Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny

It has finally happened! The reef tank Beauty is finally filled up, and aquascape. I will go over what rock i used, why i used dry live rock, and how I got this rock. Hope you enjoy the video. It has officially begun! Check out all of the social networks we take part in. Lots a stuff going on outside of YouTube Fish Tank Hooligans DannysFishTanks FishyDrizzy Infamous Aquatics Facebook Instagram Tumblr

Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 23,793 views

It has finally happened! The reef tank Beauty is finally filled up, and aquascape. I will go over what rock i used, why i used dry live rock, and how I got this rock. Hope you enjoy the video. It has officially begun! Check out all of the social networks we take part in. Lots a stuff going on outside of YouTube Fish Tank Hooligans DannysFishTanks FishyDrizzy Infamous Aquatics Facebook Instagram Tumblr

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Most popular comments
for Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny

d bailey
d bailey - 7 years ago
how did skipping the cure work out for you lol
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
d bailey phosphates were leached. Algae bloom, but nothing a few Tang couldn't handle. Appreciate the concern.
Discovery FISH
Discovery FISH - 7 years ago
haha im in houston tx too :) n fixin to do a vid of my scape on a 110 u should check it up :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
not being horrible or nothing BUT it's not much of a aquascape really its just piled on top lol
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Infamous Aquatics lol I understand buddy I've subbed u anyway mate
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lol when you say it like that! I agree though. I have commitment issues. Makes it hard for me to actually glue rocks down.
Cam J
Cam J - 8 years ago
How much Pukani would you recommend for a 125
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 8 years ago
I would say about 100lbs or less. Its so light man.
NaturesJewels - 9 years ago
Terrible place to have a tank. by cold drafty windows that let light and you can't control when it starts growing algae.
Young Sperm
Young Sperm - 9 years ago
Where in houston did u buy it? And how much per pound? Wonder if she still sells some lol
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Young Sperm I found her on CL. IDK if she still has it, but i have some I might be able to let go.
MrCrazygurls - 9 years ago
It really is surprising how hard it is to find pukani in Houston. I am actually starting up a 90 gallon too. I live in Houston and I have seen her posts on Facebook and Craigslist. I might send her a message.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 9 years ago
+MrCrazygurls I would she had so much! She also was the only person I every found with some lol
Allen Duncan
Allen Duncan - 9 years ago
I just wanted to ask if a well to make things faster you could have used the purple up it gives your rocks that beautiful nice green and brown and blue colors man it is awesome you need to do that I'm telling you you would be one happy camper if you did so
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Allen Duncan I thought about that. My only problem is I hate it when the coraline algae grows so well it covers the back glass. Thanks for the feed back though.
W Bowman
W Bowman - 10 years ago
BRS ( sells Pukani Rock  $3.23/lb.  Nice looking tank!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 9 years ago
+Ward Bowman Wow, Thanks for the heads up. Now I know when to send people when they ask.

10. comment for Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny

Николай Грибанов
Николай Грибанов - 10 years ago
Hi! Came to Siberia stones! I myself will pay shipping!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+Николай Грибанов I asked the supplier... she won't ship. she only does local pick up
Kolton Ramsey
Kolton Ramsey - 10 years ago
Nice scape, nice rocks! Born and raised in Houston myself. I live in Nacogdoches now, you should let me come get your extra rock for a small fee. :P
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+Kolton Ramsey I would just give you the rock I didn't use. Lol where were you raised in Houston?
ucantkillme89 - 10 years ago
1 Piece of rock!
True dat!
ucantkillme89 - 10 years ago
Good lord let me get some rocks!! Scratches my neck
I came here cause I thought you said "Build Punani from dry rock".
ucantkillme89 - 10 years ago
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+ucantkillme89 Lol that the good stuff
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
It sounds like you got that pukani rock from a friend that I know n Texas that EVERY PIECE of Pukani and Fiji premium rock. And that sounds like her prices.
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
Also my fone died, got killed glass screen was SHATTERED
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
Sorry I don't get on here a lot I live n Alabama
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
ahhhhhh. Where do you live? If you don't mind. 
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
Also those r pics of her rock bins
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
Facebook, I got 25 lbs of Fiji Rock from her, and I need about 30 more lbs for me 65 gal
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
hahahah thats her! She is a sweetheart. How do you know her?
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
Her name is Tracy
Ronnell Taylor
Ronnell Taylor - 10 years ago
It was named Pukani & Premium Fiji Rock of Huston, TX. Now it is called Crystal Sea Texas
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+Ronnell Taylor Whats her name?
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 10 years ago
Looking forward to the build.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+Phil Grady Same Just figured out the stock list! 
Eastwood Aquarium
Eastwood Aquarium - 10 years ago
Hey Infamous! Have you started to stock this yet? Can't wait to see it. Love your enthusiasm bro. I'll tag along to this...
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
+Eastwood Aquarium No yet. Right now the tank is still cycling. Soon i will post a video of the stock I want though….. LEts see how close I get to it in the end lol 
TanganyikanLife - 10 years ago
I'm definitely not a reef guy but I like the scape. What type of corals are you thinking about putting in there?
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Ohhhhhhh brother! I am doing a mixed reef heavy on sps. It will be several months though before i get to that level. I want to do things the right way this time. Patience is more than a virtue in reef keeping. 
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 10 years ago
looking forward to the sand bed video . i know a lot of ppl say deep beds trap nitrates but a lot of others say deep beds house BB and other beneficial organisms. 
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Wont be long. Thats the next Easy Reefin video! 
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 10 years ago
can you spell that name of the dry rock you used please? thats a really nice looking scape
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Pukani, Its amazing. Thing is most dry pukani is very dirty. For this reason it take awhile to cure. 

