Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Fluval's aquatic experts have weighed in and created their Top 10 list of fish that are best suited for beginners just entering the hobby.

Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners sentiment_very_dissatisfied 422

Pets & Animals 8 years ago 867,887 views

Fluval's aquatic experts have weighed in and created their Top 10 list of fish that are best suited for beginners just entering the hobby.

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Most popular comments
for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Calie Vorster
Calie Vorster - 7 years ago
I bought 5 guppies a couple of weeks ago. 4 of them have died. I think the tank size is around 15 litres. Is it because the tank is too small? I let the tank run it's cycle for 3 weeks before I introduced the fish. I also used Aquasafe to clear chorine from the water.
Xinn Tze Chuah
Xinn Tze Chuah - 7 years ago
And do bot keep betas with any fish together!! They will probably kill your fish!! Some will get killed and some don't, and they also classific as a fighting fish!! They are also canivorous.
Xinn Tze Chuah
Xinn Tze Chuah - 7 years ago
And dont keep 2 male betas together! If want keep 1male and 1 female betas.
Raji Sljivo
Raji Sljivo - 7 years ago
I have a 225 gallon tank for one betta.LOL hell na JK
Oceanti - 7 years ago
Guppies are one of the most sensitive fish I’ve had. If you can correctly take care of them congrats I’d recommend them to you. If you’re planning on breeding I recommend a 10 gallon because they really breed fast.
Danios and Neon tetras are beautiful and amazing fish. The only reason I don’t have them is when I got to my fish store they’re all attacking eachother.
Corydoras or cat fish are great. I had two and they had a lot of babies. When they grew up my tank had never been that clean.
Black skirt tetras are immortal.  I had this one for12 years! 
I had angelfish once but the only problem Is introducing more fish after already having angelfish.  Also they each need their own space.  They were pretty but it was annoying that all they wanted to do was kill each other.  This one would 24/7 terrorize my other two.  They had a ranking of dominance sort of.  The one on the bottom was beat up all the time and had really ripped fins.  I gave them back I couldn't deal with them.
And thank you for not saying goldfish.  They are intermediate at the very least.  They are very messy fish and hard to take care of.
And p.s this just happened to be my experience.  My friend had two angels that were absolute angels.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing and acknowledging that results can be different, for one fact it is important to consider aquarium size and the fish themselves, male vs female fish can result in a different outcome, watch and observe.
julio Ramirez
julio Ramirez - 7 years ago
Fins and Gills
Fins and Gills - 7 years ago
Bettas need at least 2.5 gallons I talked to someone who study’s betta fish and has a degree for fish
Vuivlio - 7 years ago
so i put 8 fish in a 10 gallon tank
-1 male betta
-3 female betta
-2 neon tetra
-2 yellow tailed guppie

and i see that more than half of the tank is empty could i add like oto catfish there.. bcuz really it is a big tank for small fish...
Andrew Sewell
Andrew Sewell - 7 years ago
I hate tiger barbs but I always have one in my tank because when they were around 10 years old my mom's sister had a little fish bowl with one and it was called kamikaze because it would always jump out. Then my mom's sister was killed in a car wreck when she was 16. I always have one for my mom and her sister and my grandparents.
Cliona Caplis
Cliona Caplis - 7 years ago
Yes I wasn’t expecting angle fish then he said it I have them and love them

10. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Aquariums 12
Aquariums 12 - 7 years ago
I'm not a beginner but I still love watching beginner videos
Simba - 7 years ago
just show us the fish and get over it
hasima-e- Hafiz
hasima-e- Hafiz - 7 years ago
I'm getting a half moon beta fish in two days
hasima-e- Hafiz
hasima-e- Hafiz - 7 years ago
Wow thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Very cool! You might want to check out our Flex, Spec or Edge tanks if you haven't decided on a habitat yet.
J. Cauchi
J. Cauchi - 7 years ago
I have been with fish for years i am not a beginner
HighVelocity 21
HighVelocity 21 - 7 years ago
Could i keep a few different fish in a tank together?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please watch the video, you will find some helpful information to the end, thanks for asking.
FishOnTV - 7 years ago
Would I be able to put 4 Cory catfish in with some guppies and still be able to breed the guppies

Do I need to buy a hole other tank for breeding guppies or will they breed on there own even with the corys
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes they're compatible. Corydoras won't bother Guppies or eat their fry.
sujata deb
sujata deb - 7 years ago
first time experience in fish keeping
Abigail Bell
Abigail Bell - 7 years ago
I had 4 guppys at the begining in 2 months i had about 200
Jose Assunção
Jose Assunção - 7 years ago
When I buy bettas the fishseller warns me and also calls it " fightingfish"for its aggressive behavior
Today I bought the "fightingfish" anyway and by the way ( I don't care anyway)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Siamese fighting fish is a common name for Betta splendens. That said, yes, you can interpret that as a warning.

20. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Mr Penguin
Mr Penguin - 7 years ago
you can get a tetra 20 gallons and its like 20 inches high
Felicia Ley
Felicia Ley - 7 years ago
Can you keep a Betta with guppies
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Generally not recommended as Bettas will predate guppy babies and possibly attack male fancy guppies. That said you can try, especially if you have short finned guppy types and places for guppy fry to hide, isolate the betta is it is overly aggressive.
phantom night
phantom night - 7 years ago
Plecostomus is a good begging fish because it's a bottom feeder, freshwater comunity, and takes little care. Mine is like 5-6 inch
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago
Nice video! I am new to this and I dream of having my 29 gallon tank with large angle fish and schools of amazon tetras. After I wait 2 or three weeks , what is not a good fish to put for the first time in a brand new tank. How long should I wait after my first fish to get my angel fish and tetras?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
For 1 pair of angelfish and a few corys for the bottom it could work, schools of other fish would not be recommned.
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago angle fish for a 29 gallon tank. :(
mariano de miguel
mariano de miguel - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
To start your aquarium make sure to use Fluval Biological Enhancer, detailed information can be found here:
Angelfish grow to large, we recommend a nice school of neons, 10 to 15 if you wish and a school of smaller corydoras for the bottom, panda corys are a nice species. To start off, go with the corys and a pair platys, feed sparingly (use a tablet food for the corys) and dose with fluval biological enhancer. Wait a month and then add half the school of neons, wait another month and add the other half of the neon population. To ensure biological stability also take some established filter media from a health mature aquarium and add it to the filter in your new aquarium.
Nodaly Villalobos
Nodaly Villalobos - 7 years ago
Would I be able to have a community tank with 1 angel fish & 1 Betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Angelfish are cichlids that get fairly large, we feel there are better potential tank mates for a betta. Please watch our youtube video entitled betta tank mates:
Pete Kennedy
Pete Kennedy - 7 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't recommend the Homo Sapiens. It's pretty much the most intelligent and charismatic species out there, and it does great in a one gallon tank.
krashing sam
krashing sam - 7 years ago
Goldfish? Cichlids?
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
krashing sam "goldfish where easy to keep" where? Where are goldfish east to keep I wouldn't call needing 30 gallons plus 10 for every new goldfish needing heavy ass filtration needing a ton of water changes cause they produce so much waste easy goldfish are not easy fish
krashing sam
krashing sam - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics oh I didn't realize this was tropical. Thanks!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We include angelfish, they are a cichlid. Goldfish while easy to keep are not tropical fish which was the focus in this video.
Tahmin Hossain
Tahmin Hossain - 7 years ago
u know man my sword tail fish chase guppy and other small fishes too
and my male sword tail eat my new born sword tail fish I know the breeding but I forgot to keep my female sword tail in to the breeding box because I have one breeding box.please give me a suggestion what I am gonna do now
Tahmin Hossain
Tahmin Hossain - 7 years ago
Please please make a Video how to care of your guppy what they eat,what to do if they sick it will be very helpful for beginner. I am also a beginner so please make a video like this and thanks for your good advice
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Guppies should be kept between 76F and 80F or about 24.5C to 26.5 C, if you are in the that range without a heater then they should be ok, guppies are tropical fish, not cold water fish.
Tahmin Hossain
Tahmin Hossain - 7 years ago
Thanks and isn't guppy a cold water fish?? I really don't know because my country has hot climate am I use hitter or not
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
You can always take some established filter media from a healthy mature aquarium and seed the filter in the new aquarium with it. A little gravel from the mature tank would help too.
Tahmin Hossain
Tahmin Hossain - 7 years ago
Thanks for your good advice and I have another question that my country doesn't have any aquarium bacteria I searched all the aquarium shops in my country but I found nothing so what should I do for it??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
If the swordtail is bullying and you have no other option as a temporary measure it is ok, perhaps considering exchanging the male swordtail for another guppy perhaps?
Tahmin Hossain
Tahmin Hossain - 7 years ago
I'm sorry to say that I have one tank and I have no other fishes I just have 4 female and 2 male guppy and 1 male and 1 female sword tail in my 10 gallon tank aquarium.
I already separate my male sword tail in to my 1 gallon aquarium are u think it should be okay??
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Livebearers can and do predate their own fry, isolate the female in a separate tank in a breeding trap to save the maximum # of young, if that is your preference. Some male swordtails like many fish can be more aggressive than others, you should remove and isolate that male sword, they are usually quite peaceful with other fish.
tankguy621 - 7 years ago
Got an ad for red lobster, R. I. P mr fish
Macy Is cute
Macy Is cute - 7 years ago
how did he not say goldfish
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Melinda, mainly because Goldfish require larger aquariums than many people realize and we were focused on tropical fish. Point noted however and we do think Goldfish are great fish to keep, just make sure to give them a large aquarium and perform regular larger water changes.

30. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Cyndi Braski
Cyndi Braski - 7 years ago
The tank behind you looks like it has mini tanks inside. Can you show that and talk about it? Looks interesting. Thx
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The tank behind is a 120 gallon reef aquarium, we will cover it in the future, thanks for your comment.
Shot of the Beckers Becker
Shot of the Beckers Becker - 7 years ago
I had a beta for 4 years and I had him in a big tank u should really have a bigger tank to swim
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
4 years is excellent, congrats, however, many if not all breeders that have many bettas in excellent condition, peak show condition in fact, do incorporate the many points we suggest in our betta care video and have them in pristine health, it is not just tank size that counts for top condition bettas.
4509 h
4509 h - 7 years ago
Can't believe dogs are not on this list
Sam Bubbles
Sam Bubbles - 7 years ago
i had some tetras in my tank and 2 guramis..the two picked at my plants and killed my tetras, so NEVER buy guramis, they are monsters!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
There are many types of gouramis, many are very peaceful and do not disrupt a community tank or plants, you likely introduced a larger more aggressive species. Due to their small upturned mouths many gourami's are not the type of fish to attack other fish.
kyra applin
kyra applin - 7 years ago
keeping bettas in a 1 gallon they die quick get a 2 gallon filter and heater
lebeaubastion - 7 years ago
Betta are NOT for beginners. They require 5-10 gallons, heaters, and specific low flow filtration, plants and pH. I've kept and bred them, they naturally live in rice paddys, with large territories. They are the most abused fish in the industry. They should live 3-5 years.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
While we appreciate the fact you have bred them, always a significant achievement, they are easy fish to keep. The right temperature range, several water changes a week if no filter is used (as you have bred them you realize that raising many male bettas means jars and daily water changes) and a good varied diet is all that is necessary. They are quite tolerant of a fairly wide pH range and do make for a good beginners fish when the proper proper husbandry is provided. The Betta splendens you are likely referring to are not found in nature but rather their wild ancestors are and are very different fish in fact. The fish purchased in stores have been commercially bred and raised for many generations with focus on large fins, special fin types, colors, etc. In the wild for the Betta spendens is a very different story, fish are very low on the food chain in nature, they seek refuge and generally in cases like with this species do not use large areas of water.
BroughtToYouByMe !
BroughtToYouByMe ! - 7 years ago
I would highly recommend plastic fishes for beginners coz you know they aren't shy, life bearing.. And they just need a motor they don't poop or reproduce and you just need to clean the tank once a year!
CPLM4TT - 7 years ago
"They're not ranked" heres our top 10 facepalm
Mateo Jara
Mateo Jara - 7 years ago
hey i have a 20 gallon tank and i wanna know what i can keep in it i dont mind lots of work so its fine
Mia McKenna
Mia McKenna - 7 years ago
Okay... so I've been keeping gouramis for a while now and I can say that they can be pretty shy. They should have plenty of places to hide, that may just be my experience with them but might as well get that put there.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Mia, yes, the smaller to medium sized species are often shy and should have hiding places including live plants, more subdued lighting and to really make them happy research the water chemistry and temperature they originate from, usually a little warmer and slightly acidic is a good idea. Thanks for your input!
Satvika A. Menon
Satvika A. Menon - 7 years ago
Nice video! I have made a fish video on my channel. Please subscribe if you want to see!
animal guy 111
animal guy 111 - 7 years ago
can yo put a betta with neon tetras in a five gall tank
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
animal guy 111 no 1 betta should be in a 5 gallon tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
With plants yes but as always we recommend being ready to isolate the male betta if he is aggressive, observe carefully.
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 7 years ago
@fluval aquatics how cold is too cold for a betta fish?
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Below 76 degrees F / 24.5 C. 77 degrees/25 C to 81 F / 27 C is the preferred range.
ethan davis
ethan davis - 7 years ago
could i keep a female betta with 5-8 neon tetras in a 5 gal tank
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
ethan davis no that's too small
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
It would likely be ok but we have seen some females that are highly aggressive as well, as always, be ready to isolate the betta if necessary.
Nate P
Nate P - 7 years ago
I'm surprised mollies weren't on the list,
Antony Gomez
Antony Gomez - 7 years ago
betas CANNOT stay in a 1 to 2 gallon tank they love to roam around and there not found in mud patties
Sandra Kirsten
Sandra Kirsten - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I highly disagree with you.

You do know about the whole... healthy bacteria system you have to grow in the tank? It's common knowledge and any salesperson of fish should know this. It's called cycling the tank. A tank cannot function properly in under 2.5 gallons, unable to create the necessary bacteria to help keep ammonia the fish produce down. Yes, there is science to back me up! Google it if you must. So in contrast, it is highly unlikely any fish with a filter in a tank 1-2 gallons will actually survive as long as a fish in a 2.5+ gallon tank.

Show bettas are also going to be very well taken care of, so it wouldn't be the same thing of a regular at home betta. They have to be in tip top shape so this means constant around the clock care. However at home bettas don't usually have that.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Betta splendens commonly found in pet stores are really domestic fish, they are bred in captivity and do not exist in the wild in the form we buy them as in stores, both the fish and originating environments are very different in fact, in this case. That said if the temperature, water quality and diet are optimal a single male betta does just fine in 1 to 2 gallons of water, as evidence one just has to observe the many thousands of show bettas raised commercially that are in top condition. The key here is regular water changes with optimal water, right temp, quality varied diet. That said it is easier to maintain a betta in good condition with a little less frequent maintenance in a 5 gallon aquarium of course. As for the wild the Betta splendens found there has short fins, is mobile and more adept at avoiding being preyed apon by other fish, birds and reptiles.
*Taryn-rose kelleher*
*Taryn-rose kelleher* - 7 years ago
I want
2 Bettas
3 swordfish
10 neon tetras
Couch Potato
Couch Potato - 7 years ago
can i keep 4 tetras in one 4 gallon tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
4 small tetras like neons or cardinals, yes. With heater, thermometer and a small filter of course.
Dz Player01
Dz Player01 - 7 years ago
guys today in my country the heat is 35 - 45 degrees Celsius
how can i get my aquarium to be at 24 - 28 degrees Celsius
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
That is hot. The obvious answer is air condition the room and bring down the temperature for yourself and the fish! However, if that is not possible a large fan blowing across the water surface will remove heat and consequently result in water evaporating, so you will need to top it up more frequently. Any shade you can create adjacent areas that heat up that affect the temperature where the aquarium is will help too. Ice cubes can help but are obviously a very short term aid.
Eren Rodriguez
Eren Rodriguez - 7 years ago
why are you promoting negligence to fish???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A single male betta kept at the right temperature in 1 to 2 gallons, in perfect health and condition, this has been repeated many millions of times by many serious keepers and breeders, with good diet and required conditions. While clearly we see many opinions on the subject we do not when it comes to professional fish keepers and breeders. That is not to say options are not available to anyone wanting to keep a betta in a larger aquarium, in fact in our 10 minute plus video on bettas where we responsibly show wild bettas of a few species, not just the Betta splendens commonly known to most, in fact it is a varied family of fish and we do show larger filtered aquariums with live plants and point out many details. All this to say, addressing Fluval with the term "nelgligence" is inappropriate in addressing Fluval. We are not simply promoting a brand but took the time and effort to introduce aquarium and fish enthusiasts to much more concerning this fish as well as pointing out the benefits of varied diets and habitat options. We trust our position is clear here and we will not comment any further on this subject as we are very comfortable with the facts.
Eren Rodriguez
Eren Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics What i mean is, why are you telling beginners that such a small tank is appropriate for a betta?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Are you addressing Fluval? If so, we do not understand your question?

50. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Fhsnoopy Lover
Fhsnoopy Lover - 7 years ago
Almost all the fish on the list we have had in our faimily fish tank and they are really easy to keep alive
Katerina Thomas
Katerina Thomas - 7 years ago
Finally somebody who pronounces betta as "betta" and not "beyta"
Random acts Of life style
Random acts Of life style - 7 years ago
I have 6.5 five tank what's good for it
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Please clarify the size and volume of the aquarium you are asking about? Also support equipment, dimensions and volume are important but so is the filtration and lighting, do you want to keep live plants etc....
Ultimate Gamer
Ultimate Gamer - 7 years ago
You should do a Video about Fishes that could live in a 10 gallon Tank With other Fishes
Ultimate Gamer
Ultimate Gamer - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics So Aren't you suppose to post a video because you are the best YouTuber for Fishes and I really want to know so can you post the video about Fishes that could live together in a 10 gallon tank because I need to know Thank You
Ultimate Gamer
Ultimate Gamer - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I want some Neon Tetras in a 10 gallon tank with more fishes so I need to know so I asked the best Youtuber I know which is you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Good suggestion, thanks. Community fish for small aquariums, well noted!
Rimo Iraqi
Rimo Iraqi - 7 years ago
I got Guppies, Bettas, Mollies, Baloon Mollies, they're all great. l bought another two black phantom tetras, they died.
Inside the Wizard world
Inside the Wizard world - 7 years ago
What kind of fish can I put together and I only have a 2.5 gallon. Also was it ok the I put a fancy guppy with a blue platy? Because they don't fight
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ava, generally yes and it is approximate. Temperature is a factor, around 78 to 80F and yes approximately every 30 days, if it is a few degrees cooler the gestation period would be longer. We assume there are males present? While an initial mating does result in a few drops of fry it is not perpetual. We also assume you have put the female alone with plenty of hiding places for the babies or in a breeding trap? Guppies, some more than others, will eat their own fry.
Inside the Wizard world
Inside the Wizard world - 7 years ago
Are you sure the guppies have babies ever 30 days? Because my guppy did not have babies yet and it is a female guppy and it has been over 30 days why is that?
Inside the Wizard world
Inside the Wizard world - 7 years ago
Thank you that really helped
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes guppies and platys are generally fine. 2.5 gallons is small, a pair of platys and a few dwarf corydoras for the bottom would work nicely.
Tc - 7 years ago
If its not in a ranking list, why does the title have "Top 10" in it?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Because it is a list, not a ranking as is mentioned at the very beginning of the video.
Mosin Nagant
Mosin Nagant - 7 years ago
I thought building an aquarium was getting a glass tank, fill it with tap water, and pouring some random ass fish in it.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Keeping any living animal requires a responsible approach, that includes properly and completely understanding all their needs and characteristics.
Usha Poojary
Usha Poojary - 7 years ago
angel fish can be best for the beginner
Blurred Glitch
Blurred Glitch - 7 years ago
yes, you can keep bettas in 1-2 gallons of water, but that is basically torching the poor thing.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Betta splendens do well in 1 to 2 gallons of water at the right temperature, with regular water changes and a healthy varied diet. There are of course larger species that do need bigger aquariums, but not Betta splendens.
Katnined - 7 years ago
Neon tetras... in five gallons... wow, how spacey, how about I keep my koi fish in a water bottle?
Jennifer Maclean
Jennifer Maclean - 7 years ago
we have 7fry over 10weeks old. don,t seem to be growing. we are feeding themgrowing -up fish food.should we be feeding them a different food ? not sure of type but gills were tramparent and beautiful / colorful.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
A variety of food is also important as are regular water changes and temperature. as you don't mention the specific fish you are growing its tough to comment further. Don't forget some species are slow growing.
Jer Shawn
Jer Shawn - 7 years ago
I'm surprised was not on the list. they are easy to care for.
Laura - 7 years ago
ok now i think i need to go work in my local pet store i only have 3 years to be able to work money for myself and get driveing licenses

this is why i want to go work in my local pet store: there are lots of people who want pet store worker to tell them about their brought and the most understood fish is betta and goldfish and i have learned about them long so i could really help
Avinaba Sarkar
Avinaba Sarkar - 7 years ago
can I keep goldfish, discuss and angel together?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Goldfish are coldwater fish and Discuss and Angels are tropical species that require heated aquariums, which is why we do not recommend mixing these fish.
Turtle Power
Turtle Power - 7 years ago
Hi your Video is very cool.
TunaToot - 7 years ago
This guy must be smart, he has glasses and leans on things when he talks.
TunaToot - 7 years ago
You missed a perfect fish for beginners, the great white shark. The only need tanks of like 100,000 gallons. Again, perfect for the beginner.
JoshTheHerpetologist - 7 years ago
Care guide for neons
Beaty My Meaty
Beaty My Meaty - 7 years ago
Where's the Great Whites? They do great in a 29 and they eat flakes like a champ
Whitney Adams
Whitney Adams - 7 years ago
i got a betta today his name is jesse
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'm surprised kribensis and BN plecos weren't on their
General Keith15
General Keith15 - 7 years ago
Wait, no piranhas? That guy at the pet store lied to me!
The Black Sword
The Black Sword - 7 years ago
we call betta a fihting fish
Labiba-jenine Hussein
Labiba-jenine Hussein - 7 years ago
can you but betta's with other sorts of fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes there are options, please check out our "Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish" by fluvalaquatics, here is the link for your convenience:
Lgt Tipp
Lgt Tipp - 7 years ago
I had an angel fish and it ate all the other fish
potato ban
potato ban - 7 years ago
piranas are the best fish for beginners and kids
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar - 7 years ago
John Clemens
John Clemens - 7 years ago
my angel fish is in a 10 gallon tank is that bad
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
John, for a small very young angel its' ok, but as it surpasses 2 - 2.5 inches in vertical height it should be moved up to a 20 - 30 gallon. One angel could be kept in a 20 - 25 gallon.
Typical Cringe Kids With Their Meme Profile Pics
Typical Cringe Kids With Their Meme Profile Pics - 7 years ago
I know this man, when he was a kid he had big hopes and dreams for his future. Unfortunately, his parents abandoned him and left him at an orphanage. Time passed and when he was a kid, a lot of kids bullied him at school almost everyday, he cried a lot, but he never gave up, and kept moving forward. When he got older, he realized you just wasted you time reading this
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
I have a black skirt tetra. his school died. He was "adopted" by my betta. they rarely Leave each others side. PS. I am not new to the hobby, I am just setting up a "begginer tank" for two reasons. 1. I haven't had a tropical tank in a while, and 2 I am using it to teach people about fish care on my pet care channel.
HEKTIC458 - 7 years ago
Good vid
Lucky Oreoz
Lucky Oreoz - 7 years ago
Hello! I'm 11 and I'm planning to get a fish. only 1 what is a perfect fish for me? It's gonna be in a medium fish bowl.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lucky, thanks for sharing your plan. As you say medium sized bowl we can guess it's about two gallons in volume? No filter, no heater. You will need to go with a resistant fish and make sure you change about half the water two times a week. I would recommend a paradise fish, they can deal with the low 70 degree farenheit range, are tough, inexpensive and more disease resistant versus a betta and are an anabantoid (they can breathe atmospheric air) . They are aggressive and as you mention 1 fish we see no issues there.
Anna Smith
Anna Smith - 7 years ago
I like this guy he got my fish tank gone thank you for your info that helped a lot
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks Anna, glad to hear we helped you out.
turki - 7 years ago
I liked your explain
Itz Benji
Itz Benji - 7 years ago
you should of recommended shubunkins because they have nice colours and are pretty much the same as goldfish
Andrew Eddings
Andrew Eddings - 7 years ago
My Gourami has made me and my family give up on owning guppies. The guppies keep dying within a two week period after being bought -due to the fact the our Gourami is murdering them
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Unfortunate to hear your gourami is killing other fish, it is always recommended to observe to ensure no particular fish bullies and attacks tank mates.
Gail cartmell
Gail cartmell - 7 years ago
Would a gold fish be good in a 5 gallon or does it have to be in a bigger tank ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
While goldfish are small in the one to two inch range they would be, but they can grow to over a foot in length so you would need a larger aquarium or outdoor pond to eventually move them to.
Tay is a bunny
Tay is a bunny - 7 years ago
Gail cartmell ,they need 20 gallons. they grow big. every other one you add is another 10 gallons for each one. Hope this helps.
Vardan Hovakimyan
Vardan Hovakimyan - 7 years ago
I didn't even like that lol
Crxnicle - 7 years ago
ur so hardy
Crxnicle - 7 years ago
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
can we keep all these fishes mentioned in the video together in one large tank plz answer
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
We would not recommend adult angelfish with guppies, their young will be predated and possibly smaller adults as well. If you wish to keep neons in a 95 gallon with Angels make sure to keep them in a group of at lest 25 and ensure they are large neons and start with small angels. Yes, you could try a male betta instead of the gouramis.
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thanks but can I also add a few guppies ,neon tetras and betta instead of the gouramis thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
Ok, that is about 95 US gallons, good sized tank! Out of the examples we provided and then some we could suggest the following community, based on their adult size: 4 Angelfish, 4 Blue Or Pearl Gouramis, 6 Swordails, 6 - 12 Redtail Rasboras and 6 Corydoras jullii.
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics about a tank 40 inches in length 22 inches width and 25 inches tall
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
What size of aquarium are you planning on?
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics then which one of these can live together pls answer
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 7 years ago
No you should not as we do mention specifics about the fish, some belong in larger aquariums with suitable tankmates that some of the others mentioned in the video are not. Always best to consider what your available space and budget allows, then make suitable choices on that, in other words, focus and prioritize on the needs and well being of the fish you want to keep and make sure you can meet them.
Jerome Saverimuttu
Jerome Saverimuttu - 7 years ago
In all seriousness I recommend starting with ponds not tanks.
Mol 32
Mol 32 - 8 years ago
my first fish was a Molly fish I had 2 in one, one gallon tank they lasted 2 weeks I felt so bad
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
The tank is small for mollies, a 5 gallon at least would have been better. They like warmer temperatures between 78 to 80 degrees and benefit from some non iodized salt addition to the water.
NerdyPlays - 8 years ago
what about a tetra?
NerdyPlays - 8 years ago
I am Coast2coastLoud
I am Coast2coastLoud - 8 years ago
Bettas should be in NO FUCKING LESS THEN 2.5 gallons. Just because they can survive in small rice paddies doesn't mean that they don't want more room!!!!
Mar tin
Mar tin - 8 years ago
Not so sure about the guppies. The multiply so strong, you need to know what to do with them.
Mar tin
Mar tin - 8 years ago
I think keeping only male guppies should be considered by beginners. I also thought of it for myself. I had guppies and within a year you can breed hundreds. In smaller towns it is difficult to find people who take hundreds of guppies. And then you have the problem a year later. Now all of them have hundreds of guppies.

Another solution is to have a quite "open" fishtank where the young guppies can't hide well. Then most of them will get eaten. This is also something beginners should be aware of. Not everyone likes the concept of homebred babyfish being killed.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Part of the fun of keeping guppies....its not difficult to find stores or other aquarists to take your surplus. You can always just keep male guppies for example. They also small fish, setting up a 30 gallon with plants would allow you to have a large community of guppies.
Sam West
Sam West - 8 years ago
i really like the betta fish but is there anything that shouldn't be kept with?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Fast moving potentially fin nipping fish should be avoided, also because they would out compete the betta at feeding time. Many ask if guppies are a good choice, we feel they are not.
Sofie B
Sofie B - 8 years ago
You said beta wrong
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Sofie, it s Betta, the pronunciation is correct.
nidhin chandran2121
nidhin chandran2121 - 8 years ago
thank you so much for the info.

100. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Ace Wood
Ace Wood - 8 years ago
Just informing you it is actually pronounced bay-ta.
catz Keet
catz Keet - 7 years ago
Ace Wood no it's not its pronounced bet tah from the scientific name Betta Splendens.
Marcel Tambago
Marcel Tambago - 8 years ago
I Have A 2 Gallon Filtered Tank With 3 Goldfish.
Thats Not Good.
I Hope My Dad Can Get Me A 5 Gallon So I Can Get Bettas Or Glowfish
milkshake0 - 8 years ago
"if you're lookin' for low maintenance, there's nothin betta than a betta!"
vladypacot1 - 8 years ago
Can some one tell me if this's list is fresh water or salted am new for all this
vladypacot1 - 8 years ago
Thankyou I appreciate
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
All fish covered in this video were Freshwater.
tropical family
tropical family - 8 years ago
what the fish that look like shark and has black and orange in the tail
Vipransh Sinha
Vipransh Sinha - 8 years ago
he didnt say goldfish
David Lemon
David Lemon - 8 years ago
My Betta fish was kept in my .75 gallon tank and lived for nearly three years, so all y'all saying that you need five gallon tanks.... bullshit
Car1Sagan - 8 years ago
No plecostamus?
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 8 years ago
Im surprised the red rump isnt here its a rally calm tarantula and very easy to keep
Agustina Calderon
Agustina Calderon - 8 years ago
I have fish number 7 if were counting up
Richard The Psychic Chicken
Richard The Psychic Chicken - 8 years ago
I remember my first fish... he jumped out of the tank the first day and died
adam maharjan
adam maharjan - 8 years ago
can you tel me any beautiful fish whish dont need heater...also can u tel me how to shepret male and female fish ??
adam maharjan
adam maharjan - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thank you
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Adam, white cloud mountain fish and various danios are a lovely small fish that do well from 70 to 75 degrees F, they do tolerate lower slightly fluctuating temperatures. Various small barbs, such as gold barbs, cherry barbs, Ticto Barbs can do well within a temperature range between 70 - 80 degrees F. As for differences between males and females, it is dependent on the species and often is demonstrated in differences in color intensity, fins and body shape.
A and S Life
A and S Life - 8 years ago
for a betta 2.5 gal is minimum. ideal is 5 gal. and heaven is 10+
ForestofTooMuchFood - 8 years ago
Be like the others and list your top 10 in your information bar.
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 8 years ago
u can keep bettas in a tube. they will become a great speciment if u know what i mean
ambulance girl
ambulance girl - 8 years ago
My ONLY complaint about guppies is that mine WON'T breed.  I have males.  I have females.  In the same tank.  Nothing.  WTF?  I made tiny little beds for them, and sunk them.  Nothing.  I thought privacy was an issue.  I made little caves and put the beds in the caves.  Nothing.  I put a stripper pole in the caves.  Nothing.  I started delivering little boxes of chocolates to each female (from your secret admirer hint hint) nothing.  I tried flowers.  Nothing.  Now when I come in the room, all the males go pout at the other end of the tank, and the girls swim over to say "Hiiiii!".  What's up with this behavior.  Mine or theres... comments?
ambulance girl
ambulance girl - 8 years ago
They were in a 39 gal set up, but I decided screw them.  LOL, it was a joke anyway.
Kenneth Ficara Toba
Kenneth Ficara Toba - 8 years ago
i recommended you to put your guppies on a bugger tanks
Sanne Igodt
Sanne Igodt - 8 years ago
god again a guppy is easyest ... yea right! all of mine died, every single time! they keep getting sick, they keep getting stuck in my decoration (onley have 2 things in it) so i do NOT agree with this one bit!
Frederick Dunn
Frederick Dunn - 8 years ago
Oh, such a nice explanation of a wide variety of fresh-water fish :) I'm in the "refresher" phase for the aquarium hobby and this is helping me form up and visualize my community of fishes. Nice points and what a great environment you're in there. Particularly enjoyed the fish species close-ups, thank you and thumbs up! Has being surrounded by fish and water helped to lower your stress and blood pressure? :)
Birds corner
Birds corner - 7 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics can we keep all these fishes mentioned in the video together in one large tank plz answer
Frederick Dunn
Frederick Dunn - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics You're living the life :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Frederick, I am avid aquarist so I am surrounded at home too :), it certainly is relaxing.
Tessa Rollins
Tessa Rollins - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank and I was thinking of getting guppies, but I do not want fry every 30 days. Will they always breed or only in certain conditions like certain temp?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If there are males mixed with females they will breed and the temperature needed for their health is the issue, which is between 76 to 80 deg F. You can always not mix males and females together, eventually the females will no longer have young.
Brady Simone
Brady Simone - 8 years ago
Umm goldfish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
While goldfish are easy to keep they do get large and do better in aquariums of a good size with strong filtration. Depending on where you live an outdoor pond can be an option, in which case they are a good option (make sure they are protected from predators). The intent was really tropical aquarium fish in this video.
Sam Wheeler
Sam Wheeler - 8 years ago
are gouramis compatible with guppies
Sam Wheeler
Sam Wheeler - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Dwarf species like honey gouramis should do fine. Note that they would still eat baby guppies.
Peasville - 8 years ago
Love you tank info
andrew De LA Cruz
andrew De LA Cruz - 8 years ago
Wow always super informative !!!! :)
Kami Wilson
Kami Wilson - 8 years ago
disgusting you say to keep bettas in such a small tank. No fish should be in a tank less than 5 Gallons if you want it to be happy. Reserve that 2.5 and 1 gallon tank for snails or dwarf shrimp.
Kami Wilson
Kami Wilson - 8 years ago
we aren't talking about killifish though.It's pretty gross for you to defend the ignorance in this video. I for one won't continue to support a company that doesn't actually care for the well being of fish and spreads misinformation.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Bailey, your generalization is inaccurate, bettas do well as do certain other species in small aquariums when maintained as we inform. Take killifish for example, many of the annual species that in the wild live in very small temporary seasonal volumes of water do great in small tanks.
Starkat03 - 8 years ago
My first fish was a minnow
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
why isnt bala shark in this video? i keep it in the bowl with my betta(DONT WORRY its a big bowl, its 1 gallon!)
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics haha yes, i keep my betta in a 5 gallon planted tank with a heater and filter and im not getting a bala shark unless i have a 70 gallon aquarium!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Good to hear.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics i do not actually have a bala shark and i dont keep my betta in a bowl(thats cruel)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Bala sharks grow very large and cannot be kept in bowls or in aquariums with smaller fish.
be yourself
be yourself - 8 years ago
I had a 5 betas- green, blue, purple,green, and red- my brother killed all of them
Nido Hime
Nido Hime - 8 years ago
be yourself For make a rainbow of death?
Sw3y Cody
Sw3y Cody - 8 years ago
I might get some Koi but yeah
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Sw3y Cody koi require 260 gallons each
Hey Zeus
Hey Zeus - 8 years ago
Yup. Angels are indeed Cichlids and they will also fight each other at times. I made the mistake of buying a full grown Angel and adding it to my community tank that already had a full grown one.
It was peaceful for a few days but suddenly the new Angel started chasing and attacking the other one. It got so bad the bullied Angel lost an eye. I had to remove the new one and trade it in.
I dont know if its true but Ive read that the best thing to do is to get all of the Angels you intend to keep at one time and when they are very juvenile.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
In general with most if not all cichlids and many other fish, raising juveniles as a group and allowing natural pecking orders to develop and the formation of natural pairs is recommended.
Hayley 26
Hayley 26 - 8 years ago
I bought 6 neon tetras today and a small bottom feeder catfish, the water is completely fine and I did all the adding a little bit of tank water to the bags every 5 mins for an hour and floated the bags on the water while doing that, I woke up and my catfish died along with 2 neon tetras and 1 is missing so now I only have 3 in my tank and their red stripe is completely gone! Someone please help
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Bugaboo LB i need more info, what are your water prameters? was the tank cycled? how many gallons is the tank?
Hey Zeus
Hey Zeus - 8 years ago
Well, Im no fish expert, and without knowing what your knowledge level is, I would ask if the tank water was already established with fish and was already cycled, and if you had tested it for ammonia levels, as well as nitrite and nitrate levels.
If you dont know what Im talking about, please check out the youtube video called, " The most important aquarium video to watch. ~Water Cycling~".
Im not trying to insult your fish-keeping knowledge, btw.
The red stripe is gone from the remaining neon tetras because they are stressed out. Only when they feel comfortable in the new tank will their color come back.
Im sorry you lost your fish. Trust me, Ive murdered plenty of fish in my day. NEVER intentionally. Only because I was lacking in knowledge and experience, and because you just never know the health condition of the fish you just bought. That, and the fact that trying to keep a few gallons of water set to levels of a clean running stream in nature is not easy.
Hope you figure out what went wrong and I hope your remaining fish make it. Peace.
Hayley 26
Hayley 26 - 8 years ago
My water levels where fine too along with the temp
Miranda Graff
Miranda Graff - 8 years ago
good video! Lots of great information sir
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank you for the kind words Miranda!
Queen Aquatics
Queen Aquatics - 8 years ago
Swordtails can be really aggressiv fish, special pregnant female swordtails so i don't recoment swordtails for beginners.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I usually keep Platy and only females! Way easier to keep them (without a male to chase them)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yuma, we would not agree with that but you certainly have choices if that has been your experience.
Hema Gurunh
Hema Gurunh - 8 years ago
I am here for the Betta comments :P
Cavitae Productions
Cavitae Productions - 8 years ago
Can be kept in 1-2 gallons......
Millerific - 8 years ago
I had a Blue Grammy. It jumped out of the tank.
Sunil Pun
Sunil Pun - 8 years ago
Millerific it might have tried runni g away from you
b xpress6
b xpress6 - 8 years ago
i prefer cardinal tetras to neons :-) look the same except the colors on cardinal go from front to tail all the way but hard to find and cost more
Shaun - 8 years ago
I'm surprised the blue whale was not on the list, they are easy to keep and you only need a small tank
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
boy bee plus hydras do best overstocked so at least 20 per gallon
boy bee
boy bee - 7 years ago
Shaun, Hydra is the best aquarium fish, you can keep it in a jar but notice this : the jar must be filled in oil, not water
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
Winter The Blue Dolphin what is a
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
Winter The Blue Dolphin Ikr everybody knows a whale is a marsupial
Winter The Blue Dolphin
Winter The Blue Dolphin - 7 years ago
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
Sasuke Uchiha really I have 10 in 0.001 gallon glass box
Ariana Parrish
Ariana Parrish - 7 years ago
Sasuke Uchiha lol
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha - 7 years ago
I keep my whale in a pill bottle
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
Manuel Gamboa no no that's huge you can keep at least 12 in a peanut butter jar
Manuel Gamboa
Manuel Gamboa - 7 years ago
Shaun you're dumb asf for keeping blue whales in a 1 gallon tank. They need a tank size of at least 10 gallons so they can have room to swim
Philip Stecher
Philip Stecher - 7 years ago
Shaun i
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
James I have a pair of plums 2 hedgehogs and 4 silverback gorillas in my 10 gallon thinking of adding a great white and a couple of owls
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
Copy Pod 1 gallon??!??!? That way to big you only need a little jam jar
Captain Sardine 4786
Captain Sardine 4786 - 7 years ago
B&E Animals oh yeah, perfect for my 100 ml mug
Captain Sardine 4786
Captain Sardine 4786 - 7 years ago
Josue Jain true, the friendliest in fact
Captain Sardine 4786
Captain Sardine 4786 - 7 years ago
Shaun ha, I have 75 of them comfortable in a cup on my desk.
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
Jon Snow i had a goldfish before but he didn't stop screaming at me for more food and sometimes my goldie slapped me, that's when i knew i need to sell that fish they are hard to keep that's why i prefer whales
Up_Syndrome - 7 years ago
I WARN YOU TO NOT KEEP SPERM WHALES WITH BLUE WHALES. Trust me the blues will rape the sperms and then the sperms will injure the blues therefore resulting in infection and if not properly treated, will die. But, orcas and sharks are good with blues. I have a 10 gallon with 15000 blues and a couple million orcas and sharks

