Paludarium 2

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LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

LuxoGear Emergency Whistles with Lanyard

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Most popular comments
for Paludarium 2

dandwkang - 7 years ago
It's a beautiful set up.  Curious though, how does bird poop get cleaned?
Itachi Uchiha
Itachi Uchiha - 7 years ago
Does anyone have a working link to the website?
Ibo Fachro
Ibo Fachro - 7 years ago
Fucking nice!
Santa 114
Santa 114 - 7 years ago
Просто нет слов!!! Сколько труда и любви вложено!!!
Amhet Quintana
Amhet Quintana - 7 years ago
It is amazing, beautiful
Jacquemin Jérôme
Jacquemin Jérôme - 7 years ago
Faut couper les ongues du zoizeau. On dirai une pute.
Dennis Stollenwerk
Dennis Stollenwerk - 7 years ago
Absolut Awosome!!!
Tino Kusnanda
Tino Kusnanda - 7 years ago
Bagus sekali
it's FinnFantom
it's FinnFantom - 7 years ago
does the bird live in the paludarium?

10. comment for Paludarium 2

Peter M.
Peter M. - 7 years ago
Great work!
Al- Salami
Al- Salami - 7 years ago
Corta las uñas al canario¡!
Muhammed Rasid Gurler
Muhammed Rasid Gurler - 7 years ago
Hı. I would like to build terrarium which contains birds and fishs in it. Can any body help me?
Dmeingo Johnson
Dmeingo Johnson - 7 years ago
when i hit the lotto am going to build this but 5 times the size i love this .a few little anole lizards and perfect.then wit my luck i die the next week
korlum chukhu
korlum chukhu - 7 years ago
Light Desciple
Light Desciple - 7 years ago
The beauty is breathtaking! I love the little peace of paradise you have created! The clows on the lovely bird tock my breath away too I´m afraid... I hope they are trimmed now! <3
kyoto danikko
kyoto danikko - 7 years ago
Tammy Jeffres
Tammy Jeffres - 7 years ago
Stunning build and very enjoyable to watch. All your fauna seem healthy and happy. Great job and thanks for sharing!
C.reature U.niverse
C.reature U.niverse - 7 years ago
I don't know if this is either a bird cage or a zoo enclosure.
headfangs - 7 years ago
I'd kill a man for a paludarium like this

20. comment for Paludarium 2

Hashim Husain
Hashim Husain - 7 years ago
Thanks , I am in love with it
mstalcup - 7 years ago
This is stunning! Is it hard to keep it clean?
Daniel Forsberg
Daniel Forsberg - 7 years ago
amazing. is this still up and running ??
Byron González
Byron González - 7 years ago
es lo más bello que e visto....
PARADON U-TAI - 7 years ago
ฺBird said this is fake, ba bye paludarium... Wiiiiiiiiiiiii
Nina Kang
Nina Kang - 8 years ago
It is so beautiful
Cabir89 - 8 years ago
Congrats, I hope one day I could do that
Luis Canales
Luis Canales - 8 years ago
Una obra de arte
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 8 years ago
Thats great!Love the bird wich was feeling good there.You can add and small turtles :)
Fishin' Bro's
Fishin' Bro's - 8 years ago
I would love a video on how you did this

