Setting up my new nano aquarium! SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

NEW NANO AQUARIUM!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 248

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 355,421 views

Setting up my new nano aquarium! SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
This was a fun tank to set up.... and taste...

Also, added the baby stingray to the rainbowfish tank!
krankenheim13 - 7 years ago
I would have loved to see celestial pearl danios in it.  =)
imifumei - 7 years ago
darren O
darren O - 7 years ago
Teslanudle I’m very sorry you may love battas and I respect that but you can really only have that one fish in your nano via space issues I’d say galaxy rasbora or something along those lines
Teslanudle - 7 years ago
The king of DIY please get a high end betta
Silver Lining Pets
Silver Lining Pets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do a koi hmpk betta!
Josh Clayton
Josh Clayton - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get a dwarf puffer fish
Dusty McCool
Dusty McCool - 7 years ago
I personally have thought about setting up a tank like that and put in a koi betta because it would just complete the bonsai look. So I suggest the same to you!
Ifrit Blood
Ifrit Blood - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do neon tetras plz
Michael Urbeck
Michael Urbeck - 7 years ago
The king of DIY i just have to say. Watching you start out in your garage with the black blanket background freezing half to death and in your basement doing all these projects to now in your very own gallery gives me a little more hope and confidence in myself to keep pushing through this hard time and the reward will pay off and i will also succeed in the hobby as well. Keep up the good work man. Ps i think this project will look pretty sweet with some shrimp and some little schooling fish.
Ollie Taylor
Ollie Taylor - 7 years ago
We are based in London, would love to buy you a pint when you're in town!
darren O
darren O - 7 years ago
Aulia Idris lol
Aulia Idris
Aulia Idris - 7 years ago
Put Koi.. pliiiiiissssssssss
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
The king of DIY cherry shrimp and guppies would look awesome in the tank.
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
The king of DIY tic toc joey king vs king two tanks one winner... game on joey look forward to meeting u in the uk on sunday...
Southern Hospitality
Southern Hospitality - 7 years ago
I love the shrimp idea!!
Curtis Mercier
Curtis Mercier - 7 years ago
u can add some red fire shrimps that would be great plus some cardinal tetra
darren O
darren O - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think normans lamp eye killi fish would be nice
darren O
darren O - 7 years ago
The king of DIY co2 is a must with hc cuba joey
Brandywine6969 - 7 years ago
Yes! Please add a betta, one of the ones with some red color would look great with the green. Maybe some neon tetras? do bettas and tetras get along? A Buddha statue would look amazing under the tree, on that hill, as well.
The Bandinator
The Bandinator - 7 years ago
Joey I'm coming to see you on my birthday the 14th of october
Ryo Tanaka
Ryo Tanaka - 7 years ago
Great tank Joey. Now just the wait for the 3 month wait for it to grow out. but i don't think you should put put betta in it at least not for the first fish cause i think it will cause to much waste. As a suggestion ,try some galaxy rasboras because they wont need a heater and you can make it work as a biotope and they are beautiful.
02pwrstrk - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get a fancy high end Beta please!!!
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
The king of DIY your bush looks good lol...I like the beta fish idea, your vlogs a soo freaking awesome Joey keep on rocking. Thank you for the tutorial.
Travis Fish Person
Travis Fish Person - 7 years ago
@King of DIY. It looks like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
Jedi Kitten
Jedi Kitten - 7 years ago
You should put a Betta is your theme is still teaching hobbiest about main parts the hobby
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia - 7 years ago
brucinator9mm seriously? Your wife needs a sense of humor, and you need to stop being such a little pansy!
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia - 7 years ago
Shrimp tank
Casey Moore
Casey Moore - 7 years ago
do a time laps video on it plz
HeelPowered - 7 years ago
I'd do Dwarf Emerald Rasboras or Celestial Pearl Danios, they look fantastic in person however given their size it would be difficult for you to film them well.. As a result, something like a gold tetra colony or even a green neon rasbora group would be cool! can't go wrong with a beta though....
Jimmy Dean from 10 news
Jimmy Dean from 10 news - 7 years ago
A paradise fish would be awesome
TOXIC GAMER - 7 years ago
maybe a betta with otocinclus idk
Lettuce McFish
Lettuce McFish - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do A betta
Briski89 xo
Briski89 xo - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should name him Charlie lol hes your charlie brown tree❤
Wisht - 7 years ago
lol dude angel fish in a 7gallon? the tanks 12" by 12" by 12". a large angel fish can grow a 12" fin span. think smaller and cuter ;)
3drhodes - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Really, he thinks he is the only one who saw the karate kid.
FishHead Sweets
FishHead Sweets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY You are the first fish keeper i have seen that actually tried to eat a plant... Wait..... Nope Dustin did that already, that guy loves plants so much that i think he sleeps with them instead of his wife.
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I would stock it with fish that look very dull and natural. Maybe a clown pleco or something. Also, do you go by the inch per gallon rule?
Drew Duckworth
Drew Duckworth - 7 years ago
Beta and tetras... that sounds like my tank lol
brucinator9mm - 7 years ago
Joey, if you want to stay advertiser friendly you can't say "look at my little bush".... my wife thought i was watching porn!
The Breaker
The Breaker - 7 years ago
The king of DIY, please look into getting killifish for your nano. There such a beautiful and rewarding fish to own. Plus they do really well in nano aquariums.
Yolohansolo007 Gaming
Yolohansolo007 Gaming - 7 years ago
No man he has way too many angels
W 18
W 18 - 7 years ago
that's great!!!!
i think using anubias nana petite would look great too on that bonsai....
Tristan Lam
Tristan Lam - 7 years ago
Yall know that tree from a Charlie brown christmas?
XD Fisher
XD Fisher - 7 years ago
The king of DIY pls add Harlequin rasboars pls
Spencer Stevenson
Spencer Stevenson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY add a few angels
Yolohansolo007 Gaming
Yolohansolo007 Gaming - 7 years ago
You should get some betta shrimp and some white clouds add the betta last Because of terratorial issues.
Coolrh13 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I think you should stock it with forktail rainbowfish (male) and maybe some shrimp or something else
Patchwork The Dragon
Patchwork The Dragon - 7 years ago
Adeline Dering
Adeline Dering - 7 years ago
Next time Joey, put the moss on sponges and then attach it to the tree. It will look bushier, and no wait is needed.
It'sDerpy Craft
It'sDerpy Craft - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you should and red cherry shrimp to this tank
Elemental Phoenix
Elemental Phoenix - 7 years ago
The king of DIY hey, how about a taiwanese dragon micro goby? with some snails as companions??
HURLEY TANAKA - 7 years ago
Brendan Haugland
Brendan Haugland - 7 years ago
Shrimp tank
Shoc Trooper
Shoc Trooper - 7 years ago
Or a turtle!
Shoc Trooper
Shoc Trooper - 7 years ago
Little samurai Betta named "Bonsai" with a rock garden woot
Shoc Trooper
Shoc Trooper - 7 years ago
Shoc Trooper
Shoc Trooper - 7 years ago
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
The king of DIY pea puffer or Dario Dario
Shoc Trooper
Shoc Trooper - 7 years ago
DIY Gardener
DIY Gardener - 7 years ago
The king of DIY - Betta definitely!
aaron rittle
aaron rittle - 7 years ago
A pea puffer would look really nice in there
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
LOL I thought I'm the only one who had ever tasted plants like that
Scott Johanson
Scott Johanson - 7 years ago
The king of DIY we're can you get dead bonsai tree's? I want to try this
Les Hanton
Les Hanton - 7 years ago
Good luck growing those baby tears without co2
Aiden Zrihen
Aiden Zrihen - 7 years ago
Make a pea puffer tank
ben crumpton
ben crumpton - 7 years ago
The king of DIY finally I can stop checked by YouTube every half hour know that your vids out.
lets be the change
lets be the change - 7 years ago
The king of DIY planted tank is always full of joy and surprise... Waiting for next update. ... ☮️
Gordia Tan
Gordia Tan - 7 years ago
Put a betta!!
Ben's Pets
Ben's Pets - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do a betta! It would look amazing
Ashstagrl - 7 years ago
Even though I love bettas, I have to go with shrimp, because I think that they would look cooler.
sachin salian
sachin salian - 7 years ago
Add Cherry barbs And Red Shrimps...
NovaCosmo - 7 years ago
a Betta would look CRAZY in there! <3
Alisson Dalanon
Alisson Dalanon - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where did you got your bonsai driftwood?
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
Joey Bekius minnows prefer temperatures below 22°C and Joey keeps the gallery's air temperature at 26°C. They'd be very lethargic and prone to illness.
KALIBRAH productions
KALIBRAH productions - 7 years ago
Pleas do more nano tanks. Pls make a small section in the gallery with nano tanks pleaaaas!...dont judge my english tho
Charles Kent
Charles Kent - 7 years ago
Extremly loved the idea. I will for sure use this idea.
paradox Bloom
paradox Bloom - 7 years ago
The king of DIY get a Betta fish get a Betta fish get a Betta fish get a Betta fish get a Betta fish get a bit of fish get a Betta fish get a Betta fish
Bettafish Aquariums
Bettafish Aquariums - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Please do a Bettafish Please Please Please
Poof Bean
Poof Bean - 7 years ago
Just a heads up without Co2 in the tank the cuba won't be as pretty and will grow extremely slow!! (Also I think a Betta would fit nicely in it)
Happyfins . co
Happyfins . co - 7 years ago
Reese Yamada
Reese Yamada - 7 years ago
Maybe some red crystal shrimp with fancy guppies?
Og every day
Og every day - 7 years ago
Put guppies
Kevin Hernandez
Kevin Hernandez - 7 years ago
What about Cherry Barbs?
Khoa Nguyen
Khoa Nguyen - 7 years ago
please at a betta :D that'd be awesome
Benjelee Nguyen
Benjelee Nguyen - 7 years ago
Can you add in some shrimp and guppies?
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
The king of DIY white cloud minows
Daniel 360 YT
Daniel 360 YT - 7 years ago
The king of DIY yay more videos
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
Zakk Kaye
Zakk Kaye - 7 years ago
did anyone else ask for something like this? Thank you :)
Fernando Luna
Fernando Luna - 7 years ago
Pls put betta
rinabebii - 7 years ago
The king of DIY lol can’t believe you just straight up ate it.
MISTER DABILINA - 7 years ago
The king of DIY looks great bud, from Vancouver B.C
Chris Kleis
Chris Kleis - 7 years ago
What about airation?
melanie - 7 years ago
Hope you get a betta!
Experienced User
Experienced User - 7 years ago
my roomate has a small fish tank in the attic. i think i just found a new project
Dev Lava
Dev Lava - 7 years ago
Nice video, you remind me of a skinny Rob Gronkowski
Jordan Alexander
Jordan Alexander - 7 years ago
Hello, I have a nano tank and was wondering if that would be ok for seahorse ?

