How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Learn how to build a waterfall with our step by step instructional video. Building a waterfall can be easy after learning these "How to Build" tips and tricks. Avoid Frequently Made Mistakes and learn professional builder tips from The Pond Digger.

How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 95

Pond 15 years ago 883,202 views

Learn how to build a waterfall with our step by step instructional video. Building a waterfall can be easy after learning these "How to Build" tips and tricks. Avoid Frequently Made Mistakes and learn professional builder tips from The Pond Digger.

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Most popular comments
for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Ronnie & Minh
Ronnie & Minh - 7 years ago
You guys are awesome, thanks! What kind of foam are you using?
FANTAIL - 7 years ago
omar carranza
omar carranza - 7 years ago
Are you in California???? Love your videos
Pete Geanacopulos
Pete Geanacopulos - 7 years ago
do u work out of New England by chance? Need help building my parents waterfall. Had it done in 2014, Guy that did it originally, did a shitty job and we ended up with a 4 inch waterwall. Any advice???
PRATIK KOLI - 7 years ago
Gojira5400 - 7 years ago
It would be awesome to have this in a house.
makkena - 7 years ago
very use fulll
bagsmom GA
bagsmom GA - 8 years ago
Love this look! We get more rain here than you do in CA. How would you prevent dirt from running down the hill above and getting into the pond?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
There are retaining walls, yard drains and has been planted well. That was a great question!
KRrack - 8 years ago
I liked this guy til he gave me the finger around 6 minutes in
Colin Baker
Colin Baker - 7 years ago
that's funney man
Brooke Thompson
Brooke Thompson - 7 years ago
Oh haha at 6:13, I didn't even notice
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Did I really flip you the bird? :)

10. comment for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

LJS - 8 years ago
Think a pond heater at 25 constantly would be good for a pond year round so I can keep giant snakeheax
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
That sounds like a fun goal. Might I suggest putting the pond in a greenhouse with controlled climate! That would be easier to do!
Melissa Daniels
Melissa Daniels - 8 years ago
I love your videos and would love to take on a waterfall project in my backyard.  I don't have a lot of money for the rock and I have found the large character boulders are outrageously expensive at local landscaping businesses.  I would like to scavenge for some of those bigger pieces but I live in Illinois where the land is pretty flat and construction sites really don't have anything I can scavenge.  Do you have any suggestions on where to find large boulderlike stones?
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
I don't know the area in IL very well, although I have put in some pond construction hours in your area. Where there is a will, there is a way. Keep pushing and find some local resources.
adam emon
adam emon - 8 years ago
great job guys looks awesome I'm going to have a bash in my garden hope it turns out OK
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Anjan Majumdar
Anjan Majumdar - 8 years ago
great ideas
learning a lot!!
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+Anjan Majumdar Thanks for watching!
VIDEONEWS100 - 8 years ago
Eine seltene Gabe zu sehen - die Natur als hohe Kunst
ThePondDigger - 8 years ago
+VIDEONEWS100 Thank you for the wonderful comment.
J. P
J. P - 9 years ago
Your vids are calming
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+George Perez I think our koi videos are the most relaxing videos. So glad we are keeping your blood pressure low with our videos! Thanks for watching!
Ilia B
Ilia B - 9 years ago
We have a waterfall that causes lots of problem to keep it clean. What would be the best idea to get reed of algae that builds up in side the pond .Thankyou.
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Ilia B Filtration is your best long term success plan.
Ron Bieser
Ron Bieser - 9 years ago
I dug my pond hole last year but was unable to complete because of the weather. The problem I am facing is the soil is very loose and difficult to make shelves that are solid.Any suggestions?
blkstone - 9 years ago
Love your vids man, thanks to you I've installed my mini oasis the Right way!
Brad Harvey
Brad Harvey - 9 years ago
i dont believ i have ever seen you use flagstone in your videos any reason ?
Alexxis Meck
Alexxis Meck - 7 years ago
Donald Criola
Donald Criola - 9 years ago
ThePondDigger - 9 years ago
+Brad Harvey We do use flagstone frequently. I'm not sure we have it in many of our videos. Maybe we need to do a video on using flagstone.

20. comment for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Adrienne Florence
Adrienne Florence - 10 years ago
What about overflow how do you or did you handle that?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Adrienne Florence We didn't cover overflow in this video but it can be easily established in the skimmer box
Michael Lembeck
Michael Lembeck - 10 years ago
First off I want to say great job on explaining the whole process and taking the time to explain the little tips... you have great insight and communication skills!!  Now for my questions:

I have a six foot fence that will be behind my waterfall - similar to what you have...Will l still need to build a retaining wall rather than pile dirt up against fence if I have no worries about dirt on my fence?  I guess the problem there is I need to get behind waterfall, so how much room should I leave between fence and waterfall?

If you wind up with too much liner or underlayment, would you ever want to cut it, or  just better to fold under?

I live in Minnesota so my waterfall will be 3 seasons.. anything I should consider up front in terms of which equipment I buy etc. etc...?

