Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes
Pets & Animals 7 years ago 74,047 views
Everybody likes friendly fish in aquariums and some like weird or beautiful one. Now there are some giant fish in the world and in the forest rivers there are many called river monsters. Some hobbyist keep these fish in aquariums and ponds. Some of them are very dangerous and attack humans while some others don't. People do keep these fish in aquariums when they are young but as they grow up they need there own larger aquariums or big good quality ponds. I have made a list of some of the freshwater fish that people keep in aquariums and grows to large sizes. Watch this Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes video and find out which fish are giants and rulers of aquariums as they grow up. Also tell me about your favorite one. You can jump and skip the sections by clicking on the timestamp against the topic you want to watch. 10. Common Goldfish 0:38 9. Bala Sharks 1:20 8. Tiger Oscar 2:02 7. Plecostomus 2:50 6. Clown Loaches 3:35 5. Koi 4:30 4. Arowana 5:24 3. Red tail Catfish 6:06 2. Gar Fish 7:04 1. Arapaima 8:10 Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make Crowd Funding Donations Here at Finysel: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Youtube channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Retro Dreamscape by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:
And my paroon shark reached 5ft, and I believe I had given them a bigger pond they would have reached 6ft
10. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes
20. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes
people from outside the usa do make YouTube videos
dont LIKE his vids
It's all wrong information
Ayalude estathinu ayal endoke parayunu
Videos upload cheyuvan Njanum plan cheyuva
Malayali anengil enjane mandatharam kanikila
30. comment for Top 10 Aquarium Fish that grows to Large Sizes
but there are fishes even larger than these fishes which are kept in aquariums
your video is totally messed up
Fishes like Pacu,Mekong giant catfish etc are even larger and are kept in aquariums and did u forget the iridescent shark which is a very common fish kept in aquariums and can grow to a large size
The information you gave are all correct except arowana and the list is also a bit messed up and jumbled
And there are many types of arowana
which arowana were u talking about?
Pls try to improve
I am saying this because I think I could help u with this
U said u came up with non aggressive.
Are arapaima ,arowana's and Oscars non aggressive
Arapaima,arowana's and Oscars are more than aggressive
I told u try to improve
Let me ask u something have u ever seen an arapaima in local pet store in India or any zoo's in india
The details of the fishes are correct but the list isn't correct
that's all I have to say
There are even larger aquarium fishes than koi and common gold fish
And u don't need a week to make a incorrect list like this
If u have taken a week u could have made a better list
It's crazy