My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

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My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth sentiment_very_dissatisfied 133

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 317,597 views

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Most popular comments
for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

khirrthanan naidu
khirrthanan naidu - 7 years ago
the one that disliked is bad
khirrthanan naidu
khirrthanan naidu - 7 years ago
why don't you give out things and don't ignore this
Love Rule
Love Rule - 7 years ago
You need to get a stingray that's a smooth operator
Kaushik ChanGkakati
Kaushik ChanGkakati - 7 years ago
Everything dies on your Tank lol
Reyna Glover
Reyna Glover - 7 years ago
Awww, that little ray is the cutest!
robloxian fishy
robloxian fishy - 7 years ago
He baby stingray is ded really that's really sad i am crying how he's ded it's so sad
IZaak Ward
IZaak Ward - 7 years ago
Rip asian arowana
eequalsmcdonald - 7 years ago
That pup is adorable
Elijah Ritz
Elijah Ritz - 7 years ago
Can you sell me some fry??

10. comment for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

Miranda Tewell
Miranda Tewell - 7 years ago
At least the class got a ray to learn from...
GD Zant Games
GD Zant Games - 7 years ago
So this is ray porn
Drayko - 7 years ago
roughly how much is for a male and a female fresh water rays?
Samuel Kennedy
Samuel Kennedy - 7 years ago
Stingray rape
Mercedes Mendoza
Mercedes Mendoza - 7 years ago
I only watch so I can check you out
Mercedes Mendoza
Mercedes Mendoza - 7 years ago
Your so cute
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
That's really exciting. I learn alot through your effort. Maybe just seperate ng the male at this stage,would of been the old timers advice. Hard to really know without more research . Thinking that in nature the female would of been a further distance away and found a way to raise it, since th ey carry rather lay eggs.
Rhianna Kruse
Rhianna Kruse - 7 years ago
Shouldn't stingrays have sand?
Noah Currie
Noah Currie - 7 years ago
So sorry about the baby sting ray
Waleed Alhaqhaq
Waleed Alhaqhaq - 7 years ago
Hi joe.. I have 6 inch Motoro stingray currently in a 100 gallon tank. I have had him for about three months now. But he hasn't pooped for the past week. He is still eating but I'm not seeing any poop in the tank. Is that. Normal if not what do I do. I was thinking of soaking his food in an epsom salt solution what do you think??

20. comment for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

JWX554 - 7 years ago
Stingray porn
kris wycoff
kris wycoff - 7 years ago
Sorry to get off topic, But is there a stingerless ray/non toxic fresh water variety? I have 5 tanks right now . green terrors , fancy guppies, Oscars, Koi/catfish pond and cherry shrimp orange rili shrimp and a assortment of crystals. But I do love the rays. Any info would be dearly loved. Thanks sincerely Kristin
Cate Girl
Cate Girl - 7 years ago
I wonder if a female has ever lashed back and attacked a male for the way she gets beat up
Ethan Manzano
Ethan Manzano - 7 years ago
Awww,cute ; ) ; )
Tom Andreu
Tom Andreu - 7 years ago
Where are you from
Willie Buys Houses - Cincinnati, Ohio
Willie Buys Houses - Cincinnati, Ohio - 7 years ago
Sooooo, why would it NOT live??? Ohhhh, ok, the yoke sack, interesting...
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
He listed many options for disposing of a dead fish / aquatic animal, but he didn't mention burial. I suppose it's not always possible when the ground is frozen.
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 7 years ago
Omg a baby stingray! It's so cute
Belle - 7 years ago
I hope you have more luck in the future and breeding them, With any marine fish or mammal you run major risks of them having complicated births or babies that are not viable and anyone in the fish industry understands that, so I hope people weren't too hard on you for what happened. It could easily happen to anyone. I am glad the female is healing up, They are both gorgeous. Donating the baby for biology purposes is amazing and really awesome for you to do, I am guessing you donated the pup to Dalhousie university in their marine biology department, which is an amazing university and one of the only universities that offer marine biology. I am located in moncton and breed axolotls on a large scale and getting larger, I really love all of your videos, I just recently used your tank resealing video to reseal one of our large tanks. All of your advice is amazing and we tend to go by it here a lot even with the axolotls. :) We hope we can someday have the same kind of recognition for our axolotl breeding, and our youtube channel, we would like to make our channel more professional in the future like yours. We are amazed at all your work! Please keep it up! Look forward to seeing new videos!
FunLight - 7 years ago
in·sem·i·nate ... inˈseməˌnāt/verbverb: inseminate; 3rd person present: inseminates; past tense: inseminated; past participle: inseminated; gerund or present participle: inseminatingintroduce semen into (a woman or a female animal) by natural or artificial means.