Edit: I forgot. If you want a semi aquatic animal with your blues, get a brontosaurus
Jon Snow
Jon Snow - 7 years ago
Geen Naam well I have 1 goldfish in a 5 million gallon tank as they can get quite large and they're hard to keep
Geen Naam
Geen Naam - 7 years ago
Shaun i have 2 in my tank but i think my small tank is too big they are scared because of all that room they have i am thinking about buying 10-20 blue whale for my 3 gal. Tank
puppyloverkt&lillie - 7 years ago
Copy Pod lmfao
puppyloverkt&lillie - 7 years ago
James lmao
A very friendly demon /A93
A very friendly demon /A93 - 7 years ago
Shaun I wish bettas were that small I had to buy a whole country for my betta :(
puppyloverkt&lillie - 7 years ago
puppyloverkt&lillie - 7 years ago
Shaun Lmao
Ponygirl forever
Ponygirl forever - 7 years ago
Shaun you have to be joking because the blue whale is not s fish and it's the biggest whale in the world
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Shaun I know it's a joke but they said fish
boy bee
boy bee - 7 years ago
I heard that Cthulhu is the best beginner fish and you can keep it in a jar
FluffyPuffyFox :3
FluffyPuffyFox :3 - 7 years ago
Logan Flint And its cheap af! So is the megalodon and the mosasauras. They are great companions and they dont eat you
Logan Flint
Logan Flint - 7 years ago
The Kraken wasn't on this list!? It's a non aggressive lovable fish!
THEDinoKingGFM - 7 years ago
Naw man a leviathan should have been in this

They don't need a huge tank I keep it in a micro tank
LLLatiasLL - 7 years ago
what about mermaids
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra n yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra n yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra n yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra amd yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra amd yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
ARS - 7 years ago
yes but my goldfish n guppy ate my blue whale,G.White sharks n anaconda r in my 100 g tank n i'm thinking 2 add some sea horses, squid and some flying crocodile fish... My doctors told me it will b good to feed left hand of cobra amd yes these f@@@* r very cleaver as well yesterday i tried 2 feed them right hands they didn't even touched it and one them told me that they want some soup of goat's wings with 2 bottle of wine n water proof mobile charger & deck of cards....
FluffyPuffyFox :3
FluffyPuffyFox :3 - 7 years ago
Shaun Pretty sure sharks and blue whales go together perfectly
Alfie Elliott // My First Fish Tank
Alfie Elliott // My First Fish Tank - 7 years ago
I'm so confused! I was told blue whales only need a 0.05 gallon tank! I have them with sting rays, orcas and great white sharks. They are all best friends
Roy Dunning
Roy Dunning - 7 years ago
Shaun savage
Awesome Eliam
Awesome Eliam - 7 years ago
Shaun wat th fuuuuup
I don't Know
I don't Know - 7 years ago
Shaun nah man, ya gotta go with the ocean sunfish
Xeno Rex 508
Xeno Rex 508 - 7 years ago
Shaun I have infinite blue whales in a tank the size of a single bacteria
Xeno Rex 508
Xeno Rex 508 - 7 years ago
AvP toys Nebraska can you even take a single joke
fish dude
fish dude - 7 years ago
Shaun you are weird ya stupid blue wails are huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Copy Pod so true
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson b
Yeah, they are rare though
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Copy Pod awesome. maybe we should add an aquatic unicorn too
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 7 years ago
Alexis Wilson
Go depends megalodons should go in a community tank and 1.0 gallons
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 7 years ago
Iv tried potatos but they were eaten by my kathulu
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
I am thinking about a megladon? Or should I go with a T-Rex?
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Shaun how about orcas?
puppy love
puppy love - 7 years ago
Shaun lol
Rene Lemay
Rene Lemay - 7 years ago
Anastasia Majick
Anastasia Majick - 7 years ago
tony spatafore that's my favourite kind of fish
tony spatafore
tony spatafore - 7 years ago
i agree, also bald eagle is good for beginners
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
DAwSon Dawgz
It was SARCASM...
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
James are they amphibians????
- CrimsonSensations -
- CrimsonSensations - - 8 years ago
Shaun I don't have blue whales :( but I have 2 whale sharks in a 2 gallon tank. I might get them in the pet shop though
LORD WINTER - 8 years ago
hahaha nice joke but they arent fish
Paul Rafael
Paul Rafael - 8 years ago
Shaun just saying
Shaun - 8 years ago
James nice dude
Shaun - 8 years ago
Rafael Almarines I know that I'm not dumb
Paul Rafael
Paul Rafael - 8 years ago
Shaun wale is not a fish it's a mammal
QuestionMark? - 8 years ago
Shaun yeah, also I've heard that colossal squids are pretty small
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
Josue Jain
Yeah I think I'll have them with my minke whales!
Josh Jain
Josh Jain - 8 years ago
You should think about adding some great white sharks I heard their really peaceful
James - 8 years ago
I have 2 giraffes a potato and an elephant in a 1 gallon tank
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
Reign John
You make no dollars.
I hope your joking
Reign John
Reign John - 8 years ago
fuck you blue whales are the largest mammal
Twin Cats
Twin Cats - 8 years ago
Avsfreak24 - 8 years ago
Shaun Yeah, only about a 5 gallon should work!
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
Nah, I think about 1000,000,000, more?
They're pretty cheap hear.
Shaun - 8 years ago
Copy Pod get about 50 more
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
I'm soooooo jealous
Well I'm going to the pet store to get more blue whales!
Shaun - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics I know, I have a school of blue whales in a 0.1 gallon tank. I know they are mammals
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Whales are mammals, not fish, the review covers fish :)
Shaun - 8 years ago
Copy Pod Wow, that's awesome but I have a school in a 0.1 gallon tank
Shaun - 8 years ago
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
I have a school of them
In a 1gallon tank
Matt Law
Matt Law - 8 years ago
Why does he say angelfish should be kept in a 30 gal tank. I had my angel fish that lived almost 3 years
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Matt angelfish are cichlids that can easily live that length of time if not more. 30 gallons is recommended due to their adult size/height and and requirement for swimming space.
Zac Heldreth
Zac Heldreth - 8 years ago
I bought a betta just like the one in the thumbnail at pets mart for US $9.50
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 8 years ago
Bettas need a 2.5 gallon tank filtered and heated
Egon Spengler
Egon Spengler - 7 years ago
Kenneth Ficara Toba So, you're abusing 100 Bettas?
Kenneth Ficara Toba
Kenneth Ficara Toba - 8 years ago
i only put my betta in 10x10 cm i have more than 100 bettas
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos?
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos? - 8 years ago
Random Person I agree. :)
Random Person
Random Person - 8 years ago
Elise Neil the bare minimum is 2.5 gallons but a 5 gallons is what it should have
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos?
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos? - 8 years ago
Tiger Boss11 They should have 5 gallons actually
Pedro Bonachea
Pedro Bonachea - 8 years ago
I have a very angry guppie that never lets anything gets near it what do I do ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Pedro, we don't think a guppy can really cause any damage of concern to other fish. Perhaps try some Fluval Tap Water Conditioner that does contain calming herbal extracts, perhaps your guppy will tone itself down...
Ashwini Ashwini
Ashwini Ashwini - 8 years ago
Efficientlion !
Efficientlion ! - 8 years ago
Bettas aren't used to small spaces and they need an Oxygenator and a filter
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics That's just not right... Though they can survive in a 1 gallon, they'll never really be living in a 1 gallon. I mean really, would you lock a dog in a crate for its whole life? Not to mention the constant water changes that most people who start with these fish wouldn't understand the importance of. We're talking 30-50% every day or other day if you want to keep the water in good condition. It's just easier on yourself and better for the fish to keep it in a larger tank, a minimum of 5 gallons. Preferably with a CYCLED filter, light, and heater (if needed.)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Betta splendens as commonly found in stores are really farmed domestically produced fish, they are not the variety you find in nature and wouldn't have a chance to survive in a natural environment. It is very possible to keep them healthy and in tip top shape at he right temperature with no filter given you perform regular water changes in a container of about a gallon and up. They are an anabantid and do very well getting oxygen from both within the water and at the surface. That said, it is of course fine to keep them in larger aquariums with filters but they can be suspect to getting fin nipped by faster moving or more aggressive fish, male bettas with large fins really are better kept alone.
Holly Samsonator
Holly Samsonator - 8 years ago
thanks for a wonderful insight to keeping fish! I have had all sorts of land based animals ( farmer type) but have just started an aquarium because the cichlids, in the tank at work, have not coloured up in the last 12 months.....their future was in jeopardy, I couldn't have that. So I now have a 410 lt tank with 3 juvenile and 3 coloured cichlids ( and a bristlenose - so cool!) They are amazing, such personalities, changing from hour to minute! I have found my new passion!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing Holly, we love hearing about getting motivated when keeping fish, enjoy the hobby!
ggappstor1 ggappstor1
ggappstor1 ggappstor1 - 8 years ago
Why didn't the say goldfish
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
ggappstor1 ggappstor1 at least 30 gallons minimum
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
ggappstor1 ggappstor1 cause goldfish aren't beginner fish they produce a lot of waste they need heavy filtration
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We did not include the goldfish as they do get very large and outgrow most aquariums, plus they are not tropical and that was really the intent, to cover tropical aquarium fish, perhaps we could have been clearer on that.
Sean Pyles
Sean Pyles - 8 years ago
I'm surprised Mollies weren't on the list. I started out with them and had a lot of fun keeping them. They are very similar to guppies, in my mind, with level of care. But I must say, I really do like the list.
Astronomical Arts
Astronomical Arts - 7 years ago
Ecartts Strange, everyone seems to agree that they get sick easily but my mollies are very healthy and active. I haven't had any trouble with sickness even when I had a goldfish in the tank with a fungal infection (it sadly ended up passing away :(.)
Sandra Kirsten
Sandra Kirsten - 7 years ago
Sean Pyles Mollies gave me the most hell!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I agree.. I stayed away from keeping mollies cuz they are pretty susceptible to ick

Salt might help with that tho!
Tok Carolyn
Tok Carolyn - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics are guppy easy to take care
b xpress6
b xpress6 - 8 years ago
i too love mollies too but they are susceptible to ick alot. im guessing thats why they not on the list.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
They are great starter fish, adding salt at a small dose rate seems to benefit mollies more but we have seen some where they do just fine without it.
IŹŹY MØNTANA - 8 years ago
Sean Pyles they are, he grouped them with the guppies (livebearers)
Iopkl Hokk
Iopkl Hokk - 8 years ago
I am a clown
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
Iopkl Hokk
I am a huge sea anemone from the Czech re
Iopkl Hokk
Iopkl Hokk - 8 years ago
Summer Folster
Summer Folster - 8 years ago
Personally I don't think guppies are good fish to keep. They're very fragile and hard to keep. If you have them in a community other fish like to nip at their tails too
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Alyssa, while we respect your opinion if they are healthy to start with they are hardy in fact. What has probably led to your feeling the way you do is the fact that many guppies available at retail for a long time were imported with specific reactions to diseases that they were not properly treated for, that has changed for many outlets at this point and there are a number of great and reliable breeders available to purchasers on line these days. The video is addressing their keeping from the point of view of keeping, no mention is made here in regards to mixing them in communities, absolutely true that kept with faster moving fin nipping type species fancy male guppies would be a target, we do prefer to keep them as a species or even strain specific type set up. We list them in our top 10 based on the fact they reproduce quickly and for a beginner that is in to fish that is usually rewarding, for the more advanced that like dabble in genetics the results of establishing a strain or improving it, they are excellent fish for as well.
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
I'm thinking about getting a school of neon tetras, some platys, some cory catfish, and some sort of algae eating snail or amano shrimps and some red cherry shrimps, would any of these fight each other?
Tanveez Nakuda
Tanveez Nakuda - 8 years ago
Thank you
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
Do you think that all of the fish can be female?
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
Nevermind I did some research and all of them like 20 celsius and up, like the tetras like 20-25, the platy likes 20-26, the catfish likes 20-27 and the amano shrimp like 22-25 so if I get them my tank temperature will be 25 celsius. And even better, all of them like 10 gallon tanks!
SneeSnoo45 - 8 years ago
Do all of them like the same temperature
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Sounds like a good selection to us.
Anna Rigsby
Anna Rigsby - 8 years ago
how do you get rid of cotton fungus on a gold fish?
Anna Rigsby
Anna Rigsby - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics thank you, at the moment he is isolated, and is being treated with 'Melafix' I will get some salt too
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Anna, we suggest you visit your local knowledgeable fish store for a medication. You can start by isolating the goldfish in question, adding a tablespoon per 5 gallons of non iodized salt and add a anti-fungal remedy that is recommended.
ron gggh
ron gggh - 8 years ago
you cannot put a betta fish in a small tank it needs 5 gallon tank
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
Mines in 2.5 but that's a temporary home,he soon be in a 5 or a 10
Tasha Marks
Tasha Marks - 7 years ago
hurt animal abusers paws I frigging thought there was a hair on my screen.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
I'm not talking about the tallness being the problem.I'm talking about because more volume is often put into height their is often less foot print for the betta to actually swim or move.

think of a 20 gallon tall vs a 20 gallon long.they both hold the same amount of water but the 20 long has more foot print then the average 30 gallon tank.but the 20 gallons tall has a lot less.same thing with 2.5 gallons and 5 gallons while some 5 gallons are longs like your tank most are actually talls and don't have the same foot print as most 2.5 gallons.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter bettas are fine in slightly tall tank. my tank is a rectangle and only a few inches taller then a 2.5 gallon tank but its much wider.
yamaha is daaa best
yamaha is daaa best - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter it needs 5 gallons to be HAPPY
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
the min is 2.5 gallons
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer - 8 years ago
Goldfish. They live the longest and they are easy.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
While goldfish are easy to keep they do get large, be prepared to get them into larger aquariums with strong filtration or better yet a pond as they grow.
Ivan Alvarado
Ivan Alvarado - 8 years ago
France Rules! they are not for beginners.
Lady Lorikeet
Lady Lorikeet - 8 years ago
I love the Fluval filters! Although, mine keeps messing up. I have to take the spinner out when it jams up. It's jammed up on me twice and i've only had it for a month.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please visit and use the contact page for your country, we may be able to help you avoid this in the future, let them know which fluval filter you have.
W.D. Gaster
W.D. Gaster - 8 years ago
im a bigginer i only have a fish bowl with 0% THINGS INSIDE ONLY WATER AND THE FISH
RCO Gamer
RCO Gamer - 8 years ago
TheGamer Boy fish bowl? what type of fish? wtf?
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart - 8 years ago
I have 3 things to say. 1) I would not recommend guppies for beginners. They are tiny, fragile to anything/everything in their environment, and I've kept Gouramis alive easier than them! 2) When it comes to bettas, if you love fish give that poor baby at least a 5 gallon tank that has proper aeration and filter. 3) Angelfish are hard as hell to keep alive. They require special diet, temperature, aquarium salt, water levels, ect. Not to mention they are SO easily stressed out and will refuse to eat if stressed. I've kept aquariums for over 15 years and cared for a large variety of fish.
PiN hEaD
PiN hEaD - 7 years ago
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart Angelfish are easy as hell to keep, wtf are you on about lol.
If you can't keep angelfish alive then I suggest you give up the hobby
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Feed the guppy fry to the angel fish if they over produce
Anime Invincible
Anime Invincible - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics the other thing to consider for beginners is they don't test water, adjust chemistry, clean as often as you.
Anime Invincible
Anime Invincible - 8 years ago
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart and angelfishes are expensive and hard to find in most locations.
Anime Invincible
Anime Invincible - 8 years ago
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart I also think it's the water chemistry. I can't keep swordtails, guppies, neon tetras alive long enough yet danios, most tetras, barbs, upside down catfish thrive for me. Neon tetras are very vulnerable and always seem to get Ichs.
Shaun - 8 years ago
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart Angel fish are actually pretty hard to keep
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart
Lord Krishna Stole My Heart - 8 years ago
Perhaps I was unclear about the Angelfish. I did mean the freshwater species. The aquarium salt mentioned was the kind to reduce stress and add electrolytes to freshwater tanks. The water levels I was referring to are: Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, pH, Water hardness, ect. Out of several angelfish I've had over the years, only one survived. I made sure they had everything they needed to live. Big tank, compatible tankmates, proper diet, good filtration, aeration, temperature, and water levels. So it is from this experience why I don't believe they are good for beginners. And yes, I made sure the fish were healthy and from a reputable source to begin with. Guppies are easy to care for but they are extremely fragile. I've had them die on me from water slightly too high pH or ammonia. I've had them die because the power went out for an hour. You have to be especially careful netting them too. That's why I feel they aren't for an absolute beginner.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
This video is about a freshwater fish, so your comment is not accurate especially in regards to angelfish, they are very easy to keep, freshwater angelfish. As for guppies they are one of the originating species kept in the hobby, kept with small peaceful species or as a species specific aquarium they are without question a beginners fish.
Aussie Aquatics
Aussie Aquatics - 8 years ago
African cichlids all the way!
Steven Lee
Steven Lee - 8 years ago
His makes absolutely no sense? I mean small largemouth bass will eat most of anything... and will last about 15yrs
Jacobmart 03
Jacobmart 03 - 8 years ago
I have a few fish to suggest if your having a community tank for tropical fish, 1: Dwarf Gourami 2: any type of mollies 3: Loaches (I suggest the clown or yoyo loach) 4: Guppies and 5: tetras these are all fish I have and they're all perfect together
Katharine Lowen
Katharine Lowen - 8 years ago
My freaking neighbors have an angel fish and a white skirted tetra in a bowl and they got their fish from walmart. Ugh I feel so bad for their fish.
Chris FNS
Chris FNS - 8 years ago
I have a 15 gallon tank. I have an idea for a community tank but I don't know if I would be able to add anymore to it.

