Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

Thomas Giblin, founder and CEO of Sharkebite Communications presents the first leg on our journey on The Road to White Mountain. On the 27th of February , a talented and well known Aquascaper and an avid fan of Amano, spent a day taking our fans and followers on a journey creating an Aquarium landscape from scratch using ADA products, plants and the best modern techniques of aquascaping. The day was captured on film and this timelapse will give you a first taste of what a wonderful journey it was. Sharkebite communication and Juris have collaborated on other projects in the past. The recent success of Scaping4 (a shrimpcity / Sharkebite Communication production which reached 1 Million people worldwide) provided the backdrop for this new collaboration. This is step one of our Journey...keep watching for the next exciting stages. Enjoy! #hakusan

Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott sentiment_very_dissatisfied 121

Pets & Animals 9 years ago 397,170 views

Thomas Giblin, founder and CEO of Sharkebite Communications presents the first leg on our journey on The Road to White Mountain. On the 27th of February , a talented and well known Aquascaper and an avid fan of Amano, spent a day taking our fans and followers on a journey creating an Aquarium landscape from scratch using ADA products, plants and the best modern techniques of aquascaping. The day was captured on film and this timelapse will give you a first taste of what a wonderful journey it was. Sharkebite communication and Juris have collaborated on other projects in the past. The recent success of Scaping4 (a shrimpcity / Sharkebite Communication production which reached 1 Million people worldwide) provided the backdrop for this new collaboration. This is step one of our Journey...keep watching for the next exciting stages. Enjoy! #hakusan

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Most popular comments
for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

Vash The Stampede
Vash The Stampede - 7 years ago
What was trhe puddy you used for the rocks at 1:32?
jean claude douaumont
jean claude douaumont - 7 years ago
i think about epoxy. I prefer using translucid mastic
Equales Rex
Equales Rex - 7 years ago
How Big is that Tank in cm/inches and litres
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago
180x60x60 cm
Elzys e-juices and reviews
Elzys e-juices and reviews - 7 years ago
where can i buy those plant packs u had 1.2.grow cant seem to find them
Elzys e-juices and reviews
Elzys e-juices and reviews - 7 years ago
oh i can find plants online i just liked those multi pack of plants u had and wondered if it cam from a certain company thanks for getting back to me so quick keep it easy elzys ejuices and reviews
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago
Elzys e-juices and reviews
Elzys e-juices and reviews - 7 years ago
Oliver Knott im from the uk
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago
where you from ?
Вадим Игнашин
Вадим Игнашин - 7 years ago
чем вы посыпаете?
Popandopolo Polo
Popandopolo Polo - 7 years ago
перцем красным - я пробывал классно растет
The Artist
The Artist - 7 years ago
You can't even put fish or water in there man. It's too beautiful, I want it to stay the way that it is...
Miklin - 7 years ago
Beautiful work and display, what type of gel is used to store the plants @2:14? It appeas to dissolve in water, I would be really interested.
Thank you
Allie Cano
Allie Cano - 7 years ago
Those are in vitro plants, which means they are grown in a lab, and are don't bring algae, snails, or pesticides into your tank. The gel is a nutrient rich growing media, that feeds the plants while they are in those cups.
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 7 years ago
what was the sand
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago
ADA Sand
Nigel Aquascaping
Nigel Aquascaping - 7 years ago
This is art!!
Baron Teddy Von Forsthoffer
Baron Teddy Von Forsthoffer - 7 years ago
Very nice. This is something that I'd like to try. But, where I live I cannot buy the materials & plants pre-packaged. How easy is it to do with regular dirt and plants?

