DIY Koi Pond Construction | Pond Filtration Station - Part 13

Serious Koi Pond Filtration takes a dedicated area in your landscape, much like that of a swimming pools filters. We will be using a UV clarifier, multiple aerators, a bio mechanical bead system and an external pump on this project and establish a remote area for these components. Placement of the koi pond's filters for this project is outlined in this video segment. Follow these professional tips so you can tackle this project yourself.

DIY Koi Pond Construction | Pond Filtration Station - Part 13 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Pond 10 years ago 72,326 views

Serious Koi Pond Filtration takes a dedicated area in your landscape, much like that of a swimming pools filters. We will be using a UV clarifier, multiple aerators, a bio mechanical bead system and an external pump on this project and establish a remote area for these components. Placement of the koi pond's filters for this project is outlined in this video segment. Follow these professional tips so you can tackle this project yourself.

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Most popular comments
for DIY Koi Pond Construction | Pond Filtration Station - Part 13

Villamor78 - 7 years ago
No rebar needed for slabs?
Shaun Langley
Shaun Langley - 8 years ago
how much does a pond like this cost?
Cheryl Ellison
Cheryl Ellison - 10 years ago
I was a bit critical on another one of your videos and to my surprise you replied to my comment and were very gracious and kind. I'm not a fan of Watergarden ponds for Koi although aesthetically pleasing, they can become disappointing to uneducated pond owners down the road. I am so happy to see you build a proper Koi pond. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Cheryl Ellison So glad you hung around to see we had more to offer. We filmed placement of coping stones last week and move to waterfall construction and life support very soon! We just uploaded the plumbing and installation of her settlement tank. Thanks for watching!! 
TheRocklander - 10 years ago
Can't wait for the next part.  When will it be released?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+TheRocklander We've uploaded more and more are coming soon! Thanks for watching! 
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
A nice project under development in Sweden ......Bride to the Island is under con is the small dock will be a thrill ...swim pond made by nature....we just drained it and cleard it from old waist debres ...all Bio wais from the bottom will be sucked of by a pro ...20 cm3 of bottom waist is going out ...20 tons of gravel will end up in the pond ..+ a 2x110 mill drain system (gravity flow ) to a settlement tank 400 liters..66 gallons will be added - My personal design ....big dig going on this wekend...Will post more  of the system later....Eric....your videos are leading the way here....Big THX
Ray Fab
Ray Fab - 10 years ago
Do you have an idea of when Part 14 etc. will be uploaded? Awesome job, looking forward to seeing more! Excellent job on the bond beam, that is the ticket living here in Florida with the sandy conditions. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Raymond Fabris Hey Raymond! We have more uploads! Stay tuned for more! 
MoreThan AFK
MoreThan AFK - 10 years ago
Any tips on expanding an existing pond or joining 2 ponds together.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+MoreThan AFK That depends on the size of the existing pond and how big of an extension you want to do. If the pond is unique in shape and needs a seam to make the pond shape work then absolutely do the seam. If the pond is say 8' x 11' and you are moving to 11' x 16' then I would suggest a new one piece liner. Consider placement of circulation pumps and doing a quality seam on the liner if you are expanding. 
melody cooper
melody cooper - 10 years ago
I am on the edge of my seat and with you all the way.What a awesome pond you will have,this is fun.
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+melody cooper Thank you so much for your patience. This is an undertaking. We filmed the installation of the liner and the bottom drain yesterday. We have at least 7 to 10 videos in editing right now. Stay tuned and thanks for watching! 

10. comment for DIY Koi Pond Construction | Pond Filtration Station - Part 13

sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 10 years ago
I think it is easier to watch in smaller segments than sitting here watching an hour long video.
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 10 years ago
True as there are episodes that I have picked out and I have watched them several times instead of having to find it in an hour long video .I love the way your video's are broken up into pieces so keep it up .We on the garden pond forum always comment on your video's in our discussions
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+sissy murphy Yes that is the reason we have so many steps. Trust and believe it is extra work for us. Another reason we take this approach is so we can easily assist a DIYer on a single step by directing them to a specific 5 minute video to help them along in their project. 
ALP'ie - 10 years ago
I may be wrong, but from the dozens of yards of concrete that I have poured, aren't you supposed to let the concrete set slightly before adding the bullnose on it? Im sure whatever works for each individual is best, but when I let my concrete set just a little, it gives me a cleaner edge, with less effort. 
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+TempleCityMusic Arteolike another thing you need to understand is we are pressed against so many obstacles in the filming of this video series. Lighting, overtime man hours, editing flow, scripting flow and the list goes on. We are bound to have a few hiccups that we would love to do differently but the fact of the matter is if we don't push the envelope on things like this the series doesn't get done. Thank you for your ongoing support. 
TempleCityMusic - 10 years ago
Arteolike you are absolutely right about this. This is also what Eric wanted to do, let the concrete set a little. The problem was that Brandon had to leave and I wanted to film him showing the customer how to use the Bullnose, since he was the main person in the film segment. I insisted on filming it with the wet concrete.  

brix360 - 10 years ago
Thanks and keep the videos up!!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+brix360 Thank you!!! As long as you continue watching and supporting our efforts we will continue to Inform, Educate and Inspire! 
Jens Dedecker
Jens Dedecker - 10 years ago
why can't you make  just 1 or 2 large videos instead of fucking 20?
rodcre8s - 8 years ago
+Jens Dedecker Jeeze, man calm down already. No need to drop F bombs. The PondDigger is doing this on his dime and his time, from his professional experience. Honestly, a multi-topic video takes way more time to film than single segments of 2-5 minutes, yet TPD did it to help. If you want one large video, offer up to pay for his time, edit it yourself and repost, or at least present your comment in a way in which it helps everyone with your same opinion. I can't tell you helpful TPD has been in my 2 ponds. It is FREE HELP!!
Jens Dedecker
Jens Dedecker - 10 years ago
Ok, But why not make in the beginning of the video some sort of sections list so you can choose what you want to see?
TempleCityMusic - 10 years ago
I probably could have cut the last 2 videos into 1, you have a point there. But cutting them in to sections by topic makes it easier for viewers to revisit them later. If I cut it all in one big video it makes it hart to find specific topics.
Also we are still building the pond.

HuskyBlueFire - 10 years ago
Agreed, I like the info and quality but it is really getting annoying watching in 2:30 chunks.  It's not even covering one whole section per video anymore

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