My view from the house faces the fence - should I angle the waterfall slightly which I think is what you suggested to add character, or, should I come straight on?

If I am limited by space, is it ok to have waterfall dump into small pool and then have a stream take a "hard right" to a bigger pool?

Thanks again, Mike
Michael Lembeck
Michael Lembeck - 10 years ago
Thanks!!  I am about 40 miles from Faribault in Bloomington about a mile from the Mall of America.  I think it was one of your photos that I want to replicate - from waterfall, it spreads a bit to the left and spreads a lot to the right - would work great for my space.. you know the photo?  Should the skimmer always be perpendicular to the waterfall?  Or, should it be the farthest away from the waterfall - I have not gotten to the part where you show the how the water gets circulated back to the waterfall.  Thanks again!  You are the waterfall pond man!!  Mike
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
+Michael Lembeck Great questions Michael. I do recommend having some sort of retaining work on the back of the waterfall when ever possible. Since we are in So Cal with smaller properties we are forced to retain. Occasionally we will have a sloping berm behind the waterfall. We just leave enough room for maintenance and plantings.

You will be cutting excess liner and underlayment. How much will depend on your edge treatment.

Minnesota! I have a great pond building buddy in MN that lives in Faribault. How close are you to Faribault? You want to consider using the best equipment you can afford that allow for ease of maintenance and then do your plumbing accordingly for winterizing!!! You know I'm liking Helix Life Support!! :)

You're definitely catching on!!! I would turn the waterfall at a slight angle for sure!!

As far as the pool at the base of the waterfall and the hard right turn……Yes I would do it that way here in Southern California. Something to consider in MN is that small pool will certainly freeze solid. Not sure exactly if thats gonna be a problem. I'll have to ask my MN buddy his opinion. 

Thanks for the great questions!
محمد عبد الرحمن
محمد عبد الرحمن - 10 years ago
Kitti Katastrophe
Kitti Katastrophe - 10 years ago
i have a liner question: can concrete be used instead of that rubber liner as a more eco friendly alternative? my idea was to use the concrete and use stones and build something similar to a brick wall that goes from the bottom all the way up the sides. that way none of the stones have the potential to come loose and it would still look natural. i just dont like the idea of using rubber because of it being not so eco friendly.
Webuildwaterfalls - 10 years ago
+Waterfallfantasies Hi certainly can build a waterfall from concrete! Doing it any other way is absolutely FOOLISH!!!
Read On Please:Why is there so much talk
about pond liners? Which
ones are UV protected, or
stronger, or last longer?
“The Experts.will tell“liners are simple
to install,” and “liners are inexpensive
compared to concrete
and steel,” and liners are
quick to install.” Or “liners
last for 50 years,” “liners bring
higher profits to pond construction,”
and “liners don’t
contaminate the water with
alkali as does concrete
construction.” Yes,
they've almost sold themselves on paper!
So, a liner is guaranteed for
40 to 50 years? I would have
to agree with that, as long as
you left it in its box the whole
time. Too bad a liner manufacturer’s
warranty doesn’t
include damage from gophers,
ground squirrels, chipmunks,
rats, mice, or tree, plant and
weed roots. Or from stretching
and punctures due to heavy
rocks and other sharp objects.
Try to accomodate a 1 Ton Rock or Stone on a Pond Liner!?
Startling fact: a hole only the
size of a pin hole can lose one
drip per second, or 5 gallons in
just 24 hours. That’s a pin
hole, not a hole made by a pair
of buck teeth on a burrowing
Imagine along with me for
a minute. You have spent
$8,000 of your hard-earned
money for a pond and waterfall.
This water feature is impressive.
They dug a big hole,
piled up some dirt at one end,
draped a large rubber linerover the whole thing, and
placed giant boulders all
around the pond and on the
dirt mound. Smaller rocks fill
in between the boulder and
additional rocks cover the liner
in the pond.
Now, it’s two years later
and you’ve just come home
from a two-week vacation to
find the pond half empty (or
half full, if you’re a positive
person). There must be a leak!
How did this happen? Where
is it?
No problem, you think, I
remember the salesman’s pitch:
“If you should ever get a leak,
just clean off the area around
the hole, dry it off, and using
the directions enclosed in the
kit, apply this patching material.”
But there’s only one problem:
where is the leak? or
leaks? How do I find it? And
if I do find it, and I’m successful
in patching it up, what’s
to keep it from leaking again?
Have you ever had to find a leak in a Car or Bicycle Tire? Pretty Simple Stuff! Stuff the Tire in some water or hose it down and theres the Bubbles! Now spread out you pond Liner and Blow air into it and theres your hole!
Right! Cmon, you have this massive piece of Rubber laying all over the grass (and they say their building the Liners Thicker these days) so, try to find that little hole or holes!
So, its not really the Liner Guys fault - 
the “liner guy” who sells the
liners, but at his disciples
around the country who are
bragging how much money
they make in just two or three
days. I’m not upset at the fact
that they make in two days
what it takes me six to seven
days to make in constructing
my ponds of rebar and 5000
psi concrete. My ire stems
from having to charge $8,000
to replace a $6,000 liner pond
that lasted only two years. (A
liner with padding didn’t stop a
tree root which traveled 25 feet
to do its work.) For only an
additional 16% in cost, that
client could still be enjoying his
original pond, stress-free, for
his lifetime and that of his
children and grandchildren.
The main features touted
by liner promoters are simplicity,
low cost, quick installation,
and extremely high profits. In
an article published in his
catalog/magazine of liners and
accessories, the “liner messiah”
has obviously taught his disciples
well, as you can read in
this excerpt:
“If you hire us to install your
pond, you get a choice of buying it
with or without a stream.We offer
no other choices! The pond we build
covers an area of 11 by 16 feet, has
a maximum depth of 2 feet, and a
beautiful waterfall. We’ll build your
pond in one day. The basic pond
costs $5,100 and if you want to
connect the falls with a stream,
you’re looking at an extra $1,000.
That’s it. End of story. No Mas.”
That’s what Ernie Selles,
president of Patio Ponds and
disciple of the “liner guy,” said.
Another quote from Ernie in
the same catalog is “I get out of
bed every morning and look
forward to going to work in a
way that I never had before.” I
noticed he didn’t mention how
he slept.
Let’s do the math on Ernie’s
installation. The pond,
stream, and waterfall cost
$6,100. The actual retail cost
of the kit is just $1,000.
$5,100 profit for only one day
of labor. Notice: unlike our
package, they offer no lights,
no auto-fill, and the pond is
only two feet deep. Yet a three
foot minimum is recommended
for koi fish.
A two foot pond affords no
protection from predators such as raccoons and herons, and
the shallow depth is affected
easily by rapid temperature
changes, causing undue stress
on the pond’s inhabitants.
We would build the same
pond with a depth ranging
from 3 to 3  feet, with no
shallows for dining predators.
It is constructed of rebar 10
inches on center with a shell of
5000 psi concrete (sidewalks
and driveways are 2500 to
3000 psi).
Okay, enough of that!
I was taught how to build Waterfalls and Ponds from the Best in the Business!
I would never ever use a Pond Liner again!
When I started building Outdoor Waterfalls and Ponds I actually used Liners! It did not take long to realize this was not the way!
I had been Designing and Constructing Indoor Waterfountains for years. I eventually wanted some outdoors Water Features and was soon throwing together Pond Liner Crap! Luckily - those were all made for Friends and Relatives who also thought they were great! Out of 17 of them only one exists now and that is being converted (after Umpteen Repairs) to a Concrete and Rebar Waterfall & Pond next Spring!
Really, the bottom line is, if you are going to do this and Invest Real Money into it, Do It Right! It can last for Decades! You can climb all over it - Kick It - Sit on it - Hang Big Rocks & Stone on it ! Its the real thing !