30. comment for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

flyingrabbit - 8 years ago
its so cute, omg!
Jacob Carter
Jacob Carter - 8 years ago
are they poisonus?
Olivia Landis
Olivia Landis - 8 years ago
EuroWolf - 8 years ago
Domestic Abuse is no good for the fishes.
Shreesh Agrawal
Shreesh Agrawal - 8 years ago
instead of putting some thing on facebook and some on youtube... why dont you just put everything on both as i barely use facebook
Cole Scotney
Cole Scotney - 8 years ago
get a eel
Vishnu P
Vishnu P - 8 years ago
Hii there mate!! love all your videos!! im a great lover of fishes too nd love to spend time with them!! I'd like to share a tip. While freezing the dead stingray or any other rare fish, Try to use DISTILLED WATER, so that the ice remains crystal clear & the fish is clearly visible unlike normal water, where the ice isn't that clear enough!!
Ali_daboss52 - 8 years ago
I can't believe their all dead
dnvrcolrdo - 8 years ago
ingest sperm
selena st-coeur
selena st-coeur - 8 years ago
You should get more sting rays
Nab Aus
Nab Aus - 8 years ago
Love your videos , very informative and simple to follow , sorry about what happened to your stingray , ever think of keeping discus fish again ?
Denise Thasder
Denise Thasder - 8 years ago
Rip rays ;(
TweetyBird 2017
TweetyBird 2017 - 8 years ago
Hey, I just saw the vid so it's 2016, and well um, is to alive still is it doing well????
TweetyBird 2017
TweetyBird 2017 - 8 years ago
Did u get another pup
Alicia c
Alicia c - 8 years ago
He was beating her?
George Yu
George Yu - 8 years ago
Captain Van
Captain Van - 8 years ago
Hey guys, did Joey do any "How to care for Rays" Video? can't seem to find them.
Amal v
Amal v - 8 years ago
Captain Van sadley they died
Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma - 8 years ago
What to do if my betta has fin rot
Melleefrase - 8 years ago
I thought rays should be kept with sand because they like to bury themselves?
Xavy Maxoo
Xavy Maxoo - 8 years ago
He could have said insemination
Subhojit Paul
Subhojit Paul - 8 years ago
Can I keep my stingray in planted aquarium ?
Shayne SG xoxo
Shayne SG xoxo - 8 years ago
No, they need to have a emty ground for them to swim

50. comment for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

Krishnanath Naik
Krishnanath Naik - 8 years ago
Hi bro please help me . i want to bye sting ray but bro i want ask u r they having venom in their boday
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Krishnanath Naik they do and all do in their barbs if you get stung.
Krishnanath Naik
Krishnanath Naik - 8 years ago
Hi bro please help me . i want to bye sting ray but bro i want ask u r they having venom in their boday
Danielle Commerford
Danielle Commerford - 8 years ago
wow, those were beautiful
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 8 years ago
I really find rays interesting
Pavel Drapal
Pavel Drapal - 8 years ago
Hi I just see the video about the Stingray, and have to say you are truly man, many people will never admit that the make mistake, I have to say to you Fair play to you, I have question, How big the fish tank is with the Stingray, and how big the are, also how much you pay for the Black Diamond, Stingray, I am in Dublin, Ireland and this kind of ray cost over 5000 euro plus ,
wolfsrain0000 - 8 years ago
Stingrays need a minimum of 500 gallon, he has a slightly bigger than that. I'm from Ireland too, but I live in the US.
dre&thefrankster #islandboystci1111
dre&thefrankster #islandboystci1111 - 8 years ago
do u sell them
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
No theyre dead
M. Jay
M. Jay - 8 years ago
For size comparison may I please know the size of their tank in the vid?
Justin Sanders
Justin Sanders - 8 years ago
1,000,000,000,000 gallons
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
Are these the ones who passed? Did the babies pass too?
Kieran - 8 years ago
what's the song at the end lol? been looking for it for ages
Dhruv Rana
Dhruv Rana - 8 years ago
Motoro stingray are venomous???
David Bendtsen
David Bendtsen - 8 years ago
UGeidda Thlang
UGeidda Thlang - 8 years ago
Upload more vids
BioHazard - 8 years ago
+Ujeidda Thlang Oh lol well he's made updates. Like when he moved his arowana to another tank with tankmates.
UGeidda Thlang
UGeidda Thlang - 8 years ago
+BioHazard no not the stingrays just more videos
BioHazard - 8 years ago
The stingrays are dead.
Sebastiaan Jacobsz
Sebastiaan Jacobsz - 8 years ago
did the pup die
kidbehindbars - 8 years ago
killah killah
killah killah - 8 years ago
can I buy one ???
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 8 years ago
He doesnt have rays anymore
lynoj777 - 8 years ago
Awesome !!!!
Mil Bat
Mil Bat - 8 years ago
Can this sort of ray sting? If so, how to you handle them?
Mil Bat
Mil Bat - 8 years ago
+I'm Annoying I more meant like, are they poisonous
Joe King
Joe King - 8 years ago
The baby is adorable...
rjr825 - 9 years ago
Very commendable on what you do with the dead specimens. does the university pay you for the fish?
Adam Qureshi
Adam Qureshi - 9 years ago
I have a couple of questions:
1. How do you know the difference from male to female in your Stingrays.
2. How do you know if she is pregnant, if you are a busy person and cant really spend time looking after your stingrays to know their habits and life on regular basis.
