Another POND, for a DIFFERENT SPECIES! Out of all my videos, I enjoyed editing this one the Best, although I enjoy making them all! WE have got another pond to work on, can't wait till this backyard is DONE and the feeding videos and EPICNESS starts going down, Join The Family SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss this! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Snapchat: Paulcuffaroo SUBSCRIBE HERE: Build your own pond: -Search "UV Pond Filter" online to find the right size for you -Pond Tubing: -Pond Liner: (Depending on the depth/length of your pond) Its available at local Lowes Shop -Shovel: Find in your Shed/ Garage or else where LOL -Then dirt disposal area Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

DIY MINI BACKYARD POND! *ANOTHER POND* Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 181

Pond 7 years ago 551,259 views

Another POND, for a DIFFERENT SPECIES! Out of all my videos, I enjoyed editing this one the Best, although I enjoy making them all! WE have got another pond to work on, can't wait till this backyard is DONE and the feeding videos and EPICNESS starts going down, Join The Family SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss this! PC MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: Clothing Instagram: Follow me on Instagram: Snapchat: Paulcuffaroo SUBSCRIBE HERE: Build your own pond: -Search "UV Pond Filter" online to find the right size for you -Pond Tubing: -Pond Liner: (Depending on the depth/length of your pond) Its available at local Lowes Shop -Shovel: Find in your Shed/ Garage or else where LOL -Then dirt disposal area Camera Gear: Canon G7x Mark ii Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments

savannah doerkson
savannah doerkson - 7 years ago
put lights
froggy 175
froggy 175 - 7 years ago
You should get balloon Molly's
Jake Poul
Jake Poul - 7 years ago
This is jake paul
Thomas Sale Vlogs
Thomas Sale Vlogs - 7 years ago
Why have you got a police car
Rita Kissoondyal
Rita Kissoondyal - 7 years ago
i also TTF
Rita Kissoondyal
Rita Kissoondyal - 7 years ago
o sorry i mean WTF
Connie Strobel
Connie Strobel - 7 years ago
What the heck is the popo doing there?
Gianni Peraza
Gianni Peraza - 7 years ago
Fucking this channel
Tiffany Zhang
Tiffany Zhang - 7 years ago
First time on this channel already loving it!
lil pump esketit
lil pump esketit - 7 years ago
9:57 a million gagilion


Rochondra Stevens
Rochondra Stevens - 7 years ago
I started to watch this vid n I luv it I’m going to build my own pond
jackmiller1 miller
jackmiller1 miller - 7 years ago
love this channel how many fish do you have
Jos John
Jos John - 7 years ago
Get some guppys
Neygos Sogyen
Neygos Sogyen - 7 years ago
Red tails can’t be bread in captivity it’s never Ben done
Ayjae Ngata
Ayjae Ngata - 7 years ago
how come
cakester3 - 7 years ago
Y is he not famous?
Landon Awesome
Landon Awesome - 7 years ago
Your turtles might eat the fish:(
Bazm-E-Alast بزم الست
Bazm-E-Alast بزم الست - 7 years ago
what is Hight of your pond ?
i want make A pond please give me Some Tricks
if you have Whatsapp Massanger please Massage me +923457638808
you can also contact me on Facebook
iTsYaBoIBrUceCoOps Vlogs
iTsYaBoIBrUceCoOps Vlogs - 7 years ago
My name is Bruce
That awesome girl aj
That awesome girl aj - 7 years ago
.. n. N


Elizabeth Cunningham
Elizabeth Cunningham - 7 years ago
Looks so real (:
OriCrafty !
OriCrafty ! - 7 years ago
OMG how are your parents not killing you right now?!!??!??? Can You Connect Both Ponds plzz!
Cousin Coolness
Cousin Coolness - 7 years ago
Why is there a police
Beast Gaming
Beast Gaming - 7 years ago
Symone Jade
Symone Jade - 7 years ago
Your so many pond animals leave in water
Robloxgamer66 faulkner
Robloxgamer66 faulkner - 7 years ago
WTF where’s molly fish
Quinn Olson
Quinn Olson - 7 years ago
Ooooooh your mom said no that cold
Jessica Girt
Jessica Girt - 7 years ago
I love amazon red tails also
Madison Klima
Madison Klima - 7 years ago
You should connect both ponds and then build a bridge over it.
andrew Erickson
andrew Erickson - 7 years ago
can u put a bass in that pond?


AMonikaD - 7 years ago
...your parents better appreciate you - and that's coming from a 45 year old koi/gold fish keeper. If you were my kid I would fund your passion and help you build your own business. Keep going, you're one smart and passionate kid!
Tame Lit bhatta
Tame Lit bhatta - 7 years ago
Your such a good YouTuber
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
1,000 blue guppies!
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
That music doesn’t fit digging a hole
Pets & Stuff
Pets & Stuff - 7 years ago
What’s wrong with your parents and why can’t have a pond. I’m so mad I can’t even have 3 tanks
sybilesque - 7 years ago
why is there a police in your front yawrd.
Savina Souza
Savina Souza - 7 years ago
I know wanna build a outside pond Paul your a cool YouTuber
ceski janusz
ceski janusz - 7 years ago
Greetings from POLAND very nice YT chanell sub+like / sorry for my english ;)
Eyeball Squid
Eyeball Squid - 7 years ago
Eyeball Squid
Eyeball Squid - 7 years ago
Kool Guy
Kool Guy - 7 years ago
how many gallons is the mini pond
Michael Bodnar
Michael Bodnar - 7 years ago
1:26 i like you
All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 7 years ago
Do you use pond liner or just a regular tarp
Andrei Hufana
Andrei Hufana - 7 years ago
I wuold like to see a mini turtle in your pond
Phu Duong
Phu Duong - 7 years ago
I don't now about this
Aurelio Rosas Jr.
Aurelio Rosas Jr. - 7 years ago
Dang dope
Stephanie Stopciati
Stephanie Stopciati - 7 years ago
You say dope too much
Alyshae Brown
Alyshae Brown - 7 years ago
Why is there a police car in the backround
ufo boss
ufo boss - 7 years ago
The police car tho
Zamarie Taylor
Zamarie Taylor - 7 years ago
BOO boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo


muddy wood ducks and more
muddy wood ducks and more - 7 years ago
Question if you dont have a filter or tubing can you make like a 2-3 meter pond without the tubing or filter
Julius green
Julius green - 7 years ago
I like it
Intro Queenie
Intro Queenie - 7 years ago
That big pond is in the shape of a fidget spinner
aaron gray
aaron gray - 7 years ago
Peace peacesedaarn
DanTDM - 7 years ago
why is there a cop car in the front yard!
tai duong
tai duong - 7 years ago
At 7:24 look at behind him there is the camera holder and he is having fun with the dog
Cam Courson
Cam Courson - 7 years ago
He should connect the 2 ponds and put a bridge over where he connected the 2
Marc Fryberger
Marc Fryberger - 7 years ago
Blue And Gracie Thompson
Blue And Gracie Thompson - 7 years ago
Paige Sullivan
Paige Sullivan - 7 years ago
You guys should put mini goldfish koi in any of the ponds! They are beautiful.
Akram Bella
Akram Bella - 7 years ago
You can put baby turtles
April Daniels
April Daniels - 7 years ago
Cop car??????
Roddrick Canty
Roddrick Canty - 7 years ago
You should make a bridge
Che ATKINSON - 7 years ago
Why’s there a cop car at the front??????
raley brock
raley brock - 7 years ago
connect the two ponds together
Carmen Argueta
Carmen Argueta - 7 years ago
1020marilena1 - 7 years ago
Why do I have a police car on your grass I mean your yard
Lizard Forest
Lizard Forest - 7 years ago
Why were the police at your house
Caroline Ibanez
Caroline Ibanez - 7 years ago
You could go in to a business making ponds for people.
Caroline Ibanez
Caroline Ibanez - 7 years ago
I hope you mom is not looking for her blankests
Cocky Sparkle
Cocky Sparkle - 7 years ago
Yay I love turtles they r so cute oh and congrats for building ur second pond
A guy
A guy - 7 years ago
wow you do so quickly!!and also im new subscriber
clown like pranks Show
clown like pranks Show - 7 years ago
What was that cop car
courtney michelle
courtney michelle - 7 years ago
You’re so fucking hotttt
Shavaughn Beet
Shavaughn Beet - 7 years ago
My name is Hope
Emanuele Pirola
Emanuele Pirola - 7 years ago
A'Leisha Price
A'Leisha Price - 7 years ago
And why is there a cop car in your yard
marco palermo
marco palermo - 7 years ago
You are so smart I love all your videos
JACKSON MCCLURE - 7 years ago
60 is warm as hell in Michigan
dewayne stripling
dewayne stripling - 7 years ago
Hey cool pond what material are you using for the liner thanks
Bentley Hua
Bentley Hua - 7 years ago
Paul how big is your big pond???
Rosie Ortega
Rosie Ortega - 7 years ago
Can you please billd me a pond
Ms. Serendipitous
Ms. Serendipitous - 7 years ago
Great info....and you've got an awesome personality! Good luck on your channel.
jim stuart
jim stuart - 7 years ago
Dude, you have a gift. I c u working at a zoo someday or owning your own pond business.
William Morris
William Morris - 7 years ago
Nice to see young men now a days doing something constructive,brightened my day Paul.You have a new subscriber.
Stacey's Zoo
Stacey's Zoo - 7 years ago
Do you need a filter for a backyard pond?
Amal Halid Saif
Amal Halid Saif - 7 years ago
From where did the police car came from
Amal Halid Saif
Amal Halid Saif - 7 years ago
You are the best
Revilo Outdoors
Revilo Outdoors - 7 years ago
Inspired me to build me one. What uv filter did he use
Terrance Byrnes
Terrance Byrnes - 7 years ago
What was the outro song
Alicia Lord10
Alicia Lord10 - 7 years ago
Why is it that I’m keep watching this video?
dino campese
dino campese - 7 years ago
This is my favorite fishing should get big goldfish for the small pond.i hope you are doing ok much love.(prayers)
Señor Taehyung
Señor Taehyung - 7 years ago
You are doing very mature things at your age! (idek how old you are u just look young) I showed my mom this and she said “Can your friend please make one in our backward and this documentry is great!”
Ricky Delos Reyes
Ricky Delos Reyes - 7 years ago
Lier you trie to steal catch em all fishing's bass you stealer
Aidan Florka
Aidan Florka - 7 years ago
What kind of tarp/liner did you use
Dude Decent
Dude Decent - 7 years ago
What is the name of the pump that u used I want one for my pond like that
Review TECH
Review TECH - 7 years ago
paul you don't have idea to buy a flowerhorn fish or fighter...your are a super cool guy
Илија Војводић
Илија Војводић - 7 years ago
can i keep koi fishes in pond like your without the filter?
Alicia Lord10
Alicia Lord10 - 7 years ago
I think you should make those rock paths that you did for the feeding well. All the way from your cement floor. If you know what i mean
faimzan21 - 7 years ago
Paul, ypur mom was nice enough for ypu to dig the pond. Don't be so hard on her

100. comment for DIY MINI BACKYARD POND! *ANOTHER POND* Part 1

evan fiyazuddeen
evan fiyazuddeen - 7 years ago
How much did this cost to do
antony llamocca
antony llamocca - 7 years ago
Nice job bro!
Was wondering if you need a permit to build a pond or how many feet is okay deep in in ca?
Fatima Lopez
Fatima Lopez - 7 years ago
Hey, your videos are really helpful to me. I showed my mom the video and we are making a pond now thanks to your videos and you have also helped me take care of my fish now that we are making the pond
Akmal Hisyam
Akmal Hisyam - 7 years ago
Easy pond
Stephen Muniz
Stephen Muniz - 7 years ago
What’s the name of his pump??
pfunktheballer 34
pfunktheballer 34 - 7 years ago
What's the pump called like I want to buy it what I search up?
209chevymon - 7 years ago
Wears a sweater with short smh
Kyle Milhon
Kyle Milhon - 7 years ago
im in the process of building a pond rn where did u get the pump and what size?
Jace Woods
Jace Woods - 7 years ago
Connect the ponds
CHRISTIAN GARCIA - 7 years ago
Plz respond gonna try to make pond
CHRISTIAN GARCIA - 7 years ago
Did little pump come with filter
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter - 7 years ago
5:30 about the sound of the pond I have little 300 gallon pond with a two foot river running to it with a water fall, it's too loud, special for a living in town
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Gees! my 55g tank filter pumps more than double the gallons that your pump
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
Omg get a soft shell turtle please
Kai Jun Ang
Kai Jun Ang - 7 years ago
Paul can you make a stream from the mini pond to the big pond
AK47 Plays
AK47 Plays - 7 years ago
You should put the Oscar in the pond so he dosent get eaten
KDR Aquatics
KDR Aquatics - 7 years ago
you realize that your turtles you put in there can go into the other pond
Lillian Johnson
Lillian Johnson - 7 years ago
Not a hatter but don't turtels eat fish
Steve Dennis
Steve Dennis - 7 years ago
We need the part 2 of pond construction
Lachlan Munroe
Lachlan Munroe - 7 years ago
In the space next to the big pond where you said you had something special I think that you should put a nano tank
Joshua Mcneil
Joshua Mcneil - 7 years ago
How come you haven't had a updated video for this pond
David Garcia
David Garcia - 7 years ago
2:20 What’s the song?
Alana Alaia
Alana Alaia - 7 years ago
This is awesome!
DBoy 37
DBoy 37 - 7 years ago
7:40 Rip your shoes
DBoy 37
DBoy 37 - 7 years ago
I love the idea for the turtles to climb into dry land and all. I hope to see it when the pond is done.
DJ GAMMING23 23 - 7 years ago
Do a breeding pond
Polkop90 - 7 years ago
Well um a new pond.... Ever heard of a tank? It's a 100% free ticket to not getting yelled at by your mother...
Quwip Saxamus
Quwip Saxamus - 7 years ago
I have a question. How do you keep your pond from flooding over when it rains really hard?

