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Learn how to use retaining wall bricks to build a raised bed as an island in the middle of your lawn.
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The old PVC liner had needed replacing for some time and we had patched up holes round the edge for years, but a new...
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How to build your own garden pond, Waterfall & Stream, step by step.
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How to build a garden pond These pictures are the steps I took when building my pond in my garden. The old small...
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Inspirational water garden and pond design ideas.
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My DIY Garden Pond Project Beginning to Completion. You can also see many other videos on my Youtube Channel at...
4,347 likes 1,348,498 views 8 years ago
The old PVC liner had needed replacing for some time and we had patched up holes round the edge for years, but a new...
968 likes 1,002,059 views 15 years ago
How to build a garden pond These pictures are the steps I took when building my pond in my garden. The old small...
1,779 likes 641,338 views 13 years ago
Inspirational water garden and pond design ideas.
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My DIY Garden Pond Project Beginning to Completion. You can also see many other videos on my Youtube Channel at...
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We have taken down our small pond at the end of the Summer and started building a larger one. All the small koi are...
The "How to build a garden stream" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.
I am going to try building my own pond and stream next year so I am looking for as much info and help as I can get to prepare for it!
Its not going to be a huge pond but big and deep enough for my dog and duck and myself to enjoy, and probably fish, and it'll have a waterfall/stream running into the pond.
I have never done this kind of thing before so I am nervous and excited, have always wanted to do this kind of thing but it was always just talk until now.
The things that make me the most nervous are what I'll need to keep the pond clean (like filtration or something, because ducks poop a lot) and what to do for the water flow and keeping movement in the pond to combat mosquitoes.
Everything that has to be powered has to be powered by solar energy, I can't run cables or cords to the house and use the house electricity it will short out.
The most I can use is a small heater keeping the chickens water thawed in winter, anything more powerful shorts out :(
There are so many things on Amazon for ponds it makes my head spin lol I don't even know where to start for those things, what to get or how powerful I need.
I am going to try to draw out some design ideas over the winter and go from there probably, I hope to save enough over the winter money wise so I can do this in the spring once the ground is soft.
10. comment for How to build a garden stream
20. comment for How to build a garden stream
30. comment for How to build a garden stream
love this idea.. not quite clear where you put the pump in? Was it at the bottom in a different tank you don't show? I wasn't clear how the resvoir tank and pump connected? Would really like to try to do this - Thanks Gerald's Wife Penny
50. comment for How to build a garden stream