30. comment for Paludarium 2

jason andr
jason andr - 8 years ago
Энгельс - 8 years ago
This paludarium very cool;)
Ben Poopoker
Ben Poopoker - 8 years ago
Was this a DIY project or did you have someone build this? its simply amazing. Im looking to build my own but not sure on the wall thickness to support the larger amount of water and plants. How much did this cost you?
Joshua Pendley
Joshua Pendley - 8 years ago
greensleeves? lol...
theodoros ampouzidis
theodoros ampouzidis - 8 years ago
tell me please the name of fish 5:27 in video !
theodoros ampouzidis
theodoros ampouzidis - 8 years ago
+Skowedey thank you very much :)
Skowedey - 8 years ago
Dwarf Pea puffer fish
David Beckham
David Beckham - 8 years ago
this enclosure cost more than 10 person livin bungalow
suo mynona
suo mynona - 8 years ago
David Beckham nah more like a car
Olga 4
Olga 4 - 8 years ago
Paige Head
Paige Head - 8 years ago
awwwwwwww that will be 100 % cuets like relay .
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 8 years ago
Bardzo ładne paludarium, sądze, że skopiuje pewne pomysły :-D.
A te puffers to chyba płetwy tylnie sobie poobryzały ;-)
Δvalon - 8 years ago
What a beautiful setup. I'm amazed by how natural it looks. Especially how you made that little creek! Very nice, indeed. :)
Hamdi Bencheikh
Hamdi Bencheikh - 8 years ago
very good job an extra paludarium that look so reallistic like a jungle.
Anime Is trash
Anime Is trash - 8 years ago
Dudin Sali
Dudin Sali - 8 years ago
Its really really, good, and the birds sound, wow like a jungle,,... You maeby can add some different plants with different colours for contrast.. ;)
CreeperComedy - 8 years ago
How much did this cost?
Kas J
Kas J - 7 years ago
CreeperComedy its way less expensive than people think. Less than 1000 dollars.
If you know what you're doing I think less than 500 is even possible. But wait around 1-2 years for the plants to get this big.
suo mynona
suo mynona - 8 years ago
CreeperComedy probaly over 10k
Luke Camp
Luke Camp - 8 years ago
Gobang Bowes
Gobang Bowes - 8 years ago
So great ....
thethe111 t
thethe111 t - 8 years ago
the canaries claws need trimming
Sinlo Kemp
Sinlo Kemp - 8 years ago
LOve it :D so beautiful!
diana rauh
diana rauh - 8 years ago
this is my favorite
Reid Slavicek
Reid Slavicek - 8 years ago
how big is it

50. comment for Paludarium 2

andy g
andy g - 8 years ago
Please trim the Canaries nails bud.
Epsylo Fayatek
Epsylo Fayatek - 8 years ago
Amazing !!

music ??
Parancsnok Knsipel
Parancsnok Knsipel - 8 years ago
+Epsylo Fayatek Greensleeves
Asbjørn T S Hyld
Asbjørn T S Hyld - 9 years ago
that canary needs a serious nailcut.
Luke P.
Luke P. - 9 years ago
Sooooooo goooood
Buck Wild the 2nd
Buck Wild the 2nd - 9 years ago
Looks like you took a chunk from the Garden of Eden.
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
Lena Washere
Lena Washere - 8 years ago
Stef Styl: How do you know it? x)
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
The garden of edam is not tropical!!!
Stacy Foster
Stacy Foster - 9 years ago
Incredible!!!! I would give a foot for that in my house!
Ross Clark
Ross Clark - 9 years ago
Must be impossible to clean....
suo mynona
suo mynona - 8 years ago
Ali Ajaj y thats what i like about vivariums. no cleaning for a year
Ali Ajaj
Ali Ajaj - 8 years ago
Ross Clark no need for cleaning. Small bugs called springtails and isopods are micro fauna which act as tank janitors by consuming mold, fungus, fecal matter, dead leaf litter, etc. they cycle this back into the soil which plants feed on and consume this in return. It also keeps the water clean this way and with few fish in the water section, the water probably doesn't need a larger mechanical filter to clean any further. Circle of life :)
Maygon Bassett
Maygon Bassett - 9 years ago
how do you prevent it from molding? The birdie's nails need to be trimmed.
Ali Ajaj
Ali Ajaj - 8 years ago
Maygon Bassett micro fauna mostly being springtails and isopods are natural mold and fungus control as well as consumers of this and fecal or decaying matter in a naturalistic vivarium like this.
Exotics, fish & Shrimp
Exotics, fish & Shrimp - 9 years ago
what were the plants called at the end (reply)
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 9 years ago
Is this for the canary to bathe and drink? or did you build it for fish and just let the canary stay in it? you said you didn't keep the canary in a cage, how do you keep it? how do you keep it's room clean and avoid him pooping everywhere?
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 9 years ago
do you have instagram?
Arcadecharm - 9 years ago
So beautiful.!. So cool seeing a pet bird there!. It's nice that you don't keep bird in cage.
Samuel Nilsson
Samuel Nilsson - 9 years ago
Final Fantasy IX theme, or is it just me?
Jonathan Black
Jonathan Black - 9 years ago
+Samuel Nilsson Greensleeves is the song.
rushthezeppelin - 9 years ago
Wow I didn't know you could keep birds in paludariums....makes sense though, I bet they are some of the happiest captive birds ever.
joram van de panne
joram van de panne - 9 years ago
what kind of waterplants have you in there
ROOMDANCE - 9 years ago
bird is so cool! he's luckey he can fit in there to bathe hang out
SuperLocness - 9 years ago
megsavs - 9 years ago
What is the species of vine and where can I find it? Also, the canary needs a nail trim and a lot more branches to perch on.
Romulus - 9 years ago
+megsavs ficus pumila
Ben de Witte
Ben de Witte - 9 years ago
Beautiful set up. I am curious as to what type of lighting that you are using and how you get the bubbles of air to come out of the gravel. Is it just anaerobic bacteria or through the use of an air pump. Thank you
Alex Guzman
Alex Guzman - 9 years ago
If you put CO2 into the water eventually you end up getting that effect. It's a very common thing in planted aquariums that have high light/high CO2 requirements
Kpribbit - 9 years ago
That must be a big tank if you put a canary in it. How big is it (In gallons) ?
Chris Noto
Chris Noto - 9 years ago
Wonderful. I keep a planted aquarium, and once, years ago, had a pair of canaries who raised six young. The singing, especially in the mornings, was glorious. Thanks for sharing your work.
intrimazz - 9 years ago
gorgeous! and kudos to the Tchaikovsky melody ^.^
TheHypercasual - 9 years ago
this tank is bananas dude
good job
doggiesarus - 9 years ago
Harmony! What a pleasure to look at and experience this abundance! If this were in my house, I would just sit and watch for hours!
Adam Peter Garcia-Varner
Adam Peter Garcia-Varner - 9 years ago
I am amazed. I want to live inside of one of these.
WakeupGrandOwl - 9 years ago
This is amazing! so beautiful!

