How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

Mike Gannon of Full Service Aquatics and THE POND HUNTER video series presents a pondumentary about a water garden koi pond installation that took place in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. This koi pond installation how to video walks you through the entire water garden koi pond installation from pond excavation, pond liner and underlayment installation to pond filter system, rockwork installation and submersible lighting system installation. Brief description of landscape installation is included as well. Thanks for watching THE POND HUNTER video series, and please visit our official sites!

How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Pond 15 years ago 118,610 views

Mike Gannon of Full Service Aquatics and THE POND HUNTER video series presents a pondumentary about a water garden koi pond installation that took place in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. This koi pond installation how to video walks you through the entire water garden koi pond installation from pond excavation, pond liner and underlayment installation to pond filter system, rockwork installation and submersible lighting system installation. Brief description of landscape installation is included as well. Thanks for watching THE POND HUNTER video series, and please visit our official sites!

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Most popular comments
for How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

Marivone Sousa Martins
Marivone Sousa Martins - 7 years ago
seus lagos são lindos
Selim AÇAN
Selim AÇAN - 8 years ago
Mike you have a very nice busıness Waterfall design is a very nice job I am Turkish Have you come to Turkey for waterfall design joke joke
thePondHunter - 8 years ago
Hello! thank you very much. Yes I'd come to Turkey!
Blood Red
Blood Red - 9 years ago
good job
thePondHunter - 9 years ago
+budi kuswara Thank you Budi!
Scott Long
Scott Long - 10 years ago
Love your videos...any chance you could use a better camera that has a higher resolution or better focus?
aguyandhiscomputer - 10 years ago
Don't think YouTube allowed high definition videos back in 2009. I agree it's hard to watch videos from that time period. Good 'ol technology :)
thePondHunter - 11 years ago
Haven't heard that before!
turgid86 - 11 years ago
at 10 seconds I was thinking, Sean astin from Encino man?
thePondHunter - 11 years ago
Thanks Butch, for the kind words. I've been called alot worse on here, people get weird when they can hide behind a keyboard and post anonymous comments. Thanks for watching!!
Thomas Butcher
Thomas Butcher - 11 years ago
How could someone call you an amateur!!!! You seem very profesional and clearly demonstrated how you created the pond. Great pond and Nice work!
thePondHunter - 12 years ago
Hey RamZ, thanks for checking out the video. I agree there is lots of missing info when it really comes down to it, but only a little time to cover so many things. I hope you'll check out my other vids if there is some specific info you need. I am happy to help directly as well; give a call anytime!

10. comment for How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

Aaron Ramsey
Aaron Ramsey - 12 years ago
This is a very good introductry video, but I feel like the slightest bit of information is missing.
thePondHunter - 12 years ago
Hey Paul, thanks for the comment. I hope all the birds love it to use as a place to get fresh water and a bathing area. I just hope the big predatory birds don't love it!!
Max Reynoso
Max Reynoso - 12 years ago
About how much would something like this cost?
thePondHunter - 12 years ago
Hey thanks for watching! Those stones are kept in place by careful stacking and construction foam.
Gerard Schaefer
Gerard Schaefer - 12 years ago
Are you using cement to hold the flat wall of boulders in place ?
thePondHunter - 12 years ago
Hey Yukon, where are you located? Maybe I can tell you exactly where to get liner and underlayment. Otherwise, check out Firestone for liner material. Thanks for watching!
yukonjon76 - 12 years ago
where can i get felt and liner planing a bigger pond for garden,web sites for felt and liner?
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
It is Clarks indeed willy! good call, bet you been fishing in the shark river muchos tiempos.
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@TheArlberg1 Hey, many thanks for your nice comments. I am very happy that you appreciate the posts. If I can ever be of help in any way please do not hesitate to ask. Visit me on Facebook too!
Richard Habicher
Richard Habicher - 13 years ago
This is possibly the very best presentation that I have seen and I viewed so many now. You have a gift for this type of work and you used beautiful rocks and excellent explanations for the top pump you used. I bet your customers are very happy. I am working on something less elaborate and do it with rocks from here some are beyond scales. It is addictive once you start!

20. comment for How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@spinaway thank you!!
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@TJBAU I bet Utah has got quite a bit of beauty to keep you busy out there in Utah! thanks for watching.
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@BestFreeAndroidGames The pump in this pond is a high efficiency pump and costs about $25 to run.
BestFreeAndroidGames - 13 years ago
Does anybody know what it costs (approximately) to run an electric electric water pump like this one every day all day long?
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@pjos111 Thanks for commenting! I know a guy who builds in Ireland if you need someone, he is very good. OR, I could always make the trip to Ireland. My family roots are Irish, we were from Dublin and County Wexford. I hope to see Ireland someday, and if I was building a pond there well that would be all the better! -PH
pjos111 - 13 years ago
Great Job if you were in Ireland I would be giving you a call.
thePondHunter - 13 years ago
@AustinTexasLandscape Hi thanks for checking out the vids. A pond this size would typically run about $4500.00 to $5200.00, but that can very from site to site.
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@jorgesarduysousa Hi Jorge, for this project I used a 15 X 20 liner that was oversized for the project. I always try to go a bit oversized so I have roome to be creative if I want. The excess liner is cut away and recycled within the project as protection for under the bigger rocks that I use. thanks for commenting and visit me on facebook/thepondhunter too! -PH
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@IntegraGSR5 Hey Integra, if I can help in any way let me know! I look forward to seeing that pond when it is built. Visit me on facebook/thepondhunter too! -PH
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@unit1587 Hey Unit. I have a whole new series of videos coming out soon that will have parts of them that focus more on the waterfall building aspect of the installation process. I will make a point in this upcoming season to make a specific video of waterfall construction. Thanks for watching by the way! and commenting. come visit me on Facebook at facebookcom/thepondhunter

