How to build a garden stream

Build a pond-less stream in your back yard

How to build a garden stream sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

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Build a pond-less stream in your back yard

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Most popular comments
for How to build a garden stream

Akmal Hisyam
Akmal Hisyam - 7 years ago
Wow , i like this very nice you stream
Lærke Bjerre
Lærke Bjerre - 7 years ago
Very fine instruction, Thanks a lot!
Josh Hamon
Josh Hamon - 7 years ago
great look and you made it seem simple
Liz Jordahl
Liz Jordahl - 7 years ago
This was very helpful thank you sir :)
I am going to try building my own pond and stream next year so I am looking for as much info and help as I can get to prepare for it!
Liz Jordahl
Liz Jordahl - 7 years ago
Thanks! I could use any and all advice I could get ;)
Its not going to be a huge pond but big and deep enough for my dog and duck and myself to enjoy, and probably fish, and it'll have a waterfall/stream running into the pond.
I have never done this kind of thing before so I am nervous and excited, have always wanted to do this kind of thing but it was always just talk until now.
The things that make me the most nervous are what I'll need to keep the pond clean (like filtration or something, because ducks poop a lot) and what to do for the water flow and keeping movement in the pond to combat mosquitoes.
Everything that has to be powered has to be powered by solar energy, I can't run cables or cords to the house and use the house electricity it will short out.
The most I can use is a small heater keeping the chickens water thawed in winter, anything more powerful shorts out :(
There are so many things on Amazon for ponds it makes my head spin lol I don't even know where to start for those things, what to get or how powerful I need.
I am going to try to draw out some design ideas over the winter and go from there probably, I hope to save enough over the winter money wise so I can do this in the spring once the ground is soft.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Liz Jordahl Good luck! If i can be of any help, let me know.
Pogo Manny
Pogo Manny - 7 years ago
Thank you video so helpful
Pogo Manny
Pogo Manny - 7 years ago
Also, what does the pump run on? Electricity ? Thanks for your help!:)
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Yes, it's an submersible electric pump.
Pogo Manny
Pogo Manny - 7 years ago
Hey I have a question, what is the excess peice at the top connected to? Is that just where the water comes out of and goes back down?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Pogo Manny That's right. The water comes out the hose at top and back down the stream.
Jelicate - 7 years ago
Is there any way to make a working stream with no pump but rainy weather?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Jelicate I guess you could but it would only flow when it rained.
Mireia Frazers
Mireia Frazers - 7 years ago
Hi David. I love your stream. I'm looking to build a similar one in my lot once I go to live there (end of September, beginning of October, that's how excited I am about it LOL). How often do you need to add water? Also, I have cats, I'm worried about what you say that it attracts birds and other animals. I don't want any blood-letting!!!
Mireia Frazers
Mireia Frazers - 7 years ago
Of course, that makes sense. This way you don't have to constantly pay attention to the level of water or risk forgetting about it. Thanks!
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
I have a float valve in the tank that tops up the water when needed. Since it happens automatically, I'm not sure how much is actually used. Birds come to the stream to bathe and drink but they are very cautious. No fatalities yet!