I know you said your in Florida, that's also where I'm from and I'm trying to learn how to build a pond, and I really love the ponds you have built and I feel I am learning a lot about ponds from your videos, Your fish are also very beautiful by the way
Bradley Roy
Bradley Roy - 7 years ago
You need to connect the power D's together with a canal
TotallyToastPlayzCD Toast
TotallyToastPlayzCD Toast - 7 years ago
my mom would kill me...
Isaiah Taylor
Isaiah Taylor - 7 years ago
Bruh make more vids on this
Christian Sherrill
Christian Sherrill - 7 years ago
You should put Bruce in that new pond so the bass doesn't eat him
Shawnju and Coraline Channel
Shawnju and Coraline Channel - 7 years ago
Where's ballon at
Aedan t
Aedan t - 7 years ago
2:32 LOGIC
reed maitland
reed maitland - 7 years ago
It’s not even
Little it’s almost as big as the other one
Mika On The Fly
Mika On The Fly - 7 years ago
Not a fan of the music when you talk man.
Jorge Cordoba
Jorge Cordoba - 7 years ago
the big pond looks like a dick LoL.
Jorge Cordoba
Jorge Cordoba - 7 years ago
he should plant some grass instead.
Jodi Henry
Jodi Henry - 7 years ago
Nice dog
NMSGamingVideoz - 7 years ago
Let me design your merch...
Joshua Rivera
Joshua Rivera - 7 years ago
You should connect the ponds with a little stream and build a bridge over the stream
Padma Singhal
Padma Singhal - 7 years ago
Can you put a starfish in your new pond
Dallas Hunt
Dallas Hunt - 7 years ago
The turtles will eat all the little fish you put in the mini pond
willbe wild
willbe wild - 7 years ago
Throw a betta fish in there he can live with other fish
3BricksHigher - 7 years ago
You'e got my son wanting to build a pond... Had to see where he is getting his ideas. Nice job on the pond! Hope ours turns out as good.
Sinthia Rivera
Sinthia Rivera - 7 years ago
Just take 20 more minutes and make a little foutain
Daniel Romar
Daniel Romar - 7 years ago
I think that you don't need a another pond
Steve Singh
Steve Singh - 7 years ago
When are you going to make more videos on the new pond
Hudson Hitchcock
Hudson Hitchcock - 7 years ago
5:00 why is there a police car on your lawn?
Sharaf Chummun
Sharaf Chummun - 7 years ago
paul you inspired me and my dad to build a mini pond thx a lot bro
Brock Barrows
Brock Barrows - 7 years ago
Won't the titles eat the mollies
connergdaniel - 7 years ago
i wish i could build A mini pond but it would freeze over lol
Jdafool 11
Jdafool 11 - 7 years ago
When are you posting again
connergdaniel - 7 years ago
had to pull a 1rod1reel fish murder to the spray paint can
Derpydog 123 vlogs
Derpydog 123 vlogs - 7 years ago
Connect ponds nice bro keep on the good work
Paul Kramer
Paul Kramer - 7 years ago
Dude just connect both of the ponds by a little stream it would be much better
Ian and Dylan Vlogs
Ian and Dylan Vlogs - 7 years ago
turtles will eat the mollys
Clash Kid
Clash Kid - 7 years ago
Get some iguanas for the pond
Anna Marietta
Anna Marietta - 7 years ago
Spray paints outline of pond.
“Guys that is frickin sick.” Lol. Love it.
Jack Riley
Jack Riley - 7 years ago
I love these videos make more
LucaDoes  Vlogs
LucaDoes Vlogs - 7 years ago
Just saying at 5:23 you can see the license plate might wanna blur that out
Teresa Bridgeforth
Teresa Bridgeforth - 7 years ago
Tyler Nash
Tyler Nash - 7 years ago
So the waterfall will be connected to that one too
Tyler Nash
Tyler Nash - 7 years ago
Connect the ponds together
Kiwi_91 - 7 years ago
you didnt think about tree roots?
Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez - 7 years ago
at the end tho
352 Fishing
352 Fishing - 7 years ago
Dope as always but what’s the song ? By logic
Carrie Rice
Carrie Rice - 7 years ago
hi ass
The Boogeyman
The Boogeyman - 7 years ago
keep playin them logic tunes in your vids plz
Itz RiceCube
Itz RiceCube - 7 years ago
This video was really just earned a subscriber!
Riley Bell
Riley Bell - 7 years ago
Where's part 2! By far my favourite youtuber at the moment!:)
DADDY - 7 years ago
Make a little swamp between the ponds with heaps of plants
Garrett Bone
Garrett Bone - 7 years ago
I’m still confused on how grass can grow through 3 inches of dirt
Boedy Callister
Boedy Callister - 7 years ago
i followed you on instagram your the best
Tiana Lawrence
Tiana Lawrence - 7 years ago
What editing app do you use ??? I'm interested
Joey Cruz
Joey Cruz - 7 years ago
Would be dope if u were able to connect the ponds some how..
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
the turtles will eat the fish
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
if you put turtles with fish they will be eaten
Dayonte Tay
Dayonte Tay - 7 years ago
Yes you getting turtles I have turtles !!!
Jack Viola
Jack Viola - 7 years ago
put baby red tails in there
Madison Daily
Madison Daily - 7 years ago
I love this!
Gaming Creeper
Gaming Creeper - 7 years ago
Can you get a pike
Jason Blake
Jason Blake - 7 years ago
Soon the whole yard will be a pond
Daetyn Jones
Daetyn Jones - 7 years ago
Bro I'm coming up to Florida this January can you show me your ponds
Motovlog World
Motovlog World - 7 years ago
U should put shiners
Charles Kavalir
Charles Kavalir - 7 years ago
What kind of filter do you use?
Drew Criss
Drew Criss - 7 years ago
you should put a baby bass
Brayden Bb
Brayden Bb - 7 years ago
Paul you should put frogs in the new pond
Zenani Kidd
Zenani Kidd - 7 years ago
when you get your turtles breed them
Catfsihnig - 7 years ago
First video I watch and it was great, just subscribed
Minecraft eXperTs
Minecraft eXperTs - 7 years ago
I love your vids
Caden Eddleman
Caden Eddleman - 7 years ago
Put frog eggs in the small pond
Fishing for days
Fishing for days - 7 years ago
Go fishing!!
Pedro_ctxtrukin Hernandez
Pedro_ctxtrukin Hernandez - 7 years ago
Where do you buy the tarp at
North Florida Pond Fishing
North Florida Pond Fishing - 7 years ago
This makes me want to build my own pond
J. Guest
J. Guest - 7 years ago
Get some guppys and albino bristlenose plecos
The Challenger
The Challenger - 7 years ago
Can someone post a link for a good pump and filter for a pond like this?
Pa.Fishing_ - 7 years ago
Why the po-po there?
Manae Beran
Manae Beran - 7 years ago
why is there a cop car in his yard
The Elite Pickle
The Elite Pickle - 7 years ago
Love these videos!❤️
jurassic plays
jurassic plays - 7 years ago
Paul you should get the Fly River turtles
Oliver The official gamer
Oliver The official gamer - 7 years ago
Lights on the little pond pls
Braxton Hippard
Braxton Hippard - 7 years ago
You should make a kind of rock, wall behind the tree
Derek Jones
Derek Jones - 7 years ago
Install a big pipe connecting one pond to the other
Md Firdaus Aj
Md Firdaus Aj - 7 years ago
Add a betta fish to the mini pond
Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work dude!
Dylan Burgess
Dylan Burgess - 7 years ago
can’t wait to see a video today about it
It's CMBA - 7 years ago
Your outline looked like a turd lmao
Pineapple bomb
Pineapple bomb - 7 years ago
police car in the front yard why
Dillon Nott
Dillon Nott - 7 years ago
Sweet. Don’t put koi in there just do minnows and guppies and such. I cant think of any cool minnows but I’m sure there are some in Florida you can find any put in there
RSB . PlayzGamez
RSB . PlayzGamez - 7 years ago
Absolute G
YizTheGreat - 7 years ago
Do your parents approve??
Acres4 Homes4
Acres4 Homes4 - 7 years ago
pond king
Pistol Berry
Pistol Berry - 7 years ago
best fish related channel and keep up with the content
Aaron Rodrigue
Aaron Rodrigue - 7 years ago
Fly river turtle?
oli olivia
oli olivia - 7 years ago
It's gonna be sick!
