Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru
Pond 11 years ago 84,914 views
Hit 'READ MORE' for links and full videos description - Watch in HD Oase Aquamax Eco 8000 (pump): Oase Filtoclear 15000 (filter): (upgraded version is Filtoclear 16000) Video showing the stages of building a fish pond including how to build a cascade and how to lay pond edging. How to edge a pond is a question most people ask themselves when considering the pond design and this video shows how I normally do it. There is also alfagrog filter media incorporated inside this wall to act as a huge filter around the pond perimeter - totally hidden by the edging. This video also shows how to prevent the soil settling under the cascade and detail on the electrics. We missed the first couple of days filming due to bad weather so have not included the digging of the hole, laying of underlay and liner or the building of the dry stone wall but that can be found in the video link below. For a full pond building video including the digging of the hole and laying liner, click here: Thanks for watching and appreciating the video. Subscribe for more. *PLEASE NOTE I HAVE CLOSED TYNE VALLEY AQUATICS AND NOW SELL MEDIA FROM HOME ONLINE. COLLECTING MEDIA IS NO PROBLEM JUST RING OR EMAIL ANY TIME.* My phone number (Richard) 07772848730 My email address
Oase Aquamax Eco 8000 (pump):
Oase Filtoclear 15000 (filter): (upgraded version)
Video showing the stages of building a fish pond including how to build a cascade and how to lay pond edging. How to edge a pond is a question most people ask themselves when considering the pond design and this video shows how I normally do it.
There is also alfagrog filter media incorporated inside this wall to act as a huge filter around the pond perimeter - totally hidden by the edging.
This video also shows how to prevent the soil settling under the cascade and detail on the electrics.
We missed the first couple of days filming due to bad weather so have not included the digging of the hole, laying of underlay and liner or the building of the dry stone wall but that can be found in the video link below.
For a full pond building video including the digging of the hole and laying liner, click here:
Thanks for watching and appreciating the video.
Subscribe for more.
My phone number (Richard) 07772848730
My email address
Tip: if there is a hole in a road quite often you will find lengths of warning stuff lying around as most of the time if the guys have dropped it and it had been unraveled they can't be bothered to roll it back up so will end up throwing it in the hold and burying it, usually they will just give you some free.
The 1mm liner is very good and allows you to build walls on it no problem (it is best to lie a piece of underlay over the liner if you're putting stones on it.
10. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru
Love your videos man! So informative and you give such great advice on pond construction. Ive got to admit I've become addicted and i think my future wife is having second thoughts!
Im thinking of creating my own koi pond, prob about 8x6x5ft and wondered how deep you made the concrete footings for the external wall. Im no builder or the best DIY'er but ill have a dam good try at making things.
I was also wondering if you could give some advice on the pump and filter size, i was thinking of going with the Aquamax Eco Premium 10000 and Filtoclear 30000 as don't really want to be messing with a bottom drain. I was also going to add the Aquaskim 40 Skimmer as we have a few trees in our garden.
Im only thinking of having about 8 koi, pond lilies and maybe a few irises. Would this be suitable for my pond size or a bit overkill?
Any advice would be great mate!
I have more clay and reckon I'll add it soon as the guys messing about with the drains up the fields seem to be taking a break from their mess while there are cattle in the field.
Keep the posts coming. Loved that one with the clay clearing the water, amazing what it did in a short time
Thanks for the advice too! Just got to put theory into practice now.
Thanks again mate, all the best.
Pump and filter seem fine but ultimately the pump size will be dictated by the rise and spread of the cascade - you may find you need a 12000 or larger if the spread is over 12" at a 1.5m lift.
Skimmer is definitely a good idea if you have surrounding trees as that will save scooping them out all the time.
Still in dark about filter connections guess its self apparent when get the kit
Really fantastic pond as all your ponds are, i am going to build a pond just like this one in February and would like some advise please.
I am going to put maybe 6 koi in it and was wondering if the filtoclear 30000 would be ok as i don't want to mess around with a bottom drain and would a 8000 pump be ok as well like in one of your other ponds you have built.
Must admit your videos are addictive and i spend ages watching them to the point the wife is going to divorce me lol.
All the best for Christmas and the new year and thanks again
I'm glad you enjoy the videos and I love it when I hear they are helping people plan and build their own ponds - I kind of wish I was still making them for that reason alone as it is so good to create something from nothing.
The 30000 filter is a very good compact unit and the 8000 pump is one I used many times as it provides a decent turnover rate for medium sized ponds as well as a good flow for a cascade or stream but the actual size of pump and filter will depend on the pond volume and cascade lift / spread.
