TetraCare for Goldfish

Have a new Goldfish friend? Our TetraCare video will show you everything you need to do to setup your new aquarium.

TetraCare for Goldfish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 624

Pets & Animals 13 years ago 880,745 views

Have a new Goldfish friend? Our TetraCare video will show you everything you need to do to setup your new aquarium.

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Most popular comments
for TetraCare for Goldfish

phantom foxy
phantom foxy - 7 years ago
wow. wow you forgot to leave ARE for those fish
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson - 7 years ago
there's so many things wrong with this.
Jason wall
Jason wall - 7 years ago
thats a ten gallon tank gold fish need a minimum of 20 gal each
kautham m
kautham m - 7 years ago
It's awesome dued
Creative Janiah
Creative Janiah - 7 years ago
At 3:50 the fish was bumping into the plants
Ariel Wexler
Ariel Wexler - 7 years ago
Please don't listen to this
Aquatic Gouramis
Aquatic Gouramis - 7 years ago
2-3 Flakes? Those goldfish are gonna be starving in that tank with only aqua safe to live on
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
75-80 degrees!
We are still taking about goldfish right?
Cooper Reilly
Cooper Reilly - 7 years ago
Cough cough 8 pounds a gallon

10. comment for TetraCare for Goldfish

Bruno Lapointe
Bruno Lapointe - 7 years ago
I'm not sure I understand, it was not twice a day normally? One or two times?
argus zz
argus zz - 7 years ago
if they get sick bath your fish with 100% aqua safe and end its life ughhh
Queen of kings
Queen of kings - 7 years ago
Did she really just put a whole bottle of safe start
Ryleey - 7 years ago
Why did she rinse the filter in tap water
Turtles Are Awesome
Turtles Are Awesome - 7 years ago
The Snake guy
The Snake guy - 7 years ago
Ya get a 10 gallon tank and pour all of the damn Aqua safe into the tank, it's totally safe
jennifer denning
jennifer denning - 7 years ago
how to set up a tank
1. buy an aqua safe tank
2. clean your aqua safe tank
3. add in aqua safe gravel
4. add aqua safe decorations
5. add aqua safe water
7. a climate your aquasafe fish
8. pour water into bucket and use aquasafe net to transfer the fish over
10. enjoy your aquasafe tank
Ilias Vanhove
Ilias Vanhove - 7 years ago
The only correct thing they did was taking the fish apart from the store water
E-falcon - 7 years ago
1. Add aqua safe
2. Add aqua safe
3. Add aqua safe
4. Add aqua safe
5. Your fish dies
Nick Megill
Nick Megill - 7 years ago
New tank syndrome really

20. comment for TetraCare for Goldfish

theo jansen
theo jansen - 7 years ago
I've never kept goldfish but I'm pretty sure you need a tank that's way bigger than 10 gallons to keep them
putri kanza
putri kanza - 7 years ago
no good
Richard The Psychic Chicken
Richard The Psychic Chicken - 7 years ago
boos Nsn
boos Nsn - 7 years ago
very good job
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 7 years ago
This is one of the worst Goldfish care videos I have a ever seen. You need to wait at least 4 weeks for the tank to cycle. An the tank you're using is way to small for those goldfish. For one fancy goldfish you would need 20 gallons.
James Ho
James Ho - 7 years ago
Live plants > Artificial plants
Wanik Abrahamian
Wanik Abrahamian - 7 years ago
Is AquaSafe really needed?
LoversLane Hawj
LoversLane Hawj - 7 years ago
Aqua what? I just used water conditioner and you only need 5ml per 10 gallon, instead of pouring the whole bottle lol.
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 7 years ago
3:42 - My Goldfish Started Eating In Just A Few Minutes.
Adarsh Singh
Adarsh Singh - 7 years ago
how to gold fish sex

30. comment for TetraCare for Goldfish

It'sJustTony - 7 years ago
Forget water I'm using aquasafe for everything!
Cobalt DeadShark
Cobalt DeadShark - 7 years ago
shoves 10 5 inch goldfish into 1 gallon bowl
freya and petsxo
freya and petsxo - 7 years ago
In the making of this video they must of used at least 2bottles of aqua safe start poor fish will be living in a tank full of it
The Tetra
The Tetra - 7 years ago
A ten gallon is WAY too small for a goldfish.
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
Use the entire bottle of Safe Start?
Ryan Dever
Ryan Dever - 7 years ago
Goldfish will eat in the bag .
Wiky AJ
Wiky AJ - 7 years ago
I ltterally have like the tiniest tank EVER!
Uma Shankar
Uma Shankar - 7 years ago
2 or 3 flakes per goldfish WTF
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
Two 25% water changes a month... ha! Not for a 10 gallon with two goldfish
IMRANA SYED - 7 years ago
this video shows how to kill a goldfish
IMRANA SYED - 7 years ago
waste video
Garbage Human
Garbage Human - 7 years ago
she put wayyyy to musch aqua start in.
i.strat_ - 7 years ago
Hopefully they rehomed those pretty Ryukin goldfish to a larger tank... that tank looks too small for three fish. They need 30 gallons each!
Bonnie 1000
Bonnie 1000 - 7 years ago
The goldfish was healthier before put into the tank
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 8 years ago
longest aqua safe commercial ever
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 8 years ago
that tank is too small for goldfish
Bonnie 1000
Bonnie 1000 - 8 years ago
0:13 Most of the time it comes with aqua safe, aqua safe, aqua safe and aqua safe.
Victoria Moux
Victoria Moux - 8 years ago
and that was way too small of a tank for those fish poor things weren't even getting a fraction of the space they need
Victoria Moux
Victoria Moux - 8 years ago
Legit the medicine i bought for my betta fish by you guys is not working and he is dying a slow painful death thanks a lot
Leo V.
Leo V. - 8 years ago
2:02 I'll rather wait instead waisting money on safe start .

50. comment for TetraCare for Goldfish

Adam Meadows
Adam Meadows - 8 years ago
Goldfish in 75-80 degrees holy shit
Autumn Knaap
Autumn Knaap - 8 years ago
wy dont ya just do everything with aqua safe
Night Wolf
Night Wolf - 8 years ago
Gem23 - 8 years ago
Change the water twice each month that is just wrong
Gem23 - 8 years ago
Anyone notice that she filled it up all the way
Nazmul Hossain
Nazmul Hossain - 8 years ago
How many price same as 60 gallon aquarium full sate
Rowan Evans
Rowan Evans - 8 years ago
wasted a bottle of conditnor
Cavitae Productions
Cavitae Productions - 8 years ago
A heater is extra? It should be essential
Shojuli - 8 years ago
goldfish don't like to have a heater they are called cold water fish for a reason these people are stupid. I have a tank with two lovely goldfish but is it normal for them to come up to the tank side when I come into the room and it looks like they want to play is that normal  for comet goldfish
Buli Debnath
Buli Debnath - 8 years ago
Fish tank is small
MR. Jelatine
MR. Jelatine - 8 years ago
Loganrap5 Step 5 put a black wallpaper for your aquarium
Dog that likes watermelon
Dog that likes watermelon - 8 years ago
Here's what I can correct about this video:
1) She overcrowded her tank a lot, she should have at least a 40 gallon tank for those three goldfish.
2) Don't use tap water to clean the filter
3) Do at least a 50% water change a week (it's what I do)
4) Don't feed goldfish flakes
5) Too many decorations in my opinion
6) Goldfish are cold-water fish, I keep my aquarium at about 60-ish°
7) Even though they kept mentioning "SafeStart", if you're not using that you should wait 2 weeks before adding fish to an aquarium
8) Gravel is not the best option, as it can collect poop and cause ammonia to spread faster. Sand is the best option
9) Fake plants aren't the best option either
10) SafeStart
Obviously I'm not a pro, but that's all I really know
Jake Abney
Jake Abney - 8 years ago
3:15 she literally added the whole bottle
Jake Abney
Jake Abney - 8 years ago
How many chemicals are they going to put in the tank geez
Naïm Septimus
Naïm Septimus - 8 years ago
shame on you !!!
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 8 years ago
Watch Solid Gold.
Alyssa Rose
Alyssa Rose - 8 years ago
Watch Solid Gold on YouTube instead this isn't right. Solid Gold will give you better more helpful information
Virginia Jaworski
Virginia Jaworski - 8 years ago
Just buy aqua safe and a fish jam the fish in a big bottle of aqua safe and it will live a perfect life no need to feed actual food just feed it aqua safe
levi jaubert 2
levi jaubert 2 - 8 years ago
this is a pile of BS. please ingorge this.
Jewel Ingram
Jewel Ingram - 8 years ago
well jeez, Karen, don't add the whole bottle now
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
you idiot he's not hiding he's stuck in the plant you retard
KaylaxKyuquot Studios
KaylaxKyuquot Studios - 8 years ago
60 gallon tank for those fish, not a ten gallon. Cycle the tank for at least a month without fish, add BB if you want to speed up the process... test water everyday.. feed small meals every few hours, goldfish are scavengers, and eat whatever they can. GET TO MY LEVEL TETRA XDD
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 8 years ago
Aqua safe aqua safe aqua safe oh wait did I forget the aqua safe
Tammy Burke
Tammy Burke - 8 years ago
Don't rinse the filter under tap water do a water change and rinse the filter in the bucket dumb ass!
TazInator - 8 years ago
Did they even cycle that tank god dang fish company's don't even know how to care for fish first aqueon makes a tank for beta with tanks next to eachpther with each tank 2 pints they tetra puts in fish while cycling a tank for 20 seconds
TazInator - 8 years ago
Noooooo u don't do a water change after u replace filter omg u replace then put it behind for a week to keep bacteria and even if u change u space water change 3 days after to accumulate bacteria don't listen to this video
TazInator - 8 years ago
She did a water change 10 minutes after adding fish god that'll kill em
Jean-Michel Gervais
Jean-Michel Gervais - 8 years ago
can i have driftwood for my goldfish? i mean... I don't remember the actuall PH goldfish need... I assume is neutral, so 7, but they are hardy, so i was wondering if they could live in a water of around 6.5 or even down to 6...
Who is watching fishes before they buy it
hadleys_ goldfish
hadleys_ goldfish - 8 years ago
don't listen to this vid watch solid gold
Awkward Turtle
Awkward Turtle - 8 years ago
thats a lot of safe start
panagiotis k
panagiotis k - 8 years ago
jordanohTV - 8 years ago
drinking game: take a shot every time he says aquasafe
Wario - 8 years ago
jordanohTV Im in my grave from alcohol poisoning.
jordanohTV - 8 years ago
damn how many chemicals is she adding? lol
Frederika Lam
Frederika Lam - 8 years ago
Lots and Lots of wrong information. Dont listen to this bullshit
#Videogames For Life
#Videogames For Life - 8 years ago
Her face tho
Mya8D - 8 years ago
2 water changes a MONTH?!? You are dumb, you are very very dumb!! Goldfish crap more than fucking elephants. 90% every other day so your goldfish will have no excuse to become ill. Also, this tank in the video is small and over crowded. Bad examples -.-
Wario - 7 years ago
Mya8D 90? umm no 50%. 90% is gonna throw the water chemistry off. but i agree this whole vid is wrong
Connie D
Connie D - 8 years ago
DAAC86 - 8 years ago
wow so much wrong infomation in this video.
first to small aquarium to start with. first goldfish req 80 L of water and each after that 40 L extra
second so small gravel is very bad for goldfish because as they grow bigger they can eat it in they seach for food
3th aqua safe start isnt the best way to start your tank because it doesnt do much as all the good bacteria has to be in the filter not the water so adding alittle bacteria to the water well your lucky if the fish survie, and to wait only 2 day normally is to short and filter cicling process takes a few weeks you can speed this process up by taking some old filter bacteria from another aquarium filter and add to the new filter that is the best way to quick start an aquarium I do that with all my new tanks and works well.
and now i am so lucky to live in a land where tap water is safe for fish because all the cemistri is not very good on the long tem
Kenzy Mohamed
Kenzy Mohamed - 8 years ago
Michael Vuong
Michael Vuong - 8 years ago
4:45 There's a predator in the room
Mikey Ramirez
Mikey Ramirez - 7 years ago
Michael Vuong I am can't sleep now thank you
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
bitch theyre cold-water fish they ain't living in 75+ degrees dumb ass fuckers