Ivanjhames Marzo
Ivanjhames Marzo - 7 years ago
Hey Paul what happened to the live fish that you feed to the big fish
DB DS - 7 years ago
Indonesian Views :v
Gaming Narwal
Gaming Narwal - 7 years ago
New sub I love ponds but I don’t have one
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest - 7 years ago
Does your dog piss in the water?
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest - 7 years ago
Your mom must think that you will be living there forever since you built a pond. Who will take care of it when you move out?
PIYALI GHOSH - 7 years ago
No need to keep anything just keep some good ciclids
The Robloxians
The Robloxians - 7 years ago
Yah it's been getting dark at like 6:00 in Florida I know because I live there
Matthew. Bardella
Matthew. Bardella - 7 years ago
When he said we are building a new mini pond
Matthew. Bardella
Matthew. Bardella - 7 years ago
I was so HAPPY
SeaLion I LeagueOfLegends
SeaLion I LeagueOfLegends - 7 years ago
Attactch the big pond to tht and make a mini brigde over the pond!like if u agree
4ndy123 - 7 years ago
Love the enthusiasm... ' that is frickin' sick' you only spray painted the rough plan ha ha
Vines 2 Watch
Vines 2 Watch - 7 years ago
I r so hardworking
Hats off
James Shamley
James Shamley - 7 years ago
the cops are on you for not having pond building permits!
Thanasis Kalogiros
Thanasis Kalogiros - 7 years ago
Make a tunnel to connect the mini pond to the big pond like if you agree
Laurens Nel
Laurens Nel - 7 years ago
Breed clown knife
redd manpower
redd manpower - 7 years ago
Love it man can't wait for the fish.
NeON GaMiNg - 7 years ago
#paulcuffaro please notice me your my fave YouTuber keep up the awesome content man
Daniel Robinson
Daniel Robinson - 7 years ago
If you didn’t fill it with mollys but you filled it with normal minnows you would be able to use it as a grow out pond for small predatory fish so that they can go in the big pond
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
Get a male and a female they will breed
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
I have turtles too
Thushar Jithesh
Thushar Jithesh - 7 years ago
Please put African Cichlids in it!!!
Back road Truck. Kid D
Back road Truck. Kid D - 7 years ago
Wy is thare police car
captaincole 4
captaincole 4 - 7 years ago
If your having turtles you need a ledge for them to go on so they don't get shell rot
Jack trainer
Jack trainer - 7 years ago
Put Bruce in the small pond so he dosnt get eaten
james bond
james bond - 7 years ago
Do you have raccoons in your neighborhood?
Oliver Blackhall
Oliver Blackhall - 7 years ago
Lol wtf this channel should be called Paul's ponds lol your back yard is soooooo cool and exotic I wish I live in Florida but I live in England and I can't do that because it is too cold all the time
Beaker s lab lab
Beaker s lab lab - 7 years ago
2 Weeks later: hey Guys we making a third pond
joris 0313
joris 0313 - 7 years ago
I like your pond you take the best care of your fish on youtube but in a couple of years that roots of the tree are going to puncture the pond and it will leak
Ethan Parcon
Ethan Parcon - 7 years ago
Why there is a police car?
Twan Wildenbeest
Twan Wildenbeest - 7 years ago
I love turtels so cool
Joey Dipierro
Joey Dipierro - 7 years ago
Nfs hands down my favorite youtube I look forward watching everyday u litt bro!
Wian Botha
Wian Botha - 7 years ago
love your vids nice to see you building pons with different tipes of fish
Delsurf Lee
Delsurf Lee - 7 years ago
U should make it a live bait pond
nikhil goud
nikhil goud - 7 years ago
Make a small bridge in between 2ponds
guy gus
guy gus - 7 years ago
Mollys eat their babies so you shoud put some plants in pond
Skylander Gaming
Skylander Gaming - 7 years ago
The new pond is so amazing
Gabe Ross
Gabe Ross - 7 years ago
I️ feel like I️ found early the next big YouTube channel
Nathan - 7 years ago
Not sure about the turtles in the US but here in Australia its not the best thing putting turtles and pet fish together as the turtles will eat the fish.
MrLEMONSCENTED - 7 years ago
excellent song choice with the old logic
Daniel Masters
Daniel Masters - 7 years ago
He shud make a creek and cnekt them
Jamestown Vd Merwe
Jamestown Vd Merwe - 7 years ago
Get babby carps
TheSinkingDuck - 7 years ago
I think adding some guppies or danios would be nice
Elshamis Elshamis
Elshamis Elshamis - 7 years ago
Alexis Orozco
Alexis Orozco - 7 years ago
Bro come to my house in AZ and make me a pond lol...awesome videos
Liberty Griffith
Liberty Griffith - 7 years ago
This channel, and you, are so amazing!
I'm so happy I found you and that your sharing your work with us!
LifeTrekker - 7 years ago
Why not just build a really big and deep one right off the bat? And an elevated pond is a great alternative too.
Luke Shaffer
Luke Shaffer - 7 years ago
Does anybody else want to see paul connect the two ponds and build a bridge over them because I know I do !!!!!
Varad Shastri
Varad Shastri - 7 years ago
Didnt your mom said that was the final Pond :-p
fun adventure bros
fun adventure bros - 7 years ago
You should join the two ponds
Lord Monkey Boy
Lord Monkey Boy - 7 years ago
Miniponds are great for herons and egrets too....they will eat well...along with snakes and and learn
Aamodita Timilsina
Aamodita Timilsina - 7 years ago
best youtube channel ever dude shoutout please i liked it very much
Kayli Mills
Kayli Mills - 7 years ago
Hell yeah Logic is a god
Tabitha Cox
Tabitha Cox - 7 years ago
Paul please put a bullhead catfish in the pond please
Shabba Ranks
Shabba Ranks - 7 years ago
Tabitha Cox yes yes yes!
ZacKKoh - 7 years ago
Catch some small fish in the wild and put them in the small pond
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
U don't think the roots of that tree would disturb the pond
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
Yeah turtles
nick.m - 7 years ago
Perhaps use the smoll pond to keep live bait for the bass
SpencerFFA - 7 years ago
I wonder what your water bill is
Daniel Blaeser
Daniel Blaeser - 7 years ago
Make a stream to the other pond
Downy COD
Downy COD - 7 years ago
Did anyone else notice the police car in his yard lol
laura jane damsgard
laura jane damsgard - 7 years ago
Make a Rivera for your pond!
Lil Dan VEVO
Lil Dan VEVO - 7 years ago
Dude I freakin love your channel
skittlenoodles - 7 years ago
turtles are super hard to keep in a pond
LACHLAN GAMING - 7 years ago
Put some turtle on it
Levi Serbin
Levi Serbin - 7 years ago
You should grow fish for you bigger pond
LKW 119
LKW 119 - 7 years ago
Put some guppies in !!!
Marcus Owen
Marcus Owen - 7 years ago
Put the Oscar in the small pond
Sonu Reza
Sonu Reza - 7 years ago
Yo make a road for fish
Estevan's aquatics
Estevan's aquatics - 7 years ago
Get a big koi for the big pond
Maclain Hardwick
Maclain Hardwick - 7 years ago
Platy's reproduce a lot so if you wanna another type of fish that will reproduce a lot
Matter Outdoors
Matter Outdoors - 7 years ago
Does anyone realize the cop car on his lawn?
Maguire Craddock
Maguire Craddock - 7 years ago
Bro you should connect the ponds and make a bridge over the little river thing
The Izax
The Izax - 7 years ago
Put Bruce in the small pond so he won’t be eaten.
Corbin Olsson
Corbin Olsson - 7 years ago
Add a stream between the two ponds
MAXXL - 7 years ago
Won't the turtle eat those small fish?
Night Owl
Night Owl - 7 years ago
Yes!!! Bring your balloon molly back into that small pond. When my mom (so does my neighbour) complained about the sound of waterfalll (which I agree after a period of time), I placed more rocks to make the waterflow less vertical and more horizonal so that it flows much quieter like a reek instead of loud splashing.
