsea Coley - 8 years ago
This comment doesn't necessarily go along with this video haha but is there a specific kind of filter you'd recommend for a large red eared slider turtle over others? For about a 150 gallon tank.
Ivan RE
Ivan RE - 8 years ago
Two of my favorite persons!
johnny xiong
johnny xiong - 8 years ago
you both sound the same to me :O.
Jon Austin
Jon Austin - 8 years ago
yes my two favorite channels:) love it
cheekymonkey61 - 8 years ago
Really enjoyed this video ,amazing snakes .
mr mustache man
mr mustache man - 8 years ago
are you going to start doing reptile builds
mike4darkness - 8 years ago
uber cool!
JB Bros
JB Bros - 8 years ago
This Man Looks Familiar... IDK???
CecilDaBomb1117 - 8 years ago
my favorite reptiles are chameleons
JJ Forskyn
JJ Forskyn - 8 years ago
my two favorite youtubers in one video!!! awesome!
Reggies Jungle
Reggies Jungle - 8 years ago
my two favorite YouTube hobbyist
Manx36 - 8 years ago
Awesome video, thanks for sharing this
Raul Ignacio
Raul Ignacio - 8 years ago
Wow talk about best of both worlds! I keep both ball pythons and fish so I've been subscribed to both your channels lol
Tyler Rodriguez
Tyler Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Felt kinda bad for the gator with his arm but he's awesome
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Tyler Rodriguez he was a rescue. Living the life now!
Elise - 8 years ago
Amazing video. Always thought snakes were gorgeous but I never really had any interest, now I do!
Huracán - 8 years ago
captainkavi - 8 years ago
what an amazing video - so fantastic to see people who clearly love and understand their animals. Thanks
antonio macias
antonio macias - 8 years ago
This is cool Joey. This is really cool.
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
How long ago was this filmed?
ill have Uh, uhhh
ill have Uh, uhhh - 8 years ago
The king of DIY Lol, I live in detroit, but the one time I leave for a trip you are there.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+CXK03 this one was a bit of Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Elisha Wilson
Elisha Wilson - 8 years ago
lol saw the thumbnail for this vid and knew you were at bhb rept.
Kent Bremner
Kent Bremner - 8 years ago
never realized how muscular you looked lol!!! definately a lot of people will say oh that tank is to small for the gator lmao. geckos would be cool!
Harold Ivan
Harold Ivan - 8 years ago
It's great you're learning about reptiles! I learned a lot about filtration that use for my two turtles on your channel. There are few things on the market that is powerful enough to use for aquatic turtles, so you custom filter videos have come in quite handy!
Zack Marshall
Zack Marshall - 8 years ago
wow this is awesome!
alfaz patel
alfaz patel - 8 years ago
Hehehehe... The Guy's handling snakes like bloodworms... Amazing Skills !!!
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 8 years ago
Great video. I been watching him for years. I have snakes, turtles, and fish. This video made my day
Dave Moore
Dave Moore - 8 years ago
Why do they look like brothers
K4Lku - 8 years ago
Nice collab!
Catriona Halliday
Catriona Halliday - 8 years ago
more more more !!!! make a longer video please
Niall F M
Niall F M - 8 years ago
I love the crossover!!!! Would love to see some DIY for my reptiles too
skyward360 - 8 years ago
Omg this is so scary
Zubair Javed
Zubair Javed - 8 years ago
snakes very different hobby ♥
Ishan Ghosh
Ishan Ghosh - 8 years ago
something new in your channel..dats pretty good..
Jillian Leigh
Jillian Leigh - 8 years ago
Well, never seen someone actually purposefully get a snake to bite them lol.
betta Do
betta Do - 7 years ago
Nel Hablado lol
chemgal77 - 7 years ago
Blurry Moon a
Nel Hablado
Nel Hablado - 8 years ago
Watch Brave Wilderness
Nai Kuromitsu
Nai Kuromitsu - 8 years ago
Jillian Leigh you have obviously never seen jackass
Jake Genel
Jake Genel - 8 years ago
watch jackass lol
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 8 years ago
This is so fun! I'm kinda freaked out by snakes big snakes though I kept a water snake a few years back myself. Please don't get a gator. Lol. I watched Brian's version. Awesome editing. I'm not gonna tease...
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 8 years ago
I need that hoodie!
Boss Dogg
Boss Dogg - 8 years ago
Welcome to Detroit have fun!
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
So do I!
M. Stam
M. Stam - 8 years ago
love it that you guys are commenting so much
Apple Hoe
Apple Hoe - 8 years ago
That guy has yezzys the black pirate blacks
vphinn - 7 years ago
Apple Hoe you peeped that, lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Apple Hoe he's a bit of a sneaker head!