you ought to clip your canary's talons though...
Habackuk 2:4
Habackuk 2:4 - 9 years ago
So much beauty! Thank you for charing!
Your lovely bird seams to need a claw clipping thou! ;-)
Blessings to you and all around you!
RayMondoART - 9 years ago
Lovely greens, cute birdie, and the ecosystem underwater is superb!!!!
i suppose if the bird poop onto the water the nutrients will get eaten by algae and the shrimps and oto eats them? its like a miniature extended ecosystem!
I wanna make one of these someday! :D you're inspirational!!
RayMondoART - 9 years ago
omg omg omg!!!  theres a cute little canary!!!
imma try making one of this and let my birdies play here! hahaha
Vlad Daniel Patru
Vlad Daniel Patru - 9 years ago
Beautiful! Congratulations Aviva.
tushluasfresno - 9 years ago
Dam. Fantastic setup.  May I know how much it cost you to set it up.
Devakalpa Ghose
Devakalpa Ghose - 9 years ago
Fantastic! I had a stressful day and spend 8 hours staring at a monitor. This is just what my eyes and soul wanted. Thanks. 
Katheen Miller
Katheen Miller - 10 years ago
Aiva,this is a most beautiful paludarium. I am a vine people, tho do know. vines. Can mean alot oof trimming. I heard that u tore this down an made a terrarium ,? Is that true ? I sure hope not.. thanks for sharing. If u did poor little birdie wouldn't! Have a bating place :-)
fatih şenel
fatih şenel - 10 years ago
Anja Obeko
Anja Obeko - 10 years ago
i will probably make a frog setup and i will try making it look this beautiful
Edi Prayitno
Edi Prayitno - 10 years ago
wonderfull. great job
Miranda Rose
Miranda Rose - 10 years ago
Magnificent eye candy!! This is so beautiful..
oscar cruise
oscar cruise - 10 years ago
put dart frogs in there
Rick Arrisola
Rick Arrisola - 10 years ago
What song is this i know it from somewhere
andy garcia
andy garcia - 10 years ago
The song is named green sleeves
nhuthoang2910 - 10 years ago
androcracy - 10 years ago
I like the Paludarium but I kept getting distracted with the wrong note being played in "Green Sleeves" or "What Child is This"
decentlyintense - 7 years ago
That was an awemome reply, thank you! I was wondering why it sounded a little different. Still just as beautiful
mstalcup - 7 years ago
Green Sleeves is an ancient tune and at that time, aeolian mode was used often and our modern melodic minor scale was not used. We are used to hearing the melody played with a raised seventh scale degree. That said, there is still a small variant in the scale degrees used at the end so that you have 5-7-1 instead of 6-7-1. This is because musicians of the time used the 5 (or dominant) scale degree (as in 5-7-1) to provide strong melodic closure, as the aeolian mode does not contain a leading tone (a minor second below the tonic). 6-7-1 sounds weak without a raised seventh scale degree. In modern practice we would rely on a leading tone to accomplish melodic closure within the contour of this melody.
Ababmer Vid
Ababmer Vid - 10 years ago
Soon as im rich this is the kinda shit im building.
DriftCrazy 14
DriftCrazy 14 - 7 years ago
Aldo the Apache what do you mean boil everything?
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 8 years ago
I went down to the river the other day and found some driftwood that would go for 80$+ in a store and it looked Iwagumi, all i had to do was attach it to a stone slab. Tons of great rocks too. Just make sure you boil everything and your good to go man.
Forest Hymn
Forest Hymn - 9 years ago
Great! :)
EHEC19200 - 9 years ago
True... I did most of this for my terrariums.
Forest Hymn
Forest Hymn - 9 years ago
+Ababmer Vid
Maybe you don't need to be rich to build something similar... :) get a used tank from Craigslist, research into terrariums/ paludariums, and go out in nature- river pebbles, river driftwood, stones with moss, moss on the ground.. it's all there for free, waiting for someone to pick it up! :D

