Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

The old PVC liner had needed replacing for some time and we had patched up holes round the edge for years, but a new leak at the bottom meant we had to renovate the pond. We opted for a Firestone EPDM liner, a skimmer with dedicated pump and a new 'beach' area at the shallow end made from cobbles to give fry and newts a better chance of surviving. The edge of the pond was leveled as the ground had shifted over the years. The waterfall was sealed with cement and adjacent rocks rearranged. The plants flourished in no time and have overgrown somewhat. We placed spawning brushes near the shallow end and within a month we noticed fry swimming in the cobbles. Since we have added new fish, we decided to put up an electric fence to help protect against the Heron and other wildlife.

Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse sentiment_very_dissatisfied 684

Pond 8 years ago 1,348,567 views

The old PVC liner had needed replacing for some time and we had patched up holes round the edge for years, but a new leak at the bottom meant we had to renovate the pond. We opted for a Firestone EPDM liner, a skimmer with dedicated pump and a new 'beach' area at the shallow end made from cobbles to give fry and newts a better chance of surviving. The edge of the pond was leveled as the ground had shifted over the years. The waterfall was sealed with cement and adjacent rocks rearranged. The plants flourished in no time and have overgrown somewhat. We placed spawning brushes near the shallow end and within a month we noticed fry swimming in the cobbles. Since we have added new fish, we decided to put up an electric fence to help protect against the Heron and other wildlife.

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Most popular comments
for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

Snooky Co
Snooky Co - 7 years ago
too crowded and messy grass too many..
Timmy Clark
Timmy Clark - 7 years ago
Nice Job..
Dosa Zsolt
Dosa Zsolt - 7 years ago
I like the way your pond looks. how deep is it , can those fish winterize there well?
what kind o plants do you have in the pots?
Davide G
Davide G - 7 years ago
Elettric fence whay? Lion !!
Kathy Kaylor
Kathy Kaylor - 7 years ago
It's ugly with the fence
SK VIGNESH - 7 years ago
what happens when it rains?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
There is an overflow pipe which takes water away into the field behind.
Tush Pawar
Tush Pawar - 7 years ago
In my farm 2500 square feet and 28 feet height water tank hw I can modify water pounds and fal
The Stig's English cousin
The Stig's English cousin - 7 years ago
Beautiful pond. Very natural looking.
Cyril Gomez
Cyril Gomez - 7 years ago
the shape of the pool looks like a train's squat pool though

10. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

SaNdra Taylor
SaNdra Taylor - 7 years ago
Mike Brown
Mike Brown - 7 years ago
lol nerds.
pritam sahoo
pritam sahoo - 7 years ago
I didn't like the idea of using plastic sheets....
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
There are no plastic sheets. There is one sheet of EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer)
Jay New Deen Zee Dan
Jay New Deen Zee Dan - 7 years ago
listen to the birds sound LOL
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Yeah, I recorded 10 minutes of sound by the waterfall, so that's what it really sounds like in the Summer.
Wagner ***
Wagner *** - 7 years ago
This turned out to be ugly and it looked dirty
Hunter Conn
Hunter Conn - 7 years ago
I wonder what the water bill was??
Pablo Campos Padín
Pablo Campos Padín - 7 years ago
i have 57 koi!!!!
Ayu pujayanti
Ayu pujayanti - 7 years ago
Bagus sih..tapi air nya tetep butek
Petr Stuchlý
Petr Stuchlý - 7 years ago
wait. you actually have a goose? :D
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Three, currently.
Jaywalk - 7 years ago
I know it's an older video but i'd recommend removing the plastic Heron as they don't actually help protect fish, they're more likely to increase the chance as they lure birds rather than scare them away. (We used to have one ourselves but that didn't stop a Heron from taking one of our Kohaku Kois, luckily the dog made sure he wouldn't return.

20. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

Therealmlw - 7 years ago
Beautiful job! I would love a pond like this one day!
Michal Cackowski
Michal Cackowski - 7 years ago
4'29 sec time oil/impregnat (benzen) after 3 days Big White Fish was on the same page
Michal Cackowski
Michal Cackowski - 7 years ago
a large white fish made It float away from the shoal, raised a mule from the bottom, and floated in a circle. It's probably an alpha leader
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
There was some oil substance on the water from the sealant used on the waterfall. It was harmless to the fish. What do you mean about a big, white fish?
Mick Carson
Mick Carson - 7 years ago
What is a skimmer. Is it an insect?
Angel Caban
Angel Caban - 7 years ago
Nice, keep up the awsome work
Kübra Çakıroğlu
Kübra Çakıroğlu - 7 years ago
What are all those merged plants called guys?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Which ones? Can you do a screen capture and indicate which ones you mean please?
Interp66 - 7 years ago
Great looking pond!
IESA - 7 years ago
lovely old sport. :D
Ugly Maid
Ugly Maid - 7 years ago
Great pond! Did you spill oil? Is everything OK now?
Julio Lopez
Julio Lopez - 7 years ago
Feel the same fence needs to go
MrCpolzin - 7 years ago
Overstocked ? They grow pretty big,do you have plans to sell any or remove some to larger pond ? Great job by the way mate

30. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

andy Garcia
andy Garcia - 7 years ago
9:48 que linda planta jeje
mark davies
mark davies - 7 years ago
Great comments and everyone as they should have their own ideas of how to do the job. I as you know listen to you and give my own ideas forward so we can achieve a result that we are both happy with.
mark davies
mark davies - 7 years ago
great to see so many views
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Nearly a million right now. Who knows what people are going to find interesting.
Leslie Spiers
Leslie Spiers - 7 years ago
dont like the fence at all, just ruined the natural look of it
Theo Quach
Theo Quach - 7 years ago
Do you have issue with mosquitoes breeding in pond?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Not significantly. The UK is relatively cold for mosquitoes
Nodrodsky - 7 years ago
alpaca dude
alpaca dude - 7 years ago
is that a... a duck? a goose?

i am thrilled by it’s presence
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
A goose. We have three, now.
batalha clash
batalha clash - 7 years ago
carinaejag - 7 years ago
To keep koi's in such an extremly small pond is horrible,
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Cruz Popular
Cruz Popular - 7 years ago
you should feed them some pelets to for the big fish
i think its better than flakes
Cruz Popular
Cruz Popular - 7 years ago
oh ok i did not know where you sucsesful in fry or not
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thanks, yes I feed both pellets for the larger fish and flake for the smaller ones.
Jacob Da silva
Jacob Da silva - 7 years ago
Was the fence to keep out animals or something
BikeStuff - 7 years ago
the elec fence ruined it.
azem badr
azem badr - 7 years ago
Bad work
Leonardo Chacón
Leonardo Chacón - 7 years ago
Eres un crack
lav v
lav v - 7 years ago
Amazing pond!!!
WR. Channel
WR. Channel - 7 years ago
Im like
firecloud77 - 7 years ago
I use a UV filter. Keeps the water much clearer. - 7 years ago
The fish look happy!
Troy Andrews
Troy Andrews - 7 years ago
so you like gold fish

50. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

Nikki D
Nikki D - 7 years ago
So beautiful
Jane Camisa
Jane Camisa - 7 years ago
It's so beautiful but it's a shame you have to put the electric fence. Takes way the beauty.
Sparktacle Jewelry
Sparktacle Jewelry - 7 years ago
I hate it.
Ruben Scott
Ruben Scott - 7 years ago
Also they took there time that's perfect that's like a 2 day job for my company and it would be 90% good
Ruben Scott
Ruben Scott - 7 years ago
When u have never had a pond and u ask why there at fences birds and animals love to eat fish so that's why I need it
Whopper Jr.
Whopper Jr. - 7 years ago
what about mosquitos they gonna bite alot
Wezilla - 7 years ago
My friend had nice pond outdoor for goldfish but one horror day in the early morning discover that 2 Pelicans came and land on the pond swoops all Goldfish gone. My friend crying all night.
Wezilla - 7 years ago
Love Koi
mqno a rák
mqno a rák - 7 years ago
Why is there a penis shaped lake in my recommended list?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thanks. Too small to be called a lake. A decent sized pond, though.
mqno a rák
mqno a rák - 7 years ago
i mean eggplant ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) btw great job with the lake
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
If your penis is that shape, I recommend you visit the doctor immediately! :)
Carlos Oquendo
Carlos Oquendo - 7 years ago
That's beautiful check out building a backyard fish pond in less than 3 minutes
allan Hernández
allan Hernández - 7 years ago
Richard Habicher
Richard Habicher - 7 years ago
Well done, yes why the fence? You got it all now, stay home and enjoy it!
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
The fence is to keep our geese and other animals (like the heron) out.
Dean Gray
Dean Gray - 7 years ago
Good video which I watched with great interest. I was expecting to see a bottom drain installed but I guess that didn't figure in your plans. The bottom drain really makes the maintenance a lot easier. Anyway you've created a beautiful pond with the ability to harvest fry. My pond is extremely low maintenance with a half dozen bluegills to take care of any fry.
Dean Gray
Dean Gray - 7 years ago
I appreciate your situation, adding a bottom drain now would be extremely difficult. I have a similar dilemma. Although I installed a bottom drain in my pond, I really should have gone larger. I used 2" drain fixture and pipe but should have used 4". An option open to you, if you wanted to do an upgrade, might be to install a bottom drain fixture which sits on top of your liner (at lowest part of your pond) and is piped out to a pump. Again, I enjoyed your video and appreciate you took the time to put it on Youtube.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thank you. I had never heard of a pond drain until someone else here asked about it. The guy who did the work for us did not suggest adding a drain, probably because we were working to a strict budget, all of the pond has a concrete lining except the deepest part, and adding a drain and pipework would have been difficult and expensive because we would have to have excavated a 'tunnel' to 5 feet under ground, under the concrete liner.
Gordon Tickle
Gordon Tickle - 7 years ago
Well done Stuart a great vlog
Meek H
Meek H - 7 years ago
Barbara Ryan
Barbara Ryan - 7 years ago
Rinesh Andrews
Rinesh Andrews - 7 years ago
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Hector C Campos
Hector C Campos - 7 years ago
7:30 what about mosquito larva?
Paul Becket
Paul Becket - 7 years ago
you should try putting some kind of overhang (like large rock formations )around the edge of the pond for the fish to hide under this can keep them safe(r) from predetors
Paul Becket
Paul Becket - 7 years ago
your welcome
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Interesting idea. I'll give it some thought, thanks.
Michael Park
Michael Park - 7 years ago
Great job Stuart - I'm very envious of your beautiful pond!
DrZergling - 7 years ago
Very nice.
fuck dem all
fuck dem all - 7 years ago
Damn! what the hell fence are for?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
To keep our geese, the foxes, the herons and any other wildlife out.
bob yates
bob yates - 7 years ago
Why didn't you add a bottom drain while you had it open. Bottom drains are great for controlling sludge and water circulation