10. comment for How to build a garden stream

Donald Preston
Donald Preston - 7 years ago
Dansk Havedamsforening
Dansk Havedamsforening - 7 years ago
Danish garden pond association Very inspiring video, nice Garden stream, and nice work !
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
J F - 7 years ago
Like the video but the music is a bit distracting. =)
J F - 7 years ago
I want to be able to hear the words. =)
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
I'm glad you liked the video. You can always turn down the sound ;-)
Michael Koven
Michael Koven - 7 years ago
David--great natural stream. I did something similar but instead of a tank i did a small pond with a few koi--that acts as a reserve
humble man
humble man - 7 years ago
Amazing, I like it, just what I was looking for. Thanks for the great idea!
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Thanks, it still looks good years later.
Steve Crawford
Steve Crawford - 7 years ago
can you tell me how you filter iit?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Basically, it's unfiltered. The only filter is on the pump, and it's a simple one to protect the pump blades.
tim3854 - 8 years ago
Hi, very nice job. Well done. What are your thoughts regarding "maintain slope to avoid pooling? Is this in case the liner got a leak, so it won't leak as badly? Or to stop debris accumulating? Or purely for aesthetic reasons? I ask as I am just about to lay a liner and was in two minds as to whether to incline the tiers, and therefore have pooling, or not. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Bill - 8 years ago
David, this is beautiful stream and a very informative video.  Thank you very much.Would you mind, maybe adding a new video or a few pictures to your channel so we can see how it "matured"?
HeatherHanderson - 8 years ago
It looks so beautiful. Does the system reuse the water at the end of the stream?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 8 years ago
HeatherHanderson Yes, the water is pumped back up to the top.
It's the Sanders
It's the Sanders - 8 years ago
So cool! My boy would love to do this!
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿
ゴチャゴチャー 。 馬鹿 - 7 years ago
But is it really the sanders
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 8 years ago
They are river rocks (round, smooth) that I got at a site up in the hills where an ancient river used to run.
Youtubeaholic2 - 8 years ago
Where did you get the rocks?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 8 years ago
He could do it. The hardest part for me was collecting the river rocks,
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 8 years ago
He could do it. The hardest part for me was collecting the river rocks to line the sream

20. comment for How to build a garden stream

Cathy Moore
Cathy Moore - 8 years ago
I know you used one hose. Is that for the return water?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 8 years ago
The hose is attached to the pump which sends water to the top of the stream. Is that what you mean by "return water?"
cristenbowman - 8 years ago
I love the sound of water. Very smart, and you did a great job with the rock, I didn't see even a tad of liner. We are building a small pond and we also live on a grade. hopefully one day I can add a stream like this down to it.
Joe -n- Texas
Joe -n- Texas - 8 years ago
Nice stream setup
N4niner206 - 9 years ago
Lovely job and video David
Casey Leemon
Casey Leemon - 9 years ago
I really hope no one uses this video as a guide,or for ideas for that matter. It doesn't look natural at all because he used almost all the same size rock. And you don't wanna use a tank like that for the pump. If you want to build a quality,sturdy,and very natural looking pondless waterfall. Look up "how to build a pondless waterfall". by Aquascape. I've been building these for 13 years. I use nothing but Aquascape components and other products of theirs. And they started the water feature trade and are #1 in water features,period! Whether it be a pond or pondless waterfall. Please watch their videos. You'll be glad you did.
SunMastero7 - 7 years ago
Sudesh Gahlod you have to design it yourself. Great job David, I made one out of dirt but I came back the next day and it was sooooo wrecked. Fixed it a bit and now it looks cool.
Sudesh Gahlod
Sudesh Gahlod - 7 years ago
Casey-I have seen your same comments on other videos. Sorry to say but disagree with you. Also please share your work so we can learn from you.Thank you David for a great job. I am replicating your design.
Corrupted - 9 years ago
No problem.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 9 years ago
+Corrupted My stream looks more natural now. After 3 years, plants have grown in and soil has settled in the bottom, Making the stream look "natural" takes quite a bit of "unnatural" intervention. Thanks for the comments.
Corrupted - 9 years ago
I know this is sorta old. But there is a stream quite similiar to this where my mom lives in upstate New your most of the rocks are similar in size besides a few slightly larger with fine gravel for a base. the only deference between these are colors. they range from whitish to slate and have some iron tons like red and orange. either way u wouldn't think this is natural unless you seen other streams similar in size to the one David built. larger streams consist of larger rocks like the main stream at my mom's is solid slate. no gravel at all just dirt settlement on top of slate.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 9 years ago
+Vlad B Thanks, I thought the same thing.
Vlad B
Vlad B - 9 years ago
+Casey Leemon Oh please, you're just looking to complain about something because it goes against your system. Good job, David.
Casey Leemon
Casey Leemon - 9 years ago
+David Charbonneau Ok,so they're not ALL the EXACT same size,but very close. I use 3/4"-1" and 1"-3" mixture of Delaware river gravel. My boulders vary from softball size cobbles to 1 and a half ton boulders that are shipped on skids. I'm just saying a variety of sizes helps with the natural look. And the Aquascape pondless waterfall system is virtually maintenance free and very easy to work with. The best out there. I did like the rock walkway that goes through the stream. Better than a bridge.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 9 years ago
+Casey Leemon I appreciate comments when they are accurate but your statement that all my rocks are the same size is not true. My pump and system is maintenance free and has been for three years. I'm very pleased with my system. I'm sure other systems are good but your criticisms of mine are inaccurate.
키즈 동요 RuxyDinh
키즈 동요 RuxyDinh - 9 years ago
Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing. Pls check my video and give me comment. If you like, pls subscribe back. Thanks
ChasingOrbs - 9 years ago
This is one of the best videos I have seen for a stream.  I am remodeling my stream next year.  Something chewed through our tube - so we have to dig it up next year.  I will put it inside PVC pipe next time
will Coleman
will Coleman - 9 years ago
That's awesome
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts - 9 years ago
Streams can look more realistic when they have an arrangement of pools, falls and riffles.
Mireia Frazers
Mireia Frazers - 7 years ago
Won't mosquitoes breed in the pools? I know this might not be a concern in some climates, but it is in mine (North-East Spain), I'd rather not enhance the stream with pools if that helps prevent the mosquitoes.
Alejandro Ahart
Alejandro Ahart - 9 years ago
I built a dry creek bed and since it rains in Atlanta a lot.the dry creek bed floods