I've got myself some dirt-cheap glass jars from goodwill, with colorful pebbles from lake Michigan, and beautiful different species of mosses collected from the outdoors. They're doing great with daily watering... they're even spreading! And they do just fine sitting on top of river pebbles. I even pulled some driftwood out of lake Michigan, and plopped it into my aquarium... all for free..

I'm sure something like this could be done on a bigger scale. All you would need (if you don't want to spend on lighting) - is to have the tank next to a window, so the plant life/moss lives on.
So don't wait until you're rich... you can start enjoying stuff like this now! XD
EHEC19200 - 10 years ago
Shidah Izumi
Shidah Izumi - 10 years ago
That 'pearl effect' at the end is beautiful. 
F.O.X - 10 years ago
I can only imagine how good it would feel like wach that terratium before i go to sleep .....
muvinbird - 10 years ago
This is one of the most inventive and beautiful paludariums I´ve seen!
Love to see some more vids of it!
And also some sort of build sheet and build pics if possible...
Absolutely top class build!
Bruce Garcia
Bruce Garcia - 10 years ago
Tu esimākslinieks!
crestedgeckoguy - 10 years ago
This is great,I've never seen one done for a bird before.
GeneralGiggleMuffin - 10 years ago
d'awwww cute little birdie!!!!
Sawyer Green
Sawyer Green - 10 years ago
Your canary needs its nails clipped.
Geno - 10 years ago
That looks amazing! I have one for my green anoles. Looking at this if I had more space I would make one for my budgie xD

