Pets & Animals 7 years ago 355,421 views
Setting up my new nano aquarium! SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:
Also, added the baby stingray to the rainbowfish tank!
i think using anubias nana petite would look great too on that bonsai....
Thank you
10. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!
20. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!
I can't keep any of my plants in the ground (fish dig them up) And this might be a great idea
I'll make sure to buy it at a special aquarium store. I never knew there was aquarium glue, I only thought about silicone.
Cute pupper! :)
30. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!
50. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!
-bob ross
RCS or Blue velvet shrimp
Greetings from the Philippines
100. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!
They are also pretty, but tiny.
I have had a sorta medium density planted 10 gal. with about a dozen Pygmies, 4-5 Okeefenokee Pygmy Sunfish, Elassoma okefenokee, and a few Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa plus random small snails and 'wild' glass shrimp running for 5+ years. All of them breed pretty regularly, maintaining a pretty steady balance of fish. I do have a sponge filter in the tank, and do 10-15% water changes about every 2 weeks. The Elassoma eat the snails, everything leaves the shrimp alone to pick the scraps off the bottom.
Me: Yay!! Ham...Bacon....Steak......!!!
Joey: fresh vegetables
Me: Really bro.....really??
I own 7!
if you want to stay alpha!
I can't wait to see what fish you put in there
See ya Saturday peeps
It makes me think about upgrading my own square betta tank.... I think my betta Mortimer would appreciate it.
As such, I would really appreciate some advice on how to filter a tank like this other than by natural means, whether by HOB filter or however else, pretty please. My current tank has an undergravel filter but I definitely want to replace that somehow so that I can plant carpeting plants. I also think I'm too inexperienced to trust that the tank will biologically filter itself!
Joey: “I’ll taste anything that smells good “
Joey’s Son:
possible, and fish like betta are constantly being put in too small of
spaces than they should. However, with decent care, they can do well in a
five gallon tank, though I wouldn't go any lower. Mine is perfectly
active and healthy, with great water parameters as well. I'd like to
upgrade him to a 10 gallon tank and that's usually the minimum I'd suggest to
people looking to get a betta, but the unnecessary comment-spam is
really irritating. A betta fish in the very capable hands of Joey would
do just fine in this 7.5 gallon tank.
Betta in there! I have a small betta tank now and am looking to upgrade and update too.
great looking tree though ;)
more fine gravel.
In my experience, they do just fine in 5 gallons.
Much like the ember tetra, you can now consider yourself
dons sunglasses SCHOOLED.
What is with you and every tank ever being too small?
I doubt Joe plans to swallow miniature puffers whole. Ya never know, though.
Ps, I'm a little biased towards betta fish but a halfmoon dumbo would look gorgeous in there, the rippling fins kinda fitting the 'zen' theme
This is gonna be a long comment but I'm full of questions! For example this seems like a ton of substrate compared to your normal style, and you've implied the more you use the more problems you can have. Will in not matter in a nano with minimal stocking?