that tank is also overstocked god damn do you know anything? And you need to acclimate them by dripping some water in the bag every few minutes-
Wario - 8 years ago
+hurt animal abusers paws Cause I've seen that profile pic at tropical fish keeping UK
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Wario - 8 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws Do you have a face book?
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+hurt animal abusers paws the crazy thing is, the goldfish that's too big for the 60 gal started out in a cylinder 5 gal and outgrew that without getting growth stunted!
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
+ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean yes i totally agree. The bigger the better!
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+hurt animal abusers paws with goldfish I wouldn't put a common in anything less than a 120 to be completely honest, they get gigantic. I have a friend who has a 60 gallon with a goldfish that is literally too big for that thing. I don't think I could even put more than a single fancy in a 30 gallon unless it's for a quarentine tank or an emergency tank (like accidentally dropping something that could harm them into their original tank)
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean ikr, each goldfish also needs 30 gallons and 10 per additional one!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
goldfish are sub tropical which basicly means they come from a area that has a summer and winter.so they can take a wide variety of temperatures and there are actually very few true cold water fish in the hobby.
yogosans14 - 8 years ago
LAPD GANG actually Goldfish can tolerate colder temperatures but Goldfish prefer 68-74 degrees. Fancy Goldfish with the egg shaped bodies need warmer temps.
LAPD OFFICER - 8 years ago
Shadow Kitty cat your right!!! Goldfish temp should be 65-68 . They are not tropical fish!! This video is all fucked up!!!
Steve Andres
Steve Andres - 8 years ago
guys just watch solid gold than this
Animallover0236 - 7 years ago
HeyThereCupcake Your stupid, goldfish require alot of care and maintenance. With the fancy kind it's 20gl for the first fish and 10gl for every added in fish but with the comit goldfish it's 40gl per fish. Anything less will have your fish dead quickly.
Cavitae Productions
Cavitae Productions - 8 years ago
Goldfish are very dirty and can get really big, at least 20 gallons per goldfish otherwise, they only last a month or two
HeyThereCupcake - 8 years ago
Steve Andres bigger tank is not always better. you don't need a SeaWorld aquarium to house some freaking goldfish
GD Cringe
GD Cringe - 8 years ago
Steve Andres I know right I watch her all the time and hers are better
Sam Quarve
Sam Quarve - 8 years ago
Yet they forget to mention that ONE goldfish needs 20 gallons of water and then 10 more gallons per additional gold fish? So they would need a 40 gallon tank just for those goldfish.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 8 years ago
Sam Quarve 30 but 40 is better
Ivan Villanueva
Ivan Villanueva - 8 years ago
They forgot the aquarium salt^^
Wheeler TV
Wheeler TV - 8 years ago
Did they just say goldfish like warm water? I thought they were cold water fish.
Dunkleosteus - 8 years ago
There's several things wrong with this video. It doesn't really give good advice. The most alarming advice they gave was the temperature range for goldfish which is not 75-80 Fahrenheit. Goldfish are a cool water species that prefer temperatures of 60-75 Fahrenheit.
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
They forgot to mention that gravel is bad for goldfish and one fancy needs 30 gallons and one common needs 75+ gallons lol.. AND DON'T FEED GOLDFISH FLAKES. Sheesh... and monthly testing? Strips are horribly inaccurate and at least twice weekly water changes on goldfish. And you never do a water change the same time you change out the CARBON part of the filter, never the sponge..
rayaan raichur
rayaan raichur - 8 years ago
I have fish
Henk hidde Zweers
Henk hidde Zweers - 8 years ago
You need to feed fancy goldfish pellets.
Henk hidde Zweers
Henk hidde Zweers - 8 years ago
Angel Warrior no you need to soak them first
Angel Warrior
Angel Warrior - 8 years ago
Henk Zweers don't let the pellets float
Clementine - 8 years ago
aquasafe aquasafe aquasafe oh yeah and did i forget the aquasafe
Goob - 7 years ago
Clementine I fucking hate you I liked you better when you were a loli
Noctis Me Senpai
Noctis Me Senpai - 7 years ago
Noctis lucis Caelum Yeah buddy! but er.. I think Luna will accept everything about you
Clementine - 7 years ago
Gladio would pick on me and luna won't think I'm cool anymore. Prompto u were always my favorite
Noctis Me Senpai
Noctis Me Senpai - 7 years ago
Noctis lucis Caelum Of course, your Highness bows
Clementine - 7 years ago
+Noctis Me Senpai don't tell luna and the guys that I like fish
Noctis Me Senpai
Noctis Me Senpai - 8 years ago
what are you doing here your Highness? xD
David Cameron
David Cameron - 8 years ago
Ruxack ;! All the aqua safe
Rsheed Qais
Rsheed Qais - 8 years ago
Charlie Rosser
Charlie Rosser - 8 years ago
4:49 tho
Gymuette - 8 years ago
Thats not true about how you should wait to feed them after 20 hours or until they are comfortable. I got 2 new fish yesterday and fed them after 2 hours and they are doing just fine. Feed your fish every 12 hours or twice a day (Morning and Night). I have been fish keeping for quite a while and Im pretty sure a day after this video the fish were dead. They most likely killed them

100. comment for TetraCare for Goldfish

MLP Dark Sapphire
MLP Dark Sapphire - 8 years ago
How can they be stupid enough to pour a whole bottle of water conditioner into a tank? Seriously I hope nobody saw this and pouts the whole conditioner bottle in. Watch Solid Gold for real advice on goldfish don't listen to this crappy video video of bulls**t.
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 7 years ago
MLP Dark Sapphire solid gold is the real MVP
Wario - 8 years ago
山本ヨーヨー Nigga I cycled my tank with safestart of course I got a bacteria bloom they were wrong about avoiding new tank syndrome.
MLP Dark Sapphire
MLP Dark Sapphire - 8 years ago
HDL Films It was conditioner. Like the other person here said, you can hear the dude say it in the video. Also you don't dump all that bottled beneficial bacteria in the tank either.
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
HDL Films
Also she did put a whole bottle of conditioner in the tank, you can hear him say it later
Aquasafe is also a conditioner
山本ヨーヨー - 8 years ago
HDL Films
lol it's gonna die bare quick anyway
Bottled bacteria is always shit
Cycling the tank with fish is the worst too
BlueMusic - 8 years ago
MLP Dark Sapphire omg I love her
The Lord hears the cry of the poor Clara
The Lord hears the cry of the poor Clara - 8 years ago
She must be spending a bomb on Aqua safe, the amount she is using! Lol
Bettas&Bunnies 5
Bettas&Bunnies 5 - 8 years ago
Why the heck did she add the whole bottle of water conditioner poor fisheys has been drugged
Mahesh Bista
Mahesh Bista - 8 years ago
hello there
i have a 70 galllon tank with
4 fancy goldfish and 1 shubunkin.... do you think it's overcrowded or is it okay???
M. Yates
M. Yates - 8 years ago
The Shubunkin will need larger, the 4 fancy are fine in there :)
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
Maybe upgrade about 10 gallons but besides that your tank is stocked correctly
Aline Laura
Aline Laura - 8 years ago
But should I use Aqua Safe? What about Safe Start?
Freshwater tanks
Freshwater tanks - 8 years ago
Your products are terrible your filters are the worst I have a YouTube channel about fish and rated tetra the worst and they hate 75 Fahrenheit API and seachem all the way
magzire - 8 years ago
she just used tap water to clean the filter, omg!
SRO3 - 7 years ago
Cause that's the problem with this video
Sven Andres
Sven Andres - 8 years ago
all so feed em with sinking foods goodnes ur so dumb
Sven Andres
Sven Andres - 8 years ago
dont use nets u dont now dat u might brake a part of its body, like its fins
Rachel K.
Rachel K. - 8 years ago
Mesh nets couldn't do that though.
Chloe Xxxx
Chloe Xxxx - 8 years ago
This should title ' How to buy and use our products so you can kill your fish and run back to buy a new fish! lol ... Mostly wrong information! Please gomto ' koko goldfish site' and get good advice. They do know how to look after fish and dont care what products you buy as they make make any money from the site :0)
Yeokk 8399
Yeokk 8399 - 8 years ago
Hope no children seen this shit and actually poured the whole anti-chlorine into an aquarium full of fishes.
Gina Mosquera
Gina Mosquera - 8 years ago
Solar Psychic
Solar Psychic - 8 years ago
and safe start'
Solar Psychic
Solar Psychic - 8 years ago
how much aqua safe do they use
magzire - 8 years ago
haha :)
nightmare gamer 95
nightmare gamer 95 - 8 years ago
4 bottles
Chode - 8 years ago
You should never put more then one fish in the same bag. They're way more stupid then I thought
manu singh
manu singh - 8 years ago
manu singh
manu singh - 8 years ago
Chode - 8 years ago
Seems like this video is just done for promoting their shitty products, not to help people
gillywibble - 8 years ago
How many fish were killed in the making of this video?! Tetra, you know about fishless cycling. Be professional not profitable.
CardboardDragon - 8 years ago
i didnt do half of these and my fish have been doing great for 4+ years
Neo Tark
Neo Tark - 8 years ago
Umm don't over feed the goldfish?? Goldfish don't have stomach and goldfish's teeth are in the neck
Aadhira Arun
Aadhira Arun - 8 years ago
don't listen to this video
Wolf Girl6292004
Wolf Girl6292004 - 8 years ago
иσт єиσυgн αqυαѕαfє ѕмн
Wolf Girl6292004
Wolf Girl6292004 - 8 years ago
уσυ мαу αѕ ωєℓℓ fιℓℓ уσυя єитιяє тαик ωιтн αqυαѕαfє
Ashe Shiina
Ashe Shiina - 8 years ago
manu singh
manu singh - 8 years ago
Sgs. this was not the l
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
Nah, that's not enough. pour 5 gallons of aqua safe into your aquarium.
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson - 8 years ago
Fish would go hungry
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson - 8 years ago
Yup got point
Jen Bedard
Jen Bedard - 8 years ago
"let fish swim around in ten gallons of aqua safe"
Zainab Sulieman
Zainab Sulieman - 8 years ago
i want a fish
zackstud09 - 8 years ago
I bought a fish tank and rinsed the sand and decorations. filled the tank. added a little tap safe (not as much as this woman did)
then added some bio-boost to help make the water safe aswell.
turned the filter on and and popped the fish in while they are still in the bag and then waited half an hour. then added the fish to the tank and they have always been perfectly fine.
10 gallon is to small for two goldfish to be in constantly tho. I have 3 in a 20 gallon but they are very young and will be moving them into a 50 gallon tank shortly.
the hole video makes it look to hard to care for the fish and alot of it isn't exactly correct.
can't believe the amount of tap safe and every other chemical she used. when adding the tap safe and other stuff like this make sure to read the back. I know on mine it say 1 cap full = 20litres. so only add what it says.
zackstud09 - 8 years ago
I make sure to feed new fish that I put into a tank because for some reason they will swim all over the tank and eat the food and they soon feel more safe and comfortable. I do this after ever time I introduce a new fish or after I finish cleaning the tank. the fish concentrate on their food more than what has just happened to them. it works and I'll always do it
TheGameCommentator - 8 years ago
"Then add AquaSafe"
Ferocis - 8 years ago
Wait at least 24 hours before feeding him.. LET HIM STARVE IF HE HASNT BEEN FED xD
Madeleine P.
Madeleine P. - 8 years ago
In case anyone is looking at this for information on Goldfish, IGNORE IT. Solid Gold is an amazing and smart informer. These guys no nothing.
Madeleine P.
Madeleine P. - 8 years ago
In case anyone is looking at this for information on Goldfish, IGNORE IT. Solid Gold is an amazing and smart informer. These guys no nothing.
anfearspuinse - 8 years ago
To anyone thinking of setting up a goldfish aquarium: please ignore everything in this video and find someone who knows what they are talking about
Elaine Voigt
Elaine Voigt - 8 years ago
i.e. SolidGold
Rattiom - 9 years ago
I can just imagine the narrators aquarium. plants, filter, gravel, but no fish, just a bottle of Aqua Safe.
andrea penney
andrea penney - 9 years ago
this is mean to fish because it does not explain the nitrogen cycle!
Toby m
Toby m - 9 years ago
and the creators of this video are selling aquarium stuff... let someone sell aquarium stuff who at least knows something about aquaria... this is shit
JORAL RIVER - 9 years ago
lol, can't believe she is pouring the whole bottle of water safe!!! lol
FunnyMoustacheHammy - 9 years ago
What kind of idiot ours the whole bottle of Aqua safe in a tank?
Nail art World
Nail art World - 8 years ago
Well,they do!That is wrong!Why do they do that?
Jazmyn Arrowood
Jazmyn Arrowood - 9 years ago
be sure to add the whole bottle of water conditioner, wait a screw that add in two more!!!
Jazmyn Arrowood
Jazmyn Arrowood - 9 years ago
how much conditioner do you need lol
annie ngo
annie ngo - 9 years ago
I just got a fish!!!
Megarome Plays
Megarome Plays - 9 years ago
Step 1: Rinse Your Tank with aqua safe
Step 2: feed your fish aqua safe
Step 3: Put in more aqua safe Untill Your fish Will die
Megarome Plays
Megarome Plays - 9 years ago
That Girl Put si much chemical In that tank
Megarome Plays
Megarome Plays - 9 years ago
That Girl Put si much chemical In that tank
Megarome Plays
Megarome Plays - 9 years ago
Omg This not A video To keep A fish propherly this step show you How kill A fish Imediatly
manics boom
manics boom - 9 years ago
Dumb video!!!!!!
Electricmarblez - 9 years ago
Fuck water, I'll just fill my tank with Aqua Safe.
Floofy PancakeAJ
Floofy PancakeAJ - 9 years ago
OMG IT SAID TO DO A WATERCHANGE TWICE EACH MONTH!!! I do a 2/3 water change once a week
Floofy PancakeAJ
Floofy PancakeAJ - 9 years ago
4:46 omg if i were one of those goldfish i would be so afraid 0.0
Wolf Girl6292004
Wolf Girl6292004 - 8 years ago
Alison Davis
Alison Davis - 9 years ago
this one girl at my school told me she wanted to get a goldfish and she had a tank I asked her how big it was she said 2 gallons I told her I'd Drive to her house and steal it from her if she bought one and put it in that
Alison Davis
Alison Davis - 9 years ago
MLGamerPlays Mc
MLGamerPlays Mc - 9 years ago
WC TWICE A MONTH. OMG thats a lie. Try a 50% WC weeky
TheGameCommentator - 8 years ago
IKR!!! That's what I do! And she changed the filter media!!!
annieheresharma - 9 years ago
what is the size of this tank may i ask?
Shreejit Rimal
Shreejit Rimal - 9 years ago
Trive is a wrong word to use cuz that fish is simply surviving.
strong and stable
strong and stable - 9 years ago
Yeah I would never use the word trive
Nathaniel G
Nathaniel G - 9 years ago
that marina thermometer tho
Fancy Fancy Fish
Fancy Fancy Fish - 9 years ago
Don't forget your safe start!
Sydney Schwebel
Sydney Schwebel - 9 years ago
Put the right amount of chemicals in the water
* pours whole bottle in*
TheGameCommentator - 8 years ago
+Max Bensley Dude, chill. I was just trying to get my point across. Just saying a lot of this is false advertising.
maxxxbensleyyy - 8 years ago
+TheGameCommentator the video is longer that 5 seconds. You don't own a Fish solution company so shut up!
TheGameCommentator - 8 years ago
+Max Bensley Yea for five seconds
maxxxbensleyyy - 8 years ago
+TheGameCommentator well its alive so...
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
Well, safe start (what she used) is just bacteria and not chemicals so you can't really overdose
TheGameCommentator - 9 years ago
+Sydney Schwebel IKR she should have only put in about 5 ml
Yakatani - 9 years ago
It's amazing how the way of keeping fish differ from country to country. In the Netherlands, fancy goldfish breeders would advise changing water every week for at least 40% as goldfish are like little pigs. Aquasafe is not needed for every waterchange here, our water isn't that bad tbh.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
it's not different most goldfish keepers/breeders in the us recommend 30% to 50% water changes at least every week.just this is a horrid video to follow for fish keeping(most pet store info or product sells pushes are).

