TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

Hey guys finally transferred my last arowana from the tank! yippy!!! now only 2 pleuro snakeheads remain there....if i decide to transfer them next week then i will have an EMPTY tank for the first time in like 3 years....u know wat that means.....hahahaha

TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 742

Pets & Animals 14 years ago 2,984,359 views

Hey guys finally transferred my last arowana from the tank! yippy!!! now only 2 pleuro snakeheads remain there....if i decide to transfer them next week then i will have an EMPTY tank for the first time in like 3 years....u know wat that means.....hahahaha

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Most popular comments
for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton - 7 years ago
That’s the scariest pond I’ve ever seen
Anti Susanti
Anti Susanti - 7 years ago
Shawn Kallimel
Shawn Kallimel - 7 years ago
What happens if you fall in the tank
Roseller John Elludar
Roseller John Elludar - 7 years ago
wat are those big black fish????
Joshua Connors
Joshua Connors - 7 years ago
Is it a green or Asian Arowana
moT and PSB dralam
moT and PSB dralam - 7 years ago
vegetals !!!
Robbie Lewis
Robbie Lewis - 7 years ago
real big pond
Jibril Ramadan
Jibril Ramadan - 7 years ago
Heaah Bagus Juga Tapi Klo Punya Anak Bisa Nyemplung Lol
Kenichi Athaya
Kenichi Athaya - 7 years ago
Do yo like fish

10. comment for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

arro elang
arro elang - 7 years ago
arowana its my name :v
Green Arowana
Green Arowana - 7 years ago
Green Arowana is beautiful fish
It's unbelievable
It's unbelievable - 7 years ago
chutia ha Kay
Johnny Blaze
Johnny Blaze - 7 years ago
Baryonx 97
Baryonx 97 - 7 years ago
I would recommend maybe adding driftwood and gravel to the aquarium, as it would give a lot of the fish much needed cover and stimulation. If you want shade, Water lillies do a fantastic job, and it'll act as a natural filtration system.
Danny O
Danny O - 7 years ago
She's gonna slip and busy her ass wearing flip-flops too big for her feet...
Nerd Herd Productions
Nerd Herd Productions - 7 years ago
Do you or have you ever swam with your fish in the pond?
Wisnu Wiradana
Wisnu Wiradana - 7 years ago
You should put water hyacinth in the pond. It will help the filtration a lot.
Charlie Ignatius
Charlie Ignatius - 7 years ago
тарас олійник
тарас олійник - 7 years ago

20. comment for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

тарас олійник
тарас олійник - 7 years ago
тарас олійник
тарас олійник - 7 years ago
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Update vid
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
What about rain
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
How do u keep wildlife out
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Fresh water rays
Red Foreman
Red Foreman - 7 years ago
Why not get sting rays
Varun Asnani
Varun Asnani - 7 years ago
You should add some plants (aquascape)
Dave G
Dave G - 7 years ago
When an Arowana jumps out of its tank it's protecting its owner from something bad happening. Has anything bad been happening that stopped after the Arowana died ?
JB Bros
JB Bros - 7 years ago
I would love to have a pond like that, but it would have to be in my basement since it snows here.
Kalong Munjit
Kalong Munjit - 7 years ago
JB Bros พกพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพพา

30. comment for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

manoj mewade ms sahil
manoj mewade ms sahil - 7 years ago
Soua Yang
Soua Yang - 7 years ago
We're can buy those fish
Mariah Duncan
Mariah Duncan - 7 years ago
wtf - who is this? Dat fish collection.
Thatdude inCrack
Thatdude inCrack - 7 years ago
This is where aros should live, not punny small ass aquariums
Froylan Vazquez
Froylan Vazquez - 7 years ago
How often do your big fish eat your small ones
Firewolf62 - 7 years ago
Can I swim in it
Tan Dor
Tan Dor - 7 years ago
imagine when it was just added and it got eaten
Ovidio Mangadi
Ovidio Mangadi - 7 years ago
They are going to die cause if the water
Ajit Nulkar
Ajit Nulkar - 7 years ago
PATO podre
PATO podre - 7 years ago
arraja também uma inguia
neorules4u - 7 years ago
Lovely pond, money and good taste :-)
Aaron Hernando
Aaron Hernando - 7 years ago
i fell in that tank the fish would die from the shit in my pants
Some YouTuber
Some YouTuber - 7 years ago
wish I had a pond like that
Javed Luhar luhar
Javed Luhar luhar - 7 years ago
it's amazing
sidharth v
sidharth v - 7 years ago
what will you feed them?
thanh le
thanh le - 7 years ago
Platinum Falls
Platinum Falls - 7 years ago
I wanted to jump in...until I saw the gar
RIFEN Ptatama
RIFEN Ptatama - 7 years ago
Praveen Khade
Praveen Khade - 7 years ago
I love any kind of pers
Putra Wijaya
Putra Wijaya - 7 years ago
You must buy super red arwanas from borneo,Indonesia sir