3. Why didn't you separate the mother with the baby, rather just separate the baby? Maybe the mother would have supported or taken care of the baby in its crucial stage. Maybe he could have lived on or atleasts in the presence of a familiar touch....
OD8548 - 9 years ago
best fish keeping channel
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
A devastating update on my stingrays ►
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
Pikminman1000 - 8 years ago
The king of DIY did the pup live
cenahater5002 - 9 years ago
Rays seem extremely fragile in captivity. Ill stick to cichlids
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
i doubt
Lol Pop
Lol Pop - 9 years ago
Hi sir, is keeping stingray easy? im trying to keep it but im afraid it will grow big
anmar hasan
anmar hasan - 9 years ago
im sorry for his death and i think your doing a great job giving samples to study
Dr. Whet faartz
Dr. Whet faartz - 9 years ago
Looks like a baby alien !
LPhoenix - 9 years ago
1:08 OH-MY-GOD! That thing is sooo cute! but also creepy at the same time
Moinul Alam
Moinul Alam - 9 years ago
sweet video dude, the baby ray is awesome =D
Sara Sage
Sara Sage - 9 years ago
You have quite a collection of interesting and informative videos; we are binge watching over here at my place. I wanted to ask why your tanks are bare. Is there a particular reason for it? Does it help keep the tank cleaner? Do your fish prefer it? Just curious. Thanks.
Arnold Chang
Arnold Chang - 9 years ago
In a previous video he said that they are bare in order to not take away focus from the fish, or stingrays. Of course being easier to clean is always a reason as well.
Big Gar Fishing
Big Gar Fishing - 9 years ago
videoception ! a video with a video within a video !!!!!!!!
Joash Britto
Joash Britto - 9 years ago
the baby died a patriot to its country :'( Salute!!
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 9 years ago
I feel you I freeze all my dead fish. It's weird but Ik a lot of fishkeepers do it.
Samantha Martinez
Samantha Martinez - 8 years ago
So do you just preserve it's body after it dies?
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 8 years ago
I just put them in the freezer
Noelia Nava
Noelia Nava - 8 years ago
Sorry for my ignorance but how do you freeze your dead fish?
Jason Xu
Jason Xu - 8 years ago
Idk its just a habit
rinokaz - 8 years ago
What it's for?
Mean Green Stompa
Mean Green Stompa - 9 years ago
Given the ray's sensitivity to medications, do you add anything to the water to aid in healing?
Nick Marchese
Nick Marchese - 9 years ago
what type of rays are those
BooN Gaming
BooN Gaming - 9 years ago
surprised you haven't made a large hang on breeder box, so it keeps pup off the floor giving rays the full tank. i would have thought keeping it off the bottom would be the safest place for the pup
Ian Atkinson
Ian Atkinson - 9 years ago
You should start makng videos geared towards the science part of the hobby it would denifintlty get you a bunch more views
Hano Terblanche
Hano Terblanche - 9 years ago
hey, i really like freshwater stingrays. I stay in Namibia and they are not that common here, the point of this question is that i want to know if you know of a fish store or online retailer that could ship over seas. i will be building a indoor pond very soon that will have a capacity of almost 850 us gallons. thanks aot
Kaia Is A Potato
Kaia Is A Potato - 8 years ago
The sites I know don't. Is there a pet store near you?
Dan Geraghty
Dan Geraghty - 9 years ago
so sad
moonowl12 - 9 years ago
Good lesson
Arbeit macht frei
Arbeit macht frei - 9 years ago
Good video. I wish there are rays i can look in 55G.
Jaquiline Lloyd
Jaquiline Lloyd - 9 years ago
Great and interesting video and sorry for your loss.
Even the masters hobbiest don't know everything you do brilliant hats off to you
Blaine Rohlfs
Blaine Rohlfs - 9 years ago
I had to take responsibility for what happened in my tank, I have a large african leaf fish in my rainbow fish tank, I had just introduced a new rainbow fish and when I released him, I thought "oh I hope it's not too small" next day the leaf fish had eaten my new rainbow. and it was my fault
gromann - 9 years ago
Always makes me want a ray until I remember that A) I couldn't find the room for a tank, B) couldn't afford to set it up and C) they're illegal in California ._.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 9 years ago
+gromann, I wonder if you could ask for a permit.
RyanDevon - 10 years ago
Loved this update. Good luck breeding them in the future joey
TEMUCHINYONGA - 10 years ago
Poor little guy..
CyRixQuIck - 10 years ago
how long does it take from the point that they get pregnant to the point that they give birth?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
3-4 months.
Joseph Au
Joseph Au - 10 years ago
Very cool video. Thanks for sharing
ivanthegod - 10 years ago
it was so cute !!! don't worry, everyone makes mistakes. great job
TFYFWYA - 10 years ago
this is ridiculous. there is no reason to be keeping creatures this size in small, bare enclosures.
pecktec - 10 years ago
Interesting video man. You live and you learn. Hope the next one goes smoother. I'm sure it will.
Squirles G
Squirles G - 10 years ago
This guy is insane haha I love it he's keeping these rare fish and makes it look as easy as keeping goldfish, see yous later