read the rest of the comments and you see them joking about the video especially the amount of safe start they are using.
Madame Hagfish
Madame Hagfish - 9 years ago
1.47 creepiest shit I have ever seen
It'sJustTony - 8 years ago
Alex - 8 years ago
You mean 4:47? lol creepy as fuck...
Szczupaczi - 8 years ago
+Jesse Florian HAHAHAHA
emily - 9 years ago
forget water, just use aqua safe for the whole thing
Tyler Barr vlogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tyler Barr vlogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 7 years ago
emily that is just dumb
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
Oh my, that was a while ago, ive changed. ive decided to use hydrofluoric acid now!
all my fish have disapeared. but ive noticed many small specks, i think these are their babies!
They're so cute.
any advise would be appreciated.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation - 7 years ago
Pile Of Crap oh god
Pile Of Crap
Pile Of Crap - 7 years ago
forget water, or aquasafe. i like to use air. air is great. my fish enjoy having air instead of water. they all changed color into a brown, and stopped swimming! they're so happy and lazy. just lying down on the tank. they eat to much too, they smell so bad X3
Rosie Witch
Rosie Witch - 7 years ago
I just use filter water
gong street
gong street - 8 years ago
Rogelio Martinez Avalos brdkw
Horselover 0638
Horselover 0638 - 8 years ago
Rogelio Martinez Avalos
Rogelio Martinez Avalos - 8 years ago
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
+DopeyGamer 22 not learning how to spell kills my brain cells
xxdopeythewolf xx
xxdopeythewolf xx - 8 years ago
+watdaNOSTRIL bleatch kills fish
xxdopeythewolf xx
xxdopeythewolf xx - 8 years ago
+Saikat Sengupta that is not good youing bleatch
Saikat Sengupta
Saikat Sengupta - 8 years ago
stopfollowingme - 8 years ago
i just use bleach. it kills all the bacteria
Neo Tark
Neo Tark - 8 years ago
Forget Aqua safe and water,use mineral water
Oscar Santos
Oscar Santos - 8 years ago
+PAULA MIHALJEVIĆ wow, you obviously can't take a joke
Nail art World
Nail art World - 8 years ago
Are you crazy?
PAPOPLIBABOO HartHart - 9 years ago
Fancy Fancy Fish
Fancy Fancy Fish - 9 years ago
That's what I do
Rosa Stevenson
Rosa Stevenson - 9 years ago
this is awful :0!!!!!!! Loads of this information is ridiculous
Juan Roechel
Juan Roechel - 9 years ago
y like tour products lamentably I CAN SHOUYOU MY FISHES
Sadie Robinson
Sadie Robinson - 9 years ago
the one and only reason they didn't just put the gold fish in the aqua safe is cause it didn't fit
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams - 9 years ago
Sadie Robinson
Sadie Robinson - 9 years ago
direct drafts??? ITS NOT A BIRD!
Juan A Jorge
Juan A Jorge - 9 years ago
I really great with this video and I learn a lot .. Thank you
dennis van
dennis van - 9 years ago
+Juan A Jorge please tell me you are joking
MrDeathrene - 9 years ago
Are you being serious? I can't tell if you are.
Little Miss Goldfish
Little Miss Goldfish - 9 years ago
im sorry but i feel like almost everything in this setup is wrong
dennis van
dennis van - 9 years ago
+Claire Bear it is, everything is wrong... dont forget aqua safe and safe start
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
I have 2 (1-2") baby orandas in a 20 gallon. This video is saying you can have 3 fully grown goldfish in a 10 gallon. WOOP WOOP!
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
actually it is 1 inch of adult goldfish to 2 gallons the average works out to be 20 gallons.you go by what the fish is going to grow into not by what it currently is cause fish grow fast or at least happy healthy fish do.so when you think about the 20 plus 10 rule is pretty small when you consider this rule and how big the average adult gold fish is.for fancy it is 8 to 10 inches for average sizes so do the math.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+Aqua Bloom btw the larger the better why? Cause it will make them happy,healthy and it will live longer
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro I go by the rule 2 inches per 5 gallon, so 4 inches of fish needs 10 gallon, with swimming room of 10. But some ppl like to overspace their tanks to save doing waterchanges :3
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+Aqua Bloom 1 goldfish needs 20 gal and 10 gal per each other fish you add(fancy) while common and comets need 40 and 30 gal per each other fish you add
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
(Such fake shit that this vid promotes)
Ben sefrit
Ben sefrit - 9 years ago
What the hell you and 1 bottle of safe start and 10 minutes later you stupid
Ben sefrit
Ben sefrit - 9 years ago
There not tropical dumb ass
A Skilled Roy
A Skilled Roy - 9 years ago
will i need an aquasafe aquarium and will i need aquasafe oxygen?
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
I honestly dont think fancy goldfish need loads if space, i mean they can barley swim and providing the tank can cope with the bioload it should be fine? i reccon you could have 3 in a 20 gallon
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
it really does depend.while they do swim slower they don't struggle as much as people make them out to be.in fact they swim just as well as bettas but better cause care has been taken to make sure they can swim unlike the betta.
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) Trust me they dont swim at all well compared to common/commets. They can swim but they try so hard and move so slow where as commons have effortless swimming.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 9 years ago
good fancies actually swim pretty well.if it is sitting at the bottom and barely swimming it is either scared or sick.

also fancies may be shorter but what they lack in length they more then make for in girth.they aren't that small.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
A fancy is 1/4 of a 20 gal(adult size 8-12 inches) so 3 is 3/4 of so that is too small
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+Aqua Bloom You get the idea, I have never owned fancy goldfish, just commons. I have a 30 gallon long with 2, 12 year old goldfish that are over the inch per gallon rule and they do fine and i haven't had any water quality issues or disseases ever.
Jessy Dee
Jessy Dee - 9 years ago
2 probably... 3 is definately stretching it...
Jack smith
Jack smith - 9 years ago
+Eduardo Ballesteros I own 2 common goldfish with a filter of 20 gallons copacity in their tank and they only need water changes once every 3 weeks and they do fine fancys are smaller so it should be okay. People say they are messy but they siphon the gravel almost constantly and there is no debris in the water. My fish are arounds 7/8 inches body length
The Noob Styler
The Noob Styler - 9 years ago
I don't know because they produce a lot of waste and can pollute the water very fast
Brent Moore
Brent Moore - 9 years ago
Don't wash the filter under the tap water
Saskia Bosman
Saskia Bosman - 9 years ago
How to kill a fish.
Purple Candy
Purple Candy - 8 years ago
Saskia Bosman buy a very small like 15cm add the fishes. Go sleep for an hour well they must have died till then
Purple Candy
Purple Candy - 8 years ago
Saskia Bosman buy a very small like 15cm add the fishes. Go sleep for an hour well they must have died till then
kaylie rose
kaylie rose - 9 years ago
Way overstocked. Three medium goldfish in only ten gallons!? Besides, they don't need that many plants, they are somewhat clumsy fish, watch Solid Gold if you want good fish care.
MishIshPee !
MishIshPee ! - 9 years ago
MishIshPee !
MishIshPee ! - 9 years ago
BRO U CAN HAVE MUCH FISH AS U WANT DOES NOT MATTER I HAVE 2 goldfish in 15 bow tank there healthy and I'm proud of of ma little shits ):
thediamondbetta - 9 years ago
lol sea lion
Timothy Crom Cromartie
Timothy Crom Cromartie - 9 years ago
I have a fish in a bowl
Timothy Crom Cromartie
Timothy Crom Cromartie - 9 years ago
Why you made it
Bethany Stuart
Bethany Stuart - 9 years ago
Is this for real?
dennis van
dennis van - 9 years ago
+Bethany Stuart i hope not, they have everything wrong
Joethefilmmaker - 9 years ago