8 Neon Tetras
2 Dwarf Gourami
4 Guppies

Anything else I'd be able to add?
Chris FNS
Chris FNS - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Instead of the Neon Tetras, would 8 Harlequin Rasboras work instead. I hear that Neon Tetras die easily.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You could add 2 or 3 small corydoras catfish species to that without issue.
Chris FNS
Chris FNS - 8 years ago
+Ivan Alvarado Thanks for the help.
Chris FNS
Chris FNS - 8 years ago
+Toguro Ok thanks for the idea.
Ivan Alvarado
Ivan Alvarado - 8 years ago
Christian Nicolajsen some corys to help control some of the leftover food? :)
Toguro - 8 years ago
Christian Nicolajsen maybe some shrimp for a clean up crew
Noelle Price
Noelle Price - 8 years ago
I'm not really a beginner but I love betas and livebears. I own a wild fish tank full of fresh water wild fish.
Adnan Mustafa
Adnan Mustafa - 8 years ago
Omega Fish
Omega Fish - 8 years ago
Toofus Poofus
Toofus Poofus - 8 years ago
If you want your Betta fish to be happy, It should have more room. At least three to four gallons is better.
Alysia Says Hss
Alysia Says Hss - 8 years ago
can you do a video on spiny eels? I recently got one and need more advice.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Alysia, thanks for sharing, we will keep that one in mind, they are very interesting fish.
Fearsome Warior Of Darkness_1999
Fearsome Warior Of Darkness_1999 - 8 years ago
is snakehead fish easy?
Sofio Lomidze
Sofio Lomidze - 8 years ago
Mekong Giant catfish
Mekong Giant catfish - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
They are very rugged but get large and are also serious predators.
Ben Gubgqwe
Ben Gubgqwe - 8 years ago
Why does everyone love bettas these days.....they are on every fucking fish related video im getting tired of them now
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
because they are colorful,have pretty fins,have a personality and are very easy to keep.

really whars not to love about bettas.
phish1391 - 8 years ago
aside from the Angelfish.. would they all get along if you keep them say in a 50 gal tank?
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Bettas and Gouramis can't be kept together; Bettas will attack Gouramis. They'll also attack any long-finned fish regardless of species.

OTOH, Bettas are extremely good at eating snails. I always put a Betta in any tank that doesn't have fish they'll attack for just this reason.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for specifying for us. Larger danios, black tetras and medium to larger gouramis, angels would not be recommended with neons, guppies, small rasboras for example. The list of fish we covered was really intended to provide examples of a top selection when it comes to good beginner fish, not the intent of mixing them all together.
phish1391 - 8 years ago
oh what i meant was about all the fishes you mentioned in the video.. :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Please specify what you mean by "all"?
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great video!! Very informative and interesting!!
William Dawson
William Dawson - 8 years ago
And also had neon tetras
William Dawson
William Dawson - 8 years ago
My first fish were guppies now I have danios
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
would it be better if I got a fish from petsmart or petco?
Totoro Lover
Totoro Lover - 8 years ago
I'd recommend Petco any day, the selection of their fish is enormous compared to Petsmart, and the fish you find there always seem to look better, not to mention have more variety. I've visited both stores multiple times.
Memphase2690 - 8 years ago
If you're planning on a goldfish I'd recommend petsmart because as far as I know, petco doesn't keep anything other than feeders (which are always commons or comets). Petsmart has more variety, and in my experience the goldfish have a better chance of living from there. Remember to have at least a 30-40 gallon, even if the fish you get is small (goldfish grow very, very fast if well cared for). Grow-out tanks are incredibly inconvenient for both the fish and your wallet. Petco is currently undergoing the $1 per gallon sale, and I'd recommend taking advantage of that and getting a 40 breeder. Let me know if you have any questions :)
Matt Law
Matt Law - 8 years ago
Tango Jett Petco always seems to have healthier, better looking, and a bigger selection for fish but the choice is yours
Jacob Shelton
Jacob Shelton - 8 years ago
I work at petsmart and at least our star we put in a ton of work into our fish. I care for them like they're my own pets and I have four different tanks.
Alejandro Alvarez
Alejandro Alvarez - 8 years ago
Tango Jett If I were you I would not buy from petsmart instead but from a high quality breeder
Alexa Romero
Alexa Romero - 8 years ago
Wondertwig 12315 i don't buy fish from there because they usually get sick. You may have gotten the lucky bunch. It's all what I've learned through time.
Wondertwig - 8 years ago
Alexa Romero I've never had a problem with fish from Petsmart. I have 3 blood fin tetra's, 3 white cloud minnows, and a couple neon tetra's and they've all been alive for going on almost 2 years now. The neons I had before that were at least a year old but they died because of my stupidity. Like I said, I've never had a problem with Petsmart fish.
Alexa Romero
Alexa Romero - 8 years ago
Tango Jett fish from both are usually sick fish. A lot of them die within the first few weeks of putting them in tanks and can also infect your tank with whatever they had wrong with them.
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
+Carrie Jolliff Yes I think so, but I'd like to start small and possibly work my way up to an Eel.
(because I like eels) But I don't think I will be getting any fish that aren't goldfis until I've gotten experience.
Also, I need to go to bed, so I will not be able to reply until tommorow. :)
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
Ok are you looking to get into the hobby?
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
+Carrie Jolliff I haven't got the tank or the fish yet, I'm saving up so I can get the proper supplies and tank. Otherwise, I have been doing research on the 3 fish that I'm interested in.
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
And if you want a lot of fish, goldfish are the way to go, I got my first ones for like 20 cents each if that's the route you want to take
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
How big your tank?
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
+Carrie Jolliff I don't have enough money to get like 5 fish, but I'd be able to afford two moors plus the necessities, or I would get one goldfish.
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
+Carrie Jolliff I am not going to be able to make videos about them until Spring or at least when it gets warmer. I live in an area that is cold most of the time.
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
Tango Jett and if it is closer, I'd go with Petco, they are almost the same company.
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
Tango Jett Ok cool, if you are getting goldfish, when you first get them Feed Them, I cannot stress it enough they have them all bunched up and the biggest ones eat first and most likely last, so the smaller the fish the better if you are planning on saving them, for the other two, that's really up to you, but feed them good and check on them every once and a while to make sure they are eating their food. If you are going to mix them then look up to see if they are compatible and are safe with each other other than that, hope to see a video from you soon, Cheers.
Tango Jett
Tango Jett - 8 years ago
I am planning to save them, as I am going to buy a shubunkin, two black moors, or the common goldfish. I've seen the videos about petsmart & Petco, but Petco is closer to me and Petsmart is at least a mile or two away from my house, & I have had bad experiences with Walmart, so I know that I won't shop there.
Carrie Jolliff
Carrie Jolliff - 8 years ago
Tango Jett Neither, unless your buying a lot, they don't take very good care of their fish and I would not suggest supporting them unless you are planning on buying to save them, cheers.
Fran Sobotinčić
Fran Sobotinčić - 8 years ago
i have a betta and it is very calm and it's not too much moving....what should i do?
Fran Sobotinčić
Fran Sobotinčić - 8 years ago
Ok thanks
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
One of the most important things beyond good water quality for your betta is temperature, make sure you are keeping the betta in the range of 77 to 80 degrees F, they do not do well at temperatures below 75 F.
Fran Sobotinčić
Fran Sobotinčić - 8 years ago
Yes, he is waiting for me every morning for food....thanks
That One Guy
That One Guy - 8 years ago
It's normal for a Betta not to move too much, just make sure it goes up to eat.
Jared Despain
Jared Despain - 8 years ago
what other fish at can go with a angle fish?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Angelfish are good community fish as far as cichlids are concerned. Larger livebearers, many gouramis (excluding dwarf species), medium sized tetras for the most part along with medium to larger rasboras are all fine.
DynamixHD - 8 years ago
I'm buying a 20 gallon long tank, what fish and how mutch of each do you reccomend I can keep?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
To properly review all of your potential choices we recommend you visit your LFS and have them guide you in making your choices. As an example, a group of 6 black ruby barbs, a pair of platys and a trio of a small species of corydoras is a safe suggestion.
Garth Cochrane
Garth Cochrane - 8 years ago
priyesh singh
priyesh singh - 8 years ago
Instead of showing his face he should ve shown tank
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Priyesh, we did better, we showed the actual fish we are talking about!
OreoHamHam Love
OreoHamHam Love - 8 years ago
Whoever Subs To My Channel Ill Sub To Urs!!
Ecartts - 8 years ago
This list is missing the Black Ruby Barbs

They look like Tiger Barbs but they dont nip fins and the male goes black when in breeding mode

They are excelent beginners fish and better than zebra danios that can be bullies or stress other fish with their movement.

And even if I love Gouramis they suck in many communities cuz they tend to be territorial and start being agressive with other fish if your aquarium is not BIG enough (and not just versus a Gourami).

Guppies due to their OFTEN breeding and mixing program they are not as hardy as they used to be!

The Swordtails are great but keep in mind that they also eat algae (even from the aquarium walls) and they poop like crazy (almost Goldfish level).. If you want that.. go for Platy cuz they are smaIIer
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Lusio, the list is intended to provide some guidance and be general. We could likely critique any choice made, just depends on where you want to draw the line. That said, some of your suggestions are good ones, Black Ruby Barbs are a good choice, just not that available everywhere, but we do really like them for a number of good reasons. As for gouramis we do cover that with some explanation, yes we would agree the right community of fish is achieved by considering all the fish choices, in that case gouramis are certainly one of the better community fish.
nicki u.
nicki u. - 8 years ago
Guys, my Betta has mild fin rot. What do you suggest I do? I'm doing water changes every 2 days or so, and I add aquarium salt too.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
There are can try adding natural almond leaves to his aquarium as well as specific medications that are available at your LFS depending on where you are located.
Christy Matu
Christy Matu - 8 years ago
I keep my black tetra with a guppie. Their bffs
kmac420 - 8 years ago
Would tetras and platys get along in a 29 gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We see no issues with that. Yes they should be good tank mates.
Forensic Bunnies
Forensic Bunnies - 8 years ago
Okay no. I disagree with many on this list. But Angel fish? Really? Someone "just entering the hobby" is going to screw that up real quick some way some how.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Angel fish are an easy to keep cichlid that many beginners easily have breed in their aquariums. That said we provided this information as we are frequently asked to provide our recommendations and do so based many decades of fish husbandry and reproduction. If you don't agree there certainly are many other choices, thanks for watching.
weo1weo1weo1 - 8 years ago
I have danios and a betta together they are awesome!
Dark Paladin
Dark Paladin - 8 years ago
goldfish are not for beginners trust me they very dirty for scavengers they grew to fast, unless space won't allow it's body to grow
Jayno - 8 years ago
I'm surprise goldfish isn't on here.
Amber Fierstein
Amber Fierstein - 7 years ago
Jayno they are cold water not tropical
boy bee
boy bee - 7 years ago
And it's not a tropical fish
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 7 years ago
Jayno gold fish are not for beginners they need a 20 gallons and 10 gallons for every additional gold fish they need a lot of water chances and they need a good filter and a lot of oxygen in the tank
PS they eat plants
Mister Turtle Rocks
Mister Turtle Rocks - 7 years ago
Goldfish are not for beginners. They need 30 gallons to thrive and make a mess.
jmowreader - 7 years ago
Elias: A quarter-teaspoon of salt per gallon is really helpful for goldfish.
Goh Dean
Goh Dean - 7 years ago
cause a gold fish need 20 gallons
Coffee Artist
Coffee Artist - 7 years ago
Jayno they aren't good for beginners they are good for babies
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 7 years ago
Jayno I had a goldfish for more then 6 years and 3 new ones and by experience they are not easy to keep
jmowreader - 8 years ago
Goldfish are coldwater animals that, as others have said, produce a lot of waste. They don't do well in heated tanks.
BlueJayTay Pokemon
BlueJayTay Pokemon - 8 years ago
Jayno goldfish are hard to keep 40 gallons per fish
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
+Anna Rigsby what do you mean exactly?
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
+Anna Rigsby what do you mean exactly?
Anna Rigsby
Anna Rigsby - 8 years ago
Elias RodriguezZz are tropical fish clena
Lady Lorikeet
Lady Lorikeet - 8 years ago
A lot of people don't know that goldfish are really high maintenance. They think its fine to drop them in a fish bowl and its okay. My 2 goldfish have a whole 55gal to themselves. I've thought about getting one more but im iffy on it.
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
Goldfish aren't beginner fish at all, they need a ton of space, and they produce a lot of fecal matter.
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
+Lion Schmitt you're retarded, goldfish are freshwater
Lion  Schmitt
Lion Schmitt - 8 years ago
Jayno a goldfish needs salt water and this fish needs normal water
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
goldfish aren't exactly low cost
Surekha Doshi
Surekha Doshi - 8 years ago
Surekha Doshi
Surekha Doshi - 8 years ago
you are mad
sebek - 8 years ago
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes we are!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes we are!
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 8 years ago
My goldfish are quite big, you can find them on my channel!
Jayno - 8 years ago
i guess, they are pretty hard maintenance if u want them big
aliciacb8284747274 - 8 years ago
Jayno goldfish also need a lot of space as they can get pretty big
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 8 years ago
Jayno he was probably talking about tropical beginner fish
HYP3B00ST - 8 years ago
The easiest fish/mammal to keep is a blue whale feed him 20 babies every day
Iana 30
Iana 30 - 8 years ago
What kind of fish that doesn't need an oxygen and is okay to tropical places??
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 8 years ago
Any labyrinth fish would work as they are able to breath athmospheric air. Also, most species are tropical.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Ok, thanks for clarifying. The temperature where you are usually means no heater necessary and if you are not aerating the water then the anabantoids are a good choice, bettas, gouramis, paradise fish as examples.
Tooth !
Tooth ! - 8 years ago
+Iana 30 platy
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 8 years ago
+Iana 30 basically a lot... depends not only on oxygen but also on other factors: group or pair fish, size of tank, water quality...?!
Iana 30
Iana 30 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics i live in the Philippines and Philippines is a tropical country
And i'm just asking what kind of fish that is okay with tropical areas
Iana 30
Iana 30 - 8 years ago
+santiago Tarrafeta Martinez except for betta cuz i already have one. Im thinking of buying a new one that doesnt need oxygen
Daniel Dcosta
Daniel Dcosta - 8 years ago
+Stylebreed Yes friend ur right but not many fishes because fishes like chichlids n Arowana, etc. need oxygen pump
Shey's Betta
Shey's Betta - 8 years ago
Oxygen pumps are barely ever necessary if you change the water regularly!
santiago Tarrafeta Martinez
santiago Tarrafeta Martinez - 8 years ago
Iana 30 betta fish
Daniel Dcosta
Daniel Dcosta - 8 years ago
N there are fishes where they don't need an oxygen pump
Daniel Dcosta
Daniel Dcosta - 8 years ago
He means fish that doesn't need oxygen machine
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Not sure what you are asking in terms of tropical places? Do you mean importing to tropical places? As for oxygen, basically all fish require it and depending on the family are or are not able to breathe atmospheric air...
Deary Jamal
Deary Jamal - 8 years ago
Hi sir. I have a pair convict cichlid and they breeding twice. But when the babies growth for two month they beginning to attack each other and first things they attack the eyes. From more than 300 babies I have now 15 one. Before a week the couple convicts cichlid breeding again and the baby passed a week. What can I do to keep a babies safe. Thanks.
Deary Jamal
Deary Jamal - 8 years ago
Thankyou sir.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Convict cichlids are prolific breeders as you are currently witnessing. You would have to remove the fry to a rearing aquarium to raise them. It would be expected you cannot continue to do that so eventually separating the pair of convicts to stop them from breeding would be necessary.
Elyse Lu
Elyse Lu - 8 years ago
lol harlequine
Lily - 8 years ago
Hahahaha My Betta has been more trouble than my goldfish, and my tank of tropicals I had a couple years back... I had an Eel that was more of a beginner! Right now the little drama queen is in a 10gal full of plants, snails and a heater and a light with the best food I can afford, mixed with freeze-dried and color pellets, sand substrate and still has his grumpy days where nothing is good enough. Ignoring the little pain in the butt fish you get occasionally this video is pretty informative.. No Goldfish!! Only disagreement is betta tank size, and lack of mention of their need for a heater. At least 5 gallons, and the same heating requirement as all other tropicals.
crazee635 - 8 years ago
I'm always hearing that Neon Tetra's need a larger tank ? Is a 5 gallon too small for 4-6 neon's ? I have a 5 gallon myself so may consider getting some myself in the future. I have 2 Oto's and going by forums they need bigger tanks but mine have bred twice in a 5 gallon so I'm obviously doing something right as they very rarely breed in captivity ! I think some people "believe" they are experts in sizing tanks with fish breeds but they are wrong a lot of the time. 3-4 small tropical fish are fine in a 5 gallon. I've never had an issue.
George Suffolk
George Suffolk - 8 years ago
crazee635 j
crazee635 - 8 years ago
Thank you for confirming this to me Fluval Aquatics :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
A 5 gallon is perfectly suitable for 4 to 6 neon tetras, thanks for sharing your experiences.
Hiechou Ravioli
Hiechou Ravioli - 8 years ago
psa to the people who get pets just to get them... don't.
Vaidotas Rimeikis
Vaidotas Rimeikis - 8 years ago
Thanks so much for the video, Tom! It was just what I was looking for :) Not sure if you've covered this on another video but the issue that preoccupies me the most is the density of the aquarium or, generally speaking, the amount of fish one can keep in a given tank. I've browsed through several encyclopedias dealing with aquatics, and have found a couple of charts and some more traditional 'rules of the thumb' how to estimate this. The charts mostly deal with the area of the tank vs. length of an adult fish, so, e.g. if one has a tank of 60 cm by 30 cm (which estimates your tank area to 1800 sq. cm, you get a max. length of 60 cm per all fish for this particular tank. So, in essence, you would have to consider the adult length of every fish you decide to include in your tank in order not to overcrowd it. A general 'rule of thumb' is 1L = 1cm per adult body length of a fish (or 2 cm in other sources). Yet, other sources discard such methods of estimation and claim that it's virtually impossible to overcrowd a tank as long as water chemistry is kept in place, hence the large amount of fish in tanks in petstores, supposedly because guys at the petstore know how to keep water parameters in order. Whether this is true in reality or not, I'm not sure :) So, what's your opinion and, maybe, the best way to go about this for the novice?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
To keep the answer short and provide some guidance, I would have to dilute it down to research the fish you plan to keep and govern your decisions based on that. As a quick example, while discus do get to be relatively large but they do grow better and are calmer when kept in good sized groups, shifting the population to a larger aquarium when they start to mature. Many smaller schooling smaller species of fish much prefer being surrounded by their own kind, provide that and as you mention also strong attention to maintaining good water quality, etc...Other species, such as some Central American cichlids are so aggressive they need very large tanks and only a few other fish would be tolerated. Research and prepare accordingly.
Little Koemi
Little Koemi - 8 years ago
Amazing video! Thank you so much, I'm going to get some fishes for the first time and this video helped me a lot with my choices:)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thank you, we are very pleased to know we helped! Enjoy your new tropical fish, it is a lot of fun and very enjoyable making sure they get the best environment while watching them grow and flourish.
Dwight Nitz
Dwight Nitz - 8 years ago
thank you Ill cut back salt when i do a water change van.
Dwight Nitz
Dwight Nitz - 8 years ago
question Can I keep cats in brackish water molly take? If not can you make a suggestion for a bottom feeder that can take a little salt? van. PS I like this guy
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
That's a good question, however, the easiest solution would be to limit the salt to a minor addition so as not to bother corydoras cats. Mollys should be ok with little to no salt addition in aquariums that have a medium to higher carbonate hardness level.
Jeron Wong
Jeron Wong - 8 years ago
Betta is the most easy to keep.He doesn't really need much care and he's quite strong.My first fish is a Betta fish and he's still surviving.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Sam Sweets Well, I suppose that's good if you know they're doing well.. The only reason I say what I do is because of my own experiences with the little guys when I first get them. In the 5 gallon hospital tank, every fish was either lethargic and depressed or wouldn't stop thrashing against the glass. After that initial week or two though, they go into their own tank and it's like a completely different personality! So Idk, if you find a way to make it work then that's totally cool, but I'd still definitely say for anyone else like, yeah anything 5 gal. and up is probably best for them. Especially for beginners, since they know even less about how to really take care of them and the bigger size makes the water easier to keep clean.
Sam Sweets
Sam Sweets - 8 years ago
Nido Hime no, that's about average if they're receiving proper care. 3-4 years is about average with some reaching up to 5 or 6!
Nido Hime
Nido Hime - 8 years ago
+Sam Sweets 4 years? That's a lot.
Sam Sweets
Sam Sweets - 8 years ago
killer slowpoke of course fish differ. That's a give in. It's the same concept of some bettas can't be in a community tank cause they'll attack the other fish. 2.5 gallons certainly isn't large, but my betta living in my 2.5 (it's filtered with live plants in there as well to help) is approaching 4 years old and he's very happy and lively. He enjoys swimming in their quite much. He used to live in a 1 gallon (for a year because I was ill informed) and I can certainly say he was not happy in there. But now he's a happy little boy!!