30. comment for How to build a garden stream

Darkskin Diogenes
Darkskin Diogenes - 9 years ago
I love it! How much does it cost to run?
Doublenotminer - 9 years ago
Very nice.
mudspringer - 9 years ago
I really liked that thanks for posting.
Ryan Huddleston
Ryan Huddleston - 10 years ago
What if the area is completely flat? Would you sink the trough into the ground and run it from there?
TriScore - 10 years ago
Ben Garrard
Ben Garrard - 10 years ago
Fully inspiring. Your stream kicks ass
Dr. P. Afrashteh
Dr. P. Afrashteh - 10 years ago
David I love your idea, you gave me passion to make a stream like yours without a pond. planning,with the starting point just next to a 40 years old oak tree on top of the hill and have stream running down and end the stream on down slope. I do not know how can I end it beautifully  to have a natural look? Should the tank be on the upstream or low stream? how much capacity of the pump should be for 45  feet length with 40 degree slope and  4 feet wide? The pipe should be buried under the liner or needs to be berried just next to the stream? it has to be Hi voltage electricity? we need a shut off valve? Where can I get water supply ? from sprinklers? or needs independent water pipe line? Thank you. Mery
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
The tank should be at the end of the stream. My pump runs from a regular 120 VAC supply and the tank fills from a garden hose. The farm and ranch store where I bought the tank also sold me a shut-off float valve which I placed at the end of hose so that it automatically keeps the tank at the proper level. More important than the length of the stream is the vertical distance between the top of the pump and the top of the stream. For my pump, the maximum was 6 feet. 
Dr. P. Afrashteh
Dr. P. Afrashteh - 10 years ago
Among all these water falls I like yours the best, look very natural. 
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
Thanks, I was lucky to have a natural decline in my garden for the stream to fit into.
Sylvie Fiorella
Sylvie Fiorella - 10 years ago
Looks simple enough! Can you tell me if the capacity of the pump depend on the length of the stream only? or just the volume of water in the tank? or the slope?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
The volume delivered depends mostly on the vertical lifting capacity of the pump and a bit by the length of the pipe which will reduce flow due to friction. The slope and the amount of water in the tank will not affect flow.
Nica Siegert
Nica Siegert - 10 years ago
David, love the idea. It looks great. I wasnt clear- should the tank be downstream or upstream? Once the water runs down the slope how does it travel back to the tank? Through the hose you buried? Thanks for your help.
Nica Siegert
Nica Siegert - 10 years ago
+David Charbonneau Thank you that is useful. Great looking idea too.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
The tank must be at the end of the stream to act as a holding area and to hold the submersible pump , The pump sends water back up, in a pipe under the stream-bed, to the top where it flows back downstream.
Spring Creek
Spring Creek - 10 years ago
Streams, cascades and falls require an experienced artistic eye to appear authentic.  
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts - 9 years ago
+David Charbonneau No I wasn't looking at your stream in that way. I was just responding to Casey's post. Long ago I realized there is no connection with number of video views,, so no I didn't see it with that sort of envy. Very happy you are enjoying your stream. You might enjoy my suggestion to add a few pools etc so you enjoy it even more... Cheers!
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 9 years ago
+Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts Thanks for the helpful suggestions. I thought you were looking at my amateur stream and thinking "why is this video so popular when I could do a better job." This is the first time I've built a stream and with no guidance. I made the video in hopes that others would not face my dilemma. My humble stream is no threat to any professional landscaper but it's a joy to me.
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts - 9 years ago
