Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank. After finding 3 large pieces of glass which are tough'nd and one ordinary piece we make an upside down fish tank to go to the shop and make an awesome aquatic display. so the day has come to test the tank to see if it will implode, explode or even fall over we really dont know. A big well done to Adam for getting wet, Thanks to everyone for liking and subscribing!!

Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 458

Pond 7 years ago 569,454 views

Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank. After finding 3 large pieces of glass which are tough'nd and one ordinary piece we make an upside down fish tank to go to the shop and make an awesome aquatic display. so the day has come to test the tank to see if it will implode, explode or even fall over we really dont know. A big well done to Adam for getting wet, Thanks to everyone for liking and subscribing!!

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Most popular comments
for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

J.Cliff Toomey
J.Cliff Toomey - 7 years ago
This is Amazing!
Iphe Carr
Iphe Carr - 7 years ago
Was the pond a pool first
Lynox 72
Lynox 72 - 7 years ago
Guy wore the white t.shirt be like: damn stop talking to the camera and let's do this quickly I have something to do
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Paitients my friend lol!!!
Cam Alft
Cam Alft - 7 years ago
looks kool...but what about a nasty storm coming through...a hail storm might end it...
English420 E420
English420 E420 - 7 years ago
Having a splif watching this laughing my ass off
loopiewho - 7 years ago
How on earth you gonna keep it clean inside ?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we use an algae magnet and the stuff just sinks into the pond & the filter is just underneath, thanks for watching!!
Brad R
Brad R - 7 years ago
Must suck to be so weak
bigo live - Tube
bigo live - Tube - 7 years ago
Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 7 years ago

10. comment for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

Squirrel - 7 years ago
What language are they speaking?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Geordie lol!!!
Victoria Brown Frank
Victoria Brown Frank - 7 years ago
Needs more people in the water about three.
Eduardo Martinez
Eduardo Martinez - 7 years ago
this is the worse planning I have ever seen, it was dangerous for something as easy as this... the video is way too long and not funny... but it work congratulations
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
planning what planning we think on our feet lol planning would have meant it would never happen, cheers for watching!!
Aungwara Wad
Aungwara Wad - 7 years ago
puspita yanuar
puspita yanuar - 7 years ago
Tolol..harusnya ke 3 ada di dlm kolam jadi bisa di atur posisisnya
Dinda Alexa
Dinda Alexa - 7 years ago
ý pham channel
ý pham channel - 7 years ago
con cá bay thật nhanh em cũg đứng hình luôn
Bit Crushers
Bit Crushers - 7 years ago
Lmao the fish got some dlc
Lunar lens
Lunar lens - 7 years ago
Oh nvm
Lunar lens
Lunar lens - 7 years ago
Why wouldn't you just keep the fish in the pond

20. comment for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

fish tank arowana fish
fish tank arowana fish - 7 years ago
KnowledgeIsGood - 7 years ago
If you used two long bolts in two of the opposing corners then you could adjust the footing by reaching into the water about a foot down from the surface and with an open wrench you could set the level.
KnowledgeIsGood - 7 years ago
I was wondering if the fish would swim upside down in the inverted part -- also what does this effect the psi in the rest of the tank?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
not a clue on psi on tank but it works lol cheers for watching!!
Keylink - 7 years ago
Why not.. pick a spot thats level and then bolt the frame down..
Brian Lohner
Brian Lohner - 7 years ago
Poor lady. Has to get in there with an algae scrubber every 2nd day
Pajazit Osmani
Pajazit Osmani - 7 years ago
it looks really nice... do you have any problem in winter when whater is going to freeze???
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
i hope not allthough the garden centre where it is are taking it down for winter, cheers for watching!!
CAUTIONent1 - 7 years ago
This is amazing
suhas jagdale
suhas jagdale - 7 years ago
pabs the puffer fish
pabs the puffer fish - 7 years ago
So how has this video had so many hits whats the secret thumb nail the title or is the 1st of its kind or all 3 lol
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
its a bit of everything mate but you tube also picked this one up & suggested it a lot more than the others. cheers for watching mate!!
Scowling Wolf
Scowling Wolf - 7 years ago