10. comment for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

AmpzTech - 7 years ago
Added to my favourites. This is so amazing!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago
thank you
bagz almighty
bagz almighty - 7 years ago
i like how this group help one another to sum up this beautiful aquascape
Angelo Cruz
Angelo Cruz - 7 years ago
what clay did you use from that moss?
Hyperregression - 7 years ago
They forgot the water, the aqua part of aquascaping.
Would be more accurate to call it terrascaping.
Hyperregression - 7 years ago
Awesome, thank you!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago The Full Movie with water , only for you ;-)
peaceful harmony
peaceful harmony - 7 years ago
Where's the final result, with water and fish too?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago here for you @peaceful harmony :-)
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 7 years ago here for you @peaceful harmony :-)
Sam X.S. Cai
Sam X.S. Cai - 7 years ago
OMG you murdered that moss ball!
Great job :-)
Faraz Siddiqui
Faraz Siddiqui - 7 years ago
Brilliant work! I like that little man helping. :) what is the purpose of the 'powder' you are sprinkling here and there. Thanks.
薛少 - 8 years ago
Nigel PK
Nigel PK - 8 years ago
Leonardo Nestola
Leonardo Nestola - 8 years ago
Wie heißen die ganzen Pflanzen?

20. comment for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

Sailor Steve Holt!
Sailor Steve Holt! - 8 years ago
That guy is really cute.
Daniel Reef
Daniel Reef - 8 years ago
I love fish
Диванный Эксперт
Диванный Эксперт - 8 years ago
Guys, of mutual subscription!
chunkylover817 - 8 years ago
too bad this is only for big wallets
jan bürgin
jan bürgin - 7 years ago
spellwing777 df1z2a
spellwing777 - 8 years ago
chunkylover817 Not really, if you scale it down. Tanks are cheap on Craigslist, and you can use any ol' rocks you find, so long as you boil them to kill anything nasty. Plants are still expensive, but if you buy ones that spread you won't need many.
microtechmachineshop - 8 years ago
5 thousand dollars later
rurutu M
rurutu M - 8 years ago
every aquascaped tank needs a X-wing
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
you right :-)
Eric C
Eric C - 8 years ago
You've inspired me Oliver...
Eric Ng
Eric Ng - 8 years ago
Nathan Moss
Nathan Moss - 8 years ago
Loved the choice in rock, looks great!
Goose14 - 8 years ago
Curious to what you panted the background of the tank with? Thanks
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott
N Dekker
N Dekker - 8 years ago
I think it,s window plastic on the dry side of the tank. (lots of options with those)
javamoss237 - 8 years ago
Is there any link to the website or name of the company, product details/name etc? Just Fish Tank Background isn't going to help in Google. I am definitely interested in this, and glad that someone asked before I did.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Fish Tank Background