Thank you
Ismail Ahmed
Ismail Ahmed - 7 years ago
I love your channel
I'mJustASadTwigOfLemonMyrtle - 7 years ago
Put neon tetras in it
Variety_Game_Catz - 7 years ago
What glue are you using??
Isaiah Adams
Isaiah Adams - 7 years ago
Variety_Game_Catz He is most likely using aquarium safe silicone.
Chris' Aquatics
Chris' Aquatics - 7 years ago
What kind of water do you use? Tap, RO, RODI?

10. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!

wonderfulmax - 7 years ago
i like natural tanks
JReam Garage
JReam Garage - 7 years ago
Yesss shrimp!!
Alvin Moua
Alvin Moua - 7 years ago
When will we get an update on this tank???
Mavi Beyaz
Mavi Beyaz - 7 years ago
U just eat it
nice setup sir
Jaylynn Boone
Jaylynn Boone - 7 years ago
I love bongi trees♥
alphawolf - 7 years ago
Jaylynn Boone *bonsai
robert taylor
robert taylor - 7 years ago
You got a nice piece of bonsai
krankenheim13 - 7 years ago
I would have loved to see celestial pearl danios in this.
Felix Daji
Felix Daji - 7 years ago
tv4184 - 7 years ago
what tank is this?
t0e / Wesley
t0e / Wesley - 7 years ago
tv4184 nano cube 20l

20. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!

Fahad Akhtar
Fahad Akhtar - 7 years ago
Awesome set up! You should definitely do an update
Erika Meilink
Erika Meilink - 7 years ago
Does the glue hurt fish?
I can't keep any of my plants in the ground (fish dig them up) And this might be a great idea
Compos The Whippet
Compos The Whippet - 7 years ago
Erika Meilink np, and thanks:)
Erika Meilink
Erika Meilink - 7 years ago
I'll make sure to buy it at a special aquarium store. I never knew there was aquarium glue, I only thought about silicone.
Cute pupper! :)
Compos The Whippet
Compos The Whippet - 7 years ago
Erika Meilink make sure it's aquarium glue
Cilene Magnine
Cilene Magnine - 7 years ago
This is what I have wanted to do for my Betta tank. It's PERFECT. Thank you.
Chase Mendenhall
Chase Mendenhall - 7 years ago
I love broccoli
RYLmaniac - 7 years ago
add Elephant ear / Dumbo Betta and Mexican dwarf crayfish PLEASE~
KiwiPopStudios - 7 years ago
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
I so want to try this
Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
King of DIY get some seed shrimp to help filter it
Mickey's Fish Room
Mickey's Fish Room - 7 years ago
i really look forward to seeing this tank on an update to see how it comes along didnt see anything for water movement which i find interesting or CO2 which will be just as interesting cuba high light co2 and you can get away without co2 with excel but most mosses die off with excel and if you have shrimp the ph swing from co2 can kill shrimp quick in a nano so id actually like to see the future outcome. keep it up joey i like seeing you push barriers to give the community better insight on our hobby.
Gavin Powell
Gavin Powell - 7 years ago
Cant wait for an update on this tank

30. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!

Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
Taiwan bee shrimp tank for sure, your soil should buffer water to perfect levels for them. And they will keep the mini plants nice and clean
John Greenfield
John Greenfield - 7 years ago
Kondor Don
Kondor Don - 7 years ago
For the gourami I think it is too small
Neil Groves
Neil Groves - 7 years ago
Where can I get that soil?....what is the name of it?
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
Neil Groves looks like ada amazonia and based off joey saying it leeches ammonia I would bet it is.
DKWorldCom - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, my wife and I were able to take a behind the scenes tour of the Sea Life Aquarium in Orlando, FL, and I shared your channel with the guide. He said his g/f would be interested in your Nano Aquarium vid.
Mary McCannon
Mary McCannon - 7 years ago
That bonsai really makes me tickle. You bet, I'm gonna start hunting for that kind of wood. Thanks for the tip.
Salah Al-amri
Salah Al-amri - 7 years ago
Believe me that is what the professionals did when they make an new tanks don't worry you did good. :)
Alan C
Alan C - 7 years ago
Where could we get these plants and soil, is there any way to buy them online?
Teslanudle - 7 years ago
Please get a high end betta
Kirk Sebastian Operana
Kirk Sebastian Operana - 7 years ago
put alphabetagamma there
fallin2urskull - 7 years ago
I smell good.....giggity
Mirnyj - 7 years ago
James Hoang
James Hoang - 7 years ago
Go for a koi betta and some shrimp :3
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
stock it with a few glowlight tettras
Tatiana Yukari Oka
Tatiana Yukari Oka - 7 years ago
Yey shrimp!!
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
Joey I like your little bush...lmao
Jolene Kurjah
Jolene Kurjah - 7 years ago
"Look at my little bush!" and how he laughed his funny laugh... HAHA he really was entertained by how small and scarce it looked xD
Axel Neumann
Axel Neumann - 7 years ago
Beta fish and some neon tetras
Will Proctor
Will Proctor - 7 years ago
It looks great as soon as it's on, sometimes less coverage looks so much better on gnarly wood as it looks like the thing is just coming back to life.
Sulleh Sweeney
Sulleh Sweeney - 7 years ago
Betta splenden!! Tracy Unden is a US Breeder and she has some GORGEOUS fish-anyone who does not 'fancy' veiltails should take a look at hers!
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 7 years ago
"I'm gonna taste it."
Todd Lowen
Todd Lowen - 7 years ago
The tank almost looks like a wine vineyard

50. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!

mark bryant toribio
mark bryant toribio - 7 years ago
in the video you said anything smells nice you taste it so you taste perfume,cause perfume smells nice if you already taste it tel, me whats the taste
StellamMartis - 7 years ago
Every perfume is bitter, toxic tasting and you just want to wash your mouth out :)
Delaney Ward
Delaney Ward - 7 years ago
Please please please do a Betta
Adriano Gencer
Adriano Gencer - 7 years ago
Mybe a pufferfish?
Blu Fantastic TM
Blu Fantastic TM - 7 years ago
My golden mollie just had fry last night
Nicole Zephier
Nicole Zephier - 7 years ago
Chili Rasbora and Cardinia. Just gonna say, I've had the worst time with getting weeping moss to attach to any driftwood - I had it spread over a good hunk of driftwood finally, but any irritation of it and it would fall off. If you ever get sick of it, I'd definitely try fissidens.
MegaThenman - 7 years ago
Shortfin betta? Not enough of those being done by big channels.
NC Fish Man
NC Fish Man - 7 years ago
Happy little accidents

-bob ross
Neeka Yarandi
Neeka Yarandi - 7 years ago
I think bettas would be a great fish to put in a tank! They are quite beautiful.
AquinoBound - 7 years ago
eat my butthole, it smells good. jk i just poopoo'd
chris vos
chris vos - 7 years ago
looking for the perfect moss for my bonzai for a year now.....and weeping moss it will be! thanks
Rithvik K.S
Rithvik K.S - 7 years ago
You should add shrimp and beta fish
silverlemniscate - 7 years ago
A Rosetail Betta would be awesome in your nano tank ツ
MrTacitGrunt - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey! This has inspired me! I'm thinking shrimp for mine but a nice betta would be my second choice.
Theugleefish - 7 years ago
White cloud mountain minnows or celestial pearl danios!
Kim Abigail Hernaez
Kim Abigail Hernaez - 7 years ago
Betta fish!!!
Matthew Wright
Matthew Wright - 7 years ago
Is super glue safe 4 tanks as id like moss my own wood
randomthatsme1 - 7 years ago
He said super glue in a gel form is safe so I would go with that if you absolutely can’t find plant glue.
randomthatsme1 - 7 years ago
Matthew Wright no I don’t believe it is safe. I think you can only use aquarium silicone or plant glue which you can get at your pet store.
Justine Sobocan
Justine Sobocan - 7 years ago
Have you thought about some guppies? I have some blue moscows that you can have as they'll be ready in a month or two and showing off their adult coloration. If you want them just drop me a line and I'll ship 'em out for free when you're ready ^^
Killer Kaysea
Killer Kaysea - 7 years ago
I think a female betta or maybe some tetras.
Poppa Big
Poppa Big - 7 years ago
Pause 9.29 he's a real Canadian
Adriano Gencer
Adriano Gencer - 7 years ago
Poppa Big i dont understand
Leonor Sotto Mayor
Leonor Sotto Mayor - 7 years ago
A betta would look great in there!
Brad Chandler
Brad Chandler - 7 years ago
Chilli rasbora for the nano tank and maybe some neocaradinas.
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
I would love to see a betta in this aquarium! It turned out really gorgeous, and now I definitely want a bead bonsai to plant up in my own betta tank! Haha.
LaItHoOo alany
LaItHoOo alany - 7 years ago
You need some shrimp
RCS or Blue velvet shrimp
mtourgus - 7 years ago
Is that " Biogravel " ?
MagikenDoodles - 7 years ago
Put shrimp or starfish
MagikenDoodles - 7 years ago
Creative Center
Creative Center - 7 years ago
you can add some tetras and ultra red cherry shrimps
urpoche - 7 years ago
I just bursted in laughter when you ate the Cuba.
Patricia Lopez
Patricia Lopez - 7 years ago
urpoche Me too
sejrec56 - 7 years ago
Very cool video
Elly shepper
Elly shepper - 7 years ago
the carpet plant looks like broccoli from far
Manticore Pinion
Manticore Pinion - 7 years ago
A betta would be amazing, it'd be like a little dragon flying around the tree
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Manticore Pinion just added a new female to my tank as well!
Bettas are cool