systemdeadlock - 7 years ago
great idea to breed feeders in the small pond for the bigger fishes
Raul Paredes
Raul Paredes - 7 years ago
You should connect the ponds and build a bridge over the pond
Impalascraper - 7 years ago
You might aswell connect them and do that whole fence line!
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Make sure the turtles you get are native. If they have red ears they have to be larger than 4inches in diameter. I recommend yellow bellied sliders. They have a yellow stomach with two dots at the front. They have no size limit. DO NOT get a turtle with red stripes on the back they are endangered at protected. Good luck. Best way to catch em is chumming with canned sardines and comeback in about 30 mins with a net or cast net and throw over them.
kevin lonzo
kevin lonzo - 7 years ago
You should put guppies
Ruben Trevino
Ruben Trevino - 7 years ago
Police in the front yard. Nice touch.
Theo Nator
Theo Nator - 7 years ago
Mom: “hey Paul”
Paul:”what’s up”
Mom:”we’re moving”
Paul:”your funny Mom”
Mom:”no I’m not joking”
Paul:”hahaha crap what did I do”
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Paul’s mom: where are my towels?
Paul: oh...fuu
P. Gibbons
P. Gibbons - 7 years ago
Buy a building to make ponds and aquariums
Cooper Bakos
Cooper Bakos - 7 years ago
do you get a lot of mosquitos
Jose Aquatics
Jose Aquatics - 7 years ago
luv ur videos
GEORGIE BOY - 7 years ago
Why don’t you connect the big pond and the small pond and have a bridge between them so it could look amazing
vawero_0237 - 7 years ago
Also you shuld definetly put softshell turtles in the pond they are the best
Illuminati Confirmed Gaming
Illuminati Confirmed Gaming - 7 years ago
Make a river and connect the two ponds together
Illuminati Confirmed Gaming
Illuminati Confirmed Gaming - 7 years ago
In about 3 months the whole backyard is gonna be a lake
vawero_0237 - 7 years ago
What if you connect the two pond by putting the pipe that connects the skimmer and the waterfall through the mini pond and then to the waterfall. If you want to put turtles i would put some kind of fence because they would go to the other pond
vastpopcorn 2
vastpopcorn 2 - 7 years ago
Did anybody else see the police at 4:58?
FANTAIL - 7 years ago
Damn it he left me hanging
Braylon Giles
Braylon Giles - 7 years ago
Put he Oscar in there so the bass doesn’t eat him
Mason lewis
Mason lewis - 7 years ago
Put some of the fish your going to feed the big fish in there
Eli - 7 years ago
Connect them
Trystin 13
Trystin 13 - 7 years ago
Build a stream or cascad
Maria Arellano
Maria Arellano - 7 years ago
You can tell Paul loves his fans when you scroll down in the comments and see a bunch of likes from paul
Urban Outdoors mans
Urban Outdoors mans - 7 years ago
You gotta be shitting me
Mason lewis
Mason lewis - 7 years ago
Rip orange 2017
JJ Ward
JJ Ward - 7 years ago
You should buy a big empty lot and build a bunch of massive ponds in it and call it Paul's Pondland
Nelson Ramirez
Nelson Ramirez - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work young man. Really cool videos.
taylor taylor
taylor taylor - 7 years ago
Pual wat editor do you use for ur videos
Mason lewis
Mason lewis - 7 years ago
The grind never stops
Carson Dygert
Carson Dygert - 7 years ago
Rip huaraches
Spencer's Outdoors
Spencer's Outdoors - 7 years ago
When it’s finished go back to the dirty pond canal that you went to with the cast net and get some of those cat fish and maybe baby snook or tarpons
The World Singer
The World Singer - 7 years ago
New pond is looking amazing
TheUltimate Cow
TheUltimate Cow - 7 years ago
It’s always ponds and I love it
Haseeb Ruhomutally
Haseeb Ruhomutally - 7 years ago
Your taking over the garden lol
Nick Kucera
Nick Kucera - 7 years ago
Build that pond for ur food(feeding fish)
Hunting Fishing and more
Hunting Fishing and more - 7 years ago
Go back to the runoff canal and catch more mini snook and mini tarpon and put them in your ponds
Pinhead Larry
Pinhead Larry - 7 years ago
Should have extended it man
GameMasta14 - 7 years ago
Put some little bluegills in there
DeaDlyReMiix75 - 7 years ago
@paul cuffaro defiantly put shiners in there for you big bass!!
EliBeanXoX - 7 years ago
Other guys likes girls this dude likes ponds
3D Ski
3D Ski - 7 years ago
Why is there a cop car on your grass
Siri Raps
Siri Raps - 7 years ago
Ik for a fact these ponds will both meet in the future
Danny Woo
Danny Woo - 7 years ago
Cool idea, really enjoy your videos.
Jack Gimbert
Jack Gimbert - 7 years ago
Why is their a police car
Manue2623 - 7 years ago
Who ever dislikes this video is retarded because this channel is amazing
RTV Airsoft and Gaming
RTV Airsoft and Gaming - 7 years ago
You should make ur own pond building business
Ben - 7 years ago
This is why i love this because Content never stops on this channel
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
big pond lookin like a fidget spinner LOL
Donnie Daniello The pet kid
Donnie Daniello The pet kid - 7 years ago
be care full with turtles will eat small fish or any thing that fits in there mouth I think African cichlids are a good idea but great job
Ball Bros
Ball Bros - 7 years ago
When it becomes season for when frogs breed ha've it where they can breed in the pond
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
Why there a police car parked on your front lawn
Fishingmaster - 7 years ago
Paul will be next predatory fins but in his backyard
Fishingmaster - 7 years ago
My boi why
Micali Vlogs
Micali Vlogs - 7 years ago
yall need to put turtles in that small pond
tooth less
tooth less - 7 years ago
I love it
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 7 years ago
You should put some goldfish in it, [not koi just normal goldfish, koi grow too big for that pond]
Eric M
Eric M - 7 years ago
That’s a big ass pond for minnows
IUSECAMERAS - 7 years ago
dooope. the pond master!!
Kittenbella - 7 years ago XD this is gonna be "dope" (crack)
Michael Ray
Michael Ray - 7 years ago
Why another pond video. Fish please.
G Frano
G Frano - 7 years ago
What are you going to do after the ponds are done ??
Safeen Islam
Safeen Islam - 7 years ago
u cant take care of 1 y build 2 first get heaters for ur pond
Memes Do Come True
Memes Do Come True - 7 years ago
U call that a mini pond my dad only let me build one a quarter of the size of that one
Devon Bonney
Devon Bonney - 7 years ago
Use weed liner next time great vid
I'm making a pond
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams - 7 years ago
Those turtles will out-shit that 300 gph filter in no time flat. Good luck. First pond is awesome!
Jun Gabriel Macaraeg
Jun Gabriel Macaraeg - 7 years ago
Get a koi for XMAS
Jun Gabriel Macaraeg
Jun Gabriel Macaraeg - 7 years ago
Get a koi for XMAS
dan the fish man boss
dan the fish man boss - 7 years ago
All the fish will get eaten
The K18
The K18 - 7 years ago
2 PONDS WTF your backyard is literally where I want to live
Ben Meldrum
Ben Meldrum - 7 years ago
Who knows that Paul's big pond looked like a figet spinner
Michael Trigiani
Michael Trigiani - 7 years ago
If you get reptiles they could end up in the big pond
Simon Dauth
Simon Dauth - 7 years ago
Paul you should make the bottom a light color so you can see the fish better
Michael Trigiani
Michael Trigiani - 7 years ago
Yo, you should a bridge to both ponds
Blake Brass
Blake Brass - 7 years ago
Get guppys too
Ciaran_m - 7 years ago
sees notification