Edit: I have a 10 gallon community and 1 five gallon and two 2.5 gallons. All have filters and live plants. All my fish as happy I assure you!!
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
France Rules! As clean as could be. When I use a hospital tank I change 20% daily, parameters were still stable towards the end of the week as well.
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer - 8 years ago
Was the tank clean?
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Sam Sweets you really sure about that? :/ Recently I bought a new betta, he was pretty sick so I hospitalized him for a few days in a 5 gal. The poor thing could barely move and wouldn't touch his food. A week and a half later, he was thrashing against the walls and decorations because he was too cramped and stressed. After moving him to a 29, he was a lot more mellowed out, still very active but much more relaxed than before.. It may change from fish to fish, but I can say for sure that any fish I've ever had would never be happy in a tiny tank like that.
Sam Sweets
Sam Sweets - 8 years ago
killer slowpoke 2.5 gallons cant really crash, unlike larger tanks they don't cycle. If you have a 2.5 with a filter and a heater a betta can be pretty happy!! Bigger is always better but 2.5 is proven to be enough to keep a betta happy and healthy.
Nido Hime
Nido Hime - 8 years ago
France Rules! No they aren't.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Hello Fo Nah, it's more like 5 gallon minimum. 2.5 is just way too unstable and can crash easily. Plus, it doesn't allow for much swimming room. I've never kept a betta in anything smaller than a 10 gallon.
Jeff The Killer
Jeff The Killer - 8 years ago
Jeron Wong So are goldfish.
Stewie Griffin
Stewie Griffin - 8 years ago
Jeron Wong my first fish was a betta fish and I had him for 7 years
Jaime Rodriguez
Jaime Rodriguez - 8 years ago
euniioa - 8 years ago
Jeron Wong XD
Jeron Wong
Jeron Wong - 8 years ago
harambe I don't trust dead animals...
euniioa - 8 years ago
It is proven that the minimum gallon of betta fish is 2.5 gallons, videos can lie harambe
harambe - 8 years ago
Jeron Wong u need a 89 gallon tank to make him live watch a video called top 5 lies u heated about betts fish
Luloo Patutoo
Luloo Patutoo - 8 years ago
THE INFORMATION ABOUT BETTAS IN THIS VIDEO IS INCORRECT. Please please anybody who sees this and is considering getting a Betta, do more research because the information in this video is entirely false. Do not keep your betta in a one gallon tank. Bettas by no means should be considered a "beginner" fish. These fish require space. Please DO NOT put them in small bowls or vases and do not keep them in the small cups that they tend to come in.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Luloo. We politely disagree and would like to clarify our recommendations. We list the Betta, (meaning Betta splendens), which in fact does not exist in the wild in the forms you find it available for sale at retail. The wild ancestor is in fact a short finned, dull-colored fish that is not at all similar. Commercial or the "farmed" version of Betta splendens could not survive in the wild. With proper water quality, diet and temperature, smaller aquariums, or a 1 gallon cube that meets those conditions, do humanely support commercial Betta splendens for their full life span. Your point in regards to this domesticated form of fish goes against what many fish keepers have succeeded in doing. At this point, the aquatic industry has developed many different "aquarium" fish that differ greatly from their wild ancestors in both comportment as well as physiologically. The domestic forms are, in general, far more suited to life in an average aquarium, whereas wild species require greater attention to many factors to ensure they eventually adapt to life in an aquarium. While we understand the nature of your concern, however, as we all need to be concerned with saving the environment and promoting healthy fish care.
Luloo Patutoo
Luloo Patutoo - 8 years ago
Bettas naturally thrive in shallow creeks or rice paddies that stretch for miles, and the fish are known to explore these miles and travel very far. Keeping a betta in a small bowl is like keeping a dog in a crate. Please research bettas and get your information from hobbyists or people who specialize in betta care. Anyone who sells bettas is of course going to tell you that they're cheap and easy, because that's how they sell them to "beginners". These fish are prone to many health issues including scoliosis and fin rot. Again, bettas are not beginner fish.
It's Just An Animation Studios
It's Just An Animation Studios - 8 years ago
euniioa - 8 years ago
Diamond Animations That's not the point, and plus I just need to clarify. Who cares if it's a month old as long if you know what you are doing it's fine
It's Just An Animation Studios
It's Just An Animation Studios - 8 years ago
+Hello Fo why reply to a month old comment
euniioa - 8 years ago
Diamond Animations nope, the most minimum for betta fish is 2.5 gallons. Do your research, please. And I'm not saying 2.5 is the best tank, is is OK if you can afford that much, or you do not have that much space.
Matthew Castagna
Matthew Castagna - 8 years ago
No goldfish?
lame ear
lame ear - 8 years ago
Goldfish are not beginner fish. There's a lot of misinformation and stigma surrounding goldfish that makes people think they are good "beginner" fish. IMO they should be considered "ready to do some actual research on fish keeping" fish.
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
I would add the comet Goldfish to the list (of course this list was a good list and gave some easy facts about the fish). The Comet (or common goldfish) though tends to be very hardy, where some of these fish in the list aren't really that hardy. The one thing though (which is why I wouldn't be surprised if this is why it wasn't in the list) is that they will continue to get big and you do kindof need a big tank for them, not a little goldfish bowl that is misconceived about them.
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
But in a sense of how easy they are to take care of (you really don't need any special equipment), they are technically a "beginner" fish.
Of course even beginner fish doesn't mean you can plop it in any tank and be done with it. They do have their specifics that need to be addressed
A betta is probably one of the biggest "beginner" fish and while they are very easy to take care of, most people actually put them in way too small containers.

and yeah they will do that won't they, you are the professional and yet they know better :P it happens in my job all the time as well (internet tech).

I was mainly referring to them being fairly easy to take care of if put in the right condition.
lame ear
lame ear - 8 years ago
What I meant is that calling them "beginner" fish is misguiding. As an aquatics expert in a pet store it's really irksome when I hear people refer to goldfish as "beginner" fish, because I have too many customers coming in and telling me about how they want a little goldfish for their kids and think they can put them in a bowl or a five gallon tank, then when I explain to them the reality of goldfish keeping (long lifespans, large tank requirements, heavy duty filtration... or lots of upkeep) they get upset at ME because obviously I'm the one who's wrong! lol....I'm sorry for jumping on this thread in such a huff.
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
The company didn't spread any misinformation about goldfish and mentioned that it needs a large tank or (even better) a pond.

In terms of taking care of though, they are one of the more easy fish to take care of. Even fish like the Guppy or Molly can at times be harder to take care of due their hardiness compared to that of the comet goldfish

maybe before commenting next time read the posts. Bot me and Fluval commented on the size of the Goldfish which is a big thing to consider when getting a fish
lame ear
lame ear - 8 years ago
No, it is not a good point. You are an aquatics company, do your research and stop spreading the typical misinformation about goldfish, please.
lame ear
lame ear - 8 years ago
Comet goldfish are POND fish. While they are hardy, the grow too big and have too much misinformation circulating around them to continue to be called "beginner" fish.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Good point, in fact it would be more accurate for us to have stated Top 10 Tropical Fish. Yes, the common goldfish is a very hardy but as you mention, does need a relatively large aquarium or even better a pond to thrive in...they can exceed a foot (30cm) in length.
Panda Gaming
Panda Gaming - 8 years ago
subscribe me
SuperPornDealer - 8 years ago
the BETTA???? really???? the BETTA?
Rynn Tinn
Rynn Tinn - 8 years ago
Very helpful, thank you ^-^
Aniqa Miah
Aniqa Miah - 8 years ago
how much does this fish's costs
Gary Dorgan
Gary Dorgan - 8 years ago
I believe that's a sardine, a pufferfish, an octopus, and a clamshell. In total probably around 20 bucks at your local Japanese sushi restaurant.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Not sure which fish you are asking about but to get a good idea there are online retailers that post their pricing on many common tropical fish.
Carl Cummings
Carl Cummings - 8 years ago
Do NOT put betta fish in anything smaller than 3 gallons!!!! 5 gallons is best!
Raven Shine
Raven Shine - 7 years ago
I have mine in a temporary tank that's 2.5 we will move him to a 10 as soon as possible,the tank that we got him in was smaller than my thumb!
Gabrielle MacDonald
Gabrielle MacDonald - 7 years ago
My mom has one in a 1 gallon tank with nothing in it no heater filter nothing changes the water every3-4 days and it's now 7 years old
blue Fox
blue Fox - 7 years ago
So if I put a betta a 1,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 the betta will be happy
Dale Burns
Dale Burns - 7 years ago
Carl Cummings i have mine in a 2 gallon bowl and it lived 3 years and it seemed pretty happy and active
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
Carl Cummings I have a 10 gallon. I am going to upgrade to either a 20 gallon or 29 gallon
Ecartts - 7 years ago
People still insist with 2.5 gallon for betta

HeII.. I kept betta in 25 gallon tank.. as a community fish since the others didnt chase or bite him