If you want a Real Water Feature, Please visit us at and we can help !

If you need more of a confidence Boost - Visit my Master, Douglas Hoover!
Webuildwaterfalls - 10 years ago
Hi certainly can build a waterfall from concrete! Doing it any other way is absolutely FOOLISH!!!
Read On Please:Why is there so much talk
about pond liners? Which
ones are UV protected, or
stronger, or last longer?
“The Experts.will tell“liners are simple
to install,” and “liners are inexpensive
compared to concrete
and steel,” and liners are
quick to install.” Or “liners
last for 50 years,” “liners bring
higher profits to pond construction,”
and “liners don’t
contaminate the water with
alkali as does concrete
construction.” Yes,
they've almost sold themselves on paper!
So, a liner is guaranteed for
40 to 50 years? I would have
to agree with that, as long as
you left it in its box the whole
time. Too bad a liner manufacturer’s
warranty doesn’t
include damage from gophers,
ground squirrels, chipmunks,
rats, mice, or tree, plant and
weed roots. Or from stretching
and punctures due to heavy
rocks and other sharp objects.
Try to accomodate a 1 Ton Rock or Stone on a Pond Liner!?
Startling fact: a hole only the
size of a pin hole can lose one
drip per second, or 5 gallons in
just 24 hours. That’s a pin
hole, not a hole made by a pair
of buck teeth on a burrowing
Imagine along with me for
a minute. You have spent
$8,000 of your hard-earned
money for a pond and waterfall.
This water feature is impressive.
They dug a big hole,
piled up some dirt at one end,
draped a large rubber linerover the whole thing, and
placed giant boulders all
around the pond and on the
dirt mound. Smaller rocks fill
in between the boulder and
additional rocks cover the liner
in the pond.
Now, it’s two years later
and you’ve just come home
from a two-week vacation to
find the pond half empty (or
half full, if you’re a positive
person). There must be a leak!
How did this happen? Where
is it?
No problem, you think, I
remember the salesman’s pitch:
“If you should ever get a leak,
just clean off the area around
the hole, dry it off, and using
the directions enclosed in the
kit, apply this patching material.”
But there’s only one problem:
where is the leak? or
leaks? How do I find it? And
if I do find it, and I’m successful
in patching it up, what’s
to keep it from leaking again?
Have you ever had to find a leak in a Car or Bicycle Tire? Pretty Simple Stuff! Stuff the Tire in some water or hose it down and theres the Bubbles! Now spread out you pond Liner and Blow air into it and theres your hole!
Right! Cmon, you have this massive piece of Rubber laying all over the grass (and they say their building the Liners Thicker these days) so, try to find that little hole or holes!
So, its not really the Liner Guys fault - 
the “liner guy” who sells the
liners, but at his disciples
around the country who are
bragging how much money
they make in just two or three
days. I’m not upset at the fact
that they make in two days
what it takes me six to seven
days to make in constructing
my ponds of rebar and 5000
psi concrete. My ire stems
from having to charge $8,000
to replace a $6,000 liner pond
that lasted only two years. (A
liner with padding didn’t stop a
tree root which traveled 25 feet
to do its work.) For only an
additional 16% in cost, that
client could still be enjoying his
original pond, stress-free, for
his lifetime and that of his
children and grandchildren.
The main features touted
by liner promoters are simplicity,
low cost, quick installation,
and extremely high profits. In
an article published in his
catalog/magazine of liners and
accessories, the “liner messiah”
has obviously taught his disciples
well, as you can read in
this excerpt:
“If you hire us to install your
pond, you get a choice of buying it
with or without a stream.We offer
no other choices! The pond we build
covers an area of 11 by 16 feet, has
a maximum depth of 2 feet, and a
beautiful waterfall. We’ll build your
pond in one day. The basic pond
costs $5,100 and if you want to
connect the falls with a stream,
you’re looking at an extra $1,000.
That’s it. End of story. No Mas.”
That’s what Ernie Selles,
president of Patio Ponds and
disciple of the “liner guy,” said.
Another quote from Ernie in
the same catalog is “I get out of
bed every morning and look
forward to going to work in a
way that I never had before.” I
noticed he didn’t mention how
he slept.
Let’s do the math on Ernie’s