50. comment for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

vera wilzing
vera wilzing - 7 years ago
$$$^##$$$$$$$$$'$$$$ mQHt48Wk $$^^^^^^'
chua koksim
chua koksim - 7 years ago
WHERE you buy the arowana
AteşAcar - 7 years ago
içine düşersen yarrağı YERSİN
이혁진 - 7 years ago
Talles Sato
Talles Sato - 7 years ago
Doyouwant Someofthis
Doyouwant Someofthis - 7 years ago
Wtf, I see alligator gar
Cmoney Dom
Cmoney Dom - 7 years ago
How do u keep it clean
Cmoney Dom
Cmoney Dom - 7 years ago
beauty tank and f8sh
James Moore
James Moore - 7 years ago
do you know how many times I would swim in that if I had that
rivethead19 - 7 years ago
I wish I was wealthy enough to have a pond like this :/ ... or an amazing fish tank even T.T lol
Sally Gauthier
Sally Gauthier - 7 years ago
why did u turn a pool in to a pond
Jason Jaeger
Jason Jaeger - 7 years ago
I would love to have that in my yard. Awesome pond
Dillson Lie
Dillson Lie - 7 years ago
dillwin suka bela
Roby Dr
Roby Dr - 7 years ago
the emy lu ny
the emy lu ny - 7 years ago
oumaj gad!!
marseilla setyana
marseilla setyana - 7 years ago
it looks like an swimming pool that havent been wash,and you turn it to a pond.
Shekhar Chakrvarti
Shekhar Chakrvarti - 7 years ago
yossi yakov
yossi yakov - 7 years ago
has he got new chanel?
Kyle McGlothen
Kyle McGlothen - 7 years ago
I could spend hours out the there.
Eldon Tan
Eldon Tan - 7 years ago
Old pool huh
Definitely Not Distorted Songs
Definitely Not Distorted Songs - 8 years ago
imagine if that dog falls on the pond
Aidan Paul
Aidan Paul - 8 years ago
Danil AF
Danil AF - 8 years ago
gua punya dino saurus
bezoticallyyours83 - 8 years ago
what a beautiful pond full of fish
Nolan the Calico
Nolan the Calico - 8 years ago
won't fish die if they are in clorine
Sureshkumar Rayapureddi
Sureshkumar Rayapureddi - 8 years ago
I love fishes soooooooooo much
Ferrys Gunawan
Ferrys Gunawan - 8 years ago
i got the super red arowana. its pretty cool. and ur pond look awesome.
minecraft roxasjernell roblox
minecraft roxasjernell roblox - 8 years ago
I. m boboiboy your lol
I love K-drama
I love K-drama - 8 years ago
cool house. i want to have a house like that.
Nabamita Ghosh
Nabamita Ghosh - 8 years ago
this is A shark
ภัทรามาศ โรจนศิริรน
ภัทรามาศ โรจนศิริรน - 8 years ago
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 8 years ago
That's Awsome Dude so amazing! lucky man!
aybeenatjm gonzales
aybeenatjm gonzales - 8 years ago
imagine what will happened if you dont feed them all in a month
Jack Frost
Jack Frost - 8 years ago
How to clean the water??
xXx_oJameso_xXx - 8 years ago
I thought green marijuana
ayush Tandel
ayush Tandel - 8 years ago
Bumiputra morcha
Jason Kinnear
Jason Kinnear - 8 years ago
Nice endangered illegally traded pig nosed turtle you have there.
Robert Williams
Robert Williams - 8 years ago
what are all those smaller fish schooling around?
PokemonFan01 - 8 years ago
i thought they were gonna transfer it to the street market for a sec
Sorin Tugui
Sorin Tugui - 8 years ago
nice fish tank=)
Sanjib Singhdeo
Sanjib Singhdeo - 8 years ago
I love sea animals and I love this video very much that I can't say in words
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 8 years ago
Adam Tools
Adam Tools - 8 years ago
fuck me hard at the pond....
Sorin Tugui
Sorin Tugui - 8 years ago
Adam Tools your gay as fuck
Mocorito sin. Mex
Mocorito sin. Mex - 8 years ago
JuicyMelon Gamer
JuicyMelon Gamer - 8 years ago
I don't think this is a pond I'm pretty sure this was a pool but then they probably added fish
Agil Fitrianto
Agil Fitrianto - 8 years ago
are you sure? arwana can jump to can lossing
ali alosimi
ali alosimi - 8 years ago
One day I will have house like that and make my wife and I happy
CHEESE TheCowfish
CHEESE TheCowfish - 8 years ago
what will be your reaction if you fall in there.. mine will be like panickig
Maliha Fatima
Maliha Fatima - 8 years ago
ihhjjbvvvn m hh
pete a
pete a - 8 years ago
clean your pond clown

