Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1 “The Aquascape Pond Squad renovates an old indoor turtle rescue pond with a state-of-the-art critter pond! Can the guys mastermind the proper design for this indoor pond? Watch as the guys invite a group of kids to give the final seal of approval on their latest water pond creation!”

Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Pond 9 years ago 61,168 views “The Aquascape Pond Squad renovates an old indoor turtle rescue pond with a state-of-the-art critter pond! Can the guys mastermind the proper design for this indoor pond? Watch as the guys invite a group of kids to give the final seal of approval on their latest water pond creation!”

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Most popular comments
for Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1

Patricia Odom
Patricia Odom - 7 years ago
monica parker
monica parker - 7 years ago
Please come to Texas to help me build my 14 inch Red Eared slider a pond. I am not a builder/fixed, but I love my turtle.
Aleksei makeev
Aleksei makeev - 7 years ago
That is not a map turtle murder fucker
Spickedan - 7 years ago
I would have liked to see more unscripted parts and information on the actual pond building, also at 16:30 that just wasn't even a map do you own a pond company and not be able to differentiate really easy species? Not only that, but don't you know that gravel is bad for turtles? They can swallow it and have internal issues. Kind of disappointed
draven ober
draven ober - 8 years ago
You-Tube Junkie
You-Tube Junkie - 8 years ago
Why do these pond guys act like 3rd graders.
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
hey, look what I found... a cardboard cutout of all of us. let's talk about that instead of working... what else can I find???
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
I've been walking around this warehouse for 2 weeks trying to find the fake stone and scooter boy finds it in 2 minutes. Sheeeeettttt
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
Please tell us more about how you had to change the company policy because one person was always late.........................

10. comment for Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1

aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
A Semi!!! A Semi!!! damn this sucks. how about showing real work instead of talking and reality TV banter?
goran gavric
goran gavric - 8 years ago
I've been studying home aquaponics and found a fantastic resource at Keiths Ponics Site (google it if you're interested)
Jordan  Typhair
Jordan Typhair - 9 years ago
#aquascape pond squad Hey the pond squad! I was about 11 when I got into building ponds now I'm 12 but turning 13 soon! Being a pond builder/contractor is one of the things I want to be when I get older!
PinDweeb - 9 years ago
What happened to the Pond Stars show? Love the new Pond Squad though.
Maimuna Salim
Maimuna Salim - 9 years ago
RockPad100 - 9 years ago
great job and great show, please get in touch with me next time you need artificial rock. That foam looked awful.
ApocalypticStorms - 9 years ago
How do turtles breath under ice up north?
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 8 years ago
+Jordan Typhair they hibernate and get air from the water and their hearts almost stop beating. They will stay alive if there is ice covering the pond, my turtle lived over a freezing winter when my pond iced over.
cj18 - 8 years ago
+Jordan Typhair what do you mean? reach air in the ground?
Jordan  Typhair
Jordan Typhair - 9 years ago
+ApocalypticStorms they don't they dig in the ground and sleep for the winter. they will drowned if the can not reach the air.
Mr Tabor
Mr Tabor - 9 years ago
Very very nice turtle pond. I would just add more u.v.b basking spots as its indoors.
Localmotion - 9 years ago
Great to see you back, but what is the link to view the turtle cams talked about in the video - can't find them on your website..?
Joe ghost
Joe ghost - 9 years ago
awesome work on the videos I thought I was watchin' hgtv for a second

20. comment for Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1

JBtheExplorer - 9 years ago
A little constructive criticism... Now that you're filming your own show, I really hoped it would have less scripted scenes (ideally none at all) and more in-depth info about the pond build. You kind of skip over the actual build, literally fast forwarding through some of the key parts of pond building. I really hope the focus of the show shifts.
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
i see what you mean. the first office scene was awkward. we want to see actual work.
Lait Kun
Lait Kun - 9 years ago
Its AMAZING. I'm sure the turtles were super happy about that! o //u//o
Best Hot Tubs and Spas
Best Hot Tubs and Spas - 9 years ago
Great indoor pond project. If you live in the New York Long Island Area contact
Jorge Castellanos
Jorge Castellanos - 9 years ago
Este programa esta bien padre en verdad son unos artistas estas personas, se los proximos episodios seran aun mejor
Geert Meganck
Geert Meganck - 9 years ago
Loved the episode !  As usual, high quality video material.
Saw the final results first hand on Feb. 19 when my wife and I were visiting Aqualand , Aquascape H.Q.
Looks stunning and will be a popular attraction for visiting kids. Maybe another young child will be inspired like Greg Wittstock and become a passionate water feature builder. Keep up the great work, looking forward to the Arizona episode
JardinsAquadesign - 9 years ago
Awesome job as always! Can't wait to see it in person next summer. And you're right Greg, keep the guys busy so they don't do dirty tricks. Cheers!
Dan Auch
Dan Auch - 9 years ago
Enjoyed the episode! The word will spread…. Not Cancelled, Improved! 
Mark King
Mark King - 9 years ago
Can't wait for more.
C.E. Pontz
C.E. Pontz - 9 years ago
Joseph Kuklok
Joseph Kuklok - 9 years ago
plz tell me ur tv show isnt canceled
Landvista Aquascapes LLC
Landvista Aquascapes LLC - 9 years ago
+Joseph Kuklok the +Aquascape Pond Squad is back!

30. comment for Aquascape Pond Squad - Turtle Pond - Episode 1

Bill Gaut
Bill Gaut - 9 years ago
This is great, I cant wait to see more.
Motel McCready
Motel McCready - 9 years ago
Outstanding ! 
Great job guys. We are looking forward to the next episode of Aquascape Pond Squad .... #TeamAquascape

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