installation. The pond,
stream, and waterfall cost
$6,100. The actual retail cost
of the kit is just $1,000.
$5,100 profit for only one day
of labor. Notice: unlike our
package, they offer no lights,
no auto-fill, and the pond is
only two feet deep. Yet a three
foot minimum is recommended
for koi fish.
A two foot pond affords no
protection from predators such as raccoons and herons, and
the shallow depth is affected
easily by rapid temperature
changes, causing undue stress
on the pond’s inhabitants.
We would build the same
pond with a depth ranging
from 3 to 3  feet, with no
shallows for dining predators.
It is constructed of rebar 10
inches on center with a shell of
5000 psi concrete (sidewalks
and driveways are 2500 to
3000 psi).
Okay, enough of that!
I was taught how to build Waterfalls and Ponds from the Best in the Business!
I would never ever use a Pond Liner again!
When I started building Outdoor Waterfalls and Ponds I actually used Liners! It did not take long to realize this was not the way!
I had been Designing and Constructing Indoor Waterfountains for years. I eventually wanted some outdoors Water Features and was soon throwing together Pond Liner Crap! Luckily - those were all made for Friends and Relatives who also thought they were great! Out of 17 of them only one exists now and that is being converted (after Umpteen Repairs) to a Concrete and Rebar Waterfall & Pond next Spring!
Really, the bottom line is, if you are going to do this and Invest Real Money into it, Do It Right! It can last for Decades! You can climb all over it - Kick It - Sit on it - Hang Big Rocks & Stone on it ! Its the real thing !

If you want a Real Water Feature, Please visit us at and we can help !

If you need more of a confidence Boost - Visit my Master, Douglas Hoover!

Steve - Owner/Designer - Waterfallfantasies -
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
If you got any good tips reg my big pond me on  to bad we got the Ataltic crossing the easy way for contact....but Im happy with your videos ...Thx again Ponddigger
Peo Arctaedius
Peo Arctaedius - 10 years ago
man good at this and you serious and pro ...I like all the videos you project is a a bit larger...still under plans....but my outer measure is like 50x90 and a second pond 4 feet abow the main with a waterfall 5 feet up in background and the water spilling down to main pond... ....its a big project ..I got tons of good intel from the videos you posted ...Thanks alot for it ...Love from Sweden
benjamin massie
benjamin massie - 10 years ago
what type of fom do you use between rocks?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
It is an expanding landscape foam. Look for it called Waterfall Foam at your local pond shop. 
scubadrew9292 - 10 years ago
Strawberries AND a waterfall? Check it out:
Hydropic Strawberry Wall w/Pondless Waterfall
dhuhailya may
dhuhailya may - 10 years ago
Could you please share how to install the water pump under the rocks and the flow of the water up to the upper level? Perhaps that is the important part for the beginner like me
dhuhailya may
dhuhailya may - 10 years ago
Oh yes, thanks
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Hey There, We are planning a small pondless waterfall installation to cover these points you are asking about. Stay tuned.
jmbouma1 - 10 years ago
hi, beautiful pond project. how important is it to use the black plastic reservoir at the start or top of the waterfall. Can one use the pipe from the pump or does this not work as well?
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
You are correct. The skimmer in the pond is the intake where the pump is installed and the reservoir at the top is the filter.
jmbouma1 - 10 years ago
+ThePondDigger does that mean the only filter is in the plastic waterfall reservoir? THere is not one in the bottom of the pond? Is there an intake? If so, is there a filter/pump in there? I have a 500 gal pond and used a pond master submersible pump, I also have/had a waterfall, but it all looks bad. I want to redo it after looking at yours! My pump broke so am looking to buy the proper new one! thanks so much…your work is amazing!!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
The plastic reservoirs provide quick & easy maintenance as well as a large biofilter in a compact spot. We are uploading a Frog Pond Video this week with NO filter or pumps! It may give you some new perspective. Stay tuned and thanks for watching!

