How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond!
Pond 11 years ago 30,312 views
Well we finally got around to building the small wildlife pond by the hybernaculum. The rain held up long enough to get it done in one day. Sorry we couldn't film the entire thing as it rained for first few hours, but we will do a more detailed video when we build the duck pond in the next month or so. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "DIY Bulk No Mess Chicken Feeder" ➨ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- #gardening, #allotment, #garden, #cottagegarden, #gardeningforbeginners, #newallotment, #startinganallotment, #gardeninghintsandtips #garden #gardening #loveyourgarden #allotment #allotmentgarden #allotmentgardening #veggiegarden #allotmentshed #Horticulture #growagarden #summergarden #growingfood #growyourown #growyourownfood #foodforest #backyardgarden #gardeningbythemoon #indoorgardening #gardeningincontainers #containergardening #patiogarden #kitchengarden
Best Wishes Chris.
Nice peace of work there, Tony! A little tip, -I dont know if you`re able to scrape some off some moss sheets from some surrounding stones/walls, -but that is a great element to place under the pond side slabs, and let it cover the plastic down to the water surface. In short time it will attach to the slabs and plastic, and make a beautiful transition from dry to wet land. It will also look natural. The moss grows rapid, and is a perfect biotop for micro life.
I`ve tried this method several times through the years, and it works every time.
Keep up you great work and vids! I really enjoy them.
Best wishes,
10. comment for How To Build A Small Wildlife Pond!
OK-ish, video coming.