Greetings from the Philippines
Luka Heriot
Luka Heriot - 7 years ago
Do you have to use soil sobstrate for planted tanks
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
You can use sand too. Aslong as it’s small enough for roots to get in and take hold. I have a gravel tank and only just manage to keep my plants in.
Sagittarius91 - 7 years ago
Luka Heriot google lol
jeremiah whitworth
jeremiah whitworth - 7 years ago
Where do you get your shrimp from
Danish Johari
Danish Johari - 7 years ago
a strip of bacon
a strip of bacon - 7 years ago
One of the fish stores near me has those bonsai driftwood but they're $90-$125 a piece so... not sure if I want to make that commitment at this time LOL
Mike Grimsley
Mike Grimsley - 7 years ago
I think a Betta would look beautiful in that tank! Can't wait for the update!!
Wish's Fishes
Wish's Fishes - 7 years ago
You should get a betta
JRPy Fish-n-Game
JRPy Fish-n-Game - 7 years ago
While I like the gallery, it was a nice break focusing on another project. Looking forward to the updates on the nano. Thanks for sharing.
Lance Macugay
Lance Macugay - 7 years ago
I would put a pink butterfly betta in there
Ethan Snowman
Ethan Snowman - 7 years ago
Betta sounds awesome
imChanse - 7 years ago
Galaxy Rasbora and Blue bolts
Georgina - 7 years ago
Get a betta!!!!! I've had them for years and I think one would do so well in that tank! Please please please get a betta for this tank! Also, it would be great for your younger subscribers to get into the hobby since bettas are fun and super easy to care for!
Peyton Aller
Peyton Aller - 7 years ago
Do something common like guppies or goldfish with a snail or pleco
lasagna dinner
lasagna dinner - 7 years ago
You should do your research before you comment. This tank is MUCH to small for a goldfish, and ESPECIALLY to small for a Pleco. A normal Pleco can get up to two feet long. (This wasn't meant to be rude, just informative.)
william mudd
william mudd - 7 years ago
It's pronounced bone sigh, and it's not a miniature tree exactly, it is a tree that if not pruned would  have the potential to be a full sized tree/shrub, just FYI, I love your channel you teach me so much keep it up !
Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 7 years ago
william mudd it could grow into a regular sized shrub if you let it. But the thing is you don't let it, you keep it really tiny, therefore it's miniature, haha :P
hayley ravenclaw
hayley ravenclaw - 7 years ago
I would love to see some white mountain minnows in that tank, think they would look great!
Josh Clayton
Josh Clayton - 7 years ago
Get a dwarf puffer fish
CrosscutHydra67 - 7 years ago
love the idea of shrimp. I have been wanting to do a shrimp tank an would really enjoy seeing a shrimp tank or learning more about setting one up from you
Rory Carolan
Rory Carolan - 7 years ago
Galaxy rasborsa would look awesome with some shrimp
BreeAnna McGuire
BreeAnna McGuire - 7 years ago

100. comment for NEW NANO AQUARIUM!!

Joshua Findlay
Joshua Findlay - 7 years ago
it's Bonsai, not Banzai. Totally different things. Nice idea though. :-)
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski - 7 years ago
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Sharon Marmon Kaczorowski always been fascinated with smaller tanks! Harder to get established though!
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
What can I keep in a 20 gal tall tank? Looking for more aggressive fish.
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
K. Any Suggestions as to what kind?
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Hayden S don't know much about piranhas. But you could add an eel of some sort it would be a nice addition to the tank!
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
Oh. Science Teacher must have meant a little while. He has a 60 tall. Any other Suggestions? Eel like fish perhaps? Any Miniature Stingrays? (Probably Not) Thanks for telling me. Might end up with piranhas.
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Hayden S oscars need 55 gallon and above. You can find that on every fish website on the planet. Sure he can be fine in a smaller tank for a little while but eventually your going to have to up size.
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
My Science teacher has an Oscar, and he said it'd be fine in the tank. Black Piranhas are a bit smaller, and Red Bellies are MUCH Smaller than Oscars. I don't know though. I may just do a MASSIVE Aquascape with either 2 Red Piranhas or a interesting white Eel-like fish whose name and species I dont know. If you know any Eel like fish, let me know. I want something bigger keep in mind.
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Hayden S oscars would out grow the tank in very little time. Angelfish would get too big after awhile and I don't know anything about piranha's
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
Cool. Do you know any Bigger Fish? Not big, but medium size. COuld I do a Black Piranha in a 20 tall? An Oscar maybe?
GatorsFishchannel - 7 years ago
Hayden S tiger barbs are aggressive.
Tyler's Reef
Tyler's Reef - 7 years ago
20 tall is hard, especially for aggressive fish. Maybe some smaller barbs? I’m not too into freshwater anymore so can’t think of many off the top of my head.
Not that it Matters
Not that it Matters - 7 years ago
I think 1 betta would be stunning, like a dragon ruling over this little scene.
Not that it Matters
Not that it Matters - 7 years ago
ImDead Vlogs I actually know next to nothing about kings, but a koi betta would be so perfect for the bonsai theme. The one problem with fancy Betts are their delicate fins, but I would be more than happy to wait the months it takes for the moss to cover those little sharp branches.
Not that it Matters
Not that it Matters - 7 years ago
Hayden S you don't want to go too big, especially with an unfiltered tank. I'm excited to see what he chooses- a small school of tiny fish would be like a little flock of birds!
ImDead Vlogs
ImDead Vlogs - 7 years ago
Not that it Matters a koi or king betta would look good to
Hayden S
Hayden S - 7 years ago
Dude. GREAT IDEA! That'd be soooo cool. I might do that but with a bigger fish...
SilentShadowWolf 1998
SilentShadowWolf 1998 - 7 years ago
A beta with some shrimp would look like a cool Dragon in there
SilentShadowWolf 1998
SilentShadowWolf 1998 - 7 years ago
Katie Glass I've seen it work before.
Katie Glass
Katie Glass - 7 years ago
SilentShadowWolf 1998 a betta would most likely kill and eat the shrimp
silver stone
silver stone - 7 years ago
Thanks a load for this video. This is the first one of your videos I watched and it was really good. So good ive subscribed. I've got this tank. And I've built a tank on the vase of your idea with a branch in the corner. I've put minos in it. Thanks a load
Alejandro Espinosa
Alejandro Espinosa - 7 years ago
Great video i sure want to see more videos like this and the updates on the tank. Im also looking to make a nano tank as natural as posible, do you plan to do water changes or some sort of water movement on the tank? let us know on the updates please.
Ginger Ale
Ginger Ale - 7 years ago
I think you should go with a Betta in this tank!
HW Geez
HW Geez - 7 years ago
although you are not going to put a filter, i think the tank still need some current, because stagnant water cause problems.
Tyler Sabol
Tyler Sabol - 7 years ago
You gotta go shrimps on this one , you don't have any invertebrates!
-KARL- ADJD - 7 years ago
put guppies
Perceval Randall
Perceval Randall - 7 years ago
Hi guys my friend refuses to buy a filter give me some reasons to show him y u uneed a filter
Erin Dutton
Erin Dutton - 7 years ago
Even if the water looks clean, the ammonia build up will kill the fish/whatever aquatic animals he keeps
OriginalMindTrick - 7 years ago
You will fail with the HC unless you give them the rich CO2 environment they demand.
Betta Josh
Betta Josh - 7 years ago
Great tank Joey!! Definitely add a Betta!!!
Brackon - 7 years ago
Do crystal shrimp they are great and you could get a large colony in even that little tank
CoroaEntertainment - 7 years ago
I would say a white Betta would look good with that substrate.
kerriann jones-parker
kerriann jones-parker - 7 years ago
Hi Joey ..just about nano tank i would build a sponge filter..specs that is best for tank...then get some perspex (frosted) to hide nano filter..then get neons ..they really loom great in nano setups. .well thats just what i luck with tank ..
Robin Reed
Robin Reed - 7 years ago
"I'm going to have to eat it, I have to try it" - Best line ever while planting a tank, hahaha
Vimal Vr
Vimal Vr - 7 years ago
Aurelia Roque
Aurelia Roque - 7 years ago
A betta would look awesome in that tank
John M
John M - 7 years ago
A fancy Betta would look great!
CowardlyMango - 7 years ago
Pea puffers
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
I would add a small sponge filter, it'll just make things much easier long term.
Contra Cabal
Contra Cabal - 7 years ago
Perfect timing. I just got all the materials for reworking my kids 10gal into a planted nano and got started after watching this video. You're always a source of inspiration!
hollow tip
hollow tip - 7 years ago
Put in some pea puffers!
Lucie - 7 years ago
Can you do an update on your daughters aquarium PLEASE I HAVE BEEN WAITING
SilentShadowWolf 1998
SilentShadowWolf 1998 - 7 years ago
Lucie he made one a while back. She no longer has it
Dominic Tofani
Dominic Tofani - 7 years ago
it me SB
it me SB - 7 years ago
What about an Otocinclus and maybe glow light tetras? Could also get shrimp, or maybe some cute lil corydoras.
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
it me SB if you mean glow light tetras that glow florescent under black Light he can't get them here in Canada.
shanne Gayle
shanne Gayle - 7 years ago
shanne Gayle
shanne Gayle - 7 years ago
I am a next door neighbor to Cuba
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
just seen "aquapros" bonsai video, sorry but i gotta say, the initial look of the anubis nana petite looks better than the moss as leaves, however, gonna be interesting to see how both develops,,, love the concept tho :)
The Crumpet
The Crumpet - 7 years ago
Happy Fish
Happy Fish - 7 years ago
Add cherry barbs. If enyone doesn't know what a cherry barb is it's a bright red fish that can go in small tanks and is very freindly.
Brackon - 7 years ago
I wouldn't put cherries in a tank this small or even a ten gallon they tend to become stunted. I had 5 in a ten gallon for years then got more and moved to a 55 and the new ones grew much larger
FishKeeper123 - 7 years ago
Pictus or bumblebee catfish
Wynne Eden
Wynne Eden - 7 years ago
Try Pygmy Killifish, Leptolucania ommata (a/k/a 'lemon' killifish). They are very forgiving of water quality, are temperate fish vs. tropicals, and a small group of them would look great in the tank. They are active, moving up and down the water column in shallow water like that. Not sure if your 'bonsai' will impact your water ph or not, but they like acidic water - will still survive and thrive in alkaline as well.