kittenjewel101 - 9 years ago
Don't feed gold fish goldfish flakes only pellets they up air when eating flakes and u have to change ur water every week at least and more than 25% this info is for tropical fish goldfish poop to much and look up the nitrogen cycle please and u will know why u should use let alone change out hear cartridges and gold fish even the fancy gold fish grow big so that size tank won't cut it for long
Mary Combs
Mary Combs - 9 years ago
they are pretty desperate to sell their crap
baltofanforever - 9 years ago
this whole video is wrong
Autumn Knaap
Autumn Knaap - 8 years ago
thank you, you don't add a whole bottle of water cleaner to the fish tank and she did the water change very very wrong.
star and fox
star and fox - 8 years ago
that stuff is snake oil.there is already nitrifying bacteria in your tank with or without that stuff.
Chloe Xxxx
Chloe Xxxx - 8 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) Rubbish , do you work for them lol
Nail art World
Nail art World - 8 years ago
Most of it,yes.
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
full grown common goldfish can't even fit in a 10 gallon tank full grown.they average out to be 12 to 15 inches and are a lot more active then fancy goldfish and it is actually recommend to house them in a 30 gallon.of coarse bigger is owes better.
Grace Walton-Girle
Grace Walton-Girle - 9 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) Common single tailed gildfish will grow up to a foot long. Nitrifyibg bacteria live in tiny colonies on the surfaces, but none of them are nearly porous enough to be considered efficient. Realistically, the cartridge in the filter should be swapped for some sort of ceramic media or sponge, and filter floss because a bit of plastic, some carbon and floss won't do anything. I agree this is useful as an idea, and that they are pushing their product, but people will think they know exactly what they are talking about when realistically this is abuse.
Grace Walton-Girle
Grace Walton-Girle - 9 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) I'm saying that that concentration of chemicals could be lethal. Depending on how big your tank is and how stocked it is 25% PER WEEK is fine. I said a fortnight. goldfish are that stupid, and it could happen. Even then this is what? A ten gallon tank? Goldfish should have twenty each. That filter is tiny and would be useless for goldfish. Adding all that bacteria would do nothing because the filter has a little bit of mechanical filtration to stick on to. You don't need live plants, but with a filter that inefficient, it would certainly help
Grace Walton-Girle
Grace Walton-Girle - 9 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) Tank is tiny, not cycled, too many fish, pea gravel could be eaten, waaay too many chemicals, no pH/water quality adjustment, they use cartridges in their tiny filter, one 25% water change a fortnight in a tank with poor filtration and no live plants, suggest using chemicals instead of water change etc
Cheryl Mason
Cheryl Mason - 9 years ago
Kermit Mc
Kermit Mc - 9 years ago
Good info I would get a 29gallon for 3 gold fish
Ayyeee Bih
Ayyeee Bih - 9 years ago
+MishIshPee ! They're most likely doing terrible
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+MishIshPee ! You think theyre happy, but how do you know? They cant tell you that.
MishIshPee !
MishIshPee ! - 9 years ago
Bruh you can have much fish as you want I have 2 fat fuck goldfish and 2 dory catfish and a hill stream there happy like nothing
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
60 gallons for 3 medium sized fancy goldfish. 29 is for 1-2 medium sized fancy goldfish
Yakatani - 9 years ago
That tank is far too small for golffish. WAY too small.
And you wait for at least three weeks before putting in fish..
Yakatani - 9 years ago
And you don't really care about the fish. Otherwise you would give them a better home. or do you have a 8 ft tank?
Yakatani - 9 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) imo a goldfish does not belong in a fishtank, but only in ponds. Fancy fish can be held in tanks, but only in about 50 litres per fish, no less.
Stinger the Fox
Stinger the Fox - 9 years ago
The tank in the video was probably 10 gallons which is way too small for even 1 goldfish. All these comments about waiting 4 weeks before adding fish are crap. If you add the bacteria stuff the video advertises you can add fish instantly, but use a better brand. I recommend API stress coat.
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 9 years ago
too many chemicals
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 8 years ago
You're welcome.
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
Thanks for changing your profile picture
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 9 years ago
+David Tang (FlameNGames) you only need dechlorinater
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov Ya. You are obviously anti gay.
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 9 years ago
is the anti gay symbol
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov Your profile picture.
Dima Borisov
Dima Borisov - 9 years ago
how is that homophopic
Stella Bieber
Stella Bieber - 9 years ago
+Dima Borisov Get out of here homophobic piece of crap. The earth doesn't need your negativity.
roup - 9 years ago
Step 1 Clean glass woth aqua safe
Step 2 Clean gravel with ONLY aqua safe, no water
Step 3 Fill tank with aqua safe
Step 4 Add aqua start bottle
Step 5 Add fish and aqua safe
Step 6 Feed fish with aqua safe and flakes
Glass the pantherfox
Glass the pantherfox - 7 years ago
Water can harm your fish just use aqua safe
Fazal Hussain
Fazal Hussain - 7 years ago
hmmmm.... where can you buy 24 litre bottle of aquasafe from now??? iv flipped using water!
Svenska Horseteam
Svenska Horseteam - 8 years ago
Loganrap5 hahahahaha
UMAR KHAN - 8 years ago
Obi Wan Kenobi
Obi Wan Kenobi - 8 years ago
Saikat Sengupta
Saikat Sengupta - 8 years ago
roup - 8 years ago
To use Aqua Safe
roup - 8 years ago
And dont forget.......
Animalia - 8 years ago
step 7 fuck aqua safe in the ass
Yeokk 8399
Yeokk 8399 - 8 years ago
Discover and enjoy the beauty of upside down fish due to overdosage.
you and i are like my buttcheeks after all the shit that goes between us we always get back together
you and i are like my buttcheeks after all the shit that goes between us we always get back together - 9 years ago
step 7 use aqua safe on aqua safe before using aqua safe on aqua safe because aqua safe isn't really as aqua safe as aqua safe
Meza - 9 years ago
Lmao literally use Aqua safe They need it!
MishIshPee !
MishIshPee ! - 9 years ago
Madame Hagfish
Madame Hagfish - 9 years ago
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams
BTS GOT 7 of EXO's Jams - 9 years ago
Elemental king
Elemental king - 9 years ago
All that work
roup - 9 years ago
Oh and make sure every time you feed your fish you add aqua safe and safe start...
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+Wus_Sup_Peeps Yeah! But recently I found that buying a 50 gallon tank and filling it aqua safe and safe start, you dont need to add water, your fish will live for years that way!
roup - 9 years ago
God now I know why my fish keep dying! I also should make sure every fish product i get is from tetra! I have been so stupid!
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
No no. You have to mix the FLAKES with aqua safe and safe start! Also make sure to add more goldfish!
Scott 71386
Scott 71386 - 9 years ago
I love how this stupid tutorial shows putting three large goldfish in a tank that probably can't even support one appropriately. And fish flakes for gold fish, come on.... Isn't this company suppose to be " All about the fish"?
ravindra nabiel
ravindra nabiel - 9 years ago
They like warm water? THEY'RE A COLDWATER SPECIES!
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
actually goldfish can survive sub tropical temperatures up to 22 Celsius . bit warmer water increases metobalism and growth speed for goldfish. they can be kept both in cold water and sub tropical
Crazy House
Crazy House - 9 years ago
water changes AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK
Crazy House
Crazy House - 9 years ago
goldfish NEED COLD water 66 to 72 dighes warmer than 74 CAN KILL THEM
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
My water is usually around 70ish. She's more active when its warm, and enjoys swimming around more, when its cold she sits at the bottom.
Allan Descamps
Allan Descamps - 9 years ago
c'est. coule
Srividya Sadasivam
Srividya Sadasivam - 9 years ago
If you want real info check out solid gold
Srividya Sadasivam
Srividya Sadasivam - 9 years ago
Don't wash the filter cartage in tap watter
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
Your over stocked!Fancy/double tailed goldfish should have 20 gallons and 10 gallons per fish you add.
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
so don't do it
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
You can have as many as you want but it is not the best for the fish.
MishIshPee !
MishIshPee ! - 9 years ago
Does not matter dumbass u can have many as u please
emily - 9 years ago
oh lol
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+Erickson Neithann Ruaro Yep.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+Emily Currey cause they only care to get money but don't care about the fish
emily - 9 years ago
Why do they keep a ton of goldfish in a ten gallon at the pet store then?
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+Evilkitty :D
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
Yes! :)
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+Evilkitty Plus nets can hurt the goldfish fins, I always hold my fish in my hand when I need to transport her. She stays still. Flakes is horrible for goldfish as well, it causes buoyancy issues. I saw a shubunkin in that tank. Plus a calico ryukin. Those two dont do well together.
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
+Evilkitty Also, live plants are horrible, the goldfish will eat all of the plant D: 20 Gallons for fancy goldfish, 40 for comets, shubunkins, ect. Plus the floor is WAY too crowded, and gravel is HORRIBLE. That tank looks like 10 gallons. Internal filter are garbage for goldfish, it doesnt even work that well. 3 goldfish in 10 gallons? Thats WAY TOO OVERSTOCKED!! D;
Evilkitty - 9 years ago
The water changes should be a least once a week.Please do not let new fish owners thank this is ok!
Oswaldo Barrera
Oswaldo Barrera - 9 years ago
is sand ok
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
Noacceptance Sevenseventwo
Noacceptance Sevenseventwo - 9 years ago
How many bottles of Aqua Safe went into this video?!
The Local Dogg
The Local Dogg - 9 years ago
MasterOfAllGaming - 9 years ago
Atleast 3 lol
Bunny Lover
Bunny Lover - 9 years ago
Bunny Lover
Bunny Lover - 9 years ago
Kris Christian
Kris Christian - 9 years ago
They should have waited 72hours before adding the goldfish and only used PRIME BY SEA CHEM FOR WATER CONDITIONER for the water changes too and goldfish actually prefer cold water over warm or room temp as they are descendants of the common karp fish also it's 10 gallons per goldfish and if they wanted that filter to do anything they should have had two of those filter because for three goldfish in a ten gallon yeah no they need a filter that does at least 300gph gallons per hour to keep it clean and water changes are 25% every second week so twice a month
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
also fancy goldfish needs 20 gal each ( they grow up to 6-8inches) while common need 55 gals for first and 25 gals for second( grow up to 12 inches)
Crazy House
Crazy House - 9 years ago
+Kris Christian you need to let it cyclical what takes 2 weeks
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 9 years ago
Who the fuck uses gravel, sand FTW
Wrekkit- -World of Warcraft
Wrekkit- -World of Warcraft - 9 years ago
+Anal “Negro” Avacado agree
Maverick Traquair
Maverick Traquair - 9 years ago
Why not put a little water with that aqua save
Anthony Tran
Anthony Tran - 9 years ago
Why are a lot of kids complaining about the tank size for goldfish? Yes, they need some space to swim, but not that many. Goldfish are for beginners so how are the beginners going to afford a freaking $200 or more tank? As long as they have some space, eat well, and be active, they should be fine.
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
Goldfish are EXTREMELY messy. 20 gallons is good for one FANCY GOLDFISH. 40 for a COMMON GOLDFISH. That is the MINIMUM for EACH fish. They NEED that space to stay happy and active. If it's too small, the fish will feel cramped, and will become stressed and can become ill.
Bethany Diamond Lake
Bethany Diamond Lake - 9 years ago
I am actually afraid of fish I cried while watching this video......the fish and the tank are so scary!!! Even the man in the backround ❗️
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 9 years ago
"Rather than waiting 2 days" yeah... Try two weeks
tyblips - 7 years ago
The Inflatable Sea Lion goldfish ate pretty hardy. preferable to let the tank do it's thing for a bit but if it's not possible they will be ok. I've had one for.. jeeze. think he's about 4 now? could be older or younger... we got him from someone randomly. So hard to tell how old he was before we got him so he may be older.