bob yates
bob yates - 7 years ago
I hold their flake food between my fingers and let them nibble. Their pellets I hold in the palm of my hand they climb up to get it. Orange and grapefruit slices they nibble from my hand if you are patient they will learn to eat everything from your hand all it takes is one brave fish and the others will follow. I have one spot feed from and make sure I never done anything else from that spot. No cleaning no nets nothing but food from that spot so they feel safe there Hand feeding does not seem to work with savoy cabbage, cucumber slices or lettuce so I just drop them in. One hint that made them friendly was a 18 inch floating feeding ring I made from 1/2 inch plastic tubing. that prevents the food from floating away and keeps the food close to you
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thanks, yes we are. Hand fed them prawns the other day. Only one fish brave enough to take one from my fingers, but if I keep it up, I think more will do it.
bob yates
bob yates - 7 years ago
once you start enjoying the sound of the water and see how relaxing the fish can be you get hooked on koi ponds. I sit with a book for at least an hour every day by my pond. My koi eat out of my hand and are waiting for me every morning and evening at feeding time. Enjoy your pond
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
I would certainly strongly consider it if it were a new pond. But this was a renovation of the pond in the garden of the house we bought in 2011. The pond was lovingly built by the former owner of our property. When we bought it the house, we didn't particularly want the pond. The PVC liner was already on its way out with leaks and brittle areas. But I've grown to really enjoy the pond and the renovation was relatively inexpensive. Adding a drain was not an option at this point.
bob yates
bob yates - 7 years ago
did not realize it was an old pond you were working on. My first pond did not have a bottom drain but after talking to friends I made sure every new pond I have built had one installed. my first concrete koi pond was in 1980. I have had four more since then and they all had bottom drains.. It helps keep dirt and algae build up on the bottom of the pond from forming plus it makes it much easier to drain if the pond needs repairing. I know many people who don't use them so I guess it is just one of my preferences. My pump is above ground and has no problem sucking water through the bottom drain 5 feet below grade and up to the water fall that is 4 feet above grade. I hope you don't take this wrong I like talking to other Koi owners to see their ideas and share mine. Thank you for posting this video
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Because we didn't think of it. I didn't, anyway. Never heard of a drain until you mentioned it. Even if it had been suggested, I wouldn't have done it though, because we would have had to run the pipework underground under the concrete shell and that would have been a huge amount of work.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thanks, I understand. So the amount of effort involved in installing a pump under the concrete pond would be too much. The actual pond structure itself is concrete. I didn't even know this until the liner came up. I've never done any sludge removal. Is that a thing?
bob yates
bob yates - 7 years ago
same as the bottom drain on a swimming pool. pump sucks the water from the bottom up to the filter. It is installed under the liner with drain cover at the deepest point in the pond. This makes sludge removal a constant operation. This way you can use the longer lasting easier to clean pond side pumps instead of the submersible pumps that clog so much and only last a few years
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
I don't know what a 'bottom drain' is. We have the main pond pump located in the deepest part, which pumps water into the filter system. Is that the same? Edit: Researched it. Bottom drain needs to be at the same level as the filter system. Our filter system is at the top of the waterfall. The level of the water in the filter system is more than a metre above the level of the water in the pond.
LJ Aquatics