Pisces Rain
Pisces Rain - 8 years ago
We bought a bearded dragon from a pet store going outta business so we got lucky and got a enclosure for free with it , it's a 8ft X 4ft pet store showcase . We had to have 4 other ppl help us load it in the truck .
nightb4day - 8 years ago
maybe I'm just too kind/nice but I didn't like how he just dropped them in
Anne Smythe
Anne Smythe - 7 years ago
nightb4day do you want him to put his hand in the tub flat and wait for it to crawl off are you bloody serious
MrJeeper117 - 8 years ago
get a king they are so awesome!!!!!
Spencer Beauregard
Spencer Beauregard - 8 years ago
I knew you were going to BHB! awesome man
Francis Butterton
Francis Butterton - 8 years ago
OH MAN YOURE IN DETROIT! Get some Coney at Lafayette. Go to Dearborn (just outside the D) and get some Shwarma.

Enjoy my city. I wish I could've met up. But you would be disappointed by my set up anyway, haha.
qrower - 8 years ago
If I was the gator I would have tried to get out any chance I could
Cahyyam Bergkotte
Cahyyam Bergkotte - 8 years ago
Great video Joey!
Yertgyji Xiong
Yertgyji Xiong - 8 years ago
YES!!! Two of my favorite YouTube Channels!!!
super super
super super - 8 years ago
the animals are cool
super super
super super - 8 years ago
Aidan Keys
Aidan Keys - 8 years ago
Congrats on picking up the huge albino
BioHazard - 8 years ago
As soon as I saw a piece of Lucy I knew Brian had to be in this! rest in piece sunshine xx
LoyalistViral - 8 years ago
I'd rather get bitten by a snake rather than a rodent I'll say that much
BioHazard - 8 years ago
OMG !!!! I DIDNT KNOW BRIAN AND JOEY KNEW EACHOTHER !!! both of my favorite youtuber
IINightingale21 II
IINightingale21 II - 8 years ago
The gator omg XD i was literally thinking "Aww he's just like a puppy being help" right before he said it!
jack - 8 years ago
how many sank he keep omg maybe is 10000
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
Get a tegu! Exotic just like your arowana
Shashank Bhagwat
Shashank Bhagwat - 8 years ago
5:20 look at his hand..the one the snake bit..
The Derptor
The Derptor - 7 years ago
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez pixie frogs and pacman frogs both are the size of you hand and have centimeter long fangs
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT - 8 years ago
Seba Sin Nombre :v o I dint know
El Seba.
El Seba. - 8 years ago
The idiotic gamer and fishkeeper idiot guy Lol Really? Komodos are Stupidly dangerous, and cost 100.000.000 dollars, bearded dragons are common pets.
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT
idiotic gamer guy lol MINECRAFT - 8 years ago
TheMewMix do u mean a Komodo dragon
TheMewMix - 8 years ago
Having a snake bite you is much better than a lizard, like a bearded dragon. I have a permanent crooked finger from my beardie. Don't feed your pets with your hands!
Shashank Bhagwat
Shashank Bhagwat - 8 years ago
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez LOL :p ya me too :p
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 8 years ago
Shashank Bhagwat I think I'll just stick to turtle's fish and amphibians for now hahaha
Shashank Bhagwat
Shashank Bhagwat - 8 years ago
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez yess.. exactly
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 8 years ago
Shashank Bhagwat it bit down pretty hard and it's really bleeding
Matthew Noble
Matthew Noble - 8 years ago
So cool to see my two favorite youtubers working together!
André Ribeiro
André Ribeiro - 8 years ago
Wow was not expecting that, mix of 2 great channels.NICE
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it!
Dominic Tyler
Dominic Tyler - 8 years ago
hey when are blue tongue shinks will be on sale
Ken Olbinado
Ken Olbinado - 8 years ago
This is awesome.. both of these guys are the main reason why I got into the hobby and why my house is now full of fish tanks fish and sterilite tubs for my ball pythons. Might also be the reason i go broke in the near future..
Bryce LikesTurtles
Bryce LikesTurtles - 7 years ago
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for your support! We had a blast!
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
awsm bro.. iv subbed his channel too, long back. u, dustin and him are my top 3 channels... :) got for a crazy reptile setup bro..
sabine458 - 8 years ago
Does rp only have 3 legs?
Transform987 - 8 years ago
That's probably why the thing got used to humans
three point one four
three point one four - 8 years ago
sabine458 yes
sabine458 - 8 years ago
Kyle L
Kyle L - 8 years ago
"strong, eh?" the Canadian in you came out. haha
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Kyle L hahaha ya, I can only keep it contained so much!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Kyle L hahaha ya, I can only keep it contained so much!