kalebgilreathhighlights 21
kalebgilreathhighlights 21 - 7 years ago
Dude your ponds are amazing
Jose Corujo
Jose Corujo - 7 years ago
FYI turtles will leave their Pond and walk your yard I'm going to the bigger pawn and unfortunately be fish food lol great job tho.
nykov kuznetsov
nykov kuznetsov - 7 years ago
make a stream from the big one to the small one
t000000000MUCH - 7 years ago
RIP to your grass. no more grass anywhere
nykov kuznetsov
nykov kuznetsov - 7 years ago
put cichlids
broken-wrist YT
broken-wrist YT - 7 years ago
I know where you can get free baby turtles
Brandon Cuevas
Brandon Cuevas - 7 years ago
Why was there a police car
Ethanplays_roblox - 7 years ago
who else is wondering why is there a cop car on his front garden
Hunter Perkey
Hunter Perkey - 7 years ago
What you should do with that little pond is when you catch a little bass,catfish,bluegill any small fish that would go in a pond raise them in there when they get bigger put them in the big pond
ashton cunningham
ashton cunningham - 7 years ago
Make a river woth 2 ponds
Abode Hasanat
Abode Hasanat - 7 years ago
What about the root of the tree
Ram Fish
Ram Fish - 7 years ago
A bit skeptical if the blankets will stop the roots, lol but love the videos
SomeGuyWithMtnDew - 7 years ago
nature fish lover?
Livecrazy Videos
Livecrazy Videos - 7 years ago
Little pond = livewell
Paul reeves
Paul reeves - 7 years ago
Fishing Fantasy
Fishing Fantasy - 7 years ago
"Since the pond series is such a success I am building a third pond"
Pistol Berry
Pistol Berry - 7 years ago
I love your videos
Its the best fishing channel
Canadian fishing giants
Canadian fishing giants - 7 years ago
Get more mollys for the pond get 30 more
Bape Gaming
Bape Gaming - 7 years ago
You should put nemo and dory
Canadian fishing giants
Canadian fishing giants - 7 years ago
4:56 - 5:15 theres a cop in the backgroud
Keegan Winter
Keegan Winter - 7 years ago
Put ur talopia in ur aka food
Natlie Nixon
Natlie Nixon - 7 years ago
Mud HogsTv
Mud HogsTv - 7 years ago
You should connect the two ponds then build like a little bridge or something
Kinlock gtr
Kinlock gtr - 7 years ago
What is his water bill
Kinlock gtr
Kinlock gtr - 7 years ago
Don't put a snapping turtle with baby koi my snapping killed my baby koi
yeet fishing
yeet fishing - 7 years ago
i want to build a pond but where i live it gets pretty cold i live in iowa and i don't know what i would do in the winter can koi live in negative 20 cause it gets that cold and i know mollys and oscars can't live in that cold of weather i have a 40 gallon tank do you think that can keep them intel it's warm enough
Canadian fishing giants
Canadian fishing giants - 7 years ago
Awesome content bro!!!! Keep it ip
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
Put exotic turtles!!!
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
Or morph turtles not just sliders
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
Like albinos
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
Just make sure the turtle wont eat the fish :|
No Face
No Face - 7 years ago
59 degrees and you feel cold. You Should live in the UK
Ez eK5
Ez eK5 - 7 years ago
Molly’s, Guppies, Platies, Endler Guppies, Killifish, zebra can do a lot man...don’t waste this opportunity
Johnny Fernandez
Johnny Fernandez - 7 years ago
Where do you get your rocks
wigless - 7 years ago
Connect them and make a bridge
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
I subscribed so long ago, i had to create another account to feel how it was to subscribe to u :)
TheFlying Gamer
TheFlying Gamer - 7 years ago
Love the pond
Aaron - 7 years ago
whats police car for
Creek Fishing with Carter Mc
Creek Fishing with Carter Mc - 7 years ago
Awesome vid man chain out my Fishing channel
Mykel-Maven Rodriguez
Mykel-Maven Rodriguez - 7 years ago
You inspired me to make a big backyard pond
Mykel-Maven Rodriguez
Mykel-Maven Rodriguez - 7 years ago
How tall are you
Ez eK5
Ez eK5 - 7 years ago
Your parents MUST love you
MarcuzPlayz_ Roblox
MarcuzPlayz_ Roblox - 7 years ago
Tarp is ur new best friend
PlotLow - 7 years ago
Everybody like this comment so paul can see so if you put a lot of minnows in the water the turtles will get sick and die thats what happended to my turtles
Richard O'connor
Richard O'connor - 7 years ago
you guys going to start a yard pond business or what, electric bill and taxes got me wondering what will happen in a few months.
Roman Dombrowski
Roman Dombrowski - 7 years ago
I am so excited don’t buy your turtles you can easily catch some. Besides saving money it helps the environment because most of those turtles are invasive
TerraMerc 73
TerraMerc 73 - 7 years ago
Police carin the background
Aidan Chromick
Aidan Chromick - 7 years ago
I am very excited
matt - 7 years ago
Do you still fish?
Always Outdoors
Always Outdoors - 7 years ago
Maybe you should just build a lake behind your house
Cinematic Recon
Cinematic Recon - 7 years ago
Dang I wish I owned my house so I could do that thanks Paul for inspiring me to want a pond nice job bro I can't wait for your channel to get bigger!!!
TerraMerc 73
TerraMerc 73 - 7 years ago
Making it near a tree? Um...
MacQueenLucas - 7 years ago
You should put more lights in the big pond and put some in the small pond
Kenji Unno
Kenji Unno - 7 years ago
pretty sure next year your house will be a river lol
Mujtaba Raja
Mujtaba Raja - 7 years ago
What’s with the police car
Dominic Jennaro
Dominic Jennaro - 7 years ago
Make longer videos
Weston Elder
Weston Elder - 7 years ago
Get a snapping Turtle their awesome and cool pets..take it from someone who has one
Kenji Unno
Kenji Unno - 7 years ago