+David Charbonneau Your perception is tainted. If you read what I said, it was a response to Casey Leemon's lament about landscaping streams and not a vehicle to "drum up work". A person who would accept the stream in this video is not a customer of ours. I will leave you with one challenge that may help your work. Take a hard look at a real stream and do what you can to actually include pools, riffles, cascades and glides. Only then will you break out of the backyard landscapers' rung on the ladder.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 9 years ago
+Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts I see, you think the best way of drumming up business is to trash others work. It so happens that I know what a real stream looks like, and living in the Pacific Northwest, I enjoy getting out and seeing the real world daily. Good luck with your business, but have a more positive attitude,
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
Natural Ponds Lakes & Streams by Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts - 9 years ago
+Casey Leemon . Most of the public have very low expectations, especially since few of them have been around many real streams and few pond builders have any experience with how real streams work. This happens when they go into business with only the background of a landscaper or gardener. People see an overwhelming number of these types of garden ponds and streams and they grow to expect waterfeatures to look like what they see in most backyards instead of out in the wild. This just shows we are creatures of our own limited experience and imaginations. Good for you for expecting more! We see higher expectations in regions like the Pacific Northwest where people do get out and see more of the real world.
Casey Leemon
Casey Leemon - 9 years ago
thank you!! everyone on here seems to think this thing looks good. but it's really not.
Casey Leemon
Casey Leemon - 9 years ago
you are exactly right!!
Jeremy Flener
Jeremy Flener - 10 years ago
Very nice work man. I like it.
Alan Charbonneau
Alan Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Yeah, very nice. But what else would you expect from a Charbonneau?
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 7 years ago
Kiyan Haider
Kiyan Haider - 10 years ago
Love the idea and the wayyou made it look. I have one question though, how much did you spend to create this beauty?
Kiyan Haider
Kiyan Haider - 10 years ago
huh not bad at all
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
the total cost was $600
Gerald Caldwell
Gerald Caldwell - 10 years ago
Hi Dave,
love this idea.. not quite clear where you put the pump in?  Was it at the bottom in a different tank you don't show? I wasn't clear how the resvoir tank and pump connected?  Would really like to try to do this - Thanks Gerald's Wife Penny
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 10 years ago
The pump is in the tank under the deck. It's not visible because if it were exposed to sun, algae would grow. There is no other reservoir other than tank.
sissy murphy
sissy murphy - 10 years ago
great job and really nice stream you built
adam brower
adam brower - 11 years ago
the giveway is your careful preservation of the little shrub by your deck when placing the flume: you are a loving gardener whose projects cannot but succeed.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 11 years ago
I calculate the cost of running the pump for 12 hours a day, 4 months a year, at $35 dollars. Cost is a consideration but I compare it to entertainment and it's not much,
Arenar Landon
Arenar Landon - 11 years ago
This is a great video but I have to wonder.. Isn't it costly to have the tank constantly running? Anyone who might know? :s Greetings
David Magdon
David Magdon - 11 years ago
Great video. Very informative.
rebin karim
rebin karim - 11 years ago
So so nice ,thank you to your information, Im Rebin in Kurdistan country.

50. comment for How to build a garden stream

JBtheExplorer - 11 years ago
Very nice! I just built a short stream with a pond. It definitely adds a lot to the area.
David Charbonneau
David Charbonneau - 11 years ago
The stream flows into a 180 gallon water trough.
Billie Vaughn
Billie Vaughn - 11 years ago
what kind of basin did the water end in?...was it a big pond?

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