100. comment for TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

Fani Tamtam
Fani Tamtam - 8 years ago
so beautiful
Lee Donghaek
Lee Donghaek - 8 years ago
I will cry if i drop in there.
Goh Yihui
Goh Yihui - 8 years ago
what you turn your pool to a pond
huy nguyen
huy nguyen - 8 years ago
감성충 - 8 years ago
롯데 아구아리움에 있는거다
Rafael Kornelius
Rafael Kornelius - 8 years ago
nice pond dude
Golly Wog
Golly Wog - 8 years ago
Rich bastards that aquarium is dope
T BDL - 8 years ago
is it in indonesia cause there is gureme
Tommy Pulling
Tommy Pulling - 8 years ago
add sand to ur pond
Rap I Live G
Rap I Live G - 8 years ago
Did you rich
Sarah McCulley
Sarah McCulley - 8 years ago
Al Pra
Al Pra - 8 years ago
I don't even have pond for human :')
dian pramita
dian pramita - 8 years ago
This fish so big
Epic Travels
Epic Travels - 8 years ago
Richard Mann
Richard Mann - 8 years ago
I was more fascinated by your other fish than the arrowana
Doğan Demirkan
Doğan Demirkan - 8 years ago
very beautiful and dangerous pond :D
A4znCrayonz - 8 years ago
tank or pool
Meena Loshini
Meena Loshini - 8 years ago
I was wishing for him to fall into the pond when he was taking a video of the fishes....
Gsakthivel vel
Gsakthivel vel - 8 years ago
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 8 years ago
That's a amazing pond
Evan Snedecor
Evan Snedecor - 8 years ago
I want
Storm F-m
Storm F-m - 8 years ago
I feel like it need something in it. Ot looks to much like a swimming pool.
RAJ KING DN 9 Solanki
RAJ KING DN 9 Solanki - 8 years ago
RAJ KING DN 9 Solanki
RAJ KING DN 9 Solanki - 8 years ago
Brian Calderon
Brian Calderon - 8 years ago
Having a fish pool is nice I love fish pool to keep fish's but think is what happens a cat, a bird of prey or animals the are predators to this fish like to a meal ou them and what happens when someone accidentally falls not to mention wouldn't be a bit too expensive why can't they just have a tank inside the house
Miranda legion
Miranda legion - 8 years ago
hi, how to make sure arowanas will not fight
5000BleedDry - 8 years ago
Awesome bro
friscoHub415 - 8 years ago
that is so cool
Jaymes Warde
Jaymes Warde - 8 years ago
if I ever win or earn enough money I'm building a pond like this. I would make mine look like a lagoon or something.
Galih sidiq purnama
Galih sidiq purnama - 8 years ago
omong mu ra jelad
FlowingDepths - 8 years ago
How do you fend off herons and other fish-eaters? Or are these guys big and tough enough to give most predators a run for their money?
Van Guillamun
Van Guillamun - 8 years ago
Hãris حارس
Hãris حارس - 8 years ago
arapaima will be great
Tahir Baksh
Tahir Baksh - 8 years ago
A wild Magikarp appeared!
Spaide man
Spaide man - 8 years ago
nice pond. but other fishes will be eaten by the arowana. and it could easily jump out of that pond, its not nicknamed 'monkey-fish' for nothing.
Tommy Laudani
Tommy Laudani - 8 years ago
his new channel is "MyAquaticDiary"
Jacob Carter
Jacob Carter - 8 years ago
guy's freaking rich :)
Ben Cadec
Ben Cadec - 8 years ago
i wonder how much there biggest arowana is worth?
Adyatma666 - 8 years ago
Nice, where is this place?
Adyatma666 - 8 years ago
Nice, where is this place?
awhatzable - 8 years ago
has the arowana been eaten by a bird or a cat yet?
SwissChannel - 8 years ago
That's bad !
Krishnamurthy M
Krishnamurthy M - 8 years ago
Alex Lo
Alex Lo - 8 years ago
why not just Koi....cause a bit scared
Keisha Velez
Keisha Velez - 8 years ago
Was ur pond originally a pool?
Goldfish - 8 years ago
I want to jump in so bad...
jedrek12345 - 8 years ago
That pond looks scary! haha
Tommy Laudani
Tommy Laudani - 8 years ago
jedrek12345 his new channel is "MyAquaticDiary"
Krishnamurthy M
Krishnamurthy M - 8 years ago
herman susilo
herman susilo - 8 years ago
nice water bro
MrAjcutter - 8 years ago
Wicked set up mate I'd love it
Altex lan
Altex lan - 8 years ago
why so crazy about Arowana ?? it is just a chinese way of jacking op price. why you fall on trap?
Smith & Wesson
Smith & Wesson - 8 years ago
Altex lan u r right. Marketing gimmicks. Those arowanas r the lowest grade unless it's a golden crossed back arowana.
DreamWarrior - 8 years ago
Krishnamurthy M
Krishnamurthy M - 8 years ago
Jericho R.Reverie _
Jass Frasse
Jass Frasse - 8 years ago
dude spectacular pond and landscape. dream set up for me
Darren Lipka
Darren Lipka - 8 years ago
cool but would hate to see the food bill for those fish
Melanie Davis
Melanie Davis - 8 years ago
Can I have all of your airawanna
jens banjar patroman
jens banjar patroman - 8 years ago
you not scare,your arwana jump??
Borokokok oy
Borokokok oy - 8 years ago
In some country it's called arwana..
INFAMOUS ™ - 8 years ago
jens banjar patroman arowana not arwana
Azmeer Muhd
Azmeer Muhd - 8 years ago
put the dead tree in the middle
2k 16
2k 16 - 8 years ago
how deep is your tank? :) pond? hehe
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
how many arowanas do you have
Zeal Saballa
Zeal Saballa - 8 years ago
Undead _Duckling 6
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
nice pond
Rajesh Nogia
Rajesh Nogia - 8 years ago
i am too JEALOUS of you right now ...... so cool .... god i want to have like this one .. good one
Sid Shak
Sid Shak - 8 years ago
If you go down there, will they attack you?
RJ Bernardo
RJ Bernardo - 8 years ago
7 is lucky no. in chinese
有村かすみちゃんの白いパンツが欲しい - 8 years ago
Kalong Munjit
Kalong Munjit - 7 years ago
the turminatur 13 เรัารุะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะดะะดะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะะ
the turminatur 13
the turminatur 13 - 8 years ago
don't know what the fuck you saying
VindictivE Thrash
VindictivE Thrash - 8 years ago
¿ A qué temperatura los tienes ?
dane2ice - 8 years ago
look good until a fucking eagle comes and eats one lol
Herberth Chavarria
Herberth Chavarria - 8 years ago
Kali Wolfe
Kali Wolfe - 8 years ago
I am sure you get asked this all the time, but where do you live? Is the climate safe year round? Very nice pond and fish. Love this.