100. comment for My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

Kong Lee
Kong Lee - 10 years ago
that is true. we do keep
then in a closed environment and we set the environment. Good luck on the next pup, its
gonna be successful :D. Wish u had the money and apace for them so much
Anthony Vaccaro
Anthony Vaccaro - 10 years ago
i like these videos
Соратник - 10 years ago
Shit happens Joey :D Specially with fish. But life goes on.
Brian Geiser
Brian Geiser - 10 years ago
I learned this with a pair of freshwater angels. It didn't really hit home until I heard you say when you admit fault, you learn the most. I learned more in 2 hours that night than I have in years with fish. Thanks for making that statement.
gp1207 - 10 years ago
thanks for your awesome channel but can i ask do musk turtles get along with other fish or kept alone. can grow big thanks for your advice
MoneyMarcMes - 10 years ago
How come you don't try saltwater stingrays such as the blue spot?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Why would i when i have black diamonds? I suppose i could sell my pair and buy about 15 blue dots with the money though. ;)
I ike blue dots as well, but black diamonds more. I cant keep every fish. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though, so while you might prefer a blue dot, i dont. 
no name here
no name here - 10 years ago
could a kuhli loach get along with an African cichlids ?
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 10 years ago
this video was great. Id love to see a second channel or sub channel devoted to this kind of stuff (since I know you want to keep the DIY channel focused on the projects)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I don't mind posting this stuff here. I do have plans to do this once a week as well, but my current work load is extremely high right now and threw that schedule off track. I hope to begin it next month or the next at some point. Making 2 videos a week. Project, and video like this one.  
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 10 years ago
Very interesting Joey.  I for one would definitely be interested in seeing more about this side of the hobby from you.  Always love the DIY projects but this too is very informative and great to watch.
Ernie Reyes
Ernie Reyes - 10 years ago
Thank you, Play itself out, That is what I am going to do, I already used an eggcrate light defuser to fence the sponges on my 2nd breeder tank... The hobby is one of the most expensive hobby there is, so I would like to give you my appreciation for making it possible for me to get in to the hobby, DIY is making the hobby affordable, Being proud of what you made, covers up for the appearance. Right now, I am attempting to cross breed 5 Discus, so I am trying to build your Aquarium Rack for my two 20 Gallon Breeder Tank, Any Tips on the build will be deeply appreciated.. Keep up the good work. Again Thank you.
Mike E
Mike E - 10 years ago
So sorry for your loss Joey!! This video brought me to tears...This hobby has changed my entire life, before I would not have even cared but, Now..The loss of any animal hits me pretty hard, For me it`s like losing a loved one!!!  There are far to many people in this hobby that do not see or just dont except the responsibility of their aquariums!! To see this side of you (that I always knew was there) makes me respect you that much more!!! Great video man, keep em commin!!
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 10 years ago
Glad you finally updated us on whats going on! This is a lesson learned and her next attempt will bring even more hopefully.
James Feenan
James Feenan - 10 years ago
very good lots of info there hopefully you will get more puppies 
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 10 years ago
Wow, I've never seen anything like that! Pretty cool, although I am sorry to see that the pup didn't make it. Looks like there will be other chances though!
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 10 years ago
Thanks man, coming from you that means a lot!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Wesley! PS: Just checked out you channel. AWESOME setup!!
Peter Lawrence
Peter Lawrence - 10 years ago
Great video! Thank you...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Your welcome. Thanks for watching!
Kieffer Silva Pinto
Kieffer Silva Pinto - 10 years ago
Can you make a video of an overflow that doesnot lose its syphone when the power goes out pl i need help, i pais nearly 600 dollars for the setup and it dosnt work when the power goes out
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I have done a video on that. Build it the way i show how, and you wont have a problem.
Cris Park
Cris Park - 10 years ago
Awwww it's so cute. I hope it lives. Please keep us updated on its progress.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I did... in the video. I showed exactly what happened to the pup. 
The Cichlid Shack
The Cichlid Shack - 10 years ago
Definitely loved this video!!!! Showed a more personal side of you, your fish and your love and passion for this hobby... I couldn't agree more that we are responsible for our fish and everything that goes on.. Awesome video!!!!
Fernando Ruiz
Fernando Ruiz - 8 years ago
+The king of DIY hey were did you get the fresh water stingray ive been looking for one of the for a long time
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks pal. Glad you enjoyed it!
thecubanknightanole - 10 years ago
ShamanB - 10 years ago
You should incorporate an aquaponics setup of some sort.
ShamanB - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY do it
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I could incorporate aquaponics into any set up. ;)
Kevin Bell
Kevin Bell - 10 years ago
Good update Joey.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Ernie Reyes
Ernie Reyes - 10 years ago
I just have a question, My Discus Pair hide their Wrigglers on the Sponge of the DIY Moving Bed that you taught me how to make. If that safe for the Wriggler? or should I turn off the air pump of that Moving Bed? Sponge is coarse BTW... 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
The sponge is fine. The problem is the color of the discus vs the color of the sponge. If your discus are a light color, the fry will be more so attracted to the sponge than anything else. So I would let this batch play itself out and see what happens. then adjust from there. This wont be the last time they spawn, so take advantage of the opportunity to see what works best for you. 
kejntube - 10 years ago
so if she gets pregnant again you will divide them up to limit the stress he's putting on her? how will you know when she's pregnant?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I will divide them if I have to yes. The females back will become enlarged, and when she sits still.... you can see the pups moving in here back. Her belly will be the same. The further along she gets, the bigger she will be... until its undeniable. That will really depend on how many is in her though. The older and larger she is, the more she can carry. She will also eat a LOT more. Other than that, it depends on how well you know the ray. She only had 1 this time, so it was easy to overlook even if i was keeping an eye on her.
mike - 10 years ago
Excellent video as usual :). Please make a vid on you being the first on the planet to breed boesemani stingrays!!! Your Awesome!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Perhaps some day. :)
Micheal Shawn
Micheal Shawn - 10 years ago
The pup was so cute. Would definitely love to see more updates of you fish tanks!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Every few months i do them. its tough though, as some times nothing has changed... and i cant expect thousands of you guys to tune in for nothing.. so i try to wait for something big to film. 
Emily Hall
Emily Hall - 10 years ago
Awesome video!
Zeki's Aquaddiction
Zeki's Aquaddiction - 10 years ago
Sorry for your loss Joe
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Zeki
sbazain - 10 years ago
Let us know what happened to the pupp is interesting sorry about what happened though great video
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
They tossed it in their storage as usual and will get to it when they have the time. That could be a few days, a few months or even a couple years. 
zz3OPEN - 10 years ago
Good to see you not smiling as always Joey. Really interested in the story of the Boesemani stingrays you kept.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
That was actually a really interesting time in my hobby. Perhaps i will share it on video.
AquaStudent - 10 years ago
Sorry about the pup. I remember seeing the posting on your facebook page. I was hopeful. It's great you're able to support your local universities. That's an excellent idea.

Those rays are absolutely gorgeous. Are there any large signs of pregnancy? What are some signs you should look for?
AquaStudent - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY
Thanks for the insight. That'd be freaky seeing the pups moving around but I suppose it's not too much different than a baby kicking. Either way I'm glad I'm a male.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
The females back will become enlarged, and when she sits still.... you can see the pups moving in here back. Her belly will be the same. The further along she gets, the bigger she will be... until its undeniable. That will really depend on how many is in her though. The older and larger she is, the more she can carry.  She will also eat a LOT more. Other than that, it depends on how well you know the ray. She only had 1 this time, so it was easy to overlook even if i was keeping an eye on her. 
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 10 years ago
Breeding Rays. Now that's an interesting video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Rays are an interesting fish to everyone it seams!
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 10 years ago
The way you explained about ray made me wanna have ray fish for me !!, never had rays before..
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Rays are awesome!
Aquatasy - 10 years ago
Joey, in many ways this may be one of the most important videos that you've made.  It is important for all of us hobbyists to understand and take to heart that we are entirely responsible for the well-being of our fish.  In a way it is like parenthood.  Our fish are 100% dependent upon us.  It is up to us to make sure they are properly fed, housed and cared for.  If we don't maintain our tanks and nurture our fish then if bad things happen it happens because our actions or inaction.

