Cheap Koi Pond 2017

Pond cold water garden fish pond or koi pond. Diy , Homemeade , amateur. My journey from a small goldfish pond to at least 4000 gallons for bigger Koi Carp Fish. I plan to have 4 big big Japanese fish in there and home breed them. Worried about the 1st winter so I might bring them on doors not sure. Need a better filter. Will make one from a barrel filled with sand and gravel. Plenty how to videos on here. Learning as I go and fighting algae blooms every week. So my pond isn't balanced. I've added some plants and seems to have slowed the algae Down. Will be making my own UV filter not only for the algae but for ICH and similar diseases. Any questions feel free to ask. In this video you will find things related to Koi,Koi Pond,how to build a koi pond,building a koi pond,rock work,pool construction,pond construction,mega pond,how to koi,gunite,poly urea,pond building,water garden,how to water garden,how to build a water garden,aquaculture,landscaping a pond,pond landscaping,pond plumbing,pond filtration,koi filtration,koi plumbing,bottom drain,pond skimmer,pond lighting. I hope that helps you. Please realise my pond was built on a poor mans budget of less than £100 which is around $180 all in including pump filtration that is in the update video. Please subscribe for more I done it as a hobby project now I plan on setting it up to last longer than originally planned. Please be aware it is your lame old pond liner used in my koi pond. More updates in 2017 on pond filtration, plumbing and more creative cheap pond ideas that might help you.

Cheap Koi Pond 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Pond 8 years ago 42,754 views

Pond cold water garden fish pond or koi pond. Diy , Homemeade , amateur. My journey from a small goldfish pond to at least 4000 gallons for bigger Koi Carp Fish. I plan to have 4 big big Japanese fish in there and home breed them. Worried about the 1st winter so I might bring them on doors not sure. Need a better filter. Will make one from a barrel filled with sand and gravel. Plenty how to videos on here. Learning as I go and fighting algae blooms every week. So my pond isn't balanced. I've added some plants and seems to have slowed the algae Down. Will be making my own UV filter not only for the algae but for ICH and similar diseases. Any questions feel free to ask. In this video you will find things related to Koi,Koi Pond,how to build a koi pond,building a koi pond,rock work,pool construction,pond construction,mega pond,how to koi,gunite,poly urea,pond building,water garden,how to water garden,how to build a water garden,aquaculture,landscaping a pond,pond landscaping,pond plumbing,pond filtration,koi filtration,koi plumbing,bottom drain,pond skimmer,pond lighting. I hope that helps you. Please realise my pond was built on a poor mans budget of less than £100 which is around $180 all in including pump filtration that is in the update video. Please subscribe for more I done it as a hobby project now I plan on setting it up to last longer than originally planned. Please be aware it is your lame old pond liner used in my koi pond. More updates in 2017 on pond filtration, plumbing and more creative cheap pond ideas that might help you.

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Most popular comments
for Cheap Koi Pond 2017

KoiPondPeppy - 7 years ago
Wow that turned out beautiful! I love the simple designs. Elegant.
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 7 years ago
wellmywifemakessmoothies ilike
wellmywifemakessmoothies ilike - 7 years ago
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 7 years ago
you need an aerator also
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 7 years ago
my koi are over 2 feet long and pond is 5000 gallons
derpfrog - 8 years ago
well done, your koi will love you even more, they gonna be big Bois soon
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
awesome! would even better with a fountain in the middle, on eBay they sell a pump very cheap ...aquaneat 1600 gph pump.... ✌

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