The Deamon
The Deamon - 8 years ago
wow that is a really nice pond!!!
rooster sideburbs
rooster sideburbs - 8 years ago
really nice pond. id like to have something like this.
loading2112 - 8 years ago
oh so they are the same person. makes sense.
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 8 years ago
His new account is my aquatic diary
Sebastian F
Sebastian F - 8 years ago
rooster sideburbs you should see his new one
陈德宇 - 8 years ago
The Legend 27
The Legend 27 - 8 years ago
Do a feeding vid
Cheenu Nats
Cheenu Nats - 8 years ago
so yeah thats your lesson that Arowanas jump !!! i think its idiotic .. there's a reason koi are popular - because they look good from above .. what view are you getting of a streamlined Arowana???
KoreanPolish*G-Man - 8 years ago
Dude! love what you did. so freaking cool. I would love to have something like that. How is it filter though? Iv seen many vids on how to make a pond but how do you make a pool into one?
Elias Escobar
Elias Escobar - 8 years ago
piche alberca más fea
Senith Udara
Senith Udara - 8 years ago
Is arowana need an air pump
sunny sunny
sunny sunny - 8 years ago
ขอตัวนึงได้มั้ยครับ อยากเลี้ยงจัง
Chae Jones
Chae Jones - 8 years ago
that is beautiful
Christopher page
Christopher page - 8 years ago
+1 sub = me
Patrick Jullyan
Patrick Jullyan - 8 years ago
hey i got a foot long pangasius catfish and i need to get rid of it( free ) if ur interested give me ur number and we can discuss this, thanks
Alex Smith
Alex Smith - 8 years ago
you should have 1 or 2 plants
DaOPhETKaH - 8 years ago
very nice
janbouncy - 8 years ago
Why did you make that female do all the work. All you did was bark out orders. Lazy piece of shit.
Jose Antonio Lorenzo Delgado
Jose Antonio Lorenzo Delgado - 7 years ago
kill me
kill me - 7 years ago
she did one fucking thing? is catching a fish and placing it in a pond too much work for her? jesus christ, some people will bitch about anything
阿德里安 - 8 years ago
Well, this was in Malaysia and she was probably a maid.
Jae_ DN
Jae_ DN - 8 years ago
janbouncy omfg shut the fuck up you're acting like she carried a 18000 ton whale
SkyxPrince - 8 years ago
what if she wanted to transfer the fish? its not everyday that you get to transfer a $200 fish.
James Wong
James Wong - 8 years ago
which country is this
Something Else
Something Else - 8 years ago
Kats Takashi
Kats Takashi - 8 years ago
mostly likely China
colin moon
colin moon - 8 years ago
awesome pond man
DragonWizard Gaming
DragonWizard Gaming - 8 years ago
I love your pond it looks so cool
Ramsy Hai
Ramsy Hai - 8 years ago
DragonWizards World of Fun its a nice pond but dont forget acid rains
Higor Silva
Higor Silva - 8 years ago
WOW ! Amzing you quality water . Gz . Only monsters in tank and water real pure.
Matthew Meek
Matthew Meek - 8 years ago
Thats how I transfer my fish, I hire a little asian boy to brutally net him then run through my house with a dripping wet fish in flip flops to just flop him into the new pond
realvipul - 8 years ago
thats probably his wife
Carlos Alexander  Vazquez Perez
Carlos Alexander Vazquez Perez - 8 years ago
silvi Sagita
silvi Sagita - 8 years ago
hey arowana from indonesia not from chianeas
harrry hrld
harrry hrld - 8 years ago
silvi Sagita Golden arowana originally found on Malaysia. Different Arowana came from different country.
Smith & Wesson
Smith & Wesson - 8 years ago
silvi Sagita the original golden arowana comes from malaysia
Maximus Khong
Maximus Khong - 8 years ago
use a plastic bag instead.
Maximus Khong
Maximus Khong - 8 years ago
morningstar000 - 8 years ago
is that really fishpond or swimming pool?
yukio Madgren
yukio Madgren - 7 years ago
morningstar000 they gonna eat it any way
L BLINK ARMY REVELUV - 7 years ago
morningstar000 they takr them seriously AF
Lynne Bass
Lynne Bass - 8 years ago
I think its a pool they made into a giant pond
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 8 years ago
why is the water green
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 8 years ago
Kamyar Ebadi
Kamyar Ebadi - 8 years ago
Arwana is best fish
dhen sanaani
dhen sanaani - 8 years ago
Has anybody saw the dead fish over the santan flower? hahahhaja
Renan da Hornet
Renan da Hornet - 8 years ago
CyberCat Love
CyberCat Love - 8 years ago
how much did this cost you to build ???
D TUBE - 8 years ago
try flowerhorn is best
jpcobra777 - 8 years ago
Dont know where this is, but Chinese arowana are illegal in America. An endangered species.
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Hes in Malaysia
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
rich as fuck
kayne broom
kayne broom - 7 years ago
Russ Polk hell yeah my asain is worth 200k
Rajendra Naidu Marpuri
Rajendra Naidu Marpuri - 7 years ago
Russ Polk turgid
Rajendra Naidu Marpuri
Rajendra Naidu Marpuri - 7 years ago
Russ Polk fkgsg
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
+Lesd3 Guzman u need to do alot more than that to have this house .
6 king
6 king - 8 years ago
Lesd3 Guzman not true! Theodore Rosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Albert Einstein loved video games and played 'em all the fucking time!
Danah Pareja
Danah Pareja - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure you don't have to stop playing games so you can afford nice things. I'm also sure that graduating from school doesn't always mean you can get a good job. :)
Lesd3 Guzman
Lesd3 Guzman - 8 years ago
Russ Polk this is why u need to study hard, stop playing games and get a good job, so you could afford stuff like this.
Christian Almendo
Christian Almendo - 9 years ago
Cyrus Stac
Cyrus Stac - 9 years ago
I feel like swimming with all those fishes
Aqil l
Aqil l - 9 years ago
are they not jump out?
TrueSoviet4Life - 9 years ago
Ha you can see all the plecos
R.I.P 2017-2000000089
R.I.P 2017-2000000089 - 7 years ago
Wilson Castaway Racist
syam e sham
syam e sham - 7 years ago
