Today we unbox more fish for the aquarium gallery. I had to skip a rack to get to this one, but its worth it. More fish on the way this week! Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQYERoMVN3k SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

UNBOXING MY SECRET FISH sentiment_very_dissatisfied 363

Pets & Animals 7 years ago 413,015 views

Today we unbox more fish for the aquarium gallery. I had to skip a rack to get to this one, but its worth it. More fish on the way this week! Last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQYERoMVN3k SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com

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Most popular comments

Tony Soprano
Tony Soprano - 7 years ago
Joey do you use Ro water for discus?
Max West
Max West - 7 years ago
Tony Soprano go to discus breeding vid
Jack Videos
Jack Videos - 7 years ago
What temperature do these discus like?
Max West
Max West - 7 years ago
Jack Videos 28
Harry - 7 years ago
Its gunna be angelfish on the top tank
JOEY9566 - 7 years ago
Rafwell Espinosa
Rafwell Espinosa - 7 years ago
morteza wakilzadeh
morteza wakilzadeh - 7 years ago
where can i order some fish?'
Serenity King
Serenity King - 7 years ago
Thank you so much
Clifton Aquilina
Clifton Aquilina - 7 years ago
i love Dragonface Pipefish with what i can mixed it
Boiler 1999
Boiler 1999 - 7 years ago
No drip acclimation?
Suzie lynn
Suzie lynn - 7 years ago
Why all the same color??? I love your channel... thank you for sparking my interest again...


Senpai Solo
Senpai Solo - 7 years ago
I would love for him to try salt water aquariums.
Victoria Trejo
Victoria Trejo - 7 years ago
I love those tipe of fish they are so beautiful
KKM - 7 years ago
Serenity King
Serenity King - 7 years ago
Are they top, middle or bottom feeders
ashraf jamal
ashraf jamal - 7 years ago
Serenity King middle and bottom
Austin proulx
Austin proulx - 7 years ago
Get a tank full of neon tetras
marlon march
marlon march - 7 years ago
Hey Joey get some Oscar fish for your collection?
R4wi AJ
R4wi AJ - 7 years ago
marlon march I do. I know that I do.
Suzie lynn
Suzie lynn - 7 years ago
marlon march I agree
fish keeping
fish keeping - 7 years ago
marlon march ya
Robin Hardison
Robin Hardison - 7 years ago
Why did you import discus instead of buying from your good friends at Uncle Sams Discus? Wouldn't there be less risk and cheaper?
ru2005 - 7 years ago
What ever happend to your gold fish?? Like this if ur wondrrjng
shakeval - 7 years ago
Love me some tetras
Asha Sharma
Asha Sharma - 7 years ago
you keeping angel fish aren't you

and what about the new Asian arowana
xXToxic RacoonXx
xXToxic RacoonXx - 7 years ago
You should add rumy nose tetras, the red nose and brownish body would look nice with the new fish


Pennie Wyatt
Pennie Wyatt - 7 years ago
If you just use sharp scissors, there will be a lot less shaking and struggling with the bag. Just MHO
Aaron - 7 years ago
Pennie Wyatt I seriously think that every single time I watch him do an unboxing video!!! And I cringe watching the fish squeeze through the tiny hole that the knife created
Curtis M Howell Jr
Curtis M Howell Jr - 7 years ago
Looks good so far, ready to see it up and running.
Hudson Menne
Hudson Menne - 7 years ago
Challenge: Eat (and swallow) 20 saltine crackers without any water.
DirtyLil Rat
DirtyLil Rat - 7 years ago
your sound is really quiet its hard to here you
FishFish - 7 years ago
*hear (Turn up the volume, and check the volume on the YouTube video)
MisguidedTotalWar - 7 years ago
the arowana is so high up compared to most of the discus hes like the overseer of the tank
THE ONE AND ONLY . - 7 years ago
Chris Holt
Chris Holt - 7 years ago
Can't wait till the Discus tank is completed.
jaffers joy world
jaffers joy world - 7 years ago
Joey where is that red arowana
MegaScubadive - 7 years ago
hey, my favorite type of tetra is the Rosy Red tetra. They look awesome imo
Michael Ransom
Michael Ransom - 7 years ago


proformer - 7 years ago
can you please tell us where you ordered them?
OfficialNefzNetwork - 7 years ago
No he ordered them through 1 fish 2 fish and picked them up from his closest airport
Blood Parrot
Blood Parrot - 7 years ago
He did..
Morgan Hendler
Morgan Hendler - 7 years ago
proformer he probably got them from Uncle Sam's discus, I'm not sure though
Helene Legace
Helene Legace - 7 years ago
Maybe discus vs severum?
Lyndon Berenger
Lyndon Berenger - 7 years ago
Lisaa - 7 years ago
when did you get the other pearl
Pecker - 7 years ago
Randome question what do u think of knife fish?
The amazon eel kind
Lacey Meyer
Lacey Meyer - 7 years ago
cichlids vs discus??
y0ni0 - 7 years ago
It Will be discus vs uaru (poor men's discus)
Ricardo Veiga
Ricardo Veiga - 7 years ago
Wow very nice tank
daniel chen
daniel chen - 7 years ago
When did he get the second arowana????
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
+daniel long dicks xxx months ago
Silvester08 - 7 years ago
Very Cool
Akilesh P Joseph
Akilesh P Joseph - 7 years ago
Acidic level not Alkaline level
Morgan Hendler
Morgan Hendler - 7 years ago
Akilesh P Joseph I think it is alkaline levels
11madeye11 - 7 years ago
add some blue ones.
TheDragiix3 - 7 years ago
I've never seen somebody be so happy and passionate about fish
Jayden's Fishing
Jayden's Fishing - 7 years ago
hi joe witch website did you buy you discuss off, just want to have a look.
Emily P
Emily P - 7 years ago
Marlboro reds? Sounds like a smoking habit, but I guess either can be addictive =p
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
Once you get Malawi stack the tank up with ocean rock they will love it and it helps buffer the water
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas - 7 years ago
Not true m8 by the time the water was acidic enough to dissolve the rock it would be harmful to the fish it's a pretty common misconception. It does happen but the amounts are minute.
Becky SInk
Becky SInk - 7 years ago
Beautiful discus!
They just came from an exporter, long flight, etc. and you put them immediately in with the arowana and ray? What happened to quarantine? I'm just saying...
LPSAnnieTV - 7 years ago
Becky SInk please listen to what he says before criticizing
Gohan - 7 years ago
Becky SInk did you not listen to what he said
FlowingDepths - 7 years ago
Dangit, Joey making me want discus now.
Melita M
Melita M - 7 years ago
Dude. Seeing you use a knife to slash open your fish bags is really frustrating to watch. Please, use scissors next time!
Waylon Summers
Waylon Summers - 7 years ago
Aaron I work in a LFS and can tell you from personal experience that it is faster. You flip the bag upside down, showing the bottom of the bag, make one long lateral cut, and then pour. I personally have never cut a fish and the owner has been doing it this way since 1971.
Aaron - 7 years ago
Yeah scissors would be much faster and more efficient. Not too sure what makes people think that haphazardly slashing at a bag with a knife is easier than just cutting the whole top off with scissors. Also then the fish wouldn't have to squeeze through a tiny hole created by the knife.
Melita M
Melita M - 7 years ago
I did think about. What both of you said makes no sense.
LPSAnnieTV - 7 years ago
Melita M he is using it because he needs to get them out as quickly as possible. If he used scissors air would slowly come in and the fish could get more unhealthy. Try to think about these things before you comment
Waylon Summers
Waylon Summers - 7 years ago
Using razor blades to open bags quickly is standard in the industry. Imagine having to slowly cut open 100s of bags at a time with scissors or you could make sure the fish is not in the way and give a quick swipe to the air pocket.
Ignacio G.M.
Ignacio G.M. - 7 years ago
Altum angels