RedCobra 09
RedCobra 09 - 8 years ago
Be careful around the danger noodles pls.
ruben maraza
ruben maraza - 8 years ago
I am from argentina and i like your videos. Great channel
Fernando Perez
Fernando Perez - 8 years ago
awesome! yeah definatly u guys should do some stuff togueder
gt40x4 - 8 years ago
Omg I love Brian. Been following him for ever
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Thank you so much!
Art's Random
Art's Random - 8 years ago
This is amazing! Im been watching your videos joey and AnimalBytesTV. i wish you should meet Jennie which in Solid Gold Aquatics.
yogosans14 - 8 years ago
John Arthur Mendoza yes Solid Gold is amazing!
matdex2002 - 8 years ago
i was thinking as a joke he wold see brain
develfier - 8 years ago
matdex2002 well I hope I never see brain, especially my own brain, ew
Tommy Byrnes
Tommy Byrnes - 8 years ago
i always forget your canadian
Plunfy - 8 years ago
So glad you guys made a video together!
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it! We had so much fun!
Paco Cruz
Paco Cruz - 8 years ago
Man it's so cool seeing both sides of the videos it looked like you weren't vlogging. I'm definitely going to sub to your channel your doing great stuff. And hey also I see Alotta people saying get boas. But I really think you shout get into high end exotic turtles because with your vast knowledge in aquariums you'd excel tremendous.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Paco Cruz I don't vlog a whole lot, but I do when I really want to bring you along for a new perspective. It's great to do features, but I like to vlog sometimes and make you feel like your there with me.
Kyle L
Kyle L - 8 years ago
I've been in the aquarium hobby for over 20 years and 3 weeks ago I crossed over and purchased my first queen bee ball python. I've been learning from Brians channel for 3 months. what a coincidence to see my two favorite channels and hobbies come together.
Skyler Schvaneveldt
Skyler Schvaneveldt - 8 years ago
looks like they changed to animalbytestv. Type in search bar. Done.
Skyler Schvaneveldt
Skyler Schvaneveldt - 8 years ago
snakebytesTV, or close to it.
Sangeeth Ramanunni
Sangeeth Ramanunni - 8 years ago
can u please share the link to his channel?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Kyle L I've been watching him for years! Was awesome to be a part of his day.
Superman Prime
Superman Prime - 8 years ago
you asked if he had anything to feed the gators, but a few hours ago i saw you guys shopping for turkey legs to feed them!!
shooterjon mku
shooterjon mku - 8 years ago
This is really cool, i've been watching this guy for quite some time now. I made myself my own incubator out of an old mini fridge and wanted to hatch some snake eggs, Just isn't that easy to get some eggs. Great video by the way!
lol gamer528
lol gamer528 - 8 years ago
snake bytes
TheNukedNacho - 8 years ago
These sneks are so beautiful, as well as the gator. I actually teared up from how pretty they are.
Ultra Sedo
Ultra Sedo - 7 years ago
Brian Barczyk h yüzgecinden g gidişatı
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Glad you liked them! Thank you!
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
This is awesome! I'm a huge fan of snake bytes tv
Brian's Pet's
Brian's Pet's - 8 years ago
+Brian Barczyk Thanks man! Happy Thanksgiving!
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
You're awesome!
Derekthe redpanda
Derekthe redpanda - 8 years ago
OK who put a thumbs down on this man's video do you have any idea who this man is he is the most awsome youtuber in the world.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Derekthe redpanda no worries! Not everyone is going to like every video or subscribe for the same reason. You have to understand that first and foremost.
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 8 years ago
can you show us how to make a automatic feeder for larger food?
PINEAPPLE GOD - 8 years ago
Around 8 minute mark audio/video sync gets messed up.
PINEAPPLE GOD - 8 years ago
your doing a lot better than me. xD loved the vid. i wish i could keep more fish and stuff, but i cant so this is the next best thing. keep doing what you're doing, its great.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+PINEAPPLE GOD I just got back late last night and edited this quickly today. I suspect there will be a few errors here and there. I'm far from a pro at this.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+PINEAPPLE GOD I just got back late last night and edited this quickly today. I suspect there will be a few errors here and there. I'm far from a pro at this.
Carlos Sanabria
Carlos Sanabria - 8 years ago
i love his channel he is an inspiration to snake hobbyist nice vid
Brian Barczyk
Brian Barczyk - 8 years ago
Thank you
SMK what's next
SMK what's next - 8 years ago
hi joey saw you on brians vlog earlier cool to see the play between your vid and brians you were my first youtube sub back when you were uarujoey
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Scott Keller His vlogs are so good! I guess I'm in tomorrow's as well! Can't wait!

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