30. comment for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Cecilia Bouwer
Cecilia Bouwer - 10 years ago
Petco - 10 years ago
Great instructional video. Very Helpful "ThePondDigger"!
ThePondDigger - 10 years ago
Ethan Lim
Ethan Lim - 11 years ago
Do you use anything to keep the rocks together in and outside of the pond?
Webuildwaterfalls - 10 years ago
we use a secret waterproof mortar! Take a look at some expanding foam after a few years.

ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We use expanding waterfall foam to pond together our dry stack rock work.
StarksBrothersHomes - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this instructional video with homeowners. 
Ana Martinez
Ana Martinez - 11 years ago
Ana Martinez
Ana Martinez - 11 years ago
Cool bro part2$
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
The waterfall in this video is approximately 2 to 2 1/2 feet above water level. I would say 1m is the tallest I would suggest on the pond size you are looking to build. Shorter would make more sense.
Binh To
Binh To - 11 years ago
thank for your information. I find your video very interesting. Could you please give my detailed information about the height of your waterfall, the distance between the top point and the falling point? What about the optimal height of a water fall for a small pond (3m x 1.5m)? 1m? Thanks for your help.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Great to hear we have inspired you! If bears are prevalent in your area and you are backed up to the woods there is a strong possibility you could find a bear bathing under your waterfall. That being said the bears aren't going to be destructive because they want to tear apart the falls! The simple fact that a bear can weigh several hundred pounds is your concern. Be sure your rock work is done well! Once the feature is complete and running smooth you may consider adding some concrete if needed.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thank you!!!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback!
stephen mcgregor
stephen mcgregor - 11 years ago
awesome vid bro,u r a true pro,i learnned loads from this
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
There's a lot to consider when building a pond where you'll be swimming. Consider large bog filtration and UV filtration on top of your other plans for filtration. Heavy aeration, easy access via large boulders or dock. No submersible pumps! Use external pumps to remove the electricity from the water. Using low voltage lighting is fine but you don't want a 110 volt pump to short out while swimming.
george gonzo
george gonzo - 11 years ago
would love some help on that ..a video good Idea
Mark Keating
Mark Keating - 11 years ago
Great videos, thanks a bunch for posting! We're considering constructing a swimming pond in 2014 - other than upsizing our pump and filtration system to accommodate a larger volume of water, is there anything else we should be considering?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
For sure! There are actually preformed waterfalls you can add to your preform. That is likely the easiest solution for you but you could certainly build a waterfall out of liner and natural stone! Sounds like a potential video!!!
beckie1384 - 11 years ago
What if I want a pre-formed pond, can I still have a waterfall?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Yes it is possible to have a successful pond without underlayment. It really depends on your soil and the surrounding landscape. We use the fabric under the main body of the pond always because of the extreme weight of the water. On waterfalls and streams depending on the size of the materials we are using we occasionally won't use the fabric.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
THANK YOU!! I hope you're learning from our videos too! That is our goal!
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago

50. comment for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Nalini Goindoo
Nalini Goindoo - 11 years ago
nbadhorse - 11 years ago
Just watched another video about building a pond with a water fall. It was okay, but when it was finished it looked like exactly what it was; a man made pond and water fall. I like the ones you are doing. It looks much more natural.
countrydp - 11 years ago
You didnt seem to put any under layer. Is it possible to have a successful pond without under layer?
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
We did install underlayment on the pond walls and floor. On occasion we don't use underlayment on streams but we always use underlayment below and above liner when installing large boulders.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for chiming in mrwaterscaper. This water feature had some extensive filtration, external plumbing and some expensive rock for the flatwork and bridge. This project came in around 23k.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
I nice size pond to get into will cost you between 8 to 10k for professional installation.
ThePondDigger - 11 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Katiehsu23! Rock On!
KitKatForLife - 12 years ago
WhiteHawkNative - 12 years ago
How much would one of these cost?
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We always use underlayment on under the pond liner. On small waterfalls and streams in good soil conditions it isn't mandatory. It's the pressure and weight of all the water in the pond that make it so important in the pond to have the underlayment below liner to protect. In many cases we use underlayment under the liner and ON TOP of the liner for added protection. Happy Pondering.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
We use excavators every chance we get! But sometimes we just have to man up and get ur dun the old fashion way.
SterlingScreencasts - 12 years ago
Thanks for the informative video. I don't see you using a liner underlayment? Is that just 45mm EPDM liner on sand and does that mean you think underlayment is not necessary? Thanks!
brianstacync - 12 years ago
damn bro, you need a small excavator to move those things around
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ww2dynamite - 12 years ago
Nice big waterfall. Good video. Thank You. I also have a DIY Garden Pond video on my channel.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
Yes this style swim pond construction is very popular in Europe.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
See part 2
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
You're very welcome. Thanks for the feedback!
Trinidad Supercars
Trinidad Supercars - 12 years ago
thanks it relly help full
newyork1655 - 12 years ago
too long, crap..and need to be from beginning, not end.
Noah Pen-kruger
Noah Pen-kruger - 12 years ago
see it in action
BerkeleyBuilt - 12 years ago
i've been using a 2 x 4 foot liner for my waterfall for years. lol. i would lose so much water.
do u even lift?
do u even lift? - 12 years ago
check out my pond on my channel
adairsr53 - 12 years ago
I would like to see what your waterfall box looks like before you've added the liner.Enjoyed your video it's very helpful,thanxs much
Johny Bineham
Johny Bineham - 12 years ago
You are lucky enough to be one of that very small section of people who are doing what they truly like to do, then gain satisfaction and contentment from doing so. May your waters continue to fall where you want it to. deMontserver
Nichole K.
Nichole K. - 12 years ago
“ThePondDigger” looks like a good catch ladies. He's hard working, good with his hands and most importantly; comprehends fluid dynamics. Didn't notice a ring but maybe he takes it off while working with “character stones” and such.
ThePondDigger - 12 years ago
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@AcNoLegment WOW
AcNoLegment - 13 years ago
"You woudnt happen to have a cup of warm water wood ya!" DUMBER & DUMBER.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@sirmixalot135678 There must have been a glitch with Youtube on the like counter. Wish I could control a hundred likes overnight. :) We just work hard to put out content that pond lovers will genuinely like and then we sit back and wait. Thanks for your support.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@sirmixalot135678 Thanks for the comment!
Steven - 13 years ago
O n P.S. love how ur likes jumped to 108 over night...
Steven - 13 years ago
Thx for the info
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@sirmixalot135678 Sometimes we use one giant piece of liner and other times we will use a second liner just for the waterfall. If liners overlap vertically (like up a set of stairs) by 6" to 12" then you don't have to seam the liners together.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@sirmixalot135678 Thank you for your feedback and support!
Steven - 13 years ago
I'm curious do u lay out a second liner for the waterfall and if so how or is it all just 1 huge liner... my dads is small and the 1 I hope 2 do is going 2 be huge
Steven - 13 years ago
I couldn't believe nobody "liked" this video... very educational... I among many appreciate your videos
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@pastapill Glad to hear our waterfall construction video made a difference for you. That's what it's all about! Take you time, there's no rush! The waterfall is the major focal point of your water feature so give it a major effort to set it off and make it amazing!
Vickie Sublett
Vickie Sublett - 13 years ago
Thanks so much for posting this video! I had gotten discouraged that I couldn't place the rocks fast enough because I had to change them, look for small filler rocks, etc. But, you've taught me that it's OK - it just takes time. I feel so much better. Looking forward now to the process & finishing. Thanks again.
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@lazyboyinc If you are building a waterfall into a pond you will want to consider a biological waterfall filter. If you are building a disappearing waterfall then you can purchase a simple waterfall spillway. Give me more details as to what your plans are and I will gladly help you spec out the equipment you need. Google "The Pond Digger" and you will find our url. We can't post website links here in the comments.
TheBoaConstrictor95 - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger Well basically, I want to build a turtle pond. It isn't going to be very big, though. I can really explain the design, but basically I just need a good filtration system & a small but nice waterfall. My budget is pretty high. I live in Saudi Arabia so I'll have to order the supplies. What would be the best filtration system to buy?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@TheBoaConstrictor95 I'd love to help you with the life support design for your pond. I will need to understand your goals and expectations of the pond and your budget in order to guide you along the way.
TheBoaConstrictor95 - 13 years ago
I'm not really having any trouble with the whole visual side, but I don't know how to make the who filtering/waterfall system. Does anyone have tips?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@fuzzymonkey79 I need more info.... How big is the bottom pond? How big do you want the top pond? And How wide is the waterfall spillway?
fuzzymonkey79 - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger How would i include another pond on top of it that the water go into the waterfall and then in to another pond and if so what pump should i use ?
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@Frenzy11297 Many ponds are built with concrete. It's not my preferred method of pond construction but done right it can be a long term joy. Building your pond from concrete will take a bit more time to build and you will need to cure the concrete carefully to make the water safe for your fish. Best of luck to you young man!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@thefunme1 Thanks for the feedback Dawn! YOU CAN DO IT!
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@Osteoporosify It's up and loaded! Check it out!!! Thanks for the feedback....
ThePondDigger - 13 years ago
@IKINGHORSE I'll drink to that!
mophead013 - 13 years ago
@ThePondDigger ... three months is not exactly my version of the "very near future". Lots of people want to see Part 2!