alex an
alex an - 7 years ago
ralph van Noort
ralph van Noort - 7 years ago
I think he is gonna get himself Some angels in the tank above the discus tank. Good choise! I have 4 koi angels in my tank
Cyriel Rutten
Cyriel Rutten - 7 years ago
what happened to the discus in your big white sump?
Taryn Kottelenberg
Taryn Kottelenberg - 7 years ago
I ate them
Cold Company
Cold Company - 7 years ago
Discus vs. Angel fish!
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
Stijn De Smet
Stijn De Smet - 7 years ago
Jessie Corceles
Jessie Corceles - 7 years ago
That's great I'll try to visit some other pet shops or maybe there is somewhere in the black market around here selling less than a thousand , if i can't find it . I will surely PM you on how to order discus from where you're at . Thanks for the info by the way.
Daryl Asanza
Daryl Asanza - 7 years ago
Jessie Corceles does not seem that expensive. 20 euros minimum here and they're not even big.
UcSkills Gaming
UcSkills Gaming - 7 years ago
I subbed
eric creations
eric creations - 7 years ago
can you give me one of them
MDP91 - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, what branches are you using? Love that idea.
Orinj Fish
Orinj Fish - 7 years ago
Would love to see your process quarantining your a fish. What chemicals you use? How long you quarantine? That would be very helpful and informational. Thanks, Joey!
PixieRealm - 7 years ago
Taryn Kottelenberg
Taryn Kottelenberg - 7 years ago
David Perrin
David Perrin - 7 years ago
Sorry about your arrowana
MarcuzPlayz_ ROBLOX
MarcuzPlayz_ ROBLOX - 7 years ago
Why is a arowana in the tank?
Jonathan Kornausser
Jonathan Kornausser - 7 years ago
With the branches, withe substrate and those discus will look like an autum forest
TheDagone2 - 7 years ago
hey joey how can I order fish to the us virgin island (St. Croix)? if you know any websites the would ship to the Caribbean I would be very grateful for the info.
Pharell Bowman
Pharell Bowman - 7 years ago
TheDagone2 my mum can
ixyzpilot - 7 years ago
same here ur gonna add angels but i bet for scalare not altum, although altums are prettier
Geoffrey Ashton
Geoffrey Ashton - 7 years ago
A school of Red Serpae Tetras is what I kept with my discus, and they would be stellar with your Marlboro Reds! They are fiesty little fish with great personality that are not so active that they spook the discus. One of my favorites!
Kat Cetera
Kat Cetera - 7 years ago
What exactly does "get rid of" mean.......... Hmmm...... I know culling has to happen, especially if you breed but I'd like to know what other fish keepers do if there isn't a market to sell them.
Helene Legace
Helene Legace - 7 years ago
He mentioned bringing them to 1 Fish 2 Fish so others could get a chance to have some discus.
Ted Scott
Ted Scott - 7 years ago
ALTUMS! Woot, please tell me you're getting some of those German F2 Altums.
James Hodge
James Hodge - 7 years ago
Oh yeah give the fish store your rejects. Yeah I'll be happy with that.
Jarod Morse
Jarod Morse - 7 years ago
Angels vs Discus!!
Greg Meredith
Greg Meredith - 7 years ago
Probably keeping the uaru above the discus
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
Malosky 80
Malosky 80 - 7 years ago
darn it, u got me hooked on fish now, i been breeding reptiles for many years and now i want to add a giant fish tank. Someone recommend, how long of fish keeping experience would i need would before i should keep Blue Arowana?
Brenley Equestrian
Brenley Equestrian - 7 years ago
Malosky 80 SAME
Sleepy cx
Sleepy cx - 7 years ago
Malosky 80 Personally I have no clue but as long as you have all the research done and and access to many different sources of help you could have one asap imo
JTINY10 - 7 years ago
Bro do u lift or naw lol. love these new tanks
Sean Sevasta
Sean Sevasta - 7 years ago
Yay finally
Reyna Glover
Reyna Glover - 7 years ago
rummynose tetra? the red on both the tetra and discus will look so so beautiful. everyone does cardinals with discus.... but whatever you choose will be awesome I know it!
Prathmesh Bhurke
Prathmesh Bhurke - 7 years ago
Love discus .. I would like to keep some in my 80 gallon tank.
MrCrazygurls - 7 years ago
Your muscles are distracting lol
Pablo Pachon
Pablo Pachon - 7 years ago
Don´t know if its just me but I think the videos need an increase in volume in comparison with another youtube videos. Loving the content anyways!
Jakob Olsen
Jakob Olsen - 7 years ago
you should set up a brackish water tank with archerfish.
adeer siddiqui
adeer siddiqui - 7 years ago
how do you "Medicate the Food"
Mercedes Mendoza
Mercedes Mendoza - 7 years ago
It looks great
Sam Spilde
Sam Spilde - 7 years ago
Get rummy nose tetras!
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 7 years ago
Amanda Schwartz
Amanda Schwartz - 7 years ago
This looks awesome!!!
Lime Rock
Lime Rock - 7 years ago
Don't Discus eat tetras?
nivin varghese
nivin varghese - 7 years ago
do you buy a new arowana
Shavon Zalduondo
Shavon Zalduondo - 7 years ago
Can they share a tank with an angelfish?
Shavon Zalduondo
Shavon Zalduondo - 7 years ago
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta thank you!
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta
Dale Ella Erica Zapanta - 7 years ago
Shavon Zalduondo yes..
amzy320 - 7 years ago
You're making me want to get into fish and do it properly. Your tanks look amazing!
Doris Kingdom
Doris Kingdom - 7 years ago
amzy320 m
Sophie Sapphire
Sophie Sapphire - 7 years ago
Uraru up top?
Cameron Basford
Cameron Basford - 7 years ago
Maaaaaaan get some scissors. Watching you use that knife was killing me.
Love the choice in fish and look forward to seeing them in the 120.
Chris Nochance
Chris Nochance - 7 years ago
Cameron Basford Waiting on him to cut off a finger or stab himself in the eye...
Curtis Mercier
Curtis Mercier - 7 years ago
buy some rummy nose tetra it would look cool with discus
Want In it
Want In it - 7 years ago
Plz make a video on arowona difference between mail and female
Chris Nochance
Chris Nochance - 7 years ago
Want In it he’s already covered that in a prior video
Slothz - 7 years ago
Want In it he did he is not so good at male or female
stanko jovicic
stanko jovicic - 7 years ago
i always wonder how u add your fish u just dump them dont you water acclimate them?
Sophie Sapphire
Sophie Sapphire - 7 years ago
stanko jovicic he temperature acclimated them, but the water quality is consistent enough for them to be fine.
stanko jovicic
stanko jovicic - 7 years ago
as in the store he buys from?
Makai Plummer
Makai Plummer - 7 years ago
stanko jovicic all his water is the same as in the fish room
Komet Lee
Komet Lee - 7 years ago
You need some Philippines blue angelfish on top to offset all the red!!
Komet Lee
Komet Lee - 7 years ago
Why soo many red fish?
Kristan Woonijk
Kristan Woonijk - 7 years ago
I think you love the color red :P
Daniel Araneda
Daniel Araneda - 7 years ago
Hey! Where do you get those discus?!?
Mr. Patil
Mr. Patil - 7 years ago
Awesome tank setup at the very beginning ! Loved it
Dany Ramdhanie
Dany Ramdhanie - 7 years ago
When did you get that AROWANA?

