INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

SUBSCRIBE! Aquascape Extreme Pond Build (this pond being built) Aqualand Showcase- Break Down from Ed about this pond INSANE Koi Pond with my friend Art Second best Garden Pond I've seen- (guy with mink issues) How to sell your wife on a garden pond Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community

INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Pond 8 years ago 18,733 views

SUBSCRIBE! Aquascape Extreme Pond Build (this pond being built) Aqualand Showcase- Break Down from Ed about this pond INSANE Koi Pond with my friend Art Second best Garden Pond I've seen- (guy with mink issues) How to sell your wife on a garden pond Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

Wezilla - 7 years ago
magzire - 8 years ago
she's a keeper
Joseph O'Halloran
Joseph O'Halloran - 8 years ago
hey. what is the music at the end? it's banging.
Penni Penni
Penni Penni - 8 years ago
just had a video idea for you I'm going through the Fluval Channel on YouTube how about if you feature different kinds of aquarium I mean that the actual tanks. I'm looking at this Fluval Edge and it would be interesting to get your perspective on what I consider designer tanks. Some are pretty cool but your perspective is always valued and it helps some people that want to upgrade or people that are new too.
itre bebag99
itre bebag99 - 8 years ago
Sorry, I missed it. How did the geese bring in bluegill? Something about feet?
Andrew Lucfr
Andrew Lucfr - 8 years ago
they have their own show right on Nat Geo?
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 8 years ago
Hell yes need some friend like her
Joshua Dyck
Joshua Dyck - 8 years ago
Did she say that geese and ducks introduced bluegill?
Riley Peabody
Riley Peabody - 8 years ago
usually wetland birds walk or swim through fish nests and pick up the eggs of fish which can lie dormant for a while. this is usually how fish species spread throughout an area.
Joshua Dyck
Joshua Dyck - 8 years ago
Did she say that geese and ducks introduced bluegill?

10. comment for INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

aaron kimberley
aaron kimberley - 8 years ago
That pond is redonkulus man. Thanks for the link to how they built it. Seeing how much work went into it that must be a multi million dollar pond right? That's spending the company money the right way.
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy
Greg Wittstock, The Pond Guy - 7 years ago
aaron kimberley not quite...a cool mil only!
shorteeayy - 8 years ago
so are you ever going to show your pond?
or just keep show casing everyone elses?
Rolo Ojeda
Rolo Ojeda - 8 years ago
WOW!!!!! Nice vid D-man. Thanks for sharing.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Hey I am doing a lot of 30 second videos on Instagram and Facebook - Instagram:, Facebook:
William Carino
William Carino - 8 years ago
Damn, I want one of those. The pond too.
Lawrence Bader
Lawrence Bader - 8 years ago
Thats not a pond! Thats a lake!
Btw, about time you feature a beautiful young lady!
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 8 years ago
That's got to be one of the most badass ponds in the country
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 8 years ago
Where in Ohio is this place?
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
+AquascapePonds Welp. I was definitely looking at the wrong page or something haha. Thanks for the right info though, really appreciate it!
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 8 years ago
Well, that's what trusting Google will get you.  Thanks for the proper response! :)
AquascapePonds - 8 years ago
This pond is in St. Charles, Illinois. 45 minutes west of Chicago.
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
+Manchurian's Playplace ahhh yeah, that's about a 7-hour drive from where I am. Not sure if I'd be willing to go that far lol
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 8 years ago
SW corner of Ohio, near the Indiana/Kentucky border I guess.  Couple hour drive from any of my Ohio family....meh...
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
+Manchurian's Playplace looked it up, it's in Harrison Ohio apparently? Not sure where that is though, and never really heard of it either lol
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 8 years ago
That's what I was thinking.  But what part of Ohio?
killer slowpoke
killer slowpoke - 8 years ago
This is in OHIO?? Damn, I gotta visit this place soon.
Masterbango Blast
Masterbango Blast - 8 years ago
alex buffett
alex buffett - 8 years ago
such a sick pond
World Pets TV
World Pets TV - 8 years ago
learned something new today ( Ducks and Geese transfer Blue gill) good video.

