How to build a fish pond

How to build a fish pond. Ten rules to guide you on an easy weekend project.

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How to build a fish pond. Ten rules to guide you on an easy weekend project.

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Most popular comments
for How to build a fish pond

Tyke Jackson
Tyke Jackson - 9 years ago
nice job im gonna go make a pond
starzz ali
starzz ali - 10 years ago
i paid $300 tt for a fish tank now i know wat to do thanks love it
James Feenan
James Feenan - 10 years ago
One day i hope my pond is beauthful like yours
well done great video i am sure you be able to look back on this video in years to come when your little girl is all grown up and you be proud of the work you both have done.
Sweet Pea Art Works
Sweet Pea Art Works - 10 years ago
Nice job!
Donna Chambers
Donna Chambers - 11 years ago
I think it is awesome that you and your daughter did this together great job dad :)
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 11 years ago
I think it was great time for your daughter and you to bond .I guess by now your daughter is older and it cost me total 500 dollars 11 years ago .Pump was a harbor freight pump .I used sump pump hose 10 dollars for it .I bought my fish from a koi farm  around 1 to 3 dollars a piece and only 2 koi and now koi are over 2 ft long .Fid not know they got that big .My pond is 7 thousand gallons .I joined the garden pond forum on the internet and it is fun to see others home made ponds and learn from them .congrats on your your pond and your cute now somewhat grown daughter by now
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 11 years ago
Thanks for your nice comments!  Indeed, my daughter is in the 11th grade now and we've moved 2 countries since, but she remembers this project well.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 11 years ago
Fortunately, both technology and my budget have improved since this was filmed in 2008.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 11 years ago
Thanks so much - I'll have a look :-)
Maddie IsFabulous
Maddie IsFabulous - 11 years ago
I want to do that soooo bad but i recently found a six foot diamond back rattle snake on my property! :(

10. comment for How to build a fish pond

Judy White
Judy White - 11 years ago
I had 2 fish ponds that were destroyed in a tronado 2 years ago.I have started to miss them and am considering building one at my new home.Loved this video,simple to understand and not too extravagant for my budget either.Thanks!
Stormrage123 - 11 years ago
This would be better if you didn't film this with a potato.
Way Out West Blow-in blog
Way Out West Blow-in blog - 11 years ago
Well done. Lovely garden and the pond just makes it. Maybe we should have followed your advice a bit more when we built ours last month! (see video response)
Johine Hundley
Johine Hundley - 11 years ago
How much was it?
DarkGhost. X
DarkGhost. X - 12 years ago
I'm gonna make one
Hmong Mgtow Meng John Lee
Hmong Mgtow Meng John Lee - 12 years ago
not bad. very good for a home made cheap pond. i actually like homemade cheap ponds more than real ponds. have more heart and design and art. becasue the owner can craft his or her pond the way they like.
Botea Florin
Botea Florin - 12 years ago
Roro - 12 years ago
GoPro Ponds
GoPro Ponds - 12 years ago
Awesome pond time lapse pond builds on my channel
Pondguru - 12 years ago
For videos on how to mak a fish pond, wildlife pond and koi pond - check my channel. Step-by-step build videos, latest one uploaded last night.

20. comment for How to build a fish pond

meinahairsalon - 12 years ago
Nice pond. The video is really nice too.
SuperMaxibaby - 12 years ago
yes.especially if the leaf fall is heavy ,plants will help but most likely wouldnt cope with the influx of toxins, be best to remove what you can
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
Even if you have aquatic plants to absorb the nitrates?
SuperMaxibaby - 12 years ago
they rot down at the bottom of the pond unless skimmed off with a net , as they rot they emit nitrates , a net or a skimmer net used occasionally can be of help
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
Just curious, why would the leaves contaminate the water? I wouldn't think you'd need to worry about nitrates if you have some water hyacinth/floating aquatic plants. Also, I would hope the filter would do it's job as well. I have a very small pong (only 150 gallons for my turtle) but I planted a small tree next to it to provide 1/4 shade and I haven't seen any problems yet.
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
Am I saying that one race is greater than the other? No, I'm not racist.
SuperMaxibaby - 12 years ago
rule number 1 never build a pond with overhanging or trees near by their leaves will contaminate the pond water, nitrates will rise and kill the fish, any filter also needs at least 2 weeks for healthy bacteria to form on the media before even considering adding fish
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
White people problems.
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
So am I but I still can read at a normal level.
Will howard
Will howard - 12 years ago
what kind of filter did you use and how much did it cost