100. comment for UNBOXING MY SECRET FISH

Splitter101 - 7 years ago
anyone remember when joey wore a blue DIY shirt and used a green screen with the background that looked like jeopardy?
[] Doveen the Fox[]
[] Doveen the Fox[] - 7 years ago
Ever wanted to try breeding Betta fish? They are highly valuable as really fancy fish by many collectors and pet stores!
Jason Fontaine
Jason Fontaine - 7 years ago
Angels up top. What about bloodfin or rummy nose tetras for the small additions?
Jay Hoogy
Jay Hoogy - 7 years ago
I LOVE DISCUS!! You inspired me to get my own a year ago and its been amazing
DeVon Frazier
DeVon Frazier - 7 years ago
And have you ever considered getting eels??
jermaine kardel
jermaine kardel - 7 years ago
hope to see some high quality goldfish out there in 1 of your tanks.
Ponnus David
Ponnus David - 7 years ago
what do you do when they get diseases?
Ponnus David
Ponnus David - 7 years ago
how to clean those tanks?
James D
James D - 7 years ago
Love the video! No scissors? The tano blades cool though.
Jeffrey Boster
Jeffrey Boster - 7 years ago
Cool Dude! :-)
jave - 7 years ago
where can i buy discus frys in california ?
Chris Nochance
Chris Nochance - 7 years ago
jave They’ve won national awards for their fish. Joey has even done a few shows from there when they unboxed a shipment. They travel monthly to buy the best fish. They get them small so they adapt to water parameters easier.
jave - 7 years ago
thanks ill take a look at it
Chris Nochance
Chris Nochance - 7 years ago
jave Uncle Sams Discus on Facebook
Jpadilla05 - 7 years ago
jave loud of places, fb has a lot of fish groups if you have it
Jeremy Robinson
Jeremy Robinson - 7 years ago
Sick !!!
Billyobot 2455
Billyobot 2455 - 7 years ago
You should get an app where you have an aquarium and you start off with an empty gallery and you keep upgrading and buying more fish and aquariums
Ashley DeFrenn
Ashley DeFrenn - 7 years ago
Joey you need to get some paradise gourami (paradise fish) I just got a few and they are by far the most beautiful fish I've kept thus far. Also some clown loaches would look good in the 375 planted aquarium.
Logan - 7 years ago
Was I the only one who went "m in my bank account" after he said eight be honest
Cristopher Gonzalez
Cristopher Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Discus are easy as long as you have good water
Angelfish Unlimited
Angelfish Unlimited - 7 years ago
Your transhipper would have changed the water a couple of days ago, which means ammonia levels aren't that high, oxygen levels are fine, PH may very well be a little low from CO2 buildup but that doesn't change instantly (just like a soda takes a few hours to go flat). At PH below 7.5 you're looking at less than 0.5% deprotonated ammonium (ammonia). Drop and plop acclimation is risking PH shock for no good reason if you aren't paying for labor on the receiving end. I get that it's really popular among discus people, but it's pseudoscience.
Tailor Maid
Tailor Maid - 7 years ago
Been around since the DIY sand waterfall, that's how I found you because I wanted to do it myself
Tailor Maid
Tailor Maid - 7 years ago
I reckon you're gonna go with Koi Angels above the discus, because of the colouring.
So excited to see what you pick though
Jacob Nguyen
Jacob Nguyen - 7 years ago
King diy that doesn't really do any other diys then fish related one very rarely
Jeff A
Jeff A - 7 years ago
Guessing top tank will be angelfish
Platinum Falls
Platinum Falls - 7 years ago
I...I....I forgot what I was gonna say....Damn it
ywjpheej yang
ywjpheej yang - 7 years ago
Sophie Whitton
Sophie Whitton - 7 years ago
TurtleManiac actually, its spelt uaru, like uarujoey, his first YouTube account and his instagram
TurtleManiac - 7 years ago
ywjpheej yang its spelled Ouaru :)
lexi e
lexi e - 7 years ago
(walks by baby flowerhorn) "oh how cute...... Franks better" I'm deadddd XDXD
WiSeR BK CI - 7 years ago
Joey your the best man keep showing the world how its done right
Ian Barnard
Ian Barnard - 7 years ago
Hey joey! You should bring back your app.
Thomas Taw
Thomas Taw - 7 years ago
Get a ell
Jordan Marshall
Jordan Marshall - 7 years ago
How many takes and types of fish do you have. Would like to see a video of that
Chris Nochance
Chris Nochance - 7 years ago
Jordan Marshall watch the channel
Myles M
Myles M - 7 years ago
Im gunna say altum angels in the top tank. Deff angels tho
A dumbass and his bike
A dumbass and his bike - 7 years ago
the shell dwelers ????
Tailor Maid
Tailor Maid - 7 years ago
A dumbass and his bike go back a few videos, they're still around just in a much smaller colony
P RIA - 7 years ago
Cool scaping there. Hopefully that with dither fish is the solution to giving discus a scaped tank without them hiding. I'm sure it'll still be months before the ray and arowana move to the big tank, but just be careful and take extra long quarantine. I won't be patronizing to you because you know how dirty discus can be as carriers but it is easy to miss things with so much exciting stuff going on.
ronmor20 - 7 years ago
What's in the sump of the quarantine tank ?
Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose - 7 years ago
Neons are awsome
Kazuto Nguyen
Kazuto Nguyen - 7 years ago
Joey I have a question I tried to order acme plastic and total was $369 and they said they I have to be at least spend $3131 more to get free shipping $600 shipping cos and I like wow that cost even more then the acrylic it self and there is a place that sell plastic near me and it name polycarbonate clear plastic and I wonder if I can use that to create an aquarium?!?!?!?!
Vivin Urf Baloo
Vivin Urf Baloo - 7 years ago
Kazuto Nguyen no do not use polycarbonate. You could have someone build the acrylic aquarium for you, or u can buy acrylic from a reseller.
If nothing else, glass aquariums are still good for most household aquariums
David Klein
David Klein - 7 years ago
Otopharynx - 7 years ago
Are the uaru going in the top tank? Poor man's discus vs discus?
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones - 7 years ago
Or even a goliath tiger fish
Jillian Hogan
Jillian Hogan - 7 years ago
I love tetras!
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Jillian Hogan Your not alone my friend!
Daniel Roch
Daniel Roch - 7 years ago
How big is your quarentine tank for my own personal knowledge
TurtleManiac - 7 years ago
Daniel Roch I wanna know!
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones - 7 years ago
Finally created an account so I could comment lol been watching all of your videos for a long time though. Love the discus tank you beat me to it lol I ordered a bundle of birch wood sticks to do the same thing a week ago
zacharysperduti - 7 years ago
Where's the Dwarf Caiman you alluded to in November?
Luke Jones
Luke Jones - 7 years ago
Angel Fish on top, what about Rummy's for the discus?
Mel - 7 years ago
Well... I know about tetras only. Also considering they are a schooling fish they need to be in groups of 5 or more or they will be agressive.
Justin Stamboulie
Justin Stamboulie - 7 years ago
Mel yeah they are Rasboras and I have 4
Mel - 7 years ago
Really? Mine a quite shy? Are they rummy nose tetras or rasboras? and how many do you have?
Justin Stamboulie
Justin Stamboulie - 7 years ago
Luke Jones I have rummy noses and they are really vicious
Mel - 7 years ago
Also not to mention they are in the same temp range as discus... so they are very compatable...
Tailor Maid
Tailor Maid - 7 years ago
Mel that's an awesome idea!
Mel - 7 years ago
Yes please! I hope he chooses rummys I think the red noses would look great wth the discus... plus they school really well.
Chris Mintjes
Chris Mintjes - 7 years ago
I believe Black Neons would look nice combined with the Discus.
EnJoY120 - 7 years ago
Joey, what's your day job bro?
EnJoY120 - 7 years ago
I was hoping for something exotic like "Aquatic Erotica" or some clever variant thereof. Or ya know, real estate.
PaperWolf - 7 years ago
i dont think he has one...
Wyatt Masteller
Wyatt Masteller - 7 years ago
Where is the best place to order fish from?
Robert Morley
Robert Morley - 7 years ago
Wyatt Masteller eBay
Xhadow Lord
Xhadow Lord - 7 years ago
Plz inform me that how to increase red color of my discus which is quite low in red coloration.
Tweak back
Tweak back - 7 years ago
Found out about ur channel today, i fking love frank man :D, is he a hard fish to mantain good begginers fish ? i am thinking about getting one for myself
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
Pablo Velasco
Pablo Velasco - 7 years ago
I can't find my yesrerday comment!
harish arora
harish arora - 7 years ago
hey joey, i am planning to build a tank with dimensions 72"l x 30"w x 24"h using a non-tempered 12mm glass. As of plumbing and installing the sump i was planning to do same as you did in your plywood aquarium. Can you suggest me about that sump installation? should i go for it or should i go for any other process(like installing cannister filter)? and i would also like to ask you about bracing of this 224gl tank. how should i brace this tank?
John Roughneen
John Roughneen - 7 years ago
Angelfish above the discus?
Hannah Spannah
Hannah Spannah - 7 years ago
I cringed every time you banged a discus into the tank as you put them into quarantine
Dub Cichlids
Dub Cichlids - 7 years ago
I have never seen that kind of aquascape before it looks great
Peter wong
Peter wong - 7 years ago
The branches look like breeding pipes
Keith Allen
Keith Allen - 7 years ago
Jimi182 - 7 years ago
Joey I am so excited that you got some discus
HammerHeadHD - 7 years ago
Go with neons tetras
#Stephen Tube
#Stephen Tube - 7 years ago
i think rummy nose tetra will look nice
Chuck T
Chuck T - 7 years ago
I'm curious as to why you are taking the risk of quarantining the new discus with your arowana and stingray? If anything is wrong with them both other fish are exposed to it also.
CincinnatiReefer - 7 years ago
I can't believe he would do that either. With all the tanks he has it seems he could have done something else.
Alena Machen
Alena Machen - 7 years ago
Chuck T He answers that in the video. He said they showed up a few days early so their 120 wasn't ready yet, so he had to do it.
Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Angel fishi for upper tank???
cyrusstinson - 7 years ago
Joey, how did you create this aquascape? Thanks!
Cassandra Neal
Cassandra Neal - 7 years ago
Hi Joey!! I am wondering if you have any DIY tips on evacuating large fish in an emergency situation. I live in north Florida and we are getting ready for the call to evacuate depending on where Hurricane Irma will go and do not want to leave my Butterfly Koi behind if/when we have to leave. He is about 14-16 inches long and we are thinking of using a large Rubbermaid tote but we don't know where we might end up or how long we'd have to stay gone. Thank you so much for all you do!
Cassandra Neal
Cassandra Neal - 7 years ago
Thank you both!! As it looks right now we shouldn't have to leave but it's all still up in the air. Just hoping Irma decides to shift North rather than continue west into the Gulf.
Mel - 7 years ago
Luckily Koi are more hardy then other fish, so you have that on your side... I agree with Boxed saying that you should do water changes as much as possible. Plus I would personally use a battery powered bubbler to make sure oxygen levels stay good during transit.
BoxedSarcasm - 7 years ago
Cassandra Neal I would do the tub with circulation, do water changes often as possible, fish can go 2-3 days without filtration
Colton Lee
Colton Lee - 7 years ago
Should consider oscar's there beautiful fish, love your aquarium bro idk how you keep it up
Soosk. S.
Soosk. S. - 7 years ago
kevin PONNOU
kevin PONNOU - 7 years ago
Yesssss i have discus and lovely joey has discus now
Shawn_358 - 7 years ago
I'd assume angelfish for the top, love them
Dylan Thao
Dylan Thao - 7 years ago
Awsome joey!!
Rahul Thachilath
Rahul Thachilath - 7 years ago
Another arowana!!!
itz DRod
itz DRod - 7 years ago
No its called editing he clearly took that video weeks ago and cut it into the rest of the video
Cordell Dugan
Cordell Dugan - 7 years ago
Rahul Thachilath its the same arowana, he got the discus weeks ago and recorded the unboxing and then just put that video into this one when he was ready to show the discus
Rahul Thachilath
Rahul Thachilath - 7 years ago
Cordell Dugan that is one in 2k gallon tank
Cordell Dugan
Cordell Dugan - 7 years ago
Rahul Thachilath nope. Still the same super red
panyawicth maneerat
panyawicth maneerat - 7 years ago
frontosa wiil be very nice for yr top tank
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
Im guessing angelfish
suryadaya chowdhury
suryadaya chowdhury - 7 years ago
Joey the king of Discus , African sicklets, Arowanas and .........more to come.
Bucky's Reptiles
Bucky's Reptiles - 7 years ago
I thought he said sicklets too, but it's actually cichlids
Lizards'n Spiders
Lizards'n Spiders - 7 years ago
suryadaya chowdhury SICKLETS?
SwissChannel - 7 years ago
I have and love angelfish!!!
Please for the top tank :)
Sparkyfish35 - 7 years ago
1st thing: Scissors man. i cringed on every bag you opened with that knife.
2nd: Rummy Nose Tetras are my personal favorite. might be to much red, but I'll leave that to you.
can't wait to see this whole thing come together!
MrIvanbeats - 7 years ago
Rummy Nose are my favorite fish too, such an active fish with awesome colors! :)
demondevon - 7 years ago
they look like fuzzy peach candy
Cagri Ergen
Cagri Ergen - 7 years ago
OMG I love the decor of this tank. Discus will look amazing in it. Great job Joey. This is the reason I follow you and watch your videos. Cant wait to see the finished product.
Mouli R
Mouli R - 7 years ago
Hiiii u r genius i told last viedo you have done it bro
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 7 years ago
Since you will plant it, i will give you my recommendation on the plants:
Staurogyne repens, potamogeton gayi, swords, and some more
pmfsv - 7 years ago
I reckon angel fish as many have but.. Which one? Pterophyllum Altum...
Elliott Gow
Elliott Gow - 7 years ago
What branches are they? The tank looks ace, love this bloke! He really knows his stuff
Salami - 7 years ago
Angel fish in the top tank :)
Lauren Enochs
Lauren Enochs - 7 years ago
I love the depth you created with this tank. With the fish and plants added in i know its going to be beautiful! Can't wait
Erik Nemec
Erik Nemec - 7 years ago
Your videos are great and i would like you to ask, what do you think about Boraras urophthalmoides and Boraras maculatus.Would you like to have them?
ajk23ful - 7 years ago
I know you know what your doing but I do have to ask, if these fish are in quarantine aren't you putting your arrowana at risk of disease by adding them to her tank? I ask only to learn not to critic your system
David Avery
David Avery - 7 years ago
ajk23ful he must trust the people he gets from and he also said he treats his fish anyway so even if they had anything the tank/food would have meds in.
Blank Cuber
Blank Cuber - 7 years ago
ajk23ful i think he trust the people but not sure
Kasimmer - 7 years ago
I've been watching your videos for sometime and have actually been inspired to build my own aquarium.
The question I have is that I have the option to get Lexan (Polybycarbonate) for free. And I've done some research on it on my own but I'm wanting to know in your opinion would it suffice for a 150 Gallon tank?
bohn only's
bohn only's - 7 years ago
theres this thing called scissors;) awesomely informative I love how much i learn on your channel!
Richie Faccio
Richie Faccio - 7 years ago
How big of a tank do a pair of discus require
Austin Avery
Austin Avery - 7 years ago
Richie Faccio at least 50 gallons would be in best interest!
Rob Andrei
Rob Andrei - 7 years ago
The discus king is back at it again with discus fish!!! My eyes are peeled!!!
luke tan
luke tan - 7 years ago
you should put an ornate bichir in your 2k gallon tank. it'd look really nice.
luke tan
luke tan - 7 years ago
just did lol oops
itz DRod
itz DRod - 7 years ago
luke tan did you not watch his last video?
ciaran pepper
ciaran pepper - 7 years ago
Be awesome to see plecos in your tanks or a tank
BoxedSarcasm - 7 years ago
ciaran pepper I have Plecos and they aren't good, they don't clean like people say, they eat and poop while sucking on glass
KikiCatNovelties - 7 years ago
I can't wait to see the Bichir(?) from the recent fish store haul. That thing was really cool and I was so glad you got it!
REEFTUBE - 7 years ago
I'm guessing angelfish in the top tank
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 7 years ago
Angelfish they are!
JyB818 - 7 years ago
I hope you put neons in. I cannot keep them alive for more than a couple of days.
OGxDISMADISMZ1 - 7 years ago
How and where can I get an Asian arowana?
OGxDISMADISMZ1 - 7 years ago
Salami I got that. So where can I get one?
Salami - 7 years ago
If you have more than 2500$ get one
Jordan Sluzki
Jordan Sluzki - 7 years ago
Joey what was the suppliers name I also imported from Bangkok stunning fish you got ther.
EDGY PAPIx - 7 years ago
Would've liked to have seen you get Discus with Blue coloration, the last Discus you had, had similar or more yellow coloration. They still look good and i'm sure they will look stunning when they age. Happy for ya Joey!
David Jones
David Jones - 7 years ago
I don't know if you can get them but there is bright pink neon tetras they would look really cool in there
dawico - 7 years ago
My guess is angels
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson - 7 years ago
I hope it's anglefish
Glen Petrie
Glen Petrie - 7 years ago
Amazing! Long term, I want to to do Discus but right now I am with shell dwellers cichlids based on your office aquarium. Don't think I afford ( ;-( ) the fancy background but I could try using real wood! I am looking at your DIY filter videos; again your new sumps are outside my league
hunting caracal
hunting caracal - 7 years ago
buy a bichir!
Wolfhaven - 7 years ago
hunting caracal he did in the video before this one.
R C - 7 years ago
Discus is my favorite fish also. I am in the middle of upgrading my tank so I can get them again
HengHeng Heng
HengHeng Heng - 7 years ago
Discus will eat the cardinal/neon tetras. Get something bigger. Congo tetras is great!
Wolfhaven - 7 years ago
HengHeng Heng bleeding hearts are wonderful as well.
Bronin - 7 years ago
Uaru vs discus
Teolulz - 7 years ago
discus vs guppies???
Teolulz - 7 years ago
no. guppies.
Austin Avery
Austin Avery - 7 years ago
Teolulz angel fish
ajay classic
ajay classic - 7 years ago
do u have betta fishes ??????
Jack Dixon
Jack Dixon - 7 years ago
When you come to England we'll have to introduce you something we call scissors ;) would make opening those bags much easier lol
Ben Coad
Ben Coad - 7 years ago
i was thinking that see him opening them, a knife really, where a pair of scissors is so much safer and quicker >_>
Victor Hong
Victor Hong - 7 years ago
that is how he became KingOfDIY. Using knife instead of scissors.
ibis otter 273
ibis otter 273 - 7 years ago
Celestial pearl danios
SamHewitt music
SamHewitt music - 7 years ago
I bet you will get angelfish or the poor man's discus the severum
SamHewitt music
SamHewitt music - 7 years ago
So do i! :D i have a big green severum, he's a great fish. probably my favorite fish i own, i call him sevvy and he lives in a 250ltr with a couple other smaller fish.
Neil Zulita
Neil Zulita - 7 years ago
SamHewitt music hahaha. I have that poor man's discus
Zane Nelson
Zane Nelson - 7 years ago
Angle fish
Alex Affat
Alex Affat - 7 years ago
Angelfish for the top of the rack!!! :D
purple creeper ninja
purple creeper ninja - 7 years ago
Angelfish vs discus
Liam Manlowe
Liam Manlowe - 7 years ago
Hi joey
atillaxh - 7 years ago
Joey amazing :) ,,, branches are 3D or real wood brunches ? i guess above the Discuss will be angel fish :)
atillaxh - 7 years ago
Ben C thank you
Ben - 7 years ago
Lee Striker
Lee Striker - 7 years ago
I would actually use a dark substrate if you want their colours to really pop. From my experience a dark substrate does a better Job with that.
MikeyAware - 7 years ago
Honestly Joey, you should give Sewellia species a go. They are a great to keep, especially in a dedicated tank.
David Burnside
David Burnside - 7 years ago
Love the Rasbora, get some neon greens!
D1namite - 7 years ago
Yay! Finally Joey got some discus again
Snicko Ahmed
Snicko Ahmed - 7 years ago
Joey you should get some Aussie fish mate