20. comment for INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

stewiegriffin65 - 8 years ago
She's a cutie ;)
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 7 years ago
stewiegriffin65 but not really
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker - 7 years ago
stewiegriffin65 your opinion
Andersenjonas - 8 years ago
Hey Dustin. Long time viewer, first timer commenting. :P Rly liking ur videos. Could u make a video on DIY fertilizer for aquarium use. Was woundering if i could make my own liquid fertilizer. So a heads up on what to be carefull off, so i dont end up with dead fish, would be nice. :) Keep the videos commin. Best regards
Willie Westkerr
Willie Westkerr - 8 years ago
where is that place?
Chaotic Aquariums
Chaotic Aquariums - 8 years ago
Hey Dustin! I just made my first video and was wondering if you could possibly check it out and leave me some feedback? Thanks Dustin!
Ruben - 8 years ago
man that pond is big.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 8 years ago
wow awesome video !!!! That's a real pond!!!
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 8 years ago
what ever happened to therick
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 8 years ago
Holy shit business must be good!
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
that's not a pond, that's a lake...
Christina Waters
Christina Waters - 8 years ago
Dustin, I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your videos. My husband and I are planning on building a pond this year for our huge goldfish and you have given us some great ideas. Thanks! :)

30. comment for INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
wow ,what a place!
Tritan - 8 years ago
She remind me of Kristen Schaal from show The Last Man On Earth.
Tritan - 8 years ago
Wow what a place to work... So relaxing that I may need 3 shots of 5 hrs energy just to stay awake.
DMAN D - 8 years ago
That is amazing!
Akame G
Akame G - 8 years ago
did I hear that right? Ducks bring in blue gill??? how does that work
Akame G
Akame G - 8 years ago
damn nature
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
The eggs of the bluegill come in on goose feet
C Math
C Math - 8 years ago
Awesome pond! Love the the energy from both of you. Can't wait to see more of it. Imagine some drone shots :)
Mando A
Mando A - 8 years ago
That is so awesome. I am so jealous.
Do Nguyen Thanh
Do Nguyen Thanh - 8 years ago
that girl and her pond look awesome
aguyandhiscomputer - 8 years ago
What happens in the cave, stays in the cave.
Luis Roman
Luis Roman - 8 years ago
That place is freaking amazing, I need to plan trip from Boston to go visit. Holly shit Dustin great video!!!
Dumb Dumb
Dumb Dumb - 8 years ago
Incredible pond and lovely guide.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
if that was my office i would go to work at weekands
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life
Jarret Grimes Aquatic-Life - 8 years ago
badass Dustin...well worth the trip man!! love your outgoing and adventurous style.
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
dustin thats my dream pond
Andrew Harrison
Andrew Harrison - 8 years ago
just when i thought my rubbermaid tub was lookin on point...
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
It still is- it still is
Filbie - 8 years ago
Man I'm not really into ponds but that was awesome! Really liked them incorporating wetlands and rainwater catchment into the design! Where is this place?
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
yea she seemed like she was excited to show off their beauty of a pond loved that cave behind the water fall it was sweet, I'd just like to stand under that thing for sure.
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 8 years ago
Holly fucking hell, I want one :D
snakehead36 - 8 years ago
That place is amazing, so beautiful. That girl is adorable and I love her enthusiasm. Great vid.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
she kills it.
PaNdeM0niuM - 8 years ago
that cave is incredible
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
i should have edited in the part of me swimming under video

50. comment for INSANE Garden Pond -Aqualand

PaNdeM0niuM - 8 years ago
i would love to go on the paddle board and just sit in the middle of the pond
PaNdeM0niuM - 8 years ago
the turtles are too cute
PINOY FISH TANKS - 8 years ago
I just subscribed
DJ Jones
DJ Jones - 8 years ago
off the hook!
PaNdeM0niuM - 8 years ago
thats a pond? looks like a lake hahahah
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Wait till you see me swimming in it and under that tunnel
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
Dude that is so amazing every fish guys dream is a pond like that rite holy crap batman, thanks for sharing pal.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
thanks man- yeah- it was an easy video- "Oh- tell me about this phat pond" Tavia KILLS it too though...
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
Can't wait for turtle diary Tuesday
Matarese28 - 8 years ago
Wow that pond is HUGE it's beautiful
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
hey dustin
Nathan Hammond
Nathan Hammond - 8 years ago
That's cool
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Ya kinda can't run a company that sells pond products and NOT have an insane pond- but this is kinda like, "ok- I get it"
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
This certainly wasn't a cheap build...had to share

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