They are also pretty, but tiny.

I have had a sorta medium density planted 10 gal. with about a dozen Pygmies, 4-5 Okeefenokee Pygmy Sunfish, Elassoma okefenokee, and a few Least Killifish, Heterandria formosa plus random small snails and 'wild' glass shrimp running for 5+ years. All of them breed pretty regularly, maintaining a pretty steady balance of fish. I do have a sponge filter in the tank, and do 10-15% water changes about every 2 weeks. The Elassoma eat the snails, everything leaves the shrimp alone to pick the scraps off the bottom.
Gabby Wood
Gabby Wood - 7 years ago
Betta!! ☺
Viper_SRG _
Viper_SRG _ - 7 years ago
African dwarf frog/clawed frogs I defenently recommend those would look great look into em they have great personality’s
Viper_SRG _
Viper_SRG _ - 7 years ago
Aryannataters clawed frogs and African dwarf frogs are the same thing pet stores just call them African dwarf frogs
Aryannataters - 7 years ago
I agree with African dwarf frogs!!! But clawed frogs get huge and are mean so maybe not .-.
Tenzin Yonten
Tenzin Yonten - 7 years ago
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Tenzin Yonten You called?
Tenzin Yonten
Tenzin Yonten - 7 years ago
Betta and harlequin rasboras and some red Cherri shrim
Amorsh C
Amorsh C - 7 years ago
Very colorful and bright Shrimp/Amano's and Nerite snails! That would be a beautiful tank
Anthony Alarcon
Anthony Alarcon - 7 years ago
Add some african dwarf frogs!!
Emma Montrose
Emma Montrose - 7 years ago
You should add a Dumbo Half moon Betta!
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
I'd put a beta or a couple of male fancy guppies.
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
This would look awesome in my Beta Tank! I'll have to check those out.
Kandace Cunningham
Kandace Cunningham - 7 years ago
Hahaha Joey you had me cracking up when you ate that plant!! XD I think this tank will look beautiful. A nice dumbo betta and some galaxy rasboras would look awesome!!
Ryan Kinslow
Ryan Kinslow - 7 years ago
Add a pair of betas. They would go great with the oriental "theme" of the bonsai tree.
Uel Jordan
Uel Jordan - 7 years ago
I would say some good choices are possably a betta, amber/neon/black neon tetras, or maybe a few pea puffers pea puffers are ADOREABLE
blinowski - 7 years ago
Please please add betta
Luis Salgado
Luis Salgado - 7 years ago
You should use Boraras brigittae (chili rasbora), they are really small and would look awesome. Nice Nano tank
KitAlda - 7 years ago
Add Amanda Tetra! (Also known as Ember Tetra).
Ahmad Hazwan
Ahmad Hazwan - 7 years ago
what fish is suitable for that aquarium?
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Ahmad Hazwan
Ahmad Hazwan - 7 years ago
thank you for your info. Im new to this
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
A betta, ember tetras, endlers, scarlet badis, peapuffers... Many nano species.
Diablo Kerbecs
Diablo Kerbecs - 7 years ago
Joey: it smelt delicious like.....
Me: Yay!! Ham...Bacon....Steak......!!!
Joey: fresh vegetables
Me: Really bro.....really??
Aleisha Pyralspite
Aleisha Pyralspite - 7 years ago
A betta would be cool in there, especially one of the short-finned metallic red and blue ones so you don't have to worry about them tearing their fins.
Aleisha Pyralspite
Aleisha Pyralspite - 7 years ago
I couldn't remember the term plakat. I DID mean red and blue though.
Pooch Peanut
Pooch Peanut - 7 years ago
Aleisha Pyralspite i think you meant a Metallic Red/Bronze halfmoon plakat betta.
Mario Adato
Mario Adato - 7 years ago
would be awesome to see a betta! they're my favorite in the hobby, so small, hardy and colorful with serious personalities.
Tracey Mahler
Tracey Mahler - 7 years ago
I don't think you should eat aquarium plants, but that was effing awesome! LMAO!
Periplaneta Missionary
Periplaneta Missionary - 7 years ago
Cherry shrimp or a wild caught beta. Or a gulf coast pygmy sunfish, Elassoma gilberti, google it before you dismiss it outright for being a native fish.
Charlie Langley
Charlie Langley - 7 years ago
Betta fish
Vicky Flores
Vicky Flores - 7 years ago
A rose-tail dumbo beta male and a few shrimp. The shrimp will help keep the plants clean and healthy while the beta gives you something to look at.
Siamese Fighters
Siamese Fighters - 7 years ago
mini puffer fish
reign4life - 7 years ago
I forsee issues in the near future. Like HC Cuba not growing due to lack of co2 or HC Cuba dying due to turning lights down from algae, algae forming due to lack of circulation and algae forming due to high light. Etcetera, etcetera.
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
I think that tank would look nice with a small school of Ember tetras and some shrimp or just as an shrimp tank, possibly a mixed shrimp tank so that there is more colour.
Amanda Rivera
Amanda Rivera - 7 years ago
Bettas would a good choice just wait until the branches get some more moss :) bettas are so fragile that their fins can get ripped by the bonsai
carol warren
carol warren - 7 years ago
You are adorable! and I learned something new!
Christian Castro
Christian Castro - 7 years ago
What about the fish
Roel - 7 years ago
Could you do an update of this tank
Abuhgayul - 7 years ago
I really love the idea of a betta in there!
Anthony Sanjulian
Anthony Sanjulian - 7 years ago
I think u should put shrimp in there
Jonathan McCollum
Jonathan McCollum - 7 years ago
A betta fish would be awesome in there! I sure would like to see it!
CR player207
CR player207 - 7 years ago
Bettas will do
Clint Schildhauer
Clint Schildhauer - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey. My 13 year old son and I always enjoy your shows!
Kin Jon Un
Kin Jon Un - 7 years ago
How many tanks does this guy have
don wood
don wood - 7 years ago
He has a gallery of tanks
Tracy McClellan
Tracy McClellan - 7 years ago
It's a cute little nano tank :-) With there being little to no water flow, I feel a betta would be a good choice. Can't wait to see how it all turns out!!
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice set-up. I like that you're getting back into the demos again. : -)
ΣHAANTI - 7 years ago
Dwarf frogs would be cool.
Kaida's Kingdom
Kaida's Kingdom - 7 years ago
I love betas!!!
I own 7!
Bundy Cichlids
Bundy Cichlids - 7 years ago
Shrimp would be cool. A couple shrimp but each one a different colour?
akitaken - 7 years ago
JJM 86 They’d have to be different species — if you put different colors of cherry shrimp together, they’ll interbreed and make ugly babies.
Johnovan Dupper
Johnovan Dupper - 7 years ago
GET A BETTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave G
Dave G - 7 years ago
I just set up a tank the same size with Red Cherry Shrimp. Go with Shrimp they will breed like crazy
Jive Turkey
Jive Turkey - 7 years ago
I was missing these videos.
Amara Lally
Amara Lally - 7 years ago
Do a beta!!
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
Amara Lally It's betta as in pronounced "better" not beta.
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
You need a betta in your life,
if you want to stay alpha!
arijit patra
arijit patra - 7 years ago
Well its close enough.
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
arijit patra Nice joke but it does not fully work because their names in pronounced like "better" not beta.
Aiden Sandbothe
Aiden Sandbothe - 7 years ago
miss-megative - 7 years ago
You should get a high quality betta! It'd match the bonsai.
muhd khairil
muhd khairil - 7 years ago
Do you have co2 in there Joey?
nathan butler
nathan butler - 7 years ago
You should put a freshwater frog in it
Joey Paci
Joey Paci - 7 years ago
Pygmy Sunfish or a few Pea Puffers would look great!
Braiden Watson
Braiden Watson - 7 years ago
A few Beta fish would look awesome!
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
I love that tree. A new fish store opened up near me that carries them. They are $50.00 each. I was thinking of getting one for my betta tank now that I see how nice it would look.
I can't wait to see what fish you put in there
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow
dmiahdisos oqoskfheuow - 7 years ago
I love your attitude about the tank
rileking832 SNS
rileking832 SNS - 7 years ago
When are you getting your gold fish back
Linc T
Linc T - 7 years ago
never, he got rid of them for good i guess
Noah Rivera
Noah Rivera - 7 years ago
Put guppies and mollies
DepravedTaka - 7 years ago
Mollies are definitely too large for a tank this size.
Ro - 7 years ago
Put in Frank
malte _ndd
malte _ndd - 7 years ago
nice one
Zenziba - 7 years ago
You took the Prime off the reef tank, what's goin on with the fish and corals? You move them to the big tanks yet?
Cry Baby
Cry Baby - 7 years ago
I think a beautiful show betta would be an amazing addition. The asian fish just seems like it would fit well with the bonsai tree.
Aaron Iwasaki
Aaron Iwasaki - 7 years ago
Add Celestial Pearl Danios!
notbadsteve - 7 years ago
Great idea. I have a bonsai in my loft, that's been dead for years. Now it can be reborn.
See ya Saturday peeps
Owen G
Owen G - 7 years ago
Shrimp would be great!
family Guy
family Guy - 7 years ago
add Betta and shrimp
Rafael Lorenzo Alonso
Rafael Lorenzo Alonso - 7 years ago
shrimps and small neons?
smarty415 - 7 years ago
Two words: coconut bra.
No Fish Is Safe
No Fish Is Safe - 7 years ago
Do like some crystal red or dream blue velvet shrimp
painofprince - 7 years ago
hemianthus callitrichoides requires high light and co2. This is doomed to fail =[
WakkaDuck - 7 years ago
Jesse Field
Jesse Field - 7 years ago
Since u have a bonsai u should definitely keep a beta. Japanese with Japanese. At least I think Japan is the origin of both.
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Nature imitating aquariums are a Japanese passion more so than Betta Fish.
reivenne - 7 years ago
Betta are from southeast Asia, not Japan
Patché - 7 years ago
Between watching your aqua scape and mike's from aquapros im really getting behind the ideal if using a bonsai tree, thanks for the ideal and inspiration
Bunnii Boo
Bunnii Boo - 7 years ago
A really pretty beta would go amazingly with the scape! Get something that is colorful like blues, greens, and purples or something like that
James Thomas
James Thomas - 7 years ago
it might not be a good idea, those small branches might catch on the betta's tail. it might cause the tail to rip. I think tetras are a better fit for the tank. they're smaller, tougher and are very colourful.
TheWoolyninja4 - 7 years ago
make it a shrimp tank
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Koi plakat betta and rudolph shrimp.
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Or maybe asian stone catfish.
Logan Butler
Logan Butler - 7 years ago
You should put a dinosaur fish in that tank or a rope fish
Asher Chong
Asher Chong - 7 years ago
Logan Butler I'm pretty sure it's too small and what's a dinosaur fish??? Lol
MoultingRook - 7 years ago
I would love to see a betta in this tank! They really have so much personality. Some are pretty placid, but others, like mine, are like mini Franks.
It makes me think about upgrading my own square betta tank.... I think my betta Mortimer would appreciate it.