30. comment for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

md humaid
md humaid - 7 years ago
If it's going to rain hail stones then that glass is not going to survive
Ryan Fernando
Ryan Fernando - 7 years ago
oooooohhhh myyyyy gaawwwd you look like arsene wenger
Jackie Kevan
Jackie Kevan - 7 years ago
how does the inverted aquarium deal with the UK wind?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
so far so good we have had some wicked winds lately & its still standing. cheers for watching!!
Jackie Kevan
Jackie Kevan - 7 years ago
pity the water is so murky
llocker49 - 7 years ago
Poor Adam
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
he loved it lol!!
Lawrence UK
Lawrence UK - 7 years ago
Hey i have put a video of my fish pond up. Made from decking feel free to take a peek guys and gals:)
rasul sayyed
rasul sayyed - 7 years ago
김진수 - 7 years ago
What if strong wind blow?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
it allready has & it is still standing!!
Emanuel Djordje
Emanuel Djordje - 7 years ago
Am I only thinking about what will happen when ice start falling during storm(idk how you say it in english)
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we will find out for you when the snow comes im sure it will look awesome, cheers for watching!!
Lim Bhian
Lim Bhian - 7 years ago
You pant guy, take out shoe go down and do, waste timing
Dyldoe Baggins
Dyldoe Baggins - 7 years ago
I feel like if you all got in the pond it wouldve been alot quicker haha
Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel - 7 years ago
are you a/p?
SIlly RabbIt
SIlly RabbIt - 7 years ago
you can tell this guy is a Dick
Chesterson Jack
Chesterson Jack - 7 years ago
Instantly subscribed
Michael Stepp
Michael Stepp - 7 years ago
the whole time they was testing the tank I was holding my breath thinking it was gonna shatter lol
Ibuellozz Vb
Ibuellozz Vb - 7 years ago
IT just looks terrible...
Tacos1230 - 7 years ago
That water cloudy as fuck
Chris Bushell
Chris Bushell - 7 years ago
You need to clean your water, I can't believe how dirty it is as you being a professional
Daybird Aviaries
Daybird Aviaries - 7 years ago
This is so awesome. I just subscribed to your channel.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cheers man subbed you back, cheers for watching!!
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
amazing !!!!! I like the idea.
we are glad to have the same hobby. I am uploading the fish video.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Fantastic mate the fish keeping community love all videos on the subject best of luck!!