Rhads, blue eyes, rainbows etc

Zane Nelson
Zane Nelson - 7 years ago
Snicko Ahmed maybe some. Barra or flathead
Tutorial N Fish
Tutorial N Fish - 7 years ago
i like that
Chris Cursed
Chris Cursed - 7 years ago
I will say freshwater angelfish!
BluffinMuffin - 7 years ago
mhale71 - 7 years ago
J Rum
J Rum - 7 years ago
Are you going to put in Sand?
Леха Иванов
Леха Иванов - 7 years ago
Шикарные дискусы
Shaine Ngo
Shaine Ngo - 7 years ago
The one above is clearly an angel fish tank
Krish Ojha
Krish Ojha - 7 years ago
can I keep discus with neon tetra?
can I keep fishes without quarantining coz I don't have a quarantine tank
Mose lawley
Mose lawley - 7 years ago
i have cardinals with my discus looks amazing
Krish Ojha
Krish Ojha - 7 years ago
OK thanks for the information ...
I was about to put cardinals but they are a bit rare in my area
Mose lawley
Mose lawley - 7 years ago
yes, neons go well with discus just makes sure they are a decent size because if the discus can fit them their mouth then they will try. Also you can but its a bit risky, make sure the fish you are getting are in perfect health ect. or you have been watching them in the fish shop for awhile and see no signs of disease ect.
Krish Ojha
Krish Ojha - 7 years ago
Enimsay USrinIA okk thanks
Enimsay USrinIA
Enimsay USrinIA - 7 years ago
Krish Ojha I see many people keep discus with neon tetras so I would say yes. And I also don't quarantine my fishes. Been doing this for years and no problem. But I guess it would be better to quarantine it to check on the fish if it had any problem. But it's okay to not quarantine it ^-^
Alyssa Loyet
Alyssa Loyet - 7 years ago
Did you get the branches and rocks that aren't part of the background from aquadecor? They seem to match perfectly
Krish Ojha
Krish Ojha - 7 years ago
is it Angelfish
Br M
Br M - 7 years ago
Get neons
Hasan Hussain
Hasan Hussain - 7 years ago
Discus v angel fish
Rhyce Dalton
Rhyce Dalton - 7 years ago
Is theta tank going to be stocked with angelfish
ewald Doornebal
ewald Doornebal - 7 years ago
Waroo, you should go for an earthy substrate, matches the aquascape and with the green plants will greatly contrast the bright red discus. red-brown-green is better than white red green.
joseph mifsud
joseph mifsud - 7 years ago
yesssss finaly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 7 years ago
try not to go with neons please. cardinals are good, rasboras are good, but neons like temps a little cooler. they'll be fine, but obviously with higher than optimal temps for them, it's an increased metabolism and a shortened lifespan and a possible increase in disease occurance. 

love ya fam.
BL0ODSUGAR - 7 years ago
Have you every thought about owning a Lion fish?
Ch Vijay Kumar
Ch Vijay Kumar - 7 years ago
I'm soon sad my arowana died yesterday cause of your dalmatian catfish
rhae nathaniel laguio
rhae nathaniel laguio - 7 years ago
Pls put some betta
Adam Neal
Adam Neal - 7 years ago
Uaru (waroo) 100% require approx the same parameters and share the same parenting/breeding habits. Its not uarujoey for nothing.
Olimpia Di Loreto
Olimpia Di Loreto - 7 years ago
You put un-quarantined fish with your expensive arowana?
Olimpia Di Loreto
Olimpia Di Loreto - 7 years ago
Hasan Hussain I saw it but... I would rather ask the store to house them for awhile. There are just so many pathogens out there especially from overseas fish, I wouldn't have taken the risk on that expensive aro. I did it once and I regret it (it wasn't an aro but still).
Hasan Hussain
Hasan Hussain - 7 years ago
Olimpia Di Loreto if you watch the video he explains why he did that and why it isn't going to be so bad.
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
Yhhh boyyyy I new he was going to get some discus
pancudowny - 7 years ago
I go out on a limb here, and say it again: Parrot Cichlids.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
pancudowny they be so cool to see
Karim Soto
Karim Soto - 7 years ago
Angelfish tank I guess and I hope
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Karim Soto yer I am thinking that too .. be nice some big ones
pancudowny - 7 years ago
Karim Soto Same here....
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
The background and branches look amazing, cant wait to see the end result with the discus in there
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Aquatics And furries I bet his next video will be then going in the tank
MandysMenagerie - 7 years ago
I knnnew you were going to get discus again, Just knew it
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
MandysMenagerie he got to .all them tanks u have to have them
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 7 years ago
Angel fish is my guess
Nick Hollister
Nick Hollister - 7 years ago
Joey, Thank you for these vids. I am not very much into the fish keeping hobby but these videos have definitely inspired me to follow my interests. Thank you and I look forward to seeing more content.
Bryan Coucill
Bryan Coucill - 7 years ago
Is it possible to keep one predator fish in a 55 gallon by himself? If so, can you recommend me some? I live in Canada too.
Matt Vella
Matt Vella - 7 years ago
L number pleco tank
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Matt Vella oh they be nice L24s are nice too and big
Matt Vella
Matt Vella - 7 years ago
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Matt Vella L114 would be great
jfpFriis - 7 years ago
Joey, where did you buy those treetrunk decor ? I have a discus tank myself and I think it would be amazing to add some of those!
Wira Agung Yuwana
Wira Agung Yuwana - 7 years ago
jfpFriis aquadecor make that

