I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

Big things are happening here on this channel, building one of the biggest homemade ponds right here in my backyard! It is going to be such a blast building it, and I CANT WAIT to see what Monsters we put in here! Stay Updated on all my videos by Subscribing below, I appreciate all of you for Watching! PC MERCH AVAILABLE:https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ Snapchat: Paulcuffaroo Email: Paulcuffarosalt@gmail.com Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 129

Pond 7 years ago 280,932 views

Big things are happening here on this channel, building one of the biggest homemade ponds right here in my backyard! It is going to be such a blast building it, and I CANT WAIT to see what Monsters we put in here! Stay Updated on all my videos by Subscribing below, I appreciate all of you for Watching! PC MERCH AVAILABLE:https://paulcuffarobrand.com Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffarobrand/ Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulcuffaro/ Snapchat: Paulcuffaroo Email: Paulcuffarosalt@gmail.com Thanks for Watching! Like, Share, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos!

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Most popular comments
for I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

Roberto 3440
Roberto 3440 - 7 years ago
That was the day otter my birthday
kanika arora
kanika arora - 7 years ago
Great pond
TRY THIS AT HOME MYTHS - 7 years ago
In america you take water out with bucket, in jordan it dries up in 2 weeks if its in the sun
Steven Lloyd
Steven Lloyd - 7 years ago
How does it feel to have ponds
JANI BASHA - 7 years ago
lam from. India. Please. You can be. my bestfriendfrom. Guntur
Kris Rollins
Kris Rollins - 7 years ago
And turned on notifications
Kris Rollins
Kris Rollins - 7 years ago
Kris Rollins
Kris Rollins - 7 years ago
I subbed
D' arlington
D' arlington - 7 years ago
A protective under layer would have been better to stop any stones from puncturing the liner,

10. comment for I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

All American Fishing
All American Fishing - 7 years ago
Wait you used to have grass
Samuel Tonnesson
Samuel Tonnesson - 7 years ago
Ohh that’s some jazz vibes music
W33:D M4N20
W33:D M4N20 - 7 years ago
These are goals for this next year
Yolanda White
Yolanda White - 7 years ago
what size pond liner do you have?
Rumbler tag
Rumbler tag - 7 years ago
I like these kinds of videos and you should have gone to a nearby river and gotten the rocks for free
Teagan Jordan
Teagan Jordan - 7 years ago
Could u use sand for the bottom
DBoy 37
DBoy 37 - 7 years ago
How old are you dude? You look like around 16 or 17.
Kyle Carter
Kyle Carter - 7 years ago
What size pond liner did you get for this pond
P S - 7 years ago
kellylee24 - 7 years ago
Make a river

20. comment for I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

Kyle Carter
Kyle Carter - 7 years ago
What is the length and with of this pond
Chasé - 7 years ago
Why dont you have at least 500k subs????
FANTAIL - 7 years ago
Make merch please
Noob In Wild
Noob In Wild - 7 years ago
4 days after you started building the pond it’s my birthday
Trace Wallace
Trace Wallace - 7 years ago
What kind of tarp was that?
Fishing Frenzy
Fishing Frenzy - 7 years ago
Thinking bout making one in my back yard what type of water did u poor in the pond regular gallon water or water from a pond or lake?
William Glisson
William Glisson - 7 years ago
What is it that u put in the water,what is it called
BigTime Fishing
BigTime Fishing - 7 years ago
Can u give me a shoutout BigTimeFishing and if u do tell them I’m the one with about 5 videos and a blue green profile pic of a bass
Ud Jd
Ud Jd - 7 years ago
Creeper Explode
Creeper Explode - 7 years ago
Nice vid

