Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Water Garden How to build a Garden Pond How to build a garden pond Digging it out Koi Types- Koi Problem Continues Water Garden Construction What you wanna know Koi Pond Design Ideas Goldfish Keeping: Goldfish Facts- Five fun Facts about Goldfish How To Treat Sick Fish With Metronidazole, Treating Goldfish with Metronidazole Pearl Scale Goldfish. How to keep Pearl Scale Goldfish. Species Sunday Heron attempts to eat my goldfish. Not this time sucker! Goldfish win. The goldfish are eating mosquito larva at the top of the water surface. I planted the heck out of it. Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Pond 13 years ago 27,085 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Water Garden How to build a Garden Pond How to build a garden pond Digging it out Koi Types- Koi Problem Continues Water Garden Construction What you wanna know Koi Pond Design Ideas Goldfish Keeping: Goldfish Facts- Five fun Facts about Goldfish How To Treat Sick Fish With Metronidazole, Treating Goldfish with Metronidazole Pearl Scale Goldfish. How to keep Pearl Scale Goldfish. Species Sunday Heron attempts to eat my goldfish. Not this time sucker! Goldfish win. The goldfish are eating mosquito larva at the top of the water surface. I planted the heck out of it. Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito

Deletha Barnett
Deletha Barnett - 7 years ago
Hi Dustin, I sub to ur video can you sub to this you tube video. Fish Keeping Jamaica. Thx
Rayzo Rayzo
Rayzo Rayzo - 8 years ago
how do you build your out door ponds
Hannibal Rickerson
Hannibal Rickerson - 7 years ago
Rayzo Rayzo dig a hole fill with water buy some plants fish and a filter and you in there
JamesrPQ - 8 years ago
Just watch out for Zika mosquitoes.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook:
And EVERY DAY I do 30 second
videos on Instagram: Click here to follow me on Instagram:
Robert H
Robert H - 12 years ago
How did u make it or did u have someone else make it
Mr28896 - 12 years ago
That fish is scary LOL
TheBrewster320 - 13 years ago
I've heard rosy red minnows, also called fathead minnows, do a way better job at eating Mosquitos in a pond than mosquito fish. I have tried it myself though because I don't have anything setup outside yet. Also I'd like to see a video about planted tank clean up crews. Like kind of fish and snails, what kind of snails to avoid, and in what numbers to stock them in. Thanks Nick
Brendan Leung
Brendan Leung - 13 years ago
great vid but try not to hold the fish as much, it could ruin their slime coat and stress them. Good Job!!!

10. comment for Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito

FishTanks704 - 13 years ago
Nice vids im about 2 weeks into this hobby and think I'm doin pretty good I'm learning alot but check my vids out and send my a sub I already subbed to you
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 13 years ago
lucas pennington
lucas pennington - 13 years ago
thanks man nice to see my old gold fish loving the pond :)
lucas pennington
lucas pennington - 13 years ago
dude my X gold fish is looking good i gave it to the right guy takes man hes a sweet fish :)
Christian - 13 years ago
Hey dustin, those tanks youv'e got out there, are they no-tech? I'm considering setting up an out-doors tank mainly to see if dirt is as effective as people say, i also wanna put my sticklebacks outside.
wonderboy2402 - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks You could probably just build another little box next to the pond. Fill it with cattails and water lettuce and stuff... Try to get the water to settle out the dirt to the bottom and then the water lettuce catching all the stuff moving on the top. Fish look fat and happy btw.
Murad Hamdan
Murad Hamdan - 13 years ago
dustin can you make a video about filtration in pond and what kind you have
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 13 years ago
hmmm i never really tried it and i'm not really a chemical dude when it comes to ponds either but why not try out pond sludge remover
Lucsfishbowl - 13 years ago
Ah video 187 what a classic hahaha
pilipinofaze - 13 years ago
you should put one of those lantern mosquito zappers on corner of your house

20. comment for Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito

ThePencilShredder - 13 years ago
Lol dustin has a mosquito breeding lab going on in his back yard (;
P Paul
P Paul - 13 years ago
@Dustinsfishtanks um is your pond a planted pond with just dirt on the bottom. If so then i dont really know how to fertilize it or if you need to. as long as there is like a foot deep of dirt then it is fine
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@fspopshovit i title them later after they load. and its 2 videos...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@wonderboy2402 I'm thinking some kinda big sponge. I should get some kinda trap/sponge or heck even a sock over the end of the outlet for a day...I like the water lettuce idea. good stuff.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
@razorzrcool funny you should mention that. I just put it in the pond without the pot. What kinda ferts? I dont wanna jack the pond up, what do you think? (i want that mofo to bloom!)
P Paul
P Paul - 13 years ago
hey dustin i see your lotus still hasn't bloomed yet, just transfer it to a huge 2 feet wide by 1 foot deep or bigger container and lots of fertilizer and it should bloom in a couple weeks
VegasSurfer - 13 years ago
@TommysFish he strikes again!
wonderboy2402 - 13 years ago
Yea, looks like you have alot of floating debris/dirt collecting on your plants. Probably could jury rig something like a spong filter to collect the bigger stuff. Also, you could consider setting up a filter box with some Water Lettuce which has super feathery roots... It would collect alot of the floating particulate matter. I use it and they are awesome. Just dump the dirt out of the box when you collect enough and let it fill back up. Check out my channel to see my waterfall.
eurasianchica - 13 years ago
Is that monster goldfish missing a bunch of scales from the bottom half?
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
ah I just realised the sticks in there to keep the rats from drowning :)

30. comment for Goldfish in my back garden pond eating mosquito

TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
I love the monster goldfish XD
ByronGiant - 13 years ago
do you have any fish caves in your pond? fish feel a lot safer and will be out more if you have them
fspopshovit - 13 years ago
Why the hell do you have 5 video's titled: "Video 21"???
iAzmax - 13 years ago
ponds looking good

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