LJ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Absolutely lovely pond! May I ask the reason for the 2nd drain? It looked like an awful lot of work to fill, stock, drain, refill and re-stock?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Well spotted. Yes, that was because of a problem we had. The hose was placed next to the pond to fill it over night. Unfortunately it moved so it pointed at the ground, splashing soil into the pond and so much water under the liner that it rose up to the surface.
So we had to drain the pond so the liner could settle back down and so the soil could be cleaned out.
qgmlwy - 7 years ago
It really doesn't blend in very well with the garden or look natural. Also I guess the fence is to keep the fish from being eaten, which is normally what you would use a fish cave for, where the fish would hide.
Koi TV
Koi TV - 7 years ago
Looks beautiful ! And the koi are happy:)
Lluvia Oscura
Lluvia Oscura - 7 years ago
that is so nice, I wish some day I could have that pond, I love fish
Ever Carcamo
Ever Carcamo - 7 years ago
Where is the filters there's mosquitos everywhere
Thanhcatre19101991 Le
Thanhcatre19101991 Le - 7 years ago
rất đẹp
mo ma
mo ma - 7 years ago
Ida Wibroe
Ida Wibroe - 7 years ago
beautiful European gardens
Sal P
Sal P - 7 years ago
Koi fish are beautiful ....nice work
Dave Devon
Dave Devon - 7 years ago
For a pond that size the edging stones are way to small
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Interesting. The pond (and fish) came with the house when we bought it in 2011. We didn't want it, actually, but have grown to appreciate it. The edging stones are the ones which came with the pond. When we renovated it, we just jetwashed them (which made a huge difference) and had them relaid.
Sarcastic Asshole
Sarcastic Asshole - 7 years ago
What kind of geese? Are they Portu-geese?
Kings 33
Kings 33 - 7 years ago
If you put white gravel in the bottom it looks much nicer fancy and you can see fish as well , this looks like a puddle on the road after heavy rain
dperry428 - 7 years ago
Yes, the white gravel will look beautiful --- for about a week; then, it's completely obliterated with algal growth.
Genadijus Puskinas
Genadijus Puskinas - 7 years ago
why did you put electric fence around
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Because we have foxes, badgers and herons visit our garden. Deer also but they aren't carnivores. And also to keep our geese out of there because the last time they got in, they ate the lillies.
MARKLINMAN1 - 7 years ago
How many gallons would you estimate?
Neil Munro
Neil Munro - 7 years ago
beautiful pond
Due Decimal
Due Decimal - 7 years ago
really admire the hard work
Ilias Vanhove
Ilias Vanhove - 7 years ago
Those insects on the water are quite dangerous to your fry. (7:51)
Ilias Vanhove
Ilias Vanhove - 7 years ago
You could add some Orfes, they hill hunt insects like that one as well as mosquitos. You could also add a Sun Brass (?, "Zonnebaars" in Dutch). They will attack harmful larvae from different kinds of insects.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Are they? What could we do about that?
Happybidr - 7 years ago
What do you do with the fish in the winter?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
They are cold water fish. They pretty much hibernate at the bottom of the pond during the winter.
A RED - 7 years ago
Felicidades... lograste un mega criadero del zancudo aedes aegypti.... jajajjaj
Jennifer Harrison
Jennifer Harrison - 7 years ago
The fence ruins the look, ditch the fish. A pond with ducks and geese on it would be wonderful, but fish you can't see, what's the point????
promontorium - 7 years ago
He already has the geese.
Bryan Garey
Bryan Garey - 7 years ago
Ducks and geese poop too much.
Edward Anderson
Edward Anderson - 7 years ago
Glitch King
Glitch King - 7 years ago
Lovely mate
geoffdundee - 7 years ago
beautiful pond
Sammie Dav
Sammie Dav - 7 years ago
I wish everything could go that fast and smooth .
John Morgan Powell
John Morgan Powell - 7 years ago
Nice video. Great looking pond
Anurag Vishwakarma Vishwakarma
Anurag Vishwakarma Vishwakarma - 7 years ago
keep it up
bouhou mohamed
bouhou mohamed - 7 years ago
vraiment magnifique
Angie Walsh
Angie Walsh - 7 years ago
Amazing pond! I've always wanted a Koi pond
Ona! custom surfboards Valencia
Ona! custom surfboards Valencia - 7 years ago
Where do you get those plastic boxes a 5:15? I need just that kind!

