Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 - Nano category compilation

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV‬ Like: ‪http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV‬ Bookmark: ‪http://definiteaquascape.tv‬ The Art of the Planted Aquarium is a famous German aquascaping contest, organized every two years in Hannover during Heimtiermesse. The next edition will be held in 2015, but this year Qualifyings were organized. All details you can find here: http://www.planted-aquarium.de There are two categories of aquariums in the contest, XL - large 250-liter tanks provided by Eheim (100x50x50cm), and Nano - smaller 34-liter tanks provided by Dennerle (40x32x28cm). In this video I show compilation of all 12 tanks which took part in the Nano category.

Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 - Nano category compilation sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Pets & Animals 10 years ago 166,076 views

CLICK "Show more" for DESCRIPTION Subscribe: ‪http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV‬ Like: ‪http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV‬ Bookmark: ‪http://definiteaquascape.tv‬ The Art of the Planted Aquarium is a famous German aquascaping contest, organized every two years in Hannover during Heimtiermesse. The next edition will be held in 2015, but this year Qualifyings were organized. All details you can find here: http://www.planted-aquarium.de There are two categories of aquariums in the contest, XL - large 250-liter tanks provided by Eheim (100x50x50cm), and Nano - smaller 34-liter tanks provided by Dennerle (40x32x28cm). In this video I show compilation of all 12 tanks which took part in the Nano category.

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Most popular comments
for Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 - Nano category compilation

Where Is Waldo?
Where Is Waldo? - 7 years ago
How is that 1st place?
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 7 years ago
1:45 is the absolutely stunning. I want to recreate this but have specks of red crawling around it, red cherry shrimp.
Aqua NeoWorld
Aqua NeoWorld - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful guy's!
Watch my channel plz, I ll need support for soon, for a world first!
Boon Boon
Boon Boon - 8 years ago
0:55 is my favourite :D
Manish Waskar
Manish Waskar - 8 years ago
what do you use for keeping those plants so fresh green?
Kevin Motie
Kevin Motie - 8 years ago
Beautiful,wish my tank could look like these.
Phil - 8 years ago
Gorgeous tanks, all of them. I am somewhat puzzled by the winners?!
Enigma - 8 years ago
how the must basic tank win?
Mohamad Ridwan
Mohamad Ridwan - 9 years ago
Love it!

10. comment for Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 - Nano category compilation

AQUAPASS - 9 years ago
Very good
Alexander Montserin
Alexander Montserin - 9 years ago
what type of filters are they using
ali nurhuda
ali nurhuda - 10 years ago
wow really good mod, love to know that how to make it, so like it .....!
Teo W
Teo W - 10 years ago
What is the name of this song please share
Koray Kolbaşı
Koray Kolbaşı - 8 years ago
I searched and searched and just found it: Julius Block - Beyond comprehension
Nelson Lopez
Nelson Lopez - 10 years ago
Good worth watching Nelson lopez
niel benedicto
niel benedicto - 10 years ago
what are the list of plants 1:53
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
+niel benedicto
Yup, it might be S. repens, indeed :)
niel benedicto
niel benedicto - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV are those staurogyne repens on the right most part of the tank in front of the downois? 2:04
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
I recognize only some of them - Pogostemon helferi, Blyxa japonica, some Cryptocorynes, Anubias sp. "petite", Althernatera reineckii (I think), and some other, which I don't know. Check this video, at 01:24 the same tank is shown in close up Aquascaping - Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015, region North, Nano tanks, part 2.
Frost 9754
Frost 9754 - 10 years ago
możesz powiedzieć skad ściagasz podkład muzyczny? płacisz coś czy za darmo ? bede wdziewczny, pozdrawiam
silvereop - 10 years ago
Ten konkurs jest słaby. Świeże rosliny powtykane w rzeczny piasek. Kazde z tych akwariow ma kilka dni. Nic dziwnego ze nie bylo tam widac Polakow.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Mylisz się, i to podwójnie, albo nawet potrójnie :) Po pierwsze, to jeszcze nie jest konkurs, tylko eliminacje do właściwego konkursu, który odbędzie się w przyszłym roku. Po drugie, organizatorzy celowo zmienili zasady przy eliminacjach. Każdy z uczestników mógł zamówić wybrane przez siebie rośliny, dekoracje i podłoże, i wszystko to zostało dostarczone przez sponsorów. Dzięki temu były równe szanse - każdy z uczestników startował z dokładnie tego samego poziomu. Właśnie o to chodziło, żeby nie było hodowania roślin wcześniej, w domu. A dodatkowa zaleta jest taka, że nie trzeba ze sobą taszczyć całego wystroju obrośniętego roślinami. Wg mnie ta modyfikacja tchnęła w konkurs nowe życie, i wyzwoliła nowe pokłady kreatywności. I po trzecie wreszcie, Polaków nie było wyłącznie dlatego, że sądzili, że konkurs jest obecnie organizowany tylko dla Niemców. Co jest nieprawdą, i w następnych edycjach eliminacji (marzec we Freiburgu, październik w Dreźnie) Polacy z pewnością wezmą udział.
Fish Tank Family
Fish Tank Family - 10 years ago
so much inspiration in such a small tank.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
True, these new Scaper's Tanks have a lotof potential :)
IringPalo - 10 years ago
How does the competition work? Does aquascapers make tanks on palce or at home and they bring it? I cant imagine it.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Rules of the contest are available at http://www.planted-aquarium.de. All tanks are set up at the exhibition hall, just before the show. Sponsors provided tanks and equipment, and also substrates, rocks and plants.

20. comment for Qualifyings for The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2015 - Nano category compilation

AKWA ŁOBUZ - 10 years ago
You made my day:) Świetne, idę zaraz popatrzeć na swoje akwaria:)
Nausiicraaft - 10 years ago
Really nice tanks! =) 
theBioHouse - 10 years ago
Ahh. such amazing creativity in their nanos!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
True :) Changing from classic Nanos to Scaper's Tanks was a very good idea :)
Whonton ____
Whonton ____ - 10 years ago
Wow, that's some awesome aqua scaping, would've loved to have been there. I also really liked the music, it adds a sense of calmness to the video. Keep up the great work!
Alex Castellanos
Alex Castellanos - 9 years ago
Jhonier v de
Alex Castellanos
Alex Castellanos - 9 years ago
Zzz sr c xc c ver
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Thanks! :) And be sure I will continue my work :)
rbp917 - 10 years ago
Who makes those hang of the back canister filters?
Sonia Van de Velde
Sonia Van de Velde - 10 years ago
Thanks for your answer, I appreciate it! I think i'm going to look for one on amazon.UK. The inner filter bothers me more then the price will my friend ;-) . 
theinteldude - 10 years ago
+Sonia Van de Velde
Depending on your location they can be ordered online. In europe they are available in many shops but they are not cheap.
Sonia Van de Velde
Sonia Van de Velde - 10 years ago
+DefiniteAquascapeTV Could I order a scaper's flow online? I have a nano aquarium (25 l) but still use an inside filter. Thanks in advance!
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 10 years ago
Exactly, Scaper's Flow from Dennerle.
theinteldude - 10 years ago
That's the scaper's flow from Dennerle.

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