30. comment for How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

son dinh
son dinh - 14 years ago
@thePondHunter i have a preformed pond in the backyard . it makes me sicked looking at it sometimes. lol. im planning to build a pond that is around 1500-2000 gallon.
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@IntegraGSR5 Hi Integra, thanks for watching and commenting on the Pond Hunter videos. I used 2 pieces of liner and overlapped them. The waterfall liner should run about 4" below water level for overlapping to work right. Do you have a pond or are you thinking about installing one?
son dinh
son dinh - 14 years ago
really really nice work. i really like it. did u use tape to seal the waterfall liner and the bottom liner or just overlapped it ?
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@fowlerleftfoot Thanks Fowler, this pond looks GREAT at night. It is in the entrance to this house and it is a very welcoming sight. Thanks for watching and your comments. Hope to see you at other video from Pond Hunter!
fowlerleftfoot - 14 years ago
Beautiful!! wonder how it looks like at night with the lights....
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@Basalisk172 Thanks so much for the compliment, and thanks for watching. I hope to hear from you again! If you are on facebook come see my LOVEYOURPOND page and I'll see you there. Take care.
stangsaleens7 - 14 years ago
@thePondHunter well i didnt have a filter because in my garden there was no were for it to be, but the pond was under a tree, and in the summer i would change the water and clean out the leaves.
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@stangsaleens7 Hey Stang, sounds like you have a combo of hair algae and milfoil a small floating weed. The milfoil is usually introduced by birds/ducks or will come in on other plants, always try to "clean" your plants before putting in your pond. The hair algae, a UV light will do nothing for, try adding more plants, better filtration, that type of algae is usually die to higher nutrient levels. What type of filter do you have??
stangsaleens7 - 14 years ago
@thePondHunter the algae is like fuzzy or pretty much underwater grass it seems, and i have these little floating green things too they look like clovers. not lillypads
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@stangsaleens7 Hi Stang, from Ohio eh? In the business we call Ohio the frozen fish capital of the world.. ok, not really. What type of algae? Do you mean green water or algae growth like hair/string algae? there are different ways to fight the different types. What kind do you have?
stangsaleens7 - 14 years ago
@thePondHunter st. bernard ohio, and another question i would like to ask is how should i remove algae from the pond because it gets really green.
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@alphahere Hi Alpha, thatnks for checking out the videos and commenting. I am using river stone here from gravel to boulders in size the name it is sold as is "Delaware Blend" river stone, it is very available in the northeast US
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@stangsaleens7 Hi thanks for checking out the videos and commenting on them. sorry to hear what happened with your fish, it must have gotten very cold to freeze like that. Where are you located? Hopefully you can get started again with the hobby!
stangsaleens7 - 14 years ago
i used to have a garden pond with a waterfall and it got loaded with algae and all my fish froze in the winter even tho it was 3 foot deep.
thePondHunter - 14 years ago
@Toggen62 Hello, thanks for watching and commenting. I am glad you enjoy the videos. Yes, I use foam on the rock work, and it is a "fish safe" type of foam which can be found at pond shops, garden centers, or maybe aquarium shops. Hope that helps. Thanks again. -PH
Toggen62 - 14 years ago
Hello! Do you use foam between the stones to glue them together? And can I use enny cind of buildingfoam? And is not poisen to the fish? Ore is it a spesial type? And thank you for a beautiful video.
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Hello Jed, that particular bridge I did not build, a contractor friend of mine helped in this backyard project by building the bridge and a deck for this customer, so I con't claim credit to that bridge. It is beautiful though and fit into the overall project perfectly. Hope to hear more from you and thanks for watching.
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Thanks Spin, hope the weather has cleared up there in the UK. cheers!
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Yes, I do; but what type of bridge would you be referring to?
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Hey, thanks Scotty, I appreciate the comment, the rating, and that you took time to check out the video. Hope to hear from you again. cheers!

50. comment for How To Install A Water Garden Koi Pond Point Pleasant, NJ

Scott Mcgrath
Scott Mcgrath - 15 years ago
first video i ever rated and 5stars
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Hey thanks for subscribing. I appreciate the support. More to come soon!
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Thank you and happy new year. More will post soon!
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Nice! send me some pix
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Right on!
CoralMan24 - 15 years ago
no problem I love seeing what you guys have going on your way.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Well for now i am. i cant wait till spring though, i am going to install a koi tunnel i added koi to my pond, which is not mentioned in the video's, the predators haven't gotten to it since the blue herons along will all the other birds are probably flying south, but i don't know. So in spring i will drain the pond install a koi tunnel and clean it as well! Thanks, Arteom
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Thsi biofalls is actually just a standard biofalls, the grande is about 2X the size of a standard. For lighting on a smaller pond like this I install the lights on the upper shelf because it does lgith up even the lower parts very well, the intensity of the light and the spead of the beam (about 35 degree spread) give a very full lighting effect. On a larger pond I would have deeper lighting too. thanks Arteom, hope you are doing very well out there in Cali!!
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
I recommend waiting a week before adding fish, this allows the water to age nicely AND allows the opportunity to watch a new installation and make sure that everything is functioning properly. Last thing you want is to add fish athen find out you have a faulty pump!
thePondHunter - 15 years ago
Thanks Coral! I appreciate the comment.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Forgive me if i am mistaken but you are using a "Grande" Bio-Falls? Oh and it looks very nice! I just have one question about the lighting... you added yours at the top shelf but then you wont see the bottom?
abaneyone - 15 years ago
Very nice! How long did you let that pond sit before adding the fish?
CoralMan24 - 15 years ago
great pond love it

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