Layout 45 (180L) by Ed Gercog

A natural layout with a focus on different shapes and colours. Even though the aquarium is full of colours, the plants used are relatively easy to care for. The aquarium is maintenance-friendly and will reach balance fast owing to many plants and a good composition of fast-growing plants at the back and front, and stable, easy plants in the middle of the

Layout 45 (180L) by Ed Gercog sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Pets & Animals 12 years ago 64,250 views

A natural layout with a focus on different shapes and colours. Even though the aquarium is full of colours, the plants used are relatively easy to care for. The aquarium is maintenance-friendly and will reach balance fast owing to many plants and a good composition of fast-growing plants at the back and front, and stable, easy plants in the middle of the

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Most popular comments
for Layout 45 (180L) by Ed Gercog

Hiron 681
Hiron 681 - 7 years ago
Mich Ck
Mich Ck - 7 years ago
Kupiłem specjalną żyłkę do mchu, była tak cienka że ledwo ją widziałem, nie mówiąc o zawiązaniu jej na kokardkę. Odpuściłem. Teraz widzę że i grubsza żyłka może być a wcześniej widziałem także klej...
Tropica Aquarium Plants
Tropica Aquarium Plants - 7 years ago
Sorry, we don't understand, please try in English/German/French/Danish :)
Diego Cau
Diego Cau - 9 years ago
Michał Majchrzycki
Michał Majchrzycki - 10 years ago
Beautifully designed aquarium :) what is this music?
Melissa Gordon
Melissa Gordon - 10 years ago
These blow my mind, they are so lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your process!!!
Ezekiel Orba
Ezekiel Orba - 11 years ago
how is the white background effect achieved?
skodmorder - 12 years ago
hvad er prisen sådan ca på alt beplantningen og Dekorationer ? :)
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
very nice, great vid

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The "Layout 45 (180L) by Ed Gercog" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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