buy a baby alligator snapping turtle lik if u agree!!!!
I love Fishing
I love Fishing - 7 years ago
Love the videos I’m thinking of digging my self a pond and remember keep up the great work
Weston Elder
Weston Elder - 7 years ago
What kind of turtles
Lucy Ngo
Lucy Ngo - 7 years ago
You should add guppies too with he mollies they are both live bearers and can breed with each other and they are very colorful and reproduce fast
Tammy Samuela
Tammy Samuela - 7 years ago
president of random 5Q
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
I love turtles
Jonathan Trelles
Jonathan Trelles - 7 years ago
Oshawa Minor Generals 07 AAA
Oshawa Minor Generals 07 AAA - 7 years ago
Best YouTuber I've ever seen
peter Aikens
peter Aikens - 7 years ago
pauls dad is a cop!
sam.lovejoy - 7 years ago
Why is there a police car in ur front yard?
LifeTube - 7 years ago
What if the turtles go into the bigger pond are you gonna put alittle fence?
RyNz Richardo
RyNz Richardo - 7 years ago
Small pond for minnow
Big pond for exotic fish
LifeTube - 7 years ago
I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE YAY please pin this
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
I loved the end!!!!! 10:20
SUMONSTERTUBE - 7 years ago
Was that nesquik in a can? DISGOOSTANG
Da Jack Is Back
Da Jack Is Back - 7 years ago
Make your whole yard a pond
Robbie Moss
Robbie Moss - 7 years ago
Put a common snapping trutle in it man
lucas grier
lucas grier - 7 years ago
Wye was there a police car in you front yard
Jeremy Grier
Jeremy Grier - 7 years ago
This dude loaves his ponds
Corbin crunk
Corbin crunk - 7 years ago
You should get baby micro largmouth bass
Easton Agnew
Easton Agnew - 7 years ago
Can’t wait for the pond to be finished it will be so asome
Courtney N Jared Byrd
Courtney N Jared Byrd - 7 years ago
Who's Cop car
madden mobile beast
madden mobile beast - 7 years ago
Why was the cop car in your yard
Erick Boss Velez
Erick Boss Velez - 7 years ago
Why is there a cop car in your yard?
j.r.d.l - 7 years ago
Put in some fancy goldfish that always look beautiful
biggunzcdb - 7 years ago
The little pond needs a raised and inverted 55 gallon tank in the middle. Once you suck the air out, it makes a place for fish to hang out above the pond's waterline.
madden mobile beast
madden mobile beast - 7 years ago
Jonathan Ferguson
Jonathan Ferguson - 7 years ago
Should put a big school of those silver dollars in like the one you had
PD1729 - 7 years ago
I know this would probably never happen but what if Paul  connected the ponds and put a bridge between
0rbit265 - 7 years ago
Just make your whole backyard a pond bro lol
papa shrek king
papa shrek king - 7 years ago
Good vid
Fisherman_WillPass - 7 years ago
Is someone in your family law enforcement? I noticed the vehicle out front.
tyler b
tyler b - 7 years ago
that small pond and a a grow out tank for a new arowana :)
Bass bikes bows and bullets
Bass bikes bows and bullets - 7 years ago
Why is there a cop in ur front yard?????
OFFICIAL CJ - 7 years ago
Connect them
Sub to PC
Sub to PC - 7 years ago
Your amazing another pond I could watch your vids all day your my favorite youtuber
patty law
patty law - 7 years ago
Yesss can’t wait for it to be done love these pond episodes
Fishing.In.Florida - 7 years ago
one year later: paul cuffaro is now aquatic and lives underwater
Alexander Arzate
Alexander Arzate - 7 years ago
You should buy artificial grass for the ground
Lachlan Cannon
Lachlan Cannon - 7 years ago
Great vid Paul
Keep up the work
Callum Drummond
Callum Drummond - 7 years ago
If you het turtles do a lot of reserch on them p.s. a audlt red eared slider can climb up to 1 metrr
Pol Arumi
Pol Arumi - 7 years ago
You need to get fancy goldfish in there. Pleaseeeeee.
Trixtor Bloks and Animations
Trixtor Bloks and Animations - 7 years ago
Should've made a tunnel connecting them both together
Tabitha Cox
Tabitha Cox - 7 years ago
Put a freaking bullhead catfish in it
Lenny Choi
Lenny Choi - 7 years ago
Faze_air Jordan
Faze_air Jordan - 7 years ago
Escalate - 7 years ago
Man my parents would be so pissed
Langsten Johnson
Langsten Johnson - 7 years ago
Why does Paul not have a lot more subscribers
cristian preciado
cristian preciado - 7 years ago
How’s Casper the catfish lol
Tommy Mccane
Tommy Mccane - 7 years ago
Sick vid! You should connect the two ponds with a small channel!
Nolan Ambrosino
Nolan Ambrosino - 7 years ago
Put bruce in the mini pond so thump doesn't eat him
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 7 years ago
when i move im making a pond, thanks for the inspirational vids :D keep em coming
Dante Famularo
Dante Famularo - 7 years ago
Great video
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Your mom gonna kill u
Banana Nerf Gamers
Banana Nerf Gamers - 7 years ago
This is like tropical fish pond
ImNickP03 - 7 years ago
Amazing! I freaking love these videos man!
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
F-350 baby makes tacoma look tiny
Texas toad bros
Texas toad bros - 7 years ago
Why was there a polisce car
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
Dude that’s bad as you make it look so easy
SpencerFFA - 7 years ago
Within a week itll be merged with the big pond
velocity8181 - 7 years ago
Man's not cold
David J
David J - 7 years ago
May need a bigger filter turtles are messy.
deathminser gaming
deathminser gaming - 7 years ago
You make it look so easy
tackle assist
tackle assist - 7 years ago
Love your videos you should put a small brush pile type deal in the new pond
connor k
connor k - 7 years ago
2020 paul Cuffaro: how to turn your backyard into a lake.*not click bait*
P-Diddy - 7 years ago
20 Years Later

