Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Hit 'READ MORE' for links and full videos description - Watch in HD Oase Aquamax Eco 8000 (pump): Oase Filtoclear 15000 (filter): (upgraded version is Filtoclear 16000) Video showing the stages of building a fish pond including how to build a cascade and how to lay pond edging. How to edge a pond is a question most people ask themselves when considering the pond design and this video shows how I normally do it. There is also alfagrog filter media incorporated inside this wall to act as a huge filter around the pond perimeter - totally hidden by the edging. This video also shows how to prevent the soil settling under the cascade and detail on the electrics. We missed the first couple of days filming due to bad weather so have not included the digging of the hole, laying of underlay and liner or the building of the dry stone wall but that can be found in the video link below. For a full pond building video including the digging of the hole and laying liner, click here: Thanks for watching and appreciating the video. Subscribe for more. *PLEASE NOTE I HAVE CLOSED TYNE VALLEY AQUATICS AND NOW SELL MEDIA FROM HOME ONLINE. COLLECTING MEDIA IS NO PROBLEM JUST RING OR EMAIL ANY TIME.* My phone number (Richard) 07772848730 My email address

Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Pond 11 years ago 84,914 views

Hit 'READ MORE' for links and full videos description - Watch in HD Oase Aquamax Eco 8000 (pump): Oase Filtoclear 15000 (filter): (upgraded version is Filtoclear 16000) Video showing the stages of building a fish pond including how to build a cascade and how to lay pond edging. How to edge a pond is a question most people ask themselves when considering the pond design and this video shows how I normally do it. There is also alfagrog filter media incorporated inside this wall to act as a huge filter around the pond perimeter - totally hidden by the edging. This video also shows how to prevent the soil settling under the cascade and detail on the electrics. We missed the first couple of days filming due to bad weather so have not included the digging of the hole, laying of underlay and liner or the building of the dry stone wall but that can be found in the video link below. For a full pond building video including the digging of the hole and laying liner, click here: Thanks for watching and appreciating the video. Subscribe for more. *PLEASE NOTE I HAVE CLOSED TYNE VALLEY AQUATICS AND NOW SELL MEDIA FROM HOME ONLINE. COLLECTING MEDIA IS NO PROBLEM JUST RING OR EMAIL ANY TIME.* My phone number (Richard) 07772848730 My email address

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for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Pondguru - 8 years ago
Hit 'READ MORE' for links and full videos description - Watch in HD
Oase Aquamax Eco 8000 (pump):
Oase Filtoclear 15000 (filter): (upgraded version)
Video showing the stages of building a fish pond including how to build a cascade and how to lay pond edging. How to edge a pond is a question most people ask themselves when considering the pond design and this video shows how I normally do it.
There is also alfagrog filter media incorporated inside this wall to act as a huge filter around the pond perimeter - totally hidden by the edging.
This video also shows how to prevent the soil settling under the cascade and detail on the electrics.
We missed the first couple of days filming due to bad weather so have not included the digging of the hole, laying of underlay and liner or the building of the dry stone wall but that can be found in the video link below.
For a full pond building video including the digging of the hole and laying liner, click here:

Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Subscribe for more.


My phone number (Richard) 07772848730
My email address
Ar Me
Ar Me - 7 years ago
Pondguru Outdoo4-rs
Pondguru - 7 years ago
I'm glad you enjoy the videos and thanks for watching.
Carrina Murphy
Carrina Murphy - 7 years ago
this design is fantastic
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
oooh this pond is gonna be nice!!!
Igor Lukovic
Igor Lukovic - 7 years ago
PondGuru, thanks for the videos. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them. You came as inspiration and I'm about to start my own pond project. I would appreciate if you let me know what type of rocks would you recommend for ORIENTAL pond? Thanks
Pondguru - 7 years ago
No worries, best of luck with the construction.
Igor Lukovic
Igor Lukovic - 7 years ago
Pondguru thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. I have just finished digging the pond out, so next step will be sorting the type of stones i need to use around the pond, as well as cascade, which I will build according to yours. Thanks again.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
The most suitable types would be either weathered limestone or grey granite as they have the most authentic look.
Edward Mullett
Edward Mullett - 7 years ago
Hi I have watched many of your videos and it was my brother who suggested to me to watch your videos for ideas and help on my pond when I gets round to do it. But the electrics to power the pump and uv light in the filter and lights is really confusing me as I have read up about having to bury armoured cable underground and having to put sand on top of it and and then soil for the rest but in your video you don't put the cable underground you put it under the fence so im not to sure what the right way of doing it is. If you could give me a couple of pointers on this and how its done I would really appreciate it.. Thank you
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Unfortunately I do not build ponds now but I have a long list of filtration videos to get to when (if) I ever get the time. I'm glad you enjoyed the ones I put out already.
Edward Mullett
Edward Mullett - 7 years ago
Pondguru thank you very much for the tips I was confused whether it had to be buryed or not.. I really enjoy watching your videos with my wife trying to get some ideas on shapes on ponds and what make of pumps and what filters to use and we both really like your tower filter box idea with all the different media. Keep up the awesome videos.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
You can do it either way but if it is below ground it ideally wants to be well below normal spade / fork digging depth and have a 'Danger electric cable' protector over it. Some people use plastic thin stuff but I tend to use hard roll of warning like is used by council workers.
Tip: if there is a hole in a road quite often you will find lengths of warning stuff lying around as most of the time if the guys have dropped it and it had been unraveled they can't be bothered to roll it back up so will end up throwing it in the hold and burying it, usually they will just give you some free.
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
What happens when u use a pond filter on an aquarium? Nice vid.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Really the only difference between aquarium and pond filters is the size so assuming you have a large enough tank to justify using a pond filter it will work no problem.
Richard Jacks
Richard Jacks - 7 years ago
I have enjoyed watching your videos as I am in the planning stage of my koi pond. Question- I have noticed in your videos that when you are using mixed concrete to secure the stones, the concrete mix goes directly onto the liner. Is this correct? Since the liner is not secured on the sides but just by the weight of the stone, I would fear that the liner might move over time jeopardizing the stability of the concrete possibly causing it crack and loosen between the stones over time. Please explain/comment. Thanks!!
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Normally we would build the dry stone wall on the liner (over an underlay) then secure the capping with cement. I can't remember laying concrete on the liner so if you could let me know which video has the cement / concrete being laid on the liner it would be appreciated and I can explain what was going on in that one no problem.
faran23 - 7 years ago
Hi Richard, really enjoying your videos. More or less just starting to build a raised wooden pond. I'm unsure about the differences in pond liner. What do you usually suggest and also what's your second choice in pond liners. I'm seeing rubber, PVC, epdm? Which should I choose and why.. Thanks in advance for your advice
Pondguru - 7 years ago
The liner I always used for ponds is 1mm rubber (Firestone rubber) and it would always be laid over a suitable underlay which was polyester fleece - both were from Gordon Low in the UK. PVC is generally half as thick and makes for a poor job. EPDM is just like rubber but more stretchy and generally thinner.
The 1mm liner is very good and allows you to build walls on it no problem (it is best to lie a piece of underlay over the liner if you're putting stones on it.

10. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Robert Hillman
Robert Hillman - 7 years ago
Hi Richard

Love your videos man! So informative and you give such great advice on pond construction. Ive got to admit I've become addicted and i think my future wife is having second thoughts!

Im thinking of creating my own koi pond, prob about 8x6x5ft and wondered how deep you made the concrete footings for the external wall. Im no builder or the best DIY'er but ill have a dam good try at making things.

I was also wondering if you could give some advice on the pump and filter size, i was thinking of going with the Aquamax Eco Premium 10000 and Filtoclear 30000 as don't really want to be messing with a bottom drain. I was also going to add the Aquaskim 40 Skimmer as we have a few trees in our garden.
Im only thinking of having about 8 koi, pond lilies and maybe a few irises. Would this be suitable for my pond size or a bit overkill?

Any advice would be great mate!
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Yes if there is a danger of soil settling and affecting the wall its best to go with a concrete collar wherever you're building up.
I have more clay and reckon I'll add it soon as the guys messing about with the drains up the fields seem to be taking a break from their mess while there are cattle in the field.
Robert Hillman
Robert Hillman - 7 years ago
Awesome, cheers mate. Ill prob need too as our soil is quite loose.

Keep the posts coming. Loved that one with the clay clearing the water, amazing what it did in a short time
Pondguru - 7 years ago
No worries, sometimes I would use a small footing for the external dry stone wall to prevent subsidence - it depends how good the ground is and how high the wall is.
Robert Hillman
Robert Hillman - 7 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply mate. Sorry i thought you mentioned a footing on the external wall. No worries though.

Thanks for the advice too! Just got to put theory into practice now.

Thanks again mate, all the best.
Pondguru - 7 years ago
The walling stone around the pond did not have any concrete footing but the block wall supporting the cascade did. It was around 1' wide and about 8" deep. There wouldn't be a great deal of weight on it.
Pump and filter seem fine but ultimately the pump size will be dictated by the rise and spread of the cascade - you may find you need a 12000 or larger if the spread is over 12" at a 1.5m lift.
Skimmer is definitely a good idea if you have surrounding trees as that will save scooping them out all the time.
Robert Hillman
Robert Hillman - 7 years ago
Sorry mate. Forgot to add, id like to build a cascade too, probably about 1m high, maybe 1.5m.
robert boardman
robert boardman - 7 years ago
Great work
Still in dark about filter connections guess its self apparent when get the kit
Pondguru - 7 years ago
Yes they are very straightforward to set up and maintain.
Darran Eccleston
Darran Eccleston - 7 years ago much would it cost for a pond like the 1 in the video ????
Pondguru - 7 years ago
My memory is terrible and it has been years since I built ponds but I think it was around £2.5k - hole was already dug.
Mals Aquaholics
Mals Aquaholics - 7 years ago
great video richard
Richard Ernst
Richard Ernst - 8 years ago
That pond is awesome..!!! I would love to have something like that in my backyard..!
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I definitely miss making the ponds except when it is freezing cold and lashing down with rain. Then it's great to be a home based business in a warm log cabin, lol
walt russell
walt russell - 8 years ago
Stats what I like about you your not a frail to get dirty
Pondguru - 8 years ago
That's probably why I got back into bushcraft sort of hobbies when I gave up the pond building as I missed crawling about in the muck, lol
Tony Dowling
Tony Dowling - 8 years ago
Hi Richard
Really fantastic pond as all your ponds are, i am going to build a pond just like this one in February and would like some advise please.
I am going to put maybe 6 koi in it and was wondering if the filtoclear 30000 would be ok as i don't want to mess around with a bottom drain and would a 8000 pump be ok as well like in one of your other ponds you have built.
Must admit your videos are addictive and i spend ages watching them to the point the wife is going to divorce me lol.
All the best for Christmas and the new year and thanks again