Joey X IV II Venal Random Content vgnnh
Wilson Castaway
Wilson Castaway - 8 years ago
TrueSoviet4Life raceist
Joey Venal
Joey Venal - 8 years ago
My dad calls them janitors
Phil Jones
Phil Jones - 9 years ago
Very sweet setup, 10/10
Wanida Batovski
Wanida Batovski - 9 years ago
It looks more like a silver arowana
Carlos Torres
Carlos Torres - 9 years ago
i have a feeling that is a pool but without the stairs...not a bad idea...ima do that
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
+Carlos Torres Go for a green clinkers or similar ground. That way, algae won't look ugly but blend in quite well. An idea is to add snails if you truly want other colour like white. Snails won't be eaten by the fish I think so they can clean the surface easily.
KevinsWither - 9 years ago
How did you build that pond?
Aizen Knaik
Aizen Knaik - 9 years ago
It looks more like a pool turned into a pond.
Buddy But
Buddy But - 9 years ago
Is that f w r s w and d it have k
#Stephen Tube
#Stephen Tube - 9 years ago
2012dnt - 9 years ago
Fish like to have objects to hide beneath, in or around for them to feel safe, especially the smaller ones, not talking about the feeders. The tank lacks obstacles to create a natural habitat could use some vegetation also.
João Pedro Vida Louca
João Pedro Vida Louca - 7 years ago
Ele pode ser o cometa ou um vel ok
Kaiden Williams
Kaiden Williams - 7 years ago
2012dnt o
Manny DeFelice
Manny DeFelice - 7 years ago
2012dnt i hate seeing people who don't know what there talking about don't go and criticize people who know what there doing ok
Mehmet Akif Yalman
Mehmet Akif Yalman - 7 years ago
Rizan Zaky
Rizan Zaky - 7 years ago
You mean the arowana should five in and hide behind logs??
sterling wilson
sterling wilson - 7 years ago
What are you talking about. How would He keep this pond Clean.? Dive in with a brush ? lol Also I like the way he has it set up. He can See his fish easily.
Jose Duran 131016
Jose Duran 131016 - 7 years ago
2012dnt fag
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 8 years ago
yea not if all your fish are bad ass motherfuckers that can easily rape and kill your entire family
MaddenMobile415 - 8 years ago
most of these look like some sort of predatory fish they don't need stuff to hide behind.
Ronni Turnip
Ronni Turnip - 8 years ago
especially the smaller ones
Ba3bi - 8 years ago
I don't think they really need vegetation and objects to hide because they are all predator fishes so they are on top of the feeding chain. yes the pond could look prettier but it's for mere aesthetic purpose...
Nicki Minaj Our Lord And Saviour
Nicki Minaj Our Lord And Saviour - 8 years ago
halozone3 He was just making a suggestion, no need to be rude.
halozone3 - 9 years ago
show us your setup.
Lex Loci
Lex Loci - 9 years ago
Just saw my dream pond materialized
Brian Kreller
Brian Kreller - 9 years ago
5 large uv sterilizes...
PREDATOR MOS HLUB - 9 years ago
nice do you swim with your fish
muhammad faseeh
muhammad faseeh - 9 years ago
What do u feed to these biggies!
Ayy Lmao
Ayy Lmao - 9 years ago
Undoubtedly. One of the wealthiest people.  I've seen in awhile.
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
+Vixyl Addaven Think that is in Thailand. Quite cheap to live there in a "wealthy" manner.
Neru Naidu
Neru Naidu - 9 years ago
How big are the fish
ㄖㄩㄒ匚乂丂ㄒ - 9 years ago
it would be so cool to swim with the fish in there :D
ping pong
ping pong - 9 years ago
This was Awesome
Santi  Jerry
Santi Jerry - 9 years ago
Love the pond.. nice one..
Aritra Dasgupta
Aritra Dasgupta - 9 years ago
GG maintenance bro.. Well Done :D
Arthur SCHOPENHAUER - 9 years ago
dat house
jurassicsushi - 9 years ago
Wow that is one amazing looking pond. I would love to have something like that in my backyard.
Mauricio Lopez
Mauricio Lopez - 7 years ago
jurassicsushi skoteiywwzlñ
Keiara Flanagan
Keiara Flanagan - 7 years ago
jurassicsushi hh
Zulaa Zulaa
Zulaa Zulaa - 7 years ago
jurassicsushi vvggcy
David Belič
David Belič - 7 years ago
Rahul Rahul.m qwer
David Belič
David Belič - 7 years ago
Rahul Rahul.m
Kristi Thoharo
Kristi Thoharo - 7 years ago
Rahul Rahul.m k
Rahul Rahul.m
Rahul Rahul.m - 7 years ago
jurassicsushi what is mean by
Danielemir Acosta
Danielemir Acosta - 8 years ago
Jamie Pimentel
Jamie Pimentel - 8 years ago
jurassicsushi G
JKT Gaming
JKT Gaming - 8 years ago
Tuyen Le hshseidi
Tuyen Le
Tuyen Le - 8 years ago
Fake Walker ,,,z...a.i N b bj
JKT Gaming
JKT Gaming - 8 years ago
The 5 dares Are here
The 5 dares Are here - 8 years ago
jurassicsushi true
Zsoltne Kiss
Zsoltne Kiss - 8 years ago
jurassicsushi hghfgdddfdfctbt
Renan Barbosa
Renan Barbosa - 8 years ago
EmojiGaming WithEnder
EmojiGaming WithEnder - 8 years ago
jurassicsushi same
Mareal Manghano
Mareal Manghano - 8 years ago
jessie grace c Jessie =)
jessie grace c Jessie
jessie grace c Jessie - 8 years ago
Jessie grace
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 8 years ago
jurassicsushi yes the tiled floor beds cool.
오은정 - 9 years ago
C A L E B V E E - 10 years ago
Id swim in there. 
Salman Apon
Salman Apon - 9 years ago
its to small for swim
Schmitti1982 - 10 years ago
really beautyfull :) thankyou
Jed C
Jed C - 10 years ago
Beautiful! But How do you clean this Pond? O.O
Tigger - 10 years ago
Using a pool vacuum I imagine
Praise Kek
Praise Kek - 10 years ago
Could you swim in that pool/pond with them?
Praise Kek
Praise Kek - 9 years ago
nah... I doubt it
lumpy1space2princess - 10 years ago
+Zumbi Dos Palmares acctually, he did make a video of him in the pond with them. They didn't pay any attention to him at all.
Praise Kek
Praise Kek - 10 years ago
pff, yeah right
lumpy1space2princess - 10 years ago
Well, possibly, but after that, you'll need to clean it.
jo l
jo l - 10 years ago
love the pacu
we have one here in new zealand.
awesome fish
Shareen Sharma-Prasad
Shareen Sharma-Prasad - 10 years ago
I'm in New Zealand where did you get your pacu?
Seahawk Swede
Seahawk Swede - 10 years ago
