How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond!

Well we finally got around to building the small wildlife pond by the hybernaculum. The rain held up long enough to get it done in one day. Sorry we couldn't film the entire thing as it rained for first few hours, but we will do a more detailed video when we build the duck pond in the next month or so. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "DIY Bulk No Mess Chicken Feeder" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- #gardening, #allotment, #garden, #cottagegarden, #gardeningforbeginners, #newallotment, #startinganallotment, #gardeninghintsandtips #garden #gardening #loveyourgarden #allotment #allotmentgarden #allotmentgardening #veggiegarden #allotmentshed #Horticulture #growagarden #summergarden #growingfood #growyourown #growyourownfood #foodforest #backyardgarden #gardeningbythemoon #indoorgardening #gardeningincontainers #containergardening #patiogarden #kitchengarden

How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Pond 11 years ago 30,312 views

Well we finally got around to building the small wildlife pond by the hybernaculum. The rain held up long enough to get it done in one day. Sorry we couldn't film the entire thing as it rained for first few hours, but we will do a more detailed video when we build the duck pond in the next month or so. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "DIY Bulk No Mess Chicken Feeder" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- #gardening, #allotment, #garden, #cottagegarden, #gardeningforbeginners, #newallotment, #startinganallotment, #gardeninghintsandtips #garden #gardening #loveyourgarden #allotment #allotmentgarden #allotmentgardening #veggiegarden #allotmentshed #Horticulture #growagarden #summergarden #growingfood #growyourown #growyourownfood #foodforest #backyardgarden #gardeningbythemoon #indoorgardening #gardeningincontainers #containergardening #patiogarden #kitchengarden

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Most popular comments
for How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond!

Bill Holder
Bill Holder - 8 years ago
Well done looks great, inspires me to do one, ive been thinking doing this on my new allotment. I was thinking why dont you put some hostas around the pond.
UK Here We Grow
UK Here We Grow - 8 years ago
Cheers Bill keep your eyes open for the new one soon
Bill Holder
Bill Holder - 8 years ago
Hi Tony, ive been ill last few days and looked and see its was two years ago. Stupid youtube, I was thinking wow another great video I've not seen from you guys. Keep up good work. Love the videos.
UK Here We Grow
UK Here We Grow - 8 years ago
Hi Bill. Well this pond is at the old allotments I am just about to dig the new pond to bring everything across to the new ones and have a load of hostas for it all ready to go
Jayden Cool
Jayden Cool - 8 years ago
What about bacteria
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 9 years ago
Tony id love to see update on your pond.
Allotment Journal
Allotment Journal - 11 years ago
Job well done there Tony. The wildlife area is going to be awesome. Think you deserve a pint! ☺

Best Wishes Chris.
suburban homestead
suburban homestead - 11 years ago
Hopefully that will help attract toads and other beneficial wildlife.
Aaron's allotment
Aaron's allotment - 11 years ago
Thats a very good day's work mate.  Strangely enough, my wife and I have just finished putting an outdoor aquarium in the back garden.  It is free standing so not like a pond but we have gone through the whole thing of building it, putting substrate and pond compost in it, and then getting the waders and paddler plants in with the pump.  Last weekend we put the first fish in and so far haven't lost any.  Obviously it was easier than what you have done but I can at least sympathise with how hard it must have been and definitely admire you for the effort.  All the best mate!
OYR Frugal & Sustainable Organic Gardening
OYR Frugal & Sustainable Organic Gardening - 11 years ago
Very nice little pond Tony. I'd love to have one of those myself.
Gardening in Norway
Gardening in Norway - 11 years ago
I thought everyone in UK were fedup with water and ponds this winter.. :)
Nice peace of work there, Tony! A little tip, -I dont know if you`re able to scrape some off some moss sheets from some surrounding stones/walls, -but that is a great element to place under the pond side slabs, and let it cover the plastic down to the water surface. In short time it will attach to the slabs and plastic, and make a beautiful transition from dry to wet land. It will also look natural. The moss grows rapid, and is a perfect biotop for micro life.
I`ve tried this method several times through the years, and it works every time.

Keep up you great work and vids! I really enjoy them.
Best wishes,
Ken Fuller
Ken Fuller - 11 years ago
Top job Tony, l'm interested in the solar panel comment, how much would you expect to pay for a small one? It's something l've looked into but they seem quite expensive.

10. comment for How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond!

retrorestore - 11 years ago
nice job. looks like you had nice soil to dig out.
Elyse Joseph
Elyse Joseph - 11 years ago
I subscribed to you not long ago and I'm glad I did! That's really nice (hard) work you did, the wild life should feel right at home in your allotment!
baconsoda - 11 years ago
That is a great job!  How about a bag of wild flower seed now that you have the ground nice and friable?
baconsoda - 11 years ago
+Tonys Allotment
OK-ish, video coming.
Susan Rogers
Susan Rogers - 11 years ago
Your Pond looks Great! Something I've wanted for years, lol

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