Having said that, when bad things happen we can't beat ourselves up over it.  We have to learn and improve, not give up.  I think you've got a wonderful attitude about it and this video perfectly illustrates it for us all.  We all have successes and we all experience failure.  The key is to let our failures mean something by learning from them and moving forward.

Glad to know your female ray is healing up so quickly.  And by the way, I had no idea rays were livebearers.  That's what I love about this fish tank community here on YouTube: the more we all share the more we all learn.  Thanks again.  And as a side note, I enjoy videos like this that explore the behavioral aspects of keeping fish like this.  I hope you'll do more videos like this (hopefully minus the tragic aspects) in the future.
Aquatasy - 10 years ago
You are so correct!  Perfectly stated.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I think ultimately, too many people are afraid to admit fault or mistake.. or even that they don't know something. Which is a big problem in the hobby. Everyone is an expert.. no one wants to learn. (Obviously not everyone, but it seams that way at times). I felt by leading by example, that it would benefit more people than not. Glad you share some of the same views my man!
FMetcalfe666 - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing this experience, I'm sure you and we learned a lot from it. The pup is not gone without leaving something... See you guys next week...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Next time it is!
Vandeth Soeu
Vandeth Soeu - 10 years ago
i'm sure u will get a better result next time 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Time will tell. 
dominick serrato
dominick serrato - 10 years ago
Great video Joey! Sorry to hear about the baby stingray. Keep up the great videos tho.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks pal!
Poosacdawson - 10 years ago
There's porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora,
bryozoas, three! Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma, and some fish like you and me. Come
on, sing with me. Oh...!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I think its safe to assume that you MIGHt have too much time on your hands. ;)
Jwhiser1302 - 10 years ago
Have to say this was my most favorite video yet my friend, love the behind the scenes stuff and you inside info! You're a rock start bro and really look forward to every video! You're an asset to the community and hobby!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+Jwhiser1302 LOL!
Jwhiser1302 - 10 years ago
Well that one was a very close second hahaha.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I was hoping you would have liked the video i made on "Top 10 things i like about captain awesome the most... mainly his eyes" better... but cant win them all. haha Thanks brother. Glad you enjoyed it. 
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 10 years ago
Sorry bout' the baby fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Off to a better place. :)
Minik Dam
Minik Dam - 10 years ago
Beautiful baby btw
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
leann lewis
leann lewis - 10 years ago
It's very interesting to know these things. I thank you for sharing. Hope to see more in the future concerning your fishes health. Thanks again.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Your welcome Leann. 
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 10 years ago
We "might" find interesting??? And we would see mating rituals and pup footage of stingrays where else on the planet? No where. Keep up the good work.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I figured that might make it interesting. Its not a common topic or footage really... but its out there. 
stormy9770 - 10 years ago
thank you for the videos, Here's something you may already know about. 1.  you need 4 pieces garage door railing .the tracks the roller fit into . each piece to fit length and or with . 2. fit two side pieces on each wall away from each other. 3.last two pieces dollie inside the wall pieces . about a foot apart with roller inside these. now a hook or air hose can be moved any where in the room. good luck.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
thanks storm. Neat idea as well.
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
The injuries to your ray's back is nothing, your male is a wimp. You should look at my wife's back... HA. Great video, you'll have a healthy pup, no doubt!
Kevin Huynh
Kevin Huynh - 8 years ago
The king of DIY LOL the beginning background got me laughing once the recorder zoomed out
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
LOL... I thought you'd get a chuckle.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
HAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the laugh Danny!
Blake Walker
Blake Walker - 10 years ago
Can you do a video on the history of you owning rays maybe old pictures or videos. i am very interested in rays and knowing how to keep them or even start into owning them. i don't plan on doing anything for a couple of years but you are like the only you-tuber that really talks about the care of these Amazing creatures 
Northencronik - 10 years ago
Cheers just purchased your book keep up the great work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Awesome! Thanks for the support! Need it for sure!
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 10 years ago
Great video Joey, thanks for sharing.  
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
No problem Gene!
Luis Roman
Luis Roman - 10 years ago
Great Video! i have also learned when admitting fault in the fish keeping world is when i have learned the most, i learned to not do it again and to keep a closer eye on the tank to not allow the same mistake happen because at the end of the day it is our tank and it is our fault does things happen. 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
you got it!
Militaristics - 10 years ago
do you think rays will breed in a busy tank with lots of other fish? I keep 2 rays, male and female in a display tank with lots of tank mates, spotted silver dollars, some surinamensis geophagus and a few different catfish. there is a lot of constant activity but no real hostility or damage done to or by anyone except the female ray last week had what looked like a bite out of her disc, i saw no other damage to her or anyone else and honestly wasn't sure what had happened. now i'm wondering if the male tried to or did in fact mate with her. if thats the case I have to set up another tank and study up on the breeding of rays. do you have any thoughts on this as I did not intend to breed them and honestly thought with all the activity in the tank it would prevent them from breeding.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Once the male is ready... he's ready. It wont mater whats in the tank, as long as its not picking at the rays. 