So rare seeing asians owning fish properly.
Felix Yi
Felix Yi - 8 years ago
chinese invented fish keeping you braindead dropkick
Riki plays
Riki plays - 8 years ago
dude look at Japanese koi owners...
Sharktooth Warrior Cats
Sharktooth Warrior Cats - 8 years ago
racist...I'm an Asian
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 8 years ago
this ain't proper
Andrew Wrestling
Andrew Wrestling - 9 years ago
FNMasterChannel - 10 years ago
I'm Asian and what you say is actually kinda true as Asian restaurant don't know the basics and you see their fish gasping.
However I know how to look after fish and it's not just Asians which is pretty racists but I really don't care.
MyAquaticDiary - 10 years ago
woah that is pretty racist lol... mofo... I am TLkmDN btw... this is my new channel
troy scrimsher
troy scrimsher - 10 years ago
if i wouldnt get eaten. i would totally swim with them
lumpy1space2princess - 10 years ago
They don't have teeth. They wouldn't eat you if they couldn't swallow you in 5 bites. These are solitary fish, not like piranhas who frenzy when in large numbers.
Leesha B
Leesha B - 10 years ago
i'd love to have one of those, struck by it really, thats awesome!
Rayyan Aiman
Rayyan Aiman - 10 years ago
Rayyan Aiman
Rayyan Aiman - 10 years ago
Awesome! Nope that i can see face to face hehe
MyAquaticDiary - 10 years ago
thanks homie :) this is my new channel btw!
Seeam Haque
Seeam Haque - 10 years ago
Don't they ever jump out?
MyAquaticDiary - 10 years ago
1800GMAMPOS - 10 years ago
How about stingray in it. It will look awesome.
April Taylor
April Taylor - 8 years ago
lumpy1space2princess lol
Max Keenan
Max Keenan - 8 years ago
lumpy1space2princess no it wouldn't check out the king of diy's freshwater stingrays or 99 percent of stingray breeders. It's a myth that they need sand
lumpy1space2princess - 10 years ago
That would require them to add sand.
1800GMAMPOS - 10 years ago
I mean freshwater stingray.
Teddy Boutin
Teddy Boutin - 10 years ago
un truc de ouff le pangasuis il et énorme
NCmike1969 - 10 years ago
Now that is a cool set up!!!  I wish I had something like this!  You got a sub from me!
Tthhuu Tthhuu Meas
Tthhuu Tthhuu Meas - 8 years ago
Jeroen Gobeyn
Jeroen Gobeyn - 10 years ago
A school of peacock bass would look awesome in it
Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 10 years ago
I thought the whole thing about Arowana's was that they jumped..?
Humanity United
Humanity United - 11 years ago
what temperature you keep then ?
Amir Asy
Amir Asy - 11 years ago
how long u keep the pacu from baby until it becomes that big ?
lincolnroad3 - 11 years ago
go swimming with them wow….
Kin Hoong
Kin Hoong - 11 years ago
Hi,just want to find out how much your pond costs?
Thank you.
zorzo999 - 11 years ago
what fish are they fed?
jabali sama
jabali sama - 11 years ago
wow its awesome i hope i have a fishpool like this one :) (Y)
Squirles G
Squirles G - 11 years ago
i think its a soft shell it depends where you live but in florida they're around 20 dollars
Keith Lee
Keith Lee - 11 years ago
You should keep a golden head arowana inside your house and just admire them too . it will be nice to have a new change :)
MyAquaticDiary - 11 years ago
Nah i used to a few years ago but it died when i moved house... i have many other fish since i made this vid tho... check out my new channel :)
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 11 years ago
do u have the red aro?
MyAquaticDiary - 11 years ago
hey bro this is my new channel.. come check out my new vids about my arowana care guide... everything is there :)
MyAquaticDiary - 11 years ago
bro this is my new channel... check it out... i have huge arapaima in there already :)
Nomen Dubium
Nomen Dubium - 11 years ago
Kinda want to swim in there and I kinda don't..... :/
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 11 years ago
put some king red aro there and arapaima
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 11 years ago
keren, arwananya banyak!
River Birzer
River Birzer - 11 years ago
Rad pond!
mooshiwooshi - 11 years ago
How do you treat these arowana mine always die
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 11 years ago
so fucking awesome
MEATSOMBRERO - 11 years ago
Awsome! Just Awsome!
LaxBboys - 11 years ago
That cost a lot to build + the fishes too. Damns.
maxwell aquino
maxwell aquino - 11 years ago
beautiful tank
Gamer Elephant
Gamer Elephant - 12 years ago
dear you to jump in lol
FahAnonym - 12 years ago
Nice pond
kasou0120 - 12 years ago
wow nice pool
ekim lonamaga
ekim lonamaga - 12 years ago
is that a swimming pool converted to a pond? nice monsters btw!
macrobioticman - 12 years ago
I'm so freaking jelous of you dude! How da fuck you get all that? You obviously wanted the fish more than the swimming pool lol
Shaff1708 - 12 years ago
yep i did ^^ u got a damn nice green aro (Y) i so want 1.. :D
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 12 years ago
"This is Alona catching the green arowana..." Sounds like an intro to a james bond movie lol never gets old...
blessedby786 - 12 years ago
when are you going to buy some goldfish?
Ivan O'Connor
Ivan O'Connor - 12 years ago
Your "fish pool" is really beautiful!
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 12 years ago
When it comes to fish, you sir do not fuck around.
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
thanks bro please check out my new channel (MyAquaticDiary) a LOT of new footage :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
thanks for the support...please check out my new channel with new footage (MyAquaticDiary). Peace out argentina :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
thanks for spreading the word :)
Shaff1708 - 12 years ago
haha man you are living my dream.. lucky you...
MonsterFishLife - 12 years ago
look at my aquatic diary he done alot lately
jason bourne
jason bourne - 12 years ago
where are the ornaments
visualkeirockstar - 12 years ago
gravel and plants would be nice