100. comment for Garden Koi Pond Renovation Timelapse

Rick Sanchez
Rick Sanchez - 7 years ago
Im KY Jealous
HenSt1985 - 7 years ago
Was that duck yours?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
It's a goose, and yes, we have four of them, now.
Shareef Saadi
Shareef Saadi - 7 years ago
So beautiful and pleasing `
i may build one but a bit smaller, fantastic job `
NHẬN VẼ TRANH TƯỜNG 3D - 7 years ago
Joy Y. Z.
Joy Y. Z. - 7 years ago
Grow Roots
Grow Roots - 7 years ago
grow watercress in the waterfall
Nancy Campbell Gibson
Nancy Campbell Gibson - 7 years ago
I'd buy cheaper fish and not use the fence. Or no fish at all. That fence ruins the whole 'natural look' they are trying to achieve.
Judas Valdez
Judas Valdez - 7 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous pond....simple yet super elegant...that sucks that you had to put that dang fence up..I wonder if a sonic sound emitter would deter them as well
hellcat1988 - 7 years ago
I hope you don't ever have cats with kittens cause those fish look big enough to eat them. And they do.
Kegan Sessions
Kegan Sessions - 7 years ago
Nice to see that second drain!
I was so worried lol
Dr.sujit sonje
Dr.sujit sonje - 7 years ago
Kegan Sessions ddddddddxxdddddddsd the gf fees crews crews day zagdat aq-3 QA q₹#1###№#######*€†****†******†#'''''''''''&_"""""_____₹__""₹__________
Terry Lai
Terry Lai - 7 years ago
maniatikoleal - 7 years ago
Thank you for the video, it was great seeing your work
Virtual Me
Virtual Me - 8 years ago
Looks nice! Can't do anything like that here in Colorado - water is precious here!
Virtual Me
Virtual Me - 7 years ago
We just don't get much rain, the summer is hot, and water isn't cheap. We've had watering restrictions for 10-12 and that isn't going to change. Love looking that ponds but they are just tough here.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
If you mean you can't have a pond, then now there are no leaks, I have to top it up very rarely since rain does the job very well.
AngellGaby - 8 years ago
It's a giant footprint
dan shep
dan shep - 8 years ago
Is it supposed to be in the shape of a dick?
John De Friee
John De Friee - 7 years ago
with no balls!!
dan shep
dan shep - 7 years ago
Hahaha great comeback!
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Erm if your dick is that shape, I would go to the doctor immediately.
Oscar Carmona Lopez
Oscar Carmona Lopez - 8 years ago
esta bonito pero le falta aclarar el agua
Leandro Fonseca
Leandro Fonseca - 8 years ago
Renato L
Renato L - 8 years ago
Fence ruined it D:
The black Moon
The black Moon - 8 years ago
Wonderful a good spectacle !!
jkingsrd1 - 8 years ago
and I have the same Peking duck ..
jkingsrd1 - 8 years ago
put a fake owl in there some where and no birds will touch it...why the electric fence ? the pond look just like mine but no electric fence on mine ...I had a problem with birds and heron getting in my ponds but the fake owl from harbor freight took care of them never a problem again ..that has worked for me for 13 years now ..
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Thanks. I'll try that.
eduardo manley
eduardo manley - 8 years ago
muy buen trabajo ......visitanos en facebook estanquesplantas y peces .....un abrazo
Rollo Lawson
Rollo Lawson - 8 years ago
Why did you drain it a second time?
Elite Dota Pro
Elite Dota Pro - 8 years ago
Awesome stuff :D I love this pond very much
BioAcuarios - 8 years ago
Very good video! It´s great!
Elian Leon
Elian Leon - 8 years ago
love it
A27 Killer
A27 Killer - 8 years ago
Aren't water and electricity a bad idea?
Gavinprior1 - 8 years ago
The electric fence does not come into contact with the water. completely fine and can be a common thing to do.
kit p
kit p - 8 years ago
too much vegetation, it just looks over crowed.
Rollo Lawson
Rollo Lawson - 8 years ago
kit p
Um, no.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
Beautiful! Love it!
joe35lok - 8 years ago
Mosquito's paradise!
ZaroyGaming - 7 years ago
yes we do .-.
Baby Eyleia
Baby Eyleia - 7 years ago
Haha i agree
Rohwynn - 7 years ago
Although garlic does contain some essential oils that are larvicidal to mosquitos, there hasn't been evidence that eating garlic has the same effect. However, if the oils of the garlic made it into the water from the sock I can see how it could do some damage to larvae population.
Shazzkid - 7 years ago
+bi_yorumda_benden lol you want to say alot of things, but unfortunately they will just be garbage like everything you say, while dont you use your magic lemon water and garlic to stop me huh
1starshot - 7 years ago
You do know that peppering your comments with ad hominen and foul language does not prove you right. Please refrain from making a fool of yourself in public.
OgreOfTheDeadLand - 7 years ago
i want to sayy you idiot too but i am afraid you also want proof for it. but science will never find any clues about it. i am sure you are the last children of your family. when they see their mistake they stop populating world. and this can be the proof
Shazzkid - 7 years ago
+bi_yorumda_benden lol don't cry, only because i just showed how stupid you are
OgreOfTheDeadLand - 7 years ago
my friend its not a legend, i said i use it for3 years. if u want u can use another think if you have time you can catch them one bye one if you have money u can buy different systems its all ok for me. but its not need to use bad words to someone. believe me no mosquites will bite your dirty blood you r lucky. have fun with others i have no more time for an child any more
OgreOfTheDeadLand - 7 years ago
i used it at pond for 3 years and had no problem, also can use for pets for parasites. ona garlic and half lemon juice inside 1.5 lt clear water. wait for one week. than add two spoon of this garlic water to 1 lt water that you will gave your pet. and no parasites touches it.
Shazzkid - 7 years ago
+1starshot well then you're also an idiot, NO scientific studies have shown that garlic has ANY repellent properties against mosquitos. So to say its "well known" is just more crap, and anyone who believes it is also an idiot, come back to me when there is PROOF, otherwise its bullshit.
1starshot - 7 years ago
Yes, it's not crap or homeopathic. It's well known that Mediterranean dwellers suffer far far less from mosquito bites (some never get bitten) that visitors do, because they eat much more garlic in their natural diet which is a deterrent to mossy's. It comes out in their sweat glands. Never heard of putting it in a fish pond though.
OgreOfTheDeadLand - 7 years ago
who is talking OMG a mosquito :) it works friends.
Shazzkid - 7 years ago
+bi_yorumda_benden get outta here with that homeopathic crap
OgreOfTheDeadLand - 7 years ago
if anyone needs a tip for mosquitos! use garlic, its all natural for fish and mosqutios hates it. one large garlic cut slices small pices and put them in a sock. and like a tea bag throw in side pool. thats all
1starshot - 7 years ago
I used to think that until I found out 25 years ago we have 33+ native species of mosquito n the UK.
In the last few years we have also been invaded by deadly alien species including:
Aedes Aegypti - found in Sussex & Kent, carries the Zika virus.
Culex Modestus - found in the Thames Estuary Marshes, carries the West Nile virus.
The Asian tiger mosquito, which can transmit up to 23 infections - including West Nile virus and dengue fever - is believed to have stowed away in used tyres being shipped from the Far East to this country for retreading.
Read more:

Very nice pond, have kept fish (tanks & ponds) on and off since a child and would not be put off by mosquitoes.
Shazzkid - 7 years ago
StuartDWright yes we do
Cathy Benson
Cathy Benson - 7 years ago
the fish would eat the wrigglers before they developed into mozzies anyway.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
We don't really get mosquitoes in the UK
Anton Feichtner
Anton Feichtner - 7 years ago
Bepflanzung für kleiner Teich am rand
BrianC - 8 years ago
actually... the smaller fish eat the bugs (and therefore mosquito larvae as the hang down in the water)
BMW Drift 93300
BMW Drift 93300 - 8 years ago
the little rocks where the fish hides is full of algee and mosqitos ; You have to make something about that .
John De Friee
John De Friee - 7 years ago
that's not a good sign!!
Anna Coolman
Anna Coolman - 7 years ago
Those bugs were water spiders if I'm correct
Antonio Camacho
Antonio Camacho - 7 years ago
Those mosquitoes looks like planes
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
We don't get mosquitoes so much in the UK. But it does have algae, blanket weed and duckweed growing in it. Which is not too bad because it is sanctuary and food for the fry and fingerlings.
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
BMW Drift 93300 the fry will eat all that.
Chris Treanor
Chris Treanor - 8 years ago
my back was aching just watching that, I recall how it felt doing my tiny pond....good job it was in time lapse! Great job guys,looks awesome. as for people commenting on the electric's either that or a net over the top, if you don't protect your pond,the heron will kill all your fish...even the biggest ones!
John De Friee
John De Friee - 7 years ago
just get a sign NO FISHING!!
BizzyPig 20
BizzyPig 20 - 7 years ago
+Amar Abidali
Amar Abidali
Amar Abidali - 8 years ago
why wouldn't you just ask the heron not to kill your fish?
ludwigrx - 8 years ago
Great pond but the fence ruined it. What's it for?
John John
John John - 7 years ago
Motion Activated Animal Repellent sprinkler , have a look of that might help
John De Friee
John De Friee - 7 years ago
keep the dingoes away!!
Matthew Reed
Matthew Reed - 7 years ago
What we do is get a pool floatie like for kids. We have one that is a little giraffe about two foot tall. We have a fountain, so the floatie moves all around. The heron thinks that its another live animal, and we havent had a problem since. Find something that can float and drift around, its amazing!!!
theholytoast - 7 years ago
we had a heron appear and eat 13 baby turtles in one afternoon. Ugly though it may be, I wish we'd had something to deter them before we lost all our little hatchlings.
SomethingReallyStrange - 8 years ago
" we decided to put up an electric fence to help protect against the Heron and other wildlife." -the description
Do Nguyen Thanh
Do Nguyen Thanh - 8 years ago
omg that a lot of work. you have worked hard and made it
Gavin McReynolds
Gavin McReynolds - 8 years ago
is that a goose?
Sid Roy
Sid Roy - 7 years ago
let them swim in the pond
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Yes. We have four now.
Rollo Lawson
Rollo Lawson - 8 years ago
Gavin McReynolds
Nope, it's a turkey, lol.
Ronney Perez
Ronney Perez - 8 years ago
Great looking pond ! But why not make it deeper and wider if you are pretty going to do all that I would had played it safe and made it about couple hundred gallons more bigger and would be better for the rest of the smaller koi as well as the big ones but great looking pond
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
Didn't they add one drum by deepening the stone region though? Also, they might not necessarily want to encroach more on their garden with it.
Fred Derf
Fred Derf - 8 years ago
+Ronney Perez , Hmm "A couple hundred gallons bigger " That would be less than 4 drums @ 55 gl . So the reality of making it bigger would have to be in the thousands of gallons . Everything is work , they did a really nice job , why even ask it`s their pond !
Pedro Barba
Pedro Barba - 8 years ago
ugly AF
Pedro Barba
Pedro Barba - 8 years ago
it doent look look like a pond, looks like filthy pool....
Rollo Lawson
Rollo Lawson - 8 years ago
Pedro Barba
WTF?! I can only imagine how horrible your garden looks if you think this is ugly.
kevin c
kevin c - 8 years ago
Why do you need the electric fense
Ver Nimpson
Ver Nimpson - 7 years ago
Elena Serrato it's not your property and he's not building a fucking river
Chase Zieman
Chase Zieman - 7 years ago
kevin c because animals can eat their fish
mevofr - 7 years ago
Oh, so that wasn't to prevent the fish from escaping ? Hopefully I read the comments, now I know better ;)
Jamie Gilmartin
Jamie Gilmartin - 7 years ago
Mike L I think your talking to a child lol
Mike L
Mike L - 7 years ago
Wow Elena, you are really some kind of "special" aren't you. The ignorance of your comment is astounding.
Elena Serrato
Elena Serrato - 7 years ago
the wild life needs water, please no fishes, better all the animals enjoy refresh in there
Elena Serrato
Elena Serrato - 7 years ago
It would be better that all de animals could enjoy the water, better no to have fish, its to small for them,
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
I can assure you it is an electric fence. In another of my videos, the cat touched it and jumped in the pond.
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
To stop or dissuade the heron/badger/fox from going fishing and our own geese from going swimming.
Helveteshit - 8 years ago
Doesn't look like an electrical fence though? Simply a fence to keep predators from sitting at the water edge and attack the koi.
SomethingReallyStrange - 8 years ago
" we decided to put up an electric fence to help protect against the Heron and other wildlife."