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Great job with the editing Joey, the video had great continuity!
Pedro Madeira
Pedro Madeira - 10 years ago
+Sean Williams I have a feeling you took the right path bro! Keep it up! And watch out for the dark side of Hollywood! HAH! What do I know? I'm from Europe :D +The king of DIY you sure nailed it man! Looking good! ;D
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY You nailed it! I'm 23 and just started going to school again for the first time since high school to learn Avid Media composer, its the software they use to edit 80% of movies and TV shows. Through my youtube videos I found that I thoroughly enjoy editing. So I decided to pursue that as a career. Living about 30 miles from Hollywood I figured its not a bad career path haha.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Sean! I figured it was an interesting enough story to keep the attention of folks a little while longer than normal. 
Gareth Gardner
Gareth Gardner - 10 years ago
Sorry about the pup Joey these things happen to the best of us, keep up the good work.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Indeed! Will do Gareth.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
ZAKU73 - 8 years ago
Hi Joey,Do you use heater on stingray tank? Thanks
Random Indian Qwertyuiop
Random Indian Qwertyuiop - 9 years ago
can i please get the price for a good starter ray
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 10 years ago
Finally found you on the book!
Northencronik - 10 years ago
Does your book come in a hard copy or is it just a pdf e book
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Nick J
Nick J - 10 years ago
very interesting video :-0 you never do a bad video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I try to do my best in every video. Thanks Nick. 
jsh 4rp
jsh 4rp - 10 years ago
This is a little of topic but I'm having trouble getting all the fish poop out of my aqurium that has a sand bottom. I have 3 oscars and a large pleco and my gravel vac picks up the poop into the large tube but then it will just fall back out insted of going into my 5gal bucket in using for a water change. Any help would be great. Love your videos
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
If you have constant problems with debris settling in your tank, you need more circulation or perhaps more strategically placed circulation of what you already have. 
J B - 10 years ago
I liked this a lot.  Learning about the animals is why I come here in the first place so seeing how odd these are was great.  Its nuts that this is a standard spawning practice.  Nuts that she does not at any point use that barb to defend against the male who is biting chunks out of her.  Nuts that afterward they can't wait o get back together.  Odd creatures.  But in good hands.  I also liked your attitude through out your process. I loved you saying that if something goes wrong its your fault.  Real talk..  Thanks again Joey.
J B - 10 years ago
Every one you make j. I'll find u on FB. I didn't even think of that.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Its pretty crazy. The first time this happened in a tank of mine was 5 years ago... I was terrified. What i caught on camera in this video was just a small sample, and i made sure it wasn't the worst of it. It can be pretty disturbing. Glad you enjoyed the video Jef!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
Good video Joey.  Those rays are just amazing creatures.  I'm hoping you can get some pups in the near future!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Hey Brian, i suppose we'll see what happens.  i'll get ready just in case. 
Nishanth Mistry
Nishanth Mistry - 10 years ago
Love the vid! Keep up the good work. And im sorry that your stingray pup died!
jeremiemcd - 10 years ago
great video, sorry to hear about lost of the baby stingray, keep up the great work=}
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks, and will do Jeremie!
Martins Reef
Martins Reef - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing Joey found it very interesting.
Martins Reef
Martins Reef - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Totally agree with your opinion we are all responsible for what happens in our tanks. I consider myself as only a custodian of my fish and corals and I'm there to make it as good as possible for them while they reside here. But we all screw up occasionally and we have to take responsibility for our screw ups or bad judgement.
I'm having a hard time at present with a Rose bubble tip Anemone was fine for 4months until I cleaned my pumps and pipes out, now it wont settle or eat its taking up a lot of time trying to save it.    
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Glad to hear it Martin!  I felt as though i could show something not often seen and just keep it interesting, while sharing my opinion on it.  
Jon Weaver
Jon Weaver - 10 years ago
Your rays are beautiful! What kind of mesh do you use on your divider? Do you think a divider like your would work well with large aggressive cichlids? Always enjoy your videos:)
Jon Weaver
Jon Weaver - 10 years ago
Thanks, I will check that video out
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks. I actually made a video on that divider. Its on my channel. Yes, it will work for large cichlids. I hold my rays back with it and even my arowana at one point. All much larger are more powerful than most cichlids.
Danushan  Ranis
Danushan Ranis - 10 years ago
Can u make a video of how u breed ur discus
Danushan  Ranis
Danushan Ranis - 10 years ago
Thats kl cant wait
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Perhaps at some point. Im not breeding them anymore, but i have enough footage for the video. 
Jordan Vaughan
Jordan Vaughan - 10 years ago
so sorry i hate when my fish die i watch your videos every week hope the breed again 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I dont tend to have fish die too often. my days of killing fish are long over, however, when it does happen it is much easier to deal with if you know why it happened. 
fuba44 - 10 years ago
Another great video! thank you.. and man i wish i could keep a large tank like yours, but unfortunately it's just not possible in my apartment :-( 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I used to say that too. In fact, i lived in an apartment when i first got into the hobby. Things change though, so you never know! 