30. comment for How to build a fish pond

tyler060399 - 12 years ago
Not to be nosy but how much was the pond liner
Akhil Delawhey
Akhil Delawhey - 12 years ago
thats wonderfull,, am gonna make my pond exactly that way... thanks for the vid
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 12 years ago
What kind of waterholes? Rainwater? It should be fine as long as there are no chemicals running in from outside. The plants and water and fish normally establish some sort of equilibrium after a week or two.
Alex Trujillo
Alex Trujillo - 12 years ago
really nice video! but onne question i myself is building a pond and i was wondering if the water from the waterholes is safe for the fish??
TheBBallEnthusiast - 12 years ago
I'm sorry that you didn't pay attention in school then.
Sassy gaming
Sassy gaming - 12 years ago
0:44 ,child labour
L.H. - 12 years ago
nice vid, checked out so many also, but this one really shows u what to expect if ur not hiring a professional or have a lot of experience. thanks a lot!
c4prlm4st3r - 13 years ago
i am sure that pond means a lot to molly.
gordon sawyer
gordon sawyer - 13 years ago
not to be mean bot why was the girl doing the work
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 13 years ago
@Bazil1869 I'm sorry, I don't know. You'll need to consult a salesperson and tell him what you want to do.
iAzmax - 13 years ago
would a aqua one aquis 1200 filter do the job?
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 13 years ago
@yvettecordova Thanks for the feedback! I wish I had taken a bit more trouble to make the picture clearer but I hope it helps you get it right the first time on your pond :-)
Lourdes Cordova
Lourdes Cordova - 13 years ago
wow i looked at so many videos. this is the only one that really showed me what to expect building my new pond :-) thanx for posting very helpfull n beautiful
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 13 years ago
@MyGardenboy The plants don't really keep the water clean - the pump under the water pushes the water into a filter next to the pond, which filters out the mud, and there is a UV light inside it that keeps the algae under control. Then it comes back all clean.
Dan Aubrey
Dan Aubrey - 13 years ago
very nice
TAZMPictures - 13 years ago
@jaypicness same place I plug in the pump :-)
jaypicness - 13 years ago
If u have a filter, where do u plug the electric cord?
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 13 years ago
@LCDLOVEPUDGY Yes, the pump is at the bottom of the pond, and it pumps the water through a filter (looks like a sealed bucket, you have to clean it from time to time), and then up to the top of the waterfall, where it runs back in. But you will probably also need to scoop out the leaves from time to time, depending on location. supposedly too many decaying leaves are bad for the water quality.
Budget Shooter
Budget Shooter - 13 years ago
@ManCichlid same