Also not related to the comment but what the fuck a few flakes a day? uhh.... I... true maybe a start. But... there are gonna be lots of people who think that's forever.. within like. 2 months or so my two little feeder fish I had were onto pond sticks like my big almost foot long fish... I hate flakes honestly... they're just... no... not even cus they float. I know some people say that's not good for the fish (just learned that one recently) but thankfully I've had no signs of it harming my fish. But I also feed my fish twice a day so could be they're not so hungry they suck in a bunch of water. they don't even eat all that I put in. But if I were to feed them once daily they'd likely react that way...
Summer Surfs
Summer Surfs - 7 years ago
The Inflatable Sea Lion love your channel!
Autumn Knaap
Autumn Knaap - 8 years ago
or a month
The Inflatable Sea Lion
The Inflatable Sea Lion - 8 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ yeah... I know how to cycle overnight. But I was trying to point out that with THEIR method in the video, it would take much longer.
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 9 years ago
+jordan wallace dude a year is not long 15 years and below is not long a normal and healthy goldfish will live 20-30 years the longest living one was 40+ my goldies are still one year old and it is not long
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
you can add fish immediately only if you use a filter material from other establish/mature fish tank:)
jordan wallace
jordan wallace - 9 years ago
I waited a hour and my goldfish is a year old now
Chris5216 - 9 years ago
Internet famous
Chris5216 - 9 years ago
Jose Chavez
Jose Chavez - 9 years ago
dont believe this dude he os lieing
Bella McMallen
Bella McMallen - 9 years ago
You guys are fucking idiots. One goldfish needs 30 gallons. Shut the fuck up you stupid assholes.
Nathaniel G
Nathaniel G - 9 years ago
+Bella McMallen why need to be so rude?
Super frogman
Super frogman - 9 years ago
Top fin is better
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
Angie Paquin
Angie Paquin - 9 years ago
Terrible advice, they're just trying to advertise their products. Don't believe this video!
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
Exactly!those goldfish have no swim room and that little shitty tetra filter won't do anything for huge waste producers like goldfish
Super frogman
Super frogman - 9 years ago
Top fin give correct advice with a 50 gallon aquarium and 2 goldfish in it
Alyssa Lovan
Alyssa Lovan - 9 years ago
Oops I meant got
Alyssa Lovan
Alyssa Lovan - 9 years ago
My fish just died because it get stuck in the filter any advice to make sure this won't happen again?
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Alyssa Lovan yeah
Alyssa Lovan
Alyssa Lovan - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage hahaha I know my room smelled horrible after that I couldn't even stay in there for 2 seconds lol
Alyssa Lovan
Alyssa Lovan - 9 years ago
Yeah I found out
Chris5216 - 9 years ago
He probably didn't get stuck he probably died and the filter took him
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Alyssa Lovan WTF XDDD
roup - 9 years ago
If youre fish die in the filter try putting a special cover over the area of suction on the filter. I think they sell them at stores if not there may be diy tutorials for them.
geraldine ang
geraldine ang - 9 years ago
I love goldfish
Gold tank
Gold tank - 9 years ago
Hi guys please subscribe to see my goldfish
Shannon Scott
Shannon Scott - 9 years ago
Life of Aquatics
Life of Aquatics - 9 years ago
To much safe start I mean why bottles of safe start next time use less
Kyle Sirloin
Kyle Sirloin - 9 years ago
Jesus. let's just dump the entire bottle of aqua safe in there.
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak - 9 years ago
dumps whole bottle of safe start to water I THINK I NEED MORE Dumps 2 more
ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass
ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass - 8 years ago
+HealthyHammies what are you talking about? they need 1000000000000000 bottles of safe start! no but seriously, these people know nothing about goldfish, this is better for a Betta, WAY better!
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
You must buy 500 bottles of safe start! Doie? You also need to buy over 30000 bottles of aqua safe. Make sure to buy lots of GRAVEL AND FISH AND SHOVE THEM IN A BOWL! It's really good! :D


Remember to buy a 0.1 gallon bowl! And safe start.
Koushik Mondal
Koushik Mondal - 9 years ago
to cool
Mario Sanchez
Mario Sanchez - 9 years ago
Do you really need a airpump can the filter put oxgen into the water
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak - 9 years ago
You do not need to but it is a nice thing to have
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
wouldn't you wan't to put the air stone on the obisite corner of the filter
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
you are going to spend half the total cost of the whole aquarium for aquasafe bottles XD
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
Prince Reid
Prince Reid - 9 years ago
This video made me sick because it's
bullshit and I'm allergic to bullshit
Tami Bascombe
Tami Bascombe - 9 years ago
How to kill a fish
D&A - 9 years ago
I got 25 fish for $2
Elizabeth Mandile
Elizabeth Mandile - 9 years ago
why, goldfish need 20 gal. with 10 gal each other fish
star and fox
star and fox - 9 years ago
20 gal is the minimum space they need to swim after that you add 10 for the bio load increase as well as allow space so they don't smack into each other all the time.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ  I have seen her videos and I watch them  alot but i would not make sense to say one needs 20 gallon and the other needs 10 gallons. Like I sai it would make more sense to say each needs 15 gallons.

and I would like to thank you for not being a rude jerk to me unlike icookie and that other guy
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage i mean 20 gal for first and 10 gal for second its a seconde common rule. you can check solid gold videos she provides great goldfish videos and their care for e.g. How to grow monster fancy goldfish :)
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage this is because its a only starter point for beginners usually recommend 20 gal each for fancy tails. Also some people say the smallest fancies like pearl scale need minimum 10gal each as they only grow 4 inches and lot of people use 20 gal for the first and 10 gal for the second this is because most fancies tend to grow average 6-8 inches . Currently my self house two fantails in 29 gal tank until they will outgrow then will be moving 55gal tank. Also the amount of space of decorations counts as well in tank.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
but why would others need less space in the same tank
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
Its because a single fancy goldfish can reach up to 8 inches length , check videos of full grow fancies. This rule applies only for beginning usually upgrades still be necessary as they get huge. Check lily the goldfish video this should answer
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Elizabeth Mandile How does 1 fish need more space than others that are the same species.I take it you mean 15 gallons per fish. (Even though thats bullshit)
Le Tiege
Le Tiege - 9 years ago
Buy a Aqua safe tank and filter and bubbler and aqau safe goldfish.
Taylor Russell
Taylor Russell - 9 years ago
Don't do a water change when changing filter!
Taylor Russell
Taylor Russell - 9 years ago
I do a 10-15% water change in my 20 gal because I have 2 fancys 1 about 4 months and one 6 months (clam down ppl mr. 4 mouths is going home I'm holding him while a friend is moving)
Paul Atkinson
Paul Atkinson - 9 years ago
Wrong......just look at the other comments and you will find out why..........I am no longer a subscribe.............for the love of fish
Aldrin - 9 years ago
The aquarium is too small. In nature goldfish don't need chemicals and definetly not 10 gallons. The only chemical I would use is dechlorinator and pure ammonia (I think they r chemicals). It's 20 gallons per fancy goldfish. And common goldfish grow absolutely massive I'd recommend them for a year in an aquarium unless it is really big. And flakes r u joking me, flakes can float and break to pieces in the water, which isn't good for goldfish. I recommend sinking pellets not floating. There is too many plants/decorations which leave less surface area for the goldfish. When using dechlorinator u only need a few drops.
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 10 years ago
Providing wrong information just to promote their products with out really caring about fish. Dont waste your money people on the liquids who claims to help cycle tank instantly , you just need pure ammonia, tap water conditioner and set up tank and be patience rather waste money and fish lifes due to false information. Also tank size wasnt mention in here even though it is redicioulos they dump bunch of fish at once in unclycled tank and use test strips instead (often provides false information) of liquid test kit . Goldfish need weekly water changes up to 50%, fancy goldfish need 20gallons for the first and 10gallons for the second while single tailed goldfish need 40gallons each.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Yeah I think every animal has growth hormones
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage from experience goldfish keepers like solid gold , also scientific research proving goldfish releases growth hormone which can affect their growth.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Stephanie Dedo well stunted growth is a survival strategy so fish can survive evaporation of ponds longer
Stephanie Dedo
Stephanie Dedo - 9 years ago
Doing research. Reading books. Reading articles.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ yeah but...WHERE DO YOU GET THIS INFO
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage it has been proven large fish who kept in tiny tanks become stunted which stops them growing from outside but inside their organs continues to grow as normal but in slower rate which cause fish to become stressed, prone to illness and bacteria infections and shorter life span. Usually stunted fish have bigger heads and eyes than other healthy young same breed fish, it is possible to tell wether fish is stunted or not.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Stephanie Dedo where the hell do you get this info
Stephanie Dedo
Stephanie Dedo - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage If you don't have them in a proper tank with enough space they can actually die because of it. While their bodies don't get any larger if kept in a smaller tank, their organs continue to grow and expand.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
well they can get big depending on the conditions they are living in
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage also I suggest watch lilly the goldfish video to see how big these beauties can get from the tiny cheap babies you buy... I don't meant to sound rude sorry , speaking from experience and from people who keeps these big fish in ponds .
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ
water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage cheap fish still needs proper care its like saying * oh I got a mutt puppy and does not need much care as a full bred*. Its not a price problem its a living being here not a toy. You may not need huge place if you planning to use them as a feeder , but if you plan to keep them not use them as feeder proper care applies as these feeders are carps and keeping them in terrible small tanks not allow them to reach full size I think is cruel. I love goldfish I don't see them as a cheap replaceable toy. It's only small price but big package
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+water wonders Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ the liquid they have is basically bottled bacteria which help transform the fish's waste into something that i less toxic and you we not need test strips in the first place if you do a 25% water change weekly and it also makes no fucking sense to claim that 1 fish needs more space than another fish that is the species and probably same size. I would guess what your trying to say is that each Fancy gold fish needs 15 gallons per fish and why bring up cheap as hell fish that are not even mentioned or shown in the video...besides single tailed gold fish do not need 40 Fucking gallons of space! I guess if I wanted to house 100 feeder fish to feed to a saltwater Eel I would need a 4000 gallon tank...I think my point on all of this was made.
Nate's Pet Mates
Nate's Pet Mates - 10 years ago
1 Goldfish per 10 Gallons!
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
1 Fancy goldfish, 20 gallons. 1 common goldfish, 40 gallons.
Vxlks - 10 years ago
"The first thing to do in an aquarium is make sure you have all the parts!"