As such, I would really appreciate some advice on how to filter a tank like this other than by natural means, whether by HOB filter or however else, pretty please. My current tank has an undergravel filter but I definitely want to replace that somehow so that I can plant carpeting plants. I also think I'm too inexperienced to trust that the tank will biologically filter itself!
Kobe Russel Pagdanganan
Kobe Russel Pagdanganan - 7 years ago
Keep a beta!
Jose Rivas
Jose Rivas - 7 years ago
You should keep dario dario in there, they are perfect for nano tanks, plus you could show how to keep them.
Jose Rivas
Jose Rivas - 7 years ago
StormCaller5 Agree
StormCaller5 - 7 years ago
I love your suggestion! Plus, they're contrasting in color... Like Joey likes his fish :D
Nathan Hoak
Nathan Hoak - 7 years ago
U should put a betta in there that would be cool
Alexis Graystorm
Alexis Graystorm - 7 years ago
Nathan Hoak that would be paradise, all that territory would be his/hers, that would be cool
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
I personally don't like it when there are tiny trees in aquariums, to me it just looks weird and tacky. But its your aquarium, do whatever you want.
Funny Right
Funny Right - 7 years ago
Wobbe gong try looking at bonsai trees in aquariums they look great but I see what you're talking about some trees look messing.
Flaming Spaz
Flaming Spaz - 7 years ago
Japanese fish
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
Try a pair of Glofish.!! XD
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
They need 5+ fish to feel comfortable and are just too active for a 7 gallon tank. Plus, glofish tetras are on the larger side. I would do endlers or ember tetras, they are better suited for a nano. I have a tiny endler colony in a 4.5 gallon, and they do very well.
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
Lisa T really.? Why is it illegal?
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
can't get glow fish legally here in Canada
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
then 3 glofish then. Nah, they'll be fine in that nano tank. they're still tetras and are very hardy fish. as long as tank is cycled.
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Glofish are schooling fish, they can't live in pairs. Plus all the glofish species need 10+ gallons.
Allisa Johnson
Allisa Johnson - 7 years ago
Stick with ember tetras!
joielle santos
joielle santos - 7 years ago
Oh my gosh please get a betta I absolutely love them, they have the most amazing personalities
FilmingWithNick - 7 years ago
I was watching some of your old videos and you talked about raising some dwarf caiman if you ever built a fish house... Now that you have one what is your thought on that?!?! It would be reallllly cool!
Aiden Michaels
Aiden Michaels - 7 years ago
You need to get dwarf ram cichlids. Maybe not in this tank but you should keep them at some point
alexander pleasant
alexander pleasant - 7 years ago
Joey's Son: Dad how did you meet mom?
Joey: “I’ll taste anything that smells good “
Joey’s Son:
nanojunkie - 7 years ago
All the ideas for my betta tank
_sydney.daviss _
_sydney.daviss _ - 7 years ago
For someone who says there not the best at aqua scaping you make so beautiful scapes
SergTV - 7 years ago
Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans - 7 years ago
Adorable! I think a betta would look lovely in it!
Aaron 2 Nasty
Aaron 2 Nasty - 7 years ago
A prized goldfish from a carnival game.
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
A betta will be lovely in this tank! I would love to see you keeping one =)
Josh J
Josh J - 7 years ago
Love the idea of shrimp - but in keeping with the bonsai theme - what about a “koi” betta?
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
shrimp and snails is the only thing that this tank is suitable for bettas need at least ten gallons at minimum. so please do not get a beta
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Lisa T also evevaltion is false to evolve the creatures need positive mutation and all of history there hasn't been any positive mutations.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Lisa T they need heavily planted tanks little decoration is no good it stresses them out just make sure they won't rip his fins
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam Bigger is usually better because it allows a more stable water quality but with Bettas that have been bred to live in and thrive in (somewhat) small containers (not cups that's for sure) in warm climates giving it a bigger space is somthing unnatural. Beta fish are probably one of the only fish where when adding it to a 10 gallon aquarium it's so much larger than what they have evolved with that it's more unnatural than a 5 gallon whereas most other fish come from wild or close to wild stock that any tank under 100 gallons is so much smaller than what they are used to. Now unless the room is heated to tropical levels your going to need a heater in any Betta aquarium. Remember the goal of successful fish keeping is to try to best emulate the perfect environment/conditions the fish has evolved to thrive in. For a regular Betta. that's a small tank. good luck choosing
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam where did you hear bettas need at least 10 gallons? I have read lots and lots and kept quite a few Betta Fish. they don't do well for me in anything larger than 5 gallons it seems. They really only need good water quality with little decoration that can catch on their fins aka plastic plants and definitely a heater in most aquariums.
MoultingRook - 7 years ago
Dude. We get it. I'm totally up for giving fish as much space as
possible, and fish like betta are constantly being put in too small of
spaces than they should. However, with decent care, they can do well in a
five gallon tank, though I wouldn't go any lower. Mine is perfectly
active and healthy, with great water parameters as well. I'd like to
upgrade him to a 10 gallon tank and that's usually the minimum I'd suggest to
people looking to get a betta, but the unnecessary comment-spam is
really irritating. A betta fish in the very capable hands of Joey would
do just fine in this 7.5 gallon tank.
Mateo Jara
Mateo Jara - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam im not comparing MYSELF plus thats the dumbest phrase ive ever heard in this situation
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Mateo Jara you should not compare your self with the worst compare yourself with the best
Mateo Jara
Mateo Jara - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam its better than a bowl
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Mateo Jara np fish should be in that small of a tank only shrimp and snails are suitable
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Joeyz the info of 5 gallons is outdated actually Germany has a minimum of 15 gallons so
Joeyz - 7 years ago
U must be reading alot from personal experience ive kept bettas in planted 5 gallons with filtration ofc
Mateo Jara
Mateo Jara - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam bruh he knows what hes doing
Travis campbell
Travis campbell - 7 years ago
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
So dead bonsai trees can be repurposed into aquarium 'moss' trees? Never knew this. Very cute!
Equestrian Connections
Equestrian Connections - 7 years ago
Jennifer Wendorf
Jennifer Wendorf - 7 years ago
Would love to see a
Betta in there! I have a small betta tank now and am looking to upgrade and update too.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Ziggy that is outdated information Germany has minimum of 15 gallons
Ziggy - 7 years ago
5 gallon minimum. to each their own tho. just my 2c
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Jennifer Wendorf bettas need a minion of ten gallons
oakland002 - 7 years ago
Shrimp n Galaxy
Paul M
Paul M - 7 years ago
Funny you and aquapros did the same bonsai video the same week.
Zara2015 - 7 years ago
Betta!!!! Elephant Ear betta fish! (or any betta you like :D)
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
Thats so not true. Minimum is 2.5gal and ideal is 5gal+. This 7 gal tank is perfectly fine for one.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Zara2015 bettas need 10 gallon tank at minimum
Blair O'Neill
Blair O'Neill - 7 years ago
Hey after stumbling across one of your videos I have officially found a new hobby I am very interested in. Can you link/show me how I can get all my step by steps for making a shrimp aquarium, planted. Easy diy type please.
Madhan maddy
Madhan maddy - 7 years ago
Hi joey add with some colourful fish like guppies and killi fish and etc
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Madhan maddy no fish would be in this tank. only shrimp or snails bettas minimum tank size is 10 gallons. 15 gallons is the minimum tank size for guppy
Madhan maddy
Madhan maddy - 7 years ago
Hi joey u r practicing for ur scrap off right in UK on 14 Oct
James Gilmore
James Gilmore - 7 years ago
interested to see if you can grow that HC without pressurized co2. I barely got it to grow without CO2, and what did ended up getting algae within it due to how hard it is to vacuum the HC without uprooting it. Best of luck! I would recommend Glosso. It ended up being way way easier to grow than my HC and hairgrass.
Metamorphakicks - 7 years ago
Looks like you were braking nugs of weed lol then smelling em lmao
great looking tree though ;)
kenneth marvin abillar
kenneth marvin abillar - 7 years ago
Would you use CO2?
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 7 years ago
Good luck with trying to grow HC (cuba) without CO2.
Dana McIntyre
Dana McIntyre - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Dana McIntyre bettas need a minion of 10 gallons
Christian Patrick Martinez
Christian Patrick Martinez - 7 years ago
I think it'll look cool when everything grows in.
08TRDOFFROAD - 7 years ago
Such a sick aquascape and piece of wood!!
Angela Meyer
Angela Meyer - 7 years ago
i love your tree!!!! its beautiful!!!
spidy278 - 7 years ago
guppies are cool and colourful and hardy, but downside of it, only live for 1.5 to 3 years
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
spidy278 guppies need a minimum of 15 gallons
Tyler Lam
Tyler Lam - 7 years ago
What light did you have
Clarks fish tanks
Clarks fish tanks - 7 years ago
I subbed and please check me out
Ryan 27
Ryan 27 - 7 years ago
Add pea puffers to the tank!
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
Pea puffers do fine in 5gal+
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
no fish would be in this tank only shrimp or snails can live in here
JsAquaStuff - 7 years ago
Rahul Ace
Rahul Ace - 7 years ago
You should put a Thai fighting fish in this thank, black background
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
Please stop spreading misinformation. A Betta would be fine in here.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Rahul Ace the only aquatic creatures able to thrive in this tank is shrimp or snails
uNiTy - 7 years ago
I honestly thought the tree looked good as is, you can definitely in-vision what it's going to look like. I love your videos man definitely inspires me to do more with my fish tanks.
Coco's Critters
Coco's Critters - 7 years ago
The nano aquarium looks really good. Could not help laughing at the tree with hardly any live plants on but I am sure it will grow ! :)
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 7 years ago
Lol. Don't worry it will be great. Whatever you do turns out.....
Waverwreck - 7 years ago
@Joey - You should look into Phoenix Moss ( Fissidens fontanus ) for that tiny bonsai tree. That moss looks just fantastic.
SilvaKnightYT - 7 years ago
I've always wanted you to set up a nano and have a betta, and this is the perfect time! please have a betta and maybe shrimp or and some neon tetra also
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
A koi plakat betta would look amazing! No neons though, they need a bigger tank.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
SilvaKnightYT bettas need to live in a minimum of 10 gallons
Linda Navarro
Linda Navarro - 7 years ago
Shrimp! I really want to set up a nano tank for some shrimp.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Linda Navarro finally someone who suggests the only type of aquatic creatures other then snails that can live in this tank
Tina Bloomfield
Tina Bloomfield - 7 years ago
Cant wait to see it fill out!! Great work Joey
Brandon Moodley
Brandon Moodley - 7 years ago
Betta fish, something darker to contrast against the plants. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Brandon Moodley bettas need a minimum of 10 gallons
Tarren Silver
Tarren Silver - 7 years ago
Going for the Japanese theme. I'd have a few shrimp and some sort of beta as a dragon... ☯
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Tarren Silver they also like heavily planted tanks to feel safe
Tarren Silver
Tarren Silver - 7 years ago
Bigger is better. But then again a nice open space like that would be fine with good care
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Tarren Silver bettas need a minimum of ten gallons
thapintster - 7 years ago
looks like joeys chopping up some buds
Joeyz - 7 years ago
Def beta maybe a crowntail :)
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Joeyz bettas need a minimum of ten gallons.
brian bernard
brian bernard - 7 years ago
that would be bad ,dbl tail batta
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
brian bernard bettas need a ten gallon tank at minimum
Desmond Barnes
Desmond Barnes - 7 years ago
I love all your videos. Could you tell me what do you feed your discus?
reccosdailylife - 7 years ago
what about beta fish it reminds me of a japanes landscape
reccosdailylife - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam if the tank is 12 '' by 12 " by 12" then there's enough space for at least 3 and there will be plenty of space otho maybe pea puffers can work as well maybe shrimp or guppies as well these are a few that can go in tanks that size
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
reccosdailylife bettas need a minimum of ten gallons
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 7 years ago
AWESOME video, I'm thinking about setting one of these up in my bedroom. Think it will look cool, especially with some neon tetras in there to. I LOVE the tree
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Just Dempsey tetras need a 15 gallon or bigger I am not sure but I know that ten gallons and less is way to small
Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller - 7 years ago
Freshwater puffer fish!!!
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
No its not. Pea Puffers are fin in tanks 5+ gal
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Andrew Miller the tank is to small
Ryan Rivers
Ryan Rivers - 7 years ago
Ryan Rivers
Ryan Rivers - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam I don't know where you got your information from, from general experience betta can do just fine in at least a 2 gallon tank, although as you can imagine the larger the tank the better for the fish. But it's not a minimum of 10 gallons.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Ryan Rivers bettas need a minimum of ten gallons
christian robert
christian robert - 7 years ago
Definitely go with a Beta fish!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
christian robert bettas need a minimum of ten gallons
christian west
christian west - 7 years ago
why does everyone say yay it has no snails. snails are good
Abbegayle Patterson
Abbegayle Patterson - 7 years ago
Make a shrimp tank
Miss Hailey
Miss Hailey - 7 years ago
I would put a half moon or king Betta!! Good luck!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Miss Hailey bettas need a minimum of ten gallons
Flintlock - 7 years ago
I'd love to see either mountain minows and/or Galaxy Rasbora! In addition to maybe some mini Corydoras catfish with Cherry shrimp as a little clean up crew to aid the nature filtration. All of which add colour and minimal waste in my experience
Flintlock - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam Well you could say that about any fish and the Aquarium trade itself. However youve got to consider that where many of these fresh water species come from are usually shallow and slow moving rivers and space is already restricted from ghe offset. In addition, providing you have enough room for a decent sized shoal (which I would argue this gentleman has), their welfare is significantly improved from that point alone as you are taking into consideration thwir behavioural needs and reducing stress.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Flintlock putting a fish in a small tank and it's abuse to have them in such a small tank is what I mean
Flintlock - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam Please elaborate on what you mean by 'forcing them' and abusive? If I may ask?
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Flintlock no fish should be forced into this tank that would be abuse
Aaron Beardsley
Aaron Beardsley - 7 years ago
I like it! Finer soil would have helped with the HC and you are probably going to need CO2 for it to grow. I had some HC in a low tech tank and it didn't die, but it never got any bigger either.
Casey Marika
Casey Marika - 7 years ago
I agree he's definitely going to want CO2.
Mina Rahimi
Mina Rahimi - 7 years ago
Polka dot tank! It's cute
Cedric Quesada
Cedric Quesada - 7 years ago
Maybe a shrimp tank?
lovinmzre - 7 years ago
Me likey!
Teflon Don
Teflon Don - 7 years ago
Hi Joey. I'm a huge fan. I think you should stock it with a betta or labyrinth fish.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Teflon Don no fish should be forced into a tank this small.
Kaminsky Evans
Kaminsky Evans - 7 years ago
This is an awesome tank.
Brad Proctor
Brad Proctor - 7 years ago
Shrimp Tank Dude!
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 7 years ago
What about pea puffers?
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Turbogeek 21 no this tank is to snall
Why am I like this
Why am I like this - 7 years ago
Put in a plakat koi betta, and maybe a little Buddha statue, to make it Japanese-themed.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Kiwi Kiwi bettas need a minimum of ten gallons but female and plaket need a 15 gallon
Salty Toast
Salty Toast - 7 years ago
For filtration you should put in a biological filter, like a sponge filter.
Nikos Adrian
Nikos Adrian - 7 years ago
Because I had that Cuba plant, I can tell you that you will need
more fine gravel.
Tesla500 Gaming
Tesla500 Gaming - 7 years ago
Add a White Dragon Betta Fish or Black Orchid Crowntail Betta!!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Tesla500 Gaming bettas need a ten gallon tank at minimum
Teddy Gray
Teddy Gray - 7 years ago
Crown tail green metallic male betta and a few ghost shrimp!
Teddy Gray
Teddy Gray - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam 2.5 isnt outdated, but it is the smallest they can live in, they thrive in 5 gallons or more, and for a community tank it has to be at least 5 or more females to prevent bullying, I wouldnt do any smaller than a 20g for a community. Ive got a 75 gallon community with 5 female bettas in it with platys and swordtails.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Teddy Gray actually the 2.5 minimum is outdated it's like the gold fish in 20 gallons that's out dated. and a community tank needs to be at least 15 gallons
Teddy Gray
Teddy Gray - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam bettas need a bare minimum of 2.5 gallons, heated and filtered. I personally follow the rule of 5 gallons per betta (if doing a female community tank). Also ghost shrimp stay very small, also the betta will probably eat them so they wouldnt be in there long.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Teddy Gray ghost shrimp get to big for this tank and bettas need a ten gallon
deadman retrns
deadman retrns - 7 years ago
I actually love that I'd probably do a larger tank where did u get the bonsai n plants for it? Is there anyway to contact you about the products?
Missik - 7 years ago
I totally vote Plakat Betta. The shorter fins would help minimize any damage from the tree, and they are a labyrinth fish so they tend to do well in natural tanks. Plus they have personalities like arowana, which is super adorable.
Missik - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam that is heavily debatable among the breeding/keeping groups. With the level of care he takes with his tanks, a Betta could thrive in just 5g.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Missik bettas need ten gallons but plaket or females need 15 gallins
Kayla DeVault
Kayla DeVault - 7 years ago
my plakat koi betta is my favorite! there shorter fins really are a plus
Mad Rossmore
Mad Rossmore - 7 years ago
Put in an Asian Arowana.
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
1 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank? 2 foot fish? Seems perfectly logical.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Mad Rossmore umm they need hundreds of gallons to live .....
Polly Mills
Polly Mills - 7 years ago
Fab set up lovely and a great home for a betta splendens
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Polly Mills bettas need ten gallon at minimum
LexiandPicket - 7 years ago
Get some guppies! They are beginner fish for a lot of people! It would be cool to watch you keep them!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
LexiandPicket they need 15 gallons at minimum
Leah Love Palmer
Leah Love Palmer - 7 years ago
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam

In my experience, they do just fine in 5 gallons.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Leahmaria Palmer they need a ten gallon tank at minimum
AquaAzeem - 7 years ago
A halfmoon betta!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
AquaAzeem they need a ten gallon tank at minimum
Maura Sheehy
Maura Sheehy - 7 years ago
Betta fish!!!!
Maura Sheehy
Maura Sheehy - 7 years ago
Ok hater, go tell that to the 1000 other people that commented betta fish
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Maura Sheehy theybneed a ten gallon tank at minimum
GamesFISH_1989 - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
GamesFISH_1989 they need a 15 gallon tank at minimum
Jai Lee
Jai Lee - 7 years ago
what kind of substrate is that?
Kian Gecko
Kian Gecko - 7 years ago
Rosy barbs? There my fav fish
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Kian Gecko this tank is to small
Brian Cooley
Brian Cooley - 7 years ago
Clown killifish or pea puffer
Kayla Centaure
Kayla Centaure - 7 years ago
No its not. Pea puffers are fine in 5gals
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
this tank is to small
Hi its Fishy
Hi its Fishy - 7 years ago
Brian Cooley pea puffer
Matthew Laubach
Matthew Laubach - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! I'm a huge fan of you videos, thanks for doing what you do and inspiring many in the hobby! I have a 6 gallon nano aquarium that I am going to rescape. I've been using an organic potting soil and my results have been average. I'm looking to take this tank to the next level, so my question to you is what brand/type of aqua soil do you use? Cheers!
WhileyouwerereadingmynameIstoleyoursandwich - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure he used Amazonia Aqua Soil because he mentioned it a long time ago.
Matthew Laubach
Matthew Laubach - 7 years ago
Oh! Can you explain your lighting apparatus for this tank!
ShipwreckedPuffNs - 7 years ago
I'd have to say two shrimp and a small school of a nano fish. Neon Tetras are always a good choice, but ember tetras would really stand out among the green.
ShipwreckedPuffNs - 7 years ago
Lucky YOU! I happen to be an avid betta keeper! And as long as you're willing to put in the extra work for waterchanges, Bettas will FLOURISH in a tank even as small as a 2.5 gallon! Additionally, while 10 gallons IS small, it ultimately depends on filtration, the work you're willing to put in, and what's IN the tank. He has live plants in there that will NATURALLY get rid of ammonia, and oxygenate the water, for one. While he's not adding a filter, you can BET that Joey will be giving good waterchanges to this tank, etc. AND as I mentioned before, Ember Tetra's produce a MINISCUL bioload that the few plants in this tank can easily handle. Afterall...have you even seen a 1/2 fish POO? GUESS WHAT, IT'S TINY. Since he may not be planning to heat this tank, white clouds or minnows might actually be better as they like cooler temps, but it's hardly abusive to give a fish a good, clean environment that they can and WILL thrive in. This will be my last reply to your comment, however, because if you're serious in that view, there's really no changing your mind. I can only hope that anyone reading these comments will be able to read what we both have put, and come to their own, EDUCATED opinion on the matter. (To anyone reading this: Don't always trust what people say, not even what I say! Always do your own research, and come to your own conclusions!)
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
ShipwreckedPuffNs actually the only fish that can be kept in a ten gallon is a male beta. it is abuse to pit fish in such small tanks. and i am not a troll i am just trying to break the outdated info
ShipwreckedPuffNs - 7 years ago
Huh, didn't know I'd be dealing with a troll today...but JUST incase you're truly a well-intentioned soul, sure, I'll bite. Ember Tetra's average at about 1/2 an inch, with the largest reaching 3/4 of an inch. He could have a small school of 6 in this 7.5 gallon, and they'd have plenty of space, and release a minimal bioload that the plants should be able to EASILY take care of. They are also a PROOVEN "nano" fish, meaning that they FLOURISH in smaller, planted tanks. Additionally, NO fish technically "chooses" ANY tank we humans put them in, so technically, we "force" them into EVERY tank.
Much like the ember tetra, you can now consider yourself
dons sunglasses SCHOOLED.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
ShipwreckedPuffNs no fish should be forced into a tank this small and schooling fish need way bigger
Kiarin Naidoo
Kiarin Naidoo - 7 years ago
You should try creating a paludarium using one of your tanks. Maybe do an archer fish set up so you can feed them insects and watch them hunt.
fattybum4444 - 7 years ago
klokxxx - 7 years ago
Aidan Coggins
Aidan Coggins - 7 years ago
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
Beta fish
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
Kayla DeVault oh that’s fine and I am new to hobby and I don’t have much idea about it.. anyway thanks.
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
joanna d sorry for the late respond I slept off as it was night here and thanks for enlightening me..
Kayla DeVault
Kayla DeVault - 7 years ago
7 gal is enough for them 10gal is what I have found best in my experience. each betta is different some like more space than others. this girl has also commented the exact same thing on my comment
joanna d
joanna d - 7 years ago
Venkat Raman no they need space so they can be happy if you research you will find that bettas need at least 20 gallons. People think that because they live in shallow waters they dont need large space
Venkat Raman
Venkat Raman - 7 years ago
joanna d but people said that 5 gallon is much more enough for beta fish to be happy and he mentioned that it’s 7 gallon right?
joanna d
joanna d - 7 years ago
Venkat Raman bettas need larger tanks actually
me - 7 years ago
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
donny7704 animal jam