For a pond of this size with koi in that combo would be a good one so no worries there.
Feel free to ring me to ask anything, any time on 07772848730 - phone is always on 9-5 weekdays and most of the time at a weekend.
As a shower media or media for sumps and canister aquarium filters the biohome works way better as it is in a clean environment - you're right, to filter a pond with any type of biohome is very expensive and wouldn't really be used by anyone other than serious fish keepers who have good quality koi.
If you used the alfagrog behind the stone walls it would act as a very slow flow de-oxygenated zone and definitely help with reducing the nitrate. As long as the shelf is solid there is no real limit to the weight on top of liner but it is definitely best to put underlay under and over the liner where walls are to be built then liner is protected from both sides. Also put underlay up the back of the wall if it is high or has stone with random shaped backs to them.
20. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru
30. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru
I had to make a choice between income that was 24/7 from home or income that was only during spring and summer months where I travelled all round the county so it was a no brainer really. What I really wanted was to pass all the work onto one company who could do it all but there isn't one here who is competent with all aspects of pond construction so I now pass specific projects to different landscapers who can do formal, wildlife, koi ponds etc.
Just glad I did the guide videos as they will still be here for years to come so I really appreciate you liking them.
If I was in California I reckon I could have extended the building season but in rainy old England it is a wet job building ponds most of the time.
Maybe I will move out there and resume my career, lol
I have done a few with hidden filters like this and they always stay crystal clear with no ammonia or nitrite.
Glad you enjoyed the video and appreciate the design.
Just use perforated land drain from builders merchants. The 2" (50mm) diameter pipe will be OK for small to medium sized ponds. You can get the T junctions and gravel (20mm works best) from same places too.
Even if the pond was partially raised there would be enough atmospheric pressure to keep the groundwater in the ground and prevent the liner lifting up. A bleed pipe doesn't need to be dug in a trench underground and it can bleed out at ground level. Think of it as a pressure release to prevent groundwater lifting liner.
It uses perforated land drainage pipe and gravel in trenches under the pond to take water away through the bleed pipe and into a nearby stream. This one worked perfectly even though the previous pond (installed by someone else years ago) had major problems with the liner lifting out after heavy rain.
Weighing the liner down isn't a good option as it often does not work and stones lifting up and down with rising groundwater levels can damage the liner.
Water forget-me-not
Mimulus luteus
And to Pondguru, your videos are truly helpful and inspirational! many thanks!
Best of luck with the pond building.
Doing that is fine for a cemented stone cascade but if your whole pond is rendered you will need to paint it with suitable pond paint.
You better make an "liner- pond"
Yes but you would still need to go through the other processes or you will poison the fish.
A liner probably is the best choice for a first pond although concrete will make a permanent structure it will need to be rendered and painted / fibreglassed to make it watertight and safe for fish.
Yeah, man.
That would be funny if it wasn't simply a statement of facts, lol
As for mentioning the cricket;
Q.What do you get if you cross the English cricket team with an OXO cube? A.A laughing stock.
Q.What's the height of optimism? A. English batsman putting on sunscreen.
Q.what's the difference between an English batsman and a F1 car? A. Nothing! If you blink you'll miss them both.
Q. What do English batsman and Drug addicts have in common? A. Both spend most of their time wondering where their next score will come from.
Q.What does an English batsman playing in the Ashes and Michael Jackson have in common? A. They both wore gloves for no apparent reason.
Q.What's the difference between the English cricket team and a funeral director? A. A funeral director isn't going to loose the Ashes!
Kind Regards
Oh, and our country is none too good at cricket, lol
I wish I was in Australia as 6 months of the year the weather over here is absolute crap.
I'm sure there will be similar stuff but under a different trade name.
If you've got a long period of dry weather you can use G4 but if the render has not fully dried (which takes 3-4 weeks of dry weather) you can use 'Pond Paint' from ASK coatings. That is what I generally use.
Will check that out when I get 5 minutes, no worries.
I didn't realise the outlets you were talking about were on the outlet of the filter (gravity out) so they can't be controlled in the same way as a pressure fed splitter.
If you want to send pictures just use my email address but feel free to ring me on 07772848730 as sometimes I can't get through all my emails for a couple of days if lots of orders come in as I have to process them as a priority.
I take it you mean both outlets on the pump? Could you turn one off and one down to 50% output?
Seems to be a funny set up as a splitter could control flow between the two places. Here is a link to the one I normally use:
or just not have it on at all does that make sense ?
Your name rings a bell but I can't remember the pond. Is it one I have visited - I have a terrible memory....
50. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru
100. comment for Fish pond construction near Newcastle by Pondguru