No, you think?
Ben Jay
Ben Jay - 7 years ago
Vxlks I'm dead lol!!! just like these goldfish
Vxlks - 9 years ago
Noacceptance Sevenseventwo
Noacceptance Sevenseventwo - 9 years ago
+Vxlks MLP Productions
 It's good they mentioned it! I was just about to dispose of that big stupid glass box and fill the lid with water! -_- lol
Vxlks - 9 years ago
Prince Reid
Prince Reid - 9 years ago
This vid treats you like an idiot
Sara Moyster
Sara Moyster - 10 years ago
Tony Truscello
Tony Truscello - 10 years ago
All tetracare videos deserve a thousand dislikes than likes. TETRA IS AN ANIMAL ABUSER
Tony Truscello
Tony Truscello - 10 years ago
Wrong, wrong, WRONG!! God Tetra, do some friking research. Fancy goldfish need 20 gallons of space per fish, and 40 gallons per commons!! And FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY, STOP WITH THE AQUASAFE!! IT ONLY KILLS FISH!!
Shocake - 9 years ago
+True Savage lmao
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Shocake Fucking normie
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
+Shocake Meh, My life is boring. Have you ever been an orthodontist before?
Shocake - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I He is getting abused.... by you! Get off youtube and do someting useful, as you are an adult!
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
+GoldfishLover .T I'm sorry to say this, but goldfish do not grow that fast unless you put them in 90 degrees. Please don't bullshit me, I know my stuff. I keep my comets at 79 degrees and they have never grown that fast. And yes, temperature does play a role on growth. 
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Edit: Oh wait, he is about 14. He is still getting abused.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
+yogosans14 He was abused as a child. Abusers are usually made from other abusers like abusive parents. Now, he has to lash it out on animals because he can't afford to have children. 
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+yogosans14 You call me disgusting yet you say I need my thoat to be slit and I should rot in hell XDDD Hypocrite
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage the nerve of you to call us "pet fags"...you truly are a disgusting filthy vile waste of fucking space slit your throat your fucking retarded no life animal abuser. Fuck you and rot in hell.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
It's alright. Go find out what the water conditioner is, and maybe I will try it out on a planted tank. I have never seen a water conditioner killing plants. I don't know, but I'm sure it wasn't from your lack of care.
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I sorry if I got a little bit mad when I called you a bitch, I was having some issues sending emails so I was a bit pissed of. I'll try and find out what brand of water conditioner killed my plants, I think it was a store brand.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Yo, I'm just kidding about the acid part. I prefer Prime just because I'm one of the founders of my friend's local aquarium store (although I mainly work as an orthodontist) and it is Seachem certified. I have used all brands of water conditioners, and I don't remember any of them killing plants. Aquasafe is a good brand, in fact it has a much better scent than Prime, which a sulfur type scent. I felt it was unwise of you to call me a bitch, when I didn't even complain at all.
Snipercube - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I why the hell would I use acid? I'm just saying, I started on api water conditioner and then moved to a different one (I can't remember the name) and the different one killed my straight valis and twisted valis so then I switched to Aqua safe and it's been the best decision I've ever made for water conditioner. Just stop complaining about everything like a little bitch.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Every brand is basically the same. Although, water conditioners should never be able to kill plants. Are you using acid?
Snipercube - 9 years ago
"Aquasafe kills fish!" I've been using aquasafe for 6 years and it's never killed a single fish. When I was using a different brand it killed my plants.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
also, Dragon Gobies aren't as active as goldfish. The dragon goby tends to stay at one place, while goldfish moves around a lot. Its like a sleepy person (dragon goby) would rather just sleep in a bed and stay in their own room, while the active person (goldfish) would just run around in the track and might even travel the world. Do you see the difference? Dragon gobies only get up to 24 inches in the wild. I don't even know why you like dragon gobies. Unless you are a brackish specialist, I would suggest looking for cool fish like the black ghost knifefish.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
dragon gobies only get up to 15 inches, not that much different than a foot. Get 69ed by your dog. CANINE hunter. Don't think you know more than me because my wife is an ichthyologist. You don't know shit.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
and I fish that gets up to half the size of that needs a tank just 10 gallons less....

You just Got #REKT by True savage
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
About 50 gallons is fine. Get a Doctrine degree and then we'll talk
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
by the way how big of a tank would I need to house a dragon goby....
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I yes I am 14 and I am CLEARLY smarter than you.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Feeder goldfish gets up to 12 inches, dumbass. That is not small. That is a nice size fish, fuckboy. Mature my ass, you're 14. Dipshit.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Colton Southworth Ok well....
first off you saying my opinion (which I don't have) is invalid....You need to be more mature and not say someone's opinion is not valid cause any opinion is aloud in life and I know what i am talking about....How it is bullshit to say that small fish needs a 40 gallon fucking aquarium and ANY type of fish is always smaller when in captivity than their wild counter parts.You also should stop and think instead of listening to what ever info you got and sticking with it.
Colton Southworth
Colton Southworth - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage Child, you are in 8th grade.... you know absolutely nothing. You obviously know nothing of what you are talking about. Your opinion at this stage of your life is widely invalid, how about you come back with an intelligent argument when you can vote? OK? 
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Plus, you shouldn't treat pets different from what they need. 
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I ....Your 27 years old and you yell insult people because They take care of pets differently?...And I do not have a dragon goby yet as I said I am slowly setting up a 29 gallon with a 30-60 gallon aqua tech filter and if your a kid that can get distracted wen I am doing something boring like work then it can be challenging to get A' especially when your in a class full of crazy kids that act up and can be fun watch when they are trying to tear each other apart or arguing with the teachers.
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
8th grade? Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm 27 year old orthodontist who is married. I had a scholarship for football, and made it to Stanford, damn right division 1 bitch. I am a person who surpassed your education by a mile. I make more money than you will ever have, because you're a dumbass. Read all of my comments and show me where I said they were kept as pets. Nowhere, although they CAN be kept as pets. Dragon goby? Those do better in brackish water, although you can keep them in freshwater. How big is your dragon goby and how long have you had it? Also, you know how easy it is to get A's in 8th grade? You know how easy it is to get A's in all grades? Dumbass.

P.S. It is not how you spelled your, it's how you used it. I'm pretty sure you spelt your right. Haha. 
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
Then why would you bring up them s being pets IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!??? I have herd of growth stunt because when I get my dragon goby in my freshwater aquarium I am slowly trying to build, I have to at least slow down the growth before I move up to at least a 150 gallon tank and I love how your comment goes on about how stupid I am XD I GRADUATED 8th grade today and I got all As on my report card..

P.s who gives a shit about how I spelt Your
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
Yep, but remember, they are feeder fish. They are not meant to be kept as pets, but to feed other fish. That is why they are cheap. Would you like to pay 10 dollars per fish in order to feed another fish? No. That is why feeder fish are super cheap. Also, it is You're, not Your. Dumbass. Bigger tanks doesn't mean better care, it just mean it gets too big to be in a small tank. Have you heard of growth stunt? Probably, you don't because you're stupid. Well, growth stunt is when a fish gets acclimated into a tank that is too small for their needs. Eventually, their external body stops growing, but their internal organs don't. So they end up bursting from the insides. Imagine your organs rupturing from the insides. Yeah, it's bad. Price doesn't determine the care of animals. That is like saying a 3,000 dollar domestic cat needs more care than a 200 dollar domestic cat. Doesn't make sense, eh? Dumbass, what the fuck do you know?
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
a 200 gallon might do well though
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
yes because they get up to 12 fucking inches dumbass, probably even more
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
so if I wanted to house lets say  10 feeder fish, I would need a 400 gallon tank.... That makes no sense
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
What I am saying is that the price doesn't determine what their living conditions should be. The reason why common goldfish are cheap is because they are feeder fish. Their main purpose is to feed predator fish. Not because they are easy to take care of. I wasn't insulted, I just wanted to let you know. But before you call someone a fag, how about you research you fucking dumbass.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+ICOOKIE69I well ONE ascars are ssold at price when they are like 2 or  3 inches long and TWO common gold fish are BELLOW a dollar because they are easy to care for. and also when did I insult any of you...You fucking pet fags are the most annoying things on the internet next to bronies
ICOOKIE69I - 9 years ago
+Canine Hunter the TRUE Savage that doesn't make sense. an oscar cost only 5 dollars at petsmart. I'm pretty sure you can put them in ten gallons. Stupid.
True Savage
True Savage - 9 years ago
+Tony Truscello
common gold fish do not need as much space as you say they do,Hence why they are sold so cheaply (like 20 to 40 cents)
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
I think that if they were going to die they would have done it 3 1/2 years ago ;) +John Kastanos
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
+Jimbo 71 your fancies are going to die
Colton Southworth
Colton Southworth - 9 years ago
Okay then
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
+Colton Southworth okay
Colton Southworth
Colton Southworth - 9 years ago
didn't say they wouldn't be. 
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
+Colton Southworth my fancies are happy too
Colton Southworth
Colton Southworth - 9 years ago
+Jimbo 71 That is where your wrong. Its for that exact reason that they are awful. They are to big of a company and they cut corners to save some extra $$$ on their behalf. Tetra is widely known by fish owners who know what there doing as a garbage company that sells garbage products. They are huge because Petco and Petsmart, sell there products and they suggest them because that's what the employee is told to sell. And btw, a 2 Fancy Goldfish do not require and ocean :) but the bigger the better, i got 2 fancies in a 60 gallon aquarium right now. And they couldn't be happier. :)
Jimbo 71
Jimbo 71 - 9 years ago
Oh and 2 fancies need the whole fucking ocean? There a huge company, I think they know what there doing, the fish look fine and I've had 3 fancies in a 20 gallon and they lived there full life
Colton Southworth
Colton Southworth - 10 years ago
I honestly watched this video to see how bad it was. Anyone who has done the slightest bit of research knows that 95% of tetra products are absolute garbage. And can be outperformed by any number of brands. Why would you use tetra chemicals when there is Seachem. Why would you use tetra filters when there is Aquaclear, or Marineland, or even Top fin. The only thing I actually somewhat enjoy from tetra is their air pumps but even those are outdone and are unessicarily noisy. The only thing a fish owner should buy from tetra is and actual fish tank. Cause that is pretty hard to screw up and takes little thinking. And alot of the time they have deals where you get a whole kit for really cheap. My advice for those who buy those once you get it home just throw away everything it gives you except the filter and the air pump( if it gives you one) and use the filter as an emergency back up or do what I do and fill it with bio media and use it only for biofiltrqtion
MR SQUIDI - 10 years ago
Kay Tanks
Kay Tanks - 10 years ago
R.I.P goldfish.
Mermaid Venilia
Mermaid Venilia - 10 years ago
More Aqua safe! Why not? Might as well just get a whole 10 gallon tank of Aqua safe and let them swim in that XD
baltofanforever - 9 years ago
haha !!
PIPOCA THE UNICORN - 9 years ago
Just buy a 50 gallon breeder tank and fill the whole tank with safe start, and buy 60 goldfish, it's a PERFECT HOME.
Mermaid Venilia
Mermaid Venilia - 9 years ago
+Carlos Becerril Who are you?
Carlos Becerril
Carlos Becerril - 9 years ago
+Mermaid Venilia so is that you vanessa ?
DummyWaiho - 9 years ago
+DummyWaiho is that u Vanessa
DummyWaiho - 9 years ago
Katsuna2010 - 10 years ago
OMG this video is freaking terrible. 
Reverse Videos
Reverse Videos - 10 years ago
She put to much of that stuff
mega fast blogger1
mega fast blogger1 - 10 years ago
good advas
Sammy - 10 years ago
Man she pour a lot of chemicals in in the tank for a small tank like that ?
Almost the whole bottle lol.
Even a large tank don't need that much . 
John Lawrence M.noynay
John Lawrence M.noynay - 10 years ago
This is wrong they don't need tetra etc they only need water a clean water so they can live. Don't listen to it
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
how about the tank cycle  before you add your goldfish? please don't listen to everything 
Prince Reid
Prince Reid - 10 years ago
Don't feed flakes they float and when goldfish suck in air they get swim Blatter infections and can't swim feed pellets or sticks because they sink and that's better
kgLuz Perez
kgLuz Perez - 10 years ago