What is with you and every tank ever being too small?
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
me to small
me - 7 years ago
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
me they need ten gallons at minimum
Bree F.
Bree F. - 7 years ago
Betta fish!!!! PLEASE.
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Bree F. they need ten gallons at minimum
Jack Oxford
Jack Oxford - 7 years ago
Dwarf Puffer fish!! Must
Patché - 7 years ago
He would be able to have 1 pea puffer
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Jack Oxford to small
Ryley Francis
Ryley Francis - 7 years ago
"Look at my little bush". That's what she said.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali - 7 years ago
pls put a blobfish inside
Kian Gecko
Kian Gecko - 7 years ago
It cant be kept in captivity
Aidan Coggins
Aidan Coggins - 7 years ago
It would die
Yasoob Khan
Yasoob Khan - 7 years ago
Muhammad Ali i know you
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
I'd just do some shrimp, maybe cherry or some other red shrimp to contrast against the (eventual) green carpet.
jessica white
jessica white - 7 years ago
Chili rasboras would be pretty neat. They are tiny, colorful, and very active. I love mine. It’s only my opinion, but a betta and a bonsai together is kind of cliché. You can’t go wrong with cherry shrimp in a nano, especially if you are interested in showcasing critters commonly available and affordable to most people. I love your work. I’ve been watching you for years. Thank you Joey for your dedication.
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 7 years ago
Add shrimp!
amyfilmmaker - 7 years ago
The noises as he cut the plant were so satisfying
TheAmazingVue - 7 years ago
A nice quality Betta would be incredible. Thumbs up if you agree!
Donny7704 animal jam
Donny7704 animal jam - 7 years ago
Hi its Fishy they need ten gallon s at minimum
Hi its Fishy
Hi its Fishy - 7 years ago
joanna d no they don’t. This is about 10gal and they need 5 gal or more
joanna d
joanna d - 7 years ago
TheAmazingVue bettas need larger tanks actually
Hi its Fishy
Hi its Fishy - 7 years ago
TheAmazingVue does disliking a comment do anything? Guess we’ll find out.
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
Watching it grew the best part
Roy van Kuik
Roy van Kuik - 7 years ago
I think you will need a filter, very little chance this will work without one.
Roy van Kuik
Roy van Kuik - 7 years ago
Would make a nice video!
eisenklad - 7 years ago
DIY Micro HOB filter :P for a shrimp tank... and a few tetras
Robert Hansberger
Robert Hansberger - 7 years ago
Kayla DeVault
Kayla DeVault - 7 years ago
a betta would look wonderful in that tank!
joanna d
joanna d - 7 years ago
Kayla DeVault they actually need larger space if you research you will find that bettas need at least 20 gallons. People think that because they live in shallow waters they dont need large space. When they are in 5-10 gallons they are miserable and they dont have a good life
Kayla DeVault
Kayla DeVault - 7 years ago
actually 7gal is plenty any more they just kinda hang around one area and not use the whole space, plus with no filtration in there to disturb the water surface really limits what you can use. bettas come up for air, you don't have many other fish that do that and can live in a 7 gal
joanna d
joanna d - 7 years ago
Kayla DeVault bettas need larger tanks actually
AnryLlama - 7 years ago
Shrimp! Please!
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
I think you should get a few shrimp with a tiny filtration and maybe a betta?
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 7 years ago
Maybe for a tank you probs won’t read this but dwarf gamori or pencil fish might be nice
Hilal Ariq
Hilal Ariq - 7 years ago
Definitely pea puffers
Josh Chillington
Josh Chillington - 7 years ago
Is it safe to re scape a tank when there are already quite a few fish in it
jaimmie27 - 7 years ago
I’ve actually been thinking about setting up a nano tank... such good timing !!! Thanks!!
Ed Bondanza
Ed Bondanza - 7 years ago
Love your videos so much! Just recently came across your channel and I've been watching so many of your vids. New favorite channel.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
Where's Frank!?!?
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Scuba Steve
XlaviathanX - 7 years ago
Have you heard of MOAI if not you should look it up .
Q H - 7 years ago
christopher dicent
christopher dicent - 7 years ago
When are you going to bring your goldfish back
Anthony Lam
Anthony Lam - 7 years ago
From far away it looks like some really green kush.
Pink Daisy
Pink Daisy - 7 years ago
Anthony Lam dead
Philippus Cesena
Philippus Cesena - 7 years ago
So cute ;) I hope some Tetras
Leah Boneham
Leah Boneham - 7 years ago
Betta fish!
Kathia Palacios
Kathia Palacios - 7 years ago
tip: when you're cleaning glass, use newspaper so it won't leave any thread or lint behind.
Pheezy BRUH
Pheezy BRUH - 7 years ago
Lol looks like he’s chopping up buds lmao
Vic Kim
Vic Kim - 7 years ago
Enjoyed great informative video. I think tiny fish like rasboras that schools or one pair of Peacock Gudgeon would do well in this tank :)
R - 7 years ago
some woods, mostly all kinda woods are toxic in a tank... especially when it start to rotten..
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Most woods are perfectly fine. My friend has a 8 year old piece of driftwood, it still hasn't rotted a bit.
Jaclyn B
Jaclyn B - 7 years ago
How about a pygmy puffer? They're pretty cute
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Taco Pizza
I doubt Joe plans to swallow miniature puffers whole. Ya never know, though.
Jaclyn B
Jaclyn B - 7 years ago
Taco Pizza I think they might be - but it's not a problem unless the fish is ingested
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 7 years ago
Jaclyn B are they poisons
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
I'd say get a koi betta which matches the Japanese Bonsai theme
ZaBeast465 - 7 years ago
I'm actually going to build this!
Baylee Joelle
Baylee Joelle - 7 years ago
Add some shrimp and a betta!
Maci Wyan
Maci Wyan - 7 years ago
Baylee Joelle that's what a said
R - 7 years ago
Betta may eat the shrimps...
Askur - 7 years ago
nice tank, it will be exiting to see what it will look like in a month or two
chris davis
chris davis - 7 years ago
Jessica Machak
Jessica Machak - 7 years ago
I’m excited to see it once it all grows in. That’s an adorable little tank.
Louis Moore
Louis Moore - 7 years ago
Put in Lampeye !!
FishMiester - 7 years ago
Stop being so good at everything!!!
Kahlan - 7 years ago
Beta for sure XYZ XYZ - 7 years ago
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Swordtails get quite large, so I would say 20 gallons for a swordtail. A betta or some endlers would be fun, though.
Marion D
Marion D - 7 years ago
Please add a betta ! :o
Shikamaru Nara
Shikamaru Nara - 7 years ago
I think some guppies or a betta would look nice and would go well with the tank.
Askur - 7 years ago
agree, specially with the betta.
vikas kumar
vikas kumar - 7 years ago
Please put a betta and sme tetras,sme coridoris, sme sword tails and a will be really nice and colourful and the fishes that I said all r tank mates for a betta.....I m having all these and all r lovely and very interesting should try...
vikas kumar
vikas kumar - 7 years ago
Thaniya pesu...
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
That would be badly overstocked. Word tails can reach 5 inches long and need 20 gallons, it's only 7. Also, ember tetras are the only tetras who will thrive in a tank as small as 7 gallons. And cories all need 10 gallons or more. But a school of embers and shrimp or a betta and shrimp would be nice.
Cooper Olm
Cooper Olm - 7 years ago
That would be WAY over stalked for this. I believe he says it's a 7 gallon. It would fit the betta and some shrimp at most. It definitely doesn't have the floor space for a school of corydora.
lemongrease tv
lemongrease tv - 7 years ago
he protec, he atac, but most importantly, he own fish named frank
Awesome Aji
Awesome Aji - 7 years ago
Add a few guppies, they're super colorful and tiny and easy to keep
Adam Foster
Adam Foster - 7 years ago
Dario dario Joey. Throw half a dozen scarlet badis in there, and some blue shrimp to contrast.
Sheal Linfire
Sheal Linfire - 7 years ago
That tiny bonsai tree is absolutely adorable! I'd love one for my 5 gallon betta tank, is there an online store where I could buy one?