100. comment for Paludarium 2

james bryan
james bryan - 10 years ago
If I could fit, I would like to live in there. If I win the lotterty, will you build me one?, I live in South Carolina. Sadly, if one goes to the local ''pet store'' they do not even know what a viv or paludarium is.
Prasanna Abeyrathna
Prasanna Abeyrathna - 10 years ago
do you have any construction details  and technical details ? (types of lights used. tank capacity , )
MrCeo1978buddy - 7 years ago
Aiva Ābele
Aiva Ābele - 10 years ago
You can find more information about this paludarium here:
Herry Sheva
Herry Sheva - 10 years ago
very very cool.... awesome...!!!
Element Customs
Element Customs - 10 years ago
Your setups are amazing
I, Leona
I, Leona - 10 years ago
WoW, really beautiful! And I love that your bird flies free!
Parques Argentinos
Parques Argentinos - 10 years ago
Te felicito hermano..... ona verdadera obra de arte....
batlady2 - 10 years ago
My God! This is hands down the most beautiful Paludarium set up I've seen. The canary makes it even better and different from any other I've seen on Youtube. And your video making skills are top notch! EXCELLENT JOB ON ALL OF IT AIVA! THUMBS UP!
I can only dream of having a set up like this in my home. I have two fancy guppy tanks and all sorts of small terrariums and plants but nothing compared to what you have here.
Monoi Movies
Monoi Movies - 10 years ago
is the bird free in your home ?
Aiva Ābele
Aiva Ābele - 10 years ago
Monoi Movies
Monoi Movies - 10 years ago
very good   ;)
dead meme
dead meme - 11 years ago
Kewl love it
mikis i
mikis i - 11 years ago
the birds nails NEED to be trimmed!
Bennet Riley
Bennet Riley - 7 years ago
Seriously. Honestly, this is why I don't post certain things even though I'd like to. Because people can't wait to just pick it apart and find something to criticize and show everyone how much smarter they are. I'm part of a couple reptile keeper groups on facebook. And I used to post pictures of my animals and vivariums and people would just try to tear it apart. Honestly, if this person is capable of building this enclosure and keeping birds, they probably don't need some person on Youtube to tell them the birds nails are too long. Like you said, at least compliment the beautiful enclosure first.

DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
dude go read more books the poop will be a fertilizer for plants
suo mynona
suo mynona - 8 years ago
mikis i can they do that in the wild? shorten nails?
Lucas Cornelisse
Lucas Cornelisse - 8 years ago
+Fishhunter2014 they very much so are happy someone said that because their eyes are dilated they hate the light... This is completely false eye dilation also show extreme enthusiasm kindof like when you see a tasty cake and you open your eyes quite wide. It has many meanings not just there is light in my eyes lol
Fishhunter2014 - 8 years ago
He seems happy though.
T. Price
T. Price - 8 years ago
Is that really all you got out of this video? Why not say something like: WOW this is amazing and you have created such a beautiful & amazing habitat for your bird! maybe even add: your video is very inspiring and I hope more people out there will see this video and want to do the same for their animals! Then maybe add that her birds nails are long and maybe add some perches with a sand paper type texture or some natural branches to help naturally sand then down or something like that...
DanMartinParanormal - 9 years ago
+Aiva Ābele Well then in that case, what you can do is supply the daily bird seed inside of a small cage, and when it flies in to feed, you close it shut. This works with all birds, especially when they are loose outside. Caught a Cockatiel once with this strategy when it was flying loose at a park with the ducks and pigeons. Another option is Bird Netting done by a Bird Bander. Long-term, apply sandpaper to favorite roosting and singing branches to allow for natural nail-reduction during perching.
DMAN D - 9 years ago
+Aiva Ābele Doesn't the bird poop in the water and all over the place?
mikis i
mikis i - 11 years ago
your local vet might be able to do it for you
Aiva Ābele
Aiva Ābele - 11 years ago
As if I wouldn’t know. If the bird is skittish and is flying around the rooms or sitting high on the branches (we don’t keep him in a cage), it can’t be caught any time one wants to trim the nails, so this procedure can't be carried out so often as we would like to.
WingedAtheris - 11 years ago
Your install is gorgeous, but your canary's claws need trimming.
Kenapa Harry
Kenapa Harry - 11 years ago
super relaxinggg!!! like it
Aiva Ābele
Aiva Ābele - 11 years ago
Thanks! ;)
finexample - 11 years ago
beautiful. Very inspiring design. :)
Salvo Priolo
Salvo Priolo - 11 years ago
tóth csaba
tóth csaba - 11 years ago
amazing !!!!!
Petr Kosáček
Petr Kosáček - 12 years ago

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