30. comment for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

Gianluca Francois
Gianluca Francois - 8 years ago
adrian praz
adrian praz - 8 years ago
can i ask something.?
is dat marimo moss? divide to a seiryu.?
thanks :)
Sam L.
Sam L. - 8 years ago
Hi Oliver! How do you manage so much Seiryu stone ?? The hardness of water will normally be really hard to keep low. Any tips or advice?
omgshad0w - 8 years ago
ada amazonia soil can help lower ph :) + r/o water
Sam L.
Sam L. - 8 years ago
Thank you Oliver! I'm actually in the same case. Added 56 Kg Seiryu on 200L tank. Water hardness increase by about 1° GH per day with an average GH/KH of 10. Need a replacement of 50% by RO water weekly. Then have so much difficulties to install nitrogen cycle... Do you have piece of advice to avoid to break the stability of the tank? The JBL PROSCAPE soil seems to have absolutely no effect on water parameter. It is normal with so much seyriu? Thank you and again congrats for this really scaping vid experience!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Hi thank you
We've solved the issue with the water parameters by performing weekly water changes with RO (reverse Osmose) water.
TheCrazeej - 8 years ago
das Becken wird bei der Bucht gerade verkauft, 4,5k ... Haufen Asche Jungs....
Dorfnasen - 8 years ago
Very nice, look at my fish and shrimp tanks! :-)
Thanks und greetings from germany.
Aquarismo - 8 years ago
I like your video, I am beginner, visit my first aquarium, and give me your opinion, I will follow your channel if you want to accompany my soon will have a new layout, thank you
marlon leitch
marlon leitch - 8 years ago
great scape did you superglue in the moss ball pieces too?
Moozy Mathers
Moozy Mathers - 8 years ago
Hey, I want to live in there!..
Moozy Mathers
Moozy Mathers - 8 years ago
+Oliver Knott :(
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
next time ;-)
Marks Shrimp Tanks
Marks Shrimp Tanks - 8 years ago
Hello :)
IamTeasp00n - 8 years ago
Aquascape? But no water... Time wasted.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
IamTeasp00n please see follow up videos or google #hakusan project you will see the aquarium has been filled with water and hundreds of fish and shrimp live in there
DarkNoctis Deathofevilbear
DarkNoctis Deathofevilbear - 8 years ago
no water
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Saturday the 19th off November
Joel Patrick Sarmiento
Joel Patrick Sarmiento - 8 years ago
not out yet for public?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
we are showing the full Film on the 4th -6th off November in Chicago
Patrick Sarmiento
Patrick Sarmiento - 8 years ago
Hi Oliver, I am trying to search it but I couldn't find the video or a website. I am rally curious about the development of this tank. Regards,
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
please see follow up videos or google #hakusan project you will see the aquarium has been filled with water and hundreds of fish and shrimp live in there
TheCrazeej - 8 years ago
hast du auch schon ein Diskus Aquarium eingerichtet? gibt es eine Möglichkeit ohne Wurzeln sondern nur mit Steinen Unterstände zu formen? habe mit Wurzeln bisher immer schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht.... abkochen, wässern, backen... alles durch. immer gegammelt die Dinger.
WilloXno1 - 8 years ago
Abkochen und backen öffnet bekanntermaßen die Poren/Fasern vom Holz was dazu führt das Wurzeln schneller zersetzt werden.
Also kein Wunder!
Austkrr b
Austkrr b - 8 years ago
.. Water?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
please see follow up videos or google #hakusan project you will see the aquarium has been filled with water and hundreds of fish and shrimp live in there
aris okta
aris okta - 8 years ago
wonder the update
Jack Liu
Jack Liu - 8 years ago
you said three weeks two weeks ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
three weeks :-)
Fargo Alexander
Fargo Alexander - 8 years ago
Holy shit this is sick!
What Ricers Do What Ricers do
What Ricers Do What Ricers do - 8 years ago
any updates on this beauty
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
3 weeks ;-)
Templar - 8 years ago
Rocks and dirt is expensive
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Fantastic video.. love the step by step.. stunning results!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
lo It better be.. I just about jumped into my computer to go after it! I'm so anxious to see it. You guys have true vision!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
the New Video is coming soon , thank you Canadian girl :-)
Matt Douglas
Matt Douglas - 8 years ago
Needs more nutmeg
CiirexOfficiel - 8 years ago
Beautiful !
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
thank you

50. comment for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

John Pini
John Pini - 8 years ago
Juris, have you used Cladophora in other aquascapes? I have seen it become a nuisance in some scapes and have not used it personally, is there anything in particular you do to control it?
Rebelaqua - 8 years ago
Hey Oliver, what sort of putty are you guys using to hold the stones? Great stuff as usual. Juris Mit JS FTW.
Rebelaqua - 8 years ago
Thanks Oliver! You have caused it to sell out fast! Link is gone.... :)
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
It is special coral glue, that can also be used to secure rocks. you can buy it here
NPSH - 8 years ago
its cost about 1 Honda CBR 250cc
Salt Cors
Salt Cors - 8 years ago
Thats so awsome aquarium, i love it so much you guyse should decorate my aquarium i'm sure my guppies would like it ;)
bass droplow
bass droplow - 8 years ago
unbelievably great , where can I get traded the same stones and everything like that ? and how large aquarium is this ? or what do you recommend? :)
Macias - 8 years ago
So much powersand and so little plants. Isnt it overkill?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
thank you
Macias - 8 years ago
Im looking forwardo to it.
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
Maybe, but it works and today, half year after setup, the layout is looking fabulous. In just 2 weeks we will do final shots
Arnold May II
Arnold May II - 8 years ago
This must be expensive and time consuming
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
is love and passion :-)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
so, when is the second part coming? watched the first one too many times now :)
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
seen that one too :) very cool. .
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
we did the new video with Oliver Knott For the last part of the Hakusan video we need the final picture of the Aquarium after it has matured.
Adrian's Aquatics
Adrian's Aquatics - 8 years ago
that is way too long :) anything in between now and october?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
promised in October we can not even wait :-)
Dumb Dumb
Dumb Dumb - 8 years ago
1:28 is that glue?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
It is special coral glue, that can also be used to secure rocks. you can buy it here