Just like his background
Admin Playmaker
Admin Playmaker - 7 years ago
Dude..careful with the knife dude..u worried me..
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
yeah, only a few inches from his throat a couple of times... CRINGE!!! lol
heriberto romero
heriberto romero - 7 years ago
Admin Playmaker right! He needs to sharpen it or use scissors instead
matthew pace
matthew pace - 7 years ago
You should put some german blue rams with the discuss. They are beautiful and they can handle the same water temperature as the discuss.
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
matthew pace oh wow that would love out standing
Similar Rose
Similar Rose - 7 years ago
What happened to those discus that were in that big filter thing in the house?
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
Why is the Aruana if that's how u spell it out of the 2 thousand gallon ??
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
Alright kk I get it now
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Jess Goodwin it is ok , not getting st you just helping you and answering your question that's all
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
That same tank he just put the discus in she was in there I thought she wasn't in there anymore
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
And my question was why in this video was she in the smaller one with the little sting ray I do each his videos u know
Jess Goodwin
Jess Goodwin - 7 years ago
No I know that one died but he had another one and he moved frank out the big tank I know that but I thought that the smaller aruana moved into the massive tank he has got now
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Buddy passed away so he ended up moving frank out the big tank and then to new smaller one in to the big tank
Scientific Mastermind
Scientific Mastermind - 7 years ago
Jess Goodwin it died remember
Fabfour - 7 years ago
he said at the beginning, it was 4 weeks ago.
angel cruz
angel cruz - 7 years ago
You should put in some ember tetras they would look really nice with the red discus
zenica hernando
zenica hernando - 7 years ago
alright! discus!
Ashok Ilango Ilango
Ashok Ilango Ilango - 7 years ago
Lovely secrets...
Gareth Van Heerden
Gareth Van Heerden - 7 years ago
I think its going to be angel fish, awesome job Joey love watching your videos.
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
again remember joey is colorblind so he doesnt see the fish color well
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
MaxxL ? He did a video long time ago explaining it
MaxxL ?
MaxxL ? - 7 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth i think he can see red it depends on what tyoe of color blindness he is
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth great pinky
MrEvilgerbal13 - 7 years ago
Not a fan of you cutting towards yourself and not away from your body. Lead by example please.
MrEvilgerbal13 - 7 years ago
natalie r so asking someone to be safe and responsible with a knife is frowned upon? Remind me to not promote you to director of operations and safety.
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
Seriously? It's not like he's going to let go of the knife and pierce his eye, when have you ever heard a story of this golden rule taking place?
James Smith
James Smith - 7 years ago
Wow! Im so excited with your new discus! Im still with discus too! Yeay! Cant wait for more discus videos! Keep it up DIY!
XxSwagGamersxX - 7 years ago
how often should I do water changes for a 55 gallon tank
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
25% a week would be great .. don't matter on the size it is still the same 25% water change
natalie r
natalie r - 7 years ago
Just do it weekly, even with a small amount of fish. Size of the fish and the species matters just as much as how many you have. You don't want buildup, you don't want a lot of water to be gone from evaporation, and you need to maintain new tanks regularly for the success of the aquarium.
XxSwagGamersxX - 7 years ago
I don't have a lot of fish right now lol only like 5 can I do it like every 2 weeks ?
kyle Griffiths
kyle Griffiths - 7 years ago
XxSwagGamersxX really the amount of water shouldn't matter.... Just the usual 25-50% weekly will do
Kieron Lim
Kieron Lim - 7 years ago
Angelfish or Uaru is my guess
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
dont really like that discus aquarium looks more like from mangroves in sea water or in swamps
jayDc000 - 7 years ago
I get that you like to quarantine new fish... but your putting them straight in with your arro and ray that are already "quarantined" another QT or put clean fish in system temporarily as the the main reason to quarantine is so they are not going straight in to large system and putting a disease though it.
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
Joey is the best at what he does, but look at how many friggin tanks he has!!! this was simply a careless mistake while his head wasn't right(it would have been the time of Buddy's passing)...
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
BRUH he explained it to us already that they came too early
Ray Thomas Kabigting
Ray Thomas Kabigting - 7 years ago
Aside from the great tanks, Joey's gains are really inspiring also lol
tarabundi - 7 years ago
I purchased a eheim professional 4+ 600 I installed it and it works for 1 minutes then turns stops working for 5 mins and starts again it keeps doing it !! Can anyone help ??
Bhanupratapsingh Bhanupratapsingh
Bhanupratapsingh Bhanupratapsingh - 7 years ago
Sir why don't you have a koi carp tank.
MrTimeLapse Fish Productions
MrTimeLapse Fish Productions - 7 years ago
Bhanupratapsingh Bhanupratapsingh because he lives in Canada. Kois are pond fish not aquarium fish :)
Downey's Cove
Downey's Cove - 7 years ago
Favorite tank setup so far! Very cool!
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Downey's Cove it is going to be really nice when the sand is in tom
Rascal 37
Rascal 37 - 7 years ago
Or add endler's livebearer in it with the discus
Nals - 7 years ago
Betting Uaru are going on the top! hehehe
Obi One Kenobi
Obi One Kenobi - 7 years ago
i get the feeling it will be altums. never heard of people clashing over uaru and discus
Rascal 37
Rascal 37 - 7 years ago
I have a red discus too and I mix it with my small fantail fish it looks good
BlueyFishing - 7 years ago
when i heard that he is getting discuss again i was so exited i hope it all goes well joey. :)
FishTanks704 - 7 years ago
Discus vs angle fish
Chasing Adventures
Chasing Adventures - 7 years ago
Snow Flake
Snow Flake - 7 years ago
Charlie hofmeester
Charlie hofmeester - 7 years ago
Chrek Sathya
Chrek Sathya - 7 years ago
Asian arowana and sting gray
Dark shadows 123
Dark shadows 123 - 7 years ago
Chrek Sathya ray not gray
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 7 years ago
My guess is Angels on top probably Altums
Chasing Adventures
Chasing Adventures - 7 years ago
yes thats what i thought. angel fish. i personally like angel fish more the look way more exotic
Mogamat Damons
Mogamat Damons - 7 years ago
no substrate at that size Joey....love the decor for the discus though!
Shahbaz Hussain
Shahbaz Hussain - 7 years ago
When r u gonna put up your next video
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Shahbaz Hussain he makes 2-3 a week
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
oh my goodness those branches... the colors show off the discus' colors so well. Man this wall is going to be a masterpiece.
chazyronnie - 7 years ago
yes Discus
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
chazyronnie they are really nice
Bring back Vine
Bring back Vine - 7 years ago
chazyronnie 8 seconds ago
Makeup Mobster
Makeup Mobster - 7 years ago
Urau damn I can't spell it, you know what I mean. Your channels URL! Those are the top fish.
Asher Chong
Asher Chong - 7 years ago
Wait, where's the arowana when u showed the discus the second time?
Garrison Smith
Garrison Smith - 7 years ago
Asher Chong he put it in the 2100
Sarah Fanion
Sarah Fanion - 7 years ago
This tank's gonna look amazing!
Collins Aquatic Hobby
Collins Aquatic Hobby - 7 years ago
Did he ever say where the Uaru were going because he picked up a group of those with the Bishur at 1 fish 2 fish.
jonathan tourgelis
jonathan tourgelis - 7 years ago
17Deninho94 - 7 years ago
Also my first guess
Gilbert Banuelos
Gilbert Banuelos - 7 years ago
jonathan tourgelis I was thinking that too.
Kat - 7 years ago
Tank goals!
J. S.
J. S. - 7 years ago
This will easily becme my favorite tank!!
Torachi Lyncaster
Torachi Lyncaster - 7 years ago
Oh my god, I can't wait to see this tank in all it's glory. I really just love how you have it set up to look almost like tree trunks growing out of the water. It's gonna be amazing!
Kekistani Freedom Fighter 01
Kekistani Freedom Fighter 01 - 7 years ago
knife scene terrified me my man like. EYES ON THE BLADE DONT CUT TOWARDS YOURSELF! cool video
magzire - 7 years ago
Kekistani Freedom Fighter 01 there's a really cool invention that's perfect for the job, a sisscors!
max maas
max maas - 7 years ago
Puth your discus that are in your big sump in that 120 gl in aqaruim wall with the red discus
andresc123 - 7 years ago
angels on top?
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
Put Angel Fish on Top.. they're my favorites..!
J. S.
J. S. - 7 years ago
Oh, yay, I love these fish! I am so happy you have some!!!!!!XD
Daymian P
Daymian P - 7 years ago
Hi Can you keep Discus in a 65 gallon tank? If yes, how many would you recommend if I have 4 small angel fish in my tank?
Gypsy Morrill
Gypsy Morrill - 7 years ago
what do you use to medicate their food? Thanks
guacamole - 7 years ago
So many tanks are just to type of fish in one type/colours and ps and you just show the salt water tank somthimes and where are the shelldethlers
guacamole - 7 years ago
Is the other fish Angelfish because the what i thought when you said two fish that do head to head in the fish community
Nancy Campbell
Nancy Campbell - 7 years ago
This makes me so happy. I have been quietly wishing that you'd get some discus and share them with us.
Mark Derail
Mark Derail - 7 years ago
Definitely going to be Angel fish on top, Joey already has two rows of Cichlids
HomeGrown - 7 years ago
Either way I would of put the discus in the top tank, due to the fact they will always get spooked that low. AND Y O U KNOW IT!!!!Wondering why you didn't put them up top?
michael wigginton
michael wigginton - 7 years ago
A school of discus would look so awesome in the 2 thousand gallon
Marisol Nalmy
Marisol Nalmy - 7 years ago
William Chalmers
William Chalmers - 7 years ago
michael wigginton yes that would be awesome
Nate - 7 years ago
Flame tetras
Barvinok Tatiana
Barvinok Tatiana - 7 years ago
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Amazing fish joey. That tank is going to look awesome and with all those fish
rocki laflare
rocki laflare - 7 years ago
dude all the comments about his arowana that he has been had...
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
dontask996 - 7 years ago
I'm going to go with Cichilids. < A< Personally, I'm a goldfish person. xD
704 Fish Keeper
704 Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Serpae tetras with the discus?
Alex Lee
Alex Lee - 7 years ago
I hope I'm not the only one who realized that he has monster biceps .
Red Glove Productions
Red Glove Productions - 7 years ago
Giulian Russo
Giulian Russo - 7 years ago
He got another Asian arowana
Dylan Eagles
Dylan Eagles - 7 years ago
thats the 1 thats in the 2000g now
KDRfootball - 7 years ago
I noticed that
Andy Pastuszak
Andy Pastuszak - 7 years ago
Kushina87 - 7 years ago
You're getting Angels? :)
kittenjewel101 - 7 years ago
kittenjewel101 - 7 years ago
Dagma Martinez
Dagma Martinez - 7 years ago
jjhill001 - 7 years ago
No quarantine from the arowana?
savannah hodgkiss
savannah hodgkiss - 7 years ago
He already had it
Dafoose - 7 years ago
Circular story syndrome.
Owen Morrison
Owen Morrison - 7 years ago
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
I missed it. He got another arowana?
Rachel Dollison
Rachel Dollison - 7 years ago
Yeah, only part of the video was, so it could have been missed. :)
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 7 years ago
Gotcha i guess these were just filmed in a weird order. Thank you. I missed where he said anytning about filming it early
FunkyMunky1137 - 7 years ago
That was the blood red that he has in the 2000g now and had in the plywood 375 for a few months. He mentioned he filmed that when he got the discus about 3 weeks ago and didn't yet have his quarantine tank set up so he added them to the arowana/stingray grow out tank.
Tyler lundgren
Tyler lundgren - 7 years ago
RM Aquatics his had it for a bit we just didn't see it because he was growing it out and letting it color up
Rachel Dollison
Rachel Dollison - 7 years ago
That's the red that's already in the 2k in previous videos after Buddy passed.
Aquatic Hobbyist
Aquatic Hobbyist - 7 years ago
Would love to see some leaf litter in the discus tank
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Joey are they going to be angle fish
Rachel Dollison
Rachel Dollison - 7 years ago
Uaru are going in the bottom of the first rack, watch the video just prior to this Oarfish36. I also think it will be angelfish!
Quin Hanna
Quin Hanna - 7 years ago
I think it's the Uaru fish, a.k.a. poor-man's discus.
Daniel bilawchuk
Daniel bilawchuk - 7 years ago
the volume on your recent vidoes has been super quiet just a heads up
Butterflies & rainbows
Butterflies & rainbows - 7 years ago
Daniel bilawchuk Not on my end. It is super loud!
Phillip&Shaun's tanks tanks
Phillip&Shaun's tanks tanks - 7 years ago
Alsome can't wait to see the tank set completed,cool
Aren Chua
Aren Chua - 7 years ago
1039 the aerowana tried to bite the discus lel and he said the aerowana iz friendly
LUKE'S TV - 7 years ago
i coudlnt see anything, he didnt even move fast, stop lying kid
Syafeeq Said
Syafeeq Said - 7 years ago
so Angelfish on the top?
Bruski305 - 7 years ago
It's gotta be angelfish. Only thing that would make sense in a "vs" tank. Plus, they like similar water conditions to the discus which would make sense since the two tanks are connected
Jeanne Gene
Jeanne Gene - 7 years ago
Freshwater pipe fish would be dope
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
Had some discus a few year back....there bloody one paired up and started bullying the rest....and one by one they started to die.... :/ I'll stick to koi from now on
Stan R
Stan R - 7 years ago
Hmm discuss are getting my attention.
Daniel Rosenthal
Daniel Rosenthal - 7 years ago
Wild Altum angels!
Whunter22 - 7 years ago
Is this guy on drugs???
Whunter22 - 7 years ago
Diana Is Okay I hope that's it!
Whunter22 - 7 years ago
Chimefish yes exactly VERY hyper!!
Whunter22 - 7 years ago
Adrian Joseph ok thanks man he seems hyper to me lol.
Diana Is Okay
Diana Is Okay - 7 years ago
nope just passionate about his hobby
Chimefish - 7 years ago
Yea, I think he's just excited XD Tho compared to his videos from a few years ago, he's practically hyper
Adrian Joseph
Adrian Joseph - 7 years ago
Whunter22 I think he's just hyped on his fish. YouTubers almost allways seem a little weird since they are trying to connect with an audience that isn't physically present. They have to create a vibe and keep things moving all on their own. It's not easy.
ASHE - 7 years ago
Whunter22 why do you say
Travis Wells
Travis Wells - 7 years ago
Now every vid ima think u hiding something from us
Joshua Ch.
Joshua Ch. - 7 years ago
Please get a Betta fish!!!
Lavinia de Mortalium
Lavinia de Mortalium - 7 years ago
8D put it in a hundred gallon tank!

