How To Install A Pond The Easy Way

No garden is complete until you add a water feature. They bring so many benefits including the relaxing sound of water, beautiful reflections, and the opportunity to grow a whole range of stunning plants. You can even add fish and an aquaponics bed to grow herbs and vegies. We’ll show you how to put together a super simple water feature using off the shelf products, and the best part is, it will take you less than half a day. There are a couple of things you need to think about before installing a water feature. If you have kids around, make sure that it’s not too deep. Plants like water lilies that need around 30cm of water above their roots to thrive, so consider installing underwater safety mesh across the pond. Also think about the location. Lots of sun is great for flowering lilies, but it can also encourage algae, so you will need to consider extra filtering. Also consider how the pond will look, as it really needs to be integrated into the garden. All you’ll need for this project is a preformed pond, a suitable pump, some flexible tubing, and a preformed cascade to create a miniature waterfall. You’ll also need some large stones and several bags of gravel, plus your choice of plants. Check out more great gardening and landscaping videos from Adam here:

How To Install A Pond The Easy Way sentiment_very_dissatisfied 104

Pond 9 years ago 298,008 views

No garden is complete until you add a water feature. They bring so many benefits including the relaxing sound of water, beautiful reflections, and the opportunity to grow a whole range of stunning plants. You can even add fish and an aquaponics bed to grow herbs and vegies. We’ll show you how to put together a super simple water feature using off the shelf products, and the best part is, it will take you less than half a day. There are a couple of things you need to think about before installing a water feature. If you have kids around, make sure that it’s not too deep. Plants like water lilies that need around 30cm of water above their roots to thrive, so consider installing underwater safety mesh across the pond. Also think about the location. Lots of sun is great for flowering lilies, but it can also encourage algae, so you will need to consider extra filtering. Also consider how the pond will look, as it really needs to be integrated into the garden. All you’ll need for this project is a preformed pond, a suitable pump, some flexible tubing, and a preformed cascade to create a miniature waterfall. You’ll also need some large stones and several bags of gravel, plus your choice of plants. Check out more great gardening and landscaping videos from Adam here:

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Most popular comments
for How To Install A Pond The Easy Way

Rj Albano
Rj Albano - 7 years ago
Hey dude ! Can i ask is that a submersible pump?? Can i get some link for the pump/filter.tnx
Widi Astuti
Widi Astuti - 7 years ago
Membuat kolam air mancur minimalis
Faith Muchemwa
Faith Muchemwa - 7 years ago
Follow me on Instagram at Toronto
Faith Muchemwa
Faith Muchemwa - 7 years ago
Toronto 4531
Richard Habicher
Richard Habicher - 7 years ago
I wish I had seen this before I did one of my Ponds. To put the Pebbles in are great! Mine floated without that 2x! I now have a drain under it all but it would have been better to know all this. A hobby with appeal and some limits. I have none!
Mohamed Thanish
Mohamed Thanish - 7 years ago
are you a mental
Mohamed Thanish
Mohamed Thanish - 7 years ago
I cannot do this in my home
agustin rajshekar
agustin rajshekar - 7 years ago
Shelby Olsen
Shelby Olsen - 7 years ago
Great directions...thanks!
Mr RC - 7 years ago
Where did you get that pond? Can't find anything like it online.
george ghazi
Topend H&F
Topend H&F - 7 years ago
normally from bunnings warehouse

10. comment for How To Install A Pond The Easy Way

Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff
Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff - 7 years ago
Why not aluminum foil and aluminium tape? Wear socks and then tar it? The rubber liners are expensive. Pack it well with beach or white sand with gravel.
Eugene Scharneck
Eugene Scharneck - 7 years ago
Where can one buy one of those ready made pond features..
Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff
Roesch -4- Broward County Sheriff - 7 years ago
Eugene Scharneck ...try a reptile shop or Home Depot.
Eugene Scharneck
Eugene Scharneck - 7 years ago
Thank you.. will look it up..
Handyman Magazine
Handyman Magazine - 7 years ago
Hi Eugene, this pond can be found at Bunnings in Australian and New Zealand.
Brandon Schilling
Brandon Schilling - 8 years ago
This will NOT support fish! You need a hell of a lot more filtration than that if you want to keep fish alive.
T VO - 7 years ago
Christopher Churcher I
Christopher Churcher
Christopher Churcher - 7 years ago
Christopher Churcher
Christopher Churcher - 7 years ago
IRANNA Bati - 7 years ago
+Chri1stopher Churcher
Christopher Churcher
Christopher Churcher - 7 years ago
Possibly, but are you talking about mosquito fish and guppies or koi Karp? I agree koi Karp can be difficult to maintain, but there are other much more self-sufficient species which are, in my opinion, beautiful in their own way.
Soham Singh
Soham Singh - 8 years ago
I know right dude it's impossible to know if its right for the environment
utube9000 - 8 years ago
Great vid - but I don't understand how the pump gets it's power. I see a water intake hose and an outtake hose but I don't see an electrical cord. Where exactly is it? And I'm assuming it's waterproof!

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