30. comment for I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

Andis Upenieks
Andis Upenieks - 7 years ago
you are my best yutuber
Duckman Dalton
Duckman Dalton - 7 years ago
Where did you get your liner
Yulee redfish Hunter
Yulee redfish Hunter - 7 years ago
Can I get a shoutout
Renemesis - 7 years ago
Vince Johnson
Vince Johnson - 7 years ago
How much did it cost to build?
Ben Hering
Ben Hering - 7 years ago
How do you clean the pond
Shane Smith
Shane Smith - 7 years ago
Where I live I can get as many of those kinda rocks right by my house for free lol
Rich styczynski
Rich styczynski - 7 years ago
I have a GoPro Hero 5 black
Dex Dexter
Dex Dexter - 7 years ago
Sheeesh almost $400 on some rocks... I live right next to the desert so if I need some rocks I’m set
deserthairyscorpion - 7 years ago
Why didnt you just take rocks from like a river or a field or somethig
Jonas Rinehart
Jonas Rinehart - 7 years ago
Nice swimming pool
roosta boy G
roosta boy G - 7 years ago
Wait not 50 but 25
roosta boy G
roosta boy G - 7 years ago
roosta boy G
roosta boy G - 7 years ago
I have a regular sized pond and it’s about 50 times bigge
roosta boy G
roosta boy G - 7 years ago
That is not a massive pond
Xbox_ One_gang
Xbox_ One_gang - 7 years ago
Nice video
Total Outdoors
Total Outdoors - 7 years ago
You should put fish in it
Gage Stone
Gage Stone - 7 years ago
Hey Paul did you use food coloring to dye the pond please answer
Malan Sangeeth
Malan Sangeeth - 7 years ago
800like im the guy who ht the like bttn
John Pasinski
John Pasinski - 7 years ago
When your building a pond take all the dirt and pile it up behind the pond for a hill so you can creat a waterfall. If you have any questions look up aquascapes ponds they building really cool ponds
Eddie Harris
Eddie Harris - 7 years ago
what about fish

50. comment for I'm BUILDING a MASSIVE POND in my BackYard! Part 1 & 2

Eddie Harris
Eddie Harris - 7 years ago
what about fish
jayaselvi joseph
jayaselvi joseph - 7 years ago
Eddie Harris q
Eddie Harris
Eddie Harris - 7 years ago
what about fish
Eddie Harris
Eddie Harris - 7 years ago
what about fish
jim stuart
jim stuart - 7 years ago
very professional . you should be on HGTV...lantana can help soften the edges.
Richard top angler
Richard top angler - 7 years ago
$400 for rocks holy fuck
fish tank arowana fish
fish tank arowana fish - 7 years ago
Marshall Clark
Marshall Clark - 7 years ago
I have a small pond on my land. it covers 35,000 sq ft.
Ray Kelly
Ray Kelly - 7 years ago
Great video & beautiful job on the pond so far.
Cameron Hrobsky
Cameron Hrobsky - 7 years ago
How did you make the pond
Mary Kali
Mary Kali - 7 years ago
Next to the foundation? It's like trap to step in...lol
Saltology - 7 years ago
How much do you think it would cost to build a pond that size from scratch?
Renemesis - 7 years ago
well, if you don't BUY THE FUCKING ROCKS from a swindle-sto... I mean... rock-shop.... Count in the cost for the tarp, and ta-da. That's it.
Joker 102
Joker 102 - 7 years ago
The tarp looks shit tbh
Universal Fisher
Universal Fisher - 7 years ago
After seeing you pay that much for rocks I had to describe it like this video I think I would have went to a creek and got it for free
Love Joel
Love Joel - 7 years ago
400 for rocks Should off went to a river or something
Lone Surviver
Lone Surviver - 7 years ago
Cardea boil a lot of water and pour it on the rocks
Renemesis - 7 years ago
yeah, but guess what? your budget has a chance of exploding when throwing money at something that's free in nature. Boiling rocks never shattered a single damn rock for me. Don't boil red tube-formed rocks you find at construction-sites.
Mr Sir
Mr Sir - 7 years ago
+Cardea well shit
Cardea - 7 years ago
Mr Sir Rocks also have a chance of exploding when boiled.
Cardea - 7 years ago
Mr Sir Boiling doesn’t get rid of the fact that it’ll affect your pH.
Mr Sir
Mr Sir - 7 years ago
+Cardea boil tf out of them lol
EmersedWeevil40 - 7 years ago
Cardea that's why you wash them and so the rocks dont have all that nasty stuff where they once lived
Cardea - 7 years ago
You guys are really dumb. Rocks from the river carry parasites, pests, and unwanted diseases.
EmersedWeevil40 - 7 years ago
Its Joe·el ik like wtf
Linda Lozano
Linda Lozano - 7 years ago
He looks like Haden summeral
EpicDreadDeath Gaming
EpicDreadDeath Gaming - 7 years ago
Wow this is sad their is only 321 likes
Zues Was Loved
Zues Was Loved - 7 years ago
EpicDreadDeath Gaming 352*
Hazard Kentucky Fishing
Hazard Kentucky Fishing - 7 years ago
Dude, nice to see that kids are still interested in fishing. I caught this vid because of Catch Em All Fishing and it came up recommended. Anyhow, nice looking pond and kudos little dude.
Tony O'Brian
Tony O'Brian - 7 years ago
$400 for rocks? I think i found a new line of work..
W33:D M4N20
W33:D M4N20 - 7 years ago
Tony O'Brian hell yeah my pothead friend lets start up a rock and marijuana despensary! hahaha
Garrett Bone
Garrett Bone - 7 years ago
Using a shovel without shoes is not a good idea..
Carl - 7 years ago
new drinking game take a shot every time he says pond
Cesar Delangel
Cesar Delangel - 7 years ago
Carl g
Renemesis - 7 years ago
Or just have a shot for every dollar he spent BUYING FUCKING ROCKS, and see how fast you die.
Gavin Turner
Gavin Turner - 7 years ago
Compo let's play
bigburkefamily7 - 7 years ago
You are remarkable.
Bob Michals
Bob Michals - 7 years ago
Paul -- Obviously you're building this pond for a reason, but you never said what that reason is. Are you planning to stock it with baitfish, or big bass you catch and keep? You're spending a lot of time, money, and effort to create it. Hope it is worth it.
Keegan Dowling
Keegan Dowling - 7 years ago
That's not massive at all it's tiny wtf Change the title
Dominic Cuffaro
Dominic Cuffaro - 7 years ago
Keegan Dowling stop watching if u gonna hate
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
what types oh fish are you going to put in it
Kentucky Bass Fishin'
Kentucky Bass Fishin' - 7 years ago
New sub keep up the good work
Bass assassin 35
Bass assassin 35 - 7 years ago
bro i live in ga and am building a pond the soil sucks
Colby Cobia
Colby Cobia - 7 years ago
10:33 looks like the rocks on the right side of the pond are on a table in the pond! lol
Tactical Infidel
Tactical Infidel - 7 years ago
Where do you get your music?
lojo.fishing - 7 years ago
I've always wanted to do this!!!
Victor Fanjul
Victor Fanjul - 7 years ago
Off reading with a shopping cart with ur host Paul Cuffaro , he’es really changin up the game folks
Topend H&F
Topend H&F - 7 years ago
Looks amazing man well done!!!
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
Heck yea bro thats pretty cool nice savage gear shirt i remeber you was at icast showing savage gear stuff
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
Thanks for like n my comment bro bro keep up the good video's
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great video!!
Dha Nhek
Dha Nhek - 7 years ago
JR outdoors Aaa
Colby Collett
Colby Collett - 7 years ago
Awesome vid. I just got a pond like that too
Always Outdoors
Always Outdoors - 7 years ago
If you don't mind me asking what did you do with all your old fish?
kendall hall
kendall hall - 7 years ago
Anyone know where I can get 1 good bait caster and one good spinning real? Not trying to spend too much money
Renemesis - 7 years ago
Then why are you asking about this in the comment-field of a video of a guy that spends 400 dollars buying fucking rocks???
james 9125
james 9125 - 7 years ago
kendall hall academy sports or dicks
Reese Golshani
Reese Golshani - 7 years ago
nice job buddy!!!
North Carolina Bassin
North Carolina Bassin - 7 years ago
אלינה ריגלוב
אלינה ריגלוב - 7 years ago
North Carolina Bassin אלינה