For me they start mainly from 5 gallons since its easier to maintain and better for the fish to double those 2.5
s - 7 years ago
Nikon Professional ph*
Nikon Professional
Nikon Professional - 7 years ago
ok thanks!
s - 7 years ago
Nikon Professional research about water changes and
ph and gh and kh. Also the nitrogen cycle. A big tank isn't the only thing you need
Nikon Professional
Nikon Professional - 8 years ago
Looking into a larger tank now, thanks so much! I guess coffee mugs are for coffee :)
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Nikon Professional Not necessarily. Some people get lucky and end up with a very hardy fish, or for some other miraculous reason their fish survives for a grueling 3+ years. I'm just saying you have a better chance of keeping your betta happy and healthy, not just alive or barely getting by, which is the case for most bettas people stuff into bowls.
Nikon Professional
Nikon Professional - 8 years ago
wow, my fish-in-a-cup is a year old, so it's going to die soon? Thanks again
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Nikon Professional I'm not sure, maybe because a decent-sized tank is better for the fish in the longrun? Once again, put a fish in a cup and it dies 6 months later, you're back buying another fish to replace it, rather than being able to keep one happy and healthy in a tank for 7 years like you're supposed to. Whether it's a money-making tactic or just straight ignorance, it's still wrong.
Nikon Professional
Nikon Professional - 8 years ago
Thanks Killer Slowpoke, I'm going to print this out and show it to them. If they just want to "make money" then why wouldn't them just try to talk me into a 3 or 5 gallon tank rather than a $4.00 cup? thanks again.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Nikon Professional well that's a big lie right there. You think the miles and miles of space bettas have out in the wild freak them out? No, they love big spaces and love to explore. What they don't like is strong currents, since they've been bred to have long flowing fins and get stressed when they can't swim very easily. Pet store employees lie to you in order to sell you their variety of tacky bowls that'll kill your fish faster so you come back to waste money on buying another fish to replace it.
Nikon Professional
Nikon Professional - 8 years ago
Our local petshop sells Bettas in clear glass coffee cups and they say that's fine. She even told me that larger spaces freak them out and they will be stressed.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
Hello Fo Doesn't mean they'll be happy. :/ You can't lock a dog in a room for its whole life and expect it to be bouncing and barking all gleefully when you get home. Not only that, but dogs can leave that room. A betta is stuck in that room for life, might as well get a big one so it has a little more space to swim and explore. I've never kept a betta in anything smaller than a 10 gallon...
euniioa - 8 years ago
Carl Cummings Not true,
5 gallons is great for betta fish but the total minimum is 2.5 gallons. Just a reminder :)
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 8 years ago
whats a good freaswater cummunity fish that can be in a 20 gallon high with 7.9 ph
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Mollys, platys and swordtails are choices.
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
But some of the stuff about Bettas are false... They can't thrive in small tanks and they are very sensitive to many things....
Queencool45 AJ
Queencool45 AJ - 8 years ago
:Sigh: Well I tried. I dont think they thrive in small tanks but you guys have your opinions, people say that they can live but not thrive but you have your research :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We respectfully disagree that there is any false content, we are careful to mention temperature requirements and husbandry requirements specifically when they are kept in small tanks, yes with proper care they not only live but flourish in smaller tanks.
Maddog Longride
Maddog Longride - 8 years ago
This is a really good video but I have some dislikes about it. For example, betta fish are NOT okay with a 1-2 gallon tank.
They are used to swimming around in way more than 1-2 gallons. The reason why everyone thinks this is because this is how you get them at the pet store (In a not even 1 gallon plastic container). They come like that because betta fish do not get along with other betta fish. You should not get anything less than a 20 gallon tank for your fish to be happy, and this goes for ALL fish. If you can't do that for your fish, then don't even bother getting any. I hope you learned something from this comment. (:
레이첼 - 8 years ago
1 to 2 gallons? for bettas? no way. at least 2.5 gallons!
yuffles - 7 years ago
in stores they are kept at a cup, I know what you mean but they can survive on those ones but ofc. you would want a bigger one if you love them.
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos?
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos? - 8 years ago
Namjoon is mine No! Atleast 5 gallons, it is healthy. No fish at that size should be suffering in a 2.5 gallon tank.
Wayne C
Wayne C - 8 years ago
So informative. Thumbs way up.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for the positive feedback, Wayne!
MUNIB AHMED - 8 years ago
check out my 1st fish tank
Zetta Takem
Zetta Takem - 8 years ago
I started out with 5 three females 2 males now I have 500 they keeps breeding
shmoey shamboni
shmoey shamboni - 8 years ago
Falconman hello lil boi
NickandM - 8 years ago
Falconman Don't worry, you are correct! :)
Dylan - 8 years ago
In getting fish
Pratim Roy
Pratim Roy - 8 years ago
any information on silver dollar fish?
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
they're fucking crazy apparently
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Black skirts and Columbia tetra's as well as large danios are very hardy, I've had them in tanks without heaters before and they did great, had no problems. I didn't know angles were hardy fish !I'm getting two soon maybe three idk.
Jesse Raine
Jesse Raine - 8 years ago
Thank you bro, I am doing renovation for my 150 litre tank and needed a simple fish. I'm thinking of having guppies with a corydora or two, and possible red snails. :)
moon wolf
moon wolf - 8 years ago
I'll stick with the goldfish
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+moon wolf Ok, bettas are really easy to care for, just get a tank with a filter, cycle the tank, and then carefully introduce a betta in. No fish bowls, normal tap water, or food more than twice a day.
moon wolf
moon wolf - 8 years ago
I'll give them a try I just don't want to neglect or not properly take care of them
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+moon wolf Really, the fish here are pretty easy to keep.
moon wolf
moon wolf - 8 years ago
ok....ill stick with my dog thenXD
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
Goldfish are really hard to keep. You need like, a 120 gallon for them to live a full lifespan, and you need about 6 of them in a tank. That is, if you're keeping fancies. Those common goldfish will need a pond bigger than your room.
155DJJ - 8 years ago
Albino Cory Cats are the best......I have 3 of them with 15 neon tetras in a 20 gallon.  Cory Cats are very friendly.
Ina Greece
Ina Greece - 8 years ago
I will bye a shark then
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
how about a 20 long tank for 1 angel fish outsmart has the 20 long tank for 20 bucks
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+mikeymouse1985 R.I.P angel fish X-o
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
recommend not required any who looks like I'm goin to petco tomorrow to buy an angel fish and a red devil cichlid
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+mikeymouse1985 Yup, bigger is definitely recommended.
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
a 29 is the minimum of course you could always go bigger
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+mikeymouse1985 Yup. Not going to accommodate a happy angelfish.
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
20 (high)75.7L 24 x 13 x 17
20 (long)75.7L 30L x 13 x 13
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+mikeymouse1985 I know you're joking. But I didn't know what 20 long meant a week ago, but anyways it's way too small for angelfish.
mikeymouse1985 - 8 years ago
a 20 long is only 20 inches long? any who I just bought a 29 gallon tank I'm gonna put one angel fish on their with a red devil cichlid
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+Ryan Brooke Buy you? Anyways, I know my fish. Please.
Ryan Brooke
Ryan Brooke - 8 years ago
This isn't English class it is youtube so fuck your commas and you have no idea what you are talking about actually just some douche who is trying to sound smart buy you ain't fooling anyone.
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+Ryan Brooke I'm the idiot? It's "you're", not "your". Also, please use commas. I do know what I'm talking about, you probably don't even have any pet fish.
Ryan Brooke
Ryan Brooke - 8 years ago
+Dieyun Ding Your a idiot clearly you don't know what your talking about.
Flo Green
Flo Green - 8 years ago
Tall tanks are better for them but I say 2 angles will fit fine in a 25 or 30 gallon. I'm getting two for my 25 g, you don't need a huge tank just a decent size, as long as they have plenty of room to swim your good. Just my opinion and a guy who raised them also told me a 25 or 30 would be fine for two, I've seen them in 20 g and they seemed fine, but they can get big so the bigger the tank the better.
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
Angel fish need about at least a 50 gallon, with about 4 of them at minimum together. 20 long? 20 inches won't be enough. If it's 20 bucks it is probably low quality anyways
SLAPCHOPshamwow - 8 years ago
surprised the Hammerhead Shark wasn't on the list, it's a species proven to do well in small/gigantic aquariums, and only attacks humans on a semi-regular basis, so good for beginners
Taco Pizza
Taco Pizza - 7 years ago
iTzJoKeR that's why I wear a seal costume so it doesn't think I'm a human
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
SLAPCHOPshamwow sharks only attack when they mistake a human for a seal
Pokémon Fan
Pokémon Fan - 8 years ago
Copy Pod
Copy Pod - 8 years ago
Cause it's fresh water fish
TotalGamer 890
TotalGamer 890 - 8 years ago
Anna Rigsby you have the same last name as me
ggappstor1 ggappstor1
ggappstor1 ggappstor1 - 8 years ago
But It"s to big
Anna Rigsby
Anna Rigsby - 8 years ago
SLAPCHOPshamwow ahaha
Majestic Muffin
Majestic Muffin - 8 years ago
NPBOATS GAMING - 8 years ago
Ryan Chan
Ryan Chan - 8 years ago
the sarcasm is real
Gary Dorgan
Gary Dorgan - 8 years ago
+Sunny shen The thing about goldfish is that as long as they keep eating they keep growing. Pretty soon it can grow so large as to be able to eat sharks and whales, making it a dangerous, if not the most dangerous, fish to keep.
Sunny shen
Sunny shen - 8 years ago
me too, i was kind of expecting the great white shark since they eat humans only about 14 times a week they are so good as beginner fish they are even better than goldfish
Ryan Brooke
Ryan Brooke - 8 years ago
+Gary Dorgan lol
Gary Dorgan
Gary Dorgan - 8 years ago
They attack on semi-regular basis? Do people put them in aquariums made out of cotton candy?
thehotsung8701A - 8 years ago
Why not just eat them? Fishes are food. Why keep them as pet?
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
do you want to eat fish that taste bad and aren't half the size of the palm of your hand?
Christian Grimes
Christian Grimes - 8 years ago
I don't think you'd get a lot of nutrition out of a 3 inch fish.
Christopher Nai
Christopher Nai - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I currently have 1 male betta, 1 female swordtail and 2 small corydoras in it. The betta isn't aggressive or has it flared, nipped at the swordtail before. I would like to know if i could add in anymore fish to it. I know that my betta is aggressive to neon tetras ( i floated them in a bag before and he was aggressive to them), so i gave my neons away. Please advise anyone? Would love some quick answers. No criticism please, useful answers are greatly appreciated.
By the way i live in singapore, it is hard to find some fish species here as there are considerably few good fish shops or farms here.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You could add a pair of platys.
Brooks Wilson
Brooks Wilson - 8 years ago
What is the name of this guy? I'd love to see other videos with him. He's very smart and informative...
Mlg Dolphin
Mlg Dolphin - 7 years ago
Fluval Aquatics i wana collect alot of diffrent fish types but which ones will get along? Can u plz do a list on a top 10 fish types that dont nip eachother or eat eachother
Neil Smith
Neil Smith - 8 years ago
M Vuletic....yeah, that's how experts learn, by reading and compiling information......
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Brooks, thanks for asking! Tom Sarac is one of our resident aquatic experts and is featured in many of our product and fish knowledge videos. Our video playlist can be accessed here:
Brooks Wilson
Brooks Wilson - 8 years ago
Nvm, found it! It's Tom Sarac.
brandon feils
brandon feils - 8 years ago
CrabbyVids - 8 years ago
hey guys what type of fish can i keep in my 5 gal (20 litres) tank? i would just like to start off with a small community tank to get the hang of things, thank you.
Fish Life
Fish Life - 8 years ago
Never discus this with your local petstore they lie. I would recommend a betta with 2-3 Cory cats.
CrabbyVids - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics no no no thats all good i just wasn't sure what i could put in a small tank and i didnt want to be cruel to the fish, how many tetras should i get for the tanm and what type of tetra would most suit the tank? same with the Rasboras? thank you very much, youre very helpful!:D
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Small Tetras, Rasboras, and bottom dwelling Corys are a good selection to choose from. If you are overwhelmed by the choices, we suggest visiting your local knowledgeable fish store in order to discuss suitable options.
B S - 8 years ago
The minimum tank size for a betta is 2.5 gallons. Even then, try to keep them in at least 5 gallons of water with frequent water changes. The tank NEEDS to be filtered and heated. 1-2 gallons for a betta is too small.
Kaity Beaton
Kaity Beaton - 8 years ago
THANK YOU!! this irritated me greatly!
Jack FuryCat
Jack FuryCat - 8 years ago
What about goldfish?
mour - 8 years ago
I got one for my begginer
grassfish01 - 8 years ago
They grow too big (single tailed breeds can grow to a FOOT, fancy breeds can get to the size of a softball). Just get em a pond or something.
InViKTus - 8 years ago
your presentation is very nice
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris - 8 years ago
plecos are good for beginners also
Gvnlws - 8 years ago
What fish should I get for my 20 long there were originally 6 neon tetras but for some reason only 2 are left. The water was tested and was perfect. Besides that should I get more tetras or what I just need a good stocking idea that also includes 4 Cory cats
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We think you should keep a small group of small corydoras (C.arcuatus or metae are good choices), but make sure you have a fine smooth gravel bottom or sand though. Adding 4 to 6 more neons would result in a decent school. A small group of black phantom tetras would also be a nice addition.
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
guppies, swordtails and platys are the easiest? you high? they are inbred beyond reason and commonly doe prematurely if they actually make it from the breeders to the hobbyists..
Willie Walton
Willie Walton - 8 years ago
How many neon tetras can I put in a five gallon tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Willie, in an established 5 gallon aquarium, you could keep a school of 6 to 10 neon tetras.
JLSB Fishing
JLSB Fishing - 8 years ago
Guys I have a 1 inch smallmouth bass and like 2 mosquito fish and a half inch sculpin in my 5 gallon. When should I release them? Watch my video on my fish tank
Noice - 8 years ago
+Lewis Armstrong You're an idiot. A dozen? Really? Sure their bioload is small but they need room to swim. How about I stick you in a small room with 11 other people. How would you feel...
El Gringo
El Gringo - 8 years ago
provably a dozen would be OK, 3-5 is a ridiculous number :L
Noice - 8 years ago
About 3-5.
T-Zay - 8 years ago
Thank you!
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
I have a 50 litre tank with two fake plants and a 10 watt filter.I'm only a beginner.I'm interested in danios but I heard that they jump out of the tank.feel free to recommend the type and nnumber of fish I should keep.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We recommend getting a canopy or sliding glass top, then a group of 6 to 8 zebra danios and a trio of corydoras cats for the bottom. You do not mention a heater, so smaller species of danios and barbs represent good choices in your case.
Noice - 8 years ago
+KewlDudeRed X :D
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person whew,I'm relieved to hear that. 3 corys and 8 neons it is then :-)
Noice - 8 years ago
+KewlDudeRed X That should be good.
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person I have a 10 watt pre built filter,no live plants. is that enough?
Noice - 8 years ago
+KewlDudeRed X You can, but the ammonia will build up with a poor filter. If you have a great filter then it will do. And for a thing to think about is to fill your tank up with live plants. They will have clean your water like a filter. So if you have lots, you may be able to add more fish.
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person I saw some Cory cats in the pet store and they looked really cute. can I keep 8 neons and 3 Cory cats?
Noice - 8 years ago
+KewlDudeRed X They have a small bioload, so you can keep many. Around 6-8 neons you can keep in your tank. I would suggest getting live plants, because they love hiding in there.
KewlDudeRed X
KewlDudeRed X - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person I want a species tank with neon tetras many can I keep?
Noice - 8 years ago
I would recommend guppies, platies or mollies. There is some tetras that you can have also. But guppies are very beautiful, and look like mini Bettas.
Autocratic Snowman
Autocratic Snowman - 8 years ago
i keep a single Veil Tail betta in a 10 gallon planted tank(with filter and heater of 78) with 6 corydoras, The Betta(Larry) has had a few instances of territorialism with the Corys when they were introduced and when he was making bubble nests but after and inbetween those instances he's been very docile with them, incase the Corydoras have offspring should i move the Fry to my 2.0 Gallon tank and when they hatch what is the ideal thing i should feed baby-juvenile Corydoras?
John Smith
John Smith - 8 years ago
I have a 20 gallon tank and I'm not sure what fish I should put in it but I was thinking 1 bristlenose pleco, 1betta, 3 mollies and 3 guppies is this a good combination or is it too much?
grassfish01 - 8 years ago
1 bristlenose, a betta, and 3 platies (1 male, 2 female) might be better; fancy mollies and fancy guppies are not hardy and prefer harder water. Unless you want 3 wild-type guppies.
The JL Network
The JL Network - 8 years ago
I have a 10 gallon tank, can 2 fantail goldfish, 2 guppies and 1 Cory catfish fit in it?
Johnbob Ebola
Johnbob Ebola - 8 years ago
The JL Network No Goldfish Can Fit In a Ten Gallon, they get big and are really messy. Your 10 gal won't be able to handle it, let alone two of them. The rest are fine though
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
I have a ~6.5-7 gallon aquarium. Heater & filter to go with. What fish would you recommend I get for that size aquarium?
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
If it's still not done, I wouldn't recommend the corys. Thats an awfully tight space for them, and 3 is a bit low of a number for how many should be together. 3 is bare minimum, but they're shoaling species and would be much happier in a 15+ gallon with at least 6 to their number.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
go buy the 101 best freshwater nano species to learn more about small species. There's a specific section about doing a community tank biotope and what sizes are appropriate for what fish they list. You could do 3 dwarf cory cats (any of the 3 species) an otto, 3 gold tetras, 5 green neons and that would be about it for bioload and that would be a colorful fluid tank.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We like small schooling fish for that type of tank. A small group of Neon tetras, perhaps a couple of dwarf pencil fish and a trio of small corydoras catfish for the bottom.
Christie James
Christie James - 8 years ago
What kind of fish should get if I don't want them to breed and I already have a pleco and loach. Its a 13 gallon tank btw
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
You can always keep fish of one sex or one specimen of each species, although that would not be the best scenario for fish that naturally prefer to school with others of their own species. While we understand the question, it is really not one that can be answered. Yes, some fish are more difficult to have breed in an aquarium, but this does not guarantee it wouldn't happen.
Victor Dørr
Victor Dørr - 8 years ago
What Fishes should i put in a 14 gallon tank???
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
You forgot the Sharks!! They're very attractive, we all like to see a shiny bit of silver for the Bala shark or a cute red band flashing away by a rainbow shark or a red fin or tail as are on the redfinned sharks. They're sold by many shops as babies 2 or 3inches in length, they're well known to reach 20 or so inches in adulthood, so they're definately not for a small aquarium. They're exceptionally hardy though, so a large tank is required.
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall Oh :p right
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I was reacting to the end of the video where he warned about fish that shouldn't be kept in small tanks, he didn't list any sharks in there,
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall Exactly. Yet you're telling him he forgot the sharks...
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
NO! No shark is a beginner fish, not everyone is happy to change them to a huge tank as they grow up, but then, my goldfish grey to about 4 times their original sizes too, my last fish smashed the 3ft tank he was in so he went to a friend's backyard pond.
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
+Caren Hall The video talks about beginner fish. It appears that you're saying he should say that a bala shark is a beginner fish.
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
Exactly! Pet shops don't warn beginners (like me) and many people keep them in fish bowls...they're sold as babies! If they're going to sell sharks pet shops MUST warn about bigger adult growing fish,
Jonathan Ding
Jonathan Ding - 8 years ago
Sharks are completely not for beginners.
Jasmin 1976
Jasmin 1976 - 8 years ago
+medallo143 are you serious
medallo143 - 8 years ago
+Ramdom Person Why?
Jasmin 1976
Jasmin 1976 - 8 years ago
Lol that's a joke ... Right?
Alexa Alcazarin
Alexa Alcazarin - 8 years ago
can i keep guppies with angel fish?
metallica fan
metallica fan - 8 years ago
can i keep guppies with beta
Christian Morales
Christian Morales - 8 years ago
It depends on the size of your tank and how aggressive your Betta is. I have 3 guppies with 1 Betta in a 10G and they get along fine. Just make sure you have hiding places for either species.
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person i actually only had females, i had 5 of them and they dropped like flies, one had babies but i gave those away. Now i have platys and a female betta, and they get along very well.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Lorranne Depeche I'm guessing your guppies were all males? Male guppies have a tend to bully other fish to breed with them, even if the other fish are males. To fix this problem is to get females. Have a ratio of 1:2, males to females. Always have more females then males.
Lorranne Depeche
Lorranne Depeche - 8 years ago
my guppies bullied my betta, and then the guppies died, not sure why (because i took my betta out before they died) it was a 20 gallon, and a cycled tank
Noice - 8 years ago
That is a hard question. It really depends on your betta. I know a couple people were able to, but if they're very aggressive, you will end up with dead or ripped finned guppies.. :(
brahmesh kanamarlapudi
brahmesh kanamarlapudi - 8 years ago
and may I know what r the types of fishes I can mix with beta fish???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If you are keeping your betta in a min 5-10 gallon aquarium, you could try small rasboras and tetras with some corydoras catfish for the bottom. Make sure to provide some decorative structure; live plants help. Be vigilant, especially in the beginning, to ensure your betta does not overly chase any of the other fish.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
peaceful non fin nippy fish that don't look like cory cats,neons,ect.

also while these aren't fish they also are good tank mates.shrimp,dwarf frogs and snails.
brahmesh kanamarlapudi
brahmesh kanamarlapudi - 8 years ago
K tq
Pablo Lopez
Pablo Lopez - 8 years ago
What type of plants can we use in the fish tank.....?
huntergaming - 8 years ago
What's a fish that's very small that I can have two of in a 1 gallon tank or 2 gallon,I'm a beginner
Jim Lahey
Jim Lahey - 8 years ago
Actually really only a betta would work in the 2 gallon tank, but really you should have 5 gallon, 2 gallon tanks are too small for any fish really, though you could have some shrimp
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Consider some dwarf pencil fish (N. marginatus). We think they're very interesting in a small group (3 to 4). A filter and heater is required.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
shrimp or maybe a snail would be your best bet.that's a little small for fish.

a planted shrimp tank might be a good idea with some hardy aquarium plants like java fern,anubias,java moss and moss balls just to name a few.
brahmesh kanamarlapudi
brahmesh kanamarlapudi - 8 years ago
can I mix gold fish and beta fish in one tank???
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We don’t recommend mixing goldfish with Bettas. If you have a 5-gallon or more aquarium with some decorative structure and plants, certainly some bottom feeders like Cory cats will be fine. Slower moving, peaceful non-fin-nipping tropical fish make more sense with Bettas.
Bun Wong
Bun Wong - 8 years ago
NO, the bettas will be aggressive to the goldfish and the goldfish will contaminate the water too fast and they can do some damage to goldfish too. So no
Kayla Soudchantho
Kayla Soudchantho - 8 years ago
If I were to get a fish of the choices you said, which different kinds of fish would go good together or may have them in the same tank ?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hi Kayla, read our article on stocking your aquarium with fish, this might provide some helpful tips.
Stacy Louise
Stacy Louise - 8 years ago
I had 16 neons all they have been dying one by one all the other tetras, platys and bottom feeders are fine. Any ideas???
Triky - 8 years ago
Me too I just gave up
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I had the same! I finally saw it, one of my corys timed a quick surface 'splash' perfectly and threw one of my neons out of the water. I rushed over and there he was, another dead neon and nothing to prove what had happened. I'm planning to thin out my cory numbers before I add more fish to the tank..
Dominic RedBorrelli
Dominic RedBorrelli - 8 years ago
The one time I did have tetras they did the same thing. My tank was well established too. I don't know if they were too sensitive to my water or what.
Victoria Tur
Victoria Tur - 8 years ago
This happen to me too, I had no clue what was happening honestly
Little Tangerine
Little Tangerine - 8 years ago
What's the minimum gal tank for a shoal of 5 swordtails? Did you say 20?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
We mention keeping them generally, in 20-35 gallon tanks. Don’t think we specifically mentioned a group of 5, although we would prefer a 25 gallon for 5 as we assume there would be other fish as well.
Madison Blomberg
Madison Blomberg - 8 years ago
I disagree with bettas in a 1 or 2 gallon tank. They should have a 3 gallon tank at MINIMUM 5 gallon is ideal.
TheLGN - 8 years ago
Madison Blomberg I have my beta in a 2.5 gallon with no filter and no heater. I want a filter, but I can't get one at the moment. My betta is doing perfectly fine and he's actually pretty happy right now.
Autocratic Snowman
Autocratic Snowman - 8 years ago
in a 10 gallon tank you could place a school of pygmy to regular corydoras with a single betta(male or female, preferably female) i did so with my betta and i have had little issues at all the only thing im worried about is the potential offspring for the corydoras...
EM C - 8 years ago
Thanks Much! I do have just one. I also just brought a 20 gal. My grandson wants a cornsnake! But i am trying to talk him out of it. :)
Madison Blomberg
Madison Blomberg - 8 years ago
+EM C yeah only one. you could put a snail or maybe if the betta isnt aggressive some shrimp with it.
romeo man
romeo man - 8 years ago
+EM C Only one since other bettas don't get along with each other
EM C - 8 years ago
How many bettas can i put in a 5.5 gal tank? Thanks
romeo man
romeo man - 8 years ago
Actually 5 gallons or bigger is appropriate for bettas. I keep mine in a 10 gallon. The bigger the better. Because they like to move around a lot
Adilso Euceda
Adilso Euceda - 8 years ago
I have betta in 1 gallon tank
x TheDapperTangerine
x TheDapperTangerine - 8 years ago
you can get a 3 gallon tank from petco for $10 I just got one this week, there really isn't an excuse to keep a fish in such a small tank
Salem Ross
Salem Ross - 8 years ago
Way too small. They need a minimum of 2.5 gallons
Ethans Channel
Ethans Channel - 8 years ago
My pet vietail betta fish survived being in a 1 gallon bowl no heater or filter for 2 years and he's still alive
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
there's a difference between surviving and thriving. You can survive off of barely any food for 2 weeks. No water for like 3 days. does that mean it's good for your health, no.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
2 years really isn't that great.bettas should live up to 5 to 9 years if cared for properly.
Fish Guy
Fish Guy - 8 years ago
Thanks for the awesome vid this will help me with my channel
Jaren Kayu
Jaren Kayu - 8 years ago
Hi all!!! im new to the forum, and a beginner aquarist as well!! ive recently gotten into this hobby and would like to start a freshwater planted aquarium. <br />
Honestly, im in a dilemna to choose between bolivian cichlids , honey gouramis or kribensis...<br />
my planned set up is as follows:
8 neon tetras
6 panda/peppered corydoras
1 clown/ bn pleco
and 1 of honey g/bol ram/kribensis
in a 20 gallon tank<br />
could you help me suggest a species from the 3 that is easy to care for for the beginner aquarist? Also, i would like to have recommendations for aquatic plants that are easy to care for, and of course any advice you would like to impart to me from your experience. Lastly, i would like to know if the tank is overstocked or understocked XD and perhaps you could suggest suitable alternatives? thanks!!!<br />
<br />
Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
larisa pogorelova
larisa pogorelova - 8 years ago
I'm planning on starting a community tank in a few months, but I'm not sure if the fish will be peaceful to eachother.
This is what I have in mind:
Fancy Guppies
Neon Tetras
Glowlight Tetras
Corydora Catfish