the description is a wonderful place
Abhishek Jha
Abhishek Jha - 8 years ago
exactly my thought???
kevin c
kevin c - 8 years ago
beautiful pond
James Holmes
James Holmes - 8 years ago
absolutely brilliant. to be saluted. well done.
aaabbbccc5518 - 8 years ago
was all the fish ok after that ?
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
They were fine, yes.
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 8 years ago
that one edge of the pond near the steps is higher than the pond and runoff and getting chemicals into the pond could be a major problem .Any thing you put on the lawn will run right in .Even power washing deck or house could pose a major problem .
Robert Hansberger
Robert Hansberger - 8 years ago
Nice Job but servicing the skimmer will be a challenge. I put one mothers pond and it is a pain to service reaching over the pond, Here is just a suggestion raise the rock level in the beach to 2 inches above the water level and put the return line off the skimmer pump under the rock at the shallow end. This will stop the algae from growing and turn the beach in to a active bog the little fish will still go in for protection, and the large stone will make it easy to thin the bog, and it will help with filtering and water clarity and algae control. when its time to thin the bog thin by 1 third.
BizzyPig 20
BizzyPig 20 - 7 years ago
a hole lot of problems there
StuartDWright - 7 years ago
Update: now the pipes have been lengthened, the pump is much easier to get out. Only problem now is that the holes in the Oase Aquaskim 40 basket are too large, causing debris to block up the Hozelock pump. I have to keep unblocking the impeller every few days.
StuartDWright - 8 years ago
Thanks. The skimmer sends water to a T junction under the beach for two outlet there to increase water flow. Getting the skimmer basket out is easy with a hook on a pole. Getting the pump out is more of a challenge with the short pipes, do we're having the pipes lengthened to help.
Giobel Koi Center
Giobel Koi Center - 8 years ago
good job bro

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