Pondguru - 8 years ago
Dear Tony,
I'm glad you enjoy the videos and I love it when I hear they are helping people plan and build their own ponds - I kind of wish I was still making them for that reason alone as it is so good to create something from nothing.
The 30000 filter is a very good compact unit and the 8000 pump is one I used many times as it provides a decent turnover rate for medium sized ponds as well as a good flow for a cascade or stream but the actual size of pump and filter will depend on the pond volume and cascade lift / spread.
For a pond of this size with koi in that combo would be a good one so no worries there.
Feel free to ring me to ask anything, any time on 07772848730 - phone is always on 9-5 weekdays and most of the time at a weekend.
Tobias Mattson
Tobias Mattson - 8 years ago
Hey, that pond looks really nice,! I have some questions about alfagrog and inner stone layer.Planing to make a pond around 25m3 with depth of around 1,5m (3x5m ish), and plenty of koi in it. How much weigth can 1mm rubber take, did you use parts of the underlay inside the pond but under and behind the stones?Part of the question and maybe of bad language, i live in the middle of sweden so there might be abound 30cm of ice during winter. Alfagrogg vs. biohome media and witch would you use? Got a drummfilter and beadfilter also, my garden is small and i dont want a shower filter for the last stage of cleaning: nitrate stage..
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Yes that environment behind the wall of the pond edges is way too dirty for biohome too. Biohome will work in muck but is much better in a clean well protected environment. For general pond filtration alfagrog does a great job.
As a shower media or media for sumps and canister aquarium filters the biohome works way better as it is in a clean environment - you're right, to filter a pond with any type of biohome is very expensive and wouldn't really be used by anyone other than serious fish keepers who have good quality koi.
Tobias Mattson
Tobias Mattson - 8 years ago
Just to clarify if someone is thinking same thoughts!Alphagrog or biohome media was  just a choise behind the stones, and after some investigation biohome is gona be majorly expensive. :D
Tobias Mattson
Tobias Mattson - 8 years ago
awsome, cheers.!
Pondguru - 8 years ago
The drum filter is a mechanical filter and the bead filter is biological. Neither designs are suited to alfagrog or biohome but alfagrog is often the best choice for a pond filter as the biohome does need very clear water to operate properly. The bead filter will use a plastic media which will produce lots of nitrate.
If you used the alfagrog behind the stone walls it would act as a very slow flow de-oxygenated zone and definitely help with reducing the nitrate. As long as the shelf is solid there is no real limit to the weight on top of liner but it is definitely best to put underlay under and over the liner where walls are to be built then liner is protected from both sides. Also put underlay up the back of the wall if it is high or has stone with random shaped backs to them.
Brendan Murray
Brendan Murray - 8 years ago
very good & helpful.
pothuss - 8 years ago
great looking pond you guys did a good job
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Glad you like it. I gave up installing ponds a few years ago but I'm glad i made the videos of some of the ponds we built.

20. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot
Ali Mohamed
Ali Mohamed - 8 years ago
Hi. Good info. I'm planning to make an aquarium with 244cm x 122 cm x80 cm. I'm using Arcylic glasses and I'm wondering which thickness should I go with?! I'm thinking in 19 mm. Is that safe and secure enough for such tank?! Any advice?!
Pondguru - 8 years ago
I don't know much about acrylic but I would go for 25mm as there is going to be a heck of a lot of weight pushing out on that. It will need about 4-5 braces on the top too.
Jason O'Brien
Jason O'Brien - 8 years ago
Very informative and practical as always, just need to try and absorb it all and apply it now.
Pondguru - 8 years ago
Glad you enjoyed the video - shame I missed a couple of days filming on this one.
Alison Thomas
Alison Thomas - 9 years ago
Excellent instructions and ideas.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Alison Thomas Glad you enjoyed it - thanks for watching.
Ianov Petrisor Moroca
Ianov Petrisor Moroca - 9 years ago
Great job dude, looks awesome
Rizan Abdulghaffar
Rizan Abdulghaffar - 9 years ago
can you get in this hall
Christian Butlin
Christian Butlin - 9 years ago
can you give me a ball park figure of hour much all this would cost from start top finish, including materials, labour, products, everything please, I'm just curious, I understand you don't build them anymore, many thanks, Christian.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Christian Butlin No I used to sell them when I had the shop but I closed it earlier this year and now work from home.
Christian Butlin
Christian Butlin - 9 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors cool thanks for the reply, by the by, do you breed fire belly newts?
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Christian Butlin This one may have been around £2.5k but the hole was dug by the home owner. We just had to shape the hole and construct the pond.
tero bau
tero bau - 9 years ago
what is the name of that black sheet kept under water??
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Fowler l I got the stone I used in the pond building videos from a local quarry near Blanchland which has unfortunately closed. There is another one nearby which has more regular flatter bed sandstone but the stone will be more expensive -
fowler l
fowler l - 9 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors where did you get the rockery stones from? I live in the north east
tero bau
tero bau - 9 years ago
+Pondguru Outdoors thanx
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Tshering lama The liner? it is 1mm thick Firestone rubber.
sandra lowe
sandra lowe - 9 years ago
Your a star. On hol next week but will ring u on return. Thanks again
sandra lowe
sandra lowe - 9 years ago
Hi, I appreciate you don't construct ponds anymore due to commitments, but do you offer advice/ consultation? Hubbie and I have decided to build a pond ourselves and your videos have been so informative but need advice for materials for raised pond. Cheers. Sandra, ryton, woodside
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+sandra lowe  Sorry just seen your comment now - having a real problem with comments on youtube being put into spam and not notifying me. I don't do anything pond related due to the way the online sales business has taken off and is so unpredictable when a sudden spate of orders will come in and need shipping but if you ring me on 07772848730 I can advise no problem.

30. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Paul Roadz
Paul Roadz - 9 years ago
Just for curiosity how much money would I expect to pay for a pond like this ?
Paul Roadz
Paul Roadz - 9 years ago
thanks i think ill play around with the idea a bit longer maybe downsize a little lol.
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Paul Roadz This was another one where the hole was already dug but the rest of it may have been around £2.5k? I can't remember as I wasn't the best at keeping records and it was a good while ago.
Paul Roadz
Paul Roadz - 9 years ago
That's a great pond I'm thinking about constructing one in my garden and this is the best example of the one I think I might have a go at.
Rathanak Youn
Rathanak Youn - 9 years ago
Deep Mesh Recordings Music
Deep Mesh Recordings Music - 9 years ago
PondGuru is just the best in the Game..Thank you
Pondguru - 9 years ago
+Deep Mesh Recordings Music The game beat me, man. About 8 years ago my daughter broke my lower back and every year it would crap out on my when I was digging ponds so I had to give up the installation. I'm just so glad I made the videos as it allowed me to pass on tips to others.Glad you enjoy the videos.
Troy Tandy
Troy Tandy - 10 years ago
Really enjoy watching your pond building videos from my home in Northern CA US... Its neat to see your videos from across the pond ;-)  Your the best at doing these how to videos for sure.
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Part of me wishes I was still making ponds as it was nice to construct something which would be functioning for years and years but due to the family commitments and the fact that pond work was only 6 months a year (at best) I had to give up in favour of the online business I had been building up over the last year or two along side the pond construction.
I had to make a choice between income that was 24/7 from home or income that was only during spring and summer months where I travelled all round the county so it was a no brainer really. What I really wanted was to pass all the work onto one company who could do it all but there isn't one here who is competent with all aspects of pond construction so I now pass specific projects to different landscapers who can do formal, wildlife, koi ponds etc.
Just glad I did the guide videos as they will still be here for years to come so I really appreciate you liking them.
If I was in California I reckon I could have extended the building season but in rainy old England it is a wet job building ponds most of the time.
Maybe I will move out there and resume my career, lol
Robert McAuley
Robert McAuley - 10 years ago
nicely done
RossJDay - 10 years ago
actually awesome what you did there. I would happily pay for one of those. Keep it up !
King Carluccio
King Carluccio - 10 years ago
Now We are Talking , You are Such an Inspiration Love that Idea of the Filter in the Pond with that Alfa Grog , Really You are One of a Kind in a Really Good Way  ... Thank you so Much for making this Video , Amazing Job many many Compliments 
Pondguru - 10 years ago
No worries,  man.
I have done a few with hidden filters like this and they always stay crystal clear with no ammonia or nitrite.
Glad you enjoyed the video and appreciate the design.
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
hi. i dug a pond 10ft x 5ft x 2ft deep, fitted underlay & liner and filled it. after the first downpour of rain ( i live in in the north east uk ) the rain water got under the liner and lifted it from the bottom. would weighing it down solve the problem. any ideas    
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+shippahoy100 Yes, that's it. 
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru so just put the pipe in the ground cover in gravel and run a pipe above ground. then pressure pushes the excess water out.   
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru ok. thanks a lot 
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Just use perforated land drain from builders merchants. The 2" (50mm) diameter pipe will be OK for small to medium sized ponds. You can get the T junctions and gravel (20mm works best) from same places too.
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru is it just a length of tubing or a specialist item mate. 
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru cheers. is a bleed pipe readily available to buy and easy to fit. any idea of price 
Pondguru - 10 years ago
Even if the pond was partially raised there would be enough atmospheric pressure to keep the groundwater in the ground and prevent the liner lifting up. A bleed pipe doesn't need to be dug in a trench underground and it can bleed out at ground level. Think of it as a pressure release to prevent groundwater lifting liner.
shippahoy100 - 10 years ago
+Pondguru thanks mate your a star. trouble is most of the surrounding garden is either concrete or patio so putting in underground drainage would be a nightmare. think a raised pond is the easier option. thanks for taking time to reply. 
Pondguru - 10 years ago
You will need to put in a drainage system and lead a bleed pipe away from that. That's what I do in this video link (from about 01:45)
It uses perforated land drainage pipe and gravel in trenches under the pond to take water away through the bleed pipe and into a nearby stream. This one worked perfectly even though the previous pond (installed by someone else years ago) had major problems with the liner lifting out after heavy rain.
Weighing the liner down isn't a good option as it often does not work and stones lifting up and down with rising groundwater levels can damage the liner.
Jonathan Dufner
Jonathan Dufner - 10 years ago