Dumb DumB. I 'love you Name :-)
AgentBLP - 8 years ago
What kind of rock is this?
AgentBLP - 8 years ago
+Oliver Knott thanks :D
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
ADA call them Ryuoh Stone ;)
Dawid Jaworski
Dawid Jaworski - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott, SharkBite Communication I want to thank you guys for decided to purchase my music track "Art of Geisha" and decided to place it in your awesome professional video! Great film editing . The whole thing looks inspiring!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
thank you Dawid. Your music was an easy choice for us. It fits perfectly and is such a great soundtrack.
DanMartinParanormal - 8 years ago
Instead of Star Wars, you should have gone Hobbit!
69bonesz - 8 years ago
Liked !
iputu ardika
iputu ardika - 8 years ago
What kind of rock is that and where I can get that ? Thanks
Toan Nguyen
Toan Nguyen - 8 years ago
Without plants to save time and money would be better :D Amazing tank.
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 8 years ago
Whats that fish tank measurements?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
B180xT60xH60 cm / 15mm
Michael Baumrucker
Michael Baumrucker - 8 years ago
Amazing tank! :)

Small question: at 2m you pour these little stones between the rocks for adding detail. Can you buy these size of gravel/rock somewhere or do you create them yourself by smashing rocks?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
big hammer :-) and safety(glas) first always Michael :-)
Michael Baumrucker
Michael Baumrucker - 8 years ago
Maybe silly question but: any tips/best ways for doing that?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
smashing rocks ;-)
Teten. Designproduce
Teten. Designproduce - 8 years ago
日本の侘び寂びさえ感じました!感動です!Sense of wabi-sabi works!!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Teten. Designproduce
Teten. Designproduce - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Teten. Designproduce
Teten. Designproduce - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
Brandon Martinez
Brandon Martinez - 8 years ago
que es el polvo que le pone ?
Hans Witt
Hans Witt - 8 years ago
can u tell me what kind of ''white'' sand did you use?
Luka Buzy
Luka Buzy - 8 years ago
put fish in it
Raymond bun
Raymond bun - 8 years ago
Sir, what thickness of glass you used ?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
15 mm
7cerverus - 8 years ago
I was wondering the same thing. It looks like 1cm of thickness.
Hans Witt
Hans Witt - 8 years ago
hi, can You tell me how much more or less stone did You use?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
about 250 kilo
Hans Witt
Hans Witt - 8 years ago
i mean in kilos?
Hikmet Demirkan
Hikmet Demirkan - 8 years ago
Amazing work, hope to see second part...
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Hikmet Demirkan :-)
pr0nGren - 8 years ago
what is the first thing you add? the gravel ?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+pr0nGren yes from ADA
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
i was hoping to see it filled with water and fish swimming in it.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+visualkeirockstar Patience my friend there is a second part
Filip HOBL
Filip HOBL - 8 years ago
roni novrendi
roni novrendi - 8 years ago
thank you for sharing with us
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+roni novrendi welcome :-)
Christof Nolden
Christof Nolden - 8 years ago
Amazing tank! Whats the name of the rocks are used?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Christof Nolden ADA call them Ryuoh Stone ;)
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Christof Nolden Thank you
roni novrendi
roni novrendi - 8 years ago
+Christof Nolden seiryu stone i think
SheLeLE - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+bubblydebby thank you
Wise Films
Wise Films - 8 years ago
Wow, amazing tank and video production! How did you attach the marimo balls to the rocks?
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+Wise Films thank you, I simply put them in between the rocks and they hold there by themselves. One place I glued some pieces to small rocks. use superglue gel type for this
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
Juris this tank is a masterpiece.
Must be great working in something you love and be able to create amazing thinks like this all the time.
It definitely is hard work but i believe its a rewarding one.
Tanks like this motivates me to try harder to improve but at the same time shows me i am still way off the level to pursue my dream of turning professional.