100. comment for How to Build a Waterfall - Part 1

Alexander Shorey
Alexander Shorey - 13 years ago
hi there, i'm building a wooden pond with a waterfall, my question is, can i have rocks at the base of it? i might tile the front and sides of the pond, or go with a wooden finish not sure yet, open to advice, thanks.
DianaMB10 - 13 years ago
I'm sick of people who say you can't do this type of stuff by yourself or affordably thanks for the great advice !
NicenEasyuk - 13 years ago
I would happily chillout in that pond. Some sun, beer and a bbq. lylo ^^
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@verachion Yeah, I'm feeling lame right now because we have not uploaded Pt. 2 yet! My bad..........I'll take that hit. We deserve it.
verachion - 14 years ago
Good work guys but pretty lame not to have part 2 ?????
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@notthedevilwoman Yes.....Sorry for the delay. We need to get on this. I promise sooon!
ALP'ie - 14 years ago
Hooray for HD! The one good thing You-Tube has done since.... We actually its the only good upgrade.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@LakefieldWaterGarden Part 2 will be up in the very near future. We have had our focus on other parts of the business so we have lagged on getting new videos up. Sorry for the delay. The video is complete and edited just need to put the final touches on it.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@helicrashpro Part 2 will be up in the near future. We have had our focus on other parts of the business so we have lagged on getting new videos up. Sorry for the delay. The video is complete and edited just need to put the final touches on it.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@baykeesie How is the project coming along?
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@yikeebear The liner we used on the water fall was a bit larger than we normally use. Because of the large elevated planter behind the pond and waterfall area I wanted to keep the soil from seeping into the pond when the planter was waterer. Typically on a smaller waterfall like this we would use a 10' wide liner and long enough to overlap into the pond by 6" to 12". It does come in different thickness but the standard used in the pond world is 45 mil.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
Pond O Maniak
Pond O Maniak - 14 years ago
How about Part 2, my sensei ;)
andy lim
andy lim - 14 years ago
hi there. i would just like to ask, how do you call that black lining you used in this video? does it come in various thickness? thank you
helicrashpro - 14 years ago
Can not seem to find part 2
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@jayb941 There is a seam tape that you can use to connect your pond liner together. Be sure to use the liner tape primer for optimal performance.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@IKINGHORSE I'll have to play that game! U funny!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@alks1123 Yes you can certainly keep koi in aquariums indoors. The thing is koi look best when you are viewing them from above. Another thing to consider is, each koi should have a couple of hundred gallons of water! So plan on a BIG AQUARIUM!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@AznAveDaMan We get our stone from local rock yards and rock quarries close by our projects.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@GypsyKing7 Ya we need to take the time to get part2 up. I apologize for the delay. We have been swamped this season.
Avery Hum
Avery Hum - 14 years ago
Where'd you get your rocks?
GypsyKing7 - 14 years ago
How do you Keep a Jerk in suspense?, il tell u when i post part 2, nice , very educational, way of describing effects of water as it cascades, V Nice, would B nice to see the Finished Product , Ciao
Allen Deng
Allen Deng - 14 years ago
one person hated ur videos and thats not me ur vids helped me and ya my kois swim happliey
IKINGHORSE - 14 years ago
Great videos. They all helped a lot. BTW: Pond Digger Drinking Game: Watch all of the videos and every time he says "Character Boulder" or "Character Stone" take a shot.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@shangreer @shangreer Part 2 is so close, yet so far! We are in the peak of our construction season so time is limited. We are working on a large waterfall project in Palm Desert and we are working at the LA ZOO at the same time. Hopefully you will be building many more waterfalls in years to come. So PART 2 will serve you one day my friend. Thanks for watching!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@shangreer Part 2 is so close, yet so far! We are in the peak of our construction season so time is limited. We are working on a large waterfall project in Palm Desert and we are working at the LA ZOO at the same time. Hopefully you will be building many more waterfalls in years to come. So PART 2 will serve you one day my friend. Thanks for watching!
shangreer - 14 years ago
Great video. Sucks Part 2 is not up...finishing up my pond and waterfall next week...would be great to see how you finished this one.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@AidanM1990 Thanks for the comment! YOU ROCK!
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@bordens47 Hey there, You could easily spend 2,500.00 to 4,000.00 on your equipment for this project depending on the quality of components, number of underwater lights, and other accessories. Where are you located? We are hosting a Waterfall Construction Seminar at our place here in California in just a couple weeks.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@Smokie1969 Thanks for the comment. Part 2 is basically complete except for some final glamor shots of the feature with some semi-mature landscape. We are currently focusing our energy on some updates to our website and then we will refocus our energy on video. Part 2 will be FIRST on our list to finalize. Thanks for your patience.
ThePondDigger - 14 years ago
@myswtsins Thanks for the comment. Part 2 is basically complete except for some final glamor shots of the feature with some semi-mature landscape. We are currently focusing our energy on some updates to our website and then we will refocus our energy on video. Part 2 will be FIRST on our list to finalize. Thanks for your patience.