Clash Kid
Clash Kid - 7 years ago
He kinda looks like Miller wilson
mattew armstrong
mattew armstrong - 7 years ago
Lights N Sirens I thought the Same thing from the thumbnail I thought he was.
Daman Eaves
Daman Eaves - 7 years ago
Lights N Sirens ayy
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
lol i was just thinking that
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 7 years ago
Lights N Sirens how lol
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 7 years ago
Rachel Neiderhiser
Rachel Neiderhiser - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing i
Chris Yerdon
Chris Yerdon - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this is the best you tube chinol a wishd you give me some money
kenzie gamer
kenzie gamer - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing hi
Charlie Polson
Charlie Polson - 7 years ago
Catch Em All F
Alex van Gysen
Alex van Gysen - 7 years ago
Nathan Nathan Mora
Nathan Nathan Mora - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing
Robert Pecie
Robert Pecie - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing i
Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 7 years ago
Challenge accepted!
AngryBeetle118 - 7 years ago
No catchem is a fraud
Adrian Cortez
Adrian Cortez - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing yes u reall should
what happens at school
what happens at school - 7 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing yes my dud
ale fernandez
ale fernandez - 7 years ago
good idea lol
Marcus Garcia
Marcus Garcia - 7 years ago
Charles Abdo
Charles Abdo - 7 years ago
Can you do a review on the origin a and is it worth the money
Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 7 years ago
Honestly depends on your retrieve I use 8:1:1
Charles Abdo
Charles Abdo - 7 years ago
Paul Cuffaro ok and what gear ratio is best for swimbaits like the real trout
Paul Cuffaro
Paul Cuffaro - 7 years ago
I have a combo collection video on my page, I talk a bit about it in that

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