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
YESSS IT WAS :D thanks for noticing haha. come check out my new channel that im replying you with for new content :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
they are even bigger now bro. come check it out in my new channel! i barely check my old channel anymore :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
I live in malaysia so i get tropical weather all year round. please check out my new channel for the all the new content... i rarely check my old account anymore :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
Thanks for the comment. this is my new channel with new content. please check it out :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
Haha swimming with my fish is always exhilirating! im replying with my new channel! please check it out :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
Exactly :) thanks for answering for me...i barely check this old channel...this is my new channel. pls check it out :)
MyAquaticDiary - 12 years ago
Niceee yeah people have warned me that plecos can wreck the walls of the pond with their spikes... Im replying your comment with my new channel. check it out :)
Fiona B
Fiona B - 12 years ago
sooo, how is the swimming?
Anna Hamill
Anna Hamill - 12 years ago
U have a ton of fish the plecos aren't really pond fish the eat alge and I'm getting a royal pleco
MrTwoinchdubs - 12 years ago
i want to swim in that.
mantondandy10 - 12 years ago
Pretty sweet - lovely big space for the fish to move around. How do you heat it? Is there side veiwing anywhere? Do you intend to put any decor in, the fish look a little bored swimming around in a bare tank. What happens in winter?
Edwin Beyeres
Edwin Beyeres - 12 years ago
what water did you used?
Snurd - 12 years ago
i thought my pond was nice, god damn :O very nice.
Ryan Cheeseman
Ryan Cheeseman - 12 years ago
absolutely beautiful pond! i could sit beside that thing and just watch for hours on end
Jonh Coner
Jonh Coner - 12 years ago
Oh man.. I wish I have enough money to have a pond like your:)
Baseballer2043 - 12 years ago
what types of fish do you have in there? i see multiple species of arrowana and a bunch of catfish, but what else if you dont mind my asking?
Fishguy0420 - 12 years ago
wasnt this pond feautured in an issue of TFH?
Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson - 12 years ago
Nice pond love it
k2477456 - 12 years ago
honey get the goggles!
Danish Badbro
Danish Badbro - 12 years ago
you can buy some red or black arrows?
andy79yoda - 12 years ago
Love it
darren jian
darren jian - 12 years ago
I see u guys dont use the pool anymore
PdxMotoX Racer
PdxMotoX Racer - 12 years ago
Just another one of the many loving your pond bro. THANKS for sharing!!!! I had a silver in my tank for almost a year and he kept jumping out onto the carpet. You fish look happy and well cared for.
shadow priest
shadow priest - 12 years ago
very nice. taking advantage of the nice weather in Malaysia. Wish I could move to Florida from New york city and have a nice outdoor pond like this.
randy offutt
randy offutt - 12 years ago
the pond is awesome and u should get some channa bleheri
jonman0613 - 12 years ago
You should go fishing for fun!!!
Wellknow Wellplay
Wellknow Wellplay - 12 years ago
fishing time lol
nicksmith1123 - 12 years ago
that pond is fucking awesome!!!!
john powell
john powell - 12 years ago
nice pond
Zack Mckerrow
Zack Mckerrow - 12 years ago
love you pond man wish i could have one like this
jump4litan182 - 12 years ago
tonysgiew LeaqAqszN hgrtuor
tonysgiew LeaqAqszN hgrtuor - 12 years ago
man you need a net incase fish jump out
Zufar Zuhaily
Zufar Zuhaily - 12 years ago
Seriously Transfering an arowana using a net that size is not a good idea.. it might get itself hurt or break its pectoral fins when it struggle.. next time use a plastic bag or prawn bag..
crankyboiy - 12 years ago
o man i wish my country was hot throughout the year so i can make this exact pond outside.
tike2006 - 12 years ago
Your pond setup is beautiful and aesthetic. I'd say the fish are quite happy.
Xternal47 - 12 years ago
Wow your staying in Malaysia??.. I wish i can go visit your house one day .. would love to see such an awesome work in real life :D... Just got an arowana too hehe.. planning to get a 6foot tank for it soon as its only about 2 inches now.
Jehuty989 - 12 years ago
Yea what are those little fish and why dont the aros eat them?
Dave Patricio
Dave Patricio - 12 years ago
Hmm I think I've seen this pond in MonsterFishKeepers... nice collection of fish @TLkmDN
Nick JL
Nick JL - 12 years ago
Put big boulders alongside the pool to add more height so it will be ore difficult for them to jump out =)
Blacksunshine420 - 12 years ago
Probably because its a federal offense to own there in the US.
drakkingothgod - 12 years ago
awesome pond setup mate!!
Zufar Zuhaily
Zufar Zuhaily - 12 years ago
Man.. That lady catching Arowana Using a NET?? U serious?? That arowana might get it self injured or dead... Never use a net when transfering arowana...especially when it is adult arowana..
Agaptos - 12 years ago
yes he does...check his new channel MyAquaticDiary and he doesn't need a heater coz he's in Malaysia(temperature remains almost constant throughout the year. Subscribe man...this guy's awesome!!
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
did you convert your swimming pool into a pond? I LOVE IT!
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
I freaken LOVE your pond! do you swim with your fish? also, do you have a heater for your pond?
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
LOL - look at her run. too cute.
SUMIT G - 12 years ago
here in MUMBAI v get 6" silver arowana in just 24 USD .....ny ways i thought aquarium fishes in MALAYSIA wd b much the way i just loved ur pond really its amazing.
martvoermans - 13 years ago
this is what you call a fish tank :)
famousboi182 - 13 years ago