Test - 14 years ago
I have 35ft across and 25ft high with a 50 degree hill in my backyard I want to use as a nice pondless waterfall, about what kinda cost in material should I be ready for? I was at least 4500gph pump maybe bigger if needed.
Just Jen
Just Jen - 14 years ago
Your videos are great & very helpful! When will we see part 2 & the finished product?
Smokie1969 - 14 years ago
Where is part 2?? :(
TheWaterfallCompany - 15 years ago
Nice video
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Hang tough! More videos coming soon!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We will have some videos on pond pumps in the future! Ponds RULE!
peggy z
peggy z - 15 years ago
Thank you! thank you! I've finally found what I've been looking for! (and you've only been up a few weeks!) One thing I hope you add/mention is how the water (pump) works with regard to pipe placement.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
I'll do the same if I end up in your neck of the woods for what ever reason. In fact most all of the traveling I have ever done was to build a waterfall or pond. The Pond Digger
Pondguru - 15 years ago
Yeah, that would be great. If I ever come over to the U.S. I promise I'll pay you a visit and hang out on a job with you.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback on our waterfall construction video. We appreciate the comments. How to build a waterfall part 2 will be uploaded shortly so stay tuned. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for checking in on me PondGURU. I'm pleased that you take time out to watch our videos. I'd love the opportunity to build a waterfall with you one day. Especially one of your signature waterfalls with water flowing out of the arched rock work. The Pond Digger
Jack Odell
Jack Odell - 15 years ago
Incredible video. Probably the most professional instructional and artistic video on youtube! Can't wait for part 2. Great Quality
Pondguru - 15 years ago
Great video again ! One of these days I will have to get round to doing instructional vids of some of the techniques that I use to build ponds, waterfalls, streams etc. Most of my methods are different but utilise the same common principles to achieve the feature. Keep up the great work.
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
That is clearly seen!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Yes, we are really happy with the rock work in the pond as well. I have a great team of pond builders. The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
True that's true, the costumer is always right! Oh and awesome job on the waterfalls, still like the stacking done inside the pond, Awesome!
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
The black pebble in the bottom of the pond is a great look when complete. The dark color helps the bottom of the pond disappear and gives great contrast to the fish. The rock in the pond takes on a green tone once the eco-system becomes established so the black pebble matches nicely. We don't use slate in all our waterfalls however a large percentage of people prefer the look of slate in their waterfall so that is why we choose to highlight it in this video. No rain in LA, I was reading emails.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
I don't know the rock yards in Sacramento. The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Just a head up. There is a How to Build a Waterfall Part 3 too. We have another full video (part 2) covering tips and tricks for all the youtube waterfall builders before you get to see the final waterfall running. It's all about education, information and inspiration so stay tuned. The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Do you know were i can get nice angular rocks here in Sacramento Ca for like $75.00/ ton? Like are there any rock yards that you really like?
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
sure will, but i got a question, why use black pebbles in the bottom? Wouldn't a pebble that complements the rocks nicely like a grayish, pink, and white be much more appealing? Oh well your the expert, and i would never think of using slate in the waterfall, i always thought that's why they don't look natural? Oh and you replied quickly, no work? Is it raining in LA, cause it sure in here in Sacramento.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
We will work on a stream construction video in the future per your request. It may be a while but rest assured we will get to it. Thanks for watching and rating the video. How to build a waterfall Part 2 will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned. The Pond Digger
ALP'ie - 15 years ago
Awesome! Got some info on how to start building mine, but any information on how to install a stream? P.S. LOVE the way the rock is stacked in the pond looks so good! 5 Stars
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
During the build of this waterfall, all the rocks were moved with one or two guys. No machinery, just muscles. We of course used the underlayment tip to move the biggest rocks. Glad to hear you picking up tips and tricks from our pond videos! Stay tuned as How to Build a Waterfall Part 2 will be uploaded very soon. The Pond Digger
gumper5242 - 15 years ago
Great Job . You guys do amazing work ! Were you able to move all of those Rocks by hand with just one or two people ? When I do mine I won't have access to any machinery just muscle. I did get a great tip from one of you other videos though. I plan on useing a blanket or underlay to help lift the larger Rocks.
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the comment and the rating! I live for this! The Pond Digger
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
Thanks for the response. As far as quality goes, when we first load these big HD videos up to Youtube it takes a bit of time before the video streams without the little glitches. Sometimes it takes several hours. Thanks for watching. The Pond Digger
Brian Lam
Brian Lam - 15 years ago
I don't think i'm going to be building a water fall anytime soon . but this video is sure entertaining and intersting !! 5/5
ThePondDigger - 15 years ago
First view :)

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