how much does something like this cost?
Jonathan Dufner
Jonathan Dufner - 10 years ago
thanks for responding
Pondguru - 10 years ago
I'm sure I will have written it in  previous comment somewhere so this is from memory (and may not be accurate). Hole was already dug by owner of house so I think pond was around £2k?
Ármin de Villa
Ármin de Villa - 10 years ago
what is the name of the plant you use in the wall of the pond?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
We used few different types of spreading plants:
Water forget-me-not
Mimulus luteus
Vincent Swann
Vincent Swann - 10 years ago
Hi been to your shop many times I moved to poland in 2010 from chester-le-street. The garden that I have is about 90 m x 90m after removing 60 trees i am going to build a wildlife pond 13mx6m we have no pond underlay here can i use 5cm of rockwool under pond liner as its very cheap
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+massimiliano caforio Glad you enjoy the videos and I sometimes wish I was still making ponds as I loved making pond videos. 
massi - 10 years ago
Hi Vincent,  how is your pond going?  I am interested in how your project went, we are in italy and are planning a medium to large size pond, maybe not as big as yours! 
And to Pondguru, your videos are truly helpful and inspirational!  many thanks!
Pondguru - 10 years ago
That should be no problem, yes.
Best of luck with the pond building.
John Venville
John Venville - 11 years ago
Love your videos,I'm doing my pond at moment but always worry about using cement affecting fish,any tips,Please ??
John Venville
John Venville - 10 years ago
cheers !!!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Just allow any cement which may be in contact with water to harden for at least 4-5 days before trying the cascade for first time and let it run for a day or so. Once you're sure cascade is OK  turn off pump and allow cement to harden for at least another week before draining and refilling the pond. That will flush out most of the lime etc.
Doing that is fine for a cemented stone cascade but if your whole pond is rendered you will need to paint it with suitable pond paint.
Lexke81 - 11 years ago
Very intressting! I like ponds very much! Your vids are the best! No really they are, my friend!!
Lexke81 - 10 years ago
+The Glider Hub WELL, I wish you succes!!
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Lexke81 maybe a few
Lexke81 - 10 years ago
And KOI ??
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Lexke81 ok. I might do that. The fish i want in it are chubb, carp, tench, bream and bass. 
Lexke81 - 10 years ago
+The Glider Hub Ok, I get it, but maybe you should just try it. And the pump and filter run it a while ( a couple weeks) without fish, and change the water frequently. After that you test the water, than put the 'final' water in too your pond. Than wait again a couple weeks and breed some good bacteria. After you have good PH and KH and bacteria, a good water quality, you put some fish in it, one at a time... And voila, you have an concrete pond!
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Lexke81 well the reason i was thinking of using concrete is because my house already has a concrete pond and i quite like it.
Lexke81 - 10 years ago
+The Glider Hub Concrete is pure poison for your fish, because of de chemicals you see...
You better make an "liner- pond"
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Pondguru   oh ok
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+The Glider Hub
Yes but you would still need to go through the other processes or you will poison the fish.
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Pondguru is it possible to line the pond with liner and cover that in concrete?
Pondguru - 10 years ago
+The Glider Hub
A liner probably is the best choice for a first pond although concrete will make a permanent structure it will need to be rendered and painted / fibreglassed to make it watertight and safe for fish.
The Glider Hub
The Glider Hub - 10 years ago
+Pondguru i was planning to build a pond and was wondering what is easier to build with, pond liner or concrete? 
Lexke81 - 11 years ago
+Pondguru O im really do! absoluutly 
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'm glad you enjoy them. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Luke Anthony
Luke Anthony - 11 years ago
I had to subscribe to say thank you for you time and information you provided through this medium. It has helped and inspired me to build my ponds and water features. I live on the northern beaches of Sydney Australia and thank god the I found the products you use, for sale here. I also shoot and fly fish, enjoying your videos. Thanks once again. 
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+Luke Anthony
Yeah, man.
That would be funny if it wasn't simply a statement of facts, lol
Luke Anthony
Luke Anthony - 11 years ago
Yes, I will post (when I learn how) once I've completed the pond.
As for mentioning the cricket;
 Q.What do you get if you cross the English cricket team with an OXO cube? A.A laughing stock.
Q.What's the height of optimism? A. English batsman putting on sunscreen.
Q.what's the difference between an English batsman and a F1 car? A. Nothing! If you blink you'll miss them both.
Q. What do English batsman and Drug addicts have in common? A. Both spend most of their time wondering where their next score will come from.
Q.What does an English batsman playing in the Ashes and Michael Jackson have in common? A. They both wore gloves for no apparent reason.
Q.What's the difference between the English cricket team and a funeral director? A. A funeral director isn't going to loose the Ashes!