20. comment for Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny

Philip Simpson
Philip Simpson - 10 years ago
Looking well mate . Sorry to hear about the old tank crashing. Do really like the rock something a bit different great job buddy.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thanks sir. I really found not have been happier with the rock. I love the scape. Thanks for the support. I have a ton of videos coming out. Esp next month. 
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 10 years ago
The rockscape looks like the beginning of a boss tank. I agree on the open space on one side and the rocky on the other side.
A+ bro.
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
Awesome "punani" rock! ;D It DOES look really porous, more room for beneficial bacteria! ;D Love the scape man!! How did I miss this video?! I really like the scape because, honestly, I'm "sick" of seeing the mountain type scapes on reefs, this is really my kind of reef scape! Congrats man! 
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir! Check out "Bonsai" reef scapes! So sick. 
SeaKitty - 10 years ago
No way this is so cool! Its going to look amazing when its finished! Would be cool to get rocks that work in this way for a freshwater aquarium, have seen it done so it must be possible! :D  Ive finished scaping my new tank btw, the process is up, just editing the finished product with new additions to the fishy family! :D
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
I agree FW has some amazing rock in its own right though! I am checking it out right now! 
Ethans YT
Ethans YT - 10 years ago
That rock looks good and i like the way it stacks up to look like one big rock, another good vid.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
That is what i love about it! That and the light weight! Such great stuff. 
MarksAquaria - 10 years ago
Cool looking rocks
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thanks I think Pukani is the way to go. First time using it though. 
Tray Smith
Tray Smith - 10 years ago
Scape looks awesome bro!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir. Took my time and i think i paid off. 
Keith's Planted Aquariums
Keith's Planted Aquariums - 10 years ago
Looking good bro!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir! I love this positive feedback! 
Dude-Dude Petty
Dude-Dude Petty - 10 years ago
Badazz INFAMOUS. The tank is looking like a BOSS!!!(STOLE UR WORD. Lol)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Dude-Dude Petty
Dude-Dude Petty - 10 years ago
Patients grasshopper
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
So worth it, but its been like a month already lol 
Dude-Dude Petty
Dude-Dude Petty - 10 years ago
It's going to b worth the wait tho brother
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Lol thank you sir! Tank is coming along very nicely. This cycle is taking forever though! Goodness. 
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Seriously awesome scape. Exactly how I wish I did mine. Having it gradually trapper upwards vs just having cliffs (like mine) is the way to go. Good stuff!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
WHOA! Your tank is sexy brother! Cliff just have their own purposes. You are able to keep some low light colors and i won't have that luxury. I scaped this knowing its is going to be SPS Dominant. Thats why i have the 8 bulb T5 fixure lol, hardly fits the tank 

30. comment for Infamous Beauty 90 Gallon Reef Tank Build Pukani Dry Rock Aquascape tang wrasse clown blenny