50. comment for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

Sdf Adfadfa
Sdf Adfadfa - 7 years ago
nice idea
n00veloper - 7 years ago
Now if you need to remove it some how you will need a vacuum cleaner who do the reverse work or remove the water
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we just allow some air in from hosepipe and it emptys, cheers for watching!!
Chris Edmister
Chris Edmister - 7 years ago
shoulda just had 2 people in the water it would a been way easier and faster
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett - 7 years ago
If he wasn't so awkward I don't think he'd slip that much
KB Daily
KB Daily - 7 years ago
good video
dan kachiros
dan kachiros - 7 years ago
that is awesome very cool idea
Tit Tenx
Tit Tenx - 7 years ago
dirty water
Santos Pizarro
Santos Pizarro - 7 years ago
I think some tubbing inside should add bubbles of air enough to keep the water moving or something like that running along all the sides.
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 7 years ago
All I hear is the irritating squeaky sound of the styro foam.
Franky - 7 years ago
at 20:35 they start sucking the air out
Tom Brady
Tom Brady - 7 years ago
Looks tacky
Thalia R,
Thalia R, - 7 years ago
At 20:35 is when they start sucking out the air
Blue Stuff
Blue Stuff - 7 years ago
Looking around the entire garden sorry to crush your hopes and dreams but fish tanks reflect :(
Zakk Kaye
Zakk Kaye - 7 years ago
Blue Stuff only when looking in through one pane of glass at the inside of another - the fish can see right out.
Kristine Willems
Kristine Willems - 7 years ago
frankie4257 - 7 years ago
you must be using cheap suckers ....... I use my gorilla grip suckers every day ..... never fail ... they are used in glass factory's on robot glass stacker ...... ps make sure glass is ultra clean
Ange Ella
Ange Ella - 7 years ago
Can you help me raise £300 to Buy a fish tank for my puffer fish Pablo. His tank cracked and I don't have the funds to replace it :(. Please donate to my JustGiving Crowdfunding Page:
frankie4257 - 7 years ago
my god guys so amatureish. .. glass suckers be so much easier ...... you were lucky it didn't pop
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we had no suckers & i dont like them as one gave way whilst carrying a 6 ft tank a few year back and there was no warnings it was coming loose and it smashed into the ground, using hands gives you some warning to put it down lol, cheers for watching!!!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
Depressed Kiwi
Depressed Kiwi - 7 years ago
they used a god dam vaccum cleaer. THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH
Tammy Stockford
Tammy Stockford - 7 years ago
here son take these safety scissors and cut that wet towel ;)
MrAvailanetUSAcom - 7 years ago
Very Cool!
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cheers for watching & sharing, we really appreciate it!!!
Sach ki Talash
Sach ki Talash - 7 years ago
nice way to use your guest as a labour
wettosixecho - 7 years ago
Is he using windex to clean the glass? isnt that a no no?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
No its methalated spirit which is great as a cleaner because it evaporates, Cheers for watching!!
Daiz4 Dayz
Daiz4 Dayz - 7 years ago
I'm doing a Mystery snail giveaway. Head to my channel for more info
lanamaful - 7 years ago
no oxygen in the tank :/
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we have the water circulating and changing constantly now, cheers for watching!!
Michael Hoogkamer
Michael Hoogkamer - 7 years ago
I see this vid has been uploaded in 2017, so i presume the aquarium has been placed this spring. But i wonder if the aquarium will survive the upcoming winter, cuz if the water in it turns into ice, it will expand and break the glass
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
yes i think it will be put away for the winter lol!!!
The Mystic Stitch
The Mystic Stitch - 7 years ago
This is awesome! New subbie here!
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching and subscribing!!
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Nib your video
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
What is nib ?
Rackaam - 7 years ago
20:00 begin interesting part. the rest is boring
Cosmo John
Cosmo John - 7 years ago
One of the 2 sissies should step into the pond and help the skinny guy
Ryan Mcgrath
Ryan Mcgrath - 7 years ago
SkyThroughForest - 7 years ago
Absolutely fantastic. Cheers to Joe for getting in the pond twice!
green Hornet
green Hornet - 7 years ago
less than a week algea wll block the view

Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we have a really good algae magnet lol!!
muddasir alam
muddasir alam - 7 years ago
good job buddy but safety first wear glasses then scratch the glass.☺
CrimsenKnight - 7 years ago
watch out ive heard a big issue with these is that the oxygen doesn't circulate into these tanks very well and the fish can find themselves suffocating inside them.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we have installed a flow of water in there from the filter into the tank at its new site, (part 2 ) cheers for watching!!
Dennis Woods
Dennis Woods - 7 years ago
Are you aware that the water in the raised tank will stagnate? How do you plan to avoid that? Yrs, this is a loaded question. I have the solution. I want to hear your solution first.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cheers for watching!! we have moved the tank to its final destination and have used a spliter on the filter so the water is constantly been changed and ensures the tank does'nt over heat, what was your thought?
ballafly - 7 years ago
for the sides put some neoprene between the glass and angle to protect the glass
and set it on top of strips of HDPE or POM :) these materials are strong enough to lett glass stand on it and won't let it crack :)
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great idea mate we know for future experiments cheers for that & for watching!!
pete a
pete a - 7 years ago
does the tank get heavier with the water in it?
Kunkell58 Kunkel
Kunkell58 Kunkel - 7 years ago
pete a yea
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
i think so lol!!!
PuRqL3Haz3 - 7 years ago
algae was an afterthought?
Nick Mur
Nick Mur - 7 years ago
Hope you guys don't get any freezing :O
Sunbo Lee
Sunbo Lee - 7 years ago
1.Tie the metal stand to the tank tightly with a rope or tape. (both sides, like a present)
2. Two men pick up the bottom of the tank (don't touch the stand. It's just to hold two pieces together) and third man picks up the top of the tank
3. Rest the tank on that piece of styrofoam and two men go in the pond while the third man is holding the top of the tank.
4. Two men in the pond picks the tank up again off of the styrofoam and gently rest the stand to the bottom of the pond.
5. Third man pushes the top up to stand it up while two men in the pond hold the tank and make sure it doesn't slip.
6. When it's up, ALL men carry the whole thing to desired location.
6. Untie or untape
Don't abuse your men, goofie. Be a leader.
smiler - 7 years ago
you can appreciate the patterns on the fish
Valerie Hansen
Valerie Hansen - 7 years ago
That is so cool. I'm from Oklahoma. USA.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
nice to have you, cheers for watching!!
tsfcancerman - 7 years ago
next build should be a square U upside down just like a bridge.
tsfcancerman - 7 years ago
why not just make it with a vent on top that you can suck the air out off
Ryan Chan
Ryan Chan - 7 years ago
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagagagahahagaha retard
Wesley - 7 years ago
tsfcancerman Moron
Your worse enemy
Your worse enemy - 7 years ago
Then water will not rise to the top
g-reg - 7 years ago
good luck cleaning the algae of that hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha oops
Martin Rochester
Martin Rochester - 7 years ago
Lol watching this thinking im sure i know you, did you work at fish alive lol, told me once you where selling a massive tank with built in sump ha
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
ha ha yes its me lol!! you will have to come see us we are in Lanchester garden centre!!
what about rust ?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
it has been painted now to stop rust, cheers for watching!!
Ted Clayton
Ted Clayton - 7 years ago
man I kinda hope ya paid Adam for his heroic Behavior and selfless acts of being in the water alone, all alone. great job guys
Garth Cooper
Garth Cooper - 7 years ago
This makes me wonder what he'd do in a hail storm
Your worse enemy
Your worse enemy - 7 years ago
He deserved a bit extra for that
T Howe
T Howe - 7 years ago
Three baboons on a bamboo ladder,changing out a burned out banana...lmoa.

100. comment for Huge inverted aquarium/ upside down fish tank ( part 1)

