How to build a garden pond Digging it out
Pond 8 years ago 28,383 views
This was when it went from slow to fast. Digging this sucker out was impressive for me. At first we couldn't use the dingo digger because the ground was too wet. I show the timer, it typically took like 45 seconds to use the big power scoop on the dingo and dump it. Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: Beware of where you are going to dump all of your dirt. We had a big trailer to dump it. If you don't have one, you can rent one like $200 bucks (I called) The wet dirt sucked, but we got it up. To be honest, once the whole was dug- it looked deep they always say- GO DEEPER. Hind site is 20x20 whatever. its still phat. I didn't calculate the lower 10 inches just to get it level. it should have started lower than that....(so like the 36 inches in the bottom seemed like 46 inches deep when i was standing in it, but the water would only go 36....whatever- its still phat.... DROP ME A COMMENT ON what wanna know about this garden pond build! TANK ON! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community You can find the products used for this pond here: Products used: 29319 Signature Series™ BioFalls® Filter 6000 (2" Bulkhead) 29349 Signature Series™ Skimmer 8.0 45010 AquaSurge® PRO 4000-8000 - get yours here:…ble-flow-pumps/ 29501 Check Valve Assembly 2" for Signature Series™ Skimmer or Pondless® Vault - Tsurumi 29024 Flex PVC Pipe 2" X 50' get yours here: 29188 45 mil EPDM Liner 30300 Geotextile Underlayment Roll 5' x 300' 84032 LED Waterfall and Landscape Accent Light 1-Watt (G2) 84033 Pond & Landscape Spotlight 3-Watt (G2) 84004 Photcell (for use with LED Lighting) 98486 60-Watt 12 Volt Transformer 96030 Automatic Dosing System for Ponds 96032 Automatic Dosing System Water Treatment - MAINTAIN (Pond) 95027 IonGen™ System G2 (EPA Registered)
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Im 14 years old, live in the u.s.a and im going to start breeding bettas and selling them on ebay. i only do mollies now but im converting to betas. any tips?
That used to be the focus of this channel .
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