jk. But imagine!
Qua Phan
Qua Phan - 7 years ago
Discus can go in with the arrowana in the 2000g tank??
RedDragonTotalwar and gaming
RedDragonTotalwar and gaming - 7 years ago
what is that arrowana doing in that tank with just a stingray
Rachel Dollison
Rachel Dollison - 7 years ago
The part of the video where he was unboxing the discus was from like 3 weeks ago. That's his smaller red arrowana who is already in the 2k now that Buddy passed. The smaller stingray needs to grow out more before going in with them all though.
Emanuel Salgado
Emanuel Salgado - 7 years ago
RedDragonTotalwar and gaming he is growing them later he will put them in the 2000g tank
PSN Studios
PSN Studios - 7 years ago
I think the fish on top may be some angelfish
Matt Parker
Matt Parker - 7 years ago
I love Joey, but his grammar is getting to me. You didn't seen it on a list, you saw it on a list. Your tank setup isn't looking well, your tanks are looking good or looking well done. Call me a grammar nazi, but I had to say it. Commence the comment hatred, I'm sure I deserve it. Love the new tank, by the way. The tree trunks look very cool!
Adrian Joseph
Adrian Joseph - 7 years ago
Matt Parker I also noticed the use of 'well' instead of 'good'. People make mistakes. I used to correct my friends' grammer but eventually realized that instead of making them learn how to communicate better it just pissed them off.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: You do you and let Joey do Joey. No reason to get bothered by something that is ultimately out of your control.
ΣHAANTI - 7 years ago
The life of the party is here.
- 7 years ago
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
He can't get real Altum Angels.
Kaveh Maguire
Kaveh Maguire - 7 years ago
Why? Lots of people keep them. I am assuming he will get some man made color selection though. That seems more his style.
David Vandeyar
David Vandeyar - 7 years ago
Lol u putting the severum on top
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
Do you need a Canadian ID to buy a Asian Arrowana in Canada?
Pituca Souza
Pituca Souza - 7 years ago
plese Joey, buy a pirarucu. the most beautifull fish of Brazil. we will love to see it. it looks like arowana, but bigger and best. put it in two thousand. please man!
Pituca Souza
Pituca Souza - 7 years ago
I know. But for some years could be. Here in brazil, some people put for one year in a 1 Thousand liters tank.
Bun Wong
Bun Wong - 7 years ago
Minimum tank size for one singular arapaima is 15,000 gallons. That's more than 7 times the amount of the 2K
Renato E
Renato E - 7 years ago
more than a tank you would need to have a lake to keep an Arapaima
MoreInteresting - 7 years ago
Pituca Souza arapaima get too big for that tank
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 7 years ago
I have always wanted to get discus but everyone keeps talking about how hard they are to care for. Like super sensitive and will die as soon as the water is slightly off their idea conditions. They need extremely low ph water and need it to be even lower to breed. Will die if you don't do water changes twice a week(even heard people say daily). They have complicated diet ect. I glad you videos are showing that they are not as hard to keep as many people make them out to be.That if you've got experience keeping fish and keep up with tank maintenance, that they are relatively easy to care for and even breed.
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
Your aquarium gallery inspires me to make my own, once I have my own home, or at least when I move out of my parents home
SCV Aerial Photography
SCV Aerial Photography - 7 years ago
Caaaaalllllleeeeed It! Happy for you man
Meek H
Meek H - 7 years ago
That tank looks awesome!!!!!!!! OMG I love it!
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 7 years ago
Are you ever gonna get your goldfish back?
Fiona De Alwis
Fiona De Alwis - 7 years ago
Is that ur new arowana?
Fiona De Alwis
Fiona De Alwis - 7 years ago
Sawyer Scheu oh! Cool... thanks beautiful fish
Sawyer Scheu
Sawyer Scheu - 7 years ago
Fiona De Alwis part of the vids a bit old, she's in the 2000g
levi leszek
levi leszek - 7 years ago
you should add purple emperor tetras, and pls do blue Dimond angel fish it would contrast with the red very well
Casey Marika
Casey Marika - 7 years ago
Use some damn scissors. Jeez I was waiting for him to stab himself with that knife.
Liadara - 7 years ago
^ this
Matthew Shields
Matthew Shields - 7 years ago
The best way to watch his videos are 1.25 speed.
Shannon Jennings
Shannon Jennings - 7 years ago
get a oscar
Clint Schildhauer
Clint Schildhauer - 7 years ago
Awsome fish
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
. What else are you hiding from us in another room. Great video
msmajora - 7 years ago
hey, don't judge pointy forehead fish! he is unique and I love him
FishingCreekOutdoors - 7 years ago
Love love love the sticks throughout the tank!!! Looks freaking amazing! Favorite aquascape so far!
Jack Thomson
Jack Thomson - 7 years ago
angelfish please be altums or leopoldi angels
Brad - 7 years ago
Wouldn't happen to be the "poor man's discus" would it? ;)
Chimefish - 7 years ago
He showed the uaru in a video just this past week.. on fb i think :P
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Discus look great to keep, but I heard you have to do water changes every day
Graffix85 - 7 years ago
Not everyday once a week.
Bizzyfakka - 7 years ago
John Michael Weidner
John Michael Weidner - 7 years ago
What ph do you keep your aquariums at
jack winter
jack winter - 7 years ago
black angel fish
Sean Hidlebaugh
Sean Hidlebaugh - 7 years ago
Altum Angels would be epic.
Tutorials n' Turtles!
Tutorials n' Turtles! - 7 years ago
Angelfish I bet
matt - 7 years ago
Can you do a video on how you medicate fish when you get new ones
marky mark
marky mark - 7 years ago
Its gonna be a saltwater fish on top vs freshwater fish i guess.
Xander White
Xander White - 7 years ago
marky mark that cant happen they are both connected on the same sump
Rohan Joseph
Rohan Joseph - 7 years ago
Dennis Jay
Dennis Jay - 7 years ago
Congo Tetras make good company for the discus. They are bigger than the Cardinal Tatra that most people use but to me more showy and lives longer.
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 7 years ago
Tytan Newsom
Tytan Newsom - 7 years ago
What about your goldfish
peachjedi - 7 years ago
The discus remind me of little seeds you find in red pepper shakers.
Dave the Barbarian
Dave the Barbarian - 7 years ago
Angel Fish?
L.S.C.L bob
L.S.C.L bob - 7 years ago
Dave the Barbarian that is probably it.
SMOSH SMOSH TV - 7 years ago
what happened to the red asian arowana
Omkar Vaidya
Omkar Vaidya - 7 years ago
its in the 2000gallon tank.
Kaeden Arjoonsingh
Kaeden Arjoonsingh - 7 years ago
Gamer R died
Regular Old Plumbus
Regular Old Plumbus - 7 years ago
Blue discus
Wes Lee
Wes Lee - 7 years ago
those pillars are sick!! A fantastic setup for discus.
Bobby Munro
Bobby Munro - 7 years ago
Joey do some nice rummy nose tetras!
A Coin Collector
A Coin Collector - 7 years ago
I just got rid of my fish tank today... This is making me jealous
Roberto Soto
Roberto Soto - 7 years ago
Quin Hanna
Quin Hanna - 7 years ago
why so many red fish? red arowana, red Frank, and red discus.
Quin Hanna
Quin Hanna - 7 years ago
I forgot about the rainbows, lol, Thats so funny! ;) :)
EverythingAnimal - 7 years ago
red rainbows too
Quin Hanna
Quin Hanna - 7 years ago
Oh wow, lol, I didn't see that. :) ;)
David Lawrence Cars
David Lawrence Cars - 7 years ago
Oarfish 36 and red shirt lol
snapback17 - 7 years ago
angels for sure!!!
Isaac Lee
Isaac Lee - 7 years ago
Up top
Isaac Lee
Isaac Lee - 7 years ago
Angel fish!!
bernier 14
bernier 14 - 7 years ago
Just noticed that joeys lowkey jacked
L.S.C.L bob
L.S.C.L bob - 7 years ago
It's because he is always moving aquariums
Nikki B.
Nikki B. - 7 years ago
bernier 14 "lowkey"
QueenAmy - 7 years ago
Those biceps tho... :D
Alicia Tryon
Alicia Tryon - 7 years ago
Omg i randomly noticed that a few videos ago and i was like :O Dammnnnnnnn
Rafiki Of The Flock
Rafiki Of The Flock - 7 years ago
Nice vid... again. Great channel, and keep inspiring people to be awesome.
Fish guy37
Fish guy37 - 7 years ago
Im early!
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 7 years ago
called it!!!
GlipGlopGaming - 7 years ago
Angel fish on the top. Definitely, 100% or the Uaru
joshowott gaming
joshowott gaming - 7 years ago
The tank over the discus are poor man's discus
EverythingAnimal - 7 years ago
Joey, you should point a laser pointer at each of your tanks (careful not to get it in their eyes of course) and see which fish chase after it. Even my lil livebearers act like cats!
Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke - 7 years ago
I Think Harlequin rasboras would look amazing in that tank.I do love to see a large school of cardinal tetras, but you already have a lot of red in that tank.
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 7 years ago
YES! Discus! It's a sickness. I understand...
R k
R k - 7 years ago
Scissors could also have worked
Vinsensius Paulus
Vinsensius Paulus - 7 years ago
my thought exactly when he cut the plastic bags using knife. It looked so troublesome and long and he mentioned it must be done quickly.
Duriel J
Duriel J - 7 years ago
Can you say angel fish
Yap Kai Yang
Yap Kai Yang - 7 years ago
Wow. Good quality videos. If possible, could you do insect videos?
Rebecca Woodward
Rebecca Woodward - 7 years ago
Yap Kai Yang try Emzotic. She makes great videos and does a variety of animals. Joey just does fish. This channel is devoted to the fish keeping hobby. Am sure there are some great insect channels. Might just have to do a little searching.
Andrew Lana
Andrew Lana - 7 years ago
BiGRaLpH02 - 7 years ago
Altum Angels
Fish Keeping For All
Fish Keeping For All - 7 years ago
The top tank is uaru or angelfish for sure!
Sudip Shrestha
Sudip Shrestha - 7 years ago
Charlot Gagnon its uaru
Harrish Prashath
Harrish Prashath - 7 years ago
Angelfish o top
Ocelotus - 7 years ago
Wait, why is the arowana not in the big tank? I missed a couple videos.
LilyAnn McDaniel
LilyAnn McDaniel - 7 years ago
jason samuel Joey filmed the discus unboxing a few weeks ago so he just hadn't added the arowanna to the 2k yet
Marcus McCue
Marcus McCue - 7 years ago
Ocelotus this unboxing was 3 weeks ago.. he's just showing us now
Ocelotus - 7 years ago
jason samuel thanks!
jason samuel
jason samuel - 7 years ago
Ocelotus he said the arowana in the 2k tank is a female so that has to be the one from the fish store
Ocelotus - 7 years ago
Is it that the arowana he said he was going to buy?
LindaC - 7 years ago
Joey please explain medications for discus, thanks.
Livloveshermakeup - 7 years ago
I don't know much about fish, but I love your passion!!
Bushy Woodsman
Bushy Woodsman - 7 years ago
Angelfish for the top tank?
Ng Robin
Ng Robin - 7 years ago
G. F. Tengchuachay
G. F. Tengchuachay - 7 years ago
A Discus then Uaru, going back to the past... What would be the next fish you're going to get? Need to check old videos for hint?
toolhog10 - 7 years ago
Are those named after the cigarettes?
jdh51 - 7 years ago
you're going to cut your thumb off
Gerald Tubo
Gerald Tubo - 7 years ago
Still no light for Frank?
Brandon Mays
Brandon Mays - 7 years ago
Dag on professional joey, u didn't miss a beat during that unboxing lol. No retakes haha... been watching u for years, nice seeing u turn full circle in the hobby
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Damn I am loving the way you did those branches. Super unique and cool looking
Joseph Scully
Joseph Scully - 7 years ago
Larsen Santos
Larsen Santos - 7 years ago
Bro get another arowana
Saige Materi
Saige Materi - 7 years ago
Larsen Santos he did (im pretty sure)
0madalyn0 - 7 years ago
Neon tetras! The red stripe on them will go well with the red discus
Jessica Cook
Jessica Cook - 7 years ago
0madalyn0 you can never go wrong with a school of Neon's. One of my fave nano fish.
Senan Farrell
Senan Farrell - 7 years ago
I'm glad you got all one colour. Can't stand 10 different strains in the same tank.