StogieFarts - 10 years ago
Great update, Joey. Sorry to hear about the pup. I do look forward to seeing the next one though. That was the first time I'd ever seen what a baby ray looks like.
StogieFarts - 10 years ago
Yeah. I now know why they call it a "pup." It looked exactly like a little puppy face. Like you said though, you gave it the BEST chance you could, given the situation you found yourself in. Thanks for the response, Joey. Stay cool up there in Canada. - Jeff
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Pretty interesting eh? 
NobodysPurrrfect - 10 years ago
Wow! Amazing update.  Very educational and informative.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Glad you think so pal!
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 10 years ago
Good update. Sorry about the pup but still good thing for the university. Agree on what happens in one tanks is one fault.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Tim!
Johnny - 10 years ago
Sorry about the pup dying Joey. Don't beat yourself up too much. Like you said its a learning experience. We can all get a bit too lax with the hobby. Tanks matured fish are healthy etc. Then something like this happens. Its all part of the hobby. The fact you seem to have taken this as hard as you have says that you are a GREAT fish keeper! Keep it up! 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks pal!
Sid/Brian Golding
Sid/Brian Golding - 10 years ago
Joey I think you should do more of these types of video's as they are brilliant. I'm the same as you when you say everything that happens in a aquarium is our fault. We put them their so we need to baby sit them. I hope the female ray gets better soon and gives some gorgeous pups. I really want to get into the breeding seen. But I want to get a really large show tank first. I think I know the answer but if you where to have a huge "show" tank, would you have LOADS of small fish or a few large fish? Hope you answer joey.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
My answer is always an odd one on this. I have kept a LOT of big fish in my time, and would much rather provide for smaller fish than large...BUT my favorite fish just happen to be large, so i just deal with it. I would much rather keep and care for something i really want, than settle for something else. So i would go with a just having a few large fish... but they would be show fish. 
Jay Mustin
Jay Mustin - 10 years ago
What about the arowana?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Still the same.. nothing to update there. I wanted to focus on the story in this video is all. 
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
Very interesting video! Learning experiences. ......gotta love ' em. Lol. Great reminder to stay on top of our breeding and overall projects. Also that great water quality is key to health. Thanks for sharing joey. You'll definitely have another pup soon.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it Willy!
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 10 years ago
so sorry and sad for you...looking forward to future pups! :)
Cichlid Mark
Cichlid Mark - 10 years ago
That's some next level fish keeping. Great video as always man.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Its what i like most about rays. Unlike any other fish i have kept. 
Ruben - 10 years ago
Joey I really enjoy this video With That Said I was sad to hear that the pup didn't make it.
Thanks for sharing this informative video. 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Your welcome Ruben. Glad you enjoyed it. 
Mark Morgan
Mark Morgan - 10 years ago
I want that DIY fish keeper shirt!! Lol love your chanel
Mark Morgan
Mark Morgan - 10 years ago
Do you sell any of those shirts?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I love them too. While it has more to do with my forum than this channel, i suppose the forum started due to this channel. 
oakland002 - 10 years ago
Hopefully you can make this tank into 3 tanks with two divider, so the female can heal and the pups are safe..
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I will build the pup its own tank. This tank was only ever meant to be temporary anyways. In the end, its too small to house them for life. 
SunShineMoto - 10 years ago
Hay Joey great video.. I work at a fish store an one of the ways we keep females from getting to beat up in our tanks is to keep 2/3 females per male.. it seems to distribute the agression. I have personaly done this with many tropical fish but we cant keep stingrays here in Florida.. I beleve there is only one breed that is my question is, do you think adding another female would lower your agression and improve your chances of getting a healthy pup?
SunShineMoto - 10 years ago
Yea once you put the cost in there like that it makes sense.. if you dont mind me asking what did you pay for your rays when you got them?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Sure would... but I'm not looking to actually breed the rays. Its not a goal of mine. I just enjoy them. However, if it happens, then great. With that said, i understand and am well aware that more than 1 female would be ideal,(I used to keep a trio) The best number is 1 male for every 2-3 females. BUT these are not cheap rays. I would not want just any ray. I would want to select it. Given the cost, that is common practice. however, i would have a rather difficult time finding a trusted source that actually has a female ray of this size, that i actually like. If by chance i did, i would have to pay a few thousand for it. A black diamond PUP is easily worth $1200. Add in shipping and other costs and we get to $1500 fast. NOW find someone that is willing to sell a breeding size female(no one is insane enough to do that) let alone a bunch to select from... and you can easily triple that price. I would have to add in a large female, no question about it. At the end of the day, if i wanted to start a breeding operation, I would have done it right the first time. HOWEVER... breeding high end fish is a nightmare for all of the reasons related to selling, and the main reason i stopped breeding hundreds of discus.  Perhaps in a few years, i will expand to breeding rays or keeping larger amounts of them, but for now i just enjoy them for what they are. 
shizdank - 10 years ago
great video on the hurdles one experiences in the hobby, thanks for sharing and good luck with breeding your majestic rays.
danturbo316 - 10 years ago
What a cutie.
Hope he makes it.
danturbo316 - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY

No worries. Bugs me when I lose a guppy,so I understand the feeling :)

PS And yes, when something happens, it is your fault, no two ways about it. I killed my female Myersi with a major cold water change.
Killed my Male Umbriferum by nt separating him from the murderous female. All my fault.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+danturbo316 I didn't want to ruin it for you. Let me know your thoughts when your done. 
danturbo316 - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY

Didnt finish watching when I posted :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I dont think you watched the full video. If it made it or not was shown in the video, then what happened next, followed by an update on the situation. 
Hap Oxford
Hap Oxford - 10 years ago
You were the first person to ever breed boesemani stingrays and you didn't keep the pups or parents? 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Yes, but  I sold it. Being the first is nothing more than bragging rights. I wasn't interested in that, but rather wanted to get the rays i have always wanted. 
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed this video JOEY. Real shame he didn't make it, he was very cute but these things happen sometimes unfortunately. 
OZZYTHEOSCAR - 9 years ago
+MIXTURE1001 Thankyou :)
Patrick Bazzell
Patrick Bazzell - 10 years ago
great video joey. i hope your rays are doing well and i hope she gets better soon!!
Graham Puckeringf
Graham Puckeringf - 10 years ago

Should be a poster in all aquarium shops
We all have been there before browsing the fish and over hear one of the useless plebs that work there giving some absolutely terrible advice on what fish can go with what fish and so on do the research before you go shopping or don't be surprised when dad things happen so I would Like a sticker/poster with you pointing saying it lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Someone had to say it!!
Clement Peter
Clement Peter - 10 years ago

upload two videos at one week
kehw - 10 years ago
Great Video. Any chance we will see more of your discus anytime soon? Perhaps in the living room talk you talked about a couple of videos ago?
lizzyanthus1 - 10 years ago
Love the discus too!  I only saw them briefly while watching some other of your vids, but I think they are beautiful fish!  They were red, weren't they? 
Sorry you lost the pup but pleased you will donate it to further scientific knowledge.   I was wondering about the yolk sack.  Don't a number of creatures retain that after birth for a little bit, to sustain them?  Thought so but I might be mistaken about that...LOL
kehw - 10 years ago
Sweet can't wait to see some more discus.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Shhhhh... Im literally sitting across from the supplies to build that tank. Wife has other plans for me today, but you reminding me to build that tank will get me in trouble! haha Yes, that build will come out soon. 
Graham Puckeringf
Graham Puckeringf - 10 years ago
Got to say fantastic video and I like the fact you keep us up-to-date with the good and bad most people are fast to publish the good bud don't the bad we all have things go wrong and that's part of what we do so a massive thank you for the videos and fantastic information you provide keep up the good work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
You can't learn much if you dont make mistakes. 
Jeremie Dallsingh
Jeremie Dallsingh - 10 years ago
sorry about the pup man... i'ts always hard when you lose a fish you really like and care for... i lost my alligator gar after about 3 years and it hurt because in my country they are expensive and not alot of people know about them...
Jeremie Dallsingh
Jeremie Dallsingh - 10 years ago
yea i saw it... mine did the same... jumped out of my tank...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Aligator gar... a fish i'll never keep again. Did you hear the story i told about my experience with one? Right around the 6 minute mark. See it here:
mohamed amn
mohamed amn - 10 years ago
Always wanted to get into some of the cooler FW Stingrays, never had the money tho
mohamed amn
mohamed amn - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY​ ya that's what I was going to do but even motoro's are a steal at $150
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I started  with reticulated and motoro. Built up the experience to move onto Boesemani and leopoldi. 
Charles H
Charles H - 10 years ago
Although think you are an excellent teacher, I personally appreciated your reminder that WE must accept responsibility for our aquariums. It is sadly more powerful because of your loss.
Be Well
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks Charles. 
Farabi Ibney Yousuf
Farabi Ibney Yousuf - 10 years ago
feeling sad for the poor pup! 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I did as well. Im over it now though and glad the mother is fine and healthy. 
FishTankArmy - 10 years ago
Sorry for your loss man... It's great that you managed to turn your loss into the gain of science.
Miranda Tewell
Miranda Tewell - 7 years ago
The king of DIY well said
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
There is always some good in the bad. You just have to look for it sometimes. 
rcisourmiddlename - 10 years ago
I love when you make your update videos. keep on making them. 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I enjoy them as well. However, a typical update is generally pretty boring. So i like to make sure there is something to actually update on. 
ilove2wheels44 - 10 years ago
That slow zoom in though. It's ur fault
ilove2wheels44 - 10 years ago
I respect it though. Keep up the good work
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Im such a drama queen
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
I know you will get some awesome pups 
Clement Peter
Clement Peter - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY lolz UR AWESUM
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
stingray pups are hands down the cutest fish. I can watch them for hours. When i first got this pair, they were really young and small. I had a lot of problems with them. So while young pups are cute... they stress you out. Sort of like real kids. lol 
Halley Rai
Halley Rai - 10 years ago
now that you mentioned it u had only updated us the group felt weird thinking y u would upload same vid twice haha silly me...u guys are really miss the fun and knowledge we are geeting from face book page and group...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
facebook has been a lot of fun for me as well. 
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 10 years ago
I must say Joey, there is not a lot of 14 minutes vids I will watch all the way through, but you definitely make it interesting. Very interesting creatures. That's some foreplay, if we tried that, we would be arrested.
Cassandra Villanueva
Cassandra Villanueva - 7 years ago
I agree! I never watch 10 min videos but i have watched at least 10 of his 10min+ videos with out rushing thru them lol Only one i kinda skimmed thru was the ray store walkthru. but i watched a good amount of it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
These are the videos I like to make the most. They are how i started my channel, but my DIY videos have always been most popular. With that said, i will be incorporating more videos like this soon, but just uploading on a different day.
Vassende - 10 years ago
A little of topic question, Joey, but what air pump and stone do you use?
I use two big Eheim pumps, on the same stone, and it's not even close to yours when it comes to producing air.

Thanks man!
Love the honesty about the rays.
Vassende - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY thanks man! Missed it the last time.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
In my last update, i show everything i use, including the pump:
Corey Dudley
Corey Dudley - 10 years ago
Hey sorry for the lose of the pup, I appreciate you being so open about your experience. I have a question can you make a video on the tank divider,that is nice. Well looking forward to your next video, keep it humming(the sound of the tank,something me and some friends say when we talk about our fish hobby.
Corey Dudley
Corey Dudley - 10 years ago
Thank you for the quick reply I will look back in your archives to see if I can find that tank divider video. I wasn't even looking for a reply for days but I appreciate it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thanks. I have a video on a divider already. Although, not pretty. Its what i use, as i can make it cheap for any size tank. I did make another acrylic divider before as well that you could barely see in the tank, but that was not cheap. Your probably better off buying a divider for a tank that is 12" wide or less though. 
Max2k -
Max2k - - 10 years ago
Sorry about the baby ray man, you are right to say people should admit fault, too many people blame it on other things.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
Wtfff your the man breeding stingrays now
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Been doing that for years. All you see is my projects though. 
samantha tucker
samantha tucker - 10 years ago
awww poor pup... goodluck with the rays.
ShmitzTV - 10 years ago
Hey joey! Great video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Thank you
Thomas Angeltveit
Thomas Angeltveit - 10 years ago
Thomas Angeltveit
Thomas Angeltveit - 10 years ago
Can you do a video of how to breed freshwater angler fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago

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3,599 likes 3,485,093 views 7 years ago

Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world. In this video you...

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About My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth

The "My aquarium update: Freshwater stingray birth" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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