Colin - 7 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see your wife face as you were cutting up her towels... Great project
sahid sudirman
sahid sudirman - 7 years ago
are u use steell as rack
ss ss
ss ss - 7 years ago
Incredible to think that the top panel of glass is single handedly supporting the weight of all that water in the tank. Like the water is hanging from it.
Alpha L.
Alpha L. - 7 years ago
Would this tank collabs if it is very windy?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we hope not!! cheers for watching!!
Rameez siddique
Rameez siddique - 7 years ago
that guy laughs like merchant of RE4 game!
Venkat Y
Venkat Y - 7 years ago
That water filling the tank is somehow is relaxing..
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
Hello Andy could you help a hobbiest out I'm trying to look for a 3d background for my juwel 300 could u point me in the right direction
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
jewel make the 3d backrounds so most shops will be able to order it in or i found this link cheers for watching!!!
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
I'd like one to cover back and internal filter
Wingedcat Person
Wingedcat Person - 7 years ago
who needs awful violin players when all you need is to slide glad across styrofoam.
Jesse Raine
Jesse Raine - 7 years ago
Almost as bad as Selena Gomez' voice
Jimmy H Fishes
Jimmy H Fishes - 7 years ago
that's pretty cool.... new sub here..
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
cheers mate!! subbed you back man!!
Jeffery Price
Jeffery Price - 7 years ago
Hi Guys, it looks fantastic. Have you posted part 2?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
cheers we are hoping part 2 be ready for this sunday!! fingers crossed lol!!
david johnson
david johnson - 7 years ago
it's actually going to be dangerous cleaning the inside of that glass. lots of weight there if it falls over.
Harry Stratton
Harry Stratton - 7 years ago
other than a cute experiment in fluidics a waste of time !!
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
it was'nt a complete waste of time, it got you to watch lol!!!
martin villegas
martin villegas - 7 years ago
there's my penis pump
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 7 years ago
man the water is dirty
turtle_ g4mer
turtle_ g4mer - 7 years ago
sdq sdq its not a public pool it a pond
The Big Guy Bluehulk
The Big Guy Bluehulk - 7 years ago
sdq sdq , it is a pond.
MARK'S AQUATICS - 7 years ago
Just came across your channel. Now that's a tower
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cheers for watching and subscribing man!! subbed you back!!
RGinfofound - 7 years ago
Beautiful potential. If I may suggest a display that incorporates aquatic plants not typically allowed to get to their full length. This is a height that would allow submerged plants like milfoil for example to grow from bottom of pond to the top of the tank. The plants would oxygenate the tank and make a display similar to a kelp garden. Around the tank plants like cattails and aquatic iris would give additional vertical theme... Just a suggestion that I would love to do myself in a pond...
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Once we have it in its final position we will try adding a few plants to see how it looks, cheers for watching and suggestions!!
Ryan Tankersley
Ryan Tankersley - 7 years ago
won't it cook the fish?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
if it gets to warm for the fish they will just go into the shade at the bottom of the pond, cheers for watching!!
christom ngrace
christom ngrace - 7 years ago
i love that pond , can imagine sitting watching the fishes drinking a nice merlot
christom ngrace
christom ngrace - 7 years ago
ha ha lol
D twist Rewind
D twist Rewind - 7 years ago
christom ngrace how do the fish hold the glass?
Jerome Munchel
Jerome Munchel - 7 years ago
Is that voice the same one that narrated the Green Machine videos? It sounds so familiar ....
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
no its not lol!! i will have to have a listen to it, cheers for watching man!!
Aquarium Dog
Aquarium Dog - 7 years ago
Nice inverted Tank, hope you replaced the Towel .... lol ;-)
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
not yet lol!!
Darcy Nishi
Darcy Nishi - 7 years ago
I like anything big.
Kunkell58 Kunkel
Kunkell58 Kunkel - 7 years ago
Darcy Nishi i could manage that
