Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
Pond 8 years ago 1,348,567 views
The old PVC liner had needed replacing for some time and we had patched up holes round the edge for years, but a new leak at the bottom meant we had to renovate the pond. We opted for a Firestone EPDM liner, a skimmer with dedicated pump and a new 'beach' area at the shallow end made from cobbles to give fry and newts a better chance of surviving. The edge of the pond was leveled as the ground had shifted over the years. The waterfall was sealed with cement and adjacent rocks rearranged. The plants flourished in no time and have overgrown somewhat. We placed spawning brushes near the shallow end and within a month we noticed fry swimming in the cobbles. Since we have added new fish, we decided to put up an electric fence to help protect against the Heron and other wildlife.
what kind o plants do you have in the pots?
10. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
20. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
30. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
i am thrilled by it’s presence
i think its better than flakes
oh ok i did not know where you sucsesful in fry or not
50. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
So we had to drain the pond so the liner could settle back down and so the soil could be cleaned out.
100. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse
i may build one but a bit smaller, fantastic job `
I was so worried lol
Um, no.
In the last few years we have also been invaded by deadly alien species including:
Aedes Aegypti - found in Sussex & Kent, carries the Zika virus.
Culex Modestus - found in the Thames Estuary Marshes, carries the West Nile virus.
The Asian tiger mosquito, which can transmit up to 23 infections - including West Nile virus and dengue fever - is believed to have stowed away in used tyres being shipped from the Far East to this country for retreading.
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Very nice pond, have kept fish (tanks & ponds) on and off since a child and would not be put off by mosquitoes.
Nope, it's a turkey, lol.
WTF?! I can only imagine how horrible your garden looks if you think this is ugly.
the description is a wonderful place
a hole lot of problems there