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac sounds good, I wish you all best of luck for your journey
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 8 years ago
+Jurijs mit JS Thanks Jurijs. Thats really gives me motivation.
I'll be honest i already have a job which is all about serving costumers, i have about 200 in my care which love to call me regularly, which means i can often spend months without a day off.
And i do this doing a job of which i have no real love about, i am good at what i do because i have a good professional ethic, but i am not passionate about what i do.
In the end i just want to come back home to my real passions, my family and my hobby.
So am ready and experienced in serving costumers and doing it in something i am passionate about would be amazing.
I plan to return to Portugal in a few years, or earlier if the UK actually leaves the EU.
Then i will seriously consider taking up my hobby to a professional level.
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac Thank you for your kind words! Yes I totaly enjoy what I do but as you said, its still hard work and very energy consuming..! ps: there will be always other better than you, as there are other better than I am. to become professional (do it for living) you only need to be better than your target audience (clients) and you are ready to serve them. I cant serve everybody and there are for sure people who appreciate and love what you do. Go serve them ;)
Extreme Cichlids
Extreme Cichlids - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Extreme Cichlids thank you
Pokeholic - 8 years ago
What tank is this?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Pokeholic 180P ADA
Jakub Feliks
Jakub Feliks - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Jakub Felids thank you :-)
Heru Susanto
Heru Susanto - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Heru Susanto thank you so much :-)
Vee Kay
Vee Kay - 8 years ago
BBC yghiyfxxc I have
fahad aziz
fahad aziz - 8 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+fahad aziz thank you
Cory Slater
Cory Slater - 8 years ago
what a waste of time....
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Cory Slater We had the best time of our lives. :-)
dienosong - 8 years ago
What are those black gravel rocks thing called?
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+dienosong yes its ADA Aquasoil amazonia
dienosong - 8 years ago
+Jurijs mit JS Aqua soil Amazonia?
dienosong - 8 years ago
+Jurijs mit JS At 1:00 the small black ones on the top
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+dienosong which one do you mean? at what time mark in the video?
MrBlazika - 8 years ago
Looking good! Will we see an update soon on this tank?
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+MrBlazika thank you yes you see an update :-)
Rainer Pramudi
Rainer Pramudi - 8 years ago
wow this is awesome!
btw what plant is in 2:38? they look so beautiful and natural combined with the stones
and are that plants only used with that type of stone? thanks
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Rainer Pramudi where you from ? shopping worldwide say hi from Thomas :-) me :-)
Rainer Pramudi
Rainer Pramudi - 8 years ago
+Mendy Werner ahh I see. guess that plant is not very common in my country
Mendy Werner
Mendy Werner - 8 years ago
It's a moss ball
Joe Dawes
Joe Dawes - 8 years ago
It looks batter than what big fish said
Joe Dawes
Joe Dawes - 8 years ago
The Fish Tank
The Fish Tank - 8 years ago
Very nice:) I am loving this tank man! Will you be doing updates so we can see it grow in?
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+The Fish Tank yes, updates are coming very soon
Patrick Seidl
Patrick Seidl - 8 years ago
lll-lil-nat_outside-lll - 8 years ago
I wonder how long it took for them to make all this
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Nathan Cru Cruz 15 hours hard working but we had a lot of fun doing it
Moi même
Moi même - 9 years ago
Gorgeous aquarium, do you need a special structure to support such a heavy aquarium or the stones aren't that big of a deal compared to water?
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+Moi même the cabinet is strong enough, original ADA quality
Prabakaran Rajamanickam
Prabakaran Rajamanickam - 9 years ago
It's awesome...It reminds me of Gondor from LOR. It would be great if you design the Mordor and Rivendell
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 8 years ago
+Prabakaran Rajamanickam well who knows, maybe one day in the future ;)