I personally would grow them out a bit more in that barebottom tank. Goodluck
Faiz Ashraf
Faiz Ashraf - 7 years ago
Top tank is angelfish....
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
You should get a Betta or more smaller fish
Jules B
Jules B - 7 years ago
Northern Reef Systems
Northern Reef Systems - 7 years ago
Discus tank looks awesome so far :)
Northern Reef Systems
Northern Reef Systems - 7 years ago
I'm thinking Angelfish for the above tank?
sublimezombie420 - 7 years ago
I'd love to see angelfish and blue rams
oakland002 - 7 years ago
I like the tank you chose and can't wait to see it set up with the plants n substrate
oakland002 - 7 years ago
They look like flower petals in the corner
Carrita - 7 years ago
Why aren't you quarantining them....? Why put them straight into ur tank with your expensive fish...?
Carrita - 7 years ago
Jane Doe yeah....I commented before he got to the part where he mentioned why.
jason samuel
jason samuel - 7 years ago
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 7 years ago
Carrita did you watch the video?
Jwtanner 05
Jwtanner 05 - 7 years ago
Hey joey on an average ho many total gallons do u have of tanks
Ariel Bledsoe
Ariel Bledsoe - 7 years ago
Joey's been on a roll with these vids. Loving it!
Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 7 years ago
16 of the same discus? I would have done all different types. btw get scissors to open those bags. jajajja
Ariel Bledsoe
Ariel Bledsoe - 7 years ago
He's said in previous videos that he prefers single type aquariums :)
Lucas Eberhardt
Lucas Eberhardt - 7 years ago
Jeez man, how do you clean all these tanks?
Xabbusan - 7 years ago
Top tank = Angelfish
remigio tabones
remigio tabones - 7 years ago
And i was like counting every bags he opens
Brandon boss
Brandon boss - 7 years ago
Blue rams
Mitchell butler
Mitchell butler - 7 years ago
angel fish on the top
Brandon boss
Brandon boss - 7 years ago
Mitchell butler no its going to be blue rams
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
Green neon tetras.
Mega MindyLou
Mega MindyLou - 7 years ago
Won't those red pepper up with white substrate?
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
Black makes them pepper.
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 7 years ago
The upright branches scape is a brilliant idea. If I ever set up another discus tank, I'm so stealing that.
A Schwartzstein
A Schwartzstein - 7 years ago
Sorry for asking but I have a 8 in Red Devil and I want to add tank mates Any ideas
A Schwartzstein
A Schwartzstein - 7 years ago
Ok thank you
Aiden Ledbetter
Aiden Ledbetter - 7 years ago
To small a tank for any cichlids.
A Schwartzstein
A Schwartzstein - 7 years ago
Any cichlids
Aiden Ledbetter
Aiden Ledbetter - 7 years ago
Without the red devil, I suggest a small planted tank with some Neon tetras. However you will need appropriate lighting, heating and filtering. You also have to be consistent with the water changes. The more fish the more Ammonia and such. Take into account how big these tetras get. Thats my suggestion. Or you can do a beta tank
A Schwartzstein
A Schwartzstein - 7 years ago
I am very experienced and will be good with any freshwater fish
Aiden Ledbetter
Aiden Ledbetter - 7 years ago
How familiar are you with Keeping fish? How committed are you to the long term care? To you have the right supplies?
Aiden Ledbetter
Aiden Ledbetter - 7 years ago
How big is the Red devil? That tank is wayyyy to small.
A Schwartzstein
A Schwartzstein - 7 years ago
I have a 45 gallon tank any cool fish ideas beside red devil
Aiden Ledbetter
Aiden Ledbetter - 7 years ago
You can't put anything with a red devil. They'll eat anything you put into the tank. Had a massive barbed pleco once, he damn ate the whole thing. Make sure they have a big enough tank. For Red Devils I recommend anywhere from 60-100 gallons.
jared hoffman
jared hoffman - 7 years ago
A Schwartzstein I would honestly not put another fish unless you want to risk it dying right away.
therealspudnic - 7 years ago
Hey mate, love the videos, and would love to see more salt water vids!