Appreciate your help.
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
Have your heart set on a fish like a guppy and expand off that fish by keeping it with fish that need similar water qualities. Fancy guppies go well with mollies, platies and swordtails. Check for more
JeffAFC 7
JeffAFC 7 - 8 years ago
I don't know if you have already received an answer elsewhere but I think this is a good combination. Their ph requirements match. Just make sure you have a decent size aquarium. Hope I helped.
Matthew Douglas
Matthew Douglas - 8 years ago
I am setting up a 3ft community tank and was wondering if platies guppies sword tail neons and angels would get along? Would I be able to have a female Betta too?
Matthew Douglas
Matthew Douglas - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thank you for the advice!!
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
If the 3ft aquarium is a 55 US gallon aquarium it could work. To be safe, eliminate the Neons and Guppies from this mix and go with some fish that occupy the bottom like a nice school of Corys. Also consider 4 or 5 Angelfish.
A Chicagoan
A Chicagoan - 8 years ago
who was expecting a goldfish?
Dacian Wilson
Dacian Wilson - 7 years ago
Not me dow
Ryleey - 7 years ago
A Chicagoan me I was surprised
Hetzer Hasser
Hetzer Hasser - 7 years ago
Goldfish are actually not that easy to keep. They need larger tanks, and they are very hard to asociate with plants. Not to mention, they are very dirty fish, so you're gonna need a good filter and extensive cleaning.
Ishdeep Singh
Ishdeep Singh - 8 years ago
Someone tell this guy about goldfish
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
the same stuff for any fish?
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
+Elise Neil don't forget about food, medication, water testers, etc
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos?
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos? - 8 years ago
Elias RodriguezZz ...or you could buy a 14L tank with a $40 filter...not very expensive.
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
Like I said, you may need a bigger tank but they are one of the hardier fish (and yes you can house a gold fish in a 20-30 gallon tank just fine. They are one of the easiest ones though I have had to take care of.
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
Goldfish produce a lot of waste and need a lot of space, nit really "beginner" material, unless you're okay buying giant tanks and filtering it properly, or even getting a pond.
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
I could easily argue that a Goldfish is a beginner fish because of how hardy they tend to be HOWEVER they need bigger tanks and that is one thing I think people would mess up on.
Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos - 8 years ago
Goldfish are not really beginner fish.
sabine gai
sabine gai - 8 years ago
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Please don't keep bettas in 1-2 gallon tanks. They need 5 gallons at least and a heater and filter.
Oceanti - 7 years ago
I agree. They can survive in less than 5 gallons but they won’t thrive. And in a bowl with no water movement it’s harder to have oxygen in the tank.
Medek c:
Medek c: - 7 years ago
I don't use the heater I have because there is approx. 28 degrees celsius in the tank during winter.
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
KD Do It doesn't Matter how people keep their fish if we see them in a small container and yes it is wrong but we can't do anything about it cuz then they think that we just want them to get more expensive stuff and then the don't end up listening but it doesn't matter how people keep their fish cuz we can't do anything about it all we can hope is that they get the best life
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
Can we just say the bigger the better
KD Do - 7 years ago
iTzJoKeR 760 with "spoil" you mean treat properly??
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
Liam Peters they don't need to a 2.5 gallon would work just as fine but if you wanna spoil your fish (which is what everybody in the hobby does) by all means it's fine
Liam Peters
Liam Peters - 7 years ago
That's what I thought
iTzJoKeR 760
iTzJoKeR 760 - 7 years ago
sabine gai I am going to get my betta a 5 gal fluval spec by rn he's in a 2 gal
Gucci_Meme VRO
Gucci_Meme VRO - 7 years ago
Jowenbra nah they can actually live in small one gallons people don't even know, shoo they can live in small jars too.
FullStop - 7 years ago
Jowenbra 2.5**
PepeTheFrog 69
PepeTheFrog 69 - 7 years ago
Jowenbra I have have the size of the tank, but have a heater, a filter, aquarium salt to relieve stress and a plant. My betta suffers from velvet though
Dale Burns
Dale Burns - 7 years ago
Dale Burns
Dale Burns - 7 years ago
Ricardosr are you really that stupid
Golden Aquatics
Golden Aquatics - 7 years ago
Jowenbra they actually dont need filter, and heater is optional it just depends where u live .
Dale Burns
Dale Burns - 7 years ago
Jowenbra i had mine in a bowl by itself and it lived around 3 years soo yeah and i water changed prob once every week or 2
Claudio Maldonado Salvador
Claudio Maldonado Salvador - 7 years ago
Jowenbra SO TRUE!!! I was about to post the same
Eros Play
Eros Play - 7 years ago
Jowenbra I have a male betta in a 10 gallon and another koi female beta in a 20 gallon XD both by themselves in each tank
Sunset Foxeh
Sunset Foxeh - 7 years ago
Jowenbra at least 2.5 or 3
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Minerva Caballero yes they do
Minerva Caballero
Minerva Caballero - 7 years ago
fish and insects has no human emotions
Cheese - 7 years ago
Jowenbra no the minimum for a THRIVING fish is 2.5 smaller they will be alive but they will get bored and depressed
lynni mendelero
lynni mendelero - 7 years ago
Lol mines spoiled
Anna Karlavage
Anna Karlavage - 7 years ago
light or slow running filter, bettas arent good swimmers..
also minimum tank size is 2.5
Killer Shark
Killer Shark - 7 years ago
Some bettas that don't swim much are okay with 2.5 and 3.5 that best is to keep a 5 gallon for an active one. Only spoiled ones get a 10 gallon for themselves.
Atsuko Maede
Atsuko Maede - 7 years ago
Jowenbra actually a betta tank recommendation is at least 2.5 of course non of mines are in these size they are in a gallon and then my male is in a 1.77 gallon however I live in Hawaii if u see the prices of tanks in Hawaii for just a 2.5 you would k ow why however I don't have a job either but once I do have one there tank will of course change so I would say that a gallon or two is good as a temporary tank and should not be a permanent tank
Mason - 7 years ago
Jowenbra 2.5 is minimum
canijustpetmycat - 7 years ago
Yup! If you can't afford a 5 gallon tank, you shouldn't get a Betta. Pet smart (or petco i don't remember) has dollar per gallon sales every so often, where you can get a 5 gallon tank for $5! I personally have a ten gallon for my Betta, but 5 is good!
Jowenbra - 7 years ago
Randomstuff Z Care to elaborate?
Jowenbra - 7 years ago
Juana EstebanGuerrero I know, I feel like I addressed that previously but maybe not, too lazy to reread the chain.
Andvir W
Andvir W - 7 years ago
Jowenbra no
Juana EstebanGuerrero
Juana EstebanGuerrero - 7 years ago
Jankykf that goes for all the fish they are intelligent in their own way
Juana EstebanGuerrero
Juana EstebanGuerrero - 7 years ago
Jowenbra they don't really get along with fish that have really long tails and if they have to much color they will mistake them as a nother betta I'm not saying that they don't get along with other fish but some times they do in my case I tried puting my betta in with my community tank but didn't work out but if you want them in a community tank get the less aggressive ones and to know put the two cups together ( in the pet store ) and see if they glare alot or a little or not at all and if their really calm then try putting them in your community ( once you get him or her ) but in case they dont work out you need to have a plan B
Juana EstebanGuerrero
Juana EstebanGuerrero - 7 years ago
Jowenbra they should at least have a 2.5 tank and if you really care about your betta you can get a 5 or a 10 gallon tank
Dandang Zhang
Dandang Zhang - 8 years ago
Nevermind haha, I just saw this channel has a video answering my question
Dandang Zhang
Dandang Zhang - 8 years ago
Just a question, but if you want to get some company for your betta fish, which fish would you recommend for them?
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Always strive for better, though. If you can get a 2.5-gallon tank, why not make it 5? It's barely any more expensive or space consuming.
Lumirecia Mh
Lumirecia Mh - 8 years ago
Jowenbra bettas need a MINIMUM of 2.5 gallon with heater and filter
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+Brooke Crafts Please read the rest of the comments, this was addressed multiple times.
cerySymphony - 8 years ago
I've kept female bettas together on multiple occasions in tanks with corydoras. The major things I've learned are to always introduce them together if possible and to get a larger female if you have to introduce a new one, and to always keep them in groups of 3 or more because just 2 will usually fight.
Brooke Crafts
Brooke Crafts - 8 years ago
Actually a beta fish only needs a bare minimum of 2.5 gallons!
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+AnimalCrazy83 You're right that it's a bad idea overall, and nobody should try it, especially if they haven't had extensive experience with bettas and fish in general, but technically it can be done if you find the right males. Females are a different story though. Female betta sorority tanks aren't that rare, and if you know what you're doing can be successful. That being said it's not something for beginners because it can end up pretty badly if you don't do things right.
AnimalCrazy83 - 8 years ago
So just keep an eye on them of it could end up not so well
AnimalCrazy83 - 8 years ago
Caren Hall ^^^^ that was meant for you
AnimalCrazy83 - 8 years ago
Jowenbra Bettas, especially males, shouldn't live together because they will fight
Lily - 8 years ago
+Jowenbra Cool, Thanks! I've tried a couple different ones and rearanged things to slow down the current and nothing has worked but I didn't think to try that, haha. I'll have to go look that up.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+Lily Try a sponge filter for him. They are pretty cheap and last forever. They also don't create any current, just bubbles and they're very effective. Just search on google, they only cost like 10-20 bucks. They aren't generally sold in stores because they can't really make money off of them because they're TOO efficient haha
Lily - 8 years ago
I had my male in a 3.5 for a long time because he was an impulse buy over the summer (I only had a small tank, others were sold to pay for my 45 for goldfish) before I moved him up to a 10gal.. He loves the room but no filter. He is older and his tail and fins grew alot longer than usual and actually have curled over twice now and it has made him a poor swimmer and he gets stuck to the filter too easily, and struggles with moving water. I had to pull him out of his first 10 gal. because it was a bamboo-type standing one that was on the floor (A good foot high) but he flipped out because he couldn't see me unless I was laying on the floor -.- so now his highness is in a new 10gal with a stand, and my Mum has the bamboo full of guppies. Haha. Its funny how picky they can be.
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
Yes. Some betta do prefer a smaller tank than a 5 gallon. But no betta should be in less than a 3 gallon (very very minimum of 2.5). So as long as their needs are met I see no problem if a tank is less than 5 but more than 2.5 gallons.
cerySymphony - 8 years ago
One of my male bettas got very anxious and would alternate between frantically patrolling and then hiding in a corner when I tried moving him into a 5 gallon tank with a few neon tetras. He ended up in a narrow 3 gallon I bought just for him because he was wearing himself out trying to patrol the 5 gallon. The 3 gallon had a tiny heater and a carbon/biosponge filter that was changed regularly to keep conditions as ideal as possible. He seemed much happier and would still patrol, but in a much more relaxed manner. While 5 gallon minimum is good for most bettas, there are exceptions. I never had a problem out of any other betta I put in that 5 gallon with the neons.
Amy Welsh
Amy Welsh - 8 years ago
+bobfart a dog may fill up the majority of its craight but shouldn't be in there all day and call that home. A dog is able to walk around go on walks whereas the fish will call it's tank home and cannot move out of its tank.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+bobfart It's not about a size/space ratio, i's about the fishes mental needs. You are correct in that we shouldn't compare them to humans, because our needs are different. You're not going to be able to convince a betta to be happy in a 1-2 gallon tank because it "has enough space to swim around a bit". It has been proven through multiple studies bettas can and will become bored and even depressed in small spaces. The bottom line is keeping a betta in too small of an enclosure will make it's life miserable, and that's as much fact as the earth is round.
Jankykf - 8 years ago
Yes i have done research, and while a dog fills up most of his cage, a betta fish fills up 1/20th of his tank, so that is why those aguments are invalid
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
+bobfart are you kidding? that's like putting a dog in a cage for the rest of its like saying it has a mansion.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+bobfart How much research have you done on fish? I'm assuming barely even a google search. There is NO evidence supporting the notion that all fish are "stupid". In fact ALL evidence points towards them being approximately on par with most mammals. Of course there are smarter and dumber species among them, but fish aren't the mindless idiots most people think. In the wild, betta fish actively patrol on average a THREE SQUARE FOOT territory of densely vegetated warm water. bobfart, have you ever done ANY research on the subject or are you just saying what you think? Because 99% of people are grossly misinformed on the subject.

Take this from somebody who breeds fish for income, and has done more research on these subjects than most people put into their college degrees.
Jankykf - 8 years ago
u guys are being rediculous, a betta in a 1-2 gallon tank is like me living my whole life in a decently sized house including the yard. While bettas are intelligent, they are intelligent compared to FISH, they are nowhere near the level of intelect of humans, so you cannot use the argument of humans living in small spaces. Of course you can put them in bigger tanks, but I also would love to explore the whole world if I could. Honestly, you fish whispers are going way over your head
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Sounds like a really cool setup! And I agree, that they CAN be kept together under certain conditions, but that's extremely inadvisable for new betta keepers, and you have to get the right 2 boys for it to work. Sounds like you have an awesome setup going! I'm a bit jealous!
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
+Jowenbra Umm, you're right, they do need space to thrive, if you can keep them with sufficient space I see no reason that 2 quieter boys can't be kept together with plenty of hiding spots. My 2 boys know about each other, they're fine with being near each other but they need their own space and hiding spots if the other boy gets annoyed at them.
The only reason I would see a purpose for such tiny bowls is if you're showing them. My 4 boys are pet shop 'rescues' gorgeous to me but they're not going to win any prizes. Yes, all of them are in tanks, the smallest is a 10gallon tank with 7 baby corydoras and baby java ferns.
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+alex bomb Please don't advise other people on something you're ignorant about. You CAN put bettas with other fish, just not other bettas or similar fish (like guppies). In fact, 1 betta and 6 neons in a 10 gallon is a great setup, assuming the particular betta is cool with it. Bettas have a massively versatile range of personalities, some will be cool with most fish, even guppies if you're lucky, others will kill anything that they see, but that's rare.

Alex, I'm a fish breeder. I've worked at my local fish store, and am VERY dedicated to this hobby, you can take my word at face value. Bettas need space to thrive, they can get bored and even depressed easily in small spaces, and CAN be kept with other fish, as long as they don't have long fancy fins or are too colorful (or are fin nippers). It's easy to figure out what fish will and won't work with a betta with a quick google search. There are so many misconceptions about bettas (and don't even get me started on goldfish) that make them suffer, it's very sad. All I can say here is; do your research when you consider buying a living creature, and remember it is ALIVE, not an inanimate decoration. It has needs beyond just keeping it alive. Bettas are a magnificent species, full of personality and intelligence. they should NEVER be kept in a small bowl or 3 gallon tank any more than a dog should be kept in a closet. Give them what they need to thrive and you'll have a much happier, healthier, and more interesting, pet.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 8 years ago
+Jowenbra if i can put 6 neon tetras in that 10 gallon..why would i put 1 betta? I never own not so sure myself
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+alex bomb Excuse me? How so?
alex bomb
alex bomb - 8 years ago
+Jowenbra it also a waste to put a betta in 10 gallon
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
+alex bomb You can keep it alive, but you have to take into consideration the fishes mental needs. Most people have the mentality of "It's just a fish, fish are dumb", but fish are on average about equal in intelligence to mammals, and bettas are especially smart. It has been proven that they can become bored and even depressed. Have you ever seen a betta in a big tank compared to one in a small tank? Activity levels are way up, the betta is always exploring and curious about what's going on outside the tank. A betta in anything less than a 5 (even 5 is pretty small) will usually just sit there, and list around, bored out of its mind and likely depressed. Would you keep a dog in a small room for it's entire life, and say "I take good care of it, and always pick up its poop and feed it, so it's totally fine"? You wouldn't, so why subject something of potentially equal to higher intelligence than that of a dog to the equivalent conditions?
alex bomb
alex bomb - 8 years ago
+Jowenbra no you still can keep it at 2.5 gallon as long as you do water change everyday
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
Agreed! I have my betta in no less than 4 gallons and I even think that's too small! 1-2 gallons is good for a HOSPITAL tank (no way should it be a permanent home).
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
Do you disagree?
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
:) I have 2 male bettas in my 250! Fairly heavy with plants (I like plants!) and some Java Moss. My cory's, my sharks and my tetras really don't mind them!
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
They can survive in 2.5 gallons, but they're extremely intelligent fish and can become bored and depressed easily. A 2.5 gallon tank is like locking someone in a closet. No filter/heater it's like locking someone in a cold closet with no way to dispose of your own waste except for when someone decides to come along and take SOME of it out.
GamingCentral - 8 years ago
+sabine gai 5 gallons if you want it to be very happy
sabine gai
sabine gai - 8 years ago
Actually a betta fish only need a 2.5 gallon tank.
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
What kind of fish should I get for a 10 gallon aquarium?
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess wrong. Only indivual betta eat shrimp. Only some betta can be community inhabitants. Only some betta can be with shrimp. Same goes with females. Some females can be fine in a sorority. Some female betta can't be with even a snail. It depends on the individual betta. Not generalising "all betta eat shrimp no matter what". Because that's wrong.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess well then explain to me why my male betta is perfectly fine with ghost shrimp

And a YouTubers daughter used to have a betta and red cherry shrimp living perfectly fine together

They'll eat the babies, and aggressive ones may kill all of them. It depends on the bettas personality.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Shadow Kitty cat Bettas eat shrimp. The only one that they can be with is Bamboo Shrimp.
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean
ShadowKittyKat Thesmolbean - 8 years ago
one option- shrimp. You could also split it in half to have two bettas. You can also keep one betta and shrimp. Quite interesting to watch
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princessAnd why the hell are you bringing mollies and platies to the gourami argument. They're not even the same fish. One is peaceful and one is semi-agressive.
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess i have no idea if you've had neons before but for a fish that gets to about an inch or so in size no way would I put that many in a 10 gallon with a betta. that's ridiculous.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess You have to be the most retarded person I have ever met. You are repeating every single thing I said comments above. Stop trying to prove people wrong when you don't have that type of fish. You're making a fool out of yourself.
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
there are thousands of different options for a 10 gallon you don't just have to get a betta or something like that
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Dem Milovanovic Neons are incredibly small. A 10 long should be just fine.
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess no. no you really can't. the bioload may be fine but neons need swim space. a 10 is far too small to comfortably fit that many neons AND a betta.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Dem Milovanovic You can keep 6-8 Neons and a Betta just fine in a 10 gallon.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person Wrong. Most gourami are territorial torwards eachother.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess As well as other gouramis. Have you ever had them?
Dem Milovanovic
Dem Milovanovic - 8 years ago
in a 10 gallon aquarium you can keep a very limited variety. you can keep 5-7 guppies, or a betta with a minimum of 5 PYGMY corydoras (or you can switch the corydora for 5-8 shrimp and a nerite snail, or 2 nerites as companions, even just have a minimum of 10 shrimp), or you can have a maximum of 2-3 mystery snails, or 1 apple snail, or have a planted shrimp tank. other fish is just cruel to keep in there.

schooling/shoaling options for fish can start when you have 15 gallons or more.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person Pearl Gouramis are schoolers.
Noice - 8 years ago
+Morgan Richards Once you find out what they do to Glofish, you won't want them anymore.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess You don't understand me. If you have more then 1 gourami in a 10 gallon, they're going to fight. You also said "gouramis need to be in groups of 4 or more" Do people stick 4 bettas in a 10 gallon? Maybe for a sorority but it won't last long.
Ийгл түрэмгий Eater
Ийгл түрэмгий Eater - 8 years ago
Get a shark. They're pretty small
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person A betta is the same size as a Dwarf Gourami and plenty of people keep them in 10 gallons just fine.
The same thing with Mollies and Platys and even Killifish.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess Exactly. So they won't fit in a 10 gallon.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person dwarf gourami only get about 3-4 inches.