cheeky cheeky
cheeky cheeky - 7 years ago
Dan's sad dimple __ No peversion here at all. You know bloody well what she was implying-which she said only for attention. Both of ya are daft tits.
Darcy Nishi
Darcy Nishi - 7 years ago
We all do, so it shouldn't be a shocking answer.
RevengeOfThePancakeFace - 7 years ago
Do you also take in the butt?
Emma's Animal Adventure
Emma's Animal Adventure - 7 years ago
cheeky cheeky she was saying g she liked the tank size. you dirty minded dip wad
cheeky cheeky
cheeky cheeky - 7 years ago
Darcy Nishi It wasn't a compliment ya dolt. Even if that was your attempt at sarcasm it was a feeble one. Thick as a plank you are.
Darcy Nishi
Darcy Nishi - 7 years ago
cheeky cheeky
cheeky cheeky - 7 years ago
Darcy Nishi What a slutty , stupid, irrelevant thing to say.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
we hope to go bigger in the future so keep an eye out lol!! cheers for watching!!
Chris Dans
Chris Dans - 7 years ago
I have a glass coffin but we use it for something else, something that i cant mention here but what i can say is theres still plenty of blood pumping around the viens of the person in pur coffin.
hibiscusfreak - 7 years ago
Waiting on part 2. How's it coming together?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
taking longer than expected but should be done soon!! cheers for watching!!
Craig G
Craig G - 7 years ago
Lovely pond how's it going ??
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Thanks mate its going great!! cheers for watching!!
Cliffepoos - 7 years ago
A little bit of forward planning would have made this much easier to do.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
yes but not as fun lol!!! cheers for watching!!
Pieulpe - 7 years ago
That's amazing ! I remember playing with cups in my bath when I was little and thinking of an ''upside down'' tank ^^
Ted Clayton
Ted Clayton - 7 years ago
Harry Stratton fart bubbles.... lol
Pieulpe - 7 years ago
Harry Stratton I just liked turning cups and bottle upside down under the water and pulling them out without going over the surface, I found it so fascinating ! I remember thinking we could make pools like that but that they would be dangerous
Harry Stratton
Harry Stratton - 7 years ago
and fill it with 'bubbles' ?
ElectroSalvo - 7 years ago
If you hire me to lift and place your stuff I can lift and place that glass safely less than 15 mins myself. Sounds unbelievable but trust me I handle stuff with care but that thing is kinda tall id say one assistant to hold the other side keeping it balanced. Love your creativity.
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
this is so cool
baggs081 - 7 years ago
dwim ad swim boy lol
Roci Lewis
Roci Lewis - 7 years ago
That's a tank ;)
Hello - 7 years ago
I thought you were going to put a human in there! lol
Lynsey Boness
Lynsey Boness - 7 years ago
Looks great,,what about a bubble thing inside would finish it of, love it
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
if we put bubbles in it will keep emptying lol!!
Waverwreck - 7 years ago
Lemme get this right, you gonna use that stand made of 6 mil angle iron in the pond water, without any treatment, thus allowing all the ferric oxide (Fe2O3) to be freely distributed in the water mass ?? Ba-bye fishies !
r o g e r
r o g e r - 7 years ago
Waverwreck was that question really necessary?
sa g
sa g - 7 years ago
Alex The Wei fancy seeing you here.
Mr Deplorable the 3rd
Mr Deplorable the 3rd - 7 years ago
Dramatic Aquatics clear coat bro....the one for aquatic tanks. Two coats after you paint it the color you want.
Alex The Wei
Alex The Wei - 7 years ago
Dramatic Aquatics I don't think he was talking about paint
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
the frame will be painted but this was just a check or prototype to see if it would work before we spent money on powder coating, cheers for watching!!
Tafseer Carabuena
Tafseer Carabuena - 7 years ago
how are you going to deal with algae
majooismajor - 7 years ago
In my experience, nothing beats nerite snails in terms of algae damage control.
Dreaded88 - 7 years ago
@Dramatic Aquatics:
Try some Amano shrimp, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, and Siamese Algae Eater Fish.
Joseph Young
Joseph Young - 7 years ago
You'll have to get a telescopic algae scraper I imagine to get right into the corners/edges of the tank where the magnet can't reach properly.