Ps, I'm a little biased towards betta fish but a halfmoon dumbo would look gorgeous in there, the rippling fins kinda fitting the 'zen' theme
Sheal Linfire
Sheal Linfire - 7 years ago
R ? I've used woods in scapes before and I've never had a issue? I've never read anything that said wood was bad, most things I've read even say it's really good for the tank? Not to sound rude but could you link me to the source?
R - 7 years ago
using woods (out of mangrove) is toxic in tank... especially when it start to rotten.
TheDannyShow - 7 years ago
I wonder if he eats fish or not
William Hopfer
William Hopfer - 7 years ago
I still want you to set up an oranda tank. I'm getting ready to move my 45g and need some ideas to spice it up.
William Hopfer
William Hopfer - 7 years ago
Thanks Mitchell, I'll check some more of her things out.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
William Hopfer look up Jen at solid gold aquatics she does everything cold water animals and had hundreds of goldfish before a disease claimed most of them.
achyuth aj
achyuth aj - 7 years ago
halfmoon betta
Jordan Smithson
Jordan Smithson - 7 years ago
Yung cash register AKA Lilbroomstick
Yung cash register AKA Lilbroomstick - 7 years ago
i would like to see a freshwater pipefish or some electric blue ramirezi. Maybe some shrimps would be nice
Animal Girl
Animal Girl - 7 years ago
A small school of White Cloud Mountain minnows could look really cool
AAMIR ABD - 7 years ago
your the best keep posting
Denver Nazareth
Denver Nazareth - 7 years ago
Hey joey how about a turtle tank
303 Bassin
303 Bassin - 7 years ago
Chandan Venkatesh
Chandan Venkatesh - 7 years ago
I like to see guppies in that tank
Roaming Grizzly
Roaming Grizzly - 7 years ago
With some like red tip shark
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
They need 40 gallos :3
Roaming Grizzly
Roaming Grizzly - 7 years ago
Put some freshwater little catfish in it
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 7 years ago
Asian stone catfish I think are the only nano option for catfish.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
Roaming Grizzly to small for them. catfish need 25+ not an 8 gallon tank.
friedsmokeninja - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do you ever feed your plants in the tank and if so what?
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Hey I am a beginner and would love some help! I am a very outdoorsy person and I would love to catch some small bass or brim to keep for short term! I need to know food, how to make thing fish safe, and basic maintenance. thanks in advance! -p
Zoe Atkinson
Zoe Atkinson - 7 years ago
You should add a betta! A lot of people in the aquarium hobby have them, and even I used to have one.
master rhys
master rhys - 7 years ago
Put a Betta in it and put it in the gallery
John Michael erfe
John Michael erfe - 7 years ago
Please do a halfmoon plakat samurai... it kinda fits coz the scape looks Japanese ^-^ Im a big fan of yours from the Philippines and Im a betta keeper
Angelina Faye
Angelina Faye - 7 years ago
Betta would be a nice fish to stay updated with on your channel (: would love to see that
Oliver Henderson
Oliver Henderson - 7 years ago
Bri's Reef
Bri's Reef - 7 years ago
Can you run this with no filtration?? I want to set up something like this with just Cherry Shrimp.
Bri's Reef
Bri's Reef - 7 years ago
Mitchell Lubline cheers I’ll stick with my marine aquarium.
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
Bri's Reef would still run a sponge filter that's air powered their cheap and clean a tank nicely while collecting algae and food on the sponge that the shrimp can attack while the air bubbles break the surface tension rather nicely. Biggest cost of a air sponge filter is the pump. The sponge itself on Amazon runs $3.95 and up while a 4-8 gallon air pump runs $10-25 and then air tubing depends on the store for 20ft.
Bri's Reef
Bri's Reef - 7 years ago
kelseysnyder96 brill thank you
kelseysnyder96 - 7 years ago
Bri's Reef that would be great for cherry shrimp!
Siyon - 7 years ago
I vote for a crowntail betta and rcs lol
Nami OTP
Nami OTP - 7 years ago
What is that type of glue? It must be fish friendly isn't it?
Nami OTP
Nami OTP - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, lol that makes more sense. Thanks for clearing it up!
Mitchell Lubline
Mitchell Lubline - 7 years ago
Nami OTP more then likely silicone or a fish epoxy.
David Munoz
David Munoz - 7 years ago
Joey - do a giant betta! Those are sweet!
ze marques
ze marques - 7 years ago
put a Paradise fish
Rafay Syed
Rafay Syed - 7 years ago
Lumpy Lang
Lumpy Lang - 7 years ago
JOEY! Frank is going to fire you if you keep trying to hog the spotlight on his channel!
Shelbs - 7 years ago
As a newbie entering the hobby Please do a video for caring for a tank like this. You made the cleaning and the filtration for your larger tanks seem so easy. I'm inspired, but setting it up is different then maintaining it.

This is gonna be a long comment but I'm full of questions! For example this seems like a ton of substrate compared to your normal style, and you've implied the more you use the more problems you can have. Will in not matter in a nano with minimal stocking?
Shelbs - 7 years ago
OhmannOcean Thank You!
OhmannOcean - 7 years ago
Go to ThePlantedTank Forum, there are tons of people experienced with nano planted tanks there. Small tanks like this don't even need filtration if you can keep up with water changes.
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 7 years ago
i have one of those bonsai trees, but i put mini anubias on mine
lonlyperson 101
lonlyperson 101 - 7 years ago
A Betta and some shrimps maybe a apple snail ☺ something small like that.
Ellen MacDaddy
Ellen MacDaddy - 7 years ago
shriiiimppppppp!!!!!!! Or minnows
Jake R
Jake R - 7 years ago
shrimp tank
Shantel Williams
Shantel Williams - 7 years ago
He ate the plant lol
Joshua Waldrop
Joshua Waldrop - 7 years ago
I think a betta or a nice goldfish would be awesome in the tank :) or maybe a tiny Japanese fish to fit with the bonsai theme.
Lydia Barraclough
Lydia Barraclough - 7 years ago
If you want to keep a Japanese theme maybe a few koi guppies would work ^^
Sarah Connors
Sarah Connors - 7 years ago
A gold fish would look awesome in there but they need 20 gallons + :(
Yeahhhbuddy999 - 7 years ago
Stock it with celestial pearl danios
Captn Jack
Captn Jack - 7 years ago
a betta would look nice and a few cherry red shrimp
Susan Zobre
Susan Zobre - 7 years ago
PygmyYeti036 - 7 years ago
Pearl gourami...
Mark Pemberton
Mark Pemberton - 7 years ago
White cloud minnows
Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall
Patricia Ann Lewis-MacDougall - 7 years ago
If you want a simple, geometric design to the back glass of your aquarium. Home Hardware sell the window stuff with a geometric design and it's a lot less than 10 bucks. :) I have it on my 35 gallon tank with black foam core on the back. Looks cool!
Junwei Lu
Junwei Lu - 7 years ago
FYI those trees are not real bonsai trees. It was never alive in its original shape. If you look carefully the trunk is made of wood coloured putty and the branches are just manzanita branches glued onto the tree with the same putty.
1 Fish 2 Fish
1 Fish 2 Fish - 7 years ago
I’m sorry to say but you are incorrect. They absolutely where real trees at one time
woutoboy - 7 years ago
Noone gonna comment that he just ate his plant? No?
Rick Brafie
Rick Brafie - 7 years ago
woutoboy ahahahahahhahahaha Hz kijk je dit?
Ryan Henderson
Ryan Henderson - 7 years ago
Dude. A Betta in that tank would look amazing.

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