i watch all your vids i love all of your fish lol keep up the good work
Guillermo Ramirez
Guillermo Ramirez - 13 years ago
hello! I love your pond, I have a pangasius and I want to put in a place like this, tell me at what temperature does water have? .. Excuse if not understand, I'm using a translator, speak only Spanish
Arveer - 13 years ago
do they ever try to jump?
Sonny Saechao
Sonny Saechao - 13 years ago
Funny you said your arrow jumped out I was thinking about tht just as you spoke. Great pond!
chingy thao
chingy thao - 13 years ago
very nice setup.. i have always wanted to do that too.
chady - 13 years ago
apology many gallons is your pond and that the copies are impressive
jo thomas
jo thomas - 13 years ago
wow weekly water changes must be a pain in the ass
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 13 years ago
can i make a request? can you make a ten minute video of your pond with the camera just steady from the deck with the same natural light as this one? u know, just for us to watch the amazing fish u got. ok, can u make it 20 minutes? lol
pecusunite - 13 years ago
love your pond and love your Arowanas, it's Indonesian's local fish too. how much does it cost a super red arowana in Malaysia?
Vestjyden - 13 years ago
Im suprised your gar isent eating everyting.
karncc39 - 13 years ago
wow big fishes
Jhoon Aun Ng
Jhoon Aun Ng - 13 years ago
@TLkmDN plus, it's Malaysia's local fish.. ^_^ we can get this in the wild, fished them once out of lake kenyir. =)
Adam Hsu
Adam Hsu - 13 years ago
Sorry my last post wasn't clear. Ur aro's don't jump out and kill themselves???
Adam Hsu
Adam Hsu - 13 years ago
Hey great set up I just buy huge freaking tanks lol btw don't they jump out my 2000 gal tank is pissing me off it cost too much to maintain
Sam Xiong
Sam Xiong - 13 years ago
nice tank, would be really cool if there was vegetation and woods
millionaire tan
millionaire tan - 13 years ago
how do you keep your pond agae free?
SuCkMa lefty
SuCkMa lefty - 13 years ago
That is the coolest pond i have ever seen that looks so cool must be nice just to sit and feed the way what do u feed them.also u have a really nice plecostomus great job on that sick pond.
Justin Pollonais
Justin Pollonais - 13 years ago
nice pond
IKILLU720 - 13 years ago
thts a nice pond put was the talking nesacary
UhhhWinski? - 13 years ago
@dmitrisaulagostini you should check out my tanks im 16 and ive been keeping fish for about 5 years
UhhhWinski? - 13 years ago
@TLkmDN i thought green arowanas were the same as australian aros. because my friend has one and we are in the U.S. which means no asian aros. but any way killer pond and you should check out my tanks im 16 and ive been keeping fish for about 5 years
superswanhill - 14 years ago
your pond is awesome man,,,great job it's a treat for your fish,,,just don't over crowd them like most ppl do
Rajvinder Olikh
Rajvinder Olikh - 14 years ago
how bigs the tank ? 6 foot by 2 by 2 foot im guessing ?
Zen young Koh
Zen young Koh - 14 years ago
Do u have small cichlid in the pond? what are those schooling fish?
betteryou123 - 14 years ago
love to be u
Ash Ketchum
Ash Ketchum - 14 years ago
@MrFishFam your in the states . its illegal to even own a asian arowana . singapore and malaysia are the only countries that have arowana farms
Mikey Dungca
Mikey Dungca - 14 years ago
cool! the water is pretty clean...envy you! I want to have that kind of pond...
Luke McHugh
Luke McHugh - 14 years ago
@stephen4715 Sweetest pond in the world
Zul Fitri
Zul Fitri - 14 years ago
pergh.... nice pond.... where is it??
Justin Lam
Justin Lam - 14 years ago
I think the star of your fish series is not you but alona.
stephen4715 - 14 years ago
sweetest pond on youtube!
Fardin Bboyenergetic
Fardin Bboyenergetic - 14 years ago
@TLkmDN get one for your tank
opdizzle559 - 14 years ago
hello when is your next video and how much was the pond
Fardin Bboyenergetic
Fardin Bboyenergetic - 14 years ago
@TLkmDN but you dont even have a substate in your tank fish need some in a tank for a pond they are happy but actually its not ahassel at all to clean with a vacumm its only like 10 us dollars and you can clean it once amoth
Fardin Bboyenergetic
Fardin Bboyenergetic - 14 years ago
Hey why dont you have any gravel or sand or atleast- some rocks fish like them any way your fish look healthy and happy so i think you are doing the right thing actually your fish are bigger and healtheir that those in public aquariums and your arowanas have such rich color and still you need some substarte
Jeorom Dante
Jeorom Dante - 14 years ago
@TLkmDN o lol
Jeorom Dante
Jeorom Dante - 14 years ago
beutifull fish and pond nice desighn and are those little fishes baby fishes
protocl - 14 years ago
its all up to you. just sharing my thoughts.
protocl - 14 years ago
Well...I'm not trying to force my way or how we do it in the states; usually a strong plastic bag, arowana must swim inside, thus reducing stress an violent acts. An Aro. that size needs 2 persons to carry it. Also a pan or something like it to help carry the weight of it all.
protocl - 14 years ago
IMO: the approach on transferring the aro. was wrong.
Rajvinder Olikh
Rajvinder Olikh - 14 years ago
dude where in kl do you live xD i've nvr seen a malaysian own a pond like tht.well other than you're post on MFK tht is xD
knifeguru350 - 14 years ago
@TLkmDN i would go with the piraibai those are bad ass my lfs has a wallago there pretty cool too pretty much all those choices are good! but if you really want something monster i would probably get the arapaima
gianolrac - 14 years ago
your pond looks like cleaner in this video.. how many percent of water change do you do? and how often the water change is? :)
knifeguru350 - 14 years ago
any idea what your going to put in the tank next?

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About TLkmDN Transferring Green Arowana from TANK! (18/6/2010)

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