I am a little Confused as to the reason why you are putting your new discus with your arowana? Should you be quarantining them first before introducing them to a 3k fish?
jason samuel
jason samuel - 7 years ago
therealspudnic he said in the video that rays and arrowanas don't really get affected by parasites or w/e and he will treat them any ways
jim brown
jim brown - 7 years ago
Im confused he hasnt discovered scissors....
bluelineaquatics 14799
bluelineaquatics 14799 - 7 years ago
Dude the branches look awesome. I can't wait to see the discus weave around them. can't wait to see this all completed. have fun. lol
Kevin Schmidt
Kevin Schmidt - 7 years ago
Im stoked you're back into discus.
The Reptile Man
The Reptile Man - 7 years ago
joey are you putting angelfish on the top
Weslin Camden
Weslin Camden - 7 years ago
That top tank better be angel fish cuz I've been waiting for you to get some since you unveiled the gallery
Ansa Fleming
Ansa Fleming - 7 years ago
Where you end uo puttin the arowana and ray?
Cherry Nguyen
Cherry Nguyen - 7 years ago
Ray still in quarantine, blood red is in the really really big tank :D
Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 7 years ago
Where did you find the single branches like that
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
Michael Smith They are phaux branches from aquadecor..
SirKingHoff - 7 years ago
backyard lol
Patrick Cummings
Patrick Cummings - 7 years ago
Joey where do you workout? Lol
Robert Reeder
Robert Reeder - 7 years ago
I've always wanted to start a discus tank. I'm excited to learn from you about them.
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Jonathan - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ he's talking about whats going to go on the top tank
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 7 years ago
No, Discus
Tommie Tank
Tommie Tank - 7 years ago
I love the logs glued to the bottom of the tank! I am stealing that idea! Are the logs real?
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
I have branches from a fallen eucalypt tree that I been preparing to do this same thing...going to cut them to length, drill a hole in bottom and with stainless steel screw and silicone attach them to a ceramic tile or piece of slate...and then bury under the substrate...tank is my 60 gallon tall...going to be for pinoy angels
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
Tommie Tank No if you look closely they are the Phaux aquadecor ones
William Wong
William Wong - 7 years ago
altum angelfish
Caleb Nagle
Caleb Nagle - 7 years ago
You should get a piranha
liam wharton
liam wharton - 7 years ago
Is every tank going to be same type of fish all identical discus rainbow fish and your chic lids could you have not got a mixture
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
liam wharton He does have a mix.... dont know what your on about
Cichlids* pronounced Sik-lid
Daisey Matney
Daisey Matney - 7 years ago
CadenDrake 48
CadenDrake 48 - 7 years ago
Yes cardinal tetras!
jae ayala
jae ayala - 7 years ago
That tank is going to be 1 of my favorites.
MiniMooseHD - 7 years ago
Top tank is obviously going to be angelfish. :D
Alex G.
Alex G. - 7 years ago
Looks like you've been bulking up.
Alex G.
Alex G. - 7 years ago
Looks like you've been bulking up.
JW Aquarium's
JW Aquarium's - 7 years ago
Really great video Joey
Big J
Big J - 7 years ago
Great tank decor! Love the trees!
Crazzy4Tools TV
Crazzy4Tools TV - 7 years ago
what type of tree are the branches from?
Crazzy4Tools TV
Crazzy4Tools TV - 7 years ago
ive never heard of that before
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
Crazzy4Tools TV They are phaux branches
Life With The Berry's
Life With The Berry's - 7 years ago
Tanks Are Coming Along So Nice ! King DIY turning into Mr All Red Everything ! Had the red shirt today ! Blood Red Asian Arawana! Red Rainbow Fish ! And Now Red Discus Fish !
Mark Carter
Mark Carter - 7 years ago
Wow, looks so old school seeing a young arrowanna, stingray any some discis
presouz - 7 years ago
Do you are freaking me out with that knife you need to get some kitchen scissors in there LOL
Jordan Marshall
Jordan Marshall - 7 years ago
I love right beside Truro lol
Life With The Berry's
Life With The Berry's - 7 years ago
Jordan Marshall agreed
Jordan Marshall
Jordan Marshall - 7 years ago
Marco Wilcox
Marco Wilcox - 7 years ago
Rainbow emperor tetras!
chloe green
chloe green - 7 years ago
Angelfish. Please ;-;
Lyriat - 7 years ago
Ahhhh yes! Angelfish are gorgeous. I really hope those are the ones he's hinting at.
Fortune YT
Fortune YT - 7 years ago
STEVE ORTEZ - 7 years ago
Why not an assortment of different colors
Young Sperm
Young Sperm - 7 years ago
STEVE ORTEZ he explained it in the video
Michael Soriano
Michael Soriano - 7 years ago
Have you tried having stendker discus..?
Ais O'Neill
Ais O'Neill - 7 years ago
I adore what you did with the branches! So effective
night owl
night owl - 7 years ago
Get a fire eel
Damien Rivera
Damien Rivera - 7 years ago
Get some Congo tetras for the discus tank
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Discus are probably the prettiest fish besides bichers and pikes
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Lobster Mobster they are very pretty but i think discus look a bit better
Lobster Mobster
Lobster Mobster - 7 years ago
Kevan Vu drangonets are the most pretty
Sarah Werner
Sarah Werner - 7 years ago
Does anybody else really want to get Joey just a good pair of scissors so he can put that knife down
SpongyUdderz Minecraft
SpongyUdderz Minecraft - 7 years ago
+janz gaming
Well that escalated quickly...
janz gaming
janz gaming - 7 years ago
can we have sex
Andrea Dawn
Andrea Dawn - 7 years ago
Sarah Werner you're right lol!!!!! We should all pitch in and get him some super heavy duty ones so he has no excuse to use the knife
Natalie Wiltshaw
Natalie Wiltshaw - 7 years ago
you're making me cringe with that knife, just use a pair of scissors man, toss that blunt knife.
pescAquario - 7 years ago
get back the goldfish
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 7 years ago
isn't that a new arowana in the back?
Blaine Pollard
Blaine Pollard - 7 years ago
Alex Ayala that shot was filmed 3 weeks ago
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
Alex Ayala it's the blood red
Todd Hawthorn
Todd Hawthorn - 7 years ago
Alex Ayala that's the bloods red isn't it
Aquarium Lady 67
Aquarium Lady 67 - 7 years ago
joeys got his guns out
SJ.SheWolf - 7 years ago
You should really get some angels! That would be beautiful
Quade Smith
Quade Smith - 7 years ago
I see you like red fish, lots of different variations of red fish haha.
max alberto
max alberto - 7 years ago
yellow birch ?
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
max alberto Phaux branches
Justin Brown
Justin Brown - 7 years ago
My guess on what's going in the top tank....... Angels.
Brandon Pan
Brandon Pan - 7 years ago
Justin Brown yaaaaaasssss
Ryan Perera COOL! R A
Ryan Perera COOL! R A - 7 years ago
Điện Biên Phủ NĐGT
Điện Biên Phủ NĐGT - 7 years ago
King of DIY & King of the aquarium fish?! Perfect match ! :)
Derp Derp
Derp Derp - 7 years ago
Get some congo tetras!!!
Ryan Perera COOL! R A
Ryan Perera COOL! R A - 7 years ago
good idea
aaron york
aaron york - 7 years ago
Get an oscar fish !!! I'm not going to stop commenting this until I see you get one lol :) love the vids keep it up !
Young Sperm
Young Sperm - 7 years ago
aaron york he would only be able to keep 1 why would he do that
alex buffett
alex buffett - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for Nova Scotia!!
Aston Yates
Aston Yates - 7 years ago
please once the stingrays are mature can you breed them? been here for about 2 years and i lovs your vids. and since you got the new rays, ive just wanted to watch them develop
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
Aston Yates he already said they will breed as adults, he will just wait for it
You should Not know
You should Not know - 7 years ago
He got another Arawana
You should Not know
You should Not know - 7 years ago
Sacred Wisp okay thank you
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
You should Not know 3 week old footage..... actually listen.
Chun Meng Quek
Chun Meng Quek - 7 years ago
You should Not know he didn't. That was the blood red
Brayden G.N
Brayden G.N - 7 years ago
Get some rams!!
Rhiannon N/A
Rhiannon N/A - 7 years ago
"You need to be careful and get them out of the water as quick as possible" *casually opens bags and throws the fish in without even looking*. I love how people who have dealt with fish for a long time are just so casual with them (my father included) and I'm just like "AM I DOING IT RIGHT, I HAVE TO BE SLOW AND GENTLE, AH HE NEEDS WATER, GET INTO WATER!". I will admit, your channel has helped me a lot in knowledge of fish and ideas for aqua scaping. Although me and my dad are no longer into the more exotic fish, we are now just breeding guppies, but gosh under your guidance have they bloomed, breeding non stop, not even bothering eating the babies. Thank you for both entertaining me and teaching me! May your fish live long and your hobby even longer!
s - 7 years ago
Rhiannon N/A lmao I'm in the process of cycling my first aquarium and that's probably how I'll be too
Edit: what are the best variations of guppies? I'm gonna get a trio of males, what would you recommend?
CookieDog 1357
CookieDog 1357 - 7 years ago
Rhiannon N/A same but once I missed the net and I literally got so scared
vvrriissvvllaadd - 7 years ago
no homo , but i love you dude ,and your videos
Katelyn Clemons
Katelyn Clemons - 7 years ago
I love the scape in that tank! It looks great!
Paula Samuelson
Paula Samuelson - 7 years ago
Wow... They are gorgeous...
Birdie284 - 7 years ago
Love the woods! Loves like a forest.. amazing
Nala D
Nala D - 7 years ago
the scaping looks SOO good, can't wait to see it with plants & the discus!
Raymond Xie
Raymond Xie - 7 years ago
Uaru's going up top
NOOB SLAYER - 7 years ago
Joe, I love you. Been a fan since the start before all this gallery and all the shine.
Advice stop justifying your actions so many times through the videos. It almost feel like the video is focused on why your decision is okay or cool rather than you being natural. Please and this is coming from a huge fan stop overthinking and feel the need to justify your decisions so Many TIMES.
Warren Sorg
Warren Sorg - 7 years ago
Get a peacock bass
Savant - 7 years ago
You should definitely go with cardinals over neons if you have the choice.
Chef P
Chef P - 7 years ago
The aquascaping in that tank is soo creative, looks like a scene from Planet Earth!
Jean Ham
Jean Ham - 7 years ago
cant wait to see them in the tank yay
Redzt - 7 years ago
The discus scaping is amazing
Blank - 7 years ago
Get some scissors, joey
rick parks
rick parks - 7 years ago
Dylan Klemm
Dylan Klemm - 7 years ago
Give it 6 months till your breeding them an the 2000g will be full of discus
Littlepokemonlover 21
Littlepokemonlover 21 - 7 years ago
I love fish so much
niklasjuchem - 7 years ago
what happened to the old discus from the sump?!?!?
Thenerdiator - 7 years ago
My dude I have never seen so many fish in one room! I don't know how you do it. I can barely maintain 3 fish tanks. You are amazing and you have a gift!
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Yeah, it would be a bummer. I couldn't handle it in less there was one valve to drain them all to 50% and then another valve to fill them all back up.

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