Great project though and looks really good. Maybe the lad should invest in some thigh-high wellies for the future ;)
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
with a big algae magnet i hope lol!! cheers for watching!!
Linc Qimiq
Linc Qimiq - 7 years ago
You need a sharp knife to cut it
Marina Elena
Marina Elena - 7 years ago
Can't wait for the second part !!
Andrew - 7 years ago
by any chance did you work in fish alive?
Andrew - 7 years ago
i thought i recognised you and indeed i shall. glad to see youve started your own shop. hope your prices are better than Fish (sometimes) alive haha.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
yes i did a few years ago lol, come and see us at the garden centre soon !!
FUNNY SH#T - 7 years ago
Great job guys looks awesome
Lee Pallister
Lee Pallister - 7 years ago
this is tanked gordie style!
Lee Pallister
Lee Pallister - 7 years ago
Great mate suns out guns out and that.get adam a snorkel i think hes slacking
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
hey how you doing man? we need to have a get together bud!!
Lisa Jones
Lisa Jones - 7 years ago
Hope the young man in the pond gets a bonus in his pay
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
what pay he is having great fun lol!! cheers for watching!!
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 7 years ago
Thats neat! That wouldnt last a min where I live because of the wind lol, but hopefully when we move we could get one
sheik DE
sheik DE - 7 years ago
if the wind would blast this 5000-1000kg away, then your car would fly first
Pondguru - 7 years ago
That looks mad - definitely the biggest tower I've seen on a pond.
Vijay Rai
Vijay Rai - 7 years ago
Michelle Logan
Michelle Logan - 7 years ago
News Xp17
News Xp17 - 7 years ago
Norizan Marian
Norizan Marian - 7 years ago
Pondguru :
harold davis
harold davis - 7 years ago
Pondguru I
Phillip Taylor
Phillip Taylor - 7 years ago
Dramatic Aquatics what will you do during the winter months? Can you attach a heater to the metal frame?
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
ha ha!!! hoping its not the biggest you will ever see lol!!
Bob Ross
Bob Ross - 7 years ago
love your videos but you should invest in a lapel mic
ashish lama
ashish lama - 7 years ago
what if the metal stand gets rust???
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
This frame was built to see if the tank would work & now we know, it will be getting painted to prevent it rusting in the future!!
Richard Doornkamp
Richard Doornkamp - 7 years ago
and then a drunk pigeon flies into it and ruins it all
grant Diggs
grant Diggs - 7 years ago
Wingedcat Person we have drunk squirrels and bears from time to time in Colorado
Wingedcat Person
Wingedcat Person - 7 years ago
Richard Doornkamp lol one of the things America is missing. we need drunk pigeons.
ComocosonoEWL - 7 years ago
lmao until I was stationed in England I did not understand the drunk pigeon thing until a guy I rented a vehicle from told me the reason they keep flying into my car was because they were drunk from eating fermented grain off the side of the road.
Phoebe Jones
Phoebe Jones - 7 years ago
Creative idea but you should of had a least 4-5 people helping just in case not all that pressure on one person just bossing him around. The video would have been better too poor guy
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
4-5 extra people would have just got in the way and made things dangerous, Both Adam & Liam had a really great time and a massive buzz when it worked knowing that we as a TEAM had made this thing work, I think for the next one when we go bigger we might need more help lol!!
DanMcLeod Mcleod
DanMcLeod Mcleod - 7 years ago
Nice video Andy good news I just found out that my Brazilian butterfly pleco eats algae
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Fantastic stuff mate!!
Holly Fifa77
Holly Fifa77 - 7 years ago
Savage job Adam should be nicknamed bambi he has the balance of a drunk toddler he got the job done though
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
ha ha !!! cool nickname it might stick!! cheers for watching!!
Simon Taylor
Simon Taylor - 7 years ago
amazing job lads Andy how deep is the pond mate as am building my own and want it at the right death cause been told so many things it's unreal any information would help thanks can't wait for next part
Simon Taylor
Simon Taylor - 7 years ago
Dramatic Aquatics thank you buddy that's what am gonna do then thanks for info buddy very great full
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
i would always say as big and as deep as you can 3 feet under ground is ideal as in the winter time the ground under the pond should remain aprox 4 degrees so keep the fish nice and snug, if it were only 2 feet the chances are it would not, if you were deeper then you will get extra water so extra growth and extra safety and of course room for more fish lol!!
Johnathan Storey
Johnathan Storey - 7 years ago
Liaan Lategan
Liaan Lategan - 7 years ago
This is awesome guys! Well done! And I though my little fish bridge was cool, this is amazing!
steve bradley
steve bradley - 7 years ago
mate im going to have to have a walk up the street and have a gander well done lads
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
any time dude lol!!
Sonic fan
Sonic fan - 7 years ago
i've been waiting all weekend to see this, absolutely brilliant, well done you 3, looking forward to the next part
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
ha ha!!! so have we lol!!
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
andy I am going to build a 6ft,3ft,3ft tank how many mm should the glass be
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
thanks look forward to visiting the shop soon cheers bro
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
just 19mm float glass and a 12mm double base.
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
soz a was talking about an ordinary tank would it be 19mm laminated I would use as i would like to keep a male and female snake heads
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Float glass should do
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
sorry the 19mm would be for an ordinary tank, i dont know for an upended i still trying to get me head around how much pressure is involved, i am hopeing to make them bigger in the future to see how big we can go and what glass to use lol
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
Thanks for the help what kind of glass should I use and what you recommend that I use thanks once again
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
should be done with 19mm and braced, good luck!! keep us upto date with your build.
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
need to do some thing with sound bro
james johnstone
james johnstone - 7 years ago
andy very nice will be visiting shop soon on way to Blackpool see you soon keep the good work up
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
nice Andy oh thanks for the advice on cleaning the c02 diffusers worked great... look great andy
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 7 years ago
cool cheers for watching man!!

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