Merb ii
Merb ii - 10 years ago
This feels more like an advertisement to AquaSafe than a tutorial...
Autumn Knaap
Autumn Knaap - 8 years ago
ya lol
Marcel Saulnier
Marcel Saulnier - 8 years ago
Merb ii because it's true it's just to sell there products not to support healthy fish a goldfish needs 20 gallons to himself no gravel because of all the gunk that will build up in no time don't use plastic plants they are sharp and real plants will get eaten by them this is so wrong it literally is giving me a headache
John Kastanos
John Kastanos - 9 years ago
Azlyn Sharp
Azlyn Sharp - 10 years ago
Each common goldfish needs 20+ gallons each!
Rebekah Samuels
Rebekah Samuels - 10 years ago
A lot of that information was just so wrong!!!  I feel sorry for the people that have listened to this and taken that advice for their own tank!
deano91209 - 10 years ago
That tank is way to small I have 4 goldfishs in a 200l tank
Mark Goldfishna
Mark Goldfishna - 10 years ago
Do you think your fish ever need more oxygen in your tank? I have been thinking about buying a bubbler setup but don't know much about them.
Coconut 1918
Coconut 1918 - 10 years ago
Don't forget to buy 10 gallons of aqua safe
crypitear crypittear
crypitear crypittear - 10 years ago
Farid T
Farid T - 10 years ago
Tetra obviously does not know what they are doing. Not buying their products anymore and I don't recommend anyone else doing so.
Me Keely
Me Keely - 10 years ago
Karolina S
Karolina S - 10 years ago
+Lindsey M I mean, they ended up all getting ich just a few weeks after I got them (from a carnival, no kidding ha) so only one of them lived through that, but I mean that one lived for a good 3 years, probably since I eventually moved him to a 20 gallon long so that definitely helped. But stunting is definitely an issue in such small aquariums. So,although I personally don't think ammonia would be a problem, I still would never out any of my goldfish in an overstocked aquarium because stuntung would definitely be an issue there.
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
+Karolina S
 That actually makes sense. I would still worry about risk of stunting in a tank that size though. Did you have a problem with your fantails during that time?
Karolina S
Karolina S - 10 years ago
+Lindsey M back when I was quite the inexperienced fish keeper, I had put 3 fantails in a 10 gallon. I did, however, check the water quality. With a good filter, the ammonia will usually stay at 0 once properly established and all, it's really only the nitrate that needs to be worried about. The BB colony will adjust to the amount of ammonia present and grow larger and colonize. The nitrate, however, will be tremendous. Nowadays, however, I have realized my mistakes and now happily own one calico oranda and one blue oranda in a 40 gallon along with around 500 gph of filtration :)
joe hornsby
joe hornsby - 10 years ago
Face it.. These fish are probably dead by now. 
Lindsey M
Lindsey M - 10 years ago
actually it's a ten gallon tank stocked with 3 fancy goldfish. In order to keep up with the excesses ammonia, you probably would have to do water changes 3-6 times a day.
Lauren King
Lauren King - 10 years ago
Those poor fish need a bigger tank. Before buying any fish, please do your research from a website or book that isn't ancient and isn't benefiting from your purchasing their materials (like water conditioner etc) 
Lauren King
Lauren King - 10 years ago
Yes, definitely tap water conditioner, one that gets rid of chlorines and chloramines!! Upon re-reading I confused myself too! lol But yeah, I liked Aquariums for Dummies (Freshwater), they give a good basics and it isn't too outdated, just a little. It gives you enough information to go on so that when you go on websites, you own't be confused and you'll know what they're talking about. 
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
I started laughing at 'ancient'. Yeah I agree with you, but water conditioner is something you need. I wasn't sure if you meant that because it was hard to understand.
Evelina Mis
Evelina Mis - 10 years ago
did u know tetra company put coloration to fish food? why is that? fish dont care of color stupids
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak
dallon weekes makes me dallon weak - 9 years ago
I think they are color blind
Evelina Mis
Evelina Mis - 10 years ago
why didnt you mentioned to look for proper proportions when you use aqua safe or easy start or other chemistry? that is too important!
Flare101 - 10 years ago
So much aqua safe
UDONTNEED 2KNOW! - 10 years ago
Lets add even more Aqua safe!!! >_<
Me Keely
Me Keely - 10 years ago
They used waaay too much!
Cameron Baty
Cameron Baty - 10 years ago
Excess gunky stuff.seriously?
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Exactly so it should have proper info
tuby0805 - 10 years ago
Its suppose to be kid friendly.
tasiawful1 - 10 years ago
To be honest Seachem Prime is the best stuff to buy for the water quality, a big bottle last for ages and ages and its really good stuff :)
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
I use that stuff! It's amazing!
logan arnold
logan arnold - 10 years ago
What type of tank is that I know the plants in tree cause I have some :) but what type of tank?
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
It's a 10 gallon standard Tetra tank.
Daisy Brooks
Daisy Brooks - 10 years ago
it's a fish tank lol :)
Jyo Aditya
Jyo Aditya - 10 years ago
good video
Jerry Rogersome
Jerry Rogersome - 10 years ago
This video is incomplete.  At the end it should tell you to go pick out a tombstone to put over your new fish that you just killed by following this video!
Lindz Da FinS
Lindz Da FinS - 10 years ago
Haha! Yes! 3 goldfish in 10 gallon?! It's 20 gallons per fancy goldfish and 40 gallons per single tailed goldfish!
Jerry Rogersome
Jerry Rogersome - 10 years ago
Holy crap this video sucks.  They are only concerned about adjusting the fish to the temperature?  Uh, get real.  It's gonna be the pH shock that kills em.  Adjust the fish slowly by scooping tank water into the fish's bag over about an hour's time.  Plus that substrate directly on the glass bottom will hold alot of anaerobic bacteria!  Ugh.  Add some live plants if you're gonna do that.
minecraft7029 - 10 years ago
4-8 times a month is better
Zeyad Jamil
Zeyad Jamil - 10 years ago
good video :D
janie mclin
janie mclin - 10 years ago
Lady you like poored five bottle of safe start that is going to kill the fish..........poor fish.
Joann Oranda
Joann Oranda - 10 years ago
Sorry for Advertising in this video :/
Joann Oranda
Joann Oranda - 10 years ago
Want better advice? Watch my channel I do tutorials, aquarium fashion sometimes, care videos, facts, and more! I'm still didn't do tutorials but I will soon !
Hunter Neumann
Hunter Neumann - 10 years ago
You went threw two bottles of water conditioner
GuineaPigLife - 10 years ago
Wait STOP let's add the 3 goldfish yay... oh they died let's get some new ones ... don't forget to use a whole bottle of safestart though :)
Rashad Razak
Rashad Razak - 11 years ago
Looking to sell some aqua safe eh?
Jennifer rodriguez
Jennifer rodriguez - 11 years ago
poor fish there going to die  there putting to much safe start I  only putt like 6 drops and there still fine this lady put like 50 ounces
FortWayne Fishtanks
FortWayne Fishtanks - 11 years ago
safe start much?
Rebecca Wakefield
Rebecca Wakefield - 11 years ago
how much aquasafe! jesus christ!
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 11 years ago
Your going to create an ammonia spike with all that SafeStart!
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 9 years ago
Me answering a year later: It Happens bra. Cycling the tank reduces the chances of spikes.
Whats up with u and ammonia spikes??The safestart is what prevents the ammonia spikes cause it contains the bacteria needed to cycle your aquarium.But they do use alot of it.Not that it would harm the fish but theyre probably trying to earn more money by making us think that we need that much.
Predator-R/C-And-Aquatics - 11 years ago
How can they be so stupid to say that goldfish like it hot
Bolony1988 - 11 years ago
Dont forget to buy 50 gals of that aqua safe
leeyantim - 11 years ago
i don’t like the way she pours the fish to the net…oh dear, that hurts
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 11 years ago
excuse me teatra fish produts why you didn't do any video about carp fish koi butterfly
sharugan's fish
sharugan's fish - 11 years ago
i like it alot this video i like alot this channel because this channels gives more advice it's nice 
Julia 172
Julia 172 - 11 years ago
I realy like the tetra team
Julia 172
Julia 172 - 11 years ago
I love these vids
nozii06 - 11 years ago
well that's cool and stuff but please put only 1 fish per 50ltr in your aquarium, it's better for them.
Rose Rodriguez
Rose Rodriguez - 11 years ago
I work at a pet store and that's all right
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Brianna Harter There should be algae in the tank for them to graze on
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
+Johanan Micaiah
goldfish are grazers and it's not a good idea to fast a animal that is suppose to be constantly eating during a time when it's at the feeding height of the season summer.unless your getting them ready for winter and their in a out door pound you shouldn't let them go hungry when they're not in hibernation or about to go into hibernation.unlike most fish they eat constantly because they lack a stomach and don't store food that well unless their metabolic state is slowed down.also when you slowing them down they need a special medicated food because they're immune system shuts down and they have a hard time digesting food.you need to fast a goldfish or koi carefully.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
+Matthew Maokhamphiou Fish and turtles are fine when u do that... And u are acually supposed to fast them for one day a week. It has to be the same day every week obviously
Matthew M
Matthew M - 10 years ago
Yeah the automatic feeders are more dependable +Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
+Matthew Maokhamphiou
how about automatic feeders they work pretty well so long as you use pellets or have a friend come feed on your fish.also not all feeder blocks are the same or made out of that white stuff but rather paste.just look around and read reviews if you can.
Matthew M
Matthew M - 10 years ago
Ewwww feeder blocks, those release the powder and nasty stuff to make the fish tank water harmful to them and three weeyk be none to clean it.... +Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
+Matthew Maokhamphiou
I mean when on a regular feeding schlegel.not those times when you go on vacation although I do suggest using one of those feeder blocks when your on vacation so the fish are still being feed and not going hungry because most animals can survive with out food up to 4 weeks Even humans but that doesn't mean they should.what happens when you don't eat for a long time?
Matthew M
Matthew M - 10 years ago
+Brianna Harter I left for vacation for 2 weeks, came back, goldfish still alive and healthy
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Then your wrong, like most pet store employees
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
Completely correct Brianna. Thank you. 
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 10 years ago
I study pets.all of this is wrong you need to cycle a tank no matter what it starts the nitrate cycle and lets the good betrai grow.that's to much chemicals and will kill the fish.goldfish should never have heater they are cold water fish.never feed goldfish flakes they don't have a stomach and have very simple digestive system and if air gets in their digestive system they'll die by consumption(this can be reamdy by peas)also since they don't have stomach the need to be fed 3 times a day no matter how old the tank.they need 20 gallons or bigger or they'll have stunted growth cause they are a big fish.
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
Work at a pet store huh? OH WELL YOU KNOW IT ALL THEN. 
Sauce - 11 years ago
How did they mess it up:
2. Many bottles of safe start?! (Maybe 500)
3. Adding water conditioner when adding new fish? (Yay!, More dead fish!)
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
And changing the entire filter cartridge
BioHazard - 10 years ago
Actually that's incorrect if you do then the conditinor will get in there gills if they are where the conditinor is and to much of that in there gills can harm the fish
Sauce - 10 years ago
I meant you're not supposed to add the water conditioner when adding new fish, when you already have some in.
BioHazard - 10 years ago
What do you mean "adding water conditinor when adding new fish" or supposed to add water conditinor so you use tap water for your fish if you use tap then fish die
Matt Strickland
Matt Strickland - 11 years ago
Goldfish do not like 80 degree water.. they are coldwater fish...
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 11 years ago
Bare bottom tanks with Goldfish is better and cleaner. Gravel or rocks can get filthy with goldfish waste and ammonia spikes can happen. 
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Gravel makes the water cleaner. It houses the same good bacteria that the filter does, this removing ammonia and nitrites
tasiawful1 - 10 years ago