Neighbors at a barbecue
Bro, what is all this freakin noise?

Oh, it’s my neighbors 15 filters in his backyard for all his fish ponds.
Tiffany Sark
Tiffany Sark - 7 years ago
Yay turtles ! Lol
박정우 - 7 years ago
I love the idea pf reptiles plz add them
Nathan Her
Nathan Her - 7 years ago
Chase Waits
Chase Waits - 7 years ago
Paul went pond CRAZY!!!
Anthony Chen
Anthony Chen - 7 years ago
is that cop in the back on duty?
Aaron Glasoe
Aaron Glasoe - 7 years ago
Put Bruce in the little pond
Untame Duck Productions
Untame Duck Productions - 7 years ago
How Many Gallons Is The Big Pond? Mine Is Only 125G :(
Matt Mattaway
Matt Mattaway - 7 years ago
Obviously you don't have a dad around so I'm gonna be your temporary dad and tell you not to dig without any shoes on because that shovel will chop your toes clean off.
Alicia Lord10
Alicia Lord10 - 7 years ago
Thank you Paul for replying you just made my day
jhj 515
jhj 515 - 7 years ago
Cant wait till next vid
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 7 years ago
you should have made atleast a foot deeper with all that extra liner.
Owen Burnham
Owen Burnham - 7 years ago
You should connect the pond to one big one then make a bridge bet it
Justin Nguyen
Justin Nguyen - 7 years ago
Your the best Paul

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Raww fishing


10,436 likes 1,290,233 views 7 years ago

NEW PET MONSTER FISH in my GIANT HOME AQUARIUM POOL POND! Help me Name Him? FREE @Southernfinapparel BUFF link here:...

Raww fishing


7,388 likes 1,239,985 views 7 years ago

Me and my buddy @Miamifishrunners from Instagram decided to make a homemade pool pond! Record Size Bluegill??? CHECK...

Raww fishing


12,048 likes 1,223,993 views 6 years ago

Zombie fish is infecting the pond at my friend RAWWFISHING's place! RAWWFISHING Youtube Channel:...

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