100. comment for Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Stunning. Thanks for sharing!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Brian's Fish Thanks welcome :-)
Mac Gyver
Mac Gyver - 9 years ago
but at 1.26 min. what kind of adhesives is this?
Mac Gyver
Mac Gyver - 8 years ago
+Jurijs mit JS 
thanks for the response
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+Mac Gyver It is special coral glue, that can also be used to secure rocks. you can buy it here
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
wow cool
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 8 years ago
+Olav Overland thank you so much
Guner Yildiray
Guner Yildiray - 9 years ago
Very nice aquarium. What is the name of the stones? :))
Guner Yildiray
Guner Yildiray - 9 years ago
+Jurijs mit JS Ah okey Thank you bro
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+Guner Yildiray ADA call them Ryuoh Stone ;)
Guner Yildiray
Guner Yildiray - 9 years ago
+Guemmer Aquascaping Thanks
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Guner Yildiray Thank you Mini Landschaft Stein / Seiryu Rock
marin marinescu
marin marinescu - 9 years ago
Super!!! which is the size of the aquarium? (LxWxH)
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+marin marinescu 180x60x60cm
AquaMarket Tienda
AquaMarket Tienda - 9 years ago
really beautiful. very inspiring. I hope to show videos of the progress next month.
What is a gray rubber used to bond the rocks. thanks for the video really good.
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+AquaMarket Tienda It is special coral glue, that can also be used to secure rocks. you can buy it here
AquaMarket Tienda
AquaMarket Tienda - 9 years ago
+Guemmer Aquascaping perfect thanks a lot
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+AquaMarket Tienda thank you Jurijs is answering your questions later :-)
Big Fish
Big Fish - 9 years ago
Excellent work! It looks great.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Big Fish thank you
MyAndrey76 - 9 years ago
Очень и очень сильно!!!Браво!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+MyAndrey76 спасибо
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 9 years ago
Awesome! Man I just love this scape! Can't wait to see more, and thanks for sharing.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+ADU Aquascaping thank you see you in Germany
Berliner Aquarien
Berliner Aquarien - 9 years ago
Das Aquarium ist sehr schön geworden. Gerne Sponsoren wir das nächste Aquarium für euer kommendes Event.
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Berliner Aquarien Ohhh ja da nehmen wir Euch bei dem Wort :-) Auf das nächste Projekt in Berlin LG Thomas
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+Berliner Aquarien Oder wir machen es gleich bei euch vor Ort ;)
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac
AQUADESIGN by aquamaniac - 9 years ago
Tank looks amazing.
Timo Wünsche
Timo Wünsche - 9 years ago
Good show – good video, Guys! Best Regards from Hamburg!
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 9 years ago
+Timo Wünsche (Aquascapia) Nächstes Mal bist du auch dabei ;)
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Timo Wünsche (Aquascapia) thank you Timo :-) Greetings from Dreieich and Karlsruhe
Jason Lum
Jason Lum - 9 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Jason Lum thank you
Venga - 9 years ago
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+Venga thank you
video0als - 9 years ago
thank you for sharing!!!
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+video0als welcome :-)
TheChosenOne - 9 years ago
Absolutely amazing! super high quality, beautiful video <3 thankyou for sharing it with us!! :D, will there be an update video one day? :D
Oliver Knott
Oliver Knott - 9 years ago
+TheChosenOne thank you for watching yes this video ist only the first Step Greetings

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About Part 1 The Road to the White Mountain 白山 Haku-san Aquascape 4KVideo #hakusan Oliver Knott

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