Pearls should be in a school of at least 4.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess Okay, and how able their size. Blue gouramis get up to 8". A 10 gallon will never hold that. I have 2 pearls. I know their aggression.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
fluval, no they are not schooling fish. You should know better. They are shoaling fish.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
+Unknown Person Decorations and plants negate that. As theyll have boundaries to mark their territories.
Noice - 8 years ago
+lumpy1space2princess No no no. Gouramis should not be in a 10 gallon tank, just because of their aggressive, as well as size. Even dwarf ones get aggressive. Especially in small tanks.
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
+Vcvc16 You could go with Pygmy cories and fit 6-8 or more in there.
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I agree with Fluval, check the temperature of your water. Fish need stability in the temp, danios are warmer water fish. Try to keep it at 75 farennheit plus.
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
Id go with a pair of Gourami and about 6-8 Neons
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
What is the water temperature?
Chris Litton
Chris Litton - 8 years ago
I have 3 danios in a 28 litre tank, but they don't seem happy ... should I swap them for guppies?
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Yes, they are schooling fish and it is preferable to keep them in groups. 3 is a good staring point.
Vcvc16 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics Are Cory fish schooling fish? Do I need 3 or more?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
Small Tetras, Rasboras, Livebearers and bottom dwelling Corys are a good selection to choose from. If you are overwhelmed by the choices, we suggest visiting your local knowledgeable fish store in order to discuss suitable options.
derek bay
derek bay - 8 years ago
I heard betta's can be with other fish just not other betta. Is this true?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
They can be, however there is always a risk that the Betta ends up a target for faster moving fin nippers, or becomes the aggressor himself. Plenty of plants and calm bottom dwelling species such as Corydoras Catfish are a safe choice.
Ravin Krishnan
Ravin Krishnan - 8 years ago
if a zebra danio is shot today, tomorrow will be the bullets funeral
Conner Hawkins
Conner Hawkins - 8 years ago
Ravin Krishnan its so true! I had one swim up my siphon and come out the other end
I Dumbo
I Dumbo - 8 years ago
Can u pls respond in getting a 10 gallon tank I want to have 3 neon tetras 2 zebra danios a platy 2 shrimp and maybe a female Betta does that sound good.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
There is the possibility that the female Betta will pick at the Shrimp or irritate the Neons. The Danios are fast moving and are better suited to being kept with smaller Barbs and quicker Rasboras. We would recommend the Neons, the Platy, and some small species of Corydoras Carfish as opposed to the Shrimp.
Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw - 8 years ago
What about the Great White Shark
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
Illegal to keep
YZFR6Yammie - 8 years ago
you forgot regal angels, clown tangs, cow fish, cleaner wrasses, queen anthias, achiles tangs, dragonets, hippocampus species, and morish idols. dont forget some ezpz inverts like a gigantea or linkia!!
Elias R O D riguez
Elias R O D riguez - 8 years ago
can't forget Arowanas, Blue Tangs, or Xingu River Rays! super basic
Noice - 8 years ago
+YZFR6Yammie Check your grammar before insulting other people.
YZFR6Yammie - 8 years ago
Your both dumb lol.. i was joking, everything i said are on the harder end of things to keep as far as the more common home aquaria marine life. & no.. salt water fish in general are extremely easy to have in a basic setup.
medallo143 - 8 years ago
Saltwater fish are not ideal for beginners
Noice - 8 years ago
Angels aren't for beginners, just because of the size and aggression that comes along when they mature.
James C
James C - 8 years ago
We got an angel fish and it killed all
Of our larger fish and killed it's fellow angel fish in the tank. We had a 32 gallon tank.
Jack the Ender Betta
Jack the Ender Betta - 8 years ago
Plus,harlequin rasboras and cory catfishes are good tank mates for the beta
Bailey Fawver
Bailey Fawver - 8 years ago
weird he didn't put fancy goldfish in there they are dirty fish so minimum 10 to 15 gal but they don't need heater they just take flakes do well with other of same type
medallo143 - 8 years ago
Goldfish need more than 20 gal actually
Ernest Aquatics
Ernest Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great list
Puppypop 101
Puppypop 101 - 8 years ago
Female bettas have beautiful fins too...
Brad Anderson
Brad Anderson - 8 years ago
I have no idea how big 1 Gallon is because in New Zealand we use Liters, but im guessing youre just refering to betas just being in small tanks which is so shit. i hate going into pet shops and always seeing these fish in tiny tanks. ive got a beta in my 300L community tank with so many other fish, hes super chill and super friendly with all the fish even my mollys and cobolt gurami. i cant imagine him being in a tiny tank! Glad ive got some morals when it comes to looking after my fish!
Harry Han
Harry Han - 8 years ago
a gallon is ~3.8L
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
a gallon is around 3 litters
Jeroen Breunisse
Jeroen Breunisse - 8 years ago
i have a betta in a 40 liter tank with a few other fish, its a good size you know
Kobe Troy
Kobe Troy - 8 years ago
I from nz and at animates that keep them in cups
Pranto Hasnat
Pranto Hasnat - 8 years ago
when i am changing my aquarium water, do i need to take out all my fishes?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
No, you do not. When performing a basic water change you should be removing no more than 25% of the water in your tank and it is not necessary to remove your fish.
Richard James
Richard James - 8 years ago
I have to disagree with the Corydora. They are more sensitive fish.
Travis Kent
Travis Kent - 8 years ago
+MrRedPanda hardy I meant
Travis Kent
Travis Kent - 8 years ago
They are very handy and are some of the best bottom feeders out there
Collin Klinger
Collin Klinger - 8 years ago
Cory catfish are actually very hardy
Paola Cruz
Paola Cruz - 8 years ago
Hi, I'm thinking of getting a fish that would not need to much time, and for beginners. Do you have any besides this list, and if you don't, can you give more info? Thanks!
(please response)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Paola Cruz Generally, yes. However, you need to make sure that your tank is at least 5 gallons. Observe them carefully over the first few days and ensure that you have plenty of plants and structure in which they can hide. Most female Bettas will ignore each other, but you can get the odd individual that can be more aggressive.
Paola Cruz
Paola Cruz - 8 years ago
Thank you! And can you have two bettas (female) in the same tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Paola Cruz In terms of a low maintenance fish suitable for beginners, we can’t think of a better pet to suggest than a beautiful male Betta. For more information we invite you to check out our video on Betta care. Good luck!

You can also find more information on our website.
Sina32 AJ✯
Sina32 AJ✯ - 8 years ago
This was rlly helpful thx!
Jammer70421 AJ
Jammer70421 AJ - 8 years ago
mark oates
mark oates - 8 years ago
I actually don't agree that neon tetras are good for beginners, because one of the biggest mistakes beginners make is have poor water quality when starting a aquarium. and neons seem to drop like flies when the tank isn't cycled.
grassfish01 - 8 years ago
It sucks that they were once hardy, but now neon tetra disease is a thing :(
Sre_ Rich
Sre_ Rich - 8 years ago
he is kinda giving out wrong info
Kathy Lynn Maracle
Kathy Lynn Maracle - 8 years ago
A good list but a poor video. Surprised Fluval could be behind in marketing like this, considering your hardware is great :)

Tip - your visuals are the top thing that detracts from this video. A top 10 list that works (especially in 2016...) shows 95% video of the animals you are describing. A little still picture or thumbnail video will get most folks to click away after less than a minute.
Anal Avocado
Anal Avocado - 8 years ago
Another great fish I'd recommend if you have a larger tank (probably 29 gallons minimum) is the bristlenose pleco
LH Carp
LH Carp - 7 years ago
Astronomical Arts I got 3 now. Used some as bait.
Astronomical Arts
Astronomical Arts - 7 years ago
Adrenaline Junkie They are not going to be small forever and they are certainly not going to be easy to maintain for long. As they get bigger you are going to need to do enormous water changes weekly and that will throw off your water chemistry gigantically. Without these water changes your fish will die from ammonia or nitrate poisoning and with them your water balance will be thrown out of whack and the fish will die from stress. Your fish will live neither long nor happy lives in a 30 gallon tank. Rehome them or put them in a pond if you actually care for their wellbeing. A lot of pet stores will take in surrenders.
LH Carp
LH Carp - 7 years ago
Astronomical Arts I believe you. But goldfish is used as a pet all over the country and I don't think people are gonna stop using them. I only have them. Because they are small and easy to take care of and pretty.
Astronomical Arts
Astronomical Arts - 7 years ago
Adrenaline Junkie Common goldfish can actually grow to up to a foot long and even bigger. They are a part of the Koi family and as such I personally think they belong in a pond and not any tanks since they get so large. Fancy goldfish also get very big and goldfish in general live long lives. The oldest goldfish was 43 and the average lifespan for goldfish is 15-20 years. If you don't believe me simply google it.
LH Carp
LH Carp - 7 years ago
Reagan Franks Beauty and gold fish aren't like oscars are pacus. They are tiny fish that swim around an aquarium that I honestly thinks to big for them.
LH Carp
LH Carp - 7 years ago
Reagan Franks Beauty my gold fish are like 3 inches long a piece and I use them for bait sometimes when I go fishing.
Reagan Franks Beauty
Reagan Franks Beauty - 7 years ago
Adrenaline Junkie why do you have 6 goldfish in a 30 gallon just those alone need at minimum and 80 gallon tank goldfish need a ton of space a 30 gallon is room to hold 1 goldfish
LH Carp
LH Carp - 7 years ago
Anal Avocado I have a pleco in a 30 gallen with 6 other gold fish and he keeps my aquarium pretty clean.
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
Anal Avocado I like rubber lips lol. I literally got a new tank and set it up and got a rubber lip TODAY lol!
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
Or a L046 pleco if your rich :)- please bare in mind keep it by its self to quarantine then add slow fish so it gets a chance to get food
s - 7 years ago
MrKazuma52 bristlenose plecos only get 5" max
MrKazuma52 - 8 years ago
I love plecos, though they get really big and the big ones can be hard to move tanks (otherwise though, they are one of my favorites)
Ashley Parker
Ashley Parker - 8 years ago
Hi there, Im planning on buying a betta - I have a tank of three gallons, with a bubbler - I have heard that it is okay to keep certain fish in with bettas, can you give me a recommendation as to which? (Preferably will eat the same food) Thank you! :) I am only planning on getting two fish :D
Brandon Newing
Brandon Newing - 8 years ago
+Ashley Parker The information given is wrong, read a care sheet on the Internet and don't trust this guy, 3gal is only JUST enough for a betta fish, 5 gal is better and you should only consider a snail as a house mate in anything other than a 10gal
Ashley Parker
Ashley Parker - 8 years ago
Thank you for your help, I got goldfish for now but am planning on buying another tank at some point in the future - so this help is PERFECT... :)
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Ashley Parker Hi Ashley, as your tank is only 3 gallons we would suggest adding no more than one other fish. We would suggest an Otocinclus. These Dwarf Catfish are great at keeping plant leaves and other surfaces clean!
Ashley Parker
Ashley Parker - 8 years ago
I just had a look, it is just over 3 gallons (12.9L) 3.4 gallons! Thanks for your help, a swift reply would be awesome as I'm going to the pet store tomorrow! ☺️
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson - 8 years ago
If you believe that bettas should be kept in a larger tank than you recommended here, and keep referencing other videos when people point out the misinformation in this video...why would you spread misinformation in the first place?

Bettas can not be safely and humanely kept in a 1 gallon tank. A 1 gallon tank can't hold a stable cycle, so your fish is at risk of ammonia poisoning, and it can't be heated properly, so your fish is either going to be too cold or be subject to unsafe temperature changes..or both.

Bettas are living things too. They don't deserve the awful treatment they deal with and they definitely don't deserve that treatment to be condoned by one of the best known and most popular fish keeping equipment companies.
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
yeah XD
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
Ikr its like living in a box to like going to arab prince
FintasticFish - 8 years ago
+Nicholas Pearse 1 gallon to 75 gallons?!
Nicholas Pearse
Nicholas Pearse - 8 years ago
I have a betta in a gallon tank and I feel really bad and as soon as I get my 75 gallon asian tank setup he's going straight in.
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 8 years ago
Meh like Cardinal tetra more than The Neon Tetra
Linn Andersson
Linn Andersson - 8 years ago
Is it okay to have guppies and mollies in the same tank? People from my nearest pet store says no since you don't want them to breed (because they come from the same family). Is this true? I have ALWAYS had mollies and I'd want to breed guppies now
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Linn Andersson Guppies and Mollies do indeed share the same genes. If you wish to breed Guppies, we would advise keeping them separate and not mixing them with any other fish. They can be kept with Mollies, however cross-breeding will be a possibility.
Megan K
Megan K - 8 years ago
Hi! I am keeping 8 white cloud minnows in your 19l (5 us gallon) fluval chi tank and I'm just wondering have I overstocked or not? as far as I can see, none of them are I'll at all and their colours are still extremely bright.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Megan K White clouds like to school and they are a peaceful hardy species. You have not overstocked. Just make sure to perform regular water changes. Enjoy!
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 8 years ago
among the top10 fish mentioned. what fishes are nice to combine in 1 tank?
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Wyll Yancha According to those measurements, your tank is approximately 17.45 US Gal. For a tank of this size, we would recommend a small group of Corydoras Catfish, perhaps 3 or 4 C. Julii (hopefully you have a fine natural gravel, nothing to course or sharp), a pair of Platys and a pair of Swordtails. This should make for a comfortable mix of fish. Introduce the Catfish first, and then wait a few weeks before introducing each pair of fish to ensure you don’t cause any ammonia or nitrite spikes. Make sure to dose with Fluval Biological Enhancer each time you introduce new fish, and weekly if your aquarium is new.
Wyll Yancha
Wyll Yancha - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics i dunno how many gallons but its length =2ft, width =1ft and height of 1.2ft. Currently, i have 1 Betta in it but my daughter wants more fish in the tank. what do you recommend..
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Wyll Yancha What size aquarium are you considering? We prefer to have less variety and schools of a certain fish when possible as it creates a more natural setting.
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
Is it a good idea to keep ghost shrimp in a community tank ?
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics thanks for the advice
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+REAPERBOI69 You would be limited to mixing them only with very small very peaceful fish. Also keep in mind that they are an invertebrate. Should your fish need a disease treatment against parasites, this medication would be toxic to shrimp.
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
Is it normal for cherry barbs to hide and stay in the corner of the tank ? Pls help
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+REAPERBOI69 The current most dominant male Cherry Barb within the community of fish you listed is the reason this male is hiding. Adding a little more structure and/or some plants to your tank may help.
Rylie Attrell
Rylie Attrell - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics I have neons,tetras,pleco and 4 more cherry barbs and yes he does come out to feed but stay low
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+REAPERBOI69 They may hide right after introduction for a short while. What other species are they are being kept with? Do they come out to feed?
Danna Cavell
Danna Cavell - 8 years ago
Do you have any good tips for blue velvet shrimp and red cherry shrimp? I haven't been able to find any good information and I'm looking on getting some.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Danna Cavell There is good information available online; you could Google “aquarium shrimp keeping”. We came across some very helpful care information, certainly much more than we can post for you here. Enjoy shrimp keeping!
AQUAPASS - 8 years ago
New design is so cool ;-)
BSearls2011 - 8 years ago
5 gal min for 1 betta...and the blue gorami is actually not. what was pictured that was the opaline which will easily get 6in
grassfish01 - 8 years ago
Also they get aggressive
BSearls2011 - 8 years ago
5 gal min for 1 betta...and the blue gorami is actually not. what was pictured that was the opaline which will easily get 6in
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+BSearls2011 T.trichopterus is the scientific name for 3 Spot, Blue, Opaline and Gold Gouramis, which are all the same species. We were simply referring to one of the common names. Please see our comment in this thread re: betta habitat size.
Jonathan D. R. Hall-Neal-Bayne
Jonathan D. R. Hall-Neal-Bayne - 8 years ago
Pretty sad that you're perpetuating 1 gallon tanks for Bettas. WRONG.
ArodWingfoot - 8 years ago
+nmmyers1 okay. thanks. I'm still new to fish keeping.
nmmyers1 - 8 years ago
+ArodWingfoot no you don't if he or she is good and happy that mean your good.
ArodWingfoot - 8 years ago
+nmmyers1 I have 3 betta in a aqueon betta falls tank and they seem perfectly content but I'm new to this. should I get the something bigger?
nmmyers1 - 8 years ago
+Fluval Aquatics my betta is in a 3 gallon or 4 gallon and we have a house for him and it takes up space and I have a goldfish and he had a cloudy tank and so we taked half of the water in the tank and we put cloudy stuff in it and it really
Worked and he is a happy fish he just needs food and a clean tank a he will be a happy big fish and I got something to ask you " is there different gold fish out there?"
nmmyers1 - 8 years ago
I have my betta in a 3gallon or 4
Arib H
Arib H - 8 years ago
When will people learn that the minimum is 2.5 gallons heated and filtered? ; (
Rina! - 8 years ago
+wyzemann Yeah, that's...unfortunately very true. I was one such shopper and I'm glad I looked up more info - my betta's now in a 5g with java moss and he's so much healthier.
wyzemann - 8 years ago
Even if Fluval took a hard stand against 1 gal betta tanks, the difference would be negligible. I'm so used to standing in line at various fish/pet stores watching customers buy bettas in a bowl like they're going out of style. There's very little point convincing shoppers better alternative betta keeping methods when they only see how dirt cheap and ubiquitous they are.
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Jonathan D. R. Hall-Neal-Bayne (Johnny) While we mention that bettas can be kept in 1-2 gallon tanks (with proper water changes and heating), we condone going bigger as referenced in our specific Betta Care video:
Daniel Batchelor
Daniel Batchelor - 8 years ago
what about goldfish
Johnbob Ebola
Johnbob Ebola - 8 years ago
Daniel Batchelor if you have a 35-40 gal 1 fancy goldfish might be one to consider. Only 1 though!
Daniel Batchelor
Daniel Batchelor - 8 years ago
Yeah maybe ur right sorry
wyzemann - 8 years ago
Nah, they can get way too big (up to a ft.). They're best kept in a outdoor pond.
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Excellent and well presented video. Thanks for sharing.
Jake Didd
Jake Didd - 8 years ago
I have a female dwarf gourami but it is shy so what can I do to Boost her confidence. (She has no illness) Can you help me.
Jake Didd
Jake Didd - 8 years ago
Thank for your help! I'm going to get some live plants for her . She is with guppies and neon tetra
Fluval Aquatics
Fluval Aquatics - 8 years ago
+Diddsta HD You can help her by providing some natural cover, like live plants. This is especially important if she is in the same aquarium as a male. You should also ensure that her tank mates are not fast moving or aggressive feeders.
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
I love neons! Glad you like them too.
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 8 years ago
:p i had 4, (i didnt have more cuz to little aquarium) and 2 have died
we think its a "Disease" in the aquarium
cant remember if it was "Disease" in english :p
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 8 years ago
I have 2 of them. They are pretty cool too.
Lazy Weeb
Lazy Weeb - 8 years ago
+Neon Tetra Aquarist What about CardinalTetra?

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