c Catahan
c Catahan - 10 years ago
nice aquascape bro! makes me want to switch out my rocks lol
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Naw you are good. You tank is beast! 
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
Holy fucin live rock! Love the vid bro.
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
Yep keep it coming mr.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thanks. Could not have been happier with how the tank ended up. 
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 10 years ago
Sick looking tank. :)
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir. I really love how it looks like one piece. 
KING MALO CICHLIDS - 10 years ago
Wow,, that looks amazing. ..much respect infamous, I guess when you know what your doing, the outcome is awsome, and you are well on your way...and that's how I learn, watching individuals like yourself. ...luv the way you break it down. ..
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Same. I am a big fan brother. Thanks for this though. 
KING MALO CICHLIDS - 10 years ago
You are more than welcome brodda. ..I speak the truth, it looks amazing, and your videos are very understandable....kool channel. ..good work.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
My boy MALO!! Thanks a ton sir. Coming from someone that know as much as you do in the hobby is amazing. Glad you like how it turned out. This is my favorite scape..... I have ever done. 
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
OMFG INFAMOUS! !! This looks sweet!!! Such a "Beauty" of a scape :) I love the look & I know what you mean when you say you surprised yourself. You never know what you're capable of till you do it. Btw what do u mean by cure the rock???? Im dumb remember. Lol I know all about cycling & algae tho.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Easy Reefin is uploading
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
I like the sound of it. Lets see how it goes. :D
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Even better a McComie Reef System! 
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Thanks bro. I want to get as much info as I can. Then, maybe after the Easy Reefin series, I can have an "Infamous Reef Tank" :D
Everything Fish
Everything Fish - 10 years ago
Looks amazing bro! Can't wait to see this thing! Have any stock ideas? PS, know what you'll be doing with your 55 yet, so many awesome ideas come to mind :D
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir! Beauty is def coming along. I have almost all the stock figured out. Once i do though i will be making a video on the stock list. I know exactly whats going on with the 55 and i think i will post a video on it this wed? Lol hope you are ready for this. 
PahnduhHD - 10 years ago
Ohh it really is a beautiful scape man
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you sir. I put a lot of thought into it. I am glad so many people are enjoying it. 
Freshwaterfishvids - 10 years ago
alright this has officially confirmed my decision of turning my 55 into a reef lol. Damn dude this tank is looking the scape. Keep the videos coming!!!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
No sir. Thats why i started Easy Reefin. It can be as hard or easy as you want it to be. 
Freshwaterfishvids - 10 years ago
oh i didn't know that - is it as hard as people say? 
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Nice! Feel free to ask questions. I had a reef for 2 years before this tank. I know a little bit lol 
Freshwaterfishvids - 10 years ago
sorry didn't mean my 55 discus tank lol i have an empty 55 laying around 
Freshwaterfishvids - 10 years ago
yeah i was deciding whether or not to do a reef with my empty 55. Seeing yours and aarons aquarium setting up it looks like a lot of fun. Also would like to try something new with my 55. Just gotta do some research now.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Are you for real? Lol if you are let me know. 
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Man the lady had a ton of dry rock! Nice start. But what's the story with that fish eye lens at the end?
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
The Sony HDR AS15. Its a action camera. I am about to add another demention to the videos. 
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Colors looked good. What camera are you using now?
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
You have no idea! She had 8 crates of this stuff! So crazy to see. It was all at great prices also. I was just trying out a new camera. I think the color is better on the new camera. What do you think?
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 10 years ago
scape is sick bro. you have dry rock for days brother. lol
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
That is going to be something sexy. Tang tank! 
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 10 years ago
no. im not ready yet. lol. prob similar to my current set up. 90g with a sump. may try my luck with tangs.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 10 years ago
im contemplating a 2nd set up myself.
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 10 years ago
primo stuff.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
I ended up only using about half of what i bought! Lol its all good i will keep it for future builds! Spoiler alert lol 
Don Poisson
Don Poisson - 10 years ago
Killing it with the scape, my kind of scapin', love it!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
rawr! lol seriously though. When is the next video coming?
Don Poisson
Don Poisson - 10 years ago
+Infamous Aquatics hahaha
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
You had me at hello, Don. lol 
J86-Wedge - 10 years ago
Holy Jesus, Buddha and Allah, this tank is insane!
I can't wait to see how it pans out!
Extreme jealousy rises through me at the size of the tank :-O
Makes my 40 litre look like a little bitch!
Looks amazing
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
WHOA! Sounds like you might have almost as much energy as me! LOL Thanks a ton. I am really excited about this and the 240 build. Cant wait to see how both of them turn out. 
kanda kumar
kanda kumar - 10 years ago
nice scape.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thank you. Scaping is what i like to do. I can't wait to get started on the 240 Tanganyikan tank. 
CrazyFishLady - 10 years ago
It really does look like one big thing of rock. Looking good!
James Feenan
James Feenan - 10 years ago
very nice looking great .
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thanks a ton. It will be better once the corals come in! 
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 10 years ago
I'm gonna you to ship me some soon my good sir!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Let me know if you are serious. 
The tank is looking boss!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
No problem
+Infamous Aquatics Thanks!
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
That Red Devil is looking BOSS!
FLCichlidFinatiC - 10 years ago
Great scape man love look of the rocks you used
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 10 years ago
Thanks, so do I! I spent alooooong time looking for this stuff. Patience paid off this time. 

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