If you use a gravel cleaner every couple of days this should stop alot of waste, but I do see your point, I just think it gives them something to do they like digging through it to see if there is any food there :)
Matt NYC
Matt NYC - 10 years ago
True...But for some owners, they prefer a bare bottom because gravel collects a lot of fish waste. Its actually healthier for the fish.
tasiawful1 - 10 years ago
Goldfish like gravel on the bottom of the tank too.
Joann Oranda
Joann Oranda - 10 years ago
I agree with u :) but I use sand it's better then a bare bottom and its easy to clean it. Goldfish like it watch solidgold channel it'll tell you :3
Alan Estrada
Alan Estrada - 11 years ago
HAHAH Everybody hates Tetra
This is my WORLD
This is my WORLD - 11 years ago
fuck they wanna sale aquasafe dicusting  
james holloran
james holloran - 7 years ago
The only “discusting” thing here is your spelling. If this is your world, then we do indeed live in a world of idiots with computers. Jesus titty fn Christ man... Open a book.
21specter - 7 years ago
MOStormChaser and stresszyme
MOStormChaser - 11 years ago
I know Right!!! I would've used API StressCoat
rattatt25 - 11 years ago
Your mean ili M
Nura Huttons
Nura Huttons - 11 years ago
Very helpful & informative. Thank You TetraGroup.
tiger shark
tiger shark - 11 years ago
ive had my 6 goldfish for 1 month now and i never used safestart and my fish are still healthy instead ive used aquarium salt and aqua safe.
Fishy kev
Fishy kev - 11 years ago
?75-80F? haha the biggest load of bullsh#t I have ever heard
megan hilton
megan hilton - 11 years ago
That's to much stones
Kat - 11 years ago
so much mis-leading info!! Three fantails in a 10 gal?! No way! There should be a 20 gallon for the first and 10 gallons for each additional goldfish.. And the lady is def overfeeding her goldfish.. flakes aren't a good choice either.. they should be fed good quality sinking pellets..
BunniesVlogz - 11 years ago
'Dont overfeed' as she puts five pinches in the tank -__-
Elvis Duron
Elvis Duron - 11 years ago
i waited 1 month
Jose Mejia
Jose Mejia - 11 years ago
I got more than a great info,THAnks it works !! Thats alot of tetra safe?
Joann Oranda
Joann Oranda - 11 years ago
Great info. just don't use to much safe start also have less plants so the goldfish have room to swim in.
Christopher Hale
Christopher Hale - 11 years ago
follow the directions on the bottle.....also.....NEVER feed your goldfish at the top.....they will swallow tooooo much air....and could cause bladder probs....use pellets....soak first with the aquarium water....so soft....and put in....ez to digest....also feed a few peas a week!......take peas and micro them for 5 sec...and let cool for a minute.....squeeeze off the skin....an feed the goldfish the pulp....aids as a natural digestive aid.....
Comfort in Chaos A guide
Comfort in Chaos A guide - 11 years ago
nitrogen cycle?
Arshdeep Brar
Arshdeep Brar - 11 years ago
bowls are terribly for your fish tank because they could die
Joseph Kevin Lestio
Joseph Kevin Lestio - 11 years ago
To Nilou M: they use aqua safe. It treats the harmfull substances in tab water.
Dan Classified
Dan Classified - 11 years ago
The gravel seems a pain in the butt to clean im still not clear on that
chrisplusFSN - 11 years ago
PcTechGuy - 11 years ago
Owkey tap water if i cant use tap water should i get t from the sea then -_-'' And btw dont buy deionized water your fish will be dead in 2 weeks
Cris Gil
Cris Gil - 11 years ago
Thats why they used waterconditioner dumbass
lili M
lili M - 11 years ago
Very bad / wrong information. 1- Never fill it with tab water- tab water will kill the fish 2- They dont provide air pump 3- You dont add that much of conditioner I have Tetra product and exact aquarium- I paid for all package but there was not any air pump, I m not sure how important is the air pump.
Ashwin Kasi
Ashwin Kasi - 11 years ago
U dont add that much safe start and u still would have to wait a couple of days.
Crazy Fishy Ashlee
Crazy Fishy Ashlee - 11 years ago
Ugh...even with the safe start you still have to actually cycle the tank. So much bad information in this video.
Phil Hand
Phil Hand - 11 years ago
There are too many fish
Danger Zone
Danger Zone - 11 years ago
So many safestart
Natalie Brooks
Natalie Brooks - 11 years ago
Way too many goldfish for that tiny aquarium! Just one of those goldfish would need a minimum tank size at least double that tiny tank! Slightly ironic that a company that specializes in fish care is giving bad advice.
Anny Chen
Anny Chen - 11 years ago
Um way too much safestart...
Jonathan Harrison
Jonathan Harrison - 11 years ago
ok ready when you fill up your tank add safe start then when you do a water change add safe start. o wait its raining outside add safe start. ok she used way to much safe start. safe start is used to get fish right away not to put it in every time u fill up your tank, to get fish .she put enouph for a 70 gallon aquarium in a small 10 gallon.
OzzySzama - 11 years ago
Ther are just giving you good advices for beginners and they are not telling you that you most do what they said so do not be and asswhole
Diamond Eevee
Diamond Eevee - 11 years ago
A goldfish maximum temperature is 76...and the thermometer isn't your product...
safranpollen - 11 years ago
a incompetent clip at all! this small tank is good for guppies but nerver ever for goldfish !!!!
Coolbeatrix12 - 12 years ago
YOU need to change your water every week not twice a month! PLUS that tank is WAAAY too small
Sillylittlehedgehog - 12 years ago
She really enjoys adding that safe start stuff...... she added like 5 bottles of it!
Jacob Siohane-Royle
Jacob Siohane-Royle - 12 years ago
Why are they using an aqua one air stone disk when this is a tetra product?
51aguilar - 12 years ago
New tank syndrome lol
51aguilar - 12 years ago
How many safe start bottles did that bitch use haha?
Alex Lyon
Alex Lyon - 12 years ago
Do not forget aqua safe !!!! Hahahahaha My fishes have 15 years old and i never use products like that....
Mil Bat
Mil Bat - 12 years ago
Three fish in bag, one in tank... Then- Oh my god, they multiplied!
Tanner Jedi
Tanner Jedi - 12 years ago
"You add fish immediately instead of waiting two days" I'm pretty sure you have to cycle your tank for 3-6 weeks and cycling your tank is not just letting the tank sit. look up "fishless cycle" When the guy says "test your water with strips twice a month." There are two problems with that statement 1. STRIPS ARE INACCURATE! 2. YOU TEST YOUR WATER ONCE A WEEK!
Tanner Jedi
Tanner Jedi - 12 years ago
75-80 F?! Are you kidding me?! Goldfish need temperatures of 55-68 F This guy doesn't even mention cycling your tank! And he goldfish need bigger tanks than that! They are huge!
Josh Martinez
Josh Martinez - 12 years ago
Don't forget AquaSafe.. lol
ted nguyen
ted nguyen - 12 years ago
That lady is creepy
ted nguyen
ted nguyen - 12 years ago
Too much chemical
safranpollen - 12 years ago
this ts a TETRA JOKE, this tank is fucking to small even for one goldfish !!!!!!!!!!!
Tina graves
Tina graves - 12 years ago
i just got 2 fish today i named haunter and dc and we fed them right away haunter was a feeder fish we saved his life
phosphate - 12 years ago
i wouldn't recommend using test strips as they can commonly be wrong so your ammonia nitrate and nitrites could be much higher than the strip is saying i recommend buying the API freshwater test kit instead
phosphate - 12 years ago
there is nothing wrong with these steps beside the fact that she over stocked the tank you can only put 1 goldfish in a ten gallon tank anymore and it will get stunted goldfish can grow longer than 14 inches
JoshGoldfish - 12 years ago
They sure do like their safe start...
glitsy mitsy
glitsy mitsy - 12 years ago
i would keep them ut only to feed to turtles but i feel sorry for them so i dont i have the kindest heart i hate feeding live fish to turts
phosphate - 12 years ago
over stocking the tank and a bad filter they should have got a aqua clear
AcidDaBomb - 12 years ago
Here's an idea instead of pouring a bottle of "tetra safe" cycle your tank for 3-4 weeks without fish. Once it's fully cycled your media will have enough bateria to kill off any of the deadly stuff. Also during this time your plants can put in their roots so by the time you add in Fish your plants will be well established.
Laura Radulescu
Laura Radulescu - 12 years ago
Dont use cartridges in your filter. You throw away your beneficial bacteria cycle when you do that. Fill it with floss, filter sponge and ceramic beads. Change your water once every 6 days. Do a 50-90% water change. Clean your filters once a month. Remember, 20 gallons per common and comet goldfish. If you have fancies, 20 gallons per the first and an additional 10 for each you add in. Filtration should be 10x your gallonage. 30 gallons? 300 GPH filtration rated device. Also buy prime.
RC MAN 23 - 12 years ago
Yaaaa buy prime
RC MAN 23 - 12 years ago
They just want u to use lots and lots of aqua safe which u dont have to
TheChrisTelevision - 12 years ago
ANNNNND Dont buy aquasafe... buy prime... it makes the slime coat on the fish stronger than anything tetra... Tetra aquatic systems are cheap and uneffective buy something like aqueon stuff.. dont be fooled by this video, do some more research online
TheChrisTelevision - 12 years ago
ANNNNNNDDDD goldfish do not have stomachs which means a proper feeding schedule is about 5 times a day... Soooooo i waould say 2 times a day is perfect for a small goldfish
TheChrisTelevision - 12 years ago
this video is wrong... goldfish can live up to 20 years, but will not get up to 35 inches, you could have maybe 3 goldies in a 75 and im talking comet goldfish.. some fancy goldfish would go well in a 55... and goldfish are coldwater fish, which means they live in water that is bellllooooowwwwww 65 degrees so dont listen tetra Sources: Aquarist for 5 years, i learn shit
mspurpplepie - 12 years ago
thank you ! you very helpfull i gust got 5 goldfish 3 female 2 male in a 36 gallon tank!
Felipe Lange
Felipe Lange - 12 years ago
Tetra Damn, you are giving bad example to the creators of Kinguios, they need at least 140 gallons to keep two. In this aquarium they will die of atrophy as they reach up to 35 inches and live up to 20 years, and how much soil flow filter is not enough that in case they should be 10x the volume of the tank, besides being inadequate cycling. Do not go into them aquarists, but will have Kinguios dying soon.
EmericaJT - 12 years ago
Why is safe start used so many times? I don't even use safe start :D isn't the filter supposed to be off since she's feeding the goldfish flakes :o that's what I do so I don't clog up the filter.
New American Fishkeeper
New American Fishkeeper - 12 years ago
I wouldn't say that. And did you just fail at instulting yourself?
The Flea Productions
The Flea Productions - 12 years ago
1.- is they´re 2.- gtfo everything they did is ok for regular freshwater fish 3.- im Mexican and have better spelling then u sucker
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
NOOOOOOOO, alternate water changes and filter media exchange. Otherwise you throw out all your good bacteria, and the tank cycles again.
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
Technical term: "Gucky stuff"
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
FYI: That's to many Fancy Goldfish for a small tank.
MrBuHuskyBlue - 12 years ago
tetra safe start is actually really valuable, fish cycle increases greatly.
Sor Butt
Sor Butt - 12 years ago
big goldfish o- o
21MaD12 - 12 years ago
thats alot of tetra safe start....
Richard Ngo
Richard Ngo - 12 years ago
Wouldn't that harm the fish I mean she used the whole botttle
Fish and Fluff
Fish and Fluff - 12 years ago
my fish store said goldfish are cold water so how do you make it cold? and this said they need heater so what do I do and what is the difference in those 13 cent goldfish and the 10 dollar ones only difference I see is 1 is bigger than the other?
ManicBeans - 12 years ago
bloody hell how much chemicals does she want to add. She uses like a whole bottle.
Krystal Mccoy
Krystal Mccoy - 12 years ago
but since goldfish dont have stomachs u have to feed them at-least 2 times a day
James Ibardolaza
James Ibardolaza - 12 years ago
lol 80 degrees lol that is not the right water temp for goldfish for they prefer colder water. Everything else is fine on this vid.
Queen Naila
Queen Naila - 12 years ago
Thanks!! I have another question.. My question is that why do my fish keep on nipping on the other fishes tales I don't get why because they are all the same type of fish that I bought at the same store from the same tank?
David McKissick
David McKissick - 12 years ago
...what makes you think that? the only bad advice here was to keep a goldfish tank at 80...
1111guitardude1111 - 12 years ago
I dont have tap water I have well water... :/
joe c
joe c - 12 years ago
if you follow this your fish will die.
Corbin Makes Vlogs
Corbin Makes Vlogs - 12 years ago
Not if the filter provides oxygen.
Queen Naila
Queen Naila - 12 years ago
Does every aquarium need an air pump?
Truke - 12 years ago
Tetra gives tips that most beginners miss. A lot of people whine about their water change schedule, but twice a month is every other week with is a good schedule for a properly stocked and cycled tank.

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The "TetraCare for Goldfish" video is part of the pest, animals, fish, freshwater category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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