50. comment for How to build a fish pond

akarocket - 13 years ago
very nice little project.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 13 years ago
@LordJake1337 Thanks much - I wish I'd gotten better quality video, but it was an afterthought after I figured out how to make everything work :-)
Jake Butler
Jake Butler - 13 years ago
Nice pond :D And GREAT advice :)
ManCichlid - 14 years ago
Very beautiful, wish I could have one, then again I'm only 13 with little money, not time and little space to work with...
dinosaurman1000 - 14 years ago
@tbrouns ok thanks love the pond was it hard to make
dinosaurman1000 - 14 years ago
@tbrouns ok thanks i have 2 minows who live in a tote anyways very nice pond
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@dinosaurman1000 I don't do anything for the temperature - choose fish that can live in outside temperatures. For the oxygen, in my case, the water bubbling over the waterfall carries enough oxygen into the water. Also, some is absorbed from the air. I guess it could be necessary, but if you don't have TOO many fish for your pond I don't think it is needed. After all, a real pond does not have an air pump, but it is of course much larger....
Travis Gubbins
Travis Gubbins - 14 years ago
thanks : )
dinosaurman1000 - 14 years ago
do u have an ai r pump without it it keep the water at a staedy temputer also it make s oxygen
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@TravsWorldofVideo Yes, you need a pump to push the water through the filter - see the other comments :-) The pump is the most expensive piece, and it depends on the size of your pond. Good luck!
Travis Gubbins
Travis Gubbins - 14 years ago
That was cool and do you need a pump
dinosaurman1000 - 14 years ago
@tbrouns does your filter have an air pump because plants will eventuly start using the oxygen in the water also fish love to swim by the air pump because i geuss they like it or somthing
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@RandomXScooters It cleans out the small stuff - dirt and debris - and keeps the water clear. You still have to scoop out leaves and stuff from time to time. But you also clean the filter occasionally and it is full of goo and sludge.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@RandomXScooters Yes you definitely need a filter. And a pump to push the water through the filter. This keeps the water clear, and if you get one where the water passes by a special light (it's inside) then it kills the algae too so it doesn't get all green and icky. Unfortunately the pump (which needs electricity) and filter are the expensive parts. If you add a waterfall, you need a stronger pump to push the water uphill. I suggest a pressurized filter you can hide in the ground.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@yournamehere954 Thanks so much for your feedback. It has been fun for all of us as the fish have grown, have reproduced and they have grown up as well. We've had frogs and tadpoles and all sorts of things appear in that little pond. I'm afraid I don't remember exactly the thickness - I think it's about 2 mm. They gave a 10-year guarantee and that seemed like plenty!
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@heartsxo55 Good luck! Remember, always make it bigger than you think you need lol!
Sylvia Czerniec
Sylvia Czerniec - 14 years ago
This was so helpful! :) thank you! Im only 15 but i really want to build one in the spring time. So in about 6 or 7 months. I will get all the tools ready that i need and try making this too. Im excited to try it!
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@Chiisainyo Good luck! I hope you can make your pond much bigger than mine :-)
Davey Kosho
Davey Kosho - 14 years ago
amateur pond
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@Zibilu123 ha ha you must be joking....for almost a year my daughter begged that we could make a fish pond and you call it child labor? :-)
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@picatsoforfma According to all my reading, no. I have put plants in the water that are planted in plastic "baskets" - which makes removal (they do die from time to time) easier. As it turns out, debris that blows into the pond turns into a small layer of dirt, and some of the roots have grown out of the baskets into that dirt. I suspect that for a small pond, too much dirt (and rotting vegetation) may be bad for the chemistry.
picatsoforfma - 14 years ago
So you don't need dirt in the bottom of the pond for the plants?
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@heronmusic2000 I wish I could help - I am far from an expert, only sharing what I learned the hard way. I just got a variety of plants at the local garden store, none of which caused any problem. I live in NL, and the plants all "died" in the winter but 50% of them come back quickly every April. Good luck!
Gurjit Sangha
Gurjit Sangha - 14 years ago
Ive just brought my first home, & i am defo gonna put a pond in the middle of the lawn in my back yard.....the video you made is great,.....but i wanted to keep fish in just wondering, does that effect what kinda underwater plants u put in the pond?? Also, what are the easiest pond plants to put in & which fish are the best to put in?? Im from England, so it does get hella cold in autumn winter...
harsha806 - 14 years ago
@tbrouns i appritiate alot for the information.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
@harsha806 I bought it from a roll...they suggested to lay a measuring tape across the longest part of the (empty) hole and add 1 meter. I believe it was 4 m by 4 m.
harsha806 - 14 years ago
nice littel pond, what size liner did you use?
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
Only if you live in the tropics...or can find a way to keep the water about 80 degrees. I would go with a minimum of 300 gallons, and bigger is always better. Make it big enough for a shark, that will take care of the frogs.
IGenesis - 14 years ago
why don't you put a few turtles in the pond?
IGenesis - 14 years ago
its great!a nice pond just outside your house !
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
Also if you can get a pump with an internal UV light that kills algae that is important. My bulb went out and within two weeks the pond was turning green! Final point: fish eat tadpoles, so consider that in your design if that's important :-)
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
I have been told that you are supposed to keep too many leaves and junk from getting in the pond - and avoid building under a tree that loses a lot of leaves - because too many leaves will screw up the balance. The whole thing is a mini-ecosystem with bacteria and fish and algae and decaying plant matter (and fish poop!) but too much decaying plant matter will affect the oxygen level and other levels. Short answer: all things in moderation!
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
Thanks I will check it out! So far this has been my only pond - and I still haven't fixed that pesky waterfall - but a guy can dream!
PR0CRASTINAT0R - 14 years ago
Cool video! (5 - STARS!) Thanks for posting it! I help run a free Pond share website. It would be great to have some more pond people join in and share their pictures,videos, and stories. OldGardenPond,com (If you copy and paste the above address, please change all commas to dots. Youtube will not let me put dots, so I put commas in the website address)
rhy64 - 14 years ago
@tbrouns oh cool, butanother question doesnt the mulch add up and fill the pond or do the bacteria eat the mulch.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 14 years ago
The leaves that fall into the pond over the year (you can't remove them all) settle into a mulch at the bottom and the frogs go in there. I found one when I tried to clean it out!
rhy64 - 15 years ago
where do the frogs hibernate, since there is rubbing inner.
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
Definitely! But it's a lot of water, like 1000-1500 gallons for a small pond! Not that patient...
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
I got it in a local hardware store - it comes on a big roll...
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
I've thought about doing the same! More than a year later, I still haven't fixed the waterfall... thanks for the feedback
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
Thanks for your comment! In retrospect I should have dug the hole much bigger - the fish are reproducing!
insAneTunA - 15 years ago
I really like your video. 5* and greets from the Netherlands, iT
Trailer Park Supervisor Jim lahey
Trailer Park Supervisor Jim lahey - 15 years ago
would this work for catfish
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
thanks, good tip!!
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
Not sure, but I think you would need to make it much, much bigger!
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 15 years ago
Yes, there are varying thicknesses but they guaranteed like 10 years for the thinnest one. Be sure and be GENEROUS with the amound you buy, and if you have lots of roots or rocks, I would get one layer of that felt like stuff that I put under the rubber.
besamemucho5 - 15 years ago
thank you for sharing....
Thomas Brouns
Thomas Brouns - 16 years ago
Thanks :-)

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