Kind Regards
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Oh, and our country is none too good at cricket, lol
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Glad you find the videos useful and thanks for watching. When you get any videos uploaded for your ponds feel free to post links here.
I wish I was in Australia as 6 months of the year the weather over here is absolute crap.
MrLeor16 - 11 years ago
I see you are using cement. Is it a special kind of cement? I heard that cement leaches a chemical bad for the fish? Is this true? I believe it leaches lime? Not sure. I want to build a cement pond versus using a liner but I wasn't sure if the cement would be bad for the fish.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'm sure there will be similar stuff but under a different trade name.
MrLeor16 - 11 years ago
Thank you! I live in the US so I'll try to find some of that stuff here
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If you've got a long period of dry weather you can use G4 but if the render has not fully dried (which takes 3-4 weeks of dry weather) you can use 'Pond Paint' from ASK coatings. That is what I generally use.
MrLeor16 - 11 years ago
Thank you for responding. What kind of paint may I use? Is it any kind of paint? Is there a type of cement or paint you recommend?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If the whole pond is cement then it will need to be painted to prevent the lime leaching out and harming the fish. If there is cement used in the stream and around the edges there will still be lime leaching into the water so it's best to leave it a week or two to harden off then fill pond up as far as it will go, run for another week then completely drain the pond and that will remove the majority of free lime. Once the pond is re-filled leave running for a week or so before adding the first fish and it will be fine. I generally ensure that the normal operating level of the pond is below the cement which fixes the capping to prevent damage by freeze / thaw in winter.
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
Not sure what happened there !,
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
Hey dude, don't no if you remember me, but I've moved out now!, and the pond that's here is real nice, kept tripping the electrics though, I found it to be the uv so I removed that, got a new one but won't fit until the warmer months, got the pump going, but if I close one valve and just leave the cascade valve open there is not enough flow and the filter box fills up and the water spills's not a good idea to have pump circulating this time of year was just going to leave it off
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+chris nash
Will check that out when I get 5 minutes, no worries.
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
thanks a lot! if your interested ive just put some pics on this google thing of the ponds!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+chris nash
I didn't realise the outlets you were talking about were on the outlet of the filter (gravity out) so they can't be controlled in the same way as a pressure fed splitter.
If you want to send pictures just use my email address but feel free to ring me on 07772848730 as sometimes I can't get through all my emails for a couple of days if lots of orders come in as I have to process them as a priority.
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
i have one pipe coming from oase pump to the filter box, the filter box has to outlets on the bottom, one goes to the far side of the pond (underwater, and one is for cascade so at the top, but in the winter we want cascade only and pump just underneath it, but with just the cascade outlet open on its own the flow rate is too slow that's why the filter box overflows, like it needs a bigger bore pipe possibly a fault design I suppose hd it running all day today with 10% on the other outlet but ofcourse is going to disturb the ponds temp in these cold months, can you pm me on here ? im new to all this google stuff, could mail you pictures just out of interest if nothing else. got 3 ponds here just cleaned a small wildlife one out and the pump made the water live! had a few shocks, turned it off buying a new one soon , big fish was taken from the big pond seen about 4 fish in there so far ad some real nice toads!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+chris nash
I take it you mean both outlets on the pump? Could you turn one off and one down to 50% output?
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
it has a stop tap on both outlets, so if I turn one off so its 100% on the cascade outlet the water cannot return fast enough therefore the filter box will spill over
Pondguru - 11 years ago
+chris nash
Seems to be a funny set up as a splitter could control flow between the two places. Here is a link to the one I normally use:
MashUpTv - 11 years ago
+Pondguru ive just moved into to my house, and kinda went thru pong build designs with you on here, I have 2 wildlife ponds in th garden and a decent sized pond at the top, when I tried to plug the pumps on it kept tripping power, norowed it down to uv box removed that and replaced pump plumbin as I moved it it was brittle and snapped. I remember you saying keep pump under cascade, but as I cannot use cascade only and the flow rate is not eough so it will splill out of filter id have to use a bit of the other return pipe too ...I will replace this in the summer. so its either, 90% cascade %10 return pipe this pipe goes from filter box and returns underwater on the other side of the pond.
or just not have it on at all does that make sense ?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I normally recommend just moving the pump to under the cascade or filter return so that it doesn't disturb the deeper water in the winter. Its always best to keep the filter running through the winter as that way the bacteria stays alive and you get less lag time in the spring.
Your name rings a bell but I can't remember the pond. Is it one I have visited - I have a terrible memory....
Pondguru - 11 years ago
In the UK? for the summer, yes. As I don't know where in the world you live I can't advise more than that as you may be in upper Siberia which would be no good for outdoor reptiles.
Zac Lee
Zac Lee - 11 years ago
Could it hold a large red eared slider i have a similar sized pond please reply

50. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I normally leave it a week or two before covering cement with water then leave a further week for cement to leach chemicals out into water then drain the pond. Once refilled the pond is left for a further week before adding fish. Water is always fine. If it was filled then fish chucked in a few days after construction I'm sure there may be problems.
Phil Hall
Phil Hall - 11 years ago
Hi. The videos about building ponds and waterfalls are great and have given me some ideas. I notice you use cement in the water quite a lot. Is that a problem for the fish? Do you have to leave it a certain time before introducing fish to such a pond? Thanks.
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
Ok thanks
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That will restrict the movement of the media.
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
I ran the airline through the bottle instead of through the neck of the bottle
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Not sure what you mean by that, man. The air line would generally run down the outside back part of the filter and feed in the neck of the bottle underneath the moving bed media.
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
Is the airline going through the top and the sponge through the lid an ok idea.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I have just checked it out on your channel and it is made correctly as far as I can see. It is definitely not K1 in the filter however - it looks like the Chinese copy which doesn't move quite so well. You will need to remove some of the media so that the remainder will move properly as there's too much in there at present. As the media matures you can add more media. Too much from day 1 will not move properly unless you start with around 25% capacity then add more over the coming weeks.
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
I done my moving bed filter with K1 media. How can I get you to watch it so you can tell me if it will work ok.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
With biomotion, the available surface area is so huge that massive air flow isn't necessary. You could filter a 4' tank with 1 litre biomotion and a 100 litre per hour air pump if it was part of a well designed filter (with foams etc.)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
With biomotion, the available surface area is so huge that massive air flow isn't necessary. You could filter a 4' tank with 1 litre biomotion and a 100 litre per hour air pump if it was part of a well designed filter (with foams etc.)
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
Sorry I commented on wrong one the bio motion moving bed
MrDragonboy1969 - 11 years ago
I have a standard 4 feet tank how much of this could I use filter my tank. Also what would be the minimum lpm litres per min as thats what we use in Australia airpump required to run this system
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Glad you found the video useful and thanks for watching. With regard to the email address, I'm not bothered about that as I have too much work to handle. I'm actually going to be giving up my own construction jobs and just working freelance for other landscapers who I pass the work onto as it's all getting too much for me to handle and I don't want to start employing people and registering for VAT or any of that bullcrap. Keep it small, keep it simple.
matthewhookuk - 11 years ago
Fantastic video, will be building my own similar pond soon - purely by going by these videos! Very informative and interesting. Have you thought about ditching your email - the domain is available for like 8 quid a year lol you'd be surprised how many people get put off by a company that do not have a proper domain name in their email address - just saying!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I uploaded the 'How to' videos to be used by viewers for their own projects so I'm glad you've taken something from them. Thanks for watching and appreciating.
krisnick65 - 11 years ago
Hey pondguru, just finished building my pond after watching your vids. Friends and family can't believe a twat like me has done such a good job with the build. Didn't have the the heart to tell them I nicked the ideas from you!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Approx 1000 gallons (4500 litres)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The guy dug the hole himself which saved cost but maybe around 2.2k? without filter.
Harry Craft
Harry Craft - 11 years ago
Without the filter how much would that cost?
P Rushy
P Rushy - 11 years ago
Approx litres or gallonage? Thanks pond guru
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I'll try to get back to this one but it's a long way from home. Would be good to see it all planted up and with fish in. Thanks for watching and appreciating.
P Rushy
P Rushy - 11 years ago
Brilliant pond brilliant vid pond guru
Pondguru - 11 years ago
You just asked a similar question on another video (minus the plants and fish) and that was for under $600. I don't know how much materials cost in the US as I am in the UK but I'd imagine that using proper underlay and 1mm rubber liner with quality pump and filter would cost at least double that, maybe triple? for materials.
SANDRA ANDERSON - 11 years ago
Hi! i was just wondering, would it be possible to build an 8 by 10 ft. pond that is 3 ft. deep [36 inches, i don't know what it is in metric] for less than $500 using a heater, filter, and pump, including fish and plant costs?
leylandbobby - 11 years ago
Thanks Richard.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
From source (which is a small estate quarry) the stone is quite cheap but the cost rockets when transport and time choosing it is taken into consideration. It varies depending on size/weight. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
leylandbobby - 11 years ago
Hi, firstly I am subbed and totally addicted to the pond building series, best on here by a looooooong way. sounds creepy but your vids make it possible for anybody to have a go at building their own, so kudos where it is due. Anyway, on to the question, you always have such amazing stone, where do you get it from and what do you ask for, and roughly what does it cost....finally, keep 'em coming. :0)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
That's quite warm for a pond so it's very important to ensure there is plenty of aeration for the summer months. Great to hear you are buying a better filter, man.
Ian Carmichael
Ian Carmichael - 11 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply, I will upgrade my filter asap. I've just done a test for NH4/NO2 using a salifert test kit but both tested as zero. The pond is quite mature and has a loose stone wall around the inside (similar to your wildlife pond video) so I think there should be a decent amount of bacterial filtration going on. Will keep monitoring and testing, water temp is 19'C this morning. The Koi all seem fine.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Not sure if you have tested the water but it's most likely ammonia or nitrite poisoning. The filter is way undersized as if you have 8000 litres you really need a filter which states 'will treat up to 16000'. As soon a you factor in sun and fish you can instantly halve the effectiveness of the filter and maybe knock it down by s further 20-30% when there are as many koi. In essence, for that fish stock, the filter should treat 'up to 20000 litres'.
Ian Carmichael
Ian Carmichael - 11 years ago
Help please, I have a fish pond approx 8000 litres, it has around 20 small/medium koi upto about 10" and had about 20 rudd that are 2-3 inch. Ive had no problems for the 3 or 4 years its been running but during this last week of hot weather I have found 10 dead rudd, no marks on them, just floaters. Any idea what could cause it / fix it. After I found 3 I added an airstone incase it was low oxygen but doesnt seem to have helped. The pond has a hozelock bioforce uv 4500 filter + 3000l/h pump
Chee Beng Low
Chee Beng Low - 11 years ago
most of the video clips did not address overflowing of the pond.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Yeah, a fish pond without any filtration isn't a good look. Major bummer. Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Mikey Morley
Mikey Morley - 11 years ago
so wish i could have a pond as amazing as this, i did have a nice koi pond once upon a time, but after someone decided they would steel all my pond filtration all my koi died and i am now left with a pond that is completely discusting :(
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I sometimes use them in koi specific ponds - see 'How to build a koi pond'. If the pond is to be ultra clean it's always best to go bottom drain but for most ponds I do the filtration is quite simple and there's no real need for a bottom drain.
Warr Tree
Warr Tree - 11 years ago
Very interesting as usual. I notice you don't often use a bottom drain in your pond designs. Can you comment on pros and cons ?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
We normally use a waterproofer/retarder in with the mix but if the cement is to be exposed (e.g. in rendered koi pond) then it would be painted to seal the cement and provide a waterproof seal.
Sharon McMurdo
Sharon McMurdo - 11 years ago
when cementing slabs or stones around the pond are you using any kind of pond sealer to go over the cement as we keep getting mixed advice
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Nice one, man.
ArcanePath360 - 11 years ago
Many thanks, I will hide some sponges round the back then :)
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Any surface area hidden away will be of benefit.
ArcanePath360 - 11 years ago
That's an excellent idea with the filter media being a permanent fixture. Could I maybe do this with the sponge type media (which I have some of) or will this do more harm than good? - Thanks for your expertise!
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. I enjoy helping people make a proper job of their pond projects. If it's done right the first time it will last and keep people in the hobby. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Approx. 5m x 3m x 1.2m deep.
Anson King
Anson King - 11 years ago
what size is this pond?
robbieredball - 11 years ago
Dear Pondguru, love your videos, just dug/built my own pond and your videos were an amazing help. Best pond videos on the web! Thank you!. Best wishes. Paul, Dumbarton Scotland
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.

100. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru

Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
zephyr88zodiac - 11 years ago
Brilliant video, watch every one now and they were so helpful when building mine. Keep up the good work mate!
TheTeambaja - 11 years ago
Nice pond
Pondguru - 11 years ago
I tend to just concentrate my videos on the actual construction of the ponds but the occasional one does have a 'revisited' video. (not many as I should have though, lol) Thanks for watching, man.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Every job is different as the amount of filtration, design and distance to travel will vary. I just price every one up individually.
diggs - 11 years ago
whats the cost of a pond like that with materials and labor?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The hole was dug for the most part by the guy we did the job for. There was a couple of small perfume bottles turned up though,
Michael Titus
Michael Titus - 11 years ago
Did you find any thing while digging ?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
lol Most people ask if I am German so well done for recognising my accent, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Dieseljonnyboy - 11 years ago
Another great Job, You should have a TV show!! Great Geordie accent.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. I don't mind showing people how to build things. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If the hole had needed digging and the stuff taking away it would have been around 3.5k. as it was dug already around 3k.
Naturally Healthy
Naturally Healthy - 11 years ago
Well done i have never seen a pond like that. Thanks for sharing your wonderful projects and knowelege! God Bless.
David Phillips
David Phillips - 11 years ago
Another great video, what would the cost be for this example?
Pondguru - 11 years ago
The common name is Brooklime and the latin name is Veronica beccabunga. Does very well in running water and there is a similar plant called Water forget me not (Myosotis palustris) which is great for this purpose too. Both get small blue flowers but the forget me not has the larger flowers.
anenigmawrapped - 11 years ago
Nice video. Thank you. Can you tell me the name of the plant that you pushed into the wall at the waterline? You described it as forming a raft or mat. Thanks again.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Maybe, I suppose so. I just call myself a landscaper who specialises in ponds but shortening it to aquatic landscaping saves time, lol. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Les Bell
Les Bell - 11 years ago
greatly done unfortunately the wife was watching and guess what out next project is :) it is a very beautiful ponds thanks for sharing
RichyJam2011 - 11 years ago
Good job mate as usual. Is this trade classed as aqua landscaping
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Near the start of the video you can see a blockwork wall to retain the cascade. Behind that is a void and the soil doesn't touch the fence. To each side of the rockery there are large stones running along near the fence from which the soil is ramped up to the cascade. I haven't done any close ups of that unfortunately. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No worries, man. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
Not sure about that but it does look nice, this one. It is just about the right size for the garden too which makes a big difference to the overall look of the whole garden. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
No point when the filter used will keep the water clear. Plus there is the added filtration in a ring around the inside of the wall which will add to the capacity. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It only equates to about 4 bags of alfagrog so comes in at under £60 which to add that amount of (hidden) extra filtration is a good investment. I had that media (plus half a ton more) lying around so I just added it at no cost. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
If I get the chance I will film a 'revisited' video but it it is miles from my home. If the weather is good and I can get day off I'll take the kids down to the coast and call in on the way, no worries.
Pondguru - 11 years ago
It varies depending on the job but since I sometimes only work for 6 months of the year I don't make much at all when you even it out. Some years I just about break even. Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Haytrix - 11 years ago
How much do you actully get payed for making these ponds ? Looks very nice the stuff you do.
dave lambert
dave lambert - 11 years ago
great vid but the only bad point I think is I didn't see any retaining wall holding the soil off the fence to stop the fence from rotting away other than that top videos
oakland002 - 11 years ago
Always enjoy your videos
rollofnickles - 11 years ago
Brilliant little pond. It was a joy to watch this video.
mellowman4207cc - 11 years ago
U should talk the home owner into a k1 kaldnes filter
zoofergee - 11 years ago
filter media all the way round the pond sounds expensive
Cameron Hill
Cameron Hill - 11 years ago
Don't have enough space ;(
Cameron Hill
Cameron Hill - 11 years ago
I like your ponds they give me a chance to build one but
jegga sieb
jegga sieb - 11 years ago
jegga sieb
jegga sieb - 11 years ago

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